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05-23-2008, 16:59
This is the OOC Thread for Last of the Romans. This thread is designed to be a simple chatroom for LotR players. No important information will ever be posted in here. This thread does not count as a "public thread" for the purposes of the LotR rules, so any oath swearing, oath breaking, or wills which are posted in here will not be considered valid. No information posted in this thread will be considered as binding on the Megas Logothetes. In short, this thread has no official relationship to LotR in any capacity. It is simply a chatroom.

05-23-2008, 17:04

05-23-2008, 17:05
How did I know you'd be the first person to post in here? :laugh4:

05-23-2008, 17:27
How did I know you'd be the first person to post in here? :laugh4:

lucky guess?

(that and I've been struggling with where to put OOC posts lately) :beam:

05-23-2008, 17:35
Tincow, we had better start fast because I have started drooling just looking at the list of avatars...

There will be drool all over the place if we do not start soon...

05-23-2008, 18:42
Tincow, we had better start fast because I have started drooling just looking at the list of avatars...

There will be drool all over the place if we do not start soon...


05-23-2008, 19:01
Looking at all those avatars is scary. It's great that we'll be able to give everyone a character from the get go, but as the first Chanc. . .Logothetes I have no idea how to include everyone in the action.

The ERE starts with two or three field armies, one of which is Alexius's. We've got around 6 or 7 territories. Compare this to the 28 or so avatars we're going to have. There's going to be a lot of sitting around and watching mosaics set.

I'm a bit concerned how I will be able to integrate the new rules, a large amount of avatars and a new mod into a satisfying experience for everyone. Granted the test game gave us some experience, but this is huge and a bit intimidating. I'm starting to get pre-game jitters. :sweatdrop:

05-23-2008, 19:10
I love this draft picking process.

I've been scanning over the likely candidates and I must say it looks good!!

PK, you're banana's!:balloon2:

Great comment in the Sign Up thread though. That made me laugh out loud at my computer this evening.

05-23-2008, 19:13
Looking at all those avatars is scary. It's great that we'll be able to give everyone a character from the get go, but as the first Chanc. . .Logothetes I have no idea how to include everyone in the action.

The ERE starts with two or three field armies, one of which is Alexius's. We've got around 6 or 7 territories. Compare this to the 28 or so avatars we're going to have. There's going to be a lot of sitting around and watching mosaics set.

I'm a bit concerned how I will be able to integrate the new rules, a large amount of avatars and a new mod into a satisfying experience for everyone. Granted the test game gave us some experience, but this is huge and a bit intimidating. I'm starting to get pre-game jitters. :sweatdrop:

OK, don't get all nervous now...YOU'RE the King of Outremer and a member of the damn Illuminati!!

Now start acting like an Emper...Logothetes, and settle down man!!

*slaps OK and throws a glass of water in his face*

Get a hold of yourself man!! :-)

05-23-2008, 19:16
PK, you're banana's!:balloon2:

Great comment in the Sign Up thread though. That made me laugh out loud at my computer this evening.

I'm just excited. :D

As for the comment, I thought you would appreciate that. ^_^

Looking at all those avatars is scary. It's great that we'll be able to give everyone a character from the get go, but as the first Chanc. . .Logothetes I have no idea how to include everyone in the action.

The ERE starts with two or three field armies, one of which is Alexius's. We've got around 6 or 7 territories. Compare this to the 28 or so avatars we're going to have. There's going to be a lot of sitting around and watching mosaics set.

I'm a bit concerned how I will be able to integrate the new rules, a large amount of avatars and a new mod into a satisfying experience for everyone. Granted the test game gave us some experience, but this is huge and a bit intimidating. I'm starting to get pre-game jitters. :sweatdrop:

I think you'll do fine. I think everyone understands that there will be little for most of us to do. Plus, in theory we'll be doing a lot of the work for you. Many of us will dl/ul the save and move our own avatars. There are few armies for you to keep track of.

Just be draconian about the SOT and we'll end up policing ourselves. :yes:

05-23-2008, 20:45
I say you rotate one of the armies between the avatars, letting each of them conquer one province... starting with me.

05-23-2008, 20:56
I say the best blitzers get the starting armies, otherwise we wont have enough provinces for everyone by the end of the first term

(note: I consider myself to be more of a defensive or cavalry commander more than any other type)

05-23-2008, 21:05
I say the best blitzers get the starting armies, otherwise we wont have enough provinces for everyone by the end of the first term

We're not going to have enough provinces for everyone for awhile. It will make them worth more. Getting them will be dependent on making in-game relationships with the other nobles. :yes:

If you want one, cozy up to a noble with land and serve him loyally. Once you have the land, you can serve him disloyally. He might attack you of course but that's part of the fun. :D

05-23-2008, 21:30
Oooohh...OOC thread.

Not much to say regarding starting characters. Given that he actually looks a lot like my old character Andreas, it would be immensely cool if I managed to get Andrikas, but it's not a big deal. :beam:

05-23-2008, 21:30
Troop options at the beginning are going to be scarce as well. Besides existing units, there are no foot archers available for recruitment, the only cav is Skythikons and we'll be relying on militia spearmen for infantry. Army composition rules might be violated while we await archer buildings, unless mercs are hired.

The scarcity of troops plus the supply rules will cut down on blitzing.

05-23-2008, 22:33
Looking at all those avatars is scary. It's great that we'll be able to give everyone a character from the get go, but as the first Chanc. . .Logothetes I have no idea how to include everyone in the action.

The first term should go pretty fast, so I don't think there will be too much thumb twiddling. Plus, there are tons of rebel territories around us, none of which need an Edict to conquer.

05-23-2008, 22:35
Do we know for sure what day the first Diet will be? I'll be gone from the 31st to the 2nd.

05-23-2008, 22:43
Nope, not yet. I am going backpacking with the wife over the weekend. I will be gone from tomorrow (Saturday) morning until probably late afternoon on Monday. I'll take a look at how many people are signed up at that point. I will then decide whether to 'close' sign-ups or keep them open and put some ads up around the forums. Whenever sign-ups 'close' I will take the people who are signed up at that point and create the order list for picking avatars, and we will begin with that process. People can continue joining after that point, but they will go to the very bottom of the selection list, regardless of how many KOTR votes they participated in. Next weekend is a possible goal for starting, but nothing is set in stone yet. Could be a couple days earlier, could be a couple days later.

05-23-2008, 22:45
I just hope I make the first vote. :yes:

Will be out on a trip with my wife next weekend, it's our first anniversary. :2thumbsup:

05-23-2008, 22:51
congrats Zim, have a balloon! :balloon:

Ramses II CP
05-23-2008, 23:32
I think I'll be choosing an avatar, when my turn rolls around, based more on age than starting stats. None of them have too much of an advantage over the rest, but the difference between a starter at 16 and one at 25 (or 32!) is pretty significant.


05-24-2008, 01:48
Yay an OOC thread.

OK guys, a quick point I'd like you to discuss before I start it up:

I am going to be the despot of Arms again, it seems, in this newest installation of this madness, and am looking forward to it.

Arms do not play a major role in Byzantine history, and my initial time will be a bit limited by university, so I have a few ideas to balance this while at the same time perhaps tying Arms into our new rank system.

1. Every "house", that is feudal chain, to have a Coat of Arms (as in KotR). For inspirations to Byzantine Arms go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_heraldry, but feel free to go nuts. The only thing I ask is that it be kept reasonably simple.

2.1 Strators only use their House Arms

2.2 Comes, Domestikos, Hypatos and Antypatos may make some additions to their House Arms

2.3 Patrikos and Dux may halve or quarter their House Arms with a personal Arms, or make otherwise major additions.

2.4 Megas Dux/Exarch, as well as Caesars and Basileoses may have their own personal Arms.

2.5 The Chancellor is to get a special symbol added to his Arms.

Now please discuss guys, is this ok, what would you like changed, what do you think? I want to make this as accessible and fun as possible for everyone, while keeping it reasonably simple in the interest of time and some historical accuracy.

05-24-2008, 01:54
Sounds like an interesting idea to me. Won't it mean more work for you considering how fluid the rank system is?

I'd add that once a person reaches a rank he keeps the priveleges regarding arms of that rank, even if he falls down the chain at some point. That should slow constant changing of arms a bit. :yes:

05-24-2008, 02:03
I like the system very much, as it gives another IC benefit to advancing in rank. As long as you're willing to make the coats of arms, I think it's a great idea. I also agree with Zim regarding letting people keep their old coat of arms, even if they're demoted.

