View Full Version : WotS The Will of the Senate - First Consul reports

05-22-2006, 14:20
This thread is for the posting of in-character reports to the Senate by First Consuls in the RTR Platinum PBM thread:


Out-of-character discussion of the campaign should be in the link above.

In-character Senate discussion of these reports should be confined to the Senate deliberations thread. (The reason for separating the two is to keep the Senate deliberations thread largely free of screenshots for ease of use. And to allow First Consuls' after-action reports to be archived separately from more ephemeral debate.)

A Concise History of the Republic

3^First Consul|Turn|Year|Season|Significant Events
7^Quintus (aka Econ21)|1|280|Spring|Election
7^|7|279|Autumn|Death of Pyrrhus & defeat of his army
7^|19|276|Autumn|Declaration of war on Carthage
7^|20|275|Spring|Conquest of Sicily complete
7^Lucius Aemilius (aka DDW)|21|275|Summer|Election
7^|26|274|Winter|Declaration of war on Gaul
7^|37|271|Spring|Occupation of Massilia completes conquest of Cisalpine Gaul
7^Augustus Verginius (aka TinCow)|42|270|Summer|Election
7^|50|268|Summer|Sacking of Brouges ends a great raid on all Transalpine Gaul
7^|58|266|Summer|Apollonia expedition ends in near disaster
7^Tiberius Coruncanius (aka FLYdude)|62|265|Summer|Election
7^|74|262|Summer|Macedon declares war on Rome
7^|78|261|Summer|Illyria declares war on Rome
7^|81|260|Spring|Thrace declares war on Rome
7^||||Eagle of Legio III lost to the Gauls at Massilia
7^Lucius Aemilius|82|260|Summer|Election, Amulius Coruncanius (aka Mount Suribachi) Co-Consul
7^|83|260|Autumn|Rome destroys the faction of Illyria
7^|86|259|Summer|Macedon destroys the Consular I Army, killing Co-Consul Amulius Coruncanius
7^|92|258|Winter|Publius Pansa (aka Mount Suribachi) becomes Co-Consul
7^|93|257|Spring|Rome destroys the faction of Macedon
7^|97|256|Spring|Egypt declares war on Rome
7^||||Iberia destroys the faction of Gaul
7^|98|256|Summer|Seleucia declares war on Rome & kills Co-Consul Publius Pansa
7^|99|256|Autumn|Rome destroys the faction of Greece
7^Servius Aemilius (aka Lucjan)|102|255|Summer|Election & landing at Lepcis Magna

Notes for First Consuls:

(1) You must report every two days, even if it is just to say "Very busy, no progress at the moment". Failure to do so may result in my giving the reign to someone else. Sorry, but the show must go on.

(2) You must present a mid-term report at the end of your 10th turn and an end-term report at the end your 20th turn. If your avatar dies, you must stop playing and submit an end-term report. It is essential that these reports be posted promptly, as Senate sessions cannot be opened until the reports are in.

(3) Your mid-term and end-term reports should include at a minimum:
(a) a savegame uploaded to the Org;
(b) a list of enemies and allies;
(c) current revenue, expenditures and balance in the treasury
(d) description of salient events (e.g. battles, diplomatic overtures etc) to date;
(e) recommendations for future action (yours, if mid-term; the next First Consuls, if end-term.
Anything else - screenshots, battle reports, stories etc - is welcome but not essential. If you post screenshots, please do so in jpg format, reduced to 75% size.

(4) You must report asap any new faction members that are spawned (including infants), so that they may be assigned to other participants as avatars. Please give full details - name, date and season of spawn, relation to family tree, age, location, stats, traits, ancillaries, everything.

(5) If a faction member in the Lower Senate gets into a battle, press escape at the pre-battle window, save the game, stop playing and upload the save to the Org upload directory. PM the participant and ask him to play out the battle, uploading the new save within 48 hours of your PM. If he fails to do this, autoresolve the battle and continue your reign.

05-27-2006, 11:52

As requested, I take a pause from campaigning to report our progress to you. As autumn approaches in this year 278, I have set up temporary headquarters with our Consular army in Croton. I currently await news from General Tiberius Coruncanius of his fortune in taking Paestum from the rebels with our Praetorian army.

I start with the main business - our war with King Pyrrhus. You may recall, my plan was to take Arretium, emboldening the Greeks to divide their forces with premature and understrength incursions into our lands. For a while, it appeared that Senator GeneralHankerchief's scepticism was proved correct and the plan was failing. While the Greeks did divide and did enter into our lands - even besieging Capua for one season - we were not able to catch them and defeat them in detail as I hoped. The wily King Pyrrhus was too careful, wary of the greater strength of our full Consular army. Instead, we shadowed each other in an unproductive dance for over a year. As my initial attempts to lure out the Greeks failed, I even attempted to repeat the stratagem - this time seizing Arminium. I have thus fulfilled Motion #8. But this time, King Pyrrhus marched north to Ancona with the full strength of his army.

Here, I must praise the initiative of a new addition to the Senate, Augustus Verginium (aka TinCow - TBC) recently married to young Fadia, daughter of Publius Laevinus. General Verginium had not long been posted to Ancona as governor when he reported his unease at his exposed position. Well before Pyrrhus marched on the city, General Verginium built a fort to overlook the road south and this delayed Pyrrhus long enough for me to return from Arminium and screen the city. Pyrrhus then fell back in disarray. It appeared that my subtle strategy of luring him north to divide his army had failed. So I resolved to resort to simple brute strength, meeting his full army with my own superior Consular force, as required by Motion #1. But then at the last moment, the gods intervened. Frustrated by the fortification on the road to Ancona, Pyrrhus inexplicably had separated from his army. When both retreated south, he went ahead to Corfinium to attend to matters of state. This was the opportunity I had manouvred for, for over a year, so I struck his leaderless army outside that town. King Pyrrhus rushed to return to his army with a reinforcement of levies. I do not know whether his great command talents were of any benefit to the Greeks on that day, but I suspect that due to his late arrival on the battle, they were not.

Unfortunately, the artists I ordered to sketch the great battle were misdirected and missed it. However, I will verbally outline its course. The Greek army consisted of all the units that Pyrrhus first landed with in 280 BC. They were deployed on a lower slope, so I led half our Consular army around their flank onto the crest of the hill while the other half, led by my Tribune, Lucius Amelius, pinned them in place. Our funditores remorsely targeted their Cretan and Rhodian skirmishers, negating their influence on the battle.

On our left, Lucius ordered a cohort of our Italian allies, armed with long spears, to engage the Thessalian horse and they soon routed the enemy. Unfortunately, we did not focus sufficiently on Pyrrhus's fiercesome elephants. They moved surprisingly fast for such great beasts and caught a unit of hastati, reducing it to less than half-strength before our velites brought down the monsters.

On the right, we broke the unit of levies that Pyrrhus had brought to reinforce his leaderless army and I assigned our second unit of Italian spearmen to engage the king himself. Our only cavalry on our right were my own escort and rather foolishly, I pursued the levies to make sure they did not rally. Pyrrhus had no difficulty in evading the spearmen I had sent to engage him and only at the last moment did I see his escort bearing down on the rear of my own bodyguard. Luckily, we halted our pursuit in time and counter-charged the Greeks. The resulting melee was long and bloody, but the superior size of my troop and the late arrival of some of our allied swordsmen were decisive. Pyrrhus was slain trying to flee.

The rest of the battle was a unbalanced struggle in the centre between the Greek hoplites and our own infantry. Outnumbered and surrounded, the outcome was never in doubt once their King was dead. By the end of the day, 771 Greeks lay dead on the field and 104 of our brave men - nearly half of them, the hastati trampled by the charge of the elephants.

There is little left to say of military affairs. I pursued a detachment of Greeks south from Corfinium towards walled Tarentum, but they broke away to the east and holed up in Croton. Wishing to avoid the delay of besieging Tarentum, I decided to bypass the city and take Croton instead. After the fall of their King, another detachment of Greeks was east of Corfinium. Pursuing them would divert my Consular army from its advance south, so I recalled the swift marching General Tiberius Coruncanius from his guard duties on the Gaulish border to run them to ground with his Praetorian Army. This he did most ably and he has now moved, on my instruction, to take Paestum from our rebellious neighbours. He will report his progress imminently.

In other news, Senator Antio Sextius is making good progress in the great diplomatic expedition we have agreed upon. He is moving east on a great trade mission, entering Scythia, en route for Armenia and Bactria, ultimately to return to Egypt. Sextius has taken to the assigment with gusto, even acquiring foreign hostages to facilitate negotiations. So far, he has secured trade rights with Carthage, Illyria, Macedon, Thrace, Pontus and Scythia. Earlier, during the shadow boxing with Pyrrhus, a Gaulish army approached General Tiberius Coruncanius at Arretium and I feared the worse. However, they merely sought trading rights. Mindful of Motion #5, General Coruncanius refused but they left our lands without further incident. I should also note here that war has broken out between Illyria and Macedon.

I must congratulate the governor of Roma, Publius Laevinus, on the birth of his fourth child, Severina. I am also particularly pleased to welcome a new addition to my own small family - dear Marcella has married Titus Vatinius. The young man, only 18 years of age, is already spoken of as a superior commander and a natural born leader.

What else can I report? A modest programme of building works has begun. We have prioritised establishing traders and temples in recently occupied lands. Roma now has a stables, so our finest young patricians may ride into battle as equites. Work has now begun on an academy there. Given that we now have both a Consular and a Praetorian army, I have fulfilled Motion 2. However, I am reluctant to train further men until our treasury improves - our balance currently stands at around 4000 gold at the beginning of each season.

Senators, you will no doubt wish to debate our next course of action. I intend to return to Tarentum and chase the last Greeks out of the Italian peninsular, in accordance with motion #1. I then plan to seize their holdings in Sicily. General Tiberius Coruncanius will return north with haste, where he will stand ready to repel any incursion from Gaul and any seaborn invasion by the Greeks. I envisage the remainder of my Consulship being finishing what we have started. It is with the next First Consul that we will face important a new decision, whether to confront Carthage in the south or Gaul in the north.

I hope this verbal account will suffice and humbly apologise for the misdirection of my artists.

Your servant


Out of character:

https://img99.imageshack.us/img99/3249/quintus10nx.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The state of the Republic shortly before this report was sent. Since that time, Quintus has taken Croton and Tiberius is assaulting Paestum. Notice how the new Roman traits have given Quintus a Consul trait and assigned him a Consular Army ancillary. Beautiful work, Marcus Camillus!

https://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3849/verginius1fa.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The first new addition to the Senate - TinCow has right of first refusal.

https://img83.imageshack.us/img83/1708/vatinius5hr.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tricky_Lady catches a good 'un. Not sure the same can be said of Vatinius, unfortunately.

Final savegame for Summer 278 is not yet available, but tiberius2.zip is uploaded as an interim one - it's pre-battle though.

05-29-2006, 19:21
Senators, this is not a formal First Consul report - one is not yet due for another two days. But I thought I would share with you the jottings in my journal, to provide a better understanding of the sequence of events in the second half of my office. I regret that the burdens of war may prevent me from answering queries arising from this account and ask your indulgence to wait for my formal report in a day or two. Artists will be commissioned to illustrate some of these events in due course.

278 Autumn
I storm Tarentum at night, killing 380 and losing 35 men.
I notice that both Publius Lavenius (governor of Rome) and Tiberius Coruncanius (commander of our Praetorian army) have the 10 years experience required for promotion to legate. So I exchange their postings. Notes a legate must be in command of troops (hence Publius must be given an army) and must be an ex-Tribune (hence Tiberius must be given time off to settle his affairs in Roma).

278 Winter
I march on rebel held Rhegium.
Tarentum’s population grows and requires a Governor’s Palace, costing 8000 gold - more than the 6712 balance we begin the season with! Still the town’s potential as a great port means that the money must be found.

277 Spring
Under Tribune Marcus Amelius’s inspired leadership, my Consular army takes Rhegium for the loss of only 44 men. In truth, my Praetorian army is only the strength of a Praetorian force.
Amulius Coruncanius comes of age. He is not like his father but has great potential. He has an understanding of logistics and strategy, and is an obsessional trainder. He is a political animal, but a poor trader. He will stay in Roma to study at the Academy for four years, until he is old enough to be eligible for the post of Tribune.

277 Summer
The time of decision. I must plan the conquest of Sicily. I have only two years to complete the operation. I had to use my influence to induce the Senate to approve this invasion under emergency motion 3 and, in order to avoid recrimination, I am determined not to leave office with the job half done. But how to take four settlements, two of them walled, in only two years with just a Praetorian army? It scarcely seems possible. The crossing from Rhegium to Messina is particularly time consuming. While it does not require a fleet, the delays in transferring an army by small boats are still substantial.

I prevaricate. Seeing a substantial Greek army land by boat at Apollonia, just a stone’s throw across the Agean from Tarentum, makes me fear for our rear if I enter Sicily. My spies provide some reassurance, although it later proves illusory, - when they scout the settlements in Sicily and find them all lightly defended. I decide to strike Messina first - Syracuse just seems too far away. So I march into the province of Messana, intending to strike it. But the gods intervene and delays in crossing the straits prevent me from reaching my target. For now, we remain at peace with Carthage.

I also realise that, as a large City, Syracuse will need an influential governor to retain its loyalty. Aside from myself, there is only one such man in the republic - the future Princeps Senatus, Publius Laevinius. I recall him from the command of Legio I. His earlier experience as a Legate will only add to his influence with the rebellious Greeks in Syracuse. To replace Publius, Tiberius Coruncanius is sent back to his old command, our Praetorian army.

277 Autumn.
Since I did not reach Messana, I rethink my intention of striking there first. Having crossed the straits, it is just as possible to strike Syracuse as Messana. So I turn my men back and head south. We drive off a small Greek army and lay siege to Syracuse. Now I find that the gods blessed me by slowing my progress. My spy in Sicily reveals a large Carthaginian army in the field, approaching Messana, complete with elephants and led by a superb general. I give thanks that we are still at peace, so that I may dispatch the Greeks without interference.

https://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1126/quintus46ob.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A tense moment at the start of the invasion of Sicily. Quintus's Consular army, reduced to the size of a Praetorian army, besieges Syracuse while a large but neutral Carthaginian army loiters nearby.

I decide to lower taxes in Ancona and Capua in order to encourage migration there. Given that we will depend on our Roman provinces for recruitment for some time in the future, it is important that these towns be encouraged to grow.

277 Winter
I storm Syracuse. The walls are not manned and so we seize them by means of our siege towers, using the vantage point to rain missiles on the lone phalanx at the gates. The two phalanxes in the forum are more of an obstacle, but are enveloped and destroyed by our greater numbers. I fear taking such a large city will at worst lead to rebellion and at best tie down my small army in garrison duties. Consequently, I decide to enslave many of the Greeks. The transfer of population threatens to overcrowd Rhegium and next season we must begin constructing a governor’s villa. After the battle, I marvel at the development of Syracuse - it almost rivals Roma in its glories. However, my joy is muted when the surveyors report that constructing a dockyard will cost 10,000 gold. We began the season with only a balance of only 5172 gold. That expense must wait for another day. For now, I hastily order the construction of shrines to the gods, in thanks to our victory.

276 Spring
The small Greek army that I had brushed past en route to Syracuse advances on Rhegium. I order Tribune Marcus Amelius to engage them and they flee without giving battle.

My spies temporarily lose sight of the Carthaginian field army. Where is it? It has left Messana. My spy checks Agrigento and Libybaeum but it is not there. Where is it?

I am alarmed to learn of a force of bandits marauding near Ancona. Without city walls and only a single unit of Italian spearmen to defend it, I fear the settlement will fall next season. Luckily, we are able to use the stream of troops we have been recruiting for despatch as reinforcements for our campaign in Italy. Hasty orders are given to reverse their movement, so as to garrison Ancona from attack. In the meantime, Tiberius Cronuncanius is ordered to move his Praetorian army, now called Legio II, towards Latium so that he can engage the bandits.

Some solace is provided by the news that the Greeks are at war with the Illyrians, which accounts for why their army headed inland from Apollonia into Illyria rather than re-embarking for Italy.

Sextius Antio reaches the Seleucid lands beyond Armenia and secures trade rights with both them and Parthia. He sets out for Bactria.

276 Summer
Again the small Greek army advances on Rhegium and again my Tribune Amelius scares them off. But this time, I am free to take my army north from Syracuse and trap the Greeks.

https://img154.imageshack.us/img154/5293/quintus67dp.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Quintus prepares to finish off the last Greeks in Sicily before turning on Carthage.

The outnumbered Greek army takes refugee on a small peaked hill, but my spearmen charge their cavalry and our many javelins slaughter their hoplites. We kill 215 for the loss of only 12 men. This earns me the reputation of being a superior commander.

https://img144.imageshack.us/img144/2470/quintus73iu.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Quintus, Publius Laevinius and Augustus Verginius lead the Consular army to defeat the last remnanents of King Pyrrhus's army

My determination to strike Carthage is strengthened by the news that the Carthaginians have crucified two of our citizens, accusing them of stealing the secret of purple dye. So, it will be war. But where exactly shall we strike them first?

https://img110.imageshack.us/img110/5237/quintus59da.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A diplomatic incident provides the pretext for Rome's declaration of war on Carthage.

276 Autumn 276
This is the moment of decision. My spy finally locates the Carthaginian field army. It is deployed east of Agrigento. He also discovers that the Carthaginian King resides in Messana. My army outside Syracuse has been reinforced and is now at full strength. Where to strike? North to Messana or east to Agrigento? If I go north, I may decapitate the Carthaginian leadership but I risk exposing Syracuse to an immediate assault as their elephants may batter down the city gates. If I go east, I leave Messana in my rear and doubling back will delay the inevitable march on Libybauem.

I decide to strike Messana first and catch King Hanno in the town forum. He bravely charges my Italian spearmen. The victory costs us 50 men. It costs Carthage 151 and their King.

https://img154.imageshack.us/img154/2549/quintus82jk.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Quintus ruthlessly starts the war on Carthage by decapitating their leadership. King Hanno dies bravely.

05-29-2006, 23:12
OOC: report on battle for Agrigento moved to:

I now await news from Legate Tiberius Corcuncanius on his engagement with the rebels. I worry in particular that the recall of his Legio II from the north leaves Arretium and Ariminum exposed to invasion by the Gauls. I must properly establish Legion I, which exists on paper only, in order to prevent such a drastic step being necessary in future.

I have only two seasons left as First Consul, but - the gods willing - I begin to feel confident that my period of office will end on a satisfactory note.

05-30-2006, 01:54

I dutifully report the end of my Consulship. As a parting gift, I offer you Sicily.

I besieged Lilybaeum in the Winter of 276 and it fell to my assault in Spring 275. The entire island is under our occupation and no hostile forces remain there. In winter I did spot a large Carthaginian army approaching Lilybaeum by ship, but after we stormed the town their fleet changed course and headed west.

https://img168.imageshack.us/img168/408/quintus167ol.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A Carthaginian armada approaches, but reverses course when Lilybaeum falls

Loyalty on the island is not perfect, so we have currently stationed substantial forces there, including my Consular army. I would advise my successor to retain my army there for a period in case the enemy fleet returns.

I will now briefly outline the state of our Republic, for the benefit of members of the Upper House, who find it difficult to inspect the situation for themselves.

Our armies

We have three field armies. My Consular army is in Agrigento, although the units within it are rather depleted from their exertions.

Legate Tiberius Coruncanius (aka FLYDUDE) has returned with Legio II to the border with Gaul. I have recruited a spy in Roma to travel north under the direction of the next First Consul.

Tribune Lucius Amelius (aka DDW) is travelling south with Legion I. He is currently with half the legion at Rhegium. Young Amulius Coruncanius (aka Mount Suribachi), is leading the other half to join him. Seeing the Carthaginian army approaching by sea, my intention was for them to join me in Sicily, but I now believe that may be unnecessary.

Notable Romans

Of the other notable Romans, ex-Legate Publius Laevinus (aka Shifty157) is currently keeping Syracuse under order by force of personality alone.

Tribune Augustus Verginius (aka TinCow) was assigned an under-strength legion (without alae) to hold Lilybaeum in the face of the Carthaginian threat. (Had they landed, I intended to lure the Carthaginians to siege the town and then strike from with my Consular army from Agrigento.)

Tribune Titus Vatinius (aka Tricky_Lady) is near Messana, bringing up reinforcements for my depleted Consular army.

Diplomat Antio Sextius (aka Ignoramous) is in Parthia, marching towards Bactria.

Legate Coruncanius's newly adopted son, Publius Pansa (aka Glaucus) is governing Roma.

Building program

Our starting balance in Spring 275 is 8913 gold.

The following notable buildings are under construction:

Dockyard - Syracuse
Armourer - Roma
Auxilia II - Arretium & Paestum
Auxilia I - Corfinium (& completed in Arimium)
Wooden walls - Tarentum (the proximity of this key settlement to Apollonia is alarming; stone walls would be desirable)

Parting words

Fellow Senators, there are many constraints on our development but at the moment, the most severe is our treasury. You must not underestimate the cost of even the simplest upgrades - basic roads, ports, markets, farming upgrades etc. All these things were too expensive for me to sanction building. Now that we have expanded from three provinces to fourteen, our economic situation should slowly improve. But I urge Senators to recognise the limitations that this imposes.

A second constraint is our lack of a navy. Having seen a vast Carthaginian fleet - and seen Greek warships so advanced we can only marvel, I must caution the Senate: obtaining naval supremacy will be a slow and expensive process. Tarentum and Syracuse must slowly be developed to produce the best warships possible. But that will not be possible for several decades and will require great outlays of gold. Until then, we must move by land, not sea.

That last observation dictates our future direction of expansion. There has been talk of going to Africa or Greece by sea. With only three light ships, we could land only three military units and even then, our ships would probably be sunk before they arrived. The only direction we can expand is north, through Cisalpine Gaul. The next First Consul has little choice but to raise an army - or two - and march north. I do not like to dictate the actions of my successor, but at this moment, I believe he has no other choice.

I wish to conclude, honorable Senators, with thanks for all your efforts in assisting me. I am particularly indebted to Legate Coruncanius (FLYdude) and to Tribune Amelius for their swift efforts in doing battle on my behalf. I offer whoever my successor is my services in the same role. I would be only to glad to do battle once again in the service of Rome.

OOC: savegame loaded as Senate275s.zip

https://img71.imageshack.us/img71/3194/quintus23qf.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

North Italy

https://img116.imageshack.us/img116/8053/quintus37sq.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Sicily and Southern Italy

Death the destroyer of worlds
06-03-2006, 00:51

I will give you an overview of my actions so far. My main problem was that most of our troops were occupied with garrison duty. Accordingly, many garrison troops have been trained, freeing our men for duty in the field. Otherwise I have concentrated on building roads and supressing unrest, allowing me to raise taxes. I have also increased our fleet to two small squadrons of four light ataphracts units. The Gauls have, as I feared, started to undertake hostile actions against us. They are spying out our northern frontier and I am worried about an impending attack. Luckily I have already brought our northern Legio II Sabina Quintia, under the command of Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude), up to full strength and I have gathered troops of around one and a half praetorian legion strength, under the banner of Legio I Italia, which have gathered just south of Rome under my personal command. I will now list my actions in detail :

1. summer 275 BC
I started construction of a minor temple of Mars in Lilybaeum and a minor temple to Jupiter in Messana to combat unrest. I also started the construction of roads in Croton.

I started recruitement of one light ataphracts to increase our fleet to four ship units. I also started recruitement of three italian spearmen units for garrison duty. Lastly, I started recruitement of a diplomat in accordance with motion #8 of the second session of the senate.

Then I rearranged my troops to combat unrest and increased taxes to high wherever possible.

Next I solved that glaring oversight, our lack of intelligence, by building two watch towers on our northern border with Gaul, which revealed a strong Gaul army, led by the powerful chief Lugotorix, to our north.

Our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) negotiated an exchange of maps with Parthia and Bactria. I ordered him to move to Armenia. I moved our spy Quintis Classicianus to Arretium, to provide counterintelligence, a move which almost seems to be foresight in retrospect. I moved our spy Decius Curtius to Lilybaeum, where there is a lot of unrest.
Gaul sent a diplomatic mission to offer trade, but I declined their offer according to the wishes of the senate expressed in motion #5 of their first session.

2. Autumn 275 BC
Rhegium completed the construction of a government villa, giving us a strong authority in the region. Agrigento completed the construction a minor temple to Saturnus.

Senator Amulius Coruncanius (TinCow) gets married to Tullia. My congratulations, senator !

I started construction of roads in Rhegium. I also started construction of a minor temple to Mars in Agrigento to combat unrest.

I started recruitement of two light ataphracts unts to increase our fleet to six ship units. I also started recruitement of three italian spearmen units for garrison duty.

Our new diplomat Oppius Vintruvius negotiates an exchange of maps with Gaul and Germania. He also talks to Greece, but they refuse a cease fire. Despairing of their attitude I ordered him to move to Iberia in accordance to the wishes of the senate expressed in motion #10 of their second session.

https://img307.imageshack.us/img307/4433/oppius8or.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

3. Winter 275 BC
Corfinium completed the construction of an Auxilia I building. Messana completed the construction of a minor temple to Jupiter and Lilybaeum completed the construction of a minor temple to mars.

I adopted Valerius Paullus into my family. I immediately sent him to Syracuse to the academy as he had nothing better to do. He is an able young man and I hope you will welcome him into this house.

https://img307.imageshack.us/img307/2757/valerius8vn.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I started construction of roads in Corfinium. I also started construction of a minor shrine to Ceres in Lilybaeum to combat unrest.

I started recruitement of two italian spearmen units for garrison duty. I also started recruitement of one triarii unit for the northern Legio II Sabina Quintia. Lastly, I started recruitement of one light ataphracts unit to bring our fleet to seven ship units.

4. Spring 274 BC
Rome completed the construction of an armourer. Tarentum completed the construction of a wooden wall. Agrigento completed the construction of a minor temple to Mars. Lilybaeum completed the construction of a minor shrine to Ceres.

Once again the diplomat Oppius Vintruvius tries to broker a peace deal, but the Greeks remain obstinate. He continues on his way to Iberia.

Our spy Quintis Classicianus in Arretium detected a Gaul spy, but he narrowly escaped him ! To make matters even worse, the Gauls had the gall to claim this incident as a transgression on our part ! Clearly, they are looking for an incident to start a war.

Galerius Vatinius is born, the son of Valerius Paullus, my newly adopted son. Manius Aemilius, my oldest natural, and unfortunately hooting, son, has come of age. I sent him to Syracuse to the academy in the hope that this will cure his speech impediment.

https://img307.imageshack.us/img307/8523/manius1mp.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I started construction of roads in Rhegium. As I was unable to build more temples in Agrigento, I destroyed a minor temple to Tanit there, so I could start construction of a minor shrine to Ceres. We need to counter the large culture difference we have, so we have less unrest and can raise more taxes, and this gradual conversion process seems the best way.

I started recruitement of two italian swordsmen units for garrison duty. I also started recruitement of one light ataphracts unit to bring our fleet to eight ship units. As our balance is falling, I will probably not build any more ships untill we can build warships. These eight ships are meant to transport our troops, not to combat the massively superior fleets of our enemies.

5. Summer 274 BC
The Kingom of Pontus declared war on the Seleucid Empire.
The Ptolemaic empire allied with the kingdom of Pontus.

Manius Aemilius, my eldest natural son, has married Titiana.

Croton completed the construction of roads. Agrigento completed the construction of a minor shrine to Ceres.

The Gauls are spying on Arretium and getting away with it under the nose of our spy Quintis Classicianus. The Gauls are also bringing more troops into the region. They are obviously up to something. Our northern Legio II Sabina Quintia, under the command of Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude), is almost up to strength with one last unit of triarii on the way.

I started construction of roads in Agrigento.

Finally having enough ships and free troops to launch a raid, I send Senator Publius Laevinius (shifty157) on a raid on Melite. I am awaiting word of his succes.

This is the current situation. Within a year, I will send a praetorian legion to relieve consul Quintus and his army, so they can march to Rome in triumph. I will station my Legio I Italia to support Tiberius Coruncanius at our northern border. With consul Quintus at our back we will easily be able to crush the Gauls. I will also launch an invasion of the other Cartheginian islands when the troops are available.

Our northern border :
https://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8889/gauls1yq.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
06-03-2006, 16:49
Senators, I will fill you in on what has happened these past six months, so you are up to date with our present situation.

5. Summer 274 BC (continued)

Legate Publius Laevinius (shifty157) led a brilliant battle, losing only 2 men and accounting for 81 of the enemy. Melite is ours. It comes equipped with a port, a safe harbour and a trader and will thus be a profitable addition to our realm. Leaving a garrison, he will return to Syracuse and will lead the soon to be formed Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. With the profits from the destruction of the Cartheginian Auxilia III I started recruitement of two italian swordsmen and one italian spearmen for garrison duty.

6. Autumn 274 BC

The Gauls once again try to spy on Arretium, but this time our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) manages to apprehend him and he is duly executed.
I am a happy man as I have just become a grandfather. My son Manius Aemilius and his wife Titiana are the happy parents of my grandson Servius Aemilius.
Rhegium completed the construction of roads.
Our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) succeeds in trading maps with Armenia. He tries to do the same with the Seleucid Empire, but they ask for a fortune in return, so he declines. He moves on toward the kingdom of Pontus.
I start construction of a silver mine +1 in Croton. I also start the recruitement of two hastatii and one triarii unit.
The Gauls combine their armies into a horde of Consular army strength and march to the south just north of our border. I march the Legio I Italia with all haste toward the threathened city of Arminium, gatherhering reinforcements as I move along. I trust the Legio II Sabina Quintia under the command of legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) to block the pass to Arretium. A second Gaul army of Praetorian legion strength appears near Jenuensis.

7. Winter 274 BC

The Greek Cities and Illryia sign a ceasefire. Arretium completed the construction of an Roman Auxilia II building. Corfinium completed the construction of roads. Lilybaeum completed the construction of a minor temple to Ceres. Legate Publius Laevinius (shifty157) is officially designated as commander of the newly formed Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. Tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and his wife Fadia are blessed with the birth of their second daughter Arria. Our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius once more tries to make a peace deal with the Greek Cities, but again they refuse. He should reach Iberia soon.

The Gauls have invaded our territory with a vast horde under the command of the powerful chieftain Lugotorix and stand just on the outskirts of Arminium. I send the Legio I Italia under my personal command with all available troops to Arminium as well, including tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus), but we are still outnumbered at least 2 to 1. I will not attack this season. Their other army, under the command of chieftain Lucco, has moved alongside the coast towards Arretium and stands just over our border. I've ordered legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) to attack them and march along the coast to Jenuensis if he does not suffer too many losses. He is outnumbered, but not by a large margin. This I do in accord with motion #13 of the second session of the senate. I await word of the results of that battle. Tribune Titus Vatinus (Tricky Lady) is leading reinforcements the size of a battered Praetorian legion just to the north of Rome northwards. I will send half of the Consular army under the command of consul Quintus northwards to Rome, to celebrate their triumph and assist in the war against Gaul, leaving a Praetorian legion to guard Sicily. I would have preferred to send the entire Consular army to celebrate his triumph, letting another Praetorian legion take over in Sicily, but this is logistically impossible at the moment.

The situation at this moment
https://img419.imageshack.us/img419/4040/warwithgaul9vs.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
To the left the Legio II Sabina Quintia is attacking the horde under the command of chieftain Lucco. To the right the Legio I Italia and all available troops are massed to defend Arminium.

Death the destroyer of worlds
06-04-2006, 02:24
7. Winter 274 BC (Continued)

Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) is victorious ! In a pitched battle he destroys the invading horde led by Lucco. The Gauls tried to break his center, but our valiant troops held the line, allowing Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) to envelop and crush the Gauls. The Legio II Sabina Quintia killed 913 men for the loss of 199 of their own. The legion returns to their fort to block the access to Arretium.
I start the recruitement of one italian spearmen and one italian swordsmen. Our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) succesfully negotiates for the map of the kingdom of Pontus. He will move on to the Ptolemaic empire. Our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) moves north to spy out more Gaul armies. I hold my breath :sweatdrop: . If the Gauls attack I stand a good chance of being overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

8. Spring 273 BC

Lugotorix loses his nerve and retreats toward Bononia ! :2thumbsup:

Tarentum completed the construction of roads. Syracuse completed the construction of a dockyard. In compliance with the will of the senate I start construction of a naval I building, which will allow us to build warships. I start the recruitement of one italian spearmen, one italian swordsmen and one italian skirmishers unit.
I merge the Legio I Italia together with the Legio II Sabina Quintia and set of in hot pursuit, accompanied by tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus). I reroute the resupply column led by Titus Vatinius (Tricky_Lady) toward Jenuensis as it is now practically undefended. I send legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) to get the rest of the reinforcements.
My army catches up with Lugotorix on the outskirts of Bononia. I suprise him with a night attack. We are outnumbered, but not by a large margin. I position my spearmen in the center, swordsmen on the flanks and missiles at the front.
https://img440.imageshack.us/img440/8982/battle1cut756tg.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The armies face off against each other. Romans on the right, Gauls on the left.

Seeing the large rock formation I change my battleplan. The spearmen rush forward and use the rock formation to guard their right flank. This allows me to move my right flank to join my left flank. Then I use my skirmishers and funditores to antagonize the Gauls into charging the spearmen.
https://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4309/battle2cut757li.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The Gauls fall for my ploy and charge the spearmen en masse.

Meanwhile our two flanks sweep around their right flank. Lugotorix sees the danger and several gaul units break off to stop them, but they are vastly outnumbered by my swordsmen. I myself, together with tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus), charge the Gaul skirmishers and slingers that have run away from the pitched battle. They make a brave showing and fight to the last man. Lugotorix sees that the battle is lost and tries to reverse the tide by charging our weakened front line. Our troops bend, but do not break. Then I and the tribunes charge into the rear of the Gaul army and the Gaul army routs. Lugotorix manages to escape to Bononia with 27 men, but he leaves behind 1440 dead tribesmen for the loss of 142 romans.
My army invades Bononia and kills Lugotorix and another chieftain, Votoporix of Alesia. They fight to the last man and before the last of their 307 defenders have fallen, 27 romans have lost their lives.
I tear down the Gaul Auxilia III building and order the construction of an occupation. This is a local fort that keeps an eye on our new subjects. I leave tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) behind with a small garrison and move out towards the bridge with the rest of the troops and tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow).
Our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) sneakes into Patavium to check out its defenses. Our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) leaves Lilybaeum and starts the journey toward Cispine Gaul. Lastly, I start the construction of a shrine to Saturnus in Melite.

9. Summer 273 BC
The kingdom of Armenia declares war on the kingdom of Parthia. The kingdom of Parthia breaks its alliance with the Ptolemaic empire. Manius Coruncanius is born, the son of Amulius Coruncanius (Mount Suribachi) and his wife Tullia. Paestum completed the construction of a Roman Auxilia II building. Agrigento completed the construction of roads. Melite completed the construction of a shrine to Saturnus. I start the construction of roads in Paestum. Our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) once again tries to get the map of Seleucia, but they again demand a fortune and he moves on. Our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius finally reaches Iberia and manages to complete trade agreements and a map exchange, but fails to secure an alliance with them. I move him toward Massila.
OOC : I notice that Auxilia II is enough to build AOR units and kick myself in the head. I could have been building 4 units each turn since Winter 274 BC as Arretium also has one :wall: .
I start the recruitement of three italian spearmen and two italian swordsmen units.
The Gauls foolishly try to reinforce Patavium before I can reach it. I intercept the small army and kill its 111 men and their leader Bolgois of Garumna. They manage to account for just two romans before they perish. Then I march on to Patavium and lay siege to it. I order the construction of three battering rams. Our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) has been kind enough to open the gate for us, but my experience tells me I need more entrances. As consul Quintus (econ21) will soon reach Rome for his triumph, I ask Titus Vatinius (Tricky_Lady) to travel to Rome to make the necessary preparations for the festivities. I send tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) to take over the siege of Jenuensis.

10. Autumn 273 BC
The Thracians declare war on the kingdom of Macedon. I attack the strategically vital walled town of Patavium with my battering rams. The Gauls bravely make a sortie through the gate that our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) opened the moment we attacked, only to be slaughtered by our skirmishers and funditores. We break through the wall and surround the remaining troops and slay dozens of them with a wiltering stom of missiles. I cunningly trick the surviving defenders to leave the main square and once they are surrounded they quickly surrender. I am most pleased to report to this house that we only lost 9 romans in exchange for 406 Gaul warriors.
https://img440.imageshack.us/img440/7188/assault750xj.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The Gauls bravely sally from the city, right into the waiting pila and stones of our skirmishers

I and tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) both quickly construct a guard tower at the borders to our north and east and return to the safety of Patavium. Legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) is close to the town with badly needed reinforcements. It is my intention to build a fort just east outside Patavium when enough troops have arrived, and I will station a Praetorian Legion there. I will then send tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) to capture the last remaining Gaul town in Cispine Gaul, Mediolanium. I sent Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) on ahead to scout out the town and watch for Gaul reinforcements from the north. I destroy the Gaul Auxilia building in Patavium and order the construction of an occupation building.
Consul Quintus (econ21) has arrived in Rome and a glorious celebration follows. It consists of a spectacular parade, opened by the chiefs of the conquered towns to our south, followed by wagons overflowing with gold and other valuable spoils captured during the campaign, musicians, dancers, and placards drawn with scenes of the war, after which comes the victorious general, consul Quintus (econ21) at the head of his troops. Morale in the city has never been higher. I am planning to send the consul and his legion to conquer Sardinia next.
https://img440.imageshack.us/img440/301/triumph754jr.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Consul Quintus and half his consular army celebrating their triumph

I sent legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) with the core of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia to invade Corsica, but our landing point was ill chosen, as it turns out our men couldn't climb the cliffs, and so we were forced to return back to Italy. He will try again this winter, and then I have no doubt he will succeed. I start the construction of two italian spearmen and three italian swordsmen. I now await word of tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) and his assault on Jenuensis.

The situation at his moment
Projected profits 5016 Denarii
Gaul has no allies and is at war with the republic of Rome.
The Illyrians and the Thracians are allies and at war with the kingdom of Macedon, which is allied with the Greek Cities and the Ptolemaic empire.
The Greek cities are at war with the republic of Rome and the Seleucid empire, and are allied with the kingdom of Macedon.
The Iberians remain neutral and without allies.
The republic of Carthage is at war with the republic of Rome and is allied with Numidia.
Military Losses :
Gauls - Romans
3339 - 381

My advice to the senate
Only half my reign has passed and I am well on my way to complete my objectives. We are quite secure for the moment as the Illyrians are occupied with the war against the kingdom of Macedon. Our military is quickly reaching full strength levels now that our troop output has increased. The Gauls have suffered serious defeats in Cispine Gaul and can be controlled. I intend to complete my conquest of the Cartheginian islands and Cispine Gaul. Our balance is still slowly decreasing due to our large military upkeep, and thus the construction of markets and safe harbours should have priority now that I have outfitted most of our towns and cities with roads and have upgraded her mines. As I limited myself to the amount of conquest I will go no further without senate approval. However, the legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) has advised me that it would be prudent to conquer Massila, a rebel-held town just west of Cispine Gaul over the Alps. It is very easily defended as the only access to it from Gaul is by crossing a bridge. I am inclined to agree with his reasoning. We might go further and try to extend our influence untill we can attack the Cartheginian colonies in Spain. I have also heard reasoning that we are quite able to strike at Afrika itself now, but I worry about our lack of a strong fleet. I would advise against this, because even if we are succesfull in this venture, we cannot support it financially. The alternative would be a pillaging expedition, but I do not feel that this is the roman way to act against civilized people. We could also strike at Greece, as it has only one ally and the kingdom of Macedon is in serious trouble now as it is fighting two enemies at the same time and they can thus be ruled out. I have no strong feelings either way, but instead I would advise a defensive strategy and focus on our finances instead. I will of course carry out the will of the senate, whatever it decides.

Death the destroyer of worlds
06-07-2006, 23:05
10. Autumn 273 BC (continued)

Tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) was victorious ! In a devastating attack on Jenuensis the Gauls were utterly crushed. The Gaul force of 355 men was wiped out for the loss of just 23 romans.
https://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1062/pansacharge758oh.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Tribune Publius Pansa leading a charge into Jenuensis

I demolish the Gallic Auxilia II building and start construction of an occupation. Our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) establishes trade with the Ptolemaic empire, but they want a fortune for their maps, which I refuse. I move him towards Thrace. Our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius (Wishazu) moves to scout out Massilia and encounters a powerful Gaul army, led by Caradog of Samarabriva, which might be about to cross the Alps. This is worrisome. I decide that tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) is ready for command of Legio I Italia and so I lend him my priest of jupiter and turn command of the Legio I Italia over to him and send him off towards the west where the danger lies. I move our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) to Jenuensis to scout for enemies. I move Amulius Coruncanius (Mount Suribachi), who has come of age, northwards with reinforcements. I also notice that the chieftain Bolgois of Garumna is not dead, as I reported earlier, but has managed to fool me and is now living in Mediolanium. We will make sure of his demise soon.

11. Winter 273 BC

An illyrian spy is detected in Patavium by our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief), but he escapes his clutches. We will need to leave a praetorian legion here to guard over Patavium. The Sarmatians declare war on the kingdom of Armenia. The walls of Patavium have been repaired. Our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) spots the Gaul army led by Caradog of Samarabriva, which was last seen at Massilia. After spying on it he searches the valley to the north for additional reinforcements, but finds none. I send our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius (Wishazu) to see if there are any other suprises in the western valley, but find none and order him back to Massilia. Once legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) has arrived at Patavium I return his priests to him, thanking them for their wise guidance and the legate for his forbearance, and leave him in command of a slightly battered Legio II Sabina Quintia in Patavium, while I move to the south with a few troops to meet Amulius Coruncanius (Mount Suribachi), who is coming northwards with reinforcements. I start the recruitement of three italian spearmen, one hastatii and one italian skirmishers unit. The tribune Valerius Paullus (YAKOBU) has arrived in Syracuse with additonal garrison units and immediately leaves northwards again to rush along the rest of the troops coming south. I send the Legio I Italia under tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) to meet up with tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus), but the legion is ambushed just west of Bononia, just few miles away from my present location ! :ahh:
It seems that the powerful chieftain Lucco, who was earlier defeated by legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude), has been amassing a powerful army nearly twice the size of the unfortunate Legio I Italia. It was so cunningly hidden in the forest right under our noses that even I, well known for my skills in reconaissance, did not spot a tree branch out of place. In the distance I can hear the clash of arms and know that my death might be near. I make an offering to the gods, pray for divine assistance for Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and anxiously wait for the outcome of the battle.
https://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4240/ambush8xe.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The fate of Augustus Verginius and the Legio I Italia hang in the balance

Tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and the Legio I Italia were victorious ! He has written a detailed account of the 'Battle for Bononia' (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1163012&postcount=410) for your perusal. In a dreadful pitched battle, in which even the funditores were pressed to serve in the frontline, he managed to slay the warchief Lucco with the help of his velites, upon which the Gaul force routed and were slain almost to a man. 1191 Gauls perished for the loss of just 201 of our troops, of which many later recovered from their wounds. This is a remarkable achievement and the tribune is the talk of Rome. Feeling has run so high that an unofficial declamation has been made to honour the Legio I Italia with the extra title Victrix, in memoration of this stunning victory. The senate will meet and probably bestow this honour officially on them in the next senate meeting, but in the meantime I will refer to that legion as Legio I Italia Victrix.
Following the victory the orginal strategy was continued. Tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) abandoned the recently conquered town of Jenuensis and merged his legion with the Legio I Italia Victrix. Now at close to consular army strength, and under tribune Augustus Verginius's (TinCow) command, this army marches west to confront the army of Caradog of Samarabriva.
Meanwhile the core of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia, led by legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157), has invaded Aleria by ship and is attacking the town of Aleria. The attack was a succes and 169 defenders were suprised in a night attack and slain for the loss of only 10 men of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. I left a small garrison and shipped Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia back to Italy to move toward Jenuensis, while picking up reinforcements on the way. I demolished the Cartheginian Auxilia I building and used this money to retrain the consular army in Roma (50% strength) which was nearly ready to invade Sardinia. I start construction of a market in Ancona and a colonization in Rhegium. A colonization effort will improve growth in this region. I also start the training of our first new spy in Syracuse.

12. Spring 272 BC
There is rioting in Jenuensis as our troops have left the town, costing 99 civilians their lives and damaging the warrior hold building. Croton completed the construction of silver mines +1. Syracuse completed the construction of a naval I building, allowing us to construct warships. I am the lucky father of a new son, Oppius Aemilius. Decius Laevinius (Tiberius) comes of age in Arretium. I send him to Roma for his education.

https://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4995/decius272spr3zi.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A new spy has been trained in Syracuse. His name is Servius Alimentus. He starts off for our northern front. I immediately start the training of another spy in Syracuse.

https://img235.imageshack.us/img235/1549/servius272spr7bm.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

An Illyrian spy is spotted in Patavium, but manages to escape the town alive. I send our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) to scout the valley which leades trough the nortwest of the Alps where I suspect Caradog of Samarabriva and his army have gone. They are found in the valley. I send tribune Amulius Coruncanius (Mount Suribachi) to join his father in Patavium with reinforcements. He takes over the governorship while legate Tiberius Coruncanius (FLYdude) constructs a fort outside the town which will be the temporary home of the Legio II Sabina Quintia. I send Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia to Jenuensis. He restores order and restarts the construction of an occupation and orders the repair of the warrior hold. I rejoin the Legio I Italia Victrix and resume command (and recover my priest of Jupiter). Together with tribunes Publius Pansa (Glaucus) and Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and a force almost the size of a consular army I start off in pursuit of Caradog of Samarabriva. Consul Quintus (econ21), accompanied by tribune Titus Vatinius (Tricky_Lady), takes ship for Aleria. From there he will invade Sardinia. Tribune Valerius Paullus (YAKOBU) has constructed a new fort in Southern Italy, where a praetorian legion will be housed in the near future. I start construction of a market in Tarentum.

13. Summer 272 BC
https://img235.imageshack.us/img235/5999/272ambush8wv.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Caradog of Samarabriva and his army turn around and march back into Cispine Gaul. The Legio I Italia Victrix ambushes him, but the ambush fails and a massive battle ensues. We are outnumbered, but our cavalry advantage is decisive and the Gauls are quickly disorganized and demotivated. I manage to islolate Caradog of Samarabriva himself and he is slain after which the Gauls quickly rout and it becomes a massacre. 1482 Gauls are killed for the loss of only 48 men of the Legio I Italia Victrix

The Seleucid empire allies itself with the kingdom of Armenia and signs a ceasefire with the kingdom of Pontus and the Ptolemaic empire. Our newly trained spy in Syracuse immediately spots a Greek spy, but he escapes ! A good start for Cassius Paulinus nonetheless.

https://img235.imageshack.us/img235/2820/272sumspycassius6xb.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Corfinium completed the construction of copper mines +1. Paestum completed the construction of roads. Jenuensis finished the repairs on the warrior hold.
In accordance with the wishes of the senate our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) tries to negotiate an alliance with the Seleucid empire, but he fails. They are still not willing to trade maps as well. He continues his journey to Thrace. Our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius (Wishazu) spots a tiny Gaul army that is guarding the bridge at Massilia. I take this as a good sign. The Gauls are beginning to think of defense instead of offense. He will continue to observe the bridge for the time being. Tribune Valerius Paullus (YAKOBU) has taken up the governorship of Tarentum, on of our most important towns and in dire need of a governor. I start construction of roads in Syracuse. Consul Quintus (econ21), accompanied by tribune Titus Vatinius (Tricky_Lady), lands in Sardinia and begins the journey south. The victorious Legio I Italia Victrix, under my personal command and accompanied by tribunes Publius Pansa (Glaucus) and Augustus Verginius (TinCow), attacks the last Gaul town in Cispine Gaul, Mediolanium. We outnumber the defenders massively and it is an easy victory. I use this occasion to make sure that Bolgois of Garumna really dies this time, and just to be on the safe side, decapitate his lifeless body. 376 Gauls are slain for the loss of 17 romans.
https://img235.imageshack.us/img235/426/272sumjenuensisoutside4cr.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The tribunes Augustus Verginius and Publius Pansa delivering the killing blow to Gauls outside Mediolanium

https://img235.imageshack.us/img235/9936/272sumjen3gn.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Legate Lucius Aemilius charging the last defenders

I demolish the Gallic Auxialia II building and order the construction of an occupation. Our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) is now free to scout the valley to our north for enemies, but only finds some single Gaul units. Our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) is now free to begin his hazardous mission to spy out Afrika and begins the journey south. I've decided to train an assassin to accompany him as a bodyguard and begin his training in Roma. I also start the training of our third new spy in Syracuse. I split the troops and move toward Jenuensis with the Legio I Italia Victrix, accompanied by tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow). Tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) builds a watch tower in the valley to his north and returns to Mediolanium. I start the recruitement of one italian spearmen and two italian swordsmen units.

14. Autumn 272 BC

Consul Quintus (econ21) tries to ambush a Carthagian army, led by general Ashtzaph, almost three times the size of his half-strength consular army, but fails...what will he do ?
https://img363.imageshack.us/img363/5200/272quintusambush5xq.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
06-10-2006, 11:45
14. Autumn 272 BC (continued)

Consul Quintus (econ21) was victorious over the much stronger army of Ashtzaph. 1512 Cartheginians perish for the loss of only 181 men of the consular army. An excellent description of this battle can be found in Titus's letter to Marcella (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1165386&postcount=5). In the distance vast amounts of Cartheginian troops are moving towards his position and he wisely retreats towards Aleria to await reinforcements. Tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) adopts the brave man who saved his life in the Battle for Bononia. His name is Luca Marnilius (Marcus Camillus) and is well known as having the virtues of a true roman.

https://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2513/luca272aut1bt.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I send our spy Servius Alimentus toward the west to scout the way for legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia as they begin the march toward Massilia. He is accompanied by tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) and tribune Luca Marnilius (Marcus Camillus). I myself march with the Legio I Italia Victrix to Jenuensis to reorganize and reinforce the legion. Tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) marches with a praetorian legion into the valley in the northwest of the Alps, after the way has been scouted by our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief), in order to establish a watch tower on our frontier. Our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius (Wishazu) once more tries to negotiate an alliance with the Iberians, but they refuse. He continues to watch Gaul movements around Massilia. I start the recruitement of two units of italian swordsmen, two units of italian skirmishers and one unit of principes. I have finished training our first assassin. His name is Placus Laelius. As he has to wait for our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) to arrive before embarking on their dangerous mission in Afrika, I let him get in some practice by assassinating an obnoxious Greek diplomat who has been spying on us under the guise of diplomacy. Placus Laelius aquits himself well on his first mission.

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A Greek diplomat loses his life

Our third new spy has also completed his training in Syracuse. His name is Sextus Lentulus.

https://img233.imageshack.us/img233/3416/sextus272aut3vg.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Sextus Lentulus leaves for Roma immediately, to embark on a ship to travel to the aid of consul Quintus (econ21). I leave our spy Cassius Paulinus in Syracuse for the moment to see if he can catch that greek spy that is hiding somewhere around there. I start the construction of a market in Croton. With my last denarii I let tribune Valerius Paullus (YAKOBU) hire some Samnite mercenaries and send them on their way to the Legio II Sabina Quintia, stationed near Patavium.

15. Winter 272 BC

The Gauls and Thracians declare that they are allies. The Gauls also ally themselves with Carthage. This is unfortunate as it is now unlikely that Thrace will ally themselves with us. The kingdom of Parthia signs a ceasefire with the Seleucid empire. Our diplomat Sextus Antio (Ignoramus) arrives in Thrace, but as I feared they are unwilling to discuss an alliance. They are willing to exchange maps and it seems that Thrace has become very powerful indeed. He also tries to negotiate an alliance with the Sarmatians and the kingdom of Armenia, but he has no luck there either. Our assassin Placus Laelius and our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) embark on a ship for their mission in Afrika. Our spy Sextus Lentulus arrives in Roma where the other reinforcements for consul Quintus (econ21) gather. Legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia are halfway crossing the Alps, trudging trough the snowcovered valleys. They build a watch tower on a mountain top before continuing their arduous journey to Massilia. A few small Gaul armies are spotted by our spy Servius Alimentus, but nothing alarming. Consul Quintus (econ21) arrives in Aleria. Luckily the Cartheginian armies, which are in hot pursuit, are temporarily stopped from crossing the narrow strait between Sardinia and Corsica due to a fleet of pirates. Our treasury is really starting to feel the pressure now. I start the construction of a market in Agrigento and only have enough money left to start the recruitement of two italian spearmen and one italian swordsmen unit.

16. Spring 271 BC

The Gauls launch two attacks on Massilia, but they are repulsed and forced to retreat. This will give Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia an easy time as the defenders of Massilia (and the Gauls) have been weakened by these attacks. Capua finished construction of a market. Patavium finished construction of an occupation. Tranquilina is born, the daughter of tribune Amulius Coruncanius (Mount Suribachi) and his wife Tullia. Tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) and his legion construct a watch tower at our border and turn back to Cispine Gaul. He has asked me for six months of leave, to catch up on his affairs, as is his right after ten years of military service. I agree with his request and he settles for the moment in Mediolaneum, while his troops march toward the fort of the Legio I Italia Victrix, which I have just constructed on the plains northwest of Jenuensis. Reinforcements and our spy Sextus Lentulus arrive in Aleria. Yet more reinforcements are marching south to be shipped to Aleria. Our spy Servius Alimentus infiltrates the town of Massilia and finds no surpises. Accordingly legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia launch an attack on the town.
We outnumbered the Greek rebels by a large amount and so Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) was unpleasantly suprised when in the narrow confines of the city streets two groups of our italian skirmishers were caught between two enemy hoplite units. They fought well however and considering their lack of true battle experience held their own until Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) personally could break the enemy line to reach them. The town is ours and all its 250 defenders were slain for the loss of 77 casualties, mostly italian skirmishers. I demolished the Greek Auxilia I building and, leaving tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) as temporary governor with a small garrison, legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia quickly take up position at the strategic river crossing to bar the Gauls way trough the Alps. He is accompanied by tribune Luca Marnilius (Marcus Camillus). In desperate need for cash I decide to demolish all the barbarian temples. Accordingly one temple at Bononia, three at Mediolaneum and one at Patavium are demolished. I start recruitement of one italian cavalry, one italian spearmen, one italian swordsmen, one italian skirmishers and one funditores unit. I also start the construction of a temple of Jupiter in Massilia and begin the colonization of Paestum.

17. Summer 271 BC

https://img105.imageshack.us/img105/1368/271sumetna4pw.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I wonder if I have upset the Gods by the demolishing of the heathen temples. I order sacrifices to be made to all the Gods to placate their moods. The Germans declare war on the Thracians. The kingdom of Bactria allies themselves with the kingdom of Pontus. The kingdom of Pontus allies themselves with the Greek cities. Ancona finished construction of a market and Syrcasue finished construction of roads. I start construction of a market in Arretium. The Gauls are moving in force towards legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. Our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) spots a large Gaul army to the north of his position. His position is not good, but I have few options. I send all the troops I can spare to join him. They should arrive in two or three seasons. I fear this bridge will be a battleground for quite some time. I intend to offer peace to the Gauls soon. Consul Quintus (econ21) recieves yet more reinforcements and is ready to move out. Our spy Sextus Lentulus reveals that the two Carthaginian armies have split up but are still in Sardinia. Consul Quintus (econ21) and his army move south on the offensive. Our spy Cassius Paulinus leaves Syracuse and begins his journey north to spy on our eastern neighbours. I start the recruitement of two units of italian spearmen, one unit of velites and one unit of funditores.

18. Autumn 271 BC

The Cartheginians land a large army of 1493 men in the north of Corsica and assault Aleria immediately. Our brave garrison of 161 men is overwhelmed and kills just 39 cartheginians for the loss of 102 of their own before they surrender. This is a serious setback and shows us once again that the republic of Carthage is not to be underestimated. To make matters worse the Gaul warchief Merdiadoc launches an attack with his vast army against the depleted Legio III Sicilia Aemilia commanded by legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157). Altough our troops are severely outnumbered the terrain is in their favour and so I believe they can hold.
https://img105.imageshack.us/img105/2010/271sumendbridge8bu.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
legate Publius Laevinus and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia face the hordes of Gaul

Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) justifies my faith in him by winning a heroic victory. His troops slay 1719 Gauls for the loss of just 138 of their own. He sent me an excellent description of this battle in this battle report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1165907&postcount=6). Still, these losses are hard to replace. All available forces are under way to reinforce the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia, but the crossing over the Alps is difficult and the legion will have to hold on for one more season. In the meantime I order tribune Publius Pansa (Glaucus) to join the defense together with half the garrison of Massilia.
Our diplomat Oppius Vintruvius (Wishazu) spends a busy season, confering with representatives of the Iberians, the Gauls, the Greek cities and the Ptolemaic empire, but all his proposals fall on deaf ears. Especially disappointing is the Gaul refusal to discuss a ceasefire. Perhaps the next first consul should conquer some of their cities so he can hold them in ransom for a ceasefire.
Decius Laevinius (Tiberius) establishes a fort just outside Roma to act as a gathering place for troops.
Our spy Decius Curtius (Braden) and our assassin Placus Laelius are dropped of under cover of darkness on the coast of Afrika and immediately set to work. Placus Laelius assassinates a Cartheginian diplomat and Decius Curtius (Braden) infiltrates the city of Carthage itself.
https://img120.imageshack.us/img120/3125/2713assas5yd.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
An unlucky diplomat meets his end

https://img120.imageshack.us/img120/3577/2713spy1yo.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The city of Carthage

There are two elite sacred band units in the city, these should not be underestimated.
I send reinforcements to consul Quintus (econ21) and order him to destroy the Cartheginian army that is currently occupying Aleria. Consul Quintus (econ21) succeeds in his mission and deals a devastating blow to the Cartheginians, killing three of their generals and the faction heir and destroying an entire army. He has written an instructive report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1167944&postcount=7) on his assault for your perusal. We left no survivors and 1463 Cartheginians perished for the loss of 132 killed and wounded on our side. This will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies.
On the consul's advice I agree to recruit two units of gallic slingers for the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia to replace the loss of the funditores. I arrange for the colonization of Jenuensis. I start the recruitement of one unit of italian spearmen and one unit of italian swordsmen. A rebel uprising takes place near Croton, but there are no commanders available as yet to restore order.

19. Winter 271 BC
The Gauls are too afraid of the Gaul slinger mercenaries to launch another attack on the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia, but more Gauls are arriving at the scene. Our reinforcements have also arrived and yet more are on the way. Former tribune Augustus Verginius (TinCow) has put his affairs in order and during his stay in Mediolaneum has developed a great fondness for the local garrison commander, former tribune Gaius Rutilius, and has adopted him into his family.

https://img236.imageshack.us/img236/3222/2714adopt5hv.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Together they ride for our legion in Southern Italy to put down the rebel uprising.
Mediolaneum has completed the construction of an occupation. I begin the process of colonization in Mediolaneum and instigate the integration into our empire of Patavium. Our spy Cassius Paulinus has arrived in Patavium. Consul Quintus (econ21) leaves a small garrison in Aleria and once again travels southward to Sardinia. Our spy Servius Alimentus spots the Gaul king Eporedorix, one of his generals Budic of Fossae, and their army to the southwest of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. A tempting target, but out of reach for now.
https://img317.imageshack.us/img317/3672/2714epo8ze.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The Gaul King and his army, tantalizingly out of reach

Encouraged by our consul Quintus (econ21) I continue the efforts to incorporate the former Cartheginian cities into our own culture. Correspondingly, I risk the wrath of the Gods and tear down two Cartheginian temples in Agrigento and two Cartheginian shrines in Messana. Their priests had been preaching against our occupation and this had to be stopped. With the proceeds of these demolitions I ordered the start of construction of a minor shrine to Jupiter in Lilybaeum, a minor shrine to Ceres in Melite and a minor shrine to jupiter in Syracuse. Meanwhile our covert operation in Carthage remains succesfull. Our assassin Placus Laelius assassinates another Cartheginian diplomat and Decius Curtius (Braden) infiltrates the city of Hadrumentum to the south of Carthage, where he discovers the Cartheginian faction leader Hasdrubal the Cunning.
https://img317.imageshack.us/img317/4331/2714assas6ko.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Being a diplomat is a hazardous profession

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The city of Hadrumentum, home of the Cartheginian commander in chief

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The face of our enemy, a worthy foe indeed

20. Spring 270 BC

Faced with the now reinforced Legio III Sicilia Aemilia and still hurting from the painful earlier defeat at the hands of Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) the Gauls dare not attack, but their numbers keep increasing. Former tribune Vibius Pleminius asks to marry the lovely Severina, the daughter of Publius Laevinus (Shifty157). He is well known as a true roman, a restrained, but proud veteran. I could not possibly refuse such a match and they married immediately in Roma.
https://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4492/2701husband0vi.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Such a capable man was required to lead the legion in Sicily to the aid of soon-to-be legate Augustus Verginius (TinCow), and so, after his wedding night, he was duly pressed into service once more and galloped south. Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) is truly blessed this season, as he also welcomes a new granddaughter into the family, the lovely Licinia, daughter of Decius Laevinius (Tiberius) and his wife Orbiana.
The kingdom of Pontus declared war on the Ptolemaic empire. The kingdom of Bactria allies themselves with the Greek Cities. The Gauls manage to forge an alliance with the Illyrians.
Croton finished the construction of a market. Syracuse and Lilybaeum both finished the construction of a minor shrine to Jupiter. Melite finished the construction of a minor shrine to Ceres. Melite's growth requires the construction of a villa for our governor and I order men to get started immediately.
Our spy Sextus Lentulus sees to his amazement that the Cartheginians panic when the rumour of consul Quintus (econ21) and his victorious army advancing south reaches them. They try to evacuate all their troops before consul Quintus (econ21) reaches Caralis, but still 398 defenders are slain on his arrival for the loss of only 22 of our own. Finally, the conquest of the Cartheginian islands has been completed.
Our covert team is still enjoying succes after succes on the Cartheginian home front. Our assassin Placus Laelius assassinates yet another Cartheginian diplomat and Decius Curtius (Braden) spies out a Cartheginian general, Bisaltes, who I advise my staff to leave alive as long as possible as he does the Cartheginian cause more harm than good.
https://img66.imageshack.us/img66/9595/2701assas9mg.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Diplomacy is no longer a popular profession in the republic of Carthage

https://img66.imageshack.us/img66/822/2701spy3ju.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
With enemies like this, who needs friends ?

Near Massilia, the Gauls are disorganized and our scouts report a target of oppertunity, the warchief Virsuccius with a small escort. Tempted as I am to strike at the Gaul King, I order Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia to make a suprise strike and kill Virssuccius and then to return as quickly to the bridge as they struck. I believe in agressive defense. The strike is a complete succes. Virssuccius along with 255 of his men are slain for the loss of just 8 of our own. The legate Publius Laevinus (Shifty157) sends me a warning that the fighting in the forest was very difficult as that is the terrain the tribesmen excel at. The Legio III Sicilia Aemilia retreated in good order to resume their guard on the bridge once more. Our spy Servius Alimentus infiltrates the strategic walled settlement of Gergovia. Our spy Quintis Classicianus (GeneralHankerchief) spots the thracians laying siege to the last rebel and extremely heavily defended settlement of Trebata. That will occupy the Thracians for quite some time hopefully. Our spy Cassius Paulinus spies on the faction heir of Illyria and discovers the reason the Illyrians have resurged after they were almost wiped out. Lasicus the Bloody-Handed is a stark raving mad beserker !
https://img65.imageshack.us/img65/3289/2701illyria1ug.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Leader of the Illyrian revival

I start the construction of a minor temple to Saturnus in Massilia. I start the construction of a minor temple to Jupiter in Caralis. I start the construction of a minor temple to Jupiter in Tarentum.

The end of the consulship of Lucius Aemilius. Summer 270 BC

The kingdom of Parthia declares war on the kingdom of Armenia. The Seleucid empire allies itself with the kingdom of Macedon. The Seleucid empire reaches a ceasefire with the Greek cities. Agrigento builds a market.
Luca Marnilius (Marcus Camillus) marries the lovely Severa. Decius Laevinius (Tiberius) is doing so well at the academy that he has attracted the attention of Hieronymus of Cardia and Herodas, a famous historian and a famous author.

I end my reign as first consul. I have explained our current situation in detail in my parting words as first consul (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1168135&postcount=488)

06-16-2006, 01:17
1. 270 BC Summer

Two priorities dominate my mind at the beginning of my Consulship: to prepare for the Gallic expedition and to increase the economic efficiency of the Republic. To this end, the following actions have been taken:

Senator Quintus has marched to the Northeast coast of Sardinia with half of the Consular I Army. He will embark on the fleet in the fall, and be transported north, where I shall meet him to take command of the force. The fleet will transport the other half of the Consular I Army at the first available opportunity. The capable commander and governor Titus Vatinius has been left in charge of Caralis.

Despite the demands for military service and personal glory, the Republic is in dire need of effective governance. Where possible, Senators will be rotated so as to continue to gain field experience, but many will be expected to due their duty overseeing the provinces. This is particularly true for Upper House Senators. Many may find this pleasing though, since it will give them opportunities to gather a retinue which most sorely lack. Valerius Paullus has been sent to govern Tarentum. Gaius Rutilius has assumed governorship of Capua. Vibius Pleminius has been sent to Rome to gain managerial experience by observing the young, but incredibly able Decius Laevinus. Luca Mamilius and Publius Pansa have been sent for as well and are making the jouney south to the Italian provinces of Arretium and Ariminum, where they shall govern for the short term.

Having noted that in addition to providing military training and policing, investments in Auxilia facilities provides valuable trade income, I have used what meager funds are available to begin the process in Syracuse, a great trading port.

In accordance with Senate Motion 3.10, Oppius Vetruvius tried once again to secure an alliance with the Iberians. These people cannot be reasoned with though and the effort is in vain.

Finally, it is with consternation that I report that I will be unable to fulfill Senate Motion 5.7. While I will make my best efforts to the project, Patavium is the only territory where Integration into the Republic has even begun and it will be 2.5 years until it is complete. I fear that even at maximum speed and with priority of investment, sufficient facilities will not be available to recruit Gallic auxilia by the end of my Consulship. My apologies for this failure, Senator, but it is beyond my control.

All of this has been done before the end of the Summer, yet my work is far from complete and I have heard news that Legio III Sicilia Aemilia is once again being pressed by the unwashed Gauls.


Senator Publius Laevinius proved once again that Gallic hordes are no match for Roman arms. Victory was complete, with apprixmately 160 casualties to Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. Only 75 Gauls survived to report of the slaughter to their kin.

2. 270 BC Autumn

Manius Aemilius was promoted to Tribune. Quintus embarked for Massilia. Publius Pansa assumed the governorship of Arretium. Luca Mamilius assumed the governorship of Ariminum. Lucius Aemilius and Legio I Italica Victrix leave their station and march west to relieve the battered, though supreme, Publius Laevinius and Legio III, who are in need of a rest and a refit. At my request, Amulius Coruncanius rode west and joined me in Cisalpine Gaul. He shall serve as my Tribune during the Gallic Expedition and it is my hope that he shall gain much military experience on the campaign, despite his young age.

In domestic affairs, the repeated assaults on Legio III make it clear that the ability to recruit auxilia from areas close to our borders would be highly valuable. Investments are thus made to begin the first stage of Auxilia training in Massilia.

In foreign affairs, Decius Curtius reports that a great battle occurred between Carthage and Numidia in the desert west of Lepcis Magna. The Punic forces achieved total victory and a Consular size Numidian force was erradicated.

3. 270 BC Winter

The season opens with happy news for Luca Mamilius and Decius Laevinius. Both have new daughters, Drusilla for Luca and Licinia for Decius.

Quintus and the bulk of Consular I Army disembark at Massilia, close to where Lucius Aemilius and Legio I make camp for the winter. There is now a great concentration of force at the Gallic border, and more shall be shipped over soon from Sardinia and Rome.

In foreign affairs, rumors say that Pontus and Parthia have allied, though this concerns us little. Further investments are made in auxilia training, this time in Ariminum, which is now expected to be able to provide us with Italian auxilia in a year and a half.

As the deep winter begins, the unexpected happens. Spies had reported that the Gallic force destroyed 6 months previous had been the last major army they had available... yet another has appeared as if from the Underworld. Two massive assaults in 6 months against Legio III Sicilia Aemilius. Quintus and Lucius Aemilius are close, but unable to reach the battle in time. Perhaps this will sway the minds of those who still think Carthage our foremost enemy.


Senator Publius Laevinus again proves himself a brilliant commander. His reputation now rivals that of Quintus himself.


4. 269 BC Spring

As the season began, the reorganization of Legio III, Legio I and Consular I Army began. I took command of Consular I Army, and Quintus began the march south to Sicily, where he shall eventually oversee Legio V Alaudae, tasked with protecting the Punic Isles. Consular I Army absorbs a few maniples each of hastati, principes and triarii from Legio III, along with some of its auxilia and moves west to begin the Gallic Expedition. Lucius Aemilius and Legio I takes over the defensive position at the Massilia crossing, supplemented by the remainder of Legio III's auxilia, with further troops only a season away. Publius Laevinus takes the core veterans of Legio III and marches east to take up residence in Legio I's abandoned quarters. The men shall be rested and their light troops and auxilia will be brough up to full strength.

In domestic issues, political issues result in Publius Pansa assuming governorship of Capua and Gaius Rutilius is sent north to take Pansa's old position in Arretium. Finally, Titus Vatinius is promoted to Legate and Tarentum begins work on Auxilia I.

5. 269 BC Summer

Incredible news arrives from merchants in the east...

In addition, our spies inform us that Seleucia and Armenia have formed an alliance and that Carthage has recaptured Hippo Regius from the Numidians. Sextus Antio proposes an alliance with Germania, but is turned down.

The hooting mad Manius Aemilius is overwhelmed with joy at the birth of his new son and decides to name him after his little brother, Marcellos. While wonderful news, this has potential to cause confusion as there are now two men named Marcellus Aemilius. Some suspect that Manius did this intentionally to annoy the Senate.

As the Gallic Expedition marches west, a small Gallic force flees before us to the 'safety' of Gergovia. We besieve the city and prepare to assault in the Autumn.

6. 269 BC Autumn

Seleucia has become a great power, with most of Asia Minor subjugated and the Bacrians signing a protectorate treaty. The Ptolemaic Empire allies with Thrace and joins them in their war with Macedon. In desperation, the Macedonians look for allies everywhere. An offer is made to the Republic, but it is insulting. Further negotiations for a more reasonable treaty fail.


Titus Vatinius and the remainder of the old Consular I Army embark on the fleet, destined for Sicily where they will join Legio V Alaudae in the vigil over the Punic Isles.

For the Gallic Expedition, it is a season of glory...

The assault on Gergovia is carefully planned and executed. Our agent, Sextus Lentulus, manages to sabotage the crossbars on the town gates, preventing them from being closed.


To take maximum advantage of the multiple openings, I divide Consular I Army into two full Legions; I personally command the Legion assaulting from the south while Amulius Coruncanius commands the Legion assaulting from the east.


As the walls are torn down by our rams, our skirmishers rain death down upon the waiting enemy. They make a vein attempt to sally and destroy the velites, but are held by auxilia and slaughtered by Hastati.


With the gates open and the walls down, we swarmed in from all sides, killing all before us.


In the end, a few Gauls made a final stand in the town square, but they died quickly enough. It was a beautiful sight.


Once the fighting had ceased, I ordered all able bodied townsfolk rounded up and chained. This was completed within minutes as it turned out that the 'city' was nearly empty. Interrogation of a weak old man revealed that the town had been drained of all manpower in order to assemble the last force to assault the Massilia crossing. I was so outraged at such a pathetic lot of slaves, that I ordered the city burned to the ground. The men tore through every structure in sight, looting everything of value, before setting them ablaze. What do they need homes for if there is no one to occupy them? In the end, some 3,500 dinarii of profit is gained... hardly worth the effort.

The desire for more plunder drove the army though and a forced march allowed us to close on Comata only a few weeks later. Without walls, no siege engines were necessary and the assault was a simple affair.


Comata yielded more slaves than Gergovia, but was far poorer, with barely a civic structure in sight. Some 2,000 dinarii were salvaged from the pitiful shacks, but the slave chain was sufficiently large to allow major construction to begin in Bononia. With this labor and the plundered loot, a Governor's Villa was begun to oversee projects in the province, and work was begun in Arretium on a safe harbor for trade ships.

Spies report that the northern Gallic cities are far more heavily populated and Alesia in particular is center of incredible wealth and prosperity. There is much still to be won.

7. 269 BC Winter

Work on the first phase of Auxilia training finishes in Syracuse and there is news of two baby girls for two worthy Senators! Verlius Paullus names his daughter Gratidia and Titus Vatinius names his daughter Atia. Atia in particular could have an interesting future...


The remaining plunder from Gaul is invested in building praved roads to and from Rome itself. Such a system is a model for all future provinces and the speed with which our cohorts can march over them is amazing. Trade will also bloom substantially with such a weather-proof system.

As the Expedition marches north from Comata, I pause to urinate on the ruins of the chieftan's house. I swear to do so in every Gallic settlement in the known world. Scouts report that the Gauls have reoccupied the ruins of Gergovia, but what use it will be to them, I do not know. Perhaps they like the stench and filth.

It seems the Gauls have a new 'king,' is that the third one this year? He assembled a substantial force and offered battle on our march north to Alesia.


I drew up the Expedition in the traditional style and waited for the beasts to show themselves.


The cowards soon realized I would not fall for their trap and enter the forests, to be ambushed. They soon began to trickle out of the woods like a pack of rabid, starving wolves. Whomever says these things are humans has not seen what I have seen.


Skirmishers were sent forward to spear them like the animals they are, but a group of mounted warriors rode out of the woods and gave chase, threatening to overrun the Velites. Amulius Coruncanius was leading the cavalry and he headed a glorious charge that dropped half of the Gauls in mere moments.


He stayed to finish off the survivors, but the Gallic King urged his whole line forward in a rush.


Amulius pulled back with the cavalry and a great melee began in the open field.


A flanking maneauver quickly put an end to this farce of a field battle.


As the enemy broke and fled, I personally ran down and slayed the 'King' of the Gauls. I suppose that makes this the year of Four Gallic Kings.


Perhaps it is due to their lack of shelter from nature, but I truly believe the Gauls are now rabid. Not only just savage, they have become legitimately insane. I tiny force has attempted to force the Massilia crossing. When nearly 2000 Gauls could not do so against a single Legion, what demon is it that makes these fools believe less than 400 of them can defeat an oversized Legion?

Insanity... or animalistic instinct? Either way, this is not the act of thinking beings.


Into the valley of death, ran the 300...


So impressive and yet so pathetic. Not a single Roman fell to their attack, though some reprimands were meted out to those who had been careless with their pilia.


8. 268 BC Spring

After a ceasefire that lasted only a season, Iberia and Carthage are again at war. Gaul breaks off their alliance with Carthage, and it appears that they are turning to their barbaric neighbors for friends now. The odds against Illyria continue to mount, as the Greek Cities formally declare war and send to massive armies into Illyrian territory.

In Rome, Decius Laevinius and his wife Orbania announce that they have a new son! Tertius Laevinius is young and healthy. He shall make a fine Senator one day. With a new son and his time in the Academy nearly complete, Decius Laevinius is nearly ready for full Senatorial duties. In preparation for assuming the full duties of a Roman Senator, he is sent to Capua to begin a proper governorship. Publius Pansa is now overseeing Rome itself. This joy is quickly overcome by a great tragedy, though. Faustina, wife of Senator Quintus, has died. She lived a long life and went peacefully in her sleep, but all of Rome is in mourning.

After suffering a harsh northern winter, the men of the Expedition are happy to see Spring come. They are rejuvenated and hungry for battle. Sextus Lentulus duplicates his feat at Gergovia and sabotages the Alesian gates. I begin the attack immediately, as I do not believe I would be able to restrain the army long enough to construct siege weapons. They are hungry for battle, so I give it to them.


Like before, I split the army into two full Legions, with Amulius Coruncanius commanding the northern Legion and I the southern.


As the skirmishers go to work, the Gauls once again lose their discipline and charge out in an attempt to reach their attackers. They are cut to pieces in moments by Hastati and Auxilia.


With the way clear, the assault begins...


The Gallic forces try to hold both gates, but they are stopped, flanked, and broken in short order.


Withe the gates and walls cleared, both Legions converged on the center of the city. While marching, the southern Legion was assaulted by slingers. I rode forward to cut them down. Seeing the plight of his men, the enemy General charged at me and a fierce melee ensued.


A nearby maniple of Hastati saw the charge and rushed to my assistance. With the aid of these brave men, we slew the slings, the Gallic bodyguard, and finally the man himself.


From there, it was only a matter of time. Surrounded and converged on from north and south, the Gauls were doomed.


A group of Chosen Spearmen put up a heavy fight, but they fell one by one until they were eventually engulfed in a sea of Romans.


With the victory complete, the jewel of Gaul was stripped of all its worth. Thousands of men, women and children were rounded up and put in chains. The column leading them back to the Republic was miles long. This massive influx of labor swells Jenuensis, which has now become a true city. It is with great pleasure that I report that not only was Alesia a prosperous city, but it appears to be where many Roman relics, looted by Brennus, were stored. In addition to nearly 10,000 dinarii worth of treasure, priceless statues of Romulus and Lucius Junius Brutus were recovered. They are being taken back to Rome and will be erected in the forum. Out of my own funds, I have personally commissioned a third statue to stand between the two. It shall depict a Roman soldier triumphant with a Gallic warrior in chains at his feet. Let it be know to all Romans and throughout the world, that the Republic does not forgive nor forget the crimes committed against her.

The wealth of the horde has been directed towards infrastructure improvements in many provinces. The second level of Auxilia training was begun in Massilia, while efforts have begun on the first stage of the process in Caralis, Lilybaeum and Agrigento.

With the sack of the city complete, the Expedition moved off north, towards Remi. A small Gallic force that had been afraid to come to the aid of Alesia was caught and annihilated along the way.


Nothing can stop the Expedition now. Gaul is doomed. Let all nations watch and observe the fate of those who oppose Roman will.

9. 268 BC Summer

Our spied report that in the east, Illyrian forces have once again pulled off a great feat of arms. Two massive armies, one Greek, one Macedonian, have been almost totally destroyed in an assault on Delmatia for the loss of a relatively small number of Illyrians. This magnificent struggle is keeping the Helenic forces from our border and giving us peace. Though they fight for their own reasons, we should be grateful nonetheless.

In Italy, Capua has become a major city and construction of a Governor's Palace begins in order to allow for an increase in control over the province. In the field, word reaches us that Amulius Coruncanius's wife has given birth to a baby girl, Marcia. While this would normally be a happy event, it is well known that Amulius has been in the field with the Expedition far longer than the last 9 months. Given the blatant realities, the rumors are starting to spread...


Now restored to full strength, Legio III Sicilia Aemilia begins the march west to Massilia. Vibius Pleminius is dispatched from Rome to begin service as Tribune in the Legion, under Legate Publius Laevinus.

With the momentum of the war fully with us, Consular I Army moves in force on Remi and assaults it. It is a short and bloody affair, but the blood is almost entirely Gallic.


In excess of 3,000 dinarii of goods are located and taken back to the Treasury, along with another chain of slaves for the fields. For all of this death and destruction, the Gauls remain a simple and petty species. Any nation at all, even other barbaric tribes, would divert their armies and their efforts to the defense of their homes. The Gauls, with the cities in ruins and their people in chains, feel nothing. The desire only more plunder. The last large Gallic army in existence once again attempts to take the Massilia crossing. How can anyone call these beasts human? Humans would not go off in search of gold when their families were dying and the homes being burned. They are a plague and must be erradicated.


I received this report from General Lucius Aemilius:

Ave consul Verginius,

I positioned my men well, using maximum advantage of the terrain. The Gauls charged en masse into a hailstorm of pilas and stones.


The impact of the horde rocked our frontlines, but we held them. Eventually, a cavalry charge broke trough our defenses.


Waiting for this moment I lauched a counterattack with my reserves. Caractus of Scaldis replied with a last ditch effort and led the countercharge personally. The lines clashed violently, but with no room to manouver they were pushed back and Caractus of Scaldis panicked. He was slain by the valiant triarii.


Then the panic spread among the Gauls ranks and they fled. A warband bravely held the rearguard, but I led the charge myself and they perished under the hooves of our warhorses. They remains of their army tried to retreat, but I followed them mercilessly and dispersed and killed the survivors who tried to rally on the other bank. About two hundred barbarians managed to escape, leaving 1000 dead on the field.


Blood and Honour !
Lucius Aemilius

10. 268 BC Autumn

As the summer ends, we are approached by a diplomat again desiring an alliance with us. This time it is Thrace, but once again they demand an insulting sum of money for this 'favor.' It is, of course, rejected out of hand.

Congratulations are due to Senator Publius Pansa who has married the lovely Domitilla. I am sure that she will bear him many True Roman children. With the newly arrived slaves from Gaul, construction of a Governor's Villa has begun in Jenuensis to provide the necessary facilities from which to oversee their labors.

Placus "the Killer" Laelius, recently returned from Africa, dispatches a Greek diplomat in Cisalpine Gaul who was attempting to bribe Romans to betray the Republic.


The Expedition continues, with Remi left a wasteland behind us. The march to Gwenea passes quickly, and the men, now familiar with the tactics, falls upon the city in glorious style.


I say, no Roman could see such a sight and not weep for the joy of it. Our men are soldiers without equal. Their skill and ferocity in battle is equalled only by their strength and discipline. Roman and Italian alike, they make an army that Alexander himself would fear. With the stories of our conquests preceding us, the Gauls now panic at the mere sight of the Legions. In Gwenea, a single volley of pilia was enough to break the will of nearly 300 swordsmen, in mid-charge.


The remainder of the garrison died just as quickly.


Nearly 5,000 dinarii and thousands of slaves are taken before the city is burned and the Expedition moves south, towards the last remaining unsacked Gallic settlement. As I was preparing the battle plans for the next season, I had a revelation. The Gauls were truly destroyed, they will never again threaten anyone. Yet they could still live on, if we held back the sword. In such a situation, they would surely menace us further, disregarding their own best interests. This cannot be allowed to occur. Gaul cannot be allowed to continue these raids. We should finish them once and for all.

The Gauls had not yet re-occupied the smoking ruins of Alesia, Remi and Gwenea, the northernmost provinces of their homeland. These are territories that are worthless to us and which the Senate had wisely decided that it was not worth holding. Yet eventually the Gauls would return and eventually more warbands would be raised from these cesspits to march on Rome. I saw another alternative: Germania. They are barbarians as well, but they have remained at peace with Rome and are concerned with their great conflict with the Thracians. I do not believe they will attack us in the near future. If Germania took the territories we had ravaged instead of the Gauls, we would be safe from their peoples being sent against us for some time. For this reason, I sent Sextus Antio to meet with the Germans. He told them that the provinces were a gift from the goodwill of the Republic to their growing tribe. He wished them peace and friendship, and was on his way. Northern Gaul remains a wasteland, but one that shall not raise up arms against us, at least for the moment.

This is but the first step in a great plan that is unfolding before me. To south there lies another barbaric people. One that has defeated the might of Carthage and which considers itself an ally of the Gauls. The Iberians are strong. The Iberians are Gallic allies. The Iberians will come... unless we go to them first.

With haste, I wrote a letter to the Senate detailing the state of the war and my proposal. I now must wait while they consider and deliberate...

06-23-2006, 00:32
10. 268 BC Autumn (continued)

Following the lengthy and heated Senate deliberations, much has changed. As the season comes to an end, Publius Pansa journeys south to assume full control of Legio IV Gallica and lead them into battle against a small group of Italian rebels. The unblooded Legio IV will need this first taste of battle if they are to survive what is to come.

11. 268 BC Winter

As the snows began to fall, I finally arrived at the last untouched Gallic settlement: Bourges. Another "King" defended the place, but I have lost count of how many of these weeds we have killed in recent years. It seems every other Gaul is a King somehow. He fought better than some and worse than other, but he died like all of them.


With this final lesson taught and our baggage train bursting with treasure, I began Consular I Army on the long march back to Rome.

The wealth of Bourges, along with the gains of previous seasons has brought our treasury to unprecedented levels. A massive investment in domestic development is the result. Bononia and Patavium begin work on road networks. Mediolanium beguns construction of a Governor's Villa. Rhegium, Messana and Aleria begin the first phase of Auxilia training.

Marcus Laevinus weds the beautiful Aurelia.

The season ends with Publius Pansa leading Legio IV Gallica into battle against the Italian rebels. The victory is complete and the men know better what to expect from their coming expedition to Greece.


12. 267 BC Spring

Spring... a time of rebirth, of renewal. For Rome in 267, it is the moment of calm before the storm.

Consular I Army continues its march through Gaul towards the Alps. It will be over a year before they are in any position to support the Greek expedition. The will of the Senate must be obeyed though, so Quintus assumes command of Legio IV Gallica and embarks for Apollonia. The former commander, Publius Pansa, returns to Legio IV's fort with a cohort of auxilia and will maintain it until a new Legion can be built for him to command. At his request, Vibius Pleminus leaves the service of Legio III Sicilia Aemilia and begins the journey south to Tarentum. He will arrive too late to make the trip with Legio IV, but with luck he will be able to slip into the city soon after it has been captured.

Financial investments are made in a market for Arretium and the first phase of Auxilia training in Melite.

13. 267 BC Summer

The season begins with the marriage of my adopted son, Gaius Rutilius, to the excessively youthful Julia, who is but 12 years old. While this may raise some eyebrows in the Senate, surely it is not as 'unusual' as my other adopted son, Luca Mamilius, whose wife gave birth at the age of 12.

The trials of Legio IV Gallica are preceded by the favors of Fortuna. Greece and the Ptolemaic Empire declare war, hopefully diverting Greek forces that would otherwise be sent against Quintus.

In preparation for the assault, Cassius Paulines and Placus Laelius journeyed through the Illyrian warzone to reach the city by land, prior to the arrival of Legio IV Gallica. Cassius scouted the city for a short time and noticed the presence of a Greek agent watching the city for just such an infiltration as was about to be attempted. Placus Laelius slipped into the city and skillfully eliminated the man. This allowed Cassius to freely roam the city and he was able to bribe the gate guards to abandon their posts only days before Legio IV arrived.

Senator Quintus has surprise on his side and will be able to assault the city without waiting for a prolonged siege. With luck, he will have fully fortified the city and prepared its defenses long before the Greeks can arrive in force.


Quintus' Battle Report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1177713&postcount=9)

In Italy, some reshuffling of governors is necessary to make up for Publius Pansa's absense from Rome. Decius Laevinus, governor of Capua, assumes the post and Marcus Laevinus is sent to Capua. Though Marcus is still a student, he has learned faster than most during his time in the academy and has little left to gain from being there. Spending some time in the greatest of our allied cities will do him good.

The seasonal investments are devoted to improving auxilia training in southern Italy, with Tarentum and Corfinium begning the second phase.

14. 267 BC Autumn

As the heat dissipates and the leaves turn, Bourges returns to Gallic control, though I know not why they would wish to possess such a slophole. Shortly after his arrival in Capua, Marcus Laevinus' wife gives birth to a daughter, Fannia. This season's investments are once again devoted to improving auxilia training, though this time in Sicilia, where Lilybaeum and Agrigento begin the second phase.

The covert team of Cassis Laulinos and Placus Laelius discover and dispatch a Greek agent residing in Thermon. Vigorous efforts will be made to ensure that the Greeks do not infiltrate Apollonia as we did. Yet, no matter how many Greek agents are killed, Legio IV Gallica will still be in great danger. A Legion sized Greek force besieges the city and Quintus sallies forth to dispose of them before they can be reinforced.


Quintus' Battle Report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1177713&postcount=9)

Quintus' success frees the city from siege and Vibius Pleminius is able to cross the sea and slip through the gates in before the snows begin to fall. His military experience and personal guard will surely be a great boost to Legio IV Gallica.

15. 267 BC Winter

A message from Oppius Vitruvius brings news that Carthago Nova has finally fallen to the Iberians. With all Punic forces now completely driven from the peninsula, the Iberians will surely turn their attentions north...

The Illyrians, pleased with our attack on the Greeks, approached Quintus himself and offered an alliance... for a price.


It seems that while they are facing extinction at the hands of Greece and Macedon, they still consider themselves the superior partner in any prospective agreement with the Republic. Our of respect for their brave struggle, Quintus attempted to reach a more reasonable agreement, but one could not be found. Perhaps when 10,000 more Illyrian sons have died, they will be less demanding.

The great building projects I have initiated are finally beginning to bear fruit. This season, roads were finished in Bononia and Patavium, allowing increased mobility to our northern border. In addition, Rome has finally completed the first paved road system in the Republic. I am sure that many Senators have already enjoyed the benefits of keeping their sandals free of mud while journeying to their country villas. To further expand the sytem, construction on a road system for Jenuensis begins, which will include a route through the Alps almost all the way to Massilia and Legio I Italia Victrix. Patavium also received attention, with investments made towards the first phase of auxilia training.

Manius Aemilius is the proud father of a new daughter he has named Plautilla.

In Greece, Cassius Paulinus and Placus Laelius journey north, where yet another Greek agent is uncovered and disposed of in Scodra. The Greeks seem to be growing more determined to oust Legio IV Gallica from their territory. A larger force than last season besieged Apollonia. While it is led by a mere captain, he has brought with him a group of fanatical Spartans. It is rumored that in addition to their impressive skills, they possess the physical strength of three normal men. We shall see...


Quintus' Battle Report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1178897&postcount=10)

16. 266 BC Spring

The calm before the storm...

With the roads clear of snow and the pavements around Rome completed, Consular I Army was able to make rapid progress south. Along the way, I was informed that a group of rebellious Italians had taken up arms, most likely following payment by the Greeks. I confronted them south of Ancona. They fled a short distance, but we caught them and slaughtered them. Most Italians are our allies, but some, it seems, need to be further convinced of that fact.


Cisalpine Gaul received this season's financial investments, with road construction beginning in Mediolanum and the process of Integration beginning in Bononia.

Apollonia remained free of siege this season, but Roman agents brought news of massive formations gathering in the surrounding mountains. In the north, Macedon and Greece organized a joint assault on the main body of Illyrian men at Delmatia. There is little doubt that it will fall soon. The stalemate will be broken, Macedon and Greece will march west, towards the Cisalpine frontier.

As if the news could not become worse, as the season ended, a massive Greek force, nearly 4 times as large as the previous ones, laid siege to Apollonia. Legio IV Gallica could not sally in the face of such a group. Their only hope is to hold the walls until Consular I Army can arrive to relieve them. If that were not bad enough, two more massive Greek forces are nearby and on their way to the crisis area. Macedon too seems to be moving forces towards Apollonia... perhaps they finally mean to support their Allies.

17. 266 BC Summer

The moment of decision is before us, the fate of Legio IV Gallica and perhaps even the entire Greek War, will be decided soon. However, there are still domestic matters to attend to.

Decius Laevinus experiences joy that Quintus can but dream of, as his wife births a daughter, Ustina. While not in keeping with Senate economic policy, I decided to set aside a large sum of money to create improvements to the Roman Academy. With the birth of dozens of young noble boys and girls over the course of my Consulship, we will need to provide superior education to meet the needs of all Roman senatorial families. The academy will be upgraded to Scriptorium level and will serve as a beacon of enlightenment for all future generations. Massilia, the gateway to Italy and foremost defensive line against the barbarian hordes, begins the third phase of Auxilia training. By the next Consulship, it will be ready for a Provincial Barracks, an investment that will allow Rome to reinforce Legio I Sicilia Aemilia without recalling it to Italy.

Merchants bring news that Macedon has been engulfed by a great plague. Perhaps this will sap their strength enough to deter them from joining in the war against us. One can only hope...


Their front line armies are uneffected by this disease at home, though. A combined attack by Macedonian and Greek armies finally defeated the Illyrian force holding Delmatia. It has fallen and been occupied by the Macedonians. Nearly half of Illyria's strength was destroyed in this great confrontation and I fear that they will never recover. The next Consul would be wise to strengthen Legio II Sabina Quintia and prepare it for war.

Yet, Macedon's preoccupation is of little comfort to Legio IV Gallica and its brave commanders. They are surrounded and besieged, with no hope of escape. A forced march brings Consular I Army to the ends of Italy and within sight of the transport fleet. So, close, but so far.


The crossing simply cannot be made before Autumn, and by then it may be too late. Publius Pansa joins Consular I Army in preparation of the split which will be required to transport the entire body to the relief of Apollonia. He will command one of the two component Legions, while I will retain the other.

These preparations are for naught though, as our eyes in Greece report that the enemy will attempt an assault before we can arrive. Quintus, Vibius Pleminius, and all of Legio IV Gallica is vastly outnumbered by quality enemy troops. If they hold, Consular I Army can arrive in strength and aid them against the other Greek forces. If they hold... If they hold...


Quintus' Battle Report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1179602&postcount=11)

18. 266 BC Autumn

With the southern route to Tarentum becoming increasingly important due to the Greek War, an investment was made in Capua to extend the paved road system. It is my hope that eventually the network will reach from Massilia to Tarentum, allowing quick transit for our Legions from one front to another.

Prior to my arrival Placus Laelius eliminated yet another Greek diplomat. No man is safe when his nation takes Roman blood. Consular I Army was broken up into two Legions for transport to Greece. I led the first crossing, landing outside the city, and Publius Pansa was given command of the second, disembarking directly into the city itself.


With all of Consular I Army across the sea, I reorganized the force for action against the Greeks. Senator Quintus was relieved of command and returned with the fleet to Italy. It is his wish that he shall retire to Rome, there to live out the rest of his days in the company of his daughters and friends. Though great leadership is needed at such a time of crisis, I could hardly refuse any request by him. Consular I Army was restructured into a single group to allow for action in force against the enemy. Publius Pansa assumed formal command of Legio IV Gallica, though it is a Legion in name only. He shall remain with the remnants in Apollonia, with some reinforcements from Consular I Army, while he prepares to assume the rank of Legate, which is due to him after 10 years of loyal service.

To take the pressure off of Apollonia, I moved with Consular I Army to engage the nearby Greek forces. The smallest was isolated first and attacked.


Outnumbered and outmanned, they fled after only a skirmish.


I then moved Consular I Army east towards the mountains. I made camp there and attempted to draw the Greeks into attacking, giving us the advantage of defensive terrain. They avoided contact though and moved south as the season ended.

19. 266 BC Winter

Senator Quintus arrived back in Rome, to the joy of the Republic. The people turned out unprompted to see his small retinue enter the city. Though in retirement, he shall oversee the affairs of Rome and is expected to be formally appointed Governor of Latium before long. To futher the development of the northern provinces, integration was begun in Jenuensis and the third phase of auxilia training was begun in Arretium and Ariminum.

In Greece, Placus Laelius elimited yet another Greek diplomat, this time one who had attempted to bribe soldiers garrisoning Apollonia. Consular I Army broke camp when it became apparent that the Greeks would not engage us on our own ground. We moved south and brought battle to the strongest of their forces, including two elite hoplite units and a full group of Spartans.


Much care was needed to confront such a formidable force. I arrayed the men into an unusual formation, with the Funditores in front of a center line of Italian Spearmen and Triarii, flanked on each side by Principes, Hastati, and Italian Swordsmen, and backed by Velites.


The Fundatores were used to harass and infuriate the enemy, so that they charged, enraged, into the center of our formation.


When they closed, the Fundatores would retreat behind the spearline and the surrounding men would hurl their javelins at the oncoming Greeks. Upon realizing the trap, the hoplites would then retreat, to resume their place in the line of battle. We had infinite patience though, and the constant hammer of lead bullets on Greek skulls broke their discipline again and again. Eventually, the General himself charged. To his credit, he did not retreat as the others, though it resulted in his death on the spears of the auxilia.


When the slingers had exhaused their ammunition, the line advanced and split to engulf the foe.


The encirclement was completed quickly.


The Spartans, flanked by the elite hoplites, fought for a long time, but in the end they died like the rest. Eventually, even their will was broken and the last fled for their lives. This was not a second Thermopylae.



Consular I Army then moved south in pursuit of yet another Greek army that was moving for the safety of Thermon.

20. 265 BC Spring

The last season of my Consulship was a momentus one in the diplomatic sphere. In the east, the Greeks made peace with the Illyrians. With only the Republic as their enemy, the Greeks will surely concentrate further efforts on Apollonia. In the west, the Iberians proclaimed their desire for further conquests by besieging German held Alesia.


At home, Mediolanum began the process of Integration, and Croton and Rhegium commenced the second phase of auxilia training.

In the east, a Greek army moving south from the now peaceful Illyrian front approached Apollonia and forced me to abandon the pursuit of the other force and move back north to protect the city.


Using similar tactics as the previous battle, the foe was destroyed in detail.


As the season ended and summer began, a few last pieces of new were conveyed to me. First, Thrace and Iberia had signed an alliance against Germania. I fear that we shall soon find ourselves surrounded by hostile barbarians in every area of our alpine borders. Far to the east, Armenia became the protectorate of Seleucia. Finally, Decius Laevinus achieved the rank of Tribune and Senator Quintus has recruited the staff necessary to become Governor of Latium.

Though I still command in Greece, it was with great relief that the weight of the Consulship was lifted from my shoulders. I fought for the Republic with all my soul, but it was a long and difficult struggle. Unexpected foes raised themselves both abroad and in the Senate. Though I shall serve the Republic until the last of my days, I am happy to see my time as the leading man come to an end. It is a position that demands much and satisfies few.

06-30-2006, 03:09
1. 265 Summer

At the start of my term as Consul, I found myself in a fort in Venetia, on the Illyrian border. I summoned Legate Publius Laevinus and left him in charge of the fort's garrison, which was reinforced somewhat. Legate Lucius Aemilius was left stationed at Massilia Ford. Meanwhile, I rode south into Latium, where I was joined by Tribune Decius Laevinus. We continued south with the intention of entering Greece.

But I was not going to hold the planned Greek offensive until I arrived, as I already had a commander in Greece perfectly capable of conducting it. I speak, of course, of Legate Augustus Verginius, who was ordered to march the Consular Army on the Greek town of Antigonea without delay. Some Greek troops were between him and Antigonea, but withdrew before him, until the city, where they made their stand. As it turned out, that was a bad decision:


"They died, we did not." He said in his report.

Perhaps we are used to being victorious on land, but on the seas we have not dared to engage our enemies. Perhaps this lulled them into a false sense of security, as a single Greek warship (of Heptare type) decided to transit the Strait of Tarentum, with the entire Roman fleet nearby in port. The fleet sailed under Admiral Flavius and engaged the enemy ship. I am proud to report the first Roman naval victory in the last 15 years. The Greek warship was sunk, and no friendly ship was damaged. 1 casualty was taken during the battle. In another naval first, the shipyard at Syracuse has begun the construction of our first dedicated warship, a Quinquereme equipped with a corvus.

In accordance with Motion 7.7, recruitment of additional troops has begun. Also, Phase III Auxilia has been started in Patavium, which will fulfill the old Motion 5.7, which demands Gallic auxiliaries. In accordance with Motions 7.5 and 7.7 an attempt was made to ally with Illyria and Germania, but no agreement could be reached.

2. 265 Autumn

As soon as Antigonea fell last season, two Macedonian armies, albeit small ones, marched toward our territories and stopped right on the border:


If that's not an offensive posture, I don't know what is. I decided to keep Verginius near Antigonea this season, and will give the Macedonians one season to withdraw. Further north, it appears that Illyria is about finished:


I have reinforced III Legion as a result. However, I am reluctant to intervene on behalf of the Illyrians as it could jeopardize our efforts in the south, assuming Macedon does not intend to attack us, and that their latest maneuvering is merely a show of power (a pathetic one at that) rather than a preperation for war.

Recruitment for VI Legion continued, and some Auxilia development occured in Paestum. The Thracians attempted to secure an alliance with us, but their terms were outrageous. For those following the Ibero-German war, I report that the Iberians have captured Alesia.

A small Gallic force attempted to cross the Massilia Ford, with no success:


Lucius lays down the first layer in what may become a Gallic dam.

Finally, Manius Aemilius and Titiana had a daughter, Violentilla.

3. 265 Winter

The Macedonian armies that looked threatening last season withdrew as the first snow fell. In Illyria, the Macedonians failed to capture Segestica, but did capture Aquileia. III Legion has been reinforced sufficiently, and should be able to hold off any Macedonian incursions, although those seem unlikely. I still believe a war with Macedon is avoidable, and will do what is practical to avoid it. The only issue at hand is a single large Greek army to the north, which seems to be seeking refuge deep in Macedon territory, and is currently on the outskirts of Pella. Verginius has marched north in an attempt to provoke an attack, but if that does not work, he will have to enter Macedon territory. There is time to work with as the Greeks have not yet managed to coordinate an attack from the south.

There is little further activity this winter. Recruitment continues, and a shipyard was started in Tarentum. I arrived in Apollonia this season, although I will not be taking command of any army as of yet.

4. 264 Spring

The new year brings with it things both good and bad. The bad news is that the Carthaginian navy is conducting operations close to our shores:


It is confirmed that these fleets carry no troops, but their purpose is unknown. It is possible that the Carthaginians are taking an interest in a future invasion. The good news is that the northernly Greek army has been drawn out of Macedonian territories by Verginius, who attacked it as soon as it entered our territory, with the following result:


Full battle report here. (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1184609&postcount=13)

While the Consular Army was somewhat depleted, the Greek army was completely destroyed. The Greeks have no forces north of Apollonia, other than a small garrison in Scodra. The expected Greek response from the south finally came, but it was a small force of about 200 hoplites and no less than two generals. I deployed the garrison of Apollonia, augmented with some mercenaries, which led to a skirmish with the following result:


With reinforcements but one season away, this seemed to be the moment to strike south.

5. 264 Summer

And yet it was not to be. A significant Macedonian army entered our territory through Verginius' pass and stopped some distance north of Antigonea. Not only did the Macedonian army outnumber the Consular Army, it was composed mostly of elite and veteran troops. It likely would be a challenge to defeat this army, and unnecessarily risky, as reinforcements were arriving in Apollonia. However, I was hoping that a show of power would make the Macedonians withdraw. So, Verginius intercepted the Macedonian army, without the intent to engage. The two armies came within striking distance of each other:


Reinforcements arrived in Apollonia, bringing my command, which is now known as the I Field Army, to perhaps depleted Consular strength. Unfortunately, having covered a great distance in getting to Apollonia, the reinforcements could not be mobilized for further movement. Further reinforcements are en route.

In a bit of happier news, Decius Laevinus and Orbiana have had a son, Nero Laevinus, while Publius Pansa and Domitilla have also had a son, Herius Pansa.

6. 264 Autumn

Perhaps Verginius' reputation has already reached as far as Pella, for the Macedonian armies withdrew. The Carthaginian fleets revealed their plan as they blockaded Syracuse and Malta. The Roman fleet moved south into port at Croton, which will allow them to strike next season. The Greeks finally responded from the south. A Greek general with about 300 troops marched toward Apollonia followed by another 1000 men under a captain. As the battle started, I found myself between the Greek general and his reinforcements while he found himself between me and my reinforcements from Apollonia under Decius Laevinus. The result of this was a confusing melee in a forest. The Greeks suffered, as a result:


Wasting no time, I marched south, attacking a small Greek army outside of Thermon. The army was reinforced from Thermon itself, but it was not enough:


The city of Thermon stood before me undefended:


It was captured. I have now advanced as far south as I set out to. A raid on Athens would be possible, but the withdrawal from it may invite the Macedonians, which may only be looking for a weakness to strike. It would possibly be better to raid Athens, destroy some things, and then give it back to the Greeks in exchange for a ceasefire and/or tribute. I will bring up this possibility at the mid-term Senate session. Verginius advanced on Scodra, but met some resistance, and led an epic charge, as documented here: Charge of the Pee Brigade (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1185459&postcount=14).

Bad news in Italy, however, as a group of brigands organized outside of Ariminum:


There was no standing army within one season's march of Ariminum. Quintus set out from Rome and rode north into Umbria, where he collected all the mercenaries he could find. He was joined by garrisons from Arretium, Ancona, and Ariminum, as well as some newly recruited troops that were preparing to deploy to Greece. All of that combined to about 700 men. There were only 500 brigands, and they were easily crushed. With Ariminum safe, Quintus returned to Rome, the garrisons returned to their respective cities, and the mercenaries, who are Italians, were stationed in a fort in Latium, in case of another emergency.

7. 264 Winter

During the winter, the Macedonians again marched an army through Verginius' pass:


I have done what I could to avoid a war with Macedon. I have been very patient with their childish behavior. But these incursions have been more than a little annoying. I will give them one more chance. I will establish a permanent fort at the pass, on the border. In front of this fort I shall put a giant sign, upon which in Greek and Latin it will be written: "YOU ARE ENTERING THE TERRITORY OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC. ORGANIZED ARMIES BEYOND THIS POINT ARE CONSIDERED HOSTILE INVADING FORCES. BE WARNED." Should they choose to not be warned, and try another incursion, they will be attacked.

Other than this, the winter was fairly uneventful. There was no naval engagement as the Carthaginian fleet broke off the blockades of our ports. Their location is currently unknown.

8. 263 Spring

The Macedonian army failed to withdraw as the snow melted, further annoying me. I am now begining to suspect that they're trying to get us to attack them, so they can claim that we started the war that would result. I am not about to cooperate with dishonorable Macedonian schemes, however, and do not order an attack. At least not this season.

In the south, it seems that there was a riot in Thermon:


As a result, the garrison was strengthened, and Decius Laevinus was installed as governor. These actions were sufficient to pacify the city.

Aetolia is fairly secure from attack at the moment. There are no significant Greek or Macedonian armies in the south. I moved back north into Epirus, and Scodra should fall before the mid-term. In accordance with Motion 7.4, a large Temple of Mars has been constructed in Capua. The consturction of the temple of Jupiter in Rome is in final stages at this time. The Gauls and the Greeks have signed an alliance, and for those following the Carthago-Numidian war, Decius Curtius reports that the Carthaginians have captured Capsa.

There was a marriage between Secundus Salvidienus and Arria, daughter of Verginius.


Now, I'm not sure what happened three seasons ago, but it must have been something fun, for there were no fewer than three births this season:

Crispina to Marcus Laevinus and Aurelia,
Prisca to Valerius Paullus and Minervina,
Helena to Titus Vatinius and Marcella.

Congratulations to all involved in these happy events.

9. 263 Summer

The Macedonian army withdrew, avoiding the war once more. Verginius built the fort and garrisoned it, while I advanced on Scodra.

A part of the Carthaginian fleet was spotted again. It had moved east, and was some distance southeast of Tarentum. The Roman fleet sailed again, under Admiral Decimus, and engaged the Carthaginian fleet, which consisted of two heavy ships, both of which were sunk, at the cost of one Aphract. A nearby light Greek ship was also sunk without damage to friendly ships. The fleet then moved into port at Thermon. Since Syracuse got the capability to construct Quinqueremes, it has been doing so continuously, and as a result, our fleet now has several of them. We can look to build them at an even faster rate when a Naval Architecture is completed in Tarentum, the construction of which has started this season.

Vibius Salvidienus was born to Secundus Salvidienus and Arria just one season after they have been married.

In Massilia, the Gauls are up to their dirty tricks again:


Our assassin is currently in Greece mostly keeping the population of Greek diplomats in check. We may need to send him to Gaul.

10. 263 Autumn

While marching to Scodra, I was attacked by a large Greek army including the garrison of Scodra itself, with the following result:


With its garrison destroyed, Scodra was captured immediately. Battle report should be forthcoming.

Admiral Decimus engaged 3 Greek ships off the coast of Aetolia, sinking all of them while losing one ship. One last thing that should be noted is that the Thracians have captured Moesia, cutting off the Macedonian armies in Illyria from Macedon itself.


10 seasons have elapsed since I took the office of Consul. The cumulative reports to this point should be considered to be my mid-term report to the Senate.

The Greek campaign has been effectively closed. I set out to conquer Greek lands around Epirus, and as far south as Thermon, and that has been accomplished. Here is the current status of the Greek theater:


State of the Army. The army in Greece nominally consists of two consular armies and one legion, but none are at full strength. Each of the units contains an appropriate amount of core Roman and Italian troops, but are lacking in skirmishers and cavalry. The garrisons at Massilia and Illyria are both effectively at consular strength, while the garrison in Sicily is a single legion. Those six units compose the bulk of the active army. There are also numerous garrisons in cities and internal forts. Forts in Cisalpine Gaul and Latium contain some troops, but are led by captains. The fort in southern Italy is empty, however.

State of the Navy. The navy consists of 3 Quinqueremes and 11 Aphracts. It is stationed in Tarentum.

State of the Republic. The current income is 9954 denarii per season, and the treasury contains 15585 denarii. The diplomatic status remains unchanged, the Republic is still at war with Carthage, Greece, and Gaul.

State of the World. The Iberians have had the upper hand in their war against the Germans, and have expelled the Germans out of much of Gaul. The Thracians have captured Moesia, cutting off Illyria from Macedon. The Illyrians remain confined to Illyria only, but have not been under attack. The Maceconian forces in the west have been focused in Histria; perhaps as guard agains us. The Carthaginians have captured Capsa but have made no further progress against the Numidians.

The requirements of following Motions have been fulfilled completely: 7.2, 7.4, 7.11. Motion 7.3 will be fulfilled in 1 turn when the construction is completed. Motion 7.10 was not fulfilled as stated; new troops were recruited and sent to Greece but were organized under the I Field Army; however, Publius Pansa has been now given command of a legion, and will likely receive the VI Legion banner. An attempt was made to fulfill Motions 7.5 and 7.7, but the other parties refused.

As for the future, I don't believe we need to undertake any major operations at this time. An invasion of Africa is still an option, but not particularly necessary as we now have the ability to engage the Carthaginians on the sea. It is up the Senate to decide, but I would personally focus on naval operations, and the complete destruction of Carthaginian and Greek navies, and perhaps even the Ptolemaic navy in the east. If we are to operate further east, then establishing bases in Crete, Byzantium, Rhodes, or Cyprus would be in our interest.

Savegame: http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/263aut.zip

07-12-2006, 07:41
Second half-term

As I was making plans for the second half-term, I realized that the Roman army was terribly disorganized. We had several quasi-consular forces which were designated as Legions and led by Legates. The Consular Army wasn't quite consular in composition and it wasn't commanded by a Consul. Infact, I could only locate one unit that was in any way standard; it was located in the rather static Sicilian theater. Some of these ill-defined formations I inherited, others I created, but the current organizational situation is most confusing. I don't find this to be acceptable, and some reorganization will be required.

10. 263 Autumn (cont)

Most of the events of this season were reported in the mid-term report, but a few additional things could be done before the winter. Legion I was standardized in composition, and the excess troops were placed in reserve. Quintus set off toward Gaul to relieve Aemilius of his command as soon as possible. The Consular Army under Verginius was split; the troops remaining under Verginius were formed into Legion II, while the rest of the troops will form a new Legion under Amulius Coruncanius once he is promoted to Legate, which should be shortly. I took the Consular Army banner and will form an army around it when one becomes necessary. The fleet returned to port in Tarentum after action in the Ionian Sea.

The plan to garrison the interior of the Republic was made. Three internal garrisons, two in Italy, and one in Gaul, will ensure that every city is reachable within one season. The cities at the perimeter of the republic are already in reach by forces guarding the borders. The Northern Italian Garrison is already in place, only waiting for a commander.

11. 263 Winter

Reorganization continues. The Nothern Italian Garrison reaches full strength but still awaits a commander. The Southern Italian Garrison is formed from newly recruited troops; Tribune Valerius Paulus, who was the governor of Tarentum, takes command of it.

An interesting opportunity develops. The Illyrians captured Dalmatia from Macedon. That, in addition to the Thracian capture
of Moesia last season, completely isolated the Macedonian army in Aquileia, in the region of Histria. For those unfamiliar with geography, Histria borders our region of Venetia in the north. Completely isolated from its homeland, and surrounded by hostile Illyrians, Thracians, and no-so-friendly Romans, I saw the Macedonian position in Histria as untenable. In this I saw an opportunity to get a good deal. I sent Sextus Antio to purchase Histria from the Macedonians. The initial offer was rejected, but in the end they settled for a mere 2500 denarii. Here is the current situation:


The transfer went smoothly except that the Macedonian army withdrew from the city to the west. It seems it is beyond the heir to the Macedonian throne that Macedon is in a generally southeasternly direction from Histria. The Macedonian army is now somewhat stuck between Aquileia and our Venetian fort. Worse yet is that our armies cannot reach Aquileia by land due to the Macedonian army blocking the way. However, the Macedonians were kind enough to leave a garrison composed of Illyrians and Gauls in the city.

The Roman fleet engaged and sank two Greek ships in the Adriatic Sea, with no losses. The fleet returned to port in Tarentum and prepares to sail west to seek out the Carthaginian fleet.

Marcellus Aemilius, son of Lucius Aemilius and Claudia, has come of age. He's a little angry, but has attracted some very smart minds:


Numerius Aureolus (https://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y208/flydude18/aureolus.jpg) has married Lucilla, daughter of Augustus Verginius.
Quintus Naevius (https://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y208/flydude18/naevius.jpg) has married Domitia, daughter of Tiberius Coruncanius.

12. 262 Spring

Quintus is dead.

The Republic mourns. There is nothing to report.

13. 262 Summer

Aaaarrgh!!!! Those dirty Macedonian dogs! Those immoral, dishonest, backstabbing fools! They play nice with us; they offer us alliances, they let us attack their allies, they sell us cities; and now this!? Those filthy, rotten pigs! I swear that I will make a pilgrimage to Alexander's grave and piss on it! I swear I'll... err...

Ahem. Well, excuse me. I believe I should report this important development:


Here is the current situation:


The senior commanders present the in the theater are me and Verginius. I am in Apollonia with some troops that could be activated quickly as a Field Army with the addition of allied troops. Verginius is in the fort at Verginius' pass (northern fort) with Legion II. The southern fort, the one that is under siege, contains an almost Legion-strength detachment that was previously detached from Verginius' unit and was supposed to be under Amulius Coruncanius. However, it is not, as Amulius was temporarily installed as governor of Antigonea to fullfil the mandatory governorship requirement before being promoted to the rank of Legate. The detachment in question is instead under Tribune Quintus Naevius, with Numerius Aureolus also present. Neither Verginius' Legion II, nor any force I organize in Antigonea, is within one season's reach of the besieged fort.

The besieging army originated in Macedonia and did not display an offensive posture prior to making the attack. The armies that invaded Scodra from the north originated from Moesia and Thrace. I believe that these armies, along with their army in Histria compose the bulk of the army of Macedon. The immediate concern is to relieve the besieged fort. A withdrawal from Scodra may be necessary in light of the scale of the invasion from the north, but some of the invading force is likely to be withdrawn as the Macedonians realize that they can't commit all their troops into Epirus if they still want to conduct a war in Thrace.

To be continued...

07-30-2006, 07:26
Macedonian War, 262 Summer - 260 Summer

The Situation:

The war with Macedon began in summer of 262 with a surpise attack on a Roman fort guarding the southern approach to Antigonea. Simultaneously, a large invasion force entered Roman lands from the north.

At the start of the war, the Roman order of battle in the theater was as follows:

Consular Army, commaned by First Consul Tiberius Coruncanius, 723 strong.
II Legion, commanded by Legate Augustus Verginius, 521 strong.
IV Legion, commanded by Legate Publius Pansa, 568 strong.
VI Legion, commanded by Legate Amulius Coruncanius, 438 strong.
City garrisons, various commands, 1041 strong (dispersed).

Total strength, 3291 men (2250 combat, 1041 garrison).

The Macedonian order of battle was not exactly known, of course, but the estimate on the number of Macedonian troops within Roman territory alone is between 4200 and 4900 in 4 armies. Additionally, a Macedonian army of 1200 was out of theater, in Histria; a sizeable garrison, perhaps 500 strong, was known to be in Pella; and a Greek army of about 1000 was spotted outside of Athens. Beyond that, the existence of other significant armies was unknown.

Further, VI Legion was not formed completely yet. In addition to being understrength somewhat, Amulius Coruncanius had not taken command of it quite yet. It was under the command of Tribunes Quintus Naevius and Numerius Aureolus, and was besieged by a 1200-strong Macedonian army in a fort south of Antigonea. IV Legion was far to the south of the Macedonian advance, and could not be a factor in the north immediately. That left 1682 Romans against the estimated 4200-4900 Macedonians. The Consular Army was in Apollonia and the II Legion was north of Antigonea. Here is an overview of the initial situation, as reported to the Senate in the summer of 262:


The Plan:

The first priority was to relieve the besieged fort. This would likely cause the destruction of the single Macedonian army attacking from the east, and the rest of the defensive effort could be concentrated to the north. The main objective at this stage was to not allow Apollonia to fall into enemy hands. I was prepared to abandon any other position to ensure that. The loss of the port at Apollonia was considered unacceptable. There were two possible ways for the enemy to enter Epirus. From the northwest, from Pella along the road to Antigonea (Verginius' pass), and from the north through the pass from Scodra to Antigonea (Valley of Greeks). In either of the two cases, Antigonea would have to fall before Apollonia. But there was another possibility, an approach from the north along the coast. This approach was defended by Scodra, but if Scodra fell, it would be open. The particular defensive strategy would depend on the precieved Macedonian intention. Initially, they massed north of Scodra, and appeared to wish to either use the Valley of Greeks to march on Antigonea, or the coastal approach. Unfortunately, Scodra was only defened by a garrison 345 strong, led by Marcus Laevinus. It was not initially besieged, per se, but a withdrawal could not be made as a Macedonian army marched far enough along the coast to prevent that.

The Events:

It was impossible for either the Consular Army or the II Legion to reach the fort before autumn, but an attempt was made, and the Consular Army did advance far enough that they would perhaps be in time for a battle if an assault on the fort was made. II Legion moved to the pass between Antigonea and Scodra, to prevent the three Macedonian armies in the north from advancing south. They could not, however, reach Scodra.

At this stage Publius Pansa and IV Legion could have been withdrawn north to help defenend, but I was confident that this was unnecessary. Instead, the southern Macedonian and Greek posessions were relatively undefeneded. One 1000-strong Greek army was outside of Athens, and there was no other significant force in the south, just garrisons. IV Legion engaged the Greek army at the First Battle of Athens (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1196313&postcount=17) and destroyed it, but was unable to capture the city. The legion then instead marched on Corinth, and was involved in First Battle of Corinth (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1197313&postcount=18), in which the city was captured.

As we entered autumn, the Macedonian army besieging the fort withdrew to the north, the relief was successful, but the enemy army was not destroyed. The Macedonians seemed to have given up on trying to enter Epirus by the coast, and instead focused in full on the Valley of Greeks. The defense of the valley was charged to Augustus Verginius and II Legion. That assignment was hardly enviable:


The first Macedonian army attempted to pass through the valley but was defeated at the Battle of the Valley of Greeks (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1196052&postcount=16), with few casualties. This was very good news. In fact, I estimated that II Legion would be able to hold the valley until reinforcements out of Italy arrived. The defense was then just a matter of ensuring that the legion was not flanked. To the right, between Pella and Antigonea, was placed VI Legion; there was one Macedonian army threatening to advance along there. To the left, no Macedonian army threatened to advance along the coast at this time. It would have been possible to abandon Scodra, which was still out of reach of II Legion or anyone else. However, this would have opened up the coastal approach to the enemy, and with II Legion holding the valley, it is something they surely would have exploited. The small garrison couldn't hope to stop the Macedonians in an open field battle, and there was no other force to protect the coast. The decision was made to continue to occupy Scodra.

With the north relatively secured, I decided to make an aggressive move. Marching the Consular Army all the way from Epirus to Macedonia in a single season, I besieged Pella, the Macedonian capital, trapping the King of Macedon inside. This was both a strategic move, to attempt to draw some of the Macedonian armies away from the west, and a political one.

Out of theater in the north, in Histria, Lucius Aemilius and I Legion defeated the Macedonian army in the Battle of Histria (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1195790&postcount=15) and secured that region as the only borders were with the neutral Illyrians and Thracians.

Winter came and snows fell on the Valley of Greeks. Verginius and II Legion encamped in the valley, unable to close in on Scodra as two of the Macedonian armies were close enough to each other to support each other in battle, a combined force of over 2000 men. Many miles to east, my siege of Pella was dragging on. I needed to capture the city quickly. The Macedonian armies were not being diverted from the west, the King of Macedon still lived, and I wanted to move on. The problem was that only one section of wall was breached through sapping so far, and the 700-strong garrison was composed of elite Macedonian troops, all of which are good at defending unless flanked. Once we gained entry into the city it would not be a problem, but there could be quite a problem at the walls. But instead of waiting for more entry points to be made, I had a better solution: I hired numerous mercenaries, Thracians and Greeks, and sent them in first. They died, and so did the Italians. Most of them. But they cleared the way for the Romans which captured the city. The King of Macedon was killed and their capital was captured.

In the south, IV Legion suffered a bit of a setback as Corinth, where they were located, was besieged by a small Greek force. Pansa sallied starting the Second Battle of Corinth (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1197332&postcount=19), and won.

As we entered the year 261, the Macedonians, as expected, again tried to use the coast to advance on Epirus. They realized that Scodra prevented them from doing so and besieged it. Verginius and II Legion advanced to Scodra to relieve the siege, starting the Battle of Scodra (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1198714&postcount=20). The battle was a victory, but Marcus Laevinus, commander of the Scodra garrison, fell in battle.

IV Legion advanced on Athens and besieged it, after having been involved in a small skirmish on the way. After a season of siege, a Greek force attacked them, combined with a sally of the force besieged, resulting in Second Battle of Athens (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1200602&postcount=21). The city was captured. IV Legion immediately left the city, relieving Corinth from a small siege, and moving south toward Sparta. By summer they were assaulting Sparta in the Battle of Sparta (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1202379&postcount=22). The Greek capital fell.

Meanwhile, due north, the Macedonian capital, Pella, now under Roman control was besieged by the largest Macedonian army assembled in the war, 1400 men strong. The Consular Army sallied and was supported by VI Legion. The Macedonians, not expecting reinforcements, and being led by an incompetent captain, became confused and were slaughtered.

Further north, in Histria, the Illyrians attacked without warning, and captured largely undefended Aquileia. Lucius Aemilius and I Legion were nearby in a fort, and immediately marched on, and liberated Aquileia.

By autumn of 261, the Macedonian army as a whole became disorganized after many defeats. In the south, Pansa and IV Legion were unstoppable, as they captured Elis, completing the conquest of southern Greece. The Macedonian armies in the north no longer attacked. The Macedonains increased their garrisons and depelted their field armies, which attempted to defend the entire front. Near Macedonia itself, there were three armies about 500 strong each. I destroyed two of them myself in autumn of 261. Numerius Aureolus was sent with a small detachment to clean certain things up behind our lines; he destroyed a small Greek army that had threatened Antigonea and captured Larissa during winter.

