View Full Version : LotR - Third Senate - Legislation Voting

07-20-2008, 13:42
This poll is only for players of the Last of the Romans.

Voting will be open for 48 hours, until 9am EST on Tuesday, July 22nd.

Please note: If you wish to abstain on a vote, do not vote either yes or no for it.

The full text of the proposals is as follows:


Edict 3.1: War is to be declared on the Fatamid Caliphate, and a Crusade on Cairo is to be assembled and launched, as per the Patriarchal Proclamation.

Proposed: Armatos ek Naksou
Seconded: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos, Efstathios Laskaris

Edict 3.2: No settlement can be exterminated. No Orthodox settlement can be sacked though sacking of Catholic or Muslim-held settlement is authorized. Crusade targets must be occupied.

Proposed: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos
Seconded: Stavrar ek Amarinthou, Kosmas Mavrozomis

Edict 3.3: Zagreb and Iasi will be added to the Empire. Once captured, they will be properly garrisoned.

Proposed: Methodios Tagaris
Seconded: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos, Stavrar ek Amarinthou

Edict 3.4: The Megas Logothetes must keep at least one priest stationed in every region that has less than 60% Orthodox and where a church is built.

Proposed: Efstathios Laskaris
Seconded: Kosmas Mavrozomis, Makedonios Ksanthopoulos

Edict 3.5: 4 priests shall be sent to Egypt, two to Alexandria, two to Cairo, as fast as possible preferably ahead of all crusading forces.

Proposed: Hypatios Machonios
Seconded: Kosmas Mavrozomis, Efstathios Laskaris

Charter Amendment 3.1: The two offices of Lord High Chancellor and Lord High Steward, as well as the Privy Seal, can be assigned by the Basileus to any non-family member. Only one of them may be assigned to each general, and each confers a +1 influence in Senate voting. If the Basileus chooses to keep them himself, there is no influence bonus.

Proposed: Ioannis Komnenos
Seconded: Savvas ek Militou, Apionnas Vringas

Charter Amendment 3.2: The following will be added to the Charter:

1.6 - Game Balancing: The following traits may be removed with the console at any time at the request of any player who's avatar has them: Unwatched by the King, Unleashed Ambition. The following traits may be removed with the console at the request of any player who's avatar has them, if they were gained as the result of movement of 'title' retinues in accordance with Rule 2.3: Title stolen!, Seethes for revenge!.

Proposed: Protoasecretes
Seconded: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos, Stavrar ek Amarinthou

Charter Amendment 3.3: The title of Section 3 will be changed from Senate to Government. The following rule will be added:

3.9 - University: The following traits may be altered by the Dean and the Scholars, but only to levels which are listed herein. Levels which are omitted from this list cannot be gained or lost through the University:

Trait GoodAdministrator
Level Budding_Bureaucrat
Effect Trading 3
Effect Law 1

Level Skilled_Bureaucrat
Effect Trading 5
Effect Law 2

Level Superb_Administrator
Effect Trading 10
Effect Law 3

Trait BadAdministrator
Level Poor_Administrator
Effect Trading -3

Level Inefficient_Administrator
Effect Trading -5

Level Total_Incompetence
Effect Trading -10

Trait InspiringSpeaker
Level Can_Tell_a_Tale
Effect Law 1

Level Great_Speaker
Effect Law 1

Level Inspirational_Speaker
Effect Law 2

Trait BoringSpeaker
Level Poor_Speaker
Effect Law -1

Level Awkward_Speaker
Effect Law -1
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Incredibly_Boring
Effect Law -2
Effect TroopMorale -2
Effect Command -1

Trait AcademyTrained
Level Academy_Trained
Effect Command 1

Level Officer_Training
Effect Command 2

Trait ForcedReligious
Level Conforming
Effect Piety 1

Level Reverant
Effect Piety 2

Level Godfearing
Effect Piety 3
Effect TroopMorale -1

Trait Superstitious
Level Silly_Beliefs
Effect Piety -1

Level Superstitious
Effect Piety -1
Effect TroopMorale -1

Level Slave_to_Superstition
Effect Piety -2
Effect Authority -1
Effect TroopMorale -2

Trait Pragmatic
Level Mostly_Rational
Effect Authority 1

Level No_Nonsense
Effect Authority 2
Effect TroopMorale 1

Level Utterly_Pragmatic
Effect Authority 3
Effect TroopMorale 2

Trait GoodTaxman
Level Good_with_Taxes
Effect TaxCollection 10

Level Thorough_Taxman
Effect TaxCollection 20
Effect Unrest 1

Level Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman
Effect TaxCollection 30
Effect Unrest 2

