View Full Version : Shinjo - An Obscure Battle

03-19-2001, 10:20
I recently came across a description of an interesting battle I've never seen mentioned in english before, so I thought I'd share it here...
The battle that centered on Shinjo Castle was the culmination of a long period of hostility between the Nagao of Echigo and the Jinbo of Etchuu. In the 12th month of 1520 Jinbo Yoshimune gathered an army and set out for Shinjo Castle, which was occupied by Nagao Tamekage. Tamekage met Jinbo in the field and a bitter fight ensued. The Jinbo seem to have done well at first, killing some 600 of the Nagao in the battle's first round while losing 300 themselves. Then the tide turned, though just how is unclear. By at least one report, one of Yoshimune's retainers, Shiina Yoshitane (later an independant lord and rival of the Jinbo), switched sides and created a panic within the Jinbo ranks. At any rate, Yoshimune's army fell back and retreated towards Futagamiyama Castle, which lay to the west, near the border with Noto. In the path of the fleeing was the Jintsuugawa, whose frigid waters many of the Jinbo men attempted to swim. Some 2000 men are said to have died in the attempt, and Yoshimune had little left with which to hold off Tamekage's pursuing army. Once at Futagamiyama, Yoshimune commited suicide.
By this point the Hatakeyama had come to the assistance of the Jinbo from nearby Noto Province, but arrived too late to save Yoshimune. After this battle, the Jinbo went into a period of decline. They became a dominant power in Etchuu again under Jinbo Nagamoto, until they were eclipsed by uesugi Kenshin - Nagao Tamekage's son.

[This message has been edited by FwSeal (edited 03-19-2001).]

Minagawa Daimon
03-19-2001, 10:27
whered u get this piece of information sensei-seal? i must say i havent heard fo this battle before.

03-19-2001, 13:05
I found out about that one in an old Japanese work entitled (and I'm terrible at rendering these names) 'A Study of Etchu's Medieval History (Muromachi-Sengoku)'. I can't remember off the top of my head, but I also think its in one of the Rekishi Gunzo Sengoku battle books as well.

Minagawa Daimon
03-20-2001, 11:07
domo arigato gozaimasu for enlightening me.