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08-31-2008, 21:40
Will of the Basileus Rules

1. General

*1.1 Game Settings:

RTW with the 1.5 patch
Europa Barbarorum v1.1 with WotB (http://postdownload.filefront.com/13803926//8bf451fce72235cea00918cce766cd928631c2f199185dcf935f11f74ff70512373a9ce839ffef30) mod (permanent fixes are included)
Hard Campaign, Medium Battles
Large Unit Size
Show CPU Moves Off
Battle Timer Off
Manage All Settlements

*1.2 Avatar

Each player will role-play a Strategos of the Arche Seleukeia. On joining the game,
each player will choose an avatar to represent this Strategos. Avatars can be 'family members(FM)' or recruitable generals(RGB).
Players are reminded that due to limitations imposed by RTW, only avatars on the family tree will be able to marry,
have children, and have a chance of becoming Kleronomos Basileion and Basileus. Recruitable generals can be spawned at any time,
but family member creation is beyond our control.
Players may not use Agents as avatars, since Agents cannot fight battles and have a different set of stats from FM's and RGB's.
If a Man of the Hour adoption is offered to an avatar, the choice of whether to accept it is entirely up to the avatar who is the adopter.

1.2a Avatar Adoption
No 'Man Of Great Potential' offers at the start of the turn will be accepted.

1.3 Battles

A player whose avatar leads an army that is involved in a battle will be expected to fight that battle.
This will involve downloading the savegame of the battle, playing it and then uploading the resulting savegame.
Uploading the post-battle save must be done within 48 hours of the pre-battle save game being uploaded.
If the deadline expires, the battle is auto-resolved.
If a player cannot fight a battle that is assigned to them, the battle may also be fought by any player whose avatar will also be present in the battle.
Under no circumstances will a battle be fought by a player whose avatar is not present in the battle.
If there is no player available to fight a battle, it must be auto-resolved.
If there are no allocated avatars involved in the battle at all, it must be auto-resolved.

1.4 Game Management

At the start of each turn, the Chancellor will post an seasonal report on the events of the last turn, including a save game file for the new turn.
After the seasonal report is posted, players will have 24 hours to download the save, and make their personal moves.
Players can move their avatars, move any army (Royal or otherwise) their avatar commands and fight any battles against the AI that they are capable of fighting with their avatar’s army.
The Basileus may move any avatar or army that has not been moved in this way as he best sees fit, including moves that result in battles, except that he cannot move a player’s avatar, units on the Satrapies territory or units under player's control in any manner that player has expressly prohibited.
The Chancellor may extend the time limit beyond 24 hours at his discretion, but all players are encouraged to act as swiftly as possible to keep the game moving.
Players may not move avatars or armies into the territory of a neutral or allied faction without the permission of the Basileus.
Nor may they attack the settlements or armies of neutral or allied factions without a declaration of war from the Basileus, a Chancellor or an Edict.
In case player do not vote in 2 consecutive Council Session Ibn-Khaldun can kill that avatar off(including family members).

1.5 Events

Whenever they desire, but no more often than once every 10 turns, Warmaster Horus, Ibn-Khaldun, or anyone they choose may create an in-game Event.
Events are not limited in scope, subject matter, or method of implementation.
All game rules, including * marked rules, can be violated to implement an Event.
The players can prevent the implementation of any single Event through a simple majority of unweighted votes.

1.6 - Game Master

Ibn-Khaldun will serve as Game Master and is responsible for management of the game and enforcement of the Game Rules. Ibn-Khaldun can delegate any of his powers to another person whenever he chooses.

2. Rank System

2.1 Rank Gain and Loss
All Players enter the game at the rank of Strategos.
Strategos will be promoted to a higher rank as soon as they meet the requirements for that rank.
If, at any point, a Strategos ceases to meet the requirements of their existing rank, they will be demoted to the highest rank whose requirements they meet.

2.2 Gaining and Losing Provinces

All conquered settlements belong to the Basileus.
The Satrapies can be given to any player by the Basileus during the Council Session as he see fit.
Basileus can take away the Satrapy from the Player only if 2/3 of the 'Royal Council' agrees with it.

