View Full Version : Great Books for Edo-philes: Laura Joh Rowland\'s Mysteries

08-04-2001, 02:13
I just finished reading Laura Joh Rowland's 2nd Book - "Bundori". Although I am not much for fiction, I must take a moment to recommend this series of books to anyone currently looking for a good Summer read.

Her books are mysteries whose main character Sano Ichiro is the chief inspector for the Shogun Takegawa Tsuneyoshi. While Sano falls in and out of favor with the Shogun thanks to his enemy Chancellor Yanagisawa, he struggles to maintain the Bushido code while solving mysteries.

As a long time fan of detectives Holmes, Morse, and Frost I was quite pleased to finally be able to merge my love of Japanese history with a thrilling mystery. I was also surprised by the quality of scholarship Ms. Rowland showed in her detailing both the Sengoku and Edo periods. Finally, Bundori was simply a damned good read.

My only beef that relates at all to the novel, "Bundori" is its cover. I am only an amateur when it comes to swords, but the one on the cover doesn't look like anything ever produced in Japan. It looks more like a Damascus sword to me.

Many of her past books are currently being reprinted and should be on the store shelves soon. Too bad; I need something to keep my mind busy now while waiting for the Mongol Expansion pack.

The Buddha is a gyoza. If you find the Buddha, eat him.

08-04-2001, 05:02
JSK --
Thanks for the tip!! I had not heard of this one before. If you like that sort of thing with a "private eye" character in a strange milieu, you will undoubtedly enjoy anything by Lindsey Davis which involves her character "Marcus Didius Falco" in the time of Vespasian and Titus. He has been described as "Sam Spade in a toga". (She has maybe 10 books so far and I've read 6 or 8. I think they start with "Silver Pigs".)


08-04-2001, 20:30
And thanks for your tip. Nothing beats a good blend of history and mystery. I'll have to check this guy? out.

The Buddha is a gyoza. If you find the Buddha, eat him.

08-07-2001, 03:31
JSK -- I picked up "The Samurai's Wife" at B&N. They didn't have any of the earlier ones. Thanks again for the tip.