05-24-2008, 02:08
Good point Zim, and that is one that I had intended.

Regarding work, I think it should be a little less. In KotR, while everyone used their House Arms as "backdrop" I was essentially creating an extra one for every character. With this, a few additions to a House Arms for the lower ranks should mean much less work, especially given that there wont be many of the higher ranks for a while yet.

One other thing I wanted to bring up: the Byzantine did not use "shields" as in European Heraldry, as the only place they really displayed their Arms was in flags. The disadvantage of this is that they do not look quite as pretty, IMO. The advantage is that they are much easier to make.

05-24-2008, 08:52
Hi deguerra,

As I pointed out when you first did this in KotR, this is a great idea!!

I like the idea that people will start to be identified easily by their arms. Their allegiance and standing will slowly become instantly identifiable as time goes on.

Again fantasitic deguerra. Thanks for doing this.

05-24-2008, 14:50
Q: Hey! The Byzantine Empire wasn't a feudal system! It was a dictatorship; a self-perpetuating autocracy...
A: Yeah, we know. The rules were written to generically apply to Medieval Europe. They don't fit perfectly with the historical reality of Byzantium, but we're very loose on the historical accuracy in LotR. Where it fits, we use it, but enjoyable gameplay comes first. It's really more of an autonomous collective, specifically an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the term, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special deka-turn meeting, by a simple majority in the case of normal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of rule changes.

Q: Well, how did you become Basileus, then?
A: Be quiet!

TC, I almost fell off of my chair laughing at this one... :laugh4:

(look at my signature)

05-24-2008, 15:00
Where did that stuff come from PK?

That's pretty funny.

05-24-2008, 15:30
Where did that stuff come from PK?

That's pretty funny.

TC and I are both using quotes from scene 3 in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Just scroll down to scene 3 and enjoy. :2thumbsup:

05-24-2008, 16:16
Even just reading that makes me laugh.

Thanks PK.

05-24-2008, 19:18
HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!

So much fun.

Ramses II CP
05-24-2008, 21:32
One night when I was still in high school I and some other idiots got the idea into our heads to walk about twenty miles to the next town. Along the way we recited, not quite in sequence, the entire script of MP and the Holy Grail, taking different parts as the mood took us.

Not a course I'd recommend to anyone, but it's definitely one way to stave off boredom.


05-25-2008, 12:32

Dibs on this guy! :laugh4:

Oh im looking forward to this!

05-26-2008, 06:55
This place has become somewhat quiet. It looks like we're all just about ready for TC to come back and wave the green flag.

05-26-2008, 15:11
I think that the green light for the avatar choosing could be given, so the political manouvering could begin.:gathering:

05-26-2008, 18:21
that could be Tristan!

What is that supposed to mean ?

I can understand the foreign part... But fruitcake :furious3:


05-26-2008, 19:53
So GH, didnt you find any of the existing avatars good as you wrote pass in the selection?

05-26-2008, 19:54
Maybe he wants to have dibs on one of the Komnenos boys?

05-26-2008, 19:59
Maybe he wants to have dibs on one of the Komnenos boys?

Could be, i wonder then why he didnt take the caesar. Maybe GH is tired of playing Emperors.:clown:

05-26-2008, 22:46
Could be, i wonder then why he didnt take the caesar. Maybe GH is tired of playing Emperors.:clown:

Au contraire, if I had a working access to the game I'd have taken the Prince.

05-26-2008, 22:56
Au contraire, if I had a working access to the game I'd have taken the Prince.

I saw your pass and wonder if it was computer issues or there are no Pope to excommunicate the faction. You do have the flair to make a storyline as family member. :yes:

05-26-2008, 23:07
I've got a little prologue story written for whenever that thread pops up and that may be the last you'll see of me for a while. Hopefully it'll be enough for you guys to chew on.

05-27-2008, 00:04
Not even close. We demand more GH! Surely you can find something to do? Example: Take the priest, get appointed as the Patriarch, and then start excommunicating avatars who don't live up to the Christian ideal. You'd have the high piety types listen to you, nice way to start random civil wars.

05-27-2008, 00:07
That actually might fit perfectly. Is there a Patriarch mechanism in SS4.1?

05-27-2008, 00:59
Don't think so, the whole thing would have to be RPed.

05-27-2008, 03:28
I'm almost frightened by the prospect of playing my character, because he will truly be a bizarre one. :laugh2:

05-27-2008, 05:31
GH as an eastern "Pope"? The world would be turned upside down.

If this occured as Emperor I would feel a bit threatened, as the emphasis would turn from Popicide to Regicide.

Also, how are we going to kill off all those unclaimed RGBs? I don't think there is a console command that will do it.

Cecil XIX
05-27-2008, 06:19
We got rid of Siegfried, we can get rid of these clowns. :tnt:

05-27-2008, 06:26
Depending how much we follow history, that could be very interesting.

The Emperor having both temporal and spiritual powers, was leader of the State and Church in theory. In practice, a strong patriarch could more than hold his own against the Emperor. There is much potential for interesting stories in this "relationship".

05-27-2008, 06:42
getting rid of generals is as simple as using the move_character (character name), (x,y) cheat. To find out where a certain location is, use the show_cursorstat cheat. The objective in destroying a general is to move him across water via a land bridge, and then hit backspace when he's almost halfway across so he stops on the water tile and dies.

example: "Move_character Kilij Arslan 24,144"
Puts the Sultan of the turks next to the land bridge in BC. Then move towards rome and die halfway across. No more Kilij Arslan.

Lo, I have revealed the magical secret behind destroying unwanted generals. Yea, use this power for good only, because to use it for evil purposes would bring about the apocalypse.

Also, it's just way funner to kill generals on the battlefield, so there's always that.

05-27-2008, 10:42
or you can just use "kill_character 'name goes here'"

05-27-2008, 10:48
Wasn't the "backspace while over a land bridge" thing discovered as a way to eliminate armies rather than generals, or is there a command for that as well?

05-27-2008, 11:00
You can just disband armies, I think we used the drowning technique in hotseats that had the console disabled (eg MPC)

05-27-2008, 13:40
Being the first and foremost to have suffered from that "technique" I can only confirm that land-bridges drowning works just fine to get rid of unwanted avatars...

Too fine if you ask me...:furious3:

05-27-2008, 13:58
So we can have stories about how a player gets tried and eventually burned at the stake for heresy?

Can we also have lawsuits after somebody gets caught during an act of high treason (like sleeping with the emperor's wife?), with a subsequent death sentence?

Is demanding financial compensation instead of starting a civil war a possibility?

Endless possibilities :jumping:

Did things like that happen in KoTR?

05-27-2008, 14:02
No, but we did have other "interesting" happenings...

05-27-2008, 14:06
As the Byzantine Empire, we are supposed to be decadent, aren't we?

So we need characters who are more concerned with their hedonistic needs then with the survival of our Empire...

Booze, (wo)men and cowardice, here I come...

05-27-2008, 14:21
As the Byzantine Empire, we are supposed to be decadent, aren't we?

So we need characters who are more concerned with their hedonistic needs then with the survival of our Empire...

Booze, (wo)men and cowardice, here I come...

One of my requirements for an avatar was the Social Drinker trait. ~:cheers:

05-27-2008, 14:43
I think I'm pretty much going to have personal vices covered.... I can't wait to play my character. You guys are going to enjoy this...

05-27-2008, 14:54
Avatars don't always turn out as you initially plan them. My Mandorf in KOTR was initially intended to be a vile, debauched bastard of the highest order. Then he picked up a retinue member who was essentially a Saint and I had to alter things a bit...

05-27-2008, 15:28
Oh no, my friend, my character won't be evil, per se. Just... flawed. I've already said too much.

05-27-2008, 15:41
Tincow, i wonder at what point will you start distributing the initial lands to the avatars?:painting:

05-27-2008, 15:46
Tincow, i wonder at what point will you start distributing the initial lands to the avatars?:painting:

Me thinks Kag is trying to figure out if the 3rd FM will get any land before he picks him... :clown:

05-27-2008, 16:07
Tincow, i wonder at what point will you start distributing the initial lands to the avatars?:painting:

I didn't have a concrete plan about it. I was simply going to assign them to players who I felt would good potential candidates for 'heads' of Houses, since they will have a rank up on everyone else to start with. Obviously the Basileus and Caesar have to have provinces as well, to fit their position. Fortunately, both have been taken by people who I know would make the early game interesting anyway. Avatar selection will not have any impact on my decision about where the other four provinces go.

Assignments that I can declare right now:

Basileus Aleksios Komenus (OverKnight) - Constantinople
Caesar Ioannes Komenus (Ignoramus) - Nicaea

This reminds me that there may be another Basileus power that we have omitted... off to the Next-gen Discussion thread!

05-27-2008, 16:39
Me thinks Kag is trying to figure out if the 3rd FM will get any land before he picks him... :clown:

There are few interesting choices out there, but lets see first, whom AussieGiant and Ituralde chooses, there is none particularly interesting fellow there who´s name screams "Nomen est omen", but choosing him might put me into a situation where id have to start courting TheFlax.:laugh4:

I didn't have a concrete plan about it. I was simply going to assign them to players who I felt would good potential candidates for 'heads' of Houses, since they will have a rank up on everyone else to start with. Obviously the Basileus and Caesar have to have provinces as well, to fit their position. Fortunately, both have been taken by people who I know would make the early game interesting anyway. Avatar selection will not have any impact on my decision about where the other four provinces go.

Assignments that I can declare right now:

Basileus Aleksios Komenus (OverKnight) - Constantinople
Caesar Ioannes Komenus (Ignoramus) - Nicaea

This reminds me that there may be another Basileus power that we have omitted... off to the Next-gen Discussion thread!

Thanks for the information, at least for me the distribution of lands will be a viable part of choosing my liege in the future, but of course that depends of the avatar i choose, cant wait to see this game start!:smash:

05-27-2008, 21:22
All right, looks like I'll be playing the Patriarch. If someone could give me his name and age that would be great. :yes:

General rules:
He won't have a presence in the Senate (this includes motions); rather, just post Proclamations in the Senate thread from time to time depending on how he thinks things are going. Don't expect him to get into a discussion with you or really respond to your comments, for they're just Proclamations.

When he dies, I'll stop playing him and think of something else to do.

For official Senate business, I'll be playing a nameless Senator who won't say much.

05-27-2008, 21:33
I don't know if there is a patriarch in SS but here is a list of the ones on wikipedia.


and the postition:


Cecil XIX
05-27-2008, 21:42
It might be better to use an actual in-game priest. I could keep an eye on him and keep GH abreast of his traits and retinue.

05-27-2008, 21:42
So can a private army "stomp" a Patriarch if the need arises like those nuisances called inquisitors?:clown:

05-27-2008, 21:44
So can a private army "stomp" a Patriarch if the need arises like those nuisances called inquisitors?:clown:

We could just push him onto a boat and have him preach to the fishes...


05-27-2008, 21:45
So can a private army "stomp" a Patriarch if the need arises like those nuisances called inquisitors?:clown:

Nope, can't do it on your own faction's agents... (You're safe, GH... for now...:devil:)

05-27-2008, 21:48
It might be better to use an actual in-game priest. I could keep an eye on him and keep GH abreast of his traits and retinue.

Yeah, I was thinking the priest with the highest piety (that isn't 58 years old).

05-27-2008, 21:50
I feel the need to clarify this, since we're now up to two people RPing avatars. I would like to emphasize part of Rule 1.2:

Players may not use agents as avatars, since agents cannot fight battles and have a different set of stats from family members and recruitable generals.

I allowed TheFlax to take the starting Princess because she would not be around for very long, people seemed in favor of it, and she has no ability to influence the game other than through stories and IC communications. I am now allowing GH to use a priest because (and only because) he is having computer problems that prevent him from playing M2TW at the moment. GH will also be voting in any polls that are put up as a random unnamed Senator, on the condition that he votes in a manner 'independent' of his priest character (whatever that means).

I fully intend to enforce the above portion of Rule 1.2 from now on. Unless you have a really, really good reason, please do not ask to RP an agent.

05-27-2008, 21:51
Nope, can't do it on your own faction's agents... (You're safe, GH... for now...:devil:)

Damn..:laugh4: Well then we have still Privateerkev´s suggestion about sleeping..erm, preaching with...oops, to the the fishes..:titanic:

05-28-2008, 19:01
Yeah! I got my man!

So when can we decide where to put our character?

05-28-2008, 19:05
Its funny that my top three candidates were Mine, Ituraldes and Northnovas picks in that order, all us three being next to each other in the list. I guess Tincow first will choose the distribution of the lands, before we may start moving our characters in their initial places.:yes:

05-28-2008, 19:06
Yeah! I got my man!

So when can we decide where to put our character?

After I allocate the remaining provinces, which will be done shortly.

05-28-2008, 19:16
The remaining provinces are allocated as follows:

Markianos Ampelas (FLYdude) - Thessalonica
Aleksios ek Ikoniou (Northnovas) - Corinth
Makedonios Ksanthopoulos (Privateerkev) - Nicosia
Kosmas Mavrozomis (Zim) - Athens

All four of these players are very active and reliable players. In addition, none were ever the head of a House or the Kaiser in KOTR, despite particularly long playtime by FLYdude and Northnovas. In addition, Privateerkev and Zim both have basic Houses already lined up, so this will help get the initial politics going.

Anyone who cares where their avatar starts may now send me a PM with that location. Starting locations can only be inside settlements. Please hold off on the swearing of oaths for a little bit longer; they will be allowed prior to the first Senate session, but not quite yet.

05-28-2008, 19:16
So when can we start communicating IC with each other?

I want to get some things rolling... :yes:


Nevermind, the previous post answers some of that.

05-28-2008, 19:21
You can start sending IC PMs if you want, but I'm not opening the game up to public IC discussions until everyone has an avatar. You're free to do whatever you want behind the scenes.

05-28-2008, 19:29
And so it begins.:2thumbsup:

05-28-2008, 19:30
Congratulations to the new province-owners. So that makes them what now? Something after Stratos, I guess. I really need to start learning those titles... :book2:

05-28-2008, 19:51
Okay I hereby rename the following (IC):

and so far for the others the first name is spellable for me :clown:

05-28-2008, 19:55
Okay I hereby rename the following (IC):

and so far for the others the first name is spellable for me :clown:

Ok Hippie.


05-28-2008, 20:13
Wow that's cool. Thanks! The responsibility. :sweatdrop:

The challenge in this PBM with the ERE is trying to get spelling correct I am glad I do not have to pronounce the names. :2thumbsup:

I think shortcuts for some names will be necessary. :clown:

05-28-2008, 20:41
I've just been leaving a window open to the Senate Library thread and using "cut and paste" on people's names for my IC correspondance.

I have a feeling I'll be doing that for quite awhile. :yes:

05-28-2008, 22:20
Hang on a second, why is Myrddraal a moderator of the LotR forum? I didn't think he had anything to do with it, TC to full mod I say!

05-28-2008, 22:54
I've just been leaving a window open to the Senate Library thread and using "cut and paste" on people's names for my IC correspondance.

I have a feeling I'll be doing that for quite awhile. :yes:

That is a good idea. :2thumbsup:

The other thing I am adjusting to is the new avatars for everyone. I still can't use to TC's and now I just saw Ramses and that menacing looking avatar of his is gone. :laugh4:

Ramses II CP
05-28-2008, 23:01
Yep, I finally switched. The heretic guy that was my previous actually looks a little like me IRL, and I loved that 'purveyor of heresy' line from the game... but I'm pretty jazzed about my new character too. Sixteen with all those interesting combat stats already, and chivalry, which was a requirement for me. Good stuff.


05-29-2008, 01:04
I have to admit, I'm still not used to the new avatar yet. At least we'll always have the Egyptian smilie. :clown:

Cecil XIX
05-29-2008, 01:38
So, can anyone tell me how to find out what 'Naksou' means? I assume 'ek' is the equivalent of 'von'.

05-29-2008, 01:45
you are correct about "ek": http://www.searchgodsword.org/lex/grk/view.cgi?number=1537

googling it reveals only links to totalwar.org/twcenter and some hotels in the Greek island of Naxos. Given the similarity, perhaps it has something to do with Naxos? Perhaps it is Naxos?

05-29-2008, 01:49
After a short search, it seems to refer to the island of Naxos (or Naksos, Ναξος in Greek) in the Aegean sea. Naksou is some sort of an inflected form, probably meaning of, on, or from Naxos. I think instead of a proper last name, your guy has an "of Naxos" suffix.

05-29-2008, 03:32
I wont be changing my avatar! It changes for no man. Maybe if I get really attached to him.

05-29-2008, 03:36
you will :yes:

05-29-2008, 03:40
My computer has started crashing randomly, but it can still load up M2. I don't know for how long though, and if it does die then it'll probably be a month or two before I can afford to buy another one. I don't wanna drop out though, but I'm not really what I could do.

Cecil XIX
05-29-2008, 05:26
Thanks for your help, deguerra and FLYdude. Guess I need to be more thorough with my googling.

05-29-2008, 09:16
Am I the only one experiencing this or is peverpinks signature a tad on the large side. The large heraldry shield always overlaps the post after his, making it hard to read. :inquisitive:

05-29-2008, 10:34
Sorry about that, I will resize, until then it's gone.

IE doesnt display it, Firefox does.

On another note, can I start "recruiting" players for a house in here, or should I wait?

05-29-2008, 10:39
Go right ahead! You may want to send some more detailed to PM's to prospective candidates.

But Caesar is already taken.

05-29-2008, 13:40
On another note, can I start "recruiting" players for a house in here, or should I wait?

TC said we can't recruit in public yet but we can send IC PM's.

05-29-2008, 13:45
To clarify, the reason you can't recruit in public yet is that there aren't any IC threads open to do it in. I don't really care about public recruiting, but I don't want to start public IC conversations until everyone has an avatar. As soon as that is done, I will open the IC Senate thread and start the first session. As per the rules, I may extend the length of the first session if it's needed.

Do people think we need a second IC thread as well, along the lines of the Tavern? That seemed to get only sporatic use in KOTR, so I'm unsure about it here.

05-29-2008, 13:48
Do people think we need a second IC thread as well, along the lines of the Tavern? That seemed to get only sporatic use in KOTR, so I'm unsure about it here.

I think a Tavern in Constantinople will be fun. It seemed like a good way for new players and new characters to interact. The senate will probably be "stuffy" as senate's tend to be.

05-29-2008, 14:00
I personally will need a tavern, as my character will be less senator-ish and more drunken failure-ish.

05-29-2008, 14:22
I think I may have just had an interesting idea for the new 'Tavern'. I wanted it to be a historical spot of social congregation, and in Constantinople the obvious choice is the Hippodrome. This would allow for plenty of un-Senatorial behavior, and it would also give us the chance to introduce another interesting aspect of Byzantine social and political life into LotR: the chariot races.

If we use the 'Hippodrome,' I will occassioanly (maybe once per term) run a chariot race, whose results will be determined by random die rolls, with perhaps some extra description of the events (and possible skullduggery by some of the teams) posted in the thread. Senators could bet on the results and even make wagers amongst themselves, with their own retinue, units, armies, or even settlements and Wills. Enforcement of these bets would be up to the players.


05-29-2008, 14:27
I'm up for anything that fosters players role-playing with each other.

A Hippodrome might be fun. :2thumbsup:

05-29-2008, 14:27
Sounds cool :2thumbsup:

But placing bets a bit too often should result in some Gambling traits on the avatar, no ?

05-29-2008, 14:40
But placing bets a bit too often should result in some Gambling traits on the avatar, no ?

Perhaps, but that would essentially require me to determine when someone needs a trait change and what that change should be. I don't really want to do that, since the results would probably be arbitrary and inconsistent. Frequent gambling would have its own consequences anyway. Every time you do it, you risk losing. If you lose, you've either got to pay up to whomever you bet against or face the consequences of reneging on your bet. I think that such IC consequences would balance themselves better than any decisions I could make.

05-29-2008, 15:11
It was simply a suggestion to make use of the trait system.

05-29-2008, 17:24
would young senators (say 16 - 20 year olds) be able to take part in races themselves (giving a new way of getting glory and fame and house invatations in the early part of the game) or would it be teams of non-senators?

05-29-2008, 17:33
The races would generally be entirely unrelated to the players. Later in the game (a month or two at least) I would perhaps consider allowing Senators to try and influence the outcome of the races through bribery and other dishonest methods, but I would probably only allow it for high ranking Senators with specific traits or retinue. I have already drawn up a draft 'intro' to the Hippodrome which has some IC and OOC explanation about how it will work. If people would like, I can post it now and simply lock it until I'm ready to open up the public IC threads.

05-29-2008, 17:35
I like the idea, go ahead. Can't wait for the Stories thread too!

05-29-2008, 17:43
I like the idea, go ahead. Can't wait for the Stories thread too!


Dibs on the 1st story though.

05-29-2008, 17:45
what's wrong with first come, first served?

05-29-2008, 17:47
Hippodrome draft is posted. Comments are welcome. Keep in mind it would still serve the usual IC purposes that the Tavern served as well.

05-29-2008, 18:01
Great idea for the Hippodrome and also, great writeup. This should see more activity than a tavern thread mainly because everyone can have a reason to be there, from a lowly Strator to the Basileus.

05-29-2008, 18:02
I like the writeup very much and I'm already looking forward to the first race, sounds like fun! :2thumbsup:

05-29-2008, 18:32
come on you greens!

the hippodrome has a bar and say a cafe for in between races and senate meeting right?
I have the oddest feeling my first character will spend alot of the early game there

05-29-2008, 18:39
I have no idea what other entertainment facilities (if any) the Hippodrome had historically, but wealthier patrons had better seats and private boxes. The Basileus' private box is described as a multi-room complex that was something of a miniature palace. Since everyone will be playing a Senator, we will all be at least low ranking nobility with access to most luxuries. It seems to me that we can just assume that there's plenty of food or drink to be had at all times in various places, be they in the public stands, Senators' boxes, or the Basileus' box. I say just RP it however you want.

05-29-2008, 21:04
One to go and the show starts.:2thumbsup:

05-30-2008, 03:52
And I wish Rowan would hurry, am going to burst with excitement otherwise, and it won't be pretty. :clown:

05-30-2008, 03:56
And I wish he would hurry, am going to burst with excitement otherwise, and it won't be pretty.

*ATPG wipes his face off*

If that happens three or four more times, I will seriously consider writing a letter of protest!


05-30-2008, 05:16
By which means are we uploading/downloading the savegames?

05-30-2008, 07:28
You will be able to upload the savegames using either the PBM Uploader (http://www.totalwar.org/Downloads/Uploaders/pbmupload.php) or the Backup PBM Uploader (http://www.mizus.com/files/pbmupload.php). Please make sure to put your file into a .zip format first.

You can find the savegames here (http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/).
Our savegames will start with LOTR followed by the current year. You can find the LOTR save for 1081 somewhere in there. The best way is to sort by date, once the game gets rolling our current saves should be near the top of the list.

05-30-2008, 11:52
The official start save won't be up until the first Senate session is underway, because I need to wait for Smowz to pick his avatar before deleting the rest. It shouldn't really be needed for the Senate session, though, so I don't see any cause for alarm or delay because of it.

05-30-2008, 13:25
Ok, I've decided that since there are only 2 players left waiting for avatars, we can go ahead and start the public IC. The Senate is not yet open, nor can people post in the Status and Orders thread or interact with the saved game, but all other IC actions can now begin. The Hippodrome is open for use and the various Houses may start posting their own threads. This also marks the official end to any rule changes without a vote. All future rule changes will have to be made by Amendments. Swearing (and breaking) of Oaths is now allowed, so long as it is done in a public thread.

So what I'm essentially saying is...

Game on!

05-30-2008, 13:54
Excellent! Just as my computer gets the XP SP3 bug and destroys itself!

:laugh4: New one coming this week I think :2thumbsup:

05-30-2008, 18:43
As noted in the Hippodrome, I'm going to run a race on Sunday. I know this is a bit early and people don't have much to bet with, but I want to demonstrate how the thing will work. If people feel like betting in some fashion (votes?) then they are free to do so, but it doesn't matter to me if no one does. It's mainly to get myself and everyone else used to the system.

05-30-2008, 19:03
How do we know how much money we have to bet with?

05-30-2008, 19:10
Money is pretty much the only thing you can't bet with simply because no one has control over it... well, unless you're the Megas Logothetes. What you bet with is entirely up to you. You can bet retinue, units in armies or garrisons you control, or settlements. You can also bet less tangible things, like a bet between two commanders in the same army to determine who gets to fight the next battle. Or perhaps you bet with your Senatorial votes, promising to vote the way the other person wants on a particular issue. It does not matter to me what the bet is for. If you can find someone who is willing to take the bet, you can make it. Just remember that enforcement of the bets is entirely up to you. If you win and your opponent doesn't pay up in whatever manner he said he would, you'll have to figure out what to do about it yourself.

05-30-2008, 19:16
Ah right I get it now. I had a vision of each person having a set amount of money for their rank and being able to win more depending on the odds on each racer, more of an official bet with the people who run the Hippodrome.

In this case though I don't have anything to bet with yet but I place a virtual bet on the Green Team!

05-30-2008, 23:15
Im going home tomorrow, which means I wont be able to do anything tomorrow (saturday) and not much on sunday.

I know we havn't got started properly yet, so thankfully I wont miss much, just maybe political bickering, house forming and a race.

05-30-2008, 23:54
To those who have written the Basileus: I'll be replying soon.

I wanted to see how the houses shook out and who claimed what avatar before writing back.

So, it looks like we have two feudal chains going?

05-30-2008, 23:56
So, it looks like we have two feudal chains going?

right now mine is more of a horizontal line with a tiny vertical stub in the middle.


05-30-2008, 23:59
Well fine, rudimentary feudal chains.

I will also be doing another history for this game.

05-31-2008, 00:04
Two chains, both looking a bit horizontal at the moment. :clown:

Cecil XIX
05-31-2008, 00:20
I've decided that I'm going to make a political map of Byzantine Territory, color-coded by ownership. To that end I need Ignoramus, Privateerkev, Zim, Northnovas and Flydude each pick a color to represent their territory before the end of the voting. Purple is reserved for the Basileus.

05-31-2008, 00:22
For the House of Asteri I'd say something from our Heraldry. Black as the first choice, or dark gold as the second. :yes:

I've decided that I'm going to make a political map of Byzantine Territory, color-coded by ownership. To that end I need Ignoramus, Privateerkev, Zim, Northnovas and Flydude each pick a color to represent their territory before the end of the voting. Purple is reserved for the Basileus.

05-31-2008, 00:37
Hello everyone. My wife and I will be leaving on a trip for our first anniversary tomorrow morning. I should be back some time Monday afternoon.

I'll be around the rest of the evening. :yes: In my absence, deguerra (Ioannis Kalameteros) will be running the House of Asteri. Any questions about the House should be directed to him. :bow:

House Thread:

05-31-2008, 01:28
I've decided that I'm going to make a political map of Byzantine Territory, color-coded by ownership. To that end I need Ignoramus, Privateerkev, Zim, Northnovas and Flydude each pick a color to represent their territory before the end of the voting. Purple is reserved for the Basileus.

I'll pick white then.

05-31-2008, 01:45
Dark blue.

05-31-2008, 02:41
Gold for me.

05-31-2008, 04:41
I would like green and am trying to catch up here for a house I started this morning but I am on the road. Will have something up very shortly.

05-31-2008, 08:21
I feel sorry for OK, since as Basileus he'll have so many messages to reply to

05-31-2008, 08:51
That'll be your problem soon enough Igno. :wink:

I swear I'm writing replies to everyone, just give me a bit longer. :juggle2:

I've never been the Monarch before, just a lowly Chancellor, it takes some adjustment.

05-31-2008, 14:05
You've got plenty of time. I am likely going to give the first Senate session a longer debate period, simply because there are so many of us and it may take a bit of debate to see where there are differences of opinion on expansion and whatnot. Right now I'm thinking of 4 days of debate, followed by the usual 2 of voting. I would prefer to open the Senate tomorrow, but Rowan still hasn't gotten online to pick his avatar. Regardless of what happens, the Senate will open no later than Monday. So, we're looking at next weekend for the first actual game advancement. That's plenty of time to sort out this initial chaos.

05-31-2008, 17:48
Hey everyone. The new Gahzette is up. There's an interview of AussieGiant that, through no skill on my part, is still rather interesting. It might be worth a look, as we discussed KotR at great length :bow:


And now I'm off. See you guys on Monday! :charge:

05-31-2008, 17:50
I am just green with jealous rage!

06-01-2008, 04:38
just wading through the material being posted up...impressive list of players TC...this is a real step up from KotR already from what I can see.

06-01-2008, 15:21
Since Smowz has picked his avatar, all initial selections are now done. georgeman51 has not posted again or otherwise contact me, so I am not going to wait for him. The Senate session will begin later today.

06-01-2008, 17:30
This going to be one of the all time craziest sessions in recorded history...or at least I hope so...30 players and everyone is fresh and ready to roll...my word!!

OK, Igno, my friends!! You might need some bouncers and martial assistance to handle all this in one place at one time.

Can't wait.

06-01-2008, 17:33
TC : I wondered if it was possible for convenience's sake to add a link next to the Mead Hall and Throne Room (EDIT : in the Story/PBM Forum) linking directly to LotR without going through the Throne Room ?

06-01-2008, 17:36
This going to be one of the all time craziest sessions in recorded history...or at least I hope so...30 players and everyone is fresh and ready to roll...my word!!

OK, Igno, my friends!! You might need some bouncers and martial assistance to handle all this in one place at one time.

Can't wait.

Seeing as everyone wants something from the Beselius, I'm sure they'll behave. :beam:

06-01-2008, 17:39
Some may behave more than others...:whip:

06-01-2008, 17:43
well the House leaders all want something from the Emperor. So they have a vested interest in keeping their people in line. Anyone unaligned might still cause trouble but they'll be possibly limiting their options for the future.

I think the place will be chatty but probably not too contentious. Of course I've certainly been wrong before when trying to predict "governing body" behavior. :juggle2:

06-01-2008, 17:56
Plus you are now "golden-mouthed"... like your patron saint...

06-01-2008, 18:00
Plus you are now "golden-mouthed"... like your patron saint...

Yeah, me playing a "lower key" character will go a long way towards lowering the decibel level of the Senate. I figure I'll let someone else take that role this game. :laugh4:

Of course, I can still get in there and mix it up with the best of them if need be. ~;)

06-01-2008, 18:07
I'm placing bets on how long before you come barging in the Senate brandishing some documents that point to some loophole in some edict or other that make you Basileus instantly... :laugh4:

06-01-2008, 18:17
I'm placing bets on how long before you come barging in the Senate brandishing some documents that point to some loophole in some edict or other that make you Basileus instantly... :laugh4:


Well I was planning to until SOMEONE had to go and spill my super-secret plan!!!!


06-01-2008, 20:32

I dare anyone to read TC's Chariot race out loud . I just did and it is hilarious!!

06-01-2008, 20:33
I did too and it was awesome.

A very good idea TC. I was wondering how the Hippodrome would work out but so far I am loving it. :bow:

06-01-2008, 20:40
Glad you guys like it. The system I created to generate the random results if 5 pages long, complete with a random character generation system. Even I don't know the results before I run the race. Then all I have to do is write up the results like a commentator. It's kind of fun.

06-01-2008, 20:40
Just a quick question.

How are these RBG's meant to be integrated into the Senate?

I need to whip up a story to explain my boy's arrival and integration and I'm a little vague on the process that is being used.


06-01-2008, 20:45
Do it any way you want. They're all Senators. You can assume you guy is new, a veteran Senator, from noble blood, from peasant stock, whatever you want. I don't think there are any limits on how you explain it, except that at the current time, he's a Senator.

06-01-2008, 20:49
Do it any way you want. They're all Senators. You can assume you guy is new, a veteran Senator, from noble blood, from peasant stock, whatever you want. I don't think there are any limits on how you explain it, except that at the current time, he's a Senator.

Thanks for the feedback TC.

I'd like to know what the recognised procedure was for this though. How where the senator's decided back then?

06-02-2008, 00:08
Michail had a rich merchant father. he bought a senate seat. :grin2:

06-02-2008, 14:24
FYI, I'm going to hold off on making the needed changes (killing off excess RBGSs, moving avatars to starting locations, shifting titles around, and restoring treasury to default level) until the debate period is over. More people may sign up between now and then, and it would just be easier to give them one of the pre-spawned avatars rather than making them wait for a fresh one. I'll make the changes when we switch over to the voting period, though, so the final save will be ready about 2 days before the game starting moving.

06-02-2008, 16:03
Oh, I've also reversed my decision on giving TheFlax a vote in this Senate session. He's done a great job with roleplaying the princess and GH is getting a vote as well, even though he is also using an avatar. It would be eminently unjust to make TheFlax the only person who couldn't vote after all of this. As with GH, I just request that he vote as an anonymous Senator, not as his agent character.

The Lemongate
06-02-2008, 16:08
As you'll see in the Story Thread, there's a new character for everyone to interact with (though he has no in-game representation), the massively rich Voluminoso Maiale, merchant of Genoa, who has recently arrived in Constantinople to conquer the city with his mutton chops and marry off the Princess.

I didn't want it to come down to that. But all them love stories left me no choice.

06-02-2008, 16:12
Sure if you lined up all of Anna's suitors, you could cross the Bosphorus without wetting a slippered foot...

06-02-2008, 16:16
Oh, I've also reversed my decision on giving TheFlax a vote in this Senate session. He's done a great job with roleplaying the princess and GH is getting a vote as well, even though he is also using an avatar. It would be eminently unjust to make TheFlax the only person who couldn't vote after all of this. As with GH, I just request that he vote as an anonymous Senator, not as his agent character.

Thank you, I'll try to vote as impartialy as possible. :bow:

I'm glad so many people jumped in to roleplay, I'm already having a great time. Thanks to everyone of you.

Also, my thanks must be given to Lemon for creating the first character with whom I am truly afraid to interact. :clown:

The Lemongate
06-02-2008, 17:44
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

06-02-2008, 21:44
Oh, how I long for the days of the Republic, where any Senator who spoke in any way against the sacred Republican process could immediately be labeled as a tyrant who aspired to make himself King over the good Roman people, who at the very utterance of that word, Rex, would draw their swords and look to spill some blood. But now we have an Emperor, whom we're supposed to respect even as we tell him what things we allow him to do. Damn you Servius Aemilius, you gave them the idea.

06-03-2008, 00:02
hi all,

I dont have access to the game right now, what is the province to the west of Thessalonica?

The debates are getting fierece.


06-03-2008, 00:09
I think you are referring to Durazzo? If not, its Arta.

06-03-2008, 00:10
Thank you.


06-03-2008, 00:12
There's a map in the Senate Library. That's what I've been using.

06-03-2008, 00:13
I thought that didnt have Settlement names, thank you!

06-03-2008, 04:59
Hey everyone, I'm back from my trip.

So many threads to go through, and stuck on dialup as well. :dizzy2:

06-03-2008, 08:38
I love the little pieces TheFlax! They give very valuable background information and are much appreciated. I just refrained from posting in your threads to keep them tidy and not cluttered with little messages proclaiming your deserved greatness!

06-03-2008, 09:02
I apologize for the Basileus's late arrival in the Manguara. I was busy Sunday upgrading my computer (put in a new MoBo , processor, memory, HDD while still waiting for the graphics card to arrive). I checked the forum every once in a while while reinstalling windows and such on the new drive, but I didn't see the Senate thread that I expected. I, foolishly it seems, thought the Manguara was the name of another house thread. :oops:

So Aleksios wasn't lurking behind a curtain testing anyone or anything, though that is a great retcon. :2thumbsup:

06-03-2008, 09:08
I love the little pieces TheFlax! They give very valuable background information and are much appreciated. I just refrained from posting in your threads to keep them tidy and not cluttered with little messages proclaiming your deserved greatness!

Thank you. Now that I've seen that at least a few people enjoy them, I'll write some more soon. :yes:

06-03-2008, 13:28
I checked the forum every once in a while while reinstalling windows and such on the new drive, but I didn't see the Senate thread that I expected. I, foolishly it seems, thought the Manguara was the name of another house thread. :oops:

Sorry about that, I figured since the LotR tavern was being named after a real building, that it would be nice to do the same for the Senate. A bit of googling found the proper name for me, as well as that image of what it would have looked like. The entire website (http://www.byzantium1200.com/) is actually pretty interesting.

Cecil XIX
06-03-2008, 17:45
I apologize for the Basileus's late arrival in the Manguara. I was busy Sunday upgrading my computer (put in a new MoBo , processor, memory, HDD while still waiting for the graphics card to arrive). I checked the forum every once in a while while reinstalling windows and such on the new drive, but I didn't see the Senate thread that I expected. I, foolishly it seems, thought the Manguara was the name of another house thread. :oops:

So Aleksios wasn't lurking behind a curtain testing anyone or anything, though that is a great retcon. :2thumbsup:

And here I though he was hoping that the Senators would wait for him out of respect for the whole session, and not get any constricting legislation passed. :smash:

06-03-2008, 17:51
Yes, I envisioned him looking at the proceedings from some secret room and his eyes looking through the eyes of one of the paintings, waiting to see who was supporting what... Shifty MoFo is our Basileos...

06-03-2008, 18:08
Yes, I believe MoFo is the appropriate term for our Leige

he said while wearing floppy clown shoes, bleeding profusely from the head...

06-03-2008, 18:41
I'm just toying around with my signature because of the great heraldry done by deguerra and this question comes up. Does anyone know whether you can make the borders of a table created in BBCode invisible?

For an example how I don't want it to look just take a look at my signature.

06-03-2008, 18:51
Yes, I do. The table code is "table=0 0 0". That's what I've used to create the world maps in the various Libraries.

That's a brilliant idea, btw. I've been trying to figure out how to arrange stuff like that in my sig for a long time. Tables never occurred to me.

06-03-2008, 19:20
Does anyone know if we can take the Grandmaster Seal from the Templar faction and put it on an avatar in this game? Also, I'd want it "stripped" of traits to be fair. (it gives a couple stat boosts.) I just want it for role-playing purposes.

But I know nothing about modding. So a.) is this even possible? And b.) is it allowed?

06-03-2008, 19:34
Does anyone know if we can take the Grandmaster Seal from the Templar faction and put it on an avatar in this game? Also, I'd want it "stripped" of traits to be fair. (it gives a couple stat boosts.) I just want it for role-playing purposes.

But I know nothing about modding. So a.) is this even possible? And b.) is it allowed?

It would be easier to simply create a new retinue with the same graphic, but with a different description and no effects. However, I don't want to do that because you're essentially asking for a unique retinue to show you as the head of your House. If we made a custom retinue for you, then we'd have to allow one for every House leader and then it starts getting way too complicated.

06-03-2008, 19:38
Ok, no problem. :bow:

Just thought I'd ask. :beam:


What about at higher ranks? For example, could we pass a CA one day that allows it for Grand Dukes?

06-03-2008, 19:45
Anything can pass a CA, but I would vote against it unless there was a really good reason. All such changes would require a new mod to be created and installed. That's a lot of work to go through considering the only benefit is having an IC icon on your Library mugshot.

We could certainly add completely new traits and retinue that have actual in-game effects (such as adding the actual rank titles, Strator, Dux, Exarch, etc.) but then we're talking about making a full-on mod just for this game. That's a bit more work than I'm willing to undertake, personally.

06-03-2008, 19:48
Anything can pass a CA, but I would vote against it unless there was a really good reason. All such changes would require a new mod to be created and installed. That's a lot of work to go through considering the only benefit is having an IC icon on your Library mugshot.

We could certainly add completely new traits and retinue that have actual in-game effects (such as adding the actual rank titles, Strator, Dux, Exarch, etc.) but then we're talking about making a full-on mod just for this game. That's a bit more work than I'm willing to undertake, personally.

Ah then nevermind. I didn't realize what I was asking would entail a lot of work. I just thought it would be something cool if it could be done quickly and easily.

06-03-2008, 20:47
Cant we comment here OOC: What happens in the Magaura, like the latest Lemongate episode. Personally i dont see anything bad on that little blunder, also it was funny as hell, maybe we should loosen up a bit. I dont know is it just me, but the atmosphere generally seems bit stiff compared to start of KOTR for example, hopefully people are just so exited about the starting of the game.:yes:

06-03-2008, 20:49
Alright I just want to say I am absolutly loving the posts you guys are doing in the Senate thread. I won't respond to them all IC but I wanted to give kudos in here. ATPG, TLG, Andres, many more that I am not mentioning, please know that even if I am not reacting IC, I am laughing my !@#$ off OOC. :laugh4:

That and the stories are rocking! :2thumbsup:

06-03-2008, 20:59
The Magnaura thread has been purged of those last two OOC posts. There was nothing wrong with what The Lemongate posted. I personally found it to be very amusing and well-written. Comedy is as much at home in these games as the more intense dramatics.

In any case, it should not be discussed via OOC posts in the Magnaura. If you have issues like that, post them in here or PM me. The only OOC posts which should be posted in the Magnaura or the Hippodrome are ones which aid in the understanding of what is going on, such as PK's recent post. All other OOC posts should go in this thread. Also, there should be no OOC posts whatsoever in the Battle Reports or Stories Threads. The House threads are managed by the leaders of the various Houses, so those people can make their own rules on OOC posting.

The Lemongate
06-03-2008, 21:00
Hmmm... right, so I get more reactions (albeit negative ones) to a silly post (which I did put some time in - the character is thought out) then anything said by Anastasios.

Geez I'm all a smile here...

06-03-2008, 21:14
I loved the long war rant by Anastasios. It made me want to grab a sword and stab something. :yes:

And I think the character is very distinctive. :2thumbsup:

06-03-2008, 21:49
Yes, I do. The table code is "table=0 0 0". That's what I've used to create the world maps in the various Libraries.

That's a brilliant idea, btw. I've been trying to figure out how to arrange stuff like that in my sig for a long time. Tables never occurred to me.

Awesome! Thank you! And you're welcome, I guess.

Edit: Nope, that didn't do the trick. Once I just added the table=0 0 0 into my current code it messes up my formatting completely. It will just put the the first line into the table, once a new line starts it puts it ouf of the table...

06-04-2008, 00:51
Yay! Another Wheel off Time fan :D And, seriously people, if you understood how ridiculously simple these Arms are put together, you would be running me out of the Senate after all the praise you've thrown my way :beam:

06-04-2008, 01:42
Alright I just want to say I am absolutly loving the posts you guys are doing in the Senate thread. I won't respond to them all IC but I wanted to give kudos in here. ATPG, TLG, Andres, many more that I am not mentioning, please know that even if I am not reacting IC, I am laughing my !@#$ off OOC. :laugh4:

That and the stories are rocking! :2thumbsup:


Nice to know my efforts at humor are appreciated. More is coming.

06-04-2008, 01:43
I thank you Deguerra for giving us so many deep and insightful posts.


06-04-2008, 01:43
Awesome! Thank you! And you're welcome, I guess.

Edit: Nope, that didn't do the trick. Once I just added the table=0 0 0 into my current code it messes up my formatting completely. It will just put the the first line into the table, once a new line starts it puts it ouf of the table...

Ituralde your sig looked good earlier today I thought you had already done a table. The format was very clean and all the stuff was easy to see in your sig.

06-04-2008, 06:02
According to this (http://www.interkriti.org/history_of_crete.html) and Wiki Crete should be in the hands of the Byzantine Empire. I didn't realize that.

06-04-2008, 06:07
According to this (http://www.interkriti.org/history_of_crete.html) and Wiki Crete should be in the hands of the Byzantine Empire. I didn't realize that.

There are quite a few mistakes like that in TW games. They pick a date in time to start the game, but then they do not totally recreate the setting. They basically "fudge" it a little to try to balance out the factions and make things simpler.

06-04-2008, 06:15
There are quite a few mistakes like that in TW games. They pick a date in time to start the game, but then they do not totally recreate the setting. They basically "fudge" it a little to try to balance out the factions and make things simpler.

I figured as much. Oh well, it's a good reason to start a war with Venice in any case. :evil:

06-04-2008, 06:18
Seems like everyone in the West wants a piece of the Venetians and the Sicilians. Our houses should support each other to that end and see if we can't sway the Basileos.

We need to destroy the Catholics fast before the build up, those two factions anyway.

06-04-2008, 06:25
According to this (http://www.interkriti.org/history_of_crete.html) and Wiki Crete should be in the hands of the Byzantine Empire. I didn't realize that.

Ironically, Zim and I checked for Antioch and it didn't fall until 1083. :inquisitive:

Then again, my character isn't born until 1083 and the Ceasar won't be born until 1087. Trebizond should be Byzantine, as Smyrna (I think) and Durazzo. Alexios proved his meddle taking back Durazzo from the Normans right before ascending to the throne.

That's massive fudging right there. :clown:

The Lemongate
06-04-2008, 06:32
According to this (http://www.interkriti.org/history_of_crete.html) and Wiki Crete should be in the hands of the Byzantine Empire. I didn't realize that.

Antioch should be as well. Till 1084 :yes:

Cecil XIX
06-04-2008, 06:43
Ironically, Zim and I checked for Antioch and it didn't fall until 1083. :inquisitive:

Then again, my character isn't born until 1083 and the Ceasar won't be born until 1087. Trebizond should be Byzantine, as Smyrna (I think) and Durazzo. Alexios proved his meddle taking back Durazzo from the Normans right before ascending to the throne.

That's massive fudging right there. :clown:

Reminds of Byzantium's starting position at 1080 in the original MTW. They even had Naples, though that was hard to hold onto.

The Lemongate
06-04-2008, 06:46
I was pretty sure the Seljuk siege of Antioch was in 1084, but I didn't verify.

And it's 1h45 AM.

And my brain is going :dizzy2: :dizzy2: :dizzy2:

So I might, I just might be wrong.

The Lemongate
06-04-2008, 06:48
Oh and Dyrrachion (Durazzo) was the capital city of Epirus. Not some huts in a mud patch with no walls.

06-04-2008, 06:49
I noticed many of the same inaccuracies when I did the Comnenian Restoration. My advice, just roll with it. We're about to go completely off the historical rails anyway if the revived Senate wasn't a clue. :laugh4:

Still I did try to give rationale for it in my speech.

Also, I took a look at the avatars save in the game. Are we going to be teleporting avatars before game play starts? A lot of the avatars are out of position.

06-04-2008, 07:25
Thanks to TinCow I finally got my signature to work. It really is more tricky than it might seem to the casual observer. But once I just put every single line into its own formatting it came out pretty nice.

Like I said, having a table makes it look like it did, and then just adding the table=0 0 0 bit makes your whole layout go bonkers!

Well if you consider my username the part in my signature should not surprise you. And I found that once you got the hange of something it might be quite simple to you, but that does neither mean that it would be simple to us nor that we can't appreciate the results! :2thumbsup:

06-04-2008, 07:37
Thanks to TinCow I finally got my signature to work. It really is more tricky than it might seem to the casual observer.

Why, it doesn't seem tricky at all! I don't know what you're talking about.

06-04-2008, 07:41
Why, it doesn't seem tricky at all! I don't know what you're talking about.


06-04-2008, 10:45
Hmmmmm, it seems Anna is the most popular Belle at the Ball. :laugh4:

Gah, I just want to go kill something (in the game that is).

06-04-2008, 10:52
I want to kill someone! New laptop, not even 20 minutes old, now mum somehow gets freaking mashed potato in the speaker vent...

06-04-2008, 10:57
Gah, all these desperate guys writing silly love letters and trying to meet Anna in secret...

Maybe it's time for her to meet a REAL MAN (TM) ~:cheers: --> :eyebrows:

And probably to get myself a slap in the face... :shame:

06-04-2008, 12:41
When does the voting start?
I just realized that I have to attend a wedding in the middle of nowhere on Saturday (literally (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ut%C3%B6,+finland&ie=UTF8&ll=59.097025,22.565918&spn=7.308906,17.512207&z=6)). After Friday evening I'm (at best) down to a GPRS connection until Sunday evening and I really don't want to browse the forums using that.

06-04-2008, 12:48
First post read in the Senate reads "I hereby declare the Byzantine Senate to be in Session! The floor will remain open for debate and legislation until 3:30pm EST on Thursday, June 5th, at which point there will be 48 hours alloted for voting." So you will be quite fine.

Out of curiosity, where do you live and how are you getting to that island? I mean I live in Australia, and that still seems quite in the middle of nowhere :laugh4:

06-04-2008, 13:32
First post read in the Senate reads "I hereby declare the Byzantine Senate to be in Session! The floor will remain open for debate and legislation until 3:30pm EST on Thursday, June 5th, at which point there will be 48 hours alloted for voting." So you will be quite fine.

:embarassed: I managed to find it just after posting

Out of curiosity, where do you live and how are you getting to that island? I mean I live in Australia, and that still seems quite in the middle of nowhere :laugh4:

From Helsinki (close enough to Espoo where I live) two hours by train to Turku, then a local bus as far as possible to the archipelago and then 4 hours by ferry (http://www.uto.fi/2.0/service.php?lang=en).

06-04-2008, 13:38
For the record, I will also allow voting via proxy, as econ21 did in KOTR. If you know how you want to vote on certain pieces of legislation, but won't be around to actually do the clicking, you can send me a PM stating how you want to vote on the various Edicts/Amendments. I will then include your vote in the final tally.

06-04-2008, 14:43
While this is being discussed in the Senate I'd like to speculate on some finer OOC points, that my character would never think of.

The system has always been that Edicts are enforced by the governing body, here speaking the Senate, and they are in place to limit the Megas' actions. What we are currently proposing though will limit the actions of avatars within the game. So while a Megas' may fear impeachment any avatar has no built-in penalty to fear.

