View Full Version : Lords of the Danube Courtroom

01-10-2012, 12:35
This is the main in context thread for Lords of the Danube, and represents Hungary's royal courtroom, wherever that may be.

The royal court is currently in Varad, of which Myth (the King and owner of Varad) has kindly written up a description.

Varad's fortress was a sturdy and practical structure with thick walls of grey stone, narrow windows and even narrower arrow slits, a massive gate hiding behind an iron portcullis and a main hall large enough to have fifty men feast around the table. The high table, where the ruling baron and his most trusted and closest men sit, could accommodate a party of eight.

The kitchens, barracks, stables, blacksmith, fletcher, the armoury and the cellar were all protected by the walls of the inner keep and separate from the town proper. The main hall itself was plainly decorated, with shields hanged upon the stone walls, braziers to take the bite out of the air and a large fireplace where meat would roast when there was a feast to be had. Varad was no capital, and this was no palace, but the location was secure, sturdy and the roof did not leak, which was in itself a boon. Someone had remembered to hang tapestries and standards with Hungary's Royal Banner and the banners of the assembled nobility, though the coats of arms on the shields across the walls suggested that knights from all across Europe sat and served here in the past.

01-13-2012, 10:21
The King and his household knights enter the main hall. His men sit at the long table, all of them still clad in mail. The Hungarian ruler sits himself on the high table and waits patiently for the nobility to answer his summons.

House Stark
01-14-2012, 04:55
The Lord High Marshall and his retinue arrives at the hall. After bowing to the King, he seats himself with his military engineer aide seated to his right and a priest serving as his scribe seated to his left. The few knights accompanying him fade back to stand against the wall.

01-14-2012, 15:58
The King waves for a servant to bring wine and food.

"Lord Vata, I am happy to see you are well. How go your affairs? What of the Venetians and Romans?"

His Latin is fluent, as is expected from the King. Not all the nobles were happy to accept the language as Hungary's official one, but they all speak it. The blond, blue eyed man waves at the knghts lining themselves against he wall.

"Please, share my hospitality. Let your men sit at the long table and remove the chill from their bones with some wine and a hot meal."

01-16-2012, 00:54
A party of knights enter the chamber bearing the coat of arms of the Junior King, Count of Zagreb. Bokeny himself is not among them. As they take their seats they glower at those already assembled. One of their number, whose armour is more ornate than the others, rises to address the chamber. He is an older man, large and has the bearing of a formidable warrior. His hair and thick beard are jet black and his face bears the scars of many battles.

Those who are familiar with recent history know his family to be long standing and loyal vassals of the Count of Zagreb who fought on the side of Saul in the war of succession.

Your majesty, lords of the realm, I greet you on behalf of the Junior King who is unable to attend at this time.

My name is Istvan of Carniola, I bear the Junior King's seal and I am authorised to speak on his behalf. He bids you greeting and wishes you to know that he has, this campaign season, erected fortifications along the banks of the Sava, at the ford to the west of Zagreb, as insurance against the presence of two large Venetian armies which are encamped within their own territory on the other side of the river.

Our forces are currently heavy in spear and with little in the way of missile troops. To rectify this we are currently recruiting and training crossbowmen and when they are ready we plan to move against a large force of Croatian rebels who currently hold the bridge on the Sava to the southeast of Zagreb, blocking our ability to defend against Venetian incursions and cutting off our communications with the rest of the Kingdom.

Past that we have no specific military plans but would like to gauge the thoughts of the assembly on the prospect of a campaign to liberate the Dalmatian coast from the Venetians.

In our assessment the current state of uneasy peace with Venice will not last long and we should be prepared to take pre-emptive action to secure our western front.

He sits, awaiting the King's reply.

OOC: Please do correct my geography if I have the wrong river!

01-16-2012, 09:17
The King's eyes narrow.

"The Junior King must attend such meetings as is his duty before his King and his peers. As for Venice, the presence of these two large armies signifies hostile intent to all but the blind or daft. Bokeny should coordinate with the barons to ensure that our Western border is not breached and that Venice can be bled should they attack.

For now I will write them and his Holiness the Pope, do not cross the river until I receive their answer and give you the order. There is also the matter of an elite army of Roman cavalry that is within striking distance of Constantinople, so there is more than one problem that requires swords to be resolved!"

01-16-2012, 10:24
Istvan stands once more.

Your highness, you can be assured that any army which enters the County without permission will be bled to the grave itself, Venetian or otherwise.

As to the other barons, there are none which are positioned to assist Zagreb - as you know we are isolated with Venetians to the west, Germans to the north, Romans to the south and nary but a thin strip of Hungarian land to connect us with the rest of the Kingdom.

It would seem wise to consider addressing this issue before launching into wars against further-flung powers. Indeed it would seem to our mind that an expedition to reclaim Esztergom from the feeble Holy Roman Empire would serve our interests better than an attempt to expand either west or east against Venice or Rome, irksome as those powers might be. Defend Constantinople by all means but look at the map and see the logic in what we say - our Kingdom is a scattered group of Duchies, easily cut off and defeated singly.

Something for your highness and the other nobles to consider. In particular, we would be interested to hear Demeter az Aba's views on Esztergom, lying as it does directly between our two Counties.

A second step might be to seize Belgrade from the Romans. With the addition of those two great cities we would be a more defensible kingdom and with a better ability to make further plans in any direction.

01-16-2012, 13:06
The King clasps his hands, two massive gold rings on each index finger meeting before his face.

"There is some merit in your words, yet the Holy Roman Empire is Catholic, whilst the mongrel Eastern Romans are not. I shall confer with Cardinal Levente az Oguz Nembol and send word to Roma at once. I also wish for more fronts to stay closed. Denmark is our ally, they keep the Germanii from growing too complacent. I shall have to consult the maps, though I give you permission to speak freely on matters of strategy and tactics."

01-16-2012, 13:09
Istvan once more.

Sire, the Germans are excommunicated and cast out from the light of his Holiness. It would seem a good time to strike and gain favour in the eyes of the Pope and our fellows in faith.

Mind you, their military forces are far greater than our own - but still only a fraction of the Byzantines. We should prefer a fight with Germany to the Greeks for that reason alone.

01-16-2012, 13:09
Demeter az Aba nembol enters the room, a squire in tow. Of average height but powerfully built, every line and scar on his face bear witness to his many years of campaigning. His hair has long since gone white but he moves with an easy stride, marked only from a slight bowleggedness from spending half his life in a saddal. Demeter bows to the King and nods towards Bokeny's representative.

Foregive me, my King. I was delayed touring my province's outlying towns to fortify them against any possible Cuman raids.

I do agree with the Junior King's representative that Esztergom should be aquired at some point, through means peaceful or not. However, my liege's caution is well advised, as I do not trust those large Italian armies near Zagreb, and with the Cumans so near might not immediately send the kind of assistance required if we were to try to take Esztergom from the Germans.

01-16-2012, 13:15
Istvan nods to Demeter before addressing the King once more.

Sire, perhaps we might simplify our affairs somewhat by seeking peace with the Cumans. I note your noble aunt Judit is currently at Halych and could make them an offer - perhaps in exchange we could secure trade and a small sum in reparations for their warlike incursions?

01-16-2012, 13:58
The King nods.

"I would not entrust my dog to them, let alone my aunt. But giving them a target to loot and plunder will make them temporary allies for sure. If we take the Holy Roman Empire's attention away, we can send these pagans to bring trouble to their northern provinces. If Denmark joins from Scandinavia the Germanii will be spread wider than a Genoese concubine. Once our barons secure more lands and can supply Hungary with sworn knights we can revisit our arrangement with the Cumans."

01-17-2012, 13:44
The King's scribe brings a handful of parchments with the seals still unbroken. The King raises an eyebrow and glances over the seals.

"My Lords, do join me in the private dining hall. Let our good knights feast in peace without being burdened by politics."

With this, he leads the gathered nobility to a much smaller room equipped with an ironically round table. Pitchers with wine and cider have already been served and a small fireplace spreads heat and yellow light across the tapestries and the thick carpet on the floor.

"It appears I have received answers from Roma as well as from the rulers of our neighbors."

He pauses whilst reading, only sipping some wine on occasion. King Pozsony then raises his blue eyes and starts talking while taking in the faces of his sworn barons and dukes.

"First, good news form Roma. The Papal Legate assures us that we shall see no repercussions should we defend Hungary from Venetian aggression, but he warns us against campaigning aggressively against them. It appears the Kaiser for the Holy Roman Empire has the Republic of Venice by the throat and the Dodge is naught but a loyal vassal of his. Pope Pius XIV wishes for us to strike at the Germanii, and by weakening the Kaiser's position, this should also allow the Venetians to command their own fate."

The Hungarian King pauses and rubs his chin, while contemplating a map of Europe that has been spread over the table.

"The Eastern Roman Basileos, Savas the Cur, uses sweet words as a whore does her make up, but underneath it all he says that he will only agree to an alliance if we hand him Constantinopolis. The Cuman Khan, that unwashed goat-lover, is himself outraged that we liberated the Jewel of the East from his hordes and swears to wage war to the bitter end."

The King shake his head and leans back.

"Before any of you say a word - Constantinople will not be given to either side. Words are wind, and I will not weaken the Kingdom over a promise of Roman or Cuman friendship! Now, at last, Dodge Grigorio confirms the Pope's words - he has been sent to the border to prevent an invasion by our warriors. Sent by the Kaiser no less! He assures me that no aggression would be taken against us unless we attack him or the Holy Roma Empire."

The King pauses and takes another sip of wine. He frowns at his own reflection in the cup for a moment, before continuing:

"It is clear that the Holy Roman Empire has to fall. Esztergom has been Hungarian for hundreds of years and they cannot deny this. We will also win favour with Roma by attacking them. With enough support, even a Crusade might be called against them, which would scatter the Germanii like mutts.

Whilst doing this, it will fall unto the Junior King to keep Zagreb safe from Venetian incursion. Currently his standing armies are insufficient however, and the rest of the nobility must aid in the defence of the eastern border, whilst others assault Esztergom and other Holy Roman Cities.

I will ride towards Constantinopolis myself, and should I unite my current troops with the garrison I left there, I am certain I can repel any Eastern Roman aggression which will undoubtedly come. The Cumans are our problem however, they must be whipped and made to recoil in their lairs. Mikan can accommodate, as well as Demeter."

01-17-2012, 23:26
Istvan of Carniola is clearly troubled at the King's words.

Your highness, I beg you to reconsider your chosen path. It seems clear that His Holiness wishes us to crusade against the Germans who hold our ancestral lands and the birthplace of great Istvan I, Ezstergom.

We have seemed to come to an agreement that this is a sensible way forward but as you rightly point out we stand vulnerable to an attack from Venice in the west.

Why then would you also pit us against the Basileos and his mighty armies? Are we truly prepared for war on all four fronts?

I know that your highness feels pride in having liberated Constantinople from the Cuman hordes, but that great city is not part of our historic domain. Why, it is not even a Catholic city, populated as it is by heathen Greeks.

Why not then gain a considerable security by trading it to the Basileos for peace, trade and alliance? In doing so we may even gain a route to peace with our Cuman foe - if it is Constantinople they desire let them fight the Basileos for it.

That city is an expensive vanity we can ill afford - with the forces of the Greeks and the Cumans ranged against us it will barely pay the upkeep of the troops committed to defend it, and that is before considering the expense of defending our southern and northern borders against those two foes.

I speak with the authority of Junior King Bokeny when I urge you to make peace with the Greeks and the Cumans in order to free our hand for a crusade against the Germans to restore our birthright and bring greater security to the Kingdom.

01-18-2012, 00:27
A small disturbance is heard in the back of the chamber as the guards open the rattling doors to admit Andras a Zad, Duke of Bulgaria.

"My King, fellow nobles, I come in answer to the king's call." he nods, and moves to take his seat.

After hearing the debate between the king and junior king, he rises to his feet.

"I am afraid that I share the opinion of the Junior King in this matter. Peace, not war, is preferable in our relationship with the Greeks, as we derive much from them in trade. However, should war come, I am willing to assume the defence of Constantinople in the name of the King. Let me be responsible for the defence of our southern borders, and not one enemy shall pillage our lands."

01-18-2012, 09:15
The King nods and offers a chair to Andras.

"Good of you to join us Andras. Indeed I wish not for war nor did the Basileos threatened war. He simply asked for Constantinople for free, as is customary for a Roman. We can manage without an alliance with them, so longs as they keep their troops off our cities. In earnest, even an alliance is a small price for the loss of Constantinople, or would you all say that the word of whatever current pretender thinks he is Emperor is as good as gold?"

The King makes it obvious of what he thinks of the honour of the Eastern Romans.

"As for the Cumans, even if we give them our daughters and wives they will still ask us to bear our own asses. They will receive naught but the sword and the gallows. Andras I can grant you with whatever dismounted knights and spearmen I command for the purpose of defending Constantinopole.

But all this is the worst possible outcome for us. They day may yet be worn with the quill and the sword might still stay sheathed. I have written both the Roman Basileus and the Cuman Khan of how they would benefit from my proposal. The Roman at least, will show common sense I trust."

01-18-2012, 10:16
Andras rises in response to the King's words.

"I thank you, my King, for entrusting me with this task. If it is pleasing to you, I request permission to reside in Constantinople over the next few years to study at its school there along with ensuring the good order and safety of the city."

01-18-2012, 10:49
Istvan looks concerned.

Sire, in my experience an offer like the one the Basileos makes is often a test and its refusal may be used as cassus belli. I fear that by being willfully blind to the underlying threat we sleepwalk into a war with a great power who we cannot hope to match, while at the same time fighting wars on our other borders.

I say again - Constantinople is not truly part of Hungary, has never been truly part of Hungary and will never be truly Hungarian. We have every reason to believe that our wisdom in returning to the Greeks their ancestral home, theirs since its foundation as ancient Byzantium, that we will be rewarded by peace and alliance on our long southern border. Indeed, were the HRE to agree to return Ezstergom to us in similar circumstances I believe we would be grateful enough to see them as friends.

At any rate I would like to hear the views of the other nobles on this matter. I will not pursue the discussion with your highness now I have made my point and until others have had a chance to speak.

01-18-2012, 12:14
Andras rises once more, and turns towards Istavan as he speaks.

"While I agree with you concerning the risks of not returning the city of Constantinople, the greatest city of the world, back to the Greeks, I do not think it wise to surrender it now, nor for nothing. A simple return of the most heavily fortified city in Europe without proper recompense could well be construed as weakness by our neighbours. If we feel that we cannot retain it, we ought to ensure we negotiate a fitting exchange. I would argue that returning the city without a fight would just encourage the Greeks more. Bulgaria was once subject to their rule - if they could recover Constantinople from us by threats, then why would they not ask for Bulgaria too. For it would considerably strengthen their frontier, enabling them to hold almost the entire line of the Danube.

But by all means, let us be vigilant. The Greeks are a proud people, but their reputation for treachery and craftiness runs deep throughout their history. Constantinople ought to be strengthened at the earliest opportunity."

01-18-2012, 12:29
Istvan once more, this time to Andras.

Forgive me sir but I understood by the King's words that the Basileos had offered us an alliance in exchange for Constantinople. Hardly nothing.

I'm sure his Highness could negotiate further concessions should we want to obtain a fitting price.

For example, why not make a counter-offer of Constantinople for Belgrade and an alliance?

01-18-2012, 12:45
The King's scribe returns and bows to him. King Pozsony excuses himself and reads trough a handful of parchments, then quietly dictates to his scribe what must be answered.

"More news then. The Cumans are rabid dogs and it seems they have forgotten the lessons of Constantinople and Targoviste. They issue a challenge not only to us, but to the whole of Christenodm.

As such I have asked his Holiness the Pope to facilitate a formal Crusade in the North-East of Europe, which will serve a double purpose. The Holy Roman Empire will be severely weakened by the other Catholic nations passing trough their lands, and the Cumans will be torn asunder by the might of Europe's pious knights."

The King turns his gaze towards the representative of the Junior King and takes off one of the heavy gold chains hanging around his neck.

"Istvan, this is the Privy Seal, I entrust it to the Junior King as a sign of faith and good will. Guard it with thine life so that it may reach him upon your next meeting. "

He then continues as he regards the map of Europe once more. "You must know that it will not be possible for us to befriend the forsaken Holy Roman Empire, as Rome's friendship is immeasurably more valuable. Bokeny will be reinforced with mine own troops as soon as I come into more funds, and he must hold the line for now. I have asked His Holiness if he would threaten Venice with excommunication, so there is hope yet.

The Roman Basileos is insolent, short sighted and prideful. He does not fear us or any other of his neighbouring realms, and he mistakes diplomacy for weakness. While true that their armies are vast, they are not nearly as concentrated as our own, and the have wider borders to defend. We can still match them, man for man, here in Europe, and I have taken steps to ensure that their rich provinces in Asia Minor be contested.

Lastly, I will scarcely give up Constantinople, a quite defensible city as our good Andras points out, for the favor of one of the many contenders and pretenders for the Easter Roman throne. Many generals, nobles, brothers, uncles and even a few shepherds have contested and rebelled for the throne, betting any sort of tangiable advantage on the stability of Savas is unwise.

He offers me gold for Constantinople even as he makes veiled threats about his cavalry, yet he forgets that those with the power to simply take rarely try to bargain. Further more, the trade and taxes from Constantinople will outshine any chest of gold he might squeeze from his malnourished serfs. I will provide Andras with sufficient infantry to hold the city from either Roman or Cuman attempts, whilst we work on expanding our borders. Timidity is not the answer here!"

01-18-2012, 17:01
The chambers door slams open and the Duke of Brasov marches in with long strides, a squire trailing behind with a saddle pack and his lords shield. "What folly is this? The Cumans are marching towards Bras, the German dogs bark in the west, the Venetians blow wind with the pope and you march blindly towards Constantinople. We are risking incursions from the west, enslavement from the east, civil war at home and extermination from the north! Tread carefully or we will be undone."

The duke sits down in his allotted chair, his modest clothes still covered with dust from his forced ride. Closing his eyes for a moment and letting out a deep sigh. "Forgive me your Grace, Lords. But our people, MY charges are being put to the sword by the Cumans as they rape and plunder in their march towards Brasov. Without assistance, holding the city will be hard with my limited and mostly green troops.

The way I see it we have two choices, march north and take down the Cumans or march South and take the Balkan while Constantinople burns. Venice is unlikely to move against us if we play our cards right and the HRE are busy at home with so many enemies all around pressing in." As he spoke the Squire pulled out a bronze goblet and a jar of wine out of the saddle pack, as the lord paused and waved him over he quickly filled the goblet whom the duke of Brasov quickly emptied in one greedy swoop. Handing back the goblet the lord spoke again.

"If we divide our forces we risk everything, if we make a deal with either we can overwhelm the other quickly. When that is done we can move upon the other or look west as we please, the former would be likely to have relocated his troops to deal with his many enemies either way. The cumans are the easier target but the ERE are by far the richer prize and Constantinople the key to any lock".

Waving the squire to bring another goblet of wine he winced "Constantinople is lost to us, but as we still hold it we can use it as a bargaining chip. I say we give it to the Cumans in return of a promise of peace, perhaps coupled with some gold and they will bother us no more. That way we can focus on the south and its rich lands, secure our position and make new plans while Constantinople will still be easily taken since the Cumans cant spare the men to hold the city and the north. Either way we need to decide or we shall fall divided to our enemies.

Calling a crusade would greatly help to take the South, or North but its risky sending our armies south while we send a crusade north. Both at the same i say to take the lands before all of the west come marching over our lands. Better than having strong Venetian and German armies in our lands while we are focused elsewhere.

I say we give Constantinople away to the Cumans! We need to make a decision, with a vote if we have to as I have no time for squabbling."

01-19-2012, 00:08
Istvan rises once more to speak on behalf of the Junior King Bokeny.

Your highness, Lords, others have made arguments out of this chamber and I have received fresh word from my liege such that I can now say that the Junior King supports the King's actions in regard to Constantinople, for the time being. It is likely, as the King argues, that the Basileos Savas will die soon and his empire be focused internally on the succession.

We now counsel that we hold Constantinople against Roman attack until the death of Savas, at which stage we can reconsider our course of action.

In the meantime we should avoid as far as we can a war with Venice - has the King been in direct contact with the Doge to assess his position with regard to our Kingdom?

We should also put on hold our plans for an expedition to seize Esztergom, painful as its occupation by the German swine might be, until Savas makes his intentions clear. This should not be too long - if he wishes to try to seize his lost capital he would be wise to do so at the soonest opportunity before we are able to garrison the city further.

The Junior King believes it would be folly to launch into wars with both Roman Empires at once, at least until the progress of the Crusade through German lands is better known.

The Junior King does not believe we should trade Constantinople to the Cumans as this would be a direct provocation to the Basileos. Imagine if the HRE were to hand Esztergom to our hated foe!

House Stark
01-19-2012, 00:49
Addresses the King:

"Your Grace, I must deal with the constant skirmishing with and raiding by the Cuman dogs along our Northeastern border. We have dealt them a major blow by capturing Constantinople and seizing control of the Bosphorus trade, and now is the time to follow up our gains with a strike into Cuman territory to the North. I myself volunteer to personally lead my forces with the Cuman fortress of Baia. Let us end the threat these pagan dogs pose to our realm once and for all."

01-19-2012, 08:42
Istvan rises once more to speak on behalf of the Junior King Bokeny.
Your highness, Lords, others have made arguments out of this chamber and I have received fresh word from my liege such that I can now say that the Junior King supports the King's actions in regard to Constantinople, for the time being. It is likely, as the King argues, that the Basileos Savas will die soon and his empire be focused internally on the succession.

We now counsel that we hold Constantinople against Roman attack until the death of Savas, at which stage we can reconsider our course of action.
"Aye, he will die soon. But not before they have seized Constantinople whom is the very heart of their so called empire, better to give it away for favors than to lose it killing a few men with the weak garrison to launch our invasion when they fight internally. But if you feel confident you will be able to turn the two armies outside their walls, then by all means as it would be to our advantage. My objections comes from the doubt of holding the city against the current two stacks encamped outside.

We should also put on hold our plans for an expedition to seize Esztergom, painful as its occupation by the German swine might be, until Savas makes his intentions clear. This should not be too long - if he wishes to try to seize his lost capital he would be wise to do so at the soonest opportunity before we are able to garrison the city further.

The Junior King believes it would be folly to launch into wars with both Roman Empires at once, at least until the progress of the Crusade through German lands is better known.

The Junior King does not believe we should trade Constantinople to the Cumans as this would be a direct provocation to the Basileos. Imagine if the HRE were to hand Esztergom to our hated foe!
"I would be quite upset, and greatly angered. But surely that anger would make me lash out on my distrusted fellow generals and emperor with their weakness." The lord shows his bad habit of rubbing his nose before he continues.
"War to the west would be most folly, no actions should be taken as long as Venice stands ready to retaliate with force. I do not fear the HRE but Venice stands strong without enemies or threats at home with all its forces bent on our destruction. Take away their safety or make them unwilling to do the HREs bidding and we can make our move."

[I]Addresses the King:
"Your Grace, I must deal with the constant skirmishing with and raiding by the Cuman dogs along our Northeastern border. We have dealt them a major blow by capturing Constantinople and seizing control of the Bosphorus trade, and now is the time to follow up our gains with a strike into Cuman territory to the North. I myself volunteer to personally lead my forces with the Cuman fortress of Baia. Let us end the threat these pagan dogs pose to our realm once and for all."
"I will gladly support this action, and request you train me an army." Handing over a sealed letter to Vata a Kacsics nembol, he turns his attention to the king.