At this point, the entire Macedonian order of battle consisted of two armies between 800 and 1000 men, two strong garrisons of about 500 men, and insigificant garrisons. These were dispersed over a large area and many were isolated. It is at this point that I considered the war with Macedon to be effectively over.

During winter of 261, I Legion captured the Illyrian capital of Segestica and destroyed a large Illyrian army. The Illyrian order of battle consisted now of 1000 men total, split about evenly between an army and the garrison of their last city. This war too, was nearing its conclusion.

The focus during the past year and a half had been entirely on the east. As we entered the year 260, the Gauls, perhaps feeling neglected, attacked Massilia Ford which was defended by III Legion and Publius Laevinus. Although the Gallic army was large, Laevinus' position was easily defensible, and the result was unexpected:


More unexpected was the loss of an eagle:


This could not be allowed to stand, but I would be out of office by the end of spring. It was hardly enough time to recover the eagle. That will be the job for the next Consul. Laevinus had withdrawn to Massilia. If the Gauls laid siege to it, he and all of his men would have nowhere further to withdraw and would surely all be killed. On the other hand, I could not have him withdraw back across the alps just leaving Massilia to the enemy. The only solution was to attempt to stop the enemy at the second Massilia ford:


Meanwhile, young Servius Aemilius was sent back to Cisalpine Gaul. In the Greek threater, II Legion destroyed another Macedonian army out of Moesia and the Consular Army captured Thessalonica. This was to be the final military action of my Consulship. The Gauls did not attack III Legion and instead withdrew to the west for unknown reasons. However, a small Iberian army took a position at Massilia Ford. As they are actively providing a defense for their allies, the Gauls, who are our enemies, I consider this to be a hostile action. The Thracians were much more clear in their hostile action:


Segestica is defended by Lucius Aemilius and I Legion.

End of Term

So ends my term. Maybe you recall my stated overall objectives at the begining of the term, something about minimizing the number of wars. Through no fault of my own, it appears exactly the opposite has happened. We have been attacked by Macedon, the Illyrians, the Thracians, and continued to be attacked by the Gauls. Infact, we are now at war with every single nation that we share a border with, and one we don't. Perhaps the only way to gain peace is to conquer everyone.

As a result of all these wars, the Senate and the next Consul will have a difficult situation. Greece has been secured in the south, almost completely. If the Macedonian town of Chalkida is captured, and it can easily be within the first season, there will be no land border in Greece. That leaves one border north of Greece, and one very long one along the entire length of the Alps. The majority of Roman forces are in and around Greece. The next Consul's first priority will likely be to respond to the Gallic threat and to secure the rather lengthy Thracian border. Here is the current Roman order of battle:

3^Unit| Commander| Tribune| Strength| Location
7^I Consular Army| Tiberius Coruncanius| Flavius Pacuvius| 451| Thessalonica
7^I Legion| Lucius Aemilius| Gnaeus Hordeonius| 596| Segestica
7^II Legion| Augustus Verginius| Quintus Naevius| 348| Moesia
7^III Legion| Publius Laevinus| Manius Aemilius| 370| Transalpine Gaul
7^IV Legion| Publius Pansa| Decius Laevinus| 251| Peloponnesus
7^V Legion| Titus Vatinius| none| 726| Sicily
7^VI Legion| Amulius Coruncanius| Cornelius Saturnius| -| Pella
7^Northern Garrison| Gaius Rutilius| none| 770| Latium
7^Southern Garrison| Valerius Paullus| none| 582| Samnium
7^Detachment| Numerius Aureolus| none| 263| Attica
7^Gallic Garrison| none| none| 410| Cisalpine Gaul
7^City Garrisons| various| none| 6185| dispersed
7^Miscellaneous| various| none| 364| dispersed
7^Roman Fleet| Admiral Decimus| none| 14 ships| Athens
7^Transport Fleet| Admiral Flavius| none| 4 ships| Tarentum

Total strength: 11316 (5131 field, 6185 garrison).

New legions will probably need to be raised, and the current ones reinforced. The good news is that the treasury is ready to support this. The current base income is 16914 denarii per season, and money accumulated in the treasury is 40784 denarii. From an infrastructure standpoint, there are 4 Phase III developments, and 3 provinical/Roman ones. A Gallic Phase III is one season from completion, and there are two provinical barracks under construction, the most complete one still needing 5 seasons. From a naval infrastructure standpoint, there are two naval architectures, with a thrid one being completed in a season, and two more available if necessary within a year.

There is nothing else to report.

Overview of the Greek theater:


Overview of the Illyrian theater:


Overview of the Gallic theater:


Savegame: http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/260sum.zip

Death the destroyer of worlds
08-03-2006, 22:32
1. Summer 260 BC

The first order of business was to rally my demoralized troops and sally forth from Segestica resulting in a heroic victory at the the Second Battle of Segestica (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1209576&postcount=24).
https://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1559/battle11vp2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Then the difficult job of first consul could begin in earnest.
I changed all troops deployments in an effort to reinforce our troops and our garrisons and to reduce and control unrest.
I tore down all foreign military and damaged religious buildings, which together with the vast treasury (over 40.000 gold pieces) left behind by the previous consul Tiberius Coruncanius allowed me to start a massive campaign of public works, mostly auxilia buildings, but also roads, ports, temples and markets, as well as allowing me to start the recruitement of a large body of troops, buy a few units of mercenaries in Greece, and start the construction of severals new warships. I was also happy to see that a Provincial Barracks in Arretium and Paestum were already under construction, as well as a Naval Architecture I in Athens.
I moved part of our Eastern Fleet at Athens towards the Western Fleet at Tarentum so we will have two fleets capable of transporting a legion. I ordered the Eastern Fleet under the command of Admiral Decimus to attack a small Macedonian and a small Greek fleet with great succes.
https://img327.imageshack.us/img327/163/seabattle1ae0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img327.imageshack.us/img327/4517/seabattle1endfr4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

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https://img327.imageshack.us/img327/7428/seabattle2endot4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Then I ordered my displeasure made know to the Thracian king by having Placus the Killer assasinating one of their diplomats hanging around Greece.
https://img327.imageshack.us/img327/9485/assassincx2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

After gathering the troops near Rome, I asked Marcellus Aemilius to leave his studies and take command of this force. It is sent northwards to reinforce the decimated Legio III Sicilia Aemilia and is asked to destroy a small group of bandits along the way. He completed this first mission succesfully and send me the following report :

Father, the rebels have been destroyed. Our casualties numbered ten, half due to the exchange of pila, half due to the enemy receiving my cavalry. The rebels routed instantly once we engaged them in hand-to-hand combat. I personally chased down and killed their "leader," Captain Cornelius.
https://img344.imageshack.us/img344/5895/marcellusdn9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Now that the farmers living around Rome can sleep soundly once more, it was time to move the remaining troops. The Legio V Alaudae under the command of legate Titus Vatinius started the march to the mainland of Italy, probable destination Greece. The Legio II Sabina Quintia under the command of legate Augustus Verginius, accompanied by tribune Quintus Naevius, began the march to Gergovia. Their next stop will be Salona, the last Illyrian settlement. The Legio I Italia Victrix, under my personal command, after building a watch tower, moved on to the northwest to intercept Thracian forces. I was forced to leave tribune Gnaeus Hordeonius behind to supress unrest in Segestica. Servius Aemilius moved to Rome to start his studies. Tribune Gaius Rutilius joined him there to control the unrest in our capital.
The Legio IV Gallica, under the command of legate Publius Pansa, accompanied by tribune Numerius Aureolus has been dispatched to wipe out the remaining Macedonian troops and capture the city of Chalkida, thus ending the Macedonian presence in Southern Greece.
Legate Publius Pansa had little difficulty in defeating the small army outside Chalkida.
https://img108.imageshack.us/img108/3793/pansa1so2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
Afterwards he attacked the city and also met little resistance. Half the population was enslaved and transported to our major cities for sale. Now Southern Greece was finally free from Macedonian troops.
https://img86.imageshack.us/img86/4347/pansa2zt4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

2. Autumn 260 BC
Roma finished construction of a shrine to Ceres. Patavium finished construction of an Auxilia III building. Massilia finished construction of a shrine to Mars to help rebuild the morale of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. Thermon finished construction of roads and repaired their farmland. Atherns finished construction of a Naval Architecture I building and repaired their famland and their war harbour. Scodra repaired their war harbour, market and warlord's hold. Elis repaired their agora. Thessalonica repaired their stone wall.

Roma recruited Principes. Capua recruited hastati. Ancona recruited Italian spearmen. Arretium recruited Italian skirmishers. Armenium recruited Italian spearmen. Corfinium recruited Italian swordsmen. Paestum recruited Italian swordsmen. Lilybaeum recruited Libyan spearmen. Patavium recruited a Gallic warband.

The Thracians attacked the Legio I Italia Victrix which was blocking their passage to Aquileia. This led to the hardfought Third battle of Segestica (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1209595&postcount=25). The Thracians were in their element in the woods, but the Italian swordsmen auxilia saved the day.
https://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1606/hill9rx6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Legate Augustus verginius attacked Salona and struck the deathblow to the Illyrian nation. Half the population was enslaved and transported to our major cities for sale. His full account can be read in the Subjugation of Illyria (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showthread.php?p=1209684#post1209684).
https://img359.imageshack.us/img359/7135/illyriaresultsgf6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img359.imageshack.us/img359/4686/illyriadestroyedvn8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I brought the legion guarding Cispine Gaul up to full strength. The Gauls are massing an army near the northern pass, but I think it unlikely they would dare to attack.
The Legio III Sicilia Aemilia has recieved the first batch of reinforcements and so tribune Manius Aemilius started the journey back to Rome to give evidence for the trial of legate Publius Laevinius, and has reached Jenuensis. Publius Laevinius will follow him when Marcellus Aemilius arrives with the remaining reinforcements.
The Legio VI, under the command of co-consul Amulius Coruncanius and bearing the standard of the Consular army I, is reinforced up to full strength and marched toward the north to the Macedonian town of Bylazora. They reach the outskirts of the town.
The Legio V Alaudae, under the command of legate Titus Vatinius, reaches Tarentum. They will be transported by the Western Fleet to Appolonia, where command of the legion will be transferred to tribune Numerius Aureolus, who has travelled there from Chalkida. The Eastern Fleet scouts the coast of Crete for enemy fleets, but finds none. The light is green for the destruction of the Greek City States.
Placus the Killer assasinated the last enemy diplomat hanging around Greece, a Macedonian.
https://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2478/assasinjl4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Thracians still had two small armies near Segestica. One laid siege to Segestica which was held by tribune Gnaeus Hordeonius. The other waited for me to march to the relief of Segestica and then to sneak past behind me to attack Aquileia. I foiled their plan by leaving Segestica in the capable hands of Gnaeus Hordeonius, building another watchtower and then attacking the other Thracian army. After the first volley of pila they fled and ran back to the woods, but before they escaped I managed to kill their chieftain.
https://img359.imageshack.us/img359/5180/luciusixa7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Then I quickly marched back to Segestica and I am now so close as to be able to assist Gnaeus Hordeonius should the Thracians launch a suicidal attack.

3. Winter 260 BC

The Legio VI, under the command of co-consul Amulius Coruncanius and bearing the standard of the Consular army I, is attacked outside the Macedonian town of Bylazora by two Macedonian armies and the city garrison. He is severely outnumbered and I have given him the option to retreat.
https://img182.imageshack.us/img182/6508/amuliussb6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Faced with these impossible odds, Amulius Coruncanius decided to order a fighting retreat, which went well untill his cowardly auxiliary forces routed and fled, causing the loss of many men. Still, a much larger number of Macedonians was left dead on the field and few Romans lives were lost in the First Battle of Bylazora (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1209978&postcount=27)
https://img304.imageshack.us/img304/9271/defeatmq7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

During his retreat he managed to trap a unit of Macedonian slingers and all 61 of them were slain for the loss of only one of our troops. He returned to Pella and is gathering a proper Consular army.

Legate Publius Laevinius and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia were attacked by a large army of Gauls, and the legion retreated back to Massilia to await reinforcements. Meanwhile he recruited all available mercenary forces in the region. I have send one of our newly constructed Corvus Quinqueremes to take him to Rome as the land route is now blocked. It will take him a year to reach Rome as it looks now. Tribune Manius Aemilius will arrive in Rome in the spring.

A Gaul agent was found in Massila, but he escaped. Pomponia was born to Quintus Naevius and Domitia.

Capua, Arretium, Armenium, Corfinium and Paestum all recruit a cohort of Italian swordsmen. Tarentum and Syracuse both complete the construction of a Corvus Quinquermes. Patavium recruits a band of Gallic swordsmen.

Roma finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus. Tarentum finished construction of a minor temple to Ceres. Agrigento finished construction of a minor temple to Jupiter. Lilybaeum finished construction of a minor temple to Saturnus. Massilla finished construction of a shrine to Ceres. Aleria finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter. Scodra finished construction of roads. Athens finished construction of a shrine to Mars.

Legate Publius Pansa and the Legio IV Gallica have boarded the Eastern Fleet and are in sight of the coast of Crete. The opposition appears light and no enemy fleets have been spotted.

The Legio V Alaudae, led by legate Titus Vatinius, has been shipped to Appolonia. Here command was transferred to tribune Numerius Aureolus, who will lead the legion to the border with Thrace near Delmatia. Legate Titus Vatinius has temporarily taken up the governorship of Appolonia.

Marcellus Aemilius, having heard from scouts that a large Gallic Army now stands between him and Massilla, has taken the newly formed legion from the fort in Cispine Gaul along with his reinforcements and is one now one season's march away from Massilla. An Iberian army moved to block the return route for the Gaul army which is now effectively trapped. It could either attack Massilla, attack the Iberian army, attack Marcellus Aemilius, or hold its present location.

I myself, legate Lucius Aemilius and the Legio I Italia Victrix, attacked the forces besieging Gnaeus Hordeonius in Segestica. They fled immediately, but I pursued them and destroyed them without mercy.
https://img329.imageshack.us/img329/6258/lucius1nz5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

To my south, the remnants of the Illyrian army have turned to banditry, and I attacked the closest of them. They hid in the woods and were hard to find. Unexpectedly, they charged out of the trees and charged my funditores, of which half perished before I could come to their rescue. I blame myself for underestimating such a small force.
https://img334.imageshack.us/img334/4228/lucius2kn7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I ordered the assassination of a Greek diplomat who wandered into our lands. Placus the Killer had no problems with his assignment.
https://img315.imageshack.us/img315/2718/greekza2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Legate Augustus Verginius and the Legio II Sabina Quintia attack Delmatia and the city was taken with ease. The Macedonian heir to the throne made a valient fight of it, but fell eventually. 500 Romans fought 83 Macedonians with the result of 11 Roman dead and no Macedonian survivors. He left a small garrison of two heavily depleted units of skirmishers and then constructed a watchtower at the shore of the Danube before moving west toward Segestica.

The absymal hygienic conditions, which I am trying to remedy, have created an unhealthy atmosphere in Syracuse, and so Galerius Vatinius will move to Rome to finish his education there. On the way he picks up the remains of the Sicily garrison reinforcements on their way back to Rome. Together they will hunt down some robbers which have been sighted in the south of Italy.

4. Spring 259 BC

The Thracians are beginning to feel the pain we have inflicted on them and have asked for a ceasefire with the Ptolemaic empire. This is bad news for us.

More bad news, there is a flash flood in Dalmatia.
https://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8986/floodps0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

On a postive note, Tranquilina, the daughter of co-consul Amulius Coruncanius, marries Herennius Genucius, a new tribune in the Consular Army I.
https://img520.imageshack.us/img520/8350/herenniusgenuciusqv6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Scodra finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus. Athens finished construction of a shrine to Ceres. Delmatia finished construction of a shrine to Ceres.

Ancona recruits a cohort of Triarii. Arretium recruits a cohort of italian swordsmen. Patavium recruits a band of Gallic swordsmen. Roma recruits an assassin. Pella recruits a spy. Segestica recruits a spy.

I, Lucius Aemilius, and the Legio I Italia Victrix hunt down the last of the Illyrian bandits. Wary of these cunning bandits, this time we take a more careful approach. After wearing the cavalry down with missile fire, I and my praetorians charge the only survivor, the enemy commander.
https://img123.imageshack.us/img123/6716/lucius1chargeyl4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img123.imageshack.us/img123/2977/lucius1victorylb8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Legate Publius Pansa and the Legio IV Gallica disembark from the Eastern Fleet near the city of Kydonia in Crete and take the town in a suprise attack. The Eastern Fleet blockades the harbour of the other Greek city on the island, Hyrapytna. The demoralised defenders are easily defeated by our forces. In just one season of campaigning we have conquered the entire island !
https://img109.imageshack.us/img109/9933/pansa1up9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img109.imageshack.us/img109/1578/pansa2lm5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Legio V Alaudae, now led by tribune Numerius Aureolus, is almost in sight of Delmatia.
Legate Augustus Verginius and the Legio II Sabina Quintia have arrived in Cispine Gaul just as a small force of bandits invades our territory by way of the valley through the Alps. They are probably thinking they couldn't have picked a worse time to go raiding.
The Iberians have retreated from the bridge, allowing the nervous Gauls to retreat back to their cities. This allows Marcellus Aemilius and his reinforcements to relief legate Publius Laevinius who sets of for Rome by land. He will arrive in Summer. Due to a snafu in logistics it is discovered he has accidentily brought the standard of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia with him. As the legion will not fight without the standard Servius Aemilius is tasked with delivering the standard to his brother. It will hoperfully return to the legion in summer.

Our new spies detected three Macedonian assassins wandering around. Placus the Killer starts to even the odds by striking first.
https://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6518/assassinscd1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The forces of the Kingdom of Macedon were increasing at a much higher rate than we could reinforce our own troops. They felt confident enough to send an army to reinforce the town of Philipii, to the east of Pella, which would threathen our eastern flank and make it extremely dangerous to march north on Bylazora once more.
This would create a very dangerous situation in the short term. We would have to win this war quickly or lose it in the long term. I decided to risk all on a do or die mission and marched the hastily formed Consular Army I, under the command of my co-consul Amulius Coruncanius, on Bylazora behind their backs immediately, thereby forcing the Macedonians to commit to battle or have their remaining lands divided in two.
https://img361.imageshack.us/img361/4629/amuliusfr7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

5. Summer 259 BC

The Macedonians see the threat and commit themselves to a decisive battle with Amulius Coruncanius and the Consular Army I. We are outnumbered more than two to one.
https://img376.imageshack.us/img376/399/amulius2uw8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Gods must still despise us for losing a legionary eagle. Both legate Amulius Coruncanius and tribune Herennius Genucius are killed and the Consular Army I was heavily defeated in the second battle of Bylazora (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1211755&postcount=28).
https://img400.imageshack.us/img400/6456/defeatvg8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

In the aftermath of the battle, a cohort of Italian spearmen on its way to Massilia was caught by a Gaulish army. 73 Italians faced 237 Gauls. The spearmen lost 34 men, killing only 9, before they managed to retreat to Massilia

Flavius Pacuvius and Placidia have a son, Luca Pacuvius
Luca Mamius and Severa have a son, Decius Mamius

Agrigento finished construction of a minor temple to Ceres. Lilybaeum finished construction of a minor temple to Jupiter. Jenuensis finished construction of a Trader. Massilia finished construction of a minor temple to Ceres. Athens finished construction of a shrine to Saturn. Aquileia finished construction of roads. Kydonia finished construction of shrine to Jupiter.

Roma recruits a cohort of principes. Capua recruits a cohort of italian cavalry. Ancona recruits a cohort of funditores. Arretium recruits a cohort of italian spearmen. Tarentum and Syracuse both complete the construction of a Corvus Quinquermes. Patavium recruits a Gallic warband.

Legate Augustus Verginius chases the bandits back into the Alps before continuing on his way to the Cispine Fort, where he will reinforce his battered Legio II Sabina Quintia.
Marcellus Aemilius, finally ready for the office of tribune, sees the Massilia valley crawling with Gaul and Iberian troops. He reasons the best way to secure Massilia is to guard the bridge and does so, recruiting some local Gaul mercenaries along the way.
Legate Publius Pansa quickly embarks on the Eastern Fleet with the Legio IV Gallica and sets sail for the Macedonian town of Philippi.
The Legio V Alaudae, commanded by tribune Numerius Aureolus, builds another watch tower on the Danube shore. Seeing no Thracian forces in the neighbourhood of Dalmatia, I decide the strategic value of the pincer movement is worth the risk of Thracian invasion and I order the Legio V Alaudae to march eastward towards the Macedonian town of Ratiaria. This means opening a wide gap on our border with Thrace, which will not be closed anytime soon.

The weakened Legio I Italia Victrix, command by myself, legate Lucius Aemilius, doublemarches to the Danube spring where another large Thracian invasion force, this time led by one of their best war chieftains, is marching on Aquileia once again. Our camps are in sight of each other. If I hadn't stopped briefly to purchase some Gallic Noble cavalry we would already have been in battle.

With so many high notables in Rome I send tribune Gaius Rutilius, one of our best governors, to Syracuse to quell the disorder there. He will relief Luca Mamilius, who will take over governorship of another city.

Galerius Vatinius, on his way to Rome, has joined with some local troops and destroyed a group of bandits (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1212593&postcount=29) who were making Southern Italy unsafe.
https://img126.imageshack.us/img126/4641/wonderlandad5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Placus the Killer, a legend in dark circles, finally meets his match when he tries to assassinate a Macedonian assassin.
https://img301.imageshack.us/img301/840/assassinft2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Legate Tiberius Coruncanius, overwhelmed by grief and anger, sallies from Pella with all the men who will follow him and destroys the nearest Macedonian army in the second battle of Pella (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1213087&postcount=30), then moves north towards Bylazora.
https://img156.imageshack.us/img156/8036/tiberiussi4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

6. Autumn 259 BC

The Legio III Sicilia Aemilia have been refusing to engage the Gauls untill their standard returns to them (next season) or legate Augustus Verginius arrives on the scene. In the summer, the Alpine pass was wide open and Gaul raiders have, with incredible daring, attacked and captured Jenuensis, right under the nose of our new Cispine Gaul Legion and legate Augustus Verginius and his Legio II Sabina Quintia.
https://img127.imageshack.us/img127/527/suprisejl6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2333/suprise2eb2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img163.imageshack.us/img163/5055/jenuensisll0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A Macedonian spy is discovered in Salona, but he escapes.

Lucilla, the wife of tribune Numerius Aureolus, gives birth to a son called Nero Aureolus.

Capua finished construction of wooden walls. Arretium finished construction of a provincial barracks. Arminium finished construction of a port. Syracuse finished construction of very badly needed sewers. Patavium finished construction of wooden walls. Segestica finished construction of roads. Salona finished construction of roads. Delmatia finished construction of a minor temple to Ceres. Kydonia finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus.

Roma recruits a cohort of Velites. Ancona recruits a cohort of hastati.

Servius Aemilius takes ship with the standard of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia and lands in Massilia. He will transfer the standard next season.

Tribune Gaius Rutilius arrives in Syracuse to celebrate the construction of sewers for this metropolis. The citizens still clamour for more hygiene and work is started on public baths. Legate Luca Mamilius is on his way to Patavium where a governor is badly needed.

Due to bad weather the Eastern Fleet did not manage to land legate Publius Pansa and the Legio IV Gallica this season. The Fleet did blockade a Greek battle Fleet in the bay of Thessalonica
https://img291.imageshack.us/img291/4940/baythessalonicaqc7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae had to hire some mercenaries and lose too much time to attack Ratiara this season.

Our new assassin, Cornelius Clodius, finally completes his first succesfull mission by assassinating a Macedonian diplomat.
https://img124.imageshack.us/img124/6713/assassinautlg7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I, legate Lucius Aemilius, and the Legio I Italia Victrix were almost defeated in a pitched hilltop battle (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1213132&postcount=31) against the Thracians, but Fortuna favoured us in the end.
https://img85.imageshack.us/img85/111/luciusvictoryos5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Legate Augustus Verginius and his Legio II Sabina Quintia liberate the town of Jenuensis (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1213180&postcount=32) and restore Roman honour. Then he moves on through the Alps valley towards Massilia.
https://img110.imageshack.us/img110/8978/jenuensisresultsps6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Newly promoted, general Tiberius Coruncanius, still mad with anger and beyond reach of my orders, continues his offensive against the Macedonians and captures Bylazora in the third battle of Bylazora (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1213840&postcount=33). One of the two Macedonian generals responsible for the death of his son is killed in the battle. His name was Eumenes of Enna. Exhausted, his men strike camp as winter sets in.
https://img158.imageshack.us/img158/6118/bylazorasn4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

7. Winter 259 BC

Julia, the wife of tribune Gauis Rutilius, has a daughter called Lepida.

Capua, Solana and Aleria finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus. Arretium finished construction of a shrine to Ceres. Arminium, Delmatia and Lilybaeum finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter. Tarentum and Massilia finished construction of a minor temple to Mars. Kydoria finished construction of shrine to Mars.
Rhegium, Messana, Caralis and Melite finished construction of a market.
Bononia, Pella, Corinth, Sparta, Elis, Larissa, Thessalonica, Chalkida and Mediolaneum finished construction of a Roman Auxilia I building.

Roma recruits a cohort of funditores. Capua recruits a cohort of Triarii. Arretium recruits a cohort of velites. Arminium and Corfinium recruits a cohort of italian spearmen. Paestum recruits a cohort of italian swordsmen. Patavium recruits a cohort of gallic swordsmen. Thessalonica recruits an assassin.

The Macedonians are so terrified by the wrath of general Tiberius Coruncanius that they try to assassinate him. Our spy in the city, Augustus Sempronius, detects the plot in time, and kills a Macedonian spy, but the Macedonian assassin escapes. Our new assassin from Thessalonica, Marcus Triarius, tries to track down the Macedonian assassin but fails.
https://img104.imageshack.us/img104/4143/assassinju2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Eastern Fleet lands legate Publius Pansa and the Legio IV Gallica and then attacks the Greek battle Fleet in the bay of Thessalonica. As legate Publius Pansa first reinforces the Legio IV Gallica with troops from Thessalonica they lose so much time they will not reach Philippi ths winter.
https://img92.imageshack.us/img92/9775/fleet1yz1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/3516/fleet2dr7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Greek fleet is completely destroyed and the Eastern Fleet continues its offensive in the Aegean Sea by attacking the last remains of the Macedonian Fleet. The Eastern Fleet is led by a different commander, admiral Julianus, as admiral Decimus got lost in a storm and was only found after the battle. He inflicts another defeat on the Macedonians.
https://img125.imageshack.us/img125/3995/fleet3kt4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img82.imageshack.us/img82/4983/fleet4bh8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Servius Aemilius returns the legion standard to this brother tribune Marcellus Aemilius, current commander of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia, and boards a ship for Roma to return to his studies.
Soon after, legate Augustus Verginius and his Legio II Sabina Quintia arrive at Massilia and there is great rejoicing among the men of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. Joining forces, they cross the bridges into Gaul.

A new praetorian legion, the Delmatian legion, which is destined to guard the bridge over the Danube at Delmatia, our weakest point at the moment, arrives in Salona by ship.

Tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae capture the Macedonian town of Ratiaria (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1214547&postcount=34) after a hardfought battle. The citizens are led into slavery.
https://img61.imageshack.us/img61/3333/ratiara9vs9ej8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
08-12-2006, 21:45
8. Spring 258 BC

Manius Coruncanius, the son of my recently deceased co-consul Amulius Coruncanius comes of age.
https://img150.imageshack.us/img150/4417/maniuscoruncaniusyt0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The kingdom of Numidia, after a decades long war with the Republic of Carthage, is destroyed. This will finally give our old enemies time to look overseas for war. The praetorian legion in Sicily will accordingly be reconstituted.

The kingdom of Thrace and the Kingdom of Macedon sign a ceasefire.

Croton and Antigonea finished construction of a governor's palace. Paestum finished construction of a provincial barracks.

Roma recruits a cohort of principes. Ancona recruits a cohort of triarii. Arretium recruits a cohort of hastati. Arminium recruits a cohort of italian swordsmen. Corfinium recruits a cohort of italian spearmen. Patavium recruits a gallic warband.

Legate Titus Vatinius arrives in Salona to take command of the new Delmatian legion. If my augurs are not mistaken, soon they will recieve the standard of the Legio VI, previously destroyed at Pella. They begin their long march to the Danube.

The Eastern Fleet is still hunting enemies on the Aegean Sea and detects a Greek battle Fleet carrying troops in the Bosporus.
https://img150.imageshack.us/img150/9900/greekfleetly5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The enemy fleet is intercepted and defeated.
https://img150.imageshack.us/img150/2651/greekfleet2ks1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5865/greekfleet3tn7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Thracians are marching in two columns towards our lands. One is looking to raid Cispine Gaul by way of the eastern Alps valley, and the other one is looking to attack Acquileia once again. I, legate Lucius Aemilius, cannot stop both columns with my single Legio I Italia Victrix and so I decide it is wisest to attack one column and then march on the Thracian town of Luvavum. The Thracians will then hopefully retreat back to the town to defend it. Resupplied with mercenary reinforcements I march on their eastern column, which retreats to a forest where more reinforcements lie in wait. I defeat them with ease. The way to Luvavum lies open.
https://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3451/luciusat3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our troops in Gaul split into three parts. Legate Augustus Verginius and his Legio II Sabina Quintia lay siege to Gergovia, where the stolen legionary eagle is hidden. The eagle taker Drustan of Decetia is holding the town against him. Tribune Marcellus Aemilius and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia lay siege to the Gaul capital of Comata, where the Gaul king Segovax the Cunning resides. The remainder of our troops takes up position on the bridge.
https://img65.imageshack.us/img65/835/invasionne7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I am leery of attacking Gergovia, as the Gaul Allies, the Iberians, will surely come to their aid, and this will undoubtably mean war with them. While I make up my mind to attack or wait, the focus shifts back to the East.

It is now known that the Macedonians and the Greeks both are down to two cities each. The Greeks control the Bosporus with a city on each side, Byzantion and Nicomedia.
It is my intention to have Tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae invade their territory by amphibious landing by the Eastern Fleet, as I do not want to violate the territory of the Ptolemaic empire, and so they start their march to the coast and reach Bylazora this season. Untill they are needed the Eastern Fleet will blockade the harbour of Byzantion. I chose tribune Numerius Aureolus because this is a risky mission, as he will be completely cut off from supplies except by sea, and he is the most expendable field commander we have on our Eastern front.

Perhaps not our most trusted, but certainly most distinquished living commander, general Tiberius Coruncanius and his Field Army I, will guard our border with Thrace near Ratiaria. We own lands on both sides of the river Danube here and so we need an agressive commander here. He marches to Ratiaria accordingly.

