View Full Version : EB team looking for help : missing roads

01-05-2006, 16:23
I'll try to fix all the missing road issues before the next patch is released. I already catched and fixed some of them, but I'll probably need help in fixing them all, especially in forest and montainous areas. If you think a road between 2 cities or between a port and a city is missing and if you want that to be fixed for the next release, post here :2thumbsup:

01-07-2006, 00:00
I've found a piece of road dislodged (if that's what you're after) next to the Dumnonae city west of 'London' (EB, that's what you get when you use Celtic names...) on the junction going to its port.

01-07-2006, 01:44
There also seems to be a little hiccup in the crossroad just west of Tolosa - with Highways there, at least.

01-10-2006, 23:30
There are no roads between athens and corinth. Also, the bit of land between peleponessus and attica is navigatable by sea, and land units cross over the ocean just nearby, but not the actual land. I'll try to post a screenshot if i have time.

01-11-2006, 01:33
We know about that, our last mapmaker said it had to be that way, not sure if Meneldil can manage something better.

Teleklos Archelaou
01-11-2006, 02:53
It does have to be that way unfortunately. It's the only sacrifice like that really on the map - though in Sinai it does it too (but there it's tolerable since it's desert after all).

By doing it like this (corinth to athens) we allow ships to be "pulled across the diolkos" if you own Corinth. Trade still goes through by land - if you check your settlement details - but it just doesn't go through by road. Sucks, but there's no way around it without ditching the 'diolkos' system, and that works too well.