View Full Version : KotR The Chronicles of the Illuminati

04-06-2008, 20:23
Word Document Version (http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/illuminati.zip)

Herein lies the most Sacred History of the Divine Order of the Illuminati. All records of the Brotherhood’s dealings are preserved here for the education of future generations of The Enlightened. Learn well what wisdom lies within these pages, ye reader, for the true souls of men lay bared to your gaze.

A Warning to any Unenlightened Eyes which fate draws across these words: Read no further. Abandon your pursuit of undeserved wisdom, for you are not worthy of the knowledge contained within. Even if this Tome has been lost to the Order and the Brotherhood has not revealed itself for countless eons, be assured that the Cloaked Ones live and see all. Any Unenlightened Soul which glimpses a single word contained herein will be marked for death. Return to your Ignorance, ye puppets of the world. Gods walk these pages.

Chapter I: Genesis

Arnold, my friend!

It is good to see another face in the Diet whose eyes are not clouded by cataracts! I am not as much of a fool as many of those in the Diet may think. We are but a sideshow in this Diet and even our well-known abilities will not be enough to help us during this session. These old bastards simply aren't willing to share their glory with men who look as good as us! HAH!

But the coming Chancellor will not serve forever. We should prepare for the future. There are many new, young members of the Diet. At the moment only you and I have spoken up, but there are many others who also have a youthful complexion. Sigismund von Mahren, Peter von Kastilien, Ehrhart von Mahren, Fritz von Kastilien, Jan von Hamburg, and perhaps even Helmut von Hamburg and Ansehelm von Kastilien. That is a large body of men, my friend! If we could harness this youth into a political alliance aimed at furthering our own stations, we could bring about a new age in the Reich! Think of it!

If you agree, Ansehelm von Kastilien has spoken in the Diet and perhaps we could approach him about this matter. It appears that Hans will indeed take the Chancellorship unopposed this term. While he is not a young man anymore, many of the old men in the Diet clearly consider him a young upstart. Perhaps he would be receptive to aiding the Young Guarde.

What do you say, Arnold? This Empire is our heritage. Let us make sure it is not run into the ground before we inherit it!


Lothar, I like it!! The von Mahren's have just been added to House Austria and as my father goes on crusade I will be the steward. That should help with Sigismund and Ehrhart. How would you like to organise our policies!!

I still think your mad, and I still think we need to go out this evening!!? I haven’t been whoring for some months!! Bring your brother, that will be a good place to start this group...we need a name!!?

Speak soon

HAH! I knew you would love it, Arnold! Clearly our first priorities should be to get ourselves some experience on the battlefield. A few victories will make the elderly take us more seriously. Encourage your father to have you knighted as soon as possible. It won't be long before you become Duke yourself and will have full control over the Austrian Household Army.

I have petitioned my father to allow me to prove myself worthy of knighthood as well. That vicious witch has rather unnerved him on the battlefield and I think he will see the wisdom in allowing me to serve as the commander for the Bavarian Household Army.

Duke Otto is old and will soon be gone. My father will inherit Bavaria and surely he will send that pious fool Salier to the East under the pretense of overseeing our possession in Outremer. With him gone, the Steffen family will rule Bavaria unopposed. If I follow my father loyally, I will surely inherit the Dukedom when he is gone. Think of it Arnold, you and I, fellow Dukes!

Kaiser Henry is getting old as well. The recent difficulties with Prinz Jobst have given us the perfect opportunity. Let us express our loyalty to the Prinz, defend him in the Diet, and do his will to the best of our abilities. He will soon be Kaiser and will be a valuable ally. With an alliance between the Kaiser and the Dukes of Austria and Bavaria, nothing can stop us! No emergency session of the Diet can be called unless the Kaiser or THREE Dukes agree to it. Between us we could deny any emergency session should the Diet disagree with our actions. Not that we would give them any cause to do so, of course... but insurance like that is always valuable.

As for names, I shall have to think on it. While The Drunken Whoremongers would be fabulous, I doubt it would inspire the reaction that we wish! Speaking of drunken whoremongering...


I have already made it a priority with my father to become Knighted before he leaves for the crusade. I will immediately be looking to take control of the AHA.

Keep in mind Lothar that as soon as my father commences the crusade I will become Steward of Austria.

Many of our most famous leaders will be gone in the next chancellorship, so there is certainly going to be a power vacuum to move into. I would be more than honoured for the two of us to take our boyhood friendship to levels we could only have dreamed of some years ago.

There is only one problem with your plan...I really don't like Jobst, he annoys me no end and I don't care for his attitude. Maybe we should find another Duke, in fact what about all the young guy's from each of the house's being formed in this club?

You know me Lothar, I don't suffer fools gladly and I have more than enough reputation preceding me due to my father’s ability to cause fear.

Is there another likely candidate that could be a young Duke in the making??

Is your brother on-board?

As for names, well whoremongering is a past time not a name.

How about the Illuminati?

Ah, a Latin name. I believe it translates to "The Enlightened Ones," does it not? It conjures in my mind images of robed figures meeting in dark halls. HAH! It's bloody well perfect! It will make our members feel powerful and will instill fear and uncertainty in our enemies.

Let's do this thing right! Let's write up an Illuminati Blood Charter, by which our alliance will operate. I have picked up a bit of literary technique from Gottfried and Godwin (Hans and Frans?), so perhaps that will be of use. Let's see here...

*Lothar picks up a quill and begins to write.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

*Lother puts down the pen and looks over the document.*

There, that ought to do it. Suitably grim and mysterious, eh? Perhaps we should get ourselves some black friars' cloaks to disguise ourselves during meetings.

If you are in agreement with these Rules (More to keep anyone else in line than to restrict ourselves, of course!), I do have a suggestion for our first 'recruit.' Ansehelm von Kastilien is a few years older than us, but he is still of the new generation. Most importantly, he is the son of the Duke of Franconia, placing him in an excellent position to inherit that title when his father passes on. If he were to join us, we would have the potential heirs to three of the Ducal Houses within our numbers.

Ah, I am looking forward to this already, Arnold! The world shall be ours!

Christ Lothar!!

Where was that little gem sitting in your head!! Have you been reading books again??

It looks good. Shall we be the two founding members?

We have to have some type of cart blanch over rule function...I think we need that.

I've accepted your fathers offer to crush the Hungarians while the AHA is sacking that Venetian city I can't pronounce the name of.

You should get yourself on that army list so we can be knighted together. It seems as if the BHA could go west though.

What do you think?

Yes, that is wise. We must have a way of keeping some special power for ourselves, without seeming to rule over the rest. How about altering a rule and adding in one final rule:

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

The new rule allows for great leeway and power in the event of some crisis. Furthermore, by limiting it to one single person, it will not appear that both of us are controlling the Order. I believe you would be the proper choice for Grand Master. Your father's fearsome reputation already makes men fearful of you. This is a group that should be led by a man that others believe will stop at nothing to further its goals and protect it from danger.

In turn, I will be the Voice of the Illuminati. Despite the secrecy of our Order, one of us by nature must communicate with those who are not yet amongst us. To keep the identity of the rest a secret, that should always be the same person. I will take that duty on myself, as it may be that some already suspect me of being part of a secret group.

If you agree with this, then we shall conclude that the Order of the Illuminati has been formally created, with you as Grand Master and myself as Voice. I believe our first order of business should be to expand slightly and recruit one Brother. I have previously mentioned Ansehelm von Kastilien as a possible candidate. What are your thoughts on him?

Love you work Lothar, you're a bloody genius my friend. I concur with your thoughts on the Illuminati provisions.

Let us make this day the formal consecration of the Illuminati!!

Yes we need a Franconian in our order. He seems of a good age...can we turn him to our cause my friend...can we bind him to our order and have him succumb to our will...you are the Voice proceed at will!!

04-06-2008, 20:23
Chapter II: The Ansehelm Affair

As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Ansehelm von Kastilien, Count of Thorn and Sixth Elector of Franconia, you are being watched.

You are a man of great talent and greater potential. Yet for all that, you wield little power in your House and in the Reich. That can change, if you wish it to. Will you take control of your destiny and seize what is rightfully yours, or will you let power slip through your grasp, keeping only what is bestowed on you by the fickle whims of others?

If you wish to lead rather than follow, place a red candle in your window tomorrow night.

Destroy this letter immediately. If you speak of this to anyone else, you will never hear from us again.

The letter is unsigned.

Tell me what you want stranger. I'm not answering people that don't tell who they say they are and what they want.

*You are walking down the market street when a man in a cloak brushes past, knocking into you in the process. You shout at him angrily, but he vanishes into the crowd. It takes you a moment to realize there is a small bulge in your pocket. You pull out another note and begin to read.*

We exist to save the Reich from itself. There are countless volunteers who throw themselves against our foreign foes, leading our armies to victory in far away lands. Yet who stands against the corruption within? Where were these brave volunteers when your province was taken from you and occupied by the barbarous Rus? Why did your pleas for aid of the Heimat fall upon deaf ears?

You know the answer as well as any: none saw profit for themselves in helping you. Even now, when your farms burn and your people are enslaved, there are those who wish to delay the recovery of your lands for their own petty purposes. What we want is simple: to empower those who have the wisdom and the will to protect the Empire from internal threats, as well as external.

Who we are is not for you to know yet. If you join us, all will be revealed, but once within, you can never leave. We will be devoted to you and you will be devoted to us. Never again will you find yourself without an ally. As we grow, so will you. Nothing more will be divulged unless you indicate your willingness to proceed.

*The note is unsigned.*

If you favour the Heimat and defending it over starting endless Crusades and leaving the Heimat undefended I'm your man. I however won't work to bring down the empire. I'm it's servant.

If however you would have been serious, we would have had a different chancellor.

*You wait for hours for a response, but none comes. You get the feeling that you will not receive another note unless you give the proper signal that you are willing to delve deeper into this mysterious group. If you place a red candle in your window, perhaps you will learn more. If you do not, you will surely never hear from them again.*

*places red candle at window*
*feels whorish*

*Two days have passed since you placed the red candle in your window. Nothing has happened and you start to feel foolish for engaging in these games. It was probably Peter or Fritz playing a joke on you, nothing more. At least, that is what you are telling yourself as you retire for the evening.

*When you enter the room, you feel compelled to search your bed for another note. As you expected, there is nothing there.*

"Good evening Ansehelm."

*You spin around to find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. By instinct you reach for the dagger you always carry about your person.*

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We're all friends here."

*You stop moving your hand, but your palm remains resting on the hilt of your dagger. The figure stands up and moves towards you. He stops on a spot where the moonlight casts a faint glow on his dark form.*

"I am here to explain all to you... all that can be divulged to one who is not a member. First, I suspect you will wish to know who we are. We are the Order of the Illuminati, and I..."

*He draws back his hood, moonlight falls on the face of a young man.*

"...am Lothar Steffen, Elector of Bavaria, son of the Steward of Bavaria, and Voice of the Illuminati."

*Lothar grins. He notices the lack of amusement on your face.*

"I know this process of notes, candles, and robes is a bit dramatic." *He nods at his own words.* "Perhaps so, perhaps so. But still, it serves an important purpose. It warns off those who are not amongst us. We keep secrecy and instill fear for a very important reason: the consequences for crossing us are most severe. Indeed, they can be fatal."

"Please keep that in mind tonight while we are speaking. You were warned before that once you join the Illuminati, you can never leave. Though you are not yet one of us, you now know my identity. You can no longer reverse your course without consequences. This is a commitment for life. Your bond to the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another."

*You do not like the way this conversation is going. Lothar smiles and opens his arms.*

"Now, with that done, let us get down to business. What we want is simple: we seek to better the Reich by improving ourselves. Every last nobleman, certainly every Elector, has grand dreams and designs he wishes to enact. Yet for most of these people, these desires never come to fruition. We select members with great natural skill and talent, and then give them the resources to achieve their desires. We aid each other in every possible manner that aid can be given. We are a brotherhood, committed to helping our fellows unquestioningly in all aspects of life."

"Your support in the Diet will increase. Your Edicts will always be seconded. If you lands are threatened, you will find armies marching to your aid. All that we ask in return is that you similarly support us when we are in need."

"You stated before that if we were serious about helping you, there would be a different Chancellor. First, you were not one of us. We do not aid those outside our ranks unless it is for our own benefit. Second, our power is still... limited. We are a new organization and it will take time to develop influence, but it will come. Indeed, our very cooperation makes it certain. The more we help each other, the faster we shall grow in power and abilities. Before long, no man will be elected Chancellor unless we agree to it. We will be able to strike down any legislation that we find distasteful. We will even be able to call Emergency Diet sessions at will."

"Great things, yes, but it will take time to get there. Other than the founding members, you are the first to be offered admission to our circle. It is a great honor, and one you would do well to embrace."

*Lothar reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a large piece of parchment. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. Before you sign, I will answer any question you wish to ask of me, except for one. You will not know the identities of any other member of the Order until you are one of us. I am the Voice of the Illuminati and thus I am the only one who ever reveals himself to the Unenlightened. It is a security measure to protect the Illuminati from attack. If you join us, we will protect your identity just as fervently."

"I have spoken long enough. Read the Blood Charter and ask your questions. Then we will proceed."

*You read the parchment.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

I don't like rule #4 kid. Franconia and my family goes before any group you teens come up with. I suggest you try speaking to my younger brothers, I'm sure Peter and Fritz are in for a joke, but I've got more important things to do. Thorn is under siege, and I'm trying to prepare Breslau for what might be a besiegement.

*Lothar's eyes narrow.*

You are making a grave mistake. You are throwing away valuable allies that would have served you well in the years to come. Yet, the error is yours to make.

I encourage you to forget that any of this ever happened. If you speak of us to anyone else, show any of the documents you have seen to another soul, or otherwise violate the trust we shown by revealing ourselves to you, there will be consequences. You have rejected us as allies today. I urge you not to make us your enemies.

*Lothar turns to leave. He looks back at you for one last moment, his face deadly serious.*

I say again, do not speak of any of this to anyone, no matter how long you live. If you do, you will find yourself vigorously opposed in every act you engage in throughout your entire life.

*He disappears into the corridor.*


Ansehelm von Kastilien has spurned us. Let us hope he at least has the wisdom to keep his mouth shut about the matter.

I still believe that it is essential for us to bring at least one other Elector into the brotherhood. Perhaps Prinz Jobst would appreciate our aid, should this trial go forwards. It seems that many in the Reich are too concerned with chivalry and the Church to ever align themselves with us. What are your thoughts on other candidates?

Grave news indeed Lothar.

In future I believe we are going to have to compel people to join without reveling who we are.

We can tempt them with power, glory, riches...whatever we think will tempt them. Only once they sign the oath with their blood do we tell them anything about who we are!!

I'm inclined to silence him now...but I think that would be a small over reaction...still, he will be able to identify you in future.

I must send out spies to identify likely candidates. I will send word once I find a suitable target. Of course you are free to continue your work my brother, let me know if you find somebody of worth.


Yes, we will have to find a different method of recruitment. For now though, there are other matters to deal with.

As you must be aware, the Chancellor is refusing to allow me to command the Bavarian Household Army as it moves to relieve the Hungarian siege of Zagreb. He would prefer to entrust the fate of the city, the fate of the Bavarian Household Army, the life of Peter von Kastilien, and my own life, to a merchant militia captain.

While Imperial law states that I cannot command the army, this situation is grave. Surely bending the rules for this exception would be more wise. As Steward of Austria, perhaps you will have better luck at influencing the Chancellor than Ehrhart von Mahren and I have had.

Perhaps your assistance in the Zagreb matter will not be necessary. I have found a loophole in the law that will allow me to command the relief force. I simply need to take no more than five regiments with me into the attack. It will be dangerous, confronting the Hungarians with such a small force, but it will certainly allow me to achieve even greater glory than I could have with the entire Bavarian Household Army at my back.

In any case, I will not abandon one of your provinces to the enemy. This is exactly the kind of ridiculous incompetence that our Brotherhood must fight against. The laws exists to serve the Reich. When those laws injure the Reich, we must discard them and do what is necessary for our own protection!

I am more convinced than ever that our Order is not only good, but necessary. We must succeed at all costs, or else these buffoons will bring the whole Empire crumbling down around us.

You are a natural Lothar. I was contemplating how to circumnavigate the ridiculous tradition myself...your solution is perfect.

Maybe I can apply this precedent to myself.

If we don't meet, then good luck and may your sword arm be strong and quick.

Your brother

04-06-2008, 20:25
Chapter III: The Brotherhood Grows


My brother, Matthias Steffen (Overknight) has come of age and he will soon be a regular sight in the Diet. He is not a man of any particular power or station, but he has potential and could make a strong ally under the right circumstances. I would like to attempt to recruit him into our Brotherhood. What are your feelings on the matter?



It's good to hear from you again. Yes I entirely agree with you my friend. We need to move onto the next phase of our plans and begin recruitment.

Keep me informed of your progress with the young Steffen.

Your friend

*You can't quite place it, but you have the feeling that you are being watched. For the last week, you have regularly seen dark figures lurking in the periphery of your vision while out in the city. At first you thought they were just beggars, but their behavior didn't fit that role. Typically, you would sense that you were being followed and slow your walk. Turning your head suddenly, you would capture a brief glimpse of the back of a dark robe disappearing around a corner. The robes were always the same, but the size and shape of the figures under them always change.

None of these men has approached you, but you are losing your patience with this game. You consider taking your bodyguard with you next time you go to the market.*

As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Matthias Steffen, Count of Milan and Seventh Elector of Bavaria, you are being watched.

You are a man of great talent and greater potential. Yet for all that, you wield little power in your House and in the Reich. That can change, if you wish it to. Will you take control of your destiny and seize what is rightfully yours, or will you let power slip through your grasp, keeping only what is bestowed on you by the fickle whims of others?

If you wish to lead rather than follow, place this black ribbon in your window tomorrow night.

Destroy this letter immediately. If you speak of this to anyone else, you will never hear from us again.

The letter is unsigned.

A black ribbon is placed in Matthias's window the following night.

*Two days have passed since you placed the black ribbon in your window. Nothing has happened and you start to feel foolish for engaging in this game. It was probably one of your brothers playing a joke on you, nothing more. At least, that is what you are telling yourself as you retire for the evening.*

*When you enter the room, you feel compelled to search your bed for another note. As you expected, there is nothing there.*

"Good evening Matthias."

*You spin around to find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. By instinct you reach for the dagger you always carry about your person.*

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We're all friends here."

*You stop moving your hand, but your palm remains resting on the hilt of your dagger. The figure stands up and moves towards you. He stops on a spot where the moonlight casts a faint glow on his dark form.*

"I am here to explain all to you... all that can be divulged to one who is not a member. First, I suspect you will wish to know who we are. We are the Order of the Illuminati, and I..."

*He draws back his hood, moonlight falls on the face of your brother, Lothar.*

"...am more than I seem. I may be the eldest son of the Duke of Bavaria, I may be the Count of Florence, and I may be a Knight of the Reich (yes, it appears that is finally true), but I have another title that is far more important. I am also the Voice of the Illuminati."

*Lothar grins. He notices the lack of amusement on your face.*

"Sorry, brother. I know this process of notes, ribbons, and robes is a bit dramatic." *He nods at his own words.* "Perhaps so, perhaps so. But still, it serves an important purpose. It warns off those who are not amongst us. We keep secrecy and instill fear for a very important reason: the consequences for crossing us are most severe. Indeed, they can be fatal."

"Please keep that in mind tonight while we are speaking. As you probably suspect, I am here to offer you an invitation to our Brotherhood. *His smile disappears and he looks serious.* Yet, you must consider your answer very carefully. Once you join the Illuminati, you can never leave. Though you are not yet one of us, you now know my identity. You can no longer reverse your course without consequences. This is a commitment for life. Your bond with the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another. You are my brother and my blood, but I have other Brothers now. They are a family that does not tolerate betrayal."

*You do not like the way this conversation is going. Lothar smiles and opens his arms.*

"Now, with that done, let us get down to business. What we want is simple: we seek to better the Reich by improving ourselves. Every last nobleman, certainly every Elector, has grand dreams and designs he wishes to enact. Yet for most of these people, these desires never come to fruition. We select members with great natural skill and talent, and then give them the resources to achieve their desires. We aid each other in every possible manner that aid can be given. We are a true brotherhood, committed to helping our fellows unquestioningly in all aspects of life."

"Your support in the Diet will increase. Your Edicts will always be seconded. Should your lands need military aid, it will be swift in coming. All that we ask in return is that you similarly support us when we are in need."

"Brothers have already supported each other in these ways, though the Diet is entirely unaware of it. Yet, I must admit that our power is still... limited. We are a new organization and it will take time to develop influence, but it will come. Indeed, our very cooperation makes it certain. The more we help each other, the faster we shall grow in power and abilities. Before long, no man will be elected Chancellor unless we agree to it. We will be able to strike down any legislation that we find distasteful. Perhaps some day we will even be able to call Emergency Diet sessions at will."

"Great things, yes, but it will take time to get there. Other than the founding members, you are only the second to be offered admission to our circle. It is a great honor, and one you would do well to embrace."

*Lothar reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a large piece of parchment. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. Before you sign, I will answer any question you wish to ask of me, except for one. You will not know the identities of any other member of the Order until you are one of us. I am the Voice of the Illuminati and thus I am the only one who ever reveals himself to the Unenlightened. It is a security measure to protect the Illuminati from attack. If you join us, we will protect your identity just as fervently."

"I have spoken long enough. Read the Blood Charter and ask your questions, brother. Then we will proceed."

*You read the parchment.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

Matthias's eyebrows rise upward in surprise, and then he laughs.

"This a very elaborate joke, Lothar, even for you. Men in robes following me, notes in the night. I remember when you dragged me down into the catacombs of Rome claiming to have found the body of Pope Gregory. Of course, it was Markus in a Miter who leapt out at me while we down there. Very amusing for you I suppose."

Matthias's gaze bores in on Lothar, he seems uncertain.

"Are you serious about this?"

He glances at the Charter.

"A new order? If you want to establish a disciplined voting bloc, why the mysticism? I had my fill of that. . .

A coughing fit overtakes Matthias.

. . .on Corsica."

Matthias lets go of his dagger.

"Does this Blood Charter supersede the Reich's Charter? I'm not sure if I could betray the Fatherland like that. This talk of death and killing our own noblemen disturbs me.

"Are there any overarching goals, besides those decided by the Enlightened? I am leery of what will happen after Kaiser Henry, may he have a long life, dies. The Reich may need a firm hand without a strong or popular Kaiser. You speak of benefiting the Reich, how would we do that exactly?

"How would we meet without others knowing?"

Matthias harrumphs.

"I have other questions, but you won't answer them until I've joined."

Matthias waits for Lothar's answers.

The mysticism and dramatics are all for outward appearances. It is a show, if you will, to make others take us more seriously. Well... *Lothar shrugs and nods.* I suppose it is rather entertaining for us as well. Do not fear, we care not for religion one way or another. Worship God, Worship the Devil, Worship Nothing, as long as you help your fellow brothers, it matters not to us.

Yes, the Blood Charter supersedes the Reich's Charter, but that is designed for the protection of the Reich rather than to injure it. There have been many occasions when following the letter of the law has led to disaster and ruin. It was the letter of the law that allowed Kaiser Heinrich to place us at an immense disadvantage. It was the letter of the law that required me to twice fight at a disadvantage to aid citizens of the Reich. The Charter was written by men and, like those men, it is fallible. We believe it is our duty to do what is best for the Reich, even when those actions would be officially forbidden. Indeed, we risk our own lives and well-being to ensure that the proper course is followed, no matter the consequences.

Regardless, conflicts between the Blood Charter and the Imperial Charter are rare. None has yet occurred and no Brother can be forced to violate the Imperial Charter except by a formal decision. In such a decision, your vote carries equal weight with all of us. There is no influence, no inequality, in the Brotherhood. Your own vote as the newest member will carry as much weight as the vote of the Grand Master himself. Nor will you find us petty and unwilling to listen to other opinions. We support one another unconditionally because we fundamentally believe that all Brothers are worthy of deep respect and deference. Many in power seek it for its own end, without purpose. We seek it to exercise it for the betterment of the Reich. Kaiser Heinrich abused personal power to cause harm to the Reich. We will violate the Charter only to aid the Reich.

I know you are an honest man, but think on this matter. Is it better to obey the law and let innocent women and children die, or to use bribery and blackmail to save the lives of citizens of the Reich? Blind obedience to law can do as much evil as it can do good. Is not the true and honest course of action that which achieves the greatest good for the Reich? If you are placed in such a situation and faced with telling a lie, you may respond, "I am serving the best interests of the Reich" and you will always be telling the truth.

Of course, our ability to aid the Reich is directly proportional to our own power to influence the course of affairs. We must improve ourselves first to ensure that we have the power and ability to act at crucial moments.

As for the talk of death and killing, well... that is part dramatics and part necessity. Rumors of our supposed ruthlessness will surely leak out, and that is a good thing. If the Unenlightened are wary of crossing us, they will be more willing to aid us when we request it. They will also be grateful to think they have a powerful ally when we offer aid. Furthermore, there must be some kind of rule of law that ensures that the Order's will is carried out.

In the situation I cited above, bribery to save innocents, some risk of reputation could be imposed on some members. What would happen if they thought of themselves before the Reich and shirked their duties? If they placed their own interests above the good of the Reich? What would have happened to the citizens of Budapest if I had ridden from the field when their garrison routed? By ensuring my own safety, I would have risked tens of thousands of lives. We cannot allow that to happen, so there are consequences for betraying us.

Still, that has not once occurred and we do not expect it to happen. No member can be admitted without unanimous approval of the Brothers. So, all members are fully trusted by all others before they even join. Even then, the penalty of death is an extreme measure that is unlikely to be imposed. Its inclusion in the Charter is simply to keep options open if the Brotherhood deems it necessary in the most vile of circumstances.

Do not concern yourself with privacy. As you can see from my position as the Voice, we are extremely careful to preserve secrecy about identity and proceedings. No one will ever know what goes on in the Illuminati unless we want them to know.

I feel as if I have spoken for ages, little Brother. I know you have concerns. I would too in your situation. Remember, two things above all. First, we exist to save the Reich from all who threaten it; enemies internal as well as external. Second, our dark robes and dramatics are a means to this end. Smoke and mirrors, if you will, to aid us in our goal.

Join us, you will not regret it.

Doubt and interest play across Matthias's features.

So there is more than meets the eye to the callow, ambitious Lothar. A deception Brother? Play the fool, so that other won't suspect?

He takes a deep breath.

Very well. I accept.

Matthias's lips quirk in a wry smile.

Do I have to sign in blood, or is ink acceptable?

*Lothar grins.* Ink will do just fine, my brother. Brother brother? Hah!

*He watches as you sign your name to the Blood Charter of the Illuminati.*

Excellent! I am so pleased you have decided to join us. You cannot imagine how much I have wished to tell you the entertainment I have had over the past few years. As I said before, there is more than a little fun involved in creeping around in the darkness, seeming menacing. I may no longer be a child, but I suspect I will never grow tired of that part!

So, now it is time to reveal all to you. In truth, there is little to say. As I mentioned before, the Order of the Illuminati is still young and we are in the process of growing in size and power. I made reference to other Brothers, but in truth there is only one other member so far. The Grand Master of the Illuminati is none other than Duke Arnold of Austria. It was he and I who decided to create this organization and we have been working hard from the beginning. Indeed, my deployment to Austria to gain knighthood was a result of this Pact, and the provision of Bavarian forces to aid Austria was an example of the type of support we expect to provide for one another in the future.

I hope you are not dismayed to discover that we are still small in size. Yet, let me point out that we are not without power already. Since we began work, Arnold has become Duke of Austria. He wields immense influence over his own vassals and he is entirely in control of the Austrian Household Army. As for you and I, should we conduct ourselves properly, I know that one of us will likely inherit our father's title when he passes on. It will not be long before two of the Imperial Dukes are Brothers in our Order, a very significant advancement.

Furthermore, now that we number three Brothers, we can guarantee that any Edict we choose to propose will receive the required number of seconds in the Diet. So, we can automatically force a vote on any issue we wish to put forward.

I know I mentioned that you were the second person we have offered an invitation to. That was not a lie. Some time ago, we approached Ansehelm von Kastilien with an offer of membership. I met with him in a similar manner as I did with you. We saw in him yet another future Duke. Yet, the man spurned our offer and threatened to disclose what he knew about us to the Chancellor and Duke Gerhard. I made him aware that such a move would be a very bad idea and as far as we can tell, he has not said a word to anyone.

The only thing he knows is that the Illuminati exist, that I am their Voice, and he has seen a copy of the Blood Charter. All of this was expected to come out eventually, so it is no great loss. In any case, the matter is hopefully at an end and we will not need to dwell on it any longer. However, you should keep an eye on Ansehelm. If you suspect that he is speaking of what he knows or otherwise working against us, we may have to discuss this matter again.

As for our current agenda, it is simple: we must increase our power. We cannot exercise serious influence over the Reich until we are stronger. When Arnold and I first met, we agreed that the first order of business was to ensure a quick Knighthood for both of us. This has now been achieved. Now that Arnold is Duke and I am a Count, further influence has been gained. We must make the same efforts to improve your station, little brother. You must be Knighted immediately, so that you can lead proper armies into battle.

I personally believe that recruiting a fourth member should be a priority as well, but our experiences with Ansehelm emphasize that we must be careful in our selection. My position as the Voice protects our best secrets, but it would still be best not to take risks.

I will leave you now. I must inform Arnold that you have accepted our invitation and joined our Brotherhood. The three of us will then meet formally to decide on our proper course of action. If you have questions that cannot wait until the meeting, you may of course contact me earlier and I will respond or meet with you in person, whatever is required. I am sure that Arnold will be happy to speak with you as well.

*Lothar grins again and slaps you on the back.*

Welcome to the Illuminati, Matthias! I can guarantee you that life will be more interesting from now on.

*He turns to leave, then stops.*

Oh! I almost forgot...

*He pulls a bulky parcel out from under his robes and hands it to you.*


*Lothar departs. You untie the package and find a long, black hooded robe made of the finest silk. On the inside of the hood is the blood red symbol of the Illuminati; placed so that you will always have an eye in the back of your head. An eye that the Unenlightened will never know about.*


Success! Matthias has agreed to join us. The Order of the Illuminati now numbers three. I have explained much to my brother, but I believe we must call a formal meeting to determine our future goals and actions.


04-06-2008, 20:25
Chapter IV: The Games Begin


I apologize for not consulting with you before making my recent statements in the Diet. I saw an opportunity and I took it. With luck, it will be rewarding. If not, I shall bear the consequences on my own. Still, I wish to explain my line of thought and the reason why I said what I did.

First, of course, is the fact that I believe it to be true. However, there is a larger issue at stake. As you must be aware, there has been growing discontent in the Reich at the focus on Eastern affairs over those of our homelands. I believe that this discontent is only beginning and will be a decisive issue in upcoming Diet sessions. By being the first to speak openly on this issue, I hope to be the standard behind which all like-minded Electors will rally. I believe that there is more power on this side than the Kaiser knows, and I believe that a platform supporting the homelands over Outremer has an excellent chance of winning the next election for Chancellor.

In any case, there is little risk in opposing Kaiser Henry. He is an old man and will be dead very soon. His party will lose a great deal of power when he is gone. Prinz Jobst is an entirely different man and is not likely to follow in Henry's footsteps. I cannot predict what course his rule will take, but I do not believe he will hold a grudge against those who opposed his predecessor.

In sum, it seemed the perfect time to grasp the reigns of a growing sentiment which will be instrumental in shaping the future of the Reich. If I have calculated correctly, I may have a good chance at election to Chancellor in the coming term. In the event that I am wrong, I can take the blame fully on my own shoulders and none need be spread to either of you. Even if I fail, the Kaiser's death with obscure any blemishes on my reputation and I will soon recover.

Hopefully this is sufficient to explain why I spoke as I did. I assure you that every word was specifically calculated to provoke the exact response I have received. If either of you are upset, I humbly apologize.

I believe that we three should meet formally very soon to discuss this and other matters.

Brother Lothar

Well, so much for our 'secret' society:

Lothar go and play somewhere else. I still remember your tricks, and they may be there because you're still in your teen years, but the Diet is no place to play. So take your little Blood Order out of here and go and annoy some Milanese in future.

You might be laying it on a bit thick Lothar. I thought the purpose of the Order was a patient accumulation of power to effect change in the Reich. If we move to quickly, it will all come tumbling down around us.

Personally, I'm a bit insulted both of you decided to invite Ansehelm in before me. What is power if it is not used wisely? He may be a Duke someday, but he'll never stop being a fool.

I also do not like the tone you are adopting toward Outremer Lothar. Speaking out against it is fine if you plan to later use that animus against the lands opponents, but I support Outremer, I plan to go there. Do not turn it into a straw man to beat.

Do not get me wrong, Gentlemen, I support the aims of our Enlightened order, but our execution appears to be a bit off. I hope, however, that I am proven wrong.


Yes, we clearly made a mistake with Ansehelm. In our defense, this was long before he made his ignorance known in the Diet. He was largely a blank slate to us. Regardless, he knows nothing of importance. His words in the Diet are meaningless to nearly everyone and he has no knowledge of the two of you.

Yes, I laid it on thick, but it was certainly memorable. If disgruntlement continues to grow, it will be remembered. I admit it is a gamble, but I will not be inflaming it at further. The point was to get myself noticed as a supporter of a particular aspect of politics. With that done, I will sit back and see how that political sentiment develops, or fails to.

Matthias, I think you going to Outremer is a brilliant plan and I have no personal disdain for the Kingdom. I am a religious man and I recognize the importance of keeping the Holy Lands free of heathen influence. Indeed, it would be useful to us to have a high-placed member in the East.

Why can we not play both sides of the game? Remember, our short-term objective is to gain power for ourselves so that we can wield it in the future for the good of the Reich. Matthias, if it appears none will rally to my position, I urge you to personally speak out against me in the Diet. If it turns out I am wrong, any bid I would make for Chancellor would be doomed to failure. Yet I would still be able to run and my inflammatory language would make those who oppose me immensely popular. You could run for Chancellor and benefit from this. We could engineer our statements to specifically repel from my side and rally to yours. One man pulling a cart will only move it so far. One pulling and one pushing can travel the roads at will.



And indeed actual brothers you are...

Matthias, Ansehelm was an error, one that was contained by the very checks and balances we formulated to defend our Order. Neither you nor I will ever be identified and certainly Lothar can maintain a very plausible facade of denial should that idiot ever cross us.

Lothar’s words in the Diet were somewhat over done, however that is certainly one of his strengths in my opinion.

Personally I do believe we are unbalanced in our approach to the two distinct halves of our empire, the fact that you do wish to go echo's my own, however we certainly need to develop our base here in the homeland as a priority.

At this stage I would prefer laying it on thick. Much of our power in the decades to come will be the implied, and assumed rather than real. Don't get me wrong, we will wield more than enough temporal and spiritual power over the Reich but that can be accentuated greatly by mystery and fear. Personally I would prefer fear be associated with us rather than respect.

I recommend you read the works of a man by the name of Machiavelli. His thoughts and reasoning’s can be of great help.

Now, as usual Lothar's double dealings and concepts are excellent. We can certainly use sentiment either way to secure positions. Matthias, if you disagree then we can certainly place you on the other side of the fence in the argument and be the leading light in the counter argument.

As Grand Master I believe the following two goals are to be our next targets.

Have Lother recruit one more member and to have one of our Brotherhood be the leading candidate for the next Chancellor position.

Remember gentlemen, the "ends justify the means" in this Order of the Illuminati, we are here to ensure the real objectives are met and the bureaucracy and stupidity of technicalities are NOT preventing the great objectives being met.

I welcome you Matthias, your brother has spoken highly of you.

From my records I have not been able to determine if you are yet knighted. If not then that should also be a high priority.

Once we have a fourth member then I will convene our first official conclave. A time and place will be selected by me in due course.

Your Brother

It good to hear from you Grand Master. For now I will limit my comments only to the issue you raised about a fourth member of our Order.

There is one person I can think of who might be willing to join: Péter von Kastilien. There are positives and negative to the man, so I shall outline them.

1 - He has fervently supported my position in the Diet, even against his own brother.
2 - He appears to hold a great deal of respect for me. I give you proof of this by a series of letters I have recently exchanged with the man. I attach them at the end of this letter, so as not to take up room here.
3 - He truly seems to believe that serving all the peoples of the Reich is of the utmost importance. This is our core value.
4 - He is a Franconian. It would be good to add a member of a third House to our numbers.
5 - I personally believe he would likely accept the offer, based on (1), (2), and (3).

1 - He seems impulsive. I know this must sound strange coming from me, but I again state that none of my statements were spontaneous. Every word was carefully calculated to a certain end. If I have erred, it is due to my strategy, not my technique. I would be concerned that Péter might speak secrets without meaning to. I have no factual basis for thinking this, it is just a minor feeling.
2 - He is Ansehelm's brother. The two have openly disagreed in public, but blood is very thick. It could cause problems.
3 - He is obvious. I doubt anyone in the Diet paid much attention to Ansehelm's comment about the Order. I firmly believe that he is the only person outside the Brotherhood who has even given the idea that we exist a second thought. However, that will not always be true. At some point, the fact that we exist and are actively influencing events will become known. Speculation will then begin as to who is a member. Since I will obviously be instantly identified, those who are my allies will be implicated as well. Péter would likely be suspected from the first, unless he began changing his stance on various issues.

Those are my comments and I will leave you both to think them over. I am not entirely sure of my own opinion on the matter yet and will have to think it over. I look forward to hearing of any other candidates you have in mind.


As promised, here are my private communications with Péter.


I thank you for your support in the Diet. You have stated that should I be expelled, you would leave yourself. As I am voluntarily withdrawing for the moment, I would like to request that you not do this.

Let whatever wrath and scorn there is to follow fall on my head. Remain in the Diet and speak the wisdom that we both know to be true. Truth rings clear when it is heard, and if you continue to be a voice of justice in the Diet, the Electors will hear it an agree. Do whatever you must to remain in the Diet, for there must always be a voice to speak out for those who cannot.

Your friend,


I thank you for your friendship. It is easy to support one with such persuasive and emphatical oratory - truly you are a subject of God and the Holy Roman Empire, and none of the mindless ravings of the "Holy Pope" possess you. I will remain in the Diet, as you bid, and I shall call upon God to hold my own - to show those who have remained silent thus far that our wisdom should be the consensus of the Reich.

Your friend and ally,
Péter von Kastilien

My friend! You have been barred from the Diet until you apologize to the Emperor. If you require to speak through me as a proxy, that it most acceptable as I fear I will not be able to hold my own for too long. It's odd, but I wish that I had been barred as well, rather than that write-off that I received from the Kaiser. I almost feel dishonored that my arguments have not been received with such weight as yours. I still have much to learn from my father, Gunther, and the controversial lords of the past.

I do not wish you to simply be a proxy for my words. It will serve all of us best if you speak your own mind on the matter. Besides, I think the Diet needs some time to contemplate what has been said. The Electors will be forced to take sides on this issue. Others have already begun speaking up on our side and more will hopefully do so. It is by encouraging this mass of other voices that we shall prevail.

However, I will be happy to aid you in debating techniques, if you wish it. For example, Ansehelm recently said the following:

Still, an attack will seriously damage our reputation.

And that means that the next warning the Pope gives will be about excommunication.
And Peter, I think you do want to attack the Poles without the Pope being in our way, don't you?

Bavaria should not attack, we've been trying to get in the Pope's favour with crusades and by giving them Durazzo, why shall we throw all that away, it's not worth. As the emperor has said: Milan is not worth it.

A counter to this is to ask why retaining a free hand against Poland is more important than Milan? Both Franconia and Bavaria are in similar situations with their long-time opponents, surely if it is worthwhile for one of the to pursue their attack, then it is also worthwhile for the other. If Milan is not "worth it", why is Poland "worth it"? Ansehelm's words indicate that he cares only for the interests of his own House, not those of the rest of the Reich.

Of course, he is your brother and you are a Franconian, so such an argument may cause problems for you. I merely cite it as an example.

Thank you for your lessons - I believe I have done well. The law provides, truly, that your father can attack Milan if he wants, and no man can prevent him. Swabia has shown that you need no edict to take a settlement, Bavaria can follow suit! Hopefully, my native Franconia will punish the Poles soon, but if Milan is not punished we may not have the funds necessary.


I would let you both know that it is time to begin taking action in accordance with achieving our goals.


What news do you have regarding our potential 4th candidate?


Are you to be knighted soon? If not, then I would bed more than happy to make a request to your father for you to join me in the east where there are various Hungarian armies that must be destroyed?

I'm finding the current state of affairs to be less than challenging so we must take this time to build on our own strengths.

Regards to you both

Apologies, Grand Master. I thought I had sent you my report on my initial thoughts for a 4th Candidate. I am including another copy of my report with this letter.


Arnold, my intention is to be knighted in action against the Milanese, if that cannot be achieved in the next few years, I plan to take ship to Outremer. With the Turks to the north and the Egyptians to the east and south, I feel the Kingdom is a good place to be blooded. King Salier is a fellow Bavarian, so I am certain he will ensure my promotion.

I am grateful for your offer of assistance Arnold, but I feel it would be best if I am seen as independent from both you and Lothar, for reasons we have discussed earlier. The Diet already associates you and Lothar as friends, and myself and Lothar because we are family, it would be best not to link myself and you in public. In fact, I might have to make a public effort to disagree with both of you on some point or another, to maintain our secrecy.



Peter could be a viable candidate. The only thing I would add to Lothar's surprisingly thorough examination is one observation.

I am curious as to why and when Peter became so pro-Bavarian. Was it before or after you contacted Ansehelm, Lothar? The possibility exists that he could be a stalking horse. Perhaps Peter is currying your favor so that he can be initiated and report to his brother on the identities of the other members of our group.

I suggest this as a theory, not that I am convinced myself, but it must be considered. We have formed a conspiracy, it stands to reason others have as well.

Also, considering the news about the Mongol resurgence, I feel I must depart for Outremer immediately. This might also serve as a good time to showcase our public disagreement Lothar.



I am growing reluctant with Peter, at least for the moment, because Ansehelm has publicly accused him of being part of our group. As before, I don't think anyone paid any attention to it, and Peter was surely baffled by the comment, but it is obvious that Ansehelm believes his brother to be one of us. Since misdirection can aid us greatly, I suggest that we do not recruit Peter for this very reason.

The less people know about our members, the better we will be able to influence events. For this reason, I entirely agree with Matthias' suggestion that we begin a public disagreement on matters. Matthias, do you have a topic in mind to get this started? I believe that if you were to make some kind of statement that people would expect me to find outrageous, I could respond appropriately and believably. Of course, it would have to be in our Bavarian discussions, since I am not permitted in Diet at the moment. Though perhaps you could say it in the Diet and I could reply, outraged, at home.

I believe our plans for the moment are thus clear: Matthias will head east and gain power in Outremer. Arnold will continue to solidify his influence in the Diet and his ability to command the votes of his vassals. I will try to gain military prestige and influence within Bavaria in the coming actions against Milan.

I am truly very interested in a fourth member, preferably from Swabia or Franconia. Any suggestions that either of you have would be greatly welcomed. Incidentally, after my game in the Diet, I privately contacted Prinz Jobst. I include a record of our exchange below. Though this was several days ago, but as is obvious, I believe I have succeeded in making think positively of me. It would be wonderful if the Order had power to influence the actions of the Kaiser as well.


My Prinz,

I humbly apologize to you if my words have personally offended you. That was not my intention. I have utmost respect for you and I eagerly anticipate you assuming the throne. You have shown yourself to be a great man and a great protector of the people. Swabia has thrived and prospered largely do to your steadfast support and I know that all the people of the Reich will benefit when you are crowned.

I assure you that I am your loyal vassal and you will not have any difficulties with me. My words to the Kaiser were harsh, but they were spoken out of a sense of duty to my people. I hope you can understand that.

Furthermore, I emphasize that I have the utmost respect for the Pope. I have been told that after I left the Diet you spoke about people who thought the Pope is not worthy of living on earth. I assure you I am not one of those, nor did I ever say such a thing in my speeches. I am a religious man and I am proud to see Jerusalem in the hands of the supreme pontiff.

Again, if my words caused you offense, I sincerely apologize.

Your servant,
Lothar Steffen

To Lothar,

Do not worry my friend, I was speaking on a more broad basis.

I thank you greatly for the apology, it takes much courage and heart to do that, I wish you luck in your future, and I shall remember your name.

If you, or Bavaria, ever needs help, then just call on me, I'd be more then happy to lend a helping hand with the EIA.

Though I do advise you on one thing, do try to stay clear of offending the Kaiser, as he is the most powerful man in the Empire, and in moments you'd have the fury of Romans upon you.

Prinz Jobst,
Count of Dijon,
Commander of the EIA,


Well, I did my best in the Diet to start a split between us, Lothar, but I fear I lack your talent at provocation. If I pressed anymore, they might view it as out of character.

To be honest Prinz Jobst worries me. He is unpredictable, we may enjoy his favor now, but I wouldn't count on it continuing. Still, it's better than nothing. His reign will most likely be chaotic, dangerous but it will provide a vacuum of power we can fill.

As for candidates, have we considered Elberhard? Once he is out from his Father's thumb, he could have potential. I think we should focus our search for candidates on the younger nobility, those who hunger for influence but have little yet. Older men are already entrenched in their own power structures and would view us as a threat, not an opportunity.


Matthias, your words in the Diet were fine. The break must seem gradual and natural. An immediate firestorm over nothing would seem improbable. I believe we will have to cultivate this deterioration over a lengthy period to make it truly believable and effective.

Prinz Jobst is indeed an unknown entity. I do not know how he will fit into our plans yet. I believe the best thing to do is keep our options open when it comes to him.

I have been considering Elberhard as well, indeed I can think of no one who would be a better drinking partner for Arnold and I! However, he does not have a voice of his own in the Diet at the moment. My hope is that he will come into his own when Henry dies which, if God wills it, will be mercifully soon. We will see what kind of a man he is then.

On another matter, I am slightly disturbed by the prospect of Hans running for re-election. He already has too much power in his hands and I do not see him as a friend of the Order. Another term will only serve to make him more of a dominant force. I suggest we oppose his re-election by supporting whoever opposed him in the election. If no one else stands for the candidacy, I believe Arnold should attempt it. Recent events would make my candidacy futile and Matthias is not yet well known in the Diet. While Arnold is young, he is still Duke of Austria and thus commands serious respect. Indeed, it might be worthwhile for him to run even as a third candidate, simply to increase his profile. A loss in an election can be a victory if it gains the loser higher stature and more followers than before.



It seems you both have talent for misdirection and cunning.

I entirely agree with all points raised.

The von Kastilien's should be left for now. The failed attempt would only create unnecessary exposure at this delicate phase of our Order.

I do believe we should concentrate on the younger members of the Reich. It is these men that will influence the future of our nation.

Elberhard would be an option. I will have the ex Count of Venice investigate him. No contact will be made as Lothar is our voice, but I will simply create a dossier on him for assessment as Lothar had done before.

Matthias, good luck to the east. I don't think this next wave of Mongols will be so easily dispatched.


Shall we meet in our usual tavern with our colleague this evening?


Of course, Arnold!

On a minor note, please do not refrain from contact with potential recruits because I am the Voice. It is entirely natural for us to engage in friendship and conversation with other Electors. That is actually an excellent way to determine whether a particular man would make a good recruit or not. The Voice need only be used when the Order is making an official contact with someone. Intelligence, skullduggery, and general network-building are all perfectly acceptable on an individual basis.


04-06-2008, 20:26
Chapter V: Rigging the Election

Brothers, the time has come address our plans for this coming election. Though I have spoken in the past of having one of our own members run, I believe the current free-for-all in the Diet gives us far more of an advantage than we could otherwise offer. With four separate candidates running, each man will be desperate to secure every last vote. We can negotiate our votes for personal favors to further our ends. So, we have two decisions to make, as I see if. First, who do we prefer to support? Second, what do we want?

Here is my personal review of candidates:

Hans - The outgoing chancellor is already far too powerful. He is older than us, but still a young man and he has many years left in him. He will never join us and he will be a major obstacle to overcome even at his current levels of influence. We must do everything we can to marginalize him and prevent him from gaining further control over the Reich. I believe that any candidate is preferential to Hans.

Prinz Jobst - An unknown entity. Supporting him will certainly gain us favor when he becomes Kaiser very shortly, but he will achieve that position regardless of us. We risk our efforts coming to nothing if he feels that he can ignore us when he assumes the throne.

Fredericus von Hamburg - A man who's most important quality is that he will soon be dead. Any influence he gains will be for nothing as he will surely drop dead from the strain of running the Reich shortly after he is out of office. This is bad for us, as it means that any efforts we spend on him will have to reap immediate rewards this term. Even then he could attempt to renege any promises he makes, as he knows his impending death will make their consequences few and far between.

Ulrich Hummel - This man has one quality that makes him the best candidate of all: he desperately wants to be Chancellor. He lost the last election and is campaigning more fervently than any other so far. His desperation will likely make him more open to our offers than anyone else. Furthermore, he is not an old man and any influence we gain over him we can work to our advantage in future years.

So, my final rankings of the candidates are as follows, from most preferential to least: Ulrich Hummel, Prinz Jobst, Fredericus von Hamburg, Hans. I would like to hear your comments on these men, brothers. Regardless, whatever list of rankings we agree on, we should contact the first one and offer our services, then work our way down the list until one accepts.

This then moves us on to what we want. We must be careful about this, for if we are too blatant we will show our hand. There must be deceptions within our deceptions. Favors to distract as well as reward. We must certainly ask for things which will strengthen us, but in a way so as to keep our identities and agenda secret. Here are some initial suggestions:

1) Sideline Ansehelm von Kastilien and prevent him from fighting any more than is absolutely necessary. Give Peter von Kastilien command of the armies in his place. (This will result in revenge on the man who has scorned us, it will increase in prestige a man who is a close friend and potential recruit, and it will make the Chancellor believe that Peter is one of us, thus a distraction from the truth.)

2) Recall Hans from the front and put him to work governing a desk. (This removes a competitor for power.)

Both of these 'favors' will be easy for the Chancellor to do, will benefit us, and will not reveal our identities or agenda. We could easily ask for things such as strong Bavarian and Austrian Household Armies, but that would surely expose us. Let me know your thoughts on other 'favors' we should request.

It is essential that you both respond with your opinions as quickly as possible. The election will be held in a few days and negotiations with the candidates may take some time. If this is to be successful, I must begin discussions with them as soon as possible.



I agree, Hans must be marginalized, he is not only a threat to us, but I sense within him the spirit of Servius Aemillius. If allowed to accrue further power, he could be a danger to the Reich. It is one of the reasons I spoke against him in the Diet.

Personally, I was leaning towards von Hamburg as a "caretaker" Chancellor while we grow in power, but if the wide open field can give us immediate results, so be it.

I have concerns about the electability of both Hummel and Jobst. We can throw our votes behind either, but it may not be enough. Hummel has been crushed in the last two contested elections, and Jobst still has the shadow of the "Danish Incident" over him. The Kaiser still has much influence, and he has made his preference known. Jobst, Hummel and Hans will split the Swabian vote, while von Hamburg is guaranteed the Franconians. Still, if we manage to elect one of them, they will owe us a great deal. I get the feeling that von Hamburg would not tolerate any backroom deals anyway.

Considering all this, I agree with your list of candidates. Yet, we may be disappointed in the results.

As for what we want, I agree with the goals you gave. I assume that you will contact Ulrich, if so, you can serve as liaison during his turn, giving him suggestions if other goals come to mind. A priority should be to have us all in the thick of the fighting. A martial background is the key to power in the Reich. Of course we should suggest this in a subtle manner. I hope Hummel has enough tact not to spill the beans.


Regarding, Hummel's electability, I agree. However, I think that giving our support (or denying it) will decide the matter. Duke Steffen has specifically told me that he wishes me to support Hummel. My father will surely be able to persuade Markus to vote along House lines, and this will allow both Matthias and myself to vote for Hummel without drawing undue suspicion. Arnold can exercise his influence over his Austrian electors in private to bring the full weight of that house to Hummel's aid as well. That is two of the Ducal Houses firmly behind Hummel. Hans will waste his votes on himself, and Swabia will be divided amongst the candidates. von Hamburg is truly the most significant competitor to Hummel, assuming we support him. It will take a large number of votes to overcome the Kaiser's backing. If we decide to back Hummel, it would be wise for us to through our full weight into the fight on his side to ensure a positive result. One or two electors gained from Swabia or Franconia could make the difference. If Hummel is the man we decide to prioritize, I will certainly attempt to sway Peter von Kastilien by utilizing my past friendship with him. I urge both of you to do the same, if you have any contacts you can exploit.



Hans must not retain power!!

As for both your thoughts so far, I agree.

There is something to be said for having the old fellow take power as it gives us more time to establish ourselves however…

…Hummel is desperate, and I like desperate.

I therefore think we have consensus. Lothar’s preference list is set.

But Lothar…you must be careful…generalities, vagueness are essential. I trust your skills, you mad bastard!!

I of course am assuming a more and more ridiculous personality with the Diet as a whole.

As Grand Master I wish the mere thought being a total absurdity to all.

I will take our preference to the back room of the Austrian benches and ensure voting goes according to plan for House Austria.

Good luck Lothar. I’m highly amused to see the results you obtain.


As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Greetings Ulrich Hümmel, Prinz of Antioch, Count of Metz, and Sixth Elector of Swabia.

You seek the most powerful and prestigious office in the Reich. You have great prowess on the battlefield and your leadership as Duke aided Swabia greatly during a time of troubles. Yet, you have been relegated to the lower ranks of the Diet. You have been forced to give up your rightful title as Duke of Swabia. In a grand gesture, you chose to display your integrity by aiding the Reich in Outremer. Yet even there you have been spurned. While you have fought hard for the Reich, men like Kaiser Henry, Duke von Kassel, and Duke Leopold took all your glory. When Duke von Kassel died, you were not even considered for the title of King of Outremer. A drug addict rules Outremer in your stead. In the last election, none but Franconia supported your bid for the Chancellorship.

Now it is election time again and once more you are attempting to grasp the power and responsibility that you have rightfully earned with your blood and sweat. Yet once again it can be denied to you. Kaiser Henry openly supports Fredericus von Hamburg. The Kaiser rules over the Reich with an iron grip and his vote will carry immense amounts of influence. Your supporters will be further diluted by the campaigns of Prinz Jobst and Hans. In order to have any chance at victory, you will need powerful allies to bring votes to your side.

You need us.

The Order of the Illuminati offers you its full support, Ulrich Hümmel. We will throw all of our resources into your campaign, vastly increasing the number of votes you receive. With our aid, victory in the election is entirely possible. Without us, your defeat is certain. Our assistance does not come free of charge, but neither will we make excessive or unreasonable demands. You will find our terms to be relatively minor affairs that can be accomplished with ease and at no cost to yourself. Of course, if you do not wish our help, perhaps one of your competitors will find our influence... useful.

If you are interested in our aid, place this black ribbon in your window tonight. When it is seen, you will be approached by one of our number to negotiate the terms. If you speak of us to anyone, there will be no deals of any kind.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye.


Lothar, I would say you laid it on a bit thick again, but Ulrich seems the type who likes a bit of drama. I hope it works.

Each of you have assumed roles in the Diet, the Gregarious Drunkard and the Power Hungry Warrior, to fog the minds of the unenlightened. In the past few years I have attempted to establish my own persona, the Good Boy.

Frankly, I would have exchanged roles with either of you, but I showed up last, so this is what I get. I am the straight man, if you will. I will be playing an agent of orthodoxy, shocked at the outbursts of my cohorts, trying to build consensus and agreement. I will be a model of piety and duty.

My question to you both, is this facade working or not? I fear I may have gone overboard in my rebuttal of Hans. I would welcome any insights you might have. You've been acting a role a bit longer than I.

Between the three of our very different characters, we should be able to place ourselves in any cause or movement that happens along in the Diet.



Matthias, what you say is true. I do get a bit carried away with the dramatics at times. There is absolutely no need for me to monopolize this aspect of the Order though. I am the Voice and the contact point for all of the Unenlightened, but that does not mean the words I speak must always be my own. If either of you wish to draft the notes and speeches I give to others, I will happily play the part as you write it.


My Brothers,

As much as Lothar does warm to the dramatic aspects of the Order I believe it is necessary at this time. It portrays a very mysterious and dangerous aspect that is much greater than we actually are.

Once we have 5 to 6 members I believe we can make very overt but unrevealing shows of force.


How is the progress with Hummel? Have we received a response as of yet? I grow easily impatient in my current mood. This “buffooning” around is taxing actually.

I desperately need battle to calm my nerves.

I have not contacted my Austrian House Nobles at this time as I am waiting to see how our “expression of interest” in backing Hummel is going.


No I do not think you have gone overboard with your responses. You are certainly coming across as the discrete and conscientious type. It is certainly a contrast to Lothar in the extreme and as brothers this will be a natural comparison all your lives. You can play off against each other for added effect, which of course can sometimes seem insincere to you both.



Apologies regarding the lack of forewarning about Edict 10.8

I did not like the way Hans took it upon himself to take this province with little or no consultation.

By 1250 I would think our own Fortresses will be able to train both Gothic Knights and Zweihanders.


Ulrich ponders the letter thoughtfully, and then without hesitation places the ribbon in the window.

Darkness falls, and Ulrich retires, waiting...

*Nothing occurs throughout all of the next day. You find yourself constantly scanning the crowd of noblemen and merchants, looking for an unusual face. Eventually, evening falls and you retire for the night.*

*When you enter the room, you feel compelled to search your bed for another note. As you expected, there is nothing there.*

"Good evening Ulrich."

*The sudden voice from the darkness startles you, but you control your nerves and turn around calmly and complacently, as if you had known the man was always there. You find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. The hood of his cloak is pulled low over his face, so that you can see his chin, but little else.*

"The rare occasions when we reveal ourselves to others are usual enveloped in even more dramatics than you have so far witnessed. However, time is short and we must reach a deal quickly, so let us dispose of the rest and get down to business."

*You nod and sit down.*

First, the rules. Do not attempt to discover our identities and do not speak with anyone else about our deal . Our Brothers value their privacy above all else and we will do anything to protect it.

Next, what we can offer. We cannot simply give you the election. Things are more... complex than that. However, with our support you will gain far more votes than you would without us. By dealing with us you will gain every single vote the Order directly controls, plus we will use all of our powers, officially and unofficially, to convince others to vote for you as well.

I will not mislead you though, it will be a tight race. We are prepared to back you fully, but even we do not know what the end result will be. Hans and Prinz Jobst are distractions and annoyances, nothing more. Your real opponent is Fredericus von Hamburg. We are already taking actions to attempt to sway some of his supporters, but it is not easy. The Kaiser's backing will be difficult to overcome, but if you continue to campaign strongly, you certainly have a chance.

Finally, our price. If you are not elected, we will of course not require anything of you. However, if you win the Chancellorship, you will do the following things for us. First, recall Hans from the front and put him to work governing a desk somewhere. Second, sideline Ansehelm von Kastilien and prevent him from fighting any more than is absolutely necessary. Give Peter von Kastilien command of the armies in his place. Third, make a high priority of knighting the as-yet unblooded Electors.

I understand that you may be reluctant to make this deal without knowing exactly how many votes we will bring you. Unfortunately we cannot disclose this to you without revealing unnecessary information about who the Brothers are. I assure you that it is enough to make you a formidable challenger, and more importantly, it is fare more than is necessary to deny you the election. The favors we ask in return are relatively minor affairs that will not inconvenience you in any serious way.

Now, ask your questions and be quick about it. There is much to be done and little time in which to do it.

*The cloaked figure sits quietly, waiting for your response.*


Ulrich Hümmel has made the proper signal and I have begun negotiations with him. It appears to me that he is eager to deal with us, as we suspected. As such, since time is short, I urge both of you to begin work gathering votes for him. Arnold, your vassals in particular are crucial to this task and you must convince them to follow your lead. If there are any Austrian electors who are not Counts, it would be prudent to grant them that title before the election, since every bit of influence will count.

I will continue to press on Peter von Kastilien as best I can, though I do not hold out great hope in the matter. Matthias, both of us must ensure that Bavaria completely follows our father's will and supports Ulrich. I do not doubt that Markus will obey, but Conrad concerns me. You are going east and being taken under his wing. Perhaps a private conversation between you, as friends, would help to ensure that he follows his Duke.



Excellent news Lothar! A little theater can be effective, and you tailored the message well to fit the man.

I fear I have not been as active at establishing connections among the Diet as you two. I will endeavor to correct this in the future. I will also speak to King Salier. You must be aware, however, that his behavior is erratic lately. If I was him, I would not want a fellow Crusader as Chancellor, it would be a threat to his freedom of action and sovereignty in Outremer. Still, I will use the threat of the Mongols, and Fredericus' somewhat shabby manifesto, to convince him to vote for Ulrich.

Wish me luck,



I have begun to analyze the voting situation in the Diet to try and determine whether we can bring Ulrich Hummel victory.

I believe that it is entirely safe to say that the Kaiser and all of Franconia will likely vote for Fredericus von Hamburg. All candidates will obviously vote for themselves. I trust that Duke Gerhard can influence Markus to vote for Ulrich and I also trust that Arnold can convince his own electors to vote for Ulrich. That leaves only two undecided votes: Conrad Salier and Friedrich Scherer. Without those votes, the standings look as follows:

Ulrich Hummel: 30
Fredericus von Hamburg: 31
Hans: 5
Prinz Jobst: 4
Undecided votes: 10

Two extra votes can be gained for Ulrich by making Sigismund von Mahren and the 4th Elector of Austria Counts before the election. That gives Ulrich the victory. Of course, the votes of Conrad Salier and Friedrich Scherer could change all that. I honestly do not know whether Conrad Salier is more heavily influenced by his Duke or his Kaiser. I suspect the latter and I am very concerned that he will support Fredericus. That would destroy everything.

With luck, Friedrich Scherer will simply waste his vote on Hans or Prinz Jobst, so that will not matter.

One other thing that must be taken into account is absenteeism. With every vote crucial, we must ensure that every one of Ulrich's supporters actually shows up to vote in the election. It would be disgraceful to lose a potentially victorious election by the laziness of one Elector.

So, as you can see Brothers, we certainly can bring victory to Ulrich, but it requires a great deal of work to secure every last vote possible. Remember, victory means a Chancellor that is beholden to the Order for his seat!


*Ulrich grins in the darkness.*

I shall do what you say. I have no love for Hans, who has been a tyrant these last few years. As for the others, I shall have few regrets doing as you say.

*Though you can still see nothing but a chin, a slight wrinkle makes you suspect that the man is smiling broadly.*

"It is a deal then. In truth, we anticipated your agreement before we even approached you. To this end, we began our work for you before we even met this evening. I am pleased to report that our efforts have met with great success. I still will not provide any specific guarantee of success, but you will likely find many votes coming from unexpected quarters. We shall see how the votes fall, but we now anticipate that you will, indeed, be elected."

"Our methods themselves are designed to mislead and confuse. Some of your supporters will believe that it was their own efforts that gained votes for you. Others may pretend that they vote for you unprompted or out of loyalty to their lords. We are happy to let these impressions be given, as it maintains our secrecy. However, do not forget that we were the ones who truly decided this election. Every last vote for you has our hand guiding it in some manner."

"We have more than upheld our side of the agreement, and we expect you will do the same. There is no need to make specific announcements, particularly about our first two 'requests,' if you do not wish to. It is enough that you do them. We will know, regardless."

*The man gets up and walks to the door. A step before he reaches it, he turns back and faces you.*

"We have been pleased with your conduct towards us. Should you wish to contact us again in the future, hang that black ribbon in your window. We will then approach you at a time and place of our choosing."

*He turns and strides out. As he disappears into the hall, his last words hang in the air.*

"Sleep well, Chancellor."

04-06-2008, 20:27
Chapter VI: Securing the Votes

My friend, I would request your vote and legal support for the attached edict, which will be a Franconian House Edict at the upcoming Diet session. If you can suggest any revisions to increase the demographic of electors who will vote for it, they would be welcome.

"Edict 10.?

An attack will be held against the Russian barbarians. An army will be gathered for a Baltic Crusade against the Russians.
This army shall from the start be commanded by a Franconian general, but generals from other houses are allowed to join as well.

The goal of this small non-papal campaign is attacking and sacking the settlements of Vilnius, Riga, Novgorod and Helsinki. Many buildings in these settlements will be destroyed before leaving the settlements again, such as buildings of happiness and law, so they can turn into the hands of rebels. This should damage the Russian war machine and additionally fill our coffers.

The objective is to finish this crusade by the year 1280."

Péter von Kastilien
Count of Breslau


It is good to hear from you, my friend! I will certainly consider supporting your edict and will encourage others in Bavaria to do the same. However, the current free-for-all in the Election is somewhat disturbing and unpredictable. It is important that we elect a man who will properly defend the interests of the Reich. I have no firm plans yet, but I may ask a favor in return for backing you edict. I will look into matter further and contact you again.

Your friend,


It is good to hear from you, my friend! I will certainly consider supporting your edict and will encourage others in Bavaria to do the same. However, the current free-for-all in the Election is somewhat disturbing and unpredictable. It is important that we elect a man who will properly defend the interests of the Reich. I have no firm plans yet, but I may ask a favor in return for backing you edict. I will look into matter further and contact you again.

Your friend,

Personally, I believe Fredericus von Hamburg, the wise Count of Hamburg and Aleppo, is the best choice for chancellor. His manifesto states no partiality towards any house and a devotion to protect our eastern territories from the Mongol hordes.

This is very true. Count von Hamburg is a good man and his statements in the Diet are admirably honest. He must be doubly appealing to you, since he is a man of Franconia. In all honesty though, I am concerned that his lack of planning will lead to chaos at home. We are already having difficulties defending our borders and the interior of our provinces with the Household Armies. If the status quo continues, enemy armies will continue to breach our borders, settlements will continue to be besieged, and our lands will continue to be sacked.

The only man who has proposed any kind of solution this problem is Ulrich Hümmel. His proposed defensive armies for the Duchies is a wonderful idea. With two extra armies permanently assigned to guard our lands, the Household Armies would be free to strike at our enemies. Even if your Russian edict doesn't pass, Franconia could take her Household Army on a punitive expedition into Russia knowing that your borders were secure. All of Franconia voted for Ulrich in the last election, so clearly you think he is a worthy man. In my mind he has proposed the best solution.

Verily, that is the question in the House of Franconia right now. Ulrich Hummel has always supported us, but the thought of a Franconian Chancellor, nay, the first Franconian Chancellor, is all too appealing.

King Salier,

You gave me quite a scare in the Diet, my lord. I hope you have recovered from your episode, and I pray for your good health.

I hate to talk politics while you are resting, but the four way election provides some opportunities for Bavaria and Outremer. Since there is no Bavarian candidate, mores the pity, our House can serve as the deciding force in this election. The Swabian vote is split and the Franconians will vote for von Hamburg.

If Bavaria can present a unified and decisive voting bloc in the election, the next Chancellor will be indebted to us. I have heard my Father and Lothar support Ulrich Hummel. I have also heard that Duke Arnold is leaning toward him as well, and might bring Austria with him. While Count Hummel is not my first choice, none of the candidates are particularly strong. Hans, at least in experience, is the best of the lot, but I am leery of having anyone serve two consecutive terms. Fredericus has done much as a warrior, but his manifesto is lacking. When he announced his candidacy, it was the first time he had spoken in the Diet in years. Jobst is unpredictable, and it is possible he could serve consecutive terms as well.

In order to maintain House unity and increase the influence of Bavaria, I will vote for Ulrich Hummel. For the same reasons, I ask you to join me in doing so. With the approach of the Mongols to the Holy Land, there would also be an advantage in a Crusader Chancellor. Outremer will need all the men and florins a cooperative Chancellor can provide to face the Horse Lords.

Think over what I have said, you Majesty, and I hope you will reach the same conclusion.

Your servant,



I'm sure that you have received word from Ulrich Hummel and his intentions to run for Chancellor, I have foregone running myself in order to support him, I encourage you to do the same. I agree with you that Hans is an arrogant glory seeking fool, who relies on short memories to inflate his own position. After all this is the same man who kidnapped two regiments of Teutonic and almost got killed using them to fight the Hungarians.


With the election drawing near, every last vote for Ulrich must be obtained. We must not back the loser of this election. I believe that it will be a close run between him and Fredericus von Hamburg. It appears at the moment that the Kaiser and all of Franconia are behind him. I do not know the status of Swabia, but they are likely to split their votes amongst Hans and Prinz Jobst. We must ensure that every last Bavarian follows your lead and votes for Ulrich. I am particularly concerned about Conrad Salier. I urge you to exercise all your influence over him to ensure that he supports the will of Bavaria.

If you have any friends in Swabia or Franconia that you can exploit to gain further votes, I strongly suggest that you contact them as well. Leave Austria to me, I shall bring it to Ulrich's side.

Your loyal son,


I urge you to vote for me. I can guarantee you that if you vote for me, Austria shall get the spoils from the east; if Fredericus is, then Franconia will.

Support me, gut electors, and I am guaranteed victory, despite Kaiser Henry's influence.

Ulrich Hummel

Lord Ulrich,

I'll take you request under consideration.


My Prinz,

I humbly wish to speak to you about the election. I do not wish to offend you, but I must speak bluntly. You cannot win this election. The Kaiser and all of Franconia supports Fredericus von Hamburg. My father, Duke Gerhard, has pledged his support to Ulrich Hummel and as his vassals the rest of Bavaria is obliged to follow his orders. Hans will surely vote for himself. The simple fact is that there are not enough votes remaining to grant you victory. This is no great loss, as you will surely be Kaiser by the time of the next Diet and you can assume the post of Chancellor by right at that time.

The next best thing to being Chancellor is having a Chancellor beholden to you. I urge you to support Ulrich Hummel with your vote. He is a fellow Swabian and will surely look out for your interests and lands far more effectively than a Franconian. Indeed, it was his singular desire to protect Swabia that led to him being stripped of his title as Duke. Fredericus has no plans at all for the defense of the Duchies. This is of great concern to all the Houses, but it certainly must be for Swabia, with so many large French armies around your borders. Ulrich's plan of providing two additional defensive armies to each Duchy will help to ensure Swabia's security. Simply put, Ulrich would be far better protector of the Homelands than Fredericus. Both for Swabia and Bavaria.

I humbly apologize if these words have angered you. As I stated before, I am your loyal vassal and will do all in my power to support you once you have assumed the throne. I would even support you now if it would bring you victory, but that is simply not within my power. The election is very close and every vote counts. If you were to support Ulrich Hummel, his victory would be almost certain. Might I suggest that you could in turn use this position to extract favors from him? I suspect that Ulrich will meet whatever demands you ask of him.

I hope you will see my honesty and candor as proof of my friendship and loyalty to you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to aid you, be it now, or at any time in the future.

Your loyal vassal,

Dear Lothar,

No, those words did not anger me, as they are of complete truth. I knew when I entered this Chancellorship race that I couldn't win.

Yes, I shall support Ulrich. I know the Franconians shall, if one of theirs win, use that persons Chancellorship to attack Russia, when other things are happening.

With your unwavering support Lothar, I shall remember your name when I assume the Throne.

Prinz Jobst,
Count of Dijon,
Commander of the EIA,

My Prinz,

I am glad to be of service in whatever way I can, even when the manner of my service is less than ideal.

Since you have agreed to support Ulrich, I would like to remind you again that the election is bound to be close. I do not know the exact numbers, but I believe that with your support Ulrich will win, but only by the slimmest of margins. If one of his supporting electors does not arrive in the Diet in time to vote, the election could go to the Franconian. Any extra votes that we can secure for Ulrich will greatly reduce this risk. I was wondering if you knew what Duke Scherer's voting plans were. If he is not inclined to vote for Ulrich, perhaps a word from you would convince him otherwise.

Your loyal vassal,


I have excellent news! I did not mention it before, as I did not wish to arouse any undue hopes, but I decided to take a risk and contact Prinz Jobst. I did so as a private citizen, not a member of the Order, and attempted to explain the situation in a sympathetic manner. As you will see below, Prinz Jobst has agreed to vote for Ulrich in the election! This by no means makes our position safe, but it gives us much more room to work with.

Keep up the pressure, I believe we can win this yet.


Excellent Lothar!!

I believe we have set this election up as best we can. My advisors have confirmed that the three members of the Austrian House have read my instructions. To date there has been no impression that they will not follow my request.

I'm looking forward to this elections fellow Illuminati, this could be the beginning of great things to come.



As you can see from the transcript below I fear I have a problem.

He was specifically told to vote for Hummel and now he does this...

My lords, before the voting starts in earnest I feel I must make a plea.

Do not vote for Count Hummel.

If I may speak of things that were before my time, it was not too long ago that the then-Duke went rogue and attacked the French at Rheims, using vague statements about avenging my namesake as an excuse. He did not issue a formal apology to this esteemed body, and instead managed to avoid censure by voluntary abdicating his position and relocating to the east. Again, I may be young, but Count Hummel's attitude towards the law is all too similar to that of our previous Emperor, Heinrich. Some will say that the charter has become sturdier since those times, but I say that we can not rely on paper and words to protect us from mischief. Legal documents cannot adapt. Men can. And good men must be vigilant to ensure that honor and justice are ever prominent in our realm.

We electors need a chancellor who will work with us, not circumvent our decisions in manners that are only technically legal. In short, we need someone who will obey the letter of the law and the spirit. That is why I must request that my colleagues withhold their support for Count Hummel's bid for the chancellorship.

I'm inclined to have him buried in the back waters of Budapest.

Do either of you have a suggestion?


My Lords and Electors,

As you have all seen I have appointed those of you without Austrian titles.

Congratulations to Sigismund and our newest member the 6th Elector of Austria on your new appointments.

There are of course a manageable number of Edicts at this session and like my father I am happy for you to vote individually based on you personal opinions with regards to the Edicts.

However, and also like my father, there is sometimes a need to make directives to ensure the House prospers in competition with other groups and individuals.

I have had contact with the various Chancellor candidates and have made my decision who we as House Austria should support.

Therefore I would ask you to place your support behind Lord Hummel. This will ensure the further good standing of Austria and our future in the coming Chancellors term.

Please contact me individually if you have any issues with this request.

Duke Arnold

I fear I do have issue with a Hummel Chancellorship. Hummel is well known to despise the notion that he is beholden to any notion of duty or servitude. When we were just boys, he even went so far as to defy the Chancellor’s orders and besiege Rheims. To give a man who has no qualms about ignoring the will of the electors, the chancellor, and the Emperor more power is not good for Austria or the Reich, especially since he has yet to issue an apology. I cannot vote for such a man.

Dear Sigismund,

I entirely agree with your train of thought, and therefore have made secure and detailed negotiations to ensure this does not happen if he is to gain power. At least at the expense of Austria.

It is his very actions that have allowed me to predict how he sees various topics and be able to make sure this does not happen while he is in power.

All I can say is that as your Duke I have decided it is best for us as an entire House to have the "Devil you know, rather than the devil you don't" in power.

Does that help at all Sigismund?


Indeed, it helps immensely! Woe my arrogance of youth, for as I could not foresee a way to reconcile my differences I assumed there were none. I have already made arrangements so that no others will hear my screed, and I will vote for Hummel. All that is left is apologize to you personally for such an ill-considered and rash action. So let my apologize with action: If there is anything I can do to make amends, short of endangering my mortal soul, please let it be known and it shall be done.

Dear Sigismund,

It is entirely understandable. As Duke I'm able to engage in topics that I could not previously. I remember when my own father would ask me to do things because he had made arrangement that I did not know of.

If you can vote for Hummel that is all I ask of you for the moment.

There is no need to apologies my friend. Soon you will be leading fellow Austrian's into battle and I would prefer a general who thinks before acting.



It seems you put the fear of God into young Sigismund, Arnold, he has withdrawn (edited) his comments in the Diet.

Following in Lothar's footsteps, I have contacted the only Swabian who isn't running for Chancellor, Duke Scherer. I've enclosed a copy of our exchange of letters.

I hope this will bear fruit.

Duke Scherer,

Forgive me for intruding on your time at this Diet session, but I feel I must write you. The four way election, with no less than three Swabians running, is unprecedented. It seems that Fredericus von Hamburg, with the undivided support of the Kaiser and his House, is the favorite to be Chancellor.

Yet, there might be hope for Swabia. My Father, Duke Steffen, plans to support Ulrich Hummel, along with many of the Bavarian electors. I have also heard, despite the pleas of Sigismund von Mahren, that most of the Austrians will back him. I plan to vote for him as well, but to ensure that he defeats Count von Hamburg, I suggest that you and your fellow Swabians unite behind him. Only if this occurs will we be able to defeat the combined influence of Franconia and the Kaiser.

I understand if you are reluctant to do this, but Prinz Jobst has not gathered much support, I have heard rumors that he is planning to vote for Count Hummel himself, and Count Hans is running for an unprecedented second term. The best choice to ensure the continued support of Bavaria and Swabia's interests is Count Hummel. If Count von Hamburg assumes the Chancellorship, the resources of the Reich will be focused on this "Crusade" into Russia, and not in the West.

As a token of my good will, I will second your edict in the Diet.

Good Fortune,

Matthias Steffen

I thank you for your seconding of my edict and your efforts to reach out to me. I wish to have the Chancellor be another Swabian and would be eager in joining you in voting for Ulrich. However, I have doubts over whether other members of my house Hans and Prinz Jobst would be willing to support Ulrich. I shall do my best to convince them, but cannot have any guarantees.


It appears that Duke Scherer does not know how to properly scheme. He has mentioned my letter to him in the Swabian Chamber:

Now I wish to talk about a different matter. Matthias Steffen has recently come to me with concerns about the race for chancellorship. Fredericus von Hamburg with the support of his house and the emperor seems to be in the lead in the race. The Bavarians does not wish for him to be chancellor, but given our house's lack of unity and uncertainty about the Austrians, a Franconian chancellor may be elected. The Bavarians offer to support Ulrich Hummel in his race for the chancellor. I will not say who I wish to win the election, but I would rather have another Swabian chancellor elected and will support Ulrich. Given uncertainty regarding the Austrians, I urge the other electors Hans and Prinz Jobst to support Ulrich too.

If I got access to this information, that means other Electors can as well. I apologize for this leak of information, I assumed that Duke Scherer knew what a backroom deal was and wouldn’t go blabbing about our arrangement. Next time I'll have to spell it out.

This is unfortunate, because Hummel might be able to figure out that the offer from us and my letter to Scherer are related. Still, he has no solid facts, but I am sorry about it. Perhaps I should stick to waxing philosophic in the Diet and leave the cloak and dagger intrigues to Lothar.

I have written again to Scherer asking that he edit the transcript so as not to mention me or our deal, but I have not heard back from him. It's too late anyway, as anyone who has already read it knows.

I need a drink.



I am disturbed to note that you have cast your vote for Prinz Jobst. I expected that our father had contacted you, but I suspect now that he has not. Our entire house is pledged to Ulrich Hummel and the election is too close to abandon any vote. Out of loyalty to your Duke, your father, and your brothers, please announce that your vote was in error and that it was intended for Count Hummel. You will note that even Prinz Jobst, the man you prefer, has himself voted for Ulrich.

Your brother,


I am surprised to hear from you that my vote has been counted as I haven't voted yet. This must indeed be a mistake. I will try to have this corrected as soon as possible. Thank you for the notice.

Your younger brother,


I am pleased to report that it seems we have achieved complete success. In truth, things have gone better than I even imagined. Ulrich has agreed to our terms, and better yet, he is in our debt. He will surely be a valuable ally or pawn, depending on what use we have for him. Perhaps he may even prove himself worthy of being one of us.

All of us have been instrumental in achieving victory for Ulrich. I personally brought Prinz Jobst to our side and have made sure that Markus is correcting his voting 'error.' Arnold has delivered the votes of Austria to our cause and kept one of his own errant vassals in line. Most importantly, and most impressively though, is Matthias. Indeed, Matthias, it is you that has made Ulrich's victory not only possible, but certain. Your communications with the Duke of Swabia have not only brought his vote to Ulrich, but he in turn has then swayed Hans to add his weight as well. Now, even if Conrad Salier's vote goes to the Franconian, Ulrich will be victorious.

I cannot put in words how proud I am to see our small Brotherhood achieving so much. We are still young and few in number, yet our actions alone have determined the fate of the election. This is indeed our first great achievement, and I do not doubt that many more will follow.

I salute you, glorious Brothers of the Illuminati!



My words to Duke Scherer bore unexpected fruit, which I hope will balance out the unfortunate disclosure of our deal.

The voting is indeed encouraging, but I have not heard back from King Salier, so I worry. Still, you always were better at math than I Lothar, so I'll take your word things are going well.

Lothar, I am very impressed by the drive and insight you shown in arranging this, I had my doubts, but you proved me wrong.

Arnold, I was equally impressed on how you imposed voting discipline in your House. You have to tell me how you brought Sigismund into the fold.

If we have achieved victory, it is imperative that we monitor Ulrich's actions to make sure he is keeping up his end of the deal. It is easy enough to make a few promises when the world is offered to you, but more difficult to actually keep them.

To the first triumph of our Brotherhood! The first step to a more Enlightened world!



I don't think we are going to win. The 4th Elector of Austria did not follow my request plus Lord Zirn and Sigismund have not voted at this stage.

It will be close.


Do not fret, Grand Master, I have checked the voting records and Ulrich simply cannot lose. Sigismund has now voted and do not forget that Markus Steffen's vote has been re-assigned to Ulrich. With the current standings the voting is as follows:

Ulrich Hummel: 42
Fredericus von Hamburg: 33

All of Franconia and the Kaiser have already cast their votes. The only possible area where von Hamburg can make up ground is from the only votes not yet counted: Conrad Salier and Lord Zirn. The only way von Hamburg can win is if both men vote for him. Conrad Salier has apparently notified the Kaiser of his voting choice, so we know his result will be included. If he votes for Ulrich, Hans, or Prinz Jobst, then von Hamburg cannot win. If he votes for von Hamburg, then all rests on Lord Zirn. If Lord Zirn votes for Ulrich OR refrains from voting, Ulrich will win.

So, the only thing we must do to win at the point (and the only thing we can do) is to ensure that Lord Zirn does not vote for von Hamburg. Anything else, even him missing the vote altogether, will bring us victory.

04-06-2008, 20:28
Chapter VII: A Puppet Chancellor


I hate to disturb you both again, but here is a copy of a message Fredericus von Hamburg sent me after he learned of my talks with Duke Scherer and my reply. I fear that we will have to be even more leery of the Franconians in the future, and that I might have to watch my back in the Holy Land.

We might also consider passing this on to Chancellor Hummel. I'm sure he would find it interesting reading.

Matthias Steffen,

Certain information has reached me through a certain channel that indicates that you and/or other Bavarians are "concerned" that I may win the upcoming election. You may certainly support whomever you wish, but this has made me wonder.

My first theory is that your house is at odds with Franconia, or particularly friendly with Swabia. This is merely a theory on my part since I have not participated in nor followed inter-house politics in many years, perhaps even since before you were born (although certainly at least since you entered the Diet). I would, therefore, find it strange to have house association take precedence before other things. Ordinarily, I would not care, but you are coming to the Outremer. We have men from all the houses here, but they all have a single purpose. Inter-house rivalry must be non-existent. It is my opinion that anyone who does not place his purpose of defending Christendom well above everything else, does not belong here.

Of course, I could be wrong. It could be that you prefer Hummel's policy, or it could be that he has made secret promises to Bavaria. Again, I would ordinarily not care, but you are coming to the Outremer. Now, I am not going to pass judgment on Hummel, it is not my place to do so. However, if I were elected Chancellor, it would be my duty to keep him away from combat, particularly due to the concerns over how he has treated prisoners and perfectly innocent civilians in the past. Being a crusader does not exempt you from sin; quite on the contrary, you must be an example of righteousness for all. Though the Lord may forgive him, he has certainly not served as that example. But what about you, Steffen? If you support this man, then I have my doubts, and if there are secret deals I am not aware of, then I have yet further doubts.

Ultimately, I don't care who you vote for. But before you step on that boat, I want you to ask yourself, are you worthy of serving in the Outremer?

Fredericus von Hamburg.

Count von Hamburg,

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

Don't believe everything your spies tell you, my lord, information can be garbled or misquoted.

I am as worthy as serving in Outremer as you were when you left Franconia, Count von Hamburg.

Your servant,


This note is very interesting and merits discussion. First, it has personal implications for Matthias. We must ensure that his influence in Outremer grows steadily, unhampered by any who see him in a negative light. Matthias' response was entirely proper, but I suspect we will have to make more overt moves to aid him.

Matthias, I have noticed that you have voted in favor of the 'religious' style Edicts, notably 10.2 and 10.7. This is very useful for us, as it shows you as the perfect type of man for Outremer. I will attempt to emphasize these votes of yours by first voting against them, and then by heavily criticizing your votes in the Bavarian forum. This will give you an opportunity to make public statements defending religion, chivalry, and the other values so prized in Outremer. Furthermore, it will increase the public perception of a rift between us. With luck, this will aid you when you arrive in the East.

Regarding the note, I believe that Matthias is correct in passing it along to Chancellor Hummel. It would be a perfect opportunity to cause further discord to our advantage. However, it must be heavily edited so that he cannot determine to whom it was sent. I suggest that we forward only the following segment to him:

Now, I am not going to pass judgment on Hummel, it is not my place to do so. However, if I were elected Chancellor, it would be my duty to keep him away from combat, particularly due to the concerns over how he has treated prisoners and perfectly innocent civilians in the past. Being a crusader does not exempt you from sin; quite on the contrary, you must be an example of righteousness for all. Though the Lord may forgive him, he has certainly not served as that example

Fredericus von Hamburg.



Yes I agree entirely. As you have seen in the Diet I have learnt much from my father with regards to intimidation and threats. I'll shall send you the note from Sigismund...it was groveling in the extreme.



I have made my 'attack' on you in the Bavarian forum. I intentionally kept most rational argument out of it, so that your rebuttal can be decisively crushing. I believe it would be effective to make statements about how it is best to rule through benevolence and piety, as demonstrated by some of the great Crusader Lords. A few personal attacks on my own history and reputation, along with a contrast of your own, would serve as well. Please do not feel the need to pull any punches. It is essential to us that those in Outremer greet you with pride and open arms. By making me look a fool and you a proud and noble man, we will further goals.


*As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice a familiar scroll on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax: a letter from the Illuminati.*

Congratulations on your victory, Chancellor.

We will be watching closely to see that our requirements are fulfilled. In regards to Ansehelm von Kastilien, we will consider the request fulfilled if he is not sent on the expedition to Russia. The Diet and Ansehelm himself seem convinced that he is the man who will lead the army. We cannot permit this, and unfortunately for him the authorizing legislation does not specify his participation in any manner. Give Peter von Kastilien the initial command of the attack. We do not care about who else participates or who fights the battles after the initial departure.

Finally, as a gesture of our good will, we would like to provide you with a message our agents have intercepted.

*As before, the only signature is an all-seeing eye.*

*As you come to the end, a small fragment of paper falls out of the scroll. You pick it up and notice that it appears to have been carefully cut from a longer letter.*

Now, I am not going to pass judgment on Hummel, it is not my place to do so. However, if I were elected Chancellor, it would be my duty to keep him away from combat, particularly due to the concerns over how he has treated prisoners and perfectly innocent civilians in the past. Being a crusader does not exempt you from sin; quite on the contrary, you must be an example of righteousness for all. Though the Lord may forgive him, he has certainly not served as that example

Fredericus von Hamburg.

Ulrich smiles and hangs the black ribbon in his window.


Chancellor Hümmel has made the proper signal indicating he wishes to speak with us. I shall approach him tonight and see what he wishes. Since it seems likely that he will request something of us, it would be prudent begin thinking of what further 'price' we will require for our services. Remember, we are now dealing with a Chancellor of the Reich, who has the power to grant us many, many things.

I will inform you of what occurs as soon as it happens.


*Two days pass and nothing happens. Then, as if in a mirror of your first meeting, you retire to your bedroom to find a cloaked figure sitting in a dark corner.*

"Good evening, Chancellor. Is there something you wish to discuss?"

Ulrich locks the door and sits down.

"Two of your conditions have so far been fulfilled. Hans has been ordered to Nuremburg, which will keep him nicely unoccupied during my reign.

Ansehelm von Kastillien has been stripped of his command of his army and will not embark on the Russian expedition.

Meanwhile, I am making preparations to knight new electors. Lothar and Markus Steffen are currently in Corsica, ready to storm Ajaccio.

If you have any advice, I am more than ready to hear it."

Ulrich waits for the response.

"In general we are satisfied. Your actions towards Ansehelm and Hans will eventually become obvious to the Diet. At that point, there may be some criticism leveled at you. You will be able to more effectively deflect this criticism if you make sure that the orders for the various Household Armies are followed relatively accurately.

We also understand that there has been some confusion about the knighthood status of some of the younger Electors. If this could be corrected, we would be pleased."


Well the first thing he needs to do is squash Ansehelm's belief he is leading the crusade!

I would like the AHA reinforced by top line units from Sofia and split in two. One under the command of myself and one under Sigismund, once he is knighted.

The two Austrian House Armies should be very dangerous.

Keep in mind gentlemen that when Sofia is given back to Byzantine in 1250 I will order Sigismund to Outremer.

I will be issuing AHA orders now.



Judging by the latest reports, Chancellor Hummel is keeping to his end of the bargain. Hans is currently making his way to Vienna without an Army. Ansehelm is commanding an Army in eastern Thorn, but his brother Peter has a larger one in the area. I'm not sure if these are the "Crusade" forces or not.

I find some of the Chancellor's other orders mystifying. Lothar and Markus are now on Corsica, contrary to Father's desire. Prinz Jobst is about to face off against the French ex-Crusaders with a much smaller force. Sigismund von Mahren, who is not knighted, has been dispatched alone to Sofia. Fritz von Kastilien is headed toward Krakow, but is not knighted (and no one is playing him). Conrad Salier has crossed from the eastern border of Damascus into the Jedda region. Emperor Henry is on the border of Edessa and Mosul. Finally, Fredericus von Hamburg is southwest of Jerusalem, I'm not sure if the Chancellor plans to lure the Egyptians into battle, or move on Gaza. This dispersion of forces in Outremer, in the face of the Mongol threat, worries me. I'd like to arrive in an Outremer that is intact, not a smoking ruin.

As for what we should ask for if Hummel requests our help, we can't be too specific, lest we hint too strongly at our identities. Perhaps we should encourage him to remember who voted for him, and show preference to those Duchies that did so in build queues and army reinforcements.

I know we helped elect this man, but we should consider some contingencies if he reneges on his deal or becomes dangerously incompetent. Let us assume we have to topple Ulrich and that Kaiser Henry has passed on. Kaiser Jobst would not call an emergency session as he favors the Chancellor. The next Prinz is unknown, and will most likely be a cipher to us, he will probably not call a session as well. That leaves us with convincing two out of the three remaining Dukes to call for an emergency session. I doubt Scherer will do so, so if it comes to deposing Hummel, we'll need the support of Father and Duke Gunther von Kastilien.

No doubt the Franconians would leap at any opportunity to impeach Hummel, particularly after their precious crusade has a change of leadership, but Father would need convincing.

Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic, but I'm beginning to have a bad feeling about Chancellor Hummel. Besides, we should be prepared for anything that crops up.



From my discussion with the Chancellor, it appears that he is most concerned with maintaining his standing with us. Clearly the situation with Sigismund and Fritz was a simple error. I have tried to communicate the necessity of following the orders for the Austrian Household Army by referring to all Household Armies in the general sense. Hopefully this will give the desired result without giving any clues as to our identities.

In addition, I have noticed that the status of Milanese islands has nothing to do with the Chancellor. It appears that my father failed to give any orders for the Bavarian Household Army. Clearly the Chancellor is unaware of our plans for the invasion of the islands. There is no one to blame for this but Duke Steffen.



Matthias, I believe you are correct with your comments about asking blatant preferences for us. It would become clear to Hummel if all of a sudden we asked for the AHA to be turned into the most powerful force in the Reich.

Therefore please do not request what I have written below Lothar. In fact we should simply keep our requests as they are and not add to anything specific to them.

Hummel was always going to do things his way and he seems to have gone and done that. I also am not pleased with his handling of Sigismund or his disregard to House requests. Sigismund is not knighted and yet he is being ordered against my wishes to Sofia to meet Hans apparently.

If Hummel gets out of control we should definitely have a plan in place. As Duke I am one confirmed vote for an emergency session, your father could be a tricky proposition but potentially another vote. Jobst could call an emergency session of course (forgive me if my constitutional understanding is not correct. Please correct me if I am wrong), but this should only be in a dire situation.

What I am reading into the situation is that Hummel will not overtly state what he is doing. For example with the Ansehelm situation, he might simply put him in a smaller army and let Ansehelm work it out for himself once he sees the forces he has been given. That's when the realisation will hit.

What real power do we have over Hummel now...that is my question?


Our power over Chancellor Hummel is simple: that he paid us in order to gain the Chancellorship. If we were to make this known to the Diet, there would surely be an immense outcry. We could probably push such outrage into and Emergency Diet Session if we needed to.

However, I am not quite as concerned as either of you. Some of Hummel's moves are curious, but we are still in the opening days of his Chancellorship. It is impossible to tell what his reasons are.

At the same time, the Chancellor cannot be expected to know that the orders of the BHA and the AHA should be obeyed to the letter. He does not know of our interests in those houses. I do not wish to reveal that Arnold and Matthias are Brothers, but it may be worthwhile to simply tell the Chancellor to follow the orders for the BHA and AHA precisely, even if they change during his term. We could simply say that we have debts of our own to pay, or something similar.

What I am truly curious about is whether the Chancellor will publicly announce what is happening with Hans and Ansehelm. As before, I will notify you immediately of what transpires in the meeting.



I have made a choice regarding our next member.

To keep things very close to our chest I recommend Lord Zirn. Matthias will need some support in the east and this will balance us at two and two.

Plus as a member of House Austria he is very close to me and my control.

What do you both think?



I have had no contact with the man whatsoever, so I do not have any basis on which to make a decision. Matthias' opinion is important because he will be in Outremer with Karl Zirn, and Arnold's is important because he is Zirn's Lord and likely knows the man best. I will agree with whatever the two of you decide.



As Lothar is undecided, Matthias, you must agree before I have Lothar begin contact as "The Voice".

Get back to me as soon as possible.