"We may disagree on the course of action to the south, but the situation to the north is dire. The Cuman khan has a large army and probably a strong reserve, If there are more men within striking distance, i cannot." Pointing to the map, the position of the King and Vatas forces and the Khans "If you move your men to aid my defense, i will be able to train enough men to safely hold the city so you can move on south. I require one season more to train my men, and your permission to strike back into their lands. I wish to claim the castle for my own with your permission to better defend the north, that way most of our strength can move south.

If the opportunity presents itself we can trap the Khan in our mountains, squash him between our three armies and capture their castle with ease to then turn undivided South." Reaching inside his Tunic the lord pulls out a leather parchment, there is another way as well however. The Cumans love for gold is well known, and with gold we can turn them away from our walls. I am currently negotiation for a suitable price, without your graces accent i can not make the deal however but the option is there. He asks for 750 gold now and another 500 each season for five seasons. This is a very low price to pay and the words of Cumans can be trusted, if care is taken. I can afford to pay this price but ask for reimbursement, if you accept Vatas should be able to march south as well. I am now confirming that this treaty will keep hungarian lands safe, not just my city.

We need to hurry in making a decition"

01-19-2012, 09:31
The King stands up and puts his hands on his hips, his suit of mail gleaming below the tabard. He seems angered as his brow furrows. "I gave permission for men to speak freely on matters of strategy and tactics, not to turn insolent in my presence! You will speak plainly but also with as a reserved tone, and you shall address your peers and your liege with due respect!

The matter is decided and I shall hear no further talk on how Constantinple is lost to us or to which wretched bunch of idiots we should first give it to as a present! As I said, the Cumans are considered vermin and no diplomacy may yet end our conflict with them. Anyone not directly charged with the defence of the Realm form other enemies may freely push the Cumans back and take any of their key settlements.

The Holy Roman Empire is a war that must happen for several reasons, the foremost being that His Holiness the Pope has issued us to do so, and because their positions are weak near our border. I have indeed spoken with Dodge Giorgio of Venice but the Pope's suspicions have only been confirmed - he is a vassal to the German Kaiser and a puppet on strings for now. He will attack Zagreb if we make war on the Holy Roman Empire, otherwise he will camp at our border like a chained mastiff.

The Eastern Romans are governed by an ancient grandfather who still dreams of the glory of his days of youth. I would say he bears his teeth at us if he had any teeth remaining. He talks a lot but I know the reality of his situation - the main part of his armies is in Asia Minor and the Levante, warring with a united Muslim front of the Kwarezmian Empire and the Fatamid Caliphate. His forces in Europe will be surveyed shortly, but from what I hear, the cavalry heavy army between Constantinople and Thessaloniki is the only real force to be reckoned with, the garrisons are pathetic. Should that one force be defeated we will be free to secure all Roman holdings this side of the Bosphorus, and when their Basileus passes they will have the customary squabble over the succession plus war on three fronts to deal with.

My dealings with the Pope will take some time to bear fruit, but both the Crusade and Venice's excommunication in case of aggression against us might indeed be possible. For now however, I charge you thusly:

Junior King Bokeny will be responsible for repelling the two Venetian armies as they will undoubtedly invade or attempt to do so, once we march on our former capital. Mikan, my vassal general and the vast army I have granted him, will rush to the west and assist Bokeny with the defensive effort.

My lord Andras will be charged with the defence of Constantinople, for which he will be granted command over all the infantry and dismounted Knights that are in my service. I myself will take the cavalry across the Roman lands and hunt their elite army in hopes of neutering their strength in Europe.

Everyone else must either attack the Cumans, the Holy Roman Empire or attempt to seize Eastern Roman Empire settlements but in such a way as to not fall prey to the cavalry army that is still unaccounted for."

01-19-2012, 10:07
Istvan bristles at the King's overbearing tone.

Sire, I have already stated that any army which enters the County of Zagreb without permission will be destroyed, enemy or friend. There is no need for you to 'charge' us with the defence of our own lands.

I will petition the Junior King for permission to allow Mikan to enter the County to assist with the defence against the Venetians, but he had better wait to receive a response before he enters.

01-19-2012, 10:23
"I charge your liege as his own sovereign Istvan. The Golden Bull gives him the freedom to not follow me outside our borders but the defence of my Realm is still mandatory for all the nobles that I have granted lands and titles to. Bokeny has been entrusted to be Lord Privy Seal I expect more from him as Junior King than to squabble with mine own vassal. Mikan is a capable general and his armies are sufficient, you may ask him to lend you some men for a particular battle if such a thing becomes necessary, though he has a good head on his shoulders and I trust him with taking care of the details in a good manner."

The rules of the game state that the nobles own their land because otherwise it would be very dull to play in a game where one guy acts all high and mighty and everyone else does his bidding. Historically however the King owned all the land that was not part of the Church's property and in turn gave it out to the nobles in return for allegiance and knights. They in turn split their lands in smaller portions, leaving some for their private estates and granting the rest to their knights in exchange for service and so that the knights may pay for their destriers, mail and weapons. The knights in turn leased the land to serfs who toiled and gave a large portion of the produced goods back to the knight or just paid him a tax in gold form the sales they made. The rest they used to feed themselves and make a living. However ultimately the King still owed all of the land in the Kingdom and could revoke titles, confiscate lands and promote new nobles on a whim. Doing this in a game will suck however, but this was the reality back then.

01-19-2012, 10:46
Andras a Zah rises to speak.

"My king, forgive me for being the bearer of bad news, but a rider from Constantinople has just arrived informing me that there is a large Greek army of over 20,000 men just outside the city's suburbs. Furthermore, a Greek fleet has been spotted on the Asian side of the Bosphorus, along with the tents of another similarly sized host.

It certainly seems that we are in for a war, my king."

01-19-2012, 11:12
However ultimately the King still owed all of the land in the Kingdom and could revoke titles, confiscate lands and promote new nobles on a whim.

Unless somebody overthrows him and cuts off his head! I thought the whole backstory here was that the king has only barely been able to hold on to power by handing over political concessions to his rebellious barons. That's what the golden bull was about. you are acting like someone who thinks he can govern without having to build any consensus. Fine if you want to play it that way but don't expect everyone just to follow your orders blindly because your view of history (which by the way I disagree with) says they should.

01-19-2012, 12:01
A dirty rider with the arms of lord Boskony burst into the chamber, kneeling with a parchment clenched to his chest with the guards wearily standing behind him. The man keeps his eyes on the floor and speaks in a loud but weary tone

"My lord, King i have dire news to bring you from the Cumans." The lord of Brasov raises and quickly makes for the Scroll, taking it from the rough dusty hands of the rider and reads with narrow eyes. "My king, you may want to read this" He pulls out a pequilar quill and quickly scribes a few more words on the bottom.

He hands over the Scroll bearing his seal to the king, and backs down to his chair with measuring eyes on the king.

01-19-2012, 12:55
Demeter bows

My King,
Just say the word and I can march either north towards north towards Halych or west towards Esztergom. Personally I would prefer to bring the fight to the Cuman dogs, despite their numbers.

Cecil XIX
01-20-2012, 00:55
A message arrives. It is from Mikan a Bogatradvany. A young scribe quickly unravels the message and begins eagerly reading it to those assembled.

Your Majesty, your Highnesses, my lords.

Greetings to you all. I regret I cannot be present but military matters require me to remain at camp.

In accordance with the specific instructions issued to me by His Royal Majesty to come to the aid of his Highness Junior King Bokeny, as well the general guidelines to seize any and all Roman settlement where possible, I have laid siege to the city of Belgrade. Being that the city is adjacent to the river crossing along my line approach, and it falls at the end of the march for this season, I am please to report that taking the city will not delay by arrival at Zagreb. I wish you all wisdom in your deliberations and strength in your battles.

Lord Mikan a Bogatradvany.

01-20-2012, 04:31
Istvan is appalled at the message.

At what point did we decide to declare war on the Romans by attacking their settlements unprovoked? It was my belief that the King's plan was to wait on the defensive at Constantinople for the Basileos to make the first move! This is madness!

01-20-2012, 09:01
Istvan is appalled at the message.

At what point did we decide to declare war on the Romans by attacking their settlements unprovoked? It was my belief that the King's plan was to wait on the defensive at Constantinople for the Basileos to make the first move! This is madness!
"Madness indeed, but what can we do now if not push on?"

Bokony then address all the present lords "I wonder if he have considered that Belgrade is being ravaged by the plague? If he takes the city, so will he be unless..." Smiling he stirred the wine in his goblet. "When Mikan assaults the city, he could split up the army so the main force only participates in the battle as reinforcements. While only the soon-to-be garrison units being the assaulting force... Unless a soldier sneezes on one of his unfortunate men in battle, they may escape this terrible plague. The garrisoning men are however, unlikely to escape its touch."

Looking to the king, Bokony continues "There is another matter, Your highness.
as well the general guidelines to seize any and all Roman settlement where possible Where these your orders? If not brave Mikan have violated the laws of the realm. IX. No war may be started without the permission of the King. If they where then i beseech you not to keep us in the dark for we cannot advise nor rule in your name properly when we are."

Cecil XIX
01-22-2012, 02:20
A knight solemnly enter the assembly, his tabard an interesting mix of red and brown.

Your majesty, my lords, I have just returned from the siege of Belgrade. Your armies were victorious against the Roman garrison and relief force, and the city is now in His Majesty's hands. Unfortunately, Lord Mikan perished during the early stages of the battle. The Roman General, apparently High Constable of the Empire, perished as well, and two thirds of both armies were either wounded or killed in the confused forest melee.

Having delivered his report, the knight respectfully bows and takes seat, awaiting questioning or his dismissal.

01-22-2012, 02:28
Istvan looks dismayed at the news, shaking his head forlornly. Some time later he receives a letter from Junior King Bokeny which he stands to read to those assembled.

King Pozsony, beloved cousin.

I am abroad and the game is afoot. I have this day defeated the cur Bonifacio who held the Sava bridge and have completed the fortifications there to keep the Venetians at bay should they choose to advance.

I myself have taken the Belgrade road - I am convinced that the Greeks will not let our conquest stand and will attempt to regain the city with troops from the castle Skopje.

I bid you to grant me command of the troops garrisoned at Belgrade and custody of the city and its income in order that I may feed and water them. I will make camp midway between the Sava bridge and the city of Belgrade and stay there within striking distance of either of our enemies should they choose to advance on our holdings.

I pray that the so-called Romans might make the first move that I might avenge us for the death of proud Mikan.

Urgently awaiting your reply,

Your cousin,

Junior King Bokeny, Count of Zagreb

House Stark
01-24-2012, 07:01
Your Majesty, I am pleased to report that my squadron of newly constructed war galleys has driven off the Cuman pirates which have plagued our coast and has initiated a blockade of the enemy ports to the north. I have also begun marching south as you requested to join you in facing the Byzantine army marching up the road towards Targoviste. I request that you take command of our forces and send the Greeks running back the way they came with their tail between their legs.

01-24-2012, 09:18
The King gives a small prayer in Latin and crosses his chest in memory of his trusted vassal Mikan. He gets up, puts on his mail clad cloves, dons his steel helmet and takes out a fine longsword, it's smithing suggesting Bavarian or Swiss craftsmanship. The light thrown by the small fireplace and two candlesticks colours the steel mail and blade in orange and crimson, contrasting with the King's blue eyes. Pozsony places his longsword tip first before himself and rests his hands on the hilt. His gaze is frozen with grim determination, lacking any doubt or fear.

"A noble and virtuous life has been sacrificed for the glory of our realm. Let it not be in vain, for Mikan is now with our heavenly Father and he looks down upon our deeds of valour and bravery! Where we have once stood divided, we now act as one! Where once we were weak, now we show strength! Where once we succumbed, now we conquer! It is no true man that whom yields to fear and is turned by poisonous words or sweet promises. We take what is ours now, and chew and eat our fill! I ride now to meat the Romans in battle, and show them how Hungarian arrows and swords deal death with unmatched swiftness!"

The King surveys the room and prepares to storm out of Varad's keep to catch up to his army. He turns back and looks at the gathered nobility. "The Lord Privy Seal has been granted lordship over Belgrade and Mikan's remaining troops. Congratulations to our good men up north who pushed back the Cuman assault on our lands. Godspeed and good fortune to you all. When next time we meet, we shall swap tales of glorious victory!"

The King turns around and his steps echo trough the man hall as he gathers his household knights and ushers them towards the stables.

01-29-2012, 19:07
A young messenger enteres, his tattered and muddy tabard showing his allegience to Demeter.

My Liege, my Lords,
I bring news from the north. My master Demeter az Aba nembol marched north into Cuman territory this season. While traveling throughthe mountains he was ambushed by a Cuman force. He broke through the ambush and had any of the cowardly dogs that were captured executed, but his push towards Halych will be delayed by one or two seasons while he refits his men and trains more to replenish deleted regiments.

01-31-2012, 19:27
A haggard looking knight wearing a recently stitched on livery of the King strides into the room, bearing a scroll in one hand. He pauses for a moment to bow before the assembled lords, or at least, before their representative, clearly not knowing the difference. He then unrolls the parchment and tosses it onto the table before speaking in broken Latin.

Greeting lords. I Bogdav, knight of king.
Lord King has sent me bring his news to you.

Bogdav gestures to the scroll on the table

Greetings from the Southern front my lords.

My campaign against the Byzantines goes well, but I have important news to bring to your attention. I have been contacted by one Kilic Khan, chieftain of the Pechenegs. He has offered himself and his people as vassals to me, and knowing the strain you are under from the Cuman dogs to the North, I have brought him into my service.

As a new subject of the Hungarian Crown, I thought it fitting to give him a proper Hungarian name. I name him Petur az Akuz nembol. I hope these new allies shall bring a swift victory in the North, that we may focus all our attention on the Byzantines to the South.

Even now my scouts report a large army massing across the Bosphorus, and another forming in Adrianople.
By the Grace of God,
signed King Pozsony of Hungary, Count of Varad and Ruler of Constantinople

And the letter of the Pecheneg, for my lords to know the truth of the words, and the vassal.

To the Renowned King Pozsony, Count of Varad, ruler of Constantinople, and king of Hungary:

My name is Kilic Khan, chieftain of the Khaidu Pechenegs and warlord of the Volga River. Years ago, we Pechenegs were driven from our homes here in the steppes by the Cuman menace. Your forefathers offered asylum to us, bringing our tribes into your nation’s bosom and ingratiating us into its fold. My grandfather was baptized in a Hungarian temple and my father served as a mercenary in your wars with the Eastern Romans.

Alas, brighter days have seen both our peoples.

My tribe has wandered the steppes, settling along the Volga and defending against the Pagan Cumans and Muslim Volga Bulgars. Despite our situation, we have succeeded staving off our foes. By God’s grace, I have been given a people hardy and fortitudinous to the ways of war and conflict. But my people are exhausted. They are dispirited by the constant bloodshed. We are in desperate need of reprieve.

It has come to my ears that the Cumans and their Volga Bulgar allies still threaten you, as well, and that they have vowed to retrieve the city that you took from them.

Let us stand together against these foes.

I humbly submit myself and my peoples to the service of the Hungarian king. I offer my vassalage and the vassalage of my hardy people to the service of The Church and to you, her stalwart defenders.

I will submit to you my warriors and use them to defend your realm from the invaders that threaten us both. I only ask in return your patronage and resources for a time, until we can conquer land from the Cumans and become self-sufficient under your new directive.

We humbly ask these things not as brothers of heritage, but as brothers in Christ.

We submit ourselves now and humbly look forward to your reply.

Haıdü Volga büyük Kılıç Han

01-31-2012, 23:55
Istvan rises to speak on behalf of the Junior King.

While we should welcome any assistance against our mutual enemies, we should be wary of placing too much trust in these Pecheneg...they are after all Cumans and it is rumored their love for gold outweighs their loyalty.

02-05-2012, 12:21
Istvan receives a message bearing the seal of the Junior King. Rising, he addresses the gathered nobles.

Your Highness, Lords of the realm, I have received word that the Junior King has defeated a large army led by Mikhail Tzourillas of the Eastern Roman Empire, killing the Roman dog and putting his troops to flight. The cur had thought to threaten Belgrade but Bokeny and his men took two Roman lives for each brave Magyar lost and with the day won has withdrawn to Belgrade, which is safe for the time being.

Our newly-recruited spy in Dalmatia reports a Venetian force massing there in a fort to the south of the Zagreb-Belgrade road. So the Italians have Zagreb threatened on two sides. We must hope they remain peaceful for the time being.

02-09-2012, 13:12
Count Andras enters the chamber, and looks weary as he starts to speak.

"Truly, the king's defeat is a grave matter. With Constantinople fallen, the defence of our southern borders falls heavily upon me. I have therefore ordered the start of fortifications along all major passes and river crossings within Bulgaria - should Sofia fall, it shall prevent the Greeks from advancing swiftly into the hinterland.

However, this will be a costly business, and with the loss of trade with the Greeks, we are not so rich as the Junior King to be able to easily pay our men. Therefore, in order to pay for these costs, I will henceforth be charging a toll of 200 florins to all but the King for passage through Bulgaria, unless requested by me for defence or at my discretion. I understand that this may offend some, but my soldiers must be paid one way or the other.

Turning to other matters, I urge that peace be made with the Cumans as quickly as possible - Zagreb is wide open to attack, and will surely fall if the Germans give the say so. The Cumans are good horsemen, but they will break on our walls like water upon rocks. And this offensive we are launching, so I hear, is not supported by adequate scouting parties. This is madness, as the Cumans are a cunning race, and ambush is one of their choicest crafts."

Andras takes a seat.

02-09-2012, 22:39
Istvan rises to speak on behalf of Junior King Bokeny.

Good Count Andras, it sorrows me to see the lines of concern on your face. Let me attempt to reassure you on at least some matters. While Zagreb is indeed precariously situated my liege the Junior King has taken up a position in the Serbian wilds, in between his seat and Belgrade and one season's ride to each. In each of those cities infantry and missile troops are being raised to provide a permanent garrison which can be relieved in the case of a siege by Bokeny and his cavalry force.

In this way he hopes to ensure the security of Croatia and Serbia against attack by Byzantines, Venetians or Germans.

We have sent word to the Junior King's vassal Kerecsea, currently at Sofia, to return to Serbia to muster with Bokeny. The plan is to provide for the permanent defense of Zagreb, allowing the Junior King to head an expedition to capture Skopje from the Greeks and thus secure your western border. However, should you instead require Kerecsea's services at Sofia do let us know and we shall consider it.

As to the question of funds, the defense of Sofia is crucial to all our interests. I have no doubt that were you to approach him privately with a request for assistance, my lord would be forthcoming.

Cecil XIX
02-10-2012, 03:03
A nobleman of some repute enters the chamber, and stand before the Throne to address those assembled.

My Lords, it is with regret that word has reached me concerning the King. His wounds have proven to be more stubborn than originally thought, and it has become necessary for him to return to Varad and recuperate until it is safe for him to return to battle. His Royal Majesty hopes that by the time of his return he will be in good enough condition to again sit in Council.

In the meantime, the King feels that the issue raised by Count Andras, namely peace with the Cumans, should be addressed. Although His Royal Majesty has his own thoughts on the matter, he urges you all to weigh in before he makes his final decision. The King is also willing to hear in private any requests Count Andras has concerning funds to shore up the defences.

02-10-2012, 05:18
The courtrooms doors open allowing in a minor lord bearing the arms of lord Boskony, seemingly young and sinewy, intelligent eyes, blonde hair and weathered face it was hard to accurately pinpoint his age. Being razed to nobility from arguable birth he was not well known, part from the fact he often served as advisory in the city.

"My name is Ádám and i speak for Boskony, currently under siege in our beloved city and thereby unable to attend. He sent me to serve as his voice in any absence." Looking over the people in the hall, he continued:

"Boskony promises the siege will be broken within the month, with our without the aid of Vata and promises that once our forces converge we will take the cuman fort beyond the passes. From there we will be within striking distance of the Cuman capitol, if god wills it we shall put it under our control despite its strong garrison." Frowning, he unfolded a parchment and held it visibly to those gathered.

"This is the message written by Boskony, confirming my words and function. Now, on my march in here word reached me that King Pozsony have been defeated and Constantinople lost and talks of peace with the Cuman dogs." Putting the parchment on a central table, he turns towards Istvan although still dressing the general attending.

"My lord urges you support him in taking the cuman capitol, should the forces under Vata be put under his command he will root out the very core of cuman power in the west. Should you still desire peace we would be in a great position to grant it to the Cumans, not the other way around."

"Once we hold their capitol, only my men will be needed to stave off more incursions in the north allowing Vata to turn his army south with a large contingent of both our houses fresh recruits, no expenses shall be withheld from the rich coffers of Boskony in this endeavor. We ask only one year before any peace is signed, permission to strike back and that Vata is not forced south"

02-10-2012, 05:28
Istvan shrugs.

My lord has long been of the view that one war is better than two. However if our lords in the north believe they have their foot on the Cuman dog's throat and our lords in the south believe they can hold the line at Sofia then perhaps we can make do without making peace with either Byzantium or the great steppe.

I should like to hear more from those directly engaged in battle with the Cuman foe - for example, what says Demeter on the matter?

Addressing directly the representative of Lord Boskony.

I'm not sure I understand you correctly good sir, for the army under the command of Lord Vata is not my liege's to command. We shall certainly support by way of argument any proposal which would bring us victory over our foe - is that what you intended?

02-10-2012, 10:44
Istvan shrugs.
I'm not sure I understand you correctly good sir, for the garrison at Vata is not my liege's to command. We shall certainly support by way of argument any proposal which would bring us victory over our foe - is that what you intended?
"Your lord have sway with the king i hear, and the king could command Vata away as we are invaded. This would take the troops my lord needs to not only drive the Cumans back, but root them out. With the support of the lords the king will surely grant us our wishes, even in the event he desires us elsewhere or make peace. All we ask for is two seasons to strike deep and hard, unless the Cumans are hiding a significant force we will not be stopped."

"Vata must not be called away, nor peace be signed within the coming two seasons."

02-11-2012, 08:16
After some delibrations regarding the situation in the northwest where Demeter is hard pressed and surrounded, cheers eccoes from the halls outside the chamber and another dusty rider from Lord Bokony arrives. Ragged but cheerful he loudly exclaims:

"Brasov is liberated! The Cumans have been annihilated in a great battle outside the walls by the church, the survivors fled back north to hide in their fort merely days ago!

"Following this great victory Lord Vata whom had been severely wounded in the fighting merged his forces with Bokony whom led them quickly through the mountain passes to assault the fort. In the passes he stumbled on another Cuman army, reinforced by the previous battles survivors whom where quickly put down like the rabid dogs they are!

Gathering himself, letting some of his weariness from the hard ride show the rider delivers a letter to Ádám and formally continues.
"Bokony is currently feasting, regrouping and resupplying Vatas and his own men at the formerly Cuman fort, preparing another dash for the Cuman capitol."

Ádám offers his hand to the rider, letting a warm smile pass his lips.
"Well done, this is great news indeed! Surely you are tired after such a hard journey, and hungry! Follow my servant and he shall see to your needs, when you are ready i need you to bring word back to Bokony." Saluting the soldier quickly departs with one of Ádáms servants.

"Now, can we afford to send my lord Bokony and valliant Vata to assault the Cuman Capitol?"

02-13-2012, 00:03
However, this will be a costly business, and with the loss of trade with the Greeks, we are not so rich as the Junior King to be able to easily pay our men. Therefore, in order to pay for these costs, I will henceforth be charging a toll of 200 florins to all but the King for passage through Bulgaria, unless requested by me for defence or at my discretion. I understand that this may offend some, but my soldiers must be paid one way or the other.

A man enters the courtroom. He bows and speaks..

I am here in the name of Kerecsea Geregye. Being currently in Sophia he just heard that Count Andras have decided to ask a toll from all who pass through Bulgaria. He wanted Count Andras to know that he have no plans to pay such a toll since he was there before such tax was instituted. Also, he have no plan on paying such a toll if he is in the same army with one of the Kings. Whether it's the "King" or Geregye's liege and current Junior King.

Messenger bows again and waits for any responses from the lords in the room..

02-13-2012, 00:07
Istvan rises to greet the representative of Kerecsea Geregye.

Well met sir! May I enquire if your good lord intends to ride to Serbia to muster with the Junior King? Or if he has been requested by Count Andras to remain in Sofia? As I stated earlier my liege is in need of your services unless the need of Count Andras is greater.

Turning now to address the rider from the north.

Good sir, it is no doubt for the King to decide whether to press the attack on the Cuman capital and we are not appraised of the details on the ground, but it would seem wise to cut off the serpent's head while it lies vulnerable to our blade, lest it rear up and strike once more!

02-13-2012, 00:14
Messenger turns towards Istvan..

My master will ride towards Zagreb as soon as possible. He haven't forgot Junior Kings request to join him.

02-13-2012, 00:51
The Count of Bulgaria hastens to his feet in response to Kerecsea Geregye's respresentative.

"You must have misunderstood me, good sir. I made a specific exemption in regards to your case that you might leave Bulgaria to join your liege, though such language is somewhat arrogant for one such as yourself. I advise you to be more respectful next time."

02-13-2012, 00:57
Istvan nods his approval at the messengers words.

It is well that Zagreb can be actively defended while the Junior King makes for Skopje.

We should like to hear King Pozsony's views on this - does he support an expedition to liberate Macedonia from the heathen Greeks?

02-13-2012, 21:06
Ádám inclines his head

We should like to hear King Pozsony's views on this - does he support an expedition to liberate Macedonia from the heathen Greeks?
"This would be prudent, but in the light of past actions my lord the Palatine wants to remind all lords of the laws of our realm stating:
VIII. No settlement may be taken without the permission of the King.
IX. No war may be started without the permission of the King."

Clearing his throat rather awkwardly he recites Bokonys words
"The previous man who forgot this escaped justice with an untimely death following his actions, do not forget your duties to the king"

"Liberating Macedonia would surely be in his majestys interest, but see to it that you ask for permission from either him or the Lord High Marshall"

Turning to the messenger of Kerecsea Geregye

Also, he have no plan on paying such a toll if he is in the same army with one of the Kings. Whether it's the "King" or Geregye's liege and current Junior King.
"Count Andras is more than in his rights to collect a toll for passage in his lands, should you refuse to pay it becomes a matter for the king and Palatine. You can object as you please however, until then im afraid your lord is obliged to accept such a toll."

02-15-2012, 23:30
Messenger turns towards Adam..

I really would like to see a tax collector brave enough to demand toll from my master! I guess You don't know him personally?

02-17-2012, 01:09
"My lords and representatives, word have arrived from Bokony and Vata and there are matters in need of attention. Baia have been captured and by the kings will, Bokony is now lord of Brasov and Baia alike!"

"Bokony have asked for the Kings permission to march on the cumans once again and rid Demeter of em once and for all! Should any lord wish to participate we ask that you make haste to Baia, or join up with Demeter. Supporting us with money or lending us troops would also greatly serve."

"Additionally, My lord have been appointed Master of the Treasury and is rumored to receive the Privy seal in accordance with the kings will. He therefor relinquish his title as Palatine and should any of you or your lords wish to take up the position, petition to the king."

Avoiding looking over to Istvan, Ádam smiled and inclined his head towards approving lords before continuing:

"Word have reached me that the Byzantines are preparing for a counterattack, the plauge ravaging their lands seem to be dissipating allowing them to march in force. Prepare yourselves for the onslaught, more so prepare yourself to strike!"

02-28-2012, 05:22
A young servant boy scurries into the room, bowing quickly before the lords before seaking

My lords, the I've been sent to tell you that a man is come, demanding to be allowed admittance into the courtroom. He says he is sent as by the King of Sicily. Should the guards let him in my lords?

02-28-2012, 06:02
Indeed, let him in to say his piece.

02-28-2012, 07:36
Ádám produces a parchment with a small quill and inkpot to take notes

Well, send him in?

02-28-2012, 07:36
The doors of the courtroom swing open and a tall man in full plate armor strides into the room. Flowing from his back is a fine grey cape, and his breastplate is adorned with an enameled golden cross. He wears no sword, but his easy stride in the full armor and general air of intimidating confidence betray that he is no pacifist. He pauses to observe the gathered lords before speaking in a firm voice.

Greetings lords of Hungary, I am Ludolf Guiskard, brother in law of King Ferrante of Sicily, Defender of the Faith, Protector of Italy, and commander of the armies of our lord God. I have been tasked with the oversight of this Kingdom by my lord Ferrante, on the authority of the Pope himself. Ferrante believed that a border Kingdom such as this, being subject to particular threat of heresy, required a man of my history and ability.

Ludolf remains standing near the entrance, his eyes scanning over the gathering, a slight smirk forming.

you may continue.

02-28-2012, 12:02
Istvan raises a single eyebrow and says, with an excess of sarcasm.

Indeed Lord, I am quite certain that your presence here is both useful and necessary.

With a more level tone.

You need have no fear of heresy - our Kingdom has been staunchly Catholic for many centuries and the previous pontiff held us in the highest regard. You will note that we are at war with both of our non-Catholic neighbours. I am sure the climate of Hungary is far too cold for someone of your...persuasion...so please do feel free to take your good self back off to more sunny climes safe in the knowledge that the faith will be defended to the utmost here in the East of Christendom.

Cecil XIX
02-29-2012, 05:02
King Pozsony enters the chamber. After a short fanfare, he takes his seat on the throne.

Nobles of the realm, the time to act draws near. Once the Cumans are subjugated, we shall be able to turn the full attention of the Kingdom towards war with the heretical Byzantines. I am insisting that everyone of you give your full support towards this endeavor. Those who do so will be rewarded accordingly. Now then, on to other business.

Junior King Bokeny has been given the title of Palatine and with it the right to judge disputes among the nobles. Lord Bokony has received the title of Master of the Treasury, and been empowered to pursue Hungary's diplomatic objectives with foreign powers. Lord Bokeny has also been given the land of Bessarabia, with it's fortress of Baia, in recognition of his conquest.

Lastly, we extend our welcome to Ludolf Guiskard of Sicily. We trust that what he sees will satisfy's His Holinesses expectations.

02-29-2012, 05:29
Ludolf nods to the King

I trust in that as well.

Before turning to Istvan

I assure you sir, that my presence here is most necessary. Word has reached my King's ear's that a recently pagan Khan has been accepted as a lord of Hungary. Such a development is sure to invite heresy into the ranks of Hungary's nobility, and My Lord is quite determined that any presence of heretics is to be stamped out immediately, by my hand if not by that of your King.

Additionally, my reports of the situation here will keep his Holiness informed of developments in the eastern fringes. As to the climate, I assure you I am not at all troubled by the weather, although I have found the hospitality somewhat lacking.

Ludolf's eyes pass over the seated lords as he remains standing near the door, his earlier smirk becoming more of a sneer.

02-29-2012, 06:07
Istvan, leaning back in his seat and pointedly refraining from offering one to the Sicilian interloper.

Good sir, I would have thought his Holiness would be only too pleased that in addition to killing the pagan Cumans we are converting them to the One True Faith.

For is it not incumbent on any good Christian to be evangelical and spread the good news among those who dwell in the darkness of the devil's heresy?

I hardly think it likely that Catholic Hungary, long the bastion of Catholicism against the infidel hordes of the east, should fall victim to heretical ideas.

I think it highly unlikely that his Holiness thinks it likely either and I can only interpret your presence as an affront to our assumptions of good standing with the Church.

Turning to the King.

Sire, I beg you to ask this fellow to leave our company until summoned or unless he has some new announcement from his Holiness to communicate to us. We admit no other foreign dignitaries here and even our own nobles are restricted from entry unless of sufficiently high standing to be privy to the private business of the Kingdom.

02-29-2012, 06:20
Conversion is one thing, and brazenly accepting a Pagan into the nobility, simply because he has claimed conversion is quite another. While his conversion may be true, it sets a precedent that any pagan lord may infiltrate Hungary by simply claiming to have seen the Light of Christ. I am here to monitor the situation carefully, and to ensure that all conversions are genuine and not done in such a way as to instill new heretical ideas in the church.

You should not take this as a personal slight either, for representatives such as myself have been sent to every christian nation. I assure you, I could be quite useful to you in hunting down heresy if so allowed, but if you continue to insist on my dismissal, you shall only show that you have something to hide from the eyes of the Church.

02-29-2012, 06:23
Istvan once more, to the Sicilian.

Sir, as far as I am concerned you are welcome to remain in our capital and to attend this gathering as often as is necessary by prior arrangement, but I do not think it appropriate for any man save the King and his nobility to have a permanent presence here in this discussion. I await the King's judgement on this matter.

02-29-2012, 09:49
Putting down his quill Ádám looks up on Istvan and then Ludolf

Halych could use your skills my lord, Bokony, Vata and perhaps Demeter are about to besiege their last fortress west of the Black sea. Establishing christian rule over savages is no easy feat, surely your assistance would be appreciated to point out those faithful to Christ, those who can still find salvation or the unfortunate souls who will have to be removed.

In your travel North, perhaps these lords you doubt could seek you out and convince you of their piety?
Either way, Bokony would appreciate your influence.

02-29-2012, 09:53
My duty is to remain here that I may oversee the decisions of your court. I shall delegate a man to accompany your lord and to take note of the goings on.

02-29-2012, 10:02
A shame, but as you wish. I shall send word to Bokony, does this delegate have a name?

Ádám looks questioningly on Ludolf as he pick up his quill again

02-29-2012, 10:06
He is Micheli Caligiaro.

02-29-2012, 10:23
I hope he makes haste, Bokony will be found either at the walls of Halych, Inside or at the bridge bordering to Bessarabia.
He may be able to save a lot of souls and give good counsel

Ádám turns back to scribing

03-07-2012, 00:21
Doors open and Kerecse walks in..

So I am finally here in this snakeho.. one of his companions coughs.. I mean in this Hall of great Lords!

I am Kerecse a Geregye, vassal of the Junior King Bokeny.

While I was in Zagreb I heard some merchants mentioning that a tournament is going to be held soon? Since we are all wealthy men.. more or less.. then I propose we make it little bit more "interesting". All participants should pay an entry fee of 300 florins? The winner would get 75% of the money and the second place would get 25%.

One of his companions whisper something to him..

Oh.. right.. Who is the patron of this tournament? I hope it is my liege, honorable and valiant Bokeny, and not "the other one".

03-07-2012, 00:39
Istvan rises to greet Kerecse, it is clear they are old friends. After a moment or two's murmuring between them he turns to address the rest of the gathering.

It is the first I have heard of this proposed tournament but I am sure my liege would strongly support the idea. Indeed on his behalf I would offer his services as patron of the event. In this capacity he will add the sum of 1000fl to the prize monies, to ensure the highest grade of competition on the day.

That is, of course, if the good King has not already decided to sponsor proceedings...

I am certain that the Junior King will also wish to participate, to try his hand against your good selves in honest trial of combat!

Turning now to the Sicilian.

Sirrah, perhaps you would also test your mettle against the finest that the Magyar have to offer?

03-10-2012, 08:27
I myself see little value in such enterprises, but I believe one of my squires, Sam's his name, would enjoy such an event. You may test your mettle against him.

03-10-2012, 19:29
Ádám adress the gathering politely

Surely Bokony and Hahold would gladly participate in such a thing, once the cuman pockets of resistance have been eradicated. It would also serve well to co-ordinate our actions against the Byzantines, defense and otherwise.

