View Full Version : Rome Total History: New fantastic campaign map!!!!

07-19-2011, 14:31
Hello, everybody!

I want to introduce myself. I'm a historian from Germany (recently I have published a book on the Peloponnesian War). I've been playing Rome Total War for several years and I think it is probably the best game I've ever seen. I've also started playing some modifications (for instance RTR). I like the idea of increased historical accuracy. But I was usually turned off by certain shortcomings, most of all regarding the campaign map, the regions and cities and the leader names. We have seen loads of new and very interesting combat units, but there are many other things to improve.

This is why I started creating a new map. It took me two years of research and edit work, but now it is ready and it seems to be stable. It is a complete rework of the original map going from Scotland to India. Everything is of unprecedented accuracy. You have a huge number of realistic mountain passes, river crossings, islands etc. Some rivers have even become partially navigable. The new rivers and mountain passes give lots of new strategic options that will make up for a completely new game feel. For example: once you could prevent any invasion into Italy by closing 3 passes over the Alpes. But ancient geographers actually knew 12 ways to cross the Alpes and now these have been truly represented in the game, giving any invader a huge number of options.

The number of regions is now 197 (the maximum) and most of them are historically correct with exact borders as far as known. In many other cases I used rivers, mountains and forests to define the borders. All the major cities of the ancient world are included and each is in the right location as well as their ports. Many city sites have been highly improved. Just take a look at Alexandria, where you can watch the city plant with the Mareotis lake, the harbor and the island of Pharos and the lighthouse obviously in the right place on the island above the harbor.

In this thread I will post a series of screenshot to show what I'm up. For anybody interested I propose this map for further development. Currently I'm still working on a few features like ressources, city buildings, rebel names, leader names, but most of the work is done and the map is waiting to be filled with life. Any help is welcome. Just let me know what you think about it.

07-19-2011, 14:41

Here comes my first screenshot showing Lower Egypt with Alexandria and Memphis. Watch out in particular for the following features:
1. Alexandria with beautiful city plant, the Pharos in its correct position on the island and the Mareotis lake behind the city.
2. The improved Nile Delta.
3. The port of Tanis with its bay/lake
4. The city of Heliopolis as port to Memphis (here still a fishing village)
5. The Bitter lakes and the port of Arsinoe.
6. The irrigation canal and the lake/swamps of Fayum.
7. Two branches of the lower Nile have become navigable and a canal allows ships to reach the Red Sea (but the ports of Tanis and Arsinoe will close this passage).

07-19-2011, 14:45

Here is another screenshot of Egypt, where all the ports have been build and the navigation options on the Nile are highlighted.

This is the provincial order of Egypt:

¬* I AEGYPTUS --------0+7=7
{Delta} Delta
{Alexandria} Alexandria
{Aegyptus_Inferior} Aegyptus Inferior
{Memphis} Memphis
{Aegyptus_Superior} Aegyptus Superior
{Ptolemais} Ptolemais
{Thebais} Thebais
{Thebes} Thebes
{Cyrenaica} Cyrenaica
{Cyrene} Cyrene
{Marmarica} Libya
{Siwa} Siwa
{Sinai} Sinai
{Pelusium} Pelusium

07-19-2011, 14:58

Here you get another glimpse. This time it's Syria and southern Asia Minor. The map highlights the passages through Cilicia. Note also the position of Tyros on its former island, the double mountain chain in the Lebanon and the complicated passages from Tarsus into Syria (Antiochia) which allowed Dareius to outmanoeuver Alexander at Issus.

The provinces and cities in Syria and Asia Minor are as follows:

¬* II SYRIA ---------------7+15=22
{Syria} Syria
{Antiochia} Antiochia
{Coele_Syria} Coele Syria
{Damascus} Damascus
{Nabataea} Nabataea
{Bostra} Bostra
{Petraea} Arabia Petraea
{Petra} Petra
{Judaea} Judaea
{Jerusalem} Jersualem
{Phoenicia} Phoenicia
{Tyros} Tyros
{Libanensis} Libanensis
{Sidon} Sidon
{Cyprus} Cyprus
{Salamis} Salamis
{Cilicia} Cilicia
{Tarsus} Tarsus
{Commagene} Commagene
{Arsameia} Arsameia
{Osroene} Osroene
{Edessa} Edessa
{Palmyrene} Palmyrene
{Palmyra} Palmyra
{Parapotamia} Parapotamia
{Dura} Dura Europos
{Arabia} Arabia Felix
{Tayma} Thaema
{Maecene} Maecene
{Gerrha} Gerrha

¬* III ASIA -----------------22+17=39
{Asia} Mysia
{Pergamon} Pergamum
{Lydia} Lydia
{Sardes} Sardes
{Ionia} Ionia
{Ephesos} Ephesus
{Caria} Caria
{Halicarnasus} Halicarnasus
{Lycia} Lycia
{Phaselis} Phaselis
{Pamphylia} Pisidia
{Side} Side
{Lycaonia} Lycaonia
{Ikonion} Iconium
{Phrygia} Phrygia
{Pessinus} Pessinus
{Galatia} Galatia
{Ancyra} Ancyra
{Bithynia} Bithynia
{Nicomedia} Nicomedia
{Paphlagonia} Paphlagonia
{Sinope} Sinope
{Pontos} Pontus
{Amisos} Amisos
{Cappadocia} Cappadocia
{Mazaka} Mazaka
{Armenia_Minor} Armenia Minor
{Trapezunt} Trapezunt
{Armenia} Armenia
{Artaxata} Artaxata
{Sophene} Sophene
{Amida} Amida
{Corduene} Gordyene
{Tigranocerta} Tigranocerta

07-20-2011, 22:36

Here comes one of the most detailed parts of the map: Greece with the Aegean Sea.

While the original map had 13 Greek islands, this one has over 50! Note the details: the exact position of the Colossus guarding the port of Rhodus, the finger of Knidos, the Cyclades with over 20 islands and the city of Naxos, detailed resources like the marble of Paros and the wine of Chios, the exact form of Lesbos with the city of Mytilene, the Marmara island, the peninsula of Kyzikos and the city of Byzantium with its port on the Golden Horne, the Rhodope mountains in Thrace, the port of Thessalonike, the snowy mountains of Olymp and Parnassus, Euboia with the city of Chalkis and the port of Eretria, the detailed bays of the Saronic Gulf with the islands of Salamis and Aigina, the port of Corinth, the peninsula of Argolis, ports like Gythium and Methone in the Peloponnes and last but not least the Ionian islands with the city of Corcyra.

What you don't see in this screenshot is that all mountain passes have become much more realistic giving more strategic options. I'll have more screenshots later to illustrate this.

These are the Greek regions and cities:

¬* V GRAECIA -------------------52+20=72
{Macedonia} Macedonia
{Pella} Pella
{Chalcidice} Chalcidice
{Therme} Thessalonica
{Nova_Epirus} Nova Epirus
{Apollonia} Apollonia
{Epirus} Epirus
{Ambracia} Ambracia
{Thessalia} Thessalia
{Larisa} Larisa
{Aetolia} Aetolia
{Thermon} Thermon
{Locris} Locris
{Delphi} Delphi
{Boeotia} Boeotia
{Thebae} Thebes
{Attica} Attica
{Athenae} Athens
{Achaia} Achaia
{Corinth} Corinth
{Argolis} Argolis
{Argos} Argos
{Laconia} Laconia
{Sparta} Sparta
{Elide} Elis
{Elis} Elis
{Messenia} Messenia
{Messene} Messene
{Creta} Creta
{Kydonia} Kydonia
{Rhodos} Rhodos
{Rhodes} Rhodos
{Lesbos} Lesbos
{Mytilene} Mytilene
{Euboea} Euboea
{Chalcis} Chalcis
{Cyclades} Cyclades
{Naxos} Naxos
{Corcyra} Corcyra
{Kerkyra} Corcyra

08-02-2011, 02:32
this map is amazing... could you modify the vanilla map for RTW at all?

08-02-2011, 14:15
Thanks for your comment. At the moment I´m on holiday. Much more, when I get back.

strategos roma
08-15-2011, 08:36
This is by far the best map for RTW I've seen so far. Impressive!!

P.S: What's the name of your new book?

08-17-2011, 23:48
Hi and thanks,

Sorry, but my book is in German language. It is a dramatic version of the Peloponnesian War. The title is "Die Demagogen. Der Untergang des Attischen Reiches" by Petreius Hyphantes.

Now I'll continue posting some of my recent work on the RTW map.

Here comes the kingdom of Pontus:1920

The ruler Mithradates I is in the capital Amaseia (not Amisos, which is the port; I corrected this from the list above).
You can easily recognize all the work on the rivers, fords, mountain chains and passes.

08-18-2011, 00:11
Now, this is what I'm doing at the moment. Since I have to fill my map with life, I have decided to introduce only historical personalities in my families. I've already done the three Diadoch dynasties, Pontus, the Thracians, Dacians, Parthians, Carthaginians, Germans, Britons and part of the Slaves. Next will be the Gauls.
Here you can have a look at Carthaginian politics during the Punic wars. It was quite a mess with all those Hamilcars, Hannos, Hasdrubals and Hannibals, but I think I got it quite clear now and you can learn to distinguish them. As far as known, I represented original family relations, but certainly this was not enough for connecting them all to the family tree and so I had to integrate historical facts. Usually I did this by connecting to the female side. In some cases I had to compromise, f.e. the game allows only four children, but Hamilcar Barca had at least five, and thus there was no place for the second daughter. With the only exception of Sophonisba we don't know any of the Carthaginian wives or daughters, so their names are all fictious. Sorry, but this family tree is quite large, that's why some branches on the far left and right are cut off.

08-18-2011, 00:45
This map shows how the extension to the north is working. Here you have the unexplored "islands" of Scandiae. Note the Danish, Swedish adn Baltic islands, the island of Rugen with its famous white cliffs, the Prussian and Baltic coast, but most of all take a look at those Norvegian fjords. Will your explorers be able to find the kingdom of Thule?

08-18-2011, 12:35
Here is the family tree of the Antigonids of Macedonia. In this case even the female names are all historical.1931

08-18-2011, 22:40


08-23-2011, 16:53
Here you got another screenshot from my new map: This is Sicily with southern Italy.


08-23-2011, 16:57
And this is northern Italy. Note the islands in the Adriatic Sea, the Gulf of Naples, The island of Elba, the lake of Verona and the smaller ones in Tuscany and the position of the ports of Ravenna and Venice in their respective lagoons.


08-23-2011, 17:24
Maybe someone is saying: that's looking good, but what's the use? The following screenshot of northern Italy and the Alpes region puts in evidence the improvements on the game-playing level. In the vanilla map you had simply four large passages over the Alpes. If you closed them well, maybe with a fort, noone would ever be able to invade your country. In my map I have increased the mountain passes over the Alpes to a realistic number. Every major pass that exists in reality is now represented in the game and this gives you at least 16 different options to invade your enemy. On the other hand, however, prepare yourself that the passages have become narrower and more difficult. Good luck then, Hannibal!


08-23-2011, 19:26
:bow:Ich find deine Map extrem gut!:bow:
Und ja, ich bin aus Deutschland.:yes:

Ist dein Buch ein historischer Roman oder ein Sachbuch?

08-23-2011, 19:57
Hallo, prima, dass die Karte dir gefällt. Das Buch ist weder das eine noch das andere, sondern es handelt sich um drei historische Dramen und eine Satire. Jedenfalls ist es ziemlich spannend und im Prinzip wird der komplette Peloponnesische Krieg erzählt.

08-23-2011, 20:42
i cant understand german! by the way your map and family trees will be great for the mod

08-23-2011, 21:36
Philadelphos,when you dicede to blees us and release this mod,coud you create a thread at TWC?
It woud be a shame for someone not to see this...:yes:
Also,don't talk german...

Or elese...

08-24-2011, 02:47
Philadelphos,when you dicede to blees us and release this mod,coud you create a thread at TWC?
It woud be a shame for someone not to see this...:yes:
Also,don't talk german...

Or elese...

Potrei anche parlare in italiano ;-)
Well, I was just joking! I spoke German to answer a question about my book, nothing related to the game.

So when and how will I release this? A good question. I think I'll need your help before I'll be ready.
I tell you a) what I got, b) what I plan and c) what I need:

a) What I got:
The map is ready. It's a complete rework including Scotland and India. In runs on RTW v 1.5.
There are 197 regions. Someone assured me that the limit is 199, but my game crashed at 198, so it would be nice to include two more regions, but for the moment I stay with what I got.
Probably not every decision about regions and cities will be exactly useful for your plans and you might want to discuss it. In any case I reflected for a long time and there are little margins for changes. But sometimes I still change a few things. For example yesterday I decided to change the borders in Spain.
I got a complete regions and cities list (you've seen parts of it above). Just ask and I'll send you the complete list.

Four things still need to be revised and completed:
1. The cities specifications (especially the buildings, while population should be ok)
2. The resources on the map are ok, but they don't correspond to the ones in the cities list (I don't even know if this is a problem)
3. The rebels should be revised and specified. For the moment I stuck to the list of the Time map editor, but I'd like to introduce a different rebel name for almost every region.
4. The mercenary pools are still incomplete. But this is a point that can be decided only in collaboration with the developers of new units. For the moment my strat.txt contains only vanilla units. Military units are out of my range of competence (since most of you are military historians or skinners, I guess you'll be glad to hear that).

b) What I plan:
For the moment I'm planning to release this as vanilla as possible under every other point of view.
This means that I want to keep the original factions with only one exception. I want to keep even two different Roman factions (Populares=Julii and Optimates=Scipii) plus the Senate. Only the Brutii will be replaced by another Greek faction. This is needed to counterbalance the Greek cities which would otherwise occupy without any difficulty all those mini states like Elis, Delphi, Euboia, Messene, Mytilene ecc.
My plan is to call this faction The Greek Colonies. They should be led by Pyrrhus and Hieron II and at the start they should include the cities of Tarent, Syracuse, Croton, Ambracia and Massilia. In my first trial runs they often went to war with both the Greek cities and the Romans, so it looks like going in the right direction.
I know that these decisions sound delusive to all of you who want to get rid of the Roman factions and play the Illyrians or the Mauryans. But my decision is to postpone these issues. My personal point of view is that the game includes several quite useless factions. Some where historically not important enough, others are not interesting for the game.
One of the less important factions are the Dacians, but they are much fun, when you play the Macedonians. The Tracians were not very important historically and they are even less in the game. Most of the time they are just sitting there and you have to help them to survive. My opinion is that these two factions might be merged somehow.
The Scythians had no real state and they are quite useless in the game. So they might be assigned to the Slaves.
Hence my idea is that in a second stage we might introduce the Illyrians and the Mauryans.
In a third stage you might even get rid of the Roman factions and introduce whatever faction you like.

As starting year of the game I choose 280, but it might also be 300. Indeed I've come to the conclusion that time is relative in this game. If you look at it you see that this game combines political and military confrontation of at least three centuries. For instance you might even have Hannibal meet Vercingetorix or Caratacus. If we'd stick strictly to the year 280 we wouldn't have a single German, Spanish, Britain or Numidian leader and all the Gauls should be placed in Thessaly and Galatia!
So this is not going to be a simulation of the year 280, but a time warp adventure where to meet all of your ancient heroes.
This is why I created the family trees and I'm almost done. Still missing are the Romans and the Greeks. All the rest is complete, even the Illyrians and the Mauryans which are included in the Slaves family tree (I guess I still have to include the Bosphorans and some minor leaders there). I included even a number of important leaders who died shortly before 280. So if you want, playing the Antigonids or the Seleucids, you might even start the game with the battle of Ipsos in 301 BC. In the end all leaders will be historic figures and each of them will be placed in a region where he actually fought (with very few minor exceptions).

c) What I need:
To release this game I need help mostly on two points:
1. I need to create the faction of the Greek Colonies. It should be easy, just doubling the Greek cities, at least in the first place, but I don't know how to do it and it would take some time to learn it. Every help in this direction is welcome.
2. Recently, after introducing lots of leaders and units, the game has become unstable. Usually I get a CTD after one of the first turns. Hence I'd need help to debug it.

Now that's my programme. If anything doesn't sound convincing, I'd be glad to discuss with you. With a little help the rest of the work might be done in about a month. Once released, my map would be available even for what you are planning on the Historical RTW Vanilla v1.5. Just let me know what you think about it.

08-24-2011, 09:20
Why you think Thrace is ussles?:sick:
And you coud merge daceians and thrace becose dacians where a Thracian tribe realy...:yes:

08-25-2011, 11:51
Potrei anche parlare in italiano ;-)
Well, I was just joking! I spoke German to answer a question about my book, nothing related to the game.