2.3 Retinue

At any time, a Player may give any retinue item/member they possess to another Player or remove it from their avatar without giving it to anyone else.
If a retinue item/member cannot be transferred or removed due to game coding or distance between avatars, console commands may be used to allow the transfer or removal.

2.4 Ranks

Requirements: None
Influence: 1
Powers: (1) Can propose one Edict per 'Council' Session.
(1) Cannot lead an army with more than 8 units in it unless it is a Royal Army.
(2) Cannot run for Chancellor.

Strategos Epilektos
Requirements: Must get 5 'battle points' (Rule 2.5)
Influence: 1
(1) Can propose one Edict/Charter Amendment per 'Council' Session.
(2) Can lead an army of max 10 units unless it is Royal Army.

Strategos Chreophylax
Requirements: Must have at least 1 Managements statpoint and appointed to this rank by the Basileus
Influence: 1
(1) With this rank one settlement is given to Strategos to govern.
(2) Can set the build queue(Should be mentioned in the SOT) and tax rate for their settlement under their control.
Can destroy any building in their settlement under their control.
(3) Can propose one Edict/Charter Amendment per 'Council' Session.
(4) Can lead an army of max 10 units unless it is Royal Army.
(1) This rank is always tied with the settlement they had received. Once left from the province of that settlement Strategos will loose this rank automatically.

Strategos Hetairos
Requirements: Must get 15 'battle points' (Rule 2.5)
Influence: 1 + 1 Stat Influence
(1) Can propose one Edict/Charter Amendment per 'Council' Session.
(2) Can lead an army of max 14 units unless it is a Royal Army.
(3) Can have 2 units of their choice as their Bodyguard Army. These Units must be available in the region where the general was in the time he got this rank. These units can not be disbanded nor can they be removed from the Player by the Basileus.

Kleronomos Basileios
Requirements: Must be the in-game Faction Heir
Influence: 2 + 1 Stat Influence
(1) In the absence of the Basileus, the 'Heir' can ban Players from a Council Session. Banned Players cannot speak or propose legislation, but they are permitted to vote.
(2) Owns one Royal Army. If he becomes Satrap he can not have Satraps Army.
(3) Can propose two Edicts/Charter Amendments per 'Council' Session.

Requirements: Must be the in-game Faction Leader
Influence: 3 + 2 Stat Influence
(1) Can propose an unlimited number of Edicts or Amendments per 'Council' Session and their Edicts and Amendments do not need to be seconded.
(2) Can call Emergency Council Session.
(3) Owns one Royal Army
(4) Twice per full 12 turn Chancellor term, can Prioritize one building in any build queue in any settlement.
(5) Once per full 12 turn Chancellor term, can destroy one building in any settlement in any Satrapy. Buildings in the barracks lines cannot be destroyed with this power.
(6) Once per full 12 turn Chancellor term, can force a transfer of one retinue member/item from any Player to themselves or any other Senator.
(7) Can declare war on any faction at any time, for any reason.
(8) Can veto one Edict or Amendment per Council Session
(9) Can ban Strategoi from a Council Session. Banned Strategoi cannot speak or propose legislation, but they are permitted to vote.
(10) Can move the Capital at any time, as long as the new Capital is controlled by the Basileus.
(11) Can give the title 'Satrap' to any Player he wishes during the Council Session. Once done that he can take it only if 2/3 of the Council agrees with it.
(12) Can decide who will be the next Heir at anytime he wishes.
(13) Once during his reign the Basileus can automatically assume the post of Chancellor. The Basileus must declare he is exercising that right at a Senate session; he will then be appointed Chancellor with no election. This right can only be invoked once.
(14) Can move any units in the Arche in anyway he wishes unless they are commanded by the Chancellor or they are on the lands of a Satrapy.
(15) At each Council Session, the Basileus may make one Edict or Permanent Edict that automatically succeeds.

Requirements: Must have been elected to this office
Influence: 2 + 1 Stat Influence
Every Ex-Chacellor will have +1 Influence points added to his Influence.
(1) Can build any building in any settlements he wishes and set the tax rate in any settlement unless they are part of a Satrapy.
(2) Can lead an army of max 16 units unless it is a Royal Army.
(3) The other powers and limitations of the Chancellor are mentioned in the Rule 3.9.
(4) All agents are under command of the Chancellor. He can move them and use them in any way he wishes.
(5) Once per full 12 turn Chancellor term, can force a transfer of one retinue member/item from any Player to themselves or any other Senator.
(6) Can call Emergency Council Session.

Requirements: Must be appointed to this rank by the Basileus
Influence: 2 + 1 Stat Influence
(1) Can govern the Satrapy they have been given. This means: Set the tax level, ask unit recruitment/building construction (Should be mentioned in the SOT).
(2) Can propose an unlimited number of Edicts or Amendments per 'Council' Session.
(3) Once per full 12 turn Chancellor term, can Prioritize one building in any build queue in any settlement in his Satrapy.
(4) Once per full 12 turn Chancellor term, can destroy one building in any settlement. Buildings in the barracks lines cannot be destroyed with this power.
(5) Can move any units in the borders of his Satrapy in any way he wishes unless they are controlled by another Player.
(6) Every Satrap will have a 8 unit army similar to Regular Army. Every Satrap should mention what type of army they wish: a) an Infantry army(5 infantry, 2 missile, 1 cavalry regiment); b) a Cavalry army( 2 infantry, 2 missile, 4 cavalry regiments); c) a Mixed army(3 infantry, 3 missile, 2 cavalry regiments). They can however get to recruit 1 local unit for every 2 Influence points and 1 local unit for every 3 Command stars.(The unit type of the additional units can be what ever the Satrap chooses)
(7) Satrap can lead an army of max 16 units unless it is a Royal Army.

(1) Must have at least one province or capture one within 2 turns from the Declaration of War.
(2) Must have declared himself Rebel in a public thread.
Influence: None
(1) If the Rebel rank is obtained by declaration then the Rebel must designate one of his provinces as his Capital.
This territory will be known as the Rebel's 'Realm.'
(2) Is not bound by any Council Edicts.
(3) Can pass an unlimited number of provinces on to the player's next avatar through a valid will. The player's next avatar will instantly gain the rank of Rebel.
(4) Can set the recruitment/build queue once penlaty that prevented him doing so have lost it's effect.
(5) Rebel will receive a fixed sum of money every turn from every settlement he have(Village - 500mnai, Small Town - 1000mnai etc)
(6) Must create a thread where he keeps track of his income and expences(Recruitment, construction, unit upkeep).
The ammount of starting money the Rebel will receive will be determined by Ibn-Khaldun.
(1) When this rank is obtained, the Rebel is considered to have made an automatic declaration of war against all Strategoi who are still part of the Empire.
Rebels cannot make Peace Treaties.
(2) When declaring himself Rebel there will be 4-8 turn period when Rebel can not recruit/build anything.
The time will depend on Declarers in-game Influence.
(3) Taxes are set to Very High in all settlements within the Realm.
(4) Cannot propose or vote on Edicts or Amendments in any Council session.
Cannot run for or vote in the election for Chancellor.
(5) If the Capital is captured by a hostile Strategos, the rank of Rebel is lost.
In order to continue the Rebellion, the Strategos must proclaim himself a Rebel again, assuming he still meets the requirements for it.

Independent Ruler:
(1) Must have been a Rebel for 12 turns
Influence: None
(1) If the Rebel rank is obtained by declaration then the Rebel must designate one of his provinces as his Capital.
This territory will be known as the Rebel's 'Realm.'
(2) May create his own title instead of "Independent Ruler" and may determine the correlating titles of all his Strategoi.
(3) Is not bound by any Council Edicts.
(4) Can pass an unlimited number of provinces on to the player's next avatar through a valid will. The player's next avatar will instantly gain the rank of Rebel.
(5) Can recruit and build in his settlements as long as he have the money for it.
(6) Independent Ruler will receive a fixed sum of money every turn from every settlement he have(Village - 500mnai, Small Town - 1000mnai etc)
(7) Must create a thread where he keeps track of his income and expences(Recruitment, construction, unit upkeep).
(8) Unless they have the permission of the Independent Ruler, any neutral Strategos entering a province of the Realm owned by the Independent Ruler is considered to have automatically declared war on the Independent Ruler.
(9) Taxes are set to Very High in all adjacent non-Realm settlements.
(10) Can move the Capital to any other province within the Realm.
(1) Cannot propose or vote on Edicts or Amendments in any Council session.
Cannot run for or vote in the election for Chancellor.
(2) If the Capital is captured by a hostile Strategos, the rank of Independent Ruler is lost.
In order to continue the Rebellion, the Strategos must proclaim himself a Rebel again, assuming he still meets the requirements for it.

2.5 Battle Points

To get to the next rank(Rule 2.4) every Strategos must get certain amount of 'battle points'. How many 'battle points' 1 battle gives are shown below. If player haven't posted screenshot with the results of the battle he will receive 1 Bp less than shown below.
"Crushing Defeat" -3 points
"Clear Defeat" -2 point
"Average Defeat" -1 point
"Close Defeat" 0 point
"Close Victory" 1/2 point
"Average Victory" 1 point
"Clear Victory" 2 points
"Heroic Victory" 3 points

3. Government

3.1 Sessions

The Council will meet in a Normal Session after every 12 turns.
Out of session, there can be open debate and deliberations.
Each Normal and Emergency Session consists of 3 real time days of debate, followed by 2 real time days of voting.

3.2 Proposing Legislations

During each session, Players may propose Edicts and Amendments, up to the limit allowed by their rank.
Edicts and Amendments must be seconded by two other Players before they can be put to the vote.

3.3 Edicts

Edicts require a simple majority of votes to pass and remain in effect until the next normal session of the Council.
Tied Edicts fail. If contradictory Edicts are passed, the one with the most votes takes priority.
Everyone can propose Permanent Edicts (PE) the same way as normal Edicts. PE's will stay in effect until Edict that changes them passes, they are fulfilled or taken out of effect by a vote in the council.

*3.4 Amendments

Amendments require a two-thirds majority of votes to pass and can permanently modify the rules in any way, except for rules marked with a *

3.5 Influence

Each Strategos’s voting power is equivalent to his total Influence, as defined by Rule 2.4.
No Strategos’s Influence may ever be lower than 1.
For the purposes of determining Stat Influence, a Senator can gain 1 point of Stat Influence for each of the following conditions that he meets: (a) 5+ ranks of Command (b) 10 ranks of Command (c) 20+ total stat points (d) 30+ total stat points

3.6 War

Except as allowed by rank powers under Rule 2.4, any declaration of war must be authorized by an Edict.

3.7 Elections

At each Normal Session, on the death of the Chancellor, or on the impeachment of the Chancellor, there is an election for the post of Chancellor.
Ties lead to a fresh ballot. A second tie is decided by seniority (avatar age).

*3.8 – Impeachment

The Chancellor can be impeached and removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council.
Impeachment takes effect immediately after the vote is passed.
After impeachment, a fresh election is held to elect a new Chancellor, although the Basileus may also exercise his power to become Chancellor at that point.
The Strategos replacing the impeached Chancellor serves out the remainder of the impeached Chancellor’s term.
All Edicts passed in the Council session that elected the impeached Chancellor remain valid, unless overturned by new Edicts at the Emergency Session that impeached him.

3.9 Split Government

The Chancellor is the Head of Economy and the Basileus is the Head of Military.
The Chancellor can not move any Armies or units except the ones he directly commands.
The Basileus can not set tax levels nor can he start the construction of any buildings but he can set up build queue in SOT thread for every settlement under his control.
The Basileus can not recruit any units but can ask the Chancellor to do that.
The Chancellor can use 'Force Diplomacy' only if an Edict have passed with a diplomatic offer to another faction.

3.10 Satrapy

(1) Satrapy must consist of at least one settlement. The Capital can not be part of any Satrapy.
(2) Satrapy can have settlements added or removed from it. The Basileus is the only one who can do that. All additional provinces must share the border with the rest of the Satrapy.
(3) The Satrap will be Archgoverner of all settlements within his Satrapy, as defined in the SOT thread (or possibly the Satrapy's own personal thread).
(4) The Satrap may delegate one of his settlements to one of his aids (aka, another players general) to govern.
The Satrap may override the aid's orders at anytime. As a Satraps Aid the general can not be elected to Chancellor or lead a Regular or Royal Army. A satrap's aid should be allowed to lead the Kleronomos Basileios' Royal Army under the condition that the Kleronomos Basileios is also the satrap he is aligned to.
(5) The Satrapy can not be inherited. Once the Satrap dies the Satrapy will be governed by the Chancellor until the Basileus decides to point a new Satrap.
(6) The Satrap can have max 5 Aids join his Satrapy and max 5 additional settlements added to his Satrapy.
(1 Aid = 2 Influence points; 1 additional settlement = 2 Management points)
(7) Every Satraps Aid can lead max 10 unit strong army. This will overwrite the number of units allowed to lead in the Rule 2.4.
(8) Every Satraps Aid can leave from this position when ever they wish but they will loose all ranks they have gained during the time being an Aid.

4. Armies

4.1 Royal Armies

Royal Armies will consist of a minimum of 6 infantry regiments, 3 ranged regiments, and 3 cavalry regiments.
For the purposes of this rule, Generals’ Bodyguard units do not count as cavalry regiments.
The owner of a Royal Army will determine who commands the Army, where it is to move (if at all), and whom to attack.
Only Royal Armies can have elephants in them. The Royal Army of the Basileus can have max 2 units of elephants and the Royal Army of the Kleronomos Basileion can have 1 unit of elephants.
Hypaspistai units should be limited to the Basileus' Royal Army, which can only have one of them. Hetairoi and Hetairoi Aspidophoroi should be limited to the Royal Armies.

4.2 Regular Armies

Regular Armies consist of a minimum of 4 infantry regiments, 2 ranged and 2 cavalry regiments.
For the purposes of this rule, Generals’ Bodyguard units do not count as cavalry regiments.
Basileus will decide who commands it, where it is to move(if at all), and whom to attack.
Regular Armies can be created only during the Council Session by the Basileus or by the Council using an Edict for that.
All Regular Armies are marked with a number and a name of the region where they were first formed: 'IV Syrian Army'
Regular Armies can be disbanded only during the Council Session by the Basileus or by the Council using an Edict.

4.3 Army Replenishment

If a Regular or Royal Army falls below the minimum strength level, all military recruitment must be allocated to restoring the Army to minimum strength before money can be spent on other recruitment, unless the Basileus agrees otherwise.
In the event of a conflict, a Royal Army takes priority over a Regular Army.

5. Civil War

*5.1 Declaration of War

Civil War can be started by Satraps/Strategos Hetairos/Strategos Chreophylax/Commander of Army only. A Satrap/Strategos Hetairos/Strategos Chreophylax/Commander of Army must make a Declaration of War towards a specific Satrap/Strategos Hetairos/Strategos Chreophylax/Commander of Army or Basileus in a public thread before they can attack any of that persons armies or settlements. A Declaration of War applies to all Generals who are named as Aids of both the Satrap who makes the Declaration and the Satrap who is the target of the Declaration.
A Declaration of War does not apply to any Generals who are not in any way connected to the declarer or the target.
Neither the Satrap who made the Declaration of War, nor anyone who act as an Aid of that Satrap, can attack the target of that Declaration, or anyone who act as an Aid of that Satrap, until the target(s) have been provided with one full turn's worth of movement.
This rule does not limit movement in any way, nor does it prevent the target(s) of the Declaration of War from attacking the declarer(s).

*5.2 Ending a Civil War

A Civil War will end when all Generals on one side are dead or all living Generals on both sides publicly agree to a Peace Treaty.
So long as it is limited to changes to the provinces, settlements, armies, and retinue of the Generals signing the Peace Treaty, it will be considered binding law.
All terms of a Peace Treaty that go beyond these limits, particularly those that increase a Generals influence or powers beyond those allowed by the rules, will only be binding if adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Council at the next normal session.
Individual Generals may unilaterally remove themselves from a Civil War within one turn of the Declaration of War and by publicly declaring Neutrality.
Neutrality cannot be claimed by a declarer, a target, or any General who has been involved in a PvP Battle during that specific Civil War.

5.3 PvP Battles

Whenever two hostile armies enter same province, a PvP Battle will occur, even if the armies have movement points remaining.
All other players in that region have the chance to pick a side or declare neutrality in that battle even if they have declared themselves neutral at the start of the Civil War.
If both players agree, the battle will be fought via multiplayer, with Ibn-Khaldun, Warmaster Horus, or anyone they choose acting as umpire.
The umpire will determine the map and the precise composition of the armies.
If the battle is not fought via multiplayer, there will be a 24 hour voting period to determine how the battle will be fought.
The voting options will be (a) Tabletop Battle (b) Abbreviated Tabletop Battle and (c) AI Battle.
All players may vote, even those not involved in the battle, all votes will be unweighted, and the option that receives the most votes will be chosen.
Tabletop Battles will be in the style of the Battle of Bern and the Battle of Trent and will be umpired by Ibn-Khaldun, Warmaster Horus, or anyone they choose.
Abbreviated Tabletop Battles will be identical to a Tabletop Battle, but will be 1 turn in length.
Players will determine their starting positions and outline a general strategy for the battle.
The umpire will then play out the battle and determine the victor.
The umpire may allow a maximum of 1 or 2 additional turns beyond the starting turn if they so choose.
The Abbreviated Tabletop Battle will be run by Ibn-Khaldun, Warmaster Horus, or anyone they choose.
AI Battles will be custom battles in the TW engine in which the AI will control all units on both sides.
AI battles will be umpired by Ibn-Khaldun, Warmaster Horus, or anyone they choose.
The umpire will determine all settings to be used in the battle, including the map and the precise composition of the armies.
Regardless of the type of battle chosen, the umpire must attempts to have the battle replicate the in-game state of affairs to the best of his ability.
Regardless of the type of battle chosen, the umpire will determine the results, including, but not limited to, units to be disbanded as casualties, avatars to be killed off as casualties, and changes in the control of provinces.
Console commands may be used to implement the results.

Many thanks to TinCow for creating these Rules for LotR and making it possible to use them to set up the WotB Rules.

09-01-2008, 12:00
Will of the Basileus FAQ

Q: What is Will of the Basileus?
A: WotB is essentially a role-playing game similar to LotR, KotR and WotS. All players are represented by a single in-game general or family member. You are completely responsible for the fate of that person, not only in terms of life and death battles, but also in the complex world of politics and power. The are no overall goals or objectives in WotB and it is impossible to 'win' the game. You get to decide what the purpose behind your character is. You can achieve great political power, conquer a foreign foe and countless other things. You can even battle against your fellow players in a Civil War, perhaps even slaying the Basileus (Emperor) himself in single combat. The fate of your character is up to you.

Q: How do I join?
A: Post in this (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107309) thread. We'll take care of the rest.

Q: Ok, I've joined. Now what do I do?
A: A good first step, if you haven't already done so, is to read the Rules (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=2003838&postcount=1) from top to bottom. They are based on the LotR Rules and are designed to be reader friendly, but they are still complex and can take some time to get used to. If you have any questions about how the game works, post them in the OOC Thread and Chatroom (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107325). Next, you should create a post for yourself in the Status and Orders Thread (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107460). Now you're ready to start roleplaying and controlling your avatar. Roleplaying can be done in many places, but is mainly confined to The Royal Council for official government purposes or in a specific thread for more casual purposes, and the various 'Alliance' threads. The Royal Council is generally open to all players, but it is considered bad form to post in a 'Alliance' thread without first being invited to do so. Roleplaying also regularly occurs in other places, such as through PMs and on secret forums located outside the Org. The Chancellor will regularly post updates on the state of the game and the latest saved games in the Basileus' and Chacellor Reports (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107464)Thread. From there you can download the save to move your avatar and fight battles. Summaries of battles can be posted in the Battle Reports (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107467) Thread. These are optional, but it is considered good form to at least post a screenshot of the results of the battle. Finally, if you want to write a short story about your avatar, you can post it in the Stories Thread (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107466).

Q: Where can I upload save game files?
A: There are two recommended places to do this. The preferred spot is the Org’s own PBM File Uploader (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/local_links.php?catid=193). Just click 'Add Entry', enter a name for the file, then scroll down to the Upload File section and browse to the file you want to upload and hit Submit. If that system is experiencing an error that prevents you from uploading, then you should use the Backup PBM File Uploader (http://www.mizus.com/files/pbmupload.php). Regardless of which one you use, make sure that you compress (.zip or .rar) your files before uploading them.

Q: I have never done a PBM before so don't really understand how you shift the save around.
A: Here is a good explanaition from The Celtic Viking:

When they downloaded the save game, they do what they want (and have authority to do), saves the game and uploads it. The next guy then takes that save, does his stuff, saves and uploads. So it goes on until the Chancellor takes it, does his things and ends the turn. He then uploads a new save and the game goes on.

So to clarify it: Lets imagine this game only with three players, TCV, IK and CP. TCV is the Chancellor. The names are completely made up, and does not refer to any real person.

Phase 1: TCV uploads a save.
Phase 2: CP downloads the save and notifies everyone that he has it. He makes his character walk from Sardis to Ipsos, and then he's done.
Phase 3: CP saves the game and uploads it in the thread.
Phase 4: IK downloads the save CP uploaded and notifies everyone that he has it. He fights against an enemy stack and loses horribly, killing 4 enemies and losing 2000 men. He's done.
Phase 5: Cursing and swearing to personally execute every god anyone has everbelieved in, he saves the game and uploads it in the thread.
Phase 6: TCV takes the save and notifies everyone he has it. He changes the taxes, trains up a new army for Ib.. er, IK to waste, and is done.
Phase 7: TCV ends the turn, saves and writes a report on what he's done and what has happened in and around the Arche this turn. He uploads the save.

Then it's back to phase 2.

Or to use a metaphor:

TCV writes his name on a paper, and then leaves it out for others to do the same. CP gets to it first, and writes his name on it, then puts it back where he took it. IK who is the slowest gets to it the last, and then writes his name on it before putting it back. TCV takes back the paper, takes a new one and does it all over again.

Q: I dont know how to get screen shots up at all!
A: The easiest way to take screenshots is to simply press the print screen button, and then looking up the picture in the tgas folder where you installed RTW. However, if you do it this way when you have anti-aliasing (AA) on the picture will just turn out completely black.
If you don't want to turn off AA the easiest way is to download fraps from http://www.fraps.com/. It's completely free and legal, and when you've installed it you just open it, and then you can assign a which button you want to take screenshots with. You can also choose where to save the pictures; the default is C:\Fraps.
There are loads of places where you can upload a picture. http://www.imageshack.us/ and https://www.photobucket.com/ are options too. http://www.picoodle.com/ is another one.

Q: Well, how do you become Basileus, then?
A: The Basileus names you as the Faction Heir, signifying that you will become Basileus when the current Basileus dies. That is how you become Basileus.

Q: What is the proper format for proposing Edicts and Amendments in The Royal Council?
A: Edict/Amendment X.Z: Text of Edict/Amendment. (X = Number of the Senate session, Z = Number of the Edict/Amendment within the Senate session.) For example, the third Edict proposed at the fourth Senate session would look like this: Edict 4.3: All Senators will wear togas. The numbers of all Edicts and Amendments proposed during an Emergency Session will be the same, but with an E preceding the numbering (i.e. Edict E4.3).