The Macedonians still have two cities left, Debeltos and Philipi.
Legate Publius Pansa and the Legio IV Gallica suprise the garrison of Philipii with a night attack and the garrison is thus unable to call in reinforcements. The 605 men of the Legio IV Gallica faced off against 588 Macedonians. The entire garrison was put to the sword for the loss of 68 of our own. The inhabitants were enslaved.
https://img329.imageshack.us/img329/9742/publiusphilipiiqg8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The following morning legate Publius Pansa and the Legio IV Gallica sallied forth from the town and attacked the other Macedonian army outside, with an additional mercenary band of cretan archers. 637 of our troops faced 367 Macedonians. 277 Macedonians were killed for the loss of only 16 of our own. Its mission accomplished, the Legio IV Gallica returns to Philipi. His Philippi campaign is described in this battle report (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1216044&postcount=36).
https://img329.imageshack.us/img329/1377/philipii2rk4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tribune Marcellus Aemilius and the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia attacked the Gaul capital of Comata, leaving no survivors and killing the Gallic King Segovax the Cunning. This victory greatly boosts morale in the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia and regains their honour (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1215488&postcount=35). Now all they need is their eagle back.
https://img80.imageshack.us/img80/151/marcellusvk4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The time has finally come !

Legate Augustus Verginius and his Legio II Sabina Quintia are attacking Gergovia, where the stolen legionary eagle is hidden !

https://img219.imageshack.us/img219/9519/eaglete6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

In a bold night attack, so as not to involve their Iberians allies camping nearby, the Second Sack of Gergovia (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1217173&postcount=37) took place. Legate Augustus Verginius killed the Gaul defiler of our honour, Drustan of Decetia, and returned the legionary eagle of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia to us. The inhabitants were massacred to please the Gods as per senate decree.
https://img370.imageshack.us/img370/2923/gergoviaresultswh6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img501.imageshack.us/img501/6283/gergoviaexterminatekg5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Gods will surely forgive us and bless our actions from now on. The eagle wil be resanctified and returned to the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia.
The standard of the Legio II Sabina Quintia is transferred to tribune Quintus Naevius.

Our spy Quintus Classicianus follows the fleeing Macedonian king Argeos of Pharsalus , last survivor of the generals that defeated the Consular Army I and killed Amulius Coruncanius, into the territory of the Ptolemaic empire.
https://img258.imageshack.us/img258/8466/argeoshe5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our assassin Marcus Triarius manages to locate and despatch another Macedonian assassin.
https://img530.imageshack.us/img530/1748/assassinpy5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Servius Aemilus arrives in Roma to continue his studies.

9. Summer 258 BC

The Iberians, still having troops on what in now our land in Gaul, panick now that they realize that they are camped near the victorious legate Augustus Verginius and offer us a small gift to beg for our friendship. Naturally, I accept.
https://img334.imageshack.us/img334/6/sumdiplomatge6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tribune Quintus Libo marries Licinia, the daughter of Decius Laevinius
https://img306.imageshack.us/img306/8558/quintusnw8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Ptolemaic empire allies itself with the kingdom of Thrace. So much for a possible alliance with them.
The Iberians ally themself with the Ptolemaic empire. All our neighbours are now united in one great alliance and we are at war with one of them, the kingdom of Thrace. Not a hopeful diplomatic situation.

Messalina is born, the daughter of legate Publius Pansa and his wife Domitilla.

The priests of Mars have decided to grant the Delmatian Legion under legate Titus Vatinius the standard of the defeated Legio VI.

Corfinium finished construction of a port. Antigonea finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter. Thermon finished construction of a governor's palace. Elis finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus.

Roma recruits a cohort of principes. Capua recruits a cohort of italian cavalry. Arretium recruits a cohort of velites. Arminium recruits a cohort of italian spearmen. Corfinium recruits a cohort of italian swordsmen. Paestum recruits a cohort of hastati. Tarentum and Salona build a light ataphract. The Western Fleet in the Adriatic sea is now referred to as the 1e Transport Fleet and its warships will move to Roma to form the new Western Fleet.

The new Legio VI, under the command of legate Titus Vatinius moves to the northeast of Delmatia and constructs a watch tower.
Tribune Luca Mamilius has arrived in Patavium.
The Field Army I, under the command of general Tiberius Coruncanius, builds a watch tower and takes up station on the Danube river crossing north of Ratiaria. Tribune Flavius Pacuvius leaves the Legio V Alaudae to join him.
The Legio V Alaudae, under the command of Numerius Aureolus, continues its march to the coast. The Eastern Fleet moves to Philippi to await their arrival.

Our spy Quintus Classicianus, following the fleeing Macedonian king Argeos of Pharsalus, suspects him to have feld into Debeltos and tries to infiltrate the town. Unfortunately, he fails.
https://img325.imageshack.us/img325/174/sumspykilledkm7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our diplomat Sextus Antio manages to confirm that Argeos of Pharsalus is indeed staying in Debeltos.

Tribune Marcellus Aemilus builds a watch tower and returns to Comata.
Tribune Quintus Naevius builds two watch towers and returns to Gergovia.
Reinforcements reach the Massilia crossing.

Our assassin Marcus Triarius hones his skills on a Macedonian diplomat.
https://img123.imageshack.us/img123/7874/sumassassintl9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tribune Quintus Libo takes up the governorship of Pella.

My ploy to thwart the Thracian offensive was succeeding. The invasion trough the eastern Alps valley has stopped at our border, where the bandits who legate Augustus Verginius has driven out of Northen Italy were hiding and had, ironically, died to protect our frontier for us. I, Lucius Aemilus and the Legio I Italia Victrix continued my march on Luvavum and encountered the first opposition, which I lured into an ambush and annihalated completely.
https://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2850/lucius1ky3.png (https://imageshack.us)
The Thracians are surrounded
https://img116.imageshack.us/img116/7207/lucius1victorymc3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Next I captured Luvavum and cut of the supply routes of the Thracian invasion force in the eastern Alps valley.
https://img116.imageshack.us/img116/6540/lucius2bf8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
The Thracians are pushed from the main square
https://img328.imageshack.us/img328/8958/lucius2victoryzk8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

10. Autumn 258 BC

Gaul panicks and attacks Iberia, which now surrounds them completely, in a suicidal offensive. They are defeated with ease by the Iberians and Gaul has effectively signed their own death warrant.

Hierapytna finished construction of a Roman Auxilia I building. Thermon finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus. Sparta finished construction of a minor temple to Ceres.

Ancona recruits a cohort of Triarii. Thessalonica and Philippi recruit a spy.

The new Sicily Legion has finished its training and begins its march toward Sicily.

Tribune Marcellus Aemilus and tribune Quintus Naevinius both construct a watch tower and return to their respective towns, Comata and Gergovia. The Iberians have reinforced their army on our territory, next to Gergovia, but it is not much of a threat, consisting mostly of Gaul warriors, instead of the much more capable Iberian ones. We send almost all our reinforcements from the Massilia crossing to Gergovia and Comata.

Our assassin Marcus Triarius hones his skills on yet another Macedonian diplomat.
https://img119.imageshack.us/img119/5954/258autassassinzz4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our other assassin, Cornelius Clodius is less fortunate when he tries to kill a Greek diplomat for the third time.
https://img47.imageshack.us/img47/3075/autassassinkilledgf9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I send one of our new spies, Publius Scaurus, to Syria. It will take him quite some time to get there.

Acquitted, I send Manius Aemilius to take over command of the Cispine Gaul Legion.

Tribune Flavius Pacuvius constructs a watch tower on the other side of the Danube river and return to the Field Army I.
The new Legio VI, under the command of legate Titus Vatinius moves to the west of the Field Army I, constructs a watch tower, and marches back to the Danube river crossing north east of Delmatia.

This ends the first section of the reign of Lucius Aemilius and Amulius Coruncanius. It will continue as the reign of Lucius Aemilius and Publius Pansa.

Our current situation :

The Legio I Italia Victrix is stationed in Luvavum to the north of the Alps to draw the Thracians away from our provinces.
The Legio II Sabina Quintia is stationed in Gergovia in Gaul.
The Legio III Sicilia Aemilia is stationed in Comata in Gaul.
The Legio IV Gallica is stationed in Philippi.
The Legio V Alaudae is aboard the Eastern Fleet, about to sail trough the Bosporus.
The (revived) Legio VI is stationed at a Danube crossing notheast of Delmatia.
The Field Army I is stationed at a Danube crossing north of Ratiaria.
The Cispine Legion is stationed in a fort north of Jenuensis.
The Sicily Legion is in South Italy marching towards their fort in Sicily.

https://img457.imageshack.us/img457/6271/258autrevenuehi9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Republic of Rome is at war with the Greek cities, the Republic of Cathage, Gaul, the kingdom of Thrace and the Kingdom of Macedon.
The Kingdom of Macedon is allied with the Germans and the Greek cities and is at war with the Republic of Rome and the Ptolemaic empire.
The Seleucid empire is at war with the Ptolemaic empire, the kingdom of Parthia and the Greek cities. They have the kingdom of Armenia as a protectorate.
The Republic of Cathage is at war with the Republic of Rome and Iberia.
The kingdom of Parthia is allied with the Sarmatians and the Greek cities and is at war with the Seleucid empire and the kingdom of Armenia.
The Germans are allied with the kingdom of Macedon and is at war with Iberia and the kingdom of Thrace.
The kingdom of Armenia is a vassal of the Seleucid empire and is at war with the Sarmatians and the kingdom of Parthia.
The kingdom of Thrace is allied with the Sarmatians, Gaul and the Ptolemaic empire and is at war with the Germans and the Republic of Rome.
The Greek cities are allied with the kingdom of Macedon, the kingdom of Parthia, Gaul and the kingdom of Bactria and are at war with the Republic of Rome and the Seleucid empire.
The Sarmatians are allied with the kingdom of Parthia and the kigndom of Thrace and at war with the kingdom of Armenia.
The Iberians are allied with the Ptolemaic empire and at war with the Germans, Gaul and the Republic of Carthage.
The kingdom of Bactria is allied with the Greek cities.

Our strategy is one of consolidation. We will strive not to get involved in any more wars. Yet we want to continue the expedition to Debeltos to destroy the kingdom of Macedon. Once the city is conquered and thoroughly pillaged we will abandon it and offer it to the Seleucid empire, and if they do not want it, the Ptolemaic empire as a gift, as it is strategically indefensible. The Greek cities will be ignored as we do not want to get involved in the war between the Ptolemaic empire and the Seleucid empire and we do not have a blood feud with them, as we do with the Macedonians for the destruction of the Consular Army I and the Legio VI, and the death of co-consul Amulius Coruncanius and his son-in-law tribune Hernennius Genucius. Roman honour will be satisfied !
On all other fronts no new conquests will be undertaken, unless of course we are attacked.
We will strive to raise several new legions and bring the current ones up to strength.
We have already begun to improve the road network in Greece and Italy. Our goal is to extend the Via Appia and create paved roads for better supply to our distant borders.
Attempts to improve the living conditions in our major cities are well underway. The first Aquaduct is now under construction in Roma. These projects, and the cultural integration of our new provinces, will continue.
In many provinces we have begun the cultivation of farmland. This is a very time consuming process, requiring 4.5 years (18 turns), but the returns will be bountiful.
If we look at the diplomatic relations in detail, it is clear that the only useful allies we can gain are the Germans and the Sarmatians. I intend to send envoys to both of them.

Savegame : http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/258-aut-end.zip

Mount Suribachi
08-21-2006, 17:54
Winter 258 BC

A quiet winter to start the official co-consulship of Publius Pansa. In accordance with the wishes of the Senate, Publius Laeviunius is stripped of his ancillaries and I give him one of the Chirugeons from the students in Rome to transport in accordane with the will of the Senate. Publius also carries the newly created Roman II Field Army banner. He sets off north with some reinforcements for senior Consul Lucius Aemilius[/] whilst Manius the Mad is recalled from Cisalpine Gaul - he too will act as a ferryman for chirugeons and reinforcements.

I start upgrading the road network as requested by the Senate - rather than try to upgrade the roads everywhere, I decide to focus on building paved roads where they will be of the most use for transporting our armies across the Republic - starting with the long coastal province of Dalmatia.

I also begin recruiting more troops in Italia. Rather than piecemeal recruitment, I decide to concentrate on trying to recruit 4 or 5 legions worth of men - one in each city in central Italia - so that when our 4 young bucks studying at the scriptorium in Rome graduate and begin their military career, they have a ready made Legion to command or transport. Elsewhere I continue the process of getting reinforcements to the front started by my co-consul.

Oh, did I say there were FOUR young studs in Rome, not three? Yes, you did not miss-hear me Conscript Fathers, for [B]Oppius Aemilius, youngest son of our esteemed Lucius Aemilius has come of age and begun his studies.

Meanwhile Ptolomy and Bactria announce an alliance, no doubt so they can torture their chief Rival Seleucia from one end to the other.

Finally my congratulations to Manius Coruncanius on his marriage to Urgunalla

Mount Suribachi
08-21-2006, 18:10
Spring 257 BC

The new year starts badly, the Thracians sneak through a gap in our lines between to besiege and take Aquileia


https://img344.imageshack.us/img344/6163/clipboard27lb0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Lucius Aemilius journeys south to join with the reinforcements being transported to him by Publius Laevinius. I expect he will retake the settlement with few difficulties in the summer.

In other news Armenia and Germania ally, and scholars declare that Carthage are the most advanced people in the world! Who would have thought it Conscript Fathers? Its a good job my adopted father is on the far away Thracian frontier, he might not take this so well.

In family news Solonina is born to Quintus Naevius and Flavius is born to Secundus Salvidiennus

Finally Numerius Aureolus is at anchor off the coast of Debeltos with Legio V. As we await news of his expidition, I urge you all to give offerings to the Gods for the success of his mission.


Mount Suribachi
08-21-2006, 23:23
I have received word from Numerius Aureolus that the conquest of Debeltos has been completed and the kingdom of Macedon is no more - although he disobeyed my orders to wipe out the civilian population as a final punishment for this war that Macedon started. Such insolence will not be forgotten. 873 enemy soldiers were killed in 3 separate battles, for the loss of 80 Romans. He confirms King Argeos as amongst the dead.

In accordance with the wishes of the Senate, I sent a diplomat to Seleucid territory to try and use Debeltos as a bargaining chip in exchange for an alliance. I needn't have bothered. They weren't even prepared to accept the city, unsacked no-less, in exchange for nothing, gratis. They accused Rome of all kind of deceit and chicanery. Clearly they judge us by their own low standards. So be it. I shall now try to offer it to the Ptolomites - assuming they don't declare war on us first.

I forgot to mention in my earlier report that the Carthaginians have landed a praetorian sized force on Melite. They have not besieged the capital as yet. I have loaded the reinforcements bound for Sicily by road onto the western fleet which was fortunately close by. This fleet is now off the eastern Sicilian coast where they will pick up some more troops before landing on Melite next season.

I have ordered Titus Vatinus northwest to take Orduba from the Thracians and thus complete our advance to the Danube. I await his report.


Mount Suribachi
08-27-2006, 13:59
South of the Thracian town of Oduba, Titus Vatinius and his 607 men corner a force of 250 Thracians. For the loss of 51 Romans they kill 162 enemy, the survivors fleeing back to Oduba. But there is to be no escape for these Barbarians as the town is taken. Scyles, heir to the Thracian throne is amongst the hundred-odd dead. 56 Roman soldiers are lost.

https://img183.imageshack.us/img183/6610/clipboard28up0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Summer 257 BC

The season begins with some shocking news! Our "esteemed" diplomat Sextus Antio decides that he would rather work for the Thracians!! No doubt his decision was helped by the fat purse of gold he received from them. He has disgraced his family and all of Rome by his treachery, and I see little need for a trial for this traitor. I recommend that if Sextus enjoys life, he should sleep with one eye open from now on.

https://img245.imageshack.us/img245/6425/clipboard29as3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

There is happier gossip amongst the Patrician families with the addition of little Caius to the Coruncanii family and the marriage of Cornelois Saturninus

Unrest is spreading throughout the Greek cities - due to the strain that our many wars are putting on our armies and economy, we are unable to pay for improvements or bigger garrisons to keep these cities stable. None have rebelled as yet, but we must keep a close eye on them.

Gaius Rutlius arrives on Melite with 607 men, to relieve the hard-pressed garrison of 161 auxilia. They are faced by 697 Carthaginians, led by Amikas Samnites. We lose many men, 480, but 547 of the invaders are killed, the rest try to go to escape, but Melite is small and there is no-where for them to hide. Melite is safe, for now.

There is more good news from our scribes as I end this spell of my co-consulship and hand over to my esteemed first Consul.

https://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4060/clipboard30xw4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
08-27-2006, 16:51
13. Summer 257 BC

I, praetor Lucius Aemilius and the Field Army II arrive at Acquileia and liberate the town from the Thracian invaders.
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/8992/acquileialuciuszs8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Impressed with their resistance, I offered the survivors that had gathered in the village square a chance to surrender, but they boldy refused and were slain. They were buried with honour.
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/8875/acquileialucius2eu5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/1332/acquileialuciusendzx3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Next I pursued the remaining Thracian forces in Illyria and cuaght up with them in the deep dark woods of Illyria.
https://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4696/nearacquileia1rf8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

It turned out that they outnumbered us and outclassed us and it became a difficult battle (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1225929&postcount=39) where we lost many men, but eventually triumphed.
https://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2254/nearacquileiavictoryaz0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our navy tried to prevent Carthagian fleet from landing more troops on Melite, but we were defeated by the more experienced Carthagians.
https://img152.imageshack.us/img152/5514/navymelitehg3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/8277/navymelitedefeatyo9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Servius Aemilius takes command a a new legion and takes ship for Melite, but I worry that he may not arrive in time to save tribune Gaius Rutilius, who is defending the island.
Quintus Naevius is assigned the Legio II Sabina Quintia banner and he and Augustus Verginius set up a fort outside Gergovia. Marcellus Aemilius sets up a fort outside Comata.

14. Autumn 257 BC

A Gaul spy is found in Massilia and in Jenuensis, but they both manage to escape our clutches.

Marliana is born, the daughter of Flavius Placuvius and his wife Placida.

The kingdom of Bactria declares war on the kingdom of Parthia
The Greek cities and the kingdom of Pontus (OCC: which was destroyed ages ago, but this is an example of horrible diplomacy AI. Often, when a faction refuse peace it is because you are still at war with an ally of theirs you have destroyed ages ago) cancel their alliance with the kingdom of Parthia.

Corinth and Elis finished construction of sewers, greatly to their citizens relief. Philipii finished construction of roads. Larissa, Ratiaria and Acquileia finished construction of a shrine to Mars. Thessalonica and Oduba finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter. Byzalora finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus. Comata finished construction of an occupation.

Roma and Corfinium recruit a cohort of italian swordsmen. Arretium recruits a cohort of principii. Arminium recruits a cohort of italian spearmen. Paestum recruits a cohort of funditori. Debeltos recruits a diplomat. Patavium recruits a gallic warband. Syracuse and Tarentum finish construction of a Corvus Quinquereme. Athens finishes construction of a superior light aphract.

As we rush together enough forces near Oduba to face the Thracian offensive, not all units manage to escape interception by the Thracian crown prince Arapeithes the Bloody-Handed in time and some of our troops are intercepted and destroyed.
https://img182.imageshack.us/img182/8099/257sumaut1ko1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5594/257sumaut2st6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

In a friendly gesture, the Iberians make a financial deal with us, which is profitable in two ways. For one, we make a profit, and secondly, the Iberians will probably not attack us the next four seasons as then they would lose our tributes.
https://img182.imageshack.us/img182/3217/257sumaut3vq2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Near Oduba, the Thracians threw everything they had at us. They had amassed a consular army sized force, led by the crown prince of Thrace, Arapeithes the Bloody-Handed, as skilled a general as myself, praetor Lucius Aemilius.
One of our legion-sized forces, without a commander, was besieged in a fort by Arapeithes the Bloody-Handed south of Oduba. I arrived with all the troops I could scrounge together, also a legion-sized force, to relieve the siege. I was accompanied by legate Titus Vatinius and tribune Gnaeus Hordeonius.
https://img151.imageshack.us/img151/3664/luciusbig1la6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

After a desperate battle (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1226651&postcount=40) we manage to come of victorious, but we lose almost a legion worth of troops.
https://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1813/luciusbigvictoryak6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Praetor Tiberius Coruncanius and his Field Army I attack a Thracian army that had invaded our land by way of the territory of their allies, the Ptolemaic empire. He reported that the deployed numbers were 545 friendly, 581 enemy. Kills were 471, casualties 65. Ironically, the most casualties were suffered by our Thracian mercenaries. The Thracian army deployed in two waves, with the second wave covering the retreat of the first. As a result, 110 Thracians escaped back to Thrace.

Faced by another Carthagian invasion, tribune Gaius Rutilius attacks the invaders on the beaches and manages to come of victorious.
https://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5459/melite257autyw4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img152.imageshack.us/img152/1911/melite257autvictoryrf1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

After the battle, I spend a fortune on mercenaries to reinforce him as help will not arrive for two seasons at least.

Tribune Numerius Aureolus and his Legio V Alaudae abandon Debeltos and march toward the Greek city of Byzantium.

15. Winter 257 BC

After the last soldiers have departed, riots break out in Debeltos.
https://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2156/riotslc7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Vibius Dornna marries Gratitdia, the daughter of Valerius Paulus.
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/276/vibiusdornnaja5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Luvavum finished construction of an occupation. Sparta finished construction of sewers. Thessalonica finished construction of a shrine to Ceres. Kydonia finished construction of a minor temple to Jupiter. Philipii finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter.

Capua and Ancona recruit a cohort of Triarii. Arminium and Corfinium recruit a cohort of Italian swordsmen. Paestum recruits a cohort of hastati. Lilybaeum recruits a cohort of Libyan spearmen. Gergovia recruits a spy. Athens finishes construction of a superior light aphract.

After long and tense negotiations we manage to convince the Germans to ally themselves with us, and even to declare war on Thrace in exchange for military access.
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/5261/allianceod5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img89.imageshack.us/img89/8830/alliance2bz5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

After defeating the Carthegians three times in a row, tribune Gaius Rutilius is faced with unsurmountable odds and in a defiant attack he and his army perish. The town of Melite is burned to the ground to deny the Cartheginians the spoils of war.
https://img142.imageshack.us/img142/9143/carthage1lx5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7671/carthage2wt1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img152.imageshack.us/img152/3743/carthage3fz0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
08-28-2006, 20:45
16. Spring 256 BC

Our neighbours, the Iberians, destroy their erstwhile allies, the Gauls. Our nation finally has revenge for the sack of Roma so long ago.
https://img218.imageshack.us/img218/9061/gaulsexityh7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The riots in Debeltos continue. Anarchy rules the streets of Melite and the Carthagians are unsure of whether they want to bother to take such a looted place, and stay out of town.
https://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4660/riotsdebeltosyu4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img238.imageshack.us/img238/8718/riotsmeliteor1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Disastrous news reaches us. The Ptolemaic empire has declared war, which not only means we are now completely outnumbered and outclassed at sea, but even worse, we lose the profitable trade with them, which means a ghastly drop in our revenue.

Our German allies, who are losing the war with Iberia, negotiate a ceasefire with the kingdom of Thrace.

Tarentum finished construction of a shrine to Saturnus. Massilia finished construction of a practice range.

Roma recruits a cohort of funditores. Arretium recruits a cohort of triarii. Arminium recruits a cohort of Italian spearmen. Corfinium recruits a cohort of Italian swordsmen. Paestum recruits a cohort of velites. Corinth and Athens finish construction of a superior light aphract.

We are still searching for the diplomat traitor, Sextius Antio, but he has managed to elude us. He cannot run forever. To keep in practice, we order the death of a Thracian diplomat.
https://img117.imageshack.us/img117/2328/assassinsu5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

As Athens has become a vitally strategic city, I install tribune Secundus Salvidienus there as governor.
Tribune Quintus Libo recieves his chirurgeon and departs from Oduba to Luvavum to take command on a legion.
Tribune Flavius Pacuvius is on his way to Cispine Gaul.
Legate Titus Vatinius has taken up governorship of Segestica, which has been infiltrated by enemy agents and is about to revolt.
Tribune Cornelius Saturninus takes up command of the Legio I Italia Victrix at the river crossing of Oduba.

The assault on Eastern Greece begins. Praetor Tiberius Coruncanius and his Field Army I storm the city of Tylis and defeat the powerful army of the Ptolemaic empire.
https://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1306/tylis1ic6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img218.imageshack.us/img218/771/tylis2bh8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae cause the Fall of Byzantium (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1226701&postcount=41). The Greek Cities are now reduced to the Greek City.
https://img117.imageshack.us/img117/1936/byzantionvictorybx4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

On the northern front, tribune Cornelius Saturnius and the Legio I Italia Victrix destroy a Thracian army (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1227353&postcount=42) that was threathening the river crossing near Oduba. He becomes the talk of the local population.
https://img100.imageshack.us/img100/50/saturniusvictorywe3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our battle fleet has regrouped and is closing in on the Cartheginian Fleets near Melite.

Legate Publius Pansa takes over command as he stands ready to complete the Eastern Greece Blitzkrieg by capturing the last Ptolemaic town in Eastern Greece, Maronia.

Mount Suribachi
08-31-2006, 14:32
Spring 256 continued

I stand outside the city of Maronia with the 649 men of Legio IV. The city is defended by 242 Ptolomites. They all die as I take the city for the loss of 69 men - not one of whom is a Roman. 2 of my Velites were badly wounded, but my Chirugeon assures me that they will make a full recovery. I enslave the population and build a Minor Shrine to Saturn with the proceeds to celebrate the victory. Just outside the city is another 300 odd army of Ptolomites, I move to attack them, but they withdraw across the Sea Of Marmara, thus freeing the continent from Egyptian troops.

Off the coast of Athens, Admiral Amulius with his 3 ships sinks a Ptolomite ship threatening the harbour. In retaliation they send a mighty Heptare, which was blockading Chalkidawhich our intrepid Admiral also sinks! A Heroic Victory! They send another 2 ships which also end up at the bottom of the sea. Another Heptare is sent, and now down to only 2 badly damaged and under-crewed ships, brave Amulius is lost at sea with all hands. The war on the Ocean will be a costly war of attrition I fear. Fighting one major maritime power would be hard, fighting two is a frightening thought.




Death the destroyer of worlds
09-01-2006, 22:18
17. Summer 256 BC (continued)

Just as I thought I could relax at my villa for five minutes and take care of family business I am rudely disturbed by a messenger bearing the dreadful news of the destruction of the Legio IV Firma and the death of my co-consul Publius Pansa. More horrid news than this is scarcely imaginable. Only an attack by Iberia can top this off, then we will be at war with everyone !
Seeing my co-consuls keep coming to a dreadful end I decide to continue as dictator untill the end of my term.

To show my displeasure to the Seleucid king, I order the assasination of one of his diplomats.
https://img385.imageshack.us/img385/8408/assassinlr9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

As the battle fleet led by admiral Appius arrives at Melite, where the citizens have rebelled and barricaded themselves in town, the enemy fleets have fled and left the Carthagian army stranded. The Carthagians are shipping another powerful army to invade Sardinia, and we go off in hot pursuit, but they manage to outrun us.
https://img385.imageshack.us/img385/3488/fleetdv2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

After making a detailed study of the situation I come to the conclusion that we are not able to stop the Seleucid invasion as they outnumber us too greatly and their forces are too concentrated.
On the other hand, I refuse to abandon Byzantium as a large amount of money has been invested into it already to develop it as a naval base. If we manage to hang on to it for long enough we will be able to produce warships on site and block further Seleucid reinforcements by blocking the Bosporus with warships. Consequently, I order tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae to hold Byzantium at all costs and I will try to stay out of the way of the Seleucid armies while my fleets and armies gather for a decisive counterattack. Reinforcements are immediately marched to the coast from Roma to board ships to take them to Greece. Intense diplomatic negotiations with all our neighbours meet with no succes whatsoever.

Tribune Manius Aemilius arrives to join praetor Tiberius Coruncanius and delivers his chirurgeon. Together with the Field Army I they pursue a Thracian army, but the savages flee over our borders.

Tribune Cornelius Saturnius and the Legio I Italia Victrix cross the river in an aggressive attack and destroy a small Thracian army.
https://img84.imageshack.us/img84/675/wonderlandjf9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

It is my intention to send them southeast towards eastern Greece to help against the Seleucid empire, who are massing to cross the Bosporus.

It seems riots have occured in Segestica and a temple is damaged. I order legate Titus Vatinius to take more measures to stop them, but I am pessimistic. There must be a dozen spies in the town stirring up trouble.

Tribune Quintus Libo organizes his new legion and leaves Luvavum to look for Thracians that have been skulking in the woods to the north.
I, Lucius Aemilius, depart to the south with Ganeus Hordeonius to pick up the reinforcements to take to Oduba. Every battered unit in the area is gathering there to defend the Danube so that tribune Cornelius Saturnius and the Legio I Italia Victrix can march to the south.
Tribune Flavius Pacuvius is on his way to Comata to take over command of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia.

Italian auxilia troops are shipped to Greece from Tarentum to replace the veteran and expensive mercenary troops that garrison the Greek cities. These mercenaries will be send to the front.

Death the destroyer of worlds
09-02-2006, 00:12
18. Autumn 256 BC

The Greek city and the kingdom of Thrace sign an alliance.
The Greek city and the Seleucid empire sign a ceasefire.

Ocelina is born, the daughter of Numerius Aureolus and his wife Lucilla.

Salona finished construction of paved roads. Delmatia finished construction of a Roman Auxilia I building. Kydonia finished construction of a minor temple to Mars. Gergovia finished construction of an occupation. Debeltos finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter.

Roma recruits a squadron of equites. Arretium recruits a cohort of Triarii. Arminium recruits a cohort of Italian swordsmen. Corfinium recruits a cohort of Italian spearmen. Paestum recruits a cohort of principi. Corinth and Athens both finish construction of a superior light aphract.

In spite of our dramatic setbacks, we are still the strongest faction. The continuous warfare is putting a dent in our population growth however, especially of the small troop producing cities. We need more slaves.

The Cartheginians land in Sardinia, but do not attack Caralis yet. Their battle fleet vanishes in the Mediterranean. Alerted by our spy in Carthage, Decius Curtius, we are aware of massive (and I mean REALLY massive) troop movements to the west of the city of Carthage. He spies another army that has just boarded a small fleet. Our battle fleet, commanded by admiral Appius, moves in and attacks.
https://img385.imageshack.us/img385/8807/fleetcartautvf0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img335.imageshack.us/img335/1353/fleetcartaut2ma1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img84.imageshack.us/img84/6895/fleetcartaut3bz6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The defeated enemy fleet, with nowhere to run, is stranded on the rocky coast and all remaining ships are sunk with all hands. In addition to their ships, the Cartheginians lose 720 hoplites. A great victory for our navy !

In the Aegean sea, a small battle fleet is ready to advance on the Bosporus. Reinforcements are also on the way. The Ptolemaic empire bars our way.
https://img84.imageshack.us/img84/6343/fleetptolaut1av9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img84.imageshack.us/img84/3420/fleetptolaut2fd2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The ships of the defeated enemy fleet are so badly damaged they sink after the battle. Our small fleet moves on toward the Bosporus, which is guarded by a powerful Ptolemaic Heptares.

