View Full Version : Cry Havoc and let loose the Julii

11-08-2004, 14:31
This Campaign was already well under way before I decided to take notes during my game and post them for others to share.

Okay, here are the game stats.

This game plays the R:T Realism Mod 3.1
Game Setting :- Hard/Hard
Faction :- Julii
Other adjustments :- Timer is off

Before I get into the Campaign a few words about game changes using the Mod 3.1

There are more territories added and more cities. Rebels have ownership of a few cities from the start such as Syracuse (Greeks get Thermon instead).
City growth has been adjusted (slowed). Unit and unit stats have been adjusted. No archers for Roman factions 'till after Marius. No chariots for Egypt but elephants instead.
Roman factions get access to Hastati, Principes and Triarii from the start as Early/Standard/Late according to Barracks structure. ie. Late units are built in Army barracks, Standard in Legion barracks. Funditores (slingers) for Rome.

ZoC = Zone of Control
Home grown units can only be raised in certain 'Homeland Territories'.
certain mercenary auxilia units can now be raised in troop/barrack buildings anywhere in your empire.

Egypt is now Ptolamaic Empire.
Briton is now Breton
Spain is now Iberia

Game finishes in 180AD about the time of the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

I was already at the year 202BC when I and R'AS AL GHUL agreed to post our Campaigns.

The story so far,

It is the year 202BC. The Julii have marched to war and fought hard against their ancient enemies - the Gauls.

War broke out between us and the Carthaginians very early and has continued without letup. Most of the fighting took place at sea and our fleets were eventually victorious, dispersing the remnants of the mighty Carthaginian fleets to distant waters. Blockading of Carthaginian ports disrupted their economy and the Iberians took full advantage in Iberia ousting the Carthaginians from Iberia by 228BC. We took the seaport cities of Caralis and Palma from the Carthaginians and our Roman brethrun the Scipii drove the Carthaginians from Sicily. The scent of death hung heavily over their empire.

The war was equally fierce in the north over the mountains.
Mediolanum and Patavium fell quickly to our victorious armies and we moved fast to consolidate the territories on this side of the alps. We moved north and east taking many cities by sack, winning great victories over our implaccable and ancient enemy - the Gauls. Our leader Flavius Julius led us well. cities were governed properly and we prospered mightily.

By 202BC our empire stood thus:-

Narbo Martius
Patavium we had taken from the Gaul

Osca had we taken from the Iberians

Aleria (Island north of Caralis) were rested from the rebel scum.

Palma we took from the Cathaginians

We had done good service to the Gods, thanking them for many great victories and building Great Temples in every city to thank them.
The counting houses in Rome held 154,949 in gold denarii and we stood well in standing with our fellow senators, though the people of Rome were yet shy in their acclamation for our many victories and for the Glory we had brought unto Rome.

Our armies were poised to strike deeper at the enemies heartland.
Lentulus the Mighty, aged thirty-two 7-command stars, already had led our armies to glorious victory in eastern Gaul and Iberia, and stood poised with a fully replenished legionary army in Iberia. Two more legionary armies stand watch of our borders in the north.
The Brutii move further north against the Dacian. They besiege Athens and have armies ready to attack the greek homelands of Corinth, Sparta and Rhodes.
The House of Scipii have taken Carthago(Africa) and Thapsus(Byzacium) from the desert people of Numidea. Their armies besiege Gautilea(Libya) and Lepsis Magna(Tripolitania Superior) in Africa and have taken Syracuse in Sicily.

Our ancient enemies the Gauls and their armies are found in Alesia, Trevarum and Mogontacum. They have few troops any other place.

Those perfidious Greeks offer our house alliance and map information. We agree, if nothing more than to annoy the Brutii who struggle in Greece.

A husband comes forth for one of the divine of our house - aged 73 and with no traits to show he is dismissed. The Julii count their daughters of far higher worth than this man had to offer.

Lentulus attacks in Iberia, catching the enemy on the march. His legion of 1300 men hits hard. The enemy - 446 infantry is joined by 214 more of their troops from the east -to little avail. Lentulus orders a full infantry assault at the centre of the enemy's hastily deploying line. His boys respond with a will. The Iberian battle-line crumbles under the viscious onslaught.
- This is not Gaul-bashing, but it will do.
Lentulus army -
8 Principes
2 Velites
2 Funditores
1 Gallic foot auxilia
3 Equites
2 Gallic cav. auxilia
1 Ballistae
1 Gen. Bodyguard
suffer only 104 casualties for the complete loss of the Iberian armies.
Thanks and sacrifice are offered to the Gods for this great day.

Herrenius Messala, a 30 y-old 1 star General moves east with support - 2 onagers, 1 gallic mtd auxilia (who have proved very good troops in battle if well led) accompanies a unit of principes to make up losses in Lentulus army.

Spurrius Corpulentus, 46 3 Command stars, leads a second legion into Iberia.
He has 6 principes, 2 triarii, 2 velites, 1 ballistae, 2 equites and 1 gallic cav. auxilia. This army has been fighting hard for some years against the Gaul and are all veterans. Each has 1 experience stripe, most have three.