So when and how will I release this? A good question. I think I'll need your help before I'll be ready.
I tell you a) what I got, b) what I plan and c) what I need:

a) What I got:
The map is ready. It's a complete rework including Scotland and India. In runs on RTW v 1.5.
There are 197 regions. Someone assured me that the limit is 199, but my game crashed at 198, so it would be nice to include two more regions, but for the moment I stay with what I got.
Probably not every decision about regions and cities will be exactly useful for your plans and you might want to discuss it. In any case I reflected for a long time and there are little margins for changes. But sometimes I still change a few things. For example yesterday I decided to change the borders in Spain.
I got a complete regions and cities list (you've seen parts of it above). Just ask and I'll send you the complete list.

Four things still need to be revised and completed:
1. The cities specifications (especially the buildings, while population should be ok)
2. The resources on the map are ok, but they don't correspond to the ones in the cities list (I don't even know if this is a problem)
3. The rebels should be revised and specified. For the moment I stuck to the list of the Time map editor, but I'd like to introduce a different rebel name for almost every region.
4. The mercenary pools are still incomplete. But this is a point that can be decided only in collaboration with the developers of new units. For the moment my strat.txt contains only vanilla units. Military units are out of my range of competence (since most of you are military historians or skinners, I guess you'll be glad to hear that).

b) What I plan:
For the moment I'm planning to release this as vanilla as possible under every other point of view.
This means that I want to keep the original factions with only one exception. I want to keep even two different Roman factions (Populares=Julii and Optimates=Scipii) plus the Senate. Only the Brutii will be replaced by another Greek faction. This is needed to counterbalance the Greek cities which would otherwise occupy without any difficulty all those mini states like Elis, Delphi, Euboia, Messene, Mytilene ecc.
My plan is to call this faction The Greek Colonies. They should be led by Pyrrhus and Hieron II and at the start they should include the cities of Tarent, Syracuse, Croton, Ambracia and Massilia. In my first trial runs they often went to war with both the Greek cities and the Romans, so it looks like going in the right direction.
I know that these decisions sound delusive to all of you who want to get rid of the Roman factions and play the Illyrians or the Mauryans. But my decision is to postpone these issues. My personal point of view is that the game includes several quite useless factions. Some where historically not important enough, others are not interesting for the game.
One of the less important factions are the Dacians, but they are much fun, when you play the Macedonians. The Tracians were not very important historically and they are even less in the game. Most of the time they are just sitting there and you have to help them to survive. My opinion is that these two factions might be merged somehow.
The Scythians had no real state and they are quite useless in the game. So they might be assigned to the Slaves.
Hence my idea is that in a second stage we might introduce the Illyrians and the Mauryans.
In a third stage you might even get rid of the Roman factions and introduce whatever faction you like.

As starting year of the game I choose 280, but it might also be 300. Indeed I've come to the conclusion that time is relative in this game. If you look at it you see that this game combines political and military confrontation of at least three centuries. For instance you might even have Hannibal meet Vercingetorix or Caratacus. If we'd stick strictly to the year 280 we wouldn't have a single German, Spanish, Britain or Numidian leader and all the Gauls should be placed in Thessaly and Galatia!
So this is not going to be a simulation of the year 280, but a time warp adventure where to meet all of your ancient heroes.
This is why I created the family trees and I'm almost done. Still missing are the Romans and the Greeks. All the rest is complete, even the Illyrians and the Mauryans which are included in the Slaves family tree (I guess I still have to include the Bosphorans and some minor leaders there). I included even a number of important leaders who died shortly before 280. So if you want, playing the Antigonids or the Seleucids, you might even start the game with the battle of Ipsos in 301 BC. In the end all leaders will be historic figures and each of them will be placed in a region where he actually fought (with very few minor exceptions).

c) What I need:
To release this game I need help mostly on two points:
1. I need to create the faction of the Greek Colonies. It should be easy, just doubling the Greek cities, at least in the first place, but I don't know how to do it and it would take some time to learn it. Every help in this direction is welcome.
2. Recently, after introducing lots of leaders and units, the game has become unstable. Usually I get a CTD after one of the first turns. Hence I'd need help to debug it.

Now that's my programme. If anything doesn't sound convincing, I'd be glad to discuss with you. With a little help the rest of the work might be done in about a month. Once released, my map would be available even for what you are planning on the Historical RTW Vanilla v1.5. Just let me know what you think about it.
Well, since my notobook started this morning up again, I would be glad to help you.
1. Creating the faction greek colonies, especially just as a copy of the greek cities, is no problem. However, if you convert a roman faction to the greek colonies you will inevitably have the Senate and Senate offices tab, and random missions of the senate. If you use a non-roman faction this is no problem at all.
2. I don´t know what the error is - but you can send me the map and maybe I find the error. But if I were to guess a region isn´t coloured right (or what do you say for this? Well, at least the error is somewhere there), because I know in the SPQR 8.0 Mod the modder made a settlement in the sea, didn´t want it to be captured and just made a (wanted) error in map_regions.tga, so that if any ship coming near the island would make the game ctd. It is probably a minor error, just a field big, but if a character walks on this field the game ctd´s.

:bow:And I really appreciate the work you did by making this campaign map. :bow:

@Skull and ahowl: I just asked him something about his book, and since I am the only one here who can read it I figured I might aswell speak german as I like it more.

08-25-2011, 16:40
Why you think Thrace is ussles?:sick:
And you coud merge daceians and thrace becose dacians where a Thracian tribe realy...:yes:

Don't missunderstand me. I like the Thracians. But I think they will always be squashed in the game, because Macedon, Pontus, Dacia and the Scyths are four strong neighbors. In my game they have even more trouble, because I strenghtened the Slaves in Byzantium and I added the Gaul storm of 280 with even a number of Egyptian units under Ptolemy Ceraunos. So you see there is little margin to strengthen the Thracian position, and that's the reason why I thought the same thing as you, that is, to unite them with another tribe. This might be the Dacians or else the Illyrians because they are both relatives of the Thracians.

08-25-2011, 17:10
Well, since my notobook started this morning up again, I would be glad to help you.
1. Creating the faction greek colonies, especially just as a copy of the greek cities, is no problem. However, if you convert a roman faction to the greek colonies you will inevitably have the Senate and Senate offices tab, and random missions of the senate. If you use a non-roman faction this is no problem at all.
2. I don´t know what the error is - but you can send me the map and maybe I find the error. But if I were to guess a region isn´t coloured right (or what do you say for this? Well, at least the error is somewhere there), because I know in the SPQR 8.0 Mod the modder made a settlement in the sea, didn´t want it to be captured and just made a (wanted) error in map_regions.tga, so that if any ship coming near the island would make the game ctd. It is probably a minor error, just a field big, but if a character walks on this field the game ctd´s.

Thanks for your help.

First the good news: The game has become stable again. I don't know what it was, but after cleaning up the Britons, Gauls and Iberians (mainly reducing the number of units which had been copied on assembly line) I got no more problems.

Yesterday I played a bit as the Slave faction and there is huge action all over the map. After three turns I had a nice battle in the Caledonian snow between british hero Caratacus and Calgacus, the first Scot in history, the guy who told the Romans they'd made the world a desert and called it peace. When I saw those chariots arrive I thought my Braveheart would have been lost, but when Caratacus was slain the Brits couldn't wait to get back to the Lowlands. Unfortunately I had only triggered medium difficulty otherwise it would have been huge.

Well, I still don't know why I can't reach up to 199 regions, but that's a minor problem, maybe related to the Time Editor. I can fix this later.

In the meantime I'm making big progress with the families. Yesterday I added the Bosphorans and the Bactrians. Today it's the Epirots and the Syracusans.

Regarding the Greek Colonies, I've change the culture of the Brutii to Greek, but this is not enough to transform them all together. Indeed, as you said, I have noted that they keep receiving orders from the Senate. I'm not sure if I got your messagge right: Will this still be the case if we completely change the name of the Brutii? Do you say that the second slot will always receive orders from the Senate, even if we put maybe Nabataeans in the place? If this is the case, I should think of a faction for which this might be only a minor problem and then change positions.
In any case I have noted that the Brutii/Greek Colonies go to war with the other Roman factions (after changing their diplomacy settings).

Thank you very much for your offer, I'll come back on it very soon and then we'll create the Western Greek faction.

08-25-2011, 18:17

Germany is a place where you can really get lost with your legions. The rivers, except for the Rhine and Danubius, offer little orientation or protection. Here you see the German leader Arminius north of the Moenus and you can easily realize that there are too many fords to controll them all. Better build a limes if you can!
The Rhine is navigable at least until Ara Ubiorum (Cologne). All the German rivers and mountains are in the right place. Have a look at those chains surrounding Boihaemum! Regions and city names are retrieved from the Ptolemaic Magna Germania map.

08-25-2011, 18:21
Thanks for your help.

First the good news: The game has become stable again. I don't know what it was, but after cleaning up the Britons, Gauls and Iberians (mainly reducing the number of units which had been copied on assembly line) I got no more problems.
My theory still holds, less units mean less probability of an army walking on a bugged field. But it is nice that it works.:yes:

Regarding the Greek Colonies, I've change the culture of the Brutii to Greek, but this is not enough to transform them all together. Indeed, as you said, I have noted that they keep receiving orders from the Senate. I'm not sure if I got your messagge right: Will this still be the case if we completely change the name of the Brutii? Do you say that the second slot will always receive orders from the Senate, even if we put maybe Nabataeans in the place? If this is the case, I should think of a faction for which this might be only a minor problem and then change positions.
In any case I have noted that the Brutii/Greek Colonies go to war with the other Roman factions (after changing their diplomacy settings).

Thank you very much for your offer, I'll come back on it very soon and then we'll create the Western Greek faction.
Well, it is not about the second slot: I somewhere saw he pic where the brutii were changed to egyptian culture, and both internal and viewable faction name were changed to something else, while It still received Senate missions. And it doesn´t have anything to do with the order of the factions. I spent a few days trying to mod the Senate for HRTW, and believe me, you can´t do anything about it. There are 2 Options left: 1. You remove a non-roman faction like Scythia.
2. If you played with the slave faction you sure have noticed they are Roman Culture, but don´t have Senate and Senate Offices Tab. This is just a Theory: You can try to swap the brutii to be the slave faction while you use the old slave faction for the greek colonies. Both the Senate and Slaves Hardcoded attributes are based on the internal faction name, while the Senate Missions are for the 3 Roman Factions no matter what the internal name is called, it might work.

A bit additional Information about the Senate: If the Brutii/Greek Colonies attack a Roman faction now, the Missions stop. But you still have the Senate Offices tab, a very angry Senate in the Senate Tab and the other 2 roman factions get missions like "Attack Outlaw Faction".

08-25-2011, 18:58
My theory still holds, less units mean less probability of an army walking on a bugged field. But it is nice that it works.:yes:

That's right, but I haven't so much reduced the armies, but only the units in each army. So unless they split (which doesn't happen too often) the impact on walking around should not be too great.
I discovered another reason for CTD. It also happens when one of the capitals is lost due to civil unrest. I gave the Cyclades to Egypt and since the Time Editor orders my regions from north to south, they became the Egyptian capital. Ath the time I had no army or temple in there and the game always crashed after the second turn, until I gave that city back to the slaves. Maybe something similar happened even this time and I corrected it by putting an army in the place.

Well, it is not about the second slot: I somewhere saw he pic where the brutii were changed to egyptian culture, and both internal and viewable faction name were changed to something else, while It still received Senate missions. And it doesn´t have anything to do with the order of the factions. I spent a few days trying to mod the Senate for HRTW, and believe me, you can´t do anything about it. There are 2 Options left: 1. You remove a non-roman faction like Scythia.
2. If you played with the slave faction you sure have noticed they are Roman Culture, but don´t have Senate and Senate Offices Tab. This is just a Theory: You can try to swap the brutii to be the slave faction while you use the old slave faction for the greek colonies. Both the Senate and Slaves Hardcoded attributes are based on the internal faction name, while the Senate Missions are for the 3 Roman Factions no matter what the internal name is called, it might work.

Thanks, this is very important information that helps to spare a lot of time. I already thought about swapping Bruti/Greek Colonies and slaves, but your idea is even more complete.

A bit additional Information about the Senate: If the Brutii/Greek Colonies attack a Roman faction now, the Missions stop. But you still have the Senate Offices tab, a very angry Senate in the Senate Tab and the other 2 roman factions get missions like "Attack Outlaw Faction".

This sounds really interesting. As a matter of fact, it might turn out a good boost for the developement of the Roman Empire. Indeed I think, if Rome wants to grow, Tarent and Syracuse need to be crushed. So the only doubt is whether lead them against the Slaves or the Greek colonies. For the elegance of the game it might be better to have them fight against the slaves. This would give Rome a huge conquest programme!

One point I wanted to correct is the Senate's military attitude. I found them always very timid. They never attack anybody and I wanted them to take a more active role in some area. Have you got some idea?
I also noted one meccanism that seems to make sure that no army attacks if they don't have a neighboring retreat city. For instance, I placed Gauls in Anatolia, but they did nothing there, until I gave them the region of Galatia. After I did they immediately started attacking neighboring cities like Pessinus in Phrygia.
In the same manner Brennus in Thessaly and other Gauls in Thrace never do nothing. I also placed a Senatorial army in Bruttium, suggesting that they'd take Rhegium, but they never did. How is it possible to overcome this problem? Is "preference for marittime invasion" a solution? There is such an option in the factions file, but I noted that all factions are triggered to "land invasion". So I changed the Greek cities, but to the moment I can't tell any difference.

08-25-2011, 21:20
This sounds really interesting. As a matter of fact, it might turn out a good boost for the developement of the Roman Empire. Indeed I think, if Rome wants to grow, Tarent and Syracuse need to be crushed. So the only doubt is whether lead them against the Slaves or the Greek colonies. For the elegance of the game it might be better to have them fight against the slaves. This would give Rome a huge conquest programme!

One point I wanted to correct is the Senate's military attitude. I found them always very timid. They never attack anybody and I wanted them to take a more active role in some area. Have you got some idea?
I also noted one meccanism that seems to make sure that no army attacks if they don't have a neighboring retreat city. For instance, I placed Gauls in Anatolia, but they did nothing there, until I gave them the region of Galatia. After I did they immediately started attacking neighboring cities like Pessinus in Phrygia.
In the same manner Brennus in Thessaly and other Gauls in Thrace never do nothing. I also placed a Senatorial army in Bruttium, suggesting that they'd take Rhegium, but they never did. How is it possible to overcome this problem? Is "preference for marittime invasion" a solution? There is such an option in the factions file, but I noted that all factions are triggered to "land invasion". So I changed the Greek cities, but to the moment I can't tell any difference.
The Senate´s AI is hardcoded - However, if they have 2 Cities these Hardcoded parameters don´t apply anymore, and they will attack friend or foe like any other faction. Did you notice the Senate has no ships? Pretty illogical, one would think, till you give them ships and they start to blockade your ports out of no reason - somehow ships and a second settlement break the hardcoded AI. Why the other factions didn´t do anything I don´t know.:no:
And to prefers_naval_invasions: Some of the factions are hardcoded for naval invasions, like the greek cities. If you give them a city in Italy they will invade Rome per naval invasions. However, most of the hardcoded AI is still a mistery.

And I like your idea - Campaigning as Rome could be much more fun.

08-26-2011, 20:47
The Senate´s AI is hardcoded - However, if they have 2 Cities these Hardcoded parameters don´t apply anymore, and they will attack friend or foe like any other faction. Did you notice the Senate has no ships? Pretty illogical, one would think, till you give them ships and they start to blockade your ports out of no reason - somehow ships and a second settlement break the hardcoded AI. Why the other factions didn´t do anything I don´t know.:no:
And to prefers_naval_invasions: Some of the factions are hardcoded for naval invasions, like the greek cities. If you give them a city in Italy they will invade Rome per naval invasions. However, most of the hardcoded AI is still a mistery.

And I like your idea - Campaigning as Rome could be much more fun.

I have long given the Senate a second region. It was one of my first changes. But I can't confirm what you say, that they attack other factions. Yesterday I have seen that they aren't even at war with the slaves. They aren't at war with anybody, unless the other Roman factions are attacked. So it seems they will never go to war with the slaves and it's a pity, because if we can't change it the Senate armies are pretty useless and they will never expand anywhere. If it is hardcoded, it is really stupid. In any case a nation with only one region rarely attacks anyone. I've seen it with the Thracians.

These hardcode limits are one reason among many why the swap between Greek Colonies and Slaves won't work. The Slaves are not less hardcoded than the Senate. Most of all they got all those subfactions.

I can't confirm though that the Senate never has ships. If I remember well, in my first game as Julii (or was it the Greeks, maybe both) they had a huge fleet of 20 biremes and it cost me a lot of time and money to hunt them down.
But maybe you intended to give them a fleet from the start. Well, I'll try that out.

In the meantime I'll have to strenghten the Julli and the Scipii to get them into Balcan and Sicilian wars. Yesterday the Scipii at least managed to take Rhegium (with some difficulty), but they failed with Messana where Cios of the Mamertines turned out unbeatable.
I haven't yet edited the Roman armies, so they are still pretty weak and I had a lazy day as Pyrrhus.