Trait BadTaxman
Level Poor_with_Taxes
Effect TaxCollection -5

Level Sloppy_Taxman
Effect TaxCollection -10

Level Tax_Farmer
Effect TaxCollection -15

Trait Scout
Level Adopts_Scouting
Effect LineOfSight 1

Level Adept_Scout
Effect LineOfSight 2

Level Reconnaissance_Expert
Effect LineOfSight 3

Trait GoodFarmer
Level Farming_Knowledge
Effect Farming 1

Level Rural_Expert
Effect Farming 2

Level Agriculturalist
Effect Farming 3

Trait GoodMiner
Level Mining_Knowledge
Effect Mining 10

Level Mining_Expert
Effect Mining 20

Level Geologist
Effect Mining 30

Trait GoodEngineer
Level Admires_Technology
Effect SiegeEngineering 20

Level Mechanically_Minded
Effect SiegeAttack 1
Effect SiegeEngineering 40

Level Engineer
Effect SiegeAttack 2
Effect SiegeEngineering 60

Trait BadEngineer
Level Questions_Technology
Effect SiegeAttack -1

Level Befuddled_by_Machines
Effect SiegeAttack -2

Level Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!
Effect SiegeAttack -3

Trait GoodTrader
Level Understands_Trade
Effect Trading 10

Level Trader
Effect Trading 20

Level Master_Trader
Effect Trading 30

Trait BadTrader
Level Fiscally_Challenged
Effect Trading -10

Level Incompetent_Trader
Effect Trading -20

Level Trading_Liability
Effect Trading -30

Trait Just
Level A_Sense_of_Justice
Effect Chivalry 1
Effect Law 1

Level Just
Effect Chivalry 2
Effect Law 2

Level Serves_Justice
Effect Chivalry 3
Effect Law 3

Trait Unjust
Level Swift_to_Judge
Effect Unrest 1

Level Lacks_Justice
Effect Chivalry -1
Effect Unrest 2

Level Unjust
Effect Chivalry -3
Effect Unrest 3

Trait HarshJustice
Level Hard_Justice
Effect Unrest 1
Effect Law 2

Level Harsh_Justice
Effect Unrest 2
Effect Law 4

Level Severe_Justice
Effect Chivalry -1
Effect Unrest 3
Effect Law 6

Trait LenientJustice
Level Soft_Judge
Effect Chivalry 1
Effect Law -1

Level Merciful_Judge
Effect Chivalry 2
Effect Law -2

Level Kind_Judge
Effect Chivalry 1
Effect Law -3

Trait HarshRuler
Level Iron_Fisted
Effect Chivalry -1
Effect Law 1

Level Harsh_Ruler
Effect Chivalry -2
Effect PersonalSecurity -1
Effect Squalor 1
Effect Law 2

Level Cruel_Ruler
Effect Chivalry -3
Effect PersonalSecurity -2
Effect Squalor 2
Effect Law 3

Trait KindRuler

Level Reasonable_Ruler
Effect Chivalry 1
Effect Squalor -1

Level Kind_Ruler
Effect Chivalry 2
Effect Squalor -2

Level Benevolent_Ruler
Effect Chivalry 3
Effect Squalor -3

Trait GoodBuilder
Level Active_Builder
Effect Construction 5
Effect Squalor -1

Level Urban_Planner
Effect Construction 10
Effect Squalor -2

Level Great_Builder
Effect Construction 15
Effect Squalor -3

Trait BadBuilder
Level Not_Constructive
Effect Construction -5
Effect Squalor 1

Level Sloppy_Builder
Effect Construction -10
Effect Squalor 2

Level Abhors_Construction
Effect Construction -15
Effect Squalor 3

Trait Authoritarian

Level Firm_Ruler
Effect Unrest 1
Effect Law 2

Level Strict_Ruler
Effect Authority 1
Effect Unrest 2
Effect Law 4

Level Total_Authoritarian
Effect Authority 2
Effect Unrest 3
Effect Law 6

Trait NonAuthoritarian
Level Fair_Ruler
Effect Unrest -2
Effect Law -1

Level Understanding_Ruler
Effect Authority -1
Effect Unrest -4
Effect Law -2

Level Liberal_Leader
Effect Authority -2
Effect Unrest -6
Effect Law -3

Trait Cultured

Level Cultured
Effect LocalPopularity 1

Level Very_Cultured
Effect Authority 1
Effect LocalPopularity 2

Trait Ignorance

Level Ignorant
Effect Authority -1
Effect Trading -2
Effect TaxCollection -2

Level Sadly_Ignorant
Effect Authority -1
Effect Trading -5
Effect TaxCollection -5

