View Full Version : 1v1 IH's

05-18-2011, 16:55
What do you guys think of a 1v1 Battle IH, like a Battle of Gettysburg, where there's only two players (Union and Rebels) or the Battle of Kolin ( one as Frederick the Great, one as Marshal Daun)?

Vladimir Fred-nin
05-18-2011, 21:14
I've done a couple of them on TWC before, they weren't very successful though :P

05-18-2011, 22:13
Maybe you should try one here, you might have better luck :).

Vladimir Fred-nin
05-19-2011, 03:02
Possibly, and I did have an idea for one here. It's a bit ASB, but it's still fun.

It's a game with Gunpowder in the Punic wars.

I call it, the "Napoleunic wars".

Master Magic Mage
05-25-2011, 21:01
No, Fred, no. :P

Vladimir Fred-nin
05-29-2011, 20:41
Quiet, you!