View Full Version : {Faction Preview}Hakamanishiya Pars{Faction Preview}

09-29-2005, 14:32
Greetings to the community from the ROP Modification team,
As we get closer and closer to releasing Beta 1.0, we thought we should post faction previews in the forums to give you an insight of the units you will be able to command. This faction is the main faction for Rise of Persia, we are pleased to present you a preview of,

Hakamanishiya Pars (Achaemenid Persia)
Iran was once invaded by two tribes, they split up Media to the North and Persia to the south. The Persians lived in peace, they where not harmed by any conflicts of war that stuggled on between Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt.

The Persians are an Indo-European people who speak close to the language Sanskri. It is hard for the Persians to contoll the regions they own, the coastline affords no harbours and the eastern regions are mountains. The Persians served as Vassal states to the Medes, who controll the areas east of the Tigris river, but not for long.

Hundreds of years have now past, and under an ambitiouse leader, King Cyrus II of Persia is about to take the step and lift this small kingdom to the first world empire, perhaps even the greatest the world will yet see. Starting a new chapter in history which will change the world forever.

As the Great King, here are some of the units which you will be able to command

Elam Pasti
Elam Pasti are lightly equipped infantry, serving as a lower class in society, given little training as spear armed warriors serve as levy infantrymen. Elam Pasti are drawn from among the peasantry and urban poor, given minimal training and sent into battle. Fight in an unorganzied formation, but are fast mobile infantrymen able to keep up with other lightly armed warriors.

Elam Pasti are armed with no body armour and a light wicker weight shield. Their weapon is a short spear. In battle they fight in an unorganized line formation, they do not see any need for military formalities!

Youth Sparabara
Youth Sparabara are decently armed spearmen, among the lower classed in society, they are trained to fight as formidable infantrymen, they serve best when against cavalry. Youth Sparabara are recruited from among the lower classes of Persian society, given basic training in how to handle the spear. Organized infantrymen who are efficient against frontal assualts against cavalry.

Youth Sparabara are equipped with leather body armour and a large wicker weight shield. Their weapon is a long spear. In battle they fight as front line spearmen in the Spara formation, they lock their large shields together and keep in a massed formation whilst archers behind hail arrows on the enemy.

Parsa Acinaces
Parsa Acinaces are well equipped swordsmen, middle classed citizens able to afford quality armour, they are mobile swordsmen, well able to take on many opponents. Parsa Acinaces are recruited from among middle classed soldiers, reliable swordsmen who are well trained to fight as efficient swordsmen. Usually are used to chase faster infantry, aswell as protecting the army flanks.

Parsa Acinaces are well armed with scale armour and a light wicker weight shield. Their weapon of choice is a short sword. In battle they fight as mobile infantrymen protecting the flanks, able to move from one spot to another in double time.

Parsa Takabara

Parsa Takabara are well armed soldiers, high classed citizens that play an important role in the army, well trained and mobile. Parsa Takabara have the same status as the Parsa Sparabara, but serve different purposes, they are used as a counter-attack unit developed against the Hoplites. Basically serving as effective, mobile axemen, supporting the lines.

Parsa Takabara are well armed with strong leather armour and a Taka shield. Their weapon is a one-handed axe. In battle they protect the flanks, used as fast, formidable axemen, generally always in motion.

Parsa Sparabara
Parsa Sparabara are well armoured infantrymen, high classed citizens that play a crucial role in the army, well trained spear armed soldiers, serve as the backbone line. Parsa Sparabara are higher classed soldiers in the army, well trained with the spear, well able shield bearers who can hold a battle line for a while when required. Generally serving in a solid front line formation.

Parsa Sparabra are well equipped with strong leather armour and a large wicker weight shield. Their weapon is a long spear. In battle they fight as backbone infantrymen in the Spara formation, forming a solid wall with their large shield locked together in a organized formation whilst archers behind hail arrows on the enemy.

Parsa Amrtaka
Parsa Armtaka are the Persian elite Royal Guard regiment, heavy infantry that are kept constantly in strength of exactly 10.000 men. Parsa Amrtaka are constatly in stength of 10.000 men, every killed, seriously wounded or sick member was immediately replaced with a new one. The regiment accepted only Median or Persian applicants.

