View Full Version : Mod Comparison Difficulty

03-14-2008, 11:48
I would like to do some comparisons with another mod I play, LTC.
LTC, is a great mod but I find it very easy. I'm trying Vanilla mod becuse I want to try to get as close to the original game whilst getting rid of the annoying bugs. It would be great to see how the two match up in difficulty.
Has anyone else playing LTC and which do you prefer, Vanilla or LTC?:juggle2:

03-14-2008, 11:51
I haven't played LTC, but I imagine more people like it because its flashier and has all kinds of extras, while this mod keeps to ... well... Vanilla :laugh4:

04-20-2008, 07:52
While I havent played LTC, this is the hardest on VH/VH I have played. Harder than the old diplomacy/AI mod in 1.0.

04-27-2008, 13:21
Can't speak for the newer versions, now that you need Kingdoms to play it. But as I remember the older ones, it too had florin injections etc... It was much more difficult over vanilla but in comparison with VM I wouldn't really know. It's been too long since I've played it - Maybe I should load up my old campaign for it and give it another spin. :smug2: