View Full Version : Submitting questions to CA

02-08-2013, 09:36
Hey there men of the .org,

we have recently formed a partnership with heavengames.com, and as one of our (hopefully first of many) joined projects, I proposed we submit a list of questions to the Creative Assembly regarding Rome II. So then, what are the questions you (the fans of these games) would like to ask? Make a list, then we can settle on the best ones and send them over.

Questions asked so far:
1. Will there be a Greek faction in Rome Total War II? If so, why hasn't it been revealed yet? Will it be unplayable at release, but made available through DLC?
2. When will the game starts and when will it ends? (I want to know that if Greece was under control of Macedonia or not)
3. Are you planning for any special implementation of 'nomadic' factions?
4. Will there be historical events of impact (provided that the circumstances are right), such as natural disasters (like earthquakes, floods and vulcano eruptions in R:TW I) but also rebellions (slave rebellions 1, 2, 3 for the romans) or the mercenary wars for carthage as an example?
5. I'd be interested to know about the attempts to capture a more detailed/intricate version of diplomacy. Knowing CA, they've probably tried many, many iterations of this, and we've only seen the few that got released.
6. Does the game still use the CUF file format? If so, have there been any updates to its structure since ETW

02-08-2013, 19:39
Really guys? Not a single question pops up in your mind? :shrug:

02-08-2013, 19:53
Maybe a little more context might be helpful? In what way will these questions be put to CA? As an interview? Via email? Who will be answering? Has CA given some sort of "okay, we're cool with some questions" kinda thing?

I think maybe if you fleshed this idea out a bit more, there might be a bigger response. My $0.02.

02-08-2013, 22:14
In Rome Total War II, Why don't they reveal Greece faction. Don't you think that it's in the next factions or it's not playable?

02-08-2013, 22:22
And when the game starts and when it ends?(I want to know that if Greece was under control of Macedonia or not)

02-08-2013, 23:24
There isn't a greek faction as there wasn't actually a faction at the time, it was a bunch of independent cities which were allied with eachother. Only actual faction/power there was Macedonia, pretty much, that is why CA took to making that the playable faction.

02-08-2013, 23:36
This is a thread to ask questions, not answer them... Typical Beskie...

My question: Are you planning for any special implementation of 'nomadic' factions?

The Stranger
02-10-2013, 13:52
Q: will there be historical events of impact (provided that the circumstances are right), such as natural disasters (like earthquakes, floods and vulcano eruptions in rtw1) but also rebellions (slave rebellions 1, 2, 3 for the romans) or the mercenary wars for carthage as an example.

02-10-2013, 20:57
Q: I'd be interested to know about the attempts to capture a more detailed/intricate version of diplomacy. Knowing CA, they've probably tried many, many iterations of this, and we've only seen the few that got released.

Always struck me as a weak spot in the TW experience. Relations between factions are terribly binary, none of the frenemy/unreliable ally/trust-but-verify stuff that actually went down. Curious to hear about any game mechanics that have been attempted (but discarded).

02-10-2013, 20:57
Q: I'd be interested to know about the attempts to capture a more detailed/intricate version of diplomacy. Knowing CA, they've probably tried many, many iterations of this, and we've only seen the few that got released.

Always struck me as a weak spot in the TW experience. Relations between factions are terribly binary, none of the frenemy/unreliable ally/trust-but-verify stuff that actually went down. Curious to hear about any game mechanics that have been attempted (but discarded).

Tellos Athenaios
02-10-2013, 23:08
Really guys? Not a single question pops up in your mind? :shrug:

I seem to recall a thread like this in the S2TW forums prior to S2TW's release. Whatever happened to that? ~;)

Anyway: does the game still use the CUF file format? If so, have there been any updates to its structure since ETW?

02-11-2013, 09:12
Well, to be honest if that's the same incident that I know of, Carig never answered (though he had promised to do so). Nevertheless we are obliged to ask, since we are fans of this series, and some of us have been playing these games for years.

You could probably go and ask your questions on that one site, but it will most likely get buried in the posts of 15 year olds.