View Full Version : Europa Barbarorum Status

01-19-2005, 07:31
First I would like to say that I was thrilled to find out about this mod. I had the same concerns about the barbaric factions when I first played the game and wished for a more accurate portayal.

I am most eager to see what you have come up with and would like to help in any way I can. I am a first year archaeology student with special interest in north European Iron Age and especially the Germanic areas.

01-24-2005, 12:07
Kvasir, several members have tried to contact you, are you still interested?

01-28-2005, 18:09
It's good to see others that share similar thoughts about giving the so called “barbarian factions” a more accurate portrayal. So far this mod looks great and I'd really like to lend a helping hand. My specialty is History particularly Eurasian steppe cultures like the Huns, Avars, Bulgars Khazars and Magyars. I'm also decent with editing txt files and actually redid many files for MTW: VI to make it more historically accurate. ~:)

01-28-2005, 19:26
i just wanted to break-up the "k" member's posting monopoly in this thread.

02-03-2005, 12:07

I received your PM and sent you a reply did you ever get it? I'm still interested in joining this mod team. ;)

02-03-2005, 16:27
I also have high hopes for this mod. The way they made the "Barbarians" in Vanilla RTW is depressing. I for one love teching up. With the Barbs, you get to Tech 3 and then it's all downhill from there. WTF?! Just because they DIDN'T get heavily populated doesn't mean they COULDN'T! Simply because they weren't given the opportunity to gain the resources to advance doesnt mean they were incapable. I for one hope you guys can help banish the stigma I currently get about playing the "less civilized" people.