View Full Version : republic or monachy ?

09-08-2008, 11:44
as you probably now in E:tw now you can chose support a revolution and take away his power and declare a republic so what do you think is the best option? :charge:

my vote is for the republic athough you lose some power its better for the living conditions of the people :helloo:

09-08-2008, 16:32
Republic all the way! Ireland shall obtain her Freedom :egypt:

Thou Il probs mess around with a monarchy for a while to. Over all though...Republic

09-08-2008, 16:36
I don't think I could make a blanket statement like that. For me, it would really depend on the situation -- sometimes a republic will be preferable, at other times a monarchy.

What I'm more curious about is under what conditions a constitutional monarchy can arise, and what the benefits & penalties are. I wouldn't be surprised if that particular government type would be especially tricky to manage -- given that it seems to be the "in the middle" option (between absolute monarchy and republic) -- but would also have the greatest overall bonuses. :sweatdrop:

09-08-2008, 16:49
Some countries will start the game already under Constitutional Monarchy, Great Britain for one.

I wonder whether Constitutional Monarchy might be a third option when Republican sentiment is starting to boil over, in order to appease the masses without losing the loyalty of the aristocracy. As you say though I'm sure there must be some penalty for such fence-sitting.

Given what CA have said about having a separate tax rate for the ruling classes and the masses, I suspect that much of the government and taxation aspect will be about trying to please both groups at once. Kind of like RTW's balancing act between pleasing Senate and People (only in reverse I suppose, the tendency being to move toward rather than away from a Republic as the game progresses.)

09-08-2008, 18:04
I wonder if a Republican government will face penalties due to courreption :laugh4:

09-08-2008, 20:03
I wonder if a Republican government will face penalties due to courreption :laugh4:


Warmaster Horus
09-08-2008, 20:12
Depends what I feel like.
On one hand, you've got POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
On the other, you've got RULING WITH AN IRON FIST!
And both are awesome... I'll probably go with the middle.

09-08-2008, 21:40
Tribal despotism, if it is possible of course.

09-08-2008, 22:14
Jacobite scum, the lot of you! :laugh4:

09-09-2008, 04:36
France stays a monarchy, US becomes a monarchy and England becomes a republic, all to the tune of The World Turned Upside Down. :pirate2:

09-09-2008, 05:14

Knight of the Rose
09-09-2008, 10:30
Isn't this somehow a question for another part of the org, such as the monastry perhaps? As we don't know the benefits and drawbacks of the political choices in-game, then it's kinda futile to discuss what we personally believe is the best political system, or what we would guess to be the best political system in the 18th century.

And as to original poster - well if you're roleplaying, then perhaps the happyness of your people is important. But otherwise they are just a bunch of zeros and ones on your harddrive, and I would whip them any day if it meant I could beat the AI. And if I could beat the AI by giving some rights of rule to my people, I would do that.


09-09-2008, 12:02
I will either roleplay my leader (unlikely) or change when I remember (according to benefits)

Sol Invictus
09-09-2008, 14:22
I will try to aim for and maintain a Constitutional Monarchy for almost every nation that I play, with the exception of the American Colonies; that would just be too weird. I think that Republics would be too much trouble to deal with and somewhat chaotic for most factions. Hard to know at this stage.

09-10-2008, 13:56
I will simply be role playing nations/factions historically as much as possible. More challenge and fun. This is something I do with all Total Wars plus definitely in Hearts of Iron II.

Megas Methuselah
09-16-2008, 06:11
I will certainly roleplay as well, just not historically. Doing that feels like I'm a dog tied to a tree. However, I will certainly NOT conquer the world in bloodlust, but just enjoy the game with a realistic empire. :2thumbsup:

09-18-2008, 03:53
Constitutional Monarchy all the way, less corruption than a republic

