View Full Version : SL_ShadowLands

08-20-2001, 19:37
well i took tosa's tips and redid the map because he said the mountain and the water could not be next to each other. i have play tested the map some 50 times now i like the map so i uploaded it check it out tell me what you think...

now you all have a great day because when night falls there will be hell to pay

Clan Shades Website
Shades (http://www.geocities.com/shadesofshogun/index.html)

08-24-2001, 21:48
just a quick question is there any peticular reson my map has not been put up on the list?

Just wondering if you found any bugs in it Or if you just did not like my lil msg's in the tree's http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/tongue.gif

Clan Shades
come by and give us a visit (http://www.geocities.com/shadesofshogun/index.html)
ShadeLord Shiba a member of clan shades

08-24-2001, 22:20

i wish i could show you guys one map a fellow did in railroad tyconn II. the entire map was a picture of a dragon. very cool.


remember, tosa is in europe and they just got access to the xpack and online play ...we may not see him for weeks ;) i know you guys have a clan site, so just put it up there and post a notice in here about it. things may get backlogged a bit as all the new map makers start producing and again, the euro's just got the xpack so that means even more maps being made and having to be dealt with. there's liable to be a backlog for posting for a while.

the best way to avoid delays is to check your map out thoroughly yourselves. that means playing it online in at least a 2v2 and perhaps in several game styles, to make sure it's bug free and hassle free. this saves tosa some work. also see my post in this forum about tips, tricks and twists. i've been studying how water works in the new editor and i think i can save everyone some time regarding putting those little buggy ponds on their maps.

i've also had several folks send me their maps and been online with several to 'walk through' their maps with them.

i must say, there's some really nice stuff coming out and it's tough getting to all of them. i downloaded 4 or 5 more yesterday, walked through 2 with the makers and looked at a couple more in the editor. we knew there would be an influx of new maps...i'm not sure we expected or were ready to handle this many all at once :)

the best way to get your map posted as fast as possible is to make sure it's done and bug free...test, test, test before posting. check out all those textures and buildings and models and other stuff yourselves. go over it online with friends. be critical. does this texture really match up with this one or am i fudging here. are there too many impassable zones around the edges that prevent reinforcements from entering the map in a king of the hill game? it will save tosa a ton of time in checking your maps himself.


I'm sorry, but i never apologize.

08-25-2001, 12:52
hey Kraellin,

yeah i got a e-mail back from taso awhile ago he told me that the water i had was to close to the moutain and that would cause a crash.(i played it like 20 times it never crash but who knows http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/smile.gif)

Yeah i have the map on my clan site in the section with all the maps done by my clanmembers. ShadeBrown has 3 maps done and i have 1. i played a game on my map in custom battle with 8 players it was pretty fun i like the map editor it is the best thing to come out of the x-pac.

Clan Shades
come by and give us a visit (http://www.geocities.com/shadesofshogun/index.html)
ShadeLord Shiba a member of clan shades

08-25-2001, 22:00

yes, the map editor is the single most improved portion of the game. they did a very good job of it.

check my recent post in the tips, tricks & twists thread about water and how it now works. it's different than it used to be and this may be why tosa said it was bugged. there is still a 'bug' with some water, but it's different than it used to be and it still needs to be handled carefully or you can get some somewhat unusual results...can you say 'frog-cav'? ;) it's actually a cute/humorous thing, but can be used as a more or less 'cheat' in a multi game.

there may well be other oddities to water, as i've not tested it fully yet and hardly anyone has tested it in multi that i know of. if you guys in Shades wanted to do that and report your results in here it would be a big help. if you do test it, try it with the 2 different types of maps i describe in the tips thread, because water acts quite differently in each situation.

i'll also prolly stop by your clan site and download your maps. i really like seeing all the new stuff coming out. i feel like a proud parent who has just had triplets, er quadruplets, no, quintup...hmmm, what's the name for having 50 kids at one time? hehehe. at any rate, i'm glad to see new map makers :)


I'm sorry, but i never apologize.

08-26-2001, 18:06
I had tried to use the old editor but the dang demo i tried to download 7 times never worked and it was a 3 day event everytime i tried to download it http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/frown.gif

I did notice that my map finaly got on the list http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/smile.gif.

I have tested that walking on water thing you were talking about. What i did was i put tree's in the water. And from there i used that to tell how deep the water was and if the melee units would be able to hide in the water. i got the new map so the cav walks on water and the melee units kind of go up to there knee's in the water. I think the tree thing worked pretty well for me in judging how deep the water was. I like the idea of being able to cross shallow water but as you said it could cause a problem with people making the water tooo deep and hiding men in there...

now you all have a great day because when night falls there will be hell to pay

Clan Shades Website
Shades (http://www.geocities.com/shadesofshogun/index.html)