There has been no word about the delegate thus far Ludolf, but the passes and hills are dangerous at times like these... Few messages at all pass from the north, but intelligence nonetheless report that Bokony is on the march to Baia and Brasov at least.

If i get a message through, should i ask him to send an escort somewhere?

03-11-2012, 00:33
That is concerning that he has not reached you yet. I would have expected you to keep your roads safer. If he has perished, I shall have to take note of the laxity of your patrols.

03-11-2012, 02:04
That is concerning that he has not reached you yet. I would have expected you to keep your roads safer. If he has perished, I shall have to take note of the laxity of your patrols.
Ádám scoffs and faces the Sicilian

Perhaps you should keep track of current affairs, it is no news that the core of the Cuman armies are outside Baia and another rampaging the outskirts of Brasov. Bokony, the ruler of those lands. Have been busy slaughtering their armies, taking Baia and Halych in the name of God and King leaving over 6000 dead curs out of whom most where slain in siege assaults.

Keep in mind that just over a thousand men, most hailing from Brasov itself have payed for this heavenly inspired feat. Leaving the city itself unable to deal with the ravaging Cumans. Do not insult their memory like this, a man of god should know better than to offend those who have taken up arms in the name of god or righteousness!

You have our condolences for your representative, but do NOT insult the name of Bokony again.nor the brave men who risk everything for God and Kingdom in his endeavors.

03-11-2012, 02:11
Ádám scoffs and faces the Sicilian

Perhaps you should keep track of current affairs, it is no news that the core of the Cuman armies are outside Baia and another rampaging the outskirts of Brasov.
Bokony, the ruler of those lands. Have been busy slaughtering their armies, taking Baia and Halych in the name of God and King leaving over 6000 dead curs out of whom most where slain in siege assaults.

Keep in mind that just over a thousand men, most hailing from Brasov itself have payed for this heavenly inspired feat. Leaving the city itself unable to deal with the ravaging Cumans. Do not insult their memory like this, a man of god should know better than to offend those who have taken up arms in the name of god or righteousness!

Ah, so your good lord has been so fervent in his glory seeking that he has left his home city so poorly defended that it cannot even patrol its own lands. I weep for his peasants, for surely half of their wives, and all their animals, shall be the property of the Cumans by the time he returns.

Bokony would do well to remember that while the destruction of the heathen is indeed always glorious, one must also be a shepard and protector of the poor.

Smiling to himself, Ludolf calls over a servant and requests parchment and a quill.

03-11-2012, 02:31
Ádám stands up, anger clearly written in his usually reserved face.

Our scouts keep track of the leaderless cuman horde, our people kept safe should they need it. Our losses are being kept to hovels and farmlands that can be rebuilt, while Bokony moves to drive the scum out. Do not pretend to know our people, our strife's or hardships, nor to know Bokony and his intentions.

Ádám starts to leave the hall but stops in front of the entrance

Your "representatives" are no longer welcome.

03-11-2012, 03:03
Ludolf's smile remains through Adam's outburst, perhaps even growing more smug.

I am sure my lord will find all of this most interesting.

Ludolf moves over and settles down into Adam's seat, where he begins to write.

03-13-2012, 22:21
Huh.. that Sicilian.. he really starts to annoy me... Pope's emissary or not.. he should learn when to speak and when to shut up!

Keresce's companions watch each other and knowing what might follow this outburst make wisely few steps back.. just in case..

03-13-2012, 23:08
Huh.. that Sicilian.. he really starts to annoy me... Pope's emissary or not.. he should learn when to speak and when to shut up!

Keresce's companions watch each other and knowing what might follow this outburst make wisely few steps back.. just in case..

Ludolf simply raises an eyebrow, smiling contentedly to himself, and you can hear him mutter.

Barbaric manners really, should support my case.

He then continues to write

03-24-2012, 03:29
In the same time when the nobles fight in the tournament a man enters the courtroom..

I am Jozsef. A scribe and a friend of Kerecse a Geregye. I was intstructed to come here to discuss what should be the next moves, plans, campaigns to defend our kingdom and to strike down our enemies.

As I've heard Venetians have quite a large army in the west and the Romans are gathering an army in the south.

Also, he is concerned that our King is "lost to the people"..

Jozsef bows and takes a seat..

03-24-2012, 20:53
Ádám welcomes Jozsef to the courtroom with a bow, but then quickly walks past him to the door

What are you sitting around for? lets go to the tournament!

As he is about to pass the door he stops mid stride:
Wait, what do you mean with our king being "lost to the people"?

Ádám then looks around to see if the wretched Sicilian was around

03-24-2012, 21:56
Well, have you seen the king lately? They say that he is here in Varad but no one haven't seen him. The doors to his chambers are closed and no one can enter.

Jozsef pauses..

Do not misunderstand me.. but perhaps we need a king who is visible for the people?

03-24-2012, 22:05
Istvan interjects

King Pozsony is not yet in Varad - he was to return for the tourney and has not yet arrived. The Junior King and he are to meet in this chamber at the close of the melee to discuss the future of the kingdom with the assembled nobles.

03-24-2012, 23:00
Jozsef turns towards Istvan..

Really? This is surprising because I've heard different rumors that the King is actually dead and his servants ruler the kingdom as if he is still alive.

Perhaps the powers and rights of a King should be given to the Junior King as long as King Pozseny walks into these chambers and prove that he is still among us?

03-25-2012, 00:09
This is treasonous talk, ill have no part of it

Ádám leaves for the tournament

03-26-2012, 06:34
Ludolf is still seated in the courtroom, and watches this conversation with obvious interest.

Lost your King have you? I must say, I have never seen this before.

03-31-2012, 14:31
To the sound of hunting horns, King Bokeny of Hungary enters the chamber, clothed in ermine but for the time being without the crown upon his head. That will wait until after the private coronation.

As he approaches the great throne, over which his father, cousin and uncle fought bitterly and to the death, he hesitates for a moment. He takes a deep breath and seats himself atop it, claiming his birthright as supreme ruler of the Magyar.

Looking around the courtroom, he spies the Papal envoy, the Sicilian Ludolf.

You sir, kindly make yourself scarce. This is a gathering of the Magyar nobles, you are not permitted to attend.

He waves his hand impatiently at the man, ushering him out of the chamber.

03-31-2012, 14:42
Bokony arrives shortly after, having had his armor quickly removed and his wounds attended, he was still clutching his side. Behind him trailed Ádám carrying ink, quill and paper while Hahold rested his left hand on his sword hilt, his right bound up in a snare. All three men wore tabards of Hungarian colors but with Bokonys family crest

As the trio entered the chamber, they abruptly stop as Bokony spots the Sicilian. Silence ensues with clear hostility in the air.

"Your squire will not be attending you again, an untimely demise befell him from the strokes of my sword."

03-31-2012, 14:43
At the King's words Demeter, out of his tournament armor and now clad in a simple suit of mail, tabard, and thin sword belted at his waist, stands and looks meaningfully at the foreign envoy.

04-01-2012, 00:01
Armed Royal guardsmen usher the Sicilian out of the chamber. When he is gone, the new King addresses the gathered nobles.

Lords of Hungary, it is a bleak day.

We have lost a great King, a great leader and a great warrior. His killers will be hunted down and held to account for their crimes, wherever they are to be found. It is my belief that our enemies haved conspired against us in this ambush. The Byzantines knew the direction of the King's retreat from Constantinople and clearly passed the information to the Cuman warband which ambushed him.

It is to those two powers that we must turn our attention now, to end the long wars between our Kingdom and theirs as soon as possible and in our overwhelming favour.

I intend to drive the Greeks back across the Hellespont where we can hold a defensive line against them and raid their territory at our leisure until they sue for peace. This will mean a long and bloody campaign into Macedonia and Greece, which will begin with an assault on Skopje.

As to the Cumans, I seek nothing less than their utter subjugation to our rule. No longer will we tolerate their aggression and constant raids on our border lands.

In the past we have been divided and weak, set against each other by a blood feud that began with the death of King Sandor and claimed the lives of my father Saul and Pozsony's father Mate. The late King and I struck this feud a mortal blow with our agreement at Varad and what was left of it has died with him.

Now is the time to unite in a common cause and show the world why the Magyar are to be feared!

In the eyes of God and our ancestors, we will conquer our foes!

04-01-2012, 01:32
Still standing Bokony nodded his approval but continued with addressing the king

As you know, i was assigned as the Royal Ambassador of Hungary and appointed with the privy seal. I have been in contact with surrounding factions, all seem well except not having any response from Lithuania... The last messenger was returned in a casket without a body or message, a new one have been dispatched recently. Poland desires continued peace and Kiev have voiced support in a naval invasion of the Anatolia. Sicily may be open to invade the Balkan but have been stubborn, considering recent... developments i doubt they would be willing to co-operate.

Negotiations with the Pope, HRE and Venitians have been handled by our deceased king and no real relations exists with other factions as far as i am aware.

As the north is not "secure" from invasion, It is my belief that we need Halych to be properly administered and defended by a local lord. I have temporary assumed control but officially the land belongs to you, I suggest you award the lands to me or my able adoptee Hahold, possibly Demeter in case of Lithuanian raids or Cuman remnants.

My main force will march south to secure Bessarabia, then after replenishing move on Constantinople or neighboring regions. Any commands?

Before taking his seat, Bokony bowed to Bokeny with a curt "My king"

04-01-2012, 12:11
Ludolf remains silent after the King's demands, but as he is led out a small smile can be seen.

04-01-2012, 12:30
The King, in response.

Lord Huntpaznan, I thank you for your diplomatic report and for your diligence in performing the role for the late King, my cousin.

For the time being I will conduct all diplomacy myself as I familiarise myself with the politics of the world. Perhaps later I will delegate some of these responsibilities as Pozsony did.

Lord Bokony a Huntpaznan nembol, I hereby grant you my Privy Seal as a token of the high esteem in which you are held by the crown and the nobles of the land. I also grant you the title of Palatine- may your judgement be true.

As to the matter of Halych, while I recognize and applaud your prowess in capturing that stronghold of our enemies, I will instead grant you the castle of Baia for your realm. Let it stand as a bastion on our eastern border.

You plan to march on Bessarabia seems sound, but I would ask you to await further orders before marching south.

Turning now to Demeter az Aba nembol.

Groef of Kassa, I applaud and commend your victory in the tournament. You are truly an example to us all and I pray I am half as formidable a warrior when I reach your august age.

It is to you that I entrust the castle of Halych on our northern border. May it serve as a launching pad for our final victory over the cumans. I look forward to your report on how you plan to achieve that.

In addition I grant you the title Master of Treasury. Use your powers to ensure the kingdom is properly developed to assist our plans.

Now to Kerecse.

Sir, I congratulate you on your elevation to Groef of Zagreb, it is well deserved. In addition, if you believe you can manage further responsibility I grant you the position of Master of Horse. I believe I have the power to grant the title, for I will hold the title of Lord High Marshall myself, at least for the time being.

Looking around the courtroom.

I do not see Lord Vata or Lord Andras. I hope they will join us here before we depart to war.

04-01-2012, 13:03
Bokony rises from his chair looking not at all too satisfied

"My king, I am grateful of you trust and approval, but wish to point out that Baia was officially appointed to me by our late king. Also Bessarabia is being ravaged as well as Brasovs outskirts, therefore my armies have already begun to march south to defend my own lands."

Looking to Demeter with measuring eyes
"Demeter will be more than capable of holding Halych im certain, as my own lands are bordering trusted allies i will take all my strength south. But to do so i need compensation for my efforts, i was promised a "vast reward" for taking Halych by our late king. Money that would cover the cost of arming new men to replace all those lost in the bloody assaults and fighting to come."