Tribune Flavius Pacuvius arrives at Comata and takes over command of the Legio III Sicilia Aemilia. Tribune Marcellus Aemilius departs for Roma, with the new standard of the Consular Army, the banner of the Legio II Sabina Quintia, which is transferred to him by tribune Quintus Naevius, who is himself transferred to take command of the Cispine Gaul Legion.
After a careful study of the candidates for this position, I nominate Manius Coruncanius to take temporary command of the Consular Army, which has finished its training and is ready to depart for Sicily. Unencumbered by troops, Marcellus Aemilius will easily overtake him before he arrives and take over command.
I send my faithful battle partner, tribune Gnaeus Hordeonius, who has meanwhile been entrusted with the banner of the Legio VI Phoenix, to meet up with the hodgepodge of reinforcements near Patavium and to lead them toward Oduba with all haste. I, praetor Lucius Aemilius, move on ahead so that tribune Cornelius Saturnius and the Legio I Italia Victrix can depart for Greece this season. This risky move will leave the troops around Oduba without a commander for one season.

Tribune Quintus Libo builds a watch tower at the river crossing north of Luvavum and, meeting no resistance, crosses the river and begins the march on the Thracian held town of Viberi. My intent is to capture it and to give this region back to its rightful owners, our allies the Germans.

The Seleucid empire has moved large forces into our territory. The Greeks have marched out of their last city, Nicomedia, with the clear intent to attack Byzantium. This is the final straw. I order tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae to depart Byzantium and to defeat and enslave the Greeks. Afterwards we will raze the Greek city to the ground and abandon it. With any luck, a rebel army will arise to provide us with a free defensive force to our south.
Our forces clash outside Nicomedia and the Greek King sallies forth from the city in support, but flees back to the city when he sees that we are winning the battle. The Legio V Alaudae achieved a heroic victory, killing 479 for the cost of 82.
https://img460.imageshack.us/img460/2010/nicomedia1hm9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The second battle was over the city itself, between 478 Romans and 131 Greeks. We lost 23, killing all our enemies and the Greek king, and achieving a clear victory.

Tribune Numerius Aureolus enslaved the town as ordered, bringing us 5345 slaves and 1029 denarii. He then destroyed every building in the settlement, bringing us a further 9129 denarii. The legion departs the ruined city to march back to Byzantium and tribune Numerius Aureolus moves on ahead to keep the recently conquered city in line. He is joined by the cavalry from Debeltos. His account of this campaign can be read here (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1232019&postcount=44).

This means the end for the Greek Cities. Their nation has been destroyed. This avenges the Roman losses suffered by the legendary consul Quintus (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1193529&postcount=3) and the Legio IV Gallica at the defeat at Appolonia (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1179602&postcount=11).

The Seleucid empire has sent a powerful army northward and I order praetor Tiberius Coruncanius and the Field Army I to abandon Tylis and to march towards Ratiaria, where they will meet up with tribune Cornelius Saturnius and the Legio I Italia Victrix. Then they will turn around and go on the offensive, while our small fleet hopefully blocks Seleucid reinforcements from crossing the Bosporus. He hires some mercenaries on the way.
https://img377.imageshack.us/img377/7854/seleucidsvp6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Legate Titus Vatinius hires yet more mercenaries to enforce order in Segestica. Next season should see order restored hopefully, so he can engage the rebels to the south of town, which I suspect have a large role to play in these disturbances.

As winter sets in, Tribune Quintus Libo and his German Legion are attacked by a large force of Thracians, that have been hiding in the woods.
https://img142.imageshack.us/img142/4180/libothracegg7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
09-03-2006, 16:26
19. Winter 256 BC

Winter has come and my couriers with dispatches have been assassinated by some jealous rival, so I have to extrapolate what happened for what my governors tell me. I am unsure what has been constructed or what troops have been raised. One courier did manage to come trough and brought me joyful news. Tribune Quintus Libo and his new German Legion have fought their first battle and won a clear victory, with remarkable little loss of life. I sent them onwards to the Thracian-held town of Viberi.
https://img321.imageshack.us/img321/8838/quintusvictoryyz5.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I have a long conference with my treasury officials. The financial situation is no longer desperate, it has become positively hopeless ! Our revenue has dropped by over 10.000 denarii from what is was at the start of my term ! After paying the necessary military expenses, less than 2.500 denarri remain in the public treasury. We can't even build a market for that amount of money.
We must become self-sufficient, now we have virutally no trade with other nations, or perish. We need money form any source possible to stimulate our economy. The only way to pay for this is to plunder the cities of our enemies.
Tribune Numerius Aureolus, enamoured with my strategy of invading the invaders, has asked to drive even deeper in Seleucid territory and plunder the Seleucid town of Prusa. It is an extremely risky venture, but after a report of my spies, I decide to agree to this bold plan, as we need money (and slaves) so desperately.

The Seleucid empire, worried by my invasion of their territory, orders Abascantus the Profane to withdraw a large part of their army back into Asia Minor. They play right into my hand, if I can close off the Bosporus behind them so that their comrades in Eastern Greece are cut off and at our mercy. Molon has foolishly stayed behind in Maronia as our small fleet, supported by a new warship from Byzantium move in to close the Bosporus.
https://img321.imageshack.us/img321/3994/256winfleet1jt7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3/256winfleet1vicuv8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

With nowhere to run to, the Egyptians jump of their burning heptare and drown. The western Bosporus crossing is cut off and Molon is stranded and at the tender mercy of our approaching armies.

On the coast of Carthage, the Carthagian battle fleet has reappeared to avenge their destroyed invasion force. Admiral Appius and our battle fleet fight ferociously and the defeated Carthagian battle fleet flees toward Palma, with admiral Appius in hot pursuit. The way is now clear for the invasion of Africa.
https://img451.imageshack.us/img451/5636/256winfleet2cc7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img321.imageshack.us/img321/957/256winfleet2vicsg3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img451.imageshack.us/img451/6217/256winfleet2followkd9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

I rearrange our governors to make sure our cities that need slaves the most get their share of the take from Prusa. Accordingly, Manius Coruncanius temporarily moves to Paestum, Valerius Paulus moves to Corfinium, Oppius Aemilius moves to Arminium and Vibius Domna moves to Ancona. I move our governors out of Athens, Corinth and Segestica untill after the raid.

Tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae attack the lightly defended town of Prusa (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1233110&postcount=45). 343 of our men fight 255 Seleucids and kill all of them for the loss of only 21. Raiding the city yields 4556 slaves, which means a population increase of about a 1000 people for the governed cities. The plunder of the city amounts to 8903 denarii.
https://img53.imageshack.us/img53/718/prusaie3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Afterwards the legion departed the ruined city and marched north. Hopefully, they will manage to escape unscathed to Eastern Greece. The governors of Athens, Corinth and Segestica are returned to their cities. The money is used, amongst other things, to build a forum in Syracuse, which is extremely underdeveloped and overpopulated.

Our operation to replace mercenary garrisons with regular Italian auxilia continues. A small, but steady, flow of mercenary units is moving towards Eastern Greece.

Under cover of darkness, men can be seen boarding a great fleet in the harbour of Lilybaeum. The fleet silently glides into open water without carrying any lights. They disappear in the direction of Africa.
https://img338.imageshack.us/img338/8669/256winfleet3serviusgf1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Death the destroyer of worlds
09-06-2006, 13:36
20. Spring 255 BC

Appius Egnatius marries Drusilla, the daughter of Luca Mamilius. I send him to Roma to learn his new duties.
https://img151.imageshack.us/img151/4927/appiusegnatiusaw3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Luca Domna is born, the son of Vibius Domna and his wife Gratidia.

The only city I did not want to revolt is of course the only one that does. In the plundered Seleucid cities anarchy rules the streets.
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/3640/revolttylisyq8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img106.imageshack.us/img106/9156/riotsdebeltosvv6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img106.imageshack.us/img106/1529/riotsnicomediajm8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A lone Roman warship is attacked by pirates, but destroys them with little loss.
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/7599/winsprpiratesml1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6645/winsprpiratesvictp9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Appolonia finished construction of a Roman Auxilia II building. Corinth and Byzantium finished construction of a Roman Naval Architecture I building. Athens finished construction of a Roman Auxilia I building. Luvavum finished construction of roads. Chalkida finished construction of a shrine to Jupiter. Bylazora finished construction of a shrine to Mars. Debeltos finished construction of a shrine to Ceres. Salona finished construction of a minor temple to Jupiter. Kydonia finished construction of a minor temple to Saturnus.

Paestum recruits a cohort of Triarii. Agrigento and Lilybaeum both finish construction of a light aphract. Corinth, Athens and Byzantium finish construction of a superior light aphract.

I, praetor Lucius Aemilius and tribune Gnaeus Hordeonius, arrive at Oduba and reform the Field Army II out of the ragtag of forces which have gathered here. In the distance, my watch towers report that the Thracian crown prince Arapeithes the Bloody-Handed, who has caused me the most grevious losses so far, has gathered another large army.
https://img167.imageshack.us/img167/5002/luciusfaceoffum2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our operation to replace mercenary garrisons with regular Italian auxilia continues. A small, but steady, flow of mercenary units is moving towards Eastern Greece. Our reinforcement Roman soldiers are one season away from Maronia.

I order the assassination of a Thracian diplomat.
https://img106.imageshack.us/img106/7595/assassinthracevw4.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Tribune Numerius Aureolus and the Legio V Alaudae manage to escape from Asia Minor to Byzantium intact. They have orders to hold the city untill we can build enough ships to block the Bosporus.

Near Crete, our naval reinforcements that are sailing to the Bosporus spot a Ptolemaic fleet, loaded with troops. We can hardly let them pass unchallenged.
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/1640/ptolemyfleet1tm8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img106.imageshack.us/img106/2316/ptolemyfleet1fightvw3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img106.imageshack.us/img106/9846/ptolemyfleet1victoryhw0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The survivng Ptolemaic ship is so badly damaged that it sinks, and all the Ptolemaic troops drown. Another great naval victory !

In the West, admiral Appius and his battle fleet catch up with the remains of the Cartheginian battle fleet and sink them without mercy. Then he sails back towards Sicily.
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/7205/carthagefleet1fightwl8.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/676/carthagefleet1victoryah7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The Iberians have placed a consular strength army in the middle of our territory.
https://img167.imageshack.us/img167/7609/gaulstandoffvx9.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

After a long debate with my military advisors I order legate Valerius Paulus to take command of the newly formed Italian Legion and march it to Gaul Narbonensis to reinforce Augustus Verginius. A new legion should be ready to march in two seasons.
Tribune Manius Coruncanius continues to lead the Consular Army on its march towards Sicily. They should arrive next season. Tribune Marcellus Aemilius has almost caught up with them.
Oppius Aemilius moves to Paestum.
Tribune Vibius Domna moves to Corfinium.

In the North, tribune Quintus Libo and his German Legion capture the Thracian town of Viberi. I planned to give the town to our allies, the Germans, but they do not want it. Annoyed, I plunder everything except the market and the German Auxilia building and order him to abandon the town and march on Vicus Marcomanni, another Thracian town. Our scouts report a stong Thracian force is barring his way.
(OOC: In retrospect, this might not have been all that clever. If the town revolts into a German town our alliance will be broken and we will be at war with the Germans.)
https://img106.imageshack.us/img106/2954/quintusvictorymp3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4069/quintusfaceoffow1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

In the East, we go on the counteroffensive. Tribune Cornelius Saturnius and the Legio I Italia Victrix recapture the rebelled town of Tylis (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1234321&postcount=46).
https://img241.imageshack.us/img241/3204/saturniusvictoryrw7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

A part of the soldiers of the Legio I Italia Victrix is transferred to the Field Army I, commanded by praetor Tiberius Coruncanius, as it begins its march to recapture Maronia. He will need a strong army should the Seleucid empire attack with a consular strength army. A small Seleucid force stands in his way and is easily dispatched.
https://img151.imageshack.us/img151/3669/mouse2we6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img167.imageshack.us/img167/7776/tiberiusattacktk0.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The transport fleet carrying tribune Servius Aemilius and his Cartheginian Legion has almost arrived at the shore of Africa at the city of Lepcis Magna.
https://img167.imageshack.us/img167/3972/serviuslandingwx7.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our main military forces at present :
The Legio I Italia Victrix, under the command of tribune Cornelius Saturnius, is stationed in Tylis.
The banner of the Legio II Sabina Quintia is being carried by the commander-to-be of the Consular Army, tribune Marcellus Aemilius.
The Legio III Sicilia Aemilia, under the command of tribune Flavius Pacuvius, is stationed in a fort next to Comata.
The Legio IV Gallica Firma banner is currently in the temple of Mars in Roma.
The Legio V Alaudae is currently carried by legate Numerius Aureolius in Byzantium. The actual legion is stationed outside the city in a fort.
The banner of the Legio VI Phoenix is currently carried by Gnaeus Hordeonius, a tribune in the Field Army II.
The Consular Army, under the temporary command of tribune Manius Coruncanius, is about to enter Sicily.
The Field Army I, under the command of praetor Tiberius Coruncanius, is on the march near Maronia.
The Field Army II, under the command of praetor Lucius Aemilius, is standing outside the town of Oduba.
The German Legion, under the command of tribune Quintus Libo, is on the march near Viberi.
The Cispine Gaul Legion, under the command of tribune Quintus Naevius, is stationed in a fort near Jenuensis.
The Gaul Narbonensis Legion, under the command of legate Augustus Verginius, is stationed in a fort near Gergovia.
The Italian Legion, under the command of legate Valerius Paullus, is on the march near Roma.
The Cartheginian Legion, under the command of tribune Servius Aemilius, is about to land in Africa.

I have no correct estimates of our financial revenue. At the last report, our income had dropped by well over 10.000 denarii to a measly 14.000 denarii. This immense setback is caused by the loss of trade with the Seleucid and the Ptolemaic empire.

A complete list of all the battle statistics can be found here (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1208544&postcount=23). The summary :

Generals killed :
1. Acting Consul Amulius Coruncanius (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1212245&postcount=5)
2. Acting Consul Publius Pansa (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1154670&postcount=15) (who still awaits transfer to the Mausoleum)
3. Tribune Gaius Rutilius (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1226985&postcount=8)
4. Tribune Herennius Genucius (https://forums.totalwar.org/vb/showpost.php?p=1212246&postcount=6)

Factions destroyed :
- Illyria
- The kingdom of Macedon
- Gaul
- The Greek Cities

Our total losses during my term :
Total enemy casualties : 23780 men
Total Roman casualties : 5896 men
Average kill ratio : 4.0 - 1
Total enemy ships sunk : 23 ships
Total Roman ships sunk : 4 ships

We have conquered 18 provinces, namely Chalkida, Salona, Delmatia, Kydonia, Hyrapytna, Bylazora, Ratiaria, Philipii, Comata, Gergovia, Luvavum, Debeltos, Oduba, Tylis, Byzantium, Nicomedia, Prusa and Viberi.
We want to get rid of Nicomedia, Prusa and Viberi.
We have conquered and lost Maronia.
We have lost Melite.

09-13-2006, 14:54
(OOC - Autumn, 255 BC)

Unsure of date, will have to ask astrologers later.
Note to self- Be sure to send this journal entry to the senate. A typical consular report it may not be, but we must make due in the field.

It's been a whole season since my ascension to the rank of consul. A rapid one I must admit, but nor is it one that I will argue against. Though the many pressures of the consulship are making themselves apparent.

Lepcis Magna fell to our troops last season, and the city has since been garrisoned by a fair number of Libyan spearmen, mostly from Sicily, but maintaining the public order demanded that I recruit some as mercenaries from the locals themselves. Our spy, Decius Curtius, has revealed that our intention of drawing the Carthies south by snatching the town from under their noses was successful. He has noted to me the presence of two generals in the army heading our way, Celeas Abdera and Bomilkar "the mad", apparently both highly skilled veterans of the Numidian war. Undoubtedly they have rushed south with some false bravado of an undeniable victory. To further distract their situation we have split the fleet, and the cities of Thapsus and Hadrumentum have been blockaded. For now, the plan is to take out the smaller contingent south of their main force, and take up a more defensible position on the nearby dunes, where we will await their attack.

https://img514.imageshack.us/img514/6269/clipboard02xr1.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

In the north, to my great relief, after maneouvering Quintus Naeivus and his legion towards the Iberian army in the Alpine Pass, the Iberians realised just how lost they were and turned around. They're still wandering through Roman lands west of Massillia, and I've had Augustus Verginius and his men march out to the ford, to make sure the Iberians don't backtrack, but I believe they will have left our lands by next season. Furthermore, I have given Quintus Naevius the defensive duties of our nother fort near Comata. Flavius Pacuvius will be taking over command of the mobile legion, and will begin a march to Sicily, where he will meet up with uncle Marcellus Aemilius and newly adopted Julianus Avilius, betrothed of Plotina, daughter of Publius Laevinus. He appears an able man, and I will place him under Marcellu's watch. The legions led by Marcellus and Flavius will be reinforced at Rome, marched to Sicily and then cross over via our fleet to attack Carthage within the next year and a half.

https://img49.imageshack.us/img49/7441/clipboard03be2.jpg (https://imageshack.us)
https://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9805/clipboard01sh3.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Near Oduba, grandfather Lucius has already put a large contingent of rather stupid Thracians to the sword. He has sent a report of the battle to our tactical libraries. But his services are sorely needed in the east, and I have requested he begin his march in that direction, cutting through Thrace as an example. Vallerius Paullus, coming from Cisalpine Gaul, will be taking his place on the Thracian front. As well, Titus Vatinius has begun part of a pacification campaign in the western Balkans, removing a large contingent of rebellious rabble west of Segestica. As soon as some extra forces can be freed up, he will be made mobile.

https://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6280/clipboard04fr6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

Our situation in Viberi has been causing me some dismay. Quintus Libo, after being given the order to march back to Viberi following the failure of the motion to capture Vicus Marcomanii, ran into a stray Iberian unit and could move no further without provoking hostilities...seems those buggers are wandering around everywhere these days. Luckily, with the seasonal transition, Iberia did not make the poor mistake of actually attacking what would, to them, appear to be an abandoned town. And after some investigation, it seemed the only group willing to take Viberi would have been the Iberians anyway...our allies the Germans didn't want it, nor did Thrace. So, I feel compelled to keep the town for now. Quintus Libo however, is far too useful to leave sitting around on the frontier guarding against stray Iberian vagrants. A group of gallic mercenaries will be employed to hold this meager town, and Quintus Libo will continue east to deal with a Thracian force in western Vicus Marcomanii.

https://img227.imageshack.us/img227/6139/clipboard05pc6.jpg (https://imageshack.us)

The east is where my concern runs deep...I feel compelled to speak in private with Tiberius Coruncanius and Numerious Aureolus before any specific details are made public concerning our situation there. Cornelius Saturninus should be consulted as well. Our operations this season will continue after I hear what they feel of the new situation...although, on a more positive note. We have made good use of the eastern fleet this season. No less than six ports have been blockaded, namely Smyrna, Mytalene, Abydos, Pergamen, Rhodes, and Halicarnassus. It is my hope that this will cause at least a minor drop in Seleucid and Ptolemaic income.

Again, on a positive note, our construction of shrines and temples throughout Greece and some other troubled settlements continues this season. Slowly but surely we will restore some semblance of tranquility and acceptance of Roman rule to these people. Then, we can begin the construction of military infrastructure, and hope that these people will begin to provide at least auxilia for our battle lines.

More will be discussed later, for now, the question of the east must be discussed...
In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.
Servius Aemilius

09-22-2006, 22:13

Dies Solis, December
note, the senate should be updated on our progress, forward this journal entry to the consular libraries

The fortunes of the Republic have grown great this past season, and it is not yet even done. My discussions with senator Numerious Aureolus and Tiberius Coruncanius brought the development of a superb strategy. The Seleucids have suffered a serious defeat. Three of their generals lie dead, three of their armies smattered into the ground, and a fourth, it's general lacking courage and honor, has fled like a coward across the straits to meet back up with the Seleucid beast.

The Beast...his actions intrigue me, and the fear he inspires amongst men who have never even seen his face is something of an mystery. The men in camp refuse to speak his name aloud, and hence he is known by this agnomen. At first, I had wondered if we may have perhaps been playing straight into his hands, attacking the Seleucids in central Thrace has drawn our forces completely away from Byzantion, and I still have no doubts that it will be besieged by next season. But I had expected more from this man. I had expected a Seleucid advance the moment our armies went west to meet up with their incursion. That is another thing that bothers me. Why would such a man launch a devestating assault on the Republic, only to back out to a nearly undefended province and allow the follow up incursion to be played out by generals of far lesser skill than our own. I do not think he mocks us. Their resources and manpower may be boundless, but the Seleucids are could not maintain such an empire if they were ill brained. There is something else at play here. Molon is up to something. Perhaps there are internal tensions, and he seeks power through the death of his seleucid opponents. It is still too early to tell. Hopefully, the final stabilisation of the east will occur next season, and things will be clearer then. Until then, however, my dillemma falls on his demise. Many have declared their intention to fell the beast, and many have every right to do so, but I do not want to make that choice, bad blood will come of it unnecessarily no matter the choice. Perhaps there should be a senatorial vote. I will ponder this more later.

I will be giving Quintus Libo the order to move soon, his acts will be the final battle for the republic this season. Much has been done everywhere, but there is still much left to do.

That reminds me, the battle. The men were astounded, as was I, at the blatant cowardice of our foe. They began their route before the battle had come fully to a close. There was much more death this time than on the siege of Lepcis Magna, but it was a hardening experience for these men. They watched from formation as the Carthies charged, javelins were thrown, charges made. Almost all of our casualties were restricted to the mercenaries we hired on landing, but it is still hard to watch men die. They may not be from our country, but they agreed to fight in our name. I praise their courage, I applaud their skill, but most of all, I hope their path in Hades is towards a happy place, and Charon does not give them much trouble in their passing. May they be united with their families soon.

I feel impassioned these days. The heart of the Republic drives me ever forward, through Lepcis Magna, through the army of Celeas Abdera and Mobilkar the mad, to the dune we rest on now awaiting the Carthy's move. The men call it ambition, and they are proud to serve under such a man. Except one...who blamed it on the heat, laughed, and concurred that he too can't wait to get out of the Afrikan sun. I applaud him for his lightheartedness, pride can take men anywhere, but it's always good to have some laughs on the way.

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.
Servius Aemilius


09-22-2006, 22:15

(OOC -Spring 254 BC)
Spring, there are no seperation of days in this wretched country...

Never before have I been to such a horrid place. My initial opinions of the land, as we looked out across the golden coast near Lepcis Magna, has become, over the past few seasons, quickly overshadowed by the worthlessness of the land away from the shore and utter treachery of the weather itself. Never before have I felt so compelled to curse the gods for creating land, but this place, this desert, this is not the work of the gods, this is the work of something else. Something evil had a hand in this. Day after day, the legion is whipped, like base traitors, on their backsides, on their faces, from all fronts by an enemy not even Rome can defeat. We seem punished by the gods! But no, these are not Roman gods that would create such a place. A place where the sand itself leaps up in terrible, stinging, razor sharp waves to eat at men's flesh and suckle the meat from his bones. The Berbers and Numidians have taught us much in countering this foe. But I curse them still. I curse them for worshipping such a god that would attack them with the sand they walk on. OH! And then leave him with no water, or food! The senate did not do the proper work necessary when they decided to take this land. The gods whip you here, then they starve you, then they leave you, lieing in the sand, staring upon the hot sun, bereft of water, only to make you have to draw it from a plant they have barbed with pointy needles to keep you from it! I condemn these gods, may Mars lead ours to war against them and turn this land into a happy place, a wondrous place, something like Rome, or..dare I say it even Greece! Carthage must be destroyed, if not only to see that these terrible gods can never be worshipped again. I fear what could happen to Rome if their worship were to spread there. But even that is not an easy task I fear. The intention was always to draw the Carthy armies away from their man concentration of cities, but these wretched gods seem to have given them a fleet of foot, they move faster than we had anticipated, even with the despicable terrain. Our situation looks bleak, but I will, I swear it, make it out of this terrible place alive, oh, I will, and Carthage will pay a HEAVY price for trying to surround me here, attempting to make me die here. They will pay the dearest price...
Luckily, their generals have not felt the same swiftness of foot that their lesser men have..and after unloading a few Libyan spearmen from our fleet offshore, I think we have a strong chance at striking them with a few grave losses from the rear. The spearmen are few in number, but a strike at Thapsus will find the death of one of their generals, who, hopefully will call for relief from the other stationed a short march from the settlement, who we will also catch off guard and relieve of his life. As for myself...I must consult my advisors very, very seriously. I have the option of returning north, where we will undoubtedly be caught by at least one of their armies, or march further into the sands of the vile place these men call their home.

Though, through my torture, I head our other senators have gained relief. This distraction of Carthage has allowed our armies and navy to begin a reorganisation, and reinforcements to be sent eastwards under Manius Coruncanius, rather than to this horrid place. I am actually, very pleased with our progress there.
Two seasons ago, in one fell swoop, we managed to eradicate or displace all of the Seleucid armies within Europe, taking, as well, the lives of three of their highly skilled generals. The only man of any significant skill they have remaining in the west of their empire is that beast, that Molon. I am sure he is responsible for this standoff he has created. Attempting, perhaps to stave off our attacks in hopes of receiving reinforcements from the east. It will not work. I have consulted Numerius and Tiberius, their will be an eastern push. Numerius is to attack the army stationed outside Abydos and, if possible, directly afterwards take the settlement itself. There has been a strong suggestion for Pergamon to be the first city taken, but I do not agree. I could not allow the possibility of an army slipping past us during the first season of the siege and managing to reconquer Maronia, I am unsure of our ability to double back and quickly deal with the threat should it spread further towards Phillipi or Tylis. Tiberius is to deal with the first Seleucid army in his usual display of valor, and then, pending his own personal feelings on the issue, continue on into the next, or return to defend the strait near Byzantion.

My freeman, UPS Maximus, has informed me of a desire to hear the plans for the east lain out for all to see. I am also beginning to question his handling of some arguments there appear to have occurred amongst the usual deliberations in the senate, and upon my return will be dealt with accordingly for these rude, unnecessary gestures towards our respected senators. He can be a fair bit disagreeable sometimes, but he was the only servant I could truly spare the services of for a while during this expedition. Aside from that, I don't know if I could have tolerated both the weather here, AND his whining.

Anyway, our plans for the east, following our immediate success against the Seleucid threat, have been greatly redrawn. They appear, as so.
Senators Numerious Aureolus and Tiberius Coruncanius are to deal directly with the Seleucid threat as it stands now, and following their extermination, begin a subsequent series of conquests aimed at establishing an easily defensible perimeter in western Asia Minor, without pressing too far into the peninsula that it would become impossible to reinforce or maintain. Senator Manius Coruncanius, when he arrives in two seasons time, is to begin the conquest of the last Ptolemite holdings in the Aegean, beginning with Halicarnassus, and spreading outwards from there. Rhodes will be among the territories taken. The western half of Asia Minor, with my plans to begin pressing the Greeks and Macedonians into our auxilia within the next 2 years, will be well able to hold itself together under the able rule of these three men, and a series of 5 fortifications will be built at chokepoints throughout the region to maintain that the Seleucids will not be able to pass into our territory without first having to go through one of our smaller, static frontier forces, which could be easily reinforced by more powerful mobile forces nearby. Pessinus and Sardis will, subsequently, be the sites of consular and legionary mobile armies, able to reach and reinforce all five forts within a single seasons march.

It seems fitting, that in disclosing my plans for the east, which I had though UPS Maximus would have had the wit to do already, it would only be wise to further lay out my plans for the whole of the Republic.

In that respect, I present the north.
The north will be guarded by a series of forts, also, choosing specific chokepoints within a single seasons march from Viberi, where our mobile legionary garrison will be maintained, hopefully under the command of senator Quintus Libo, but I would not be adverse to switching him out upon his request, as it appears the loneliness of the far north is beginning to pluck at his nerves.

In the west, where the construction of fortifications has been specifically mandated by the senate...
There will be a construction of three additional forts, to be garrisoned in the manner of the other two, by small static forces, with the exception of the fort to the far north, which is unreachable by Mediolanum or Viberi within a single season. That will hold a legionary force. The other two forts are easily accessable by Gergovia, our fort at Comata is already in a strong defensive position, and the fort at the Massilia ford is necessary to prevent Iberian migratory "accidents" like we saw recently. The auxilia fort near Mediolanum will still be maintained for emergency purposes.

I have no immediate plans for any strong fortification construction in the Greek and Macedonian region, maintenance of a powerful navy out of Athens or Sparta, with lookouts stationed on Crete and various parts offshore in the Mediterranean. Speaking of Crete, which is currently feeling the uneasiness of a very lost and confused Ptolemite army on its shores, that situation will be dealt with in due time, as, currently, the Ptolemites have not actually been aggressive towards the settlement, so I'm placing it in the same catagory as Melite and Sardinia. It will be dealt with eventually, but it's not terribly critical.

However, our Thracian border is another story.
Our Thracian border will be adorned with five additional fortifications. The three western fortifications will be watched by the central fort which will hold a legionary garrison, and smaller outpost garrisons in the other two. The same goes for the east. I have been considering pushing for an occupation of Anchialus, which resides on our side of the river and cannot be attacked by Thrace without first going through one of our proposed forts or building a fleet, which, to a barbarian culture like them, is almost a laughable concept.

And, clearly, there are no designs on the defence of Carthage as we have not yet begun to conquer it. This, however, will begin on schedule when we load the first legion onto our restructured Western Fleet in two seasons time. We are hoping that Carthago will fall, and the second legion will arive, two seasons following that.

And to those who would criticise that all this talk of conquest is doing nothing more than leaving the Republic to squalor, letting our infrastructure go. Such talk would be nonsense, and ill-founded. We have already spent more than 30,000 denarii on the construction of peace-bringing facilities throughout the Greek and Macedonian area, some examples are the following.

I would like to take a break from all this talk of war and governance, to give a personal congratulations to a few of our fine senators. My own uncle, Marcellus Aemilius, has been blessed with a son, Julianos Aemilius. I am pleased to hear that such a fine man as he has born another son into the Aemilii name.

And to Tiberius Coruncanius, who has found that he has acquired a new grandson, Appius Barbatus, through the marriage of his granddaughter Marcia. I must say I am almost jealous, to see such a very promising young man come into the Coruncanii name.

Congratulations to you both, it is well deserved.

And finally, I am very proud, and very pleased to announce, that our own Augustus Verginius, has served the Republic to such a great extent with honour, dignity, and skill, that I felt he was being slighted in not receiving the proper commendation for his efforts. Senator Augustus Verginius, I grant you the rank of Praetor.

The report journal entry becomes scribbled and illegible.