After all the senate orders aren't too annoying. I earned 10000 denarii for capturing Apollonia and I think that's acceptable.
Btw, I have noticed that the Senate button has disappeared since I changed the Bruti culture to Greek. So this problem has been solved and the others are not so bad for the moment, especially since they all will disappear as soon as the Colonies and Rome go to war. Yesterday I had no fun doing so because I knew that the opposing armies were not ready. And the Romans had no reason to complain or didn't dare to.

08-27-2011, 07:04
I have long given the Senate a second region. It was one of my first changes. But I can't confirm what you say, that they attack other factions. Yesterday I have seen that they aren't even at war with the slaves. They aren't at war with anybody, unless the other Roman factions are attacked. So it seems they will never go to war with the slaves and it's a pity, because if we can't change it the Senate armies are pretty useless and they will never expand anywhere. If it is hardcoded, it is really stupid. In any case a nation with only one region rarely attacks anyone. I've seen it with the Thracians.

These hardcode limits are one reason among many why the swap between Greek Colonies and Slaves won't work. The Slaves are not less hardcoded than the Senate. Most of all they got all those subfactions.

I can't confirm though that the Senate never has ships. If I remember well, in my first game as Julii (or was it the Greeks, maybe both) they had a huge fleet of 20 biremes and it cost me a lot of time and money to hunt them down.
But maybe you intended to give them a fleet from the start. Well, I'll try that out.

In the meantime I'll have to strenghten the Julli and the Scipii to get them into Balcan and Sicilian wars. Yesterday the Scipii at least managed to take Rhegium (with some difficulty), but they failed with Messana where Cios of the Mamertines turned out unbeatable.
I haven't yet edited the Roman armies, so they are still pretty weak and I had a lazy day as Pyrrhus.

After all the senate orders aren't too annoying. I earned 10000 denarii for capturing Apollonia and I think that's acceptable.
Btw, I have noticed that the Senate button has disappeared since I changed the Bruti culture to Greek. So this problem has been solved and the others are not so bad for the moment, especially since they all will disappear as soon as the Colonies and Rome go to war. Yesterday I had no fun doing so because I knew that the opposing armies were not ready. And the Romans had no reason to complain or didn't dare to.
Hmm, well, I always heard others say that the Senate goes conquering if you give him a second city - But I never tried it. And I am pretty sure that in 1.5 the Senate has no ships, but I never played another version, so for them I don´t know.

But if the Senate Button disappeared than it is well. Is the Senate Offices Tab vanished, too? Then its fine, the Missions really aren´t that annoying.

And to make them go to war with Slaves: Can´t you make them in descr_strat have war with each other?
Something like:

faction_relationships slave, 600 romans_senate
faction_relationships romans_senate, 600 slave
Unless the Slaves got Diplomats then this war will hold on forever.

08-30-2011, 15:14
Any news?

09-03-2011, 02:30
And to make them go to war with Slaves: Can´t you make them in descr_strat have war with each other?
Something like:
faction_relationships romans_senate, 600 slave
Unless the Slaves got Diplomats then this war will hold on forever.

You're right! I checked it and that second line was missing. I put it in and now the Senate is at war with the slaves! Tomorrow I'll check and see if they are able to conquer at least Brundisium.

I'm still completing my family trees and doing minor corrections on the map. Yesterday I improved the Eastern Alpes region (Noricum), including the important city of Noreia.
As regards the family trees, today I finished the Scipii and now remains only the Senate and the Iulii to be done. Unfortunately I got a problem with the Iulii campaign, because recently I always get a CTD when I start them. I don't know what it is. It is strange and I never had this kind of CTD before, because it takes a lot of time before crashing. Usually a CTD comes immediately after clicking on start, but this one runs though the loading bar until the end and only when you think now the map arrives it crashes. And it happens only with the Iulii. Anybody got some idea? Might be related to the Senate mission or something else? I already tried to give the Iulii different regions, but that doesn't seem to affect the thing.


In the meantime you get another screenshot. This is Dacia. You can watch one of their leaders marching through the Iron Gate north of the Ister. Looks like a very narrow passage. The Ister is partially navigable. To the south you can see the double chain of the Balkan mountains north of Tylis.

09-05-2011, 11:55
I have tried to give the Senate more armies and fleets and they're at war with the Slaves, but they still keep doing nothing. Maybe I should also change their character? Currently they are balanced Napoleon. Is there anything more agressive? In any case it would be good to make them prefer naval invasions, because otherwise they'll have little chance to expand.
A similar problem applies to the Scipii. With the current distribution they usually get Rhegium and sometimes Brundisium, but they never get Messana. Their huge huge army in Sicily keeps just waiting there until the Syracusans get the town. At least sometimes the Romans get Panormus, but they take a lot of time. I don't know why they keep waiting. Maybe they think that one conquest per round is enough? I also put Lucius Cornelius Scipio (the actual conqueror of Corsica) into Corsica, but he just walks around and never attacks. Maybe for the same reason? I just don't know how to get the Romans involved in Illyria. I put a lot of Senate armies there, but they simply walk back to Italy.

For the rest the map is almost complete and I'm ultimating some minor things like mercenary areas. So prepare to get the first trial version very soon.

Here you get another screenshot. This is Bactria, Paropamisos and northern Gandhara. You can recognize the Nanga Parbat (in the Indus knee) and the K2 (northeast of the previous).


09-06-2011, 08:02
I have tried to give the Senate more armies and fleets and they're at war with the Slaves, but they still keep doing nothing. Maybe I should also change their character? Currently they are balanced Napoleon. Is there anything more agressive? In any case it would be good to make them prefer naval invasions, because otherwise they'll have little chance to expand.
A similar problem applies to the Scipii. With the current distribution they usually get Rhegium and sometimes Brundisium, but they never get Messana. Their huge huge army in Sicily keeps just waiting there until the Syracusans get the town. At least sometimes the Romans get Panormus, but they take a lot of time. I don't know why they keep waiting. Maybe they think that one conquest per round is enough? I also put Lucius Cornelius Scipio (the actual conqueror of Corsica) into Corsica, but he just walks around and never attacks. Maybe for the same reason? I just don't know how to get the Romans involved in Illyria. I put a lot of Senate armies there, but they simply walk back to Italy.

For the rest the map is almost complete and I'm ultimating some minor things like mercenary areas. So prepare to get the first trial version very soon.

Here you get another screenshot. This is Bactria, Paropamisos and northern Gandhara. You can recognize the Nanga Parbat (in the Indus knee) and the K2 (northeast of the previous).

Looks Beautiful!
But I don´t know why they are so passive. The character makes just a very minor difference you probably don´t even notice. The ai is a mystery.

But I found out one thing: If you go to descr_sm_factions you can assign the senate missions:
If the faction entry is above the Senate entry, the faction gets missions. If it is under it, it won´t get missions. So maybe that helps.

09-07-2011, 17:53
Looks Beautiful!
But I don´t know why they are so passive. The character makes just a very minor difference you probably don´t even notice. The ai is a mystery.

But I found out one thing: If you go to descr_sm_factions you can assign the senate missions:
If the faction entry is above the Senate entry, the faction gets missions. If it is under it, it won´t get missions. So maybe that helps.

Thanks, that is a big help. Now I'm able to take the Greek Colonies completely out of the Senate system.
But before that I have put the Julii below the Senate and you know what: they don't crash anymore! This confirms my initial suspect that there is something wrong with Senate mission assigned to them. But what could it be? I read that the first mission is hardcoded. But how does the game recognize the city? What if I change the name of Liguria or Genua? Actually I haven't, but I do have changed the regional names of Apollonia and the city name of Syracuse. Yet, the Senate still gets the right mission. Why don't they with the Julii?. Maybe I'll go on swapping some other positions to see if I can find a solution, that won't create problems?

Another problem solved is the number of regions. I actually had two weird colors on the map and I found them with the editor when working on the mercenary pools. Now I got 199 regions. I used the two slots to split up the Massagetae region (adding Chorasmia) and Gallia Aeduensis (adding Sequania with city Vesontio).

Another question. Today I tried to facilitate the aquisition of mercenary leaders. I put the Celtic mercenary leader Autaritus with some mercenary barbarian infantry into the region of Byzacena and gave him trait Disloyal 3. Then I tried to bribe him. It still cost me more than 5000 Denari but what was really annoying is the fact that his army completely disbanded. Is there any possibility to keep at least the mercenary troops when you bribe a foreign or slave army?
I also wanted to create some uprising of Cilician pirates, gladiators or mercenary troops in specific regions (Cilicia, Campania, Africa, Crete, Corcyra, Dalmatia), but this would be much more interesting if you were able to recruit them sometimes. I understand that bribing disbands opponent armies, but why the mercenaries?

Meanwhile another screenshot, this is centered on Belgica with the navigable Rhine: 2297

09-11-2011, 12:01
hellow my friend i think that you should check extendet greek version mod it will give you some ideas more nice job
nice work with the passages on the mountains and in the water seriously check out the xgm mod it will give you more ideas great work

09-24-2011, 14:15
Okay, guys; I know, you've been waiting quite a while for this mod. So here is the good news: It's ready, I'm playing, and it's working really well.
So if you want it let me know and I send you the necessary files via mail. Just leave a personal message.

Now here are a few screenshots:

In the first one I'm playing the Julii and you can observe what happened in Southern Italy: After 10 turns I found a situation very similar to what happened in history: The Scipii lost no time attacking Tarentum and after this initial success they took Brundisium as well. Meanwhile the Greeks Colonies conquered Rhegium, but I can't find their leader Pyrrhus anymore, so I think he is dead. In Sicily the Carthaginians conquered Panormus and the Syracusans took over Agrigentum from its tyrant Phintias. Now they're trying for the second time to capture Messana where the Mamertines still resist.


In this other game I played the Scipii and after nine turns the Julii have made good progress in Gaul. First they took Genua and Bononia, then Patavium. Their attempt to take Taurasia was thwarted, but in the last turn Gaius Marius took Arausio, expanding their domain into Gallia Transalpina. As a defensive measure against Insubrian raiders from Mediolanum, in Gallia Cisalpina they have even built a fortress at Placentia!


11-16-2011, 15:35
Hi, I must say your work looks of great quality!
If you're interested in team-working for a greater global accuracy effort you might want to take a look at Extended Cultures:http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1101

Our mod includes highly accurate starting family trees (Including the most up to date research on Carthage) as well as great care for the geo-political aspect which you may find highly interesting.

01-17-2012, 01:47
Hi Zarax,

I took a view now. Great looks! What map are you using? Is it an extended vanilla map or are you using a different system? Would you be interested in implementing some of my better defined coastlines and rivers?

01-17-2012, 07:53
Hi Philadelphos,

What we're using is an extensively modified (and still evolving) version of Mundus Magnus, adapted for greater historical accuracy of settlements plus a few game-play tweaks (we are a bit more restrictive when it comes to mountain passes).
With your permission, using some of your map research could greatly help us speeding up development.

Also, if you're interested, we literally want to take accuracy to the next level: battlefields.
While we're not interested in reproducing every single tile (it would be a gargantuan effort), we do want to implement some of the more significant locations where possible so that players have a chance to battle into an environment looking somewhat similar to its historical counterpart.

We already implemented a mountain pass battlefield heavily inspired by the cicilian gates (and over which Antiochius' battle of elephants is reproduced at Seleucid campaign start) but we could use the help in researching more locations.

While we don't have the resources to make a 100% accurate artwork our aim is to create a geo-political environment as close as possible to reality so players will feel a faction's historical strength and limits, with their FM actively affecting game-play pace both on local and faction-wide level (we're probably the only mod in which a bad faction leader can in some cases bring down a faction, this is especially seen on large empires).

Would you be interest in collaborating or giving us a professional opinion?

01-17-2012, 13:04
Our map(Extend Cultures) based on Mundus Magnus map which usually could be considered as Vanilla map but expand north, south and east with some topologic change on some part of the map edge regions in the north and the northeast

Here is major differents in comparison of map_height.tga between vanilla RTW and Mundus Magnus apart from area expansion in north, east, and south are
1) East Coast of Caspian Sea
2) Gotland Island
3) Cimbrian Peninsula
4) Tritonis Lake

many minor differents are additional lakes locations across map in Mundus Magnus

Apart from topologic twists are also regions' border redrew in Mundus Magnus with a lot of addtional regions.

(red-pink area are water regions in vanilla RTW.


01-18-2012, 17:14
Hi Zarax,

my question is whether the Mundus Magnus map uses the same code as the vanilla map. When I asked to join other development teams they told me that their mapping systems were different and thus my work would turn out useless for them. But from what I can see your system seems to be the same.

You might try to implement parts of my map. You could start with just a part. Let's say Britain and Ireland which are improved quite a lot. You could copy the respective parts of my map into yours and see if it works. First you should copy the ground types and the heights map and see if it runs. Then you add the features map with the rivers and the white cliffs of Dover and check again. Maybe you'll get a few problems, because your cities, units or resources end up on rivers or sea. So you'll have to correct that, but for a minor area like Britain it won't be much work. Finally you put the cities and harbors in place (where necessary) and decide if you want to keep your regions or adapt to mine. In some cases it will be necessary to adapt the regional borders to the new coastlines, but that's no huge work. In my map I have also followed rivers and mountain divides for internal borders.

If you provide me an e-mail I can send you my files, so you can try if it works.

Regarding your other questions:

I have been working on battlefields too. I've done it starting with some of the most beleagered cities such as Athens, Rhegium, Messina, Tarentum, Aleria, Sinope and others. I don't remember all. Especially with the coastal cities the results are just great. When you attack Aleria you can see the island of Elba as it appears before the Tuscan coast in a fantastic and very realistic panorama. The strait of Messina is also great and from Rhegium you can view as far as Syracuse. I also fought in the Cilician gates and it looked good. I even conquered Thule, which has one of thegreatest views of the entire map. but the location is a secret and pretty hard to find.

The siege of Aleria (in the background the Tuscan coast and to the left the island of Elba with dominating Mt. Capanne):


One of the most intriguing parts of my map are probably the Alpes. This winter I took a flight form Italy to Germany. Usually when you fly over the Alpes you just see a mass of mountains without distinguishing any specific place. But this time it was different because due to my work on this map I could recognize all the major valleys in Switzerland. Next time I'll choose a seat on the Eastern side of the plane and check if it's the same in Austria too.

Hi Philadelphos,

What we're using is an extensively modified (and still evolving) version of Mundus Magnus, adapted for greater historical accuracy of settlements plus a few game-play tweaks (we are a bit more restrictive when it comes to mountain passes).
With your permission, using some of your map research could greatly help us speeding up development.

Also, if you're interested, we literally want to take accuracy to the next level: battlefields.
While we're not interested in reproducing every single tile (it would be a gargantuan effort), we do want to implement some of the more significant locations where possible so that players have a chance to battle into an environment looking somewhat similar to its historical counterpart.

We already implemented a mountain pass battlefield heavily inspired by the cicilian gates (and over which Antiochius' battle of elephants is reproduced at Seleucid campaign start) but we could use the help in researching more locations.

While we don't have the resources to make a 100% accurate artwork our aim is to create a geo-political environment as close as possible to reality so players will feel a faction's historical strength and limits, with their FM actively affecting game-play pace both on local and faction-wide level (we're probably the only mod in which a bad faction leader can in some cases bring down a faction, this is especially seen on large empires).

Would you be interest in collaborating or giving us a professional opinion?

01-19-2012, 16:48
Regarding your other questions:

I have been working on battlefields too. I've done it starting with some of the most beleagered cities such as Athens, Rhegium, Messina, Tarentum, Aleria, Sinope and others. I don't remember all. Especially with the coastal cities the results are just great. When you attack Aleria you can see the island of Elba as it appears before the Tuscan coast in a fantastic and very realistic panorama. The strait of Messina is also great and from Rhegium you can view as far as Syracuse. I also fought in the Cilician gates and it looked good. I even conquered Thule, which has one of thegreatest views of the entire map. but the location is a secret and pretty hard to find.

The siege of Aleria (in the background the Tuscan coast and to the left the island of Elba with dominating Mt. Capanne):


One of the most intriguing parts of my map are probably the Alpes. This winter I took a flight form Italy to Germany. Usually when you fly over the Alpes you just see a mass of mountains without distinguishing any specific place. But this time it was different because due to my work on this map I could recognize all the major valleys in Switzerland. Next time I'll choose a seat on the Eastern side of the plane and check if it's the same in Austria too.

Dear Philadelphos

Sorry for not introduced myself earlier, I am one of members of Extended Culture mod's team and the one that is working on its traits, its map, as well as its strat map's strat map trade resources' system and locations. Like my colleague, Zarax, I'm also glad that you offer your great work to us to addition to our mod.

I have some question about method you are using for implemented battlefield in mod, you are using custom tile setting in campaign or you using strategy map's generating mechanism by engine to create detail you are giving to site as Aleria and Elba island?

I also want some help from historian like you as well. Although my work on strategy map and its economy is something that our mod quite proud about but I'm not yet satisfied about my creation as I'm ameteur historian at best, so many details about regional border, settlements' location/name/significantness, and trade resources' historical locations still have many detail that need to corrected in term of significant of resources and better precise of location of resouce. And as our mod are planned to have some change in map and campaigns to support additional factions the will replacing some current ones, so I want to ask you for your knowledge and opinion as historian about geography, geo-politic, and geo-economy of ancient world to improve future installment of our map in Extended Culture 5 (current one is Extended Culture 4) in the future.

I usually active in Extended Culture's forum in TWCenter but rarely post outside developer's section of that forum. For the way to contact, I will send to you by private message.

01-20-2012, 05:40
Answers to some of your earlier problems.

Four things still need to be revised and completed:
1. The cities specifications (especially the buildings, while population should be ok)
2. The resources on the map are ok, but they don't correspond to the ones in the cities list (I don't even know if this is a problem)
3. The rebels should be revised and specified. For the moment I stuck to the list of the Time map editor, but I'd like to introduce a different rebel name for almost every region.
4. The mercenary pools are still incomplete. But this is a point that can be decided only in collaboration with the developers of new units. For the moment my strat.txt contains only vanilla units. Military units are out of my range of competence (since most of you are military historians or skinners, I guess you'll be glad to hear that).

Reply to 2)...
All resouces those appear on map which placing in campaign from Descr_Strat.txt don't need to assign in Descr_Regions.txt as engine will organized its existance in regional mechanic automaticallyt. All Those need to list in there are hidden resources defined in Export_Descr_Buildings.txt.

Reply to 3)...
Rebel tribal names are assign to regions via Descr_Regions.txt but all its entry as well as unit pools tie to them are defined in data/Descr_Rebel_Factions.txt. Appearance text in game about rebel defined in data/text/Rebel_Faction_Descr.txt. Rebel factions could be add new ones as well as customized all of them as much as you want.

Reply to 4)
All mercenaries defined in descr_mercenaries.txt in campaign folder. All units there must assign ownership to all as well as must have mercenary attribute defined in Export_Descr_Units.txt. Made sure that each pools must not have regional overlap as it could appear only one pool in that region.

Another question. Today I tried to facilitate the aquisition of mercenary leaders. I put the Celtic mercenary leader Autaritus with some mercenary barbarian infantry into the region of Byzacena and gave him trait Disloyal 3. Then I tried to bribe him. It still cost me more than 5000 Denari but what was really annoying is the fact that his army completely disbanded. Is there any possibility to keep at least the mercenary troops when you bribe a foreign or slave army?
I also wanted to create some uprising of Cilician pirates, gladiators or mercenary troops in specific regions (Cilicia, Campania, Africa, Crete, Corcyra, Dalmatia), but this would be much more interesting if you were able to recruit them sometimes. I understand that bribing disbands opponent armies, but why the mercenaries?

In order to received those units when bribing, briber faction must be assigned as owner to those units in Export_Descr_Units.txt or else they would be disbanded after bribery complete. Safest way to do that is to give that character army with all mercenary type units as units with mercenary attribute in Export_Descr_Unitst.txt as those units usually assign ownership to all in that file.

To created such special uprising above from settlement rebel, you need to assign those units to rebel factions which tie to that region according to Descr_Regions.txt. List of possible rebel spawning stack defined in data/Descr_Rebel_Factions.txt (don't forget to add new text to text/Rebel_Faction_Descr.txt if you add new entry in it). You must made sure that all units in this file must have slave ownership in Export_Descr_Units.txt.

To recruit those units according to regions, it is possible to do by...
1) Add those units as mercenary in mercenary pool tie to that region, beware that mercenary pools could not overlap, each regions, could have only pool assigning to it in one moment.


2) Use concept of area of recruitment to condition of recruiting it in Export_Descr_Buildings.txt. To do that you must assign hidden resource that link to unit's recruiting condition to region in Descr_Regions.txt. Trade resource also work in this case too but it is using different condition in Export_Descr_Buildings.txt.

I also heard that you could only get 197 land regions and still want to reach 199. I used to have this problem before in current version of Extended Cultures (but I stuck at 198) but now I could made it up to 199 land regions in experimental version of Extended Culture 5. You must made sure that all water tile defining in Map_Regions.tga must use the same exact colour. Any kind of wrong/different colour that not defined in Descr_Regions.txt those cover over water area will made engine considered as another oceanic region. So you must made all those oceanic blue in that file as one exact tri-colour setting to left sea as 1 region.

01-21-2012, 12:17
Hi Zarax,

my question is whether the Mundus Magnus map uses the same code as the vanilla map. When I asked to join other development teams they told me that their mapping systems were different and thus my work would turn out useless for them. But from what I can see your system seems to be the same.

Yes, a direct map porting wouldn't work, however Suppanut is our mapper and can adapt sections where needed, integrating research from both sides.

You might try to implement parts of my map. You could start with just a part. Let's say Britain and Ireland which are improved quite a lot. You could copy the respective parts of my map into yours and see if it works. First you should copy the ground types and the heights map and see if it runs. Then you add the features map with the rivers and the white cliffs of Dover and check again. Maybe you'll get a few problems, because your cities, units or resources end up on rivers or sea. So you'll have to correct that, but for a minor area like Britain it won't be much work. Finally you put the cities and harbors in place (where necessary) and decide if you want to keep your regions or adapt to mine. In some cases it will be necessary to adapt the regional borders to the new coastlines, but that's no huge work. In my map I have also followed rivers and mountain divides for internal borders.

Shouldn't be a problem.
If you provide me an e-mail I can send you my files, so you can try if it works.

Regarding your other questions:

I have been working on battlefields too. I've done it starting with some of the most beleagered cities such as Athens, Rhegium, Messina, Tarentum, Aleria, Sinope and others. I don't remember all. Especially with the coastal cities the results are just great. When you attack Aleria you can see the island of Elba as it appears before the Tuscan coast in a fantastic and very realistic panorama. The strait of Messina is also great and from Rhegium you can view as far as Syracuse. I also fought in the Cilician gates and it looked good. I even conquered Thule, which has one of thegreatest views of the entire map. but the location is a secret and pretty hard to find.

The siege of Aleria (in the background the Tuscan coast and to the left the island of Elba with dominating Mt. Capanne):


Are you using custom battlefields with map cohordinates or is it a result of map modding?
What we do in some cases is to make a custom battlefield and port it straight in the map at defined locations, it's labour intensive but in some locations you have much more tactically challenging maps.

As for contacts, you can mail me at zarax999@hotmail.com or PM Suppanut directly, we both use MSN for cohordination.

01-22-2012, 14:54
Hello Suppanut,

thanks for adressing my previous questions. Some problems have been resolved in the meantime.

Answers to some of your earlier problems.
Reply to 2)...
All resouces those appear on map which placing in campaign from Descr_Strat.txt don't need to assign in Descr_Regions.txt as engine will organized its existance in regional mechanic automaticallyt. All Those need to list in there are hidden resources defined in Export_Descr_Buildings.txt.

Yes, I already realized this.

Reply to 3)...
Rebel tribal names are assign to regions via Descr_Regions.txt but all its entry as well as unit pools tie to them are defined in data/Descr_Rebel_Factions.txt. Appearance text in game about rebel defined in data/text/Rebel_Faction_Descr.txt. Rebel factions could be add new ones as well as customized all of them as much as you want.

Got that too. In the meantime I have completely reworked the rebels in the entire map. I'd like to add more specific units though.

Reply to 4)
All mercenaries defined in descr_mercenaries.txt in campaign folder. All units there must assign ownership to all as well as must have mercenary attribute defined in Export_Descr_Units.txt. Made sure that each pools must not have regional overlap as it could appear only one pool in that region.

I did that too. Would like to have more specific mercenary units.

In order to received those units when bribing, briber faction must be assigned as owner to those units in Export_Descr_Units.txt or else they would be disbanded after bribery complete. Safest way to do that is to give that character army with all mercenary type units as units with mercenary attribute in Export_Descr_Unitst.txt as those units usually assign ownership to all in that file.

Thanks, this seems useful. For the moment I have decided not to enter the units question. Since there are many good modders out there, I'll leave this work to someone else. But I'll keep this in mind.

To create such special uprising above from settlement rebel, you need to assign those units to rebel factions which tie to that region according to Descr_Regions.txt. List of possible rebel spawning stack defined in data/Descr_Rebel_Factions.txt (don't forget to add new text to text/Rebel_Faction_Descr.txt if you add new entry in it). You must made sure that all units in this file must have slave ownership in Export_Descr_Units.txt.

To recruit those units according to regions, it is possible to do by...
1) Add those units as mercenary in mercenary pool tie to that region, beware that mercenary pools could not overlap, each regions, could have only pool assigning to it in one moment.


2) Use concept of area of recruitment to condition of recruiting it in Export_Descr_Buildings.txt. To do that you must assign hidden resource that link to unit's recruiting condition to region in Descr_Regions.txt. Trade resource also work in this case too but it is using different condition in Export_Descr_Buildings.txt.

This is very helpful. We have already decided to use the recruitment area concept. Again this is a future project. And since I've been doing different things for a while, I'd have to study to get it all in mind.

I also heard that you could only get 197 land regions and still want to reach 199. I used to have this problem before in current version of Extended Cultures (but I stuck at 198) but now I could made it up to 199 land regions in experimental version of Extended Culture 5. You must made sure that all water tile defining in Map_Regions.tga must use the same exact colour. Any kind of wrong/different colour that not defined in Descr_Regions.txt those cover over water area will made engine considered as another oceanic region. So you must made all those oceanic blue in that file as one exact tri-colour setting to left sea as 1 region.

I resolved this too after I realized that there were two slightly different colors in the Caspian Sea and the Red Sea. Now I have gone to 199.

By the way I like your extension to the south. How many additional regions have you got down there? I have made some research and come to the conclusion that you need between four and six additional regions. For the moment I wouldn't know where to cut regions in my map.

Today I have done some improvements in my map, adding three more land-bridges. I'll mail you later with some support for your research.

01-22-2012, 15:01
Dear Philadelphos

Sorry for not introduced myself earlier, I am one of members of Extended Culture mod's team and the one that is working on its traits, its map, as well as its strat map's strat map trade resources' system and locations. Like my colleague, Zarax, I'm also glad that you offer your great work to us to addition to our mod.

I have some question about method you are using for implemented battlefield in mod, you are using custom tile setting in campaign or you using strategy map's generating mechanism by engine to create detail you are giving to site as Aleria and Elba island?

I also want some help from historian like you as well. Although my work on strategy map and its economy is something that our mod quite proud about but I'm not yet satisfied about my creation as I'm ameteur historian at best, so many details about regional border, settlements' location/name/significantness, and trade resources' historical locations still have many detail that need to corrected in term of significant of resources and better precise of location of resouce. And as our mod are planned to have some change in map and campaigns to support additional factions the will replacing some current ones, so I want to ask you for your knowledge and opinion as historian about geography, geo-politic, and geo-economy of ancient world to improve future installment of our map in Extended Culture 5 (current one is Extended Culture 4) in the future.

I usually active in Extended Culture's forum in TWCenter but rarely post outside developer's section of that forum. For the way to contact, I will send to you by private message.

Hi Suppanut,

thanks for your kind invitation. I'd be glad to contribute to your project and have my map integrated with yours.
As regards the battlefields I use indeed the strategy map generator which doesn't work so bad. But what you and Zarax say about custom battlefields sounds interesting.
I'll mail you some of my files that may support your research.

01-22-2012, 16:50
By the way I like your extension to the south. How many additional regions have you got down there? I have made some research and come to the conclusion that you need between four and six additional regions. For the moment I wouldn't know where to cut regions in my map.

Today I have done some improvements in my map, adding three more land-bridges. I'll mail you later with some support for your research.

Thank you for your kindness as well, Philadelphos.

As I stated earlier, Mundus Magnus was created by ngr, a Russian modder, according to reference made in his file, since early day of RTW modding and have been adopted widely across many mods which they modified to suited their own, including EB, and all XGM-derivatives (including ours, XC). Since ngr had quit modding long ago after he complete Mundus Magnus v2 (http://www.twcenter.net/wiki/Mundus_Magnus_v2), Mundus Magnus has became free map for other modder to pick up and developed to their own which you could find it here (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=563). like Mundus Magnus v3 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=780) which adapt to RTW 1.5/1.6 and Mundus Magnus v4 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=10647902#post10647902) by other modders. As long as you based your adaptation from Mundus Magnus v2, it is fine to do it with some recognition.

And about regions in deep south, Area in Africa in original Magnus Mundus v2 seem based from Herodotus and Pliny's work.


List of additional regions in the South from West to East and North to South (base on settlement sites)
1) Gaetulia (Dimmidi) Rebel: Gaetuli
2) Cydamae (Cydaus) Rebel: Garamantes
3) Hoggar (Rapsa) Rebel: Garamantes
4) Phasania (Garama) Rebel Garamantes
5) Tribus Tibu (Campus Tibu) Rebel: Tibu
6) Augila (Augila) Rebel: Nasamones
7) Tribus Noba (Campus Noba) Rebel: Nubian
8) Libya (Ammonium) Rebel: Libyan
9) Oasis Magna (Hibis) Rebel: Egyptian
10) Middle_Egypt (Memphis) Rebel: Egyptian
11) Thebais (Thebes) Rebel: Egyptian
12) Nubia (Pselchis) Rebel: Nubian
13) Kush (Meroe) Rebel: Meroits
14) Locus Blemmye (Campus Blemmye) Rebel: Blemmye
14) Ethiopia (Axum) Rebel: Ethiopians

Arabia regions are....
1) Sinai (Petra) Rebel: Nabataean
2) Nabataea (Bostra) Rebel: Nabataean
3) Main (Carna) Rebel: Minaei
4) Saba (Mariba) Rebel: Sabaeai
5) Arabia (Gorda) Rebel: Arabs
6) Locus Gerraei (Gerra) Rebel: Gerraei
7) Qataban (Tamna) Rebel: Cattabanei
8) Hadramaut (Sabata) Rebel: Chatramotitae
9) Maketa (Omana) Rebel: Omani
10) Ubar (Zufar) Rebel: Omani

And here in Extended Cultures, we give a lot of area in Africa and Central Desert of Arabia to uncapturable region named Deserta (pink colour).


List of regions in the South from West to East and North to South (base on settlement sites)
1) Gaetulia (Cydaus) Rebel: Gaetuli (Cydaus have been chosen although it is historically in area of Geramantes for gameplay reason as I could not find any know named settlement in that area in that period and Cydaus is supposed to be more important than the rest of oasis within this region, perhap you could find better one)
2) Phasania (Garama) Rebel: Garamantes
3) Libya (Ammonium) Rebel: Libyan
4) Heptanomis (Memphis) Rebel: Egyptian
5) Thebais (Thebes) Rebel: Egyptian
6) Nubia (Pselchis) Rebel: Nubian
7) Kush (Meroe) Rebel: Meroits
8) Eretheaea (Ptolemais Theron) Rebel: Blemmye
9) Ethiopia (Axum) Rebel: Ethiopians
10) Punt (Avalites) Rebel: Ethiopians

Arabia regions of Extended Culture are different from Magnus Mundus due to we implemented tradebridge acrossing the desert based on trade route in Arabia....
1) Arabia Petraeas (Petra) Rebel: Nabataean
2) Nabataea (Tayma) Rebel: Sinites
3) Main (Carna) Rebel: Minaei
4) Saba (Mariba) Rebel: Sabaeai
5) Gerrhaia (Gerrha) Rebel: Gerraei
6) Qataban (Tamna) Rebel: Cattabanei
7) Hadramaut (Sabata) Rebel: Chatramotitae
8) Maketa (Omana) Rebel: Omani
9) Ubar (Zufar) Rebel: Omani

Oh, from what I see from your serveral screenshots, I fear that locations you placing many of settlements are risking of causing ctd from moving acrossing bug tiles. It has risk of ctd causing by expelling spy or characters out of settlements as there are some chance to expel those character into sea or mountain tile if all availble movable tiles had been occupied and movement of all those charecters over water or mountain will cause ctd. So I suggest you to compromised some settlement's locations by move it at least one tile away from water especially, those which have a lot of traffic (as it seem attracted spies).

01-22-2012, 20:36
Thank you for your kindness as well, Philadelphos.

As I stated earlier, Mundus Magnus was created by ngr, a Russian modder, according to reference made in his file, since early day of RTW modding and have been adopted widely across many mods which they modified to suited their own, including EB, and all XGM-derivatives (including ours, XC). Since ngr had quit modding long ago after he complete Mundus Magnus v2 (http://www.twcenter.net/wiki/Mundus_Magnus_v2), Mundus Magnus has became free map for other modder to pick up and developed to their own which you could find it here (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=563). like Mundus Magnus v3 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=780) which adapt to RTW 1.5/1.6 and Mundus Magnus v4 (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=10647902#post10647902) by other modders. As long as you based your adaptation from Mundus Magnus v2, it is fine to do it with some recognition.