The city of Vindiolacum is honoured for its support in this war with the building of a Pro-Consuls Palace. A Great Temple to Ceres, patron Goddess of the city is quickly built so all may bask in her favour.

The main Iberian army marches against Lentulus' legions.
Lentulus forms his battle-line on the plains before Saguntum.
The enemy battle-line stretches across the whole of our front but we are not dismayed.The Iberian right flank falls upon Lentulus' left. The fighting is fierce. 2 cohorts of principes attack and rout 2 units of Long Shield cav. Two units of heavy infantry move to extracate them. Lentulus responds, moving two cohorts from his centre. Lentulus orders his gallic cav and a unit of equites to attack the enemy right. they quickly circle and flank before launching a critical charge on the exposed flank of the enemy infantry. the equites withdraw and charge again. The Iberian battle-line breaks and Lentulus orders a general assault. His advancing cavalry catch the return of the last of the Iberian cavalry and destroy it. The remaining Enemy flee the field pursued by Lentulus victorious cavalry leaving 449 dead on the bloody ground.

A fleet action occurs outside the seaport of Palma. Our fleet is joined by a fleet of Senate warships. We outnumber the enemy 2-1. The enemy defeat is heavy and they retreat to lick thier wounds. Palma is ordered to construct a shipright for the repair of our fleet ships and is ordered to begin construction of a second fleet.
The city of Segesta is awarded a Gov. Palace for its support of the empire.

Saguntum is besieged by Lentulus army. His engineers construct siege towers and rams and the assault begins. 461 enemy troops are put to the sword and the population is exterminated as an example to those who would defy Rome.

Julianus the Navigator Legendary Admiral is awarded his 5th Command star raising him to 7 command stars in total as the Iberian relief fleet is caught passing through the Straits between Africa and Iberia. He leads our great fleet in pursuit with orders to destroy the enemy where found and to begin a blockade of all the enemies ports.


Lentulus leads his army to the city of Carthago Nova and lays siege. He has managed to trap an Iberian army of 1500 men in the city. Although outnumbered, he has only 1250 men, the assault is ordered. The walls are breached in four places and the infantry pour through. The fighting is bloody and goes on for several hours. Roman cohesion and discipline wrest victory from the enemy in heavy street fighting.
The enemy lose 1544 men to our 342. The city is enslaved. Lentulus rests his legions before he marches west along the coast to attack Gades. Control of Gades will give Rome control of access into the Medditeranean Sea.


Adrian of Clunia leads a large army of Iberians in an invasion of Valencia heading for the city of Saguntum. Lentulus heads north - Gades will have to wait until next years campaign season. Lentulus orders a spy northward. A report is quickly sent back. Three small armies of Iberia are marching on Saguntum across the great plains of Valencia. Our spy counts 16 units, mostly foot, mostly Mercenaries and gallic foot auxilia. This is a hastily raised force and will not be a problem to a Roman General of Lentulus calibre.


Germania is destroyed.
Lentulus with his legion of 1211 men ambushes two of the Iberian forces as they are crossing the ford east of Saguntum. Of 615 men 607 are left lying bloodied in the cold waters of the ford for a loss of only 49 good romans.

Lentulus turns his weary boys around and marches on Gades. The main Iberian field army is now encamped around the hills of the city. Lentulus legion attacks during the night and forces the Iberians back into the city. The siege begins. Reinforcements arrive to bolster Lentulus army at the same time as a relief force of 498 Iberians. The battle lines form before the city walls. 1450 Romans against 1700 Iberians. Lentulus formed his cohorts in a long line. He places his triarii on the flanks behind his first line. The battle was bloody. The Iberians launched heavy cavalry assaults on both flanks as their infantry hit the main roman line. Lentulus' screening Triarii proved their worth tearing huge gaps in the enemy cavalry formations. The enemy horse withdraw leaving their infantry to face the roman cohorts alone. Lentulus legionaries are veterans and begin to slowly butcher the lighter armoured Iberians. At the right moment Lentulus throws in his horse. They fall upon the exhausted Iberian infantry and break them. The slaughter begins as the victorious roman cohorts pursue the enemy across the field. 1514 Iberians lie dead on the field for the cost of 164 romans. A great victory. Sacrifices are offered to the Gods and a grateful Senate awards Lentulus with another command star and the title 'The Orator'.

With the despatches comes word that Syracuse has rebelled against Roman rule and has raised the standard of Macedon. The Scipii warmongerors gather 3 legions from africa and sail for Sicily. Rebellion will not be tolerated in the Empire.

War has begun!!
Breton has invaded Gaul in Belgica.
The Brutii continue to push north against the Dacians. A legion marches against the Gauls. We do not support our fellow romans. The Brutii grow strong in their armies and a main assault against Gaul is not part of our purpose. The Julii's main strength is gathered in Iberia. We shall claim Iberia first before moving upon our old enemy.

