View Full Version : How to boost the SP experience

03-10-2011, 13:40
Well, its not really new. If i follow many people playing mainly SP, many of them come to a point where they autoresolve battles.
Many of you ask for better AI or not too easy campaigns.

My suggestion would be, that people can rent real player to fight for the AI.
Why not get some online player to fight the battle for the AI in your campaign?

If you want it harder, this would be harder.

03-10-2011, 13:44
They did that in NTW.

03-10-2011, 13:54
how did it work out? Many used it or was it pointless?

03-11-2011, 20:17
In my experiance it didnt work out so well. I never really used however and when I did there was nobody online willing to fight drop-in battles. Maybe some others on the board had better luck with it but it didnt go well for me.

Also, Kocmoc your English has improved much. Well done. :thumbsup:

03-11-2011, 20:34
Drop in battles will be present in S2, yep.

03-11-2011, 20:43
From what I've read drop in battles are only for battles that are near equal. I have read it wont work if one side has too high an advantage.

03-11-2011, 20:46
Yep, iirc the option is greyed out if too much of an imbalance

03-12-2011, 16:26
Yes, that's how it is in NTW.

It worked so so.
For me, as I usually try to have an advantage over my enemy when I go into battle - thats the whole point of good strategy - I hardly got a chance to fight these drop in battles. I did however get invited into someone elses campaign a few time, which was pretty good. I wish they would allow drop in battles also for inbalanced games.

Perhaps the player dropping in should get a chance to have a check box saying "I am willing to play imbalanced battles". That would avoid frustration on his side.