View Full Version : multiplayer problems

05-23-2005, 20:59
i keep getting this "cannot join game GS" thing, or, "no response from host"

any ideas?

05-23-2005, 21:25
unfortunately this is mostly due to Gamespy being really rather lame. try playing in the competitive lobby, i allways get much better connections in there.

05-23-2005, 23:19
Im afraid its just Gs. Gs is just generely bad. Sorry to disapoint you.

05-24-2005, 13:16
its not you, its G**spy. **GameSpy! **

its completey random, for example, i could always join nihlistcics ( i dont know your name i just call you cow) somedays, and others i cant!

luck of he draw

05-24-2005, 13:43
It's NihilisticCow.... it's not that hard....... ~;)

As for the topic, I've noticed the problem is worst when Gamespy is busy, so as Wishazu suggested, use one of the other lobbies when friendly is very busy and see if it is any better.

05-24-2005, 15:53
i find that it is easier to join in competitive or the chat lobby

06-15-2005, 11:56
yup true Gamespy is really bad .. very hard to connect when theres alot of people try going to competitive or chat lobby to play it would be a little easier :D

06-22-2005, 16:19
shadow']i find that it is easier to join in competitive or the chat lobby

yes its always best to go chat or competitive!!!