The recent events with Sigismund mean I want Zirn very close to me now.

I'm not sure which way this will go but if Sigismund has someone whisper in his ear about assuming the position of Austrian Duke, then I'll kill him myself.



To be honest, I am in the same situation as Lothar. I have had little contact with Karl Zirn. Nothing leaps to mind when I think of the name. What do you think he could offer the Illuminati? If he is a loyal vassal, that can still be used without adding him to the order.

As for Sigismund, you decide who is heir, let the fool dream as long as he stays in line.

We should be careful about who we invite in, first because we might end up with another Ansehelm situation. Second, the larger our order gets, the more unwieldy it will become, we'll have greater influence, but lose initiative and agility.



I understand your points Matthias, but three people is not really enough in my opinion and we are more than able to organise things with four I believe.

At the next election I would like to have one of us elected chancellor and we will need a voting block that is large enough to accomplish that.

Zirn is not overly impressive but people like him tend to overachieve when given the chance to be apart of something larger than they.

If you two are not in favour then say so outright. We have Charter and we will all respect that.



I do not oppose Karl Zirn by any means, I merely wish to be reassured that you believe him to be a good candidate. While the Order does not require constant attention, we will sometimes find ourselves in difficult situations requiring quick action from all members. I want to make sure that Count Zirn will embrace our Order with enthusiasm if we offer him an invitation.

As both Matthias and I have said, you know the man best, Grand Master. If you believe he will be a good addition to the Brotherhood, I will support your decision and give my approval.



I understand your concerns Lothar.

Please go ahead and make contact with Zirn.

He is enthusiastic I can confirm that. If he is not, then I will have him die at the hands of the on rushing Mongols!!


Grand Master,

I will contact Zirn as soon as Matthias gives his approval. I have re-read my brother's previous letter on this matter and I cannot find anything that appears to satisfy that requirement. I would not wish to go ahead without ensuring that we are all in agreement on this matter.



Am I mistaken or do you disagree with this move?

How have things been progressing with the Chancellor? I see Hans is being repositioned much to his annoyance. Does the Chancellor realise how upset Hans is becoming?

Grand Master

No, I most certainly do not disagree with it. It is not possible for all Electors to know each other on a personal basis. Since I do not know Zirn, I cannot really speak out in favor of him or against him. I must therefore rely on the opinions of those of the Order who do know him. In this case, that is only you. I trust all Brothers with my life and I know for certain that each of us would never do anything to harm the Order. Therefore, if you believe that Zirn would be a good addition, then I believe so as well.

As for the Chancellor, I have not heard from him since the last communication I related to you. I am certain he knows of Hans' annoyance and I suspect he even relishes it. He has commented before about his negative feelings towards the man. I believe that an open Diet argument between the Chancellor and Hans, and potentially Ansehelm as well, will be to our advantage. The more discord we can sow in the Diet, the fewer voting blocs there will be and the greater our ability to manipulate. The only thing that can stop us is if another alliance of Electors arises to pursue their own ends. The more fractured and volatile we can keep the Diet, the better our chances of success.

I have heard rumors that the Kaiser is dead. These have not been confirmed yet, but if God is merciful they are true and I will soon be able to take my proper seat in the Diet.



Ok that is all good to know.

And yes, word has reached me through merchants that the Kaiser has passed away. If he has then you can be back in the Diet immediately.

I am also concerned with rival blocs becoming more organised and having agenda's counter to our own. That is why I am interested in a new member or members in the future.

Do we have any indication of rival groups forming in the Reich?

Grand Master


Arnold, I meant no offense, but I don't know Karl Zirn. You have served with him, would he be an effective member of the Illuminati? Can he keep a secret? Act with tact and subtlety? Would he believe in our goals and not betray us? Since I do not know him, I can't answer these questions, and that makes me cautious about adding him. If you can assure me that he can meet our standards, than I will sanction his invitation into the Brotherhood.

Lothar, I have heard a rumor (from story quoted above) that you might be engaged to Jobst's daughter. Is this true, or merely idle gossip? It would benefit our Order if one of us does marry her, as mentioned by Arnold. It should be one of you, since I will be taking the role of Crusader and defender of the Old Guard.

I think we should consider offering Elberhard the Lewd admission into our order. Now that he's out from his Father's thumb, he will want to make his name in the world. We can offer him that chance, while benefiting from his position and lineage. He remains somewhat of an unknown though, so I am interested in your opinions.

Keeping the Diet fractured is to our advantage, but if the Reich tips too far into Chaos, it will be to no one's advantage. Enjoying unchallenged influence and dominion over a smoking ruin is Chimerical. We need to maintain a semblance of balance.

Lothar, I'm going to attack you in the Diet over your "festive" reception of Kaiser Henry's death. This will continue to foster the appearance of a split between us. You play the callow gallant well.

We now enter an era of great opportunity but also great danger for our Order, we must tread carefully.



It seems this is the third rumor about my impending marriage. First that Hungarian strumpet I bedded a few years back, then some imaginary Bavarian bride, now the daughter of the Kaiser! Hells, I'm not saying I haven't 'engaged' them, as it were, but if I am betrothed I appear to be the last to know of it! I do find it curious that my marital bed seems to be worthy of such wide gossip. Perhaps my mistresses have been talking of my prowess with the sword.

Well done in the Diet, Matthias. I believe we have exuded the proper atmosphere of brotherly love. Now we just need to hope we don't get expelled for it. Making a scene during Kaiser Henry's funeral orations! HAH! The old bastard will be turning in his grave!



What are your thoughts on me pursuing a marriage to Lyse von Salza?

It would certainly gain me some degree of power and potentially allow for succession to be passed onto me.


Ulrich hangs up the black ribbon.

*No sooner have you placed the ribbon then there is a knock at your door. The speed of the response is startling and somewhat disturbing. How closely are these men watching you? You open the door, but it is only a servant delivering your evening bedpan. You laugh at coincidence and dismiss the man.*

"What do you want, Chancellor?"

*Somehow, as if by magic, a cloaked man has appeared in the corner of your room. Perhaps these people are in league with dark powers...*

I will need your support in the coming days in the Diet. Some "contentious matters" have arisen and I will be severely attacked in the Diet. In order to fulfill the rest of mein plans for the Reich, I shall need strong support from you. Can I count on it?

Concerning Herr Ansehelm, I am pleased to inform you that he is back in Thorn, while Herr Peter is marching toward Russia.

Ulrich Hummel.

It is difficult for us to say without knowing what these "contentious matters" are. We cannot promise support unless we know how must risk we will be taking on and how much work will be required. For instance, asking our members to speak out in your favor in a completely hostile Diet risks exposing their identities. A few words of support are a minor matter in comparison to foiling an impeachment vote.

Our answer depends entirely on receiving more information about the matter. Of course, the greater the services required, the higher our price will be. We fulfilled our part of the Election contract. All future services will require further compensation.


The Chancellor seeks our aid once again. We have another opportunity to demand payment for our services.



I will of course defend the Chancellor within the confines of my public persona, but if he wishes our full and effective support, he should be more specific. "Contentious matters" covers a lot of ground.

Still, if this means we can extract more favors later, so be it. I can't think of any more now that wouldn't hint at our identities. I need to reach the Holy Land as quickly as possible to establish my career and be knighted. I also wouldn't mind taking part in the seizure of Iconium, but both are too specific.

If either of you have any ideas, let's hear them.


Matthias, your words were wise and I have conveyed the message to the Chancellor. It appears to me that he is intentionally withholding his first report from the Diet until he can secure our support. I wonder what the nature of this... difficulty truly is.

In particular, I would prefer if Matthias and I did not have to speak on the same side of whatever matter it is. We have spent great efforts, and surely lost some standing and esteem with several Electors, in order to ensure that we are not viewed as allies. Suddenly agreeing and supporting each other on a matter would risk revealing our animosity as a ruse.

I will think on possibilities for our 'price'.



Regarding the Chancellors support request. He must state what he wants from us rather than making open ended requests. We are of course are restricted in how we take action because we must maintain our anonymity.

Lothar, ask the Chancellor what he wants and we shall see what we can do.

As for Zirn then I do trust him to keep his silence and follow the orders charter. If he doesn’t then the Charter is very clear.

Please go ahead and make contact Lothar.

As for both your efforts in the Diet, then all I can say is well done. I will of course more than likely try to antagonise the situation without taking sides as I find it amusing at the very least.

Lothar, as soon as you have word on either matter please let us know.

As for the Kaiser's daughter, then shall it be Lothar or I making the advances? We must decide quickly or lose the initiative.


Very well, I will contact Karl Zirn soon in the usual manner.

As for the Kaiser's daughter, I believe my outbursts in the Diet are too volatile to make me a serious contender for the lady's hand. Perhaps by the time her younger sister comes of age, I will be in a better position. Arnold, you are the perfect suitor. An unmarried Duke and a potential ally for the Kaiser. By securing a marriage with you, he will believe that he has gained support for himself. In reality, it will be the Order who have gained an Emperor.



Excellent I will then proceed to contact the Kaiser to see what happens.


04-06-2008, 20:30
Chapter VIII: Correcting an Error

As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Karl Zirn, Count of Zagreb and Damascus, Third Elector of Austria, you are being watched.

You are a man of great talent and greater potential, yet you wield little power. You have gone East to serve the Reich and protect Christianity, but your sacrifices and abilities have been consistently overlooked by those who control your fate. That can change, if you wish it to. Will you take control of your destiny and seize what is rightfully yours, or will you let power slip through your grasp, keeping only what is bestowed on you by the fickle whims of others?

If you wish to lead rather than follow, place this black ribbon in your window tomorrow night.

Destroy this letter immediately. If you speak of this to anyone else, you will never hear from us again.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye.

Karl, places the black ribbon on his window sill before retiring for the night.


A severe crisis of confidence in the Chancellor is here. We now know some of what Ulrich Hummel was referring to when he mentioned "contentious matters': Dijon, Hamburg, Venice and Budapest are rioting (rioting icons are present which means it has carried over a turn), we seem to possess Scotland for God knows what reason, Gaza has been besieged in violation of the charter of Outremer, and all this with the Mongols approaching.

Of particular interest to us is that the Chancellor's inattentiveness has placed two of the three members of the Brotherhood in direct danger. Arnold is besieged by Hungarians, despite his wishes. Lothar is threatened by the witch Danae on Corsica while sieging Ajaccio. If this is how the Chancellor treats his friends, I hate to be his enemy.

I know there would be advantages to us in supporting a weak Chancellor, that was the idea in getting Hummel elected. He would be grateful and generous to us because of our aid against his many enemies. However, I fear Chancellor Hummel is less weak than he is unhinged or incompetent. We will get no benefit lashing ourselves to the mast of a rudderless ship that is going down in a storm.

Hummel has only been a year in office, and he is violating Charter Amendments and Edicts at a prodigious pace. Whatever favors we want from him are executed in an incompetent fashion that will not benefit us. He has struck against Ansehelm and Hans, but is this enough reason to tolerate the rest? How far will we support the Chancellor? Does he even deserve our support at this point? If the current mood of the Diet is an indication, he won't be able to help us in the future.

Unless there is a marked turn around in the Chancellor's performance, I suggest the Brotherhood work towards impeaching Chancellor Hummel. We backed the wrong horse, perhaps trying to test our power too early. We must make the best of this deteriorating situation by ensuring that we retain some influence in the selection of the Chancellor's successor. Continuing to support Hummel could threaten not only the members of this Order, but the existence of the Brotherhood itself.



Matthias is quite accurate in his assessment in my opinion. I do not fear the sieging of my fort by the Hungarian as I am confident I can deal with them as I did the other Hungarian Force.

I do however remember vividly the time we spent on that accursed island when I was a squire to your father. Both Gerhard and you Matthias have been physically affected by her presence and it has taken years to reverse even some of those effects.

The fact he has not killed her as specifically instructed is something I will not tolerate. As Grand Master I never want my brothers placed into any type of harm unless we decide that is to be the case.

For that alone I think we should have him killed outright.

Having said that Hummel has certainly followed our instructions as requested, but, he has otherwise gone completely off the rails with nearly all other issues edicts.

I would like to hear what he has to say before we begin working against him. At this stage I’m sure I could walk into the Diet and pull in enough Dukes to do that right now.

What does need to happen you Lothar needs to get off that island right now!

Lothar let me know what you think.



This is the second request for impeachment I have. The other being from Ansehelm.

How do we wish to proceed Brothers?


My Dukes,

I believe the Diet lacks confidence in its Chancellor. I urge you to call for an Emergency Session of the Diet to impeach him.

The Duke of Franconia has already made such a call. Are there two others among you who will help end this madness?



Lothar has been silent lately, but I think you know my opinion on the matter. Ulrich has gone from being an opportunity for us, to a liability. Agree to call an Emergency Session, that way it will give us some more time to see which way the wind blows concerning impeachment.

I hope we can salvage some influence out of this rotten affair.



Yes Lothar’s absence is ill timed.

I will contact your father and begin proceedings.



This is not acceptable!!!

Matthias has become more despondent as the session crawls on with no resolution. He speaks in a funereal tone.

I hope the Dukes will not fiddle while the Reich burns. Rioting is consuming many of our cities. I fear the fate of Budapest is a harbinger of things to come if we do not act.

He begins to cough, a rattle that echoes through the chamber.

I. . .I must own up to my own part in this, I helped elect the Chancellor. If I could take it back I would, but I am now powerless to do so. I beseech the Dukes to put an end to this farce and call an Emergency Session!

You signed the Charter with your brother no less!!!

Cease and desist immediately!!

Grand Master


Calm yourself. If you remember, Duke Scherer blabbed about my message to him in my capacity as Matthias, third son of Bavaria, not Matthias, Brother of the Illuminati. The comments I made in the Diet reference the first, not our own efforts. By admitting to the lesser guilt, I allay questions about a deeper involvement.

If I have over stepped my bounds, I apologize, but it was not my intent to expose the Brotherhood, merely to throw people off the scent. I am currently the least powerful member, let me take the blame for any machinations that others see behind Ulrich's election.



It is becoming more apparent that our actions could come to light in these proceeding Matthias. There are many intelligent men in this Reich.

Complex machinations are not beyond their ability to work out.

Where is your brother Matthias? He is needed urgently.



First, I must apologize for my absence. All these rumors about my various marriages gave me something of scare. I confess that I have slightly overindulged in wine and women for the last two days. I am still feeling poorly, but I am clear headed once again and will do my best to attend to business promptly. Perhaps a good leeching would help me recover faster. It's amazing what they can do in the medical arts these days.

Surprisingly, I have heard nothing further from the Chancellor since the last report I referred to you. I completely agree that calling an Emergency Session was the proper thing to do. It buys us more time to analyze the situation and figure out just what is going on. We can always ensure that the Impeachment motion fails, if we decide to back the Chancellor.

I would like to contact the Chancellor and demand a full explanation of these matters. I believe we must also make specifically clear to him what our preferences are on certain matters. It is vital that civil order be restored in Austria and Bavaria. We also need to ensure that the Bavarian and Austrian Household Armies are large and formidable powers. We cannot protect our borders and attack our enemies without a strong military under our control. Finally, we must ensure the safety and prosperity of all Brothers.

I know that we must protect our identities, but I do not see a way to keep the areas of our interests completely obscured while still ensuring that the Chancellor obeys. Our existence is slowly becoming public knowledge anyway, so I believe that simply referring to Austria and Bavaria is effective enough. Perhaps add in references to Swabia to confuse him.

I believe we should propose the following list of demands to the Chancellor. If he refuses to agree to all of them, we shall ensure that he is removed from office:

1) All Bavarian and Austrian tax levels must be set precisely in accordance with the wishes of all Counts and Dukes. (Plus Swabia?)

2) Edict 10.6 must be obeyed to the letter.

3) With the exception of Hans, all Electors who wish to journey to Outremer must be do so in a timely manner and at the head of an army large enough to see to their security in the event of an attack.

4) The Bavarian and Austrian Household Armies must be strengthened with high-quality professional soldiers immediately. (Plus Swabia?)

These are the minimum 'maintenance' levels required to secure our interests. I therefore suggest that that we make a further demand as our price for dealing with this mess.

5) Bavaria and Austria must be given total construction priority over all other territories. Construction cannot begin in any Reich territory while Bavarian and Austrian settlements sit idle, unless the Brotherhood specifically agrees to it.

Finally, I would like to report good news. Karl Zirn has made the proper sign. I will contact him soon about recruitment into our order.



I just received this note from the Chancellor.


I apologise fully to those members of your esteemed order whom I have offended by mein actions. I am not aware of your identities. I have followed your conditions to the letter. I ask you to be patient with me.

Ulrich Hummel.


I fear it may be too late to salvage Hummel's term. In fact I do not think we should do so. I doubt anyone will vote against his impeachment, not with Kaiser Jobst promising to take over, and to support him now would expose us more than anything else we could do. How can we aid him without showing our hand if he won't speak in his own defense? Even if he promised us the world, he has shown little talent at fulfilling his past promises in a competent fashion, and having him on our side would not benefit us. By helping to impeach him, we can cover our tracks and preserve our influence.

I say we cut of communication with him. If he threatens to expose us, he has no solid proof, and no one will listen to the words of a disgraced fool. We tried to be puppet masters and we picked a flawed vessel for our ambitions, it is time to move on.

I do not suggest this lightly, I am very discouraged, but we must recognize that we failed this time and cut our losses. We have shown we can sway elections at our will, but next time we must pick our candidate with more care.

The good news is, that the Kaiser will exercise his right to assume the Chancellorship now, four years into the term. This means we can shape the next election as well.


Matthias, you are correct that Hummel's reputation has been severely damaged. I also agree that we must not support a sinking ship. However, I would still like to give the Chancellor an opportunity to redeem himself. Perhaps if he made a full apology to the Diet for his errors and promised, in a very humble manner, to serve the Reich better in the future enough Electors would be swayed to allow him to fulfill his term.

Though the Kaiser has promised to take over the Chancellorship, he has also specifically stated on multiple occasions that he wishes to give the Chancellor another chance. He would surely welcome an apology warmly and that alone could influence many people. I think an appropriately humble apology could give Hummel a strong enough backing to remain in office. Furthermore, it would allow us a legitimate reason to vote against his impeachment.



If past behavior is any indication, the Chancellor will not apologize. He thinks himself a martyr, a victim of persecution, and people like that don't apologize, even if it would be the politically wise thing to do.

We might get one out of him, but it will be delivered in such a ham fisted and high handed way that it will further offend rather than mollify the Diet. It will not provide the cover we need to support him.

I shall watch and wait as you say, but I doubt the Chancellor is wise enough to save himself, much less anyone else.

I wish it was different, but wishing doesn't make it true.



I agree that he is unlikely to do so on his own initiative. However, he knows that without our support he is doomed. If we demand an apology that seems legitimate to the Diet, he may well obey. If he does so and the Diet is swayed somewhat, we can then impose our other demands on him. If he does so and the Diet is not swayed, we can abandon him to the wolves. If he refuses to apologize at all... well... then we won't even need to lift a finger to bring him down.


*Nothing occurs throughout all of the next day. You find yourself constantly scanning the crowd of noblemen and merchants, looking for an unusual face. Eventually, evening falls and you retire for the night.*

*When you enter the room, you feel compelled to search your bed for another note. As you expected, there is nothing there.*

"Good evening Karl."

*The sudden voice from the darkness startles you, but you control your nerves and turn around calmly and complacently, as if you had known the man was always there. You find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. The hood of his cloak is pulled low over his face, so that you can see his chin, but little else.*

*You spin around to find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. By instinct you reach for the dagger you always carry about your person.*

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We're all friends here."

*You stop moving your hand, but your palm remains resting on the hilt of your dagger. The figure stands up and moves towards you. He stops on a spot where the moonlight casts a faint glow on his dark form.*

"I am here to explain all to you... all that can be divulged to one who is not a member. First, I suspect you will wish to know who we are. I hold many titles in public life. However, there is one title I bear that it is more valuable than them all. You may see these robes as covering to prevent my true identity from being revealed to the public, but that is wrong. It is my public identity that is the cover, to prevent my true nature from being known. I am the Voice of the Illuminati."

*The figure stands and walks over to the window. He touches the black ribbon gently and then stares out into the moonlight.*

"This process of notes, ribbons, and robes is a bit dramatic, but it serves an important purpose. It warns off those who are not amongst us. We keep secrecy and instill fear for a very important reason: the consequences for crossing us are most severe. Indeed, they can be fatal."

"Please keep that in mind tonight while we are speaking. As you probably suspect, I am here to offer you an invitation to our Brotherhood.

*The man turns towards you and his voice grows very serious.*

Yet, you must consider your answer very carefully. Once you join the Divine Order of the Illuminati, you can never leave. This is a commitment for life. Your bond with the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another. Should you join us, you will reap great rewards. You will join a new family that will stop at nothing to ensure your safety and prosperity. But it is also a family that does not tolerate betrayal."

*The man's voice lightens a bit.*

"Now, with that done, let us get down to business. What we want is simple: we seek to better the Reich by improving ourselves. Every last nobleman, certainly every Elector, has grand dreams and designs he wishes to enact. Yet for most of these people, these desires never come to fruition. We select members with great natural skill and talent, and then give them the resources to achieve their desires. We aid each other in every possible manner that aid can be given. We are a true brotherhood, committed to helping our fellows unquestioningly in all aspects of life."

"Your support in the Diet will increase. Your Edicts will always be seconded. Should your lands need military aid, it will be swift in coming. All that we ask in return is that you similarly support us when we are in need."

"Brothers have already supported each other in these ways, though the Diet is entirely unaware of it. Indeed the very course of the Reich has already been changed by our actions. Yet we are only beginning. There are many great thing that remain to be done. If you join us, you will shape the very foundations of the world. It is a great honor to be invited to join our ranks, and one you would do well to embrace."

*The man reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a large piece of parchment. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. Before you sign, I will answer any question you wish to ask of me, except for one. You will not know the identities of any other member of the Order until you are one of us. I am the Voice of the Illuminati and thus I am the only one who ever reveals himself to the Unenlightened. It is a security measure to protect the Illuminati from attack. If you join us, we will protect your identity just as fervently."

"I have spoken long enough. Read the Blood Charter and ask your questions, Count Zirn. Then we will proceed."

*You read the parchment.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

No, I have decided to go this far without any questions and one question only creates more questions with no satisfactory answer when secrecy is involved. This document explains enough to me.
I am in.

Karl signs the document ....

*A growing wrinkle on the man's chin makes it obvious that he is grinning wildly.*

You have made the wise choice, Brother. So, now it is time to reveal all to you. First...

*He pulls back his hood and you find yourself staring at Lothar Steffen.*

No doubt you suspected it was I. My position as Voice makes me the most visible member and rumors have begun to spread. Some of these we have encouraged, others we have suppressed. In truth, we are nearing a time when our existence will become public knowledge. For some time now we have been building our strength secretly. By increasing our own powers and influence, we will be able to take the Reich in any direction we choose, be it legal or otherwise.

You may be surprised to know that we are actually a small order. Other than myself, there are two other Brothers. Your own Duke Arnold is in fact the Grand Master of our order. The third member is my own brother, Matthias Steffen. You may note that we have shown much public disdain for each other lately. This is a ruse to prevent the Unenlightened from guessing who is a member. We are attempting to set Matthias up as a potential leader of any 'Illuminati Opposition' group that might form. What better way to defeat our enemies than to control them ourselves?

For this reason, Matthias must be seen to be above suspicion. He and I will continue to feud in public to further this situation. If we are successful, we could easily propel him into the Chancellorship by running a second candidate, such as myself, who would intentionally anger the Diet, making Matthias look very favorable.

There are other things you must know, though. There is a great deal of discussion in the Brotherhood over the current situation with Chancellor Hummel. This is of the utmost concern to us, because we are the ones who gave him that position. We contacted Hummel before the election and offered our support in exchange for certain 'favors.' He agreed and exercised our powers to ensure that he was elected. It was no coincidence that all of Swabia, including Hans and the Kaiser, voted for him rather than themselves. These men all believe that their vote was their own idea, but that is not so. Hummel is Chancellor only because we elevated him to that position. More importantly, the Chancellor knows this and is aware that his fate lies in our hands. He has complied with our wishes sufficiently, but his actions have gone far beyond what we expected of him. The level of ire he has raised in the Diet is dangerous for us. We are currently discussing what must be done with the man.

There is one other thing you must know. In the early days of the Illuminati, we made an error in judgment and attempted to recruit Ansehelm von Kastilien. I revealed myself to him and he spurned us. So far no one has paid much attention to his conspiracy theories, but they are in fact true. One of our demands of Chancellor Hummel was that under no circumstances could Ansehelm participate in the Moscow Crusade. Hans' curious relocation from the front lines was also our doing. The man was simply gaining too much power and we wanted to make sure he would not gain any more. We do all that we can to prevent others from becoming strong enough to challenge us. Friends of the Illuminati will gain in strength, but our enemies will be crippled.

Now that you are the fourth member of the Illuminati, we will need to begin building your influence as well. We must get you into battle immediately at the head of a strong army, if that is your wish. The more influential you grow, the more power the Illuminati wield. If you have any preferences about what you wish to do or achieve in life, let us know and we will ensure that it happens. We are now your true family. Whatever needs you have, whatever objectives you wish to accomplish, we will aid you in them. Serve the Order loyally and you will never be powerless again.

I will leave you now. I must inform Arnold and Matthias that you have accepted our invitation and joined our Brotherhood.

*Lothar grins again and slaps you on the back.*

Welcome to the Illuminati, Karl! I can guarantee you that life will be more interesting from now on.

*He turns to leave, then stops.*

Oh! I almost forgot...

*He pulls a bulky parcel out from under his robes and hands it to you.*


*Lothar departs. You untie the package and find a long, black hooded robe made of the finest silk. On the inside of the hood is the blood red symbol of the Illuminati; placed so that you will always have an eye in the back of your head. An eye that the Unenlightened will never know about.*


I would like to formally welcome Brother Karl Zirn into the order. We are truly becoming a powerful organization. Woe to those that cross us.



Welcome Karl. Time is short so we must move along swiftly.

If the Chancellor apologies then we make the demands. If he doesn't then we let him go.



You have placed us in a difficult position. There is currently so much outrage against you in the Diet that we cannot openly support you without revealing ourselves. We must at least have a valid reason for refusing to impeach you, and at the moment there is none. We have discussed this extensively and we have come to only one conclusion: You must make a lengthy, formal apology to the Diet. You must convince the Electors that you see the errors of your ways and will strive to obey the law and see to their wishes in the future. We care not whether you actually are sorry for your actions, but you must convince at least some of the Diet that it is true.

This would give us at least a legitimate reason to support you. However, your actions have gone so far beyond what we expected of you that you will have to do a great deal more to maintain our support, even after that. We will watch and wait to see if you can properly humble yourself before the Diet. If you fail in that, we cannot and will not support you. If you succeed, we will inform you of our other demands.

You walk a fine line, Chancellor. Your strategy regarding Scotland was very insightful. Exploiting the law to your benefit is exceedingly clever, but your other blatant violations of the Charter were reckless. You must use more subtlety if you wish to properly manipulate the Diet.

The Voice of the Illuminati


I have informed the Chancellor that an immediate apology to the Diet is required in order for there to be any possibility of us supporting him. I have also told him that it is essential that he convince at least some of the Electors of his sincerity in the matter. We shall see whether he accomplishes this.

For the benefit of our newest member, I shall re-state the demands we will impose on the Chancellor if he succeeds in regaining some good will through an apology.

1) All Bavarian and Austrian tax levels must be set precisely in accordance with the wishes of all Counts and Dukes.

2) Edict 10.6 must be obeyed to the letter.

3) With the exception of Hans, all Electors who wish to journey to Outremer must be do so in a timely manner and at the head of an army large enough to see to their security in the event of an attack.

4) The Bavarian and Austrian Household Armies must be strengthened with high-quality professional soldiers immediately.

5) Bavaria and Austria must be given total construction priority over all other territories. Construction cannot begin in any Reich territory while Bavarian and Austrian settlements sit idle, unless the Brotherhood specifically agrees to it.

Given that we must see to it that Brother Zirn's power is strengthened, we may wish to add in a sixth demand, giving him command of a powerful force to confront the Mongols, Egyptians, Turks, or whoever our newest member wishes to fight. Indeed, Brother Zirn, if you have specific things that you wish us to gain for you, speak up about it.



Yes I do believe we should mandate a powerful army under the command of brother Zirn.

I really don't see Hummel being able to conduct an apology that will gain him any support.



First, I welcome Karl Zirn to our circle. Good to have you. Did Lothar make you sign the Charter in blood?

As I thought, Hummel's attempt at an apology, if it could be called that, was an utter failure. No one in the Diet is even bothering to respond to him or defend him. Unless a miracle occurs, he is doomed.

Lothar, your requests were insightful, but we must prepare to vote against him if the current situation stands, or at least free our members to vote as they want.

Concerning the proposed edicts, is there any the Brotherhood wishes to support or oppose en masse? Unless we feel strongly about something, I suggest we vote our individual consciences, so as to not give a voting pattern away.


Matthias, for the record the Chancellor's poor apology was given before I even contacted him about the matter. My 'agents' tell me that the Chancellor has not yet even received my latest letter, so there is still a chance that he will pull off a miracle.

Even so, you are right about preparing for other eventualities. If Hummel cannot be rehabilitated, we should all vote for his impeachment. We should also begin thinking about the future.

Our success in having Hummel appointed Chancellor was magnificent, but his past actions have shown that having a puppet Chancellor leaves too much room for uncertainty. We must work to put a Brother in the office so that our will can be done directly without having to rely on an untrustworthy intermediary. I believe that Arnold and Matthias are both worthy contenders. You two have gained much respect lately and I believe that many men would follow you.

We may wish to think about long-term political engineering. For instance, we could have Arnold elected Chancellor, during which time he uses his power blatantly to aid his friends and harm his enemies. In the election following that, Matthias could rail against Arnold's 'abuses' and use that as a platform to propel himself to victory. Perhaps the same tactic could then be used to place Karl in office.

This is just an example, but long-term strategies such as this could pay out handsomely if they are prepared properly. By controlling our own 'opposition' we can rule forever.



As far as I'm concerned the Reich has turned into a collection of power hungry, vein, land grabbing fools!!

You've heard my comments in the Emergency session. Swabia apart from Elberhard and Franconia apart from Siegfried are all falling into this category.

Laws have been passed and they are still legal. The only thing being discussed should be the Chancellor and potential punishment if found guilty plus the reactivation of the existing Edicts.

As far as I'm concerned E2.3, E2.4 and out of sheer spite because Ansehelm is a sack of shiet E2.5 should be specifically blocked.

Otherwise I have nothing to request at this time.

Might I add that the Reich is clearly turning into a cesspool of shiet which needs to be cleansed.



I am honoured to be accepted to this special order. I am very disappointed with the current level of the Diet. Being one of the unenlightened my suspicions were aroused by the performance of the current Chancellor when I know he was capable of doing better. I am not one on the details but there was something not right in the performance and no reports.
He has no hope and the impeachment will happen looking at the Diet vote.
Lothar makes a good plan about future Chancellors. I am concerned about the Kaiser using his prerogative and not sure where this will take us. However, I think we should plan for the next election to "clean up the mess".
As for me militarily I would just like to get some action with a respectable force and I don't care who it is I fight. Though the Horse Lords would appear to be the most obvious from what I see in the East.
I am willing and able to do what I can for the Brotherhood.

(NOTE: At this point, we switched from PM to email, for convenience. I have done my best to convert the text of the emails to a form consistent with the forums, but there are a lot of messages to review and some errors are to be expected here or there. Please accept my apologies for any you may find.)


Reviewing the Orders instructions that were made to Chancellor Hummel;

3 ) With the exception of Hans, all Electors who wish to journey to Outremer must be do so in a timely manner and at the head of an army large enough to see to their security in the event of an attack.

I find this interesting. After the Diet vote I received personal correspondence from Hans of Swabia asking why I did not vote for E.3 when I was in favour of it in the Diet. Personally once the voted started I was only interested in the impeachment vote and thought of Brother Arnold's words wise that the fools were trying to force edicts into an Emergency Session. I did not give the edicts much thought and voted against that one. I responded to Hans that it was an after thought my vote and really not an important matter beyond the impeachment edict.

I thought I would pass this along that some of the unenlightened appear interested in my actions.


04-06-2008, 20:33
Chapter IX: Planning for the Future


I would not be alarmed by the interest of Hans in your vote, Karl, he was most likely canvassing for last minute votes from many Electors. He is quite attached to Sofia, the object of his personal war as Chancellor, and does not wish it to pass outside his grasp.

One of the downsides of Chancellor Hummel's amazing fall, is that an obstacle to Hans's ambition has been removed. Anyone who refers to themselves as 'the Mighty' in correspondence has an obvious surplus of hubris. While I believe each of us should maintain the appearance of independent action until the next Election, one of our goals should be the frustration of Hans's goals. He remains a source of influence and ambition outside our control and must be curtailed. No doubt he will run again at the next opportunity. We should watch him carefully. He is talented, but arrogant, we should take advantage of this if we can.

I hope to join Karl in Outremer as soon as possible. If Hans wishes to return there, we will be positioned to seize the spot light from him, if necessary.

With the loss of Hummel, we have suffered a setback, but I'm sure we can take the initiative back in the future.



Matthias is right to be wary of Hans. Our reasons for isolating him are just as relevant now as they were when we made Hummel Chancellor. Fortunately, he seems intent on pursuing a career in Outremer, an area where our power is growing. With the addition of Karl to our ranks, we will have a significant presence in the East. We should capitalize
on this prominence to propel us to power.

I believe that Matthias is already well situated to become a trusted companion of Conrad Salier. Though the King of Outremer is officially appointed by the Kaiser, it appears that some precedent has been established for the former King to choose his own successor. Even if this does not continue, surely the outgoing King's preference will carry some weight with Kaiser Jobst. Therefore I believe it is essential for Matthias to pursue a friendship with Conrad Salier as a means to becoming a more prominent figure.

This prominence could in turn be transformed into a strong political backing for a future campaign for the Chancellorship. With the disaster of Ulrich Hummel's term still fresh, the Diet will surely be reluctant to vote for anyone who is seen as unpredictable. If we are to gain power at the next election, it must be through a candidate who is believed to represent the 'old traditions'. A dutiful Crusader fits this bill perfectly. Thus I believe we should focus all of our efforts on gaining Matthias the next Chancellorship.

If this is to be done, I see a two-pronged strategy. First, Matthias must be seen as a source of stability and faith. He must speak out on 'popular' measures that benefit all of the Houses at the expense of none. He must also gain the support of the pious and the chivalrous. Karl fits perfectly into this roll as well. He could act as Matthias' right hand man and a trusted companion, supporting him against detractors and aiding him in battle. This could also situate Karl for a future run at the Chancellorship.

Second, we must create an unappealing alternative that will push the Electors towards Matthias. We must put up another candidate for Chancellor whose statements and policies will be directly contrasted with Matthias'. They must be seen as biased and self-serving, allowing Matthias to shine even further. Matthias must win all debates with our fake candidate and all of the fake's statements must be aimed at propelling many votes towards Matthias. I believe that I am the natural choice for this position. Matthias and I have already established a history of conflict. Opposing runs for the Chancellorship will be entirely believable.

If this policy is successful, Matthias will gain the Chancellorship, at which point we can freely and directly implement our policies. We can isolate our enemies, reward our friends, and ensure that the Reich develops specifically as we please. Hummel's incredible spiral has demonstrated that blatant Charter violation will not work. We must work within the laws, exploiting the Chancellor's given powers and legislative loopholes to achieve this. This may tarnish Matthias' reputation while in office, but it will be unimportant at that point. So long as Arnold remains unblemished by any wrongdoings, he could campaign for the Chancellorship after Matthias on a policy of fairness in start contrast to Matthias' blatant biases. We can repeat our election tactics to put him into office, and then similarly manipulate the system to our advantage. Karl could then follow Arnold in the same manner. If we can form our own opposition to our own Chancellors, we can intentionally push votes towards our chosen candidates. With such a system, we can rule the Reich forever.

As a final matter, it may be worthwhile to keep an eye on Wolfgang Hummel. Had his father not self-destructed so spectacularly, he may have made a worthy Brother. If Wolfgang turns out to be more subtle and politically astute than Ulrich, it may be worth while to recruit him. This would give us further power in Outremer, as well as a spy inside Swabia. This is important, in my opinion, and I believe we should eventually attempt to have a Brother in each of the Ducal Houses.



I will endeavor to cultivate a relationship with King Salier. Of course, until I actually reach Outremer, I cannot prove my worth in battle.

It seems that Kaiser Jobst plans to have Wolfgang Hummel lead the assault on Iconium. I believe that Karl should be the one leading that attack, considering he is knighted and loyal. I fear the Kaiser still has a blind spot for the Hummel family. Karl, you might want to petition the Kaiser to request the command. Mention your years of service in the Holy Land and the fact Wolfgang is unblooded. Be gracious and offer to take Wolfgang with you, promise to knight him if he serves well. This way, we can have a brother lead the attack and keep an eye on Wolfgang. I will write King Salier about it as well.

Lothar, the Kaiser has withdrawn you from Corsica to avoid Danae. I am confused by this course of action, as he could have commanded you to hunt down the witch with your army. True, you would be open from attack by the Milanese, but their garrison is small. You too might want to petition the Kaiser. I fear we will have to be assertive with the Kaiser if we are to advance our careers. He is not as ham-fisted as Ulrich, but we must be vigilant for mistakes or oversights.

Lothar's proposal is interesting, and stands a good chance of working. However, 16 years is a long time, and much can happen. We must seek to advance our careers, to seek battle, otherwise none of us will have the notoriety or experience needed to run for Chancellor. Given that, the one thing that could disrupt this plan would be the emergence of a third candidate. If he is popular, our Cain and Abel farce might only serve to drive votes to him. The closer we get, the clearer the picture will be and we can make more solid plans then. It is obvious that we need one of us as Chancellor rather than rely on proxies.

Good luck against the Hungarians Arnold.



I'm a little annoyed that Karl is still not being used in the east. He has been sitting idle for decades.

As Duke of Austria our representatives in Outremer should be used not simply sitting around as governors.

I'm personally finding the bias shown towards the Hummel family so obvious as to be an insult.

As for Lothar’s concept about playing off candidates against each other...then it will certainly work in my opinion. However as Matthias says we have years to go before the next election and therefore plenty of time to make these election moves later. If we start now then all will be forgotten by the time we come back to the Diet for voting.

The first thing is to have Karl Zirn involved. I've made my official request in the Diet as Duke of Austria. If you can all make the appropriate back channel request then this should be our first objective.

The second is Hans. He is clearly being moved back to Sofia and will spend the next 6 years making as many quality troops as he can before it is handed to the Byzantines in 1250. Those troops should be going to the AHA in my mind. Sigismund will be knighted soon as then it will still seem that the Austrian House is thinly defended.

Budapest is still rebelled and will still need to be dealt with. The AHA will be in no position to take back the city after the second battle with the Hungarians.

It's time Austria as the smallest house was focus on for sometime. We are being marginalised with every passing year.

Finally, I believe Siegfried von Kastilien is also a potential candidate for the Order.



Here is what I said to Conrad:

King Salier,

I thank God that you emerged safely from that sacrilegious attack. Assassins in a Church, truly horrific. I hope all has returned to normal.

It seems that I am finally to be dispatched to Outremer as soon as some ships can be found. Only four or six years after you were good enough to make me a Crusader Count. I can only imagine what the residents of Adana must think.

Speaking of Adana, I noticed from the Kaiser's last report that he plans to send Wolfgang Hummel from there with a newly raised army to enforce the Iconium Edict. Now, I don't want to question the Kaiser's actions, but Wolfgang, like myself, isn't knighted. He shouldn't be commanding an army just yet.

I would suggest that Karl Zirn, also present at Adana, would be a better candidate. He came over with your Majesty in the Second Crusade, and he hasn't had the opportunity to command an army in the field yet. I think seniority and fair play would speak in his favor.

I would be happy to write the Kaiser about this, but you voice might carry more weight with him.

I also hope the Kaiser has seen fit to withdraw you from the eastern desert. I do not know what possessed Chancellor Hummel to make those sorts of decisions. I am just glad we are rid of him.

Godspeed your Majesty,


As for Siegfried as a candidate, he is rumored to be the next Prinz. I am leery of including the heir in our group, for when he becomes Kaiser, he might view the Brotherhood as just another extension of Royal authority. Monarchs are jealous of others holding power, it might be best if he remains unaware of our presence.

I hope our efforts on Karl's behalf will bear fruit.



I thank you for your support. I was going to send a personal message to the Kaiser but currently the Royal Mail is snarled. I see that Brother Arnold and Conrad Salier have openly stated their support for command. I think that would get the Kaiser's attention. There really is no reason for a general who has not been knighted to take command.

Lothar's long term plan makes sense about having our own as the next Chancellor but as Matthias stated we have many years before that can happen and not knowing the future. I would say that formulating plan A our member to a plan B there is third party. We do have time to think about it.

About another member I would caution a Royal Member as part of the order. For the same reasons stated by Matthias.

Hopefully, the Kaiser is listening and we will be able to strengthen ourselves in the Outremer.



It is with great concern that I hear King Salier and the Kaiser essentially instruct me to not make order known for Lord Zirn.

I am not sure what the constitutional situation is regarding House Lords in the east but given most of King Salier's power is assumed not real, he is not necessarily the one in total command in my view.

Lothar can you please shed some light on this issue.

What are your thoughts?



Arnold, unless Karl is in the AHA, you can't give movement orders for him. You can suggest, beg and cajole, but you can't order. Tread lightly, or Karl might suffer some spill over ire from Salier.

Of course King Salier can't give orders for Karl, unless he is in the House Army for Outremer. Ultimately, Karl's orders are up to the Chancellor. Considering Karl is in Outremer and is a Crusader Count, the Kaiser will value King Salier's input with what to do with Karl over yours I'm afraid. Still, it looks like the Kaiser will have him lead the attack on Iconium, which is an Edict I proposed by the way. We've won that battle, we shouldn't quibble over the details.



The position of King of Outremer is totally free from our power and influence. He is not appointed by the Electorate and he has near total control over Outremer affairs. We have two ways of handling this situation. First, we can seek to abolish this position. However, this would require a Charter Amendment and there is simply no reason we can come up with to justify it and there is no chance of it being accepted by two-thirds of the Diet. Perhaps if a future King exploited his position seriously, but I doubt that will occur. Second, we can seek to have one of our member made King. This is our best course of action and it is very possible now that we have two Brothers who are committed to Outremer. It is my personal belief that Matthias and Karl should do everything in their power to ingratiate themselves with the Kaiser and with Conrad Salier. That way they will be well placed for the position at the next Diet Session.



I have thought it through and I have also come to the same conclusion.

I'll continue with my "request" method and essentially use back channels. I simply wish Karl to be more involved in the governing and defending of our eastern borders.

It seems he will be taking command of the army being made for Wolfgang Hummel, what I would like is that Karl KEEPS it after the attack.



My stay here in Europe is short I only wished to plead my case to the Chancellor on the tax issue. I have one concern I bring to you from the Outremer. That is the character of the young Jon van Hamburg. As you are aware he is in my city of Damascus and I am concerned with his behaviour being in such a remote outpost. He has made communication with King Salier regarding hostile troops near the city but I do not know the King's read on this individual.

Where he may have been a potential candidate I feel that we watch his development; not for recruiting purpose but in means of him not interfering with our goals. I may be wrong in what I am seeing but we should be observant and cautious.



I see the Diet is in another crisis with the Chancellors resignation. Elberhard has declared his intentions. I would think if we support him for the remaining 10 years some of the edict matters will be expedited but not enough to hurray things to quickly that we could take over and control in 1260 with our candidate.

I will also make a recommendation to expedite this procedure to the get the election done and not get caught in new legislation unless there is something we would want to throw in.



I am in agreement with Karl. Let us simply support Elberhard and get this term done with as quickly as possible. It is too early for us to begin any election scheming and we would profit little from trying to secure a very short Chancellorship such as this one. It is in our interests at the moment to simply see this term completed as fast as possible.



I concur. We will plan for 1260, if we ever make it there.


I also agree Brother,

Lothar can you "contact" Elberhard, and make "us" known to him and give him our support?

I would like him to be aware of our Order. If he does well in the next decade he could be a hard man to run against if he decides he wants another full term?

To that end he must know that we will potentially ask him for things to gain our vote.

What say you all?


Grand Master,

I agree that it would be wise to make Elberhard aware that we are watching him. I will make contact with him unless Matthias or Karl has a serious objection to it.



It seems Fredericus von Hamburg will now be the next Chancellor. Considering it was due to our intervention that he lost the last election, I suggest we do not make contact with him. He might be able to follow the trail of bread crumbs back to us.

I must admit, I deeply regret our choice of Hummel in the last election. We erred badly, and we have suffered for it. Arnold lost Budapest, I rotted in Italy, Karl was put under the command of Hummel's son, and Lothar was cursed. Not only that, our actions, indirectly or not, have caused great harm to the Reich.

We must remember that the greatest danger to the Empire is from within. There is no sin in advancing our own agendas, but we must be careful and pick our "interventions" wisely. Any idiot can sow chaos and discord, as we have seen, but it takes an enlightened man to build something worthy and enduring. We must be the protectors of the Reich and use the power we gain for its advancement as well as our own.

Do not worry, I'm not becoming a dewy eyed idealist, but a rising tide raises all boats. Particularly if some of the ships know when it will turn.



I am in agreement with all that has been suggested. Lothar make the contact and let's plan our next move.



Now that Fredericus is going to be the Chancellor I also agree with Matthias. We should not make contact with him at all.

He is close to the end, so his favour would be short term at best. While if we contact him and he manages to determine more about us, he could pass that onto the younger generation before he passes away. That information could be far more damaging to us.

However if Fredericus does pass away before the end of the term then contacting Elberhard would be a very good move in my opinion.

As for your comments about the consequences of our actions Matthias, I understand your point entirely. We have proved just how effective we can be with just four members. We must keep in mind that for future candidates the first and foremost characteristics is competence, then, and only then, followed by their ability to be influenced by us.

There is no point electing a bumbling fool…we all lose in that situation.

Grand Master


Ironically, Fredericus is the best man we can hope for at the moment simply because he will surely fall over stone dead within a few years. Any influence or power he gains from the post will be lost soon enough. The same cannot be said of Elberhard. It seems the best we can do at this moment is to sit back and live with the situation. We will have time enough to do our work at the next election.





It seems we have imitators.

Here is a copy of a message I received:

You are startled when a guard hands you a sealed note that he found attached to a stone, which had obviously been thrown into your tent.

The seal is strange; the left half consists of the banner of the Reich, while the right consists of a Roman legionary eagle.

"Do not show this note to anyone. If you desire to join with the Germanic Order come to the abandoned monastery of St. Roger outside Messana's abandoned walls when you stop for supplies there. You may be accompanied by 6 guards - no more. If you come with more then we shall not appear.


Someone is copying our style, which means the message is from someone who knows Lothar's mysterious style of writing. The only people who Lothar, as far as I know, has contacted outside this group are Ulrich Hummel and Ansehelm von Kastilien. I don't think Ansehelm would ape us and Ulrich is dead. Perhaps he shared this secret with his son before his death however.

So it would seem Wolfgang Hummel wishes to set up his own secret society. What should we do? I could accept his offer and be a double agent, but if Wolfgang runs a secret society like his father ran the Reich, we would gain little from having an inside source. Worse, if my association with this Germanic Order got out, which it would probably, it would ruin the persona I've adopted.

Judging by the reference to Arminius, the goals of this organization is probably a rejection of the Reich's "Roman" element and an embrace of our Germanic past. Of course that's just a guess.

Have any of you received a similar invitation?

Let me know what you think.



This is most intriguing. Matthias, your analysis of the situation is impeccable, as usual. I would personally be interested in having you at least meat with the man. You need not agree with anything he says, but we would have far more information about what we are up against.

On another note, this clearly shows the value of channeling all official Illuminati communications through one person. Ulrich must have told his son about our existence and methodology, but clearly he was not able to gain enough information about us to identify our members. If he had, his son never would have shown his hand to Matthias.



Very intriguing information Matthias. I must say that I have not received any such messages and I was in camp with Wolfgang.

I think you make an excellent point regarding the implications of being associated with such an order. A "double agent" would be too risky at this point. If we are correct that another society is in the background I don't think they would be too hard to "see". Another Diet will be on us soon and maybe it would be possible to see a vote pattern with Wolfgang?

Just thinking out loud but what we have seen of the Hummel's administration with his father as Chancellor; son may have difficulty administrating a society. That is why I think it would be wise to watch then be involved. We are actually just getting started ourselves and have not had the chance to make an impact. Besides if Matthias were to run for Chancellor he may be approached again by them. Wouldn't it be nice to have them propose an edict they want the Chancellor to do and then see who votes for it?

This is only my thought on the matter.



Apologies for two notes in such quick succession. Surprisingly, since I last wrote you, I have received an identical note. This is confusing. Surely Wolfgang knows that I am a member of the Illuminati, yet he chose to invite me anyway.

What do you make of this?



What this suggests to me is that Wolfgang is trying to create a secret society, but doesn't actually have one yet. Remember when you recruited me Lothar? You implied the Brotherhood was much larger than it actually was, the same is happening here.

There is no conspiracy, there is one man trying to rebuild his family's lost influence by working in the shadows. Perhaps by contacting Lothar he thinks he is recruiting another solo conspirator, or perhaps he has correctly linked myself and Lothar and wants us both to join, seeking to co-opt our conspiracy with his. I do not know.

Of course one could go mad trying to see logic in the actions of the Hummels. Whatever his plan, I believe he has no one else to help him forward it. As Karl has said, I suggest we let him continue alone by refusing to meet with him. The risks of being associated with him outweigh any insights we might get into a lone man's machinations. Let us not forgot that the last time we plotted with a Hummel, very bad things happened, like the purchase of Scotland or the loss of Budapest.

And if rumors of a secret society ever surface, we'll have the perfect target to pin them on.


Matthias is insightful once again. However, I am now concerned that he does truly see my brother as an Illuminati member. As Voice, I take this notion with grave seriousness. There are two possible realities as I see them.

First, Wolfgang believes that Matthias is a member of the Illuminati. If this is so and both he and I refuse to meet with him, the suspicions will only be confirmed in his mind. This could have serious consequences for our planned manipulation of the next election. I believe the best way to deflect such a belief would be for me to reject the offer, but for Matthias to accept it and meet with him. Again, a simple meeting would not require agreement to join any kind of group or otherwise conspire. The objective would simply be for Matthias' actions to be entirely unrelated to my own.

Second, Wolfgang has no clue that Matthias is a member of the Illuminati and has simple contacted him as a potential recruit. If this is so, any contact Matthias would have with him would likely risk more than it would offer in reward.

So, what are your opinions, brothers? Does Wolfgang know that Matthias is a member of our Order, and if so, will he spread his belief to others?



I fear one of the disadvantages of being in a conspiracy is that we begin to see plots and traps where there might not be any. I am grateful for your concern, Lothar, but if Wolfgang suspects, he has no proof. If he makes his suspicions public, his family's reputation is so low that it will most likely be seen as the desperate ravings of a loon.

Personally, I see no benefit in getting further involved with Wolfgang. Even an innocent conversation could be recorded by a hidden scribe and used against me.

If we wish to give him some disinformation, I can leave a message for him at the meeting place stating that I grow tired of mysterious notes and I will have none of them, no matter what the group calls itself. Lothar can simply refuse to show. This could lead Wolfgang to believe that Lothar tried to recruit me, but failed. This would jibe nicely with the public animosity that he and I have maintained since my actual induction.



We have not heard from Arnold but I think it could be over analyzed who is fooling who. I like Lothar's thinking but I feel Mathias's outlook would be a safe approach. If Wolfgang is the way he is I don't think this will be the last time Mathias will be contacted.



In my opinion he is fishing for responses. Perhaps his father did pass something on at his death bed and perhaps not. We will never know...therefore I would simply take this at face value and drop the matter entirely.

Plotters are too easily plotted against in many ways. Trying to outwit him would only give him more information than he has now, which is none.

He has no idea about Matthias and may simply be using the brotherly link to see if his suspicions are true. As neither myself nor Karl have been approached so therefore this is my conclusion.

As the son of the late Ulrich, I have no wish to be associated with his household in anyway.

I would recommend no action be taken for the moment and see what our "inaction" does.


Grand Master

Agreed. I will not respond to the note in any manner.



I noted in the current Diet that Ansehelm did not like the sound advise of brother Lothar about a "Russian Crusade" and gave mention of his secret society. There has been no other Elector to pick up on the phrase. What I would recommend is caution, what I mean we are 8 years from an election. Should there be any real issues in the from of Edicts. I would almost think that 1. Lothar support the opposite of what we want so the votes do not tie in if there is self-interest or 2. we watch hour voting on the Edicts so our names do not show up together unless it something that all Electors support.

The "secret society" has come up a couple times but always tied to Lothar. I think it is something to be aware of in the next elections. Who knows what would be proposed. The Russian Crusade sounded good even though we did not favour the leader of the Crusade. However, common sense as Lothar addressed in the Diet is the enemy is at our gate why do we want to go looking. The resources are not there at this time. Budapest will not fall again.


Brother Karl, I am glad you have joined our order, for your words carry much wisdom. My intentions for the election are to rail against parties that 'favor' themselves and advocate for the re-allocation of resources to Homeland defense. I will specifically state that Outremer should receive far less support and the Moscow expedition should be abandoned altogether. To make sure that my words are not too convincing, I will also make sure to word my speeches in a manner to insult and offend certain parties. Franconia and a few of the Outremer Lords, such as Conrad Salier, in particular. Perhaps others if it seems necessary and prudent.

However, I must still appear to be running a legitimate campaign for election, so I cannot alienate every single last person. My friendship with Arnold is well-known, so it would seem odd for me to attack him and for him not to side with me. I believe it would be
right for him to support me in the Diet, at least initially, while voting differently from me on some edicts to through in some doubt about the matter.

This would, of course, pose some risk of Arnold being associated with the Order, but that risk is already there due to our public friendship. Karl, I believe it would be natural for you to be a strong supporter of Matthias. Perhaps even some faked dramatics between you and Arnold over voting would add to the deception. We must remember that the all-important task of this election is to see Matthias elected Chancellor. Even in the unlikely event that the Illuminati are revealed publicly and Arnold and I are exposed as members, such sacrifices would be entirely worthwhile to ensure that we gain control of the Reich. Once that happens, we will be able to manage things as we see fit, regardless of any personal loss of influence.



Excellent strategy. I was not even thinking of the Chancellor position but your suggestion of a division to appear in the Austrian House would look good. Should anyone put 2 + 2 together it would be Lothar and Arnold not Mathias and Karl and by then Mathias would be elected Chancellor.

I like that thinking very much. It should be interesting to see what the real issues will be at the end of this term and who will put there name forth for office.


I also agree with this concept.

I will never admit to being part of the Illuminati and therefore my friendship with Lothar will remain as it should given our history.

We certainly need to ensure we do not all vote on the same things in unison. We have to make sure our votes are not going to sway the result we wish to have however.



It is with a certain amount of trepidation that I write this too you all.

Budapest is rapidly turning into a carnal house of blood and disease. The Hungarian's seem to have an endless supply of forces.

I have sent a dispatch rider to the outskirts of the area with a note to you all. If I fall you will receive my final instructions.

Grand Master

Grand Master,

I urge you not to sacrifice yourself in the defense of Budapest. If you die in battle, the city will surely fall shortly afterwards anyway. Retreat to safety and build up a new army with the aid of Ragusa. I am temporarily Steward of Bavaria and I will do what I can to ensure that the resources of Innsbruck are made available to you so that you can counterattack against the Hungarians. Better to lose Budapest and live to fight another day.



I agree with Lothar. Better to live to fight another day. Still alternating between defense and sallying out, you might pull it off. You've already driven off one of their armies. Well done by the way.

Regarding our plans for the next election. I would bet my County that Hans will run again. I can see the naked ambition burn in his eyes when he speaks in the Diet. We have taken away Sofia, the site of his personal war against the Hungarians, and he has been relegated to shuttling troops to the Holy Land, by foot no less. The only way, in his mind, to regain his rightful place as "The Mighty" is to become Chancellor.

If someone outside our group runs, the ruse between Lothar and I might prove unnecessary. In fact, it might weaken our chances.

Given that, the Brother with the most name recognition and experience is
Arnold. Perhaps he should run instead of me.



I am considering abandoning Budapest as you have mentioned Lothar and Matthias.

The second and third wave attacks could be my undoing.

I have thought about running for Chancellor Matthias but unfortunately I do not think this is wise. Recent personal developments have meant my regiment Captains and even Sigismund von Mahren my regard me as somewhat undesirable for the role as Chancellor.

The Dread Knight Bane and the Berserker Grom have joined my retinue. While I have complete trust and faith in both of them, I can only say their affect on others is dramatic. Very few people speak to me now and if they do it is through Sigismund in the form of messages and notes. I can smell the fear in people now. I can look at someone at sense their anxiety.

Bane believes I have some type of gift...

I fear I have gone down a path of no return Brothers...

..still, we may never let Han's win the position of Chancellor again!! That is clear Matthias and we should do everything in our power to prevent it. I still believe you should run for the position at the next election.

To other matters;

If the Byzantines have sold Sofia to the Hungarian's then they have become untrustworthy, and if I find proof, then I will deem them less than an ally going forward.

What is more concerning is that will Sofia under Hungarian control the quality of their troops my even increase further!! Lothar I thank you for your support in the Diet and will also push for the rebuilding of the BHA. I would be honored to have the BHA refitted and have it come east so we may fight side by side.

Think on it my brother.



As much as Hans postures like a fool and the idiot Peter also I received this letter from Hans.

Please note he stated in a previous letter than he was concerned that by calling me out he had committed profession suicide.

Duke Arnold of Austria,

I will thus hereby be the very first to congratulate you outside your own retinue on this great victory over both barbarian armies. It seems indeed that you are now a grown and capable man, worthy of my respect.

Indeed, your deeds have proved that you are also a strong Duke, who defends his homeland and his subjects, who rely on him. I am certain that in time your fellow Austrians and the rest of the empire will see how important it was to do what I advised - challenged - you to do, rather than go and hide from some axe wielding pagans.

I extended my hand in friendship and brotherhood to you for your skill and your wise decision. Good Leopold would be proud of you.


In my opinion he fears me greatly and is merely trying to show a strong facade.

He must never win the next Chancellorship election in my view.

What are your thoughts on a response brothers?



The death of Kaiser Jobst and the claim of Siegfried to the throne changes everything. I may have acted rashly by questioning this openly in the Diet, but doubts must be planted before he can assume power by default.

As an individual I am highly suspect of this man's claim, it strikes me as too convenient. Still we have a few options available to us. The Brotherhood can use my claims as a stalking horse, the Voice can contact this new "Kaiser" and offer the support of organization for his claim, part of which would be to silence my questioning. We could do this for future consideration, since as Kaiser he could claim the next Chancellorship.

Second, we could use the uncertainty surrounding the succession to forward our agenda at the next Diet session. Perhaps legislation that would reduce the Emperor's power. Say for example, that all use of the Kaiser's power, assignment of territories and such, is subject to the approval of at least two Dukes. Considering we have a Duke and a Duke's heir amongst our numbers, this might be something to consider.

The essential question is what will serve us better, opposing or aiding Siegfried? Either way it is better for us if he is unsure in his power, so we can tip the scales either way, and that is why I spoke up in the Diet.

I eagerly await your opinions on what we should do.



I too am very unsettled by this turn of events. Kaiser Jobst may not have been beholden to us, but I saw him as at least a neutral and impartial Emperor, if not a potential ally. Siegfried von Kastilien is an unknown entity and, worst of all, a Franconian. That house is already too powerful. Now, in what amounts to a coup, they have claimed the throne as well. If Siegfried distances himself from his old House and acts impartially, we may be able to continue without many changes. If not, we may have to act against him.

I am particularly concerned about what this will mean for our plans at the next election. Kaiser Jobst had exhausted his right to an automatic election, but now Siegfried could exercise that ability, preventing us from securing the Chancellorship. Furthermore, Siegfried is young and will reign for a very, very long time.

These are unsettling times, brothers. The more that the Reich changes, the harder our plans become to implement. I am beginning to think that recruiting a fifth member may be wise to give us greater influence during Diet votes. With so many potential opponents around the Reich, we run the risk of dissipating our strength by fighting them all at once.

I have pondered this matter for some time now and I have an unusual suggestion. We have too many rivals for power and we need to be stronger. Perhaps the best solution is to simply embrace one of our opponents and add his strength to ours. Consider the idea of recruiting Hans himself. He is powerful, yes, but the man's ambitions have been thwarted greatly over the past few years. We can offer him a clear path towards further power, so long as he utilizes that power to aid us. It would also give us a member in a third Ducal House. Finally, we would no longer have to concern ourselves with opposing him, as his strength would become our own.

This may be a pipe dream, since he may reject us. However, it is worth considering and, perhaps, trying.



Lothar, that is a very interesting proposal. Considering some of your past clashes with the Mighty Hans, I salute your objectivity.

So it has come to this? You realize that Hans, being older and more established than us will seek to dominate this group and twist it to his own ends. If we admit him, we will have to be on guard for that. However, adding him would make sense in some ways. He has little loyalty to Scherer and carries a great deal of influence.

Still, you forgot one thing Brother. Hans could be seen as the rightful heir to the throne. He is Henry's oldest biological son, and his claim to the throne is stronger than Siegfried's. That could be an effective fall back plan if things go poorly.

Obviously Franconian Hegemony is now our greatest threat. We might be forced to do what Lothar proposes.

My concern is how Hans will do with a group such as ours. Would he be able to sublimate his individual ambitions to the goals of the Brotherhood? Would he turn on us if he felt he could gain from it?

Moving on to Siegfried, should we withdraw our objections to his claim of the throne? How long should we wait before contacting Hans if Siegfried goes south? Are we to make any efforts to curry favor with this claimant?



I'm intrigued by the idea of Hans. As much as I hate his guts for his comments toward myself and about my father, he could be the best of a bad bunch of targets.

I'll think on this for the moment and get back to you all.

Grand Master


I think we must wait until Hans decides which way to go.

I don't trust him one inch and that is something that would never have me agree to him joining the Brotherhood.

He would in my opinion do exactly as you say Matthias. He would turn against us if he thought he could gain something from it.

What we need is a presence in the Franconian household. We need to break their hold over the Reich. Contacting Siegfried could be dangerous right now. We should really wait to see if he will take his position of impartiality seriously.

I will investigate options inside Franconia and report back.



I agree with the assessment on Hans. It would be difficult to trust him completely at the moment. I suggested him because he has gained my grudging respect over time. He is a power in and of himself and has achieved much despite adversity. He embodies all of the traits that we look for in a candidate. If only we could trust him. Perhaps an opportunity will arise for us to offer him our services and we could develop some trust with him that way.

Another option could be Athalwolf von Salza. He is not quite of age yet, but he will take his rightful place in the Diet soon after the next formal session, if my math does not fail me. I do not know what kind of a man he will be, but his father was a strong and resolute fellow. Though I courted his favor for our own ends, I will openly admit that I grew to like the man greatly on his own merits. If his son has inherited some of his father's strengths, he could be a good candidate.


04-06-2008, 20:33
Chapter X: Seizing the Reigns


The days are slipping by faster than I realize. We are only a few short years from the next Chancellorship election. Given the recent unpleasantness in the Diet, I think Matthias would have a better chance at the post than Arnold. I think we should stick with our initial plan for both Matthias and I to run and for me to play the pariah, propelling votes towards my brother. If another serious challenger decides to run, I can always drop out of the race. However, if both Matthias and I announce our candidacies as soon as the Diet session opens, perhaps the already heavy 'competition' will dissuade others from entering. Of course, this will all be academic if our new Kaiser decides to take the post for himself.

On another matter, is there any legislation we should be pursuing in the upcoming session? If so, it may be worthwhile to start planning for it now.



Firstly, I'd like you to begin thinking of ways we can kill Jan von Hamburg.

Second. I agree with you Lothar. If you both come out hard and fast for the election then others will think twice and naturally start to deal with your issues. I would prepare your election points now so you can quickly state them when the proceeding begin.

I think the main legislation is to plug the hole this succession issue is causing. Hans has just written to me about where I and Austria would stand if he were to dispute the words of our late Kaiser.

Thoughts? What does your father think Lothar, Matthias?



I apologize but had pressing in matters in the Outremer. I was going to reply on the initial topic of new member and was going along with the suggestion of Hans with caution. Upon reviewing the correspondence, the Kaiser's death and the Diet session a lot has been processed.

I think I am up to speed and the matter of Hans as member would not be wise at this time. My decision was Kaiser Siegfried's request that Hans pledge his allegiance to him to know where he stands. When he came to the Diet he talked of Charter Amendments and succession not even acknowledging the Kaiser's request. This man is power hungry and though intrigued at the thought of him being a member I do not think it would be a wise move at this time.

As for scoundrels, Wolfgang Hummel is getting to be an annoyance with his traitorous remarks here in Adana. I will write directly to the Kaiser and Chancellor and let my thoughts be known. Otherwise he maybe a lone charge into the Turkish lines with my crossbowmen behind him. That could be a possibility for young Jan. Anything is possible in the Outremer.

I like the idea of 2 quick names for Chancellor. If the Kaiser does not use his prerogative that may stop anyone else from entering the race, with the possibility of Hans. I will not accept any usurpers and would like the succession issue closed in the next edict voting.



I will give some thought to legislation, but nothing occurs to me at the moment.

After monitoring the developments in the Diet, I do not feel it would be wise to support Han's play for the throne. Even if we swung our support behind him, I doubt he has the support needed to pass a CA. I also generally prefer to take the side of an issue that does not have a Hummel supporting it.

I have a concern over my run for Chancellor. I am still only a squire. I thought this would have been rectified by now, but due to incompetent administration, lack of a proper battle and ship-wreck, I have not been knighted. While there is no rule that one has to be a knight to be Chancellor, Electors may have a bias against inexperienced commanders. I will, of course, throw all my efforts into the election, but it is an impediment.

On the positive side, I have managed to emerge from the current mess in the Diet with a reputation as a moderate, which might be appealing to many Electors after a divisive term. I will begin sounding out some Electors to see where I stand.

Of course Siegfried could render this all academic.

Arnold, I know you're exaggerating some of your actions in the Diet to dissuade people from thinking you might be involved in something shady, but I must admit your feud with Jan von Hamburg serves little purpose that I can see. I would be reluctant to aid in his death, as the Reich has already lost many nobles recently, and each loss has been scrutinized. It might draw unwanted attention. I will, however, follow the will of the Brotherhood on this matter.



At this point in time you are an ideal candidate. With the Swabian and Franconian houses at each others throat and very little chance an Austrian running for the position I believe we can glean votes from both larger house.

Your father has sent me a note in support and concern over what has happened in the Diet. That has greatly comforted me as Duke Scherer and current Chancellor Fredericus have been completely hostile towards me. You father has restated the bond between our houses is as strong as ever and for that I greatly appreciate his words.

As for my feud. I fear I have done more harm than good at the moment.

I am set on a course that will lead somewhere, god knows what that will be exactly. I don't need any assistance from the Brotherhood so please disregard my prior request.

My feud with Jan was totally his doing and it seems to have polarised much of the nobles, much to my surprise. It seems my actions against the invading Hungarian's has generated some strong views.

I'm not sure how any of you would react to constant insults but I can only think it would be vaguely similar.

Run for Chancellor Matthias. I think we will be surprised at what a moderate can achieve at this election.



I agree that events are making you an ideal candidate for Chancellor. I am doing my best to lay the groundwork for a hostile reaction to my candidacy. I will instantly have all of Franconia and Outremer against me. Regarding your status as a squire, I agree that it is a
weakness. So, let us make efforts not to bring it up during the election. I will not mention it, nor should you. If someone else does, you should respond, but let us see if we can simply let the matter slip by undetected.


Grand Master,

As requested, I sent a message to my father about his stance on Siegfried's succession to the throne. Here is his response:


It would appear that Siegfried has the support most of the Diet, including myself although I don't remember declaring my support for him. I would not be totally against returning the Kaisership to Swabia should they seek it, I've never trusted the Franconians totally with their total inability to deal with the poles in any meaningful way. I will talk with Arnold and get his opinion, We've been working hard to keep Bavaria and Austria 'on the same page' as it were. Our two houses must band together, if only to stem the influence of the crowd of Franconians developing, honestly they are like rabbits up north, must
be the long, dark, cold winters.

Your Father Gerhard.



The year 1260 is upon us and the Diet will soon open for the next Chancellorship election. Matthias, it is critical that we both proclaim ourselves for the position early.



I see we are all thinking like one. I heard the news and was dispatching the news. We must declare our candidates and what will be proposing or supporting for that matter?


I am preparing my declaration as we speak. However, I am reluctant to make it public until Matthias has spoken first. My speech will surely inflame some passions and may incite some men to run against me unless there is already a 'rational' candidate in the race. That said, I do not wish to wait too long. Hopefully Matthias will announce his candidacy soon and I can follow immediately afterwards.


The Diet session has not opened yet, I would not want to violate protocol by announcing too early.


Here is a draft of my candidacy speech. I have tried to make it seem like a legitimate campaign speech, but still radical enough to alienate sufficient Electors to instantly lose me the election. Please let me know if you think it is not sufficiently inflammatory. Again I say this is designed to follow after Matthias' speech.


Electors, the Reich is a pitiful shadow of its once glorious self. Our borders exist in name only, with hostile armies crossing into our lands at will to loot and pillage. Our armies are weakened and even those decent forces that have been assembled are insufficient to protect our vast lands. Money and men are constantly siphoned off from the Homelands to aid ridiculous foreign enterprises that benefit an elite few Electors. The Reich needs a Chancellor who cares only for the good of the German peoples and who sacrifices all else to maintain and increase the prosperity of the Reich. Electors, the Reich needs a man like me!

I hereby declare my candidacy for the Chancellorship. Under my control, I promise you that foreign interests will no longer take priority over the Reich. Outremer is a folly and a failure. Its reason for existing was to protect the Pope's new seat in Jerusalem, yet the 'Crusaders' were not even capable of doing that. They did not even bother to send an army to assist the Pope when he was assaulted by the Saracens. Now the Pope is dead and Jerusalem has been sacked. I see no further reason to expend our resources to prop up this failed enterprise.

I am not so ignorant as to abandon those lands, but nor shall I permit them to receive aid from the Homelands. Under my Chancellorship, not a single Imperial or Ducal soldier will journey East to aid Outremer. Furthermore, no funds will be allocated to construction or recruitment in Outremer beyond what those provinces earn themselves. If the lands are truly valuable, surely they can afford to pay for their own defenses. If they cannot, then they are a drain on the Reich and will not be missed when they fall to the Eastern hordes. I will gladly make the Imperial fleets available to evacuate any Elector in Outremer who sees the truth in my words and wishes to flee before the inevitable fall.

I note with pride that the legislation for the "Teutonic Crusade" has expired and I urge all Electors to vote against any attempts to resurrect it. However, even if new legislation is passed, I shall not permit this ridiculous Franconian expedition to Russia to receive Imperial aid. I respect the independence of the Houses and I will not stop Franconian generals from leading Franconian troops off to war, but I will not allow a single Imperial florin to be spent to support them. If they insist on this foolish endeavor, they will have to do with the forces that are already assembled. No provision will be made for mercenary recruitment along the way. I will not line the pockets of Rus mercenaries when that money could be better spent elsewhere. If the 'Teutonic Crusaders' find themselves in peril as a result, then they have only themselves to blame for their idiotic ambitions.

What will I do with all the money saved by these measures? I shall invest it in the Reich. Our peoples have recently been unhappily subjected to cruel taxation. I shall appease them by prioritizing the construction of brothels and drinking houses. Churches are all well and good, but men need room to breathe from the constraints of preachers and priests. I will also ensure that the Household Armies are strengthened to a degree never before seen in the Reich's history. Under my Chancellorship, no army will cross our borders without being immediately challenged by a large, professional force. There will be more than enough commands for every Knight who seeks glory and profit!

In short, Electors, I am a man of the people. I promise security and prosperity for the Homelands the likes of which you have never seen. Vote for me and I will deliver all I have said and more.

I think that will do it Lothar.

Matthias looks like a very viable option at the moment.

Well done.


I mentioned my correspondence with Ansehelm. Here is my reply.

Dear Ansehelm,

I am not one for these background deals but seeing your comments in the Diet and the situation in the Outremer. I would be favourable to your Crusade if you are to mine. I think this young Matthais maybe the man to support our causes.


A little subtle support for our candidate.


I have made my speech, following Matthias'. I made a few more spontaneous remarks, all of them critical, and slightly insulting, to Matthias. I made sure not to attack his arguments, for I know I have a way with words and perhaps I would strike a chord with some Electors when that is exactly the opposite of my intentions. So, I have taken the "low road" and resorted to personal attacks. That should make others regard me in an even lower light, elevating Matthias at the same time.

Matthias, I urge you to respond to me, but take the "high road" and address my policies, not my person. If you continuously do this while I repeatedly attack your person, I believe our plan is guaranteed to succeed.

We must all gather to celebrate, brothers! We have the Diet playing right into our hands. The only way we can possibly lose now is if Kaiser Siegfried exercises his right to the Chancellorship. Hopefully the presence of a 'good' candidate like Matthias will deter him.



My father has recently sent Matthias and I a note regarding current events. He has stated that he will support Matthias in the election. I made sure to encourage this in my response, without explaining the real reason. Though we are still in the early days of the campaign, Matthias' victory seems almost assured.

This is not the reason I am writing, though. My father also made comments about the coming issue regarding the Kaiser's heir. I include his words, verbatim, as reference:

Hans has told me that he plans on contesting the Kaisership through a Ducal council. Assuming that the Swabians vote for themselves, and the Franconians do the same, that leaves Arnold, Myself, and King Sailer (I'm assuming) with the swing votes. A large opportunity to say the least, I would ask though that you avoid publicizing this until it has come closer to fruition.

I interpret these words to mean that my father will support Hans in his attempt to take the Imperial throne from Siegfried. I believe that it is absolutely crucial that we do not come out on the wrong side of this issue. If we become certain that one side will win, we should contact them and fully support them in any way possible. If we cannot tell which side will win, I believe we should refrain from interfering in any way with the events. Better to be totally uninvolved than to have a Kaiser who sees us as an enemy. That said, if it is to be 5 person vote and my father and Duke Scherer are for Hans, then Arnold could guarantee Hans' victory with his own vote. This assumes that a simple majority vote would be required, something I cannot verify to be true. It also assumes that we would even prefer Hans to Siegfried.

What are your opinions on the Kaiser issue, brothers?



Duke Steffen and I have been discussing this at length.

We see this Ducal review as an opportunity to vote as a block together. Essentially we would wait until the other three vote and then cast the deciding two votes to ensure a clear winner. We both doubt the other two dukes and Sailer would vote together.

I've personally stated that I would support a review to ensure we have a clearly supported Kaiser.

What this would also do my Brothers is potentially have one of us as Chancellor and both Duke Steffen and myself in the favour of the new Emperor. With a review process we would both be entitled to leverage our support on the winning Emperor.


Very shrewd, Grand Master. I must admit that I am proud to see that my father is capable of such grand political maneuvers. The question simply appears to be which man would give us greater benefit as Kaiser? In truth, I do not know. Siegfried is a Franconian and the idea of giving that house even more power terrifies me. However, we have always been wary of allowing Hans to gain more power, and now he stand at the brink of achieving the ultimate position of status in the Reich. If we give him the throne, he will also be guaranteed another term as Chancellor. I am too divided over the matter to provide an opinion.


It matters not who it is but merely that he owes us his position either by confirming it at the Ducal level in the case of Siegfried or handing it to Hans if not.

I personally would being suggesting to your father that re reconfirm Siegfried.

I'm inclined to get this tabled as soon as possible.

Word has reached me that Sailer has named Lord Zirn as the next King of Outremer!!

Our time in drawing near!!! Bwwahhha Ahha Ahhh!!!

Ah, the news gets better and better every hour. I must request that Conrad Salier be slighted in some manner in the upcoming term. Nothing serious, just enough to let me sneer at him knowingly in the Diet.

Speaking of this, we should start to plan what exactly we will do with our new found power. Matthias' term must certainly be most competent. We are here to save the Reich, not destroy it. However, I firmly believe that a strong demonstration of our power is in order. We will soon control the entire Reich. Perhaps when the election is over, it will be time to make our existence known and to show that we have the power to make life very difficult for our enemies.


Once Zirn is King of Outremer, you are Duke of Bavaria and Matthias is Chancellor it might be time to make our power known....but we must wait for that time my brothers.


I too feel a great deal of satisfaction at the current turn of events. I salute Lothar whose plan is working perfectly. I had my doubts, I thought Siegfried or a Franconian, hell even Hans, would run and ruin our gambit. Yet it came out just as you said. I'm also impressed by Karl's ability to subtly influence events in Outremer. Congratulations on your appointment as heir by the way. My efforts to truly impress Salier have failed, I think he views me as more of a polite version of Lothar who happens to agree with his goals, but his aversion has lead him to promote another of our order. Arnold, your sideshow with Jan has distracted the Diet from truly analyzing the facts concerning two Bavarians running, and your machinations with my Father could make us even more powerful.

You have all done great work, I am proud to be in your company. Yet, we must be cautious. We thought we were on top of the world when we had Ulrich Hummel elevated against all odds, but we quickly learned the error of our ways. We should all feel pride, but we should not allow it to turn to hubris. We have talked about showing our power and smiting our enemies. I have no objection to a few subtle moves against those who have wronged us, but an overt demonstration of our power will lead to awkward questions. We must remember that we are in this for the duration, not just this term. A foundation must be laid during my term, so that one of you can succeed me as Chancellor. If we strike too strongly or blatantly, we could endanger our continued influential role in guiding the Reich and keeping it safe from fools and petty dictators.

I believe I know how we might knock Salier down a peg. He has yet to engage the Mongols, while every General around him has. Either events have worked against him, or he is reluctant to test his skills against the Horse Lords. If I become Chancellor he will have his battle against them. I will command the King of Outremer to defend his realm. He could be successful, but the other alternatives could harm his reputation. He could pass the command onto another, such as Elberhard, he could be defeated, or he could refuse outright and hide behind the walls of Aleppo. Odds are he will suffer some sort of humiliation. Then you will get your chance to mock him Lothar.

I will also attempt, if possible, to have Karl play a key role in the Crusade. I intend to be in the Crusade myself, but unless I have a battle under another's command before then, I might not be able to command it due to my status as a Squire. I have no qualms about not admitting my lack of a knighthood while running, but it will come to light at some point. Perhaps you could assist in getting me knighted Karl? You are in Adana, and you would be the first Crusader I would meet.

I am inclined to let Ansehelm have his crusade without much interference. I will follow the letter of the law, but I will not go out of my way to aid him. He has proven useful, and Franconian unity has already been fractured, no need to give them an excuse to unite again. Grand Master, you might want to tone down your invective against Jan, if you go too far, his fellow House members might support him again. Surely his isolation and irrelevance in the Diet is vengeance enough? No need to make him a martyr, let him twist in the wind.

We have done great things Brothers, but we must not become complacent or overconfident.



Very well said Matthias. We have been very fortunate, I do not think it could have gone any better. The Diet session with Arnold and Jan von Hamburg was unfortunate but it did serve our means in the end. However, a simple apology by Jan and he could have moved on. I am not sure of the principles the young man is referring too? Though I think the Duke of his House should have spoken sooner.

Yes, caution is the key and let the election play out. The issues and candidates are out there hopefully no other issues will arise before the votes. Though I do not know what Hans is up to but he seems momentarily distracted.

I think you are most correct Matthias to say the hardest work will be being subtle when you are Chancellor. It will be key to accomplish our goals while in power without the knowledge of the unenlightened. How many terms could we go? My son may eventually learn of our society to carry the secrets on. The victory will be savored briefly. I was not here on the first plan with Hummel but it shows what can happen when we think things are going our way. At least this time we put ourselves in position to call the shots.

What will be important is to continue to carry the ruse to prevent suspicious. There will be unpopular decisions and we will have to be pro or con depending on the situation.

When you arrive in Adana Matthias I will be waiting and we will make sure that we get your properly right to command. It's unfortunate that I had to share teaching Wolfgang; such a disappointment.

We will not be complacent nor overconfident. There are too many great things to accomplish for the Reich.


You speak sense, brothers. I confess that I simply have an urge to see the looks on their faces when they find out what we have done. Though gratifying, it is neither wise nor tactically sound.

The question then becomes exactly what shall we do? I believe we must stick to our principles when ruling the Reich. We must do all to benefit the Reich, including attacking internal opponents who are harming the Reich, and breaking or manipulating the law if it is for the greater good. So, let us start simply by creating a list of who and what is currently hindering the Reich. Please add names and ideas to this list as you think of them. Please note that this is a simply list of areas where we may wish to exercise our power, not a complete list of everything we must do.


Ansehelm von Kastilien: Knows of our existence and spurned us. While, few people seem to pay much attention to him, that will not last when he becomes Duke.

Hans: As stated many times before, he is a very powerful man and can threaten our own grip on the Reich.

Jan von Hamburg: His open hostility to the Grand Master is most unwelcome.

Wolfgang Hummel: No man should be permitted to rebel against the Reich, at least a Reich that we control. He must be brought back and humbled or disposed of.

Franconia as a whole: They are too strong and need to be diminished. Perhaps a death or two on the Moscow Crusade could be arranged. If not, I would suggest that their lands receive very low priority for new building constructions. Perhaps none. They have more than they need to defend themselves effectively, so we would not be putting their citizens at risk by doing so.

Legal Issues:

Jan's Proposed No-Execution Amendment: This is ridiculous. Even the Lord saw fit to cut down entire races when it was for the greater good. His legislation is restraining and shortsighted. We must ensure that it is not passed.

Edict 11.6: I do not believe that Franconia needs any more power. Denying them further provinces is one way to achieve this.

The Emperor: The position of Emperor has many significant powers that are outside our control. This cannot be allowed to continue. If we cannot have a Brother as Emperor, we must have the Emperor beholden to us. I know that Arnold is already working on this. I believe we should contact whichever contender he chooses and make it known that he sits the throne only because we willed it.



What you suggested is what I was thinking of where do we go. It will
be work planning administration then trying to get in. Following your lead.



Ansehelm von Kastilien: Knows of our existence and spurned us. While, few people seem to pay much attention to him, that will not last when he becomes Duke.

He is known to be vocal and most of his ranting goes unnoticed. I say let him go on his Crusade and see what happens.

Hans: As stated many times before, he is a very powerful man and can threaten our own grip on the Reich.

This man worries me. I don't know how he has accumulated his power base. I would carefully watch this man I think once he is the Outremer he may scheme to build his power.

Jan von Hamburg: His open hostility to the Grand Master is most unwelcome.

I think this individual is troubled by his ideas. I would recommend a low key approach by the Grand Master. It will be a matter of time before he could clash with another Elector.

Wolfgang Hummel: No man should be permitted to rebel against the Reich, at least a Reich that we control. He must be brought back and humbled or disposed of.

Agreed!, I am embarrassed that he was associated with my victories.

Franconia as a whole: They are too strong and need to be diminished. Perhaps a death or two on the Moscow Crusade could be arranged. If not, I would suggest that their lands receive very low priority for new building constructions. Perhaps none. They have more than they need to defend themselves effectively, so we would not be putting their citizens at risk by doing so.

Agreed, they will be too busy fighting they may forget their building queues and notice that nothing is being build or the minimum like religious or economic buildings that will benefit the populace and the Reich.

Legal Issues:

Jan's Proposed No-Execution Amendment: This is ridiculous. Even the Lord saw fit to cut down entire races when it was for the greater good. His legislation is restraining and shortsighted. We must ensure that it is not passed.

I have politely made a public statement to him on the topic. He is so demoralized that he will not introduce it in this session because of the backlash.

Edict 11.6: I do not believe that Franconia needs any more power.
Denying them further provinces is one way to achieve this.

There are no seconds on it yet but if they are going to Russia they do not need this settlement.

The Emperor: The position of Emperor has many significant powers that are outside our control. This cannot be allowed to continue. If we cannot have a Brother as Emperor, we must have the Emperor beholden to us. I know that Arnold is already working on this. I believe we should contact whichever contender he chooses and make it known that he sits the throne only because we willed it.

It would also be humorous if they were clueless of what was keeping them in power. Though a feeler out there to let them know there is a power behind the throne would be a consideration.


If Siegfried's claim to the throne is rejected, it is obvious that Hans will be the Kaiser. I have little to judge Siegfried on, but I would guess I'd prefer his rule over Hans's.

I suggest we let the threat to Siegfried grow for now, but the Voice could contact him and offer his assistance. If it is accepted, then we will pull our support from CA 11.1 and watch it collapse. Such a sudden failure would show the Kaiser our power, and that he would be wise to accommodate us. Perhaps we have someone in mind to be King of Outremer? Why be heir, Karl, when you can be the man himself?

There are so many plots and backroom deals this session, it would be difficult for anyone to untangle the knot and trace anything back to us.

I agree with the list you sent Lothar, though as Karl pointed out, many of the people and legislation don't need our intervention to fail.

You have also done fine job of scaring the hell out of the Electors. Salier has contacted me to express his support, and is engaged in back room dealings of his own. Franconia, Swabia and the rest of Outremer appear to back me as well. I might even suggest having Arnold and the Austrians, unless already pledged, vote against me, it would serve to cover our tracks.


Indeed, I have not had to lift a finger to propel them all towards you. I have not approached a single person via back channel methods nor have I even requested support from anyone. It would certainly look proper for Arnold to support me, but it would also blatantly link him to me. If he backs a candidate that is certain to lose, he is clearly bound to me by some other link. In contrast, if no one votes for me but myself, then it will be impossible for anyone to link another Elector to the Brotherhood by the voting results. It would certainly look natural if Arnold voted for me, but would that serve our secrecy best? Perhaps by obtaining no other votes whatsoever, those few who suspect me of being in a secret order may begin to believe that the order has a membership of one!



With the election victory all but certain, we should turn our attention to the issue of the Kaiser. If I remember correctly, Kaiser Siegfried was the preference of Duke Steffen and Duke Arnold. Therefore, I suggest that we contact Kaiser Siegfried in private and inform him that the Illuminati will back him and ensure that he emerges from this 'crisis' unscathed, even if it via a simply majority vote and Hans introduces damning evidence. We need not even ask for anything in return. Simply having the Kaiser aware that we exist and know that we have aided him will pay off in the future, as he will be more willing to deal with us.



I concur.


I agree Lothar that a discreet contact to let him know there is support and we ask nothing in return.

I am unsure of the damning evidence and will not support any legislation to remove or review Siegfried position.



I shall wait to contact the Kaiser until we hear from the Grand Master. I would not want to initiate this, only to find out that he and Duke Steffen had come to other arrangements.


Right you plotting little den of thieves!!

1) I'm inclined to say we all vote for Matthias. A landslide is a landslide in politics and Arnold and Lothar can't be seen to be entirely up each others bottoms even when faced with totally extremist policies :)

2)Both Gerhard and myself do not in fact want Hans to win. As stated previously all we want is Siegfried beholden to us for ensuring his legitimacy is upheld by the "council of five". We have agreed to avoid any outward requests of payment as it would be a better move to approach the new Kaiser with a little bit of panache. Like wise I also don't think having the brotherhood approach the Kaiser to support him outwardly would be a good move. He would then assume some of the Dukes are part of our order already.

I want to ensure the power of the Dukes is strengthened as the Kingdom of Outremer has become dangerously powerful without CA 11.4 passing this session.

Unless someone has a better idea that is my view.



It is nearly time for voting. I believe we should discuss how we wish to vote to ensure we do not violate our own charter.

This session is complex and convoluted.

I also think we should work out what "pressure" we wish to bring to bear on certain points.

Lothar, I hate to do this to you but can you draw up a voting plan and "pressure" tactics?

Also brothers, we need a fifth member...begin thinking on this now.

Grand Master.


I am working on a list of edicts and recommendations on how we should vote, I will send it when it is complete. As for pressure tactics, Lothar is the master of that and I will leave it to him. All I will say is that we have accomplished most of what we wanted, let's not queer the deal by getting heavy handed.

Also if any of you have specific requests for movement orders and such, please let me know. As Chancellor, I will do my best to fulfill them.

My initial thoughts:

Lothar will marry Lyse von Salza as soon as possible. If Siegfried tries to interfere, I will plead that his messenger arrived too late. I will be, after all, respecting the last wishes of Kaiser Jobst.

Grand Master, I will endeavor to find you a wife, but this is hardly a typical task for a Chancellor. I did not envision being a "Madam" when joining the Brotherhood.

Karl, you will be taking part on the Crusade to Jerusalem. In fact, if I can't get knighted, you will be leading the Crusade.



Here is a list of the legislations and my notes on each of them. To try to impose some order I have split the legislation into three sections, general legislation, legislation that effects Outremer and legislation concerning the succession.

General Legislation

*Edict 11.3

Note: Lothar will oppose this, so I will support it. King Salier supports this measure in a horse trade, so Karl should vote yes. Arnold has a free vote.

*Edict 11.4

Note: Uh. . .We better not piss off the Grand Master, vote yes.

*Edict 11.5

Note: We should all vote for this, at worst it will be seen as horse trade between Austria and Bavaria.

*Edict 11.6

Note: I do not wish to extend our borders like this. Ansehelm doesn’t even support so there won’t be fall out if we oppose it.

*Edict 11.7

*Edict 11.8

Note: We should all vote for this, at worst it will be seen as a trade for Bran.

*Edict 11.11

Note: This will be seen as one of those “common sense” edicts that no one will analyze, let’s vote yes.

*Charter Amendment 11.5

Note: If we all vote yes, we’ll just be following the bidding of our Dukes.

Charter Amendment 11.7

Note: This is a legitimate concern of mine, I could use another second. However, if we have reached an agreement with Siegfried I’d be willing to withdraw it.

*Charter Amendment 11.8

Note: There are enough variations on this where we can all oppose it for different reasons. Karl might want to vote yes if he wishes to impress Salier.

Outremer Edicts

*Edict 11.1

Note: Lothar is a no, Karl and I are a yes, and Arnold has a free vote.
*Charter Amendment 11.3

Note: I’d say the same as above.

*Charter Amendment 11.4

Note: This is where it gets complicated. Karl should vote against, Lothar for it. Now if we want to weaken Outremer as a voting bloc, I could finagle a way to justify my vote for it, i.e. Salier is not the only one making back room deals for me. That would be more difficult for Karl if he wishes to stay in Salier’s good graces. Arnold has a free vote depending on our goals.

This raises an interesting question. We have brothers in Outremer, should we keep it strong because we’re there, or weaken it because we will have two Dukes as brothers? Let me know what you think, but this vote could earn me some grief if I vote yes.

*Charter Amendment 11.6

Note: Again, what to do on this one is cloudy. Karl should be a yes, I could swing either way, Lothar should be a no and Arnold has a free vote depending on whatever deals we’ve made or if we expect Karl to be the next King.

Succession Edicts

Note: Our votes in this section will most likely depend on the deals you have all made that I don’t know about, whether Siegfried is friendly or a neutral and our established suspicion of Hans.

*Edict 11.9

Note: See above. We could just free our votes so a pattern couldn’t be seen. It’s poorly worded, unanimous for confirmation or rejection? My head hurts.

Edict 11.10:

Note: I’ve started drinking by this point, someone just tell me how to vote.

*Charter Amendment 11.1

Note: Again, Grandmaster, you seem most involved in this. How should we vote?

*Charter Amendment 11.2

Note: This is a common sense precaution we could all vote for without raising suspicion.

I hope this clarifies things a bit.


I agree with all you have said Matthias, and will vote accordingly. You have stated that you have some confusion on a few issues, so I will state my opinion on those specific edicts/amendments.

*Charter Amendment 11.4*

I truly believe that this amendment is of significant importance to us. Our membership will never be large enough to simply muscle through legislation, therefore we will rely on backroom deals and subterfuge. However, we must still make the most of the few direct votes we have, for those votes themselves are a strong part of our negotiating power. This legislation does one thing above all else: it makes the Dukes very strong. As you note, even though we have only 4 members, we will soon have 2 Dukes. Therefore I believe that strengthening the Dukes will aid us more in the long run than it will hurt us.

In addition, this Amendment will actually give the Illuminati slightly greater power over the Diet than we had before. Arnold, and eventually I, will gain +1 each, while Karl and Matthias will lose 1. That is an even break. However, for all Unenlightened, that makes an additional +2 for the remaining Dukes and a -4 for the loss from Crusader Counts. So, the Illuminati's voting power remains the same and the Unenlightened as a group become less powerful. I suggest that if Karl becomes King of Outremer, we pass similar legislation increasing the influence of that position to +2.

So, I urge all Brothers to find a way to vote yes on this. At very least, abstain on it if you cannot do otherwise. Matthias and Karl can both say that they were ordered to vote yes by their Dukes. That is reasonable and fair, as you both still the vassals of your Dukes.

*Charter Amendment 11.6*

I do not see any major problems with this legislation, whether it passes or not. The King of Outremer is no so powerful that being able to keep him in power or remove him from it is necessary to our maneuvering. If I had to take a side, I would say that it is move favorable to us, since it requires only 2 Dukes (which we will soon have) and the Emperor to impeach, so we can remove the King with no outside support other than the Kaiser. Perhaps that would be useful.

*Succession Legislations*

Since Duke Gerhard and Duke Arnold are in agreement on this matter, I believe it would be best for the rest of us to be seen to be following their lead. Matthias, you and I should vote as our father does. Karl should vote as Arnold does. In any case, I expect that this will result in us all voting the same.



Let me review some of the possible candidates for induction. Some we have considered before, but I include them for completeness.

Friedrich Scherer
Pros: Ambitious, Swabian, could be offered a French territory or two to help us
Cons: Has endangered Matthias by speaking semi-publicly of a backroom deal, seems focused on territorial gain

Athalwolf von Salza
Pros: Young, father was Kaiser, a Swabian
Cons: Unknown quantity

Pros: Powerful, ex-Chancellor, a Swabian
Cons: Arrogant, questionable loyalty to us, past clashes with Brothers

Pros: Skilled General, influential, a Swabian
Cons: None, but doesn't seem interested.

