View Full Version : Vote for which extra faction you want in AOVAF

Rodion Romanovich
10-11-2005, 16:37
That's right, magic has made it possible to add another faction to AOVAF, now that we've implemented the Pope in a different way than previously. But we have not yet decided which faction to choose among the many canditates. The result of this poll won't necessarily be what we choose as new faction, but we'll probably be strongly guided by it. So, let's hear your opinions!

- seldjuks - the turkish seldjuks emerged as a result of the khaliphate losing power, and their mighty armies were the ones to inflict the terrible Manzikert and Malazgiert defeats on the Byzantine empire, the probably most severe blow the Byzantines had taken in a very long time. The seldjuks played an important role in the area until eliminated by the mongol invasions in the 13th century, but the turkish population in the area was later united under the ottomans, through which the seldjuks in a way lived on, and started establishing another great empire from the 14th century and onwards. If implemented, the seldjuks will be an emerging faction with horde ability, and appear around the middle of the 11th century. Non-playable in the campaign early era, but playable in late era and in custom and mp battles.
- great moravia - the probably strongest slavic faction at the time of the mod's starting period, located in the Bohemia/Moravia area. Historically they were destroyed quite shortly after the mod's starting period, but nevertheless an important power and could also well symbolize the many slavic peoples in the area, even if it turned out the later slavic factions had other names. If implemented, the moravians will be included from start but not appear or be playable in the late era, but playable in early era and in custom and mp battles.
- polans (Polish) - the slavic polanes established a kingdom during the 11th century, united by Miezsko (sp?), but the empire was destroyed quite soon. Not until much later did the modern Polish kingdom appear, when these tribes united again, and remained united until today. If implemented, the polans/Polish will be an emerging faction, and appear around the 11th century. Non-playable in the campaign early era, but playable in late era and in custom and mp battles.
- volga bulgars - the volga bulgars created a powerful muslim empire on the steppes north of the Khazar khaganate. They were at times allies and protectorate of the khazars, but were also quite powerful and independent. However, they disappeared during the later period.
- muslim Sicily (or similar) - muslims established a strong empire on Sicily, which threatened many of the Christian states, including the Papal states. Muslims in Tunisia also acted as pirates independently of the khaliphate, and raided various coastlines in the southern Mediterranean, being "the Mediterranean correspondence to vikings".
- another Italian kingdom that would emerge around 900 - the Central Frankish empire dissolved into minor kingdoms, and later city states, which grew in importance due to long-distance trade, naval strengh, and large populations. However, after the feudal age the larger kingdoms could muster larger armies and could easily defeat the city states in battles. Nevertheless, the Italian city states were able to regain freedom repeatedly.
- croatia - one of the slavic states established during the period, that several times met the Bulgars in battle with varying results.
- serbia - one of the slavic states established during the period, that several times met the Bulgars in battle with varying results.

10-11-2005, 16:49
i like the idea of an emerging italian faction....just because you would be taking advantage of all the features BI has to offer~:cheers:

10-11-2005, 18:34
Seldjuks. Simply because they`re in the east.
Great Moravia as a strong second.

10-11-2005, 18:58
Either Volga Bulgar or a slavic faction.

10-11-2005, 19:07
Moravia, to keep the Magyars in check. A declining empire will be fun to play, too, since most of the other factions seem to be in the early stages of growth at this point.

10-11-2005, 23:11
Great Moravia,


10-12-2005, 00:58
Either the Seljuk Turks or the Muslims in Sicily. I'd choose more if I know the type of unit roster either would have.

I'm going for Seljuks if you can't modify it so the Muslims in Sicily might advance some, or they will simply sit there and do nothing. Land bridges, or naval invasions.

10-12-2005, 06:19
In 843, I think Great Moravia/Bohemia were part of the Eastern Frankish Kingdom. At least on the maps I've been using for the map_regions ~D
Maye they were just client states.

10-12-2005, 08:15
Seldjuks or Great Moravia.My favourite is Great Moravia, as i'm not a too big fan of emerging non playable factions. I don't think Volga Bulgaria is really needed, that's why I'm not taking them into account. Seldjuks would bring some action down there though.

10-12-2005, 18:58
Great Moravia sounds interesting, could add a little flavour to the eastern area of the map, with several possible expansion directions.

10-12-2005, 21:23
Seljuks !
1. For the sake of balance
2. From the above , only the Seljuks established a large empire (the Poles did it much later) so , for the sake of accuracy~;)

10-12-2005, 21:23
An accident

10-12-2005, 21:23
An accident

10-12-2005, 21:24
An accident

10-12-2005, 21:24
Damn !!!! That's the last one , sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

10-12-2005, 22:00

10-13-2005, 10:12

10-13-2005, 14:53
Yes , I know...:bigcry:

10-13-2005, 15:31
Turks for some more action in Asia Minor.

Geoffrey S
10-13-2005, 15:51
Great Moravia for me. Should keep things interesting in the region.

Rodion Romanovich
10-15-2005, 09:27
So it turns out great moravia and seldjuks are the two possible candidates. Now we'll decide internally which of the two will be included. Thanks for your opinions!

It's a difficult choice though. Including great moravia would add a slavic culture to handle internally, and give more needed action in that region. Adding seldjuks would similarly make Asia minor more interesting and balance the byzantines in the late period, as well as give an option to weaken the Abbassids, who are in danger of becoming overpowered. Theoretically it could be possible to make two releases, one with early period and great moravia, and another with late period and seldjuks. Nothing decided yet though