View Full Version : Battle records?

01-11-2005, 10:10
Since I am quite new to the game, so do one of course have some questions. One of them being, are there any battle records available within the game/campaign (i.e. scroll) which one can access and view the various battles one have fought during the campaign?

I have looked around in various places, but have not been able to find anything of that nature. Nor have I been able to find any records/scroll over when different factions and/or provinces have been captured.

Is it just me that aren´t searching in the right places, or does records like these not exist and one are forced to keep the timeline of expansion and battles in ones own memory?

Epistolary Richard
01-11-2005, 11:09
I don't know of anything apart from the little crossed swords on the strategic map. Some little extras would have been cool though...

- like battle replays for campaign battles, that should have been a no-brainer
- a big chronology recording the dates of the big events
- biographies of your characters (that you can access even after they're dead!) detailing when they won their battles or governed towns or became monster-raving-loonies, a bit of auto-text thrown in and you've got your own personalised copy of Suetonius!