Level Blissfully_Ignorant
Effect Authority -2
Effect Trading -10
Effect TaxCollection -10

Trait Clergy_Edu

Level Novice
Effect Piety 1

Level Ordination
Effect Piety 2
Effect Loyalty -1
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect Law 1

Trait Castle_Edu

Level Squire
Effect MovementPoints 10

Level Knighted
Effect Command 1
Effect Loyalty 1
Effect MovementPoints 10
Effect Chivalry 1

Trait Cap_Edu

Level Paige
Effect Law 1

Level Enobled
Effect Law 2
Effect Authority 1
Effect TaxCollection 5

Trait RhetoricSkill

Level Well_Spoken
Effect Authority 1

Trait StrategicSkill

Level Promising_Strategist
Effect Command 1

Trait TacticalSkill

Level Promising_Tactician
Effect Ambush 2
Effect LineOfSight 1

Trait MathematicsSkill

Level Talent_with_Numbers
Effect SiegeEngineering 10
Effect Trading 5

Trait PoliticsSkill

Level Political_Promise
Effect Authority 1

Trait LogisticalSkill

Level Understands_Logistics
Effect TroopMorale 1
Effect MovementPoints 1

Trait HorseRacer

Level Good_Racer
Effect MovementPoints 1

The following ranks will be added to the Charter:

Requirements: Must have been appointed by the Basileus
(1) This rank is always held at the same time as other feudal ranks.
(2) During normal Senate sessions, can bestow on or remove from any Senator the rank of Scholar, as long as there are never more than 5 Scholars at any one time.
(3) Twice per full Megas term, can alter or add any trait listed in Rule 3.9 to his own avatar. Traits that are added must be given at the lowest level. Traits that are altered can only move one level at a time.

Requirements: Must have been appointed by the Dean
(1) This rank is always held at the same time as other feudal ranks.
(2) Once per full Megas term, can alter or add any trait listed in Rule 3.9 to his own avatar. Traits that are added must be given at the lowest level. Traits that are altered can only move one level at a time.

The following power will be added to the Basileus:

(18) During normal Senate sessions, can bestow on or remove from any Senator the rank of Dean, as long as there is never more than 1 Dean at any one time.

Proposed: Protoasecretes
Seconded: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos, Stavrar ek Amarinthou

Charter Amendment 3.5: If Charter Amendment 3.3 passes, the following penalty will be added to the Caesar: (1) Cannot hold the rank of Dean.

Proposed: Protoasecretes
Seconded: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos, Iakovos ek Kallipoleos

Charter Amendment 3.7: If Charter Amendment 3.3 passes, the following penalty will be added to the Caesar: (1) Cannot gain or alter more than 2 traits through the University.

Proposed: Protoasecretes
Seconded: Methodios Tagaris, Makedonios Ksanthopoulos

Charter Amendment 3.8: If Charter Amendment 3.3 passes, the word "Senator" will be changed to "player" in Basileus' power (18).

Proposed: Kosmas Mavrozomis
Seconded: Makedonios Ksanthopoulos, Iakovos ek Kallipoleos

Charter Amendment 3.9: If CA 3.1 passes it will be amended as follows:

The two offices of Lord High Chancellor and Lord High Steward, as well as the Privy Seal, can be assigned by the Basileus to any Senator. Only one of them may be assigned to each general, and each confers a +1 influence in Senate voting if rank permits. If the Basileus chooses to keep them himself, there is no influence bonus.

Rule 3.5 is reworded as such:

3.5 – Influence: Each Senator’s voting power is equivalent to his total Influence, as defined by Rule 2.7. No Senator’s Influence may ever be lower than 1. For the purposes of determining Stat Influence, a Senator can gain 1 point of Stat Influence for each of the following conditions that he meets: (a) 5+ ranks of Command (b) 10 ranks of Command (c) 5+ ranks of Chivalry or Dread (d) 10 ranks of Chivalry or Dread (e) 10 ranks of Loyalty (f) 8+ ranks of Piety (g) 20+ total stat points (h) 30+ total stat points (i) 40 total stat points (j) Senator’s name is modified by a trait title that bestows more negative than positive stat points (i.e. the Mad) (k) Senator is married to a Byzantine Empire Princess (l) Senator possesses the title of Lord High Chancellor, Lord High Steward, or Privy Seal.

Proposed: Ioannis Kalameteros
Seconded: Iakovos ek Kallipoleos, Methodios Tagaris

07-20-2008, 20:52
Everyone keeping track of the votes should probably disregard anelious phyros in the polls.

