View Full Version : How to make Roman rebels much better?

Bernhard of Clairvaux
12-16-2005, 12:46
Well most of us must have noticed who lousy the roman rebels perform. Their units are bad and they quickly disappear (unless you help them). My solution to this is to give them money in desc_strat.

As it is they get 0 money, yes nada when they form. I have added 40 000 gold to them each and they perform much better now.

03-02-2006, 12:58
Well i tested rebels. I use mod swich and using RomeTW:BI.exe v1.6

I noticed following stuff:

when two factions have shadowed_by entri in desc_sm_factions.txt

for example greek_cities, shadowed_by macedon and macedon shadowed_by greek_cities. If you play as greek_cities and wipe out the macedon you lose.
all your settlements are converted to macedon. Opposite is the same.

if macedon has entri macedon, shadowing greek_cities. It act as rebel faction you can supress revolt and they can uprise against you again. (obvious)

It woun't happen if greek_cities, shadowing macedon and macedon, shadowing greek_cities. Both can supress each other but when their cities revolting the supressed faction wouldn't rise again. Local rebels will rise instead.

one faction can shadow multiple factions:

selecuid shadowed_by macedon
greek_cities, shadowed_by macedon

macedon, shadowing greek_cities, selecuid

But counter revolution of shadowing faction is the first faction and not the second

So it is possible to make one rebel faction for all factions instead of local rebels. Wht i tell that? Because you can make roman rebels to shadow other factions too and then they are harder to kick out.

03-02-2006, 13:16
I think you can make them act as horde too :laugh4: