View Full Version : Empire TR?

03-16-2009, 11:33
So, to start off, I'd like to say that I was and still am a HUGE fan of Rome:TR. Unfortunately, it seems that TR VII is still in the works and Medieval: TR never even managed a Beta. Now that Empire is out and we can finally start tinkering, planning and (hopefully soon) modding, I wanted to throw my hat into the ring.

Because I love history and realism mods (and can offer very little else to the modding community), I'd like to put my name out there are as a "research" candidate. I've always dug history and enjoy reading and writing about it, so I think I could be useful in that respect. This could include writing better unit/building descriptions, offering advice on changes to be made to units' weaponry/abilities, suggesting region tweaks and/or more accurate naming for cities/regions, as well as passing on any photos/paintings I stumble upon to the modelers. Depending on the scope of the mod, I'd also be open to researching whole new factions (East Asian, for example).

03-16-2009, 13:34
I think the problem with a mod like this is that it just take so much time to do properly, with members dropping out and such...I'm possibly the only active defender of R:TR here. Glad to have another one onboard.

But yeah...throughout my years of looking at mods, I've noticed one rule. The leader needs to be either a scripter, a modeller or an artist for the team to work, especially at the early stages.

If you can get a group of people that will work, good on you.

Welcome to the .org. :bow:

03-16-2009, 14:40
Oh, no. That's the thing. I don't plan on leading it. I'm much too fickle to do something so time-consuming as scripting or modelling - on top of the fact that even if I wanted to do it, I don't know how to anyway. However I DO know that I could churn out enough research to keep said scripters/modellers/artists busy. My post is more looking for a team to join rather than trying to start my own. I'm assuming there are some vets looking for help around here somewhere.

03-16-2009, 14:51
There arent any mod teams out there.

The biggest commitment I've seen is a few guys offering to help me out with modelling and map stuff for my mod (Check the Hosted ETW mods section. We could always use you :laugh4:)

Alexander the Pretty Good
03-16-2009, 20:16
You can't come up with a better name? :/

03-17-2009, 07:03
You can't come up with a better name? :/

Can't come up with a better name for what?

Megas Methuselah
03-17-2009, 08:29
Can't come up with a better name for what?

Oh, for the world. Your username. Your mod. You know, life in general. :tongue:

Alexander the Pretty Good
03-17-2009, 20:48
I just meant for the mod. ~:p Unless it's made by the same people as R:TR, that is.