View Full Version : Sad Prologue ending... "Your faction is DEFEATED!"

01-04-2005, 03:33
I have been playing the game for a few days, thought I would complete the "Sons of Mars" prologue before starting the Imperial Campaign. Tonight I had captured all settlements, except for Ravenna that was re-captured by the rebels. Ok, so I leave Dyrrhachium and head to the north, suddenly getting informed that the SPQR and Scipii would gang up on me unless I get my beloved faction leader to commit suicide. Getting mad at the Senate, I let him die by the gladius, and intended to assault Rome with my entire army (except for one of my generals who currently was governing Dyrrhachium), as Rome seemingly had no armies guarding her. Prior to attacking, I sent my diplomat to bribe the only SPQR army on the field. However... when I build a few siege weapons and end my turn, several messages pop up stating that "You are not longer a Roman" and "YOUR FACTION IS DEFEATED!", although my army was still there... alive. Is there any chance of turning the end game in my favor? I was loved by the Senate until I landed in Greece 10 turns earlier. Everything stated above makes me so confused! Is the prologue always supposed to end like this? Wasn't I supposed to help Rome forge a safe country?

01-04-2005, 11:53
Conquering the whole prologue map. Well I do'nt think they intended for this as there is a date/territory trigger where Res Romanae pops up and says you can now go play a regular campaign.

Theres a whole world out there, now go to an imperial campaign and explore.

01-04-2005, 15:49
hi susanne,

I had the same thing.. replayed my safe game several ways... turns out to be a bug.

My suggestion is to restart the game (cheat and add 20.000) get a big army and conquer away till you have 15 provinces and you have won and all the factions are free to be used.

