View Full Version : Avoiding negative traits

Peasant Phill
04-12-2012, 14:07
In S2, I had little trouble avoiding negative traits. Most negative traits I've seen are caused by inactivity from the general/agent and my border was flexible enough that most of the time it didn't come to that. Besides most of the time those traits weren't that detrimental to the role of the particular general/agent. So I didn't actively try to counter gathering negative traits.

In FotS however, my borders are far more rigid and the game far slower. As such I found it very easy to get the negative trait that reduces campaign movement. On top of that, the impact seems far greater with the already reduced movement.
It seems I'll have to use my age old MTW trick of moving my general/agent out of the castle and putting him/her back the next turn.

Are there any other ways to avoid negative traits?

04-12-2012, 17:44
I think the 'eye for the ladies' trait is given only if no movement points have been used by the end of the turn, so, yeah, move in and out.

04-13-2012, 20:11
How about 'Self Interested' for metsuke? I see that one a lot since the FotS patch. It looks to be assigned when you recruit the agent. Supposedly it decreases farming wealth by -1. What does that mean? One multiplier level, like from meager to barren? If you mouse over the farming wealth in the town panel it doesn't give any indication that anything is affecting it though.

As far as avoiding them, except for the movement oriented traits for generals it doesn't seem so. Likewise for wives' traits that get imparted to your general; you can't see them ahead of time and they aren't always ideal, say for certain comissioner's posts. What I tend to do is develop the character based around those traits. So a fat, slow general goes down the skill tree that boosts bushido and/or defense. The difference usually isn't all that important (should be larger imho), but it does add some role-playing flavor.