Ansehelm von Kastilien
Pros: Future Duke, a Franconian, has moderated his views lately, best way to stop further leaks is to initiate him
Cons: Rejected us in the past, talks too much, a Franconian

Peter von Kastilien
Pros: Brotherhood has considered him before, a Franconian, has aided us
Cons: Might be too idealistic for secret society, too talkative

Jan von Hamburg
Pros: Differs with other Franconians, a Crusader
Cons: Active feud with Grandmaster, too idealistic, outspoken

Sigismund von Mahren
Pros: Knows when to change his vote, can keep a secret
Cons: Too idealistic, one Austrian too many?

Brothers, not one of them steps out as an ideal candidate. As Lothar has proposed Hans as an unorthodox candidate, I would suggest Ansehelm. Yes, he has rejected us, but he might respond better to a different presentation of our goals. Perhaps if we reduced the theatrics and elevated the patriotism, we might have him. He is powerful and age and responsibility have moderated his views.

If this batch is not satisfactory, we might wait for the underage nobles. I would be interested to see who comes on the scene, they will be ambitious and might be looking for a hand up.

What do you all think?


You're right Matthias, none of them really stand out.

I think we are going to have to bide our time and see if something falls out of the trees on this one.

As for your legislation assessment, then firstly well done. Secondly we are having way too many edicts and CA's.

We must try and solve this for the next session.

As the future chancellor Matthias you could probably make that quite clear as you begin your term.

As for the Ducal voting privileges, then I have made myself clear. I believe crusade counts should not essentially have the same influence as Dukes.

We must vote for that, and it's not due to me being a Duke I can tell you. It because what is balanced and correct.



Matthias' summary of possible Brotherhood candidates is very accurate. I must personally say that I do not think Ansehelm is a good choice. He is Steward of Franconia and appears likely to be the future Duke, but he cannot even keep his own House in order. The Illuminati must consist of only the most competent and skilled men, to whom scheming and double-dealing come as second nature. Any less competent men will make us vulnerable and risk harm to our future plans. Furthermore, Ansehelm's weakness as Duke could actively work in our favor. If he continues to divide Franconia's voting bloc with his weakness, one of our main opponents will be weakened.

Duke Scherer is indeed an interesting man to consider. He certainly has demonstrated the ability to deal and conspire on multiple occasions. However, he is already powerful enough and may reject us simply on that basis. I would prefer not to have to deal with another rejection by a recruit, especially if it risks alienating a man with the power and capabilities of Duke Scherer. I would suggest a more subtle approach to gaining influence in Swabia, by approaching one of their younger members. I am very curious to see what kind of man Athalwolf von Salza turns out to be.



I see the list is extensive and some excellent points made. I know the need of a fifth is important and I see there are some young nobles coming up. I would recommend that we observe these young fellows and approach them on their arrival. Nothing could be better then a young ambitious noble and not getting the avenue to express himself unless we offered that way.

The election is complete the first phase is done. We are in control and therefore can be selective of who we need. I must say Lothar's suggestion of Hans still intrigues me. Possible his time in the Outremer with Matthias and I can give us a chance to evaluate.

As Matthias mentioned he has not been knighted. What I would look for is any Turks moving around Adana and we attack to clear out the region before the Crusade. If I have to lead then I will be most honoured and Matthias will be my right hand to Jerusalem.

Congratulations on your victory Chancellor Matthias Steffan.



Well done on the win and I mean that for everyone. It was a group effort and it was an amazing result.

I believe we can do this again with an Arnold vs. Zirn ticket in the next election.

So...the new recruits are going to have to wait until we find someone we can really trust. Hans is not viable in my view. I've had more than enough private dealings with him to know he would use us for his own ends.

Chancellor Matthias, please wait for Sigismund’s orders for the AHA. He seems a little distracted with his celebrations. As for myself I have posted my movements and military orders in the Chancellors reporting thread.

Lothar, well done on creating the most impressive mandate a Chancellor has had. No one has voted for you.


HAH! If it was not a sign of absolute success, I would almost be bothered that not a single Elector voted for me. I suspect I have a long career as the Reich's political Bogeyman ahead of me. I can probably repeat my election performance in the future, if need be.

As a personal favor, I would very much like to see that Florence is allocated sufficient funds to help me pursue my desired construction projects as quickly as possible. I hope that my workers will never be idle during the upcoming term. Indeed it seems reasonable that all Brothers should receive top priority on construction during this term, unless money is essentially required for Imperial defense and cannot be spared for construction. I am already discussing design plans on a large palace of pleasure, but the construction of more common inns and taverns will help me to perfect the work. It is my intention to build a secret underground meeting hall for the Illuminati into this Florentine Pleasure Palace. I will also create storehouses and small living quarters in the facility, so that we might have a safe refuge to retreat to in the event of a crisis. Of course, the ale and whores will be nice as well...

On another note, when it comes to giving brothers benefits and hindering our enemies, I encourage Matthias to be a bit absent-minded in his reporting to the Diet. For instance, no one will detect favoritism in construction if you happen to leave one or two structures out of your report each year. Nor will they be likely notice that our enemies have been sidelined until several years after it has occurred, if you forget to mention it in your reports. Of course, such omissions would only occur because you were so busy that you became forgetful...



Because of the landslide that is why I wanted to say it was a team effort. You were in fact too good in a certain way. Next time I propose Zirn to run against you.

I like the Palace and the facilities. I have been wondering when to call our first conclave and a location has always been a small problem.

Of course Matthias we can have a certain area for you and Zirn if some of the facilities are not to your liking.

I like the way you think Lothar. I would assume having one of the Brotherhood as chancellor would bring some benefits. I don't want to place you in an awkward position Matthias but anything you feel comfortable with will suffice.



I also support the Grandmasters words. Do what you are comfortable with
to carry out your duties.
Lothar mentions to be absent minded, you can set the tone for reports and
not ever detail needs to be mentioned if it is questioned. " I forgot, will
get on it." This is much different then the Hummel situation.
We can actually concentrate on other matters knowing the overall
situation is being well taken care of.


04-06-2008, 20:37
Chapter XI: The Illuminated Reich


It seems to me that there are a number of overlapping edict and CA's. I have composed a list of my thoughts.

At this very time there is another poll regarding CA 11.1

I believe there are multiple things to work about before this vote is cast.

Please get back to me as soon as possible.

If we don't have enough time then vote for the Dukes and King to decide. If there is not dispute, and people must be sensible about this then there is no need to refer to this in future. It is there as a fall back should uncertainty arise again. I'm perfectly sure all Kaiser's will prevent this in the future.

Grand Master

Grand Master,

I was under the impression that you and Duke Steffen had plans about what to do with this. I have been following your lead on the succession issue from the start. If you don't know what to do with this new poll, then I am very much confused.



How should we vote on this 11.1 poll? We should realize that Hans is behind all this and if Siegfried falls, he will take the Throne. That would be unfortunate. We should vote for Siegfried. If that fails we should encourage those among the Council of Five to vote for Siegfried.

I have taken my first actions as Chancellor.

Lothar is married to Lyse von Salza. If anyone questions the rapidity of it, I will admit that I was anxious for the Steffen line to continue.

Karl and I have taken the Cross. The Crusade will be completed, barring unforeseen circumstances, in 1264. The Edict called for a rapid Crusade, and I will provide one as this keeps most of the unenlightened out of it. Jan von Hamburg, unfortunately, will be a crusader, but I needed to throw someone in to throw off the scent. He lacks power within his own house, so the glory of a victorious Crusade will not benefit him much.

I have made mention of my status as a Squire in my report. I felt I had to do this before I lead an army in the field. I'm not much good to the Brotherhood if I am impeached. I could weather the storm, but I wish to have the good will of the Diet at this point.

Either they will give me an exemption, or Karl will knight me.

Congratulations on your marriage Lothar. Sorry I had to strike a cold tone in my report.



Where is your father? I have not heard word from him yet.

And you'll all be please to know that Jan von Hamburg has already connected Hans and Lothar together in an imagine coup for the throne...amazing Lothar.

You have a gift.



We have a problem. Technically, as Chancellor, I should abandon or get rid of Ajaccio. See the bold section below.

Charter Amendment 10.2:
(a) No settlement will be captured without an Edict authorising its acquisition in advance.
(b) Captured settlements will be abandoned or given away unless, at the next Diet session, a Charter Amendment incorporates them formally as part of the Reich.
(c) The 33 existing provinces of the Reich are exempt from (a) and (b).
(d) This amendment overrides the constitutional right of Household Armies to conquer one neighbouring province.

It seems we let this slip through the cracks. I suggest that I will be too busy as Chancellor to notice this. If someone points it out, we can propose having a vote at the next Diet. Currently Ajaccio is too important serving as a reinforcement center for the BHA, and I eventually wish it to be integrated into Bavaria.

I feel that by the next Diet, the Electors will have grown use to having the Castle and will wish it to be part of the Reich. Until then I will feign ignorance, unless you all have a different idea?



yes I have noticed that when I put the edict out for Bran. Unless at the next Diet session you ask for the province to be formally absorbed into the Reich we must abandoned or given away.

I advise continuing as you have outlined Matthias.


Yet another example of how strict obedience of the law in not in the best interests of the Reich. Future generations will be glad that the Illuminati existed to protect them against bureaucratic evils like this.


I concur, no one will want to stop a settlement that is a major contribution to the war production. Hold the course till it is brought up in official discussions.



Han's actions in the Diet show once against he is too ambitious and cunning to ever be considered.

He's decided HE is now stepping in for his Duke and taking part in the Council which is directly about whether he becomes Kaiser or not.

Some support in the Diet would be helpful gentlemen.



You are correct and his agenda is clear. I have made my protest known.



I agree with you about Hans, but I see an opportunity arising before us. We know well that he will never become Kaiser, due to the opposition of Duke Gerhard, Duke Arnold, Steward Ansehelm, and Kaiser Siegfried. So, if one of us was to speak in support of him, it would not make a difference in the final result.

I would like to take this opportunity to defend Hans in the Diet. I cannot be seen to simply fade away and acquiesce to everything that Matthias is doing. It would be out of character and might raise a few eyebrows. Siding with Hans would place me in the 'opposition' group in the Diet, a place that I have traditionally inhabited. Furthermore, Hans might notice my support, which could allow me to get closer to him in the future, something that we might find useful.


But we need this issue solved Lothar:

Here is the letter I sent the Dukes and Steward Ansehelm:


I want to make sure our real deliberations are in private rather than for the record. The damage any dissent between us could be more than enough to keep a degree of doubt in our respective houses should our vassals wish to pursue the matter further.

The first part of CA 11.1 has been completed therefore this council has been formed.

The CA does not state the level of agreement we need to have for this matter resolved so I suggest 3 out of 5 of us is a clear majority and enough to pass.

Having said that the whole point I voted for this CA was for us to come together and as one group and find a unanimous decision. We simply can't have discord, vagueness or any degree of doubt about who the Kaiser should be of the Holy Roman Empire.

I think you can all agree on this.

Finally we need to have this completed as soon as possible.

In that regard I'd like to state that I would vote for Siegfried.

Please make yourselves available as soon as possible to make your choice known.

I'd also like to request this is not disclosed to the rest of the Reich.

Regards to you all
Duke Arnold.


Yes it might be best if we add another chapter to the story of the fighting Steffens. In fact Lothar, your support for Hans might actually hurt his standing. Oh, if you wish to use a low blow, feel free to mention I am a squire. It's public knowledge anyway.

I understand your concerns Master, but I think Lothar's actions are more about co-opting Hans rather than a play against Siegfried.


I do not see how expressing a small amount of support for Hans will delay any solution to the problem. I have no impact on the way the Council is arranged or how it is conducted. Furthermore, by supporting Hans in this slight manner, I may actually make people like him less, since my reputation is not currently very high.



If we ever find the need to make a show of strength to the Diet, may I suggest that we consider Jan von Hamburg as the means of our message? Perhaps a suitably grisly death would get the message across. Not that such a message is needed at the moment, of course.

Forgive me my idle musings, brothers. I confess that I have had many dreams lately that involve both Jan von Hamburg and various implements of torture.


Welcome to the club Lothar.

Without doubt he is a very annoying individual on occasion.



This young Jan von Hamburg concerns me greatly and he will be shortly in my Army crusading to Jerusalem. His behaviour in the Diet is total disregard for etiquette in the House. He openly disagrees with his own House members, challenges the Grandmaster an active Duke and then has the nerve to call Brother Lothar a coward and then says he didn't when other electors stand up for Lothar. We have an open debate in the Diet but this man has no decorum and stands behind it is his right to speak before the nobles.

Wolfgang Hummel concerned me and it was only after he was knighted that his loyalty was questionable and I was no longer responsible for his well being but had there been another battle? Now this von Hamburg calls himself a Crusader and yet does not know his standing. I will not tolerate his ill manners in my command. I would think that the Chancellor will assist me if the time comes when/that he wears out his welcome.

I know this order is for the whole Reich to achieve greatness but sometimes some little things need to be addressed and taken care of for the greater good.


My dealing with Jan have been extreme to say the least. I've decide to only broach him as a subject when I am prepared to go "Medieval" on his ass.

At this stage he is pushing many people and I've gone full circle with him. At this time I have cordial relations with him but it was only after I had to nearly pistol whip him into conversing nicely.

Maybe the Kaiser, King Sailer and Matthias can warn him. His Steward is not able to control him in anyway.

He could be accidentally kills in battle Karl. It's happened before.



The entry of Fritz von Kastilien into the Diet gives us a new opportunity in Franconia. I have long hoped that we would eventually have one Brother in each of the Ducal Houses, to allow us to better manipulate our opposition and to gain intelligence on their maneauvers. I do not know what sort of a man Fritz is, but he is certainly the best opening into Franconia we have seen for many years. Should we lay low and observe him, to see what public stances he takes, or approach him immediately and let him know the full scope of the options that are before him?



This prospect looks interesting, he may be the individual we need from
the northern house. Lets watch but I would approach well before the end of
Mathias's term if he looks to be a good candidate.



Returning to the topic of Jan von Hamburg. He is a gnat, annoying and bothersome, but small and powerless. No one bothers to listen when he buzzes in their ear, they only try to swat him.

Despite his hostile attitude toward some of our members, he has unknowingly assisted us. He keeps Ansehelm distracted, his wild accusations conceal our real intentions and he makes us all appear more moderate. Killing him would be somewhat of a relief and restore some decorum in the Diet, but we would lose those benefits he gives us. Also, unless he dies in a titanic struggle, his loss in battle would raise questions, much like the death of Jobst did. It could serve to unite the Franconians, particularly since Lothar has threatened him, and link the commander of the battle in which he perishes to our Voice. The risks aren't worth the reward. Let him live in ignominy rather than die a martyr, particularly if we intend to recruit a fellow Franconian.

Fritz might be a possible initiate. Let us see how he carries himself. We should not wait too long to make our decision however, lest his ambitions are satisfied by others.



Well :daisy: in a shovel. From Hans to me via private letter.

How do we proceed?

Esteemed Duke Arnold,

It is with sadness that I observe that Matthias has married Lyse off to Lothar instead of waiting for the rightful emperor to make the decision. If you wish, this may eventually have political consequences for him.

In the meantime, I would like to announce to you, that Elberhard has disappointed me greatly with his stubbornness in defending young Siegfried the usurper, leaving me with little choice but to declare another heir once I shall ascend, god willing.

After much thought, I think that you would be the most suited candidate as my heir and future emperor of this empire.

What do you say?

Hans of Swabia

I don't want to brush him off but for the good of the Reich I have supported Siegfried.




I have a good feeling about this new comer.

As for Jan...I think we have all come to a firm conclusion regarding him.

He is a distraction and we should deal with him superficially at best.



Hans is showing once again that he is a formidable political opponent. He knows his opposition, knows his abilities, and plays one to the other. I admit, the idea of arranging for a Brother to eventually become Kaiser is a dream beyond any I could imagine. It is very tempting. Still, we should do our best to ignore this tempting fruit and to continue on with the plan.

Arnold, I suggest you do your best to remain in Hans' good graces. Clearly he has at least minimally positive views of you, something we should retain if at all possible. It will be difficult to do this while rejecting him. Some options that occur to me are to (1) tell him that you prefer him, but owe big favors to other people and cannot renege on them or (2) tell him that you support him, but cannot vote for him because he cannot win - better to go along with the masses, so that you might influence them from the inside later on.



Again wisdom comes out of consensus. Matthias words are good advice regarding the gnat Jan. Also Lothar's words on the handling of Hans' letter would be prudent at this time.

Lets carefully observe Fritz and hopefully can initiate contact.



My response;

Lord Hans,

The council is not complete as your own House of Swabia is having a difficult time selecting someone to contact me.

As much as I am truly surprised and at the same time honoured that you would offer me the position I don't think it will come to this. I am fairly certain a unanimous decision is beyond this council.

If that is the case there will be a Reich vote and I do not think that will be in your favour. Your best chance is to have this council find in your favour before that happens.

Having said that, if you do by the will of god ascend to the throne then I will be more than happy to be your heir.
I would request one thing. Can you please wait until that moment before announcing your choice?

Duke Arnold


It is good that Hans believes threatening me would serve as a way to convince Arnold to go along with him. It shows that he is in the dark about. However, I am a bit offended that he is threatening me behind my back. With your permission, Grand Master, I believe I will "forget" to have him take the Cross. A pity, but it would save some money.

Hans as Kaiser would be a bad thing. If we start deviating from the line of established succession there is no guarantee that even if you were made Prinz that you would become Kaiser.




I concur with your line of thinking. One is not to question the makings of succession. There is a purpose and Kaiser Jobst had his reasons. If Hans were successful then every future Kaiser would be breaking tradition of divine right and where we be? Chaos! As I stated earlier this is not a process to be question but accepted and as you pointed out there is nothing to secure Arnold from being Kaiser if he were an heir.

I am not pleased with the whole process but hopefully this unpleasantness will end soon.



As a further attempt to make myself seem favorable to Hans, I contacted him only a few short hours ago. As you will see, my letter to him contained information that was obvious and gave no personal support for Hans whatsoever. I believe I have successfully gained another notch of favor in Hans' mind, while obtaining some interesting information. Please find both my letter and Hans' reply attached.



I see you are in a tight position in the Diet regarding the Council. Clearly you cannot send Elberhard to represent Swabia, as he is simply a pawn of Siegfried. He would not properly represent your views. It may seem unorthodox, but perhaps Wolfgang Hummel would be a good alternative. He is easily your most passionate supporter and his presence in the same room as Siegfried should cause enough chaos to disrupt the proceedings somewhat.


Dear Lothar,

I agree that this will be a tough vote, considering I lack the votes of Outremer and Franconia. I believe however, that with my support for some of Outremer’s edicts, Salier might be swinging in my favor, although he can be quite stubborn. I doubt Ansehelm or Gunther would vote against their own.

I appreciate your contact regarding a choice, and I shall consider it, although I am somewhat inclined to wait for Scherer’s return, depending on the amount of time I have.

Be assured that I look kindly upon Bavaria and its efforts in supporting me.



The council has cast 3 of its 5 votes already. That is without hearing any of Han's information.

Lothar I suggest you advise them to present this as soon as possible because this is one of those times when holding his cards to his chest will back fire. As soon as the last two Duke's vote I will officially announce the results.

We are waiting on Duke Steffen who I believe will vote for Siegfried and Duke Scherer's replacement Wolfgang (selected by Hans as Steward). Their vote for Hans will cause this who council to not come to a unanimous result.

We will then have to vote again Reich wide.



I think Ansehelm's statements in the Diet are making that clear enough to Hans. I also do not want to come out publicly (or privately) in support of Hans. I am attempting to walk a fine line between gaining the trust of Hans, without suffering any significant damage when Kaiser Siegfried is inevitably confirmed. That is why I have taken this 'lawful' approach to the situation. I also plan to refrain from voting in the eventual Diet vote on the succession. Perhaps I will still be viewed as a traitor by Siegfried for this, but it is the only way I can see to possibly retain any favor with both sides.


04-06-2008, 20:42
Chapter XII: An Eye in Franconia


Fritz von Kastilien has finally spoken in the Diet. It is still only a small window into the man, but two things seem obvious already. First, he cares greatly for religion. Second, he believes in the supremacy and superiority of the Reich. The former aspect matters not to the Order one way or the other, while the latter is the essence of our purpose. I would therefore like to suggest that we approach Fritz von Kastilien as a prospective recruit, specifically highlighting our desire to do what is best for the Reich, no matter the cost.

I made similar statements to Matthias when I first approached him. I have consulted the Sacred History of the Divine Order of the Illuminati and extracted the relevant portions of that text. I present them to you now as a suggestion of an approach that Fritz might find agreeable.

Yes, the Blood Charter supersedes the Reich's Charter, but that is designed for the protection of the Reich rather than to injure it. There have been many occasions when following the letter of the law has led to disaster and ruin. It was the letter of the law that allowed Kaiser Heinrich to place us at an immense disadvantage. It was the letter of the law that required me to twice fight at a disadvantage to aid citizens of the Reich. The Charter was written by men and, like those men, it is fallible. We believe it is our duty to do what is best for the Reich, even when those actions would be officially forbidden. Indeed, we risk our own lives and well-being to ensure that the proper course is followed, no matter the consequences.

Regardless, conflicts between the Blood Charter and the Imperial Charter are rare. None has yet occurred and no Brother can be forced to violate the Imperial Charter except by a formal decision. In such a decision, your vote carries equal weight with all of us. There is no influence, no inequality, in the Brotherhood. Your own vote as the newest member will carry as much weight as the vote of the Grand Master himself. Nor will you find us petty and unwilling to listen to other opinions. We support one another unconditionally because we fundamentally believe that all Brothers are worthy of deep respect and deference. Many in power seek it for its own end, without purpose. We seek it to exercise it for the betterment of the Reich. Kaiser Heinrich abused personal power to cause harm to the Reich. We will violate the Charter only to aid the Reich.

Think on this matter. Is it better to obey the law and let innocent women and children die, or to use bribery and blackmail to save the lives of citizens of the Reich? Blind obedience to law can do as much evil as it can do good. Is not the true and honest course of action that which achieves the greatest good for the Reich?

What do you think Brothers? Given what we have seen, do you believe that this approach is likely to succeed? Would emphasizing another aspect work better? Do we need to wait longer to see more evidence of what kind of a man Fritz is, before we approach him?



Excellent. I am in agreement.

Please use your procedure of not revealing yourself openly until after the target agrees to the Charter.

Chancellor, Karl?

Grand Master.


Yes, this looks promising. Lothar do what you do.



I concur. I suggest you might mention the fact the Illuminati assisted in keeping Siegfried on the Throne. It might carry weight with a Franconian.


As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Fritz von Kastilien, you are being watched.

You are a man of great talent and greater potential, yet you wield little power and influence. Your father is Duke of Franconia. Your brothers Ansehelm and Peter have dominated your house for years. The former will surely inherit the throne. The latter is already one of the Reich's greatest generals. Your youngest brother, Siegfried, has surpassed them all, achieved immense rank, and will likely reign the Reich for the rest of your natural life.

You are a true German patriot, a man who knows that the Reich is the embodiment of all the is righteous in the world. However, the Reich is in peril. There are enemies within as well as without; men who seek power out of greed and at the expense of the Reich. The lives of innocent women and children are tossed aside as so much chaff. You may wish to right these wrongs, aid the Reich, and bring it to its proper place at the head of all nations. Yet, you will be unable to accomplish this as a minor noble in a house littered with powerful men.

That can change, if you wish it to. Will you take control of your fate and aid the Reich, or will you site back and let the greed of others destroy that which you love? If you wish to lead rather than follow, if you wish to give to the Reich rather than take from it, place this black ribbon in your window tomorrow night.

Destroy this letter immediately. If you speak of this to anyone else, you will never hear from us again.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye.


I have contacted Fritz von Kastilien by the usual anonymous note. My agents have confirmed that he has received the note, but no sign of a black ribbon has yet appeared. Furthermore, my agents tell me that Fritz was seen to be writing a private letter of some sort shortly after finding the note. I do not know what that letter was about or to whom it was addressed, but my agents also tell me that Ansehelm von Kastilien began writing a private letter of his own very shortly afterwards.

In short, I am concerned that Fritz has reported my contact to Ansehelm and that they are discussing what to do about it. This may be simple paranoia on my part, but as Voice, it is my duty to maintain the secrecy of our Order, and I take that responsibility very seriously. Even if Fritz does now respond appropriately, I will be concerned that he is a mole working to discover information about our operations from within. I need advice, brothers.

If Fritz displays the proper signal, should I contact him or ignore him? If I contact him, how can I be sure his loyalty is not elsewhere and he is simply trying to infiltrate the Brotherhood?



How do know these things?? You're skills are truly incredible sometimes.

If there is any suspicion of doubt then we should not go further.

Unless you can devise a way to determine if he is a mole we should not take the risk.

Infiltration is one of my greatest concerns.



My information comes from agents whom I trust completely. I have employed them every time I have contacted one of the Unenlightened and they have never failed me. I emphasize again, that I do not know the exact nature of the Fritz and Ansehelm's letters. It is entirely possible that they could have been coincidental. Fritz is a very busy man with many responsibilities (Assistant Moderator) and his letter could have been for entirely different purposes. Ansehelm is similarly busy, as he is currently Steward of Franconia, and his letter could have been totally unrelated. Still, the coincidence makes me wary, especially since Fritz has still not shown the proper signal. The signal would have taken only moments to make, and instead he chose to go about other duties. While it is possible that he simply wishes to think it over for a moment, it further adds to my uneasiness over the situation.

The only peace I feel over the matter is that I do not think Ansehelm is intelligent enough to try and use Fritz as a mole. If they are indeed conversing about the note, I am willing to bet that Ansehelm is simply telling him that it is Lothar alone and that he wields no power.


Fritz snuffs the lamplight and looks out the window for signs of movement. He turns back to light the lamp, but glances once more into the darkness. Seeing nothing, he turns his attentions to the lamp, wanders over to the small fireplace in the room, and sets the parchment alight on a pile of tinder. His right arm tenses as if to toss something else into the leaping flames. But he catches himself and wraps his hand tightly around the ribbon, a corner of his mouth turning upward.

Fritz stands staring into the flames until the parchment is nearly consumed, then crosses the room and runs his finger along the upper border of the window. He stops, digs for a moment, nods.

Tomorrow night. Yes, that should be deep enough to hold it.


Fritz von Kastilien has now made the proper signal. I am loathe to simply abandon Fritz, as he is still an excellent candidate and there is still a good probability that I am being too
cautious. So, I still believe that contacting him in person is the
proper course of action. Do you have any advice as to what I should
do or say to ensure that he is not a mole?



When in doubt go with your instinct. Fritz appear a good candidate and I
don't think you are being over cautious.
What I would recommend is the contact in your usual matter. See what
questions arise. However, do not reveal too much at that moment make another
(extra) meeting. I think his questions will be important. Who else is
involved? If he is a "mole" he may fish for information right away or have
been told Lothar is mad and looking for friends. It is hard to tell the
functionality of the Franconia House, meaning would Fritz and Ansehelm be
working in harmony so early in the relationship.
You are experienced in these matters so go with what you feel and take
your time. I have confidence in your abilities.


Karl is right,

I think the best course of action is to put him through at least three meetings. Test him and after the second meeting hopefully he asks what is happening.

When he prompts that question tell him that the rest of the Order has concerns and various investigations are being carried out to determine our concerns. Then simply disclose that we think he could be a mole and he should try and work out a way to resolve our worry.

That will firstly make him wonder how many people are involved. If he is a mole then he might start to worry that he is being put through an abnormal amount of investigations.

He might then give him self away and make a mistake.

Finally Karl is also correct. Instincts, you have very good instincts Lothar. Use them.


The benefits of adding a fifth member are outweighed by the risks of being revealed. Lothar can continue sounding him out, he's already reputed to be a member, but if there is even a small chance he is a mole, we should stop there.

What do you think would happen if word got out about the identities of the other members? There would be severe consequences, I might be impeached and our ability to influence matters would be destroyed. Our main tools of misdirection, coordinated influence and working in concert behind the scenes would be negated.

Our main goal should be survival, once that is assured then we can grow.


That's is what I am specifically concerned about Matthias.

Any type of disclosure would be hugely damaging.

Still, a fifth member would be very good right now.


I will put him through a vigorous recruiting process, beginning today,
and will keep you updated as it progresses.


*Nothing occurs throughout all of the next day. You find yourself constantly scanning the crowd of noblemen and merchants, looking for an unusual face. Eventually, evening falls and you retire for the night.*

*When you enter your room, you feel compelled to search your bed for another note. As you expected, there is nothing there.*

"Good evening Fritz."

*The sudden voice from the darkness startles you, but you control your nerves and turn around calmly and complacently, as if you had known the man was always there. You find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. The hood of his cloak is pulled low over his face, so that you can see his chin, but little else. By instinct you reach for the dagger you always carry about your person.*

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We are all friends here."

*You stop moving your hand, but your palm remains resting on the hilt of your dagger. The figure stands up and moves towards you. He stops on a spot where the moonlight casts a faint glow on his dark form. He pauses for a long moment and the room grows uncomfortably silent.*

“Allow me to introduce myself.”

*In a flourish, he bows low, his robes flowing around him.*

“I am the Voice of the Illuminati. Before I begin, there is one thing I must make absolutely clear. We value our secrecy above all else, and the true names of our members are the greatest secret we keep. No one outside the Order is ever permitted to know the identity of the Brothers. As Voice, I am the only means of communication between the Illuminati and the Unenlightened. Do not ask the names of other members. Do not attempt to find out who the other members are.”

*The figure walks over to the window. He touches the black ribbon gently and then stares out into the moonlight.*

"This process of notes, ribbons, and robes is intentionally dramatic; it warns off those who are not amongst us from seeking what they do not deserve to know. We keep secrecy and instill fear for a very important reason: the consequences for crossing us are most severe. Indeed, they can be fatal."

"Please keep that in mind tonight while we are speaking. I am here to determine whether you are worthy of becoming one of the Brotherhood, or whether you will forever remain one of the Unenlightened.

*The man turns towards you and his grave tone subsides.*

“First, we know you are a religious man. Do not be concerned by the nature of our… theatrics. We are not heretics. In truth, we have no position on religion, one way or another. Worship God, Worship the Devil, Worship Nothing, it matters not to us. We care only if you are a friend of the Reich, or an enemy.”

“As we stated in our note, we exist to protect the Reich from all who would harm it. The Imperial and Household Armies serve well enough to confront our foreign enemies, but what of those who imperil the Reich from within? The Diet cannot be trusted with such a responsibility, for every Elector is self-serving and every House seeks to further its own power. You have not been in the Diet for long, but already you have seen how they squabble over rank and power. Some may justify their actions with chivalry or law, but that does not make their exploitations any less damaging.”

“There have been many occasions in our history when following the letter of the law has led to disaster and ruin. It was the letter of the law that allowed Kaiser Heinrich to assault the Papacy, resulting in excommunication and hardship for the entire Reich. Once, many years ago, the citizens of Zagreb were threatened by sack and rapine by a Hungarian army. It was the letter of the law that forced a squire to confront the enemy with a mere handful of soldiers, rather than the full strength of the available forces. The lives of innocent women and children were put at risk simply because the man did not have sufficient rank. The Charter was written by men and, like those men, it is fallible. We believe it is our duty to do what is best for the Reich, even when those actions would be officially forbidden by law. Indeed, we risk our own lives and well-being to ensure that the proper course is followed, no matter the consequences.”

“Ask yourself, would it better to obey the law and let innocent women and children die, or to use bribery and blackmail to ensure their safety? Blind obedience to law can do as much evil as it can do good. The true and honest act is that which achieves the greatest good for the Reich, not that which is most legally sound. This is our purpose, this is our duty. If Electors pursue courses of action that injure the Reich, we oppose them. If the law itself endangers the security and prosperity of the Reich, we ignore it. The first Roman Empire fell because of corruption from within. We exist to ensure that will never happen again.”

*The robed figure walks back over to the shadowed corner, and sits.

“I have much more to say but, as I said, this meeting is to determine whether you are worthy of being one of us. So, speak, Fritz von Kastilien. Ask your questions, tell me your thoughts on what I have said, and then we will proceed further.”

Fritz stands a moment, drumming his fingers lightly on the dagger hilt, his shadowed eyes unblinking. He then begins to pace, keeping an eye towards the dark figure in the corner, and speaks.

"You may be assured your secrets are safe with me. I am not one to speak when there is no need, or without thought."

"I will worship God, as he gives me strength, so I am relieved to know there will be no pacts with the Devil or other such nonsense. But I must admit, talk of bribery and blackmail makes me uneasy. I have enough scars and enough wits to know when I myself am threatened, and I'm sure I don't need to tell you how I react to such tactics. To be honest, I do not think that I could ever personally blackmail or bribe..."

Fritz trails off, having spat out these last words. He stops pacing and stares at the floor for what seems a long time. The Voice sits in absolute silence, waiting. Finally Fritz grimaces, and resumes pacing.

"However, I could support all such operations if they are indeed for the good of the Reich."

Fritz' prematurely lined face turns towards the corner where the Voice waits. He stops, his hands behind his back.

"But all this is just talk. I must have some evidence of the strength of the Brotherhood. What have you done, what have you influenced? Or are we at the beginning of a new age, perhaps, one that has not yet tested the power of the Illuminati?"

*The figure bows his head while you are speaking; he is clearly concentrating on every word you utter. What he is searching for, you do not know. When you finish speaking, he looks up. You wonder how he can possibly see with the cowl covering half his face.*

"Bribery and blackmail are not our preferred means of operation. We favor more subtle methods. Very few men are even aware when they are being manipulated by us, and that is how we prefer it. There have been times when we have had to deal directly with the Unenlightened, but they are the exception, not the rule. We prefer to operate in the shadows, using deception and illusion, and as such direct force is a last resort."

"However, it has been necessary in the past and it will undoubtedly be necessary in the future. If you join us, I assure you that you will never have to personally commit bribery or blackmail. As I have said before, all communications between the Brotherhood and the Unenlightened occur through me. This is done primarily to maintain secrecy, but it also means that no other Brother engages in such overt acts. If a man must be bribed or blackmailed directly, I am the one who carries out the act."

"Furthermore, the Illuminati is not a totalitarian group. We exist as a true Brotherhood. Unlike in the Diet, all members are given equal status. Your opinion would be valued as highly as mine. There is no influence, no inequality, in the Brotherhood. The vote of the newest member carries as much weight as that of the Grand Master himself. Nor will you find us petty and unwilling to listen to other opinions. If you disagree with a course of action, your words will be taken very seriously. We support one another unconditionally because we fundamentally believe that all Brothers are worthy of deep respect and deference. Only the most intelligent and competent men are admitted to the Order, and as such we never act without thought or deliberation."

"Not only will you find true equality amongst us, you will also find great power. The course of events in the Reich cannot be altered without strength. Anyone can conspire in dark corners, but that does not give them the ability to enforce their decisions. It is imperative to our methods that our members have as much power as possible. We strive to ensure that all members have the rank, military command, and whatever prominent positions are necessary to make them effective. Many seek power for its own end, without a higher purpose. We seek it so that we may exercise it for the betterment of the Reich."

"As for evidence of our strength… I cannot give you that without the risk of revealing the identity of some of the Brothers. If we deem you worthy of initiation, our entire history will be laid bare to you. There are no secrets within the Order. For now, though, you will simply have to accept my word as truth."

*Once again, the man’s voice turns grave. His words slow, each being carefully enunciated.*

“We are neither new nor untested. The power of the Illuminati has been exercised many times before. We are stronger than any Elector could possibly suspect. Few men even believe we exist, but we are real and we possess great power.”

*His head moves almost imperceptibly. You get the feeling that despite the hood, he is looking directly into your eyes.*

“The Kaiser himself only retained the throne because we wished it.”

*A silence once again descends over the room. The man is waiting for your response.*

Fritz drops his hands to his sides and lets out a long, slow breath. He then begins pacing again.

Equality. Equality!

The focus in Fritz' eyes turns from the corner of the room to the ceiling. His jaw clenches a couple of times, slowly releasing as he turns again to look at his shrouded visitor, and resumes pacing.

I cannot pretend to be immune to the pull of being equal amongst equals. My whole life I have been second! Second-born, left in the castle to run its affairs, discouraged from even taking notice of political affairs.

Fritz' pacing has become faster, but he suddenly turns and approaches the Voice, with his right hand clenched

Do you know what this is like?! Ahh, equality!

Fritz pulls his clenched hand up and rubs a scar along his jaw, then nods almost imperceptibly, takes a deep breath and turns to face the Voice

I have little to give, but I would give anything to be part of such a Brotherhood. Tell me what I must do.

*The man stands, his head bowed.*

"I am pleased to hear that. I must now go and confer with my Brothers. Unanimous consent is required before any man may be admitted to the Illuminati. I will convey your words to the Order, and a decision shall be made. If you are accepted, I will visit you once more and we will speak again at length. If not, you shall never see me again and you would do well to forget what was said here."

*He turns and strides to the door. There he pauses, and turns back slightly.*

"For what it is worth, you shall have my vote."

*Silently, he slips into the night. You wonder how long it will take before he returns. If he returns.*


I have met with Fritz von Kastilien at length. I will enclose a detailed summary of our meeting below and then discuss my opinion on the matter. However, to summarize, I believe we have nothing to fear and he should be admitted.

Now, my opinion on the matter. As you can tell, Fritz is eager to join us. His final words desiring equality seemed particularly honest to me. Furthermore, he did not act as I would expect a mole to act. I would expect a man who wished to infiltrate us to agree to anything to gain admittance. Fritz's reluctance to bribe and blackmail does not fit with such a profile. I would have expected him to keep his personal qualms to himself, rather than admit them openly.

Furthermore, my agents were in constant observation of both Fritz and Steward... pardon, Duke, Ansehelm during this meeting. As far as they could tell, no communications occurred between the two. I would have expected an agent to attempt to report back in some manner. I cannot completely rule out the possibility that he is working for Ansehelm, but my personal belief is that he is a legitimate candidate and honest in his statements. As I said to him, he has convinced me that he is worthy.

I will wait to hear back from all three of you before contacting him again.



I am pleased that it went well and trust your judgment he is the man we want to aid the Brotherhood. Well done! I am in favour of initiating further contact and admission.


I am going into Jerusalem under your banner. You Bavarians have exceptional leadership skills and am surprised that you have not been knighted. I would ask one favour that some of the relics in the Holy City will be recovered from our group. It would be an honour to possess one of the holy items. It is my pride but it will satisfy a personal need for service in this damn Outremer for most of my life.



Firstly, Karl you must have Matthias knighted as soon as possible. The fact that the Chancellor of our empire is still a squire is absurd. Please liaise with him to ensure this happens. There is more than enough carnage going on in Outremer for this to take place.

Secondly, I agree with your thoughts Lothar. Fritz seems sincere. I agree with further contact and admittance.



I have arranged for Brother Karl to lead the attack on Jerusalem. It took some doing to accomplish this. I had to delay Hans long enough so he could only support the attack, not lead it, and I had to throw a bone to Jan with that battle against the rebels, so he wouldn't demand pride of place.

I am sorry that Karl will be fighting the battle under my banner, but if not for this, Jan (due to command stars) would be leading the battle. I did my best to ensure that members of our Brotherhood will benefit most from a successful Crusade.

I hope you approve.



Well done Matthias the Holy City is once again in the Reich. I guess we got past the "flack" for the sacking of the city. I guess this is how the brotherhood works we both take responsibility and they don't know who to blame so it is quickly forgotten and they move on. I remembered your orders but when the decision came I saw the treasury and thought someone has to pay for the repairs of the city. I am also glad that you have the corporate memory and can bring past examples to light. I am glad that I was not the first.

No harm done.

Time to rebuilt and ready it for a gift to the Church.

Matthias forgive for my pride. I was concerned for this battle going in because of that Pagan and the number 64. I had to have a goal in mind and thought of the Holy Relics in the city to be rescued and to keep me focused. My mind was on the Veil as I was wiping the sweat from brow. Forgive for my foolishness for making such a request.

I will oversee some the rebuilding but do not wish to remain in Jerusalem for too long and would like to return to Damascus.


Good job gentlemen.

Matthias is now able to lead military forces. This is critical for the management of Outremer by the Order.

At this stage I'm getting a little frustrated. I'm thinking of asking for a special but temporary title of Constable of the Reich. The Constable is charged with special duties by the Chancellor. Call it an enforcement position.

In this case I would be charged with hunting down the traitor with a small force of Cavalry and reinforced by the local garrison once I find the traitor.

Thoughts Brothers.



I like the idea that was my thought when I mentioned the Chancellor's Army. An army to clean up things going on in the interior. It was not well received make giving it a different look. It has my support.


The Veil of Veronica is yours Karl with my gratitude. I believe it used to be in the possession of Otto von Kassel, or it could be a forgery. It is not important, as long as people believe in the power of the relics, that is all that matters. You will return to Damascus, but if the opportunity presents itself, I will move you against Sultan Moussa.

As for a Chancellor's army, the Emperor's Army accomplishes much the same purpose. We are already spending too much on soldiers as it is. The Electors seem to think I can summon money out of the air. They want elite troops and massive armies, but then they complain when there is no money for buildings. Fools.

I will have you stay in Jerusalem until it is handed over. Do not worry, it will only be a few years. Being Governor will raise your profile.

As for the traitor, I will have Duke Gerhard bring him to justice. It has been many years since he has fought in a battle. You are needed in Ragusa, Grand Master, Sicilian forces fleeing from Durazzo are in the area. If they turn out to be hostile, I would like a noble to be able to defend the Castle. Of course as Duke you have the right to call for war against the Sicilians, but I ask that you do not do this. Our forces in the area and on our border with Sicily are lacking. The Reich's finances are a mess and cannot afford arming another front.

Lothar, I have sent a spy to Sardinia, both Sicilian and Spanish armies linger near the castle. Once you receive some Pavise Crossbowmen, I can insert you into the mess, but the chance for a conflict with Sicily or Spain is high. Take a look at the reports and let me know your thoughts.

The Russian Crusade has left Thorn. If the Crusade gets into trouble, I will not do much to aid it. It is a vanity project and a money pit.

Concerning Fritz, I will bow to Lothar's judgment.



As the Sicilians have been driven from the island, I believe we should begin the final assault on the Milanese. I doubt the Spaniards will intervene. Even if they do, we share no borders and have no reason for conflict. Should war break out between us, a ceasefire should be relatively easy to negotiate.




I had contemplated declaring war simply because I'm getting bored. But I can see you point about another front being opened up and that a Constables force would only be another drain on the coffers.

Keep in mind, my idea was to do it on the cheap. Essentially myself and 2 regiments of top line cavalry is it. We would hunt down rebels and traitor scum then I would consolidate with the nearest militia force in a city, hit the target then put the militia back where they came from.

So essentially it me and two regiments of horse. That’s not too much of a drain is it?


Commence recruitment you have all three of us onside.


Well done on sacking Jeruselum, we needed the money and that exactly what the Order is all about. These men prancing around about chivalry seem to forget the fundamentals sometimes.

Grand Master.


Lothar, your forces will leave Ajaccio in 1268. The delay is unfortunate, but I had to rebuild the BHA from the ground up. The Milanese forces have many mounted and dismounted knights, you will need those crossbows.

Master, I have currently eliminated all rebels in the Reich. There are none for you to hunt. Right now, watching for Sicilian treachery from Ragusa is very important.

Karl, you have returned to Damascus as you asked.

It seems that Hans, his dream to lead a Crusade frustrated, has asked me to ship him back to Swabia. It is unfortunate that I mistook his commitment to the Crusade for commitment to Outremer and have dispatched him deep into the desert to pursue Sultan Moussa. (Got his request after the move, oh well)

As for Fritz von Kastilien, if we recruit him successfully, I will attempt to have him lead the Franconian Household Army for a few battles. I have already spoken to Ansehelm about this, I used the cover of fair play, and he is unopposed. I will smooth things over with Peter if it comes to it.



Grandmaster are you truly intent on going to Outremer? This would upset the plans we have made. Committing too many of our number to the East is dangerous as well.

This would also only leave one man to defend all of Austria, the last time this occurred, well Lothar and yourself know better than I.

Why do you wish to come? Is there a deeper game here I'm not aware of?



No there is no master plan. I'm bored.

Plus I just want to feel out the response of wanting to go without going on Crusade. Everyone out there is under the command of the King. I just wanted to see how he would act if I went out there.


Grand Master,

I would urge you not to go to Outremer. As it stands now, we have two Brothers in Outremer, one in Bavaria and one in Austria. I fully expect that Fritz will join us soon, that will also give us a Brother in Franconia. That is already a good distribution and will ensure that there is always at least one Brother in each area of the Reich to deal with anything that must be done.

Also, I believe that the ultimate objective of our recruitment should be to add one final Brother from Swabia. Once that is complete, we will have 6 brothers with members in all four Houses plus Outremer. That is more than enough power to achieve anything that we desire. I recommend that once we recruit a final member from Swabia, that we cease all recruiting for the foreseeable future.


I see.

I will remain in Austria then.

Your concept on representation is exactly what I had in mind. Once we achieve a Brother from Swabia then I believe we are done.

How are things progressing with Fritz?

Grand Master

*Two days pass without any sign of the Illuminati. The idea that you have somehow been judged to be deficient flits across your mind, but you shake it off and concentrate on being patient. On the third night after your meeting with the Voice, you have your answer. You enter your bedchambers and, as for the past three days, you carefully examine each shadowed corner for a figure. The last two nights you found nothing, and felt disappointed and a bit foolish. Tonight is different.*

“We have decided, Fritz.”

*This time the man is seated in a different corner, but the scene is all too familiar. Dark, hooded robes cover him completely, leaving only the lower half of his face visible in the moonlight. Even his hands have disappeared into the cavernous sleeves.*

“The Brotherhood has given its unanimous consent that you be initiated. Do not fear, there are no rituals, no games, in this process. All that is required is your signature on a piece of parchment. However, before that begins there are a few things I must say.”

“Once you join the Divine Order of the Illuminati, you can never leave. This is a commitment for life. Your bond with the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another. Should you join us, you will reap great rewards. You will join a new family that will stop at nothing to ensure your safety and prosperity. But it is also a family that does not tolerate betrayal.”

“In truth, your recruitment process has been lengthier and more complex than any member before. The reason is simple: we were concerned that you might be a ‘mole.’ We do not now believe this. I would not be here if we did. However, as I have said before, our secrets, particularly the identity of our members, are our most prized possession. I say this now out of my duty to the Brotherhood and out of respect for you. If you are not a ‘mole’ you may ignore these words, pretend they were never spoken.”

“Of all the crimes that can be committed in the world, none is more serious than betraying the Brotherhood to the Unenlightened. We operate in shadow and secrecy; should this veil be lifted and the Order's actions become publicly known, we would suffer severely. We cannot permit this to happen, and we would spare nothing to hunt down the man who caused it. Even in a weakened state, we would be more than capable of… disposing… of the man who caused it, along with his entire family. In the unlikely event that you are here for less than honest reasons, I urge you not to sign the document I will place before you tonight. If you do, you will be signing your own death warrant.”

*There is a lengthy pause, then the man continues, his voice perceptibly lighter and tinged with a hint of mirth.*

“Well now, let us move on to the actual reason I am here.”

*The Voice’s sleeves come together. For a moment it appears that he is acting the monk, but you quickly realize that he is reaching his right hand into his left sleeve. After a few seconds, he pulls out a large piece of parchment from the enveloping fabric. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. Before you sign, I will answer any final questions you wish to ask of me, except for those things which I have previously told you were off-limits. They will not be revealed until you are one of us.”

*The voice reaches into his sleeve again and produces a quill and inkpot. It seems as though the man has an entire secretarial desk sequestered inside his robes. Both the quill and the ink itself are colored a deep burgundy. He offers them to you.*

"I have spoken long enough. Read the Blood Charter and ask your questions. Then we will proceed."

*You read the parchment.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

Fritz stiffens as he reads the parchment, the scarred smile appearing for a brief moment. He looks up at the Voice, then down again at the words written there, and finally drops his hands downward.

I have only two questions, sir. First, though you will likely not answer, who are you who can flit so unseen through the world, yet wielding enormous power as if it were a reed? I must admit, I do not fear the combined might of the Brotherhood half as much as I fear your individual power.

Second, if I join, will I then be given a list of those in the Brotherhood? Or more generally, how am I to know a Brother from the Unenlightened? Though secrecy is sacred here, the Charter expects me to aid every member, and...

Fritz trails off, wincing, then straightens his back

Answer me these questions, and I will sign.

You have no need to fear me, for you have not wronged me. I have power of my own, but my true strength comes from the Brotherhood. It is such with all members. Individually we have varying skills and influence, but together we are unmatched. I have opponents in public life and I spar with them as any man does, but those are not true attacks. Should I ever wish serious harm to befall one of my enemies, I would not even need to lift a finger. He would quickly find himself the victim of misfortune or disfavor from an unexpected direction. He would likely not even realize that he was being punished for his offense against me.

*The man's face turns down for a moment in a slight grimace.*

I admit, it takes some of the pleasure out of revenge to be unable to gloat about it, but the Illuminati do not exist for glamour and prestige. Our ability to wield power from the shadows is a simple product of careful planning and manipulation. We have directly influenced events in the Reich for years, but since our very existence is little more than rumor our actions appear to be the normal ebb and flow of political whim. Thus far we have never needed to exercise brute force to achieve our will. We could certainly do so, but it would reveal us and limit our options in the future.

The identity of all members, including my own, will be revealed to you once you are a Brother. There are no secrets within the Order. You will know all that we are, all that we have done, and all that we plan for the future. Aiding other Brothers will not be difficult, for you will know exactly who is a member and who is not.

Furthermore, the Illuminati is not an aloof organization. We meet and converse regularly on any and all affairs of the Reich. In truth, our discussions are far more frequent and extensive than those of the Ducal Houses themselves. Our strategies often require a great deal of planning and coordination, and frequent communication between all members is thus common. As a Brother, you would, of course, be included in every meeting and communication and would therefore know all that you could ever wish.

I know my answers are oblique, but that is our way with the Unenlightened. Anything else would risk exposure of our secrets, and that cannot be allowed to happen. Rest assured, your identity as a Brother and your actions on behalf of the Illuminati will be guarded just as tenaciously.

Is there anything else you wish to ask?

Fritz swallows hard.

There is nothing further, sir.

Fritz finally accepts the quill and ink, with a slightly trembling left hand.

Where must I sign?

*The Voice of the Illuminati directs your hand to the bottom of the document. You notice that it is written in plain script, but there is an elaborate illuminated relief of an all-seeing eye in the bottom left corner. You sign your name in the blood-red ink next to the seal of the Illuminati. When you finish, the Voice leans over and takes the document. He holds it up to the faint moonlight and examines the signature closely.*

“Yes, this will serve.*

*He rolls up the Blood Charter and slips it back inside the folds of his robe.*

“Now, I suppose I owe you some answers.”

*He reaches up and pulls back the hood of his cloak. Even in the dim light, it is impossible not to recognize him as Lothar Steffen, heir to the Bavarian Dukedom and recent failed candidate for Chancellor.*

“I do not believe that we have spoken in the Diet before, but I doubt I am unknown to you. However, you are new to the Diet and I do not know how much you know about my political career. If you have studied the Diet records, you will know that I am somewhat… unpopular… in that body. Let me assure you that this is entirely intentional, one of the many ruses we have used to aid the Illuminati. You will understand more completely in a moment.”

*Lothar turns and sits down. He takes a moment to arrange his robes in a comfortable fashion. Clearly what he has to say will take a while.*

“I suppose the best place to start is with the Brothers. As you know, I am the Voice of the Illuminati and the only Brother who ever contacts the Unenlightened in an official capacity. The Grand Master of our order is Duke Arnold of Austria. He and I were the founding members of the Order many years ago. It has grown in size since then. You are now the fifth member. The Brother who was recruited before you was Karl Zirn, Count of Zagreb and Damascus. The final member of our Order is my own brother, Matthias Steffen. You are likely more familiar with him by his most recent title: Chancellor of the Reich.”

*Lothar pauses for a moment, to let the information sink in.*

“As I said, guile is our preferred method of operation. The public animosity between Matthias and myself is entirely fabricated. I assure you, we are as close as brothers can be. Indeed, we are Brothers twice over. We have intentionally made a public spectacle of our ‘disagreements’ for many years now, starting from a minor spat within the House of Bavaria itself, until our competing ‘campaigns’ for Chancellor.”

“I will get to the Chancellorship election in a moment, but first a bit more history is in order. Before you joined the Diet there was an immensely chaotic and difficult period for the Reich. It all began with the election of Ulrich Hummel to the Chancellorship. We were responsible for that. Four men stood for the position, but Ulrich had the least likelihood of success. He was not well-liked and had lost the election in two previous occasions. This meant that he was also the most desperate candidate. We approached him and formally offered the aid of the Illuminati in return for several ‘favors’ during his Chancellorship. He agreed, and we set about securing the election for him through deft political negotiation. Suggestions were made in the right ears, and before the Diet knew it, Ulrich had gone from the least favorable candidate to the victor. Better yet, none of those we manipulated even knew that the Illuminati were involved. Indeed, most believed they were voting for Ulrich for their own interests.”

*Lothar sighs heavily and the left side of his mouth turns down.*

“Unfortunately, Ulrich did not turn out to be a reliable puppet. Oh, he did most of what we asked of him, but he also pursued a startling path of his own. He committed many blatant violations of the law and did great harm to the Reich through his inept management. We did not expect him to act as such, and were caught off guard. The backlash against him in the Diet was immense. We decided to cut our losses and ignored his pleas for help when the vote for impeachment came.”

“After that fiasco, we decided that we simply could not trust a third party to carry out our will. We had to control the Chancellorship directly in order to ensure that our will was done. So, we decided on a slight of hand. Instead of simply supporting a single Brother for the position, we would run two Brothers with directly opposing agendas. One would stand on a platform that would appeal to the masses, while the other would make statements so outrageous that the Diet would flee en-masse from him. Matthias and I fit the bill perfectly for these rolls. With his popularist statements drawing votes and my inflammatory rhetoric propelling all moderates towards him, it worked perfectly. Now Matthias controls the Reich for us, and our will is enacted to perfection.”

“We plan to continue this method of playing the Diet against itself. As long as we control our own opposition, we are guaranteed victory. At the next election, Arnold and Karl Zirn may run against each other, with similar tactics. The winner may then cause a scandal towards the end of his office and then run for re-election, which will allow another Brother to run against the ‘corrupt’ Chancellor. Nothing is set in stone yet, but we are always thinking to the future.”

“I mentioned before that Kaiser Siegfried retained his throne only because of us. This is true. The fact that Duke Arnold and Duke Steffen sided with the Kaiser decided the issue. We arranged that. We chose Siegfried for one simple reason: to frustrate Hans. The use of power from the shadows requires a political environment in which the Diet is fractured. The greatest threat to our control is the emergence of other significant powers or voting blocs. Thus, we do all that we can to keep other individuals and groups from gaining enough influence to threaten us. Until recently, Hans was one of the most powerful men in the Reich. Indeed, one of our demands of Ulrich Hummel so many years ago was that Hans be given command of a clerk’s office instead of an army. The idea of Hans gaining the Imperial Throne was simply one we could not accept.”

“Much else has occurred in our history, but I will not recite every last detail. We have compiled all of our actions from the very beginning in a Sacred History. If you wish to know everything we have ever done, you can consult that tome. I will show you where it is located when we first meet formally with the rest of the Brotherhood. However, there is one final thing I must tell you. As Voice, I have met with only two Unenlightened who did not later become Brothers. Ulrich Hummel was one. He is now dead and of no threat to us. His son, Wolfgang, may have been told of our existence, but Ulrich never knew my true name or any other information that could be used against us. However, the other person is more of a danger. It is your eldest brother, Ansehelm.”

*Lothar looks unpleased at what he is about to say.*

“Your brother was the first man we attempted to recruit into the Brotherhood. We miscalculated badly and Ansehelm spurned us. Worse still, I was new to the position of Voice and had not developed my… techniques… as well as I have now. I revealed my identity to Ansehelm and showed him a copy of the Blood Charter. He has since made several comments about my involvement in a secret society, but we are fortunate. He does not seem to believe that we have much power, if we exist at all, and the rest of the Diet has ignored his statements. Even so, we have opposed him regularly. We are the reason that his Teutonic Crusade has taken so many decades to get moving. Your brother, at the head of a united Franconian House, was the greatest threat to our power.”

*Lothar snorts back a laugh.*

“You damned Franconians breed like rabbits! In the election of 1240, we had to unite all of Swabia, Bavaria, and Austria behind Ulrich Hummel, just to defeat your brethren! While Ansehelm remains powerful, your House is not what it once was. Your father’s death, and the inevitable loss of the elder von Hamburg is more than enough to diminish the opposition. Finally, that incredible fop Jan von Hamburg seems to have single-handedly wrecked havoc on your House. While we had nothing to do with his antics, the result is still to our advantage.”

“I hope you do not take offense at my words about your House. You simply must remember that all Brothers are loyal to the Order above all else. If we prosper, the Reich prospers. That is the way of things. I have personally had to destroy my relationship with my fellow Bavarian, Conrad Salier, as part of my duties to the Illuminati. Needless to say, my father has been less than pleased with the 'distain' that Matthias and I show for each other in public. Sometimes what is best for the Order is not what is best for your House."

"Though before you we were evenly split between Bavaria and Austria, we favor no House. One of the reasons we chose to approach you was because of your Franconian heritage. Our ultimate aim is to have a Brother inside each of the Ducal Houses. With your addition, we now have influence in three of the four Houses, as well as two prominent men in Outremer. We plan to eventually recruit a Swabian into our Order, and then our membership will be complete. Within a few decades, we expect to have at least two Dukes and the King of Outremer within our Order, in addition to the Chancellor. Needless to say, my statements about us having very real power were entirely accurate.”

*Lothar grins and shakes his head.*

“Apologies for blathering on so long. I can talk forever if I am not stopped. I am sure I have forgotten ten thousand things, but I think that is a good enough summary to start with. If you have any questions, ask them now. I will answer anything you wish to know, with no reservations whatsoever.”

Fritz' startles backward at the identity of the Voice. His eyes move quickly over the younger man's face, then he stares off into the distance for a moment. As Duke Arnold, Count Zirn, and the Chancellor are mentioned, Fritz reaches to support himself on a bedpost, then seats himself to listen.

As Lothar speaks of Hans, though, a smile plays across Fritz' face and down into the scar on his chin. It disappears with the mention of Ansehelm. He waits listening until Lothar finishes.

"I assure you, I take no offense at your words regarding Franconia. In fact, if anything, it renews my feelings about Ansehelm."

Fritz rises and begins to pace.

"He always treated me as the less worthy. Father had always hoped to have more sons, and Siegfried came along soon enough. To Ansehelm I have been nothing but extra baggage to carry along. I must say, I am not sad to see him go east. However, I have a good deal of respect for Péter, and it would pain me to damage him."

"However," and here Fritz halts his pacing to look directly at Lothar, "I will give up whatever I must for the good of the Brotherhood. I have my own ideas, especially regarding Hans, but that can wait until I meet the others."

Fritz paces for a few moments, then turns and smiles at Lothar.

"I look forward to reading this book you mention, especially after pouring through the annals of the Reich so recently. To see revealed the hand of the Illuminati..." Fritz nods. "Yes, I will be a willing finger on that hand."

"Excellent. I am glad to see that we chose wisely when we decided to approach you. I must go now and tell the others of your acceptance. You will see us all soon in council."

*Lothar turns to leave, then stops.*

Oh! I almost forgot...

*He pulls a bulky parcel out from under his robes and hands it to you.*


*Lothar departs. You untie the package and find a long, black hooded robe made of the finest silk. On the inside of the hood is the blood red symbol of the Illuminati; placed so that you will always have an eye in the back of your head. An eye that the Unenlightened will never know about.*


It is my sincere pleasure to announce that Fritz von Kastilien is now a member of our Most Sacred Order. I have summarized all pertinent information for him regarding ourselves and our recent events. I will have an updated copy of the Sacred History made available to him tomorrow so that he may learn all there is to know about our activities. I have been very pleased with my initial meetings with Brother Fritz and I believe that he will be an immense asset to the Illuminati.

With this step accomplished, I believe it is time to begin considering our future moves. It is our meticulous planning that has always kept us one step ahead of the Unenlightened and we should not become complacent with our recent successes. Here are my thought on areas we should discuss and a few brief opinions:

1) Election - We should begin planning for the end of Matthias' term. I firmly believe that we should strive to make sure that every Chancellor from now until the end of time is either a Brother or beholden to the Order. There is little we can do if Kaiser Siegfried chooses to use his right to assume the position, but we should plan as if he will not do so. Perhaps another two candidate campaign with Arnold and Karl? Perhaps Matthias runs for re-election, opposed by Arnold?

2) Membership - We have discussed this before, but it is worth mentioning again for our newest Brother. We need a man inside Swabia. I believe we should be watching for likely candidates in that House. Once we have a Brother in Swabia, I think that our recruitment should come to a close for the foreseeable future.

3) Personal Station - Arnold is already a Duke and I am heir to Bavaria, so there is little else to be done for the two of us. I believe that we should strive to ensure that either Matthias or Karl, or perhaps both, become King of Outremer in the future. Furthermore, we must do anything we can to elevate Fritz's status in Franconia and the Diet.

4) Chancellorship - A minor issue, but I must admit that I have felt a bit of an anticlimax with our control of the Reich. Do we exist merely to ensure that competent running of the Reich, or do we wish to make our own indelible mark on the course of history? I am not speaking of anything immediate or even within Matthias' term, but I would take personal pride in achieving something... significant.



Our numbers grow once again.

Welcome Fritz, I see you have passed Lothar's series of tests and come with a very favourable recommendation from him.

Lothar, again well done. You're work as the Voice is superb as usual.

As you can see Fritz, gaining admittance has immediate benefits as you are now the Army Commander for the FHA.

I can confirm that Karl is in fact the heir to the King of Outremer as Matthias states.

Regarding the points raised by Lothar, here are my thoughts:

1) The next Chancellor election must be won by a member of the Order. I certainly would be able to play the role of foil to either Karl or Matthias without problem.

However, I would like to caution against making some of us look totally unworthy. For example, at this time Lothar would never be considered due to how well he executed our plan of making him look totally unacceptable. If I was to take the same approach in order to generate a clear case for Matthias or Karl then we would be playing our final "hand" with that type of solution. I'm not sure of the actual solution but one idea would be for all of us to run for the position. In that way sheer numbers would mean a good chance PLUS, it would totally crush any thought of us working together.


2)We need one more member from Swabia and then we are finished. With 6 Brothers we are more than able to control this Reich.

3) Karl is confirmed. Lothar is the next Duke of Bavaria, Matthias is my only concern after his term as Chancellor finishes. Fritz has someway to go but as the FHA Army Commander he is already doing well.

4)While I too am essentially bored out of my mind with administrative matters of Austria, I do not want to understate our achievements. We have done exceedingly well. At this time there is not much to do.

The charter is clear, we must elevate the station and power of our Order. We are clearly meeting those objectives at this time. Short of gaining the position of Kaiser or Prinz we have done well on the secular front.

My only musings are to have every single one of us holding a title of power and influence. This would mean creating further roles and responsibilities for us all to move into.

The position of "Constable of the Interior" could be one such idea. Perhaps a Royal Army of Outremer could be created. These are the only things I can think of at this time.

Feel free to propose further ideas for the settings of our goals and objectives.

Duke Arnold
Grand Master


Welcome Fritz, it is good to have you here.

I would be happy to run for reelection, as a straw man or an official candidate.

To assist our newest member, I have placed him at the head of the Franconian Household Army and have sent him into battle.

It seems Karl will be the next King of Outremer. Since we have reduced the influence of Crusader Counts, should we increase the influence of the King to compensate?

Athalwolf might be a possibility, but I would suggest waiting. We should not rush to add another new member just yet.

As for a mark on history. . .I do not know. The focus of my term so far has been the recovery of the Reich from that previous "Mark on History" we made. I apologize for being flippant, but being Chancellor is stressful. Those who consider a run should know this.



I agree with the Grand Master about being careful not to heavily tarnish the reputation of future members. I did not mind doing so at the last election, as my reputation was established before it began. If the Illuminati ever become known to the public, I will be the only face they see and so any good will I assemble will eventually become useless. This is not true for the rest of you.

I still believe running multiple candidates for Chancellor is a wise course of action. If we are the only choices available, then it truly does not matter who wins, so even a neck-and-neck campaign would be profitable and there is no need for one man to play the villain. If others run, the question is whether the non-Brotherhood candidates will benefit from our split vote. I believe this is something that can be decided if it occurs. If it seems that an outside candidate will defeat our split vote, one of our two nominees could withdraw from the race and place his support behind the other Brother. Again, I believe that announcing our candidacies very early is a key to success. There has only been one election in the entire history of the Reich when more than two people ran for the Chancellorship. Announcing early serves well to dissuade others from entering the race. Hell, perhaps running three candidates would even work.

I agree that it would benefit us to strengthen the King of Outremer's position. However, that will backfire on us if the title is ever given to a non-Brother. Kaiser Siegfried is a young man and will be in control of the Reich for a very long time. If we truly wish to secure the Brotherhood's control over Outremer, we will need his cooperation in selecting our choices for the position. As we have noted before, the only area in which we have no power is the Imperial throne. We have no chance of recruiting Elberhard (though what a coup that would be!) so establishing a relationship with Kaiser Siegfried is our only way of gaining any influence over the Throne for the foreseeable future. Perhaps we should approach him, make our existence known to him, and build some groundwork on which to negotiate for mutual aid in the future.


My fellow Brothers,

Greetings from Thorn. I thank you all for your welcome, and thank you for enlightening me to your presence. Rest assured, I will be a willing and silent instrument for whatever needs the Brotherhood may have.

Indeed, this is why I am writing. I am a newcomer to the Diet, and have yet to find my feet. As an unknown quantity in the Reich, I feel I'm in a good position to negotiate what may be difficult areas.

One specifically being my brother Siegfried. I agree with Lothar, and perhaps go further, that we *must* gain significant influence, or ownership of, the Imperial throne or many of our plans are doomed to dust. My relationship with Siegfried has not been exceedingly warm, but we have not quarreled either. And perhaps I am too close to him to tell what his weakness is. From my time with him, I would simply say his vanity, but again I could be too close and too familiar to see clearly.

If it is, in fact, his vanity that should be pandered to, I would like to volunteer to play the role of the devoted brother -- not garishly, but with caution and patience. My guess is that, given the promise of some... enticements... well before the current Chancellor's term is over he would lend his ear to me to the exclusion of all others.

I submit myself, most humbly, to the honourable Order,

Fritz von Kastilien


Firstly this disturbs me:

As for the chancellor election, it is fairly obvious that you threw the election. Anyone who thinks that you "lost" anything is not paying enough attention...

Please keep this in mind when we come to the next elections.

Fritz, welcome, and your plan seems sound. I would certainly support you taking this line towards the Kaiser.

He will be on the throne for decades and that makes his reign very powerful. We should do everything in our power to have a ear of the Kaiser in such circumstances.

Access and influence towards the Kaiser is really our only true area of weakness at this time.

Chancellor, can I please declare war on Sicily?

Grand Master


Jan's comment shows some insight. However, to the unenlightened Lothar did benefit by losing; Our father made him heir in compensation for voting for me, and I married him quickly to Lyse, which some might see as back room deal between Lothar and myself. So there were good reasons, besides the dictates of our order, for why Lothar might have thrown the election.

As for gaining access to the Kaiser, I feel we should be careful. Rather than being grateful for our assistance, he might view us as a threat. No one listens to Ansehelm when he complains of Lothar's society, but if the Kaiser spoke against us, it could be very bad. What could we offer him? He is secure in his power now. Fritz's suggestion is solid however, as he is a family member.

Who wants to run against me in 1280? I think Lothar might be out, trying the same trick twice might be suspicious. Arnold could be a possibility. Fritz could serve in a pinch, though we'd have to buff up his accomplishments before then. I think Karl would be the best candidate, he has no enemies. Whoever runs against me could use the "Chancellors have never served two consecutive terms" line. Also I have made efforts to be imperious and arrogant.

If I had to guess, I would say that Hans would be running, for he is ambitious and plagues me with commands disguised as "suggestions". Of course this could all be rendered moot if the Kaiser takes the term. Now that the succession has been solidified he will most likely do so. If this arises, how do ensure our continued prominence?

As for my earlier suggestion concerning raising the influence of the King of Outremer, I merely suggest that he have the same influence as a Duke. Right now, the King only has as much influence as one of his Counts. Still, we have time to consider this.



Your series of deal possibilities clearly show enough plausible reasons for Lothar's landslide election loss.

I do not think we should approach the Kaiser in any overt fashion. Fritz should be supported in his actions.

Lothar, Karl please confirm this as soon as possible.

The first thing Fritz should glean is twofold. Will the Kaiser take his hereditary right to the Chancellor position at the next opportunity. Will he confirm Karl's selection as heir to the Outremer crown.

I'm thinking of asking the Kaiser directly myself in the form of a letter to him.

As for the elections...stating early candidacy was literally the KEY move we made.

I think all of us should run except Fritz. Sheer weight of numbers means we can generate our own support and then concede and place our collective support in our last representative in the race. Or even better have two of our Order in the final running.

Hans will be his usual dangerous self and I do not want him back in power.

As for the King of Outremer, then I agree he should have more influence than his counts but not as much as a Duke of the Reich. There is a slot between the two to find I believe.

Grand Master


Matthias has spoken wisely regarding the Kaiser. And indeed, I do not plan to mention our society at all until I can be sure of his feelings and intentions. If there is any hint of hostility or unease regarding my approach, I will withdraw without incident and we can, to use a sailing term, take another tack in this matter.

Simply give the word and I will begin this campaign. I will restrain myself until we are united on this point though. If we are not united then I will, of course, do nothing.

As for running against Matthias, at this time I believe Karl would be the best candidate. I am too new to have made a name. I am grateful to Matthias for the battles given me to command, and will try to make a name from these successes. Who knows? In twelve years positions can change.


Fritz, you have my agreement on your plan regarding the Kaiser.

As for the election, I also agree that Karl and Matthias are the best option. Arnold cannot run due to his personal responsibilities. I should not run because our strategy may become obvious if precisely duplicated so soon after the last election. Frtiz should not run simply because he is too new to the Diet and it would look peculiar. That leaves only Karl and Matthias. I do not think it would be believable or wise for either of them to run a negative campaign, as I did in 1260. The men are congenial in the Diet and they have positive reputations. Best to run a 'clean' campaign based on the welfare of the Reich, without personal criticism or attacks. As long as both declare their intentions to run as early as possible, and with both candidates taking similar views on policy, the only way a third candidate can possibly compete is by taking a fundamentally different campaign platform. If that occurs and the third party has enough support to make the result doubtful, either Matthias or Karl can easily and believably withdraw from the race and place their support behind the other.


And that should be the plan in my view.

Karl can you agree with Fritz approaching the Kaiser in the manner he has outlined?



I apologize for my absence but have pressing matters elsewhere. Welcome Fritz it is good to have a Fraconian in the Order. From the transcripts I support the suggestion that Fritz approach his brother the Kaiser to feel him out and see what his intentions are, it would not be suspicious coming from his own House discussing and planning strategy.

I also like the thought of Mathias doing a second term. I have hesitation however; if the Matthias's term ends on a high note and I was to run a clean election I am the unknown and the Electors may stay with the tried and true. If Hans was to run I think there is enough negative feedback from the succession that he may not get the votes. Also the Kaiser could use his prerogative to block Hans from winning and election and take it for himself.

The Outremer is a feather in the cap if the Kaiser honours Salier's wishes to succeed him and I feel he may because I feel the Kaiser may have a soft spot for the Austrian House. There needs to be a little more influence for the position. As suggested by the Grandmaster between a Duke and Crusader. This will also allow me to pass on the position to Matthias.

I still do not wish the Order to be responsible for blood that is of no significant value to the long term goals. He could be a Swabian candidate.



I have received a letter from Wolfgang Hummel.

Greetings, Chancellor Steffen.

I wish to inform you, as current Chancellor, that I intend to run for Chancellor when your term ceases.

Some may judge me harshly on mein stand against Kaiser Siegfried, but I could not act against mein conscience.

Having learned that Siegfried is affirmed Kaiser by the Diet, I have decided to affirm mein allegiance to him as soon as I land on Imperial soil.

Mein father was a brave man, though he had not the gut of the Reich at heart. For his bravery, I admire him; for his greed, I do not.

Nevertheless, I have many great plans for the Reich. We must stablise our frontiers and bring in a golden era of peace to our shores. Battles will sadly not cease, as I doubt that the infidel will ever live peacefully beside true Christians such as we.

Sicily will inevitably declare war on the Reich, and when it comes, the fair city of Naples shall fall into our hands. Such a prize will well befit the Italian possessions of the Reich.

Times are also changing, and the discovery of this mysterious exploding powder will revolutionise warfare as we know it. Cannon will replace trebuchets; arquebuses bows.

I am young, and I know that in order to maintain our diverse Reich, we must stand true against the trials that come our way.

Wolfgang Hummel

This only increases my desire to run again. I will not see our efforts undone by a Hummel. His run will make anyone we put forward seem more appealing to the Electors.



It seems Wolfgang is already canvassing support, which makes him a dangerous opponent. As we know, the first group of electors to publicly announce their candidacy are usually in the best position to win.

We can't be beaten to the punch on this by others.

I'm unsure how to counter this without simply doing the same thing.

My preference is for Lothar to mollify his behaviour and submit a far more supportable agenda to the Diet. Or simply have Matthias try and become the first chancellor to run for two consecutive terms.

My only other thought is to have Fritz find out if the Kaiser will assume the position. In fact that is probably our best option at this time.



I believe this is good news. No matter how sensible Wolfgang's statements, few men will wish to be associated with a man who has previously declared open rebellion against the Kaiser. Perhaps he can rehabilitate his reputation eventually, but it is too soon. Wolfgang will serve the same roll as I did in the last election, which is entirely to our benefit.

I still believe it would be good for Karl to run as well, but if that proves impractical, I believe that we will still have a strong chance with only Matthias.



Regarding the notion of me running again, I believe that would be a waste of effort. Wolfgang will more than serve in the 'villain' role in 1280 and I am simply unelectable. I have continued to express distain for Outremer in the Diet, consistent with my previous stances. If I suddenly changed my stance, I would simply be seen as a liar. I do not see any way that I can rehabilitate myself in time for the next election, so I cannot run as a legitimate candidate. As I said before, running as a foil again would be so obvious that it would risk exposing us, so I see no benefit from a second attempt at this time. If Karl cannot run, then we should put all our strength behind getting Matthias re-elected.


So we can already confirm at least three candidates. Hans will run, so will Wolfgang. I believe we could not be luckier than that.

We must have Fritz determine if the Kaiser is going to take the position or not.



We are 10 years to an election and I think we have a chance to make history to have a 2 term Chancellor. If the campaigning has started by some electors then I think it is time to have Matthias make his intentions known. As the Grandmaster mentioned the Kaiser may choose to run at his earliest opportunity. I think it will be important for Brother Fritz to find this information out. If the Kaiser decides to take the Office of Chancellor that will let us remain low key and it will give us time for my availability or that of Lothar to "mature" before the electors. The Kaiser being Chancellor could allow us sometime to plan a longer strategy of Chancellors.



Ok so I believe we have a fairly broad strategy in place at this time.

Fritz finds out as soon as possible if the Kaiser is running. If he is then we can take a very low key approach to this term and focus on subtle influencing of the Kaiser.

If he isn't going to run then we can put all our weight behind Matthias.



I welcome this news of the Hummel running for office. He will indeed solve the problem of a foil. I do wish I could offer myself in this capacity, but perhaps in future.

I must tell you of a second interesting development. My brother Ansehelm sent a courier to me asking if I would accept a Countship, in Stettin. His motives are unclear to me. Perhaps news has reached him of my words in the Diet regarding Krakow, and he wishes to not have a hothead in control of the Household Army. Perhaps he wishes me to be landed and focus my energies on a single city. Or perhaps he simply has heard of my recent battles and has relented in his feelings towards me.

Because the courier was insistent for an answer before dawn the next morning, I wrote again saying that I would accept such an honour. So I do not write asking for advice on accepting, but rather for the Brotherhood's thoughts on what this matter may mean for the future.

And finally, unless there are any last objections, I will shortly begin contact with Siegfried, and will keep the Brotherhood informed regarding progress.

Yours, in God,


I have initiated contact with Siegfried. My behaviour in the Diet, I must admit, was calculated to make Siegfried take notice of my devotion. I will continue to push for a retaliatory attack on the Danes to make this devotion an issue that does not die away quickly.

I will notify you in case of any meaningful discussions by courier between myself and my brother.

Fritz von Kastilien


I wish to forward a correspondence I received from King Salier. He raises a good point regarding the survival of the Austrian House. I think my will announcing my son as my successor may have prompted this letter. It raises a very good point should I accept be the successor to King Salier what will happen to the Austrian House influence. Would the Order be enough to support it. I am flattered by the King's opinion of me but my heart and loyalty belongs to Austria and I was not even thinking of the Outremer. Here is the letter. I would like to hear everyone's opinion.



Some years ago, with the second wave of the Mongols impending, I publicly named you as my first choice for my successor as King of Outremer.

This is still the case. You have done an admirable job over the years, the aftermath of Jerusalem notwithstanding. However, with Outremer gaining more and more qualities of being its own House I fear that your loyalties may be unfairly divided should you ascend to the position of King.

As far as I can tell, your relation with your House, Austria, is still amiable, which is more than what I can say for many Crusader Counts (including myself). You know that, if you are King, you are expected to renounce all loyalties to your House and put Outremer first. This puts Austria in a perilous position, as they will then only have two active Electors. Not enough to bring forth any House Edicts, not enough to seriously influence the Diet, etc. In addition, Austria will no longer have any Crusader Counts, and thus, influence, currently located in Outremer. In summation Austria's influence in both Rome and Antioch will be seriously reduced.

I do not want to unfairly put pressure on you and your entire House by doing this, at least not without yours and Duke Arnold's consent. If you and the Duke feel that you will survive, that is great. But if you agree that the consequences will be too much let me know and I shall search for another suitable successor.

Conrad Salier


I think I can speak for the entire Brotherhood when I say that we will ensure that Austria received all the support it needs, no matter the circumstances. In any event, the only serious effect the position of King of Outremer would have would be to nullify Austria's ability to pass House Edicts and prevent you from governing your County. There is no possible way the Diet can force you to vote against Austria or otherwise injure your House. Furthermore, I know that the Brotherhood will make up for Austria's lack of House Edicts by contributing our own personal edicts when necessary. I suspect that Matthias and I could easily advance Edicts in Austria's favor in the Bavarian House
as well.

While Austria will essentially lose three Edicts, it will also gain influence by your position as King; which we will surely strengthen via legislation.



Austria will have the full support my brother mentioned. Just because Karl would technically leave Austria, his children will remain in the House. We will be able to bridge that gap if it occurs.

Remember Jonas's daughter Contzel is part of Austria as well, if she marries the husband will be brought into the House as well.



I apologize to the Grandmaster but my time is short with other pressing needs. I have heard from Lother and Matthias and I have responded back to King Salier that I will be ready to succeed him when the time comes. I include the letter to him.


King Salier,

I have had time to correspond with Duke Arnold he feels that it is a great opportunity for me to accept the role as your successor.

I have spent over have my life in the Outremer and believe in the principles of why it was created. My work started here and it would be an honour to finish my time here protecting these land for Christianity and the Holy Roman Empire.

I did not come here for personal gain but for the greater need. I will take on any responsibility to uphold the greater need. Though my heart will always be for home.

Respectfully yours,

Karl Zirn


My father's house is dangerously weakening.

Without over stating the situation which is clear for all to see, we need manpower.

Having said that, Karl you should take the position of King of Outremer. You have earned it and it is a great honour and a great achievement for you.

I can more than make up for our legislative lose by other means. Between being a Duke and the Grand Master of the Illuminati I can affect many things.

Your son may inherit the whole House if things don't come to pass as I wish. The von Mahren's are loyal and a credit to the House but Blood is Blood and that is my first priority. Without a wife I am not able to continue the line through the male side as has been the case for centuries and for that I am truly sad.



I am doing all I can to find the Grandmaster a wife, but I am under severe limitations. Many of the nobles of the realm are unwilling to wed their daughters to a man with such a fearsome reputation. I will continue my efforts, but there is nothing else I can do at the moment. I am sorry for my demonstration in the Diet, but I took the opportunity to distance myself from a fellow Brother in the eyes of the unenlightened.

Concerning the Sicilians, Arnold will depart Ragusa with most of his men and proceed west. I hope this will draw the cowards ashore, and then you will return to finish them.

Lothar, I meant what I said in the Diet. The Spaniards will most likely attack in the new year even if we give them Cagliari now. Our retribution against the Normans will have to wait until the Spanish are put to flight. I would welcome any suggestions on how to untie this Gordian knot.

Fritz, I am going to send you west to take over the Army of the Interior from the Kaiser in his absence. This will serve to gain his attention. Also, I cannot leave Peter in Thorn any longer without inviting suspicion.

Karl, I will give you a role in the Mongol defense if you wish.

As Chancellor I am powerful, but not omnipotent, please try to remember



Matthias, well...the distance just got a lot greater with my response. The "die is cast" it seems, so there is now a rift between Bavaria and Austria that might send your father into a spin. We have always been natural partners due to geography and size. I'm sure my response will illicit some strong reactions. I realised your move and have responded as only Arnold knows how to.

I agree that finding me a wife is proving difficult. Perhaps I am destined to be the last of the Austrian Male line and Zirn's family through my sister will be the future we must embrace.

Distinct from our Order I believe it is time that we bolster the Houses of Bavaria and Austria. Not necessarily due to any overt loyalty but because of balance. I truly believe that if one of two houses become too small it will have the balance of our realm knocked out of kilter.

Hegemony through family expansion is a well known tactic and we are slowly but surely seeing the demise of these two houses over the decades and centuries.

Hopefully the ploy you are ordering me on will work Matthias. The Sicilian's are clearly not bright.

As for the other plans, then I simply think you must wait and see Matthias. Be ready to react as fast as possible as the proactive options at this stage are not without much risk.



I will work to find out Siegfried's interest in the Chancellorship.

I will report again when I have an answer. However, I fear that the couriers between myself and the Kaiser are being intercepted. This may simply be due to the brigands whom I have recently run down. I will say no more at present.



It has come to my attention recently that Prinz Elberhard is discontent with his lot in life. Rumors have it that he may even be planning to leave Outremer. I believe we should keep an eye on him, as a man in need of power is likely to be receptive to an exchange of services. It would be good to have the Imperial Heir in our debt, even if he is unlikely to ever ascend to the throne. If anyone detects any opening where we could aid the Prinz in exchange for current or future favors, please speak of it immediately.



I will certainly think on it Lothar. He would be very valuable.


04-06-2008, 20:45
Chapter XIII: An Eye in Swabia


Two items for your attention.

Regarding Prinz Elberhard. I believe we should ensure that he receives an army while Matthias is chancellor.

Perhaps we can ensure he gets one.

I now believe we should contact Jens Hummel for consideration of Enlightenment.

Please cast your votes on the matter as soon as possible.

Grand Master

Grand Master,

Who will be the contact with Elberhard who gains his royal favour by ensuring this army? If Matthias is planning to run for Chancellor, it may be that he himself ought to. If we wish to bolster another Brother's reputation, though, this would be an ideal moment.

As for Jens, I agree that now is the time.



Lothar is the only person authorised to deal with others on behalf of the Illuminati.

I'm concerned that if Lothar says he can arrange an army for the Prinz then he will be able to easy comprehend that Matthias is one of the brotherhood if this is organised while he is chancellor.

We should go through a proxy in this case. What we need is for us to do this through the Kaiser. Then the Prinz will not be able to link things so directly.

Grand Master


I have recently had an interesting exchange with Counts Hans. I attempted to gain favor with him without doing what he asked. I believe that my 'impartiality' during the succession crisis did indeed pay off. I will attempt to build this relationship so that we may exploit it in the future.


Steward Lothar,

Will you be standing for election this diet session? I believe you have great potential and could easily best your brother. To gain additional votes, you would only have to propose your ideas less radically so that the more moderate members of the diet can identify
with you.

In my view, your brother has done somewhat well, but not great. For example he promised to reply to letters and enquiries, yet he has failed to do so repeatedly. Also, he seems to have put the needs of Siegfried and Elberhard before good Arnold's who even passed an edict to gain him a wife.

I would not be opposed to supporting you at all, truth be said, if you were to stand.

Think about it.



I thank you for your support and I will not forget it. However, I do not truly think that I can best my brother quite yet. I fear that if I run again and lose, I will begin to be seen as a man like Ulrich Hummel. I will certainly attempt the position again in the future, but for now I feel it is best if I simply lay low and let others forget about the past.

Perhaps we can find ways to aid each other in the future. It will not be long now before I am Duke of Bavaria, and at that point I will not be quite so easily brushed aside. If there is any way in which I can aid you, in the Diet or elsewhere, please let me know.



The next election will soon be upon us. We should start thinking about legislation we should pursue and the election for Chancellor.

First, Ajaccio needs to be formally accepted into the Reich. I assume my Father will take the lead on this. We should support him.

Second, both Bran and Cagliari need to be voted on as well, or they will be removed from the Reich. Cagliari is not so important, but Bran is a vital recruitment center and a bulwark against the Hungarians.

Third, we have discussed increasing the influence of the King of Outremer. As it now appears, Karl will be the King, and we should seek to increase his power. Though this is complicated by the fact that the Kaiser is still away, and we may not have an official appointment. Perhaps this should be addressed in legislation as well, have Karl named Steward of Outremer until an official appointment?

Fourth, the edict calling for the conquest of Naples and Palermo will expire in 1280. Should it be renewed, modified or abandoned?

Finally, there is the election for Chancellor itself. I will stand for reelection. The only opponent I know of so far is Wolfgang Hummel. He I can easily defeat, but it is difficult to gauge the resistance of the Diet to a two term Chancellor. If a stronger candidate runs, I might be in trouble. My term as Chancellor has been mostly successful, but I have made some enemies. If worst comes to worst, Lothar can contact a candidate of our choosing and offer him assistance in return for preferential treatment, and I then would drop out under mysterious circumstances.

As Chancellor I have tried to benefit the members of the Illuminati. Fritz has seen many more battles since he joined, distinguishing himself among the crowd of Franconian nobles. Arnold has received Bran, which I hope will be assigned to Austria, though I have failed to find him a wife. He has also burnished his reputation for ferocity. Lothar has finished the Milanese, and stands ready to be a conqueror in Italy. Karl will soon, I hope, be King of Outremer and has taken part in the Crusade. His reputation among the Electors is immaculate. I have lead a Crusade, faced the Mongols and been knighted. It is amusing that I had to be elected Chancellor to receive my spurs.

Despite all this, our Brotherhood remains secret. No one has connected the dots. This I view as our most important accomplishment. We can continue to pull the strings and keep the Reich safe from those who would do it harm.



Matthias, firstly let me say this now. You have done a masterful job. Without doubt this has been once of the most impressive periods in the Reich’s history and it can be directly attributed to your handling of “State Affairs”.

Having said that, I would like to clearly state that above and beyond edicts and other matters of legislation, THE, most important thing is the secrecy of this Brotherhood. Nothing must jeopardise this….NOTHING.

We must determine if the Kaiser is going to enact his right to govern the Empire as soon as possible. If we don’t we run the danger of overplaying our hand when we need not do anything in that regard. Fritz please inform us as soon as you have any information on this matter.

As for legislation then the key points I believe are as follows:

Follow up edicts for Bran and Cagliari to be absorbed into the Reich.

Edicts for the King of Outremer to have +2 influence, placing him squarely between Counts and Dukes.

A temporary position of Steward to be given to Karl until the Kaiser can confirm King Sailer’s wishes.

Extension to the edict permitting Naples and Palermo being taken.

As for the re-election, then Matthias must run again.

Finally, the reign of one of our Brotherhood has brought great benefits and treatment. We must ensure this continues.

Grand Master.


Has there been full agreement yet on the plan to recruit Jens Hummel?



I'm sorry, but the possible recruitment of Jens had escaped my notice. Feel free to use your discretion.

I am preparing my end of term report. Oddly enough it will also resemble a campaign speech. I will have an official candidacy speech prepared for when the next Diet Session opens.



We have not reached consensus for approaching Jens Hummel.

Fritz can you please let us know.

Karl spoke to me before and gave his blessing that I can as Grand Master make decisions on his behalf.

We need a unanimous decision on approaching the unenlightened.

Matthias, your re-election is being seen in a favourable light in Outremer.

Have your speech prepared.

Grand Master


I am most grievously disturbed to see that our work to have Karl appointed King of Outremer has been wasted. This situation is totally abhorrent and we cannot let it stand. Not only has the Order been denied one of the most powerful positions in the Reich, but that position has also been given to Jan von Hamburg, an incompetent twit. Kaiser Siegfried will reign for many, many years. If Jan is already in his favor, it will be exceedingly difficult to gain a hold on Outremer at all.

We have a choice to make, brothers. Do we simply sit back and let this occur, or do we do something about it?

There is nothing we can do about the fact that the Kaiser appoints the King. However, we can, perhaps do something about the Kaiser. It will not be long before I am Duke of Bavaria. With Arnold and Duke Scherer, we would have enough power to call an Emergency Diet session. If we could pre-secure sufficient votes for a 2/3 majority to pass, we could force through legislation removing Kaiser Siegfried and appointing Hans in his place. Our price for this immense move would be simple:

Hans will appoint Karl as King of Outremer and the Charter will then be changed so that the King of Outremer appoints his own heir. In this way, Outremer will be ours for all time and we will have a Kaiser in our pocket.

The alternative is doing nothing. That poses less risk, but we lose Outremer, likely for good, and we will be forced to live in a Reich that is ruled by a Kaiser who is too strong to bend to our will. That will seriously hamper our future efforts.

If we are to move in this manner, we will have some time to prepare. I expect that I will not be Duke until the end of this coming Chancellorship. Remember as well that the Kaiser has previously stated that he intends to take the Chancellorship in 1300. If we do not act before then, his grip on the Reich will be absolute and we will have no chance at dislodging him. So, we would have to be prepared to move as soon as my father dies, which means we would have to have secured sufficient votes beforehand to ensure the end result.

Opposition may be strong, but with Matthias in the Chancellorship, there is always one final option we can resort to in the event that our votes appear insufficient. If the vote would be close, but against us, Matthias could ensure that a few 'accidents' befall some of the more influential members of our opposition. I understand the seriousness of this statement and I do not take it lightly. Remember, though, that the Order works for the benefit of the entire Reich. It is our will that keeps the people and the lands safe. If our power is diminished, the Reich becomes vulnerable. We must boldly seize power for ourselves so that the Reich remains safe.



I have perused the records and it appears that Fritz did indeed give his approval for Jens. I will thus begin the recruitment process for the Swabian.


As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Jens Hümmel, you are being watched.

You are a man of great talent and greater potential, yet you wield little power and influence. Powerful men dominate the halls of your House. Duke Scherer is easily the most accomplished general in all the Reich and his hold on Swabia has never been stronger. Though Hans failed in his bid for the throne, he remains a dominant figure in the Diet and on the battlefield. By comparison, your history is less distinguished. Your father was publicly disgraced and took his own life. Your brother openly rebelled against the Kaiser and is still seen by many as something of a traitor. Their foolish actions are great marks against you; and unjust state of affairs for one as capable as you.

That can change, if you wish it to. Will you take control of your destiny and seize what is rightfully yours, or will you let power slip through your grasp, keeping only what is bestowed on you by the fickle whims of others? If you wish to lead rather than follow, place this black ribbon in your window tomorrow night.

Destroy this letter immediately. If you speak of this to anyone else, you will never hear from us again.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye.

Rome, 1280

The entire known world was subject to his gaze. Europe, North Africa, and Asia – nothing escaped his view. For he was all-powerful.

He saw armies marching to the far corners of the world and back. He saw deals being made and just as quickly broken. He saw fathers passing on weapons to sons, loyal subjects mourning the death of their lord, and politicians dictating policy, hoping that what they made was the right choice.

He saw the Pope, in Jerusalem, drawing up a Papal Bull:

“The Reich shall hereby abstain from continuing hostilities with Spain and Denmark until further notice, under penalty of excommunication…”

The nerve of the Pope! He was an Imperial! He was not respecting the Lord of All’s wishes! But the Lord of all laughed, and swept his hand, and the Pope, nay, all of Jerusalem, was no more, swept away. So the Lord of All wished it, so it occurred.

In Rome, Jan von Hamburg laughed at him and dismissed his groundbreaking legal proposals. The Lord of All clenched a giant fist and brought it down upon the Diet building. There would be no more legal obfuscating.

In Constantinople, that usurper of a Kaiser simply existed. He was vacationing, enjoying his little play for the throne, and now not even bothering to take an interest in the Reich while its true leaders like Hans and Elberhard toiled in obscurity. The Lord of All grew angry at this and let forth a mighty bellow.

Seeing this, the Kaiser noticed his opposition and let forth a cry. “Please, My Lord,” he said, petrified, “What have I done to offend you? I shall do anything, anything to get back in your good graces.

The Lord of All laughed. “There will be no second chances for you, mortal.” Amid the Kaiser’s screaming he pronounced and executed his final judgment. Siegfried von Kastillien no longer existed. The Lord of All surveyed his domain once more. In it, he saw frightened respect, terrified awe, and willful submission. This pleased him greatly. He-

The door knocked. Hastily, Jens Hümmel scrambled, scooping up his map of the world and clay figurines and stuffed them into a corner of his room.

“State your name,” he said in a cracking voice, far from the majestic tones of the Lord of All.

“Innkeeper,” said the voice from behind the door. “You owe me a night’s rent.”

“Yes, of c-course I do,” said Jens, stuttering, as he opened the door. “Please, come in, make yourself at home while I get the florins. How much do I owe you? Eleven florins?”

“Twenty,” said the innkeeper. He peered around the room, looking as if he was expecting to find someone else there. Jens tried not to look at the map and clay figurines. “I heard voices,” the innkeeper continued. “You trying to sneak in an extra customer? ‘cause it’s ten extra florins a night if ye are.”

“It’s robbery, is what it is,” Jens said under his breath as he breathed a sigh of relief. “No,” he said, “Nobody here but me. Take a look around if you like.”

“Very well, young sir, I shall do that.” The innkeeper walked around the shabby room, occasionally peering over for a closer look, for a couple of minutes. He glanced over the map and clay figurines but said nothing.

