View Full Version : vanilla RTW models for LOD

07-03-2006, 03:36
Just curious about whether you guys can make a small patch which uses the vanilla low detail models for the units despite some skinning problems, but at certain ranges its possible not to spot the difference, other units however will be noticable.

for example...

type tibetian_infantry
skeleton fs_semi_fast_spearman, ; combat spear
indiv_range 40
texture gauls, data/models_unit/textures/YUCHINTIBET.tga
texture britons, data/models_unit/textures/CHINTIBET.tga
texture numidia, data/models_unit/textures/CHINTIBET.tga
texture merc, data/models_unit/textures/CHINTIBET.tga
model_flexi data/models_unit/chintibet.cas, 15
model_flexi data/models_unit/chinheavy_low.cas, 30
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_greek_hoplite_low.CAS, 40
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_greek_hoplite_lowest.CAS, max
;model_sprite gauls, 60.0, data/sprites/gauls_tibetian_infantry_sprite.spr
;model_sprite britons, 60.0, data/sprites/britons_tibetian_infantry_sprite.spr
;model_sprite numidia, 60.0, data/sprites/britons_tibetian_infantry_sprite.spr
;model_sprite merc, 60.0, data/sprites/britons_tibetian_infantry_sprite.spr
model_tri 400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f

etc etc
Right now I've done most of china's infantry and increased the unit scale to 4,500 running smooth in one battle.