View Full Version : In Other News

11-23-2004, 02:35
A Poem about the Media in all its ultra-negative glory.

In Other News…

I see a young boy dying, trapped under the rubble of his home as a million tons of American ordnance explodes overhead.

I see an old man dying, countless tubes sticking from his chest, the sound of his respirator drowning out his thoughts. His family is too busy to visit him.

I see a soldier dying, his consciousness slowly fading as his blood pours out of him. Memories of a better life back home fade to black.

I see a teenager dying, a victim of a liquor soaked midnight bash gone wrong. She looks at her wrecked car sitting on the shoulder of the highway as the paramedics start to zip up her body bag.

I see a species dying, being driven under by everything ranging from habitat destruction to excessive hunting for pelts.

I see a company dying, a once prosperous business gone, leaving nothing behind but a hollowed out corporate headquarters and jobless employees.

I see reason dying, being replaced by dogma, blind faith, ignorance and hatred.

I see a nation dying, being slowly smothered to death by its own people in a frenzy of profit driven, ADD fueled consumerism.

I see individualism dying, names, faces and achievements being replaced by numbers and statistics, soulless as people that coined them.

I see an environment dying, slowly but surely being choked to death by toxins and smog as it is denuded of life.

I see humanity dying, in retrospect, just another savage, hairless ape walking the earth without rhyme or reason.

I see the planet dying, are we not after all, just pathetically insignificant specks in the Universe?

11-23-2004, 02:52
uhhhhh thats depressing and there isnt exsessive pelt hunting

11-24-2004, 18:02
That's exactly why I don't watch the news, so the poem fits the title well. ~:)

11-24-2004, 20:04
Well froggy, it's better to be dark and cynical than to be ignorant.

11-25-2004, 19:43
I'm already cynical; the news just confirmed that nice feeling that the vast majority of human kind needs removing from the face of the planet. The news is a double whammy of "humans are lousy"; first for all the wars and misery, again for the nice people standing around filming people dying and doing nothing at all to help.

I read the papers and forums instead.