Their weapons were a leather and wicker shield, a short spear with an iron point and a counterbalance on the other end, a bow with cane arrows, a quiver for them and a dagger or short sword. The regiment's uniform consisted of a tiara or soft felt cap, an embroidered long-sleeved tunic, trousers, and a coat of mail. Their usual tactics involve a front rank charge at the enemy while the rear flanks shoot arrows to support the assault.

Parsa Arstibara
Parsa Arstibara are the Persian elite Royal Guard regiment, heavy infantry that are kept constantly in strength of exactly 1000 bodyguards. Parsa Arstibara are known to be the Persian Monarachs personal guards kept in 1000 strong. They get hence the name "Apple Bearers", this is because of the golden buts on the end of their spears as a counter-weight.

Their weapons are a short spear with an iron point and a counterbalance on the other end, a bow with cane arrows, a quiver for them and a dagger or short sword. The regiment's uniform consisted of a tiara or soft felt cap, an embroidered long-sleeved tunic, trousers, and a coat of mail. Their usual tactics involve protecting the Great King, guarding his life with 1000 soldiers of the Imperial army.

Hakamanishiya Thanvabara
Hakamanishiya Thanvabara are famed as superior missile troops, although they are vulnerable in hand-to-hand combat. Hakamanishiya Thanvabara can maintain a sustained and concentrated barrage on an enemy before rapidly falling back to avoid hand-to-hand combat, used to soften up the enemy army.

Hakamanishiya Thanvabara are lightly armed archers. Their primary weapon is a bow with cane arrows, a quiver for them and a dagger or short sword and secondary weapon is a short sword when engaging hand-to-hand combat. Generally effective missile support weakening the enemies battle lines.

Parsa Asabari
Parsa Asabari cavalry add a lot to the army mostly because its speed, giving more room for tactical manoeuvres and mobility for complete effectiveness. Parsa Asabari understand the power of the fast cavalry much earlier than the Greeks, but are not effective against heavy infantry. The Persians depended mainly on huge numbers of cavalry and archers.

Parsa Asabari are better protected than the infantry which was clothed in soft clothing. Their weapon is the one handed axe aswell as a Taka shield for better defense. Famed for their abilities as efficient horsemen.

Parsa Amrtaka Asabari
Parsa Armtaka are the Persian elite Royal Guard regiment on horseback, heavy cavalry that are kept constantly in strength of exactly 10.000 men. Parsa Amrtaka are constatly in stength of 10.000 men, every killed, seriously wounded or sick member was immediately replaced with a new one. The regiment accepted only Median or Persian applicants.

Their weapons were a leather and wicker shield, a short spear with an iron point and a counterbalance on the other end, a bow with cane arrows, a quiver for them and a dagger or short sword. The regiment's uniform consisted of a tiara or soft felt cap, an embroidered long-sleeved tunic, trousers, and a coat of mail. Their usual tactics involve a front rank charge at the enemy while the rear flanks shoot arrows to support the assault.

Parsa Arstibara Asabari
Parsa Arstibara Asabari are the Persian elite Royal Guard regiment on horseback, heavy cavalry that are kept constantly in strength of exactly 1000 bodyguards. Parsa Arstibara are known to be the Persian Monarachs personal guards kept in 1000 strong. They get hence the name "Apple Bearers", this is because of the golden buts on the end of their spears as a counter-weight.

Their weapons are a short spear with an iron point and a counterbalance on the other end, a bow with cane arrows, a quiver for them and a dagger or short sword. The regiment's uniform consisted of a tiara or soft felt cap, an embroidered long-sleeved tunic, trousers, and a coat of mail. Their usual tactics involve protecting the Great King, guarding his life with 1000 soldiers of the Imperial army.

Note these do not represent the final versions of whats been seen
Special thanks to imageshack.us who allows us to show you these images
Special thanks to SPQR Mod for allowing us to use some Models
Special thanks to RTR for letting us use some models and skins

From the enitre ROP Modification we hope you have enjoyed this faction preview,

09-29-2005, 15:45
Great job Faeghi, congratulations on making this project a reality.

09-29-2005, 17:12
Cool preview! ~:cheers:

09-29-2005, 18:26
I'm going to need more drive space, liking this as well.:bow: