View Full Version : Insanly huge avatars...

Medieval Assassin
07-25-2004, 20:43
Okay, the last couple of days of scanning the boards, there have been some huggggggggggggggggggggge avatars on the boards, one taking up about 1/6 of my screen, also they are of horrible quality This is ONE of the avatars http://mizunoaoi.seijinohki.net/avatars/56013.gif

It doesnt look this big here, but when it is as an avatar its isanly huge and 1/20th the quality, maybe its because my moniter is 600x800, but all the letters over lap, there is alot of avatars like this, with horrible quality and insanly huge...

Just a heads up....

07-25-2004, 21:22
Huge avatars on this board? Custom avatars are limited to some 100*140 pixels max. I guess you mean pictures in signature?

07-26-2004, 02:52
I love 80x80 pixel avatars, I think it's the perfect size.

I also hate pictures in sigs - some I agree are pretty cool, but it just leaves room for someone to bring in one that's 200+ pixels https://forums.totalwar.org/forum/non-cgi/emoticons/rolleyes.gif

07-26-2004, 09:42
Hello Colovion,

You can turn off signature pictures in your CP.