“Satisfied?” said Jens.

“I s’pose that only you are keeping yourself company,” said the innkeeper wearily. “Twenty florins, then, if you please.” Jens reluctantly handed over the money and saw the innkeeper out the door. He shut it and grunted.

“I have got to be the poorest noble that ever did live,” Jens said to himself. “Here I am, sitting in the shabbiest inn in Rome, barely able to pay rent, and yet I am an important member of the House of Swabia.”

Jens blamed his family for his poor position. Being the son of the worst Chancellor in the Reich’s history and the brother of the man who led a failed revolution against the Kaiser did not endear him to the people. He considered himself lucky that they had even allowed him to become an Elector in the first place. Of course, he didn’t help that perception by picking a fight his first day in the Diet with the man who eventually ascended to the post of King of Outremer, but how was he supposed to know that was coming? Von Hamburg was an almighty wart, a political nobody who was only alive because Salier had taken a liking to him.

And so, he was laughed at, brushed off without a second thought. But that would change. Someday, he would be powerful. Someday, he would be important. Someday, he would restore the Hümmel family name and become the most revered figure in the Reich, one way or another.

“So the Lord of All wishes it, so it occurs,” he said to himself as he departed his room, leaving only a black ribbon in the window and his map and clay figurines in the corner.

*Nothing occurs throughout all of the next day. You find yourself constantly scanning the faces of every man you pass, looking for an unexpectedly attentive gaze. Yet, despite your alertness, you discover nothing. Eventually, evening falls and you retire for the night.*

*When you enter your room, you feel compelled to search your bed for another note. As you expected, there is nothing there.*

"Good evening Jens."

*The sudden voice from the darkness startles you, but you control your nerves and turn around calmly and complacently, as if you had known the man was always there. You find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your room. The hood of his cloak is pulled low over his face, so that you can see his chin, but little else. By instinct you reach for the dagger you always carry about your person.*

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We are all friends here."

*You stop moving your hand, but your palm remains resting on the hilt of your dagger. The figure stands up and moves towards you. He stops on a spot where the moonlight casts a faint glow on his dark form. He pauses for a long moment and the room grows uncomfortably silent.*

“Allow me to introduce myself.”

*In a flourish, he bows low, his robes flowing around him.*

“I am the Voice of the Illuminati. Before I begin, there is one thing I must make absolutely clear. We value our secrecy above all else, and the true names of our members are the greatest secret we keep. No one outside the Order is ever permitted to know the identity of the Brothers. As Voice, I am the only means of communication between the Illuminati and the Unenlightened. Do not ask the names of other members. Do not attempt to find out who the other members are.”

*The figure walks over to the window. He touches the black ribbon gently and then stares out into the moonlight.*

"This process of notes, ribbons, and robes is intentionally dramatic; it warns off those who are not amongst us from seeking what they do not deserve to know. We keep secrecy and instill fear for a very important reason: the consequences for crossing us are most severe. Indeed, they can be fatal."

"Please keep that in mind tonight while we are speaking. I am here to determine whether you are worthy of becoming one of the Brotherhood, or whether you will forever remain one of the Unenlightened.

*The man turns towards you and his grave tone subsides.*

“You are a new man, but your actions are already known to us. You control little, but you protect and aid your vassals in the manner befitting a proper nobleman. We do the same, but on a grander scale."

*He spreads his arms wide, as if trying to embrace the world.*

"We exist to protect the Reich from all who would harm it. The Imperial and Household Armies serve well enough to confront our foreign enemies, but what of those who imperil the Reich from within? The Diet cannot be trusted with such a responsibility, for every Elector is self-serving and every House seeks power for it's own sake. You have not been in the Diet for long, but surely you have already seen how they squabble over rank and influence. Some may justify their actions with chivalry or law, but that does not make their exploitations any less damaging.”

“There have been many occasions in our history when following the letter of the law has led to disaster and ruin. It was the letter of the law that allowed Kaiser Heinrich to assault the Papacy, resulting in excommunication and hardship for the entire Reich. Once, many years ago, the citizens of Zagreb were threatened by sack and rapine by a Hungarian army. It was the letter of the law that forced a squire to confront the enemy with a mere handful of soldiers, rather than the full strength of the available forces. The lives of innocent women and children were put at risk simply because the man did not have sufficient rank.”

“The Charter was written by men and, like those men, it is fallible. We believe it is our duty to do what is best for the Reich, even when those actions would be forbidden by law. Indeed, we risk our own lives and well-being to ensure that the proper course is followed, no matter the consequences.”

“Ask yourself, would it better to obey the law and let innocent women and children die, or to use bribery and blackmail to ensure their safety? Blind obedience to law can do as much evil as it can do good. The true and honest act is that which achieves the greatest good for the Reich, not that which is most legally sound. This is our purpose, this is our duty. If Electors pursue courses of action that injure the Reich, we oppose them. If the law itself endangers the security and prosperity of the Reich, we simply ignore it. The first Roman Empire fell because of corruption from within. We exist to ensure that will never happen again.”

“Of course, none of this can be accomplished without strength. Therefore we also are committed to ensuring that all Brothers achieve significant power and station. As they grow in rank and influence, so do we grow as a whole. No man is forgotten or overlooked in the Order. Indeed, we control an unprecedented amount of influence. Few even know that we exist, but I assure you that our shadow falls over the entire Reich. There is no greater ally, and no more dreadful an enemy, than the Divine Order of the Illuminati.”

*The robed figure walks back over to the shadowed corner, and sits.

“I have much more to say but, as I stated, this meeting is to determine whether you are worthy of being one of us. So, speak, Jens Hümmel. Ask your questions, tell me your thoughts on what I have said, and then we will proceed further.”

Jens stares at the figure for several moments, saying nothing. It appears that he is thinking on what next to say. His expression is unreadable.

Finally, he speaks.

"You have given many examples of what has happened when things are followed too closely. I can think of many more. Some of which hit pretty close to home.

"Obviously I am for what you speak of, Voice. I am not saying this just for purposes of inclusion, either. I proposed that Charter Amendment with the intent that Chancellors use their best judgment, not squabble and fail to act while the Reich burned around them."

Jens's face loses his stoic expression as he starts to get more wound up.

"The whole point of ruling is to do what is right, not what is proper! I find it unbelievable that a secret society, even a powerful one as you claim you are, is even needed to advance this idea! What goes through the people's heads, the people that insist strict obedience? Are they afraid society will come crashing down because we're trying to save a city full of people?!"

He breathes deeply, and calms down.

"But enough. I gather you know my stance on this idea. Tell me, if you deem me fit to join up with you, what am I to do? If there are future services you require of me, I assume you will get in contact with me your own way?

"And, should the need ever arise that I require something of the Brothers (although this should rarely, if ever, happen, since I can make my own way through life), how am I to make that request known?"

Jens stands, waiting for a reply.

*The figure bows his head while you are speaking; he is clearly concentrating on every word you utter. What he is searching for, you do not know. When you finish speaking, he looks up. You wonder how he can possibly see with the cowl covering half his face.*

"This is not a question of giving orders and requests. We are not a totalitarian group. We exist as a true Brotherhood. Unlike in the Diet, all members are given equal status. Your opinion would be valued as highly as mine. There is no influence, no inequality, in the Brotherhood. The vote of the newest member carries as much weight as that of the Grand Master himself. If there is something that you wish us to aid you in, all you need to do is ask."

"The Order only believes in two levels of knowledge and privilege; the Unenlightened know nothing, and the Brothers know all. There are no secrets once you are behind the veil. You will have full access to our secret chambers, where we meet regularly to discuss events in the Reich and plans for the future. Indeed, we are far more active than any of the Ducal Houses."

"You will also not find us petty and unwilling to listen to dissenting opinions. If you disagree with a course of action, your words will be taken very seriously. We support one another unconditionally because we fundamentally believe that all Brothers are worthy of deep respect and deference. Only the most intelligent and competent men are admitted to the Order, and as such we never act without thought or deliberation."

*The Voice turns towards you and reaches his right hand into his left sleeve. After a few seconds, he pulls out a large piece of parchment from the enveloping fabric. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. I said before that I was here to determine whether you were worthy of membership. That was a lie. You were deemed worthy by a unanimous vote of the Order long before we met. Had there been any doubt, you would have remained one of the Unenlightened forever."

“Consider you choice carefully, Jens. Once you join the Divine Order of the Illuminati, you can never leave. This is a commitment for life. Your bond with the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another. Should you join us, you will reap great rewards. You will join a new family that will stop at nothing to ensure your safety and prosperity. But it is also a family that does not tolerate betrayal.”

*The voice reaches into his sleeve again and produces a quill and inkpot. It seems as though the man has an entire secretarial desk sequestered inside his robes. Both the quill and the ink itself are colored a deep burgundy. He offers them to you.*

"Before you sign, I will answer any final questions you wish to ask of me, except for those things which I have previously told you were off-limits. They will not be revealed until you are one of us. I have spoken long enough. Read the Blood Charter and ask your questions. Then we will proceed."

*You read the parchment.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

Jens goes over the Blood Charter three times, reading it intently. After the third read, he looks up.

"I have no further questions and am ready to make the commitment," he says. "Hand over the quill."

After the Voice does so Jens signs the Charter, slowly and deliberately. It is done, there would be no going back now.

*The Voice of the Illuminati leans over and takes the document. He holds it up to the faint moonlight and examines the signature closely.*

“Yes, this will serve.*

*He rolls up the Blood Charter and slips it back inside the folds of his robe.*

“Now, I suppose I owe you some answers.”

*He reaches up and pulls back the hood of his cloak. Even in the dim light, it is impossible not to recognize him as Lothar Steffen, heir to the Bavarian Dukedom.*

“I do not believe that we have spoken in the Diet before, but I doubt I am unknown to you. However, you are new to the Diet and I do not know how much you know about my political career. If you have studied the Diet records, you will know that I am somewhat… unpopular… in that body. Let me assure you that this is entirely intentional, one of the many ruses we have used to aid the Illuminati. You will understand more completely in a moment.”

*Lothar turns and sits down. He takes a moment to arrange his robes in a comfortable fashion. Clearly what he has to say will take a while.*

“I suppose the best place to start is with the Brothers. As you know, I am the Voice of the Illuminati and the only Brother who ever contacts the Unenlightened in an official capacity. The Grand Master of our order is Duke Arnold of Austria. He and I were the founding members of the Order many years ago. It has grown in size since then. You are now the sixth member. The Brother who was recruited before you was Fritz von Kastilien, of the House of Franconia. The other two members are Karl Zirn, Count of Zagreb and Damascus, and my own brother, Matthias Steffen, the current Chancellor of the Reich.”

*Lothar pauses for a moment, to let the information sink in.*

“As I said, guile is our preferred method of operation. The public animosity between Matthias and myself is entirely fabricated. I assure you, we are as close as brothers can be. Indeed, we are Brothers twice over. We have intentionally made a public spectacle of our ‘disagreements’ for many years now, starting from a minor spat within the House of Bavaria itself, until our competing ‘campaigns’ for Chancellor.”

“I will get to the Chancellorship election in a moment, but first a bit more history is in order. Before you joined the Diet there was an immensely chaotic and difficult period for the Reich. It all began with the election of Ulrich Hummel to the Chancellorship. We were responsible for that. Four men stood for the position, but Ulrich had the least likelihood of success. He was not well-liked and had lost the election in two previous occasions. This meant that he was also the most desperate candidate. We approached him and formally offered the aid of the Illuminati in return for several ‘favors’ during his Chancellorship. He agreed, and we set about securing the election for him through deft political negotiation. Suggestions were made in the right ears, and before the Diet knew it, Ulrich had gone from the least favorable candidate to the victor. Better yet, none of those we manipulated even knew that the Illuminati were involved. Indeed, most believed they were voting for Ulrich for their own interests.”

*Lothar sighs heavily and the left side of his mouth turns down.*

“Unfortunately, Ulrich did not turn out to be a reliable puppet. Oh, he did most of what we asked of him, but he also pursued a startling path of his own. He committed many blatant violations of the law and did great harm to the Reich through his inept management. We did not expect him to act as such, and were caught off guard. The backlash against him in the Diet was immense. We decided to cut our losses and ignored his pleas for help when the vote for impeachment came.”

“After that fiasco, we decided that we simply could not trust a third party to carry out our will. We had to control the Chancellorship directly in order to ensure that our will was done. So, we decided on a slight of hand. Instead of simply supporting a single Brother for the position, we would run two Brothers with directly opposing agendas. One would stand on a platform that would appeal to the masses, while the other would make statements so outrageous that the Diet would flee en-masse from him. Matthias and I fit the bill perfectly for these rolls. With his popularist statements drawing votes and my inflammatory rhetoric propelling all moderates towards him, it worked perfectly. Now Matthias controls the Reich for us, and our will is enacted to perfection.”

"We do not believe that such a ruse is necessary again this year, as Matthias has gained much approval in the Diet. He will be re-elected without any need for such tactics."

“During the Succession Crisis, Kaiser Siegfried retained his throne only because of us. The fact that Duke Arnold and Duke Steffen sided with the Kaiser decided the issue. We arranged that. We chose Siegfried for one simple reason: to frustrate Hans. The use of power from the shadows requires a political environment in which the Diet is fractured. The greatest threat to our control is the emergence of other significant powers or voting blocs. Thus, we do all that we can to keep other individuals and groups from gaining enough influence to threaten us. Until recently, Hans was one of the most powerful men in the Reich. Indeed, one of our demands of Ulrich Hummel so many years ago was that Hans be given command of a clerk’s office instead of an army. The idea of Hans gaining the Imperial Throne was simply one we could not accept.”

"However, that stance may be changing. We expected Karl Zirn to inherit the title of King of Outremer and we are greatly disturbed that the Kaiser has named that ponce Jan to the position. Discussions are only just beginning now, but it is possible that Kaiser Siegfried could find himself without a throne in future years."

“Much else has occurred in our history, but I will not recite every last detail. We have compiled all of our actions from the very beginning in a Sacred History. If you wish to know everything we have ever done, you can consult that tome. I will show you where it is located when we first meet formally with the rest of the Brotherhood. However, there is one final thing I must tell you. As Voice, I have met with only two Unenlightened who did not later become Brothers. Ulrich Hummel was one. He is now dead and of no threat to us. His son, Wolfgang, may have been told of our existence, but Ulrich never knew my true name or any other information that could be used against us. However, the other person is more of a danger: Ansehelm von Kastilien.”

*Lothar looks unpleased at what he is about to say.*

“He was the first man we attempted to recruit into the Brotherhood. We miscalculated badly and Ansehelm spurned us. Worse still, I was new to the position of Voice and had not developed my… techniques… as well as I have now. I revealed my identity to Ansehelm and showed him a copy of the Blood Charter. He has since made several comments about my involvement in a secret society, but we are fortunate. He does not seem to believe that we have much power, if we exist at all, and the rest of the Diet has ignored his statements. Even so, we have opposed him regularly. We are the reason that his Teutonic Crusade took so many decades to get moving. Ansehelm, at the head of a united Franconian House, was the greatest threat to our power.”

*Lothar snorts back a laugh.*

"Of course, that is no longer true. That fop, Jan von Hamburg, did a great deal to split Franconia. With the loss of several of their elder Electors, Franconia is much weaker now than it once was. With Fritz in place to influence the House and report on its internal affairs, we are now more than capable of handling them."

“I hope you do not take offense at my words about the various Houses and Electors. All Brothers are loyal to the Order above all else, even their own Houses. If we prosper, the Reich prospers. That is the way of things. I personally had to destroy my relationship with my fellow Bavarian, Conrad Salier, as part of my duties to the Illuminati, so that Matthias could become closer to him. Needless to say, my father was been less than pleased with the 'disdain' that Matthias and I show for each other in public. Sometimes what is best for the Order is not what is best for your House."

*Lothar grins and shakes his head.*

“Apologies for blathering on so long. I can talk forever if I am not stopped. I am sure I have forgotten ten thousand things, but I think that is a good enough summary to start with. If you have any questions, ask them now. I will answer anything you wish to know, with no reservations whatsoever.”


Here is my revised estimation of how the votes lie so far.

Total votes: 82 - 41 votes are needed for guaranteed victory.

Wolfgang - Wolfgang (1)

Total: 1

Hans - Friedrich Scherer (6), Athalwolf von Salza (2), Hans (5), Ansehelm
von Kastilien (6), Jens Hummel (4)

Total: 23

Matthias - Matthias (5), Fritz von Kastilien (4), Arnold (6), Karl (4),
Lothar (4), Gerhard Steffen (6), Friedrich Karolinger (2), Peter von Kastilien (4), Jan von
Hamburg (4)

Total: 39

Toss-Up - Elberhard (5), Helmut von Hamburg (3), Dieter Bresch (2), Dutch_guy (1), Edmund Becker (2), Siegfried (6)

Total: 19

We are getting closer, but I am still concerned about whether proxy votes were turned in or not.

Also, if Friedrich Scherer is back in the Diet, why is Hans still Steward? He is issuing building queues and Counties, and acting in a lordly fashion. Is there anyway we can exploit this?



Matthias' analysis looks accurate to me. As such, we need to secure 6 votes for him to ensure his success. I suggest that he make a specific appeal to Elberhard. The Prinz desires his own army in the Homelands. Matthias, if you promise this to him, regardless of any legislation that passes, you may have success. The remaining 1 vote can easily be gained from anywhere else.

I firmly believe that we should oppose both CA 12.4 and 12.5. If Karl was King, they would be perfect, but he is not. With these Amendments, Outremer is slipping further and further from our grasp. We cannot allow this.

In other news, Jens Hummel has been successfully initiated. I will formally bring him into this Council later today. Congratulations, recruitment is now complete! We have six Brothers, including one in each of the Ducal Houses and two in Outremer.



Lothar you raise a good point on both CA's.

I've already privately said I would support both edicts but on the condition the term of the King is reduced to that of the Chancellor and rotated. On the other hand your analysis of the second CA is interesting.

Perhaps I should call be Zirn and then take over Damascus myself as Duke.

The CA 12.5 is now too dangerous as it removes the Household bind that created it in the first place.



The Prinz's response:


I'm not going to beat around the bush here fella!!

We're of like mind on most things so I'll be blunt.

I'm pretty #%$$#ing shocked the Kaiser handed the reins to Jan rather than Lord Zirn, but what the hell, shiet happens and we have to roll with the punches woot!?

Still Zirn deserved it in my view. He toiled away over there for decades and got nothing for it. It was certainly going to be a bright moment for House Austria in an otherwise difficult period.

As for the Diet comments about supporting my edicts, then I have to say once again thank you.

Now...the Chancellor run. I've got to tell you Hans is a worry...being selfish right now I can't seem to get him to commit to looking after the delicate situation in Austria the way I would like. While on the other hand Matthias has done a great job supporting me and the predicament I find myself in with the Hungarians. The Austrian eastern front has been deadly to say the least and I can't have anymore #@@ ups at this time.

Considering Zirn got shafted, I'd like you to support Matthias in the coming elections if you can possibly help it.

Let me know what you think...

..and forget that nut job Wolfgang...he's $@%ing bonkers as far as I'm concerned and we can't have that if the Kaiser's also a going to be a bit bewildering at the moment too.

I hear you’re coming back to the Reich...or are you back already?

If you are back, then come and see Lothar and myself in the tavern. We could do with some tall stories from out east.

Your Friend

Duke Arnold,

Thanks for the note. I dunno what the Kaiser was thinking turning down Zirn - maybe something to do with the King not being part of a House? You need as many Austrians as you can get, whereas Jan desperately wants to escape Franconia. But who knows? I am sure he has his reasons.

No worries on the Austrian Household edicts and CAs - just stick my name down, as and when. The offer holds good for other Diets too.

On the election, I agree I also favour Matthias. Both Hans and Matthias have been exemplary Chancellors, but Hans seems to be the more expansionist. I'd prefer to continue with the consolidation we have seen under Matthias. However, Hans is my brother and that counts for something. The @#$%^&!!!er also bears grudges like no other one you have seen! Maybe I will have to follow Karl Zirn and have a sickie on election day!

I hope to move my base of operations back to the homeland during the next Diet. Until then, I will flit back and forth, so no doubt I will catch you in the tavern.



I believe you have his vote Matthias.

Grand Master.


I would like to formally welcome Brother Jens Hümmel. With his recruitment, our Order is now complete. We have six Brothers, with men in each of the four Ducal Houses as well as Outremer. We directly control 1/3 of the votes in the Diet, a number that will only increase as our members continue to gain rank and influence. By the end of this coming term, we will also have two Dukes in our Order, as well as the Chancellor. The immense disappointment of losing the King of Outremer, which we expected Karl to obtain, has highlighted the one area where we are still weak: the Imperial throne.

Simply put, we absolutely must gain some control over the Kaiser. You know me well enough to see that I tend to advocate for radical actions, but even if we do not attempt to oust Siegfried, we cannot ignore the situation. I believe, at minimum, a two-pronged effort must be made. First, Siegfried must be brought under our control in some manner. Perhaps an exchange of resources for future benefit. Perhaps something less direct. Regardless, we must be able to influence his actions. Second, we should strive to make Siegfried the last Kaiser to ever sit the throne without the blessing of the Illuminati. This must be done by controlling the heir. While Elberhard is currently Prinz, he is actually older than Siegfried and will not inherit the title himself. Whoever the title passes to after Elberhard must be brought under our control, or perhaps even into the Order. This is a long-term plan, but something to remember at all times, in case opportunities appear to exploit it.

For now, our immediate goal remains clear: ensure that Matthias is re-elected to the position of Chancellor. When the time for voting comes, I would urge all Brother to immediately vote for Matthias except Jens and myself. It would be beneficial to us if both Jens and I could maintain positive relationships with Hans. He already trusts me and Jens is a fellow Swabian. If we can vote for Hans without risking Matthias' defeat, I believe we should do so. Obviously, if our votes are required to keep Matthias in the position, we will vote for him. This is why Jens and I should wait to vote until the closing hours. A close victory is just as a good as a landslide, and in this case it could be more beneficial for our future schemes.



I welcome Brother Jens into the Order and hope he finds our members as surprising as I did!

As to the Kaiser... My continued efforts to contact my brother have been met with complete and absolute silence. I am afraid that our years together under the same roof are not kindly remembered, or Siegfried has simply chosen to forget what I did to soften Ansehelm's wrath at times.

Whatever the cause, the practical effect is that I will not be an instrument capable of influencing the Kaiser. We must find some other way. Because of the soft approach I have used, I begin to believe we will need to devise some scheme to shock the Kaiser into a greater interest, either in his house or in the causes that we, as an Order, aspire to maintain. This will require some thought.

I agree that some votes should be withheld when the time comes, until we see how the wind blows. Because I am new to the Diet, I will vote immediately for Matthias.

Yours, in God,


Firstly welcome to the Order Jens. I did not see the notes Lothar usually provides us of your acceptance, however I assume he has ensured your total commitment to the cause.

Secondly Lothar’s voting bloc is the way we shall proceed if no one has any objections.

I have contacted King Jan and he is considering abstaining from the Chancellor vote due to Hans and Matthias both being Crusaders...not a wise choice in my opinion.

The Prinz has already confirmed that he is leaning towards Matthias in favour of his own brother...a telling sign.

It seems my provocation of Wolfgang to debate as a candidate has not had the desired affect publicly. Perhaps behind the scene's Hans is gagging Wolfgang from debating the issues at hand.

I'm going to contact Duke Steffen to double check his position. I will provide a tangible reason for him to vote for his son as I wish Matthias to continue his excellent work in assisting me in detail with the situation in Austria.

With six members now, I do think we should look further ahead and devise a way of gaining control of the Royal Family. We need not do anything too obvious. With the voting power we have I believe we have reached such a critical mass that none of the "unenlightened" could believe we are this influential.

We secure the Heir to the thrown after Prinz Elberhard. That should be our goal.

Jens, please present yourself to the Order as soon as you can.

Grand Master


Jan abstaining would be a good thing. If we can secure Elberhard and Jan is committed to abstaining, there is no possible way that Hans can win.

Grand Master, there is no need to contact my father. He is supporting Matthias. In fact, Matthias' private statements to him have worked well. I have recently had the following exchange with my father, which is entirely in-line with our planning:

My son, How are you?

Are the beaches on Sardinia as wonderful as I've heard? When they aren't stained with Spanish or Milanese blood I mean.

Your charter amendment to include Ajaccio and Cagliari into the Reich is most wise indeed. Although I'm not sure what to answer if I'm asked why or how it was assigned before it was officially part of the Reich, haha.

No matter, that is not really the reason that I'm writing. Your brother is running for re-election and he would like you support, he just does not know how to ask. I would encourage you to at least talk to him, another Chancellorship under Bavarian Control can only mean good things for Bavaria.

I know there is much animosity between you two, but I won't be around much longer to act as an emissary. It would be nice to know that my sons don't hate each other before I die, he is you brother, and that will never change. He will always be a slightly annoying goodie two shoes in your opinion, just as he will always see you as a slightly self-centered warmonger. It is his 'job' as your brother to annoy, bug, interfere with, and generally upset you. I just hope that for the sake of the HRE, Bavaria, and the Steffen family, you two can learn to work together.

Your father



I assure you that my relationship with Matthias is not as bad as it may seem to some. He has done much to aid Bavaria during his Chancellorship and for that he has gained a great deal of my respect. We may not always agree on other affairs, but so long as he manages things well for our House, I can live with the rest. As such, I too wish to see him re-elected to the position of Chancellor.

That said, I am attempting to build political contacts of my own for the future benefit of Bavaria. If it turns out that Matthias does not need my vote to win, I shall vote for Hans to help build these bridges. Of course, if the race is close and my vote is necessary, I will vote for Matthias and attempt to excuse it to Hans in some way. If such a thing were necessary, perhaps you could aid me. If the race appears to be close, you could publicly state in the Bavarian Hall that I must vote for Matthias or be disinherited. That would give me more than a valid excuse in Hans' eyes. Hopefully Matthias will lead comfortably and that will not be necessary.


I took the liberty of requesting his aid in my scheme with Hans, as I know he will heartily approve of it. My father has been a deft backroom dealer throughout his Dukedom and I believe he will be happy that I am attempting to build future contacts with Hans. He need not know that it is truly for the benefit of the Order, rather than Bavaria. In truth, I am saddened once again to have to keep our secret from him. Of all the men in the Reich, I believe my father would be immensely proud of what we have achieved. Hopefully some day he will look down on us from Heaven and see what we have accomplished, and be happy.



I believe Peter von Kastilien will vote for me

Matthias, I fear I shall have to vote for you by default. Don't misunderstand me, you are a great chancellor and I am proud that you controlled the Reich so honorably. As much as I dislike giving one man two consecutive terms, I believe this is the only way.

Count von Kastilien,

I know you have spoken out against my candidacy on the grounds that a Chancellor should not serve two terms. I respect this, but I would ask that you reconsider your position.

Franconia has benefited during my first term. The Polish have been kept at bay, the military standing of the von Kastiliens has been advanced, and the Teutonic Crusade is near success. There is no reason why this can't continue.

If I am reelected, the Edicts pertaining to Franconia will be enforced. I have expressed my preference for Krakow as a target rather than Vilnius, but I would bow to the will of the Diet in this matter.

In supporting me for Chancellor, you would also be denying the office to two men who have actively plotted against your brother, Kaiser Siegfried. Ask yourself, can either of them be entrusted with the safety of the Emperor?

Think on what I have said.



This is good news as we have shattered a unified Franconian voting bloc, the only disciplined voters left in the Diet are us.

I have thought on how to bring the Kaiser under our control. I believe Fritz, since he has spoken out against the Kaiser's indolence, can propose this:

CA X: Charter Article 5.2 "5.2 Once in his reign, the Emperor may automatically assume the post of Chancellor. The Emperor must declare he is exercising that right at a Diet; he will then be appointed Chancellor with no election. This right can only be invoked once, but the Emperor may also compete in normal Chancellorship elections at other Diets." will be removed. If the Kaiser wishes to be Chancellor, he must run in an election like all other Electors.

This way the Kaiser can only become Chancellor if he deals with us. If he doesn't we will be free to run our own candidate. We gain a lever over this Kaiser and any futures ones.

Of course, I will not be able to second this, but I'm sure other members of the order can.




The latest events in the Diet have caused both Hans and Jan to contact me privately. I have attempted to play both of them to my favor by doing something that I have not yet tried with them: telling the truth. I am still working on Hans, but already my discussion with Jan has proved immensely fruitful. I will post the entire discussion below, but I will summarize as follows: Jan is voting for Matthias. Ansehelm is voting for Hans. The Kaiser is voting for Matthias. I believe this gives us more than enough votes to win comfortably, not counting extras that may dribble in.


Count Lothar,

It seems I have over reached beyond what the political situation would accommodate. CA 12.5 is dead. Hans has made clear what is more important to him. I am going to make some assumptions and pray that I am right.

I know for whatever reason that you are against our mission in Outremer. Yet, there are things you do want. And I am going to assume that it is Matthias that you are favoring for Chancellor. Blood is thicker than water after all. I have until now remained neutral in the Chancellorship election. I am reconsidering my stance on that. From talking to people and crunching the numbers, the election looks like it will be close.

I am not asking you to not hate me or my mission. But I am asking if there are some things that we can agree on. Can put aside our obvious differences and talk?

I await your word,
King Jan


I am always open to discussions which benefit my people. If there is something you wish to suggest, state it and I will listen.


Count Lothar,

I first need to know your thoughts regarding the Chancellorship election. Was I correct in my prior assumptions? I am putting a great deal of faith in this discussion we are having and I am putting myself "out on a limb" as it were. It would help if I could have some concrete statements as to what your stance is regarding who is to be Chancellor.

Thank you,
King Jan


Very well, then, I shall be honest with you.

This election puts me in a difficult position. I will inherit the Bavarian Duchy in a few years and I must do what I can for the best interests of my people. Many years ago, Swabia and Bavaria were close allies, but that relationship has fallen apart. I have done my best to repair this relationship throughout my life, with varying degrees of success.

I wish to support Count Hans to demonstrate my friendship with Swabia and to build a bridge between our Duchies when I become Duke. However, I do not think I will be allowed to vote for Hans. Private discussions with my father have led me to believe that I may lose my inheritance if I do not support Matthias. This would tie my hands rather firmly.

While I very much disagree with many of Matthias' beliefs, he has also managed Bavarian affairs well during his Chancellorship. So long as he continues to do that, I will not have any serious quarrel with him. So, it appears that I will likely be voting for Matthias, though in an ideal world I might wish to do otherwise. If that happens, I will not build the bridge that I would prefer to have, but Bavaria will continue to prosper. In the end, that is enough to keep me content.

I hope you will appreciate the significance of my disclosures to you. I could just as easily told you that I was supporting Matthias and been done with it. While my words may not be exactly what you wanted to hear, I thought that truth would serve us both better than false pleasantries. I hope that you will similarly trust me and explain what you are on about.


Count Lothar,

I very much appreciate the frankness that you have shown here and I will attempt to return it the best that I can.

I always preferred Matthias. Matthias steered the ship well for all of us. When I was simply a Crusader Count, it was easy to just support him. But then I became King and Hans immediately jumped into the race which put me in a rather difficult position. I was afraid that supporting one would alienate the other. Plus, with two Crusader Counts running, I figured I would get what I wanted no matter who won. So, I took the distasteful stance of being "neutral". It hurt Matthias and I feel bad about it.

But today, things changed. I expected you and Duke Arnold to put up a fight against my agenda. I might not have expected you to do so well and I wish to take this chance to congratulate you on your legal acumen. But I did not expect to get stabbed in the back by Hans. While your father and I were having a good discussion on how to rework CA 12.5, Hans got spooked and abandoned me. He does not believe in the mission of Outremer. He is only there for personal glory. I can no longer trust him as a Crusader Count and I certainly can not trust him as Chancellor.

I have already promised your brother that I would vote on all Bavarian legislation so it would be dishonest of me to try to offer it to you as a bargaining chip. But I can help get Matthias elected which is not what I had previously planned on doing. Duke Ansehelm told me that he is supporting Hans. And Duke Arnold told me that he is supporting Matthias. That is why I needed to know where Bavaria stood. With Bavaria, Austria, and a couple others, we "may" be able to win. I can probably pull Dieter away from Ansehelm if I twist hard enough. The Kaiser supports Matthias and I suspect Ebelhard might too but I do not know for sure.

As for legislation, I think I am done. CA 12.5 is dead and I am sure Hans is going to pull support for CA 12.4 when he finds out what I am doing. I do wish we could find a way to make CA 12.7 a little more like the amended version of CA 12.5 that we were planning. But, at this point, I'll settle for Matthias being Chancellor. If there is something you are willing to do for me regarding 12.7, please let me know.

Please let me know your thoughts on these matters,

King Jan

This is quite telling indeed. It shows us that Outremer is becoming weaker.

Matthias and Zirn, of course, are Brothers. Elberhard and I are leaving for Europe, and Jan actively distrusts Hans. This leaves him only one ally in the place - Dieter Bresch. If we continue to use our persuasion skills as efficiently as we have before then perhaps he will only be King for one Diet session. Hans may not like it in Outremer but if we install him as King perhaps he will stay out of our way in Europe.



Where do we stand on voting for CA 12.9?

Lothar, has that any hidden bombs in it that we should be aware of?

It increases the influence of the King, which I can live with now that the Kaiser must re appoint the King at every Diet session. The chances that Zirn is appointed once he recovers are great in my mind. After Jan dragged us through this Diet session most would support Zirn for the position next Diet.

As for Jan contacting you Lothar. Well, he has done it again. He would be far more affective if he was less combative. It is now clear we are in a good position for Matthias to win his second term.

Grand Master


After a series of long exchanges with Jan, I have some news. He will support me and he will contact others to support me.

More importantly, he plans to offer Hans the leadership of the Army of Outremer in return for dropping his election bid. Jan thinks that offering Hans all he can fight Mongols will persuade him to drop out. I tried to dissuade him from doing this, but I could hardly tell him flat out about all my support. I think he will go ahead and make the offer.

This could give Hans more laurels, but I asked Jan to hold the line on letting Hans dictate AoO orders. So as Chancellor I will be able to limit his activity in the interests of "sharing the wealth". The new King truly disdains Hans now.

I believe I will support 12.9 as I seconded it to keep Jan friendly.

Any thoughts on my proposed CA to remove a Kaiser's automatic Chancellorship? If we don't propose it now, it won't be in effect for the next session when Siegfried takes the position.

I understand if Jens has to vote for Hans, though it tightens our margin of error a bit. I hope Karl and Siegfried left a proxy vote.


I fully agree, Grand Master. CA 12.9 is a good as anything we could hope for at the moment. Outremer's power as a united entity has been firmly broken, so Jan is of little danger to us as King. By breaking the life appointment, we re-establish our ability to take control of Outremer. We should ensure that CA 12.9 is voted into effect.

However, I do not wish to have to deal with this affair ever again. Once we do gain control of Outremer, we must never relinquish it. If the Kaiser can be persuaded to continually appoint the men we wish, then all the better. If not, we may wish to pass legislation in future Diets that gives the King of Outremer the right to appoint his own successor. In this way, Brothers could hand the title off to Brothers in perpetuity.



Your legislation about the Kaiser is certainly useful, but I do not believe we could pull it off during this Diet. The Electors are already tired of these endless Amendments, and such a massive attack on the Kaiser would not go unnoticed. I do not believe we could get it passed with such a short amount of time to build an alliance to push it through. While this means we will not be able to stop Siegfried from assuming the Chancellorship, I believe that is simply something we will have to live with.

I suggest that we make a direct approach to the Kaiser during Matthias' second term and propose some kind alliance between us. So long as Matthias is Chancellor, we will have both the power to do anything we promise and also the power to carry out threats in the event that he disregards us. If we cannot use force on the Kaiser, we must deal with him, and if we must deal with him we should do so from the greatest position of strength we can achieve.



I agree that now is not the proper time to go after the Kaiser. We have succeeded in crippling Outremer, that is a start.

I am now going to hand in my votes to the Diet speaker; please let me know if there is anything you disagree with.

Chancellor: Hans

12.1: yes
12.2: yes
12.3: yes

12.1: yes
12.2: yes
12.3: yes
12.6: yes
12.7: yes
12.8: yes
12.9: yes

Oh wow, it would have been much easier had I just said yes to all.



Though I would gladly propose such an amendment as Matthias suggests, it would in fact be difficult to push through at this time. Better to focus our strength on what exists now.

As for the votes, I must congratulate Lothar on his masterful handling of the situation with Jan. Two more and we will have a victory! My own power to affect change is very limited at this time, but what I can do I will.



I agree that every single Charter Amendment that still stands (CAs 12.4 and 12.5 have been withdrawn) should receive our votes.

I am less sure about the Edicts. Edict 12.1 seems sensible to me, as it will once and for all secure the Reich's southern border. With Sicily expelled from Italy, the Reich will not share a land border with a single enemy at any point in the entire southern half of the realm. We may then seek peace with Sicily. With a moderate Italian fleet and a single Bavarian Household Army stationed in the south to deal with sea raiders, a significant portion of the Reich can be permanently secured for little cost.

I see less benefit from Edicts 12.2 and 12.3. Both of these proposals appear to be extending our lines and further stretching our resources in return for rewards that I cannot divine. In particular the move towards Vilnius seems absolutely absurd. Thorn already suffers from endless attacks due to the fact that it is isolated from the rest of the Reich. I cannot even begin to imagine how Vilnius will be protected. Had the Franconians pushed for Krakow, that would be different. Taking Krakow would shorten our borders, relieve pressure on Thorn and Budapest, and increase the safety and security of the Reich.

Of course, I am also a Bavarian and no matter how dedicated I am to the Order, my heritage may be clouding my judgment a bit. What are your feelings, brothers?


Lothar, and Brothers,

I write with two motives. First, I share Lothar's view on the Edicts. I have attempted to start a discussion in the Franconian house regarding Vilnius and Krakow, both by public discussion and private letter. However, both have met with apathy. And, I have been informed that I cannot propose legislation without the consent of my House and so I am bound to sit idly by on the issue.

Regarding the Amendments, I do have grave concerns concerning the enforcement of 12.2. It is so vague that it could be turned against we ourselves in a few years. I must out of conscience vote against it, unless the Order wishes otherwise.

And regarding 12.7, I received a communication from my cousin Jan today which may be of interest. I quote the relevant parts here, and will discuss it below:

"...I have a proposition for you. You once spoke of coming to Outremer. I can make that happen right now. I want Matthias to be Chancellor. If he wins, I can request that he move you towards Outremer at once. It might be a long journey though you would get here eventually. And your Duke will not like this. But, he can not stop you if both I and the Chancellor agree to it. You may lose your county but I have a county in Outremer that I can offer you so you will really lose nothing. I need good people and there is much work to do out here. If Hans wins, I do not know what will happen. He is only in Outremer for glory and does not believe in the cause."

"I would like to have CA 12.7 voted against... I believe that the King of Outremer should be able to build in crusader counties that have no crusader counts. If you are considering my offer to come out here, I would in fact insist that you vote against that bill. A Crusader Count should not tell his King that he can not build things in Outremer."

My question to you, Brothers, is: should I take him up on this offer to come to Outremer? That offer is obviously tied to his interest in Amendment 12.7. I have no strong feelings on the issue one way or the other on the Amendment. I am intrigued by the Mongols and Outremer, and I would treasure the chance to make Ansehelm squirm. But I also feel a great desire to stay in my homeland and defend it against the miserable Poles.

Your thoughts would be most welcome.

Fritz von Kastilien


Your situation with Jan is interesting. In truth, I care little whether Charter Amendment 12.7 passes or not. I proposed it mainly to make Jan squirm a bit and also to keep up my facade as an anti-Outremer advocate. In reality, the Order gains nothing from the Amendment that is truly useful to us and its defeat will not harm us one bit. At the same time, if you can work yourself into Jan's good graces, perhaps you could succeed him as King. That would be a significant gain and worth the effort, though it appears it relies more on the Kaiser's will than the King's.

That said, Karl is still favorably placed in Outremer and is still a strong contender for King. Also, we would lose all physical presence in Franconia, something that we were very glad to have when you joined us. In sum, I believe the scales are balanced for the Order on the issue. My personal opinion is that you should decide whether you wish to spend your time in Franconia or Outremer, as you are the one most heavily impacted by it.



Here is my revised estimation of how the votes lie so far.

Total votes: 82 - 41 votes are needed for guaranteed victory.

Wolfgang - Wolfgang (1)

Total: 1

Hans - Friedrich Scherer (6), Athalwolf von Salza (2), Hans (5), Ansehelm
von Kastilien (6), Jens Hummel (4)

Total: 23

Matthias - Matthias (5), Fritz von Kastilien (4), Arnold (6), Karl (4),
Lothar (4), Gerhard Steffen (6), Friedrich Karolinger (2), Peter von Kastilien (4), Jan von
Hamburg (4)

Total: 39

Toss-Up - Elberhard (5), Helmut von Hamburg (3), Dieter Bresch (2), Dutch_guy (1), Edmund Becker (2), Siegfried (6)

Total: 19

We are getting closer, but I am still concerned about whether proxy votes were turned in or not.

Also, if Friedrich Scherer is back in the Diet, why is Hans still Steward? He is issuing building queues and Counties, and acting in a lordly fashion. Is there anyway we can exploit this?



We should wait as I mentioned with regards to the Throne.

If we get Matthias re-elected then we can more on it at the end of the next Chancellorship.

The voting looks fairly accurate. I'm concerned that Jens will proxy vote to the Prinz for Hans. This doesn't allow up to change his vote at the last minute.

We should have him vote for Matthias and have another brother leave his vote until the last minute to ensure victory if it is required.

What say you all?

Grand Master

I do not believe that is necessary, Grand Master. Matthias' most recent voting calculation shows that he is only 2 votes away from victory, even with Jens voting for Hans. This does not take into account the fact that Elberhard is still listed as 'toss-up' even though our indications are that he will vote for Matthias. Jan also stated that the Kaiser would vote for Matthias and said that he would put pressure on Dieter Bresch as well. As it stands, if any of these three men for Matthias, we win.

Ask yourself, do you think it likely that Siegfried would vote for the man who attempted to take his throne? Of course not. At worst, Siegfried will abstain and if Siegfried abstains, we will be victorious even if everyone else in the 'toss-up' votes for Hans. So, as I see it, victory has already been secured and we must now concentrate on keeping our affiliation a secret. Jens should vote for Hans. I will wait until the last minute and either vote for Hans or abstain, if that can be done without risking Matthias' victory.


Given the explanation then we are set for another period of power.

Dieter has just cast his vote for Matthias. If the reckoning Matthias drew up is true, then he has just won!



Jan's actions in the Diet and my inevitable inheritance of the Bavarian Dukedom continue to reap rewards. I present to you an exchange I have just had with Duke Ansehelm. If the Order continues to weave its web through all layers of the Reich, we will be able to bring down the Heavens themselves if we so choose.


Message from Duke Ansehelm to Lothar Steffen
My friend,

I know we had our difference in the past, but I think we are slowly beginning to agree on things. Not to put it badly regarding your father, but I think that soon you will be the Duke of Bavaria, meaning you will not only gain more power, but also more influence.

I think that by now we both begin to agree on the Outremer. It is a stinking !@#$&%-hole that only seems to cost us money. The bloody idiots have like 3-4 armies, we only have 1, if I'm correct all you have are a couple of militia. I'm beginning to see that I should have backed you up as chancellor last Diet Session, however if a Chancellor rules very anti-Outremer the pious little rats will impeach him, which would get us nowhere. I think it would we better that at some point we would simply retract our support in the Outremer, like it is going now Outremer will destroy itself, especially with the current King. He has no authority what so ever, and I wonder why my little brother even choose him (we will have some words when I am back in the Reich). As things are going now Outremer is becoming more and more dangerous, not because it has influence, but because it wants it. It sees itself as a Ducal House, well I tell you, it can never become one if the Duchies don't allow people to travel there. If Dukes can set queues for their Outremer provinces it will even lose more influence. You always seem to be taking the direct way, I prefer the passive way, Jan von Hamburg will destroy the Outremer, believe me. He is not respected by any of the Duchies, and will have a hard time making sure he gets what he wants if he has no support from the Dukes. I already lost mine a long time ago.

I know this message really lacks a goal, a message, but I just want to let you know that you are no longer on your own, as if you ever were. And I think more Franconians support my case than support the traitor Jan.

Ansehelm von Kastillien, a friend, since the last 24 hours.

Duke Ansehelm,

Certainly a great deal has passed since we were young. I may not have agreed with all your past actions, but it is clear to me that you act in the best interests of Franconia, and not out of selfish desires. I respect this very greatly. I do not envy you for having to deal with a man like Jan in your House. He even makes the Hummels look like nice fellows to have around.

I also agree with you on Outremer. My direct approach has not achieved any great success. Perhaps your more passive strategy will. If there is ever any way I can help, please let me know.

I am sure we will disagree on some things in the future, but I swear to you that I will always be open to actions that benefit our peoples and the Reich. If there is ever any way that Bavaria can aid you, please let me know. I cannot promise you that I will be able to assist in every occasion, but I will always be willing to listen to your proposals and consider them seriously.

Fighting in the Diet is a game for children and we are far past that age. It is the responsibility of Dukes to lead the Reich with wisdom and a strong hand.

Your friend,


Matthias currently has 38 votes. With Duke Ansehelm's abstention, it is now impossible for Hans to win unless I vote for him. I am therefore going to cast my vote as an abstention as well. I know we originally planned for me to actively vote for Hans, but the cover story I have given, about my disinheritance, would make that seem suspect. By abstaining, I can make it seem as if I reached a compromise with my father. I believe this will serve well enough in Hans' eyes. In addition, it will seal Hans' defeat for certain. I know Brother Zirn has not yet voted, and we expect Matthias to gain votes from other Electors who have not yet voted, but the Illuminati does not thrive on chance, no matter how good the odds. We are constantly victorious because we leave no avenue open for defeat. If I vote for Hans, there is still a tiny fraction of a chance that something could go wrong and he could win. For these reasons I will be abstaining rather than voting for Hans.

Congratulations, Brothers, our shadow will envelop the Reich for another 20 years.


04-06-2008, 20:47
Chapter XIV: Pax Illuminatus


My second term will begin shortly. I thank all of you for your support both in the shadows and the light of day. What shall be the aims of this term for the Illuminati? What can the Chancellor do to advance the careers of each of you?



Regarding rewards:

For myself, nothing is necessary. My course to further power is to simply wait until our father dies and I inherit Bavaria. I already have many plans for the Duchy. Within the House, I will imitate the Grand Master's firm, but fair, techniques of management to ensure that all of Bavaria's power is constantly available to the Order. I will handsomely reward all Bavarians who obey my will and swiftly and harshly punish those who do not. Outside the House, I will make it known to all that Bavaria will always be open to negotiations with any party, regardless of past difficulties. In this way, I hope to have the Dukes, the Kaiser, the King, and the Prinz all see me as a possible ally if they can meet my price. In this way, I can cross any faction lines and gain further inside information for the Order. None of this requires your aid, Matthias.

For Fritz and Jens, I believe our course is clear: they must continue to gain standing within their own houses. For Jens this means that he should be knighted as soon as possible and given command of armies to aid Swabia, if that is possible. Fritz has already achieved much on the battlefield, and I believe he should continue to grow close to Duke Ansehelm and Peter. Anything we can do to aid that process should continue.

For Karl, assuming the life-term of the King is abolished, we must do all that we can to see that he is appointed as the next King of Outremer. I do not know how we can accomplish this.

For Arnold and Matthias, I do not see any way that you two can gain further power. Perhaps if Karl is somehow barred from the position of King, Matthias could be pushed forward in his place.

In general, I would state again that the lands of all Brothers should be given the highest priority in the build queues, so long as it does not endanger the security of the Reich.

Regarding the aims of the Illuminati:

We must deal with the one area over which we have no influence: the Imperial Throne. It seems certain to me that Matthias' will never be viable as a candidate for Chancellor again. No matter how well the Reich perceives him, no one will elect a man to three Chancellorships. Therefore, there should be no fear in using his second term to exercise our power directly if it is necessary. We should wield this power to ensure that the Kaiser is made to deal with us regularly.

Ideally, he will embrace what we can offer him and become a true ally for mutual benefit. If we let him know that he is only on the throne because we supported him, he may be receptive to this. We can use Matthias' power to enact anything he wishes as a show of good faith. If he does not embrace us for some reason, we can use Matthias' power to bring him to heel. A Kaiser compelled by coercion will be of less use to us, but it is better than an independent throne.



I agree with Lothar regarding the paths our members should take. I am working on slowly gaining (or regaining) the trust of Ansehelm, until he considers me a strong ally. This may lead to some conflicts with the Order's purposes. But with him becoming more friendly towards Lothar, these conflicts should be minimal.

As to the Imperial Throne, I believe I see an opening.

The King of Outremer has weakened his position immensely by his flippant words in the Diet, and be extension has also besmirched the Kaiser. I expect Jan will resign or be replaced before Matthias' next term is up. At that point there will be a small window of opportunity for a focus and outcry on what could be perceived as the failure of the Kaiser to simply honour King Salier's last wishes, and his mistaken appointment of Jan as King. This could also be an opportunity to stir up questions again regarding the succession.

Though the Kaiser is in many respects untouchable, he is not immune to the effects of ill will. When he returns from his time in Byzantium, I could form a group who resent his decisions, and then fan them into flame when the time is right.

At that point, the Voice will step in and speak that which Lothar has outlined, alongside a promise of the quelling of this uprising --- in exchange, of course, for a certain amount of loyalty to our cause from the Kaiser.

This route is not infallible, but perhaps it is a starting point to discuss a specific plan of action.

Your loyal servant,
Fritz von Kastilien


Let me firstly express my satisfaction at how we are handling the affairs of our Order and those of the Reich.

With Matthias now in an unprecedented second term we will have another period of substantial dominance.

Lothar’s outlines for promotion and advancement are accurate as always. Every man here should ask and expect support from us in their quest for increased power.

Obviously Fritz and Jen are best placed for rapid and substantial increases and should gain much in the next period.

Karl, should at least be the next King of Outremer and we need to ensure that happens.

As for Matthias, Lothar and myself we are all but settled in this area for the moment.

Fritz’s concept seems as if it has hatched from our own extraordinary schemer Lothar. The idea of creating enough of a backlash against the Kaiser to have Lothar approach him and ensure it ends would be perfect. In that format Lothar could be as vague as he wishes on how he was able to quell such an uprising of displeasure towards the Kaiser.

Another option is to simply ask him to join…

As for myself, I wish Matthias to simply consult with me as closely as we did in his last term to ensure the Austrian home lands are managed and defended as well as before.

So the direction is set. The throne is our goal, whether sooner or later. Plan’s can change and opportunities will present themselves constantly. We must have patience, that is all I ask.

Good luck to you all in the years ahead.

Never forget your Brothers are always with you, in mind and spirit.

I would also like to announce I have begun work on our Sanctuary in the bowels of Ragusa. The work will take some years but it is a remote site and a Citadel for added security.

I am also having an under ground dock created so you may use sail boats to gain entry.

Grand Master


A brief note now that the results are in. The Diet has authorized the attacks on Vilnius and Caen. However, that required only a majority vote. These provinces will have to be given away again if they are not incorporated into the Reich by a Charter Amendment. We have not discussed the situation in any length, but if we so choose we could easily assemble the 1/3 required to dispose of them once again at the next Diet session. This is simply something to remember for the purposes of future negotiations with Franconia and Swabia.



The incorporation of new provinces into the Reich is by CA. This is no small feat.

This step and the next where the Kaiser allocates the provinces are very important points to never forget.

Grand Master


I have returned and am ready. Congratulations Matthias on your re-election. You in the Chancellor position is of great relief to me. I feel rather indifferent on the Kaiser's decision to name von Hamburg King of the Outremer. I will do my duty for the Reich and the Brotherhood. I will need everyone's strength to deal with an individual who demands respect yet cannot show any to any member. The behaviour in the Diet is absurd and tedious to read from the scribes. I see the orders given in the Outremer; God help us. Not to mention the remark on the vote counting and I was the "Crusader Count" who voted for CA 12.7 as if I was disrespecting him?? I will do my duty and remain but every bone in me wishes to return to the homeland.

Matthias I have put in my orders what I would like to see is a Cathedral built as my gift before your term is up so we have some time. I will also be ready to break the siege from the annoying Saracen force outside the walls.

I am not sure of the Kaiser's actions and figured he had a soft spot for the Austrian House but maybe he has a greater scheme in mind. Though I like what Fritz has mentioned that von Hamburg may have done his own undoing and we may be in position to repair the damage. It would be wise to formulate a plan after the Kaiser returns to see if he will respond to von Hamburg's words. Also what Lothar stated in using the best of our means to secure influence over the Throne by using the position of Chancellor.

Our Fraconian brother is doing well and I think there will be natural trust developing with your Duke. It is very good news to have the last house into the order and for that Jen must be knighted as soon as possible.

"Never forget your Brothers are always with you, in mind and spirit". I will remember that Grandmaster as I continue my work here in the Outremer.



I am pleased to report that I have succeeded in creating a relationship with Hans, and through him with the rest of Swabia. This connection now stands ready for exploitation by the Order. I am immensely proud of the complex network we have created over the past few years. I truly believe we can achieve anything we desire at this point.


Dear Lothar,

It seems that Jan has lost his mind in the diet squabbling how a crusader count is not a count and then claiming all kinds of powers that he does not have as well as telling off the Dukes, who are the true stakeholders of Outremer. In this light of circumstances, I will be voting in favor of your amendment 12.7, as Jan has clearly proven unfit to rule or set queues for Outremer counties that are unassigned. I shall be leaving Outremer as soon as the Mongols are defeated. I owe this not to Jan but to Acre, which I captured during the first crusade. Maybe I may visit you in Florence some time?


Most certainly, my friend. With luck, my planned Pleasure Palace will be completed by that time and I will be able to provide entertainment worth of a Kaiser's eldest son.

I must warn you that I wish to vote for you in this election, but do not know if I will be permitted to. My father wishes to see Matthias re-elected. While I understand his reasons, I will soon be Duke and I very much desire to repair the relationship between Bavaria and Swabia that has suffered in recent years. I wish to support you as a demonstration of my good will to be remembered when I am Duke.

However, private discussions with my father indicate that I may lose my inheritance if I do not support Matthias. I am trying to work around this, but in the event I am unsuccessful I will be forced to vote for my brother. If this occurs, please know that it is against my wishes and that you would be my preference. I hope that in that event you can understand the position I am in and weigh my actions accordingly.

Your friend,

Dear Lothar,

I look forward to visiting that palace then, although I have been a most pious person to date. I suppose if the lord allows us to erect such structures without striking them down, then he wills it as well.

I will not hold it against you should you vote for Matthias, but I shall help you in that matter by making an offer to your father.

Your friend,


Dear Lothar,

I hope you have been able to hold your inheritance in the light of the recent diet, and wish to thank you for your stance. Consequently, I have announced to fellow Swabians that they are to support Bavarian candidates and edicts in future, in addition to the ones at the previous session.

Also, I have heard rumors that your wife gave birth to a son. I wish to express my congratulations to you on siring a future Duke of Bavaria.



I appreciate your words. My father is not totally inflexible and I was able to convince him to at least let me abstain from the vote. I am sorry that I could not do more, though I do admire my father for the firm manner in which he runs his House. I plan on using a similar policy to keep all of Bavaria in-line when I become Duke. I look forward to future cooperation between Swabia and Bavaria.



Well done Lothar! This is truly a magnificent breakthrough. I have my hopes that Ansehelm will see value in appointing me the ducal heir, and it seems the battles Matthias has given to me have helped immensely in his estimations of me. All is not won, but soon, and then we will have all the high posts in all the houses, and indeed in the Reich!



Well done Lothar, your Hans project is working out nicely. I am glad the Grandmaster was able to corresponded his wishes in voting before the polls close. I thought I would pass this along from correspondence with the King.

Count Zirn,

Well, we're glad to have you back.

I would like to get one thing out of the way though. I am not happy that you voted for CA 12.7. Your vote is what put that legislation through. I do not like being told that I can not build things out here. Now that has been said, I'd like to put this matter behind us.

Please let me or the Chancellor know if there is anything you want or need. As always, feel free to speak out in the Outremer hall.

King Jan

Do they really put matters behind?



First, an explanation. UIPs are a term just recently coined, meaning "Unenlighteneds in Power" - i.e. those we need to guard ourselves against. So far it seems that the two greatest UIPs are the Kaiser and the false King of Outremer Jan von Hamburg.

It seems to me that even if the Kaiser reappoints Jan von Hamburg he is still vulnerable. All that is required to change anything is a simple Charter Amendment - a 2/3 majority. You cannot tell me that young von Hamburg did not endear himself to more than a third of the Diet this past session. We do not have to even change the rules; all we have to do is call it special circumstance. "Karl Zirn replaces Jan von Hamburg as King of Outremer." For that matter we could even do it to the Kaiser himself if we wished to take that plunge.

Think about it, Brothers. With our manipulation skills and Jan's foppery he could easily be removed as well as certain other unpopular UIPs. While risky, it would be more reliable than blackmailing the Kaiser. As my unfortunate father proved, puppet rulers are not always the best thing.



An interesting thought Jens, it is a direct and iron-clad method. I believe it could be used against Jan, but for the Kaiser. . .First, I doubt we would get the votes, second I think a successful vote would only be a prelude to a civil war. Also even if Elberhard is made Kaiser, he takes after his Father and would punish those who elevated him. God forbid if Hans became Kaiser.

An unpopular Kaiser serves our purposes almost as well as one fully under our control. Our support will count for more.

If the Kaiser reappoints Jan at the next Session, then we could do what you propose and get Karl the position he deserves.


The question remains whether Kaiser Siegfried would be willing to deal with us. Certainly he will not receive blackmail, or similar force on our part, kindly. However, he might be far more amenable if we simply offer an alliance for mutual benefit. If our initial contact with Siegfried was of a benevolent nature, I believe he would be far more likely to deal with us. Remember, we did in fact ensure that he retained his throne during the Succession Crisis. Informing him of this will show that we have already worked in his interests and can do so again in the future. We could allow him Diet and House support that would enable him to accomplish a great deal. In turn, he could bestow a few small favors on us, such as appointed Karl as King.

Not only would this avoid the risk of failing in an attempt to oust Jan by force, it would provide far greater benefits over the long term. The more the Order and the Kaiser cooperate, the greater he will rely on us. The more he relies on us, the greater our power over him. If nearly all of his strength comes through us, then we can gain much from him simply by threatening to withhold our power or even to use it against him. Remember, Brothers, Siegfried will likely be Kaiser for many, many years. If we can gain influence over him now, we will have many decades in which to utilize it.

The question then becomes: Is Siegfried the type of man who would deal with the Order if we approached him with an offer for mutual benefit?



I like the phrase "UIPs" it has a ring to it. I do feel our next move for the Order should be contact with the Kaiser and creating a beneficial and working relationship.

Though I feel it is premature to make an assessment of the Kaiser on a type of approach. Lothar's suggestion is sound but with the Kaiser's absence what does he stand for or against.

I would like to see what kind of statement we get from him upon his return. Let him make a few moves and then look at our approach friendly or a little confrontational depending on the agenda he is setting. Is it really benefiting himself or the Reich?

I think or would hope an approach that would of an offer of mutual benefit would be the best route but I would really like to see where he is going. Is it more on the actions of his last appointment or something innovative and a new direction?



Does anyone have anything else to add to what Lothar and Karl has said?

I strongly support an approach based on Mutual benefit. If we state that our support clearly took him through the Succession crisis he must ask himself just how much influence we have...that would work to our benefit.

Essentially if we can have Lothar make contact, create this picture in his mind and then ask him what he would like us to support in future, then we can draw him in until such point as he believes he NEEDS us to do anything.

However, as Karl has stated, I would prefer to see our new young Kaiser in public before we make any contact.

Grand Master.

Agreed. It would be best to approach the Kaiser only after we have
more information as to what kind of a man he really is.



I also would agree that the Kaiser cannot be approached at the moment. He is flush with his marriage and full of the rather despicable invulnerability this provides to the feelings of some men.

However, in time he will no doubt be besieged by less than complete power. I will continue to spread doubt in his abilities as best I can, unless the Order wishes otherwise.


Be careful Fritz.

Spreading doubts is a dangerous business, when it comes to a new Emperor.

Grand Master

04-06-2008, 20:48
CHAPTER XV: A Death in the Family


I have received preliminary reports from Hans's battle against the Mongols. He is victorious, but Jens Hummel, one of our own, has been killed in the battle. This is a heavy blow. I do not have any details about his death, merely that it came near the end of the battle.

I am deeply sorry that my orders as Chancellor have caused the death of a Brother. My regret is only matched by my rage at Hans. His leadership is directly responsible for Jens's death. Not only that, but he disobeyed my orders, transferring troops into his command that were not his to have.

I ask the Brotherhood's permission to arrange an accident for Hans. He will sail through dangerous waters on his way home to Swabia, and I would very much like him to meet his watery death. There's not much I can do if it is clear sailing, but I would like to try.

He has caused the death of a member, he is arrogant, rebellious and a power outside our control. He should die, few will mourn him.



This is sad news. The Chancellor's recommendation is harsh but I support it. It would appear that Hans was too careless with the units under his command for a battle that had no real significance and not to follow the orders that were assigned for troop deployment by the Chancellor. Sink him! It would be a very inappropriate death for such a "Mighty" person. This is not what the Order is about to worry on particular individuals but harsh actions should be taken in extraordinary circumstances involving a Brother.



Hans must die.



For the first time in our history one of our Order has died.

Hans was reckless and as is typical of him he seeks glory for himself above all others.

I support Matthias's recommendation whole heartedly.

Hans has been as much a danger to our enemies as he has to us. This is the final act he should make.

Grand Master


I also deeply mourn the loss of Jens to the Brotherhood. His keen wit and clear vision will be missed.

And yes, Hans must die. If I can be of assistance in the Diet to create distractions or in any other way obfuscate the matter, I will do my best.



The first death of an Enlightened has brought upon us a serious issue that we have never yet confronted. As the Brotherhood trusts each member completely, I believe it would be appropriate for each Brother to specify in a secret will who will replace him at the time of his death. This will maintain our number at six and ensure that the Brothers themselves have a say in who will follow in their footsteps. As a symbol of the enduring secrecy that protects the identity of the Brothers in death as well as life, I believe that the deceased Brother's cloak should be given to his follower as an initiation rite.

If the Grand Master agrees, I would like to codify this in the Blood Charter by a Formal Vote. We have never before had a Formal Vote, but this dramatic change in recruitment needs clear authorization from the Brotherhood.



Lothar, you are correct. The first death to our Order has created a serious issue that must be addressed immediately.

Please go ahead and draft up a change to the "Blood Charter of the Illuminati".

Once submitted we must vote on this unanimously. There can be no exceptions.

Grand Master.


Here is my proposal for the new Charter Rule. If the Grand Master likes the wording, I request that he put it to a Formal Vote immediately.

Rule 9: All Brothers may specify, in a Secret Illuminati Will, their choice of the man to take their place in the Order after they pass on. The Brotherhood will respect this choice and immediately admit that man to the Order, unless the surviving Brothers agree otherwise by a unanimous vote. As a symbol of the passing of the Cloak of Secrecy that protects the Enlightened, the deceased Brother's robes will be given to the new Brother by the Voice.



Should the first sentence state "MUST" rather than may?

Grand Master.

Grand Master,

I believe it should be "may" because a Brother may choose not to nominate his own successor for personal reasons. In such a situation, we would return to the normal process of recruitment.



Your point has been made.

Please proceed with a formal vote in the matter.

I'm still not impressed with losing our most recent member in this fashion.


Lest I miss the vote due to messengers not finding their mark, my vote would be in favour of the new Rule, as worded by Lothar. I suggest we do put this to a vote as soon as possible.



I support the current wording proposed by Lothar and am prepared to vote. This is terrible news indeed and something the order has never faced before. There will be a special ceremony by the Brotherhood for the departed Jen.

As for the nasty business at hand what are our options? As the Grandmaster stated does it happen quickly under the Chancellors control or should there be a need for a plan. I would prefer a more subtle quiet inconspicuous approach.



We cannot allow this matter to rest. The death of a Brother is more of a blow than death in our own Houses. And when the cause of that death is pinned squarely to an enemy of all the Order stands for, there is no better time for vengeance than the present.

Whatever is done, it must be silent. There is already so much talk in the Diet that at times it is wearying.

Is this a time to strike out with the unveiled fist of the Illuminati, and leave the talk to those who enjoy such things?



If it can be accomplished subtly, that would be best. However, I believe that Hans must die no matter the efforts required to achieve it. There are only two possible causes of Jens' death: intentional action by Hans or negligence by Hans. If it was the former, he has declared war on the Order and must be destroyed completely. If it was the latter, he has finally crossed the line and shown himself to be too much of a danger to the Order to allow him to continue to live.

If a chance meeting with pirates can be arranged, so much the better. If it cannot, then we should ensure that Hans runs afoul of rebels or some other Imperial enemy while alone with nothing more than his bodyguard and with no avenue of retreat. Perhaps shipwrecking him on a hostile island, such as one of the Venetian holdings, would work in this regard. In such a case, we should first pay every last mercenary on the island to disband their regiments to ensure that he has no possibility of aid from any source. I do not believe this can be left to chance. Hans must be slain as soon as possible, even if it risks damaging Matthias' reputation.

Even in the worst case scenario, where Hans' death is openly believed to be the work of the Illuminati, we will be able to gain some benefit. If the Diet believes that we have caused the death of an Elector, they will take us very, very seriously in all future dealings. I would prefer to avoid this, if possible, but even if it occurs we can use it to our benefit.

In the end, we must remember that Jens Hummel was a Brother and we swore to protect him with all our power. If Hans survives the current Chancellorship, it will mean only one thing: the Illuminati is not truly committed to protecting its members and we do not have the stomach for making difficult decisions when the time is upon us. If we let Hans go, we might as well disband the Order this very day.



Lothar words are harsh but true. If we are a Brotherhood we must act now for the sake of what we stand for and lo let each other know we are there for them.

If Matthias reputation is tarnished then so be it. We know the true story and he would be a Chancellor above reproach. The business of the Order must supersede daily government actions.



The Chancellor has made it clear that Hans disobeyed his orders regarding the action against the Mongols.

I believe we should make a case for seeing if discipline should be enforced.

We can either follow this course of action...or simply have him killed without any discussion or public debate linking any of us to his demise.


Exactly what has Hans done?

Grand Master


I have had an interesting exchange of letters with Count Hans:

Chancellor Matthias,

I have received a rather disturbing note this morn' warning me of someone who may be on the boat I intended to take back to Europe, and that "someone might strike swiftly". Could I ask that you load my men into the boats as intended but send me on a different ship than the command ship?


Count Hans,

It is alarming that you have been threatened. Do you know who has done this? Do you know why you're being threatened? Could you go into more detail on what precautions you want me to take?

I won't tolerate these sort of cloak and dagger theatrics during my term.


Chancellor Matthias,

I do not know who has done it and none of the men in my camp claim to have seen someone. I would assume that those threats emerged in the light of either the recent defeat of the Mongols, or Jens' death - maybe even both. What is true however, is that the person is currently in Outremer and someone will be boarding the ship under disguise or as a blind passenger. As for the precautions, arrange everything as usual, as if nothing had happened but do not wait for me to board the ship. I will find my own way not a different one. Do advise the captains to keep a large space between each ship, and keep guards at night though.


Pardon my confusion, but I don't see how someone can actually carry out this threat against you.

It is true that I have a large retinue, but some fell in the recent battle while others are still too weak to fight. Besides, an assassin has more tools than just a blade.

Count Hans,

I will instruct the Admiral to take these precautions. But without a specific idea who is threatening you, I am afraid that is all I can do. Feel free to write the Admiral about your concerns, as he will be the one handling the disposition of the ships.

Let me know if you find anything else out.


Thank you Chancellor Matthias. I will see if I can find out more.

What is going on? I hope none of us is planning an "independent action" against Hans. The Count is now on guard and this makes any move against him more difficult. I hope I have served to obfuscate this matter and remove myself as a suspect, but I also hope one of us can shed some light on this.



I ask now, only once, and only at this time.

Has anyone conducted business on behalf of the Order without our consent, OR knows of how this could have occurred due to discussions with the unenlightened?

Speak now...or never.

Suffice to say that at this time we can not proceed to carry out our plan as discussed.

Grand Master


King Jan has written to me about Hans.

Chancellor Matthias,

Its probably nothing but Count Hans just sent me a message about a warning he received to avoid using boats. I'd like for him to leave. So, have you heard anything about this? I know its probably nothing but anything that delays his departure annoys me.

King Jan

King Jan,

Hans has written to me as well concerning this. I do not have any further information. I think he will still travel by boat, but he wishes to take intricate precautions.

He will be gone soon, have no fear.


For some reason the Count is making his fears widely known. I can see why he would contact me as Chancellor, somewhat, but why is he talking to Jan? The man is no longer his liege. I hope that Hans fearing an assassin on a boat and that we plan an accident for his fleet is a coincidence, but the timing and similarity are alarming.

We can exercise our power many times if we do it in secret, we can gloat once and lose it all. I know which one I would choose.



Let be clear here. We are being "flushed out" to determine any number of different suspicions other Nobles may have.

There is no coincidence as far as I'm concerned.

Perhaps Jan and Hans are trying to work out if their concept is true. Who knows what that concept is, but it is clear our plans have been revealed or unwittingly understood by some of the unenlightened.

It is my STRONG recommendation that we do nothing. Hans makes passage back to Europe...we take no action.

The question is...have our plans been guess upon or has something been revealed.

I say again Brothers, can anyone shed light on the matter?

Please read Rules 1 and 7 of the Blood Charter if there are any concerns of clarity!


You have my word that I have done nothing of this sort. That said, I do not see how it changes our plans. Hans will suspect who has caused his fate when the time comes and there is little we can do to prevent this. It is one of the prices of such a dramatic action. As I said before, nearly any price is worth paying to prevent a mortal enemy of the Illuminati from existing.

If anything, Count Hans' request gives us an opportunity. With him on a separate ship, it would be easy to slip an agent onboard to bribe the captain. While Hans sleeps, we can have the crew wreck the ship on a hostile island, stranding Hans without means of escape. If we then buy off all mercenaries in the region, he will face an unwinnable battle and his death will be assured.



My thoughts have only been shared with the Order. I agree with Lothar that we should still go ahead and not let him reach Europe. This Hans is showing his true self. He is paranoid and is taking precautions because he know he is doomed. However, he does not know who his enemy is and I think his instructions to the Chancellor shows he is not certain. Does he suspect King Jan? Possible gives details to the chancellor about what ship to board knowing the Chancellor has the ultimate power.

If instructions are given to the Chancellor to attack/sink the fleet Hans would be on the lesser vessels and escape the attack unharmed. This man knows the mechanics of warfare. He is taking action against an unknown and trying to prepare, no one has openly spoke against Hans. Jan would be a logical threat to his persons thinking the Kaiser could be his real enemy because of the succession issue and Jam would appear to be the best ally of the Kaiser because of his position.

My recommendation Grandmaster would be to go with what Lothar as stated and continue are action as planned.



Whoever has done this, and whatever was said, the result is playing well into our hands. As Lothar mentioned, Hans separating himself from his men gives us an ideal opportunity -- he has already made himself vulnerable, and the grounding of the ship will leave him as alone as we could wish for.

My worry now is not about Hans -- it is about who could have given Hans such an alarming threat. Assuming it was none of us (and I do not doubt our members' faithfulness), it shows that there are other forces at work in the shadows. More need not be said on the subject, but we should be watchful.



Arranging an "accident" for Hans is one thing, leaving him to die on Crete or Rhodes is another. Hans's death in a naval battle would be accepted, even celebrated in some quarters, however an obvious murder would raise more problems than it solves. Sailors would talk, Hans could send word before dying, the news would get out.

First, while the collected influence of the Illuminati could prevent an Impeachment, voting against it would mark everyone here as a conspirator. Second, you would turn him into a Martyr, a rallying point for a currently fractious Swabia. Third, my Chancellorship would grind to a halt even if I stayed in office. Generals could refuse orders, or the Emperor could become involved, and we would no longer be able to work in the shadows. Our capabilities and freedom of action would be severely diminished.

If I arrange Hans's death, it is not for notoriety, or to make a statement, it is to quietly remove an obstacle and avenge a fallen Brother. I will not do so if it compromises our entire mission. No one man is more important than our Society.

We are effective as long as we are unknown. As soon as we step into the light of day, our power will dissipate.



I understand your concern, but I am very displeased with the notion of allowing the man responsible for a Brother's death to roam free, especially given our history with Hans. I believe that if handled properly, a shipwreck could be explained away as a freak accident or some other event outside your control. No one blamed Maximillian Mandorf for Kaiser Heinrich's actions, even though they occurred during his term. If it would help, I will make some more blatant statements where other Electors can hear them to draw suspicion onto myself. If the Diet believes that I am responsible for Hans' death, then surely no one will look to blame you, given our history. As before, I do not mind sacrificing my reputation yet again for the good of the Order. I have all that I could ask for in life and the Brotherhood has more than enough members to enable it to pursue the Chancellorship without me. As for Swabian retaliation, there is little that they can do to Bavaria. They will have to deal with me as Duke anyway, so I see no great harm.

Obviously, a silent death to pirates is the best, but I must once again urge that we pursue this course even if it requires a more overt act. I request that you seriously consider my proposal to deflect blame in that event.


As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice several objects on your pillow. On the bottom is a large bundle, sealed in black, waxed paper and tied with twine. On top of it is a hefty tome, black as pitch, and bound in the finest leather. Crowning them all is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Dietrich von Dassel, you have been chosen.

The man you knew as Jens Hümmel was far more than a simple Swabian Count. He held status far above that of any normal Elector. Not even the Kaiser could wield the power that Jens had at his fingertips. Your friend and fellow Swabian was truly Enlightened.

His passing was a great blow to the Order he served, but it lives on still and its work will never cease. The Reich depends on the efforts of the Brotherhood of which he was a part and that Brotherhood must always remain strong. This chain has no weak link, for all are joined in harmony to one another. When one breaks, the others hold strong. Yet, the link must be replaced, or, one by one, the entirety will fall to ruin.

You are the new link. Jens Hümmel chose you to follow in his footsteps. Whether you wish it or not, you are now part of the Divine Order of the Illuminati. You have no choice in the matter, for you have been marked for greatness by the Cloaked Ones. You may wonder what you have done to deserve this honor, but the reasons are unimportant. All that matters is that Jens Hümmel saw something in you, something that made you worthy of the most Sacred Gift that can the Order can give: the Black Robes of a Brother of the Illuminati. Our secrets are now yours. Your life is now ours. Embrace us and all will prosper. You. The Order. The Reich Entire. Defy us and you will be destroyed. Enjoy the gifts that this honor brings. When night falls tomorrow, the Cloaked Ones will emerge and your life will truly begin.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye. You set the note aside and pick up the large tome. It is a massive work, obviously commissioned at considerable expense. As you flip through, you notice that it is elaborately illuminated with gold leaf outlining black scrollwork. The first page is the most unusual of them all. It is entirely black, but as you run your fingers across it, you feel a change in the texture. There is more to this page than direct observation will show. You tilt the tome in the candle light, and notice that certain areas of the page shimmer when observed from an oblique angle. Hidden on the page is writing that cannot be observed directly. It reads: The Sacred History of the Divine Order of the Illuminati.

You set aside the tome and turn at last to the wrapped bundle. Slowly, carefully, you untie the twine and peel open the waxed paper. Inside is a long, black, hooded robe made of the finest silk. You unfold it, admiring the craftsmanship. Inside the cowl, stitched in blood-red ink, is an all-seeing eye. For reasons you cannot explain, you slip the cloak over your head, reveling in the darkness that envelops your body. As you turn, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the window. You are grinning like a demon.

Dietrich, still grinning, makes his way to the Illuminati chambers.

Greetings brothers. I am honored to have been chosen, though I still do not know why. Rest assured, Jens kept his place. I did not have even an inkling that he was a part of something this big.

Reading over the latest pages in the Tome, I see how we can press this to our advantage. I am certain that the Kaiser is still wary of Hans, as are we. Therefore, since we are going to be rid of him anyway I suggest that we "offer" to do this for the Kaiser in return for a later favor. That way we kill two enemies with one sword. If he disagrees, we still do it anyway and he is still Unenlightened. I am certain that he will not warn Hans of this, that is for sure.

Dietrich von Dassel


While updating the Sacred History, it came to my attention that the matter of the formal vote on the proposed Rule 9 was never fully completed. Fritz and Karl both voted in favor of it, and I am obviously in favor of it. The Grand Master indicated that it was acceptable to move to a vote, but did not commit himself either way on the matter. Finally, Matthias did not speak about it at all. While Dietrich has already been initiated by the format laid out in the proposed Rule, I want to make sure that there is no confusion on the matter in the future. As such, I would be grateful if Matthias, Arnold, and even Dieter could reply with a simple Yea or Nay on the proposed change to the Blood Charter.


Dietrich votes "yay."

04-06-2008, 20:50


I have an unusual event to relate to you. I require your guidance immediately.

You enter your command tent and nearly step on a small dirty bag on the ground. You look quickly around the tent, then momentarily out, but see nothing. You return to the bag and examine it for a moment, then pick it up. Inside you find a small well-trimmed parchment, tied with a blue ribbon, with words written in an intricate, swirling hand.

My dear Lothar. I know of you and your secret society. The Kaiser's brother has spoken to me. He was not very impressive. Perhaps we can work together instead. I have some skills that you cannot possibly possess, but which you will find useful. Meet me in Rome, at the inn called Il Fissato Gallo, on the eve of 12 October. I will be wearing a bliaut of the same color as the ribbon you are probably still holding. And do not make me wait.

As you can see from my story, my agents are clueless as to whom this person is, though I have a strong suspicion that this has something to do with Hans. My initial instinct is to meet with the man and see what he wants. I am the Voice for a reason. If our existence is known, then I should be prepared to deal with those who would petition us.


*a letter in a trembling hand*

Brothers, and Grand Master,

I have let the order come under scrutiny for the first time in its history. If the Order wills it, I will fall on my sword at the first opportunity. Simply say the word and it will be done.

But I thank you deeply for this chance to make amends. I have had a letter from this lady, who says that she prefers to use her meeting with Lothar to speak of these matters. She assures me, though, that she wrote a very small note to Hans, and mentioned only the boats. I can only be grateful she did not tell our secret more widely.

Again, Brothers, I offer you my life if it will help heal this wounding of the Order.

Your servant,
Fritz von Kastilien


I personally feel such actions are not required though honourable. The action has been done and we will have to see what really has been compromised to the Order.

I wait for Lothar's meet to give us a good assessment. What really intrigues me is this "lady's" boldness to take such initiative. If possible she can be of use to us for our own work.

I see Hans supporting Lothar in the Diet on Lothar's strategy. I wonder if he has concluded a connection?



I do not believe such an action is necessary. In truth, this error is far less grievous than the one that I made when I revealed myself to Ansehelm many, many years ago. That incident has plagued us far more deeply than your actions ever could. It would be useful to know exactly what you told her, though. Clearly she has a general idea of our Order and knows that you and I are both members. Does she know the identity of any other Brothers? What does she know of our past deeds?

Regardless of the answers, I assure all of you that I will handle this matter properly. If this woman can be of use to us, I will train her to be more subtle and manipulative, as is our way. If she is not of use to us, I will make sure that she is never seen again. At least, no sizable pieces of her...



I know it was you, Fritz, I know it was you. Did you think spinning the exploits of the Illuminati as a "fictional" tale to a Viking tavern wench would not escape my notice? It seems she might be an agent for another group, or has delusions of grandeur, for she has taken it upon herself to "aid" us. Your efforts to impress her have cost us dearly.

After all this you still wish me to carry out an attempt on Hans life? Until we know what has been whispered to Hans, and the extent to which we have been compromised, I will do no such thing. God only knows the precautions he has taken, what I have passed onto the group might only be the tip of the iceberg. If we move against him and fail, it will serve to verify his suspicions and confirm the validity of whatever his source has told him. Our order would receive undue notice, leaving us unable to act freely.

I offered to arrange an accident for Hans when the whole thing could be accomplished quietly and without notice. The situation has markedly changed. The first goal we should have now is finding this Viking, co-opt her for our own use or eliminate her. Hans is secondary, and I now regret proposing an accident in the first place. We are a *secret* society. Bloodlust and loose tongues do not serve our goals.

Our greatest strength is that no one knows that we are a group. We can act in concert when others expect bickering individuals and act that way themselves. As soon as we are exposed as a united front, we will loose that, our foes will unite against us seeking to oppose what they now know exists. This must not happen.



I agree with Matthias.

Fritz, you have made an error in judgment. You must quickly find out exactly what has happened and then report back to us immediately.

Once this is done we can make decisions on the matter.

Need I remind you that you have broken RULE 1 of the Blood Charter with your admission.

Do not make me require punishment from you Fritz.

Carry this task out now and things can be put right.

Grand Master.


We need more information, so I will get it. I will contact this person immediately and attempt to discover both what she knows and what services she can provide us with. I will then report back immediately so that a decision can be made.



This is most disturbing and I have to agree with Mathias. Fritz what were you thinking, a Viking, a Dane! Do you know what grief they have caused the Reich? You must locate this woman and find here true intentions. Is she a spy or some mercenary? Did she actually warn Hans?

Lothar, I think it would be prudent to follow up on your ribbon invitation to find out who is behind this. Are we being mocked by Hummel or Ansehelm he’s mentioned enough of your “secret” friends in the Diet.

These are unfortunate events and what we did not want to do we did. We decided action against Hans with no debate yet that has been our correspondence. I wish the whole matter did not come up. However, it has let’s get it finished so we can move on to other matters; this has carried on to long. As our Order been compromised lets what the actual damage has been done if any.



Thank you for your trust. I cannot say what a relief I feel because of it.

Lothar, you ask what exactly I told her. She knows only that you and I are part of the order, and that you invited me. She knows of no other members unless she has found that from another source. As for past deeds... well, I must admit that the wine did the talking and I have told her a great deal about our past. Some of it was likely incoherent babbling. But she is smart, and will, as they say, put two and two together.

I leave it to your capable hands to deal with her as is best for the Order's interests. I only ask that you not task me with contacting her. Being overcome by her once, I cannot risk that again.


You enter your command tent and nearly step on a small dirty bag on the ground. You look quickly around the tent, then momentarily out, but see nothing. You return to the bag and examine it for a moment, then pick it up. Inside you find a small well-trimmed parchment, tied with a blue ribbon, with words written in an intricate, swirling hand.

My dear Lothar. I know of you and your secret society. The Kaiser's brother has spoken to me. He was not very impressive. Perhaps we can work together instead. I have some skills that you cannot possibly possess, but which you will find useful. Meet me in Rome, at the inn called Il Fissato Gallo, on the eve of 12 October. I will be wearing a bliaut of the same color as the ribbon you are probably still holding. And do not make me wait.

Lothar bursts from his tent and scans the camp around him closely. Seeing nothing of interest, he turns and slips away. You know not where he is going, but as he leaves you catch a glimpse of a dark object, likely a cowl, being pulled over his head.


You enter the Il Fissato Gallo at the scheduled date, wondering whether your quarry will show himself. At first glance, he is not present, but a second, slower search reveals a man in a dark cloak sitting in a heavily shadowed corner. Lothar has appeared exactly as

You see the colour of the lady's bliaut before you see her, and your heart leaps -- this is a woman who writes these letters? Her dress is an emerald blue not seen in any but the highest of circles. But it only shows through in a flash, and she wraps a dark cloak around her in a moment.

She looks about quickly, fends off the well-meaning innkeeper, and finally turns towards you. She smiles and approaches.

As she comes you take the opportunity to examine her. Her sparkling eyes, full lips, piles of dark ringlet curls, well-formed breasts shown off by the tight-fitting bliaut... the rest of her body is covered by the cloak, but she appears exquisite in every way.

She approaches slowly and holds her left hand out. Her eyes tell you she expects to be seated as a lady.


Her voice is like velvet, but what is that accent? You have heard it once, maybe twice before. From the north somewhere.

"I am glad you did not make me wait. Do you like the dark cloak? I was told you prefer them."

She laughs quietly while looking directly at you, then waits for your response.

Lothar gazes at you dispassionately for a long moment. You suspect he is intentionally avoiding looking at your 'assets.' Eventually, he rises and takes your hand, guiding you to a chair in the darkened corner. After returning to his seat, he looks straight into your eyes, with an expression as cold as stone.

"Let it not be said that I am without manners. However, do not think you can manipulate me with your... charms. I bedded the daughter of the Hungarian King in my youth and I am married to a Princess of the Reich. Beautiful flesh is mine for the taking whenever I wish it. It will take far more than an attractive figure to impress me."

Lothar cocks his head slightly.

"You play a very dangerous game. I am not a man to be summoned on a whim. The Order I represent is deadly serious in its purpose and its methods, and we have the power to carry out any action we desire. The Reich moves as we will it and we are not pleased with the manner in which you have conducted yourself. We thrive in the shadows and secrecy is our most heavily prized asset. We will do anything to protect it."

Lothar turns his head, pointedly, and looks out into the inn. You follow his gaze. Several patrons who were formerly engaged in drunken revelry are now staring directly at you with eyes unclouded by ale. They stand between you and the door, and all are heavily armed. Lothar returns his attention to you.

"You would be wise to consider you statements tonight very, very carefully. I would not want to damage one of Sweden's most prized assets." Lothar grins wickedly. "There are things we can do that are far worse than mere death."

The lady looks back at you after noticing the armed men and gathers her cloak around her a little more tightly. At the mention of Sweden she looks almost disappointed, but hears you out, the grin slipping from her face. Then she begins in a whisper.

"Truly, Lothar, I have no ill intentions! How could I, a lone woman, compete with this organization which has operated for so many years undetected! When I heard of the plan to end the life of that General in the sandy lands, I saw an opportunity to make myself known to you, and make known the power of an unexpected voice. It was in my power. I did it. That is over."

The smile returns to her face. Her left hand slides slowly onto the table, and she begins tracing slow curves on it.

"And it worked well, did it not?" She laughs gently again.

"What we must discuss is what is before us. This General I wrote to still knows nothing of your order. I, however, do. Shows of armed force only make me more inclined to use" she holds up her thumb, index, and middle fingers, and her smile remains, but hard as steel "these three little insignificant pieces of beautiful flesh to douse your band with a destruction so speedy it will even surprise you."

She holds your gaze for a moment, then drops her hand to the table again and pouts. "However, I have no interest in such games. It would profit us both much more if we could work together."

"So, this is my proposition: pay me ten thousand a year, and I will do the bidding of your society. There are those who are not as strong against my charms as you. And my charms do not always lead to bedding. Some of them lead to..." She gazes up at the ceiling "acquiescence where there was a wall. Or, perhaps, a cold and lonely grave." Her gaze returns to you slowly.

"Refuse me gently, and I will return to my home and speak no more about this to anyone. The choice is yours, Lothar. Your thugs cannot help you here."

Lothar bursts into a hearty, deep-throated laugh.

"You are certainly bold, I will give you that. You remind me of myself when I was younger, brash and arrogant." His grin subsides into a mild smirk. "You also remind me of my own flaws: you are overconfident and you lack respect for your elders."

The smile disappears altogether.

"You have done great damage to our plans already. You may think that your little game with Hans was innocent and without consequence, but you could not be more wrong. I do not know what you did to him, but he has become immensely paranoid as a result. He has taken extra precautions to ensure his physical safety, but more significantly he has expressed his fears to several other prominent men."

"The Order is able to control the Reich because few know we exist and none know the extent of our power. We exercise direct control over events, but we go to great pains to ensure that those events appear to be the result of natural occurrences. If the Brotherhood's actions were publicly known, our work would become infinitely harder."

Lothar pounds his fist onto the table, rattling a candlestick.

"Hans' death was to look like an accident! A storm at sea; a random act of piracy! Now that he has expressed fear of assassination to others, his death will be suspicious, no matter what method we use! Suspicion risks exposure and we will not tolerate exposure!"

Lothar sighs heavily and shakes his head. He leans back into the shadows.

"As I said, you play a dangerous game. The Diet has a web of political connections that are nearly incomprehensible to an outsider. We sit at the center of this web, pulling the threads and manipulating events in silence. Our plots and strategies often take decades to unfold. This is a contest that is far beyond petty power struggles and simple murder. Amateur theatrics may serve for some of the Unenlightened, but we require far greater skills."

Lothar pauses for a moment. You cannot see his eyes in the dim light, but you feel as if he is peering into your soul.

"You have potential, but you are far from ready. We can give you the knowledge and resources you need to be effective, but you will do so under our terms, not yours. We control the Reich, and through it, the fate of all of Europe. You do not make demands of us, we make demands of you!"

Lothar leans in and the light once again spills across his face.

"Ten thousand florins a year?! I could build a cathedral for that sum! Even if you were the best agent in all of Europe, you wouldn't be worth that amount. After your blundering, you should be offering to pay us. If we decide to employ you, you will receive five hundred florins per year and even then we will be overpaying. Furthermore, you will do our bidding exactly as we require it, not on your own foolish whims."

"IF we decide to employ you. I see you are surprised that I know your background. Do not be so arrogant in the future to think you can outdo us. In this game, we are the masters. So, Swede, first you will have to convince me that you are not a foreign agent. The Danes have occupied your country for decades and they are enemies of the Reich. Tell me, why should I trust a vassal of the Danish King?"

The lady's eyes narrow and are filled with a cold fire.

"A vassal of the Danish King!? I am a daughter of the Svea and I bow to no Dane!"

Her shoulders are shaking, then she begins to weep. Lacking soft tissues, you can only look on as she wipes her tears and composes herself.

"I have seen enough of the Danish King to last a lifetime. His tax collectors ruined my father, and then took us, his daughters, back to Köpenhavn to pay the debt that could not be cleared." She looks downward for a moment, then direct into your eyes. "Be sure, I am the last person on earth who would ever do anything for that..."

She begins weeping again, but wipes her face and looks upward at you as her voice drops to a whisper.

"I will accept what pay you offer. In truth I would not know a florin from a pence. I know kronor but that is all. I only said ten thousand because it sounded like quite a lot." She winces for a moment.

"And with honesty, I would gladly accept some instruction from you, who are more experienced at this art. I may look wealthy and regal, but that is because of my clients, not myself. I know little of court etiquette, only country dances and flowers in the hair and that sort of thing, and..." She trails off as she sees your pained expression. "Well, I am a quick learner!"

For a moment, when your second bout of tears began, the Count of Florence's grim façade cracked. His eyes softened and he moved his right arm as if to reach for a handkerchief. However, before the gesture was compete, his eyes narrowed and his hand snapped back to the arm of the chair. As quickly as it had fled, the hard expression returned.

"Now you play coy and innocent with me. Perhaps what you say is true, though I suspect that you are simply trying a different tactic. If so, you will find me a hard man to manipulate, though I applaud you for trying. If your tears are genuine and your story true, you could be of use to us. If not, your skill at feminine dramatics is... commendable, and that also can be an asset."

He leans back in his chair and covers his mouth with the palm of his right hand. There he pauses for a long moment, looking you over in quiet contemplation. Eventually he looks toward the soot-stained ceiling of the inn and gives a soft snort, followed by the briefest of head shakes. He is debating with himself, and the topic is you.

"I will have to think this over. If I decide you are worth pursuing..." You giggle slightly at Lothar's choice of words and he struggles to suppress a hint of a blush. "...eh... employing... then I shall discuss it with the Brotherhood. If they find value in you, we shall contact you again in our own manner. If not..." He shrugs "...you will never hear from us again and you would do well to forget that this conversation ever happened."

He raises his hand and gestures to the door. You notice that his band of thugs have resumed their show of drunkenness and blended back into the crowd. With the exception of one, who leers at you lustfully over a tankard of ale, there is no sign that any of them are even aware of your existence.

"You are free to go."

The lady nods, gathers her cloak tightly around her once more, and stands. She begins to depart, but turns before leaving the darkened corner.

"You have control of many things, Lothar, but there is still one issue I hold over you: I know your name, and you do not know mine."

She grins, her eyes sparkling, and is gone.


This woman is young and requires training, but I believe she could be of use to us. If she were able to find work as a serving wench in the Tavern, she would be ideally placed to socialize and interact with the Electors on a regular basis. Her... charms... and flirtatious attitude would certainly attract a great deal of attention. She nearly had me falling all over her, and I am a hard man to fool.

If done properly, she could make it known that she was a purveyor of information and favors, as well as ale. She would then report all she learned and all potential deals to me, and thence to you. In this way, the Brotherhood would finally have a way to interact with the public that was totally anonymous. For serious negotiations, I could still approach the Unenlightened in my role as Voice, but she could handle the more mundane contacts without risk to us. Even if she is compromised, she only knows the identity of Fritz and myself and could not expose any other Brother.

If she proves to be loyal and trustworthy, we could eventually reward her with more intimate involvement in our affairs. Though that would be a decision for a later time.



I will defer to the more senior members of our Order, but I am glad to hear she has passed Lothar's test. And I need not say any more about how well she does at gathering information -- this should be an ideal situation for her.



Firstly ONLY Lothar is permitted to speak with this women in the future. The only way she can be of use to us is if ONLY Lothar speaks to her. She must not know anything more than this.

Fritz, please refrain from any more dealing with her on the topic of the Illuminati....forever.

Now, it's seems that there was more concern that was needed with what happened, for that I am pleased.

Secondly we should use her. Her position as another layer between us and the unenlightened is an excellent role.

Lothar’s first task for her is for her to re-contact Hans about another threat and create some confusion on the topic. I'll leave the details to Lothar but he main aim is to further confuse him about the threat on his life. Perhaps she can mention someone else, such has King Jan himself...I really don't care. The main aim is to lead him away from us. Lothar please formulate a plan and present the basics to us before implementing.

I believe we can find much work for her. As a third party working for us, she has greater freedom than Lothar has as the "Voice". We can give her a variety of assignments that Lothar could never do.

HOWEVER...SHE must never work for anyone else. I will not tolerate her double deal or double crossing us at all.

Essentially every member he can use her but only through Lothar.

She will be called the "Whisper", in contrast to Lothar "Voice".

Brothers, we are gaining more than we see here at this time. Reflect on the possibilities and let us all know your thoughts.

