View Full Version : How will the M2TW armor-system be worked around?

07-25-2008, 16:10
Isn't M2TW's armor system hardcoded? That is, when receiving armor upgrades don't units have to have either precisely 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, or 13 armor (or something thereabouts)? Obviously if this is so, either armor upgrades will have to be scrapped all-together or EB can't have a scientific armor system. Or am I missing something? Do the resident magicians have yet another trick up their sleeves whereby the hardcoded armor system can be worked around?

07-25-2008, 16:58
It all depends on how the base stats will work. If they can incorporate the steps that are hardcoded to the armour upgrade then it may be possible to have some small number. However these will most likely be used to save unit slots, rather than as some catch-all armour upgrade from something as conceptually idiotic as a blacksmith building.


07-25-2008, 18:02
I'm all for saving slots, thanks for the reply.

07-25-2008, 18:29
Thats not to say any final decision has been made. Until the stats system can be hammered out proper we are saying no to armour upgrades altogether. Only if the stats system can encompass the armour upgrades will they be used.
