View Full Version : First Cohorts?

01-04-2005, 18:14
Probably something else that has been on before but I have only encountered First Cohorts Once, The Brutii had one.
I was wondering how you made them, as I can't seem to make them the normal way.
Thanks in Advance

01-04-2005, 19:14
yes, i think it has. Short answer is that you can't make them, they are gifted to you by the senate as reward to acheiving a mission.

Silly idea, but its the way it is (i've never been given one... ~:mecry: )

01-04-2005, 19:19
I've only been given one as the Julii.

A First Early Legionary Cohort.

01-04-2005, 22:44
In all my games, I have only once fight against a first cohort (and only realized it afterwards, when the message "captured an eagle" popped up.
I never got a first cohort myself, either. But I have played only one long campaign as romans.

01-05-2005, 03:10
what happend when you captured the eagle , sonmething special or just a cool message ?
in al my 2 full long campains with the romans (julii brutii ) I have never got an eagle unit.. ~:eek: it's probably very special and hard to get them...

01-05-2005, 12:10
As I recall if you capture an Eagle you not only get the message, but your commanding general earns the trait of Eagle Taker, giving him an influence bonus.

From what I've read a lost Eagle can be re-captured as well. When taken, an Eagle is sent to a nearby settlement owned by the victor's faction and if that settlement is conquered then the Eagle is reclaimed.

I've modded my game so that First Cohorts can be built in Rome by any Roman faction which is usually the only way I see them since I normally destroy the Senate before the Marian Reforms.

01-05-2005, 15:05
Yes, I put that mod in as well, but somehow it got messed up, and my game wouldnt work. At last I somehow got it to load up, and I can build them in every province ~:confused: I dont know how to take it out, but oh well, their alright. They do seem to get massacred in the field though, dispite their tremendous size, and for me to use a full army of them freezes my PC from lag, so I only use two or three units of them with my normal marian reformed units.

01-05-2005, 16:38
I recieved them in my 1st game (my current game), only for some reason they popped up around the same time as Legionary Cohorts, thus they became obsolete as soon as they became available, thus, bug!