View Full Version : Mud/Red Units

02-12-2010, 21:19
Hi there hopefully someone can help me with this problem, I have searched the forum and I can't get a definitive solution:

I created a new Crimean unit based off the Pandours using this tutorial: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=5872674#post5872674
And textured them using this tutorial: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=4715558#post4715558

The unit uses the Pandours model with the units own texture: khan_musket
The directory I pointed to in the new warscape_animated was: Unitmodels/Textures/khan_musket
These are all contained in a .pack file as I wish to share with my friend, the entire Unitmodels/Textures folder is added

Despite these the textures have come up all muddy, so I guess maybe its to do with the editing I've done in Paint Shop Pro 7. I converted the images to the .tga format then opened them in psp7 in the diffuse I deleted a small section of the alpha channel so the units capes would not show. I then used the GIMP 2.0 to convert these back to .dds

Now after this my .dds to .tga convertor stopped working so I just opened the gloss file in GIMP and coloured in every channel in black. Despite this the units texture has not changed.

I realise this is very WALLOFTEXTWALLOFTEXT but I'm really struggling to wrap my head around this problem and have given all the information I can think of

Thanks, HelpGetter

02-13-2010, 05:00
I'd love to help, but graphics aren't my area.

Just letting you know you arent being ignored.

02-13-2010, 20:38
Cheers pevergreen :)
I also posted this at the twcenter forums but its been a few days with no reply's at all :( I'm starting to wonder if anyone will
This problems so irritating, as I followed the tutorials by the letter

02-14-2010, 00:47
I don't really follow the how-to-do thing with the new texture, but the way you've said it makes it sound like something could have gone wrong. Might be worth redoing (and streamlining) just that part?

02-16-2010, 01:19
I found out that I made a spelling mistake when directing the unit to the textures xD
All that trouble for 1 silly mistake lol thanks for your support pevergreen :)

02-16-2010, 01:47
Hey, I do what I can. :laugh4: