View Full Version : Government types & faction stats

01-21-2006, 17:13
I'm editing the text for government types using the released beta made available within the past month (.072?). I'm comparing the descriptions in the data\text\export_buildings.txt with the actual stats in the data\export_descr_buildings.txt file to ensure what they say is actually happening.

During the edit I noticed what seems to be a discrepancy with government types. I have excerpted the relevant lines from the file. If I find additional discrepancies I will append them to this thread.

Baktrian Government Type Bonuses

Level 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { romans_brutii, }
recruits_exp_bonus 1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }

Level 2
happiness_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }

Level 3
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }
happiness_bonus bonus -1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }
population_loyalty_bonus bonus -1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }

Level 4
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { romans_brutii, }
recruits_exp_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }
population_loyalty_bonus bonus -1 requires factions { romans_brutii, }

The text from D\T\E_B is currently inconsistent in the following manner:

Level 1
* These regions have poor trade. (There is actually a +2 trade bonus).
* Troops from these regions are more loyal than those from the peripheries. (Actually there is no morale bonus whatsoever, just an experience bonus that Level 3 and 4 government types share as well.)

Level 2
* Troops from these regions have a morale boost. (This is the only government type not to offer a morale boost to troops.)
* This region has a slow population growth. (No population growth penalty exists.)

Level 3
* The populace is happier without as much oversight. (There is really a -1 happiness penalty.)
* Troops have greater experience because their training is not interrupted. (This matches with the text, I'm just confused as to what it is supposed to mean.)

What should take precedence? Should the text follow the stats or should the stats follow the text?


Teleklos Archelaou
01-21-2006, 17:15
We haven't finished tweaking the bonuses. There's a flood of stuff...

edit: I'll try to get an answer of some type for you though. Hang on just a bit.

01-21-2006, 17:25
We haven't finished tweaking the bonuses. There's a flood of stuff...Have any factions' government types been finalized? If so I can work on those first. Otherwise I'll make do and leave a note that these edits may need to be compared to the final stats.

I'll try to get an answer of some type for you though. Hang on just a bit.Sure thing, no hurry. Thanks!