As he was about to continue, a messanger arrives and after bowing to the king he quickly delivers a message to Bokony
"Most interesting... Lithuania will not allow any Christians to enter their lands, not even envoys and we where turned back. Also...
Peace have been brokered with the Cumans, given free passage they will leave our lands peacefully. All required is your signature my king,
i will of course provide you with all the details but i humbly request you accept on my honor. They may be faithless and brutal, but they are not the savages they´re made out to be."

04-01-2012, 13:49
The King raises an eyebrow. He is clearly angry, but it is not clear at whom...

Lord Huntpaznan, forgive me. It appears there is much to which my late cousin and yourself were privy which was not public knowledge. This will not be the case in future - assignations of land, orders and promises will be made public, that all can see the workings of state.

I have only your word that the late King promised you something in return for your assault on Halych...but I will accept it at that. Make your claim to my new treasurer - I will not be bound by my cousin's decisions, but as a sign of good faith I will consider it if it is reasonable.

As to peace with the Cumans I am amazed that you suggest we keep to the agreement! Those faithless dogs were clearly plotting the death of our King, my cousin, even as they negotiated with you! Sir, I urge you to assure me that for the honour of Hungary and for the memory of the late King, your liege but yesterday, you will ride at once into the steppe to burn their villages and slay them to a man in rightful vengeance!

04-01-2012, 14:00
Demeter bows to the King

Thank you, my liege. I swear that the Cumans will pay daring your predecessor. As soon as this council ends I will ride to Halych to assess the situation and begin putting an army together.

04-01-2012, 14:27
Kerecse, who had arrived to the courtroom during the Kings speech and remained silent until now, bows to Bokeny..

I am honored for the trust You are showing to me and will defend our lands in Zagreb against any Venetian threat..

04-01-2012, 18:41
Bokony stands with a frown on his face

The Cumans have been honest thus far, from beginning to end. Besides what does we have to lose? Better to let them leave without bloodshed under the promise of peace, than to waste many good men wiping them out in the field where they have the advantage. My only true worry is that it will damage relations with the Kievans, as the Cumans will have to cross their lands.

The Cumans did not want this war, we have already taken their lands and proven their betters. They wish to return to their own lands and defend it from threat, accepting we will have to face two thousand less desperate Cumans out of whom most are elite soldiers!

04-01-2012, 23:32
The King's face goes purple and a vein throbs in his forehead. He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Istvan of Carniola, who places a steadying hand on Bokeny's shoulder and whispers something in his ear. The King nods and takes a deep breath. The colour leaves his face and he responds to the Groef of Brasov calmly, but still with barely suppressed irritation.

Lord Huntpaznan, do you mean to say that you do not believe the Cuman Khan had prior knowledge of the attack that killed our King? For that is the only reason I could conceive to let them leave our lands alive and unpunished as you suggest. Speak plainly in this matter, for you risk being misunderstood - and to be misunderstood by your King in a discussion of regicide is an immediate risk to your health.

As to the Rus, do they know of the plan or do you propose to allow two thousand battle-hardened steppe warriors to descend on the farmlands of our allies without their agreement?

04-02-2012, 01:09
The King's face goes purple and a vein throbs in his forehead. He opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Istvan of Carniola, who places a steadying hand on Bokeny's shoulder and whispers something in his ear. The King nods and takes a deep breath. The colour leaves his face and he responds to the Groef of Brasov calmly, but still with barely suppressed irritation.

Lord Huntpaznan, do you mean to say that you do not believe the Cuman Khan had prior knowledge of the attack that killed our King? For that is the only reason I could conceive to let them leave our lands alive and unpunished as you suggest. Speak plainly in this matter, for you risk being misunderstood - and to be misunderstood by your King in a discussion of regicide is an immediate risk to your health.

As to the Rus, do they know of the plan or do you propose to allow two thousand battle-hardened steppe warriors to descend on the farmlands of our allies without their agreement?
I do not believe they lay in wait for the king specifically, we have yet to hear the survivors story. My only interest is to preserve Hungarian lives and strength that could be used against the ERE.

The cumans are no longer a true threat to us and they know it, while the ERE and HRE remain major threats. I owe our late king much favor, he where most generous to me but i have already ravaged their lands and outed their families... I wish to end the bloodshed with them, and bring death to the ERE whom i believe to be guilty of arranging our kings death!

Looking to the fellow lords for reactions, Bokony continue

The kievans do not have to know the full story, all we have to do is warn them and they will take great pleasure in killing their enemies. Its also possible to demand that the Cumans does not ravage the land as they pass through, they will bring women and children with them.

I rather have two thousand enemies depart to die far away, than to fight them myself. Especially when theres a chance of a peaceful outcome, but it is your decition my king... My men and I will be ready to deal with them either way and I will show no mercy tho them.

Bokeny wearily bows before seating

04-02-2012, 02:13
The King waves to Istvan.

The Groef of Brasov makes a good point - bring in the survivor that we might hear his story and question him.Nightbringer

To Huntpaznan.

While I agree that the Byzantines are likely behind this, if the Cumans allowed themselves to be the sword arm then they are equally culpable and shall be punished for it. We cannot have the world thinking that the King of the Magyar can be slain without consequence!

We shall see what the man has to say.

04-02-2012, 02:25
Demeter's face remained passive during the spirited discussion on the cumans, although some might notice a slight smile briefly pass his face during the King's assertion that the Cumans must be punished. During the next pause during the conversation he kneels towards his ruler.

My liege, I beg of you a boon. I would have the honor of tracking and defeating the Cuman forces fleeing our lands. If we take the army's leaders prisoner, it stands to reason that one or more of them might have been privy to the plot, or know of someone who was. If nothing else it may ensure as a lesson so that the next time some foreign ruler without the stones to attack us himself seeks to have a Magyar ruler slain, he will not be able to find any willing to act as his sword out of fear.

04-02-2012, 02:36
The King is mightily pleased.

You see, this is the kind of spirited reaction I was expecting from a noble of Hungary!

Lord Demeter, you shall certainly have the honour of tracking down and destroying the Cuman dogs - as Lord Huntpaznan seems not to have the stomach for it.

But let us first hear from this messenger before we make a final decision.

04-02-2012, 03:09
Bokonys face grows red in anger at the kings accusation

"This is all the faith you have in me and my people, as i have with the assistance of Vata, pushed our enemies not only from my own lands but their very own strongholds in the west!? It is thanks to my peoples blood that our borders have been increased immensely, that there will be no more raids from Cumans once their remnant forces have been outed! You call me a craven that have lost the stomach to fight? It is MY lands that are being harried by the enemy, MY people that are making sacrifices to keep your lands safe... "

"it was the will of your cousin, all of what i have done. Putting my lands at risk to make sure they would not threaten us again"

Gathering himself and glaring at demeter, Bokony raises his fist
"My men are marching, and i am certain that WE will be the ones to put them down and not the remnants of Demeters forces, should the cumans linger.
See to it that you do not lose the fortress that I have acquired for you before you make bold claims of victory over those who you barely fought off from your own walls!"

"Give the word, and the cumans will die. I have given my counsel, My king."

04-02-2012, 03:21
Demeter rises.

Thank you, my liege.

He then turns towards Bokony and laughs.

There's the Magyar spirit! I approve, a man, especially a Magyar noble, should not such a challenge to his pride go unanswered. Nonetheless, sending us both might prove overkill in light of the need to also turn south to bring the fight to the mouth that ordered the Cuman hand to strike. I would prefer to go north myself but will gladly wreak vengeance on the so called Romans if it is our liege's wish.

04-02-2012, 03:58
The King also laughs heartily. Grinning, he stands, walks over to the Groef of Brasov and claps him on the back.

Indeed, Lord Huntpaznan I am glad to have awoken your fire! I meant no insult and I am glad to hear you are willing to apprehend the Cuman criminals if need be.

All our lands are threatened and we all must fight to defend Hungary - there are no safe harbours here and in the coming wars we shall all taste blood aplenty and sacrifice much.

As Demeter stated I may have better use of you in the South, let us hear from the messenger and we'll decide our next moves.

04-02-2012, 06:23
The man sent to retrieve the messenger returns to the courtroom, a dour expression on his face

M'lord, the man is dead.

I went to the surgeon and he seemed quite distressed. He said the man's wounds were severe, but should not have killed him. The surgeon was, in fact, quite certain that poison had done the killing. A poison administered within the last few hours while the man lay in bed.

04-02-2012, 06:47
The King looks aggrieved.

Ach, poison! It looks more and more like we have a traitor in our midst, his pockets no doubt jangling with filthy Byzantine gold.

Istvan, send for the Wolf. I will have him investigate this matter and discover where the trail of blood leads...

To Demeter and Huntpaznan.

Lords of the north - I care not which of you performs this task but I will not have the Cumans leave our borders until we are sure of their innocence.

I instruct you to communicate to them that they will be detained while we investigate the death of our King Pozsony. You must use your armies to block their escape route and if they attempt to break free you have my permission to slay them to a man on the presumption of their guilt.

04-02-2012, 10:29
Someone wearing Cuman clothes does not make him a Cuman.. Also, they are not intelligent enough to pull off something like this. Looks like someone is trying to blame them for the death of Pozsony. And that someone could be a certain ruler in the south...

04-02-2012, 17:04
Still red faced and glaring, Bokony once again spoke up

"I have lost too much, to have taste for needless slaughter and this is not a deed of Cumans."

As he turned and left with Hahold, Ádám proclaimed that his lords would take their forces to Baia and carry out their orders before marching on Constantinople.

04-03-2012, 04:41
The King leaves the chamber for a time to receive several messengers. When he returns, his face is grave.

Nobles of the Magyar, I have received dispiriting news from those who I tasked with investigating the King's death. It is beyond doubt that those who wielded the blades which killed him were Cumans, likely a group split from their larger force which now besieges Brasov. The killers fled to the East, taking with them the crown of Hungary.

We have not yet much information about who poisoned the messenger and silenced his tongue but I think it most likely it is the same person who arranged for the Cumans to ambush our King. The investigation will continue and I will provide updates as and when I have new information.

My Lords, I believe we should make war upon these Cuman scoundrels until they are subjugated to Magyar rule and no-longer pose a threat to us. With the strength of our armies, the valour of their commanders and the successes to date, thanks to Lords Huntpaznan and Demeter, I do not believe it will take us long to best them.

We can then turn our full attention to the menace to the South, the Byzantine greeks.

I myself will leave this coming campaign season to make war upon them and seize their citadel at Skopje. From thence I will proceed to seize Salonika, that pearl of the Aegean, before campaigning on the Peloponnese.

I will instruct Lord Vata to march south to join his forces with Lord Andras, who can, if he wishes, lead an expedition to seize Adrianople. Perhaps by then the armies of Lord Huntpaznan will be free to march on Constantinople and Andras can provide support.

Lords Demeter and Kerecse will defend our northern and western borders respectively. I will have use of them later when we are free to consider the recapture of our ancestral capital Esztergom from the accursed Germans.

I trust these war plans meet with your approval good Lords - I welcome your comment.

In addition to this I have been asked by the minor nobility to blockade the port at Corinth. I believe our only navy is that which is in the possession of Lord Huntpaznan.

Groef of Brasov, are you willing to send your fleet on this mission? And how goes your plan to relieve the siege of your city?

04-03-2012, 05:58
Ádám frowns and looks up from his scribing

Hahold is in charge of Brasov during Bokonys absense and he will have to make due with the garrison, perhaps aid can be given by Andras forces nearby albeit they are but few. We will have to put our hopes to the brave defenders and the competence of Hahold, young as he may be my lord have great faith in him.

Regarding the fleet, it is under Vatas control and since he is your vassal... they await your command. On that matter, we would be grateful if he could oversee the construction of border forts and watchtowers in Bessarabia as my lords are otherwise occupied. We ask your blessing in the matter and one year of Vatas time.

Ádám pulls out a torn perchment from his robe

Currently Vatas forces consist of merely a few units. He can scarcely field 100 Magyar and less than 500 infantry, we suggest that these men are put under our command so Vata whom is old and fragile can overlook the defense and management close to home. He has not been himself after the wounds contracted in the push towards Baia so this would give him time to rest while still greatly benefiting hungary,

Hahold would lead in his stead with any new levied conscripts that would otherwise have to remain in Baia and Brasov, all this will be done with your blessing my king?

04-03-2012, 06:51
The King responds to Adam.

For what purpose does your liege request Lord Vata's troops?

Leaving Istvan of Carniola in charge at court, the King leaves to campaign against the Byzantines in Macedonia. Some time later a rider arrives at Varad with a message from the King. Istvan reads it to those gathered at court.

Nobles of Hungary, King Bokeny and his forces have captured the Byzantine fortress of Skopje, assaulting the castle with the assistance of Magyar agents ensconced within. Buoyed by his success he has pressed on towards Salonika with the intention of seizing that city too.

04-03-2012, 18:50
To fight the enemies of Hungary of course, namely the vile byzantines!

They will march alongside our own men and be stand in reserve, being kept away from most of the fighting if possible as they where during Bokonys Cuman campaign.
The offer was that any abnormal casualties would be compensated financially while minor losses would not. An effective deal if i may say so, most beneficial to both parties.

04-04-2012, 00:33
Istvan of Carniola, bearing the King's crest, responds to Adam.

Sir, the King is of a mind to allow Lord Andras the opportunity to use Lord Vata and his army for an attack on Adrianople.

However, should the good Groef of Sofia not stake his claim before your liege is ready to march on Constantinople, you may instruct Lord Vata's army to follow your lead.

I believe the King has corresponded with your Lord privately on the matter, however I should note there is no need to keep them out of the fighting - let them take full part in any battle that they may do their liege and country honour! Neither is there need for compensation for any losses.

04-06-2012, 02:47

Istvan once more.

The King would request that Lord Andras and his army join him at the siege of Thessalonica, or march on Adrianople this campaign season.

Either would be preferable to his continued inaction.

It is well understood that under the laws of this land the Groef of Sofia cannot be compelled to march to war outside Hungarian borders, but he will be rewarded for his efforts should he assist the King.

04-08-2012, 22:03
Ádám stands up with a grim look on his face

Vata, the brave lord of Targoviste has passed away in Baia. His forces will carry his body with them as they return for his burial whom will be attended by Bokony and Hahold both should they make it in time.The lord never quite recovered from his wounds and sickness contracted in the strife against the Cumans, refusing to stop and rest as he and my lord marched and fought together.

He will be missed...

But there is more, the Cuman army have gone into hiding. We have several capable captains scouting out the areas surrounding Brasov and Baia as well as our very capable spymaster.
We advise caution, the old goal of the Cumans was Varad so its possible they're heading here once again! If not, Kassa and Halych should prepare for a possible attempt to retake a stronghold.

Meanwhile Baia and Brasovs garrisons shall be increased, hopefully this will not delay our march south. At worst, hahold will linger with an army just in case.

04-12-2012, 13:33
Istvan stands to address Adam.

Sir, the King would request that you prioritise finding and eliminating the missing Cuman army over all other tasks - including the march on Constantinople. If you judge it possible you have his support in the plan of splitting your forces - however he would urge you to err on the side of caution.

His Majesty's own armies are engaged in a campaign against the Byzantines in Thessalonica and cannot return to the capital in time. While we are raising new troops here at Varad there will not be sufficient to ward off a Cuman assault for quite some time.

The good news from the south is that King Bokeny has defeated several large Byzantine forces, meaning our hated enemy is on the back foot and cannot threaten us at this time. Thessalonica will fall to our forces next season and our navy has sighted a Byzantine troop transport which it can intercept and sink God willing.

Thus Constantinople can wait while we protect our capital and wreak vengeance on the Cuman dogs for the slaying of Pozsony.

04-12-2012, 18:15
Adam Bows gracefully

As you command, but it would fall upon Demeter to defend the capitol as we would not reach it in time if the Cumans make their way there.
Hahold is only in range to defend my lord Bokonys holdings...

You must call on Demeter!

04-13-2012, 02:25
Istvan nods his asset to Adam.

Very well sir.

Turning to the rest of the court.

The King requests that Lord Petr and his army are released by Lord Demeter to march south from their current position to defend Varad against the Cuman incursion. Lord Demeter can continue his march on the Cuman heartlands.

04-22-2012, 14:43
Istvan receives another dispatch from the King and rises to read it out to the court.

Ahem...Joyous news o Lords! King Bokeny and his army have seized the city of Thessalonica, slaughtering the Greek dogs which cowered within. He advances on Athens, hoping to root out the nest of Greek vipers within and beat the Sicilians to the city.

Word hath reached the royal ear of the successes of Lord Bokony a Huntpaznan nembol in his capture of Adrianople. The King congratulates the Groef of Brasov and hereby announces that Targoviste will be added to his domain from this day on.

Adrianople itself will for the time being form part of the King's demesne along with Thessalonica, but if Lord Andras is able to materially assist Lord Bokony in the capture of Constantinople he may find himself in possession of the greek fortress...

04-22-2012, 17:14
Ádám looks out from the recently arrived messages and notes with a frown

Quick work, your informants are most impressive.

Bokony have indeed captured the fortress with acceptable losses, unless Constantinople is reinforced he will assault it within the coming season.
I pray that our most competent siege engineers can breach any weakpoint in the citys massive walls... If not the assault will be a bloody affair!

Somehow i doubt they will fall for spies again...

04-23-2012, 04:42
Istvan responds to Adam.

The King will be most pleased to hear of your liege's plans to recapture Constantinople in the coming season - we wish you luck and God speed in your endeavour.

Shall I also pass on to him your master's gratitude at the King's reward to him of the fortress and territories of Targoviste?

04-23-2012, 05:58
Ádám hurries to his feet as he realizes his blunder
Yes, yes of course!

The men of Targoviste and Brasov have always been close and will welcome joint rule.
May i ask who you think the king will award Constantinople to? It is the greatest city in the world after all...

It may not have the greatest income, but the prestige of holding such a city!
Bokony himself will be more than satisfied with only taking the city for Hungary and the king, seeking more humble and... perhaps earthly rewards.

04-23-2012, 06:45
Istvan shakes his head.

Let us not get ahead of ourselves...

04-23-2012, 07:55
Jozsef, Kerecse's scribe, stands..

My Lord Kerecse asks if it's possible to get rid off this certain heretic who is preaching in Croatia. His name is Chwalibog. We know that there are 2 "hired knives" somewhere near his current position. So My Lord asks that whoever controls them could send them an order to send Chwalibog to his "Gods".

04-23-2012, 09:13
Istvan shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

If the King were in the habit of employing assassins, which of course he is not, I have no doubt he would assist you good Kerecse.

However, since the King is far too honorable to stoop to such methods we hall have to hope that the foul heretic in question meets his end in an unfortunate accident...in the very near future....

He winks.

04-24-2012, 16:00
A man in the livery of Demeter Nembol enters the council chambers. His clothing are torn as if from a recent battle =. Over his shoulder is a rough sack, out of place among his fine if damaged attire.

"My lords, my master Demeter brings a gift for the King and esteemed nobles of this council." At this the messenger empties the sack onto the floor. A head rolls out, hair tied back in the fashion of the Cumans. It appears relatively fresh, although some might note the empty eyes sockets staring blindly. "Behold, the head of the Cuman ruler, who thought himself mighty enough to attempt to sack Varad. In the last moments of battle he showed his true colors, fleeing like the dog he is. My master wished to deliver his head in person, but he is now compiling information gained from his interrogation, and continuing that of the few of his men left".

04-25-2012, 02:22
Istvan beams, standing and applauding the messenger.

These glad tidings are most welcome, and I am certain the King will appreciate your gift.

But I note - there is no Hungarian crown atop his head - was the royal circlet nowhere to be found among the bandits?

04-26-2012, 13:33
Ádám stands up proudly after having received several messages, he coughs loudly gaining the others attention

The most wonderfull news have reached me, and i can proudly proclaim that Constantinople is in Hungarian hands once again!
I have yet to receive the details but thousands lay dead in a most glorious victory and word is spreading about "Bokony The Conqueror"!
His forces is fortifying their position but should the opportunity arise, they will push the advantage and invade the Anatolia itself.

In our own lands Hahold reports having beaten the last known Cuman stragglers, almost certainly the remnants of our late kings assassins. Nothing is mentioned about the crown having been recovered, but...

He frowns but continues quickly
Hahold have raised a friend and promising commander to the rank of Lord to aid in the management and defense of our lands...

04-28-2012, 06:37
Istvan has received a fresh dispatch from the King.

Lords of the Magyar, the King hath seized the Greek city of Athens, bringing an end to the Greek campaign. He will replenish his strength before returning to the capital. Athens itself will form part of the King's demesne.

To the representatives of Lords Huntpaznan and Andras.

Gentlemen, the King is overjoyed at the recapture of Constantinople and extends his gratitude and thanks, in particular to Lord Huntpaznan.

With Greece secured and the Byzantined driven back to Anatolia we have shown them the superiority of the Magyar armies and are in a strong position to impose a peace settlement in them and be troubled by them no more. The King intends to enter into negotiations with the new Basileos who, being young, has the dual advantage of being both easily bullied and likely to remain in power for some time.

However, in preparation the King would like to take a final step to ensure our success in these upcoming talks - to show the Byzantine dogs that we could wipe them out if we so desired.

Lord Huntpaznan, the King requests that you lead your army across the Hellespont and into the city of Niceaea, sacking it and fortifying it against recapture. For this your reward will be the great city of Constantinople itself, which your family will be charged with defending until the end of days.

Lord Andras, the King requests that you seize the fortress of Cannakale, south east of Adrianople and across the waters. For this your reward will be the castle of Adrianople, to form part of your family's lands for ever more.

The two captured territories will be traded to the Byzantines for peace.

With the Byzantine war hopefully soon to be ended the King would like to turn the Kingdom's attention to other matters.

As I have noted in this chamber before, it is a travesty that the accursed 'Holy' Roman Empire has possession of the city of Esztergom, our ancestral capital and the birthplace of my namesake and founder of our Catholic Kingdom, St Istvan.

With the Kaiser excommunicated from the Church it is an opportune time to wage war to reclaim our birthright and the surrounding lands, which have in the past been Magyar territory.

The King would like Lords Demeter and Kerecse to prepare a plan of attack and submit it to the Court for discussion, as to the best way to initiate and wage war upon the infidel Germans.

04-28-2012, 07:44
Ádám cluthes his hand over his heart and bows deeply

It shall be done, my king. Word shall be sent to Bokony and I have no doubt that he will gladly untertake this mission, you honor us with the safe keeping of the greatest city in the world!Furthermore, would you wish for my lord to stay and defend against the east or head west to take part in the fighting?

If not, he will remain and rebuild while our second army could heads west.

05-17-2012, 10:56
Istvan rises to address the Court.

The King has sent word that peace has been negotiated with the Byzantines, on very favorable terms for our Kingdom.

Lords Huntpaznan and Andras, this could hardly have been achieved without your efforts and the whole Magyar nation owes you thanks. You are relieved of your missions across the Hellespont - the war is over.

The King notes that the evil German scourge hath sullied Rome herself. There is no better time to make war to retrieve our lost capital. His majesty eagerly awaits word from Lords Kerecse and Demeter as to how they intend to carry out that mission.

05-23-2012, 05:25
Ádám rises and unseals a parchment he had hidden in his robes and starts reading

Once the east is secured, i shall build up my strenght and fortify our position. Depending on my forces remaining strenght i shall join any call of holy war to the west, leaving the defense of our holdings and in particular the great city of Constantinople in capable Haholds hands. He will muster an elite army in the name of hungary and stand against any threat to our eastern and north eastern borders, backed up by a small militia army to the north.

Word have reached me about a new member in my family, taken up withot my blessing by hahold himself. He shall lead a force from Baia and prove himself to me in the field before being granted blessing or being given death.

We shall employ a raiding strategy through the HRE then join up at the target city while relying on crusaders and mercenaries.
