View Full Version : Return of XIDX: with bug fixes and updates for M2TW.

Tellos Athenaios
10-18-2011, 00:01
This new version of XIDX also works with RTW.

The Europa Barbarorum Team is proud to announce the return of one of the most venerable modding tools dating back to the early days of RTW: XIDX, with bug fixes and updates for M2TW. The “XIDX” project provides modders with a tool to assemble and disassemble IDX/DAT pairs of files as used in RTW and M2TW (including Kingdoms). Originally developed by Vercingetorix for use with Rome Total War versions of these archives on Windows only, the tool now compiles and runs on Linux as well (and should run on any proper POSIX x86 or AMD64 environment).

The project is based on the source code of the XIDX program as published on the TWC (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=32). It has been heavily modified, the comprehensible change log is as follows:


Add -m option for building Medieval II versions of supported pack types.
Add -b option for transparent suffix ('.bin') manipulation (useful with skeletons for avoiding name collisions).
Add -e option for assembly/disassembly of event packs.

Bug fixes:

Port/fixes to build on Linux with GCC (tested with various versions >= 4.3.2)
Builds with GCC-Mingw32 and GCC-Mingw64 (tested with various versions >= 4.4.4)
Fix lurking segfaults on exit and inside the fork function of the XIDX shell.
Fix memory allocation, so the tool does not allocate lots of memory it never uses.

Strip batch files, MS Visual Studio project file etc., added makefile.

The program is available as both a source (ftp://europabarbarorum.org/XIDX-src-dist.7z) and a binary (ftp://europabarbarorum.org/XIDX-bin-dist.7z) distribution from our FTP server. Both distributions are packaged as 7zip archives. Programs such as 7-zip can be used to extract these contents. (You can get 7-zip from here: http://www.7-zip.org/ or commandline equivalent p7zip from here: http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/ )

The program is made available under the GPL v.2 or later, copy of which is provided in licence.txt of either distribution. Below follows the summary:

Terms of Use
This software is free and there is no warranty what so ever. Use at your own risk.
See licence.txt for a copy of the program licence.

Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Vercingetorix <vercingetorix11 at gmail dot com>
Copyright (C) 2011 The Europa Barbarorum Team <webmaster at europabarbarorum dot com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details at

Comments, criticism, improvements and bug reports are welcome. Regards,

The Europa Barbarorum Team.