View Full Version : Faction Limit

10-05-2005, 20:09
Heya everyone, I am led to believe that the faction limit at its very highest is 31, is there anyway I can override this? anyway at all? I have a grand vision of a mod containing as many playable actions as I can manage (within a strictly historical context)

Any help would be appreciate in finding this out


10-06-2005, 10:29
Perhaps you could try some tinkering with main exe file of MTW. But I'm not sure whether it doesn't go against law.

Another way is to make more campaigns, but in each you can still have 31 factions AFAIK.

10-06-2005, 19:48
Ahh, thanks, anyone have any idea how to do this? if so PM me, if it can be done I intend to spearhead a movement to make the biggest mod ever, every major faction that can be managed (dividing up the HRE, Ireland in early e.t.c), more provinces and possibly new units- thgats a big IF though


10-06-2005, 21:05
Ahh, thanks, anyone have any idea how to do this? if so PM me, if it can be done I intend to spearhead a movement to make the biggest mod ever, every major faction that can be managed (dividing up the HRE, Ireland in early e.t.c), more provinces and possibly new units- thgats a big IF though


You can't go over 31 factions, 107 provinces and 256 unit types for each campaign. Period.

10-06-2005, 22:20
Where these is a will there is a way

And where there isn't a way, micro-campagins