View Full Version : What is missing from MP......

10-23-2002, 02:07
.....IMO, sounds like army lists and historical opponents!

Figure wargamers aer quite used to having their troop selections limited by lists defining exactly what troops and quantities of them are available to their army for a given time frame.

For example you don't get many Welsh/English longbows in a French army, or Jinetes or "Boyars" in an English one.

The broad limits given by nationality are a very minor limitation in this respect, as are the limitations imposed by the 3 time periods.

They take no account of all sorts of differences that existed historically.

"Historically" armies could only take along a selection of what was available, in the SP game you get to limit your troop availability to what you've been able to build, but in MP you have everything available, and lots of possible upgrades too.

Secondly a list of army lists that are historical opponents gives a better balance of army to its opponents - it isn't going to help some matchups (eg longbows vs crossbows), but it does limit who gets to fight aaisnt who and can prevent some of the more a-historical problems.

I don't see any of this happening in the near future tho - maybe in the version after the next one!!

10-23-2002, 03:23
Greetings noble Hakonarson!

please visit: http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/Forum3/HTML/000447.html


10-23-2002, 03:24
I remembe rthat thread - I posted #2 in it! http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/smile.gif

Yes - a good idea, but army lists take it further and allow some choice for a generic MP game.