View Full Version : Corrupted save file

05-09-2008, 17:23
Last night in my Baktrai campaign my computer switched off just after I pressed the end turn button....

Now the game crashes to the desktop when i try to load the campaign.
It shows one background screen - and loads about 1 6th of the bar, and then the background screen changes - and then crashes.

What is so bad is that Its the autosave file and I have lost soooo many playing hours.. and I had just taken Memphis and Alexandria :(

Is there any way that this can be fixed??? Or do I have to start a new campaign??

any assistance on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

05-09-2008, 18:06
Probably can't be fixed. Have you not been saving with things other than the autosave? The game's fairly stable, but it can still crash. So you should really save in a new save every 2 years or so.

05-10-2008, 00:13
Yep indeed.

Tried exactly the same thing on purpose once, and it completely screws up the save-file.