Word has come from the East. The Ptolomaic Empire have taken Phrygia - Nicomedia and Bithynia are under siege.

The Greeks hold Sparta, Corinth and Athens still against the Brutii. This attack of thiers upon the Gauls may be unwise. Their assault upon Rhodes was repulsed with heavy loss. A Greeks army fight the rebels for control of Halicarnassus.

The Scipii struggle in our African provinces. There is open uprising against Roman rule. Africa, Byzacium and Tripolitania Superior provinces are in open rebellion. The Numidians still hold Gautelia and Libya, but with weak forces.
Syracuse is assaulted by the Scipii. The Macedonian defenders sally and drive them off breaking the siege.

Lentulus marches his legions north. The Iberians will not face him and retreat into the mountains of Galacia.

Decumus Suetonius, a 33 y-old 4 star cammander is given command of our newly formed legion from Arretium. He has 8 cohorts, 2 Velites and 1 Funditores, plus 3 units of cav. He is ordered over the Alps to watch Gaulish Aquitania and Central Gaul.
Lentulus orders his roman cohorts home for rest and retreaining. The port of gades is ordered to build a Shipwright. Admiral Marcellus (5-stars) moves his fleet to hold the Straits of Africa.
Admiral Julianus -'The Navigator' is reinforced with two Quinquiremes fresh from having their hulls scraped at Arretium. He sails his fleet into the Great Northern sea to harass the the remaining Iberian provinces of Lusitania and Gaeutia.
A full Legion of Brutii marches upon Mogonteacum. Our spies report a huge Gaul army waiting for them. I wish our roman brothers luck. This unwise move aids our cause in Gaul, yet at anothers expense.
Lentulus completes the destruction of the Iberians' field army who are destroyed.

This Great Roman and Servant of the House of Julii died in the field at the head of his beloved army. His men mourned his passing with funeral games worthy of a great soldier. The Senate ordered a funeral festival to honour this True Roman.
The last remnants of the Iberians move to attack the romans. Their courage has returned with Lentulus passing. Lentulus veterans move quickly to intercept them.


The Julii accept these great changes and begin a re-organisation of their armies.


The Scipii re-take Syracuse from the Macedonians putting all to the sword. The Brutii have Vicus Marcomanni(Regnum Marcomanni) under siege. Our spy Quintus Voisinus, abroad among the gaulish tribes sends back word that two hugebreton armies passed quickly through the thick forests of Belgica heading for the Gaul heartlands. Our army in Iberia assaults Gades after several minor skirmishes on the approach march to the city. Our legio assault the city with 936 men. The enemy have 674 men in the city and 181 more arrive as relief. To little avail. The city falls.
Gades has revolted against Roman rule. A second legion is ordered west to support the retaking of the city.
Bad news has arrived in the latest despatches. Admiral Marcellus has died.
Athens is now under siege by the Brutii. A small fleet heads fro the Black Sea. Smyrna(Ionia) is held by the rebels. Mytilene(Lesbos) is held by the Macedonians and Pergamum(Phrygia) is the new capital of the dwindling Pontic Empire.

Gades is taken again and is put to the sword. The Senate gift our house with 5000 denarii. The Brutii have taken Tribus Lazyges from Dacia.


This year is one of consolidation as we continue the raising of the new style Roman armies.


A great battle is fought for the bridge in Lusitania and control of the road leading to the city of Scalabis. Our legion of 1038 men meets the Iberian force of 762. They lose 707 to our 60. Lentulus trained his men well.
Ptolomaic Empire has taken Bithynia and is besieging Pergamum(Phrygia).
The assault on Scalabis begins. 913 men and a supporting force of 377 fight the Iberian forces of 890. The rain is very heavy. It clears long enough for a thick fog to descend upon the field cutting visibility by at least half. The total enemy force is killed for the loss of 137 men in our army.


R'as al Ghul
11-10-2004, 11:16
Hi warlordmb,

nice campaign report. I would've liked the one or other screenshot of battles or campaign situations. Otherwise it's a thorough report. Also nice to know what happens on the rest of the map. I haven't played the Julii yet and don't know much about that region, having played mainly in Greece and the east.
Concerning the Parthians, well, as I already said I don't know when I get to it. I saved every few turns and can go back to different stages of the campaign but I'm afraid I won't have the time to write it up. I'm mostly posting from work and seldom have the time when at home, working. Sounds rather paradox but it's true.
Anyway, I'm still fighting the Seleucids, Egyptians and Pontus but the war of attrition takes more of their men than mine, usually at least 5 to 1.


11-10-2004, 11:27
Hi Ras,

Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.
I taken a few screenshots but haven't found a way to use them. I'm going to post to the forum and see if someone can help me out with using them.

Let me know any important events in your campaign will you?

Ave brother.

R'as al Ghul
11-10-2004, 11:56
There's a place called imageshack.com.
You don't need to register there. You just upload the pic and get a link in return. The pic will be stored under that link as long as it is looked at often enough. At some time they will just disappear.
