View Full Version : Title Screen...no further

02-14-2006, 16:51
When I start up EB, I get to the title screen and it sits, after a minute, I get a message saying

data/descr_sm_settlements.txt line 304, Column 1

Faction Expected, Found Nomad.

What is it saying, and what do I need to do? I went into the data folder and didnt find this text dc...instead I found:



Teleklos Archelaou
02-14-2006, 16:53
It's gotta be either a bad install or an install on top of an improper build (e.g., not 1.2 vanilla RTW). I'd first try to download the install again and go through that. That is, if you're sure it's on a 1.2 build. Installing it on a 1.5 one or BI just will not work under any circumstances.

02-14-2006, 16:58
It is a 1.2 Build, that I'm sure of. I always check product version before mods...so, I gess it's a corrupt DL and install...no matter...only takes a few minutes to redo...thanks.