Why did he vote anyways? :inquisitive:

07-20-2008, 22:07
Well .. Apparently I voted No to Edict 3.1 but it should be Yes..

Don't know how that happened :shame:

So I would be happy if counting the votes it would be counted as Yes :yes:

I noticed that anelious phyros has voted too..

I think it is clearly said that this poll is for the LotR players only!! :inquisitive:

07-22-2008, 11:39
Voting will be extended until around 5pm EST today, simply because I'm not going to be around to close it at 9am. Apologies for the delay, but there may be a few more throughout the rest of this week due to my travels. Please also forgive me if I haven't responded to a PM. I have read them all, but do not have time to answer any at the moment.

07-22-2008, 16:06
Ituralde, for those of us keeping track of the voting, did you mean to vote 'yes', 'no', or 'abstain' on CA 3.8? :bow:

07-22-2008, 22:32
Players with influence greater than 1 are noted in parentheses. Some vote were submited by PM.

Edict 3.1 - Yes
00jebus, Andres, BananaBob, Cecil XIX, Ibn-Khaldun, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, Rowan, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2), GeneralHankerchief
Edict 3.1 - No
AussieGiant, Elite Ferret, Ignoramus (3), Kagemusha, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, rossahh, TheFlax

14 to 13
Edict 3.1 passes

Edict 3.2 - Yes
Andres, AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), FLYdude (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Ituralde, OverKnight (3), Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, Rowan, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2)
Edict 3.2 - No
00jebus, Elite Ferret, Ignoramus (3), Kagemusha, pevergreen, rossahh, GeneralHankerchief

23 to 9
Edict 3.2 passes

Edict 3.3 - Yes
00jebus, Andres, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Kagemusha, pevergreen, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, Rowan, Tristan de Castelreng, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2)
Edict 3.3 - No
AussieGiant, Elite Ferret, FLYdude (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), rossahh, TheFlax, Zim, GeneralHankerchief

16 to 17
Edict 3.3 fails.

Edict 3.4 - Yes
00jebus, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Elite Ferret, FLYdude (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Kagemusha, Northnovas, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2)
Edict 3.4 - No
Andres, AussieGiant, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng

20 to 12
Edict 3.4 passes.

Edict 3.5 - Yes
00jebus, Andres, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Elite Ferret, Ibn-Khaldun, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, Rowan, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma
Edict 3.5 - No
AussieGiant, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, Kagemusha, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, rossahh, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng

14 to 14
Edict 3.5 fails (Rule 3.3)

Charter Amendment 3.1 - Yes
00jebus, Andres, AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Elite Ferret, FLYdude (2), Ignoramus (3), Kagemusha, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2), GeneralHankerchief
Charter Amendment 3.1 - No
Ibn-Khaldun, woad&fangs

CA 3.1 passes.

Charter Amendment 3.2 - Yes
00jebus, Andres, AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Elite Ferret, FLYdude (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2), GeneralHankerchief
Charter Amendment 3.2 - No

CA 3.2 passes.

Charter Amendment 3.3 - Yes
00jebus, AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Elite Ferret, Ibn-Khaldun, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2), GeneralHankerchief
Charter Amendment 3.3 - No
Andres, Kagemusha

CA 3.3 passes.

Charter Amendment 3.5 - Yes
00jebus, AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2), GeneralHankerchief
Charter Amendment 3.5 - No
Kagemusha, Zim

CA 3.5 passes.

Charter Amendment 3.7 - Yes
00jebus, Ibn-Khaldun, Ignoramus (3), Ramses II CP, rossahh, Tristan de Castelreng, Zim, deguerra (2)
Charter Amendment 3.7 - No
AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Ituralde, Kagemusha, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), pevergreen, Privateerkev, Rowan, TheFlax, YourLordandConqueror, Knights_of_Palma, GeneralHankerchief

11 to 17
CA 3.7 fails.

Charter Amendment 3.8 - Yes
AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Ituralde, OverKnight (3), Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2), GeneralHankerchief
Charter Amendment 3.8 - No
00jebus, Ignoramus (3), Ituralde, Kagemusha, pevergreen

22 to 7
CA 3.8 pases.

Charter Amendment 3.9 - Yes
AussieGiant, BananaBob, Cecil XIX (2), FLYdude (2), Ibn-Khaldun, Ituralde, Kagemusha, Northnovas, OverKnight (3), Privateerkev, Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror, Zim, Knights_of_Palma, deguerra (2)
Charter Amendment 3.9 - No
00jebus, Ignoramus (3), pevergreen

CA 3.9 passes.