This might be quite interesting, seeing as whoever would conquer Durazzo without the Basileos wishes, would have just broken an Edict, and would be standing in some tiny village without walls and only his retinue. It would just be about worth it, just to see the fuss created by such an action. IC penalties tend to be so much more cruel than anything set in the rules. :evilgrin:

It's little things like these that really show you the scope of possibilities within this game! I love it! :2thumbsup:

06-04-2008, 14:49
Yep, I'm a big fan of this move towards requiring IC enforcement of Edicts. People are still free to do what they want, they just have to deal with the IC consequnces of it. It's far more realistic and entertaining than having some artificial OOC authority blocking actions. I can't wait until we've got a House that's powerful enough that it thinks it can ignore the Senate and still survive.

06-04-2008, 15:10
I'm happy to have started it all...:2thumbsup:

06-04-2008, 16:06
I'm happy to have started it all...:2thumbsup:

I'm very amused to see so much fighting over a simple village. :laugh4:

06-04-2008, 16:11
Such a little spark to start a big bonfire...

06-04-2008, 16:21
Im loving this little discussion. I can only imagine how these sessions will be when there are many powerful factions in the Empire.:2thumbsup:

06-04-2008, 16:24
I'm just hoping Tristans' Edict passes and that ATPG will take Durazzo without permission from the Emperor...

If that would occur, we'd have an interesting second session :2thumbsup:

06-04-2008, 16:48
When you have no territory at all, and your fellow senators block you from taking even one pathetic village, why would there not be a vigorous debate?

06-04-2008, 16:59
Same here... Do you see any land I own or hope to own soon ? Except for Durazzo ?

06-04-2008, 17:06
IC- AHA!!!!


None of this "the emperor" nonsense. We see that it is indeed petty rivalry all along which promted this edict.

I believe your disingenuousness has now been exposed, and I have been vindicated. Instead of claiming the province yourself, you'd rather whine to the Emperor and get him to hand it to you by edict instead.


So, I was right all along, and the false accusations of treason and disloyalty have crumbled. Now we see who is upfront and honest and who puts up smokescreens to hide their true intentions. And they question MY loyalty to the empire.


I had even planned to work with the Houses who wished to claim the rebels in the area. I'm not even interested in Durazzo long term, just as a stepping stone.

You would have made so much more progress simply asking me if you could have the province, or asking if you could help take it, or negotiating with your fellow senator in good faith rather than mask your intentions.

Oops, this is an OOC thread. Still, I feel I had to say it.


Honestly, I don't care. I do not care about Durazzo. I am simply rp'ing my character who is interested in having at least one province.

06-04-2008, 17:10
Same here, once again... Just Rp'ing saving Durazzo from madmen ( 4 dread :jawdrop:)

I just want to get a good fight in while I still have the opportunity...

06-04-2008, 17:12
When this is over, I will buy your character a drink and simply say "I told you so".


I will propose something In-Character to resolve this.

06-04-2008, 17:18
And I will buy you one back ~:cheers:

06-04-2008, 18:06
What was the thing we did in KotR when an Edict contradicted the Charter? Was it alright or did it need a 2/3 majority to pass or was it filed under a rule dispute and was delegated to the Kaiser/Basileus? :inquisitive:

Ah the intricacies of the Rules... :book2:

Aha, seems like TinCow beat me to it. But wouldn't Edict 1.8 go against the Charter too. I mean it also interferes with the allocation of settlements as laid out by the Charter... :inquisitive:

06-04-2008, 18:08
This is where my Senate alter-ego, as inherited from econ21, kicks in. Unless of course someone wants to actually claim a rule dispute about it, in which case it gets kicked up to the Basileus.

06-04-2008, 18:17
I believe we had something similar in the first KotR session where we tried to force the hand of the Kaiser to grant settlements to Houses. This time it's probably the other way around. And the Basileus is involved too, meaning that the actual rule dispute would have to be decided by the highest ranking feudal lords.

So someone could actually oppose Edict 1.8 legality. Had I been campaigning against this Edict I would be interested. :wink3:

06-04-2008, 18:19
Hmm, that's a very good point about 1.9 (which is I think what you meant, instead of 1.8). The clause which gives the province directly to the Basileus is illegal. I will have to invalidate that one as well. ATPG could have won that one a long time ago if he'd brought the Charter up.

06-04-2008, 18:34
Hmm, that's a very good point about 1.9 (which is I think what you meant, instead of 1.8). The clause which gives the province directly to the Basileus is illegal. I will have to invalidate that one as well. ATPG could have won that one a long time ago if he'd brought the Charter up.

Oh now Ignoramus could turn things very interesting by showing up.:2thumbsup:

06-04-2008, 18:34
I.... still haven't read the Charter.

I probably should go do that.

Still, it's nice to know I won that debate. :yes:

06-04-2008, 18:41
Oh now Ignoramus could turn things very interesting by showing up.:2thumbsup:

Actually, I got that one wrong. I just went back and read the rules and if the rule involves the Basileus or the Caesar, it goes to the highest ranking Senator. If there are multiple of those, it is decided by a group vote.

Sorry about all this confusion, guys. Apparently even I need some time to adjust to the new rules that I wrote. :laugh4:

06-04-2008, 18:43
Sorry about that, of course I meant Edict 1.9.

So by the precedent you made with the Protosecretares I guess from now on we'll go with an Edict can't violate the Charter?

06-04-2008, 18:48
Sorry about that, of course I meant Edict 1.9.

So by the precedent you made with the Protosecretares I guess from now on we'll go with an Edict can't violate the Charter?

But in matter of fact, dont we have both Basileos and Caesar,who both can actually put out an charter amendment. In this situation, i wouldnt blame either if they would like to make the power of Basileos grow, so he could get provinces from anyone.

06-04-2008, 19:10
So by the precedent you made with the Protosecretares I guess from now on we'll go with an Edict can't violate the Charter?

Did we do it differently in KOTR? econ21 always took care of these kinds of things, so I'm stumbling my way through them kind of blindly.

The way I see it there are two options: void any Edict that violates the charter or allow an Edict to trump the charter. In the latter case, the only difference between an Edict and an Amendment is that an Edict expires after 10 turns and an Amendment doesn't. That doesn't seem to be the intent of the rules we've always used, though. If an Edict can violate the Charter and still be valid, then an Amendment can essentially be obtained by a 51% vote as long as the same group of supporters vote for it every session. IMO, that's not in the spirit of the rules. Thus I'm left with voiding Edicts that violate the Charter.

To compensate for my own imperfect understanding and the fact that I may be subconsciously biased, I am perfectly happy letting the 'rule dispute' clause trump me. Someone just has to raise a rule dispute IC, and then we'll go through the usual process. That should provide a way to get around me if I make a bad decision.

But in matter of fact, dont we have both Basileos and Caesar,who both can actually put out an charter amendment. In this situation, i wouldnt blame either if they would like to make the power of Basileos grow, so he could get provinces from anyone.

The Caesar can't propose any Amendments at the moment because his rank isn't high enough. However, the Basileus can propose as many as he wants and they don't need to be seconded. Anyone who wants to put forward an Amendment (or indeed any legislation) can spam them in the Senate, as long as they can convince the Basileus to act as their proxy in proposing it.

06-04-2008, 19:17
Did we do it differently in KOTR? econ21 always took care of these kinds of things, so I'm stumbling my way through them kind of blindly.

I distinctly remember Econ vetoing Edicts that violated the Charter. In KotR, an Edict could not over-ride the Charter. It could only add to the Charter and only for a term.

For example, you can't make an edict that says, "any avatar can decide who the princess marries this term". It would have to be a Charter Amendment.

Edicts are to direct the Mega's handling of the "game". The Charter is the basic rule set of the game. A Megas can ignore Edicts but not the Charter.

At least that is how I understand the rules.

06-04-2008, 19:44
Did we do it differently in KOTR? econ21 always took care of these kinds of things, so I'm stumbling my way through them kind of blindly.

That was basically the question I had in my first post, becaus I couldn't remember it either. Either way though I'm perfectly happy with the procedure you have sketched out.

The only alternative would be the special thingy 2/3 majority rule for an Edict, but that would turn some Edicts into 10 turn Amendments without the proposer having the powers to propose an Amendment so that's ruled out too!

So for me the thing is settled.

06-04-2008, 19:44
@ATPG in the Maugnaura: you just said "I will accept employment from Anastasios Neokaisareitis", there was no mention of it being an oath and it was not bolded or anything so it may not have counted.

06-04-2008, 19:53
Thats what I suspected.

I was hired basically as a mercenary, nothing more it seems. I did say I would be willing to swear an oath, I guess I just didn't do it yet.

As of this time, the Asteri and I have pretty much decided to go seperate ways (as friends) because of different ambitions.

My house will still be your friend and ally, though.