Now...to the matter of Hans. I recommend we now see what the "Whisper" can do to him to confuse the matter based on the instructions from Lothar...otherwise we wait...if an opportunity presents itself then we take it...but for now we have missed the chance. To strike now would simply reinforce his beliefs.

Also, welcome Dietrich. Jens selected you for a reason.

Grand Master.


Nicely put I could not agree more with what you have just stated. I like the idea of the name and the role she will have within the Order.

In all the excitement I forgot to welcome Dietrich, welcome brother. Jens had spoken highly of you.



I need to be very clear with you all on this.

Once the "Whisper" is in play she has no idea about who the rest of us are. She knows Fritz and Lothar...that is it.

You are free to interact with her BUT you must never let her know that you are a member of the Illuminati!!!

Are we clear men? And I use that phrase deliberately. She is clearly a very attractive woman...DON'T be tempted to the dark side...for I am waiting there already...

Grand Master.


I agree with the approach outlined so far. I also officially endorse the designated successor clause.

As for Hans, he will still sail through dangerous waters. Let the fates decide.


Grand Master,

Confusing Hans is a good idea and I will assign Whisper that task as soon as I introduce her to her new position. It seems to me that any living Elector that she throws suspicion on could easily refute it with his own words. I believe the best place to direct his attention are the agents who aided the Mongols in eliminating Conrad Salier. There are even rumors that they had something to do with Kaiser Henry's death. This is a logical group to attack him, for he has been instrumental in the Mongol defeats in Outremer. Furthermore, I doubt he will ever get the opportunity to engage one of these assassins in conversation, so there is no possibility of our deception being reversed.

Along with this specific assignment, I am also inclined to give her a more general one. We wish to gain influence over the Kaiser, so I would like to urge her to sink her claws into Siegfried and his allies in any way that she can. Make herself seem like an agent that could work for him, seduce him, or just gain information through a private friendship. I would like to leave the methods to her imagination and simply let her know that we desire information on what the Kaiser is planning and knowledge about how best to manipulate him. Please let me know if these plans are to your liking.

I go now to introduce Whisper to her new life.



Lothar that was my next suggestion, she would be a perfect agent to approach the Kaiser on a number of topics.

You are her "Handler" on behalf of the Illuminati.

Feel free to formulate and execute any plans you see fit. Please keep us abreast *cough* of the situations as they develop.

Brothers...again I warn you...a lady amongst this Diet and these nobles could indeed cause a stir...don't succumb to the Dark Side. Secrecy is our Primary weapon.

Fritz has offered to take his life due to his indiscretion. While I commend his dedication to this Order it is the first and only example I will tolerate on breaching the Laws of our Order.

Grand Master

Several days pass without any sign of Lothar Steffen or his minions. You carefully watch your surroundings wherever you go, but see little of interest. Other than a priest at St. Maximillian’s Church, who constantly looks at you in a less than holy manner, you observe nothing unusual. Once again you retire to your room for the night, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

When you reach your door, you check the lock and listen carefully for the sound of an intruder. You are slightly disappointed when you hear nothing. No one else may know your methods, but you are full of deadly surprises. A random burglary would provide some entertainment and good practice. You slip inside the room and lock it behind you. Still vigilant, you scan the interior of the room. There is a particularly dark corner to your left, where a rough bureau casts a heavy shadow in the candlelight. You move closer to peer into the darkness.

“So, this is what your bedroom looks like.”

The shadow quivers and you see the faint outline of a man in a black robe.

“I must admit, I expected something… grander. Perhaps overpaying you will be a good thing, as I doubt you’ll impress high-ranking Electors with these quarters.”

Lothar stands and walks over to the window. The faint light of the half-moon spills over his silk robes, highlighting some areas while leaving others pitch black. The contrast of light and dark seems to suit him well.

“We have decided to employ you. Your terms are thus: You will work as a serving wench at the local tavern near the Diet. Many Electors frequent that place and it will give you ample opportunity to interact with them. If anything, I suspect that your… skills… will draw far more of a crowd than the ale does. In public, you will be a delightful diversion for the Electors from the rigors of the Diet. You will serve them, entertain them, and befriend them if possible.”

His robes swirl as he turns away from the window and faces you.

“Of course, the appearance such an unusual person as yourself will make many of them suspicious. You will confirm their suspicions publicly, but subtly. I leave the methods up to you, but you will make it known that you deal in information and favors, as well as ale. You will make the Electors believe that you can be used as an avenue of communication and negotiation with other Electors, without revealing their identity. So long as the proposal is one that a person in your position would accept, you will aid them as they wish, contacting other people on their behalf and serving as an intermediary.”

“Of course, you will be informing me of everything that goes on. You will attempt to make yourself seem an asset for everyone, but in reality you further only our ends. In addition, we will occasionally give you more specific assignments. Furthermore, if you see either myself or the other Brother you know in the Tavern, you will treat us just as you would any other Elector. Anything we say to you in public is simply part of the role. We will only have formal contact through more private channels. Keep in mind that there are many Brothers whose identities you do not know. Some of them may frequent the Tavern from time to time. They will not make their affiliation known to you and you will not attempt to discover who they are. As far as you are concerned, in the Tavern, all men are the same.”

Lothar steps closer to you, his body nearly blocking the faint light from the window.

“Let me make one thing perfectly clear. You are in our service and you are our asset. The Brothers do not like to share. If we find out that you are double-dealing, working for another party for any reason other than to further our ends, you will regret it for the very short amount of time that remains in your life. Of course, if you serve us well, we will reward you.”

There is a brief rustle as he brings his hands together. From the manner of movement, you suspect that he is using his right hand to pull something out of his left sleeve. Sure enough, when his arms part there is a large coin purse in his hand.

“This is your full pay for the first year. It should be more than sufficient to cover whatever expenses you have. If you need anything else that you cannot obtain with that, you may request it of me. Understand that we expect you to use initiative in your operations. I do not want to have to give you orders for specific situation. Unless I specifically say otherwise, I care not how you achieve your aims, only that you do.”

“You said before that I do not know your name. Perhaps not, but names mean little in our world, only titles. I have many of these: Sir Steffen, the Count of Florence, the heir to the Duchy of Bavaria, but there is only one that really matters. I am the Voice of the Illuminati. I am exist to speak the will of the Divine Order of the Illuminati and to deal directly with the Unenlightened when necessary. You work for me; you are the Whisper.”

He turns and walks back to the darkened corner. He sits down on a small stool and adjusts his robes.

“I have spoken for long enough and I wish to hear what you have to say on these matters. So, speak, and make your thoughts known to me.”

The lady starts backward as she notices you, and her hand makes a small movement towards the closet. But when your voice sounds out, she relaxes immediately. She takes the purse with a wide grin, but sets it aside as you finish speaking.

"My quarters may not look like much, but" and here she holds your eye for a moment, then smiles "I will gladly accept this. You can be sure I will pass along everything I hear, and rest your mind on that you said about working for someone else. Who would I work for? The other brother assured me that no one could compete with this society of yours."

"He has told me of this tavern, and it seems to be the perfect place for me -- a weak woman amongst the powerful of the earth."

She smiles, then brings her finger up to her mouth and taps her pursed lips a few times. She begins to approach you slowly. A growing light sweet scent infuses your nostrils.

"I do have a question for you." Her voice is at its silkiest. "I can, of course, gather information from these unsuspecting Germans. But it seems you often have certain targets of your..." She is directly in front of you now, blinking and looking up into your eyes. The smell reminds you of a summer flower that grew in fields where your first love and you... "...affections. Is there someone I can be particularly fascinating to?"

You return to your tent to find another stained leather bag on the ground. And again, it contains a well-trimmed parchment wrapped in blue ribbon. You read:

I have already had a rendezvous of sorts with the General I warned. He suspects you. I have put him off the track as best I could. I need a name to attach the guilt to besides yours. Be speedy with your answer.

Lothar scribbles a hasty note.


There is a group of pagan assassins who live in the Eastern lands. They have been known to deal in dark arts and assassinations. It is well known that they were paid by the Mongol Khan to kill Conrad Salier, the former King of Outremer. There are even rumors that they had a hand in the death of Kaiser Henry, many years ago. If you were to infer that you had formerly been under their pay, that might serve. Perhaps make up some story about a disagreement that led to you breaking off the deal.

Feel free to offer your services to Hans to spy on me, or any other party that he wishes, if that will aid your methodology. You are doing well if you are already attempting to deflect Hans' suspicions. I commend you. I will have another task for you in the coming days, but I must discuss it in more detail with the Brothers.

In future, we shall use a single location as a drop point for messages, so that we need not risk being seen in each others' company. For now, place all of your notes behind the paupers' grave marker in the cemetery at the Church of St. Maximillian. I will collect them there and my replies will be substituted in their place.


Voice, I have contacted the General. I told him of the eastern assassins and offered to gather information from you and pass it to him. More notes after he responds.

04-06-2008, 20:53
CHAPTER XVII: Business as Usual


Now is the time to use your powers as Chancellor. You have heard our discussion with King Jan and he will not give me the fine points of chivalry. You must give me a small garrison and hunt down al Muazzam to settle this matter.


Some men are not destined to lead that is all I will say.

He's adjusted to the Kingship quickly, hasn't he?

I agree, it is time to bring him back down to Earth. If we first give Zirn command of the force hunting down the Saracen lord and then use a Charter Amendment to force his ouster at the next Diet session he will be a laughingstock indeed.

Chancellor, I suggest that you be the one to bring forth this Amendment when the time comes. Nobody outside the Brotherhood knows of any special relationship between you and Zirn and that way it will come from an "impartial source." Use Salier's wishes and Jan's hubris as evidence as you wish.

It is a ways off, but 1300 will forever be known as the year that the Illuminati took a stranglehold on the Reich.


I admire Dietrich's confidence, but I am not so certain about the events of 1300. The Kaiser has previously stated that he will assume the Chancellorship at that time. There is little we will be able to do to stop it. This was one of the reasons I wanted to establish a direct relationship with the Kaiser soon. The best we can hope for is to have some influence over him during his term, otherwise we will be as powerless as the rest of the Unenlightened.

To this end, I would like to order Whisper to approach the Kaiser and let him know that there is a group of powerful individuals that are willing to deal with him. Perhaps he desires things that we can provide, in return for a few favors during his term.



I agree. Whisper may be the perfect tool to get the Kaiser's attention where I have failed to do so. I only hope she remains safe, and silent about us.



I will see what I can do concerning Karl's request. The Saracen is far out in the desert, and an effort to reach him now would be dangerous. I'm sure the fool will return, and when he does Karl can have him.

It is obvious to many that Jan was a poor choice for Outremer. We must see what we can do to convince the Kaiser to appoint Karl. If that doesn't work, we could force the matter as Dietrich proposed.



Perhaps I was too hasty to reject Karl's plan. Jan looks worst when his nose is tweaked and he runs his scribes into the ground. If Karl still wishes it, I will send him after the Egyptian with the forces he requested. It was a unit of spearmen and of crossbowmen, correct?

Also, I'm not sure if you've heard the latest rumors, but Hans is convinced the only way he could be harmed is if I'm behind the plot to assassinate him. I think this precludes a direct attempt on his life, but we could still get away with a tragic battle at sea. Not as guaranteed but less traceable.



Matthias I would go ahead with the plan Karl requested.

I'm sure Jan will blow up over it. He is highly sensitive to issues of command. If Karl disobeys his order then I expect him to possibly come to me over the matter as Karl is Austrian.

That of course would give me even more opportunity to provoke him.

Grand Master.


There is little the King can do legally to stop Karl. He can threaten, cajole and remove Karl's appointment at the next Diet session, if he himself is reappointed, but that is about it. The units under Karl's command are part of his own garrison and not AoO. If he questions me, I can say I am doing a favor for a fellow Crusader. A Crusader with seniority.

If he blows up in the Diet or the Outremer council, he will merely make himself a fool. The more times he does so, the more likely even the Kaiser will realize a change must be made.

Even if he changes the AoO orders to strip me of my command, I can legally ignore it. Few will rally to his defense.

I'm beginning to like this better and better.



That is exactly it. I'd say we make this a priority simply to speed up his exit.

Grand Master.

I agree. The sooner the better.


Mathias thank you it was a great victory and I return to Damascus to "hear" from King Jan.



Very nice Lord Zirn.

Let the theatrics begin.

Grand Master.


It seems Jan has matured. He has not fallen for the provocation.

This could make him far more dangerous in the long term.


Though I have been expelled from the Diet, I hope the jabs I made at the Empress will stick in a few people's minds. We at least know that Dieter, my brother Péter, and my brother Ansehelm would side against Siegfried were it to come to force against him, while Edmund Becker will be squarely on Siegfried's side.

Not that forcing him out or limiting his power somehow is what I desire. We are driving to have him in our power. Right now is not a moment of tremendous crisis for Siegfried. But, if Ansehelm's letter is anything to mark by, that moment of crisis is wished for by many.

When it comes, we are in a strong position to strike a deal with the Kaiser. He and his Empress should be quite willing by that time to find any help they can.

My own reputation has increased significantly, if messengers to my door are anything to judge from. This is what I had hoped for and expected, and I will continue to stir up feeling against Siegfried until the Order tells me to do otherwise.

Your humble servant,
Fritz von Kastilien


Forgive me but what correspondence are you referring to involving



I have had an interesting correspondence with Duke Ansehelm

My friend, chancellor

I am getting concerned about the Reich in relation to it's Kaiser. My little brother is not the strongest man you will ever meet, and I fear that already my sister-in-law is forcing her will onto him. However we know nothing for sure, and can never proof it.

I do think however that, as things are going now, they aren't too good for us.

And that's why I ask you to following thing, you however can decline if you see it as unethical:

Would it be possible to raise tension between Byzantium and our Reich? I don't want a war, but I want Byzantium to have less influence on us. For that there are two option:
1. Killing my sister-in-law, not done
2. Giving my brother a choice, either this or the other.
And that is what I want to do. I want to present him with two option, us or them. He will choose us, and with that we can play away Theodora's influence.
She will either choose for her husband, or her fatherland, and with that she will lose all influence.

Consider it,


Duke Ansehelm,

I share some of your concern. I have heard rumors that the Empress Theodora seeks undue influence. However, there is no proof. The best we can do at this point is watch and wait and see if anything more serious happens. Then we could act. You are a Duke, you could help call an emergency session if needed.

I would not underestimate the Kaiser. He may be a fool, or he may be playing a deep game. Since he will be Chancellor in a few years, I hope its the latter.

Good luck against the Poles,


That's why I'm concerned, he will be Chancellor soon, which means my sister-in-law will rule the empire. And that's why I want him to face a decision now.
Instead of later, the sooner we act the better. I never met Theodora, but I don't trust Orthodox Christians, especially if they address you as Duke, instead of brother.

Duke Ansehelm,

I understand your concern. I admit I feel some trepidation at handing over the day to day affairs of the Reich to an untested administrator, even if he is the Kaiser.

A suggestion, you could approach the Kaiser and express your concerns about Theodora. If he is unwilling to hear them, you could propose a CA at the next Diet that would bar the Kaiser from assuming the Chancellorship, he would have to run like anyone else.

Perhaps the threat of this disruption could make him listen to reason. If not, then a candidate could run against him. Someone free from the eastern influence.

I regret that this marriage has caused friction in the Diet. When I arranged it, I was merely looking to strengthen the bond to one of our remaining allies, not set up an Empress in power.

I must make clear that this suggestion is not treason. I do not wish to replace the Kaiser, only make him listen to the counsel of the Electors and not his wife.

Let me know what you think,


We can play this two ways. We assist the Kaiser in quashing these efforts and gain his gratitude. Or, we aid these efforts against him and run a candidate to oppose him. A candidate known for his anti-eastern bias. A candidate we have made efforts to cast in a more moderate light. I speak of Lothar.

We do not have to make a choice now. We can help instigate an uprising, and then choose the side that will give us the greatest benefit. Either way, our power will grow.



The ability to prevent the Kaiser from taking the next Chancellorship is nearly impossible.

We would need an emergency session and then pass legislation to have that changed.

I would much rather prefer we do this unofficially and through basic overt pressure. I am loathed to have any type of conflict with the Kaiser, however the Empress in not the person running the Reich.

I've still not heard back from Theodora. I replied to the note I sent you all stating my interest in her strategy.

I then went onto add that as the Duke responsible for joining and maintaining our border with the Byzantine's then I will be vital to any strategy employed.


One thing I must say is the Duke Ansehelm is entertaining.

I wish sometimes that my life was as Black and White as his.

I'm thinking of marrying the Whisper...any objections?

Grand Master.


I have no objections to Arnold marrying the Whisper. However, is this really what you wish to do, Arnold? Marry someone who has revealed herself to be a commoner with not even a single tie to nobility?

And as for the Empress... I do like the idea of Whisper contacting her, generally. But what would she say? That she represents a group who wish to work with her? However revolting such an idea is to myself personally, it could also play into our hands.

The current situation, as they say, turns on a knife point. It is difficult to say what is best.


Grand Master,

With all due respects, while Whisper is certainly a girl with charms... er, a charming girl... She is little more than a commoner, at best. Even if you were to marry her, no official authority in the Reich would consider it a true union and some women would still see you as a possible husband. Whisper can give you no heirs to the Austrian Duchy, while that is still a possibility from a noblewoman. What would you do if you married Whisper, and then a true noblewoman, one capable of giving you heirs, appeared for marriage? Surely you would have to either formally reject the notion of ever having a true blood heir, or dispose of Whisper. I do not relish having to make such a choice.



Below is a letter sent to me by the Empress.

It seems the Emperor's wife has decided to make a foray into the workings of the Reich. Quite a bold move I must say.

This confirms our suspicions and means we should move soon on contacting the Emperor.

Does anyone has any thoughts as to how we can proceed on these matters?

How do we deal with the Empress and secondly the Emperor and his taking of the Chancellorship at the next transition?

Grand Master.

Grandmaster, Brothers,

There was no letter attached in your correspondence but I have heard talk in the court circles that the Empress may some bold ambitions.

I think imperative that contact is made with the Kaiser. It is interesting to note that the Kaiser feels there is a rift with the Outremer and the Homeland. He does not know the true situation and this could be to our advantage.

We could have two approaches. One being low key we are to help which he would expect and possible test our influence. Two would be this is what we are though nothing is revealed concerning our secrecy but a show of our unity. The homeland and the Outremer are one. There would have to be a more elaborate way it is done but that would be the bases. That would be my suggestion.

I am glad to see the Outremer situation did not become an issue. Has the King matured? I doubt it. Sometimes expecting the worse nothing happens or maybe he planning something and complained to the Kaiser. Though it was tempting initially to reply I think restraint was the better action and giving him nothing to feed off.

We are only 10 years off from Mathias term ending we must make our contact with the Kaiser soon.



Apologies. Here is the note:

Duke Arnold,

I hereby inform you that at the next Diet session Emperor Siegfried will use his prerogative to ascend to the position of Chancellor. He will use the powers entrusted to him by the office to follow through with the agenda he laid out in the Diet.

The resurgence of the Western Roman Empire in unison with its Eastern brother will call for decisive pushes against territory that has long since fallen into the hands of Non-Romans. You have always supported my husband during the recent struggle and your victories in the East have proven that you are a capable defender of the Reich.

Together with the Eastern Roman Empire you could crush the Balkans and share the spoils. Emperor Siegfried will propose legislature regarding this situation during the next Diet session. If you wish for anything specific please let me know. I am assured that we can count on your support!

Empress Theodora

Grand Master


I agree that we must now formally approach the Kaiser. I suggest that we initially use Whisper to sound him out. I would suggest that we approach him with the carrot rather than the stick. We can have her inform him that there is a powerful organization that wishes to cooperate with him in the future. As a demonstration of our goodwill, we are prepared at this very moment, to aid him in any way that is needed. With luck, he will embrace us and we may work with him directly in the future. The closer we draw him in, the more power we will have to influence his decisions.



Whisper would I believe be the perfect contact for the Kaiser. From my own attempts to contact him, though, I believe we need a specific situation or pretext for contact -- some matter which cannot escape his attention without consequence.

I suggest this be in regards to Theodora. Anything to do with her will strike near his heart.

I am connected to dissatisfaction with him and the Byzantines in the eye of the Diet. I could start a rumour that I have plans against the life of the Empress, which of course I will deny. If then he perceives these rumours as a threat, and Whisper comes forward to offer help, it may be a trap with which we can catch him.

But this is only my first thought. Another tactic may be more beneficial, and for that I am, as they say, all ears.


It has been some time since you found any messages behind the small stone Paupers' Grave marker. Weeks had passed, months even. You were beginning to wonder whether you should even bother to check for messages anymore, when at last another note appeared.


The Order will have a new mission for you soon. The exact details are still being discussed, however I felt it would be prudent to inform you of the target so that you may begin to prepare in any manner that you see fit.

You will be contacting the Kaiser himself on our behalf. It is not yet time to make our offer to him or to reveal that you represent us, but it is no easy feat for a serving girl to approach the Kaiser of the Reich. Therefore I am giving you time to prepare a plan and build a relationship with him, if you deem it necessary, before I notify you of your complete instructions. I care not what method you use: direct approach, mysterious notes, perhaps even a disguise as a high ranking noblewoman.

Keep me informed if you take any actions. You will hear from me again soon.



Thank you for your advance word. I have just begun this year to contact many of the Dukes and other highly-placed people. Siegfried will be no different. I am also maneuvering into the Chancellor's good graces. When you are ready to command me, I will be ready to help.



Whisper appears to prefer to build a private relationship with various noblemen before revealing the other services she offers. Therefore, I decided to inform Whisper that she would be asked to approach the Kaiser soon on our behalf. I did this so that she will already have laid the groundwork when we decide on the best method of bringing the Kaiser under our sway. This will allow us to proceed quickly once we are all in agreement. I very much hope to have all of this concluded before the next Diet session. I hope to hear all of your opinions soon on this matter, so that we may formally begin.

One offer that occurs to me is a free hand during his Chancellorship. With our aid alone, we can easily block any attempt to impeach him. Therefore, he would be free to undertake any controversial activities that he wished, so long as we approved of them first and our price was met.



I certainly agree to give Whisper time to cultivate an approach.

What is always a concern to me is our ability to exert power but to it without overtly giving away our secrecy.

Please keep this in mind when we deal with the Kaiser.

Certainly if we all deny being part of the Order if approached directly no one can prove it...but if we were to continually vote as a block then we would eventually reveal ourselves.

I will think further on how to overcome this in the near future.

Grand Master.

I do not like the tone of the Kaiser. This incident with Fritz in concerning. Will the Grandmaster be next. Time is of the essence, though we control it. Contact must be made and with the carrot say what are you trying to do? We can help. Give us some time under Mathis leadership to make things happen.

Whisper should be going into action soon. A thought. What if Whisper contacted the Empress?? Woman to woman and a very ambitious one. That could be a possible avenue to explore.

We must act soon.



Forgive me for dissenting, but this is the opportunity we have been waiting for. Duke Ansehelm is rallying opposition to the Kaiser and the next Diet session is sure to be a fierce one. Kaiser Siegfried will be vulnerable and will need support if he is to rule in the manner he desires. We can approach him and offer him possibly the only means through which he can achieve his aims. It would truly be bargaining from a position of strength.

While I do not like the Byzantine influence over the Kaiser, I do not think the Reich will be injured in any serious manner. I suspect the Kaiser will use his Chancellorship to take several provinces and give them to his wife's Kingdom. I see little harm in this. If the Kaiser wishes to prop up his Eastern counterpart, so be it. So long as he does not injure the Reich itself, it is of little concern to us. We can make this clear to him as part of our support. We will be allies so long as the Reich remains strong and our demands are met. Anything he wishes to do that could possibly injure the Reich would first have to meet our approval. If they do not, we could easily pull the rug out from under his feet and impeach him.

This is our opportunity to sink our claws into the Kaiser. We must not miss it.



Lets' move on it. Lothar instruct Whisper on what she has to say. I want to see what reaction we will get from him. If it is nothing then we will have to formulate another plan quickly.

See what Lothar said about provinces do you think the Kaiser would give land of the Outremer to the Byzantines? I see that as a possibility when you look at who he left in charge. I am in favour of some action now!

On a side not Grandmaster please consider what Lothar has said about the prospects of marrying such a girl. I would think you are a little infatuated with her. Have some fun with her but you do not have to marry her. You have a legacy to continue and the future Austrian, great grandson of Heinrich should be born of parents who both a have noble bloodlines.



It is certainly time to take action regarding the Emperor.

Lothar please have Whisper make some type of contact as soon as possible so we have something solid to work with. At the moment we are all simply wrapped up in conjecture.

As for Whisper…it seems the marriage of the Grand Master has become a matter of law. With four no’s, one abstaining and myself being unsure then I believe this will not go through…

…I will think on it further. Please keep in mind I have a serious issue gentlemen…I have no heir. I NEED AN HEIR!!

I’m getting old brothers and I don’t want the lineage of the Dukes of Austria AND the Grand Master of the Illuminati Order dying with me.


If we kill off Hans then perhaps the noble ladies will find the prospect of marrying our Grand Master more appealing.

Chancellor, how goes that plan anyhow?



The plan is to let Hans's transports be sunk if a fleet can be found to attack them. Direct action will not be taken because we had a leak.

As for Ansehelm, he wrote back. He sees no appeal in my proposal. I asked what he would like me to do, and he suggested I provoke the Byzantines somehow. As we have military access this would be hard to do, and having another enemy for the Empire is not a wise policy.



I have made strong connections with both Duke Arnold and King Jan.

Duke Ansehelm will be difficult to crack -- I could walk into his bedchamber naked and I doubt he would notice anything. The man is legendarily obtuse!

Siegfried is, I believe, impervious to any attempt of mine due to the attacks on the Empress in the Diet. The more I can involve the Empress, the better. The woman is a viper, to be sure, and well guarded. However, I could attempt to contact her to get to Siegfried.

A question: when I have men begging for more favours, what price does the Order wish to extract from them?



Unless we specify otherwise, you may set your own requirements for future interactions with the Electors. You know the situation far better than I, and I trust your judgment.

Regarding Siegfried, can you clarify? Are you completely unable to contact him or is he simply blowing off your advances? The latter is of little concern to us, for I am certain that he will listen to what you have to say when I give you your next set of formal orders.



Whisper has previously indicated to me that she has attempted to contact the Kaiser to build a relationship, but that it has been less than successful. I cannot determine whether she means that the Kaiser has completely shunned her or whether he is simply immune to her advances. I have asked her to clarify the matter and I have also given her orders.

If she reports back that the Kaiser is open to negotiations, I believe it would be proper to conduct them myself. Continuing to use Whisper will risk some confusion and in these most important of times, that is something I would prefer to avoid. I would even be willing to reveal my identity to the Kaiser, as a show of trust. As we all know, I am suspected by many of being in such a position, so it would not be surprising. Furthermore, the Kaiser does not appear to be a man to be trifled with and I suspect he would not tolerate a meeting where he does not know the name of his potential partner. Of course, I would never reveal the identity of any other Brother. If I approach him privately, but reveal myself to him and speak openly, I believe he will be far more likely to trust us and deal with us.

Once he deals with us, we will aim to make him reliant upon us. Once he needs us to act, we will own him, body and soul.



We have decided on a course of action regarding the Kaiser and I now how specific instructions for you. You must communicate the following things to the Kaiser and report on his response. I care not what method of communication you use, but the following things absolutely must be conveyed:

1) There is a strong sense of unease amongst the Electors regarding the Kaiser's ties with Byzantium. Many Electors feel that the Kaiser has become nothing more than a puppet of the Byzantine Emperor.

2) Unease in the Diet has turned into an active movement through less public channels. Electors are organizing to block the Kaiser's efforts during his coming Chancellorship.

3) There is an organization that takes a broader view on events and is not necessarily adverse to the Kaiser's plans. With their support, the Kaiser can easily carry out whatever plans he wishes during his term as Chancellor, no matter how bad the outcry in the Diet may be. Without their support, he will be laid low by the Electors very quickly.

4) The organization is willing to negotiate terms with the Kaiser for the mutual benefit of both parties.

When the Kaiser responds, please inform me immediately of the precise words he used. In addition, please include your own opinion on how open the Kaiser is to dealing with us. Does he consider himself untouchable? Does he perceive his own weaknesses? All information you can provide about the character of this man will aid us.



He avoids me completely. I have attempted contact twice and neither yielded any result. Today am using my last idea to get his attention. Give me one more day. Failure is not something I accept easily.

I did receive my orders. Shall I proceed with them, or would you prefer that I wait?



Proceed as you see fit and notify me of the results. Do not take the Kaiser's aloofness personally, he has similarly refused to speak to other individuals in a similar manner. We will make alternative plans in the event that you cannot reach him.



Whisper has clarified the point on which I was confused. It seems the Kaiser is ignoring her altogether and has not responded at all to two successive attempts at contact. She will try again today.

In the event that she cannot reach the man, we should come up with alternative plans.



I have conducted some scrying which has indicated Whisper will be contacted by the Emperor next week sometime.

The powers of darkness are growing within me!!!

Grand Master.


It is with deep sadness I write to you. Whisper left a note on my writing table tonight saying that she has been identified and cannot risk any more secret contacts with the Kaiser or others. Lothar, it appears that you may need to contact my brother as Voice after all.



It seems that it will be necessary for me to approach the Kaiser directly and attempt to negotiate an alliance of mutual benefit. I request your approval and guidance on this matter as soon as possible.

In addition, now that I am Duke of Bavaria, I will ensure that every last Bavarian vote and soldier is fully available to the Illuminati. Our resources are now vast indeed, Brothers.



I feel we should move very quickly. Many of our plans require years to develop, but the Kaiser's position currently cannot last and we must act!

Therefore I propose that the Voice contact Siegfried as soon as possible, revealing at least our support for him in the controversy of his naming, suggesting the massive power we have, and promising full support for his plans with the Empress.

I heard from Whisper before she went away that she managed to take a ring from the treasure hoards of the Emperor of Byzantium and give it to Siegfried in secret. It was inscribed with the title, in Greek, "King of Kings, Emperor of Empires", a title frequently used by the Byzantine monarchs.

Though I do not know whether Siegfried would be so brazen as to wear this in public, he is sure to treasure it as a token of the tie he wishes between the infidels and the Reich.

An offer of full support for his plans with the Empress would put him deeply in our debt. And that debt can be called in when we need it, for Siegfried will live a long while yet.

Fritz von Kastilien


Thanks to Chancellor Matthias my Cathedral is almost complete. There is still much to arrange and I will not make the Diet Session. I must remain in Damascus to complete the final touches. I will contact the Speaker to proxy my vote in support of any or legislation from the Austrian House. I will obviously abstain from other voting because I do not know what is coming forward from other Electors but will faithfully support my House.

In the event my work is completed faster then I will make my way to Rome to vote. It is quite possible I could be a deciding late vote.



Here is a rough draft of my proposed candidacy speech. It is designed to worry the Kaiser enough that his position is not safe and thus not waive his right. It is also meant to not personally insult him, as I do not wish to be banned for this most important election. Please let me know your thoughts.

Dietrich von Dassel:

*The Swabian knight rises, a slight nervous look on his face for a brief instant. It is quickly replaced by a solemn expression, accompanied with nods directed at several Electors present.*

Mein Kaiser, Chancellor Matthias, fellow Electors.

The past two terms have finally, finally seen the Reich completely re-emerge from is post-Ulrich Hümmel funk. The man responsible for this renaissance is Chancellor Matthias Steffen, and he should be congratulated for his superior administrative skills. We are truly better off because of him.

I have heard rumors and general rumblings that Kaiser Siegfried himself is to assume the position of Chancellor this upcoming term and guide the Reich himself. I wish him luck in that endeavor for surely it cannot be as easy as Chancellor Matthias makes it look.

However, I have also heard general rumblings of discontent about the Kaiser's style of handling things. People have said that he spent too much time vacationing in Constantinople when the twin crises of the deaths of Conrad Salier and Sigismund von Mahren loomed over the Reich. People have said that he is too friendly with the Byzantines, with their Emperor exercising a little too much over him by way of the Empress Theodora. *He nods curtly to the Empress.* People have said that he appoints people to powerful positions solely because of loyalty rather than merit, thus endangering all who seek the holder of that position for protection.

In short, I have seen and heard enough general discontent over Kaiser Siegfried's style to wonder if he should become our leader for the next twenty years without input or suggestions from anybody.

Therefore, I hereby challenge the Kaiser to waive his right to an automatic Chancellorship in the name of doing what is best for the Reich.

You, Kaiser Siegfried, are duty-bound as Holy Roman Emperor to seek and execute options that are of the greatest benefit to the Empire as a whole. I inform you now: There is discontent over your past choices; who better to determine what is best for the Reich than its people? Allow a proper election between you and anyone who wants to run and give the people, the representatives of all four Houses and the Outremer, a chance to make their voices heard.

I offer myself to the people as a candidate, because my policies and beliefs differ from Kaiser Siegfried's and I believe that mine are correct.

First and foremost, I believe that we should be putting the Reich first. The Kaiser has become friendly with the Byzantines – some say too friendly. We have an alliance with them, which is rare nowadays, and I do not seek to break it. That said, recent cooperation with them and seeing the advancement of their goals has come at a price where other areas of need have been overlooked. If I am elected Chancellor we will take care of our own needs first and if there is any manpower or material left over, we shall send them to our allies.

Secondly, we need to take a firmer policy with our enemies. Bavaria's recent conclusion of hostilities with Sicily was rare in that it was short, cheap (in terms of lives lost) conflict. This is not the case in many other areas. On our western front lies, just as it has always lied, the menace of the slimy French. They have been Swabia's mortal enemies since poor Sigismund der Stolze was assassinated by them in 1144. Electors, that was over 150 years ago. We fight them still. On our eastern front lies an even older and deadlier enemy in Poland , who have plagued Franconia and Austria since before all of us were born.

Electors, for too long have we been content with fighting defensively, or fighting a battle here and there and investing our resources elsewhere. I don't want to let them off easy anymore. I want to kill them. I want to kill them with an axe. If elected I will organize two all-out efforts aimed at forever breaking the power of our oldest enemies. In the west, Duke Scherer and I will refit, and together with my Portuguese friend, led by Prince Hanrrique we will strike and capture Angers. To provide greater effect, if Duke Steffen is willing, we can sic the Gerhard Steffen Memorial Army on Toulouse, which is currently lightly defended, further crippling the French and leaving them only one territory on the Iberian Peninsula. In the east I shall provide the von Kastiliens with everything they need to take down Krakow and the many Poles lurking around there, waiting to do us further harm. If we are successful enough then we can press on to Hungary.

Our enemies may be hurt, but they still have teeth. If they ever concentrate and organize they can marshal their forces together in an invasion, which would seriously threaten our oldest territories. If we go on the offense we can force them to fight defensively and keep them focused on not losing their own lands.

To those of you who doubt my experience, know this: I have fought several battles already, and considering the fact that I am still alive and addressing you now they did not go all bad. In terms of diplomacy I have already forged a bond with the Portuguese heir to the throne, Prince Hanrrique, and together along with my Duke we have driven the French out of Caen.

Kaiser, I once again plead to you: Let the Electors decide. If you waive your right and defeat me in a fair election then fine. May your reign be the most prosperous the Reich has ever see. I won't say "boo." But do not shut the people out of this important process at this important time in our history.

Thank you.


Chancellor, I thank you for your glowing descriptions of my battle results in your reports. Somehow, "crushed" and "pummeled" sound quite a bit better than "defeated." I can only hope to duplicate that subtlety with my speech.



The speech sounds fine to me. I realize the unfortunate necessity of toning down some of the criticism to avoid censure. It's a fine line between having a speech with effective rhetoric and being thrown into the street. Of course that very issue might be mentioned as well. Perhaps ask the Electors if they feel as free to speak their mind now as in the past. Mention an example of debate from the past that wouldn't pass Imperial muster today. Even if you are banned, you will become a hero for those the Kaiser has banned and threatened and a rallying point if his term goes awry.

If we reach a workable concord with the Kaiser, we could still use Dietrich as the rabble rouser and play both sides off against the other. As we did with Lothar and my dramatics, it's doesn't matter how people dance, as long as we control the tune.

Brothers, do we have any priorities for this upcoming session? I know I wish to see Jan replaced and Naples and Palermo incorporated into the Reich. I would also like to see Arnold drive on Krakow. Not only will this give him more notoriety, it will reduce support for Ansehelm. Fritz could speak out against Arnold if he wishes to ingratiate himself to Ansehelm, though the Duke seems immune to persuasion. He is single minded, easy to deceive, but hard to manipulate. We must also decide how our members should react to Dietrich's announcement.




One point: Krakow will be mine...NOT Ansehelm's.


1) Jan removed as the King of Outremer
2) Naples and Palermo incorporated formally into the Reich
3) Edict to take Krakow by me.

Please table your thoughts Brothers.

Lothar...how is our young Kaiser?

Grand Master


Dietrich's speech seems well designed to outline a good case. I only hope that Siegfried does not throw him into the street as he did me, for suggesting any improper involvement of the Empress. If I were to change anything, it would be to even further obscure references to her (heartless wench she is!)

As for our aims, I agree with the Grand Master's list. I would also include two more agenda items, which are not edicts:

4) Remake Lothar's image into a reconciler between anti-Byzantines and pro-Byzantines

Though Lothar will undoubtedly carry the election in 1320, it may be wise to play to both sides of what will likely be *the* divisive issue for the next twenty years.

Also, I do hope that I can be cast as a loyal ally of Ansehelm. In messages recently he has indicated a significant change of attitude towards me, for the better.

Yours, in God,

Thank you all for the suggestions. I will see what I can do.

A minor point. While of course Krakow will be Arnold's the rest of the Diet is operating under the assumption that Ansehelm will be the one that takes it. Therefore I kept it that way to throw off the notions of a link between us.



So the current objectives are:

1) Jan removed as the King of Outremer
2) Naples and Palermo incorporated formally into the Reich
3) Edict to take Krakow by me.
4) Remake Lothar's image into a reconciler between anti-Byzantines and pro-Byzantines.


Dietrich, I see your point about Krakow. Still, I will avenge von Heidelburg and I've told Girt to pass the message onto Ansehelm.

As for your speech, I think you can reference the Empress. I've been fairly direct with the Kaiser about the Diet and what it represents. It's not a place where a female presence should interfere or limit our discussions about foreign nations.

Goad him, I would, it would be another nail in his coffin to take action against fairly neutral comments. I don't think he realises just how much damage he does by defending his wife in the Diet when the topic of Byzantium is raised.

Grand Master

Grand Master,

As Chancellor, I have become familiar with your recent campaigns and I am hesitant to leave Krakow, or at least the armies in the region, as your sole responsibility. Even if Peter von Kastilien is successful in his battle, there are four or five full Polish armies in the area. In order for you to seize the city, you will need the assistance of the Prussian HA and possibly the returning forces of the Teutonic Crusade.

I will support your call for Krakow, but we must not alienate the Franconians so much that they abandon the Province completely. They are closer to their training grounds than you are and can reinforce more easily. You will need them.

I'm sure if you phrase the request right, Ansehelm will certainly understand a call for "blood for blood", you can their support and Krakow.



You're correct. It's clear I will be unable to do this myself.

Perhaps one of the BHA's could assist. Lothar?

I believe Ansehelm will understand the revenge part of my wish.

I will write to him and see what he thinks.

Grand Master.

As you enter your bedchamber to sleep for the night, you notice an object on your pillow. It is a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Greetings Kaiser Siegfried,

You have assumed the throne of an Empire in turmoil. The Houses squabble amongst themselves, the Electors jockey for power, and few men see the broader view of political consequence. It appears that you have great ambitions and glorious designs for the Reich, but how will you implement those with a Diet so fractured and chaotic? Though you are Kaiser, you are still young and the issues regarding your ascension have muffled your authority. You cannot carry the Diet by sheer force of will, like some of your predecessors.

There are other options, though. There is the Brotherhood. We are not loyal to any House or to Outremer; we serve the Reich first and foremost. All else is of a secondary concern to us. Indeed, the Reich’s very position as a world power and its relative stability despite the internal bickering are entirely the result of our work. This is statement of fact, not boastful pride. We are not a new Order. We have existed for decades beyond count, but we work in the shadows and our manipulations go unnoticed by the Unenlightened. Nor are we a minor player. We wield more power than any other entity in the Reich and have exercised that power overtly and covertly on many occasions. The history of the Reich is a chronicle of our actions.

Indeed, even you are the result of our power. When the issue of your succession came before the Diet, we were the ones who allowed you to retain your throne. We had the power to put any man we wished into that seat, but we backed you. We saw in you a man of strength and purpose who would lead the Reich strongly and with determination. We come to you now to negotiate a formal alliance for mutual benefit. With the Brotherhood as your ally, there is nothing you cannot accomplish. The combined power and influence of the Kaiser of the Reich and the Divine Order of the Illuminati can overcome any obstacle, defeat any foe.

If you are interested in our aid, place this black ribbon in your window tonight. When it is seen, you will be approached by one of our number to negotiate the terms. If you speak of us to anyone, there will be no deals of any kind.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye.

Twiddling a ring on his finger and taking a last deep breath, Siegfried places the black ribbon on the window sill. This has been the third time a secret message has reached him. He would have a word with his chamber master in the morning.

You adjourn the Diet for the evening and begin your walk towards nearby the Imperial Palace in Rome. The sound of footsteps on marble causes your bodyguards to stop and turn. Lothar Steffen is moving at a brisk pace to catch up with you. You pause, waiting for him to arrive; wondering what the newest Duke of the Reich wants with you. When he finally reaches you, he stops a respectful distance away. You notice with amusement that it is conveniently just out of reach of the halberds of your bodyguards. He gives a deep, respectful bow.

“My Kaiser, I believe you dropped this in the Diet.”

Lothar Steffen extends his hand and you see a small black ribbon in his open palm. It appears to be identical to the ribbon that accompanied the note you received the previous night. You give a false nod of thanks and gesture for your guards to take the fabric.

“My Kaiser, there is a… personal matter that I wish to speak with you about. I know it is late, but would it be possible to have a private audience? I would speak of the matter here, but it is somewhat…” Lothar adjusts his breaches “…embarrassing.”

You look skeptically at the Duke of Bavaria, but eventually nod your assent and gesture for the man to accompany you. Fifteen minutes later, you are back in the Imperial Palace. You enter a private dressing room and gesture for your guards to wait outside. When they finally leave, closing the door behind them, Lothar turns to you and bows deeply again.

“Apologies for the interruption, my Kaiser. Normally I conduct this sort of business in the dead of night and with dark robes to disguise myself. However, I did not think that you would tolerate anonymity in this matter and, to be frank, I did not relish the potential consequences of attempting to sneak into your bedchambers while you were still in them. Your guard is quite competent when you are around.”

“I will get right to the point. Though I have recently inherited the Duchy from my father, I assure you that Duke of Bavaria is only the second most powerful title that I hold. The foremost is Voice of the Illuminati. I am the public face of the Order, as much as we have one, and I represent the Brothers in all formal dealings. Please do not take offense when I say that you will never know the names of any other Brother. Secrecy is our most powerful weapon and the membership of the Brotherhood is our most closely guarded secret. My very position exists to keep that knowledge secret from all outsiders. I have already showed you a great deal of respect by revealing myself to you. Any other man would simply find himself speaking to an unknown figure in a darkened room. Please accept my openness as a sign of our trust and sincerity.”

Lothar wanders over to a chair and reclines, looking entirely relaxed. Too relaxed for a man in an audience with the Kaiser.

“As my note informed you, I am here to negotiate an alliance of mutual benefit between yourself and the Order. It appears that you will be taking over the Chancellorship at the next Diet session, but history has shown that even Chancellors can be frustrated by the fickle whims of politics. We can ensure that everything in and outside the Diet proceeds in accordance with your plans. Furthermore, anything you wish done from now until you become Chancellor, we can grant you. In return, we will expect similar favors from you in the future. Perhaps in a week, perhaps in a year…” Lothar shrugs “perhaps never. I am here for a true alliance, not some temporary arrangement. You will likely sit the throne for many decades, but we are eternal. For now we are content to aid you and accrue a debt for payment at some future time.”

Lothar leans forward and grins wickedly.

“So, how can we serve you, Kaiser Siegfried?”

During Lothar’s speech the Kaiser sat in his chair, his hands steepled in front of his face, listening the young Duke before him.

"I care little for ancient brotherhoods, nor any non Imperial titles you deem yourself to hold. As Duke of Bavaria your support at the next Diet would be much appreciated though. If your office helps you with this, I am all the more pleased."

"As you know I concern myself with the future of the Western and the Eastern Roman Empire alike. Emperor Comenus has assured me his assistance in crushing our enemies and at the next Diet session I will make sure that the Reich does the same. The short term goal would be a shared border in the Balkans before we can focus on expanding West and East respectively until the glory of the Roman Empire is once again reached. Support my legislation if you want this to happen, it will give detailed instructions on how this can occur."

"The Brotherhood seeks to ensure the welfare of the Reich and we are open to all manners of achieving that end. The Byzantines have proven to be useful allies in the past and we agree that dividing the world between the two Empires will be to our long-term benefit. Therefore we shall support your efforts."

The smile quickly disappears from Lothar's face.

"I want to emphasize to you, though, that you are not dealing with a group of sycophants. We will not follow you blindly nor will we accept anything other than equal treatment. Like others before you, I suspect you underestimate the true extent of our power. Do not fall into such a delusion. We are more than capable of destroying anyone that opposes us or harms the Reich."

He leans back in his chair and grins once more.

"Of course, I know that you would never do such a thing, so we are perfect allies. To ensure that our future cooperation remains harmonious and mutually beneficial, I urge you to contact me with your plans before you make any significant political moves. It would be... unfortunate... if a disagreement arose between us as a result of a lack of communication."

"Are you threatening me, in my own private chambers? You know that your own death is only minutes away should I so decide it. The guards have proven to be quite loyal."

Siegfried's eyes swivel to the door before settling on Lothar again.

"Be that as it may. You sound sincere in your offer and I think it can be arranged for my Edicts to be sent to your office, before the next Diet. Should they pass unopposed within the Diet I may be convinced that your brotherhood is as influential as they make themselves out to be."

Siegfried begins to absent mindedly twist an ornate ring on his left hand as he scans the table in front of him. He looks up at Lothar again, somewhat surprised to still see him there. He gestures with his hand lazily.

"My messengers will now how to reach you. You are dismissed."

And without looking up again he turns to the correspondence of the day.


I have received word of the Kaiser's proposed legislation for the coming term.


Duke Lothar,

I hereby send you the Edicts I will propose during the next Diet session. I am sure you can be of help in getting the passed without opposition. Surely this would be a feat only doable by the most powerful men.

Emperor Siegfried

List of Legislation

Edict 13.1
The Franconian Household Armies are authorized to conquer the city of Antwerp and the city of Krakow from our mutual enemies. On conquest of the mentioned cities, they are immediately given to the House of Franconia, by will of Emperor Siegfried.

Edict 13.2
The Swabian Household Armies are authorized to conquer the city of Bruges, thereby assisting our British allies. On the conquest of the mentioned city, it is immediately given to the House of Swabia, by will of Emperor Siegfried.

Edict 13.3
The Austrian Household Armies are authorized to conquer the city of Bucharest and the fortress of Sofia. Once Bucharest has been conquered it will be given to the House of Austria, by will of Emperor Siegfried. Sofia will be gifted to our Byzantine Allies.

Edict 13.4
The Bavarian Household Armies are authorized to conquer the city of Thessalonica, thus helping our Byzantine Allies against the Venetians. Thessalonica will be gifted to our Byzantine Allies.


Kaiser Henry must be spinning in his grave with such a land grab. Bavaria is to take Thessalonica?! Donating two territories to the Byzantines, one of which we already gave them? What madness is this? Oh the bribes are sweet enough for each House, if one ignores the fact that territories can only be incorporated into the Reich at the next Diet session by a two thirds vote, but where is the benefit for us, besides empty flattery?

I will follow the will of the order in this matter, but it stinks like day old fish.



I'm not sure how Bavaria and Austria are expected to lose troops and then hand the spoils over to the Byzantines.

Meanwhile the other two houses do not have to do this at all.

AND as far as I can tell the Kaiser can't disregard Charter Amendments. None of these lands can be incorporated until the next session and only by 2/3's vote.

The Order must consider these things before giving support.

Grand Master


From a legal perspective, I believe that the Edicts merely allocate the territories to the respective Houses, they do not incorporate them into the Reich. It seems to me that the Kaiser is simply legislating his power to give provinces to the various Houses. They will, of course, still need to be formally added to the Reich at the following Diet Session.

Personally, I agree that these Edicts are... interesting... to say the least. That said, they do not seem to threaten the Reich in any way. The conquest of Bruge, Antwerp, and Krakow will certainly help secure our borders. The conquest of Sofia and Thessalonica will aid our Byzantine allies, which appears to be a positive thing to me. Bucharest is of questionable value, but I can see little harm coming from it.

Furthermore, I note that the legislation merely "authorizes" these conquests. This means that they are not mandatory and can be ignored by Houses not wishing to comply with them. For my part, I am inclined to go along with the proposal, even though Bavaria is the only House which will not receive any provinces as a result. The Otto von Kassel Army could use some training exercises and it would help Friedrich Karolinger to gain some influence, which can only work to our favor.

We will have to keep a wary eye on Kaiser Siegfried though, the man clearly has grand plans for the future. We must ensure that they do not endanger the Reich's security or prosperity.



These Edicts of my brother are truly revolting. They strike at the heart of every feeling I have for the fatherland, and for the sacrifice our armies have already made on these fronts.

Despite my own feelings, though, if we are to demonstrate our power, we will have to accept them and work to make them pass.

Is there any way to make them palatable to the electorate? Lothar, does Siegfried entertain any chance for modifying these edicts to make them more acceptable?



Naturally I shall not support Edict 13.4 as it goes against my entire campaign. As for the other three I see no difficulty.

In order to take some muster out of the Kaiser's plan I want to announce my candidacy early on - very early on - in the session. Preferably before he speaks, or Brother Lothar brings forth the edicts. I am sure the second part can be arranged. Force him to go on the defensive, force him to respond to me instead of promoting his edicts and perhaps we can get the best of both worlds.



To clarify, I will not be proposing the Kaiser's edicts. Those were simply provided to us in advance in accordance with our agreement with Siegfried. He will be proposing them personally and we will be expected to ensure their passage in order to prove our power to him.



Apparently, I misunderstood somebody for I didn't believe that the Kaiser expected us to pass them. This complicates things for me as it becomes a matter of timing.

It also brings up the question of who is manipulating who. In possibly bringing the Kaiser into our debt - he seems rash enough to forget us once he has achieved power - we are compromising our position and going against everything that is in our principles, especially that abomination of an Edict in 13.4.

I will of course vote with the Brotherhood but I urge you all to think. The reason why I'm running is to prove to the Kaiser that he needs us. Right now it seems like the other way around.



It is entirely possible that your vote will not be necessary to pass any of the Kaiser's edicts. 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3 will naturally be appealing to the Franconians, Swabians, and Austrians respectively. I would expect each of those three Houses to pass the complete trio if only to ensure that their own interests are protected. While 13.4 is cruelly biased against Bavaria, I will attempt to be magnanimous about the issue in the Diet. If Bavaria agrees with an Edict that is biased against itself, then I cannot see much objection to be it being raised in the other Houses, especially when they are simultaneously receiving the benefits that my House is being denied. I shall instead make it publicly known that I will expect Naples and Palermo to be formally assigned to Bavaria in the near future in compensation for this favor to the Kaiser. That should even things out a bit and make it seem like a fair deal.

While there is legitimate suspicion regarding the Kaiser's close ties with Byzantium, they are a consistent and old ally and we have made several similar actions to aid them in the past. Indeed, 13.3 merely returns to Byzantium that which we had already attempted to give them once before. It is only really 13.4 that adds anything new and unusual to the state of affairs. It would seem unusual to me if there was much opposition to the legislation on the grounds that it benefited the Byzantines. Finally, I again note that all of the edicts merely authorize, thus making them optional to the various Houses are more palatable to the Electors at large.

All in all, I would personally expect all of the Edicts to pass even without our hand guiding them. Given this state of affairs, the Kaiser's demand on us is relatively minor and I believe that Brother Dietrich could easily vote against Edict 13.4 without causing any major difficulties.


I'm a little confused here Brothers,

In order to show the Kaiser our power, we are meant to pass legislation that HE wants...am I missing something here?

I'm note sure how this ended up being the "Deal" but this is not what I had in mind.

More importantly all these edicts would pass even without our involvement save 13.4 which is potentially an attempt at balancing out the pending incorporation of Palermo and Naples than anything else.

If this is the direction the Kaiser is taking then I suggest we simply leave him to his own devices. We need to approach him with a clear set of goals in mind because it seems we are falling victim to our own lack of clear needs and wants.

At the very least we should strike a deal that has Karl made King of Outremer for these edicts to pass. Then we are in fact getting something for nothing in my mind.


Grand Master

I agree 100%.


Agreed, if the Kaiser wants his agenda passed we must receive more for the Order than hollow words. If we do the Kaiser's bidding without compensation we will set a bad precedent. One does not command the Illuminati like a tavern wench, quite the opposite.



So we simply ask for a change in King in Outremer. Rather than promote Karl directly simply ask for Jan to be removed.

Lothar, have the Kaiser make a suggestion on who he would replace Jan with. If he says Karl, then great, if he says someone else then we can decide if we are happy with that or not. This way we can potentially have Karl command without having to be direct about it and therefore create any suspicion.

Grand Master


With the resignation of Duke Scherer, we have an opportunity to place a Brother in a high position. I suggest we ask the Kaiser two things in exchange for our support. First, that Karl specifically or another Crusader in general take Jan's place as King of Outremer, secondly that Dietrich von Dassel be appointed Duke of Swabia.

Even if this marks Dietrich as a Brother in the eyes of the Kaiser, it is unlikely he would reveal it considering it would expose the support we are giving him. Also, Dietrich has been one of the more active Swabian Generals lately and the other candidate, Hans, has plotted against the Kaiser in the past. The choice would not raise much suspicion among the Electors.

With these two moves, we would increase our power and strike at old enemies of the Illuminati.

If we are to support the Kaiser, we must get something in return.



I agree.

The unenlightened can guess all they want. None of us can be proven to be part of the Order, apart from Lothar as the Voice...and that is his role.

We might owe Dietrich a favour for example. The options are endless when it comes to plausible deniability and that is all we need.

If we consisted of three Dukes and the King of Outremer, the level of influence would be considerable.

Grand Master.


My agents inform me that the Kaiser is once again in seclusion. In order to reach him, I will have to go through Prinz Elberhard. That means Elberhard himself would become privy to our existence. Furthermore, any request we make that Dietrich or Karl be elevated in position will quickly connect them to us. Do we want the Prinz to have this knowledge?



I had not even considered the possibility that Siegfried would seclude himself this much! The man's actions continue to reek in my nostrils. I would not doubt it if he were joined in an unholy council with these accursed Byzantines of his.

After some consideration, I would voice my own confidence in the ability of the Prinz to retain secrets. He seems well suited to keeping still in regards to private matters. Besides, I believe the Prinz has had wind of our existence from Ansehelm and Hans, at the very least.

Our membership, however, remains a mystery, and that cannot change.



Let us simply ask the Prinz to remove Jan and replace him with another Crusader if we are worried about giving away an identity. The Prinz knows Karl was Conrad's chosen heir, so he will be likely to choose him. Anyone would be better than Jan at this point.

As for Dietrich, I think we can risk being a bit forward. Of course Dietrich's opinion matters most on this, I will go along with what he says.

We must get some form of quid pro quo from the Kaiser. We have demonstrated our power at Caesarea, If we aid him again, we should get something in return.


I say we go for it. As previously mentioned, the Kaiser already has motive for not selecting Hans.


I think, after some thought, I might hold off from announcing my intent to run until after the Kaiser names his choice for Duke. I don't want to jeopardize my chances.


I have contacted the Prinz as we discussed previously. I made the decision as Voice not to specifically name our preference for King of Outremer and Duke of Swabia. We have had no contact with the Prinz in the past and I do not feel secure with giving him information that will essentially identify two members of the Order. Therefore, I have simply requested that Jan and Hans not be chosen for the posts. I personally believe that Karl is the obvious choice for King if Jan is not chosen, so one should lead to the other. The options in Swabia are less uncertain, but still promising. If Hans is not selected as Duke, the remaining options are Dietrich and Athalwolf, as Wolfgang is clearly unsuitable to the job. That gives us even odds at securing the Dukedom for Dietrich. Even if he does not gain the position, Dietrich is still young and has plenty of years left to rise to power. It is better to keep his identity as a Brother secret than to risk exposing him at such an early time.

I apologize if any of you disagree with my actions, but as Voice my main concern is always with protecting the secrets of the Order. In this case I did not believe that the benefits of specifically naming Karl and Dietrich outweighed the almost certain exposure as Brothers. I acted accordingly.

Please find enclosed a copy of the note I send the Prinz.


You are returning from a stroll through the marketplace when you notice an unusual bulge in the pocket of your surcoat. You reach in and pull out a small, tightly rolled parchment tied with black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You open it and begin to read.

Greetings Prinz Elberhard,

It has come to our attention that Kaiser Siegfried is currently unavailable for contact due to matters of a private nature. Though we have preferred to deal with him directly in the past, we simply cannot allow this state of affairs to disrupt the relationship we have built with him. As you are known to still be in contact with the Kaiser, we are contacting you in the hope that you will, in turn, convey the following words to him:

The Order notes that in the upcoming Diet session, the Kaiser will be required to appoint two Electors to office: the traditional appointment of King of Outremer and, as a result of Frederich Scherer's resignation, the next Duke of Swabia. While this has not been part of our previous negotiations, we feel that we have proven our abilities to the Kaiser and stand ready to do what he has asked of us in the near future. Accordingly, we believe it would be only proper for the Kaiser to take our opinions into consideration when choosing the next occupants of these posts.

Regarding the King of Outremer, Jan von Hamburg has caused much conflict between the Eastern provinces and the Duchies. We believe that a more neutral and less controversial man would better serve the interests of the Reich during the coming term. There are already several of these to choose from in Outremer. Regarding the Duke of Swabia, Frederich Scherer was an exceedingly fair and impartial Duke, but his chosen successor, Hans, is not cut from the same cloth. If he is appointed Duke, the fractures and rivalries between the Houses will likely only intensify. Once again, for the good of the Reich as well as Swabia itself, we believe that a Swabian with a slightly less biased history would be a better choice for Duke.

Prinz Elberhard, it is regretful that our first formal communication must be in the nature of a simple courier request. Perhaps in the future we will find the opportunity to deal with you personally. If you wish to contact us, either to convey a response from the Kaiser or for your own reasons, you may reach us by leaving a note behind the paupers' grave marker in the cemetery at the Church of St. Maximillian in Rome.

The only signature is a small symbol, drawn in red: an all-seeing eye.

Right then Brothers,

Firstly, Lothar, your actions were without fault.

The positions of Outremer and Duke of Swabia and decided and are exactly what we didn't want.

I will consider options for our next course of action.

Grand Master

04-06-2008, 20:54
Chapter XVIII: The Gathering Storm

This is most disturbing. I doubt the Kaiser received our message before announcing his choices for these posts, but the very fact that he would choose Hans as Duke of Swabia is proof enough that he would have ignored our opinion regardless. Hans was the man who openly challenged Siegfried's claim to the throne, yet Siegfried now gives him one of the most powerful position in the Reich. I am beginning to believe that the Kaiser is either a lunatic or an idiot. In either case, I do not like the prospect of him ushering in a 'new age' for the Reich. I believed that Siegfried was a strong and capable man, but now it seems that he may be nothing more than a trained dog on the leash of Byzantium.



I could argue with Lothar's assessment of my brother's mental stability, but there is clearly something else going on. These appointments fly completely in the face of reason, and are therefore the work of some other power than Siegfried himself. Though his decisions in the past have not always been ideal, they have not been the random moves of a lunatic.

I fear for the Reich, brethren.



I believe now would be the perfect time for Brother Dietrich to make is faux-candidacy speech. As we have always stated, a disjointed Diet is in our best interests. In this particular case, it is especially so. If we decide to maintain our alliance with Siegfried, he must believe that our influence was instrumental in passing the legislation. This cannot occur if it passes without dissent. Furthermore, if we decide to break from Siegfried, it will be in our interests to have an opposition group already established to hamper him in whatever manner is necessary in future years. Brother Fritz has done a remarkable job of beginning this dissent, but he is in need of some support. I believe I have said all that I can to sow some seeds of doubt, without fully speaking against the Kaiser.

Karl should, of course, continue to play the dutiful Crusader, especially with Prinz Elberhard and King Jan watching over him. Therefore it would not be wise for him to speak against the Kaiser. I believe that Arnold and I should not be seen as the leaders of any opposition. Our statements might seem to be motivated by House ambition alone. Opposition from younger Electors from Franconia and Swabia would be seen as less biased. Therefore Fritz and Dietrich are the perfect pair to lead the dissent. Arnold and I can then lend support as necessary.


Brothers, it is done. I hope that somewhere the Kaiser is sweating.

I also ask your opinion on the Jan matter. Since the Kaiser bowed to neither of our demands, it is time to remove him forcefully. Do you wish for me to propose this as well or will another one of you take the lead?



If the Brotherhood agrees that making a move to remove Siegfried forcefully is in our best interests, I would be the natural choice.

However, I think we need to sit on our hands for the time being and see what genuine reactions we get from Dietrich's speech. Once the sides are clear, then we can make a move with more surety.


I was referring to King Jan but if worse comes to worst, I suppose we could always ensure that the Kaiser sees a drop in his standing as well.


...or his life expectancy.



As of now the move seems to be working splendidly. Elberhard with his pointless banning and Peter with his somewhat questionable rhetoric are serving as fault lines and are essentially dancing to our tune.

I believe our main efforts should now be focused on ensuring the passage of CA 13.3, which allows me to run this session. Once this is completed we should send Elberhard a new list of demands with the threat that if he does not bow then the Kaiser will lose his Chancellorship. If, as I'm sure he will, he acquiesces, then we will be the swing votes to ensure my defeat.

As far as legality goes, I'm sure there is some passage in the Charter about the Prinz being allowed the powers of the Kaiser in his absence. And if there isn't, we can always introduce an amendment saying so.




I am going to act on my own initiative and second Dietrich's CA. We've gotten nothing from the Kaiser. He is so out of touch with events, he tried to give Cagliari to Bavaria. Considering there is nothing for Bavaria or myself to lose, I think my support will make Dietrich's case more creditable. The greater the threat he poses, the more we can get in return.

Of course if I am over ruled, I will retract my support, and this will show the Illuminati's power to the Kaiser. However, it is apparent that he is outside our influence, we must work on the Prinz now.



I believe we are doing an excellent job at this time.

In my view the Kaiser is rapidly losing what ever plot he had. Appointing the Empress as a co-Steward is an absolute disgrace. She holds zero position in this Empire in any real sense. She can not be given a stewardship over the entire realm!!

The Prinz's banning of another noble is becoming ridiculous also.

Dietrich and Fritz are creating a very credible case in my view and we should ensure CA 13.3 is passed OR Lothar approaches the Prinz and now uses that as a bludgeon. If subtlety is not going to be heeded by our Kaiser then power politics with a mace is perfectly acceptable.

If none of you object I would ask Lothar to approach the Prinz and tell him that in the light of the Kaisers "lack" of engagement we might be unfortunately forced to pass CA 13.3 Lets see what happens then.

Matthias, well done, you've managed to provide a clear and compelling rational for Fritz and Dietrich’s more inflammatory words.

I ask you all too now canvas support for CA 13.3 in anticipation that we must drop the hammer on this farce we are facing.

Grand Master.


I have made my return in time for the Diet Session yet I do not know what there really is to discuss. These have become uncertain times and the actions of the Kaiser are very puzzling. It appears that the Edicts he propose do nothing and Charter Amendment makes no sense to a man who cannot make his presence before us.

The situation in the Outremer has not changed except for the Huge Cathedral in Damascus. I was overlooked again and that is not the issue with me it is keeping Jan Hamburg in power. This will be a difficult time with no Brother in the Office of Chancellor how can work get done in the Outremer? That is the disheartening part of continuing to work out there under the current regime. However, I will be a Good Crusader and continue my work if the Grandmaster wishes me to remain out there.



I will support the Austrian Edict though it is of no value in the end. However, if things are not going well such has men and equipment for the attacks they can be postponed. If there is a concern a delay tactic could be used preparing for the eventual attack.

I just reviewed the CA and saw 13.3 that does put a spin on things. Are we going to support Dietrich and get the 2/3 or let this die. If it goes through that would put a whole new outlook on the Byzantine issue. There is no legislation to make it happen and if the Kaiser is not Chancellor can it still work??

The voting will start soon do we have a plan for voting?


Welcome back, Count Zirn. Your presence was sorely missed.

Gentlemen, now is the time to act. My cause is lost - I have alienated far too many people for the CA to pass. But will someone who has a personal edict please get in there and remove Jan von Hamburg? It's time to swat that gnat once and for all.



An interesting proposal. If I propose the Edict and it fails. .well I may as well swim back to Bavaria, for I will not command an army. I'm not sure we could summon the two thirds vote needed to pass a CA.




Having read the CA 9.1 because I wanted to know the changes he was proposing that I thought was already in place. I was taking more then was actually there so I have no problem with the CA amendment proposed.

However, the King of the Outremer cannot be removed without the Emperor and 2 Dukes in favour. If we want to override that we would have to change a Charter Amendment rather then propose an Edict. Otherwise we cannot remove him.

If that fails and as Matthias mentioned I will be swimming back home because there will be no support in the Outremer and the Kaiser absent changes the dynamics. I think we may just have to sit and wait it out.


If the two of you try and fail then there will only be three commanders in the East. Under the Kaiser's leadership, I'm not sure that will be enough to hold off the enemy.


Well, do we propose a CA and get it passed 2/3 and then an Edict saying if the CA passes we want a replacement in the Outremer.



I do not believe we have enough backing in the Diet to remove King Jan at the moment. I believe our best course of action would be to ignore the situation altogether and work at discrediting him during the next session. If we can point our Jan's flaws, and perhaps create some of our own, he we be much easier to remove at a future date. Better to be patient and effective in the long run than to make a quick attempt at it and ruin any future chances at success.



Yes, I would have to agree and would not be comfortable with
confrontation with the uncertainty that is ahead of this term.



We made our play and failed to remove him. Trying to pass a CA at this time would be the wrong move in my view.

Dietrich, I know you don't like him but Lothar's tactic is the best course at this time.

The CA he proposes is a sound one and hands far more control back to the Duke's which was his plan all along. He's being very astute on the issue and at this time I will support it and I will instruct House Austria to do the same.

As for the Kaiser's edicts, I believe Swabia and Franconia has little issue with them. Therefore the question is do we support edicts 13.3 and 13.4 relating to Bavaria and Austria? As both include giving provinces to the Byzantines these must be carefully assessed. If we don't like them, then we must table alternatives. I can live with the Austrian edict but can Lothar and Matthias live with theirs?

Keep in mind gentlemen that once the border between the Reich and Byzantine are joined, I will be sitting directly opposite our allies...this is a very delicate and powerful situation to be in...think on it. This is why I have not overall problem with edict 13.3

The real issue is CA 13.3 we need a policy on this.

All other legislation is no issue for me.

Grand Master.


This session goes poorly for us. The Kaiser ignores us, we have attained nothing for our members, and in the case of Dietrich, we have lost prestige and position. A consolation is the fact that Franconia and Swabia are at odds, meaning future sessions look brighter for our agenda.

How do we turn this around?



My only request is that you help pass the Swabian edicts. I do not want to give Duke Ansehelm the satisfaction of knowing that Franconia is as powerful as it thinks.

As for CA 13.3, let it die. Vote against it, isolate me. I have already started to mend things with Hans. I'll be a good little boy, bide my time, and when the Kaiser inevitably screws up, I'll be there to say "I told you so."

This session has been a setback, agreed, but it might be better in the long-term. We took a gamble and lost. Now the thing to look forward to is ensuring that the Kaiser's re-unification plan is blocked.



I must agree that this has ended in a disappointing session. Matthias you did an excellent job as Chancellor. It's unfortunate the turn of events that have taken place with an absent Kaiser. I wonder if announcing our presence to him actually did some harm?? I see that Dietrich is shut out of the Swabian House. Hopefully you can mend with Hans and at least get a title.

Surprising to see King Jan withdraw his CA 13.1. I don't know how loose it really was in legislation but blackmail!?? Am I missing something here that he could not vote on the 2 CA. I guess I am too naive on the backroom politics.

Well the Election will be over and the term will start and I have this premonition of doom for the Reich. May the Lord protect us for what lies ahead.



I too am unsettled by what has occurred. We knew that the Kaiser's independence from our influence would cause problems, but I am greatly disturbed by the manner in which it has actively manifested itself. It is just feeling without substance, but I fear that there are dark times ahead for the Reich. I believe our focus for the coming term should to be maintain our power as best we can. Let us see to our lands and people, renew our various political connections with the Unenlightened, and do all we can to protect and advance any Brother who is in need. If dark times fall upon the Reich, we will need to mobilize all our resources quickly and effectively if we are to survive and remain powerful.



Now that the voting is over, we must discuss strategy for the next year.

I will be blunt, we have seen a sharp decrease in power, mostly due to the loss of the Chancellorship. Also it seems that Karl, Dietrich and myself are to be kicking our heels for the term. Dietrich is without title or command in Swabia, and King Jan has announced that he will graciously defend myself and Karl while we do "missionary work" in Outremer. The reason King Jan only had one battle, is that he refused a command against the Mongols, the battle against Khan Kuo Kan himself. He did not feel confident facing a full Mongol stack. As for Dieter, well, was I going to throw up someone with no command experience (one star) against the Hordes? This is one thing I will not miss about being Chancellor, divvying up commands to keep everyone happy.

Fritz, while not completely removed from command, will be forced to share with Peter while Ansehelm swoops in and takes the glory for himself. That man has become a boor and an ignorant tyrant.

The only brothers secure in their commands are Arnold and Lothar, it's good to be a Duke.

What can we do about this? For Dietrich, I have written Prinz Elberhard, in the form of a transition report, and suggested that Dietrich be placed in command of the Kaiser's army in Rome while he is away. I emphasized Bavaria will need protection while one of the BHAs is away.

As for Ansehelm or Hans, there's not much to be done. Hans at least can be cajoled, but Ansehelm seems immune to any sort of persuasion. As for King Jan, well I am tempted to leave the Holy Land. I know Karl has considered this, and if we spoke out together about our intentions, it might get the attention of our "monarch". Perhaps I could be of assistance in Thessalonica, or Karl in Bucharest. It seems Outremer holds little for us. Both Karl and I have served there for a long time, perhaps it would be best to leave. With only two "subjects" remaining, it might highlight what the reign of King Jan has done to Outremer. Perhaps would could have him removed. Of course if the rest of the order feels there might be some benefit to sticking around, I would reconsider.



Already the Kaiser's ineptitude has struck. Bavaria lies in serious danger.

Calling for an Emergency Session will be premature. But in the meantime I will continue to stew up rebellion. A Kaiser that blatantly violates the Charter is much easier to go to battle with than an untested Kaiser. If he continues this path I am confident that we can all massage Hans's desire for power and convince him to be the third Duke to call an Emergency Session.

If the wind blows in our way enough we could possibly impeach Ansehelm and Jan too, if they are steadfast in their support.



I must follow up on Matthias last correspondence on our role in this term. Lothar is correct that we must look after each other and do what we can but the doom I was speaking of earlier is here sooner then I would like. I have heard from King Jan and his threat to the Crusaders to straighten up about the Kaiser and he has no bases for his statement. The last Chancellor report has me very worried of the Kaiser's actions and without the position of Chancellor in our control we have become neutralized.

Matthias has summed up the situation well in the status and I feel that Dietrich will have some work to convince Hans for a title. I am getting old and tired. My work on the Outremer is done. I have completed my missionary work in Damascus and to continue to sit is a waste. I would prefer to return to Zagreb and sit in my homeland.

It's unfortunate that there was not another wave of the Horse Lords or other foe to have King Jan in a panic. If we were to leave the Outremer that would be a statement on it's own. I really do not know how to make a reply on the King's question if he is clear.

I am the oldest member of the Order and have a few years left. It is true that I am thinking of myself but I will do what is best for the Order and the Reich. If the Grandmaster and my Duke wishes me to remain I will, however, if the choice is mine I would prefer to return home. Though if I were to leave I feel it would be best if Matthias and I left at the same time.

What is the plan for the Outremer brothers?



I have just been informed that I am being shipped off to Ragusa for garrison duty. Obviously this is a move to put me out of the way, but perhaps Karl and I could cook something up in his last years?

And yes, I agree that you two should leave together. Jan is having a falling-out with Dieter from the death threats thing and that leaves him and Elberhard to guard the East. Good riddance.



Even if it is decided that Karl and I shouldn't leave, I feel we should at least threaten to do so. This way we show him that his disrespect has consequences, and if we do decide to stay, he might be more pliable.

We have nothing to lose by threatening to go, and a few things to gain.



The time of troubles are upon us.

The actions of the Kaiser are sadly not unexpected. I will be making my point to the Prinz in great and painful detail very soon.

I would expect even more acts of concession from our Kaiser as I would never imagine the Byzantines wanting anything less than an arm and a leg for this "REUNIFICATION".

Now...we must defend ourselves, we have waned in our power so it is time to react to this.

It is my belief that we should ensure as many of our Order are in command of the various armies of this Reich as soon as possible. By having as many of the Brotherhood in command of Armies as possible gives us "REAL" power in the coming years.

Clearly there are six of us. With two Dukes that mean’s four House armies are immediately available for command, with only two remaining.

Think on this...and let me know. It would of course mean Karl and Matthias return from Outremer, but, if they leave and Dietrich and Fritz volunteer for Outremer then as least one of them would likely receive a command. We could of course pressure Jan further to ensure this happens.

Clearly Fritz and Dietrich will face the toughest time in gaining any command but at the very least brothers that do not receive command should be fighting under the command of one of our own armies.

Let me know your thoughts Brothers. We must act soon.

Grand Master.


Karl and I have begun to make King Jan sweat. We now have a few options. First, we hem and haw a bit but both stay and try to extract some concessions from Jan. Second, we both leave. It would be satisfying to watch Jan's Kingdom dissolve around him, and would cast doubt on his ability to rule, possibly ending his reign at the next session. However, this would leave us with no Brothers in Outremer and keep us out of the running for the position of King. Third, we hem and haw and Karl leaves while I pull an Elberhard and make a last minute decision to stay. This would accomplish much of what we wanted from the first two while leaving a Brother in Outremer.

If Karl truly wishes to leave, I say he can. He has served longer in Outremer than I, and he deserves to come home. I greatly dislike being under the thumb of Jan, but I will stay if needed. As long as I get to see him squirm a bit, I'll be happy.



I have advised of my wish to leave the Outremer with Matthias. However, depending on King Jan's reply Matthias may stay if there is something there for him. I will leave. I may not make it back because of my age. I see no further reason to remain under the current conditions. Two have has both sit with no command or enemy to fight.

Grandmaster, I don't know if you wish to send another willing Austrian to oversee Damascus.

In the big picture this has no effect on the Order for me to sit in the Outremer or Austria. There is potential for Matthias to remain if there is an incentive given.



I have no received new from anyone and I am shocked at the recent events and the language in the Diet. I hope all of you are safe at the moment. There is chaos forming within the Reich and we don't know where it is truly heading too. I see most of you have made stand on the unification and the religious implications it brings. You are aware of my faith but I am truly outside on this and do not know what way to go or make stand. If there is really a need to make a true stand.

I am traveling by sea and will contemplate life here till I get back on land and then decide what action to take. In the remaining years I have left I don't know if I will go quietly or something different.

When we can meet all together then I know things will be in a better state.



This transformation of the Reich was inevitable. I spend perhaps more time than I should courting my people in Stettin, and I saw this coming a while ago. I should have mentioned it sooner, but what's done is done.

Are we to take a stand on unification as a body? To me it seems that unification (or lack of) is immaterial to the desires of the Order. It exists whether Byzantium is a close ally or an enemy, whether the Kaiser lives or dies, and regardless of who is Pope.

You all know my stand. I will be spending time in the countryside from now on, with the people. I feel it is the only way to survive the furor to come.



The Kaiser has struck again. He has gone and given an entire region to the Byzantines in the form of Outremer. Gentlemen, while I personally feel nothing as my hatred for Jan and malice at his predicament dulls me, I know that you, especially Matthias and Karl, have invested a considerable amount into that place. Indeed, many great Imperials have died there over the years.

It becomes clear that the Kaiser's moves grow more dangerous. I have heard a rumor that he is actually coming to the Diet in person. What do you suggest the strategy is for dealing with him?


Brother Dietrich is correct. While we have opposed Jan personally, Outremer has always been an important bastion of Imperial power. To lose it will be a severe blow to the Reich prestige and to our control over the Papacy in Jerusalem. If the Pope is not under our control, we will be subject to his capricious whims once again. Outremer must not be abandoned.

This is a most dire time. I suggest we convene a meeting in Florence to discuss the problem more fully.



I would say an Emergency Session would be the thing to aim for, but Hans is a currently a toady, until he sees more advantage in switching sides, and Ansehelm is a cipher, so it's unlikely we'll get it.

Anyway, Brothers, it appears we'll be unable to reach consensus on this matter. I, and possibly Lothar and Arnold, am with the Conservative movement, aiming to restore the status quo. Karl is unaligned at the moment. While Fritz, and most likely Dietrich, have joined the radicals. Besides no one supporting Unification or the Kaiser, we agree on nothing else.

Things fall apart and the center cannot hold. Can we stop this Brothers? How do we do it? All our work is threatened.



When I think of the purpose of this Order I do not see our hard work failing. We are here not because of our religious beliefs, we are here because of our belief in the Reich and what it stands for in this mortal world. We have declared sides but that does not change things here. There is an event happening that is greater then our power at the moment. We will be patient, observe, analyze and then strike and we will take control when the time is right. We do not care who the high priest will be, what we care about is the Reich and we do agree that this unification is not a way to build an empire. The Reich will be strong with Germans controlling and defending ever land under the sun. We do not need our "cousins" to the east to aid us to rebuilt that magnificent empire of centuries ago.

I would wait till the Kaiser appears before the Diet to ask our questions and prevent this unification.

Dietrich asks about my concerns with the Outremer. There are none. I am saddened that a man's life work is destroyed but the Outremer was not what the original architects had planned. We failed when we lost Jerusalem unable to protect the Papacy. We lost our mission and never recovered to the original plan. If the Kaiser cared we would have had a proper leader in the Outremer and there would not have been the long debates of it's purpose. Ever German Christian knew the original purpose and would fight to defend it.

Yes, our beliefs have come forward and we have chosen sides in that respect but truthfully it is a minor play to the larger one that is unfolding. There are some good ideas in the radical and I do miss the stability of the old ways. However, I will not stand for unification in lands or faith.

I have said much Grandmaster but to let you know where I stand before my brothers and where I do not let my opinions be known publicly.

Yours Faithfully,



I agree with Karl. The Order remains at least as powerful as ever, and calamity always serves as the best time to seize even more.

My time amongst the people reminds me of my history lessons. Poor leaders are toppled in two ways: either by an uprising of thousands of the poor, or by murder. With the Kaiser coming to Rome to defend his policies before a hostile Diet, the situation is ripe for both.



I do not advocate murder at the moment, at least not yet. We need to remove the Kaiser's political capital, and we need to do it now. Lothar, as Voice and as a semi-moderate you are in the best position to contact Hans and make him see that it is most advantageous if he sides with the Illuminati. You two have had prior contact, correct?

If we can persuade Hans, we can call an Emergency Session and demand ourselves be heard. We will work out the details later, but for now the goal is to remove Kaiser Siegfried from power. Immediately.



I am watching intently the current situation.

And I must repeat myself. This empire is extremely unstable right now. I recommend you all take command of as many units as you can in order to exert real power in the years to come.

Dietrich is in Ragusa and can be easily incorporated into one of the AHA when the need arises. As soon as Karl returns I will give him the 1st AHA to command. Becker can then retire to Prague and some degree of safety.

In reality I see only two brothers exposed right now, Fritz and Matthias. Fritz, it seems you will be removing yourself to the countryside which maybe the best thing at the moment.

Matthias, you must try and gain command of some type of army command or garrison.

And finally, I’d like to remind you all that in times of great change there will be more than enough opportunities for us to advance our agenda.

The reunification of the East and West Empires and that of the Church is merely a back drop to our ever present aims as written in our Charter.

Power is our primary aim and Outremer represent Power in a number of ways. If the Reich loses this then we lose the possibility of being able to control it.

Our goals transcend time my Brothers...Jan controlling Outremer is merely a small interruption of our control which I am more than sure we can regain. Equally we have a temporary break in our strangle hold of the position of Chancellor. I’m more than certain we can regain this once the Kaiser’s term has finished. We simply have no real influence over the royal household…and we knew this.

Patience my Brothers, I see great opportunity in the years ahead. Embrace the coming Chaos because from out of this Chaos we will rise even more powerful than ever before.

Our main aim right now is to ensure Outremer is not handed to the Byzantines, does any one have issue with this goal at the moment? I believe we can easily support this with all of us as the general feeling is so great that it is not going to reveal our identity.

Grand Master.


The Grand Master speaks wisely. I agree with him. The coming years will be difficult, but there will be opportunity. I will hold in Adana come hell or high water. Even if the Kaiser himself comes to the gates and orders me to hand the Citadel over to the Greeks, I will deny him. Given the position of Adana, it would be difficult for the Greeks to occupy the rest of Outremer without it.

Before my term ended, I took the liberty of recruiting a few extra units for Adana. I command them now. It is certainly not on the scale of a HA, but is an operational field army. Adana is also one of the more advanced Citadels in the Reich, and I am confident I can hold there.



As I mentioned in my previous message to you all I have been studying the situation that is developing around us.

I would not mention this but I do have a idea that would end this deal with Byzantium in one foul move.

The current arrangement is that the Kaisers first born son will inherit the combined Empires...at this time the Kaiser does not have a first born son. If anything were to happen to the Kaiser or Theodora at this time there would NEVER be a first born son and this entire attempt at reunification would crumble. Without a clear succession plan neither Empire would yield control to anyone that was not a male heir to the combined genetic lines of the Kaiser of the HRE and the Princess of the Royal Line of Byzantium.

I am aware of what I suggest, and it is drastic, but the result is clear, it would end this attempt at reunification and also create a power vacuum for us to move into.

Grand Master


The time has come to start thinking about serious alternatives if an Emergency Session will not be called. Why oh why did Hans's boat not sink? If he did I might be Duke now and this thing would have been so much easier.

Clearly the Kaiser must be removed from power if we are to salvage what is left of the Reich. Since we cannot legally do it... well, then we must illegally do it. We are the Illuminati. We do what is best for the Reich, no matter what the Charter says. As Brother Lothar has said plenty of times before to new recruits, there have been many occasions when following the letter of the law has lead us to disaster and ruin.

If we kill Kaiser Siegfried then we will replace him with Elberhard. He may not be the best choice, but surely anyone is better than Siegfried and he has already expressed discontent at the Outremer issue.

I know these are dark times. Please do not tell me I'm the only one grasping at a solution where an easier one can be found.



We cannot resolve this issue by wearing out the hooves of our messengers' horses. Already the people here in Stettin begin to talk about how many messengers I receive, and these people do not have the restraint to not talk if they are asked by Elberhard's spies.

We must meet in Florence, as Lothar suggested. Shall we say two days before the Diet session with Siegfried, at the usual place?

Yours, in God and in the strength of the people,

Agreed. I shall make arrangements to be there.



I will attend, though I must hurry back to Outremer. It seems we must remove the Kaiser if we are to end this madness. I had hoped for a different outcome, but that now seems impossible.



It is time to convene a formal meeting of the Order.

This is now no longer a request from Fritz, as Grand Master I am formally requiring the full attendance of the Order of the Illuminati in Florence at the usual location two days from now.

Please make the necessary arrangement as required.

The topic of discussion will be the Kaiser and our next move regarding him.

As I have mentioned...there is a clear path of action available to prevent this poorly conceived plan.

Grand Master


My travels have been delaying my time back to Austria but I did receive a regiment of knights while in Adana. I will be in Florence and have given considerable thought to our next plan of action and I feel the only way to stop unification and a Byzantine succession is a permanent solution. I would never thought I would have to think of and agree to such a solution. This time at sea as given me some new outlook at matters has I pray and meditate. I beginning to see things a little differently.

I am here to defend the Reich not some madman's crazy dream of past history.

See you all in Florence.


04-06-2008, 20:55
Chapter XIX: The Fall of Kings


The deed is done; the Kaiser is dead. I note that Prinz... *ahem* Kaiser Elberhard, has ordered Duke Hans to conduct an investigation into the ambush. It is possible that some evidence could lead back to me. In the interests of secrecy, I urge you all to make it appear that you will be heavily against me if evidence is found that shows that I was responsible for the Kaiser's death. This will not occur, as there is no way for the mercenaries I hired to know my identity. The most that Duke Hans will be able to ascertain is that a Bavarian may have been in contact with the men. Without anyone to point a finger directly at me, there is no chance at any serious repercussions. However, excessive support of a suspected murderer would likely be seen as suspicious by the Diet and would connect you to me. Therefore it would be best if you all distanced yourself, or at least remained neutral, if the Diet begins to point the finger at me as a responsible party. I firmly believe that I will be able to weather whatever storm results on my own. If it turns out that I am wrong, we can figure out another method to defend me at that time.



The incident that has occurred...how careful were any loose ends taken care of?


Grand Master,

It is not possible for there to be any direct link to me. I used one of my own agents to contact the mercenaries and I never personally left Bavaria. That said, there were a considerable number of mercenaries, as a necessity, and if one of them were to be captured alive, he could easily speak about what he knew. It would be impossible for him to know much more than that a certain man was paying an extremely large sum of money for the Kaiser's death. I suppose that if the mercenaries had been sufficiently cautious, they could have trailed him back to Bavaria or otherwise discovered some manner of determining which House my agent came from. However, even in this situation, the most that could possibly be known would be that an unknown Bavarian was responsible for hiring them.

That is not sufficient evidence to convict me in any court, especially as I am a Duke of one of the Great Houses and have no intentions of resigning my position... ever. At most, some men in the Diet could cast aspersions on my name and attempt to call me out in public. If that happens, I will simply disavow all knowledge of such an act and proclaim my innocence. This will not require any Illuminati intervention, so I urge you to publicly distance yourself from me until it is clear that I am no longer a suspect or until the Diet forgets about the matter.



Is this agent able to identify you? If so would it not be prudent to ensure this link is removed?

Grand Master

Grand Master,

Such an act is not necessary. He is a trusted and loyal servant and would take his own life rather than betray me. In any case, it would be totally impossible for anyone to find him. The trail ends with whatever knowledge the mercenaries have.



Alright then, fair enough. If you are satisfied then that is enough for me.

Grand Master.


With Siegfried out of the way, we still have the fate
of Outremer before us.

As far as I have been informed, Siegfried's negotiations with the Byzantines are still not
ratified by the Diet, and therefore not in force. If that is the case, we must pressure Elberhard to appoint a new King in Outremer, and remind him of the power we wield.

Siegfried's death seems to have gone off with barely a whimper against Lothar. Can we take this as an affirmation that mercenaries can be hired to remove other troublesome obstacles?

Yours, in God,


Excellent work Lothar. I think this may be a turnaround point.

We now have two options:

- Privately claim responsibility to Kaiser Elberhard. Say that it is a demonstration of our power and make demands, including the immediate cessation of negotiations with the Byzantines, the removal of Jan, and possibly even the appointment of one of us as Prinz.

- Go more diplomatic. Give Elberhard something he wants in return for Jan's removal and the end of re-unification. I can promise him Alexander Luther if he wishes.

Personally, I am more inclined to go with the first option. It is the second option and the Kaiser's ignoring of us that put us in this situation in the first place.



The death of the Kaiser seem to be on par with that of some street merchant. It's as if everyone really did not want to have him around at all...I know we caused his death but it seems we have shown more remorse than those who had nothing to do with it.

We should use this show of power to its full effect. Kaiser Elberhard needs to be partially enlightened now that our true power has been proven.

As usual we need a unanimous vote so those that have not made their voice heard please do so as soon as possible.

Lother, you will have to remain isolated in the event things can be traced back to Bavaria, but know this...the entire Order will be there to protect you to the death.

Grand Master


Our Grand Master is right. The Electors are distracted and fractured with concern for their own little pieces of the Empire. The Diet continues to be a whisper of what I had expected.

Elberhard can only feel a greater loss of control as anarchy sweeps over the cities. I agree he should be partially enlightened -- perhaps with the purpose of forestalling Hans' investigation. The closer Lothar can grow to the Kaiser, the better for his safety and our cause.

And Lothar, know that you need only send a messenger and I will come with the entire Saxon army if it is needed.



Dietrich what exactly are you doing in Ragusa?

I've made a public statement of outrage but I'd like you to explain yourself or provide clarification on what you are doing?

The amount of unlawful activity happening in my own Duchy is starting to be a concern Brothers.

Grand Master

Duke Arnold,

I had nothing to do with being dumped in Ragusa, believe me. If I had it my way then I'd be out on the French frontier, or perhaps dining in Angers right now. I believe that the Kaiser did it to put me out of the way for a while.



It seems we have two tasks both of which fall on Lothar. I would suggest he approaches the new Kaiser and makes our point known.

The second is a thought I just had. I would actually have your investigation find someone Lothar. A fall guy if you will.

Dietrich: What is this talk of you raising an army?

Grand Master,

That has been my plan for some time, in the event that rumors of my involvement began to circulate. You can be assured that my men will find a prominent nobleman of Milanese birth who will confess to the crime under torture. He will claim that it was an act of revenge for the Reich's destruction of his homelands. Perhaps he will even implicate other former Milanese noblemen living within the Reich. In any case, he will, unfortunately, expire as a result of the interrogation process, so no one in the Diet will be able to question him further.


Grand Master,

I am raising an army specifically for the protection of the Citadel and its inhabitants. I do not want anybody coming into Ragusa and causing havoc. You, as Duke of Austria, should be happy that I am doing so. Unlike many other territories in the Reich, Ragusa has been rather peaceful under my reign as Governor, despite having Alexander Luther himself within its walls.



Excellent, then we are settled on that front.

Dietrich, I'm actually more worried about the raising of an army in Ragusa rather than this religious nut job.

Grand Master.


You have my word that the army will do no harm to the Reich or the Byzantines. It is simply there to keep order and protect the people of the Citadel. So far it has done a bang-up job of doing so, and I intend to keep it that way.

You're honestly not going to side with Hans over this, are you?



Again, and it seems to be a reoccurring theme with me at the moment, I'd appreciate it if you inform me of these things so I am up to speed with what you are intending on doing.

I believe you are therefore creating this army as part of the recommendation I gave for all members of the Order to be in command of some type of force in the near future.

If you had told me I could have explained to the Kaiser that I had authorised it. Now you are just drawing undue attention to the move.

Duke Arnold, I apologize for the oversight. Thank you for covering for me.

As evidenced by the Diet discussions, my relationship with Hans has fractured to the point where reconciliation is impossible. I am seriously considering resigning as a Swabian so long as he is Duke. I need your blessings for this.



Greetings from Outremer. I am sorry I cannot return in person, but if I leave Adana I fear a Byzantine flag will be flying over the Citadel as soon as I was out to sea. The King and Prinz may be willing to trade Outremer for thirty pieces of silver, or out of spite, but I am not.

Talking to Elberhard, in my opinion, would be a waste of time and damaging to the order. His devotion to Siegfried and Theodora is insipid, but dangerous. Any contact we have with him will only aid this pathetic investigation by his brother. Hans will no doubt try to use this to his advantage, his report is marked with his usual self promotion and braggadocio. Does anyone else find it a tad ironic that off all the Electors, he, the man who plotted against Siegfried, is in charge of finding out who his killer is?

Besides finding a convenient suspect in Bavaria, I would suggest we cast suspicion on the Assassins Guild. Only a few years ago they threatened to kill some of our Generals. Shortly before the Kaiser died, Elberhard refused them a Master Guild in Stettin. Such connections would be a fertile ground for suspicion. I am not sure which one of us can raise such conjecture without gaining undue attention however.

Our removal of Siegfried has not had the desired effect. The Electors do not care, but it has not changed the Reich's policy of abject surrender to Byzantium. We must find a way to accomplish this.


I suppose that there is nothing we can do at the moment, only ensure that the vote fails. Perhaps our two Dukes could threaten their Electors to vote in line with them or else. I believe that we could gather enough souls to gain a simple 1/3 majority.

Brothers, I still need one word or another on the Hans situation. I ache to resign as a Swabian for the remainder of his Duchy, but please do not pick me up. Of course, if you disagree, I will remain.



Matthias offers grand ideas. I will ensure that the Milanese noblemen talks extensively about his partnership with the Assassins Guild before he succumbs. It will provide a neat and believable story.

I also agree regarding the failure of our plan. Siegfried is dead, but nothing has changed. At this point, I can only think of one way to accomplish our goal: war. I believe that an attack on Byzantium itself would halt the unification permanently. That said, it would sabotage a valuable alliance that we have cultivated for some time. There is one other target that could be of use, however... the Papacy. The Pope is clearly nothing more than a puppet of the Kaiser and the Byzantine Emperor in the matter. This is a political issue, not a religious one. If we were to sever the Reich's ties with the Pope, perhaps by seizing Durazzo, it would bring religious unification to a halt. The rest of the deal would certainly collapse immediately afterwards, though the alliance itself would be maintained. I know that excommunication would result in great hardship for the Reich, but it would surely only be temporary and I personally believe it would be cause far less harm than would result from our subjugation to the Byzantines.

Dietrich, the decision about whether to remain in Swabia or not is yours to make, as far as I am concerned. Be assured that if you do decide to leave, either Duke Arnold or myself will find a place for you in our Houses. You will not be forgotten or abandoned, no matter what occurs.



Well, if war with the Papacy is what you guys want... I'm your man. Currently I have a decent army, have an excuse for creating more troops, and I'm close to Durazzo. It will require some more time, though, to get everything ready.

As far as my renunciation goes, please leave me as an outcast for now. Your generosity is wonderful but I would prefer it if I stayed Swabian in all but title.



Matthias words are sound I would not feel comfortable approaching the Kaiser. He is too loyal to his cause and having Hans as his right hand and possible successor?? Would not be in our best interest. Lets see who he picks has an heir and then maybe out influence could be known. There is too much turmoil right now and then try prove our influence. Let's hold back a little.

