View Full Version : AI bipolar?

01-17-2006, 09:33
I think this comes from EB cause i havent noticed it as much in vanilla. but i'm playing as rome and the nations around me (carthage and the gauls) will constantly seige the rebels cities in my view for 1 turn, then go away and seige again for one turn and run away. I thought at first they were being sallied on and defeated but the armies just seem to move off after a turn of seiging. it's realy causing the gauls growth south to be slow compared to their potential. anyways like i said i noticed this a lil in Rome but it seems to be greatly multiplied in EB. and the aforementioned:
1.this game runs slow as crap, probly cause the map is so freaking
awesome (ie big and lots of cities). the price we pay for great games :)
2.also my cavalry are super sucky, of course their early equites and
generals but they continually take a beating from skirmisher units
Anyways thanks for workin on this i'm lovin it. especially beign told that all my base belong to them, by the carthaginians, and I should just become there slaves. of course i was one move from seiging carthage so it wasn't quite as terrifying as some demands i've gotten, nonetheless bravo for getting all your base in the game

one more thing where do we send unit descriptions, like for the roman fleets
(dont know if you were exaggeratinb when you said we could write one and send it in, but I'd be happy to write a few)

01-17-2006, 19:46
The AI lifting it's sieges is a well-known bug in RTW 1.2, it was fixed in the 1.3 upgrade but the current EB beta version is for RTW 1.2. If/when EB is ported to 1.5 (or the expansion pack) the siege-lifting should cease.