View Full Version : Agincourt

Stephen Hummell
07-22-2002, 01:46
It doesn't work, before it goes into the battle it says the textures failed and there was an error.

07-22-2002, 02:40
Did you run the backdrop batch file?
if you don't really want to do that you need to write down the error message
did it give a failed to load message with an address?
like backdrops/hilly_plains/winter/..
if it did you need to CREATE the missing folder by copying another backdrop folder into the one the game is looking for,
this is only the sky and distant background, so anything from hilly will do fine

If it was a texture/tile error - well it works fine here,
but then i have run the backdrop batch file,
good luck and keep us advised

(and keep up the good work, testing the mods is important, and i don't have time to test all the ones sent to me)
Clan Doragons Medieval Website
Mods, Unit Descriptions and more
DoragonBarocca of Clan Doragon (http://doragon.cjb.net)

[This message has been edited by barocca (edited 07-21-2002).]

Stephen Hummell
07-22-2002, 03:19
It said "Textures\backdrops\Plains\v_sunny\winter\sky_ft.lbm.

Stephen Hummell
07-22-2002, 03:57
How do I create a missing folder or whatever it is??

07-22-2002, 09:19
if you can spare 55 meg of hard disk space download modder guide zip file and run backdrop batch file
this will create all possible (that we know of) combinations of backdrops for all known terrain types,

copy the entire winter folder from here
to here
end result should look like
\Textures\Backdrops\River_coastal\V_Sunny\winter\(*varoius lbm's*)

best bet is use backdrop batch file,
all known weather types for all known terrain types are allowed for!

Clan Doragons Medieval Website
Mods, Unit Descriptions and more
DoragonBarocca of Clan Doragon (http://doragon.cjb.net)

[This message has been edited by barocca (edited 07-22-2002).]

07-23-2002, 04:36
Most importantly, are all your units known to be allowed for modding?

Stephen Hummell
07-23-2002, 06:36
I'm not going to even bother with it anymore.

[This message has been edited by Stephen Hummell (edited 07-23-2002).]

07-23-2002, 15:33
simply run the backdrop batch file and all will be solved
available from http://doragon.cjb.net

Stephen Hummell
07-23-2002, 20:47
Thanks Barocca.

Stephen Hummell
07-23-2002, 21:14
It was easy, I killed 1500 lost 325 captured 340. I love laying waste to the french town.

07-25-2002, 13:17
How does one entice the the French Cavalry to change. They seem to go be constantly moving but not attacking http://www.totalwar.org/ubb/smile.gif

07-25-2002, 13:50

Please remember this is only the first release of the Mod, it is not quite finished yet,
There are balancing issue which needs to be addressed.....