And about regions in deep south, Area in Africa in original Magnus Mundus v2 seem based from Herodotus and Pliny's work.

List of additional regions in the South from West to East and North to South (base on settlement sites)
1) Gaetulia (Dimmidi) Rebel: Gaetuli
2) Cydamae (Cydaus) Rebel: Garamantes
3) Hoggar (Rapsa) Rebel: Garamantes
4) Phasania (Garama) Rebel Garamantes
5) Tribus Tibu (Campus Tibu) Rebel: Tibu
6) Augila (Augila) Rebel: Nasamones
7) Tribus Noba (Campus Noba) Rebel: Nubian
8) Libya (Ammonium) Rebel: Libyan
9) Oasis Magna (Hibis) Rebel: Egyptian
10) Middle_Egypt (Memphis) Rebel: Egyptian
11) Thebais (Thebes) Rebel: Egyptian
12) Nubia (Pselchis) Rebel: Nubian
13) Kush (Meroe) Rebel: Meroits
14) Locus Blemmye (Campus Blemmye) Rebel: Blemmye
14) Ethiopia (Axum) Rebel: Ethiopians

Arabia regions are....
1) Sinai (Petra) Rebel: Nabataean
2) Nabataea (Bostra) Rebel: Nabataean
3) Main (Carna) Rebel: Minaei
4) Saba (Mariba) Rebel: Sabaeai
5) Arabia (Gorda) Rebel: Arabs
6) Locus Gerraei (Gerra) Rebel: Gerraei
7) Qataban (Tamna) Rebel: Cattabanei
8) Hadramaut (Sabata) Rebel: Chatramotitae
9) Maketa (Omana) Rebel: Omani
10) Ubar (Zufar) Rebel: Omani

And here in Extended Cultures, we give a lot of area in Africa and Central Desert of Arabia to uncapturable region named Deserta (pink colour).

List of regions in the South from West to East and North to South (base on settlement sites)
1) Gaetulia (Cydaus) Rebel: Gaetuli (Cydaus have been chosen although it is historically in area of Geramantes for gameplay reason as I could not find any know named settlement in that area in that period and Cydaus is supposed to be more important than the rest of oasis within this region, perhap you could find better one)
2) Phasania (Garama) Rebel: Garamantes
3) Libya (Ammonium) Rebel: Libyan
4) Heptanomis (Memphis) Rebel: Egyptian
5) Thebais (Thebes) Rebel: Egyptian
6) Nubia (Pselchis) Rebel: Nubian
7) Kush (Meroe) Rebel: Meroits
8) Eretheaea (Ptolemais Theron) Rebel: Blemmye
9) Ethiopia (Axum) Rebel: Ethiopians
10) Punt (Avalites) Rebel: Ethiopians

Arabia regions of Extended Culture are different from Magnus Mundus due to we implemented tradebridge acrossing the desert based on trade route in Arabia....
1) Arabia Petraeas (Petra) Rebel: Nabataean
2) Nabataea (Tayma) Rebel: Sinites
3) Main (Carna) Rebel: Minaei
4) Saba (Mariba) Rebel: Sabaeai
5) Gerrhaia (Gerrha) Rebel: Gerraei
6) Qataban (Tamna) Rebel: Cattabanei
7) Hadramaut (Sabata) Rebel: Chatramotitae
8) Maketa (Omana) Rebel: Omani
9) Ubar (Zufar) Rebel: Omani

Oh, from what I see from your serveral screenshots, I fear that locations you placing many of settlements are risking of causing ctd from moving acrossing bug tiles. It has risk of ctd causing by expelling spy or characters out of settlements as there are some chance to expel those character into sea or mountain tile if all availble movable tiles had been occupied and movement of all those charecters over water or mountain will cause ctd. So I suggest you to compromised some settlement's locations by move it at least one tile away from water especially, those which have a lot of traffic (as it seem attracted spies).

I have never encountered any problem of this kind, but maybe because I didn't play as long that it could happen. I'll check my cities, but I think that I won't be very glad to renounce places like Corcyra, Naxos or Mytilene. Malta is not necessary, but the others were quite important. Probably the problem occurs only with spies. Usually they won't even arrive in isolated places like Malta, but cities like Byzantium or Sinope might actually be at risk. I'll go over it to minimize this.

So you got much less cities in the center, which allows to have all those southern regions. The first list seems excessive to me, but yours is fine. Maybe Eretheaea could be left out. In Arabia I don't know anything about Main, but the rest is okay. You left Himyar off, probably because they came later? If you need more regions, some might be united such as Maketa and Ubar or Saba and Qataban.

In Gaetulia I found a place called Tucrumuda. I think it's from the Ptolemaic maps. Sounds good and you can use that name. I''l send you my regions file, so you can see where I placed it. It's a bit east of Dimmidi.

02-03-2012, 09:12
I greatly appreciate this work! And also my gratitude to Zarax and gang for support.

I tried to do research on family names,but found problems with the hc limit for family tree,so how to overcome if there are 9 children?

If you use the BI exe you could get the emergent factions to help with faction slots. As I was using ALEX.exe I did not discover a way to use this?

07-24-2012, 19:45
Are there any news about status of your mod?

09-05-2012, 20:51
What is the status mod?
Is perhaps a beta version?

05-31-2013, 17:41
Im a little late, but is there any new info on this mod?

05-31-2013, 23:42
I believe he has finished it, but he has not been active for awhile. I have been trying to reach him. Once I get in contact I will ask him if he wants to release.

06-27-2013, 15:34
It took some time, but finally I'm proud to present Rome Total History 1.1.

This is the download link:


Have fun and if you enjoyed it spread the word.

06-28-2013, 03:42
THIS IS A MUST DOWNLOAD. Especially for map fans :)

09-02-2013, 01:06
Here you get a nice custom battle at the Acrocorinth that will be included in the next installment RTH 1.2.


Above is the citadel of Acrocorinth, one of the Macedonian fetters of Hellas.


400 Achaeans approaching under Aratus of Sicyon. The hardest thing is to get the ladders up that slope.


The ladders are in place and the men are ready for the assault.


Aratus takes a look at the Gulf of Corinth. To the left is his hometown Sicyon where the expedition started.


Fighting in the moonlight on the walls of the citadel. The Macedonian commander Persaios is rubbing his eyes. Maybe he had a few drinks too many in the evening.


Inside the citadel. Outside the reinforcements from Corinth are rushing up the hill, but they will come too late. In a few minutes Hellas will be free from the Macedonian fetters. In the background you can see the island of Aegina while the sun will soon be rising over the Laurion mountains in Attica.

09-29-2013, 10:51
It looks fascinating, I am downloading it now.

12-19-2013, 18:21
Lots of new features in version 1.2.

12-19-2013, 18:22
The new version is out. Here is the download link to RTH_1.2:


To install the game you need a vanilla version of Rome Total War upgraded to versions 1.3 and 1.5. Unzip the file with Win RAR and move the folder RTH into your Rome Total War folder besides the original Data folder. Do the same with the “Rome Total History mod” launcher and eventually open properties to correct the destination path. Use the launcher to start the game. It's easy as hell.

You should also have a look at the hosted forum on TW Center:

12-19-2013, 18:25
Here are some features of the new release.

Important adjustments in RTH 1.2:

Bug fixes:
- Units causing CTD fixed
- Shields of Egyptian Machimoi fixed
- Missing UIs added
- Broken trade connections fixed in Scythia, India, Arabia and Aethiopia

Major improvements:
- Mercenaries can be bribed joining most factions
- Garrisons and Citadels enabled for direct recruitment of regional mercenaries
- Battle Creator enabled
- Custom battlefields added (Seven Wonders, Milet, Cyzicus, Thermopylae, Delphi, Mycene, Epidaurus, Isthmus, Sicyon, Naples, Syracuse, Agrigentum)
- Custom battles added (Thermopylae, Ipsus, Delphi, Acrocorinth, Syracuse)
- Battle movement modifiers diversified according to different ground
- New design for desert towns (Capsa, Artacoana and more)
- New design for Barbarian hillfort towns: Alesia, Gergovia, Numantia and more)
- New detailed design for Syracuse

- MAP improvements:
- City of Athens and Piraeus moved, new coastline in Argolis
- Region Sindica (capital Phanagoria) added, with road going from Phasis to Tanais
- Capital of Gaetulia moved from Thamondocana to Capsa
- More accurate borders in Thrace and Odrysia. Capital of Thrace is now Philippopolis, with Celtic capital Tylis reduced to fort
- Port of Barygaza added in India
- Port of Hellespontus moved from Sestos to Ainos (a ship in Sestos was closing the passage)
- Better coastline and roads in Scythia (mouth of Borysthenes/Dnjepr)
- Better roads in Arabia and Aethiopia
- Height adjustments in Greece and other areas
- Roughness of battle maps reduced
- Trade benefits for ports at very close distance reduced (Athens-Argos and some others)
- Illyrian island channel navigable in automatic (move from Rhizon/Cattaro to Iader with one click)

- More UNITS added: Libyan Spearmen, Lucanian Warriors, Pontic Heavy Peltasts, Parthian Heavy Infantry, Scythian Heavy Infantry, Gothic Spearmen, Celtic Onagers and more
- More officers and standard bearers added to units
- Improved roster for Illyria/Thrace with new units Thracian Infantry, Thracian Swordsmen, Thracian Gladiators, Odrysian Peltasts, Odrysian Mercenaries, Odrysian Cavalry, Paionian Cavalry, Dardanian Warband, Dardanian Thorakitai, Triballi Falxmen, and more
- Thracian Mercenaries now with light armour
- Improved roster for Iberian Tribes adding Iberian Archers, Iberian Spearmen, Iberian Caetrati and more

- Reworked BUILDINGS tree introducing:
- Medical: Medicus, Hospital, Medical School, Aesculapium
- Educational: Gymnasion, Rhetoric School, Mathematical School, Musaeum, Royal Library, Great Library
- Sport grounds: Palaestra, Gymnasium, Stadium
- Festivals: Floralia, Bacchanalia, Saturnalia
- Oracles: Delphi, Dodona, Ammonion
- River Port, Naval Base
- Rostra, Comitium and Roman Theatre, Gymnasium, Aerarium (Rome)
- Stoa (Greeks)
- Gerusia (Sparta), City Guild and Council of Elders, Archons, Areopag, Synarchy
- Satrapy, Tyranny (Greek), Nome (Egypt), Municipium, Colonia, Provincia (Roman)
- Garden, Park, Paradise (Eastern, Seleucids)
- Wells, Cisterns, Fountains, Baths
- Pasture (Barbarian)
- Mint, State Archive (Rome)
- Lictors (Rome)
- More temples and cults: Mithras, Isis and more
- Full polytheism introduced, allowing to build an almost unlimited number of temples (except in Parthia)
- Diversified icons for many temples added
- New icons for many other buildings added
- Special buildings: Seven Wonders (Pyramids, Colossus, Mausoleum, Artemision, Olympia, Hanging Gardens, Pharos, Stonehenge)
- Special buildings: minor wonders (Acropolis, Capitol, Ortygia, Paradise of Daphne, Dam of Mariba and many more)
- Special buildings: naval ports (Piraeus, Alexandria, Carthage, Syracuse, Ostia, Naples, Tarentum)
- Special buildings: specific temples (Jupiter Optimus, Juno Moneta, Janus, Concordia, Solomon's temple and many more)

Go and check it out!

12-19-2013, 21:21
Very cool, are you the mod leader from TWC by any chance? (Ahowl1 or something like that)

12-20-2013, 01:49
I'm the initiator of RTH. Most of this mod has been done by me.
Ahowl is the PR manager of the group. We could need more collaborators anyway.

12-20-2013, 02:12
If I remember correctly you guys ported the MM map, I've got a friend who is modding an Late Roman mod (IBUR) and he requested for a new map to replace the vanilla BI one.

You guys don't have to help port MM map to his mod but of course if you guys feel like it the thread of his request is here: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?634718-Looking-for-a-map!&p=13492845#post13492845


12-20-2013, 03:20
I'll have look at it, but since I'm leaving for holidays, it will take some time before I can take a decision.

12-20-2013, 03:27
Alright, thanks.

01-28-2014, 14:10
For me tis dont works
when i want to create a new camping it give 15 ore more errors
Error;file blablabal doesent exist and then the game close
Help me please !

01-28-2014, 16:38
For me tis dont works
when i want to create a new camping it give 15 ore more errors
Error;file blablabal doesent exist and then the game close
Help me please !

Hello Klevis, welcome to the .Org ~:wave: .

The Rome: Total History team has moved forums to the TWC. You can find their new forums here (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?1981-Rome-Total-History-%28RTH%29).

01-28-2014, 18:31
I am glad i speak with you and thanks for your welcome !
I will register as soon as i can !
with pleaseure Klevis !

02-01-2014, 00:40
You more than likely installed wrong :)

03-09-2014, 22:28
The next installment is out: Rome Total History 1.4 brings huge improvements and incredible detail. It's easy to install and stable. So give it a try! If you love history you'll love this mod!

Philadelphos Productions proudly presents Rome Total History 1.4.

Here is the download link: http://dfiles.eu/files/9ndj3njor


We are proud to annouce huge improvements in our groundbreaking mod Rome Total History.
This is by far the best RTH so far, and the list below does not do it complete justice, because there have been many minor improvements in order to make the game more challenging. Just try it out!

Adjustments in RTH 1.3:

- Added 200 historic events using sources Livius, Polybius, Plutarch, Diodor, Athenaion and more
- Added a negative effect of barracks on population happiness
- Reduced happiness bonus on several buildings
- Slightly reduced fighting values for most general's units
- Added more Spanish Mercenaries in Sardinia and Sicily
- AI characters changed for Egypt, Carthage, Pontus, Greek City League
- More complex effects of building Tyranny
- Map adjustments in Hellas (Arcadia, Argolis, Messenia), Lydia (more forest), Apulia (Garganus), Gaul (river Liger), Tarraconensis (now connected with Narbonensis), Tingitana (coast and ports)
- Corrected building tree for temples with smoother introduction of early buildings
- Corrected effects of many buildings reducing happiness effect for temples and wonders
- Corrected pricing for many buildings and mercenary units
- Reduced frequency for many mercenary units
- Added new units: Syrian Elite Archers, Arcadian Mercenaries
- Implemented Greek Archers and other units for slave faction
- Added more officers to units including musicians (Roman Cornicen) and several female

WARNING: Some battle scenes may present nudity. Do not download if you are of minor age or feel morally offended!

Adjustments in RTH 1.4:
- Map adjustment in the Peloponnese and Crete ***
- Reworked family tree for Germans, introducing correct tribes for each leader
- Added more historic rebel leaders, especially in Germany and Italy (Samnites)
- Added 200 historic events, using historic excerpts from Livius, Polybius, Plutarch and more
- More forts in Sardinia and Corsica
- Added a new custom battle: Caudine Forks


To install the game you need a vanilla version of Rome Total War upgraded to versions 1.3 and 1.5. Unzip the file with Win RAR and move the folder RTH into your Rome Total War folder besides the original Data folder. Do the same with the “Rome Total History mod” launcher and eventually open properties to correct the destination path. Use the launcher to start the game.
This is a tested version. I’ve played it for months and it appears to be very stable. If you find any problems please report them to bor1900mg@yahoo.it .

Instructions for NON Steam users:
1. Download RTH 1.4
2. Extract the files using winrar to your Rome Total War directory
3. Create a shortcut of your RTW.exe and move it to your desktop
4. Rename the shortcut to "Rome Total History"
5. Right click the shortcut and go to properties. In the target line after all quotations, add -show_err -mod:RTH

Instructions for Steam users:
1. Download RTH 1.4
2. Extract the files using winrar to "programfiles(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/RomeTotalWarGold
3. Go into your steam library and right click Rome Total War, then go to properties and click on "Set Launch Options"
4. Put -show_err -mod:RTH
5. Optional: Create a desktop shortcut



Rome Total History is the most challenging and historically accurate mod of Rome Total War ever produced.

General features:

- Starting year 280 BC
- New fantastic map with unprecedented details for completely different strategy and tactics
- Over 30 nations represented, including Epirus, Achaea, Bithynia, Bactria, Nabataea and many more
- Almost 1000 historic figures represented with exact character traits and family ties
- Most mercenaries units are bribeable
- Many new buildings and almost unlimited polytheism
- 100 land bridges for excellent computer performance
- Custom battles: Thermopylae, Ipsus, Delphi, Acrocorinth, Caudine Forks


Enjoy and don't forget to report your action and experience!

03-10-2014, 22:25
I'll post a number of screenshots.

This is Philip V of Macedonia ready to conquer Ephesus from the Seleucids:


And this is Pytheas on his way to Thule:


03-11-2014, 00:44
This is the Greek position in Hellas at the start of the game.


