View Full Version : Battle of Trasimene

01-12-2005, 03:14
I have played the game for only one day, and liked it :)
Anybody won the Battle of Trasimene from Historical Battles?
The best result I get is only around 50 Romans standing (some heavy and light infantry), all the enemy are out, either dead or fled. But it's not really a victory I would say :)

Is there a strategy to win the battle more decisively?

Uesugi Kenshin
01-12-2005, 04:13
I don't remember the battle but there are many ways to define victory. I would define Thermopylae as a victory for Sparta, because they killed many times their number and broke the back of the Persian army. The Persians were demoralized and lacked the vigour that they had had before the battle.
How many enemies are left? Were they better equipped? Did you kill more of them than they killed of you? Did they outnumber you?
It is true that you could not do much with only 50 men left but if the enemy is even worse off it could be called a minor or near victory.... Or a Phyrric (sp?) victory.

01-12-2005, 04:20
No enemies were left on the battlefield. The numbers were approximately equal in the beginning, but they had a tactical advantage - a surprise attack to my left flank.

01-12-2005, 14:53
Oh yeah... Have won it rather comfortably, but not without big losses. The key is to not get the cavalry bogged down, they have to go from hotspot to hotspot to deal with the Carthies. Make certain that your Triarii dal with the cavalry, they need not be the ones that take the charge (that is hard to do) but they need to get in there and save the Hastati and Principes, much like the cavalry.