View Full Version : Sub forums requests

02-18-2009, 21:23
Ok, I think it would be good to get a sub forum for bugs and one for sub mods.
If Redfox wants we could ask one for Diadochii too, what do you think DBH?

02-19-2009, 03:09
I'm not His Royal Highness DBH, but, IMO, I don't know if Redfox would be into it. I'm not trying to speak for him, but XGMD did just recently get approved for its own forum on TWC.

02-19-2009, 06:02
Yes, I suspect RedFox won't want to get trapped in a sub-forum again. I think we can probably do without sub-forums for now. Let's wait and see how much use this new forum gets first.

02-19-2009, 11:49
Well, as long as Redfox wants the offer is there, I agree about seeing how much activity we'll get.

02-20-2009, 23:55
It would be logical to duplicate the subforum layout we have at the center.