View Full Version : Self-replenishing units

07-23-2008, 05:33
How do I give a unit a self-replenishing property like the general units or the unique units in M2TW:Kingdoms?

I'm trying to add them to a unique unit with a unit cap of 1, but is not a general's bodyguard unit.

07-23-2008, 07:10
By far the easiest way would be to make it a general unit.

It may be possible to script in a monitor, but I'm not entirely sure, and it would take quite a script if it is.

07-23-2008, 21:00
Oops, I think this is the wrong forum. Was tryign to post it in the questions forum..

anyhow, so the "General_Unit" trait gives them a self-replenishing property?

07-25-2008, 04:53
Yes, but there are a couple things to consider..
1 - When a general is created on the campaign map the game reads the export_descr_unit.txt top to bottom and gives it the first body-guard unit found for that faction. So if you dont want your new unit to be the default bodyguard just make sure it comes after the unit you do want to be the bodyguard type.
2 - This unit will be a general just like any of your other generals who will gain/lose traits etc, it also means if the general dies the unit is gone after the battle. Also like other generals he will have more hp then a regular 'captain'

Flying Pig
08-10-2008, 21:12
What does the attributes line for a unique unit look like?