You can note many additional regions, cities, settlements and forts.

I provide a little list starting in the northwest:

Province; Capital; Port; Forts; Minor Settlements
Illyricum; Scodra; Rhizon
Paeonia; Bylazora
Illyria; Apollonia; Dyrrhachium; Pelion
Corcyra; Corcyra; Corcyra
Epirus; Ambrakia; Nikopolis; Phoenice, Dodona
Aetolia; Thermon; Same (Cephallenia); Naupactus, Elis; Delphi
Achaea; Aegion; Patras
Arcadia; Megalopolis; Methone; Mantineia
Laconia; Sparta; Gythium; Tegea
Argolis; Argos; Lerna
Corinthia; Corinth; Lechaeum/Sicyon; Messene
Attika; Athens; Piraeus
Boeotia; Thebes -; Elateia
Thessalia; Larissa; Demetrias
Macedonia; Pella; Pydna
Chacidice; Thessalonice; Thessalonice; Casandreia, Philippi; Amphipolis
Thracia; Philippopolis; Abdera
Odrysia; Orestia (Hadrianopolis); Apollonia; Tylis
Propontis; Byzantium; Byzantium/Selymbria; Perinthos
Hellespontus; Lysimacheia; Ainos; Abydos
Lesbos; Mytiline; Methymna
Euboea; Chalcis; Eretria; Oreus
Cyclades; Naxos; Paros; Andros, Samos
Crete; Gortyn; Cydonia
Rhodes; Rhodos; Rhodos
Caria; Halicarnassus; Kaunos; Cibyra
Ionia; Ephesus; Miletus
Asia; Pergamon; Antandros; Ilion
Bithynia; Nicomedia; Heraclea Pontica; Nikaia, Prusa, Apameia
Galatia; Ancyra; -; Gordion
Phrygia; Pessinus; Kyzikos; Doryleion; Apamea
Lydia; Sardes; -; Magnesia on the Meander
Lycia; Patara; Myra; Telmessos

Some forts will disappear quickly, but many others tend to survive, especially those in strategic positions, and this should give you an idea of the complexity of the challenge.


Creator of 12421 Rome Total History
Play Rome Total War with incredible historic detail!
- Brand new map with accurate borders for 199 provinces
- 36 playable factions and 196 rebel factions
- Featuring family trees with 1000 historic figures
- Dozens of new buildings and complete polytheism
- 200 new units including many bribeable mercenaries
- Over 200 historic events drawn from Livy, Polybius, a.o.
- 100 land bridges for challenging computer performance
Rome Total History: The best RTW you'll ever experience!

03-11-2014, 13:04
Some more pics:

This is the Macedonian position in 280 BC:


Macedon starts in the middle of a civil war.

This is the historic event message:

Civil War in Macedonia
{CIVIL_WAR_IN_MACEDON_BODY} The struggle for the throne of Macedon has thrown the country into turmoil. Three pretenders are fighting for the throne: Antigonos Gonatas of the Antigonids, Ptolemy Keraunos of the Ptolemies, and Antipater Etesias of the Antipatrids. According to the old tradition, the army wants to have a word, too, proclaiming their commander Sosthenes, who has distinguished himself against the Galatian invaders. Finally, some parts of the kingdom are trying to break away, especially the city of Cassandreia ruled by the cruel tyrant Apollodoros and his counselor Calliphon the Sicel.

At the beginning the Antigonids hold six regions/cities: Macedonia/Pella, Chalcidice/Thessalonice, Thessalia/Larissa, Euboea/Chalcis, Corinthia/Corinth and Pamphylia/Side. The old dynasts Antigonos Monophtalmos and Demetrius Poliorcetes are trapped in Pamphylia and Phrygia. First objectives are Bylazora in Paeonia and Thebes in Boeotia.

Some more pictures from a Macedonian campaign

Antigonos and Demetrius preparing to face Seleucus near Ipsus in Phrygia:


This is from the campaign, but there is also a custom battle of Ipsus (301 BC) with much bigger armies.

A Macedonian spy discovering a trap in the Cyclades:


The Ptolemaic governor had been hiding a second army in the light forest south of the town.

This terrain configuration is typical for the Rome Total History map and there are hundreds of strategic hideouts in the light forests of Greece, Italy, Thrace, Gaul, Germany, Spain, etc.

03-12-2014, 22:33
Antigonos Gonatas ready to invade Cilicia:


You can see that there are at least three Seleucid armies ready to defend Tarsus.

Xanthippos attacking Cyrenaica:


03-13-2014, 20:03
Fighting rebels on the Thracian border:





03-14-2014, 14:58
The Adventures of a Macedonian Pretender in Cyrene

Demetrius the Handsome succeeds king Magas:


The Carthaginian general Xanthippos the Spartan attacks:


Demetrius with his new mistress trapped in Cyrene:


The Carthaginian assault:


Demetrius' last stand:


Demetrius is buried under his horse:


A hero's death:


Battle results:


04-05-2014, 02:16
The new version Rome Total History 1.5 is out, bringing gorgeous improvements!

Here is the download link: http://dfiles.eu/files/lnua4l1zg

And these are the news:

Adjustments in RTH 1.5:
- Bug fix regarding missing texture for unit Tocharian Cavalry
- Corrected missing description for Galatian Horseback
- Corrected bugs in building trees
- Minor map changes in Asia, Osroene, Cilicia, Pamphylia and Pisidia (lakes, road Sardes-Side)
- Improved sea lanes around Crete
- Important adjustments regarding trade benefits (more land trade, less sea trade)
_ Improved trade for Massilia, reduced trade for Greece
- Important adjustments regarding benefits from temples
- Improved population loyalty in India and Asia in general
- Reduced frequency of many mercenary units
- Added rebel leaders in Mantineia, Media and Commagene
- New forts in Etruria, Asia, Sophene, Osroene and Palmyrene
- Historically matching temples in most regions
- Added more specific temple gods (Hekate, Atargatis, Hadad, Zeus Stratios, Pontus, Men, Eros, Enyo, Ma, Bel, Reitia, Bonchar, Varsutina, Vertumnus, and more)
- Added more Egyptian Gods (Ra, Ptah, Hathor, Bastet, Sobek, Hermanubis, Maat, Thoth,, Seshak, Khnum, Taweret, Apophis)
- Learning programme for Egyptian gods (graphics from Wikipedia, users Jeff Dahl, Gunkarta, a.o.)
- Added building Statue (Leonidas, Themistokles, Philipp II, Alexander, Seleucus, Ptolemy, Hanno, Brutus, Camillus, Buddha)
- Added more specific buildings (Pergamon Altar, Apadana Palace, Temple of Planets, Statue of Nike, Slave Market, Aetolian League, Pentapolis, etc.)
- Character changes (Scythia: trader genghis; Eastern Kingdoms: fortified napoleon; Germans: bureaucrat mao; Rebels: fortified smith)
- Added more historic events
- Hundreds of minor corrections and improvements

The biggest work has been done regarding the temples. If you start a new game you will now find a specific temple in almost every region and town. In the civilized areas this will usually be the definite building as in 280 BC, and in the most prominent cities you 0even have more than one or two. In the developing areas you'll find a shrine that later became a famous temple, and in the Barbarian regions you'll see a stone to a god worshipped by the specific tribe in question. Often the description of these buildings will add interesting details to the history of the region/town/tribe. Thus your military campaign will also be a kind of sightseeing tour exploring many wonders and curiosities of the ancient world.
Specific attention has been dedicated to the Egyptian pantheon which is now quite complete including the most prominent animal gods. There are pictures showing the attributes of each deity so that the Egyptian player will automatically learn the entire pantheon and a lot about their mythology.

A few screenshots:

Example from the Egyptian pantheon:

The temple complex of Thebes:

The Synagogue of Alexandria:

The Old Temple of Bel in Palmyra:

The Lofty Temple of Marduk in Babylon:

The Ziggurat of Ur:

The Apadana Palace at Susa:

The Temple of Cybele at Pessinus:

The Artemision at Ephesus:

The Asklepieion on Kos:

The Acropolis of Athens:

The Altar of the Twelve Gods in Athens:

A statue of Leonidas in Boeotia:

The Island of Ortygia in Syracuse:

The Cothon of Carthage:

The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in Rome:

The Temple of Janus in Rome:

The Rostra in Rome:

The Roman Senate:

04-05-2014, 15:27
A new screenshot of Greece:

04-05-2014, 15:41
Nubian dream or nightmare?


04-06-2014, 15:31
Anarchy in Antioch:


04-06-2014, 19:57
Here are some views of the road system.

Britain including Watling Street


The Balkans including Via Militaris and Via Egnatia

Italy and Southern Gaul including Via Appia, Via Cassia, Via Flaminia, via Aemilia, Via Domitia

Sicily and Magna Gracia including Via Appia





04-09-2014, 03:10
The Achaean League after the capture of Megalopolis:

04-10-2014, 12:10
Pytheas exploring the Ice Sea on his way to Thule:

The siege of Mytilene on Lesbos:

06-14-2014, 01:35
Rome Total History 1.6 is out bringing huge news!

We are proud to annouce a new release of our groundbreaking mod Rome Total History.
Version 1.6 is by lenghts the best RTH so far, with many improvements that make the game a real challenge. Enter Rome Total History to experience the ancient world of Hannibal and Caesar like you never did before!

Installation is easy, so try it out!

Here is the download link: http://dfiles.eu/files/nek4vt0rv


Important Improvements:
- Permanent forts implemented, 76 forts made permanent
- DimeBagHo's Force Diplomacy Modification added
- RS Battle Environments implemented
- Sinuhet's AI formations version 7.0 implemented
- Three new Battering Rams added for different cultures
- Huge expansion of ancillary system (430 new ancillaries)
- Complete revision of ancillary graphics (680 individual thumbnails)
- Complete revision of ancillary triggers
- Many ancillaries capturable by city conquest
- Night battles enabled
- Major map improvements regarding climates and vegetation
- New loading screens drawn from historic paintings

Bug Fixes:
- Bug regarding Cappadocian Hillmen fixed (battle in Mazaka)
- Fixed textures for Indian Spearmen

Minor Adjustments:
_ New character traits added (wounded/lame/paralyzed; sleeper)
- Recruitment time for spies raised to two turns (for better game stability)
- New buildings in Nubia (Nubian Tombs)
- New buildings in Massilia (Lacydon)
- New buildings in Galatia (Drynemeton and Tetrarchy)
- New buildings in Cyrenaica (Pentapolis)
- Added more rebel units in Asia Minor and Phoenicia
- Port of Crete relocated to Cnossus; previous port Cydonia is now a permanent fort
- Port of Cyrenaica relocated to Apollonia
- Port of Libya relocated to Berenice, the former port site of Cyrenaica
- More forts in Crete (Hierapytna) and Cyrenaica (Barca)
- New permanent forts in Cyprus (Citium, Amathus) and Phoenicia (Arados)
- New permanent forts in Galatia (Tavium) and other parts of Asia Minor
- Eastern Mediterranen Climate introduced
- Winter map with more articulate snow areas (no snow in river valleys)
- Better trees on strategy map
- Strategy map improved
- Minor map improvements in Cappadocia and Armenia Minor
- Added resource silver in Ilergetum (Osca)
- Added building caravans for Seleucids, Egypt, and Carthage
- Added Temple of Magna Mater for Rome
- Added new gods and temples for Scythia and Dacia
- Added school buildings for Barbarians (Folklore Circle, Greek Teacher)
- Added new construction pictures
- Added more historic events


The most evident improvement over previous versions is the inclusion of battle environments from Roma Surrectum. The new realistic battle fields have a much more intriguing impact, producing a quite different game experience in the forests of northern Europe, as well as in the Mediterranean scrub and the Eastern deserts. A complete new environment has been added in the Eastern Mediterranean with Lebanese cedars and similar trees.


The new environments have also a strong impact on the look of the strategy map which is improved in many parts, especially with the animated sea, more articulated snowy areas, and different vegetation.


80 loading screens have been added which will be displayed each time you start or exit a battle. These high quality pictures are drawn from historic paintings (David, Maccari, Alma-Tadema, Gerome, Foltz, Millmore) and other sources.


The biggest work was done on the ancillary system. While the previous installments were a bit underwhelming under this aspect, the situation is now completely changed, as the ancillary system has been completely revised. The number of ancillaries has been more than doubled, with 430 new figures, each with its individual high quality thumbnail. There are many specific priests or magistrates as well as unique historic figures. Ancillary triggers have been completely overhauled and adapted to the wide range of new buildings available.

Lots of new triggers were added, and in particular there are many ancillaries that can be acquired by conquest, including a number of Diadoch princesses and noblewomen. If you conquer a specific town, these ancillaries will join your party as a prize for the conqueror. For example, when you conquer the city of Alexandria not too early in the game, there is a good chance that you capture Cleopatra VII. Before she becomes available it might be Berenice II or Arsinoe. In a similar manner, in Antioch Laodice or Stratonice are waiting. In Rome you might capture Julia, the daughter of Caesar, in Utica Sophonisba, in Epirus Olympias, in Pergamon Apollonis. In Aetolia the Strategos of the Aetolian League might join your party, in Thessaly the Tagus, in Cappadocia you might capture the king of that country, in Scodra queen Teuta, and in Massilia a member of the mighty Protiades family. In Syracuse you can save Damarata and Harmonia from their cruel fate.

Half of the cities in the game hold such a specific surprise, but of course they are not always available. However margins have been chosen quite large. So you will not be able to capture queen Teuta only in the 20 years of her actual reign, but at least a decade earlier and several decades afterwards.

To maximise your chance to capture these historic figures you should make sure that the leader of your attack has at least three or four command points, because that is often a condition.

Many historic events and figures are cross-referenced. That means, when you read the news about the Jewish tax collector Joseph, he is most likely bound to pop up in Jerusalem not much later. Or when you learn the story of the physician Dexicrates from Messana, he is already hiding somewhere, waiting to join your army as soon as you make it possible.

More similar surprises are waiting around the map, each one referring to a specific historic event or data, except two or three fun entries, namely a huge Cimmerian and a strong Gallic warrior with a big nose.
Those beautiful ladies and courageous warriors will certainly add to your imagination, since all the thumbnails have been newly created with high quality standards. Many of the ladies have been taken from historical paintings by Godward, Alma Tadema and other famous painters.


Another important improvement is the introduction of permanent forts. For the moment some 75 forts have been made permanent to represent minor towns on the map. This has been done by placing a residential spy inside the fort. These spies have zero movement points, and as a result the fort will exist as long as they live. With an average life expectation of 70 years, and most spies starting at the age of 18, the forts should be around for at least 50 years. In this time there is a certain chance that other spies are turned into sleepers, so that the place might even last longer. Usually the spies are not visible, but you can ask one of your assassins to check the fort and he will will tell you if there's an agent inside. The assassin will also tell you the name of the fort, since the resident usually carries the surname of his town (for example "Oroissus of Cydonia"). To destroy a permanent fort you need to kill the spy, and this is another reason why assassins have become more important in the game.


Due to the introduction of a new character trait it is possible that your general remains wounded after a battle or an assassination attempt. In this case you better send him to a settlement with a hospital or a temple of healing, because otherwise he risks to remain permanently invalidated, resulting in reduced movement points.


Sometimes when you enter a fort it may happen that your general falls deeply in love with a local beauty and looses all his military initiative. This has been done to create even more permanent forts during gameplay, as computer generals remain stuck inside the fort (while the human player can use some trick to liberate his general from the spell).

If this happens to one of your generals and he remains blocked with zero movement points, you can move another general to the same spot and transfer the love object. The new general will now be able to abduct the lady to wherever he pleases. His comrade will mourn the loss for the rest of the turn, but the next turn he will recover his usual movement points. However now the second general will have fallen in love with the lady. Therefore you should choose well where to abduct her, because your general is bound to stay with her until he is liberated himself. The best will be to assign the lady to an old governor who wants to rest his bones in a comfortable city without moving anymore. Married men, leaders with more than four command points and men with certain character traits ("girl crazy", "perverted" and similar) are excluded from this experience.


By popular demand, Force Diplomacy is now available.
How to use Force Diplomacy in a campaign:
1. Press Esc
2. Go to Game Options
3. Tick the box for "Reset Advisor" and continue back to the campaign map.
4. Engage the diplomacy window with another faction via a diplomat.
5. Click the "?" in the top right hand corner of the diplomacy window
6. The advisor will appear. Click "show me" and then click the advisor's face to make it go away.
7. Select the offers/demands as required.
8. Offer these to the AI faction. It will accept them.
- This process must be repeated each time that you would like to force your diplomatic actions on the AI.
- The AI cannot agree to demands that it physically cannot carry out (e.g. it cannot give you money it does not have).


To install the game you need a vanilla version of Rome Total War upgraded to versions 1.3 and 1.5. Unzip the file with Win RAR and move the folder RTH into your Rome Total War folder besides the original Data folder. Do the same with the “Rome Total History mod” launcher and eventually open properties to correct the destination path. Use the launcher to start the game.

This is a tested version. I’ve played it for months and it appears to be very stable. If you find any problems please report them here.

Instructions for NON Steam users:
1. Download RTH 1.5
2. Extract the files using winrar and move the folder RTH into your Rome Total War directory
3. Create a shortcut of your RTW.exe and move it to your desktop
4. Rename the shortcut to "Rome Total History"
5. Right click the shortcut and go to properties. In the target line after all quotations, add -show_err -mod:RTH

Instructions for Steam users:
1. Download RTH 1.5
2. Extract the files using winrar to "programfiles(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/RomeTotalWarGold
3. Go into your steam library and right click Rome Total War, then go to properties and click on "Set Launch Options"
4. Put -show_err -mod:RTH
5. Optional: Create a desktop shortcut

Enjoy and spread the word!

Here is the download link: http://dfiles.eu/files/nek4vt0rv

06-14-2014, 02:07
The next days I will post a few screenshots to illustrate the huge improvements.

I start with a battle environment in Italy:

This is Sinus Urias, a lake on the northern coast of the Garganus promontory in Apulia, a really suggestive battleground. One shot is from the east and one from the west. The hillside is Mount Garganus.


And this is how the place looks today:


The coast is to the left and the lake to the right. In the background are the foothills of Mount Garganus.

06-14-2014, 12:45
This is the city of Byzantium in Rome Total History (RTH 1.6). The city has five temples (Aphrodite, Poseidon, Artemis, Apollon, Demeter) and a shrine to Hekate.


Byzantium is not the first city of Greece, but all these temples were already in existence by 280 BC, except maybe the cult of Hekate which appeared shortly after, when the goddess "saved" the city from a siege. To represent this historic fact, when the city is under siege, a priestess of Hekate will appear (as ancillary), with a bonus on siege defence.

Similar research has been done for many other cities which are all represented with their exact temples and priests, as well as civic bujildings and magistrates.

As it appears, players of Rome II will never get the slightest chance to experience similar depth of gameplay!

06-14-2014, 15:42
Here are some more screenshots.

This is the Balkans in winter with more realistic snow borders:


And this is the town of Alesia placed on a hillfort site:


Note the beautiful flowers. These are two close-ups of the same town:


The hillfort town design is exclusive to RTH. This is Gergovia with a different climate:


Not easy to conquer, this is Numantia in the haze:


06-14-2014, 17:05
This is a new building from RTH 1.6:


06-15-2014, 13:11
A shot of Greece with new permanent forts:


06-15-2014, 19:40
Two shots of Alexandria:
In the background you see the base of the Pharos on the island, exactly where it is supposed to be.

06-15-2014, 19:44
Three shots of Syracuse from opposite directions:


06-15-2014, 19:56
Queen Teuta of Illyria
(Picture based on original bust from 3rd century BC)

06-15-2014, 23:05
Historic or natural borders for 199 provinces:
*Exact historic borders wherever they existed (Italy, Greece, Asia Minor and some more). In all other cases the borders follow rivers or mountain chains.

06-16-2014, 20:50
These three screenshots show some of the mountain passes over the Alpes.


Where Vanilla had 3 or 4 passages, Rome Total History has 16 on the northern side and 9 on the Italian side. This offers a lot of additional strategic options for invaders and makes it much harder to defend the barrier.

To understand how this was achieved and what it means for gameplay have a look at the following picture, representing a narrow plain between two mountain chains:


In this configuration, although the central valley is quite large, it is pretty easy to obstruct the passage from north to south. It is indeed enough to put a fort on the central P and no invader will be able to pass without conquering it.

However if there is a central mountain chain like in the following, this is not possible.


In this picture you need at least two armies to prevent an invasion. In the following you need three:


This is what was done in many places all over the map of Rome Total History and that's what it makes such a different experience for gameplay: STRATEGIC OPTIONS!

06-16-2014, 21:07
This is Massilia:


06-16-2014, 22:30
Political institutions of the Achaean League:


06-17-2014, 23:47
Here you have twelve of the new ancillaries:


They are:
1. Priest of Serapis
2. Cleopatra
3. Priest of Baal
4. Sophonisba
5. Archimedes
6. Famous Hetaira
7. Flamen Martialis
8. Caecilia Metella
9. Charaka
10. Laodice
11. Corocotta
12. Boadicea


06-22-2014, 13:08
Central Greece

06-22-2014, 19:54

Cimmerian: Who said that the ancient Cimmerians have all perished in Asia Minor? Some of their greatest warriors are still wandering the steppes and one day they will return to their first capital Gomara.

06-22-2014, 21:48
The Nesiote League in the Cyclades:

In Hellenistic times the islands of the Aegean formed a confederation called the Nesiote League. For several decades they were a protectorate of Ptolemaic Egypt. In this period they were the essential stepping stone for Ptolemaic interference in Hellenic affairs. The Egyptian influence reached as far as Ephesus, Samos, Lesbos and the Hellespontus. Several cities on the Hellespontus remained Ptolemaic domains until the times of Philip V of Macedon.
Some islands of the Cyclades (Naxos, Delos, Kos) were also important cultural centers and commercial or financial hubs.
Capital of the Cyclades is Naxos, the port is in Paros, while other towns (Andros, Samos) are represented as permanent forts.


06-23-2014, 23:41
Halicarnassus in Caria
Prominent buildings: Mausoleum, temple of Athena, temple of Hekate

06-24-2014, 00:54
Thebes in Boeotia

06-24-2014, 00:56
Argos, Epidaurus, Nemea

06-26-2014, 00:42
Hot Springs of Alesia


07-02-2014, 00:59
A battlefield in Bruttium near Hipponium:


The mountain on the left is the Sila mountain range. The hill on the right is the promontory of Hipponium. At the end of the descending valley lies the city of Rhegium (not visible). The narrow sea is the Strait of Messana. The first mountain in Sicily is the Nebrodes and behind that in the mist rises Mount Aetna puffing smoke.

07-12-2014, 00:46

07-24-2014, 12:31
Not sure that you have already figured this out by your own or not, Tucrumuda is today Touggourt (Tugurt in local berber dialect, tugurt berber) in today Algeria.

09-22-2014, 02:29
Today is the 10th anniversary of the release of Rome Total War and here is our gift for the comunity:

Rome Total History 1.7 10th Anniversary Edition

Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/?5wrqyg95nunagyg


10-08-2014, 12:27
Rome Total History RTH 1.8 is out bringing important improvements.

Download the latest version here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/572il9cz3gv2911/RTH_1.8.rar

Improvements in RTH 1.8:
- Added new DTW wooden walls from Diadoch Total War (courtesy RedFox)*
- Added old wooden walls as first level for Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians*
- Corrected error that made Amber Road available all over the map (now only in north-eastern Europe)**
- Corrected missing text for Viking Raiders
- Unlocked over 50 previously blocked ancillaries***
- Added more ancillaries
- Restricted benefits from philosophy buildings (now useless for Barbarians)
- Restricted bonus happiness for most temples
- Corrected benefits from academic buildings
- Minor map corrections in Greece, Italy and Sicily
- Corrected forts in Judaea
- Moved character Agathocles to Catana
- Reduced Cretan Archers from 80 to 60 men
- Reduced ammunition for onagers
- Several minor corrections

* The most important new feature of version 1.8 are improved wooden walls. These have been implemented by Aradan, using the building developed by RedFox for DTW.
However not every culture has these walls: Barbarians and Egyptians still use the vanilla palisades and walls. Greeks, Romans and Carthaginians have also improved palisades, using the old wooden wall instead. If anybody wants to use the new walls for Barbarians or Egyptians too, please mail me and I will show you how to do.
** Due to an error in version 1.7 Amber road could be built in many cities without the necessary resource amber. Now the building is only available in the area between the Black Sea, the Adriatic Sea, and the Baltic Sea.
*** In version 1.7, due to wrong reference, a number of local ancillaries were never triggered. Now this error has been corrected and many additional ancillaries have become available.

.................................................................................................... ....................................

Improvements in RTH 1.7:

- Corrected bug causing CTD with win conditions (50 regions)
- Added missing text for Alan Steppe Riders unit card description
- Implemented full compatibility for Alexander
- Implemented partial compatibility for Barbarian Invasions
- Added new building Amber Road in Eastern Europe
- Added building Thing for Germans
- Added building Slave Market in Capua (Puteoli)
- Added Naval Base for Naples (Misenum)
- Added more loading screens
- Added more ancillaries
- Added more characters
- Added more permanent forts
- Reduced growth coefficients for Athens and Byzantium
- Introduced tax bonus for schools/academies
- Numerous minor adjustments

Changes in version 1.7 and 1.8 fall mostly under the voice maintenance. A few known bugs have been eliminated and some minor flaws have been corrected.

Graphically, 80 additional loading screens will delight the player with new beautiful views from the ancient world.

Most interesting is the possibility to play RTH on the machines of Alexander and Barbarian Invasions for better stability, computer performance, and some additional features. Alexander has been fully implemented and tested, while BI may still have a few flaws. To play a new campaign under BI it is necessary to start a regional campaign. In Alexander you can start your campaign normally as Imperial campaign.

For best results, we therefore recommend to play under Alexander.

It is also possible to continue your campaigns previously started under RTW with a different machine, but not vice versa. Once you saved under Alexander or BI you will not be able to load the same campaign in RTW.

.................................................................................................... ....................................

Rome Total History has been constantly improved to make the game more challenging and realistic. Installation is easy. Just try it out!

Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/572il9cz3gv2911/RTH_1.8.rar

11-06-2014, 02:56

06-27-2015, 09:53
Downloading this now, from the looks of the map this looks epic. More settlements = more fun.

07-12-2015, 11:15
Philadelphos Productions proudly presents Rome Total History 2.0.

We are proud to announce a new astounding version of our groundbreaking mod Rome Total History. With RTH 2.0 Plutonian Edition
Rome Total War is approaching the outer limits of the system, reaching a new level of accuracy and playing fun on all platforms,
including Barbarian Invasions and Alexander.

Rome Total History has been constantly improved to make the game more challenging and realistic. Version 2.0 Plutonian Edition
is the result of nine months of concentrated work. So you can expect huge news. The mod is now particularly recommended for
students of ancient history.

Download the game with over 700 beautiful loading screens in a separate file. Part one, RTH_2.0, contains the mod and is
playable without the additional file, but it comes with only 140 loading screens. Part two, Add_loading_screens, contains the
additional screens and must be downloaded separately.

Download link to RTH_2.0: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3i3rzsd2wcgtqym/RTH_2.0.rar

Download link to additional loading screens: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dp7tndgh6b2kepp/Add_loading_screens.rar

Installation is easy. Just copy and play! If you like it, please leave a comment on the forum and spread the word!

Rome Total History is the most challenging and historically accurate mod of Rome Total War ever produced.
General features:
- Starting year 280 BC
- Best campaign map around with incredible detail for completely different strategy and tactics
- 40 nations represented, including Epirus, Achaea, Bithynia, Bactria, Nabataea and many more
- 199 regions with historic borders and cities with many historic buildings
- Over 1000 historic figures represented each with exact character traits and family ties
- Over 800 ancillaries, including many historic figures
- AOR system with hundreds of new units, including mercenaries for each area of the map
- Most mercenary units are bribeable and can be recruited in garrisons
- More than 300 forts and minor settlements in strategic position or historic sites
- Over 200 additional cities represented as permanent forts
- New challenging walls for most cultures
- 1000 different buildings with beautiful artwork and informative descriptions
- Almost unlimited polytheism with hundreds of temples and gods
- Historically matching temples and buildings in most regions
- Over 100 land bridges for excellent computer performance
- Rational road system with many historic roads and highways
- Correct mountain passes for highly increased strategic options
- Sea lanes designed for swift connections from port to port
- Improved trade system with four additional resources
- Over 200 historic events drawn from Livy, Polybius, a.o.
- Custom battles: Thermopylae, Ipsus, Delphi, Acrocorinth, Siege of Syracuse, Caudine Forks


Here is the list of improvements:


- GENERAL CHANGES (see below for details)
- Added almost 100 new buildings
- Significant map improvements
- Introduced supply line system
- Added over 120 permanent forts for a total of almost 250
- Implemented Signifer One's Animation Pack v0.8 Beta

- Introduced supply line system *
- Added new character traits Encouraged/Discouraged (Weary)** Supply lines are simulated by character traits. After operating for a few years in enemy territory a general and his army will
become increasingly discouraged. Statistically this should start after four turns and reach its maximum after eight years, but
certain events such as defeats or inconclusive sieges may accelerate the process, while important victories or conquests will
reverse it. When an exhausted general enters a city and stays there for a while he should quickly recover and so will the morale
of his troops. When a general gets exhausted or recovers from fatigue, the player will receive a message.
- Added advisory message for character trait Wounded
- Added character trait Healed with advisory message
- Added new character traits Patrician/Plebeian for Romans
- All Roman leaders correctly assigned to Patricians/Plebeians or Homo Novus
- Roman sons will get historic Patrician/Plebeian trait at coming of age
- Added trait Noctophilia to characters for night battles
- Added more character traits for explorers (spies)

- Added over 160 new ancillaries**
- Added specific ancillaries for ports in exarchats**
- Added many specific ancillaries to get in forts**
- Added over 500 new specific triggers for ancillaries**
- Increased defense values for ancillary Archimedes** Some specific ancillaries have been added to illustrate certain ports in irregular positions without a land connection to the
capital, such as Emporiae, Tyras, Tylis, Pharos, Laodicea, and Mago. In these cases, when you build the port, the ancillary will
turn up to explain how it was founded and why it was important.
Similar has been done for a number of forts, namely Alauna, Samarobriva, Durocortorum, Cenabum, Bibracte, Vienna, Darioritum,
Pompaelo, Salamantica, Ilerda, Verona, Bracara, Serdica, Tylis, Elis, Samos, Amastris, Gangra, Gordion, Tavium, Kotais, Arados,
Byblos, Gadara, Philadelphia, Lynxama, Thamondocana, and many more. These ancillaries usually tell the name of the fort together
with some interesting notion on the history of the place and maybe their personal story. To get these ancillaries it is
necessary to conquer the fort with a general.
Many other ancillaries have been added for spies reaching periferic cities of the game. Now it is a worthy deed to send your
explorers to cities such as Thule, Kasia, Pattala, Ubar, or Axum, because in any case you can expect to make some interesting
discoveries, extraordinary persons to add to your retinue or rare animals to present to your king and the people at home. There
is also a number of famous explorers ready to do this, especially in Egypt and Nubia.
Many ancillaries have been added for admirals, especially historic pirates and similar. Finally a number of ancillaries has been
added for Pontus (retinue of Mithridates the Great) and Armenia (nobility titles).
Some ancillaries have now veiled interests, which means they might stir up some unrest, but you won't know exactly, because you
are only warned not to trust them blindly. To learn if the allegations are true and how dangerous they actually are, you need to
- Added more permanent forts for a total of almost 250
- Added trait Immortal for resident spies in permanent forts****** This works only with Alexander. It makes the forts lasting for the entire game, unless the spy is killed or reactivated
during a siege. However this trait is not featured on all forts to represent the fact that some cities were destroyed, or
disappeared from our history radar between the 3rd and 2nd century. Unless you keep them permanently garrisoned, these forts
will disappear when the immobilized spy dies. Those with an immortal spy will probably last until the end of the time frame, but
only if you play under Alexander.- Added permanent fort Darioritum in Aremorica
- Added permanent fort Aginnum in Aquitania
- Added more permanent forts in Gaul
- Added fort Tripolis (Byblos) in Phoenicia
- Added more permanent forts in Armenia, Armenia Minor, Sophene and Atropatene
- Added fort Apamea in Syria and fort Abila in Coele Syria
- Added permanent fort Singara in Mesopotamia
- Added more permanent forts and emporiums in Egypt, Kush, Nubia and Aethiopia
- Added more permanent forts in Numidia and Zeugitana
- Added more permanent forts in Caledonia
- Added more forts in Dacia, Moesia and Getica
- Added more forts and camps in Hibernia
- Added permenent fort Luceria in Apulia
- Added permanent fort Heraclea Lyncestis in Macedonia
- Added permanent forts Cyropolis in Sogdiana and Alexandria Oxus in Bactria
- Added better barracks and stables in Bactria and Sogiane

