View Full Version : LotR - Fourth Senate - Election Voting

08-16-2008, 19:24
This poll is only for players of the Last of the Romans.

Voting will be open for 48 hours, until 19:00 GMT on Monday, August 18th.

08-18-2008, 20:12
Influence over 1 is noted in parentheses.

Makedonios Ksanthopoulos (Privateerkev) - Cecil XIX(2), deguerra(2), Elite Ferret, Ibn-Khaldun, Knights_of_Palma, Privateerkev(2), Ramses II CP, rossahh, Rowan, TheFlax, Tristan de Castelreng, Warmaster Horus, woad&fangs, YourLordandConqueror

Savvas ek Militou (Andres) - 00jebus, Andres, AussieGiant, Ignoramus(5), Ituralde(2), Kagemusha, Motep, Northnovas, OverKnight(3), pevergreen

Abstain - GeneralHankerchief

17 for Makedonios Ksanthopoulos (Privateerkev)
17 for Savvas ek Militou (Andres)
1 Abstain.

Election is tied.