End entry for today - Carthaginian forces on the move, spotted northwest, decision must be made quickly.
In nomine Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.
Servius Aemilius

09-24-2006, 17:28
Summer, Dies Martis

Finally we have managed to take hold of what time it is out of the year, and an ironic day it is. Martis seems everywhere these days, but perhaps that is because Roma's enemies are too. But Martis has blessed our sword time and again, and today, on his day, on Dies Marties, he has given us a blessing none could have foreseen. As we held on to Thapsus for the spring, we expected up to three attempts by the Carthy armies, who were well within reach of the town, to try and take it back. Instead, the death of three of their highest ranking generals in our initial capture of the town seems to have not only demoralised them, but thrown their armies into utter disarray. Their captains are argueing amongst themselves, squabbling back and forth unable to make any significant decision. Throughout the entire season, none of their five armies moved an inch. This provided us with the most unexpected, but most significant occurance in this theatre to date. Cartago was left almost completely undefended.


There was no choice, Cartago had to be besieged, and next season, it will fall to the might of Roma. Thapsus, however, must be abandoned in the process. A minor setback, but one I will willingly trade for the capture of Cartago itself. After seeing that every temple to their dark and crooked gods is torn apart brick by brick and burned, we abandon the settlement to the desert and begin our new expedition. The walls of their 'great city' are besieged as I write this letter.


As we neared the walls to their settlement we came across a messenger from Appius in Rome, he had sent word of the most recent developments at home. They were all quite pleasing.

The world has recognised us as the greatest nation of all. And the senate fears we may become a nation of 'mud hovels'. What nonsense!


On a more personal note, Titus Vatinius's daughter has wed Publius Fuscus, he seems a rather able man, if not a bit older. My congratulations go out to the Vatinii on their day of celebration.


I would also like to extend my personal congratulations to Flavius Pacuvius, whose family has been graced by a son, Luca Pacuvius. Actually, come to think of it, this is the second child he has decided to name Luca Pacuvius. Ever the humorous man I guess. May your two Luca's bring you much pride when they come of age enough to serve Rome.


What pleases me most is the completion of the necessary recruits to field my uncle Marcellus with a consular sized army. However, some of his new recruits are ill to learn their proper marching procedures, and cannot catch up in due course. Either way, he is set to disembark and will be halfway to Afrika by the end of next season. Already, we are a season ahead of schedule on the departure date. Flavius Pacuvius will follow as quickly as possible afterwards, most likely, he will be in Sicily with a full consular army when Marcellus lands, and will require only a seasons time to cross the sea.


A Seleucid Diplomat, attempting to contact Ptolemeic dignitaries in Sardis, was assassinated this season, quite wisely I might add, by Marcus the Killer. The possibility of the Seleucids and Ptolemies actually working together in the west might slow our progress...slightly. I am pleased that this possibility has been removed.


The further completion of a number of projects throughout the Republic in our attempt to win over the favor of the people has been disclosed to me as well. I am quite happy with the results, and with this, we now have the ability to draw a slight bit more taxation from our people without discontenting them too much. Of course, this will only continue until our conquests in Afrika and the east are far than great enough to offset the minor acquisitions we will make with higher taxes. I will assume that 3 settlements should be enough to do this. Some of my grandfather's farming projects have been completed as well.


09-24-2006, 17:49
Summer, Dies Martis

Finally we have managed to take hold of what time it is out of the year, and an ironic day it is. Martis seems everywhere these days, but perhaps that is because Roma's enemies are too. But Martis has blessed our sword time and again, and today, on his day, on Dies Marties, he has given us a blessing none could have foreseen. As we held on to Thapsus for the spring, we expected up to three attempts by the Carthy armies, who were well within reach of the town, to try and take it back. Instead, the death of three of their highest ranking generals in our initial capture of the town seems to have not only demoralised them, but thrown their armies into utter disarray. Their captains are argueing amongst themselves, squabbling back and forth unable to make any significant decision. Throughout the entire season, none of their five armies moved an inch. This provided us with the most unexpected, but most significant occurance in this theatre to date. Cartago was left almost completely undefended.


There was no choice, Cartago had to be besieged, and next season, it will fall to the might of Roma. Thapsus, however, must be abandoned in the process. A minor setback, but one I will willingly trade for the capture of Cartago itself. After seeing that every temple to their dark and crooked gods is torn apart brick by brick and burned, we abandon the settlement to the desert and begin our new expedition. The walls of their 'great city' are besieged as I write this letter.


As we neared the walls to their settlement we came across a messenger from Appius in Rome, he had sent word of the most recent developments at home. They were all quite pleasing.

The world has recognised us as the greatest nation of all. And the senate fears we may become a nation of 'mud hovels'. What nonsense!


On a more personal note, Titus Vatinius's daughter has wed Publius Fuscus, he seems a rather able man, if not a bit older. My congratulations go out to the Vatinii on their day of celebration.


I would also like to extend my personal congratulations to Flavius Pacuvius, whose family has been graced by a son, Luca Pacuvius. Actually, come to think of it, this is the second child he has decided to name Luca Pacuvius. Ever the humorous man I guess. May your two Luca's bring you much pride when they come of age enough to serve Rome.


What pleases me most is the completion of the necessary recruits to field my uncle Marcellus with a consular sized army. However, some of his new recruits are ill to learn their proper marching procedures, and cannot catch up in due course. Either way, he is set to disembark and will be halfway to Afrika by the end of next season. Already, we are a season ahead of schedule on the departure date. Flavius Pacuvius will follow as quickly as possible afterwards, most likely, he will be in Sicily with a full consular army when Marcellus lands, and will require only a seasons time to cross the sea.


A Seleucid Diplomat, attempting to contact Ptolemeic dignitaries in Sardis, was assassinated this season, quite wisely I might add, by Marcus the Killer. The possibility of the Seleucids and Ptolemies actually working together in the west might slow our progress...slightly. I am pleased that this possibility has been removed.


The further completion of a number of projects throughout the Republic in our attempt to win over the favor of the people has been disclosed to me as well. I am quite happy with the results, and with this, we now have the ability to draw a slight bit more taxation from our people without discontenting them too much. Of course, this will only continue until our conquests in Afrika and the east are far than great enough to offset the minor acquisitions we will make with higher taxes. I will assume that 3 settlements should be enough to do this. Some of my grandfather's farming projects have been completed as well.


The completion of our religious projects has been brought, almost, to a full close, but some loose ends still need to be tied. However, the vast amount of money now available to us for other projects has brought about the beginning of construction plans for..

An occupation camp in Viberi.
Secondary level Auxilia in Delmatia, who have pledged to form Illyrian warbands for the defence of Rome following its completion. This will significantly aid in the new garrison plans, and the border watch along the Danube.
Secondary level Auxilia in Athens, who have pledged their aid as Peltastai, again, a vastly helpful addition to the garrison restructuring. As well as a minor, but still respectable, addition to our alae.
A Primary level Auxilia in Maronia, who will begin supplying us with alae Peltastai following the subsequent construction of the secondary level, scheduled for completion one season before the end of my consulship.
A primary level Auxilia in Tylis, with a secondary level scheduled to end one season before my consulship ends, and a stables scheduled to end three seasons following my consulship. This will provide us with a source of cavalry close to the front. While the gaelic light cavalry they offer us may not be the best of choices, they are close to the east, and they are far better than nothing, or having to continuasly hire even more expensive mercenaries.

Next season will see more of such plans, and the construction of the necessary governor's and pro-consular palaces to keep the peace in places such as Athens, Corinth and Thessaloniki are near the front of my priorities.

May the senate see the wisdom in all these decisions, as it seems many of them have strayed from my support, and will not see the reasoning behind my methods until we have seen the fruition of my plans.

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.

09-26-2006, 01:28
In light of recent circumstances I feel it is necessary to release another consular report a bit early for the senate's review. It has been a long time since I've been able to write from the comfort of a firm table and a steady candlelight, but our conquest of 'mighty' Carthage's capital city went almost unopposed. Thapsus was bribed away from us this season, but it matters not, the abandonment of that settlement was intentional. Without doing so splitting the army to take Cartago would have been too risky.

As for the situation here...Servian Authority has been firmly established.

And on top of that, uncle Marcellus is due to arrive soon.

His fleet is only a season's sail away.

The fall of Cartago and the subsequent enslavement of these people has left many a building open for Roman boarding, and put many more servants in Roman houses. To be precise, twelve thousand from Cartago alone have been spread out across Ariminum, Ancona, Bononia and Corfinium, combined with last seasons raids adding to the population of Roma, Paestum and Arretium, it is save to say that the population of our core provinces has been greatly increased. This should end our low population scare for many, many years to come, if not solving it indefinately. As the increase has been so great that Paestum, Ancona, Ariminum, Arretium, Corfinium, and Bononia have all reached a new level of development, and are ready to receive upgraded administrative buildings. These will come in due time, but the immediate concern will now be with money making constructs. We have looked deeply into the possibility of greatly expanding our trade through the construction of ports, safe harbors and mines throughout the Republic.

Furthermore, we've completed the following list of structures this season.


Our cheap but effective construction plans continue, but last season saw the beginning of a number of more serious, more extensive and more profitable plans put into motion. Both plans will continue throughout the rest of my rule.

They will be needed most in the east, where our progress is coming along more quickly and more efficiently than I had hoped. Abydos, Pergamon, Nicomedia and Mytalene have already fallen to our might. Manius Coruncanius is set to land at Halicarnassus within days, and Numerious Aureolus has begun the siege of Smyrna. He will switch places with Manius at Halicarnassus next season, and the full consular army will take the walled town of Smyrna. Any more enslavement will overburden the Republic in the west, so the consular garrison will initially be required to hold the settlement. Tiberius Coruncanius is on his way back to Roma to have his consular legion restored, and Appius Barbetus is set to disembark for the east with reinforcements for Numerious as soon as Tiberius's fleet arrives.

The situation, all in all, goes well.

I would like to extend some personal congratulations once again this season! It seems that Roma is in no dire straits when it comes to extending our great families, and that is a most wonderful thing indeed.

Congratulations go to Julianus Avilius and Publius Fuscus on the birth of their daughters.

As for the situation in the west with Iberia, I believe it has already been mentioned in the deliberations, but it can't hurt to report it again.
We'll have to remain very wary of their movement in recent days, lest we find our only neutral border also set ablaze with the fires of war.

The complications never seem to end, but as always, I pray to the gods for our good fortune.

With one last bit of good news before I end the report, I'd like to announce the completion of almost all of our defences along the Danube. We lack only one more fort further north of Oduba, and it should be completed relatively soon. As of right now, Thrace has finally been blocked from incursion in the east, and we should see a significant stabilisation of the situation there.

Hopefully, our Thracian border will settle, or at the very least, its defence will come much, much more easily in the coming years.

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.

09-30-2006, 01:39
(OOC - Spring, 253 BC)

It has been two seasons since my last consular report and the midterm of my consulship is drawing near. To think, it's been almost two years since my election, in fact, next season it will be. Two seasons after that and my midterm report will be due. The rumbling in the senate of my actions may pose some issues in regards to midterm motions, but hopefully they will, by then, have seen the wisdom in my acts and the conviction in my heart to do what is right for Rome. Sometimes, unforetunatly, what is right for Rome is not always what the senate wants. But things must be done for a greatter cause than the whims and fancies of angry, patrician senators and their own personal interests. I have spent my entire consulship ruling from campaign in the horrid wastes of Afrika, and this has greatly enlightened me to the true needs of Rome. I will not bow my knee to the irrational fears and false logics of men who do not know what it is to exist in a place where the gods try to kill you every day, and the only manner of survival is outright defiance. These men have spent too much time amongst the creature comforts of their own excessive wealth to realise how the common Roman lives.

Last season set the stage for our current operations both in the west and in the east.

We were able to discern most of the composition of all five Carthaginian armies bearing down on Cartago from the south.

But some quick manoevering and daring tactics secured a defeat of the first army before it could reach the city. History will write our victory their into it's pages for all time.


There were some complications involving the Iberians that have since been solved, and our conquests in the east yielded a fair amount of territory.
As the current situation stands the north is still in relative safety. We have made a concession this season and backed down from the Iberians, hoping they'll move on.

The west has been cleared of the Iberian threat. Unwilling as we are to go to war, they moved on and headed north, presumably towards Germania, but we will be keeping a close eye on them.

Our movement and reinforcement from our heartlands has become much more swift with the reorganisation of the navy. Our Western fleet, bound for Rome now, will disembark from there next season along with Flavius Pacuvius and his legion. They are destined for Afrika. Appius Barbetus will also be leaving aboard the Central fleet to reinforce Numerious Aureolus in the east. While Tiberius Coruncanius will be arriving aboard the beginnings of our Eastern fleet next season to begin the reinforcement of his own legion.

Our eastern campaign is an exemplary show of success. We have two armies scheduled to be returning there from reinforcement soon, and Manius Coruncanius's consular legion has been performing incredibly well.
We have everything from Side in the south to Heracleia in the north blockaded, and the last bit of Seleucid resistance, a praetorian sized army, which has taken several seasons just to muster the nerve to show its face west of Adana will be taken care of next season.

In the west, in the last two seasons five Carthaginian armies moved north from the Thapsus region in an attempt to recapture their capital and defeat our attempts at conquest in their heartlands. As things stand now, there are only two armies left. I have personally dealt with three of their consular sized armies, their praetorian sized army is being held up in the west near Utica by our fort, and their consular sized army besieging Marcellus will be reported on soon enough, I have given Marcellus the order to sally from the fort and defeat the beseigers. We shall see how that situation plays out before I pass judgement on our next moves.

The last two seasons have seen an enormous amount of finished construction and planning being done for the benefit of the Republic. In all, we have completed the following.

As far as planning goes, we've given the order to construct the following.
Primary Auxilial buildings in Ratiaria, Phillipi, Salone, Kydonia and Jenuensis.
The beginning of Integration in Luvavum.
A series of ports in Bononia, Patavium and Aquileia.
A safe harbor in Corfinium.
The beginning of Occupation in Nicomedia.
And, as promised, we have dealt with the problems of squalor in Corinth and Thessaloniki by commissioning the construction of a Pro-Consul's Palace in both cities. Athens will hopefully soon follow suit.
As well as our regular commissioning of temples and religious buildings throughout the Republic.

Recruitment has been average as well, with the following soldiers being raised for the Republic's defence.

But perhaps the most important events of the season have come in strong these last two season.
I must congratulate Cornelius Saturninus, Appius Barbetus, Vibius Domna and Numerious Aureolus on the birth of their sons.
My brother, Marcellus Aemilius, not to be confused with my uncle of the same name, has also come of age and is stationed with my father at Nicomedia. They are alike in mind, so I feel it is best to keep them in the same spot, where it would be easier to watch the both of them together rather than keeping an eye on their individual actions.
As well as, once again, the Coruncanii family on their adoption of a man of the hour.
This man dealt with a rebel group outside of Segestica with such promising skill that the Coruncanii have opted to adopt him.
And finally, congratulations to brother Marcellus on his wedding. May their union bring fine Roman children into this world for the good of the Republic.

That, for the moment, is about all that needs to be said. All else hinges on future developments. My next report will be filed as my midterm deliberations report.

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.

10-05-2006, 22:01

The coast around northern Carthage was a beautiful sight, but it would be nothing compared to the wealth of the land that I would soon see upon my return. The senate is unaware of what has occurred here in Africa between us, but all will be told in due time. It is now the beginning of autumn. This will be the last season of rule before the midterm motions, and there is much that must be remedied before then. I only hope that it can be so, and that the impure actions of my clerk have not swayed too many from my support. I wish I had known, I wish had Marcellus come earlier, that he may have told me of the situation back in Rome. I wish I had not trusted that vile creature as the medium between myself and the senate.

Indeed, there is much that must be remedied upon my return.

10-14-2006, 14:33
I have long missed this air, this land, the sight of the olive trees along the shore, the bright blue skies and the clouds, soft and fluffy as sheeps' wool. These memories come back to me and greet me as a friend from days gone past. Days that, were I to return to them, would greet me with open arms and remind me of our joys, of the time we shared. Days that would pat me on the shoulder, sigh, and weep in the regret that I have grown beyond them and our time could not be spent together forever. But, in natural course, man is but time given form, and time must crawl on, it is unstoppable, it is irreversible, and its treatment, whether kind or harsh, binds itself in a place forever to be remembered, until the day that all that has been remembered is forgot.

My only wish is that the time here has remembered me in my absence as an honorable man, and that the reports I have heard from my uncle are not in their entirety true. The port bell rings, the dockmen approach. It is time to prepare my report.

August, 500AUC
Since the last consular report there has been an enormous leap in infrastructure construction throughout the Republic, with planned constructs of significant lengths, that is taking longer than two seasons, being established in the following order.

Third Phase Auxilia in Appollonia and Pella.
First Phase Auxilia in Cartago, Hadrumentum, Mytilene
Large Temple to Jupiter in Thermon
Large Temple to Saturnus in Thessaly
Safe Harbor in Smyrna

Various temples of smaller size have been planned throughout our newer sections of the Republic.

Projects completed by the beginning of this season are as follows.

The structures completed in Apollonia and Pella have now allowed us to recruit Peltasts and Podromoi, respectively. The peltasts will be of great use in providing a cheap, loyal, but local and therefore trusted garrison for our Greek cities. The podromoi will do well to supply us with a good source of skirmisher cavalry in the east.

Our military recruitment continues throughout the heartlands and now abroad as well, thanks to our work in expanding our training facilities throughout the Republic.

There has been a significant increase in the number of generals available to us on the front lines as well. Senator Quintus Libo has done the Republic a great service these last two seasons, and agreed to take a full three young men under his wing.

Adopted as a man of the hour from the Thracian border guard.

Adopted, again, as a man of the hour, this time from our Numidian mercenaries who led the Carthaginian forces to Flavius Pacuvius near Cartago.

And then this promising young man showed significant skills under the senator's own command, and now serves alongside him in the north near Luvavum.

Congratulations should also go out as well to senators Appius Barbetus and Cornelius Saturninus on the birth of two fine daughters into Rome's great families.

As far as the course of political affairs goes, things could not be looking better.

In Afrika, Carthage has been soundly defeated, their once enormous and mighty armies have been crushed beneath Roman might, Cartago, Hadrumentum and Thapsus are now ours. Flavius Pacuvius is set to march on Utica and Hippo Regius to secure the territory promised by the end of my rule, I have considered marching as far as Kirtha, to establish that our farthest western reach in Afrika is a walled city, and therefore easier to defend. Marcellus and Oppius Aemilius, following a much needed reinforcement of their legion, will finish in the east by taking Capsus, retaking Lepcis Magna. Following the completion of these tasks, orders will be allocated for two of these generals to return to the islands of Sardinia and Melite and dislodge the Carthaginian invasion forces stranded there. The third will remain in western Afrika to act as our defender against the possibility of any last ditch attempts by Carthage to retake lost territory.

In Transalpine Gaul, our forts at Comata and Gergovia, though they have not yet reached the full breathe of the proposed defense plan as far as actual forts go, they have been reinforced with a significant number of Italian sword and spearmen, and the forces under Quintus Naevius have been reinforced with a unit of fresh triarii. The Iberians have left their once troublesome presence in this land and moved on. The peace here is enjoyed, and Massillia will soon be set to become the most strategic city in Rome's western provinces. A Provincial Barracks will begin its construction here before my rule ends.

Along the Eastern Danube, Thrace has been reduced to a shadow of its former self, and the only significant force they seem to have left is approaching slowly from the north, Quintus Libo and Nero Naso, supported by Servius Nero, will defeat this force in two seasons time, should it refuse to see the logic in turning back and going home to Vicus Marcomanii.

Along the Northern Danube, massive Iberian troop movements have prompted a withdrawel from Viberi, the town was simply not important enough, and the senators Quintus Libo and Nero Naso too valuable for me to risk a disasterous turn of events here. While I feel shame for condemning the Germans to this fate, I must point out that on multiple occassions these "allies" have fielded large concentrations of troops against us, fighting for Thracian gold, and have inflicted a serious number of deaths on good Roman men. The senators have been withdrawn to a fort along the Danube outside of Luvavum, they will be moved eastwards with the bulk of their forces after the midterm motions to a place between that fort and our closest other fort near Oduba, where they will be able to reach either of these forts in a seasons march should they be beset upon.

In Asia Minor, our campaign has progressed astoundingly, while the farthest reaches of our campaigning this season has taken us from Pessinus through Ancyra to Adana, there will soon be a consolidation and fortification of our new eastern lands upon the arrival of Appius Barbetus with reinforcements for Numerious' Aureolus and his legion. Our final acts in this region will see the consolidation and solidification of our land by sealing off and defeating all pockets of Seleucid or Ptolemeic resistance. The maintenance of two consular sized legions and one praetorian will be established to hold our eastern frontier.

This concludes my Midterm Consular Report.

In nomine Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.
Servius Aemilius

http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/253-Autumn-End.zip (The save that will be continued from after the midterm motions have ended.)

10-22-2006, 22:48
Spring, 499 AUD (252BC)

My stay here in Rome has brought me some much needed rest from the tortures of the desert. The next few years will require much effort to bring everything together, tieing up all our loose ends. But, at least, things will be easier now. I hear the Balearic isles to the west are a beautiful place. A peaceful place. I feel it will be a good place to find rest and raise my family. Eutropia is a wonderful woman, I was surprised to have found one such as her in so short a stay back in Rome, but we are happy, and I feel contented now, calmer than in days past. She and I hope to have two sons, and a girl. But the fates will give us whatever graces they please, and I will accept them with open arms. I only wish the Republic could have such peace. But there is so much turmoil in the world, all we can hope for is stability, or the very least, the path to it. Let that be my parting gift to Rome when the time comes, let me set it on the path to stability.

The last two seasons have seen the pass of many significant events. The least of which are our construction and recruitment reports, both highly significant and of great extent.


Our trade output will be vastly improved within the next couple years, this season alone we have finished the construction of three safe harbors at Aleria, Massillia and Agrigento. Patavium, Bononia and Acquileia have already begun work on another three, having finished their ports this season. And much more will begin and be completed in the future.
Extension of Roman order to our new lands has also drastically increased, with five first phase roman auxilia being completed this season and more to come in the near future.
There are some issues with keeping the peace in the east and Afrika, but that can be expected with recent conquests, as we're still struggling with some of the larger Greek settlements. But I will do what I can, there is only so much money and so much time.

On the other hand, our conquests are nearing their finality, and the reinforcement of our depleted legions has started, as well as the extension of our new peacekeeping programs throughout more sections of the Republic. Athens, Maronia, Delmatia, Agrigento and Syracuse are working on structures to train local alae for the much cheaper garrisoning of our cities. It's simply counterproductive to send our Italian sword and spearmen to the far fringes of the republic, at the cost of nearly 400 denarii a season, when local peltastai or warbands can accomplish the same task for 120-220 denarii a season. These same alae will soon take over the task of garrisoning our cities from the enormously expensive mercenary troops we have throughout the eastern republic, costing us vast amounts of denarii a season, as much as 300-500 denarii per unit.


As far as my promises of stability go, Roman arms have never seen such success in keeping our borders stable.

In the north, Quintus Libo and Nero Naso have dealt with the Iberian issues by withdrawing from Viberi to Luvavum, a hotly debated move, but one that has clearly worked to the benefit of Roman stability in the north. Iberia can no longer intrude on our territory and cause chaos beyond the Danube.


As far as Thrace goes, the border forts we have constructed at the river fords have done their job as was expected. Thrace has not been able to mount any significant assault against them since their construction, and we have gained a promising general in Servius Nero out of their minor forays. Now, the Danube lies quiet.


Augustus Verginius, unforetunatly lost this season to his age and hard work, died seeing to the finishing works of our defences in the west. He passed away in our Narbonensian fort, south of Gergovia.


However, his work has been to the benefit of Rome, and the Iberian border is now relatively calm.


In Afrika, Carthage may as well no longer exist. Carthago, Hadrumentum, Thapsus, Utica and Hippo Regius are under our control, and Flavius Pacuvius will have taken Kirtha by the beginning of next season, it sits under siege now. Oppius Aemilius awaits the construction of a ship to take him to the central fleet, which has been bolstered by the construction of a small fleet at Carthago which will meet with it next season, up to a Praetorian sized fleet. Oppius, upon joining the fleet, will take half of the consular army docked in Roma's port and advance down the coast west of Kirtha, taking every town along the way, until Tingi is under Roman rule. Marcellus will be reinforced as soon as the oppertunity presents itself, and will oversee the stabilisation of Afrika and the conquest of the rest of Carthage's minor towns. Our plans for stabilisation include the stationing of Libyan spearman in Carthago, and when Agrigento and Syracuse finish work on second phase Roman Auxilia, peltastai to garrison the rest of the towns.


In the east, the situation is slightly strained, issues with the rebellious populace of Ancyra have caused us to station an enormous mercenary garrison there to keep the peace, but they are gradually coming into the Roman fold. We have moved our Italian swordsmen from the city back to Manius Coruncanius's legion, and the rest of his alae, once keeping the peace in Sardis, have been able to move eastwards to meet up with him next season as well. Appius Barbetus has arrived and will be joining with Numerious Aureolus next season to conquer Arsinoe, then continue onwards to deal with the large Ptolemite army we have been forced to block in with three seperate forts around the mountain passes surrounding Side. The Ptolemites continually surprise us, but they will quickly find that they are not the only ones capable of surprise.


On another note, it seems not all Roman men are men of honor. One of our diplomats has gone over to the Seleucid empire in exchange for money. Marcus the Assassin is on his way to deal with both the briber and this filthy traitor.

Tertius the Crippled has come of age. I have sent him to Sparta, where the academy their could teach him the ways of proper governance, and the city could benefit from his rule...

Many children have been born into good Roman families these seasons!
Congratulations to Lentullus Paullus and Publius Fuscus, for their daughters Verina and Servilia, and to Uncle Marcellus, whose son he has named in honor of the late Augustus.

That seems all for now.

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.

Servius Aemilius

10-27-2006, 20:30
August, 499AUD

I have been kept quite busy by the affairs of state recently but have once again set sail for lands across the sea. I cannot write much now, there is a storm approaching, but I will be sure to report the most pressing facts. The senate can determine their importance for themselves.



As well as this, Carthage has managed to bribe away some of our Italian alae outside of Thapsus. Marcellus has been given the order to deal with this problem. http://www.totalwar.org/patrons/pbm/252-aut-marcellus.zip

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.

11-04-2006, 03:02
((Spring, 251 BC))

My consulship nears its end, and time is becoming hard to come by, but I feel confident that much can still be accomplished before my rule is over, and that I will leave this Republic in a stronger position than it has ever enjoyed.
To date, under my rule the Republic has repelled the Seleucids and made vast advances against both them and the Ptolemeics in the east. The majority of Asia Minor is ours, and what has not fallen cannot contend with the might of our legions there. Stability is quickly coming to that region, and I hope to have Prusa and Heracleia before the next elections, but only time can tell. We have reorganised the navy and are uncontested on the seas. Our heavy garrisons are being phased out in favor of lighter troops capable of performing the same job at a much lesser cost. The dire monetary situation of the Republic has been significantly alleviated, we know accrue 32,000 denarii a season, and will be making even more before my consulship ends. There are still a number of naval trading projects yet to be finished, a few more conquests in Afrika, and the garrisoning reorganisation. All of these will aid our coffers significantly. Our borders are secure in the east, in the west, at the Danube, and in Afrika. There is no place for enemies of Rome to strike without having to step within arms reach of our legions. Palma fell to us this season as well, and when my consulship ends, I will retire there until such a time that I am needed in Iberia.

The plan I shall leave the Republic off with for dealing with Iberia will have the following troops ready for deployment.
1 - Consular legion at Gergovia.
5 - Praetorian legions in Comata, Luvavum, Tingi, and Palma (2).
3 - Praetorian Fleets at Tingi and Palma (2).

The Roman hammer that would descend upon Iberia simultaneously through the advance of these forces would be enough to break Iberia before they even knew what had hit them, and the war would be over before it began.

Time will tell the fate of the Republic, but I have faith that we are entering our golden age, and for as long as I survive, I will not let that go.

Our construction the last two seasons was extensive, finishing some serious projects throughout the Republic.


And our recruitment focused on reinforcements for Marcellus Aemilius's legion, the creation of another small fleet in the east to maintain control while the main fleet heads back to Tarentum for transportation duties, and the regarrisoning efforts.


Yet another Coruncanii has come into the world. Congratulations to that family, and to Galerius Vatinius as well on his well deserved marriage.

A battle report will be posted tomorrow in the library detailing the events at Palma, but nevertheless, the island is ours.

I hereby submit this report for senatorial review.

In nomini Roma, et pro totus doxa deum.

Servius Aemilius

11-25-2006, 02:04
Once again I write my consular reports from far afield. My time is Rome was well appreciated, at least in an environmental sense. But I see now that the blind will of old men whose sight has gone astray from the true purpose of the senate must once again be properly fixed. Their gaze turned away from proper enemies to those who already cannot contend with us, whose lands would spread us unnecessarily thin in the wrong direction, whose wealth would inspire the senate's greed to break our own backs on an expedition doomed to failure before its own beginnings. I have fixed this. As I have fixed every mistake in judgement and error of thought that the senate has made during my consulship, it frightens me to wonder what will happen of the Republic when my consulship ends. I will be safe, this I know. My legion and I will return to the safety of my estate on Palma. But outside that island I fear the foolishness the men of this senate will bring to the Republic. But I can no longer control this. I have done for Rome all that I can do. I have brought the Greek colonies under control. I have given Rome Asia Minor, I have given Rome Carthage, I have given Rome a defensible eastern frontier...and I will leave Rome giving her one more gift. I will leave Rome giving her the foothold in Iberia she so strongly needs and desires. Let these barbarians break themselves on Roman arms. Hopefully by the end of the war, the senators in Rome will have broken themselves on old age, and the senate will be filled with younger minds less dilluded with age and old rivalries. Men born from war, men of logic, men of intellect, men of honor.

Word has reached me that Cornelius Saturninus's ship was attacked by pirates and sunk off the coast of Sicily, but even with the unforetunate loss of this general we must press on, the campaign ensues. The senate almost unanimously pushed for eastward expansion recently....I would laugh to see such a poor decision wrought upon this Republic, so it must be shown with the most undeniable facts that I will not let this occur. With Iberia, THERE SHALL BE WAR! All the men on the lines have been given there orders, but while we are weakest near Gergova, I fear not for whatever may occur there, for I will arrive there shortly. Emporiai will fall this season to my men, and the subsequent push north will wrest Gaul from Iberia without fail.

Rome is a nation that was born in war. But half the art of winning a war is knowing what battles to fight and when. We must strike at Iberia now, while the iron is hot. If the senate contests this, then let them take their contest to the gods.

Because the gods have looked upon me at the dusk of battle and smiled, and said aloud. "This is our son." And they have bid me slake Rome's thirst on the world, that Rome herself may be the daughter of the gods, and I, the man who gave her the beginnings of her golden age.


This image is a blatant ripoff from the "300" movie trailor.