- Added over 500 new loading screens for a total of 700****
- Loading screens 141 to 716 in a separate download file
- Loading screens containing nudity can be deactivated
- New loading sequence and background picture**** Due to the high amount of data, most of the new loading screens have been put in a different file containing 576 additional
loading screens. This must be downloaded separately.
To install the extra screens, unzip the file and copy the loading screens directly into the folder RTH/data/loading_screen.
Warning! The loading screens 683 to 716 contain some nudity. If you feel offended, you can deactivate them by renaming
loading_screen_683 to loading_screen_683a or something else. You can also cancel it or move the screens in question to the
folder RTH/Data/loading_screen/nude.- MAP IMPROVEMENTS
- Corrected some region and city names
- Added land bridge between Etruria and Corsica (over Elba and Capraia)- Added land bridge between Apulia and Dalmatia
- Relocated city and port of Tarentum for more precise topography
- Moved capital of Getica from Tyras to Helis
- Tyras is now harbour of Bastarnia
- Moved capital of Caledonia from Alauna to Devana (near Aberdeen)
- City of Gortyn moved one square down to southern coast of Crete
- City of Tyre and fort Arados moved on islands
- City of Sidon moved one square down, port moved from Tripolis to Berytus
- Repositioned port of Sardinia
- Moved port of Chalcidice (Thessalonice) to Amphipolis
- Improved sea lanes around Corcyra
- Added settlement type hillfort town for Thebes in Boeotia
- Added resource tin in Aremorica and Gaditana
- Added vulcans in Midian (Arabia Petraea) and Phazania
- Map improvements in Phoenicia and Galilaea
- Improved map in Middle Egypt's eastern desert
- Corrected climate in Kush
- Corrected climate in Spain (semi-arid in La Mancha and Extremadura)
- Improved roads in Central Gaul between Lugdunum and Aremorica
- Improved roads in Aquitania and Arvernia
- Added more swamps in British Isles
- Roads in Britain improved (Watling Road, Fosse Way)
- Royal Forests in Britain (Epping, Sherwood, Dean, Inglewood and more)
- More precise mountain passes in Helvetia and Alpes Cottiae ***** ***** Passes over the Alpes include Little and Great St. Bernhard, but not Mont Cenis which was first used by Emperor
Constantine I and previously unknown. Hannibal most probably took the Little St. Bernhard and thus it is possible to follow his footsteps precisely.- NEW UNITS and UNIT CHANGES
- Added unit Mercenary General available as mercenary
- Added leader Mercenary General recruitable with building citadel
- Enabled Onagers for Spain and Gauls (after Marian Reforms)
- Reduced Cretan Archers from 60 to 50 men
- Reduced Scythian Police Archers from 60 to 50 men
- Build time for gladiators raised to 3 turns
- Build time for many specialised mercenaries raised to 2 turns
- Reduced incidence of mercenary appearance all over the map

- Rebel spawn increased all over the map
- Added new specific rebel factions in Coele Syria (Itureans) and Galilea (Galileans)
- Added more rebels in Spain
- Added more rebel leaders in Numidia
- Added more family members in Chalcidice, Armenia Minor, Colchis, and Scythia
- Added more rebel leaders in Italy, Sicily, Peloponnese, Gaul, and more
- Added Nitiobroges Rebels in Aquitania with two new leaders
- Added more leaders for Allobroges
- Added more rebel leaders in Byzacium, Colchis, Scythia and other places

- Reduced building times for some buildings
- Added many hundreds of specific building cards
- Added building Harbour/Landing/Cove (previous to port)
- Raised construction cost for ports, shipwrights, dockyards
- Added building Nymphaeum for Greeks and Egyptians
- Added buildings Bathhouse, Balneae, Thermae and Imperial ThermaeSorry!

If the pictures are not showing, please check the original post on http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?694302-RTW-from-Outer-Space-Rome-Total-History-2-0-Plutonian-Edition!

- Added buildings Cisterns/Ponds/Fountains for Barbarians
- Added building Thermal Springs for Barbarians- Added building Valetudinarium for Romans
- Added building Large Aesculapium for Romans
- Corrected benefits for medical buildings
- Added building Forum Romanum for Romans
- Added building Basilica Aemilia
- Added buildings Marsfield and Stately Marsfield for Rome
- Added building Victory Column for Romans and Carthaginians
- Added building Triumphal Arch for Romans
- Added buildings Temple of Fortuna and Temple of Luna for Romans
- Added temples of Victoria and Iustitia for Romans
- Added building Royal Tombs for Macedon
- Added building Large Obelisk for Egyptians
- Added building Barque Station for Egypt
- Added building Great Canal for Egypt- Added building Great Oasis for Egypt and Numidia
- Added building Labyrinth for Egypt and Crete
- Added building Prytaneum for Greek Cities
- Added building Sanctuary of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta
- Added new temple of Helios for Rhodes
- Added building Huge Oracle
- Added building Arabian Idol for Nabataeans
- Added building Rock Temple for Petra
- Added building Caravanserai for Carthage, Eastern, Egyptians, Numidians, Seleucids, Scythia
- Added building Carpet Trader for Eastern factions
- Added building Pillar of Ashoka for Mauryans
- Added buildings Buddhist Stupa and Great Stupa for Mauryans (romans senate)
- Added temples Buddhist Vihara, Buddhist Pagoda and Golden Pagoda in India
- Added new icons and pics for Stupa, Vihara, Pagoda in India
- Added new icons and pics for temples of Vishnu and Shiva

- Added building Temple of Apedemak for Nubia and Kush
- Added building Large Slave Market for Eastern factions and Carthage
- Added landmark Pure Mountain in Napata
- Added building Nubian Temple of Amon in Napata
- Added building Temple of Apedemak in Nubia
- Added building Victory Stele in Napata

- Added landmark Alexander's Causeway in Tyre
- Added building Temple of Melqart in Tyre - Added building Port of Caesarea
- Added building Seleucia Pieria in Syria
- Added building Pantheon of Mount Nemrut- Added buildings Odeon and Greek Theatre for Armenia, Bithynia, and Pontus
- Added building Hippodrome of Byzantium
- Added buildings Numidian Stele, Mausoleum, Burial Mound for Numidia
- Added buildings Training Ground and Gamefield for Barbarians
- Added building Fighting Pit for Barbarians
- Added buildings Tumulus and Dolmen for Barbarians
- Added building Hunting Ground for Barbarians
- Added building Drunemeton for Gauls and Celtic Tribes
- Added building Great Thing for Germans and Dacia
- Added landmark Hill of Tara in Hibernia
- Added landmark White Cliffs of Albion in Cantium
- Added landmark Insula Parisiorum in Senonia

- Added building Stage for Gauls and Iberians
- Added building Granary
- Added building Lighthouse
- Added buildings Horreum and Large Horrea for Romans
- Added building Stone Quarry for Egyptians
- Added building Tavern for Romans and Greeks
- Added building Beer Hall for Egyptians
- Added building Waystations for Carthage
- Added building Persian Royal Roads for Seleucids and Parthians
- Added building Summer Residence in Ecbatana
- Added building Ishtar Gate in Babylon- Added building Tabernacle of Jehova for Armenia and Nabataea
- Added new pictures for Temple of Jehovah

- Added third level for building Barbarian Stronghold/Castle/Hillfort
- Added building Hillfort in Gergovia, Numantia, Noreia and more
- Added building Sanctuary of Tamfana in Mattium- Added more temples for Germanic Tribes: Mannus, Magusanus, Hel, Zisa
- Added temple of Coventina for Celtic Tribes
- Added temple for Celtic Sea God Manannan
- Added temple for Gallic Sea God Barinthus
- Added temple for Iberian Sea God Oceanus/Poseidon
- Added temple of Candamius for Iberian Tribes
- Added more temples for Numidia: Lilleu, Gilva, Macurgum, Motmanius, Sinifer, Amphitrite, Baccax- Added more temples for Seleucids: Herakles, Hadad
- Added temple Idol of Apis for Egypt
- Added temple of Nane for Armenia
- Added altar of war (Ares) for Pontus
- Added temple of fertility (Hadad/Dagon) for Carthage
- Added temple of governors (Dido) for Carthage
- Added temple of trade (Kothar) for Carthage
- Added many more specific temples to Barbarian cities
- Enabled 4th level (awesome temple) for Barbarian main god and some more
- New individual icons and pics for all Barbarian temples
- New icons for Carthaginian temple of Eshmun
- New icons for Roman temple of Quirinus
- Better icon for Apadana Palace in Susa
- Better picture for Dam of Mariba- Improved many other building icons and pictures
- Added buildings Stables and Shrine to Candamius in Aracillum
- Added building Tin Emporium in Gades, Massilia, Gallaecia, Dumnonia and Aremorica
- Enabled building Stone Walls for Barbarian factions
- Enabled building Execution Square for all Barbarian factions
- Enabled building Royal Library for Seleucids
- Enabled building Frankincense Road for Egypt, Seleucids and Bactria
- Enabled building Silk Road for Seleucids and Bactria
- Enabled buildings Caravan and Silk Road for Scythia
- Enabled building Irrigation System for Eastern factions (needs river)
- Enabled building Garden for Greek Cities, Macedon and Bactria
- Enabled building Park for Bactria
- Enabled building Temple of Athena for Bactria, Pergamon and Sparta
- Enabled building (large) Temple of Cybele for Greek Cities
- Added specific icons for Ortygia, Acrocorinth, Munychia, Miletus
- Added building Temenos of Ephesus
- Added building Oracle of Didyma in Miletus- Added building Sibylline Oracle in Cumae (Capua)
- Added building Tavern in Capua and Naxos
- Added building Ara Pacis in Rome
- Added building Lost City of Helike in Achaea- More prerequisites for Amphitheatre buildings
- Restricted benefits of Oracles
- Added better barracks and practice fields in Macedonia and Thessaly
- Added better barracks in Gaul, Illyria, Thrace, Dacia, Pontus, Syria, Numidia
- Added more and better barracks at start for Macedon, Bactria, Gaul, Thrace, Getans
- See more buildings here: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?673238-New-Buildings-Added

- Added more specific event pictures
- Added historic portraits for leaders (Pyrrhus, Ptolemy, Hannibal, Pompey, Ashoka, a.o.)
- Optional change of Egyptian general portraits to Greek general portraits ************ To change Egyptian style generals and have them with Greek portraits go to the folder RTH/data/UI/EGYPTIAN and simply
rename the folder PORTRAITS-Greeks to PORTRAITS.- DIPLOMACY
- Changed character Macedon to balanced napoleon
- More hostile relationship between Rome and Gaul

- Fixed battle editor
- Fixed broken custom battles
- Fixed minor issues in building tree
- Changed culture in Raetia to germans
- Corrected wrong temple in Paionia
- Corrected wrong temple in Issedonia
- Corrected wrong temple in Scandiae
- Corrected wrong temple descriptions in Armavir, Armenia
- Corrected wrong location of Temple of Ramesses in Abu Simbel
- Corrected names list for Eastern Kingdoms (senate faction)
- Corrected Carthaginian surnames
- Added more Egyptian and Nubian names for Egyptian faction

If the pictures are not showing, please check the original post on http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?694302-RTW-from-Outer-Space-Rome-Total-History-2-0-Plutonian-Edition!


What people said about previous versions:

My favorite part of RTW has been the strategic map movements and this Mod has reinvented the game for me. It's like an all new game, but still familiar enough to make the game easy to jump into. I can see me playing this for a long time.

It's been a month since I downloaded the mod and I really enjoy it. The variety of buildings, the polytheism, the building cards, ancillaries and special features, the individualized settlements are awesome and can only be found in this mod.

This is a great mod. Very stable. Lots of new units. More mercenaries. I like what you have done with the factions and the provinces. This is how Rome Vanilla should have been.

Looks interesting. I'll be sure to give it a try soon. I definitely like all the island settlements in the Aegean.

Thank you! It looks and plays fantastic so far!

Well I've always liked the mods that have the vanilla style, so far I see this meets and adds a thousand things more.

I know I said this in the past with other mods, but this is one of the best mods I have played for Total War. I played the game for 5 hours last night up to the early morning and it was lots of fun. I will probably be playing the game for a long time.

My God... You have the best artwork and best cozy looking map compared to all the mods I have tried. You are the best designer ever. Everything feels very in place. I feel 10x better playing this mod than EB, EB2 or others. Thanks

This mod is absolutely gorgeous, every faction's starting position and family tree are so carefully thought up, so captivating. And buildings! Never ever in RTW I was so happy with managing my empire progress in detail. Thank you for such a brilliant work!


Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3i3rzsd2wcgtqym/RTH_2.0.rar

and don't miss the additional loading screens: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dp7tndgh6b2kepp/Add_loading_screens.rar

If you like the mod, please show your support. Leave a comment on the forum and spread the word!

08-18-2015, 08:53
First of all thanks for great mod! I love history and i have always dreamed a much larger RTW map. I just found it a week ago and started to play ever since. I have found couple of bugs/glitches. I played with macedon and after maybe 50 turns started to have some crash problems and then little later i had three save files for that game and all of them crash and i cant go on anymore. Then i noticed that with Rome faction, each time i go and click senate button the game crashes. Donau river had also some graphic glitches just before it reaches black sea. I loved when the variety of buildings is in such abundance. There is much to do for many turns. Some things started to piss me of nevertheless. Why are there extra ships for example, all seem to be obsolete compared to the original ships. Whats the point of the forts that dont disappear. I started two games with macedon and rome. Beginning of both games i had the same problem, budjet was very negative and i had so many leaders that i couldnt even disband them. Only option was attacking every province straight away. Especially with Rome i had to conquer all italy before i even got the budjet balance positve and was able to start building. In my opinion at least 50% less leaders and units at the beginning. Im nevertheless more happy than angry with this mod and i hope you still are going to improve it.

09-18-2015, 21:59
First of all thanks for great mod! I love history and i have always dreamed a much larger RTW map. I just found it a week ago and started to play ever since. I have found couple of bugs/glitches. I played with macedon and after maybe 50 turns started to have some crash problems and then little later i had three save files for that game and all of them crash and i cant go on anymore. Then i noticed that with Rome faction, each time i go and click senate button the game crashes. Donau river had also some graphic glitches just before it reaches black sea. I loved when the variety of buildings is in such abundance. There is much to do for many turns. Some things started to piss me of nevertheless. Why are there extra ships for example, all seem to be obsolete compared to the original ships. Whats the point of the forts that dont disappear. I started two games with macedon and rome. Beginning of both games i had the same problem, budjet was very negative and i had so many leaders that i couldnt even disband them. Only option was attacking every province straight away. Especially with Rome i had to conquer all italy before i even got the budjet balance positve and was able to start building. In my opinion at least 50% less leaders and units at the beginning. Im nevertheless more happy than angry with this mod and i hope you still are going to improve it.

Hi Nalluhutsi,

thanks for your kind feedback. Regarding the bugs and crashes maybe you want to have a look at this page
(http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?613366-Support-Bug-Reports-and-Hot-Fixes/page4). For more information on debug procedures you may also have a look at the same chapter in the Readme file.

I can say so much that the Senate is deactivated. So simply don't push that button! (The problem exists in all mods with only one Roman faction)

Regarding the three crashing game saves, I had a similar problem just yesterday. I followed my own instructions and resolved it after two tries, in less than ten minutes. Here is what I wrote in the Readme file:

- Sometimes the game crashes while calculating the computer moves for the next turn. This is a bug of the vanilla game. To resolve the situation reload your last game save or autosave, but before clicking the Next Turn button move one or two of your units at random, just to create some different interaction with your neighbors. This helps the engine to create different algorithms and calculate the turn correctly. Then click Next Turn and watch how the game proceeds.

I don't know what you mean with graphic glitches in the Donau estuary. Can you post a screenshot?

The additional ships are there to create more variety. Except the penteconter they were not obsolete and especially the trihemiolia and liburna were in use for a long time. Maybe you don't like them, that's okay, but I don't think they are much disturbance anyway.

The permanent forts, well, if you don't know any better, you can use them for retreat after a defeat. We'd like to have at least 250 cities on the map, but due to hardcoded limits that's not posible. That's why we included the forts to have more settlements in the game, and that's the only way it can be done. If you want to delete one of the forts, kill the spy. But remember that certain ancillaries can be acquired only by entering a fort, as you have probably already experienced.

The balance sheet is a challenge for most factions and you have already found the solution. You need to conquer a number of cities and do it quickly, to avoid going bankrupt. But usually three or four cities will be enough to break even.

The large family trees are there, because the Macedonian royal family was so numerous, and for the Romans, to represent all the major families of the Republic. The huge armies are needed to maintain the balance between the factions and get the game on the right track, to develop more or less in the direction of historic events. Then, after the Roman conquest of Italy, you may still try to change the course...

The next installment is already underway and will be out in maybe two weeks. Let me know if you experienced any other problem and tell me if my instructions were useful to get your campaigns going again.

02-07-2020, 13:39

when I installed I copied the folders in RTH next where you said (where data is).

NowI use steam so I changed the launch options to: -show_err -mod:RTH

When I play and it works I go to campaign. I choose my tribe, very hard very hard etc.. i CLICK enter to play and it stops loading. Error coudn't find file: ..... (alot of different files wherent find) After pressing ok alot of times the game just shut down...

I don't know if I did something wrong. Or the installation information isn't complete. But would be nice to have some help. A youtube link with (how to download) would have been very easy.