I have not made my presence in the Diet and am willing very shortly. I would be willing to mention the investigators credentials and question his suspect house before the Electors. Though I think the assassins and the Milanese are a nice combination to cover the story.

If you want me throw a distraction out I will.



Excommunication would be very bad, even in the short term. Catholic rioters would join the Lutherites and xenophobes in the street. I view an attack on Durazzo as a last resort.

The prospect of going to war with Byzantium is also most unfortunate. Though it would have support in the Diet, more so than a strike on Durazzo.

It saddens me that we have to consider such alternatives. But what are we to do if the Diet won't call an Emergency Session?

If we need war with Byzantium, I could accomplish this. I could attack Caesarea from Adana. Considering my forces, little above a garrison, I wouldn't win, and I might die in the attempt, but it would halt Unification. Of course I would be a pariah, but that is a price I'm willing to pay.



I have taken the liberty to head up an investigation into Lothar's claim of Milanese nobles being responsible for Siegfried's death. The note I spoke of in the Diet, and meetings I will speak of with an informant in future, are entirely fabricated.

I have done this to take the wind out of attacks that will likely come from both Hans and Jan. Even if the truth is found out, I will make sure it is obscured by counter-claiming against Hans and Jan through my false informant.

As always, truth is what the majority believe to be true.



I certainly applaud the continued use of misdirection and deception being employed.

Please note my discussions with Jan are designed to draw attention away from any real attempt at Lothar or Dietrich for that matter.

I will continue to argue the finer points of law knowing full well it has little value apart from generally annoying most other members of the Diet.

Grand Master.

You have heard nothing from Matthias in the past few months, right before the handover of Outremer to the Byzantines. This is out of character for him. Word has begun to filter back to the West that he and his retinue were ambushed by bandits. Several looted and desecrated bodies, believed to be members of his bodyguard, have been found, but there is no sign of the Count himself, though his dead horse was found. The Adana Crusaders believe him to be dead.


Are you intending on attacking the Pope!?

I do not want to create a precedent, but the Order has never given authorisation for such a move.

The Brotherhood would need to be consulted before taking such drastic action.

The Kaiser has ignored my attempt at allowing me to deal with the situation that has been created in Ragusa. He is sending Hans and an Imperial Army.

More importantly though I still intend to arrive in Ragusa and resolve this my Brother...those troops have to be reduced.

Grand Master

Who do you think I am, Kaiser Heinrich?


Answer the question. Are you intending on attacking the Pope?

Grand Master

It's the only way.



To be honest, I support Dietrich in his stance against the Pope, and wish that Péter had been successful in his attack on the Byzantine capital.

However, disobedience to the Grand Master is a crime that even I cannot countenance. Dietrich, are you sure you wish to pit your will against the Master's wishes?


I am in agreement with Dietrich and Fritz. An attack on the Pope's holdings in Durazzo are the only way to prevent this unification without the loss of the Byzantine alliance. I propose that we hold a formal vote on the matter. While we have never felt the need to do this before, we have also never encountered a situation that with the potential to so divide the Order. We must ensure that this is handled in a manner that does not cause us to lose our trust in one another.


I don't mean to be £$%nig rude but who has said we need to attack the Pope in order to prevent unification?

In order to prevent this reunification we must simply end our alliance with Byzantium. That can be accomplished by any form of violent action against them.

The Pope does not need to be any part of this issue and getting ourselves excommunicated would be certain suicide for the Reich in its present unstable state.

Lothar, what on earth would require us to attack the Pope?

We've already disposed of one Kaiser, plunging this empire back into excommunication would serve what purpose for us?

Grand Master

I will reiterate what I said before, Grand Master, for my feelings are

"I also agree regarding the failure of our plan. Siegfried is dead, but nothing has changed. At this point, I can only think of one way to accomplish our goal: war. I believe that an attack on Byzantium itself would halt the unification permanently. That said, it would sabotage a valuable alliance that we have cultivated for some time. There is one other target that could be of use, however... the Papacy. The Pope is clearly nothing more than a puppet of the Kaiser and the Byzantine Emperor in the matter. This is a political issue, not a religious one. If we were to sever the Reich's ties with the Pope, perhaps by seizing Durazzo, it would bring religious unification to a halt. The rest of the deal would certainly collapse immediately afterwards, though the alliance itself would be maintained. I know that excommunication would result in great hardship for the Reich, but it would surely only be temporary and I personally believe it would be cause far less harm than would result from our subjugation to the Byzantines."

Unlike in Heinrichian times, we control the College of Cardinals. Excommunication would be short-lived since a great majority of the College is simply our puppets. In the meantime, religious re-unification would certainly cease, thereby bringing the political bit of it to a halt.

Gentlemen, in some aspects Elberhard is worse than Siegfried. Siegfried was ignorant; unaware of the Diet's feelings. Elberhard is perfectly aware but is determined to plow onward regardless of opposition. His reasoning for gifting Outremer proves that he is not a man that can be reasoned with. We cannot take any chances. We must take the matter into our own hands once again, and that is what I plan to do with Durazzo.

Therefore, my vote is "attack!"



Lest there be any cloudiness on the issue, my vote is also to launch an attack on Durazzo.


So Brothers,

We are at a cross road.

Lothar, Fritz and Dietrich support an attack on the Pope.

What say you Matthias and Karl?

Let me be clear about my opinion. I do not desire an attack on the Pope, but I feel that we MUST prevent unification with Byzantium, no matter the cost. I see only two avenues left to us: attacking Byzantium or attacking the Papacy. I believe the latter to be the lesser of the two evils, for the reasons I previously gave. I am not
so delusional as to believe that this will be a minor act with will not harm the Reich. It will be serious and cause major difficulties for us. However, I believe a war with Byzantium would be worse and I cannot see a third option.


I fear that Matthias will not be able to give his opinion as he has been missing for some time. Thus, it is up to Karl. Think carefully, for as Lothar said, it is picking the option that will do the least damage.


This is not a surprise to me. I had just wished we plan this strategy. I am tired of the current religious unrest unification talk that is in the Reich. I earn for the old ways but see we are past that point.

Are circumstances are much different then the last time regarding the College. Siegfried is gone yet nothing has stopped. The Kaiser, Hans and King Jan are throwing this religious unification in our faces and any disagreement you are a trader or an outcast. They are the outcast the unenlightened.

At the moment I se no other way and it is the option of least damage. But I do warn you war with the Byzantines will not be far behind and it won't be from our actions against them.

I will be in favour of this action on the following conditions. This is for my interest and the Duchy of Austria.
1. No attack till we are in command of the AHA particularly me. (I am still at sea)
2. That we are geographically located in a favourable position. No use conquering a settlement if I am to lose my County because of unrest.
3. That all members of the Order are informed of the impending attack before the Chancellor report.

I know the this was not in the Grandmaster's plan of action but we are an Order for the Reich politically then on religious beliefs. May we have the strength and God's will to pick up the pieces when the damage is done.



I am setting out now from Ragusa with the army. With luck, Durazzo will fall in 1314.



I have reviewed the intelligence reports. I still some distance from the 1st AHA. It would appear Bucharest may not be worth taking from the Rebels. There are several large Hungarian armies in the area. The 1st AHA is sure to get bogged down in this area and could hamper our movements.

Please review the last report and advise. I am in the open and unguarded. There is a small force of Captain Dieter but he is facing 900 Hungarians.

Some concerns with deployment especially with a war to break out soon in the south.



Dietrich, you're going to be hunted for a long time...

as much as I disagree with this, the fact is the next Pope will more than likely be German and we can therefore reconcile...I hope.

If you are set on this course Dietrich then I will do everything I can to protect you as I will for all of you in the coming years.

If 1314 is the planned year then all Brothers are ordered to secure military forces as soon as possible.

Karl, you will have to make as best speed as you can to the 1st AHA and then get it to Bran and hunker down. Bucharest can be abandoned.

I have detached from the 2nd AHA so Lorenz will command that while I continue south to be near Dietrich and try and prevent him from being killed by Hans. My thoughts are to get down there as quickly as possible, take over Dietrich’s forces after he has attacked the Pope and then dare Hans to attack me now that I have regained control of Dietrich and his rogue army.

Is that fine by you Dietrich?

Brothers, what I need now is a plausible defense for me to do this for Dietrich.

My first thought is to use the idea of preventing any German blood being spilt, the deed will have been done and one Duke facing off against another is more than enough to come to an impasse. Dietrich you will have to be fully under my control and certainly follow every, and all my directions to prevent being placed in prison.

We can certainly make it look like I come down on you like a tonne of bricks and I finally use force to subdue you.

Gentlemen, gather yourselves, “The Time of Troubles” are now upon us.

Grand Master


I very much appreciate your efforts. However, I do not think they are necessary. I have taken the liberty to recruit a small fleet. My plans are to take Durazzo and then slip away for a while before Hans comes to kill me. With luck, I'll escape the firestorm and turn up in a place where I can continue to do some good.




I will then remain with the 2nd AHA. Lorenz Zirn wont be happy but it seems I have little choice.

Grand Master.


There are suggestions abounding in the Diet that Count Karolinger and HA Otto could intercept Brother Dietrich. Be assured that I will not allow this. I have already sent a personal letter to Count Karolinger ordering him not to attack Brother Dietrich's army under any circumstances. He is a good and loyal man and I fully expect him to comply with my order.



I have only just returned from a sally against besieging forces and have not read the messages that arrived recently. But I bring news. My brother Péter has sworn vengeance against Hans and Elberhard and wishes my help.

In this time of difficulty, I can only hope that the Brotherhood emerges not only triumphant, but all-powerful. This development may be the key.



What... kind... of vengeance?

As you all know I have my personal vendetta against Hans. Wolfgang has asked me to join him against Hans, and Peter asks Fritz to join him against Hans.

If we can get these damn things organized then clearly we may have something here. I personally am hoping for a Diet-session vengeance, but judging by opinion and the number of rebellions popping up around the Reich nobody would fuss too much if we removed a couple of people.



I have received the following message from Peter. How should I respond?

Duke Lothar Steffen, hail!

I have recently been released from prison. While in Rome, I heard whispers of a secret Order that maintains the Reich, and that you were one of the members. I desire to join, if you trust me. I will do anything to get back at Hans and Elberhard.

Peter von Kastilien


Well, I think the answer is obvious. Deny deny deny. Say you've never heard of such a silly thing in your life. Or even better, mention you've heard the same rumor yourself but aren't sure what to think of it.

Security must not be compromised more than it already is.



This is serious and I would have to agree with Dietrich. Deny, deny deny. You have to convince it was a rumor and because of your enemies your name has been associated but there is nothing. Peter may be a useful ally but that is all. There is more to look after then just a few individuals and that is all Peter is interested.

If the Grandmaster agrees I would offer aid to him but muffle the talk on the Order.



Yes, deny deny deny.

We are not recruiting and this is not the time or place to facilitate a response.

Grand Master.

P.S. Or we could use him...Lothar what do you think?


Péter is marching at this moment to join me in either Hamburg or Magdeburg. We have made an agreement to gain all the forces we can and become a force to be reckoned with in the central area of the Reich.

I hesitate to bring the Order into Péter's schemes, however. Despite being older than I, due to his imprisonment and release, he is feeling not only powerful, but invincible to the point of hubris. I have agreed to be his second to gain his greater trust, and feel that this will bind him to me for good.

However, I think at this time that the Order should not show its hand at all to aid Péter's plans. Let them succeed or fail on their own merits.

I thank you, Brothers, for your assurances of help. If I am brought into trouble, I will without hesitation flee to Bavaria or Austria.



Well, it seems as if re-unification has been averted for the time being with the capture of Constantinople and my impending assault of Durazzo. However, the bad news is that we now risk open war with the Byzantines.

Clearly, one of us needs to take the reins in 1320 in order to rebuild. Matthias is out. Allowing another Chancellor on the outside, even one that is friendly to us, is not an option. We must begin planning this now so that victory will be assured in 1320. So far, the Reich seems to be divided into three camps: The radicals, like myself, Fritz, and Peter, that have taken matters into our own hands. Then there are the conservatives, those who have opposed re-unification but have taken little initiative. These include more of the senior members of the Brotherhood, as well as Duke Ansehelm (who seems to be turning into an ally) and Karolinger. Finally, there are the pro-Kaiserites. These are Elberhard, Hans, and Jan.

Support for the third faction is all but gone. I suggest we pick two candidates from each of the powerful factions, candidates engineered to gain the most votes possible and not to throw the race one way or the other. The goal here is, once again, to make sure nobody else enters the race. Your suggestions?


...and it seems as if we can count Wolfgang in the Radical faction. I received this message from him just now:

Greetings, fellow Lutheran.

I commend you on your decision to attack Pope Abbate. May you be successful in removing the puppet.

I ask you to support me in mein uprising against Hans, Duke of Swabia. He has humiliated you in the Diet, and was marching against you to take you prisoner.

Cast in your lot with me, and I will make sure that you are rewarded.

Wolfgang Hummel,
Prinz of Swabia.

I am about to reply that while I sympathize with him, I have other priorities to take care of and will help once those are completed. Thoughts?



Your assessment is accurate in my view Dietrich.

Please keep in mind my Brothers that in this coming time of trouble our main aim is to protect each other and ensure the Order expands and take advantage of this crisis.

With Bavaria and Austria controlled plus our own Order operating in the back ground we have a large block of support to lean on. Lothar and I will endeavor to ensure our unenlightened members remain loyal and are subsequently benefited from our organisation and co-operation. This will hopefully ensure their loyalty. For Austria this means the young Lorenz Zirn and Lord Becker, in Bavaria this means Erlach and Karolinger. Please note I will not use their first names as they are nearly identical.

Any and all of you should congregate on Bavarian and Austrian lands should you feel threatened or are being attacked. Fritz, Dietrich, this applies mainly to the two of you.

You are in the radical camp, but anyone coming into these two Duchies will feel the full force of our response.

My main concern right now is Matthias. We need to find him and we need to get him back to the Reich proper. If any of you can assist or find out what is going on this would be of great value at this time.

Once the crisis passes we will then be able to determine what our next steps are to regain power over the Chancellorship and the Reich as a whole.

Grand Master.


Let me first assure you I am alive. I have just escaped from Caesarea. My time there was unpleasant. I might require the assistance of the Illuminati in the removal of my tormentor, Nikeforos "the Mean", in the future. Though I will endeavor to deliver him to Satan myself.

I have reviewed the correspondence so far, and I am alarmed. The Reich is falling apart faster than I could possibly imagine. I could bemoan the fact that several of our members were central players in this, and that the Brotherhood has not fulfilled its duty as the Guardian of the Reich, but that ship has sailed.

These are dark times, we seem headed toward Civil War, fragmentation and the possible loss of the Empire. I hope this catastrophe will follow the course of the Roman Civil War, a period of Chaos followed by a reorganization that eventually brought the first Empire to it heights. We must work toward this. It already seems we have members with each possible faction that might emerge. It seems we cannot stop the decay, but we may be able to control what happens when the Empire reemerges.

It appears I will be in Outremer for quite awhile as the merchant shipping has collapsed. I will support Kaiser Elberhard and King Jan. We, in the end, will decide which factions rise and fall, through coordination among members, targeted support and occasional betrayal. For the moment, I agree that we should not tip our hand by favoring one faction over the other. However, when this cataclysm ends we will be the power behind the Empire. We will make sure this weakness, this chaos, never happens again.



It seems the various Houses and Outremer are preparing for a prolonged time of siege.

Firstly it is excellent hearing finally from Matthias, I'm glad to see you alive.

Here are the orders for Austria. I will keep you all informed as to what is going on.

Keep in mind Brother, everyone's first loyalty is to this Order...EVERYTHING else is secondary to this.


Lord Chancellor,

Please find below the initial strategy for the Duchy of Austria.


Having surveyed the situation and taken into consideration your wishes here are the orders.

Becker you've clearly stated you want to head back to Prague, and Lorenz you also wish to return to Budapest.

Clearly gentlemen you both must concern yourself with more than your own provinces if we are to keep Austria together.

Becker you have a tough time on your hands at the moment. You must sally from Bucharest then head south to Lord Zirn. Once united then head at once to Bran. Bucharest is too far for us to defend so it will be abandoned.

At Bran, Karl Zirn will reinforce and hold it at all cost with the 1st AHA, thereby securing our eastern border against the Hungarian's.

Becker, you can then head towards Prague. As well as Prague you must also look after Vienna. Maintain discipline in the two city garrisons and ensure any and all rebellion are either averted by your presence or crushed.

Lorenz Zirn, you are order to do the same with Budapest which is yours but also you must handle Zagreb on behalf of Karl Zirn while he is in Bran.

I will head south with the 2nd AHA to ensure Ragusa is secured.


Movement orders from the nobles should reflect this overall plan at this time.

This is the general plan and each noble is responsible for providing specific instructions inside this framework.

Duke Arnold.


Grand Master

Grand Master,

I agree that the Order is the most important allegiance any of us have, and the opportunities for gaining power are almost limitless during this chaos.

However, I don't feel that we, the Order, have a united direction in which to move. I am trying to bind Péter to me through loyalty because it could prove useful in future. But beyond this I don't know what the Order's desires are.

Do each of the Order's members have specific objectives to achieve in the next ten years?



I have received an alarming letter from Wolfgang. Apparently he wishes Swabia to be at war with the rest of the Reich.

Greetings Dietrich!

I must congratulate you on your success over the Papal forces.

I urge you to land in Italy and seize as much of Bavaria for the Principality of Swabia.

You will not manage to arrive in northern Swabia before Hans arrives in Staufen.

I am trying to persuade Herr Athalwolf to join the rebellion with me.

Wolfgang Hummel,
Prinz of Swabia.

Wolfgang is an ally... of sorts... and I do not want to simply discard him. But obviously I do not wish to seize land that belongs to Brother Lothar either. Lothar, I suggest you contact Wolfgang and perhaps offer him an alliance, or help, or assistance, or whatever and make him reconsider such a step.



Attacking Bavarian settlements is most certainly out of the question. However, it would certainly be in our best interests if Hans lost control of Swabia. Furthermore, if you were the man to defeat him, it is possible that you could have a legitimate claim to the Duchy yourself. Of course, formally taking up arms against Hans would be dangerous and would risk your life. I will do what I can to aid you, including contacting Wolfgang.



I would have to support Fritz suggestion of "picking up the pieces". What is our plan for the next 10 years. I know the obvious is defensive by our orders to the Chancellor. However, where are we going when the power vacuum is created will the Order be there? Lothar suggestion to Dietrich could prove correct with planning Dietrich could end up Duke of Swabia.

Matthias it is so good to hear from you and you are safe. You will get your vengeance with that heathen. I know you are shocked about the current religious affairs of the Reich and the Order would not normally concern it's self in such matters but the current state of affairs made it something to deal with and that is why I favoured such action against the Papacy. I am disappointed in the whole Crusader/ Outremer. I still hear of the Outremer Charter it means nothing and protect yourself out there and not do anything foolish for a cause that does not exists anymore. When the Papacy is corrected and things settle down a new mandate will be needed for the East.

To continue what will be our plan/mandate. Will the Order be looking to fill the Chancellor Office, our support for heir who is unknown at this time? These Rebels that are asking for our assistance. Secrecy is key for the Order but do we "string" some them along to see where they are going? Fritz plan is sound to build Peter's trust but young Hummel that family is all mad. He obtained his command with me at Iconium and can fight but has no strategy. He can be a dangerous man because of his unpredictability. I would be very cautious in dealing with him.

Our support and togetherness is what will keep us strong and keeping the lines of communication open. We will be faced with some dangerous situations and must think of each other when we make our choices. I feel for you Matthias alone in the Outremer.

The Brotherhood is here to protect each other.



Wolfgang is a pompous fool. I have included copies of my communications with him below. I believe we should support him, but only so much as it allows Dietrich to gain power. We should not left a single finger to help him if it does not further that purpose.



It seems you have followed in your father's footsteps and started something of a rebellion. I can certainly sympathize with you on this matter, as Duke Hans has clearly aligned himself with those men who seek to destroy the Reich. We would all be better off to see a more sensible man in control of Swabia. If there is some way in which Bavaria may be of aid to you in the coming times, do not hesitate to ask.

Duke Lothar Steffen

Duke Lothar,

I thank you for your discreet support. There are not many of the electors whom I can call mein freund at the moment.

I have a rough agreement which I am happy to put forward before you.

We are desperately short of men at the moment, and though I am confident of defeating von Salza, I will have difficulty in defeating Hans,

Therefore, I request that Fredericus Erlach be sent with his army to march north to assist me in defeating Hans.

We also ask that the rights to the County of Provence be transferred to us.

In return, when this war is over, we will send Swabian armies to help you reconquer your lost possessions and the province of Africa(Tunis).

Wolfgang Hummel.


Hah! You make good jokes. Any man who says you do not have a sense of humor is a liar. Clearly you could not have meant what you just said in any seriousness.

One of Bavaria's armies is currently stranded in Greece on a fool's errand. That leaves only Count Erlach's army to defend all of Bavaria. Surely you do not expect me to leave my entire Duchy defenseless to aid you. Once Count Karolinger's army has returned from Thessalonica, and once Bavaria is itself secure, then I will consider detaching forces to aid you. If you cannot survive that long without foreign support... well... I suppose I shall have to deal with Duke Hans in the Diet for a while longer.

Your humor amuses me Wolfgang, but I will not find the same joke funny twice.

Duke Lothar Steffen


I agree. I hope Wolfgang and Hans destroy each other so Dietrich may pick up the pieces. The gall of asking for Marseille and an army, we should have him killed just for that. By the way Lothar, you might want to reconsider the use of the word "foreign" when speaking of other Duchies. Things have gotten bad, but have we truly reached that point?



Lothar, your actions with Wolfgang are entirely correct.

And to address another issues raised before.

Someone mentioned our goals, or aim or point of existence.

If anyone is ever in doubt as to our overall aims I would ask them to reread the Charter we have all signed with our blood.

In this regard Power is our overall aim. Be it inferred, real, or otherwise.

We have six members...that means each man must strive to better himself, advance his standing so that more power is centered around us.

In that regard we have done well but their is work to be done in the coming times of trouble. He are my objectives…the over aim if for the 6 of us to hold as high a position as possible within 20 years.

Lothar and I are Dukes of our respective House. In reality we have attained positions that will be hard to further.

What needs to happen is Fritz and Dietrich become Dukes of their Houses, Karl becomes Chancellor and finally Matthias be given the position of King of Outremer.

In essence everyone Brother here will hold enormous power over their respective areas and combine we will hold this Reich in the palm of our hand.

The only thing we really lack, is access and, or a presence in the Royal family. Considering how difficult this is we must strive for it but realise that it be most likely impossible…however, give the initial aims I have stated, then any Kaiser would be marginalised if he would move against us.

Think on it Brothers…determine your own plans and agenda’s and then table them here so we can all help each other realise these goals.

Grand Master

*You hear nothing from Dietrich von Dassel as he is on a boat sailing up the Adriatic Sea. However, your contacts and operatives have earned their pay, intercepting the following message, making copies, and sending it to the five of you. Dietrich will receive his upon landing in Italy.*

Greetings, noble friend.

Duke Lothar Steffan bears watching; he offered us assistance, yet when I requested it, he discreetly refused. I know that Rome will not be defended by the Bavarians, so if that is your target you ought to be able to sack the Holy City.

I am not at all pleased at the way Steffen subtly threatened me, but I cannot be distracted by such things until Hans is either dead, captured, or exiled.

I am afraid that the overtures I made to other Lutherans have gone unheeded; all prefer to remain in their Houses.

I trust you have a swift journey back to Swabia after you have tied up your affairs in Italy; I will see to it that Northern France is secure before Hans can advance against me.

Wolfgang Hummel,
Prinz of Swabia.

HAH! 'Prinz of Swabia' indeed! He plays at the conquest of the entire Reich, yet he is more likely to be destroyed this very year by Athalwolf von Salza, before he has even managed to seize a single province. With the exception of our dear departed Brother Jens, the Hummel family seems to have an amazing ability to desire far more than it has the ability to achieve.

Wolfgang is certainly still of use to us, but I will not shed a tear if he comes off the worse in this 'rebellion' of his.


04-06-2008, 20:57
Chapter XX: Order Amidst Chaos


The loss of Count Becker and his army, along with Peter von Kastilien's claim to the throne has changed the situation entirely. Time is short, so I write this note in haste prior to making a speech in the Diet. Please respond as quickly as possible, as I cannot delay my response to this crisis for very long.

Clearly Austria is now very vulnerable due to the loss of her easternmost army. I thank God that Karl Zirn was able to escape with his life, but Austria is now in a precarious position. The Hungarians, Poles, and perhaps even the Byzantines will pour over the borders to assault the Grand Master's lands. Our forces are thin on the ground as it is, but Austria is one of our foremost bases of power and we cannot sit back and allow this assault to happen without acting. Therefore I propose several things.

First, I will order Count Karolinger and HA Otto to abandon his march to Bavaria and instead turn his army towards aiding the defense of Austria. This should plug the gap created by the loss of Count Becker and his army. However, it is absolutely essential that Count Karolinger not perish. He is a very loyal servant and is a great asset to Bavaria, and thus to the Order. His death would weaken us all. Therefore I request that the Grand Master agree to temporarily abandon all Austrian territories east of Budapest. Those lands are very far from any reasonable area of reinforcements and sending Count Karolinger to such an isolated place will place him at immense risk. I do not think it wish to risk his life for the sake of the citadel at Bran. A defense of Budapest, with Vienna as a line of retreat, would be a far more wise strategy.

However, this will leave Bavaria significantly weakened. I will have only one army to defend all of Italy. This is certain to result in defeat given a determined offensive by our enemies. With luck, there is a second army in the area, commanded by the a member of the Order: Brother Dietrich's force. Therefore I propose that Brother Dietrich lend his strength of arms to the defense of Bavaria until I can assemble another army from Innsbruck. I will transfer Count Erlach and HA Gerhard to the defend the southern Italian approaches. Brother Dietrich can take up HA Gerhard's designated place around the western passes through the Alps. If given the opportunity, he can raid French and Swabian lands for resources to aid our war effort. In this way Bavaria will continue to be secure while I personally built a new army to replace Count Karolinger's forces in Austria.

When I am done building this third army, I will then relieve Brother Dietrich's watch and he will march on Swabia in full force. Throughout this period, and after he begins his march, I will give him whatever resources can be spared from Bavarian sources. With Bavaria's backing he can then attempt to claim Swabia for his own. If Wolfgang Hummel still lives by then, he can aid Dietrich and play second fiddle to our claimant to the title of Duke. We will support Dietrich and him alone as Duke through conquest.

If the Order agrees with this plan of action, I feel that I should publicly state it in the Diet. I will formally proclaim Bavaria's support for the overthrow of Duke Hans and pledge our aid to Brother Dietrich in return for his aid while Count Karolinger remains in Austria. This will have the added benefit of gaining us Peter von Kastilien's favor. If Peter's claim to the throne is successful, we will be considered a great ally of a future Kaiser and our power will grow immensely.

Please respond with all haste, brothers. Time seems to be short these days.



Since I am in Outremer with the Kaiser, I have decided to take a loyalist approach to this matter. I'm not sure if Peter is acting on inside information or not, but he is over playing his hand. For someone whose contribution to the "glorious revolution" was getting captured and thrown in jail, he talks a big game. I would be leery of the Brotherhood supporting him directly.

I support Lothar's proposals. We must defend what we have and make sure our Brothers are safe. Unlike other Electors, who still seem to be advocating for conquest, we must look at the current situation with honesty. It is grim, and the best we can do is make sure we survive so that one day we can reclaim what we have lost.

I will do what I can in the east. I am at the service of the Illuminati if I am needed for anything.



The lose of the 1st AHA is a telling one. I'm now immune to Austria's mortality rate in all honesty...

I'm loathed to lose Bran but we are now engaged in a fighting retreat.

Therefore I will take up Lothar's offer and request Lord Zirn and Count Karolinger form up and head for Budapest with all haste. We can not lose this province. Bran will be given over.

Depending on the stability of the region around Ragusa I will gather the forces there and then determine my next move.

I will make my decision known in the Diet after Lothar speaks.

Grand Master


I have made the initial announcement in the Diet, but I have refrained from publicly supporting Dietrich's claim to Swabia and Peter's claim to the throne. Should I do either of these things?



Lothar I would wait.

Peter is unstable, and things may change quickly. Look at what just happen in Bucharest.

Grand Master


I would agree with the Grandmaster. Lets talk with potential allies or pawns but not make any public statements of support. There is too much going on and everyone is all over the place. I think we do not want to make any public enemies because of a statement. The dust has not settled yet.



I have landed and familiarized myself with the situation.

Lothar, Matthias, I'm sure you're both happy to know that Bologna is no longer besieged and my men have sustained light losses doing so. The strength of the remaining portion of that army is a mirage and grossly overestimated.

I will now proceed to the bridge until further notice.


Dietrich, you have my heartfelt thanks. With Count Erlach's unexpected journey to Ajaccio, the defense of Bavaria now falls exclusively to the two of us. If you agree, I propose that we exchange positions. You will take up defense of the western passes through the Alps and I will watch the routes of advance from the south of Italy. By using this arrangement, you will be closer to Swabia when the opportunity comes to strike.



That seems prudent. I agree.



I am sorry Lothar for failing to repulse the second Byzantine attack. These men were of higher quality and seeing as how Bologna is no longer an Imperial settlement I saw little point in risking life and limb for something that's not even ours.

The men that got out, myself included, are now guests in Florence. At least now I can fully enjoy that Pleasure Palace of yours without having to worry about being discovered as an Illuminatus.



We stand at 1320 in quite a *#%!ing mess.

It's a Diet session year, but with Rome in Byzantine hands, Swabia either declaring for Wolfgang, Hans, or revolting from both and the rest of the Electors fighting for their lives, I doubt that there will be such a thing. It looks like every man for himself for a while.

Obviously, we have the upper hand somewhat here as we are all on the lookout for each other. Plus, the Grand Master's objectives have been fulfilled: We all have a command, to various degrees of shininess. I still have the remnants of the Army of Light. Lothar and Arnold have their forces, as does Matthias in the East. With Bresch getting on Ansehelm's bad side it will look like Fritz will keep his Saxon army as well.

The question is, what to do with them?

I sit in Florence with a large but poor-quality garrison. There is a Byzantine army to the north, but honestly, unless I empty every garrison in Italy to fight it, there is little chance of its destruction. There are armies to the south of unknown quality. Hans is tagging what's left of Swabia to assist him in the rebellion against Hummel, who did not destroy von Salza. I see two options:

- Continue to defend Bavaria. Doing this option will most likely take up all of my time and men and we can forget about Swabia.
- Abandon Bavaria and take back the settlements that Hans tagged. If I do this then there is a very good chance of me defeating him but Bavaria is left at risk for a while until Erlach and Karolinger can get back.

Really, the only other Elector who has an option of what to do is Fritz. Will you lend the Saxon Army's aid to Bavaria or Austria and help fight off the Byzantines, keep doing Ansehelm's work in Franconia, or turn against other Germans and stake your own claim?

These are troubled times, Brothers. I welcome your advice on how to proceed.



Dietrich, do both.

Assist Lothar now and once the situation is stable, re position yourself further North and make your play when you can.

Once the situation is stable then we can all make moves against the unenlightened. If we don't have a base of operations then we will all die.

Grand Master


My apologies Grand Master, but I disagree.

I fear that Italy south of the Po is a lost cause at the moment. Lothar is the man on the ground there, so I would follow his suggestions, but I would proceed to Swabia as quickly as possible. If I had to choose between a few rebellious cities and making a play for a third Duchy for the Brotherhood, I'd choose the Duchy. We can always reclaim the territories later. They can wait, the Swabian Civil War won't.

We enter a time when we cannot have it all. We must make tough decisions. This is the first of them.


If making a play on Swabia could lead to a Ducal seat for Dietrich, then by all means take that opportunity.

My goals are clear. No one seems to have any other overall objectives so you are all free to execute those plans as you see fit.

Grand Master.


I would like to request at least a year's worth of service from Dietrich before he moves elsewhere. At the moment, the only chance we have of defeating even one Byzantine army is if we combine all of our men and attack together. It is absolutely essential that I reach Innsbruck as soon as possible. Only from there can I begin recruiting a powerful army. Therefore I propose the following:

Dietrich and I unite our forces and attack the Byzantine army outside of Bologna. Once it is destroyed, we continue on to Innsbruck. Next year, unless something unexpected occurs, I will give Dietrich the bulk of my forces so that he can march on Swabia. I want to point out that wars are won on money and this one is no exception. With wealth, we will prosper. Without it we will die. Therefore I propose that Dietrich captures Bern and sacks it for a large sum of money. I understand that he may be reluctant to do such things to Swabian lands, but I know of no other way to obtain a large amount of wealth quickly. If Dietrich then sends this money to me in Innsbruck, I can build a new army for Bavaria and reinforcements for him. Dietrich can then march on Staufen with this boosted army. Hans cannot be in two places at once. If he is fighting Wolfgang, he cannot defend Staufen. If he defends Staufen, Wolfgang will gut the rest of Swabia.


Very well.

Lothar, I shall send those units loyal to me in Florence orders to meet up with you immediately.

In the meantime, I will contact Peter von Kastilien about supporting us, as well as me. He has been a friend in the past, and has a large force in position to make things difficult for Hans. Plus, he is a brilliant commander and I have no doubt that his army will remain intact after the Danish assaults of Hamburg.

Ideally, with Bavaria and Austria supporting my claim to the Swabian Dukedom (which, with your agreement, we can do once Lothar and I have repulsed some Byzantines) he will add his support. Then Hans will be in serious trouble, we'll be richer, and we'll finally get a third Duke.



Dietrich, I hope you will ride with me against the Byzantines, or at very least follow with the baggage train. Florence is certain to be besieged next year and you will be in serious trouble if you remain behind. I propose that we smash the Byzantine together and then continue on to Innsbruck. At the beginning of next year, we will pool our wealth and recruit all that we are capable of supporting. You will then march with an army large enough to take Bern.

Are we in full agreement?


That sounds splendid Lothar.

I have contacted Peter von Kastilien and he is in full agreement of supporting my claim to Swabia so long as Bavaria does so as well and I (just me) support his claim as Prinz. In addition, I am contemplating sending a correspondence to my old Portuguese friend King Hanrrique as well.

We may just come out of this thing ahead.



I feel that Matthias may be right on centering on Duchies rather then enemy cities. I think we have to be ready to make the moves at the end of this ordeal to pick up the pieces. I thought Austria was safe but there is one dissatisfied noble Becker who wishes to remain independent but he has no army.

Whenever the Diet reconvenes there will be raucous discussion and old wounds will not be forgotten. Therefore influence will mean everything when it comes to pass legislation and the more Dukes in power will only help our cause.



Dietrich, Lothar that is certainly the play to make.

Now what about Fritz. We need to formulate a plan for Fritz to take over Franconia.

As an update, I will be raising troops in Ragusa and then assessing the situation from there.

I'm hoping Lorenz, Lord Zirn and Count Karolinger can hold the Hungarian's at Budapest.

Grand Master.


If we wish to keep Peter as an ally perhaps we should hold off on having Fritz make a play for Franconia, Ansehelm has named Peter his heir. I doubt he will be Prinz, but he would be useful as Duke and Ansehelm is getting older. Dietrich can make a play for Swabia because he has no rank to lose and Hummel made it possible with his own rebellion, Franconia is more complicated.

Of course this is just my opinion, ultimately it would be up to Fritz.



Péter is far better positioned than I to gain the Ducal seat. However, we have been close allies for several years now and I do not see that lessening. In fact, I would prefer to move behind the scenes, so supporting Péter's claims to whatever he aspires to will suit me well, and will give the Order some hidden leverage if it's needed in future.



If Fritz is happy with that then fine, although you must make sure you have the ability to influence him substantially Fritz.

Now we must have Karl ready to take the Chancellorship and have Matthias the next King of Outremer.

Oh....and we must all survive this crisis first.

Lothar, do you know if Karolinger is going to follow your orders?

Grand Master

Grand Master,

Count Karolinger is a loyal man and I expect him to keep his word. However, my only instructions to him were generally to aid in the defense of Austria. Communication between us has been sparse at best due to distance and hostile forces between him and I. Thus, I do not have any information at all about his specific plans. All I can say is that I expect him to remain in Austria and aid you in the fighting. If you get the opportunity, I would suggest that you speak with him directly.

I should also note that Count Karolinger will probably looking to you for additional resources, rather than me. I understand that you are in a tight situation with so many places in need of new regiments, but I have the same problem. I have to give Brother Dietrich a strong army, build a new one for myself, and somehow find a way to send resources to Count Erlach on Ajaccio. I believe he can hold the island for a short while, but he will eventually fall if I do not send him help.



I understand and have approached him directly.

I will certainly take over responsibility of rearming and reinforcing him.


Under the pretext of a lack of direction and general mismanagement from our previous two Kaisers, I will be convening a Ducal Council.

I will keep you informed of the various outcomes but it is primarily designed to bring together the second tier of the Reich's nobility in order to enforce the rule or law and crush rogue Counts.

This is essentially a pretext to creating a legacy situation we can move into. We have been effectively locked out of the royal family and I am creating a mechanism for us realistically gain control over once the crisis is hopefully averted.

What I hope to achieve in conjunction with Lothar is a situation in which we can have Dietrich attain the Ducal seat of Swabia.

Grand Master

My plan to attain the desired position was, in 1322, to get a blanket of support - i.e. Bavaria, Austria, Peter von Kastilien, and possibly even the Portuguese to support my claim. I figured with so many enemies Hans would be forced to abdicate.

Personally, I'm not sure if convening a Ducal Council is wise at the moment, even if the pretext is to crush rogue Counts. If you two are to advance my position at the moment, be advised that two of our greatest enemies will be present at the Council - Hans and Jan. That leaves Ansehelm the swing vote. Not advisable.

Perhaps the timing is off. Maybe once I have attained the position and we are assured a majority would be a better time to call for it.


Too late it is done.

I do not include King Jan in this. It is simply the four Dukes.

I will let you know the results. I have obviously not stated anything about you at this time Dietrich. What I am also hoping is that both Hans and Ansehelm provide an insight into their thoughts and strategies.

Grand Master.

Grand Master,

In that case I'd advocate a platform of Ducal Unity at the Council. When I declare my intent you and Lothar could immediately come out in support, pressuring Ansehelm to side with us. In the meantime, I will still contact other potential supporters. Peter is already in.


If Peter is already committed to supporting Brother Dieter, then I would urge the Grand Master to remain 'neutral' on the issue for at least a short period of time. I will publicly come out in support of Dietrich and will likely be seen as his 'benefactor' due to the military aid he will receive from Bavaria. Between Wolfgang in the north and Dietrich in the south, with Bavarian aid, Hans will be in serious trouble militarily. The Grand Master will likely have little resources to spare anyway, so the only thing he could provide would be moral support for Dietrich's efforts.

At the same time, the only unknown factor is Duke Ansehelm. If he supports Dietrich's claim, then the Grand Master can join with him. At that point he will be seen to simply be going with the will of the majority, not inciting a revolt in a land far from his borders. If Duke Ansehelm stays neutral or sides with Hans, the Grand Master's own lack of commitment on the issue could be useful in negotiations. He can always proclaim himself for Dietrich at a later date.



Excellent move Lothar that is certainly a wise plan at this stage.

One problem. I've received absolutely no response from Hans or Ansehelm to date.

I would have thought with their own factitious situations they would welcome a place to consolidate or receive support.

Grand Master.


How goes it with the rest of you? Any further progress on the Ducal Council?

I write to get a general idea of our movements for the next two years. For me, Lothar and I will split up our army (a word in private, if you please), I will march on Bern, and claim my position once it is clear where Hans will be moving. Dukes, if you plan to back me up and lend your (moral) support then I ask that you please withhold comment until after I make the announcement.

Hopefully we will all survive so as to continue discussions. Yes, our situation has degraded to that point.



The Ducal Council is a non event.

I am fairly certain that many moves are being made with out our knowledge and we are losing the initiative on how things are being handled.

I am not receiving any real information in which to base decisions on in Austria.

It seems to be ever man for himself at this point. The only exception seems Outremer where there is some clear team work going on.

I are there any updates for any of you?

Ragusa will not fall and I will be attacking the Venetians very soon.

Grand Master

Grand Master,

Fear not, Brother Dietrich and I are still working closely together to further our plan in Swabia. He will be departing Innsbruck this year with a large army which will hopefully provided him with the initial resources he needs to overthrow Hans. I will continue to provide him with resources as best I can after this point, though I must also ensure that the Byzantine march north does not continue forever.



I feel things are well on the Eastern Front the nobles are in line and it is the lines of communication that causes uncertainty. We are all thinking the same just not getting the message across.

I was not sure of the situation of Budapest but they (nobles) favoured an offensive move and that is what I shall do. I will advise of our success.



It does seem to be every man for himself in Franconia. I have lost contact with Péter after his withdrawal from Hamburg, and have lost contact with Ansehelm while he is holding out at Thorn. I fear the worst from the combined might of the Poles, the Danes, and
the Russians.

That said, there is a lot of money to be made in the chaos, and I am doing my best to extract a great deal from the current situation. If, as it seems fate has decreed, I wield little political power after the current upheaval settles, then I will model myself after the old man Crassus who bought his way to power in the ancient Republic.

God protect you all,

Grand Master,

Events proceed well in Outremer. While I did not find myself in agreement with Kaiser Elberhard or King Jan on their policy of appeasement toward the Byzantines, they are trustworthy, which is good for me since I was stuck here when things fell apart. Of course the down side of this is if I tried anything too interesting like Dietrich or Fritz, I would find myself trapped between the Greeks and the Kaiser and his King.

While there is not much I can do in Outremer to aid my Brothers, I believe my actions lately have allayed the suspicions of Elberhard and Jan that I was involved in the death of Siegfried. This might prove useful if Imperial authority is ever restored. Or they might just be biding their time as we fight a common enemy. We shall see.

I have tried to engage the Kaiser in a conversation about how to reestablish his authority once this crisis is passed. I hoped it would eventually lead to an offer of our assistance for certain favors, but he has been non-committal. I have not pressed further.


My Brothers,

It is good to hear from you all.

I'm always reading my field reports about you all.

Obviously I can only directly help Karl but never forget that I am always watching your progress and set backs where ever you all are.

Grand Master.

Editor’s Note: These letters were provided to the Order by Brother Dietrich

Heil, respected nobles and friends!

I have received word that Herr Dassel has put forward his claim to the Duchy of Swabia, and Duke Steffen has declared for him also.

I am desirous to know what your intentions are towards mein principality and its aims.

I am always willing to negotiate an alliance.

Wolfgang Hummel,
Prinz of Swabia.

And then...

Dear Sir Dietrich,

Recently I have been in Swabia, in the centre of this rebellion. The traitor Wolfgang Hummel has moved against Rheims, and I have garrisoned the City to stop his invasion into Loyalist Swabia.

I believe Hans is not going to move to help me, he wishes to take Metz. My pleads would be ignored. Seeing as you have achieved many things, one among them destroying the Pope.

I have heard you are taking Swabia under your leadership, and with Bavaria's support, this makes the claim Official. If you come to the aid of Rheims and its garrison, and help us destroy the traitor Wolfgang, I shall happily join your forces.

I would pledge my loyalty to you as Duke of Swabia, Hans has passed his time. If Kaiser Elberhard rules out against your proclamation, I ma have to retire to Spain.

Will you come to the aid of Rheims, thus I shall pledge my loyalty to you as Duke of Swabia.

Athalwolf von Salza,
Commander of the Swabian Defense Force


I am curious if any of you have any information on the disappearance of King

I have no love for him, but every man is needed in Outremer and I owe him a
grudging debt for freeing me. Of course the fact that he did not leave
behind his retinue or money indicates he's fled Outremer. Still, I'd like to
know what happened.

I wish you all luck, for it seems we need it.



If he's pulled a "Becker" on you then I guess he's bailed out and gone somewhere safe...although his ego would prevent him getting killed in some blaze of glory I would rule out a suicide mission.

As you mentioned he's taken all his money so he's up to something.

:daisy: him...if these bastards continue to avoid toeing the line then I'm inclined to string them up once all this :daisy: is sorted out!!

Good luck Matthias...and don't get killed out there.

Grand Master


It has been a long time since we have communicated in dealing with the current crisis. I have heard news of the King missing from the Outremer. Had it been a mission of glory and recognition we would have heard about it. My speculation he is returning to Hamburg to save Franconia from the it's current situation and possible claim Duke when it is over? He is a man of no lands and a family maybe he sees it time to secure his future hence the secrecy leaving.

I would like to take this opportunity to let you be aware of my successor into the Order. It is well known that my son Johann has come of age. He will follow up my work and be ready for the challenges when this cataclysm is over. He is well educated and had some military training from his uncle but is not ready for independent command yet. He is learning the ways of the Order but very slowly. However, he will be ready when the time comes for me to shed this mortal coil.

Blessing brothers it has been truly and honour to serve and may the Order continue to do it's work for the good of the Reich.



Regarding Jan, in hindsight we should have seen this coming. His failure to respond to any of the various messages sent through the Imperial Messenger Service should have clued us in that something was happening.

As far as his destination, who cares? If he turns back up in Outremer, good for him. If he intends to stake his claim to Franconia or anywhere else we have time to prepare.

With Hans marching on Bern it appears that a showdown is imminent. Elberhard has been working against all of us, Brothers. He has sent money to Hans and from conversations with Peter and Athalwolf it appears that he has intervened in both situations, sending Peter back to Franconia. In addition Athalwolf has told me that he pledged his loyalty to Elberhard.

My support is evaporating. Duke Arnold, I would be immensely grateful if you made a proclamation in the IMS similar to that of Duke Lothar's. I can take Hans, but do not know if it can be followed up should his followers still wish to fight.



I regret to say that I cannot offer you much more than moral support for the time being. I intend to attack the Byzantines besieging Venice, as that city's income is crucial for the security of Austria. It will be a difficult battle and I will need all the wealth I can assemble beforehand and afterwards. That said, I doubt whether more financial support would determine the situation anyway. You knew all along that you would have to fight Hans in order to become Duke of Swabia, and so you will. From the reports I have received, I believe you have a better quality army due to your higher number of heavy infantry regiments. They will tear through Hans' spearmen. I also believe you have time on your side. Hans cannot afford to wait years to starve you out of Bern. If he does not take the city quickly, he will lose even more lands to the French and Wolfgang. I think it likely that he will assault the walls and that you could defeat him there.

Once Hans is disposed of, I will do my best to supply you with enough resources to rebuild your army. Good luck, Dietrich.



It seems the Kaiser is trying to hold the Duchy of Swabia together and unfortunately this is to our detriment in this instance.

I agree with Lothar's assessment Dietrich. You must ensure Athalwolf and Wolfgang take advantage of the situation which will then force Hans to attack you from behind your walls. He can't possibly defeat you and if he stays for too long the rest of the Duchy will be torn apart...

as for my support, unless there is a real and tangible benefit that we can guarantee receiving from my open support the it would be best for me to send you support in a different form. Money would be best. Let us know what you are going to do Dietrich.

As for Jan, it is my opinion that he is certainly making a play to help Franconia or the Kaiser in some way back in Europe. Given the differences of opinion with the previous Duke of Franconia I would not be surprised if he made a play at the position of Duke directly, however I think it more likely that he will support someone he likes.

If he has done that then he's abandoned his post in Outremer in my opinion, and directly threatened the life of one of our own indirectly. How the Kaiser could support such a move is beyond me. Unless of course the Kaiser pretends not to know what is going on.

Grand Master


The Kaiser's plan is now clear, he plans to abandon Outremer and take all the Crusaders back to Europe to try to restore the status quo ante bellum. It also appears that he has conspired with Jan and sent him ahead, if I'm not off my mark. I must admit I am shocked, this is a level of deviousness that I have not seen from him. It is a pity he was not so astute when dealing with the Greeks.

I have taken steps to sabotage this move. I will stay in Outremer. If Elberhard tries to under cut this, I will appeal directly to the Teutonic order and citizens of the Kingdom for aid. If he supports me, he will feel honor bound to aid me. Either way his move back to Europe will be weakened and if I survive, my power will grow. I will do what I can to smear his reputation and that of King Jan. As Kaiser, what has he offered the Reich and Outremer but betrayal and suffering?

If the Kaiser will not rally Outremer, I will. In this the needs of the order and my own calling are one and the same. I hope you all agree with my course of action.



It is certainly a move unlike his bumblings previously. Jan is his lapdog for certain and will more than likely block any Bavarian aid to Dietrich.

You staying is a risk...on one hand you are the only noble of the entire Reich remaining...if you succeed we could turn Outremer into a bastion of Illuminati power...as long as we could guarantee succession issues. On the other hand coming back to Europe with another Order noble in charge of an army would be very beneficial.

I believe we are going to have to weigh our odds very soon.

If this is the case the fact that Austria and Bavaria are aligned entirely due to the Illuminati clearly shows no one is aware of the identity of the Order.

The question is...when and what should be the method and moment to show Austria's support?

Grand Master


It is a brave and somewhat foolhardy thing that you are attempting, but it could work. Surely all true Crusaders would be too shamed to abandon Outremer while a man such as yourself continues to fight. If Elberhard leaves, perhaps some of them will choose to remain behind with you. Still, even if that works you will be in a very precarious position. I urge you to seriously consider seizing Cyprus as a new base of operations. You would be far safer there, it would be able to supply you with higher quality recruits than Antioch, and you would be close enough to Outremer to conduct lightning raids. It would also serve as the perfect jumping-off point for a future Crusade to recapture the lost territories. If you will not consider Cyprus, at least think about making your stand in the south at Acre. It will be far more vulnerable to Byzantine and Egyptian attacks than Nicosia, but at least you will be able to recruit professional soldiers and will have access to the sea.



Think of how to make your move worthwhile before attempting this...unless you can work out how you are going make sure your sacrifice not wasted then coming back to Europe would do us a great benefit...

The only thing I can think of is to have a life time appointment agreed with the Kaiser which also includes free reign on succession selection to ensure either the Illuminati or Bavaria can gain benefit form your actions.

If you succeed in the short term then you will reign unopposed, at least until this crisis passed, if it ever does...but think of your lineage, think past your own life...Karl has a son to carry on the line and he will be the new Duke of Austria, that is but one example.

At least gain some formal acknowledgement for your choice from the Kaiser, I don't want you to throw your life away for nothing...the Order does need you...your brother does need you...I need you.

Grand Master


The Kaiser made his plans without my knowledge. He offered to dump me off at Nicosia. He did not offer me an army. This shows that I do not have his trust. If I went with him to Europe, Dieter and Jan would receive armies, I would most likely be assigned garrison duty some where and be told it was important. I certainly would not be deployed anywhere near Bavaria or Swabia.

In Europe I would only be one General among many, in Outremer I would be King by default and a rallying point for the people. I want the Greeks to bleed, to suffer, here I can do it, and aid the Order. As for the succession, that can be changed in a Diet session. After Jan, I doubt the Diet would want the Kaiser making the appointment anymore.

It is a risk, but one I'm willing to take. If we can produce a new Pope, Acre would serve admirably as a last defense.


You have two Dukes to support you...you would have an army in rapid time Matthias...You would be part of Bavaria again and not part of the Kaiser's retinue.

You are free to do what you want.

Grand Master


If we are not careful the Illuminati will find itself at war with the rest of the Reich. Not exactly the smartest move.

It's time we went back to the political route, gentlemen. Matthias, rally the Crusaders and shame Elberhard. I will hunker down in Bern and make speeches to the people saying that Hans will spare no mercy. I suggest all of us blast Elberhard for abandoning Outremer.



I concur that open war is not part of our Charter given we can not conceivably gain enough control as we would need to justify it.

Jan's departure should be the end of him politically especially with Matthias staying...although it is a massive risk.

I would focus on Jan not the Kaiser at this time...he is an easier target and also NOT the Kaiser.

I am beginning to formulate a plan to bring down Becker. As soon as I have the fly in my web I will outline the plan.

Grand Master.


I am in agreement with Dietrich. While military power is required to sustain our lives for the moment, the Illuminati itself survives on politics. I do see a particular opportunity here for the Order regarding Matthias' situation. If Matthias is indeed the only Imperial Elector remaining in Outremer when the Diet eventually reconvenes, it will be impossible for anyone but him to be named the King of Outremer. It will be an automatic appointment and thus guaranteed. If we can then change the Charter so that the King appoints his own successor, then we can ensure that yet another influential position is permanently controlled by the Order. If we can convince Peter to support this change of law, it should be guaranteed to pass. Perhaps we could offer to support his claim the Imperial Throne and he could promise to back the legislation. It would seem a fair deal to me.


Indeed it would and that was my point to you all before.

Matthias has to live first...something that will take great skill and courage.

We must keep this option in our minds once the situation settles.

Grand Master


I have begun the attack on Jan through the messenger service. It has provoked Jan into an unguarded response. It is as yet meaningless to us, but provoked further, Jan may provide a key to his own public humiliation.

I will try to provoke him further, and will report back with any success.


Alternatively, Matthias could go along with the plan, abandon Outremer... and then arrange for a little accident to happen for Count von Kassel. Surely you and your loyal men could sneak up on the unsuspecting young'un and put him under your watch. This does not have to be until you part ways on the mainland

That would force Elberhard to reconsider his moves, and we would gain a rather large army.


My Brothers,

It has been sometime since our last communication.

Things have change and the Reich seems under further threat in these last few years.

I commend Matthias for his stance on Outremer. This will certainly be something we can exploit in the decades to come.

My questions for the moment is...are we going to do anything about Jan now that he is back in the Reich proper?

He has immediately make comments towards myself and Lothar and he clearly is a fanatic in many respect with his double standard approach to Dietrich's dealings with the Pope and then his comments about Dieter's very same actions...his omission of any consistent attitude on the subject is completely incredible.

Grand Master.


Below is an exchange between myself and the Kaiser on the current situation:

My Kaiser,

Your colleague Jan von Hamburg has landed in the Reich proper...of course he has immediately decided to open his mouth and state that I am neither a loyal Duke plus, that I have had some hand in the slaying of a pope.

I'm pretty #$%#$ing sick and tired of his complete lack of respect and in fact, active and open attempts at promoting Becker's disloyalty and attacking my credibility.

I have heard that you are returning from the Holy Land with the remaining forces at your disposal, and the timing could not have been better.

While Jan has now cast his energies in furthering the civil war our real enemies laugh and continue to wonder how we can have more nobles spend their efforts against each other rather than them.

There is a cross roads approaching My Kaiser and to date I have always been loyal to you as my liege Lord. This can not remain so if you continue to seemingly support someone who is clearly a fanatic in his own right and makes no attempt in adhering to the traditions of this Empire and how it's governed.

I look forward to your reply my Lord.

Duke Arnold

Duke Arnold,

Jan von Hamburg does not speak for me, nor I for him. I have provided him no support - he took with him not a single regiment from Outremer.

However, Jan and I do share a common interest in wishing to protect my brother Hans, the rightful Duke of Swabia, from the usurpers who seek to take his position by force. Hans has been completely blameless in this affair and the usurpers have no cause but personal ambition. My brother has served the Reich with great distinction - as its finest general, its Chancellor and its Duke. The usurpers are petty opportunists who are using the window provided by this cataclysm to grab power by killing other Germans.

The usurpers would be nothing without the intervention of Duke Lothar and his providing Dietrich with his only Household Army at a time when the Byzantines rampaged unopposed in North Italy. Jan's return to assist Hans was prompted by this infamy.

Let me speak frankly, Duke. We do stand at a crossroads. If Austria joins Bavaria in trying to unseat my brother, the Reich will be plunged into full civil war. You may well prevail for Swabia is but a shadow of what it once was, but at what cost to the Reich? You would have to kill or imprison a quarter of the Diet, including your Kaiser.

This cataclysm is a test. Some have passed it with great distinction - the generals from Austria, Franconia and Bavaria fighting together to save Budapest are one example of the great acts of bravery and self-sacrifice that are possible. I would like to think that in Outremer we have worked with similar duty and honour. However, others have failed this test and are using the chaos as cover for lawless acts.

I personally have tried to keep a distance from these conflicts. I am sending the few florins I can find in the desert to my brother. But I have chosen not fan the flames by speaking my mind publicly as I am speaking it to you now. I do not want to push Lothar into open rebellion, nor do I want Jan to provoke you into renewing your vendetta, as either event would send the Reich spiraling into civil war. I hope some day that this will all be over and, if I survive, I will preside again over all Houses and seek to act impartially in the interests of the Reich.

We do indeed stand at a crossroads, but do not let your path be dictated by irritation at the mere words of one man. There are bigger issues at stake here - the salvation of the Reich.



So as you can see we are in a critical juncture.

Of course what is missing from this is my comments towards him regarding any Duke's ability to trust him or any future Kaiser giving his and Siegfried's actions leading up to the Cataclysm. Both he and Jan are in no position to take the high road on loyalty and sound action.

Grand Master


It is deeply disturbing to hear the Kaiser speak in such an openly sympathetic fashion concerning Jan. What the man can see in the self-ousted King of Outremer I cannot imagine.

If it comes to civil war, as the Kaiser pointed out several times, I think that would be the time to reveal the full might of the Illuminati. We should sound out who would be with us and who against us. Those who join us will thrive. Those who fight against us will die the miserable deaths they deserve.

The triumvirate of Elberhard, Hans, and Jan must fall. I have the ear of every mercenary captain in the Reich's heartlands, and can confidently pledge very many of them to the service of the Order.



This talk of open confrontation with the Kaiser worries me. We have achieved power, but we risk losing what we have if we openly war with Elberhard. Let me propose an alternative. Jan is a man of brave words, but who has thrown away his power. Duke Hans is an old man who has not named an heir and faces two rebellions. What if Dietrich offered to bend the knee and aid Hans in putting down Ulrich's rebellion in return for being named his heir?

This way, if Hans accepts, Dietrich will soon enough inherit a unified Swabia. Of course now that Dietrich's rebellion has taken on religious overtones, this might not be possible.

The last time we acted directly against a Kaiser, things did not go well. We should remember this.

Finally, if a member of the order ever needs refuge, Outremer is always in need of "penitent" Generals.



What we need, frankly, is for Dietrich to be victorious. If he can smash Hans' army and perhaps capture or kill the man himself, the Kaiser's support or lack thereof will become totally moot. Duke Peter has no interest in involving himself in the Swabian situation. If Dietrich can dispose of Hans and seize control of Swabia, then we will control three of the Reich's Duchies. No matter what the Kaiser's opinion is, he will be forced to accept the situation us due to his own weakness. I dislike leaving things to chance, but this appears to be the fate that awaits us. If Dietrich is victorious, we will be able to dictate terms to the Kaiser. If Dietrich is defeated, we will likely have to grovel and scrape to him for a good long while.

Say a prayer for Dietrich each night, Brothers. We will all need it.



After I had read Jan von Hamburg's message I wanted to correspond with you all. I see it has motivated everyone else and we are thinking along the same lines. We are all at our own personal crossroads and Dietrich is at the most perilous.

The Grandmaster is correct on Jan's character, Fritz advises there is support out there and Matthias addressed caution on some important issues but what Lothar has stated is the reality. Everything politically for the Order in the New Reich is who will come out victorious in the Swabian power struggle.

If it is Dietrich the Order will have the most influence and the Kaiser will be at our beckon if he wants to maintain power.

If Hans wins even though he will not be around long to enjoy his victory it only strengthens the Kaiser and renews some power back to von Hamburg. Though I really do not know what the Kaiser has in store for him. We must wait for this important chapter of the Order to unfold.

I do pray for Dietrich's victory. It will bring about a whole new world and I also pray that the Brotherhood will be able to mend the relationships of the nobles from our darkest hour. The Kaiser did have some true words on the actions of nobles and we do have some wayward nobles who are looking to be independent. There will be a lot of mending in the new Reich if we are to remain strong.

I also send word a note of introduction that Johann will be ready for the responsibilities of the Brotherhood when the time comes to shed my mortal coil. I pray to see Dietrich's victory first.


My Brothers,

I too am not advocating direct action against the Kaiser.

Direct action against Jan is another matter, but it has not come to that yet.

Matthias's theory is sound and might in fact work. But I do also believe that the battle between Dietrich and Hans will occur and the outcome will have far reaching effects.

My only concern is that the urgency that we think Hans must work under may disappear due to Jan or the Kaiser interfering. Right now, Hans should attack, if he does Dietrich will crush him and we will have the outcome Lothar has foreseen.

What Jan is clearly doing is raising an army to go to the aid of Hans. This could tip the balance and all that is really needed is an inconclusive result for Hans. He has Jan and the Kaiser as reinforcements. Time is on his side and not Dietrich's.

Hummel really needs to gather Swabia around him and force Hans to act.

Grand Master.


I scratch this note out as I have little time.

If it is Hans alone I can crush him. If it is Hans reinforced by Jan only I can take them. If it is Hans reinforced by Jan and an army then I cannot. If you wish me to prevail then Jan must be stopped from recruiting a Catholic army at all costs.



The battle is getting close. I thought I would share this correspondence I received from the Kaiser regarding some aid with the Rebel Becker in Prague. I was asking for diplomacy then military assistance. It was a rather detailed response and gives some inside to the Kaiser's feelings on the Brotherhood. I would ask to keep this in confidence especially our Grandmaster. I wrote to the Kaiser with my Duke's approval the Kaiser
request that I not disclose this correspondence with my Duke. There is no link to me and the Order made by the Kaiser.


It is good to hear from you but I beg you not to move on Prague militarily until I return to Europe.

Becker is something of an enigma to me. I have not communicated with his over his Reichsgraf, nor do I understand it. However, I believe he is quite unlike the rebels Hummel and von Dassel. He is not seeking to usurp his Duke, nor has he spilt the blood of Germans. He appears to have no wider territorial ambitions. And he has recently sacrificed much of his militia army to protect the Reich.

I believe the appropriate response to Prague's secession from Austria is a diplomatic and political one. When I return to Europe, I intend to reconvene the Diet and then we will have a chance to deal with all the disputes within the Reich in a non-violent but authoritative manner. If the Reich votes for Prague to be brought back within Austria, then Becker will surely fold.

But if you fight him on the field of battle before the Diet has reconvened, you will be committing an act of fratricide and greatly weakening the Reich from its external enemies. What is worse, by extending internal conflict from Swabia to Austria you may help bring about a Civil War within the entire Reich.

Let me speak frankly to you, my friend. There is a secret Order that wishes to control the Reich from the shadows. I believe its members include Lothar, your Duke, von Dassel and Matthias Steffen. When I assumed the post of Steward to the Reich while the Kaiser was away in Constantinople, this Order sent me a note directing me to move against my brother, the Duke of Swabia, and against Jan von Hamburg, then the King of Outremer. It disturbed me and then later, when Bavaria was implicated in the assassination of my predecessor, Kaiser Siegfried, I came to suspect Lothar and the Order of this terrible act. Lothar has provided an entire Household Army to von Dassel to try to usurp the rightful Duke of Swabia, my brother.

Your Duke recently sent me an ultimatum demanding that I cease supporting Jan von Hamburg, although what cease supporting means, I do not know as Jan is his own man. He told me that we are at a crossroads and that in future he may not longer be loyal to me.

I believe Duke Arnold is right - we are at a crossroads. With Jan von Hamburg's intervention at Bern, there is a danger that the Swabian conflict will escalate with the Dukes of Bavaria and Austria mobilizing against him to protect von Dassel, a fellow Order member. It was Jan's intervention that prompted Arnold's ultimatum to me.

If you press the issue of Prague by force of arms, then you will provide a further potential flashpoint for conflict within the Reich. Becker will seek allies such as Jan von Hamburg and I believe the whole mess will spill over and merge with the Swabian conflict. Jan has shown little restraint in his quest against the Order.

I do not know how much of the above you already know or guessed. Perhaps it is as shocking to you as it was to me when I first received the Order's ultimatum as Steward. I hope so, as you are a honourable and just man. The Order to a man appears full of ruthless manipulators who know nothing of chivalry and delight in mass executions.

For the good of the Reich, I would ask you to proceed slowly with your appointed task of bringing Prague to heel. Use diplomacy, rattle your saber, make your Duke believe you are pressing on with the task. But I will not make landfall until around 1340, so do everything in your power to avoid a military confrontation until then. I am reluctant to weigh in publicly on this issue, as I am powerless while still in Outremer and above all, I want to buy time for this conflict to be solved through negotiation and politics rather than blood and iron.

I know you are loyal to Austria and may well reject this letter in its entirety. That is your right. But if so, I nonetheless ask you one favour. Do not show this letter or reveal its contents to your Duke. From his recent ultimatum to me, he is looking for an excuse to turn on me and this letter may be sufficient.




It pleases me to no end to see that these pompous fools think they have us all figured out. That they bring one of our Order into their confidence shows how wrong they are to underestimate us.



Despite the Kaiser's trust in Karl, it is somewhat alarming that 4 of our 6 members have been identified. I have little doubt that Jan has shared his suspicions with Elberhard, and that he believes the same thing. It seems that we will not be able to negotiate with the Kaiser, and we will have to rely on edicts to forward our interests if the Diet ever reconvenes.

Considering the Kaiser suspects me, it's doubtful that he will reappoint me as King in the future if he has any choice in the matter. This should be addressed at a later point.

While the Kaiser and Jan have grasped some of the truth, there is no direct evidence for them to show other Electors. Any accusations against us should be deflected by pointing out their complicity with the Byzantines. I do not wish to see the order made out as the scapegoat for the cataclysm. We should work to prevent an anti-Illuminati faction from starting.

It is critical that we do not present a public united front, so as to keep as many people as possible in the dark. This may require Karl to follow the Kaiser's wishes concerning Becker, or at least pay lip service to them. I have also spoken out, in a small way, against Lothar. Remember the key to our power is not brute force, but to act in a coordinated fashion when others only see chaos, accomplishing our goals in the shadows.


My Brothers,

An interesting letter Karl. Well done.

Alarmingly 4 of us have been grouped together. Only Karl and Fritz are unknown to the Kaiser and Jan at this time.

While this point is concerning, we do have an impenetrable amount of deniability which we must maintain by remaining in the shadows and never providing a united front as Matthias has indicated. Our assassination of the previous Kaiser has certainly shed more light on us that I thought. Essentially the Kaiser has not believed Lothar at all and finds him to be the guilty party.

What I think we must also do is expand our membership by at least one more. Lothar, please think on this. Another member would re-balance our unknown members which we will need if the Diet resumes. This is the most damaging aspect of the Kaiser knowing our membership. He and Jan could start a campaign in the shadows against us with this amount of information.

Certainly blood seems thicker than water and the current Kaiser will remain loyal to his brother. Our only method of removing Hans would be to capture him and place him in exile for his entire life...or have him killed. That later seems unlikely.

I personally don't think we will be in a position militarily to move on Becker in the mid term so I am happy to hammer him and be extension Jan in public over his actions. They are indefensible in my view and like all good politician's I will not let anyone forget this.

Keep in mind Brothers, the current Kaiser is as guilty in his action leading up to the Crisis. His dealings with the Byzantine's was negligent and without our consent which I regarded as mandatory from the very beginning. He does not have a strong position once the Diet reconvene's in my mind.

Since this letter there has been a further exchange between myself and the Kaiser. Below are the details:

Duke Arnold,

I fear I will not be able to enter into an extended exchange with you at this moment - I am rather preoccupied with preparations for my return home and my spare moments are spent pondering the terrible battle that is about to erupt at Bern. However, I can quickly respond to your thoughts.

The loss of Budapest is indeed a severe blow, although Austria's withdrawal now looks prudent in the light of the War of Reformation that has since erupted. I agree with your advice to your Counts that the immediate priority must be pacifying the hinterlands. We can only turn to confront the invaders once our backs are secure.

I confess I find curious your idea that Jan von Hamburg should be fighting for Lothar after Lothar has sent away his only full Household Army to invade Swabia. However, I have made my stance on that conflict clear.

On Becker - I understand your outrage at his secession, but would urge restraint. Unlike Dietrich and Hummel he has not raised his sword against Germans, and indeed sent his army to defend neighbouring Breslau. I would hope that the War of Reformation will provide an opportunity for the two of you to reconcile. His militia army would be useful in pacifying the Reich's inner provinces - freeing our professional forces to combat the more formidable threats provided by the Hungarians, Danes and Poles.

The obstacle to a reconciliation with Becker is that secession is a rather black or white issue; there is little obvious room for compromise. Either Prague is part of Austria or it is not. The best I can come up with is that the two of you agree to let the issue be solved democratically at the Diet. When I return, I plan to reconvene the Diet and that will allow the rule of law to be reintroduced. I suspect you will have rather more influence and allies than Becker - especially as he will require a two thirds majority to change the Charter. Becker would ultimately have to bow to the will of the Diet. If you act militarily against him before then, I do not see that you would gain anything beyond what you can achieve by patience. But many Austrians will die needlessly and, even worse, there is a risk that such a conflict would merge with that in Swabia, sending us all to hell.


The Kaiser

My Kaiser,

The withdrawal is certainly timely considering Jan's impact on the entire realm.

I too have wondered why Lothar is supporting Dietrich and I have asked him with little or no explanation. That however doesn't remove the point that I have made about Jan and your inability to address my point directly.

How are you condoning Jan's direct military action against Dietrich while his forces could be used to defend the Reich proper. There is a clear double standard here and you seem to be using technicalities to avoid being clear about seeing them.

He's supported Becker openly, raised an army and has decided to get involved in a civil war that has escalated directly because of his actions. You talk about German loss of life...Jan's actions are causing that to happen in droves my lord!!

I will exercise patient's until such time as I can conceivably move on Becker directly. Please note he has ignored and rejected multiple plea's by myself and Lord Zirn to re-join us and help defend the Duchy...his actions to date have simply made his attempts at saving Breslau worthless. Attached to my command under Zirn Budapest would still in our hands if Becker had rejoined the Duchy.

Instead he throws troops away on an isolated attempt at helping a disjointed Franconian defense!! How helping Franconia can not be construed as an insult is beyond me my lord. He would rather help Franconia than honour his oath to me…you are concerned with the entire Reich I know, but his actions smack of treason to me. He would rather help another ineffectually than the Duchy he belongs.

In short my Kaiser, if time passes and we end up back as it was, I would expect your complete and open support on the matter of Becker and his actions. If by the time this is over Becker has still not rejoined the Duchy we can both assume he is in fact not a misguided separatist but a conscientious traitor and rebel. Time is what will in fact bring about his down fall on this matter.

Jan too should be called into question regarding his conduct and actions.

If I can in anyway assist your return to the Reich please let me know.

Your servant
Duke Arnold


I am not greatly disturbed by the identification of four Brothers. In truth, I expected it far sooner than it has happened. The rumors are rife that I am a member of the Order, and they have been since I was young. This was the very reason why I was chosen for the position of Voice: I was already suspected of membership. Connecting met to Arnold is a simple feat, since we have been close allies for many years and we a great deal alike in character. Dietrich's connection is so blatant now that only a fool could miss it. While Matthias is less obviously connected to me, the voting record for his first election to Chancellor are so skewed that it clearly stands out as a 'fixed' result to anyone who pays attention to such things. We should consider ourselves lucky that Karl and Fritz have not been identified.

Also, on the issue of preventing the emergence of an anti-Illuminati group, I think that is futile for I believe it has already happened. Hans, Jan, and Elberhard are clearly all allied together. Jan has been suspicious of us for some time and the Kaiser's statements to Brother Karl make it clear that the Illuminati remain on his mind as well, even in the midst of all this chaos. We must realize that all three of these men will be prominent and active opponents for us for the remainder of their natural lives. With any luck, two of those lives will be short indeed. We must also consider all men who fall under their influence to also be opponents, whether they know of our identities or not. This currently includes Athalwolf von Salza and Dieter von Kassel. It would be wise for Brother Karl to profess loyalty to Elberhard and infiltrate this group as our agent. I think he should do everything the Kaiser asks for the foreseeable future so that he can gain access to the inner thoughts of this small circle.

We knew all of this would happen when we decided to make a play for the Duchy of Swabia. We face the same hazards now as we faced before, though Brother Dietrich faces the most dire consequences of us all. On that note, Brother Dietrich, I have faith in your ability to achieve victory, but as we always plan for all alternatives let me assure you that in the event that you fall, the Order will see that your friends and family are properly cared for. You will receive a sacred burial with full Illuminati rites and you will be permanently entombed in the Florentine Hall as a Holy Martyr for all future generations of Brothers to pay homage to. That said, do us all a favor and ensure that if Jan falls under your sword he is not spared. He has aggravated us to no end since he joined the Diet and it would be pleasant to have him removed permanently.

Regarding the Battle of Bern, I once again emphasize that he we have gambled a great deal and now await the results. If we are successful, it will not matter how many Brothers have been identified. Hans and Jan will be dead, imprisoned, or on the run with no power. The Duchy of Swabia will be ours and we can reach some kind of political compromise with Wolfgang Hummel. Our power will be absolute.

However, that is the easy path and we must therefore do what we always do, and prepare for the alternative. In the worst case scenario, Hans will be victorious and Dietrich will be killed. In such a situation, we are still immensely powerful. Matthias has expressed doubt about whether the Kaiser would reappoint him as King of Outremer. However, my brother misses one important fact: there is no alternative. Matthias must now be King of Outremer as he will be the only Elector left in the East. No one else can be chosen, for there are no other alternatives. Therefore, even in the worst case scenario, we will still control two Duchies and Outremer, along with their respective influence. That is more power than we wielded before this cataclysm began. Not bad for a 'defeat.' However, it is also not sufficient to allow us to do whatever we desire with the Reich. Therefore, we must resort to our usual tactics.

As stated above, it is imperative that our unnamed Brothers are not connected with us. Karl and Fritz should do all that they can to align themselves to someone else in power. Elberhard is the obvious choice for Karl and I believe Peter is the obvious choice for Fritz. Fritz, please consider doing all that you can to aid your brother in the defense of Franconia while this cataclysm lasts. If you can demonstrate sufficient loyalty to him, he may take you into his confidence. That holds the possibility of advancement in rank and good intelligence. Peter remains an unknown quantity for us and he could go either way. We must ensure that he does not throw his strength in with Elberhard's alliance. I believe that we should even go so far as to approach Peter privately and ensure him of our support should he need it.

The Grand Master has mentioned recruiting another Brother and I believe this is a brilliant idea. I confess I have been concerned about the future of Bavaria for some time. Matthias and I are of a similar age and while he is my choice of heir in the event that I die of unnatural causes, in the event that I live a full life he will depart this world soon after me. Thus, he will not be an ideal choice of successor. I would therefore like to consider bringing either Friedrich Erlach or Fredericus Karolinger into the Order. If one of these men were to join us, I could proclaim him heir to the Duchy of Bavaria and thus ensure that the Order retains its full measure of power. Furthermore, both have been superb servants during these trying times. I trust them both fully and believe they would make good Brothers.


My Brothers,

Lothar's thoughts are revealing and pertinent.

I believe we must do a number of things.

1) Have Karl and Fritz move respectively into the confidence of the Kaiser lead faction and Duke Peter.

I would request that the two of you being concerted efforts in this direction and ensure you make every effort to distance yourselves from the rest of us. Even if that means defeating us in open issues.

The potential value of these two Brothers being part of the inner workings of the Franconian Duchy and the Kaiser’s advisors could be immense.

2) I would prefer Fredericus Erlach to be initiated, or in fact both…would that be possible Lothar? Either one would serve as an excellent heir to the Bavarian Duchy.

3) Have Matthias devise someway of not only ensuring the throne of Outremer for himself but also the legacy aspect of keeping it.

Dietrich…win my Brother, crush Hans and the fanatic Jan at any possible chance. You will have the full and unconditional support for you any your benefactors from this Order!!

Grand Master


I am in agreement that Karl and I must use our anonymity to move into positions of greater power. If that is the wish of the Order, I will begin to mend my public ways and offer my services to the Kaiser and to Péter.

However, I am deeply concerned regarding the expansion of our Brotherhood. With every member we add, we risk exposure more and more. The Voice is, obviously, a professional at his work, but we must be absolutely certain that anyone else admitted to the Order will be perfectly true to our cause.

And to Dietrich, a special prayer for a swift victory and perhaps the humiliating capture of Hans and Jan.



Perhaps you should refrain from any contact with the Kaiser for the moment. Work on your public aspect and Peter for the moment while Karl deals with the Kaiser.

At some point soon we can change the emphasis. I am very sensitive to either of you two being linked in anyway.


Please also introduce your son to the Kaiser...have him carry on as a legacy to the work you are doing.

And yes...I am loathed to increase our membership. I had just last night a vision of a traitor to our cause and he came from within...luckily it was just a vision and not reality.

Lothar, you must be absolutely certain of any potential acolytes loyalty. While we try to infiltrate others they must be doing the same to us.

Grand Master.


I am not certain yet that Count Erlach or Count Karolinger are worthy of membership. I will see how they respond to the current situation in Bavaria and during the 1340 Diet session. That is sure to be a contentious time and if they follow me loyally there, it will count for a great deal. I also see no advantage to recruiting either of them before 1340. The purpose of a new recruit would be to foil our adversaries by spreading our influence in a new, unknown, direction. That is not something that must occur immediately nor should it be done hastily.

Let us sit back and watch what happens. Our roles are clear for the moment and the die has been cast in regards to Swabia. That will pan out one way or another, and then the entire Reich will be re-aligned in 1340, no matter what the result of Bern. It will change in our favor or against it. Either way, it will be a new political arrangement which will require fresh strategies. After the smoke clears, we can re-evaluate the situation and, if we are still in need of another member and Count Erlach or Count Karolinger appear to be viable candidates, we can move further towards an in-depth discussion on their recruitment.


A wise course of action Lothar.


My Brothers,

Peter has declared that Fritz will be his Steward...a meaningless title in many respects in this instance and that Dieter Bresch will be the next Duke of Franconia.

Disappointing...Frtiz is clearly in Peter's good graces but for some reason he has handed the Duchy to someone outside his immediate family.

Fritz do you see any chance of become Duke?

Grand Master


It is not surprising, nor is it something to be concerned about. Fritz is older the Peter, so if Peter does not fall in battle, he would have no chance of inheriting even if he was the heir. The important thing is for Fritz to have influence with his brother. As long as Peter does not actively support Hans now or the anti-Illuminati alliance in the 1340 Diet, our purposes will be served. Swabia is the location of our play for a third Dukedom. We need not pursue a fourth at this time.



Count Erlach's defeat outside Milan is most vexing to me. I thought I had a good plan of defense established, but it required that the Byzantine army outside Milan be defeated after two attacks by Count Erlach and myself. I do not believe this is possible any more. Count Erlach and the entire garrison of Milan were only able to destroy about one regiment's worth of Byzantine soldiers. There is no way I can possibly defeat them and attacking will be certain to lead to the destruction of at least my army, and possibly my person as well. There is no possible way for me to stop the fall of Milan now. This changes affairs in Italy dramatically. Count Erlach is safe for now in Genoa, but when Milan falls next year, he will be completely cut off from Innsbruck and thus I will be unable to supply him with men or money.

I hesitate to say this, but I must face reality. I see little other option at this point but to declare all of Italy lost and withdraw to the Alps. I think it prudent to encourage Count Erlach to salve every last florin from Genoa by whatever means necessary, then abandon it and march north to the Alps to join in the defense there. Maybe from a mountain strongpoint we can defeat the Byzantine armies. This will have terrible repercussions, however. With both Genoa and Milan gone, Bavaria will no longer be a prosperous Duchy. The income from Nuremburg and Innsbruck may perhaps be enough to replace the losses we face against the Byzantines, but it will certainly not be enough to assemble a new army. Maybe if Count Erlach is able to escape and bring a good deal of wealth with him... but that is unknown as of yet. My point is that I do not think I can protect Venice any longer without help.

Grand Master, I fear I am failing you. If I leave the mountains to defend Venice, I will surely be surrounded and destroyed. If I abandon Venice, all of Austria will be open to attack from the west.

I know not what to do, Brothers. I request guidance.


Lothar and my fellow Brothers,

It has been a long time since I fought in Italy, but my years fighting the Greeks in Outremer have taught me some tricks. When faced with superior forces, we should fall back to choke points. However these choke points must be places we can strike from, either at small enemy armies or exposed towns.

I would suggest that Count Erlach hold Genoa. He has sufficient men to do so as the Byzantines do not appear to have artillery. This will occupy one or two of the Greek armies. If Erlach can throw off an assault and crush it, he would then be in a position to strike to the south. The Greeks, in their arrogance, have lightly garrisoned their new Italian conquests. If we withdraw completely into the Alps, we afford them a secure rear area, which would allow them to gather their full strength against us at a place of their choosing. We must keep them off balance.

I would also suggest that Lothar hold the Brenner pass against the Greeks. Take up position far enough south in the pass so that you can strike at Milan or relieve Venice if either move ever becomes advantageous. If the Greeks try to out flank him by using the pass north of Milan, he has the advantage of being on the road to Innsbruck. While they slog through snow, he can steal a march. It is imperative that Lothar selects his ground well however. Gunpowder artillery is wonderful, but the same on secure high ground ringed by crossbowmen is Heaven sent. After taking a few shots, I have found that the Greeks lose their desire to march uphill and close for battle.

Depending on the outcome at Bern, Dietrich might be able to send some assistance, particularly to Genoa if needed. Of course, that is just my own conjecture.

We must also consider where the Kaiser plans to land this armada of his. The only Imperial ports left on the Mediterranean are Genoa, Venice and Ragusa. If the Kaiser can be induced to land in Italy, perhaps even at Rome, it will relieve pressure on Bavaria while weakening his own ability to reassert his authority. He'll be too busy fighting Greeks to march on us.

I wish I could offer more, but advise is all I have to give at the moment.




Lothar news is most disturbing. I have not viewed the latest intelligence but I would not hesitate to strike for Venice except for the fact both Austrian armies are west and that would leave the east open. If Dieter could be brought into line there is a whole army to defend against the Hungarians.

Matthias makes a point about the Kaiser and his armies arrival. Perhaps I could correspond again and see where he is headed and offer support.
I will do what I can to aid in this temporary crises.


My Brothers,

Below are the latest extracts of the negotiations between myself and Becker.

Becker frowns, and begins his reply.

"Before I answer, I will explain my thoughts. As you say, Austria is slowly losing ground. With the loss of the income from Budapest, and the departure of Tancred von Tyrolia and Friedrich Karolinger, it will be that much harder to drive back Hungary when it strikes next. You are asking me to give Austria the money and manpower to defend itself properly.

And yet you also claim, mistakenly, that Bohemia cannot stand on it's own against the Poles. Believing this, you would have me weaken Bohemia further to aid you, which would inevitably result in a two-front war for Austria. Perhaps Duke Arnold thinks you can stop the Hungarians in time to prevent the Poles from taking Vienna. Perhaps he has another plan. Regardless, I know now that Duke Arnold needs me more than I need him.

So to answer your question, for me to even consider rejoining Austria I would need to believe that doing so would not put Prague in more danger than it is already in."

Bane shakes his head slowly at Becker’s reaction.

"My apologies Lord Becker I am not well versed in diplomacy. It seems I have not been clear.

Duke Arnold doesn't need you more than you need him. If I have given you that impression then it is my mistake.

Duke Arnold's point is, how do you propose to defend yourself against Poland and Hungary where the combined efforts of Franconia and Austria can not?

Duke Arnold needs you...yes that is clear. Any and all nobles with an army are needed in this time of crisis.

Your forces could tip the tide, but if you don't rejoin the Duchy then all that will happen, as Austria retreats, is place you at the front of the conflict. Your troop quality is not enough to stem the tide Lord Becker, surely you see that after your last encounter with the Poles?

So I say again. Duke Arnold is asking now...

..what it will take for you to rejoin the Duchy and help in the defense of the Reich against it's enemies?

Once this opportunity passes, in the form of this meeting, then you will be left to you own defense Lord Becker. Please do not take offence Lord Becker, the Duke believes you will do an excellent job, but you are isolated and alone. You defense will be a Forlorn Hope against the tide of our enemies. In conjunction with the rest of the Duchy we can conduct a far better defense.

More over, if and when the Reich reconvenes then you can not possibly hope to find a political solution in your favour if a Diet vote was to take place.

Essentially Lord Becker, you can negotiate now with the Duke...however, if you don't take this opportunity, then once the Diet is back in session you will have a united Duchy and a Duke using every political ounce of influence against you. Do you honestly think you could withstand that in the face of how other rebels have been treated?

With every passing moment that you fail to assist in the defense of Austria you place another nail in the coffin of your attempted separation.

Take this opportunity now to negotiate something in your favour. If you don't then it will simply be a matter of time before a political solution will cast you as a traitor and a rebel and end your separation without swinging even one sword.

Prague is in danger Lord Becker, and every month that passes without a resolution between you and the Duke places you closer to the combined armies of Poland and Hungary.

You say you have lost faith in the Dukes and in particular Duke Arnold...how can that be when it is in fact Kaiser Siegfried and now Elberhard who have given away our lands, made negotiations without OUR consent and plunged this Reich into chaos? The Duchy had nothing to do with that. If you have lost faith Lord Becker then it must be with the Kaiser's, not the Duchies who have simply been thrown into this maelstrom due to the actions of our own Emperor.”

Bane falls silent...he seems entirely spent in his passionate plea to you.

Becker sighs slightly, as Bane's plea has not failed to affect him.

"It is not men with whom I have lost faith, but an institution. But that's neither here nor there. I appreciate your earnestness on this matter, so let me start over with my previous line of thought, for I think I was being unclear.

Simply put, what would Duke Arnold have me do if I were to rejoin? No doubt he would want me to contribute soldiers, or money, or myself as a leader. How much would he expect me to do, when Prague needs so much to keep it safe from the Poles? As it stands, before I can seriously consider a reconciliation I need to know what Duke Arnold would have of me, and how it would affect Prague.

The Dark Knight considers Lord Becker’s words for sometime. Finally he leans back in his chair, his tone of voice has hardened as he answers.

"Lord Becker, unfortunately the Duke did advised me that this might happen.

There is a stand off.

I understand that you want me to outline what the Duke wants from you so you may decide what to do...but this is inherent in you believing you have at least an equal footing in these negotiations.

The Duke does not see it this way.

Firstly you must survive and the Poles are approaching as we speak. If, you manage to defend yourself against the enemies of this Reich successfully, then you must still deal with the political consequences of your actions. This is again something the Duke, with some degree of objectivity, believes he has an advantage in.

If you do not take the opportunity now to state what you require to rejoin the Duchy the Duke has instructed me to wish you all the best in the defense of Prague. Should you survive and the Diet reconvenes, you will then have to survive the political conflict that will result. Either of these two areas my be resolved with little or no intervention by Duke Arnold.

You are regarded as "separated" from the Duchy now in the Duke’s mind. Once the Diet has reconvened you will then become a rebel and one that has forsaken his oath and duty to his Duke and by extension to the Kaiser himself.

Therefore, if you do not take this opportunity to negotiate now, then that is the direction the Duke will take.

Pausing again Bane considers his next words.

"Lord Becker;" clearly he is now speaking as himself and not on behalf of his Duke.

"The Duke is being very clear and frank with you on his intentions. Believe me when I say that he is entirely upset that you have separated...he does not understand why and has spent many nights trying to find out where he went wrong in his dealings with you."

Again he pauses.

"I can say this with all certainty. Once he decides that you have really forsaken him he will make every effort to correct the situation by any means necessary.

I urge you to take the first step in this process my lord.

In my professional opinion, you will be hard pressed to defend yourself in the coming years without outside assistance.

Lorenz Zirn has just been outfitted with a professional army that could come to your aid. If you rejoin the Duchy you will be re-included in the overall strategy. While I can not guarantee that Prague will not fall, you must realise that the Duke will regain all that is lost or die trying. That includes Prague and all other previous Austrian provinces. It is my belief that your militia force would be utilized to deal with the rebel forces while the professional armies would engage the Polish and Hungarian forces.

Austria is doing very well all things considered Lord Becker. You reuniting with the Duchy would be of great benefit to Austria. Of course that means you would also want to be part of Austria again.

Additionally, should you survive, then I do not believe you will be able to secure your independence in the Diet, which would we need to do or face a Reich wide response to your actions.

There is a precedent set with regards to rebels Lord Becker, and it has come from the Kaiser himself. All Duke Arnold will ask is that the same approach be taken with regards to you.

Take the first step Lord Becker, or I have been instructed to leave immediately."

Bane's demeanour in the last few moments become increasingly hard.

As he finishes there is a knock on the door. An aide enters and hands you a note. It outlines the approach of a new Polish army not far from Prague.


I write this paper quickly as I am currently being pursued by loyalist cavalry. I have raised the white flag and am scribbling this as they pursue me. I do not know whether I will survive.

If I do not, please do not count this battle as a defeat. Know that Hans has been personally slain by my hand. I also believe that Jan von Hamburg has fallen in the city square. I will gladly trade my life knowing that these threats to the Order have been eliminated.

I hope to give you a more detailed report of the battle after I take shelter... somewhere. For now, I -

- oh, no, here they come.


Firstly, I have placed a bronze bust of Dietrich in our Chapter House to honour his memory and service to the Illuminati. May god rest his soul and I pray peace finds him in the after life.

With the death of Hans and Jan, the trio we were most concerned about is now reduced to one...the Kaiser.

His decree in the IMS is without any real authority and I am unsure how the rest of the Reich will react. I certainly believe his work in Outremer has cost him dearly back in the Heimat.

Lothar, move back to the mountains...we are hard pressed in the east and will be falling back towards Venice anyway.

Negotiations with Becker are proving fruitless and he is now saying I need him more than vice versa. It seems my effort at extending a hand of friendship is not being taken by the rebel. If Austria continues to collapse then some of us will enter the eastern Alps and join with you while at least one noble will head south to join me in Ragusa.

That is the basic plan in my mind. Thoughts would be appreciated.

I will continue to negotiate through Bane and will have to take a harder stance towards him.

Grand Master

My Brothers,

Negotiations with Becker are nearing an end. It does not seem like a solution will be found. Bane has made it clear that once the Diet reconvenes there will be little chance of him being able to "explain" his case and reach a legal agreement. Given the Kaiser's public attitude towards rebels he has little choice but to concede to my wishes, unless of course he wants to be seen as having double standards and supporting disloyalty.

Once the negotiations are concluded I'll have the scribe hand them in for our records. It will be vitally important to show my "benevolence" before I rain hell down on this traitor!!

I've also had Dietrich's immediate family "moved" to a safe location near Ragusa in order to avoid any recriminations by the Loyalist Forces. He was a Brother first and a noble of this Reich second...I will not let any harm befall his family.

The death of so many nobles has left a severe power vacuum for the moment. Think on this my Brothers. We have opportunities.

Grand Master


Grand Master, if Becker claims he owes his allegiance to the Kaiser, perhaps it is time to appeal to Elberhard. Apprise him of the efforts you made and request his aid. If the Kaiser truly wishes to heal the Reich he will assist you. If not, you have established that you made an attempt to negotiate.

This will give you the lattitude to impose harsh measures at the next Diet and military action if necessary. Becker is not a free hold Count, you granted his title and can take it away. If he does not relent, give the County of Prague to another and send him to the city with an army at his back to evict the pretender.

You will have my full support at the next Diet in this matter. You may need it, the Franconians will look kindly on Becker's effort for independence. He has assisted them, and they may not care about Austrian unity. Perhaps you might seek Peter's aid in this matter. He will be Kaiser at some point, and surely the gratitude of an entire Duchy outweighs that of a County.

Speaking of the Diet, are any of us planning to run for Chancellor in the next session? I would be more comfortable with a Brother in the position during such a dangerous time.



Matthias, I started conversing with the Kaiser sometime ago on this matter.

I will be asking you all for your opinions on the matter once the Diet reconvene's.

Matthias's legal point about Becker being a bonded count is just one of a string of issues I will bring to bear on the matter. Please think on this and other points that I may raise in my action against him once the Diet is in session.

At this time I have simply asked the Kaiser for his opinion on this matter should the Diet reconvene. I would find it entirely incredible given his stance towards Dietrich that he could or would back Becker in his illegal, negligent and disloyal move to separate himself and Prague from the House of Austria.

Excellent point regarding Peter. I will contact him for his thoughts also.

Grand Master


The opening move with the new Prinz.

Prinz Peter,

Firstly my congratulations on being selected as the heir to the throne of the Reich.

I come asking your thoughts on the matter regarding Becker’s separation from Austria.

I have made multiple attempts at asking him to rejoin the Duchy at this time of crisis, likewise the noble Karl Zirn has made his plea also.

At this point in time I have sent Bane my trusted companion to Prague and have continued to show restraint and patience in attempting to resolve this matter diplomatically.

I am fully aware of Lord Becker’s failed attempts at protecting Breslau, your own personal Heimat, and it is his steadfast refusal to rejoin the combined efforts of the Duchy that will leave him and by extension your southern border and my northern border exposed as he vainly tries to hold off against the Polish.

His timing on "separation" was pure opportunism and reeks of disloyalty. He made no attempt at speaking to me before unilaterally leaving the Duchy at its most venerable time.

As a consequence he has directly jeopardised the ability to defend the Reich eastern borders. If it wasn't for Sir Tancred and Count Karolinger's intervention Austria would be far more compromised as it is.

I know he has made every effort to assist you in the defense of Franconia, an action that is merely an attempt at showing he wants to help in some way.

I ask you how you would feel if one of your own nobles preferred to assist another Duchy rather than your own given the situation...

..finally, I will ask you this.

I would like to know which way you lean in regards to this matter? Towards the separatist Becker or a fellow Duke and the Duchy of Austria who has done no wrong other than to defend the Reich against it's lawful enemies and remain loyal to the position of Kaiser who I swore allegiance to.

In my view if by the time this crisis is over and Becker has still not rejoined the Duchy we can both assume he is in fact not a misguided separatist but a conscientious traitor and rebel. This is something I would assume the future Kaiser would not like to support. Will you support a province and a man prone to disloyalty or an entire Duchy which stands for service and trust?

I look forward to your reply my Prinz.

Duke Arnold


To my entire amazement the Kaiser has outlined the following.

Read from bottom to top. The Kaiser included Becker in his response and I have too.

My Kaiser,

While you have outlined a very straight forward resolution politically, I believe there are a number of issues that have been amazingly overlooked.

Becker is a "Bonded" Count. He was allocated Prague by me. This move would allow any Count to simply renounce his oath, declare independence and put his "feelings" to a vote.

In the interim this Count could then immediately conduct affairs independently of the Duchy.

I say "feelings" here as there has been precious little explanation as to what Becker's grievance is towards me. Some vague issue with "the system" is all I have managed to determine at this advanced stage of negotiations.

I find your tacit supporting of this issue, in this manner, to be quite surprising Kaiser.

Maybe I should simply replace County with Duchy and do the same thing in this CA.

Loyalty seems to be a diminishing commodity these days.

Duke Arnold

Duke Arnold,

Thank you for your message. I am copying my reply to Count Becker, as the matter concerns him too. I am about to set sail for Europe, so this will be my last communication on the issue until I make landfall.

I am saddened, but not surprised, to hear that negotiations are not providing a solution to the problem of Prague. But if the two of you are not able to reach a bilateral agreement, then - as stated in the my call for an end to hostilities - I believe the next Diet should decide the matter.

I presume Count Becker will propose a Charter Amendment along the lines of:

Charter Amendment 14.x a) This Diet recognises Prague as an independent County.
b) Its first Count will be Edmund Becker.
c) The Count of Prague will appoint his successor.
d) Count Becker's descendants will not be members of any House unless by mutual agreement between the individual and the relevant Duke.

If that Amendment passes with a 2/3 majority, I will expect Duke Arnold to abide by it and let Prague secede.

If that Amendment fails to pass with a 2/3 majority, I will expect Edmund Becker to vacate Prague and allow the Duke of Austria to install a new Count. What happens to Becker if he is obliged to remain in a House that he has renounced is troublesome, but I suggest service in Outremer might be one solution.


The Kaiser

My Kaiser,

I've continued to negotiate with Becker with little success.

He firmly stands behind his separation which makes it more likely that I will eventually brand him a traitor, rebel and oath breaker.

I would like you to state what your thoughts are on his situation should the Diet reconvene?

The precedent you have set with Dietrich seems clear.

Please outline your thoughts My Liege.

Duke Arnold

Grand Master,

Do not be discouraged. What the Kaiser proposes is that 2/3rds of the Electors would have to agree to let Prague secede. While our numbers have shrunk, I'm sure the Illuminati can prevent this from happening. If Becker chooses to defy the Diet, you will be within your rights, even in the eyes of the Kaiser, to bring him to justice. If the fool does not realize the peril he is in, he deserves to die.

Of course, Outremer could use another general, but I would have to keep a close eye on him and make sure he doesn't declare Acre an Imperial County.



Matthias, it is hard to be objective given the continued inability to reach a settlement.

I have been more than fair given Becker's total lack of explanation and behaviour.

You're right however...I will simply wait and then crush him in the Diet and then remove his title and send another to take it off him.

And your point about him going to Outremer...and not being able to trust him is exactly my point...who would in their right mind support or even ALLOW a vote to occur in this fashion...that is my point. The Kaiser seems to have failed to understand this.

Put it to a vote...hell let's put the Duchies of Austria, Bavaria and Swabia to a vote...the reason why...well I got out of bet on the left today...spoke with Lothar, he spoke with @#$%ing god knows who is in charge of Swabia and we all feel the same...lets put it to a vote shall we!!??

My Kaiser, please convene a session of the Diet...we feel like a VOTE!!

@#$%ING HELL!!! Talk about the peasants running the god damn palace!!!

I might ask the Kaiser if we should have a vote on if he is still Kaiser...because, my dog asked me who's in charge and I said I didn't really know anymore!!


The precedent he sets is beyond comprehension...he's totally @#$%ing lost it in my book.


As it stands now, at the next Diet we will still control two Duchies and Outremer. Despite our setbacks, that is actually more than we had before this crisis began. It is more than enough to ensure that any CAs Becker puts forward fail. If he then defies the will of the Diet and continues to ignore the Grand Master's orders, we will send a combined Austrian and Bavarian force to crush him and return Prague to its rightful Lord. His militia may be the best in the Reich, but I doubt they have the stamina to resist two full Household Armies.

There is also the matter of Wolfgang Hummel and his bid for independence. I must say that I am not pleased with the prospect of a fifth Duchy. Possessing two Dukedoms is a central aspect to our power. If a fifth is added, our voting power will be significantly diluted. I would prefer that Hummel take over all of Swabia than become independent. If Dietrich, God rest his soul, had won and taken Swabia, independence would have been acceptable to safeguard our gains there. As it is now, we face the prospect of one Duke outside the Order's powers being split into two Dukes. We must prevent this. If the Swabian loyalists and rebels are both still alive and kicking when the Diet comes around, we must force some kind of settlement that keeps them as a single Duchy.



Lothar is correct. The Reich split into 5 Duchies dilutes the power we have.

The question is, what is the best way to do this.


Grand Master.

Having thought about it Brothers it is very simple.

A fifth Duchy must be passed through the Diet.

We can prevent a 2/3 requirement with some work.

This is the same as Becker and his bloody rebellion.

Lothar, would you consider running? The power of the Chancellorship may
serve you well in dealing with an irate Kaiser.


My Brothers,

Below is the final response from Becker regarding his little separation.

Do I take his request and end this or not? Can any of you see loopholes or technicalities that would prevent me from accepting this. Considering he is an oath breaker already I would of get this in writing.

I have an itch that I just can't quite get rid of regarding his conditions, which basically reaffirm his Count duties and confirm that he can't be stripped of Prague until he dies. His family is tainted in my view...I'm not sure I want any more Becker's in my Duchy.

he is clearly bitter and angry at something and it does seem to be me and the Duchy. He casts my duty to the Reich in a dim light and regards my work for the Kaiser as land grabbing and power hungry.

Your thoughts my brothers?


Becker raises his head and stares the ceiling.

"Why..." He ponders the question a great while before speaking.

"I suppose I could have elucidated more when I made my announcement. Maybe I should have put more thought into it. But the truth is, I couldn't get myself to care. Back then I was just happy to finally be doing what I wanted, rather than wasting my career accomplishing little of any importance. It seems rather foolish when I think of it."

He lowers his gaze to meet Bane's, and Edmund's eyes have a sense of resolution that was never seen when he was in Austria.

"But it's different now. For the first time in my life, I have a purpose I can be proud of. The goals I had before I married Contzel and my experiences in Transylvania and Bulgaria all tell me what I must do."

Becker stands up, and gestures towards the window behind him that overlooks the city.

"This is my reason. This is my purpose. This is all I have, and all I ever will have. Prague. Bohemia. Mahren.

These places are my home, and these people need me to protect them. Rather than become like an Emperor or a Duke, who care about acquiring new territories, I will devote all my energy into one county and make it the best that it can be. That is why I will use every resource at my disposal, up to and including my very life, to ensure that Bohemia does not fall into the hands of the enemy. I do not fear the Poles, for they cannot muster a force capable of overcoming the strength of my conviction, the courageousness of my men, and the weight and glory of Prague's walls."

Edmund quickly returns to his seat.

"With this in mind, I present my terms. Until the Diet reconvenes, I will retain full control over Bohemia and it's resources. I will single-handedly prevent the opening of a third front against Austria while Duke Arnold and the Zirns defend against the Hungarians and the Byzantines. I will also send Duke Arnold one base unit of wealth every turn, starting in 1334.

Once the Diet reconvenes, I will renounce my claim of secession. Duke Arnold may orchestrate my apology and subsequent events in whatever way he thinks is best.

Regardless, I will remain Count of Prague. For the remainder of my life, I will remain therein, never to leave. As most of the Electors do not understand the depths of my feelings, this will seem like a rather severe punishment. I will, in effect, be forbidden from ever commanding an army again. And finally, I will abandon my political independence. My influence in the Diet will become the Duke's and I will vote the way he wants me to on every edict the Diet ever considers. I shall willingly become the Duke's pawn with my interactions with the other Electors.

If the Duke should consider me untrustworthy for such things, tell him that I the lengths I will go to for him to allow me to direct Prague's future will be as extreme as the lengths I am going to now. As long as I remain Count of Prague, dictating build queues and setting tax levels from within the city, all my other duties and abilities as an elector will be at his disposal.

What say you?

Grand Master,

The terms he sets sound reasonable. There is always the possibility of further treachery, but that can be punished accordingly. With the current situation, it would be difficult for you to move against him now anyway. I would take the promised aid, it will be useful, and see how he proceeds at the next Diet session. The sovereignty he wants over his county is already assigned to him by the charter. He does not want a field command, and you wouldn't assign him one anyway.

If he is able to occupy the Poles, that is good, if he dies, that is fine as well. It may gall you a bit to allow his insubordination to go unpunished, but pressing the matter will anger the Kaiser and most likely involve loss of life and assaulting an Imperial city. Whatever you decide, you will have my support.


Brother Matthias,

I am under no illusion that I could actually do anything physically towards him at this time or for the foreseeable future.

It seems my thoughts on the matter may have been leaked (The stories thread was a fairly obvious attempt at painting a picture for Cecil and it seems to have worked), and Becker has come to his senses. At face value I agree with your assessment entirely Matthias.

However what Becker’s action have done is cause me to question his honesty and loyalty at every turn. Does anything he has written indicate further treachery, or more importantly a technicality that he could use against me at a later date?

In reality Matthias, I don't wish to punish him and will not do so in public even if I decide to. As hard as it may sound to hear from me, I am more interested in why he would forsake his oath to me in the first place.

What he has asked me in these negotiations to date is something I could have given him without all this "drama". His actions are still selfish in my mind. The whole of Austria is under threat not just Prague. The fact he is not interested in the rest of the Duchy is disturbing to say the least. I will consider your words and that of the others before replying to him.

On other matters, I am leaning towards bring a motion of no confidence against the current Kaiser in order to pass a piece of legislation that will forever prevent the lead up to this current crisis occurring again. At the heart of this must be wording that prevents our beloved Kaiser unilaterally going and negotiating on the entire Reich's behalf as Siegfried did with the bloody Byzantine's.

In put on this would be appreciated.

Grand Master.


We should take the deal. Such a move will be seen favorably in the Diet, where the harmonious end to the Austrian 'rebellion' can be easily contrasted with the continuing hostilities that tear Swabia apart. Though Hans was renowned for his chivalry, and the Grand Master for his dread, it was the Duke of Austria who was patient and reasonable, not the Duke of Swabia. If Becker ever does betray the deal, it will be his head on the chopping block. He will have to publicly repudiate a fair and honorable agreement and that will keep the Diet in our favor.


Brother Lothar,

Thank you for your feedback.

I will go ahead and have his term written down and signed.

Grand Master.


Count Becker has offered to aid Bavaria by pacifying Nuremburg. This would be very useful, as I do not have enough resources to put down the violence in both Nuremburg and Milan this year. I would like to accept his offer, but I want to check with you before doing so.



Time is running short and I simply must reply to Count Becker soon. Since I know that the Grand Master has negotiated a deal with Becker, I will assume that it will be acceptable for me to take him up on his offer. If I hear nothing back from you by tomorrow morning, I will say so publicly.


Go ahead.

The deal is done. I am simply waiting on Beckers draft of the formal announcement.

Grand Master

04-06-2008, 20:59
CHAPTER XXI: The Rebel of my Rebel is my Rebel


I have recently received a request for financial aid from Wolfgang Hummel. With the death of Brother Dietrich, we have lost our gamble for Swabia. If Athalwolf and/or Ehrhart remain in control of that Duchy in the long-term, it will almost certainly be a permanent opponent to the Order. While Wolfgang is not an ideal partner, he seems to me to be better than the alternative. I would therefore like to support him in the manner that he requests. I have included below several letters I have written on the matter. I would like your advice on the situation.

To Lothar Steffen, Duke of Bavaria, and close freund.

Mein congratulations on your successful sally at Milan! I have heard that you have just repelled the most experienced army the Greeks have ever raised. Such a feat is not small indeed.

I have successful seized Staufen without breaking mein word, due to that fool von Salza misrepresenting mein words which I so carefully crafted.

However, I have but few florins, and men must be paid, however eager they may be to serve.

I ask you as a freund and ally if you would grant me a loan of 6 wealth to furnish me with soldiers to bolster mein army. I have no surety to give you but mein word.

Once I have enough wealth, I will repay you the money you have sent me with 50% usury.

I am, as always, your noble freund,
Wolfgang Hummel,
Prinz of Swabia.

Prinz Hummel,

My thanks for your congratulations. I regret to report that I have not a single florin to spare. It is imperative that Milan be pacified immediately so that it can be restored to prosperity. The continuing religious violence in that province and Nuremburg has drastically reduced my ability to raise armies in recent years. My army took huge
losses at Milan and it must be significantly reinforced if I am to have any chance at pacifying Milan.

However, one of my vassals, Count Karolinger, has accumulated a good amount of wealth on his own. I will speak to him and see if he would be willing to transfer some of it to you, providing that it is repaid in a timely manner as you suggest.

Your friend,
Lothar Steffen

Note: After I wrote this letter, I re-evaluated the situation and discovered other options, resulting in the following two letters.

Prinz Hummel,

Apologies for two letters so close together. Please disregard my earlier statements about my inability to supply you with wealth. I am not certain of the means yet, but I will do all that I can to ensure that at least some portion gets through to you. I will keep you informed of the details as I solidify them.

However, you must be aware that this is a great risk to me. I have already backed a losing horse once in Swabia and it has cost me. If I do this, you had best put all of your resources into defeating Athalwolf and Ehrhart, even if it means recalling your vassals in Flanders. The loss of Antwerp is a small price to pay for the potential control of all of Swabia. I say again, you must not lose.

Assuming you are alive in 1340, I will also require your support, and the support of your vassals, on a piece of legislation I plan on proposing at the upcoming Diet. It concerns the future of Outremer, not anything domestic. If you are willing to agree to these terms, I will find a way to supply you with the wealth you need.

Lothar Steffen
Duke of Bavaria

Note: The Outremer legislation I mention above would be a CA which gives the King of Outremer exclusive authority to pick his own heir. This is to our benefit for obvious reasons.

Count Karolinger,

I have recently received a request from Wolfgang Hummel for a loan of 6 wealth. While I have that amount on me, it is absolutely imperative that Milan be pacified this year and I cannot see a way to do that without significantly strengthening my army, which was so badly mauled in the Battle of Milan. Thus, a good amount of money must be spent to
rebuild it this year.

However, I have already gotten Bavaria into something of a political mess with Swabia with my backing of Dietrich von Dassel. My aim was to secure Swabia as a strong ally of Bavaria in future times. That plan obviously failed. While Hans is now dead, his followers live on and they surely remember my interference in their civil war. If Athalwolf and Ehrhart are victorious in Swabia, that Duchy will be a life-long opponent of Bavaria.

I fully accept that this state of affairs is my own responsibility and I accept all blame for it. However, the situation is what it is and I cannot change that now. The only chance Bavaria has of preventing Swabia from being openly hostile to us in future years is to ensure that Wolfgang Hummel is victorious and becomes Duke. If a little wealth will aid him in that measure, it is worthwhile investment. Wolfgang has also offered generous terms for our aid. He has stated that he will repay us our full loan, plus 50% interest, for a return of 9 wealth on a loan of 6. It may take some time for this wealth to come back to us, but it will be useful at some point in the future... assuming Wolfgang is alive to repay his debts.

I believe that I must make this deal for the future of Bavaria. However, I will not pass my 'taint' onto any of my vassals against their will. If you do not wish to be seen to be an open supporter of Wolfgang Hummel, then I will not make you do anything that will risk that. I therefore would like to propose one of two alternatives to you:

First, you lend 6 of your wealth, or more if that is your desire, to Wolfgang Hummel. I will use my wealth to reinforce my army and pacify Milan.

Second, you use your entire 9 wealth to raise reinforcements, then march south and take command of my army at Milan, pacify the province, and hold it in my stead. I will then return north to Innsbruck to take your place and will send my wealth to Wolfgang instead.

Either way, I will be grateful for your assistance and will remember your loyalty in future times when I have more to offer as a reward. You have been a great servant of Bavaria and your efforts in Austria have greatly strengthened by alliance with Duke Arnold. You have my eternal thanks for your long service and noble actions.

Lothar Steffen
Duke of Bavaria

Please let me know your thoughts, brothers. Make haste as well, for time marches on whether we wish it or not.



Hummel would be a capricious ally, but he may be our only hope to ensure a friendly Swabia. Still, Lothar risks much if he is seen interfering again in Swabian matters. I hope we can keep this quiet.

Proceed as you think best.



A difficult situation. I would not support Hummel. The Kaiser will end this very quickly in my view.

Plus, as you have mentioned before Lothar we do not want another Duchy formed. Hummel will more than likely ask for that.

I can't really advise further on the matter.

Grand Master


My aim would most certainly not be to have another Duchy formed, it would be to ensure that Swabia remains whole and under the control of someone who is not openly hostile to us. If Wolfgang is victorious, he will have no need to proclaim independence, as he will have all of Swabia. If he then attempts to become independent still, we can oppose his move at that time. Perhaps he will be more willing to listen to me opinion on the matter if I have been a past ally rather than a simple bystander.



I enclose further correspondence with Wolfgang on this matter. I have secured his support for the Outremer legislation and I have also made clear that there are limits to my support should he continue to cause problems after 1340.

Duke Steffen,

I understand your concerns, and will make sure that the defeat of the loyalists is swift and sure. I have already summoned one of mein vassals south to join me at Staufen.

If I am present at the Diet, then I will willingly pledge mein support and that of mein vassals also.

Wolfgang Hummel,
Prinz of Swabia.

Prinz Hummel,

I have arranged for Count Friedrich Karolinger to transfer 7 of his wealth to you this year. In return, he will expect to receive a total of 10 wealth when you have it available.

Please keep in mind that I am supporting you because I desire to see peace and stability in Swabia. This internal strife is harming all of us greatly. While I have certainly caused part of this problem by backing Dietrich, I intervened with the intention of seeing it ended faster, not to see it extended. Events have not transpired as I wished, but my desire for a single, united Swabia ruled by a man who is a friend to Bavaria still exists. I will support you as this man, but that support will end if you give me cause to believe that you will cause problems for the Reich in the future.

I say this to you now because I wish to be clear and honest. It will vex me greatly if I have to lead an army against regiments that were recruited with my own money.

Lothar Steffen
Duke of Bavaria


This support for Hummel is troubling and I fear a backlash. There is a curse with this name and I really do not see the benefit after 1340. I feel that if Lothar's support is well known there could be a backlash from the Kaiser.

I would really exercise caution, that if things do not go well we cut any support right away before there a split in the Diet.



I believe that as long as we support all efforts to keep Swabia united as a single Duchy with a single Duke in 1340, there can be no serious criticism. Who else is there to criticize us? Duke Peter publicly aided Hans and we have private evidence that he was conspiring with Dietrich. I can easily produce those letters if Peter turns against me for my actions. At the same time, the Kaiser provided immense material support to Hans, thus clearly taking sides in the matter as well. Any criticism from either of them about whom I choose to support in the Swabian Civil War will by bare-faced hypocrisy. I did not start the Swabian conflict, I only decided who to support once the issue began, just like everyone else.

Regardless, I think it should be clear that this should be publicly approached exclusively as my own personal choices. If public disagreement or criticism of my actions by any other Brother would aid us, it should be done. I believe that I am more than capable of defending myself in such a debate, and in any case there is little that can be done to me by consequence. Bavaria has remained completely and unquestioningly loyal to me throughout this period of crisis. I have treated my Counts with respect and honor and I know they will support me if I am attacked. Even if the worst happens and the opinion of the Diet turns against me, I am simply immune from retaliation. So long as the rest of you do not be seen as complicit in my actions (which you are not now, thanks to our earlier decisions regarding Brother Dietrich), I cannot see how any significant harm can fall on the Order. At worst, I will once again be disliked intensely (I situation which we used to our advantage very well in past years) and at best we will have gained Swabia as an ally.



Thank you for your direct and frank answer. I just get concerned that when we look to be moving forward something sets us back. It appears by no surprise that you have considered others reactions and have things in control for this situation. I support your plan of action and hope it makes our situation easier by having the winning side this time.



I too support Lothar's reasoning now that he has outlined his proposal.

Here is a recent response and reply between von Salza and myself after I gave him a push on the matter of openly acknowledging Bohemia.

Lothar's comments about wanting a united Swabia is water tight given the open and obvious support others have given. In fact Austria is about the only entity that has not gotten overtly involved...strange really.

I must be getting grumpy in my middle years, I immediately don't like von Salza in his new position as a part time Duke. Can we have him "off'd"?

Grand Master.

My Dear Athalwolf von Salza,
Duke of Swabia,

Your comments in the IMS regarding loyal Germans, traitors and treason...and then mentioning Bohemia, has immediately removed Austria's support, that of all her nobles and any other man that I have the ability to influence.

Your comments are ill conceived and not thought through in my opinion sir.

Refrain from legitimizing something that isn't and a movement that has no weight in law or reality.

If you want any chance of support from me or the people I speak with then you can remove the reference to Bohemia from the message immediately.

Duke Arnold

My dear Duke Arnold,

I have no apology’s to make. I am not one to apologise. I do not see in any sense how this off course thing could in any way offend you? I only referred to Bohemia, I can not remember referring to it as the Duchy of Bohemia, or the German Men of Bohemia, simply Bohemia.

If this did offend you, I am surprised.

I do have one question though, did you support the Bavarian attempt to take over Swabia?

Athalwolf von Salza,
Duke of Swabia

Duke von Salza,

Your acknowledgement of Bohemia is tacit support for the separatist. I'd appreciate it if you didn't acknowledge the region while I am negotiating with Becker.

As to you second question, I did not support any attempt at rebellion in any part of the Reich, and I'd ask you to do the same.

The fact you have asked seems to have outlined your opinion of me von Salza. Excellent start to your new position.

Duke Arnold.


And with Becker impressively short proclamation the issues in Prague are concluded.

I don't think any one is even aware of it however the matter is now closed. The terms and conditions are the one's I sent to you all sometime ago.

Grand Master

Given the verbose tendencies of most Electors, you will not find me complaining about Becker's brevity.



I believe these past years have driven me slightly mad. I enclose correspondence I have recently had with Ehrhart Ruppel. It speaks for itself.


Duke Lothar of Bavaria,

You may not have heard of me, and although I am not a Count, I shall introduce myself as Ehrhart Ruppel, vassal of Duke Athalwolf von Salza of Swabia.

If I am assuming correctly, Friedrich Karolinger is one of your vassal Counts? It may not be my place to openly condemn him, but I would like to inform you, that he is feeding the fires of rebellion in Swabia by sending Bavarian coin to the traitor and usurper Wolfgang Hummel.

I will hope that you will honor the emperor's edict and stop your vassal from continuing this madness of spending florins on a lost cause and focus spending them to keep the Bavarian border safe instead.


Ehrhart Ruppel

Ehrhart Ruppel,

I will do no such thing, as Count Karolinger acted directly in response to a request I made of him. Wolfgang Hummel contacted me directly to request aid, I discussed the matter with Count Karolinger, and the result is now public knowledge.

I will not apologize for my actions, past or present. I firmly believe that Hans was a traitor to the Reich and I am glad that he is dead. I supported Dietrich von Dassel's claim to the Duchy for two reason: First, I wanted a rational man in command of Swabia. A man who would put the interests of the Reich first, no matter the costs to himself. Dietrich proved he was such a man by moving against the puppet Pope who was supporting Siegfried's insanity. Hans was a sycophant who would lead the Reich to its doom, so long as the Emperor pointed the way. Second, I wanted a united Swabia. Wolfgang Hummel originally sought to split from Swabia and create a new Duchy. I do not, and will never, support such a thing. It will damage the Reich greatly to have such a division.

With Dietrich's death, I was, simply put, out of options. I have suspicions that Athalwolf von Salza was not quite the loyal and dedicated follower of Hans that he always claimed to be, but that is now irrelevant. He is Duke and knows his power is based in the loyalist camp. He will not be friendly to me as Duke of Swabia due to my support of Dietrich. I will not insult your intelligence by explaining why I do not think you will be friend to Bavaria in the near future as well. So, Wolfgang Hummel is now my only option for ensuring that Swabia is a loyal and integral part of the Reich and that it works with the Reich's best interests at heart. It is not ideal by any means, but it is the situation that is before me.

That said, this interminable Civil War is dragging on to ungodly lengths. I may have thought twice about backing Dietrich if I had known the chain of events that would follow it. If this situation can be resolved by diplomacy instead of arms, I will support such a move, so long as it results in a single united Swabia. A successful negotiation, if one is even possible, will certainly require concessions on both sides. Do not fool yourself into thinking that you can simply demand that the rebels bend knee to Athalwolf and fall back in-line. They are at least your equals on the field of battle, if not superior. The reality is that some power and influence will have to be ceded to them in order to end this peacefully.

As a gesture of my commitment to such a deal, I will swear to uphold any agreement by force of Bavarian arms. If a deal is reached between the rebels and the loyalists, whatever it is, I will personally lead the combined armies of Bavaria against any man who breaks it. Hells, I am so tiring of this war that I may even do so if you do not reach an agreement. I am sure that will cost me much in the Diet, but I frankly don't care anymore. I will continue to do what I think must be done for the betterment of the Reich. If I must march to Staufen myself and spank all Swabians like the naughty little children that they are, I may just do so.

Do not think that I am afraid to express any of this in public. You may freely distribute my words through the Imperial Messenger Service if you think that is of some advantage to you. I will not deny my involvement, my motives, or my beliefs. Indeed, I am proud of them. I serve the Reich above all else every waking day, even when that means risking my own life to do so. Whom do you serve? You follow a man who is Duke by chance and who is fighting a Civil War out of habit, not necessity. Put down your arms, put aside your bias, accept reality, and negotiate with Wolfgang.

Lothar Steffen
Duke of Bavaria


Remind me never to get into a stand up argument in the Diet with you...it would be brutal to say the least.

Well put, and I'm sure poor Ehrhart is wondering just what he has gotten himself into.

Grand Master


My retreat from Antioch has allowed me time to focus on crafting a new Charter for Outremer. Personally, I'd rather be crafting drinking cups from Greek skulls, but it is a needed revision. If the Kingdom still survives I will propose it at the new Diet Session. I have tried to clean up the language, changed my title to something less galling to the Dukes and more in line with the actual situation here and give myself a lifetime appointment. I will leave Lothar to propose that the Ruler of Outremer be able to appoint his own successor. I would suggest that in his legislation he give the Kaiser the ability to veto the successor under the same mechanics I propose for impeachment.

I would appreciate any insights and suggestions you all might have.


Charter Amendment 14.X: A new Charter for Outremer is to be adopted, what is proposed below will completely replace all previous legislation relating to the Kingdom.

The Revised Charter of the Kingdom of Outremer

1. The Kingdom of Outremer will consist of Antioch, Acre and Adana. It may also include up to three more territories, with preference given to Aleppo, Damascus and Edessa. However, no move is allowed on any territories if they are in the possession of an ally.

2. The Kingdom of Outremer is an integral part of the Reich. It is not a fifth House.

3. The function of the Kingdom is mainly defensive: to safeguard Jerusalem and protect the gateway to Christendom. However, conquest is permitted against heathens and schismatics as long as it does not endanger the defense of Jerusalem and the Kingdom remains equal to or smaller than six territories. If a Pope assumes power who excommunicates the Reich, Jerusalem may be taken, if needed, as part of his removal, but it must be immediately donated back to the Church upon reconciliation.

4. The Kingdom will be overseen by a Viceroy of Outremer, who will be selected by the Emperor from among the current Crusaders. The position is a lifetime appointment. The Viceroy will renounce all loyalties to his House for the duration of his appointment, including all lands in his former Duchy(e.g. if Duke, he must appoint a Steward). The Viceroy of Outremer is permitted to resign, if the Emperor is willing to accept the resignation, upon which a new Viceroy is appointed by the Emperor. If the Viceroy of Outremer is deemed incapable of his assignment, he may be impeached by the Emperor and two Dukes, by the Prince and three Dukes, or by the agreement of all four Dukes.

5. The Viceroy will command an Army, equivalent to a Household Army with the Viceroy assuming the role of “Duke”. If the Kingdom is larger than or equal to three territories, a second such Army will be placed at his disposal. He may delegate the day to day command of the Army or Armies to other Generals.

6. Outremer’s provinces may be governed by Crusader Counts, except for the designated capital, which is the personal domain of the Viceroy. The Crusader Counts are appointed by the Viceroy and serve at his discretion. They will gain +1 influence, but only if they are not already a Count in their Duchy, and only for the duration of their appointment. The cap of 6 influence for all but the Emperor remains. If any County is left unassigned, the Viceroy will set the build queue for it.

7. If an Elector is a Count or Ducal Heir, they must have the permission of their Duke before departing for Outremer. An Elector must be accepted as a Crusader by the Viceroy before they can serve in Outremer. Both the Viceroy and the Crusading Counts must be physically located outside Europe for the duration of their appointments.

8. All four Houses of the Reich have a stake in the Kingdom. While the loss of many of the original Outremer Counties negates apportionment by House, assignment of Counties will ensure that each Duchy is represented by a Crusader Count before another Duchy receives a second County. If Outremer again becomes larger than four territories, assignments of a specific territory to each House may be revisited.

9. The Viceroy of Outremer is allowed to propose two pieces of legislation per Diet Session. Prior to being tabled in the Diet, these must be seconded by two Crusader Counts, or if there is less than two Counts, one will suffice.


Glad to hear from you and knowing that you are doing well to think of some administrative work. I like your idea ideas of the Outremer on a revision of the language and title. Personally I detested the title of King. There is only one Kaiser for the Reich. I personally would like to see the title along the lines of Lord Protectorate of the Outremer and lesser Territories (like those Greek islands). I would also support the person in that position choose his successor. I think it just a little extra for the position considering he is giving up his own House. A position name change is definitely required.


Brother Matthias,

A solid piece of legislation in my view. The only gap is the ability to have the Viceroy appoint his successor. If we can maneuver that in then we will have an excellent "hold" on Outremer.

The veto rule is a good idea and the progressive veto rights using the Kaiser/Prinz/Duke combinations is fair and just.

Grand Master

Brother Matthias,

I am no legal beagle to see through all the gaps but it does look and agree with the Grandmaster the successor could be an issue. We will see what we can do. I also like the title change.



Attached to this message is an exchange of letters between the Kaiser and myself concerning the Outremer Charter.

Considering Lothar's words, on what points should I respect the Kaiser's wishes? Do we go with a term instead of a lifetime appointment? Do I give up my veto of Crusaders or the Dukes' ability to hinder a possible Crusader? Have we tabled the proposal to assign a successor for a later date?

Incidentally, I spoke with Fritz about his proclamation and my charter. He is supportive, he only questioned the fact that Outremer is capped at 6 territories as he wished an unlimited second front against the Greeks. When I explained that even though Outremer is capped, her armies are no longer forbidden from offensive action outside the Kingdom and that any territories taken could be incorporated into the Reich proper, if protocol is followed, he was satisfied.

He also stated that his proclamation was not meant to offend the Kaiser, but to serve notice to the Catholic Alliance that one of their Casus Belli was gone. While I have already stated my aye vote on recruiting him, I will reiterate it.


Mein Kaiser,

I am glad that you have reached land safely. I must say I am a bit surprised that Dieter von Kassel split off to attack Palermo, but he is a daring young man.

I write to you about Outremer. First, I must apologize for the loss of Antioch. It was my error in judgment that allowed it to fall. I thought I could attack the Greek Cavalry Army and make it back to the Iron Bridge and then I thought I had time to gather my forces for a relief, but I was wrong on both counts.

My plan is now to trade land for blood. I will goad the Greeks into battle, bleed them and then fall back. I hope to keep drawing them closer to Acre and further away from their supply lines. Once I have exhausted them I hope to switch to the offensive. Considering the financial state of the Reich this might take a while.

I have prepared a new Charter for Outremer that takes into account the changed situation of the Kingdom. I have tried to do this while keeping intact the spirit of the original. I have enclosed a copy in this letter. I will await any insights or questions you might have.

Andreas and I will make every effort to attend the Diet. If we travel alone, without men, we might just be able to make it.

May God grant you victory in Europe,


King Matthias,

Thank you for your message - I am sad that I am not still in Outremer to fight alongside you. Things in Europe - specifically Swabia - seem to have settled down just as I made landfall. However, the Byzantines are well entrenched in north Italy so my army is unlikely to be unemployed. Dieter's expedition to Palermo is partly to deprive the Byzantines of a citadel to supply Italy and partly to provide a recruiting grounds for Imperial forces that is not subject to the whim of my Dukes.

As regards the draft Charter of Outremer, it is a good document although there are some details I would ask you to amend.

I can no longer support lifetime tenure for the Viceroy. While this may have worked in the time of Conrad Salier, it will not do now. The Reich is too divided and trust too low for me to wish to appoint someone for life. You may be an exception, but most Viceroys may be something of an unknown before they take office and I would wish to see how they perform before reappointing them. A lifetime appointment would make the Viceroy equivalent to a Duke in independent power and further weaken Imperial authority. My recent experience of Dukes and their "loyalty" does not make me enthusiastic to see a fifth. In my opinion, the position of Viceroy should be an office of state rather than a feudal title, closer to Chancellor than Duke, and so should run for a fixed term (although renewable). As compensation, the Viceroy should be able to keep his European estates.

I would not support giving Dukes vetoes over whether their Counts go on crusade to Outremer. This is too much of an infringement of the freedom of our nobles to answer a higher calling. And our Dukes are on the whole a fairly Godless lot with no apparent sense of duty to Outremer. That clause would have deprived the Outremer of Jan von Hamburg. Having Outremer as an place where men may escape their Houses may be for the good of both Outremer (gaining men) and their Houses (reducing conflict). Likewise, I see no reason why the Viceroy should be able to exclude nobles who wish to aid Outremer. This might allow the Viceroy to turn Outremer into the exclusive land of a clique, when the Kingdom of Heaven should be open to all.

There are some other details that might need adjustment. On clause 1, I think for operational reasons we should retain the right to enter our ally's territory - not least to protect them if they are under attack. Unfortunately, our abysmal reputation means that obtaining military access diplomatically may be impossible. However, we may nonetheless need to invade our allies' lands in order to save them.

I realise that some of the above revisions would personally affect your own powers. However, the revisions are not motivated by my assessment of your character or abilities, but rather by a wider consideration of future Viceroys and possibilities. My policy would be renew a Viceroy's tenure if they have performed well.


Kaiser Elberhard

Mein Kaiser,

Thank you for your insights, please allow me to address them.

Regarding lifetime tenure, I see. A lifetime appointment was the original proposal by Kaiser Henry. The present terms were only inserted by Jan when he caved into opposition by Duke Lothar. What does your Majesty consider a fair term, the same as a Chancellor's?

Regarding Duke vetoes, to tell the truth that clause is in there to mollify the Dukes, as I will need most of their votes to pass the new charter. In truth, if a Duke forbade a Count or heir from going to Outremer, the would be Crusader could simply renounce his County or inheritance and be able to leave. It is not ideal, but anyone may still take the cross.

As for the second part, this I put in to prevent a situation that occurred in the second and third Mongol Wars. As Chancellor, I was fielding requests from all of the Crusaders, particularly your departed brother Hans, for armies. I could not provide them all with men, and I got the distinct impression there were too many Generals in too small a space. Considering the current size of Outremer, I thought the clause necessary to prevent this from happening again.

Regarding Clause 1, a very good point, I will change "no move is allowed on any territories if they are in the possession of an ally" to "no conquest is allowed of any territories in possession of an ally".

I hope my answers are satisfactory.



King Matthias,

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, I believe synchronising the Viceroy's tenure to coincide with the duration of a Diet would be best. As with the Chancellor, 10 turns is long enough to get something done. And dealing with reappointment during the Diet is convenient.

On the Duke's veto - if in reality a noblemen may still crusade against their Duke's wishes, I would remove the formal veto. It will only cause bitter disputes if it is ever invoked and found to be toothless. I do not see the Dukes opposing your revised Charter - it largely tidies up the current messing situation. And anyway, I am through with appeasing Dukes.

On the Viceroy's veto - I understand the rationale but think it redundant. Without it, an excess of crusaders is possible but there would be no obligation to provide each with an army. No other part of the Reich has barriers to entry and Outremer should be the last place to put up such walls.


Kaiser Elberhard


Matthias, respect the Kaiser's wishes, have the position of Viceroy be the same as the Chancellor, cancel both the veto's, and we will deal with succession at a later date.

The Kaiser is in a belligerent mood...his move by Dieter von Kassel to secure a neutral citadel is amazing in my mind...here really is not happy with what has happened...which I can't really understand considering the position of Kaiser essentially disgraced itself with the handling of the period leading up to the crisis.

Grand Master

04-06-2008, 21:02
Chapter XXII: Back in Black


Lothar, excellent work dealing with the Kaiser.

As our Charter states "The Voice" needs all of us to vote on approaching one of the unenlightened for possible inclusion. Please cast your votes now.

I support "The Voice" approaching Fritz as a potential member of the Illuminati Order.

Grand Master.


I support bringing Fritz back into the fold. Let us see how that goes before we consider any other members.

As for the newest Austrian Elector being an agent of the Kaiser, we simply ignore him or if we wish feed him false information and see if it gets back to Elberhard.

Lothar, you mentioned legislation you were going to propose a while back allowing the ruler of Outremer to appoint his won successor. Is this still in the works? Or should we wait a session?

What other priorities do we have this session?



I'm not sure which way to go with the Outremer succession topic. I've read your current draft Matthias and I will vote for it. The only thing left out is the ability of the Viceroy to select his own successor. It's always an obvious piece of legislation in my view therefore it will be hard to slip through.

We can either do it now with the revised version or add it on later at a more opportune time. At this stage the only way to work out when the best timing would be is when we have the most influence.

The main aim for this session...get me elected as Chancellor.

Any thoughts on when to nominate myself? Also what to say?

This next period of Chancellor rule will be very fluid and dangerous. I'm certainly not inclined to make any specific policy statements at a Reich or House level.

My platform would be:

"You'll get the best job I can do and look at my record for how I will conduct business and deal with our enemies and friends. I'm not going to make any bold statements or specific promises but in general you can count on me to reconstitute the Reich, solidify the borders and begin rebuilding as best I can."


Grand Master


Grandmaster, you will have my full effort to get you elected. The Illuminati
has yet to lose an election. As for your themes, generalities are good.
Perhaps indicating that recovery of lost territories is a priority, along
with reestablishing trade and finances. The Electors will hunger for
revenge, if you promise it they will vote for you.

Unfortunately, once the Reich begins paying for all the men currently in
service, you will be faced with a financial crisis as Chancellor. You will
have to make draconian cuts in troop levels to alleviate this. Best not to
spell this out if you don't have to.

I have enclosed the latest draft of my Outremer Legislation. I have firmed up
some of the language and made the involvement of the Duchies in Outremer
more specific.



I still need you all to affirm your unanimous support so "The Voice" may begin proceedings with Fritz. Please cast your vote as soon as possible.


The Charter is very well written.

Certainly the recovery, or at least the beginning of that strategy will be clearly the main theme. There are clearly far too many units in play to support when the finances begin operating normally again. It will essentially be the armies of the Kaiser, Prinz, and the Houses first in line to be confirmed. All others will have to be removed.

Grand Master


Regarding the Outremer legislation, I do not see any need for it to be proposed by me. I made those statements to Wolfgang Hummel, but as he is now dead they are moot. While there are people like Elberhard who certainly will see the connection between Matthias and the Order regardless of what we do, there are many new faces in the Diet and it is my hope that some of them will be relatively clueless about our history and composition. At most, they will suspect that I am a Brother. Thus, I see no advantage anymore in having me propose the Outremer legislation. Since Matthias has already spearheaded it, and he is King of Outremer, it makes sense for him to be the main advocate in the Diet.

Regarding legislation changing how the Viceroy/King is appointed, as has been noted, it will be a move that is blatantly obvious to all in the Diet. We should not propose it unless we are certain that we hold enough influence to force it through against all opposition. I do not believe we have that much influence at the current time. Therefore, I suggest we let the matter lie for the 1340 Diet session. It is therefore imperative that Matthias remain in Elberhard's graces, so that he may continue in his role as King/Viceroy. The Kaiser seems open to at least ignoring past grievances, though certainly not forgetting them. If Matthias was to adopt a sufficiently 'loyal' and 'pious' stance towards his duties in the East, I believe that Elberhard would let him keep his position. He can then continue that relationship with the Kaiser until we have enough influence to change the Charter to our liking, freeing Matthias from any obligations to Elberhard.

Regarding the Grand Master running for Chancellor, I believe he is the perfect candidate. He is the only prominent noble who did not get involved in the Swabian Civil War. He resolved the rebellion of Edmund Becker in a peaceful manner. He has staunchly defended the eastern borders of the Reich, often at great person risk, and he has excellent qualifications as a governor of cities and men. In short, the only drawback anyone could see in him is his suspected involvement with the Order. As noted before, many new Electors may be ignorant of this and many who suspect it may be willing to look the other way, so long as the policies he advocates are agreeable to them. Given that we still hold a great deal of influence, and can likely deliver the votes of all of Bavaria, Austria, and Outremer, I think victory is guaranteed so long as the Grand Master adopts the proper platform for his candidacy.

That platform is simple and obvious: recovery from the disastrous events of the past few years, restoration of the economy, and reconquest of our lost territories. No one will argue against that. I would emphasize the difficulties that will accompany any attempts to return to our old standing in the world, and then highlight the Grand Master's preeminent qualifications to achieve such difficult goals. If some of the new Electors run, this alone may be enough to defeat them. Also, I believe that the issue of the cause of the Cataclysm, the Swabian Civil War, the War of Reformation, and all other internally divisive issues should not even be addressed. Urging prosecution of one side or the other would alienate those who disagree. Urging universal forgiveness may be seen as an attempt to make the Diet condone the actions that many suspect us of. Therefore, the best course of action is simply not to address the issue at all. If it is brought up, I would state that such things can be dealt with a future time when the situation is not so critical. At the present time, unity of all Electors is of the utmost importance and thus for the good of all, we should deal with the present problems before worrying about those of the past.

This platform also has the happy coincidence of being true to the values of the Order. We truly DO want to restore the Reich and ensure her prosperity. Every word said in those regards will be true and honest. That will make it all the more believable.



I guess large sections of this will be in my candidacy speech. Thank you Lothar for becoming my unofficial speech writer.

Having also read Matthias's notes with the Kaiser I believe we should take the indirect approach. It is clear that he has had enough of the Dukes and will make no attempt at giving them any further concessions.

Therefore Matthias should simply rule out this term and run again as a loyal, competent and excellent administrator. I could be entirely the case that he is the best man for the job just like when he ran for the position of Chancellor.

I still need Karl to confirm our approach to Fritz.

Grand Master


I support contact with Fritz to return to the Order.


Very well, I will contact Fritz and try to help him regain his memory.


*The last few years have been a trying time for you. You have battled foes up and down the Baltic coast, defeating army after army and foe after foe. It has taken a toll on you, however. You feel almost as if you are a different man now than when this whole crisis began. You have a nagging instinct that you have taken a blow to the head during one of these battles that has caused you to forget something extremely important...

As in the months past, though, you cannot figure out what that thing is. You retire to your command tent to sleep. Perhaps it will come to you in a dream.*

"Good evening Fritz."

*The sudden voice from the darkness startles you, but you control your nerves and turn around calmly and complacently, as if you had known the man was always there. You find a black robed figure sitting in the shadows in the corner of your tent. The hood of his cloak is pulled low over his face, so that you can see his chin, but little else. By instinct you reach for the dagger you always carry about your person.*

"Now, now, there's no need for that. We are all Brothers here."

*You stop moving your hand, but your palm remains resting on the hilt of your dagger. The figure stands up and moves towards you. He stops on a spot where the moonlight casts a faint glow on his dark form. He pauses for a long moment and the room grows uncomfortably silent.*

“Yes, I see the rumors are correct. You do not know who I am. You must have lost much of your past to forget me. Damn those Danes, I hope you slew the one who did this to you.”

*The figure sighs heavily.*

"I feel a sense of déjà vu at the moment. This is an... unusual duty for me to perform. Still, there is much about you that remains the same. Your actions, your motives, your personality... all remain entirely consistent with the Brother we know and trust. Yes, you are still one of us, you simply do not remember it."

*He reaches up and pulls back the hood of his cloak. Even in the dim light, it is impossible not to recognize him as Lothar Steffen, the Duke of Bavaria.*

"The Order has discussed your situation and the Grand Master has dispatched me to help you regain your memories. We have faith that you are much the same man that we welcomed into our fold so many years ago. We do not abandon any Brother when he is in need, and you are in need Fritz, whether you know it or not."

"What you have forgotten is the Divine Order of the Illuminati. We are a secret Brotherhood of likeminded men who are dedicated to ensuring the safety and prosperity of the Reich, no matter the costs."

*Lothar reaches his right hand into his left sleeve. After a few seconds, he pulls out a large piece of parchment from the enveloping fabric. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"Perhaps this will jog your memory. It is the copy of the Blood Charter I presented to you so many years ago when you were but a novice Elector and minor Franconian noble."

*You look down at the parchment. You notice a scrawl at the bottom in dark red ink, possibly even blood. It is your signature. You read the document*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

Rule 9: All Brothers may specify, in a Secret Illuminati Will, their choice of the man to take their place in the Order after they pass on. The Brotherhood will respect this choice and immediately admit that man to the Order, unless the surviving Brothers agree otherwise by a unanimous vote. As a symbol of the passing of the Cloak of Secrecy that protects the Enlightened, the deceased Brother's robes will be given to the new Brother by the Voice.

*You finish reading and look up at Lothar Steffen.*

"As you have guessed, I am the Voice of the Illuminati. I have risked much already in confronting you so openly and without our usual methods of secrecy and concealment. I do this because I trust you with my life, as I always have. As all Brothers have. Yet, my duties are to the Order first above all else. I must be sure that you truly remain one of us before I will do anything more to help you regain your memory."

"So, tell me who you are. Are you Fritz von Kastilien, a minor Franconian noble, or are your Brother Fritz of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, one of the men who truly controls the fate of the Reich?"

*This page of the History is illegible, its contents lost to history.*

*Lothar Steffen smiles broadly and claps you on the shoulder.*

"Good. GOOD! I am pleased to know that we can still depend on you as we have in the past. I will do my best to refresh your memory, though I truly believe that you should read through the Sacred History, as it is far more detailed than I can ever be."

"Generally, we believe that the Reich is superior to all other nations and peoples. We consider it our duty to guard and protect it against all enemies. Usually the Diet does a competent job of dealing with foreign foes, but it is fundamentally incapable of dealing with internal enemies. We exist to ensure that the Electors themselves do not threaten the Reich. We are willing and capable of doing anything and everything that we deem necessary to keep the Reich safe. Others may shrink at some of the measures we take, but we do what is necessary because no one else will."

"Of course, in order to accomplish much of this, we need to be powerful. We thus endeavor to place our Brothers in the most influential positions possible throughout the Reich. All Brothers benefit personally from inclusion in the Order, since improvement of our individual stations in turn serves the Reich's interests. Individual power is merely a means to an end, though, and some members have even damaged their own reputations in order to better aid the Brotherhood. I have personally made public statements and actions to discredit myself so that the plans of the Order can move forward. I have even intentionally lost an election for Chancellor. Other Brothers have given their lives in our service."

"Above all, we ensure that this is all done with the utmost secrecy. There is only one Brother who may contact the Unenlighted with regard to the affairs of the Order: the Voice, a position I hold. This is done to ensure that the identity of our members remains as secret as possible. I risk exposure by my actions, but since all communications must go through me, the other Brothers would remain anonymous even if I were a known member. Your status as a Brother has been protected in this way for many years."

"However, there are no secrets within the Brotherhood because there is no inequality amongst Brothers. Unlike in the Diet, all members are given equal status. Your opinion is valued as highly as mine. There is no influence, no inequality, in the Brotherhood. The vote of the newest member carries as much weight as that of the Grand Master himself. We are not petty or unwilling to listen to other opinions. Any Brother who disagrees with a course of action, will find that his words are taken very seriously. We support one another unconditionally because we fundamentally believe that all Brothers are worthy of deep respect and deference. Only the most intelligent and competent men are admitted to the Order, and as such we never act without thought or deliberation."

"Perhaps naming the members of the Order will help you remember more. I am, of course, the Voice of the Illuminati, and I have been since it was founded. Indeed, I was one of the two founding Brothers. The other is my very old friend, Arnold, Duke of Austria. He is the Grand Master of the Order, a position he has always held. My true blood brother, Matthias Steffen, the King of Outremer, is also a member, as is the aged and respected Crusader Karl Zirn. Two Brothers have fallen in the service to the Order, Jens Hummel and Dietrich von Dassel. They are greatly missed, but I am grooming my eldest son, Hermann Steffen, to take their place as soon as he comes of age."

"As you can see, we are a powerful group. We control two Duchies as well as Outremer. In truth, we have controlled the Reich for nearly 100 years. With the exception of Siegfried, no man in living memory has held the position of Chancellor without our approval. Indeed, Brother Matthias himself was the only two-term Chancellor in the Reich's history, a situation we arranged."

"As for the actions we have taken and the events of the past, you may ask me any questions you like and I will answer them. As I said, there are no secrets within the Order; as soon as you join us in our private council, I will provide you with a new copy of the Sacred History so that you may remember all that we have ever done in precise detail."

"Welcome home, Fritz, you have been missed."

"I am extremely interested in reviewing the Sacred History. I am certain even a rapid scan will reform many associations for me, and aid in the recovery of my memory. I will refrain from asking questions until I have a better grasp of the matters at hand, and can form intelligent questions."

"Further, I am in your debt for the risk you ran in coming here to jog my mind. I will not forget your aid in my time of need, Lothar." With this, a brief, oddly formed, but genuine smile crosses Fritz's face.

"We live in interesting times!"


I am pleased to announce that Brother Fritz von Kastilien remains as dedicated to the Order as he has always been. He suffered a blow to the head in one of his many battles with the Danes and as a consequence, he has lost much of his memory, especially concerning the Brotherhood. I have attempted to aid his recollections on general matters, but I have not yet gone into any details regarding our past actions. He is certain to have many questions for some time, so our assistance in clarifying matters will be of great use to him.

Fritz, as promised, I present you with the most recent copy of the Sacred History. It has not been updated since before the Battle of Bern and thus is missing the most recent information. However, it is still a very useful tome. The most pertinent topics we are discussing at the moment are the following:

1) The Grand Master will be running for Chancellor in 1340. We are working on the proper methods to ensure he is elected.
2) After many years of trying, we have secured a Brother as King of Outremer. We are determining how best to keep hold of that position
from now on.
3) We are discussing further recruitment. Your return has completed part of that matter, but there are many new faces in the Diet and we have discussed whether further expansion of the Order is desired, and if so who would be a good candidate.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you have. We will all be more than happy to help aid you in recovering your memory.


Having just returned my memory to the fold, thanks to Lothar, I do have a bit of information to share. The Kaiser sent me a letter regarding my proclamation indicating he sees in it only it's minor purpose, his humiliation. If my taunting him is counterproductive or if anyone thinks I am overplaying my hand I can certainly still back down. I am also available to make a false run at Chancellor if such a thing would benefit the order or aid the Grand Master's election. I will reproduce herein both the letters I sent Elberhard regarding his protestation of the document, and the one he sent me in reply, the oldest is first and the newest last:


If we're to trade disaster stories regarding the treatment of our wards I wonder whose will come out on top? How many citizens of the Reich were placed under Greek control and taxed to support the armies that exterminated Rome? You may not have been in direct control of those decisions, but you supported and aided them to tragic consequences for Germans everywhere.

I erred at Stettin. I ruined the County. I will not dispute what is obvious to even the simplest of minds, but it should similarly be obvious from the recapture of Hamburg and the signing of the ceasefire that I learned from my error. Can you say the same? Why do you even still oppose a document that seeks to put the unification issue permanently to bed?

I am a pious man as well and so I accept your apology, halfhearted and wormily worded as it is. If you do not trouble me and mine, then no trouble need stand between us, I assure you.

As to the Diet? I would be pleased to accept a ban if it meant redressing or preventing another ill considered action from the leadership of that body.

Fortune favor you on the journey north, my Kaiser,

Fritz von Kastilien


We are what we are. I can no more "watch my words" than you can give thought to the implications of your absurd proclamation or, it would seem, your present threats against me.
If you regard yourself as insulted, then you might reflect on what prompted the insult - specifically your appalling treatment of your own charges in Stettin. Do not brag to me of your trading the settlement to the enemy or bemoan it's loss. I care not for your crocodile tears. Or do you wish to sack it for a third time?

However, I am a pious man and my faith requires me to consider the possibility that you have changed. If you regret your past actions at Stettin, then let me be the first to congratulate you on your change of heart. And let me sincerely apologise to you for my slur on your reformed character.

But if not, I do not wish to bandy words with an unrepentant villain. You are welcome to Diet in the spirit of reconciliation. However, I have banned you once before from the Diet and I will not hesitate to do so again if you attempt to deliver the "trouble" for me that you have just promised.

Kaiser Elberhard

I am puzzled by your interpretation of my Proclamation as it is so substantially at odds with my own written explanation of it's possible benefits. I wish to assure you personally that I took no thought whatever of you or your possible reaction to the document in drawing it up. It is not aimed at you, or at undermining your authority, though I certainly understand you must guard what of that precious resource remains to you.

I am further reliably informed that you leveled some inspired invective at my name in the company of my southerly peers. Surely it is unseemly for an Emperor to squabble publicly with a mere Count, and one who sacrificed his County to win a ceasefire and so may not even be a Count any longer. In any case, as I informed my Duke, so I inform you; I will not tolerate being insulted. Have a care with your words or you will unnecessarily create far more trouble than you imagine my document to be causing.

As a final explication of my Proclamation, while it may seem obvious to us that Reunification could never again be proposed, it similarly seemed obvious to many of us that it should never have been proposed from the start. Clearly our enemies in the 'Catholic Alliance' have taken the issue of reunification and built armies on it. If my proclamation takes even a little support from them, if it dissuades even a handful of enemy nobles from sending their retainers against a supposed threat to their very religion, well, then I will guarantee the ultimate victory of the Reich over this alliance solely on that basis.

Surely such a victory is worth the pinprick it may offer against your worthy ego.

Good day, my Kaiser, and I look forward to seeing you in person at Nuremburg.

Fritz von Kastilien


Fritz welcome back into the fold!!

I am wary of the Kaiser...his balls are growing daily and he is becoming less tolerant by the month.

It is essential that both Karl and now Fritz keep as much distance from the four of us as possible. In that regard I would therefore prefer if Fritz reconciled with the Kaiser and possibly make a run at the Chancellor position to keep distance from the rest of us.

Please also know that no sooner had that new runt von Hapsburg presented himself to me than he asked for my support in him running for Chancellor...

Suffice to say he changed his tune once I outlined that I would be running. His power play now is to get Eue's hand in marriage and become the first Austrian Kaiser...the boy's on another @#$%ing planet!!

At this time a 7th member should be approached by the end of the next Diet in my mind. Keep your minds conscious of who that could be.

Grand Master.

Very well gentlemen, barring further objections I will prepare myself for a run at Chancellor. I don't believe it will be necessary to sabotage my campaign in any way to make it fail; not to put too fine a point on it I have given my opponents all the ammunition they need via my failures at Stettin. Once this becomes obvious I can throw my support to Duke Arnold or simply withdraw.

Now, there must be an issue on which I oppose the Grand Master which is polarizing and not emphasized by our other opponents, so as to throw votes his way. I have, before recovering myself, already set myself in support of Outremer, so that likely will not do.

Obviously a Danish offensive is dear to my heart, and Arnold can legitimately say that's going in the wrong direction with the Byzantines our main enemy to the south.
Any broader issues we could disagree on?

For now I will work on reconciliation with the Kaiser. It would help my cause if word reached him from, ahem, other mouths regarding my run for Chancellor. Perhaps that new Crusader, von Salzgitter? Or I could simply tip Duke von Salza and Ruppel.

Good day,

Fritz von Kastilien

I believe I have hit upon precisely the leverage and divisive issue we need to make Fritz's campaign truly aid the Grand Master. Dieter von Kassel.

He is close to the Emperor, he is in an isolated, vulnerable, and expensive position at Palermo of little use to the larger Reich, and luckily he is Franconian. If Duke Arnold were to come out opposed to letting him remain there I could argue the other way, after all he is from Franconia. After it becomes clear that I am not going to win I could concede to Duke Arnold in exchange for the Duke agreeing to supply von Kassel and not order him home.

This has the added benefit of making Elberhard look more kindly on me. We will never be friends, but we may become allies in his thoughts. With this in mind I intend to send von Kassel a letter of congratulations and applaud his bold thinking, laying the groundwork as it were.

Grand Master, if I could propose, you could even add a generic statement to your speech about small sacrifices winning great victories, right around when you mentioned rearranging the economy and reorganizing the armies. It would be a good talking point to raise later when you bring up Palermo. It's important for my support of Palermo to be reactive, however, rather then presumptive, so that I appear to be latching on to any disagreement between us to score points.

Fritz von Kastilien

Elberhard has rejected my attempt at reconciliation. I am not overly surprised, but I have tried to leave the door open for future discussions. I felt that if I pushed too hard on this issue it would become obvious I was acting from outside influence. The publication of the anti-Unification document has now gone forward too far to be stopped. If nothing else it should prove quite embarrassing for the Kaiser.

I will approach Elberhard again when I announce my run for Chancellor. I have attempted to set the stage for a compromise between us on the Palermo matter, but I am uncertain if he has grasped the idea.

I have begun work on my speech. I will hit some of the same notes as the Grand Master, with a few characteristic differences to try to drive the electors to sort themselves out. I will send along a copy of the work in progress soon.

Fritz von Kastilien


Fritz, excellent work. My speech is finished and lies with the Diet Speaker.

Grand Master

Grand Master, brothers, I have attempted in my speaking to the Diet to leave ample openings for dispute if they should be necessary. As things are currently evolving I believe that if Duke Arnold were to present his economic plan first that this alone would win him substantial support, as I could then present something very similar, perhaps so similar as to look like bowing to the Duke's wisdom. It may not, at that point, be necessary to open the dispute over Palermo at all, though that tactic may still serve some purpose with the Kaiser.

To wit, I have examined the economic situation have a series of measure I believe will be both successful and widely accepted:

1. Disband the immense fleets which carried Elberhard home, and disband all but a select few of the ships at Palermo. Over eight thousand florins are required just to keep those vessels afloat for a single two year per year.

2. The sale of the non-gunpowder siege works at Acre, Antwerp, and Palermo. These weapons are outmoded in the modern age and this would immediately raise over six thousand florins. Ballista makers at Zagreb, Genoa, and Nuremburg would raise the total to nearly nine thousand florins.

3. Switching merchants from mid-level goods to high level goods, for example moving the far east merchants in Turkish lands from marble onto silk will double their income.

4. Prioritized repair of economic buildings throughout the Reich, notably the merchant bank at Bern and the warehouse at Hamburg.

5. Raising taxes across the Reich as high as seems tolerable, accompanied by a plea for aid and understand of the locals. Better a little higher taxes than exterminated like Rome, yes?

I believe I have deeply investigated the consequences of these actions and they are all in the best interests of the Reich. In particular phasing out the old system of siege works provides an immediate influx of funds to raise troops and deal with the remaining trouble spots around our homelands, while disbanding the fleets is a critically necessary move. Half of our expected debt is tied down in those ships. These reforms can demonstrate an adequate base upon which to build future economic success.

Fritz von Kastilien


Fritz's suggestions are excellent. I also advocate getting rid of many of
the ships so I don't have to deal with an influx of Crusaders. Outremer
can't handle them at the moment.

Let me ask something, if no other candidates enter the race, how do we
withdraw Fritz's nomination without raising suspicion? Do we want to
withdraw his nomination? The losing candidate would almost be an automatic
winner in 1360.

Is there any other legislation we should be pursuing?



Apologies for not speaking in the Diet as of yet. In truth, these past few years have been very tiring for me and the Diet appears to be a time for some much needed rest. As such, I have been neglecting debate. If there is anything I should be saying, please let me know so that I can do whatever I must to aid the Order.

I am amused that we have two Brothers running in 'opposition' to each other in the Diet. It is such an absurdly useful tactic that it almost feels unfair to our enemies. Almost. I do not believe Fritz should withdraw his candidacy at any point. Indeed, I think he should attempt to win all the way to the end. That would allow him to remain a prominent political figure, which would be useful in the future. It seems that in this situation, the worst that can happen is that a Brother is elected Chancellor. That is the best 'negative' option I have ever seen. I am even considering telling my Counts that they should vote for whomever they wish to, while also telling them that I am casting my vote for Arnold. I think this may give me some 'credit' for being a more lenient Duke, and would be useful in keeping my Electors loyal and subservient. If any of you see a problem with that, please let me know and I will order them all to vote for Arnold.



Incredible that no one else has nominated themselves.

Fritz, unless someone else runs then you should stand against me to the end. I'm fairly certain I will come out victorious and if I don't...well then you will be Chancellor.

Lothar, I would definitely allow your Counts free choice in the election in its current status.

Fritz, your economic suggestions are perfect.

I am certainly concerned with the deficit and these recommendations will resolve them.

Keep in my Brothers that there could be a number of "Illegal" armies out in the field in this first part of the recovery process. They might have to be disbanded also.

I will now re-enter the Diet and begin to address some of the issues at hand.

Grand Master.


It seems that Fritz is doing a good job of running a competent campaign while alienating just the right amount of people to ensure defeat. We do not want a repeat of my "victory" over Lothar when I crushed him, too obvious.

I will vote for Arnold. I have recommended that Andreas vote for Arnold, but I have left it up to him. With Austria and Outremer behind him, if Arnold splits the vote in the other Duchies, on average, I think he will be victorious. Also I don't see Elberhard voting for Fritz, perhaps he'll abstain. It would be amusing if he voted for Arnold.

What information do the rest of you have? I wouldn't mind having a better idea of how the election will go in case we need to nudge it a bit.


Believe me, Brothers, it is a great pleasure to alienate some of these electors. I am particularly pleased with Elberhard's constant petty sniping at me. I can see that it distracts him from the larger issues. I do not believe the Grand Master can lose at this point, but I would still urge you to get an economic proposal along the lines of the one I proposed, with your own touches and tweaks of course, out. I believe showing that you have a plan to immediately bring the Reich out of debt should win you overwhelming support and prevent any late comers from having a chance.

If the Kaiser ties his ship to young von Hapsburg it can only benefit us. Hapsburg is a fool, and every time he opens his mouth in the Diet he makes a new enemy.

The campaign is proceeding extremely well and the outcome does not seem in doubt. Past experience has taught me, however, to take nothing for granted. Lock this election down now and let come what may.

Fritz von Kastilien


There is rumor that von Hapsburg from the Austrian House has shown interest to Kaiser's daughter. He has some grand schemes of Swabian lands. Once the Diet Session is over I will approach the Kaiser on the subject of Johann becoming a suitable suitor for the Princess. I think he may give it considerable thought.



With Karl firmly not identified as a member of the Order and Karl's impeccable history then I firmly believe this should be done.

While Hapsburg is Austria he is a complete maniac and I'm glad he is right under my nose for a better ability to observe the lunatic in action.

He must not get the princesses hand in marriage.

Karl do all you can, because if you succeed then we will have potentially gained access to the Royal family at long last.

Grand Master.

Fritz is doing a good job. I'm surprised that no one else is running against me...even though Fritz is, I was expecting others. Given this type of response I'm thinking of doing a Matthias and pitching my hat in the ring for a second term already. Maybe all six of us should run next term...that would actually be a good idea.

By causing total chaos we would then be able to control it through our combined candidacies.

I'm eerily unconcerned if I lose...I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not...this whole process seems to be lacking a certain edge.

Grand Master.


There is no reason to be concerned. As usual, we are in control of all possible options, thus making our dominance guaranteed. We know that our skills are more than sufficient to save the Reich, even in these dark times. Historians will look back on these times with praise. The cataclysmic events of the past few decades will be seen as a moment of discord between two periods of harmony and prosperity. Harmony when the Order gained control of the Reich, then a moment of discord that occurred when the Order was removed from power, followed by a return to prosperity with the resumption of Illuminati rule.

We are truly the light in the darkness. We must always prevail for the good of the Reich.



Lothar's view of our history is very clear when taken from a perspective of some distance.

I will certainly use your economic outline from before Fritz. I will change it slightly and present it soon.

As I mentioned hopefully Karl will succeed and gain the hand of Eue. I have not given any thought to Elberhard taking the position for himself. As he came to power in the Crisis then I believe this is his only chance to take the position uncontested. With this in mind I'm concerned he is so quiet also.


Kaiser Elberhard has already used his prerogative to assume the Chancellorship, when Siegfried was slain in 1308. Here is a part of his speech to the Diet:

"I am exercising my prerogative to rule as Chancellor. I know my authority here is no greater than a whore's virtue, so you will not have to suffer me for long. I will not serve a full term as Chancellor, but instead I will step down in 1320. I will use my short time as Chancellor to continue Siegfried's work towards re-unification. As I have promised before, re-unification will not take place without the consent of this Diet. However, if King Jan agrees, I will honour Siegfried's promise to Emperor Isaac to gift Outremer."

He cannot swoop in and take the position. The Chancellorship will be back where it belongs, in our hands.

As for his silence, his authority is weak, he would only lose more by speaking.



Apologies for not consulting you before I spoke in the Diet. I wish explain some of my comments so that they do not alarm you. My tactic in general is to fall back on my former position as a critical and unpopular man. That has served us well in the past and I think it will do so in the future. I have no plans to ever run for Chancellor, so my comments cannot hurt my political station. Furthermore, by resuming my 'anti-Outremer' position, I may be able to drive some doubt into those who believe that Matthias is a member of the Order. If my brother and I were to clash on this issue, people may believe that they were wrong in assuming that he is a Brother.

To be clear in private, I see value in Outremer, especially at the current time. Matthias must receive sufficient support to regain lost ground in the East. Doing so will increase his prestige and political clout, which is necessary if he is to keep the title beyond this term. My statements were simply designed to revive one of our old 'fake' rivalries and the issue of the Duchies vs. Outremer. Such political divisions have always been useful to us, and I think this one can be again in the future, if properly nurtured.



As soon as Lothar made his entrance I understood his approach. I have always enjoyed playing at the "Fighting Steffens" and will resume our feud. Though I will do so less theatrically than you, Lothar. Keep to my part and all.

Though we can't take it to far, people will wonder why you do not strip me of Milan. . .oh wait I am the son of a Duke. You've thought of that too no doubt.

Let us remember, however, that we have this election sewn up, so let's not go to overboard. Plant the seeds but let them have time to grow.



I agree completely. I do not believe we should become opponents as we were before. Instead, I believe we should try to find a way to be viewed as brothers who are loyal to each other, but who have irreconcilable differences when it comes to the politics of Outremer. Unlike before, we should both remain polite and civil in our 'arguments,' but make it clear whenever possible that we are not of a like-mind. Outright hostility is pointless and would likely seem false given our previous 'reconciliation.' My hope is that by seeming to be on opposite sides of a major political issue, we can prevent any of the new Electors from believing that Matthias is involved in any of my 'skullduggery.' It may not be sufficient to fool men like Elberhard, but hopefully his suspicions will not be passed on to future generations.



Am I alienating everyone with my statements in the Tavern? I concluded long ago that Peter and Athalwolf were lost to me, so that is not a concern. I am still hoping to win a positive reaction from the general public, especially the new Electors, by showing my fellow Dukes to be duplicitous liars. I truly am being honest in my statements; is that not coming through?



You have damaged the reputations of two Dukes, those who blindly support them will resent you. Those who are indifferent might be influenced by this new information. I don't think you have alienated everyone, you have just sharpened opinions on all sides. You made the point that most of the powerful figures in the Reich have secrets, not just those who wear black robes.

Personally, I feel you've wiped the tavern floor with them, but I am biased.

Some might begin to wonder, however, that if you have so many letters saved, why was your "evidence" lost in Florence?



I have an easy answer for that: my personal communications take up little room and are immensely important to me for sentimental reasons. I keep them with me at all times. The evidence regarding Siegfried's assassination was voluminous in nature, far too large to be easily transported, and in truth most of it was dead boring. In any case, I believed that the issue was settled and that the truth had been revealed. It never occurred to me that I should move those papers to someplace other than my own capital city. At the time of the Byzantine march on the city, I was more concerned with evacuating my army before it was destroyed than in preserving any of my personal property that was not already loaded and ready to leave.

At least, that is what I shall say. Since the Milanese nobles I strung up were, of course, entirely innocent, that entire excuse is pure hogswash.



Lothar, you've systematically annihilated them in regards to the argument in the tavern.

You are well within your rights to go at them given the provocation you have been subjected to.

At this time I would let it lie. There is nothing more to say because the comprehensive thrashing you have given them is total. Let me shield any further attempts at provoking you and retire for the moment.

Peter's last comment in the Tavern was a disgrace and should be the transition to me providing a shielding mechanism.

Your handling of the entire affair and the convictions you have shown are clear for all to see and I doubt anyone can argue against your point of view unless it is simply for holding an alternative view. I must say your ability to explain your actions with regards to the civil war are honest and very well thought out and more importantly completely understandable on an intellectual level. No one could fault you on that.

Grand Master.


I would like to be clear about things.

If I win, this Chancellorship will be a consultative process. With the six of us involved I hope we can do a good job of managing the Reich.

Please keep this in mind when you have thoughts or concerns.

Grand Master.

Ahh, it was a sweet moment when I was able to watch Kaiser Elberhard dance on my strings and vote for the Grand Master for Chancellor. The man not only lacks any authority, skill, or intelligence, he is as easily driven as a cow! It will be especially sweet if I can, in the next election, convince him to vote for me, presuming I may again play the stalking horse.

In other matters voting progresses well on the measures we would support I think.

I believe we could create an anti-Illuminati order of our own under Zirn's son and recruit all of our opponents into it. Better to take the initiative that wait for that fool Elberhard to create something effective.

I confess I am quite concerned about the Danish armies north of Arhus. One of them is reputed to be the most experienced and well equipped force in their entire army and I fear it means to drive into Franconia. Having reviewed Peter's requests I would suggest that because he cannot move past Madgeburg to go north you keep our two armies in close proximity moving towards Hamburg, ready to support one another.

The economic measure we've come up with should get our nation back on a positive footing very quickly. I am quite certain under the leadership of the Grand Master the Reich will advance and drive back our enemies!

Fritz von Kastilien

04-06-2008, 21:02
Chapter XXIII: Sons of the Shadow


A very interesting proposal that will be followed up on but a slow pace. I don't want to show our hand to early. After the election I will contact the Kaiser and the possibility of Johann being a suitor for his daughter. I would like to see what kind of reception I get from him and take things from there. If he is not interested then I will take another approach to secure his confidence. Other then the Prince I see no power base for him at the moment and I feel he may be focused on returning Rome into the fold.



Peter von Kastilien recently disclosed in the Tavern that Kaiser Elberhard released him from prison only after he agreed to try and infiltrate the Order. While we have suspected our enemies would attempt this kind of thing, this is the first solid evidence of it. I do not think that they will give up their attempts, as we would not if we were in a similar position. Therefore, we must be extremely cautious about further recruitment. I think that anyone who actively approaches us and requests membership must be assumed to be an infiltrator.

Furthermore, I see a major opportunity in our enemies' tactics. If they are attempting to infiltrate us, and if they believe that Karl Zirn is a friend of their cause, perhaps they will attempt to use his son, Johann, to gain access to the Order. I believe that we should encourage this in whatever way we can. If they believe that Johann is working for them as a spy within the Order, we will be able to feed them endless amounts of false information. So long as we include sufficient truth to make it plausible, we can entirely deceive our enemies as to our membership, our objectives, and our history. For instance, Arnold and I are heavily expected of being members, and they must also expect that my son Hermann will become a Brother as well. If Johann were to tell them that the Order consisted of Arnold, myself, and Hermann, along with a fourth member chosen from an list of the plausible Unenlightened, perhaps Elector von Hapsburg, then they would certainly believe that information. It would not harm the three of us who have already been identified, but it would clear Matthias' name, as well as any suspicions that may hang over Fritz. We could use similar tactics to spread false information about our past activities and future plans.

If we could achieve this, it would be a decisive and fatal blow to their attempts to destroy us.



Lothar your plan is sound. Unfortunately we must approach this from a passive point of view. Karl Zirn and Johann are our best chance of this happening but they can not proactively attempt this or that will give the game away.

If would could achieve this then it would secure our influence for a long time to come.

Grand Master.


I agree, we must wait and hope that Karl or Johann are approached about this by Elberhard and his minions, they must not actively seek it out. The best they can do is continue to befriend that faction, as has been our plan for many years.


Nuremburg, 1344

It was only early evening in the temporary Imperial capital, but the sky was already pitch black due to the torrential downpour falling everywhere. The only sources of illumination were the meager candles in various windows and the occasional streak of lightning across the sky.

Despite the terrible weather, Herrmann Steffen was outside, attempting to practice swordplay with his weapons master Gebhard, who had insisted upon dragging his charge out into the rain and thunder to keep with their daily schedule.

"Gebhard, I fail to see the point in any of this tonight," Herrmann said. "Christ, I can barely even see you!"

"All the better," the slightly insane weapons master replied. "You must learn to fight in all elem -crack!- elements! You think, if you get into a swordfight with the Byzantine Emperor, he's going to call it off because of rain? Hell no! You must learn to fight like this, so that some damn weather will never be an excuse to be at a disadvantage!"


"Silence! We begin! En garde!" The weapons master raised his sword, but at entirely the wrong time, for when it was at its highest point a flash of lightning descended upon the sword, striking it and leaving Gebhard motionless on the ground.

Herrmann looked at his weapons master, the sky, and then at his weapons master again. "*#%!" he said, although nobody heard him due to a blast of thunder going off at the exact same moment. Herrmann began to drag the body indoors, but stopped halfway through when he saw it.

A figure, cloaked, was walking straight for him, a figure that was at once the darkest shape in the city but had a strange, illuminating glow emanating from itself. Transfixed, Herrmann could only stare as the figure drew closer and closer until they were staring at each other's face, and then the other figure pulled off its hood. Herrmann gasped.

The cloaked figure was his father, Lothar Steffen. But that was impossible, he was supposed to be in Italy, besieging Milan.

"F-Father?" Herrmann stammered. "What in blazes are you doing here? It is you, right?"

"It is me, Herrmann. I've come north in secret to speak to you about an urgent matter."

Lothar knelt and felt for a pulse at Gebhard's neck.

"Weapon masters, more trouble than they're worth, help me move him to a dry place."

Father and son dragged the man into the nearby forge. Looking around, Lothar spoke again, "No one's about, we need to talk."

In a different situation, Herrmann would have made a joke about women, but judging by the expression on his father's face (and the clothes he was wearing, for that matter), now was not the time. Seriously, he asked, "Talk about what?"

"I don't have much time, I must get back to Milan, but the situation is dangerous and there is something I must take care of in case the assault does not go well."

Lothar stared at Herrmann, his stern gaze a mix of pride and appraisal.

"Tell me, Herrmann, what do you think of the latest Emergency Session? Is the Diet capable of leading the Reich back to greatness? Is the Kaiser? What of the Prinz?"

After a moment's pause, Herrmann said "Do you want my honest response?"

Lothar silently nodded.

"Well," he took a deep breath, "From what I've seen, no. Von Essen is a pompous blowhard. Fritz von Kastilien is more concerned about getting his digs at the Kaiser in than anything else. The older crowd is still fighting political battles from a generation ago instead of kicking the crap out of our neighbors. Procedure rules above all else. This damn silly Emergency Session. Edmund Becker demanding to lead the relief force on Prague just because it's his County, never mind that Lorenz Zirn is already in position and now must be shuttled down to Vienna, this of course disrupting my plan for Knighthood as well. Uncle Matthias is a good fighter but wastes his Charter Amendment on some procedural point regarding his title. Uncle Arnold would be good at it, but of course he's down with whatever he's got, so of course the leadership passes down to Elberhard, who's determined to do what he thinks is right, nevermind that it's totally against what the rest of the Reich thinks and probably got us knee-deep in the Cataclysm and couldn't even pass gas without the Diet's approval. And then there's the Prinz. Haven't seen much of him, but if Elberhard named him Prinz after jailing the guy then some kind of deal had to be cut, meaning he's probably compromised his values somewhere on the line... WHEW!" Herrmann took another breath, and then looked up at his father.


Lothar ignored his son's jab and spoke again.

"So if what you say is true, no man or ruler has the will, the organization or the strength to rebuild the Reich. You are a young man Herrmann, you are my son, but as yet you have little power to shape events, but that time may come. Let me ask another question."

A flash of lightning illuminated Lothar's features, putting them in stark contrast with his black robes. He leaned in, his gaze boring into Herrmann's eyes.

"Knowing that the Reich is in danger, that the Diet and Kaiser are weak, will you take control of your destiny and seize what is rightfully yours, or will you let power slip through your grasp, keeping only what is bestowed on you by the fickle whims of others?"

"I don't quite understand what you're getting at..."

Lothar sighed, still staring at his son intently. "It is very simple, Herrmann. You are a Steffen, but you can be so much more. Do you want to take control of events or do you want to let them take control of you?"

Herrmann paused. It was a weighted question, that much he knew. Considering his father had sneaked away from Milan to visit him in the pouring rain to ask him this, Lothar had to consider it important.

But really, was it a weighted question? Of course he wanted control of his own destiny. Of course he wanted power. What idiot would say no to that? With that in mind, Herrmann looked at his father right back in the eyes and answered with a serious "absolutely."

Lothar looked at him for a minute, and then stepped back. "So be it, Herrmann. I am not just your father or the Duke of Bavaria. I am the Voice of the Illuminati. Before I begin, there is one thing I must make absolutely clear. We value our secrecy above all else, and the true names of our members are the greatest secret we keep. No one outside the Order is ever permitted to know the identity of the Brothers. As Voice, I am the only means of communication between the Illuminati and the Unenlightened. Do not ask the names of other members."

Lothar paused.

"I am here to determine whether you are worthy of becoming one of the Brotherhood, or whether you will forever remain one of the Unenlightened."

He put his hand on Herrmann's shoulder.

"You must consider your responses very carefully. Once you join the Illuminati, you can never leave. Though you are not yet one of us, you now know my identity. You can no longer reverse your course without consequences. This is a commitment for life. Your bond with the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another. You are my son and my blood, but I have other kin now. They are a family that does not tolerate betrayal."

Lothar's hand tightened on his son's shoulder.

"Knowing this, would you like to hear more?"

"Of course, Father," Herrmann said.

"We exist to protect the Reich from all who would harm it. The Imperial and Household Armies struggle to confront our foreign enemies, but also what of those who imperil the Reich from within? The Diet cannot be trusted with such a responsibility, for every Elector is self-serving and every House seeks power for its own sake. You have not been in the Diet for long, but surely you have already seen how they squabble over rank and influence, raise pointless legal objections that tie up time and resources. Some may justify their actions with chivalry or law, but that does not make their exploitations any less damaging."

"There have been many occasions in our history when following the letter of the law has led to disaster and ruin. Kaiser Siegfried and then Kaiser Elberhard were within the law when they gave half the Reich away. It was the letter of the law that allowed Kaiser Heinrich to assault the Papacy, resulting in excommunication and hardship for the entire Reich. Entire Diet Sessions have been filled with debate over legal minutiae while our cities burned.

"The Charter was written by men and, like those men, it is fallible. We believe it is our duty to do what is best for the Reich, even when those actions would be forbidden by law. Indeed, we risk our own lives and well-being to ensure that the proper course is followed, no matter the consequences.

"Ask yourself, would it better to obey the law and let innocent women and children die, or to use bribery and blackmail to ensure their safety? Blind obedience to law can do as much evil as it can do good. The true and honest act is that which achieves the greatest good for the Reich, not that which is most legally sound. This is our purpose, this is our duty. If Electors pursue courses of action that injure the Reich, we oppose them. If the law itself endangers the security and prosperity of the Reich, we simply ignore it. The first Roman Empire fell because of corruption from within, ours nearly did for the same reason. We exist to ensure that it will never happen again.

"Of course, none of this can be accomplished without strength. Therefore we also are committed to ensuring that all Brothers achieve significant power and station. As they grow in rank and influence, so do we grow as a whole. No man is forgotten or overlooked in the Order. Indeed, we control an unprecedented amount of influence. A few suspect that we exist, but little do they know our true power, that our shadow falls over the entire Reich. There is no greater ally, and no more dreadful an enemy, than the Divine Order of the Illuminati.

"I have much more to say but, as I stated, this meeting is to determine whether you are worthy of being one of us. So, speak, Herrmann Steffen. Ask your questions, tell me your thoughts on what I have said, and then we will proceed further."

"I have no questions, Father," Herrmann said, as if he had gone through the process before. "What you have said so far is perfectly clear and I agree with it all. I am ready to take the next step."

"Excellent," said Lothar as if he knew what the answer would be, "There is one formality left. Read the Charter of our Order and sign it, and you will be a member of the Illuminati."

With a flourish, a parchment and quill were produced from the depths of his robes and presented to Herrmann.

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.
As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.
Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.
Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.
Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.
Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.
Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.
Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.
Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.
Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.
Rule 9: All Brothers may specify, in a Secret Illuminati Will, their choice of the man to take their place in the Order after they pass on. The Brotherhood will respect this choice and immediately admit that man to the Order, unless the surviving Brothers agree otherwise by a unanimous vote. As a symbol of the passing of the Cloak of Secrecy that protects the Enlightened, the deceased Brother's robes will be given to the new Brother by the Voice.

Herrmann read the Charter over twice, nodded, and signed it, passing it back to his father.

"Excellent," Lothar said, quickly making everything disappear in his robes. "You are my son, but you are also my Brother. In public you will of course appear subordinate to your Father and Duke, but in the secret Illuminati meeting chambers this will not be the case. All Brothers are equal in all things, unless there is an official dispute in which case the Grand Master has slightly more authority."

"Ah, about that," Herrmann said. "Now that I'm initiated-"

"Duke Arnold is Grand Master," Lothar said, cutting him off. "You're not surprised, are you? Yes, the two of us founded it together many years ago, when we were your age. I hope our other members are a bit more secret. Your other Brothers are Fritz von Kastilien of Franconia, Karl Zirn of Austria, and your Uncle Matthias. I-"

"Uncle Matthias is a Brother?" Now it was Herrmann's turn to cut his father off. "But you two hate each other!"

"An impression we have worked hard at to keep over the years," said Lothar. "You will find that false appearances and deception have accounted for much of our past success. As a matter of fact," -Lothar reached into his robes again- "You can read about it." He pulled out a heavy tome.

"Now that you are an Illuminatus, you have full access to our entire Sacred History. It details our rise, quest for power, and various highs and lows along the way. Treat it better than its past two masters, as it took much work to retrieve this book after their deaths."

Now Herrmann was intrigued. "Who were they, Father?"

"Read the History and find out. I must be getting back to Milan before they miss me." He turned toward the door, took a couple of steps, and turned back to face his son.

"Remember Herrmann, you are a member of the Illuminati now. That comes before all else - even Unenlightened friends or family." Herrmann nodded, but then both men looked down; the weapons master was stirring.

In a flourish, Lothar whipped inside his robes, took out a dagger, and jammed it into Gebhard's throat, causing the poor weapons master about a minute of pain before finally falling silent. Satisfied, Lothar took out the dagger, cleaned it, and placed it back inside his robes.

"He may have heard everything," Lothar said to a shocked Herrmann. "Secrecy and security trump all else. Good evening, Herrmann."

"Good evening, Father. Good luck at Milan," Herrmann managed to get out, Sacred History in hand, still staring at the bloody corpse of his former weapons master.


First of all, let me say that I am honored to be a part of this hallowed group. Father, thank you for including me, I look forward to assisting in this organization's goal to better the Reich.

Having familiarized myself with the History, there was once a plan to get Johann Zirn into Elberhard's inner circle, to use him as a double agent, and to possibly marry his daughter Eue, am I correct? Unfortunately, with his recent death and the ascension of the childless Peter von Kastilien to the throne, all of this plan is thrown out of whack. Of course, a longtime enemy is gone, but our machinations were for naught.

I took the liberty of introducing myself to Kaiser Peter and swearing fealty to him, saying that, should I ever become Duke of Bavaria he could count on my support for his endeavors. Father, I even came close to denouncing you, which hopefully will resonate with him, considering the man hates you right now. If all goes well, the Kaiser will trust me for a long time, and perhaps the opportunity will come where I can feed him false information about us.



This is an annoyance. We have exchanged a powerless, hostile Kaiser for a strong, hostile Kaiser. This will certainly make matters more difficult for us in the Diet. On the bright side, this has also resulted in a change in leadership in Franconia. I do not know who will succeed Peter as Duke of Franconia, but none of the candidates will oppose us as heavily as Peter. At least in that area we will gain.



It does not take long for news to travel I was anticipating hearing from my brothers. Plans have changed again I sometimes wonder who are real enemy is??

I am neutral to Peter and am not sure how he what action he will take. Hopefully Fritz will be able to gain some confidence to an inner circle. At least we have the Chancellery and sit on the sidelines and wait to see what Peter's first moves will be. The situation of Prince is most distressing I know nothing of this young man chosen as heir. Welcome young Steffen the old guard is changing. My only advice at this point is see what our Kaiser's priorities are before we make any reaction.


Brothers you may rest assured that I will assert all my influence to guide Kaiser Peter to make the decisions we wish for the Reich. Dieter Bresch is the new Duke of Franconia, and I should have reasonable influence with him as well, having rescued him from Madgeburg not so long ago. Indeed, the situation in Franconia is looking up to my mind with Arhus so recently captured.

A detail which may be of some use, but which I hesitate to mention nonetheless: My brother is not a religious man, though he may go along with others in his expressions of faith. I do not believe Kaiser Peter will be half so useless as Elberhard was, at least now foreigners will think twice before dismissing us from the diplomacy table and our captains will not be so ready to sign away our armies.

This does, however, lock me away from the role of antagonist that I have played with Elberhard. By keeping his thoughts ever on me I believe I may have neutralized some the former Kaiser's attention to the order; indeed the man voted for the Grand Master surely in the main to oppose me. I cannot act in this manner with my brother, it would be vacantly obvious and inconsistent.

I believe our goal for now must be to find some resolution to the difficulties in Swabia. Duke von Salza appears increasingly ineffective, and the French are rapidly moving into range to strike the heart of the Reich. Perhaps Kaiser Peter could be pushed in the direction of taking an Imperial army there to shore up the defenses. This would grant de facto control of the Imperial army in Italy to Duke Steffen, as Peter would see that it cannot be withdrawn from that front without creating a critical weakness. Perhaps we could also encourage Peter to issue orders to von Bohmen at Bruges to launch a counter attack behind the main French lines to his south. Paris appears exposed, and surely the English will be looking to reclaim Caen. If nothing else this should cause the French to rethink their offensive, and perhaps fill the coffers.

Thoughts brothers?

Fritz von Kastilien


Fritz's thoughts are accurate in my mind and a good plan to pursue. I do believe that Peter has the potential to be a very good Kaiser for the Reich. The main problem with him is that he hates the Order with a passion. So far he has directed all of this hatred towards me personally. I think we should do all we can to ensure that this hatred does not spread to other Brothers, as it will vastly hinder our efforts. As long as I am the only person to be targeted by the Kaiser's wrath, I believe we can operate as normal by simply having me play less of a roll in the Order's political moves. If the opportunity presents itself, perhaps I could even take a position contrary to our true desires in the hope that my support for that stance will push Peter in the direction we want him to go.

Regardless, we must work to ensure that Peter's wrath is directed towards Bavaria alone. My 'taint' may well be passed on to Herrmann whether we like it or not, but so long as it does not spread any further, we can survive and even prosper.



So far Peter's response is encouraging:

My young Herrmann,

It is true that I have not kept close relations with your father. That incident in the tavern a few years ago was less than cordial.

I hope to bury the hatchet and start anew as well. I accept your oath of fealty.

Péter von Kastilien

If the rest of us distance ourselves from Lothar, and if the Grand Master heals and continues a successful Chancellorship, we could make it seem that Father's power base has collapsed.


Brothers I have just had a most disturbing letter from Kaiser Peter. I quote it here in it's entirety:

My only motive in going to Italy is not the reconquest of Imperial lands, but also to further investigate the death of our brother. If Elberhard was correct, the murder was orchestrated by Lothar, Matthias, Arnold, and the late Dietrich von Dassel. In Florence I may find more knowledge.

I have replied in some haste, but with a few attempts to divert his aim:

I have heard this rumor before, but I have not seen evidence to back it up. If you can discover such evidence those men must and will be put to death for their involvement, but it seems outrageous beyond belief. Viceroy Matthias? And the Chancellor? It will be difficult for you to reach Florence if the Chancellor himself opposes you.

I have said before it is unimaginable that a German raised their hand against our brother, their Emperor, but Duke Steffen's name does seem to arise disturbingly often in regards to every sort of underhanded matter. And now Elberhard, the old fool, has died not terribly far from where Siegfried was ambushed. Are they thought to be involved in that matter as well? It is strange that the Emperor fell in a routine siege.

I had thought Lothar's brother, the Viceroy, estranged from him. And Duke Arnold? The man has no subtly at all.

::shakes his head::

I will trust your knowledge of this matter over my own, but if there is any truth to it we must find evidence of it and bring them to justice.

Even with that being said, if the Reich's heart should be torn out before Florence is taken those men could escape. Is there no one in Bavaria you could trust to capture Florence while you held the line at Swabia? Duke von Salza appears quite incompetent and incapable of handling the defense there, while Bavaria is stable and even advancing on it's own.

Fritz von Kastilien


First, let me praise Fritz for his excellent work, you are playing your brother well.

Second, it seems Jan von Hamburg's list of suspects has moved from him to Elberhard and now to Peter. I must admit it is disturbing to see those names together, but there is no proof, and I am gladdened that half our members remain secret. I would suggest that Fritz pledge his help to Peter, he can play a role similar to the one proposed for Johann.

Third, if Peter truly suspects me, my reappointment as Viceroy appears to be uncertain. However, this might play into our hands. My stand in Outremer has made me popular, God only knows why, with many of the Electors. If Peter strips me of my title, many will not like it. That might be the perfect time to propose the CA appointing me Viceroy for life or tinker with the terms. Alternately, the possibility exists that we could initiate Andreas von Salzgitter to keep the position in house, as he is the only other viable candidate. Or I could bargain with Peter for my job, feeding him all sorts of misinformation to keep it and "show" my loyalty.

Fourth, even if Peter persecutes the members he suspects, we can use this opportunity to promote our other members. The younger generation remains untouched, and this bodes well. All the Kaiser has is suspicions and hearsay, if he comes after us with that, he will discredit himself and weaken his authority.

This situation is manageable, I see no need for extreme sanction against the Kaiser. It didn't work out how we planned last time, and it would merely give his theories more credence.


Let me assure you, Brothers, Peter will never beat me to Florence. I
will be at the gates next year.

Brothers, I believe I have turned Peter fully away from his determination to ride south and capture Florence, aided of course by Duke Steffen's announcement that he would get there first. I am certain he will be able to shore up the Swabian front.

On that note, the death of Kaiser Elberhard surely offers us the chance to broaden our base of power and expand our control of the Reich. There was talk of inducting another member not so long ago, perhaps a Swabian. The logical choice would be the former rebel von Bohmen, but perhaps he is too obvious and too untrustworthy. The new French fellow also has a problem with authority, but as a former knight he might be reluctant to join the order.

Alternately it seems as though the general situation, barring Swabia, is well in hand so we may not want to disturb things.

Fritz von Kastilien

My Brothers!!

The Imperial surgeon has finally gotten me back on my feet. I am in remission for the time being and hope to have this plague out of my system as soon as possible.

Now that we have a new Kaiser there are more opportunities in the short term, which I notice Fritz has immediately taken advantage of.

I see with great regret that my old friend Karl Zirn has passed away while I have been ill...he was a great man and truly one of the most honest and driven men I have had the pleasure to know over my lifetime.

His son has been identified as his replacement so Lothar I would rest you make contact unless any man here has objections.

I will get back to you all soon with my thoughts on the Reich.

Grand Master

Ragusa Region 1346

Johann had found lodgings had a small in on the road to Ragusa. The traffic was light with few travelers. A great sickness was affecting the cities of all the nations of Europe. In fact Johann was the only person staying in the inn but he has a strange feeling that he was not alone. Several times he asked the owners if there was anyone else staying but they kept telling him it was just the two of them.

After a lovely meal Johann excused himself to retire for the night. He had taken the older couples hospitality quite literally and had shared meals with them. Actually he quite enjoyed the old couples company. He was away and alone from familiar faces and his father’s recent death still left his heart heavy. He also had been thinking of his father’s words that played like a puzzled game in his head. When he pressed for answers he was told you will find out in due time after I am gone. Well it had been some months since his father’s death and none of the puzzles had been solved.

As Johann walked up the stairs to his room he was felt that he was being watch. He entered the room and closed the locking it. Out of the corner of his eye his sensed movement and spun around to that direction instinctively grabbing for his dagger. It was not there he ha not been wearing for the past days because he was alone at the inn and did not feel that threatened. Till know.

Whose there!? Identify yourself! *there was a slight quiver in the young man’s voice.* can see you, come towards the light.

The figure moved and walked slowly towards the glow of the light illuminating from the fireplace. The figure was covered in a dark robe and his face covered with a hood.

Johann stared but could not see the eyes of the stranger. He felt his composure return. If this was an assassin he would have been dead by now.

Who are you?*his confidence returning.*How dare you be in my room do you know who I am? *Johann has he walked closer to the figure trying to see his face under the hood.*

Yes, Johann I know who you are. *The stranger spoke has he pulled back the hood revealing his face. There was familiarity to the face but he had never met this man. The mysterious stranger continued.*

I am here to explain all to you... all that can be divulged to one who is not a member. First, I suspect you will wish to know who we are. We are the Order of the Illuminati, and I am more than I seem. I may be the eldest son of the Duke of Bavaria, I may be the Count of Florence, and I may be a Knight of the Reich (yes, it appears that is finally true), but I have another title that is far more important. I am also the Voice of the Illuminati.

Illuminate…* Johann whispered.*

*Lothar grins. He notices the puzzlement on your face.*

Sorry, Johann. I know this is sudden and not our usual process of notes, ribbons, and robes to signal our interest for contact.*He nods at his own words.*

The ritual serves an important purpose. It warns off those who are not amongst us. We keep secrecy and instill fear for a very important reason: the consequences for crossing us are most severe. Indeed, they can be fatal. I come to you direct and without warning because of the urgency and your father Brother Karl.

My father, Brother Karl?*Johann then slowly moves and sit on one of the chairs in the room. Lothar seeing the effect of his news sits on the chair across from him and continues.*

Please keep that in mind tonight while we are speaking. As you probably suspect, I am here to offer you an invitation to our Brotherhood. Being a family member of a Brother it is now your time to take his place. *His smile disappears and he looks serious.* Yet, you must consider your answer very carefully. Once you join the Illuminati, you can never leave. Though you are not yet one of us, you now know my identity. You can no longer reverse your course without consequences. This is a commitment for life. Your bond with the Illuminati and your mortal existence will end together, one way or another. You are my brother and my blood, but I have other Brothers now. They are a family that does not tolerate betrayal. Your father has let us know for sometime that he wished for you to replace him on his death. He said you were ready.

*Johann cannot believe what he is hearing but now things were starting to make sense the long conversations covering every conceivable topic he used to have with his father. The stunned look fades from his face. Lothar smiles and opens his arms.*

“Now, with that done, let us get down to business. What we want is simple: we seek to better the Reich by improving ourselves. Every last nobleman, certainly every Elector, has grand dreams and designs he wishes to enact. Yet for most of these people, these desires never come to fruition. We select members with great natural skill and talent, and then give them the resources to achieve their desires. We aid each other in every possible manner that aid can be given. We are a true brotherhood, committed to helping our fellows unquestioningly in all aspects of life."

"Your support in the Diet will increase. Your Edicts will always be seconded. Should your lands need military aid, it will be swift in coming. All that we ask in return is that you similarly support us when we are in need."

"Brothers have already supported each other in these ways, though the Diet is entirely unaware of it. Yet, I must admit that our power is still... limited. We are a new organization and it will take time to develop influence, but it will come. Indeed, our very cooperation makes it certain. The more we help each other, the faster we shall grow in power and abilities. Before long, no man will be elected Chancellor unless we agree to it.

Oh I see and the Duke himself couldn’t be Chancellor without your aide. Bloody hell he would not stand for something like this he is his own man my uncle.

* Lothar’s grin returned and he gave a shrug of the shoulders. Lothar reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a large piece of parchment. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. Before you sign, I will answer any question you wish to ask of me, except for one. You will not know the identities of any other member of the Order until you are one of us. I am the Voice of the Illuminati and thus I am the only one who ever reveals himself to the Unenlightened. It is a security measure to protect the Illuminati from attack. If you join us, we will protect your identity just as fervently."

"I have spoken long enough. Read the Blood Charter and ask your questions, brother. Then we will proceed."

* Johann takes the document and reads it by the fire.*

Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.
As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.
Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.
Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.
Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.
Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.
Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.
Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.
Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.
Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.
Rule 9: All Brothers may specify, in a Secret Illuminati Will, their choice of the man to take their place in the Order after they pass on. The Brotherhood will respect this choice and immediately admit that man to the Order, unless the surviving Brothers agree otherwise by a unanimous vote. As a symbol of the passing of the Cloak of Secrecy that protects the Enlightened, the deceased Brother's robes will be given to the new Brother by the Voice.

“So, father was part of this he was one of the noblest men in the Reich. He would not betray the Reich and the charter.” Whispered Johann knowing such talk heard would be treason.

Lothar began to speak in a calm and reassuring matter to ease Johann’s concerns.*

Yes, the Blood Charter supersedes the Reich's Charter, but that is designed for the protection of the Reich rather than to injure it. There have been many occasions when following the letter of the law has led to disaster and ruin. It was the letter of the law that allowed Kaiser Heinrich to place us at an immense disadvantage. It was the letter of the law that required me to twice fight at a disadvantage to aid citizens of the Reich. The Charter was written by men and, like those men, it is fallible. We believe it is our duty to do what is best for the Reich, even when those actions would be officially forbidden. Indeed, we risk our own lives and well-being to ensure that the proper course is followed, no matter the consequences.

Regardless, conflicts between the Blood Charter and the Imperial Charter are rare. None has yet occurred and no Brother can be forced to violate the Imperial Charter except by a formal decision. In such a decision, your vote carries equal weight with all of us. There is no influence, no inequality, in the Brotherhood. Your own vote as the newest member will carry as much weight as the vote of the Grand Master himself. Nor will you find us petty and unwilling to listen to other opinions. We support one another unconditionally because we fundamentally believe that all Brothers are worthy of deep respect and deference. Many in power seek it for its own end, without purpose. We seek it to exercise it for the betterment of the Reich. Kaiser Heinrich abused personal power to cause harm to the Reich. We will violate the Charter only to aid the Reich.

I know you are an honest man, but think on this matter. Is it better to obey the law and let innocent women and children die, or to use bribery and blackmail to save the lives of citizens of the Reich? Blind obedience to law can do as much evil as it can do good. Is not the true and honest course of action that which achieves the greatest good for the Reich? If you are placed in such a situation and faced with telling a lie, you may respond, "I am serving the best interests of the Reich" and you will always be telling the truth.

Of course, our ability to aid the Reich is directly proportional to our own power to influence the course of affairs. We must improve ourselves first to ensure that we have the power and ability to act at crucial moments.

As for the talk of death and killing, well... that is part dramatics and part necessity. Rumors of our supposed ruthlessness will surely leak out, and that is a good thing. If the Unenlightened are wary of crossing us, they will be more willing to aid us when we request it. They will also be grateful to think they have a powerful ally when we offer aid. Furthermore, there must be some kind of rule of law that ensures that the Order's will is carried out.

In the situation I cited above, bribery to save innocents, some risk of reputation could be imposed on some members. What would happen if they thought of themselves before the Reich and shirked their duties? If they placed their own interests above the good of the Reich? What would have happened to the citizens of Budapest if I had ridden from the field when their garrison routed? By ensuring my own safety, I would have risked tens of thousands of lives. We cannot allow that to happen, so there are consequences for betraying us.

Still, that has not once occurred and we do not expect it to happen. No member can be admitted without unanimous approval of the Brothers. So, all members are fully trusted by all others before they even join. Even then, the penalty of death is an extreme measure that is unlikely to be imposed. Its inclusion in the Charter is simply to keep options open if the Brotherhood deems it necessary in the most vile of circumstances.

Do not concern yourself with privacy. As you can see from my position as the Voice, we are extremely careful to preserve secrecy about identity and proceedings. No one will ever know what goes on in the Illuminati unless we want them to know.

I feel as if I have spoken for ages, little Brother. I know you have concerns. I would too in your situation. Remember, two things above all. First, we exist to save the Reich from all who threaten it; enemies internal as well as external. Second, our dark robes and dramatics are a means to this end. Smoke and mirrors, if you will, to aid us in our goal.

Join us, you will not regret it.

“Very well, if this was father’s involvement then it shall be mine to. I will sign in blood to show my loyalty. May I ask who is in the Brotherhood now that I am a member?”

*Lothar hands Johann a sharp pen knife and he signs the document.*

Yes my new Brother, there is my son Herrmann, my brother Matthias…

Matthias that is why you are familiar to me. It is your brother Matthias that I know from our time in the Outremer. He would always meet with father at the house. That is why you appeared so familiar.

*Lothar smiled and thought he liked this boy.*

There is also Fritz von Kastilien and our Grand Master of the Order Uncle Arnold.

No!! Really he is the one in charge and he is also the Chancellor!! Fascinating!

*Johann just sat there shaking his head and started laughing he had figured out his father’s grand puzzle.

The two men shared a drink and then the Voice was gone as quietly has he entered. Johann rested soundly for the night with a new frame of mind.


Small but significant event. Fritz is now Steward of Franconia.

At this time we now control three duchy and hold the positions of Viceroy and Chancellor.

Think on it.

Grand Master


In these times of sickness and plague I think it is time for me to name my successor.

It is tempting to name Johann or Hermann as the next Grand Master. We would then have someone in place for decades to come, but at this time I have selected Lothar as my second should I die.

If the plague passes and I live on this earth for a few more years yet, then I will reconsider our two youngest members for the position.

Grand Master.


The plague does what our foes cannot, it disrupts our efforts. I am glad
that Fritz has been named Steward, but what can we accomplish with diseased
armies and no florins? Pardon my pessimism. Our dominance of the high
positions in the Reich is good, but at the moment, there's not much to be
done. Though the future might bring opportunities.

We had spoken earlier about initiating a new member, are we still
considering this?



Matthias, you are correct we are hamstrung by the state of our Empire as to what we can do with all this influence.

I certainly do not have any suggestions but we will certainly be in a position at the next Diet to push anything through the chamber.

Grand Master.


At the moment all we can accomplish is making sure our hold on power is not compromised. Ideally this would be attempted by blocking those who seek to gain more influence that are not Enlightened. Welf von Luxembourg comes to mind.

Currently the only House that does not hold one of our members is Swabia. Therefore, it should be high priority that this House suffers the most. I'm not saying that we should simply let it die, because then the French armies attacking it would become even stronger. We just need to make sure that the person that saves Swabia is not, in fact, Swabian.

We have already taken the first step at accomplishing this by promising Bavarian aid once the situation in Italy is taken care of. Ideally, we should send either Father or myself to see this done. With any luck, it will be our intervention that turns the tide. If this occurs, Swabia as a House will be saved, but its Electors will still be weak and we will gain even more power.

As Kaiser Peter's new personal Tribune I will see and try to further my influence with him to try to get this done. Perhaps even convince him to take an extended stay on reserve duty whilst I take care of managing his powerful army.



Hermann you are astute as always. Your outlines are what we should concentrate on.

Firstly I think we have an ideal opportunity to allow Matthias to retain his position AND alter the Charter to have him select a successor.

I know this maybe a little premature and I am in reality thinking out loud at the moment, but I think I will restand for the position of Chancellor.

Certainly Ruppel has antagonised me to the point that he must never be Chancellor as long as we all draw breath.

Grand Master.


The Election of 1260 draws closer. The Grandmaster has spoken of running again, is this still true? If it is, we should consider who should run against him as a "straw man". If he isn't running, we must produce a candidate. Our plans always go so much better when we control the Chancellorship.

Besides the issue of my reappointment, what should our priorities be in the next Diet Session? My own thoughts for Outremer are as follows: Take Cyprus and add it to Outremer, take Edessa and hand it over to the English in return for military access and the addition of Iconium and Caesarea to Outremer. This will aid our allies, strengthen Outremer and weaken the Greeks. Of course I am not sure if such lofty goals can be accomplished in one term, but we shall see.




First while I am Steward of Franconia this is a matter of titles only, Dieter will not allow me to go my own way just because he is afraid to depart Madgeburg in the face of the Poles.

As for Chancellor, I am not opposed to running again as straw man. I had minimal support in the previous campaign, but no one appeared to take my run as foolish or unserious. Also it would, in my opinion, be wise to put up a young candidate viewed by the masses as 'chivalrous' as, if nothing else, votes in his favor will reveal who opposes the Grandmaster on philosophical grounds and will win prestige, even in defeat, for our younger members.

Viceroy Matthias your plan for Outremer appears sound and solid to me. As far as Franconia, we have sat stagnant ever since Peter ascended to the Kaiser's office. My whole intent in exhausting our northern armies and seizing Arhus was to allow the men at Madgeburg time and opportunity to strike out and drive back the Poles. In this they have failed in dramatic fashion, and I am now being forced to defend Arhus just as I defended Hamburg before it, only with poorer troops and less support. I cannot march away to attack the Poles myself without leaving the Northern front entirely open, so somehow I must win sufficient political support for attacks on Oslo and Stockholm to bring an end to the Danish threat.

My intent will be to propose not that we try to defend those holdings, but that we offer them to Russia in exchange for the return of Stettin and Thorn. So far as I am aware all of the military might of the Danes is concentrated right in front of me. If I can defeat them, or at least hold it back, I should be able to secure enough time for raids north, and given that the Danes are ever unconcerned with defense I expect to face only modest resistance once I reach their actual holdings.

On that note let me say that the Swabian situation is disgraceful. I have always had serious doubts about the competence of Duke Athalwolf, and he has proven them out with his conduct. I can only hope that the arrival of Kaiser Peter whips them into shape, and keeps him distracted from his plan to investigate Siegfried's death. If Frankfurt should be threatened because of Swabian incompetence with Dieter Bresch still Duke of Franconia, then the heart of the Reich will surely fall.
We cannot allow that to happen.

Fritz von Kastilien


I believe that our organization's goals for the upcoming Chancellorship are as follows:

- First, we make sure that our areas of control receive the resources necessary to survive and then prosper would be first. In order of need, these would probably be Bavaria, then Franconia (Danish front only), then Outremer, then Austria. Take no offense Grand Master and Johann. I therefore suggest the next Chancellor place a great emphasis on recruitment at Innsbruck, it being closest to the Italian Front. Consequently, as I have previously stated, our areas of weakness must suffer for a while longer. This, of course, is Swabia.

- In our areas of weakness, we must use out-of-House forces to aid them and eventually take command of the front. So far, Ehrhart Ruppel, Athalwolf von Salza, and Dieter Bresch have been marvelously ineffective. However, with his recent relief of Bern it seems like Welf von Luxemburg is becoming a larger and larger threat. We need to take priority and sideline him, preferably giving him a secondary command to one of us. It seems as if none of us will be able to assist with Magdeburg, but we cannot win everything.

- We need to keep the Kaiser weak. Grand Master, continue to be the overpowering political figure you are. Kaiser Peter will be shut out and left only to command an army, and nominally at that. As a matter of fact, perhaps in future battles we could split him from the army and use him as a "reinforcement" to give me more command prestige in military circles.

- We need to make sure we win the election, and that means covering all fronts. Brother Fritz has already been mentioned as a good opposition candidate, which makes a lot of sense. However, as one of us suggested, it would be good to probe the younger faction and discover their intents. So far, the three members of the younger generation that seem to be the most powerful are myself, Johann, and Welf von Luxemburg. Obviously we don't want the latter to run. Considering Johann's legacy of chivalry, he might be an acceptable candidate to Welf to prevent him from making a run. I believe that the Chancellor race should have three contestants: Arnold, Fritz, and Johann, to cover all angles.

Additional priorities/thoughts are, of course, welcome.



I concur entirely with the thoughts outlined with Matthias, Fritz and Hermann.

As for the election, it should be a three horse race. Myself as the incumbent and the two new men. I also believe that they are also not directly connected to the more senior member of the Order this will further enhance the gap between us.

I will certainly run for re-election. Win, lose or draw I must do this for my own peace of mind. The past two decades have been frustrating for me and my sense of accomplishment is vastly unsatisfied.

If the other two members win then I will concede as I should rightfully do so...or perhaps not, how would we have me hold power for good?


I will certainly enact the policies outlined in Outremer, Franconia and through the Reich in general. It seems we have a very strategic groups of thinkers amongst us.

Grand Master


Apologies for my tardy response, but I also agree with this plan. The only thing that can beat two brothers running against each other is three brothers running against each other. Such a strategy is bound to pay off handsomely for us, no matter what happens. It may even be more to our advantage for the Grand Master not to win the election. I suspect that after Lothar, most Electors would point to Arnold as the most obvious member of the Order. If they believe that they have elected a non-Brother to Chancellor, we might gain more insight into any opposition groups that have developed under our noses.


04-06-2008, 21:04
Chapter XXIV: The Will of the Diet

This recently arrived from Sir Welf von Luxemburg and I thought it worth sharing. Following the letter you can read my response.

Dear Fritz von Kastilien,

I am writing to urge you to stand for the post of Chancellor. Throughout my youth, I followed your campaigns in Denmark with admiration and astonishment. You have performed miracles with the most meagre of resources. You gained significant electoral support at the last Diet before these triumphs - I believe you would cruise to victory now.

Sir, the Reich is dying. It is afflicted by a torpor that lingers even after the Black Death has passed. Duke Arnold has struggled manfully to energise it during his reign and it will take another man of his stature to continue these labours. You, Sir, are the only man with the ability and energy to take up the job.

Further, Franconia has been most severely stricken by the malaise that infects the country. But if you secure the resources provided by the Chancellorship, you will be well placed to restore what was once the leading House of the Reich to its proper place.

I hope that, once elected, you will also remember the long friendship between Swabia and Franconia. Duke Arnold has belatedly provided the resources for Swabia to fight back against the French. I hope that under your time in office, you will help my House in its desperate struggle with the French.

Your supporter,

Welf von Luxemburg

My response:

Count von Luxemburg,

Let me first congratulate you on your recent magnificent victory against the French. It was high time their bumbling misuse of their armies was paid for in blood. It may not be your intent, but I dare say the French may soon come to fear you as the Danes fear me.

Regarding the Chancellorship I question my ability to cruise to victory, however I do intend to run again. I cannot impugn Chancellor Arnold's reign, but it has been a trying time, a time of stagnation and stalemate on most fronts. I am very pleased to hear of your support for my run. As any glance at a current map will show, Swabia and Franconia's fates are linked. If the Swabian front cannot be shored up, and put on an offensive foot again, then the heart of Franconia and the Reich will be exposed to assault. Indeed, if the French army were led by anything other than a Frenchman, I suspect Nuremburg would already have fallen, meaning no disrespect to the Swabians in so saying.

I assure you the Reich will not die so long as her nobles continue to demonstrate the strength and loyalty for which they are known the world over.

Fritz von Kastilien

Advice or comments would be welcome. I cannot tell if this is an indication of larger Swabian leanings, or simply the support of one commander at the front for another.

Fritz von Kastilien


This letter is comforting. Not only will Fritz have the support of a rising Swabian noble, but it confirms that Welf does not suspect him as being a member of the Illuminati.

Will any of us run against Fritz to cement this?



I feel that this letter confirms our hopes: Fritz is not suspect of membership in the Order. I believe we should use this to our advantage. Rumors amongst the Electors make it almost certain that Arnold's membership is universally known. Over the past term, there has been little in the way of organization amongst those who oppose us. If we run Arnold against Fritz, and have all the other 'known' Brothers support Arnold, then a victory for Fritz will appear to be an anti-Illuminati coup. Perhaps in this way we can bring these unknown enemies out of the shadows and destroy them. The difficult thing will be supporting Arnold enough to make it clear that he is the Illuminati candidate, and yet still making sure Fritz is victorious. Clearly, Matthias, Hermann, and myself will have to vote for Arnold. Johann should, of course, stump for Fritz.

If we are successful and Fritz becomes Chancellor in this manner, I have an incredibly devious plan that would give us a chance of seizing control of the Reich permanently. I will refrain from going into it at this point, though, as it depends entirely on Fritz defeating Arnold in the election.



I am fine with this strategy; I would just like confirmation that, in fact, our previously-discussed three-horse race is dead.



I agree with the strategy at hand. We simply make this a two horse race rather than a three horse version.

If it is set, then I will stand for a second term against Fritz.

I have said as much in the Diet already. In my gut I believe that Fritz should win over me. Unfortunately this is not a guarantee but it should be possible to organise.

Let me know if this is acceptable to you all.

Grand Master


There's no question in my mind it would look suspicious if no one from the order ran against me. I don't think it would hurt to have a three horse race either, but if Welf has any influence with the Swabians there may be little wiggle room for a third faction.

Grand Master your reign was obviously one of the most difficult in the history of the world, and you should definitely run for a second term. If there's a particular need for me to be Chancellor in order to enact Duke Lothar's plan then I'm sure that can be arranged with a little manipulation.

Fritz von Kastilien


I have seen that no one else appears ready to stand for Chancellor. This leaves us once again with two Brothers contesting the election and ensures us victory. What I am about to describe to you is a monumental plan. The objective is clear and simple: to destroy all who would oppose us and to take complete control of the Reich for the rest of time. It is a dangerous plan, though, and it risks the destruction of our Order. Still, I think that with proper planning this is unlikely and I think we have a realistic chance of pulling it off.

I propose that I 'leak' evidence of my involvement in Kaiser Siegfried's assassination to Kaiser Peter and other relevant parties. This will likely be in the form of a survivor from the mercenaries who has some kind of documentary evidence that damns me. This will be easy enough to manufacture, since it is in fact true. The objective of this leak is to goad Kaiser Peter into taking up arms against me to avenge his brother. Brother Fritz will be instrumental in this plan and I would like to have the 'leaked' evidence delivered both to him and to his brother. Brother Fritz, who is hopefully Chancellor at this point, will express an equal amount of outrage and encourage Peter to take up arms against me. I will, of course, proclaim my innocence and vow to fight anyone who attempts to take my lands or titles. I hope that the 'outraged' von Kastilien brothers will be able to easily rally the anti-Illuminati forces to crush me. This will generate a large anti-Illuminati army which will advance towards Bavaria. I will then call upon the Order to aid me and Arnold, Matthias, and Herrmann will respond by rallying to my side with whatever forces they can bring. We will, of course, attempt to make our side as strong as possible, so any loyal Bavarian or Austrian vassals who wish to aid their Lords should be brought along. I omitted Johann from this plan, as it seems that he is not suspected of membership either, so he can easily join the opposing army with his men.

When the battle finally begins, I suspect we will be outnumbered and faced with defeat. However, in the true style of our Order, we will have two infiltrators in the enemy camp, one of whom, Fritz, is likely to be one of the major leaders of the army and in command of a significant force. At the right point in time, both Fritz and Johann will turn their men on our foes and attack them from behind. With this move, a major portion of the enemy army will likely be destroyed and hopefully the day will be ours.

The end result of this will be the death of capture of all of our enemies, including the Kaiser. When it is done, we will put Brother Fritz on the throne as he has a legitimate blood claim to the title through his two brothers. From then on, only Brothers will be named as heir to the throne, only Brothers will be permitted to hold the position of Chancellor, only Brothers will be Viceroy of Outremer, and only Brothers will be named as Dukes of the various Houses. The Grand Master will have veto power over all Diet legislation and will be able to call Emergency Sessions at will. We can even re-write the Charter as we wish it, should we so desire. We will expand our power by bringing in a few more likely recruits and rule the Reich as it always should have been: with strength and competence. The Reich will be under our control for the rest of time and all citizens will experience unparalleled prosperity and success.

There is, of course, a risk that we will still be defeated in battle. Even if we are victorious, some of us could fall in the process. These risks should not be glossed over, as they are deadly serious. This is a bold plan with potential rewards beyond anything we have attempted before, but the price of failure could result in the complete destruction of the Order. I personally believe that with two Brothers in the enemy camp, we would have a great chance of victory, but no guarantees can be made.

What say you, Brothers?



Father, I admit it is a daring plan, and one with great potential for success. However, I must ask: Is it really necessary?

At the moment we control two Houses and Outremer. It is likely to stay that way for the long run. Dieter Bresch is so ineffective that Brother Fritz pretty much has Franconia, and Swabia... well, Swabia's always been a tough spot.

Equally as important is what we will control. Bavaria and Austria are locked in our grip. The Chancellorship will be ours once again. We might lose Outremer, but that is the distant future and either Johann or I, as Dukes, could send either Lothar's or Arnold's successors to the desert later to keep the place under our control. Save for the Kaiser, who is under my close personal watch, and possibly Welf von Luxemburg, we have no real enemies. The Reich has become senile.

Brothers, the past times where we have attempted to extend our influence by force have ended in disaster. Need I remind everyone of the noble sacrifice of Dietrich von Dassel at Bern? Is it really necessary to do so again, especially when we are already so in control of the Reich?

In my opinion, I see no reasoning to deviate from our current course. We are slowly assuming control over the entire Reich. If we act rashly, we might risk it all for what we could gain much easier, albeit over a greater period of time.



A clean, simple stroke directly for the throat of our enemies, with a dagger in his back. I have been forced to wonder at times if my line is suitable for rule, given the disasters which have befallen during the times of Siegfried and Peter, but it would be a burden I could not refuse if offered. I must say, leadership has been notably lacking from my brother and our current Prinz. I have just posted a long list of military recommendations with the intent of stirring up our slothful nobles, and in no small part to display some arrogance and set the tone for what would be, I assure you, an aggressive Chancellorship under my hands.

I vow that if the resources of the Reich should come under my control we would soon dominate the world. Kaiser Peter is the only commander of consequence to stand against us.

Furthermore my own connections to the mercenary network make it highly plausible that I could discover such information, and in the event of a final revelation also make my own involvement quite explicable. Indeed, my adjutant Robert is probably one of the most well known mercenaries in the world, after his long service and large role in the sack of two major Danish cities, not to mention the matters at Stettin.

This plan has my wholehearted approval. I am entirely comfortable with my role in the matter, and indeed my brother has demonstrated as little capacity for leading the Reich as his two predecessors. Given that the Illuminati have run the Reich without direct access to the reigns of power for decades anyway, hands on control could only improve the circumstances.

If it is a matter for a vote, my vote is in favor!

Fritz von Kastilien


We rule the Reich already, the Kaiser is a mere figurehead and we hold most of the power. There's little need for conflict. What Lothar proposes is another Civil War, but this one will consume the Reich, not just Swabia. I remember optimistic pronouncements about that affair as well, and it only served to drain resources against our external enemies while bringing our order dangerously close to the light of day.

I must agree with Herrmann, the risks outweigh the benefits.

How would I get from Outremer to the Reich proper? I have three flotillas of ships, not enough to transport an army. Even if I could summon ships from the air like Elberhard, this would leave Outremer exposed to a Greek advance. In fact, what will happen to all the Reich's frontiers during this? The same thing that happened to Swabia's no doubt. Nor do I look forward to facing Andreas von Salzgitter in battle, he is a fellow Crusader, and one of the brave few who came to Outremer when all looked lost. I could try to entice him to our side, but it is not a sure thing. The Kaiser may be weak, but many will rally to him to ensure the continuance of the monarchy.

This is very unwise.



I understand your reluctance, but at least hear me out before making your decision. First of all, this act will not endanger the Reich. It will be over swiftly and the various commanders will be able to return to their posts before our foes realize they are gone. It would not require an extended campaign like we saw in Swabia. A single decisive battle will finish it. Second, our very control of the Reich is the precise reason we must strike now: we are at the height of our power and there is nowhere else for us to go but down. History has shown us that we will never obtain the position of Kaiser without this kind of act, and without holding the Imperial throne, our control of the Reich will never be secure. We were powerless to stop the Reunification because we did not control the throne. The cataclysm itself occurred because we did not have the power to stop it! It is our duty to ensure that cannot ever happen again. It is our duty to the Reich to remove all obstacles to our beneficent control.

We simply must control the throne and there is no better time than the present to make the attempt. We will never achieve it in any other way. Under the current circumstances, we would be in control of the very core of our enemy's forces and our Brotherhood would penetrate to the most intimate heart of the opposition. There is no guarantee that we will ever see such a perfect opportunity again.

As for Outremer, I think that Crusader Salzgitter can be won over. You simply need to point out the facts to him. All the Crusaders who were present in the East so many years ago abandoned their posts, except for you. Duke Hans, King Jan, Kaiser Elberhard, Prinz Dieter... great men with great titles, yet where were they when Outremer needed them? Only you, a Brother of the Order remained behind to protect Christendom to the end. In addition, all of Outremer was to be given to an Orthodox nation! It was our actions alone which prevented this. Surely those facts are proof that the Illuminati are single-handedly responsible for the continued existence of Outremer. You should make your prestige and appreciation for Salzgitter known to him. Indeed, tell him that his dedication to the Reich and its peoples is exactly what the Order needs. We will need some new recruits after this entire thing is finished, and he would be as good a choice as any. Under our guidance, he could even become Viceroy himself one day. I fully believe these things would sway him to at least remain neutral, if not aid us.

The travel time is not an issue. As I noted before, this will be a quick affair and two years is more than enough time to sail home and then back to Outremer.



I have heard such optimistic words before. Yet, you have a point about the Kaiser.

Of course, if the Kaiser is so troublesome, why even have one, even as a puppet?

The Brotherhood has shown we can control the position of Chancellor. If we are to strike, why not abolish the Monarchy and replace it with a Republic headed by the Chancellor? The Duchies would remain as they are, but the Chancellor, chosen by the Electors under our guidance, would rule as a King. Roman Power was at its true height under the Republic, perhaps it is time to return to one, rather than rely on the chances of controlling a fickle blood line. We can always get the Chancellorship, the Monarchy would only serve as a position of possible resistance, a rallying point for the disaffected.

Understand, I do not doubt Fritz would make a capable Monarch, but there would be other claimants to the Throne. Dieter von Kassel, if he survived, could go to our enemies and serve as a proxy for them to strike at us.

If we are to seize power completely, let us bring forth a Republic, a form of government we can dominate more easily than a Monarchy.



You always were the most egalitarian of my brothers. I admit, I like what you are saying a great deal. The Kaisers have caused us nothing but trouble. In days past they were justly appointed by the Electors, but that tradition ceased long before we were born. Heinrich forced us into excommunication, against the Will of the Diet. Siegfried almost destroyed us with the Reunification. Elberhard was an ineffective fop whose support for Hans cost the Reich much. Even if we give Peter the benefit of the doubt and assume his reign will not include similar catastrophes, it still remains a fact that half of all Emperors who have reigned over the last 300 years have significantly wounded the Reich with their actions.

Yes, your proposal has merit. The Brotherhood is certainly an 'elite' group, but do we not judge a man based on his merit rather than his bloodline? Do we not practice total equality and respect, even though we wield the greatest of powers? We ARE the model for what the Reich should be. Power by merit and skill, not the whims of the loins. Yes, let us return to the true roots of the Reich. Let us prove that the are the rightful heirs of the Romans, in governance as well as name.

I am with you, my brother.


Brother Matthias,

Indeed, this is a perfect solution! This will win the Illuminati support that the movement, upon becoming public, might otherwise lack because you can now put out a populist call, and it will in some guise legitimize the death of Siegfried. When the Illuminati go to war, it will be a war to end the tyranny of chance and to establish fair rule. Peasants who have suffered as those in the Reich have suffered must surely heed such a call, and count it noble.

I would suggest that the Brotherhood produce a populist document intended to be released at the same time as the first accusations fly against Duke Steffen. Sign your names proudly, and declare that you would have to kill a thousand Kaisers to equal the horrors they have brought on the people of the Holy Roman Empire! It will be a brilliant coup.

In response I will make my calls to arms exceptionally bloodthirsty, swear to bring death and vengeance on all who, even unknowingly, have supported the Illuminati, and perhaps threaten Bavarian and Austrian cities, all while addressing my remarks specifically to the nobility, mercenaries, and professional soldiers. It is a scenario tailor made to our manipulation, and you may feel free to prey on my reputation from Stettin to make it all the more clear.

This machination alone should win the brotherhood Lord Becker if I produce a credible threat against Prague, and possibly Andreas as well if I vow to dismantle Outremer to get at the Viceroy.

By God, I'm starting to dearly love this plan, even if it doesn't leave me the questionable honor of the much abused Kaiserhood at this point.

Fritz von Kastilien


I like it.

Destroy the Kaiser, destroy his whims, and destroy the last refuge of our enemies. Count me in.



How far do we wish to go? It will be difficult to speak of a meritocracy if the Duchies remain as inherited dominions. Of course, inheritance in the Duchies has been far less mercurial than the Kaisership, Dukes have often passed on their lands to those outside their direct family to nobles who were seen as deserving. The Kaisership has skipped between families as well, but seemingly at random with no consideration of merit. Still this might be a difficult point to make.

If we are to institute a new form of Government, we should consider what it is to be exactly before we revolt.

Still perhaps simply preaching against the evils of the Monarchy will suffice. If we threaten the House structure too much, we might lose support.



From what I gathered from the plan the only thing that would change is the abolition of the monarchy.

I assume this to mean that the Chancellor holds ALL executive power, the Dukes remain the Dukes, and that we also abolish the silly heir rule. As far as settlement allocation goes, all lands in the known world will be divided up beforehand so there is no argument when we finally take them.

The loss of the Kaiser means little. The people are no longer subject to his whims, knights can be freely allocated, the Chancellorship will forever be decided by the people, and, yes Matthias, the Viceroy of Outremer will be allowed to choose his own successor.

These terms, especially with an Illuminati spin put on them, seem agreeable, no?



So if I may summarize, we call for the abolition of the Monarchy and the restoration of the right of the Electors to choose the leader of the Empire, in the form of a strengthened Chancellorship. We call for rule based on merit and the will of the Electorate rather than the whims of fate and the mad desires of corrupt and feckless Kaisers.

I look forward to bringing forth the Holy Roman Republic.


My Brothers,

What has transpired before me in the words you have written is a clear and concise need to return to the origins of our distant fore fathers some 2000 years ago. A Republic is the future!!

The only position that is currently not based on merit or at least free will of selection is the Kaiser. Subsequently if we look at the results and consequences of this mechanism, we see a series of ever declining men who have wrought damage and destruction on our beloved Reich to such a degree that we must take action in order to adhere to our own Blood Charter.

Therefore returning to a Republic must be our goal!!!

The monarch can remain...in title only. All executive powers will move to the Chancellor and his office. The House’s must remain as the Duke’s are not hereditary and more importantly there is choice in the matter of selecting a Ducal heir. This process, if handled well has produced results that are on par with our own accomplishments as the Brother’s in the “Order of the Illuminati”.

We have two house’s and Outremer, BUT more importantly the Kaiser is weak, and the other two houses have degraded to such an extent that they are nearly worthless. Keep in mind that Fritz is currently the selected Steward of Franconia…we have everything in place to do this in one swift action.

Having Fritz and Johann take an active and substantial role is crucial. They must control large proportions of the unenlightened forces in order to provide overwhelming numbers.

Ideally my Brothers, when we play our hand I would like the situation to be so totally out of the control for the unenlightened that they simply give up with out a struggle. I do not wish to see German blood spilled unnecessarily.

So, Fritz must win the Chancellorship, Johann must become a key figure in the unenlightened campaign and we must secure at least one more brother before we strike. von Salzgitter would be perfect.

Grand Master.


I am not sure that initiating another member at this point would be beneficial. I mentioned Crusader Salzgitter as a possible future candidate due to his dedication to the peoples of Outremer and as a possible method for Matthias to avoid conflict with him. I imagined him as a new recruit after this whole process is done, if he aids us or at least remains neutral when we make our move. Bringing anyone new into the Order before this event will saddle us with the risk of infiltration. I think that concern would outweigh anything a new member could bring to us at this moment in time.

If we are all agreed, I will arrange for a 'mercenary survivor' of the ambush on Siegfried to travel north to Franconia with 'evidence' of my involvement in the matter. He will take this evidence to Siegfried's only surviving family: his two brothers. Hopefully Peter will act as we expect him to upon receiving this, but even if he does not, Fritz can propel it forward himself.



Lothar, your point is valid. Admitting a new member at this delicate stage would be an unnecessary risk.

I vote in favour of you beginning this plan.

Grand Master


Welf's last brief note to me spoke of my 'inevitable' victory a little too comfortably. I would like one of the known members of the Illuminati to speak out against Fritz in some fashion, and place their obvious support behind a second term for the Grand Master. This is not a time to idly let suspicion fall upon me.

I also believe Sir de Cervole's comments towards the Grand Master can be taken as under Welf's influence, but perhaps I am reading too much into things.

I am going to send a series of private letters in the coming days to various nobles asking their support and input as well, as much to try to stir up interest as to keep the appearance of uncertainty.

Fritz von Kastilien


I am glad and anticipating the Order's bold plan. I am ready to do my part and will start with subtle support for Fritz. However, I will not say anything about the Grandmaster and the Chancellor. People will see my vote but I will not say anything negative. They will think there has been some rift and not supporting my Duke. Which would be very out of character from other voting.

I will be in favour of the strategy Fritz has proposed and build my Army and be ready to strike when the time is right.

Of all the plans proposed this is the most daring I hope we recognize any pitfalls so that we make act appropriately and carry the plan out.



Congratulations Fritz, Phase One has been a success! When you look at the votes the battles lines have been drawn. It is time to plan Phase Two.



Indeed, and to allay suspicion I am pushing on as hard as I can to get people active in the field. Even if it turns out that the climax can be reached more quickly and none of these battles are necessary before we assume full control, I still wish there to be no reason whatever for the Kaiser or his allies to lack trust in me.

Fritz von Kastilien


I have begun to sound out Andreas. I must proceed slowly as to not raise suspicion. His reply was not very informative, at least in respect to having him as a possible ally against the Kaiser. I would value any insights you all might have. Here is our exchange of letters:


The Greeks have been eliminated, I am sure the Chancellor will send the Basilisks ahead now. It was a tough battle. If I didn't need to break the encirclement, to get you the cannon and to prevent the second Greek army an unimpeded path to Antioch, I most likely would have sallied but retreated to conserve men and then finish them next year.

Still in order to gain ground we must be aggressive. With God's aid, casualties were still relatively light. I wish you luck on you assault. The Basilisk served me well, and the crews have gained experience from the battle.

We seem to be doing well in Outremer, but events in the rest of the Reich trouble me. I am not sure if you noticed, but the Kaiser forgot to reappoint a Viceroy at the last Diet session. Technically, it could be argued that I am no longer the ruler of Outremer, though I have acted as such, and no one seems to mind. Peter also forgot to assign Antwerp to anyone as well, and he seems preoccupied with something that diverts his attention from Imperial matters. This may be innocent enough, but we have had odd behavior from previous Kaisers before, with disastrous consequences. The Prinz is a cipher as well, though a capable commander.

We have done heroic work to keep Outremer a going concern, but without Imperial support, I am concerned about the future. No further volunteers have stepped forward to come east, and with Duke Athalwolf a recluse, I'm not sure if the other Swabians will join us. The Reich has enjoyed military success lately, but it seems as if it is rotting from the top. Without strong leadership, any gains we make will just be written in the sand.

I am sorry to burden you with such concerns, but as Viceroy, I need to scan the horizon for such troubles. Even if the Reich has forgotten us, we cannot ignore what is happening back in Europe. I would appreciate your insights on these matters.

Godspeed at Cyprus,



It is great news to hear that the Greeks are defeated. I will march to the coast as quickly as I can and get ready to take Nikosia.

I think the Chancellor has likely forgotten that under the new charter the viceroy must be reappointed each Diet. I am not sure about the Kaiser, though. Reports from back home suggests that he's seemed troubled lately. I hope no harm comes of whatever is worrying him.

Duke Athalwolf and Count von Bohmen chose a particularly bad time to take a break from leading armies. Ruppel and de Cervole are very able but only two men. I believe the latter has an interest in joining us, but cannot do so while things are so dire in Swabia. Without an influx of new nobles what will become of Outremer?

I am afraid I cannot relieve your troubles, Viceroy, but only share in them,

Andreas von Salzgitter



You are heading in the right direction my brother. Imperial concerns and how they affect the Reich as a whole are perfect examples to draw on in these times.

The next step might be to provide a back handed compliment about how you see strong and effective leadership in the form of Lothar and myself.

Again not too supportive, but enough to see what he thinks about us.

That would be my next move.

Grand Master.


I would think the Grandmasters approach has a feeler is a good one. Matthias has brought the topic up and there is the standard reply of support for the Kaiser. However, what would be the alternative? I would also think it wise if names like Lothar and Arnold are brought up to judge reaction from Andreas. If there is a general dislike or a negative then he may not be an ally but become an future rival. If there is an indifference then I feel Matthias has a chance to win him over.



I have been able to secure a vow of loyalty from Hugo de Cervole. If I manipulate this carefully it may be possible to use him to further the order's ends. My current preference would be, in the event of a conflict, for me to declare Lord Becker suspected of membership in the Order, demand that he surrender command of his armies, and when he refuses (Using the teleport clause from Econ's rules perhaps) bring Sir de Cervole to do battle with Lord Becker.

Brothers it almost seems unfair, and I do love it all the more dearly for it being so. Here is the letter Sir de Cervole sent, followed by my reply:

Lord von Kastilien,

I am still a lowly Elector of the Reich, ill-considered by most as a renegade but know that I will cast my fortunes with you if you will have me by your side.

Kaiser Elberhard had trusted me enough to bring me into the Empire, perhaps seeing something in me that would help the Reich.

So, out of respect for his memory and that of his predecessor, your brother, I will stand by you.

I fully endorse the need for revenge, something I am currently undertaking against the French and thus perfectly understand your wish to lay your hands on the assassins of your blood.

Yours faithfully,

Hughes de Cervole

Sir de Cervole,

I greatly appreciate your declaration of loyalty! Sometimes I wonder if the men of the Reich have become too bloodless, cowed by the spector of the Cataclysm. Some crimes can only be answered in blood, and no trials or prisons can render sufficient punishment.

In any case, know that I will hold this declaration close until such time as it may be tested. Our enemies are accounted to be of a most powerful secret order, the full membership of which is unknown. Be wary of anyone who might seem closely tied to Duke Steffen in particular.

May God grant you victory and revenge at Caen in the coming season!

Fritz von Kastilien


I have made a start to my role in the coming battle in the Diet. I would welcome any advice on furthering our goals with my speech. I hope that I have made a sufficiently blood thirsty and brutal call to arms that there may be some who hesitate to come to my side.

Fritz von Kastilien


It seems that events are moving more quickly than I anticipated. As with Fritz, I am not sure how to publicly react, I think silence, due to distance, will suffice for now. Let our enemies come into the light and rail against us, it will mark them and we will appear to be the aggrieved party. If pressed I will not acknowledge, for now, that I am a Brother, but I will respond if the Kaiser moves against Bavaria or our Society.

My argument will be that the past should stay in the past. Of course, we are instigating this crisis, so that won't work, but it should serve to discredit our foes.

I seek the insight of my Brothers.



It seems as if the Kaiser wants me to be Duke! I'm glad that my time with him finally got through and did something of worth.

It seems like, no matter the result of this Emergency Diet session, we win.



Perhaps Duke Lothar could offer a complex design to surrender himself for a fair and impartial trial in Outremer. Kaiser Peter might well try to convince Fritz to accept this, and it could provide the desired delay. I could perhaps even reopen offensive actions and launch the Crusade to distract some men. If Hermann Steffen performed especially well during the crusade it would do much for his reputation.

Fritz von Kastilien


I'm going to slow this shiet right down, right now!

Let's take our time and make sure we are leading the dance and not others.

I'll ask for a formal set of evidence and charges to be made before any mans liberties are taken let alone those of a Duke.

Grand Master


Things are indeed moving faster than I anticipated. I fully intend to go along with this 'trial' as it will give us more time to prepare. The outcome is inevitable, but I have no intention of surrendering myself when I am found guilty. I don't care what legislation the Diet passes about it. Let us use this time to assemble our resources and prepare for the conflict. I recommend that all Brothers gather as large an army about them as possible and move as close to northern Italy as is feasible, without compromising the defenses of the Reich, of course. This mainly applies to Arnold and Herrmann. I think it would be best if Johann and Fritz attached themselves and their men to others who seem likely to declare for the Kaiser. That way they will be in position to destroy our enemies with a surprise attack, should it become necessary.

I confess, I am at a loss about what Matthias should do. I hope he can persuade Crusader Salzgitter to at least remain neutral, if he does not side with us. He seems a capable and competent man, and it would be a shame to have to kill him.



If you have requests, make them known. My priority in the coming season is going to be to eliminate through various means gunpowder units from non-Illuminati armies, and add gunpowder companies of every available sort to our men. In Swabia this is not likely to be a problem, but in Austria and Franconia this may look somewhat suspect.

Next season I believe the Grandmaster and Duke Steffen will be forced to declare themselves outright, as the Kaiser will push for me to strip their armies from them. If Hermann joins the crusade I will have a legitimate reason for not stripping him of command. Zirn is obviously safe.

I am also considering threatening to strip Lord Becker of his command and demanding that the prisoner be handed over to me. Hugo de Cervole, who seems to be siding against Duke Steffen, can be sent out on another solo run at Caen I believe (Providing he wins his engagement at Antwerp) or perhaps joined to the crusade. Welf von Luxemburg has already expressed a desire to join the crusade.

Who then will be our opponents? The Kaiser. Duke Dieter. Possibly Count von Salzgitter and Prinz Dieter.

Personally it would give me great pleasure to put the knife to Dieter Bresch. The man attempted to back a women over me back when the von Hamburg widow was stirring up trouble. We shall see where he lands and if he presents trouble. I wish to remain in the confidences of our enemies as long as possible, of course.
Fritz von Kastilien


Fritz I will let you do has you see fit in recruiting an army for me. I will focus my attention on the Hungarians but when the word comes I wish to be ready with a strike force that will tip the scales into our favour. Surprizing our foes completely.



Fritz, it is a sound plan and I will remain around Zagreb to provide defense and therefore be only a short distance from northern Italy.

I have no intention of outing myself. I fully intend on the Kaiser having to renounce me without a shred of evidence in his favour. This will further muddy the waters. I intend on remaining a powerful force which is observing proceedings up until the last possible moment.

If the unenlightened choose to pick a side for me I will cruicify them publicly.

In an unrelated issue which is now starting to make sense I received the following information from Lord Becker.

My Duke,

A thought just ocurred to me which you'll find of interest. Where possible it should be the policy of Austria to expand into Venetian and Byzantine lands before reclaiming what is ours from Hungary. Kaiser Peter is far more of a friend to Austria than to Bavaria, and if we were able to bring the Balkans, Greece, or even Constantinople under our control then we would be guaranteed to add those territories to our Duchy.

It is important we act now, for Prince Dieter might be disposed to giving one or more of those territories to Bavaria, if not simply keep us from becoming too strong.

Edmund Becker

Lord Becker,

It is good to hear from you after so many years.

I read your field reports and overall situation in the north with great interest.

You do quite an excellent job in my opinion given the troops at your disposal and the quality of opponents that you fight against. I am hoping to send some professional regiments north to you and Johann after I retake Zagreb.

As for your comments...I believe you are exceedingly accurate. It is an astute strategy you have outlined and I believe it will work given the build up in tensions between House Bavaria and the Kaiser.

I've known Lothar for many years as everyone knowns , but I can't fathom his current antagonistic approach to the Imperial throne. Kaiser Peter is at least present and is unstable as our most recent Emperor's, and for that I am very great full.

I will push south after I take Zagreb. Daruzzo will be ours again and then I will see where to strike next.

Good luck with the Poles and make sure Johann send you some canon.

Duke Arnold

In my opinion he is gently pushing me away from the hub of activity.

And as for his position in this "trial" I'm thinking of stripping him of beloved Prague if he starts.

Lothar, can you outline my ability to do this. Additionally the Kaiser is going well over his authority bounds in my view. Do we have recourse?

Grand Master

The recourse will come in due time.


Let the Kaiser do as he wishes. We all know that the trial will end in a guilty verdict. Let them produce all the evidence they wish. I will use it as a platform with which to rail against the abuses of the Kaisers and to list the countless ways in which they have harmed the Reich. It will be a good prelude to our declaration that we seek the abolishment of the Imperial Title and the return to a Roman Republic. When the guilty verdict is finally announced, I will refuse to submit and declare Bavaria an independent Duchy, to be ruled as a Republic rather than an Imperial state. At the same time we will post the Will of the Diet in every city in the Reich, proclaiming that the position of Kaiser must be abolished everywhere. That will force Peter's backers to make the first move and show themselves as the aggressors. Hopefully that will sway some Electors opinions on intervening in the war, allowing us to easily destroy whomever comes at us.



I have taken the liberty of drafting a Proclamation to be posted in
every city in the Reich at the moment that we declare our rebellion.
I hope it strikes the right tone. As always, comments and criticisms
are welcome.


One other thing, I would include the names of the members of the Order, those who are ready to be public or known already, and I would place two (Or three, etc.) 'Secret Brother' or 'Anonymous Brother' names at the end of it. That'll get people jumping to all the right conclusions, and let me accuse Becker or whomever else I wish.

Love the declaration. I'll snarl and rail against it, even if Peter takes it in his evidently customary quiet and sedate manner.

Fritz von Kastilien


This raises the question, besides Lothar, when do we declare our allegiances? It seems this will vary member by member. Fritz and Johann are obviously in deep cover, but what of Herrmann, Arnold and myself?

To be honest, I tire of hiding in the shadows. The level of deceit involved in this plan, while necessary, is taxing. My membership is already suspected, and if I declare with Lothar, Fritz can denounce Outremer as a den of treason, pushing Andreas towards us. We wish to hide our numbers, but we must also have enough New Republicans declare from the start to show strength, pose a credible threat for Fritz to rail against, give pause to our enemies and perhaps convince the unaligned to side with us.

Remember, the more complicated the plan, the more likely something will go wrong. If we are to strike it must be quick but well planned, surgical and crushingly decisive.

Sic semper tyrannis,



I agree that when the time is right, Matthias, Arnold, Herrmann and I should all reveal ourselves publicly. My theory is that this should correspond to the inevitable guilty verdict that results from this trial and that the 'Declaration' should be distributed at the same time. I am open to other suggestions, though.


I choose not to reveal my identity as a Brother at that time period. The Kaiser certainly believes I am genuine, something that I have worked very hard to accomplish. I would prefer hiding in the shadows a little longer, finally declaring my true allegience when the time is right, preferably when I can sabotage an Imperialist on his way to Italy.

Alternatively, we could put down a well-known suspect on the list who is not one of us. This could possibly take him out of action when the battle is initiated due to investigation of his true loyalties and cause further confusion among Imperialist ranks. I suggest either Tancred von Tyrolia or Ludwig von Boehmenn. Tyrolia is Kaiser Peter's old mate, his friend who managed to sack Constantinople when Peter failed. Hearing that his pal is an Illuminatus would certainly harm his morale. Boehmenn came into the public picture fighting for Wolfgang Hummel shortly after the Battle of Bern. Perhaps people will think that he took Dietrich von Dassel's place in our hierarchy.

Let me know what you think.



Firstly Lothar. Impressive declaration, you have skills that seem "otherworldly" when it comes to writing.

My proposal:

Fritz, Johann and Hermann remain off the list.

The declaration and list is to be made public in line with Lothar's timing.

Those on the list are:

Myself, Lothar, Matthias, Ludwig von Boehmenn, Tancred and Becker.

As I suspected and planned for at the time of his "separation", enough people have read the history of our encounter to be extremely suspicious of his motives. You can already see it in a few entries from some of the other nobles.

Additionally Tancred is a perfect candidate, as we can outline that I, as the Grand Master, approached him while he was in Austria helping with its defense.

Hermann's rational for Ludwig is also plausible. What I have come to realise is that a great lie is in fact something that hold as much fact or truths in it as possible.

The issue we must address is how to incorrectly name nobles as Brothers without making the ploy so obvious as to give someone like Becker and the ability to easily refute the statement and thereby expose the tactic. We must work out how to do this effectively before we incorrectly name nobles of the Reich. I do certainly agree with Fritz's idea of naming "Un

I'm open to suggestion on how to do this. Plus please provide feedback on the concern that we may be going too far with the named list and we need to cut it back and replace some with the “Secret Brother” or Anonymous Brother” entries as Fritz suggested.

And as Matthias mentioned. Lets keep it simple and simply go the “Power Play” route in most instances. Complex scheme's at this point could be counter production. Simple misdirection and duplicity is the key in my opinion.

Grand Master


One suggestion: Order the list as follows:


If three people at the very end of the list squawk and say that they weren't involved, it might be suspicious. Spread them out, and nobody will know. Additionally, with Arnold's name second, his identity as Grand Master will still be concealed. If you do not wish for it to be that way, we could always re-order it so that our Dread Duke goes first.



I would put the Grandmaster in Matthias place and move Matthias up. It may not matter but it could look like a Steffen family scheme.



I think it would be prudent to name me as Grand Master.

I will then team up with the "Voice" in the Diet and conduct a one, two punch against the unenlightened. It will focus them off Lothar for a moment. Further unbalancing them at that moment will be critical.

Grand Master


Due to training restrictions I was not able to achieve my true goal of placing gunpowder companies in all Illuminati armies, however I was able to dismiss all of the partial Imperial companies in the Reich. The Kaiser seems so intent on Lothar I doubt he will even notice what I have done. Furthermore no more Imperial companies will be trained for the duration of this conflict.

I have also placed an assassin at your disposal Duke Steffen. He has served the Reich well, eliminating two foreign princesses who were attempting to bribe away our armies. I believe the sides are shaping up nicely. If I can project a bit, obviously Lothar will have to battle the Kaiser, their proximity makes this almost inevitable. It would please me if I could eventually bring Duke Dieter to battle, but for the time being I am hoping he will believe that Lord Becker is Illuminati and attack him at my behest.

In Outremer a few notes I have exchanged with Count von Salzgitter seem to indicate he will attempt to be neutral, but the Viceroy's influence looms large.

In other news, Count Ruppel appears to have placed himself in considerable risk with his haste to be the first to Anger. He is all but surrounded, and I found myself unable to provide him much effective support. As he was almost certainly one of our enemies, I am untroubled by this turn of events.

Also Prague is under very serious threat. I do not believe the men I was able to sneak in will be of any use against a Polish assault, and I see no reason to expect the Poles to be merciful with the peasants.

I am excited about the possibilities of next season. I truly feel that God blesses our cause and troubles our enemies. May he grant you all victory in the coming battles!

Fritz von Kastilien


The latest round of bickering in the Diet went exceedingly well. Fritz and I are hoping my defence of Lord Becker will make it hard for others to determine if he really is a Brother or not once the list comes out.

As for the Kaiser...the poor bastard has been let down so badly by history and his own actions that it is a little unfair.

Grand Master.


With apologies to Johann Zirn, I have just opened the discussion of the fate of the Bohemian mercenary who was 'safely' held at Prague. I think this and the impending fall of Prague, which was lost against the Chancellor's advice, will throw much more suspicion on Lord Becker.

It was necessary, however, to sweep my brush wide in painting an ill picture of Austria, and I hope Brother Zirn and the Grandmaster do not take offense.

As far as Kaiser Peter, his own inactivity and foolishness are placing him at risk of being remembered as one of the most silent, if not least involved Kaisers in history.

I think my first step will be calling for Lord Becker to surrender himself to the Chancellor's authority. Since he is, in fact, innocent and such a chivalrous man perhaps he will decline to take the field, thus eliminating one of our enemies without the need of battle. Indeed, it seems entirely possible that he can be sidelined for the battles to come and perhaps even serve the Republic of the Reich afterward.
Fritz von Kastilien


I have followed events from afar. Fritz, I am glad you sent men to take Caesarea, though I wished to seize that city personally. I was once a guest in the dungeon there, and I wished to repay the hospitality shown me. Still, I did kill the man responsible, so that will have to serve.

I would very much advise against listing the names of non-Illuminatti on the proclamation. This will drive them away from us. I wish to see the call for a Republic as an effective rallying point, if we use the announcement as an overt smear, it will lose that effect. A mention of anonymous brothers will serve the same purpose of causing paranoia and back-biting, without the negative consequences. If we wish to single people out, Fritz can always level accusations, which might serve to drive people to our side.

We must guard against arrogance. We appear to be in control of the situation, we have the initiative, and our enemies are disorganized. However, never forget that fortune, good or bad, can strike at any moment. I don't need to remind everyone of the Hummel debacle, do I?



I am in agreement with Matthias. I do not believe that listing non-Illuminati members will be an effective tactic. The men named will surely deny their involvement without hesitation. The very fact that some of us will deny and some of us, such as Arnold and I, will not, will make such a move an obvious ploy. I doubt it will discredit the named men very much at all, while at the same time it introduces a level of deceit into our proclamation. I believe that our best policy is to take the higher road.

We are claiming a noble and honorable purpose in the birth of a new Republic. If our statements are believed to be genuine, we may gain support from unexpected Electors simply due to the brave and radical changes we espouse. If we taint that vision with lies from the start, we will ruin any chance of good will or neutrality from other Electors.



Lothar and Matthias have made salient points.

If we are in agreement then Johann, Hermann and Fritz will be left of the list and be replaced by "Anonymous Brothers" instead.

This will certainly have an effect which is what we are looking for. We certainly want to show that we are more than just three people. With three unnamed brothers then we have a total of six which is certainly enough to create some momentum and weight to the proclamation.

Is everyone in agreement?

Grand Master

I say we should limit it to the names of those Brothers willing to reveal themselves at the moment we distribute the Proclamation. All others should be left off. As it is, the names will be two of the four Dukes and the Viceroy of Outremer, two of whom are also ex-Chancellors. That is a significant amount of political weight within just three individuals. Let the Unenlightened stew and squirm over whether there are more of our number within their ranks. Each time a 'hidden' Brother shows himself, it will surprise and demoralize our enemies.



For myself I like the idea of hinting at anonymous or secret brothers in some fashion, as it will add weight to my attacks against Lord Becker. I can see Duke Lothar's point, however, and will accede to the wishes of the majority.

In regards to the current situation, Prague has been exterminated. Lord Becker has yet to come forward with his thoughts on the matter, but I expect this will rapidly bring things to a head between him and I, especially if I can push the right buttons. I am eager to begin our final takeover.

Count Ruppel is in a very bad situation and I have taken the liberty of recruiting all the mercenaries in the area into Welf von Luxemburg's army, as I am more certain of his neutrality than the Count's. In Outremer Andreas von Salzgitter will inevitably come into a powerful army, and soon, but I am hopeful for his neutrality as well, especially in light of this latest Mongol invasion.

In Bavaria I have arranged things as best I can for the siege of Genoa. I am also filling out the Kaiser's army with militia soliders as he gave me explicit permission to do so. This should give the impression that I am acting as he would expect, while also leaving any of our members he faces at a distinct advantage. The Kaiser also sent me a letter asking me to weaken the armies of the Grand Master and Duke Steffen. I suggested that I send Hermann Steffen men from the Duke's army, and Johann Zirn men from the Grand Master's, which he accepted. That bit of planning couldn't be more perfectly in line with our desires I expect, while training at Innsbruck and Ragusa will continue apace, and those recruits will move to their respective Duke's forces.

There is still the difficulty of getting more gunpowder equipped men into Illuminati armies, but that will be my true focus for the coming training season. I expect everyone except the Grand Master will end the year with some quality cannon training near them.

If you have any particular requests that I can aid you with, simply make them known.

Fritz von Kastilien


I think that a simple reference to other Republicans or Brothers in the Proclamation, without specifying name or numbers, will accomplish our goal of spreading mistrust amongst our enemies and hint at our power, but without giving too much away. If we say there are three brothers still to be named, another Jan von Hamburg might use this to deduce the missing names. Let us leave this vague for now, it will make the revelation of the "sleepers" even more devestating.



So, we shall sign with an undefined number of supporters and like minded Republican nobles.

I think that is a good middle ground.

Grand Master.


With all due respect, there aren't that many sleepers. There's just me, and I'm already a suspect just due to who I'm related to. The other two, Fritz and Johann, won't be known until it's far too late.

I'm not saying that we should abandon this plan, I'm just saying not to expect much of a later surprise among the Imperialists.



Has anyone else received the three documents?

I am very disappointed by Johann's death. He was a good comrade and a noble figure. It's a shame that so much of the second generation of Brothers seems to be dying off. I'm afraid that I'll be next.

I move that we quickly proceed with the proper rituals needed to formally induct Maximillian Zirn into the Order. There is little time to waste and we need a full six, informed members heading into this critical phase of our plan. It is clear that Brother Karl wished this and we should not be the ones to deny him.


I have received the three letters also. It's seems Karl was more adept at espionage than I thought.

Max must be admitted at once given the planning we have completed to date.

I'm personally in shock at the moment...Johann was my nephew and blood relative...he has been the first to die prematurely...I don't know what to say right now.

Grand Master.


The Zirn family has been one of our most faithful and capable lineages. Any man who was raised and recommended by Brother Karl has already passed all tests proving his worth. I agree with admitting Maximillian Zirn into the Order.



Of course the youngest Zirn can be trusted. Admit him.


With 1374 upon us and Father's trial still dragging on, there is a minor chance that Fritz's Chancellorship may finish without our plan being implemented. In this case, we will once again need a Brother to be Chancellor, and preferably one of the ones who will not be putting their names on the list. This leaves Fritz, myself, and Max Zirn, who has not even been officially inducted yet.

Ideally, we could have a Fritz/Arnold Round 3, with perhaps myself being thrown in there for something new. Our goal will be to ensure the victory of either Fritz or myself, who will then happily continue fixing things in our favor as normal until Becker finally comes out with a guilty verdict.

Of course, if he hurries up all of this planning is moot but I believe it's best to plan for everything. What do you all think?



Let me come right to the point, I am getting old. If I began another tenure as Chancellor I might not live to finish it. This concerns me little, I know well what the life beyond this one holds for me, but it may dissuade voters from taking my candidacy seriously. My goal has been to push forward the Reich as much as possible during my tenure, so that when the Illuminati assume control it won't merely be of the Reich, but in truth of Europe as well. While I believe I have had some success in this, there have been failures as well, notably at Breslau and Madgeburg.

If the brotherhood were to ask me to serve again I would do so with pleasure, but I believe it may be time to begin preparing the Reich to look on Hermann Steffen as a qualified candidate. If there is anything the Chancellor's office can do to aid this goal I will make it so.

Note also that Kaiser Peter is now broadly known as a Tyrant, and even so labelled within the Reich itself. This plays directly into our hands, as I intended, and I will continue to cut orders that enhance this aspect of my brother's reputation.

Becker does not respond to my jibes, which is concerning. I am also wary of engaging in a one sided debate with any of our other members in public. If my squabbling with Duke Steffen and the GrandMaster should become too commonplace it may also too tightly tie my name to theirs. I can only pray that Becker shows some alacrity in the coming years.

Fritz von Kastilien


We must try and push this along in the current format.

Not only is Fritz getting old but so are myself and Lothar. If we delay this any further then death will be the solution for our foe's. This could also be a legitimate tactic being used by the unenlightened.

I will ask Becker as his Duke as to what is going on. Having outstanding accusations of treason and murder are totally unacceptable. That is also a truthful statement as far as I'm concerned.

I will let you know the results.

Grand Master.


My note to Becker.

Lord Becker,

I'm pleased to see you have retaken Prague and that a Teuton Chapter House has been constructed to aid in its defence.

What I can't say I'm please about are the outstanding accusations of treason and murder leveled at Duke Lothar.

No matter how good this witness maybe or how compelling the evidence is, this trial must proceed as soon as possible or I will ask for the charges to be dropped. It is simply untenable to have such serious accusation go unanswered or defended for very much longer.

I also do hope to see this witness and these documents in the Diet chamber when you begin this trial.

Duke Arnold.


My apologies, of course Max has my permission to join.

I believe it is critical that the moment of Crisis comes before Fritz's term ends. Besides the other points mentioned, we are unlikely ever to have the same fortuitous conditons again.

I understand that we wish to be seen as the aggrieved party, but if the Kaiser does not act soon, we should strike. Perhaps by asking how long Bavaria is to stay under suspicion without a trial? Can a trial like this even be called by the Kaiser without consulting the Diet?

Or perhaps another revelation of evidence should occur? Or perhaps Jacobus should have an accident? Casting doubt on Lothar and Becker.

It seems without prodding the Kaiser will not act, and the status quo benefits him.


*You are a man of potential you had just arrived in Nuremberg from Vienna. Under the safety of the temporary Capital you are here to celebrate your coming of age. There will be many friends to celebrate with and though you are still melancholy over your brother’s death you are ready to move on. Since you completed your father’s orders nothing has happened. Though you are trying to observe you notice nothing out of the ordinary.

You are here to enjoy yourself and has part of your nature there is no expense spared you arrange for lodgings in the best accommodations in the city.*

*When you get to the room you rest and fall asleep in the chair by the fireplace. After a restful nap you awake and find a tightly rolled parchment tied with a black ribbon and sealed with red wax. You are shocked to find this here and not to have wakened but yet sense this could be what you were waiting for. You read the document.*

Maximilian Zirn, Third Elector of Austria, now is the time.
You are a very Youngman of potential and are held in high esteem from your bloodline. You will be given a great responsibility to defend your homelands and lead men to battle. However, you have the opportunity to take your destiny to even greater level and follow the footsteps of your Father Karl.

If you wish to fulfil your destiny and your father’s wishes leave this ribbon on your window sill. You have been watched and we are aware of your actions.

You have completed your father’s orders well and now you must complete mine. Destroy the document in the fire. Do not utter a word of this to anyone or you will never hear from us again.

The letter is unsigned.

The black ribbon is placed on the sill for next night.

* You have just partied the past 24 hours forgetting events since you arrived in the city and collapsed in your room almost 2 days since you had read the scroll. You fall into a deep slumber and awake with a shadow looking down at you it was early evening.*
“Evening Max, I thought you were never going to wake.”

* You spring up in bed surprised at the intrusion a wonder if you are dreaming. You quickly leap out of the bed standing across from the shadow. Your knees are weak and your head is spinning.*

“Did you forget about me and my invitation? I am here because you accepted my invitation. Are you really ready Max?”

[I]* Now things were quickly coming back the black ribbon your father’s orders. You stagger over to the chair by the fireplace and sit down. The shadow glides across over to your location and stands beside you.*

“Max, I am really here on your father’s direction and plea. I represent a group of men that your father belonged too. I am known as the Voice and the initial contact for our group with outsiders. I am here to explain our purpose and why you were contacted. Are you prepared?”

* Your head was now clearing and you were waiting for this moment since you read your father’s letter many months ago. You look up to the figure and affirmatively nod. Your destiny ….*

“Max I represent the Order of the Illuminate. Your father Brother Karl was a member of the Order and your brother Johann was to replace your father’s position. Unfortunately his premature death caused a vacancy that comes to you to fill. Your father was wise in his planning he knew his family well. The Brothers are ready to accept you take your position in the Order. I know you may feel a little unappreciated in the standing of nobles in the Reich in relation to the Kaiser. This will all change you will be an elevated in a position that the unenlightened would never obtain. We are here to protect the Reich and her people.

*The Voice then moves and sat in the other chair by the fireplace. He then motions to remove his hood. There is an eerie expectation that this figure could be your father who has been in hiding. The hood falls back and elderly gentleman who you do not recognize smiles warmly at you. His voice has a sense of urgency but there is a calmness in his face that relaxes you.*

“Max, what we want is simple: we seek to better the Reich by improving ourselves. Every last nobleman, certainly every Elector, has grand dreams and designs he wishes to enact. Yet for most of these people, these desires never come to fruition. We select members with great natural skill and talent, and then give them the resources to achieve their desires. We aid each other in every possible manner that aid can be given. We are a true brotherhood, committed to helping our fellows unquestioningly in all aspects of life."

"Your support in the Diet will increase. Your Edicts will always be seconded. Should your lands need military aid, it will be swift in coming. All that we ask in return is that you similarly support us when we are in need."

"Brothers have already supported each other in these ways, though the Diet is entirely unaware of it. Yet, I must admit that our power is still... limited. We are a new organization and it will take time to develop influence, but it will come. Indeed, our very cooperation makes it certain. The more we help each other, the faster we shall grow in power and abilities. No man will be elected Chancellor unless we agree to it”

“You will realize how powerful we have become since your father’s inception. You do not recognize me but I have known of you your whole life. I am Duke Lothar Steffen”

*The name brings shock to you. You know this man is accused of treason and will be brought to trial by the Kaiser.*

Duke Steffen you are a man who has been charged with a serious offense by the Kaiser. IS it true? IS this what the Order represents assassinations of its leaders?”

*You feel nauseas with his identity revealed and fear that the Imperial troops will storm the room and arrest you for treason.*

“Max it’s okay do you think your father would have put you in great danger? Your father was part of the plot and it is true but you must listen to the full story to have a real understanding of the Order and why this is so important to you and your family.

*Lothar reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a large piece of parchment. He unrolls it and presents it to you.*

"This is the Blood Charter of the Order of the Illuminati. Your signature makes you one of us. Before you sign, I will answer any question you wish to ask of me, except for one. You will not know the identities of any other member of the Order until you are one of us. I am the Voice of the Illuminati and thus I am the only one who ever reveals himself to the Unenlightened. It is a security measure to protect the Illuminati from attack. If you join us, we will protect your identity just as fervently."

“Please lets start and read this and then we will talk”

[I]Being the Most Sacred Blood Charter of the Divine Order of the Illuminati, this document is infallible law.

As the Esoteric Brotherhood is Supreme on Earth, the aims of the Illuminati shall forever be to increase the station and power of all Members of the Order. As the elevation of the Illuminati is a Divine and Holy mission, all means of achieving its ends shall be acceptable, no matter the cost to the Unenlightened.

Rule 1: The existence of the Illuminati, the identity of the Brothers, all proceedings of the Orders, grand plans, goals, and assets are to be kept secret from the Unenlightened.

Rule 2: All formal decisions of the Illuminati are made by majority vote. Split votes fail.

Rule 3: All Brothers will comply with all formal decisions of the Illuminati, regardless of personal opinion on the matter.

Rule 4: No Brother may vote against another Brother in any election for Chancellor nor may he vote against an Edict proposed by a Brother, unless the Brother standing for election or proposing the Edict agrees otherwise. Brothers may abstain from any Diet vote unless a formal decision states otherwise.

Rule 5: New members of the Illuminati must be approved by unanimous vote of all Brothers before an invitation can be given. All communication with and initiation of prospective members is to be done by the Voice.

Rule 6: All amendments to the Blood Charter must be approved by unanimous vote.

Rule 7: Violation of any Rule of the Blood Charter will result in immediate expulsion from the Divine Order of the Illuminati. It is the duty of all Brothers to hinder and harm all Exiles with all the means in their power, including death.

Rule 8: The determination of any matter not specifically laid out in the Blood Charter is to be made by the Grand Master of the Illuminati. The Grand Master's rulings in this regard will have the weight of a formal decision of the Illuminati.

Rule 9: All Brothers may specify, in a Secret Illuminati Will, their choice of the man to take their place in the Order after they pass on. The Brotherhood will respect this choice and immediately admit that man to the Order, unless the surviving Brothers agree otherwise by a unanimous vote. As a symbol of the passing of the Cloak of Secrecy that protects the Enlightened, the deceased Brother's robes will be given to the new Brother by the Voice.

*You read the document slowly and imagining that your father was a member of the Order.*

“I think I understand. I remember father talking and Johann but not putting it together till now. The unification father stilled talked about that till his last days. It had nothing to do with the church but the clashing of cultures and could see the folly in the Kaiser’s plan. There was no advantage for the Reich. Men like you and my father created this Brotherhood protect the Reich from incompetent rulers and corrupt individuals with power.”

*You sign the document*

"Excellent," Lothar said, quickly making everything disappear in his robes.

In public you will of course appear subordinate to your Duke and that of a new noble in the Diet, but in the secret Illuminati meeting chambers this will not be the case. All Brothers are equal in all things, unless there is an official dispute in which case the Grand Master has slightly more authority."

"Now that you are an Illuminatus, you have full access to our entire Sacred History. It details our rise, quest for power, and various highs and lows along the way. Treat it better than its past two masters, as it took much work to retrieve this book after their deaths."

“You are now a full fledged member and your input is vital to our planning. The Brotherhood comes before all else - even Unenlightened friends or family. I must go the Kaiser is trying to keep surveillance on me but his agents are fools. However, I do not wish to be in one place to long. I was just fortunate that you came to Bavaria.”

“This is a lot of information for a young man like you to comprehend. You are still mourning read and then go back home and talk to your Duke.”

*You are puzzled by this statement how can you speak to your Uncle about a secret order … then you understand and Lothar smiles at your discovery.*

“Yes, Max he is not only a Brother but our Grandmaster. Go talk to him and you will also know the rest of the men that serve the Order of the Illuminate. It is time for me to go.”

*Lothar made a swift move for the window and was gone in the darkness. You walk over to the window and see cloth neatly folded on a small table. You pick it up and a read a small note Max, Welcome to the Order. GM. You take the robe and pack it away amongst your possessions. There is a great relief that comes over you. The anxiety of the work you had done upon Johann’s death is gone. Your destiny has been set and you will not fail your father or your brother. There was important work to be done and you will be will able to be part of it all. Things were looking up. You take the Book and begin reading by the fire to catch up and find what great deeds the Zirn Family have done the Reich*


I agree that the timing is becoming a concern for us. We absolutely must begin our plan before Fritz's term is up. I therefore propose that if we reach 1378 without the Unenlightened moving against us, we take up arms ourselves and begin the attack. This will certainly make us less appealing than if we were attacked by Kaiser Peter, but it seems to be a better option than simply waiting for a strike that may never come.



Would posting the proclamation now instigate things?? Giving them a chance to attack first just to get a reaction. If the investigation is taking too long Lothar can claim the process is a farce and declare himself. This should force the Kaiser to make a decision or take some action. If we do not do anything then we will find ourselves out of time. The growing strength of Swabia is a concern and it's nobles may cause some trouble for us. If 1378 is the time to attack then so be it.



Here is the response and answer between myself and Becker.

From bottom to top. As you can see I've already mentioned my dissatisfaction with having these charges hanging of so long.

I believe it is key to our victory to be able to goad the Kaiser into attacking us. To rush things at this point would be a mistake in my mind. Having said that we need to conduct this move while we control the Chancellorship...it seems that even after nearly a century of controlling the position we are finally not going to hold it long enough.

Fritz, you must slow things down. Becker must present his finding to the Diet.

Lothar, perhaps you too could make a statement in the Diet regarding the situation. If charges are not brought forward for consideration by 1378 then you will request an edict or CA absolving you of any charges.


It's is good to hear from you Lord Becker.

Your work in the north has been hard and you continue to do well.

I truly hope the Teuton's tip the scale to your advantage finally.

This whole debacle is going to be painful for the Reich. I simply want to get it over with before things start fermenting.

Duke Arnold.

My Duke,

I agree that the sooner this matter is resolved, the better. The reason for the delay is because I am currently soliciting information from several figures in order to determine where to focus my efforts.

You have my word that both Jacobus Steyn and all the accusing evidence will be present in the Court Room.

Lord Becker,

I'm pleased to see you have retaken Prague and that a Teuton Chapter House has been constructed to aid in its defence.

What I can't say I'm please about are the outstanding accusations of treason and murder leveled at Duke Lothar.

No matter how good this witness maybe or how compelling the evidence is, this trial must proceed as soon as possible or I will ask for the charges to be dropped. It is simply untenable to have such serious accusation go unanswered or defended for very much longer.

I also do hope to see this witness and these documents in the Diet chamber when you begin this trial.

Duke Arnold.


The groundwork still exists for me to declare this process unsatisfactory and Lord Becker's loyalty so suspect that I must take him into custody (via PvP if necessary). I could then very quickly declare Duke Steffen's guilt a foregone conclusion and demand that the citizens of the Reich align themselves with a side, or state their neutrality. Even if matters drag out to 1378 the Illuminati can be the aggrieved party because I appear to be on the other side and can declare myself on the offensive at any time. It even looks reasonable, as I would obvious have a strong motive in not surrendering the powers of the Chancellorship.

Matters will come to a head before my term ends, I guarantee it.

Fritz von Kastilien


Fritz's ideas are worthy. Even if we use an agent provocateur to be seen as an aggrieved party, the effect, at least in the beginning, will still be the same. We also must not forget that Kaiser Peter has not exercised his right to be Chancellor. This could be a setback if it occurs.

I wish the Restoration could be begun in a cleaner fashion, but we must use the tools at hand. The time is ripe, if we wait too long, we will lose the initiative.



The question of who rules in Swabia, and the alienation of some of the Electors there, could be to our advantage. Hugo de Cervole wishes to come to Outremer. I took the liberty of writing him.

Sir de Cervole,

I wish to congratulate you on your Grand Chevauchee through France. Such an audacious advance against one of our most foul enemies warms my heart. I am also glad that the Crusade against Angers has been finished successfully. Though, having been in the Third Crusade myself, they don't seem to match up against the First and Second ones, truly epic affairs. But perhaps that is just nostalgia on my part.

Word has reached me that you have decided it is time to come to Outremer. I am glad of this. Andreas and I have been blessed by God, but it would comforting to have another General here. The Kingdom is once again close to its classic size, and more men will be needed to properly defend it. The journey will be long, but worth it.

It seems Swabia has some confusion regarding its leadership. Ruppel is Duke in all but name, though Athalwolf lives. I do not envy you this situation. Outremer may be isolated and a frontier, but because of this, it is much more of meritocracy. Good service will be rewarded. I only wish more nobles would take up the Cross.

If you need my assistance regarding your liege or the Chancellor, let me know. I do not wish to lessen Swabia, but Outremer does need more men.


My Lord,

Your kind words warms my heart...

I must admit that my Duke did not live up to my expectancies and his "successor" is no better if only on the field of battle...

My vengeance against the French is at an end... My thirst for French blood is sated and I will now follow the vows that I took in joining the Order of the Temple in defending the Holy Land from all Muslim threats.

I am not so much after rewards but recognition... Something that hasn't been able to provide...

A few matters may still require my attention in Swabia at the Chancellier's wish...

Nevertheless I expect to meet you in the sands of Outremer soon

Hughes de Cervole

While I expect that Swabia as a House will will be royalist, I still have hope that individual Electors such as Andreas and Hugo can be swayed.



Fritz should give Becker one warning and then do as he has outlined in the event he does not outline the case.

We will then have the timing and the accused position to defend from. This will make our "Declaration" through Lothar all that more effective.

de Cervole is clearly dissatisfied with how Swabia is being handled and for that I don't blame him. Matthias, your comments about meritocracy can be used to woe him once we have made ourselves public. That should be our most pressing argument. A Republic in which performance and skill leads men to the top not luck and heritage.

I will ask Fritz to make his threat now and then we can see what Becker does next. In fact Fritz could ask the Kaiser to support him in his claim for justice.

Grand Master.


My threat has been made and we shall now see how Lord Becker replies. I have given him until the close of next season to wrap this matter up.

If everyone recalls, Sir de Cervole gave me a personal assurance of his loyalty to my ends, so I do believe I can sway him, in the end, to our cause. If nothing else I can use him to 'bring to justice' our falsely accused opponents, like Becker.

I will speak with Kaiser Peter as soon as possible regarding the matter, but privately.

Fritz von Kastilien


Count von Salzgitter has volunteered to join Becker in overseeing the trial. I believe this move should be heavily protested by Duke Steffen and the Grand Master. This will make brutally clear that Lord Becker is serving your interests, and very nearly trap him in the position of taking the Order's side.

Fritz von Kastilien

Brother Fritz,

As always, you produce sage advice. I have already made my statement in the Diet. It was somewhat mild, but I will increase it in volume if it becomes necessary. I would like to express my total pride in the accomplishments of the Order. This situation we are creating exceeds even our own exceptional standards of strategy. You are all to be commended on a truly magnificent performance. I feel certain that we will be victorious and that the Reich will finally be free of the entangling influence of the Kaisers. The people of Germany and Rome will long remember us all heroes.


My Brothers,

Yes things do seem to be proceeding according to plan...excellent work gentlemen.

Grand Master.


So far reaction has been mixed to our declaration. Kaiser Peter is doing a great job of shooting himself in the foot but I believe more is needed. I request that I not be the only one to advocate the Republican cause in the Diet. If we are to be victorious in this fight then an active approach is needed.

As for that fool von Hapsburg, now is a proper time for him to come out of the woodwork. Hopefully the neutrals will be smart and see that he is just playing for power.



I have added my say in the Diet. I have also responded to a letter Count von Bonhem sent us:

Arnold, Lothar, Matthias


I am but a minor player in the game that is Imperial politics, but I have one question to ask.

I am naturally attracted to the standpoint of your society. Having been a rebel once, I am still shocked at the lack of competence and care that is displayed by the highest offices of the Empire.

I am a loyal man. However, I am not loyal to this farce of an Emperor, or the even more regrettable Duke of Swabia. I am loyal to those who have showed loyalty to me and have honoured the memory of my friend, Jan von der Pfalz, and that is the people of Flanders. I believe I do them the best service by siding with you.

However, above my personal concern I must place that of God.

For years the King of the Germans has been crowned Emperor by God's will. Catholicism and all it's...variances, have not fared well with the Empire, but in the end it is an institution based on the belief in God.

I am a pious man. Piety does not manifest itself only in belief in an arbitrary and corrupt system. I can accept that there is the possibility of a world without the Holy Roman Empire, that is still ruled by the word of God.

However, I must understand your own personal takes on the situation? What does a Holy Roman Republic look like, as opposed to a simply Roman Republic. What, in short, do you believe allows you to continue in the tradition of God?


Ludwig von Bohmen, by the Grace of the People Count of Flanders

Count von Bonhem,

As a fellow man of faith, l will attempt to answer your question, though I am no theologian. My efforts for the Church have been more martial.

What we seek is simply the removal of the Kaiser from the current Imperial system. We will still have nobles and Chancellors. The Republic will look much like the Empire, but we will be free of the whims of the Kaisers. Such whims have given us excommunication, the sham of unification and the near loss of Outremer, a topic close to my heart. The Republic will still have a strong relationship with the Church, I will ensure that we are still the protectors of the Holy Land, but I hope the removal of the Kaisers will make this alliance less stormy.

As for whether God approves of our move against the Kaiser. . .I hope so. I claim no divine revelation on the matter. He will judge our efforts, and if He finds us worthy, He will grant us victory.

I am sorry if this is not a complete answer. I would be happy to comment further if you wish.

There are no "minor players" in this conflict, Count von Bonhem. Those who take up arms are fighting for the fate of our nation. Tyranny or Freedom, any man who defends the latter is my equal.


I hope this is acceptable to you all.

We shall see how many join us.

When should we start discussing specific strategy for military deployment? Should we all gather in one place? What are our military objectives? If we are to be outnumbered, coordination will be key.



I have made my decision public knowledge in an open letter to the Grandmaster. I have also personally written to Kaiser Peter offering my services and to consider me over that bumbling fool Hapsburg as a representative of the Austrian House. I await further orders.

Godspeed and hope this ordeal sees all safely through it.




Your letter is well done. I'll make comment in the Austrian thread and will make my thoughts known in a more forceful manner. I don't want things to seem too easy between us.

Grand Master


Do we suspect ANYONE who as joined us of being a spy and doing to use what we plan to do on the Royalist?


The thought never crossed my mind but I feel that we should restrict sensitive information to those that are not part of the Order. They can know their part of the battle but not the whole plan it self. That way if they turncoat there information will be very limited. I don't think anyone can expect the final move to be completed by Brother Fritz.



I thought I would pass this correspondence from the Kaiser. We obviously have nothing to worry about regarding the leadership of the Imperial Forces. I will keep my profile low since the noble Hapsburg will have a handle on the situation!!! Max

Mein Kaiser,

I have made a decision of great importance and of my fathers wishes I come to fight for your cause. My brother Jan has decided to follow our Duke but I do not see there cause just and therefore I wish Austria to remain in the Reich.

All I ask in return Mein Kaiser if I serve you well you will think of me to rule the Austrian House and not the that fool Hapsburg. He is more of a liability then an asset. I ask for nothing now but do consider my request.

I am at your service,

Max Zirn
Count of Vienna[/QIPTE]

We shall see who serves most honorably. Hapsburg has more experience, regardless of whether or not he is a little rusty. He was the only knight in Austria. If you outlast him, you shall be Duke. There will be plenty of enemies to slay for you to be knighted before then.


Truly unf#$king believable from the Kaiser. Hapsburg has and always will be a power hungry bastard.

Max and the rest,

The left flank is the prime position most will try and fight for control of, simply ask for the weaker right flank in the battle Max.

Ruppel will be gagging to put his cavalry on our right so it shouldn't be too hard. I've mentioned this before. We'll deploy someone other than me or your brother on our prime left flank. On our right we either deploy spears and horse archers to counter Ruppel, or we can meet the Heavy Cavalry with our own head on.

Further details can be discussed at a latter time.

Grand Master


See the interesting letter from Duke Bresch below. I considered whether he could be manipulated to our purposes, but I could not think of a way that could be done without damaging our already superior position. As such, I have simply rejected his proposal and wished him will. Apparently he is only neutral because he hates both Fritz and Arnold with a passion. It is a good thing that he does not know that both of those men are Brothers, or his decision would be much simpler.


[QUOTE=Elite Ferret]Duke Steffen,

I have... a proposition for you. Firstly I shall explain my neutrality. I cannot side with the von Kastiliens due to the feud between our families, I have not forgotten it and never shall until the score has been settled. A similar occurrence is at place with the Illuminati. I have one problem, Arnold. My proposal is offering the support of another Ducal army and my support for you as leader, or at least organiser at the beginning, of the first Republic in exchange for that one man.

I understand it must be hard to contemplate betrayal of your grandmaster but what place would he have in a Republic? Surely he would turn it into a worse Dictatorship than at present? Instead you would have the support of the very house the von Kastiliens arose from and my forces will be able to bar Fritz from returning from Scandinavia...ever. That would leave the only other major opponent in Italy, in the middle of your forces. The war would be won in just a few short years. Whereas if you reject this proposal Arnold will take the time the war could be over in just to reach Italy and in the meantime Fritz would be bringing his army down and have the maneuverability of the whole Empire. The war could last for centuries and would result in bitter hatred from the people to whoever won the conflict. Please consider these words,

Duke Dieter Bresch of Saxony

Duke Bresch,

I appreciate your honesty and candor. The Republic needs more men like you. However, I regret that I must reject your offer.

Arnold is not just the Grandmaster of the Order, he is my oldest and closest friend. Betraying him would be the same as betraying myself. The members of the Order call each other Brother for a reason: we are a family and one does not turn on one's own family.

Even if this was not true, I cannot condemn Arnold's actions. He has done a great deal that has angered other Electors throughout the years, certainly. However, like with me, nearly all of that was done to advance our plans and further the interests of the Order. Long ago we concluded that any sacrifice was acceptable if it was for the good of the people as a whole. I will not dishonor Arnold's personal sacrifices by betraying him.

If this answer results in us facing you on the field of battle, please know that you will be treated with honor and dignity if you are defeated. In such a situation, I urge you not to fight to the death. There can still be a place for a great man like you in the Republic, even if you opposed its inception.

Good luck and God Bless in the years to come.

Lothar Steffen
Duke of Bavaria
Voice of the Illuminati


A very interesting situation Lothar. One that is pleasing to my ears as Fritz and Max are clearly not regarded as even possible members of the Order by yet another member of the nobility.

I am still at a lose as to what his issue is with me. I can only put it down to the on going verbal abuse I have subjected him to over the years of inactivity and sloth.

Having said that, I do appreciate just how forward he is being. It is a pity he harbours such ill will towards me as he wuold be a man of great benefit to the Order and any new Republic.

Perhaps you could approach him Lothar. Ask him an open ended question on what it would take to have him join us?

Grand Master.


Perhaps if I were to give Duke Dieter a gentle shove, or a boot in his *ss, that might encourage him to move more in the direction of the Illuminati. I would be very happy to face him in battle as I consider him exactly the same sort of 'honor' abusing weasel as his mentor, von Hamburg, but I would be much more pleased to put him in the field in the name of the Illuminati.

My advice would be to offer him a position on the other side of your formation from Arnold, so that he need not fight at the man he dislike's side. In any case, I will return to the Diet and declaim all neutrals as cowards. I will pay special attention to Dieter.

However, I must tell you, I believe that if Duke Dieter or Tancred von Tyrolia were to join the Illuminati cause that they must be held deeply in suspicion. Tancred in particular is a close associate of my brother and quite comfortable playing the role of traitor. Peter has not spoken to me of any plan to act so, but I am almost certain he will make the attempt. Regarding Tancred, I would strongly advise that he be placed right at the front and told to make a direct frontal attack. That way even if he balks he will not be in a good position to aid his true allies. I consider it especially suspect that he quickly threw in with the Kaiser, and is only now suggesting that he may reconsider.

Fritz von Kastilien


It is a shame that some noble wished to remain neutral and see how things go. I think the malice felt towards you stems from the conflict you had with the late Jan von Hamburg. The two are related and when the conflict arouse between you and Jan, Bresch supported Jan and supported him through many of the debates in the Diet. It stems from an old feud and I feel cannot be changed at this point.




Ah ha. I think you are correct. Maybe that is the issue. Either way I don't like the idea of our own side being even remotely capable of treason to our cause. If in doubt they can stay on the side lines rather than join us half heartedly.

Grand Master.


It appears that Becker will remain neutral, as long as the Grand Master does not enter Franconia.



Thank you for considering the proposal, I was not expecting acceptance but believed you needed to know my stance. I will not fight any Illuminati or Imperials bar Arnold. If you can arrange for him to steer clear of Franconia then we should have peace and the war can continue elsewhere. My house has enough to worry about without internal fighting,



I'll make a point of steering clear of Franconia for the remainer of my life. Considering I've never been there, I should be able to manage that.

Grand Master.


I am starting to wonder whether or not we are being a little bit too effective in our manipulations. I may have just knocked von Salza out of the Kaiser's camp with the family comment, and Brother Fritz has all but assured that Dieter Bresch will remain neutral. If things keep up the only thing we will accomplish is knocking Peter out of power. Surely if we were to go to all of this trouble then we'd want a bit more control in the affairs of the Republic. It will not be as easy to take control of two other Houses, especially if their two Dukes did not explicitly side with the Kaiser. Much easier to make them disappear in the heat of battle.



Hermann has just outlined my own thoughts on the matter.

I suggest we cease all but attacks on Fritz for the moment. We are pushing so hard it may start to look obvious.

Better to have them on the field as Hermann says and then we can remove them rather than have to pacify large parts of the Republic after we have successfully taken over.

Grand Master.

Brother Hermann makes a good point. In truth I was still rather convinced that Duke Dieter would declare for the Kaiser. Indeed, the ideal scenario for me has me showing my colors by butchering him and his men.

Perhaps if the Kaiser will deign to speak matters can shift. I will be contrite if my brother asks it, I have always shown him such complete loyalty.

Still, I have complaints against both of the so called neutrals, and if I should survive the battle I will feel no compunctions against calling them to account. Becker hardly seems a threat, we know his true loyalty is only to Prague and himself, but Dieter should not remain Duke if Franconia is ever to be more than it's current size.

As for Duke von Salza, the real power behind him is Count Ruppel. If von Salza stands aside he will be of no consequence after the battle, while if he joins the Imperials I expect he will be quickly routed.

Fritz von Kastilien


I have just heard Peter's latest comments in the Diet, and it appears that he will do just as well at restraining himself as Brother Fritz has. Threatening to lock the Duke of Franconia, a neutral, away in Magedburg forever... wow. It's amazing and it says something about Peter's total hunger that we're going to have to work hard to appear to make this an even contest.

This will require some thought.



Can we have a 3 way battle? I enclose the correspondence from Count Becker, I don't know if the Franconia Duke is involved but this can bring a twist to the final battle. Your thoughts Grandmaster? I will not reply right away to Becker. Max

Greetings young Maximillian,

It was with sympathy that I heard of you declaration in the Austrian Chambers. I can tell you were as disappointed and surprised as I was to learn of Duke Arnold's involvement in the Illuminati. We expected better of him, didn't we?

If I may be so bold, it seems to me that you do hold the von Kastiliens in particularly high esteem either. This is certainly understandable, as they have proven themselves willing to use whatever tools they can get away with to ensure their power.

If I were to guess, I would say that you have chosen to side with the Imperials because like myself you do not see either side as being altogether on the right side of things, and thus you have decided to at least insure that there will still be good Austrians left no matter who wins. I know you do not believe in the von Kastiliens. You are only siding with them because for the moment they have the law on their side. But it won't last. Fritz's latest declarations show what he thinks of law and order in the Reich. To the von Kastilien's, their will is law.

I must confess, I do not like the idea of neutrality. I would much prefer to have some sort of impact on the battle to come. But I am one man, and my intervention would do nothing but promote ideals that disgust me. Still, I am an old man. If I do nothing, I will spend the rest of my years in a desperate state, weeping for what the Reich has become. That is why I have decided to act on the field of battle in the only way I can. I do not intend to survive this strife, I have decided my only goal will be to eliminate as many of the von Kastiliens and the core Illuminati as I can.

Allow me to offer you an alternative to this side. We can join together and rally the other electors who despise both sides, but feel that they must choose in order to be spared the wrath of the victors. I know for a fact that other nobles would be willing to fight with us. Together we could return the Reich to what it was in the time of our fathers. It is my wish that the Reich contain Electors who care about ruling the Reich correctly more than they care about success or power. If we do not fight now, that will be lost forever. I hope you agree.

Edmund Becker


This is a golden opportunity for us.

I imagine a battlefield with three factions: Us, the von Kastiliens, and the new 3rd faction, which I expect will be larger than Kaiser Peter's combined force.

The initial engagement will, of course, be between us and the Imperials. Kaiser Peter, goaded by his brother, will be baited to get rid of us first. Our forces will engage his, and Fritz (just Fritz) will pull the switcheroo, annihilating the Kaiser's and Ruppel's armies with relatively few losses for us.

Then, the survivors of that battle will make their way to the second engagement with Becker and Bresch's third party. Max Zirn will be waiting, either on the flank or in the rear. After initial contact, we will pull the same trick twice and the outcome will be a crushing Illuminati victory. We will forever put our stamp on the Reich.

The only thing I worry about is our Republican allies getting curious after Fritz makes his move and possibly turning on us, but we have plenty of time to think of an explanation for them. Perhaps put their armies on the front lines?

This could definitely work.



That's bloody brilliant. Max I'd strongly advise you to take the lead and encourage Becker down that path. I'd really, deeply hate to miss out on a chance to kill him and Dieter because they're too pathetically indecisive to pick a side. Any chance to replace the two men who have single handedly choked the entire eastern front should be taken.

I am rather pleased with the response I've been able to provoke by playing the Tyrant's brother. At times I feel like I should tie a few strings to my fingers and paint my face before I speak.



Very well I will wait for the Grandmasters response and then I will encourage further contact with Becker.



I am not so sure. One massive battle in which there is a "one time" decisive switch and a crushing victory...this we can have a chance of executing.

This concept means two battles, and as history has shown Reich vs Reich battles result mainly in victories that are not conducive to further military action. You can put that down to the quality of our generals over and above the rest of the world.

Even with BOTH General's present (Fritz and Max) I do not expect to be in a good position to take on a second fresh force immediately. PLUS trying to do the same thing twice will be much harder to achieve, and nearly impossible in my opinion. All will hang back...all will be wary and that means the element of surprise will be lost.

Sorry my Brothers but I do not support this idea. They must pick sides or remain out of the conflict. Whoever wins can deal with them at a later stage.
Grand Master.


Being a secret Order I see we have our communications down already. The Kaiser as come with an alternate to communicate with his generals. What I was thinking if this was the sole means of communicating we could or the Republicans could use the more public means that have been used for House communications and Diet. That way some possible misleading information could be made public and the real plans kept in the normal communications of the Illuminate. You will be kept abreast of the Kaiser's battle plans.