Please also be aware that an Edict cannot contradict the Rules. Edicts that conflict with any part of the Rules will be considered invalid and will not be put to a vote, no matter who proposed them or how many people seconded them. The only legislation which may conflict with the Rules are Amendments.

Q: How do I communicate with other players anonymously?
A: If you want to contact someone IC without them knowing your identity, create an 'anonymous' message (such as an unsigned note) and PM it to me along with a list of the players that you would like it sent to. I will forward the message with your name removed and forward any replies to you.

09-05-2008, 02:28
What You should remember while playing 'Will of the Basileus'.

1. WotB is roleplaying game. So insults in IC are not causing troubles(unless they are against .Org Rules) but if people are insulting each other OOC then those people will be barred from this game and TinCow will deal with them.

2. Something that all players should remember. Keep your SOT post updated! Even if you don't have anything and haven't fought any battles you should at least mention something like this - 'Avatar not to be moved without my permission'. If you don't add this then don't be surprised to see your avatar on the other side of the empire.

3. Before you take the save you should ask yourself 'do I really have to take it?' If you have no plans of moving your avatar or do anything then it is best to leave the save alone. Perhaps someone who might have some important things to do can't do it because you are admiring the beautiful EB map.

4. You have taken the save. You have a lot of things to do. You have to check your settlement and army recruitment and other things. But you should remember that you don't have to do this every turn. Adding 3-4 buildings and units that you would like to be recruited from your settlement into your SOT post will make your life easier and it will also make Chancellors life easier. This also means that the turn will get done much faster.

5. Satraps are powerful. Satraps should gather some generals around them and form a brotherhood or 'House' or similar. This way a powerful Satrap can propose Edicts and be certain that they will go through. And since they can propose unlimited number of Edicts then only sky is the limit to very powerful Satrap.

6. After new save is opened then players will have minimum 24 Hours to do their moves. This time can be expanded by the Chancellor up to 72 Hours.

7. New save is open. Players do their moves. If they are done it is Basileus' turn to take the save and make any military moves that he want. But before he moves any armies or fight a battle he should follow the 'True Path'.
Royal Army -> Regular Army -> Satraps Army
Basileus must check that all Armies are not under required strength and if they are he must ask Chancellor to retrain current ones or recruit new units. If this is done he can do the fun stuff.
After that it is Chancellors turn to take the save.

8. Bureaucracy. Before the Chancellor takes the save he needs to write down or print out what people have in their SOT. After that he should take the save. Once taken then there is the 'True Path' he must follow.
Royal Army -> Regular Army -> Satraps Army -> Prioritized Buildings -> Everything else
This means that Chancellor must retrain/recruit any unit that Basileus asks him to do. The priority of the retraining/recruitment is shown in the 'True Path'. Army stuff done the Chancellor must check if there was any Prioritized Buildings in the SOT. If not then he can check other build queues, move agents, fight battles. Once bored of the game the Chancellor must press the 'End Turn' button. After that he will save the game and upload it so the cycle could start all over again.

9. Proper way to save the file: WOTB-265-3-15
265 is the year, 3 is the season(1-spring, 2-summer, 3-autumn, 4-winter), 15 is the number of the save in this season.

10. Regiments/Units.
All units that use horses(elephants or what ever) do ride are considered Cavalry Regiments. Horse Archers and Skirmisher Cavalry have just a little bonus - they can throw or shoot things against the enemy.
All infantry units that use bows, slings or javelins and are called skirmishers will be considered Missile Regiments. To be more precise - everyone whose primary weapon is missile weapon will be considered Missile troops.
All other units are Infantry Regiments. Phalanx units or troops that use roman style of fighting(throwing pointy sticks and then charging) are all Infantry.

11. 'Man of the Hour' offer
If MotH offer pops up then save the game. After you have saved it you can accept it and see who is the adopter/benefactor. Then you will pm him and ask whether he wants to accept or decline the offer. So, in the save the MotH offer would be still up until it is clear what the benefactor decides. Everyone who take the save after that offer pops up should just minimize it and do their moves.

If you want something to be added here just pm me or make a post in here (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?t=107310).