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Rodion Romanovich
08-18-2006, 08:39
17th century

This is a multiple players alternate history, where the decisions are made primarily by posting here, but also to some extent by PM. The first turn the players will also need to do research about their factions, if needed with each others' assistance. The outcome of actions is decided at the end of each chapter/turn. Rules and more details about the system is listed at the bottom of this post.



The year is 1609. After the defeat of the Armada and the de facto independence of the Netherlands, Spain is no longer the major power in Europe. England has through diplomacy and warfare successfully prevented many invasions and with it's colonies and fleet become a power of considerable importance after a century of internal problems. The newly independent Netherlands have developed very effective trade and is a flourishing nation with an untraditional power structure, open-mindedness to trade and an effective fleet, but with limited offensive capabilities. The Holy roman empire is comparatively stable, even though many external threats are in the process of building up. Russia has gone from being a number of smaller principalities occupied by mongols to, under the leadership of Muscovy, become a large empire intent on expanding further west. The Ottoman empire might be expanding well inland, but their naval domination has been limited since the battle of Lepanto many decades earlier.

It is a time when many nations are about equal in power, but also a time of instability where the strategies of the leaders could have huge consequences and make one nation insignificant, while another becomes an empire.

Map of 1600 AD: http://www.euratlas.com/big/big1600.htm

Tasks for this turn:
1. first choose a faction to play as (examples: Denmark, England, France, HRE, Netherlands, Ottoman empire, Papacy, Poland, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Sweden). After choosing faction, make a post in this thread to reserve that faction. The first who posts that he wants a certain faction gets that faction.

2. make some research about your faction. This information will be available to all players, and is later to be used to plan your strategies. The knowledge about what happened after 1609 is supposed to be used to better understand the present situation in 1609, not to be abused as hindsight - I'll deliberately lay out the story in a way that prevents hindsight that couldn't have been known at the time from having any effect (after the first chapters it'll become clear what I mean by this). Things to research:
a. name of your leader, and of the living heirs of your leader
b. your current alliances in 1609. Look at which alliances were broken in the coming 50 years and why, to try and find information about the nature and strength of the alliances at this time
c. current pacts/leagues (with pact I mean a bunch of nations all in alliance with each others, the pacts must also be public whereas alliances can be of a more secret character)
d. current wars that your nation is engaged in
e. regions that historically rebelled against your nation during the period 1609 to around 1648, and why. Did any of the rebellions happen at critical times during wars with outside nations, or did the rebellions for other reasons have greater effect than their military strength alone would imply?
f. a list of the major military campaigns, crucial economical conflicts and other major events during the period 1609 to around 1648 for your nation
g. in 1609, how is your army organized? how many men are available through conscription? how many men constitute a standing army? what equipment and training have they got? how is the quality of the artillery? and how did these things change in the coming 50 years?
h. how well is your nation doing economically? are you in debt or is the economy flourishing? which are the key strategic locations that gives you income? tax, trade routes/tolls, farming or industries?
i. which countries are your major trading partners at this time and what products do they buy/sell from/to you?
j. how centralized is rule? what is your role as leader? military defender of your people? reformer? if your rule isn't centralized, is local unhappiness most directed towards you or the local rulers?
k. what is your leader's religion? what is the stance of different religions in your nation - acceptance, tolerance, non-tolerance or persecution?
l. what's the social situation for farmers, workers etc.? are they in a position to rebel over their social situations?
m. are there any provinces of your nation that are eager to break off and form an own country? i.e. Portugal for Spain etc.


Here the players commanding the nations will be listed for reference when during play you need to contact them by PM for diplomatic deals.
Brandenburg - Warluster (previously: Csar, King of Atlantis)
Denmark - played by me (previously: Orb) (Christian IV)
England - King Kurt (James I)
France - Franconius (Louis XIII)
HRE and Austria - Bopa the Magyar (Ferdinand von Böhmen)
Netherlands - Kagemusha
Ottoman empire - Randarkmaan
Papacy - played by me
Poland - Marshal Murat (Sigismund III Vasa)
Russia - IrishArmenian (Vasili IV)
Spain - SwordsMaster (Philippe III)
Sweden - Destroyer of Hope (Gustav II Adolph)
Transylvania - played by me (previously: Silver Rusher) (Gabor Béthlen)
Venice - Ignoramus


- Your objectives: the objective is to achieve as much as possible in all these fields: conquest of provinces, conquest of strategic positions, strengthening the economy and controlling trade, having an appearance of strength and determination to outside threats by successfully defending and counter-attacking aggressors, have a good diplomatic rumor, and help spread whatever religion you choose. All these factors will be added together and the factions which achieved most in all these aspects will be winners by the end of the game.

- First turn - in the prologue turn you'll not make any decisions but only do research about your faction.

- How to play - every turn, I'll list questions about the most relevant matters for the player to decide about. However, each turn it's also possible to decide about things that aren't listed under that turn. Examples of things that you can decide are listed here for reference during the game:
* thing made publicly in this thread:
a. declaring war
b. hiring mercenaries
c. propaganda - if your nation wants to use propaganda actions it's posted as a public proclamation in the public thread. This can also be a general call for, say "the Catholic cause" etc. but also actions for your own population. Normal actions that aren't explicit propaganda can also have propaganda effects.
d. choosing stance on religion, and the leader's religion - this will affect relations with the pope, relations with other countries, relations with local rulers etc.
* things made by sending a PM to me that turn (sometimes this information risks to leak out to the public forum):
e. reorganizing your army - this is made by PM, but info will leak out
f. diplomatic discussions - it'll always leak out that a meeting has taken place, but very seldom what was said during the meeting, unless the two parts wish to make an official proclamation as result of the meeting. Because some of the diplomatic correspondence can leak out, try to make the PMs with historical phrasing, and it's also a good reason to, even if you're planning on backstabbing, not expressing such things too explicitly in the PMs... The diplomatic discussion in a turn may only be carried out as a series of max 3 PMs, i.e. 1. offer, 2. counter-offer/accept/decline, 3. accept/decline/counter-offer to consider for next turn/suggest discussions continue next turn. The reason for this rule is to make the discussion fast enough to not delay chapters, but also to simulate some of the difficulties of diplomatic discussion and not make the diplomacy an overly effective tool. The PMs from the correspondence should be sent to me by PM each turn so I know which deals took place so I can determine the outcome of the turn.
g. choosing where to launch offensives and which tactics and key targets to use - you're allowed make very complex strategies with conditional plans and diversions etc. Just remember it must be logistically feasible within the length of the chapter. Also remember that pushing soldiers too hard can result in undisciplined behavior, mutiny and desertion etc.
h. starting war without formal declaration
i. determining what to do about rebels - you decide which and how many troops, what tactics they are to use etc. I'll ask more specific questions and give the suitable player options for how to act when a rebellion takes place
j. choosing whether to use your own leader in combat - using the leader in combat can boost morale, but also keeps him away from home which may be tempting to some rebels, and it also puts him at the risk of dying in action. If the leader has gone to the front, the other nations will know it before long through hints in the public thread (this thread).
* other decisions:
k. you can decide about almost anything you can think of that isn't very historically unlikely, say send away mercenaries without pay, choose whether to kill prisoners of war or not, etc. etc. Those decisions can be sent to me by PM. Bear in mind that every character affected by your decisions has some form of power which he can use against you.

- NOTE! My PM box is of limited size so please try to stuff all the decisions that need to be sent to me by PM into a single PM if possible.


chapter 12 in progress

08-18-2006, 08:50
If anyone needs information about Poland PM me.:book:

I dare say I know everything about this period of history:2thumbsup:

08-18-2006, 10:55
Very interesting! I have to re-read it, though:book:

Rodion Romanovich
08-18-2006, 11:24
Thank you!

I'm already planning the first chapter, so I hope there'll be enough players. Three would be a bit too few, five to thirteen would be perfect.

08-18-2006, 18:19
I'll take Spain if thats ok. I dare say I know everything about Spain in this period. :laugh4:

Rodion Romanovich
08-18-2006, 18:47
Yes it's ok, since you were the first to wish to lead Spain your wish is granted :2thumbsup:

08-18-2006, 18:48
Yes it's ok, since you were the first to wish to lead Spain your wish is granted :2thumbsup:

Cool. I'll come back to you later with the relevant info. It will be a loong post

Marshal Murat
08-18-2006, 20:34
I'll take the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Rodion Romanovich
08-18-2006, 20:37
Ok, I'm adding you to the player list above ~:cheers:

08-18-2006, 23:08
The Spanish Habsburg Empire A decent overview (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_empire)

Ruler: Philippe III (Biography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_III_of_Spain))

Heir: Philippe IV (succeeded in 1621)

Prime minister: Duke of Lerma (Biography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Gom%C3%A9z_de_Sandoval_y_Rojas%2C_Duke_of_Lerma))

Lerma, a financial wizard, succeeded in turning Spain’s account books around and made himself one of the richest men in Europe with a fortune of some 44 million thalers, Lerma’s personal success attracted enemies and well-founded allegations of corruption; in 1618, the king replaced him with Don Balthasar de Zúñiga. While the Duke of Lerma (and to a large extent Philip III) had been disinterested in the affairs of their ally, Austria, Zúñiga was a veteran ambassador to Vienna and believed that the key to restraining the resurgent French and eliminating the Dutch was a closer alliance with Habsburg Austria.

Army Organisation:

Wiki Tercio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tercio)

Tercio (http://www.geocities.com/ao1617/TercioUK.html)

Economic & military situation

Faced with wars against England, France, and the Netherlands, each led by extraordinarily capable leaders, already-bankrupted Spain was outmatched. Struggling with continuing piracy against its shipping in the Atlantic and the disruption of its vital gold shipments from the New World, Spain was forced to admit bankruptcy again in 1596. The Spanish attempted to extricate themselves from the several conflicts they were involved in, first signing the Treaty of Vervins with France in 1598, recognizing Henry IV (since 1593 a Catholic) as king of France, and restoring many of the stipulations of the previous Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis. A treaty with England was agreed upon in 1604, following the accession of the more tractable Stuart King James I.

Peace with England and France implied that Spain could focus her energies on restoring her rule to the Dutch provinces. The Dutch, led by Maurice of Nassau, the son of William the Silent and perhaps the greatest strategist of his time, had succeeded in taking a number of border cities since 1590, including the fortress of Breda. Following the peace with England, the new Spanish commander Ambrosio Spinola pressed hard against the Dutch. Spinola, a general of abilities to match Maurice, was prevented from conquering the Netherlands only by Spain’s renewed bankruptcy in 1607. Faced with ruined finances, in 1609, the Twelve Years' Truce was signed between Spain and the United Provinces.

In 1618 Spain got involved into the european 30 years war, but by 1640, with the tensions generated by the war, Portugal and Catalunya rebelled. While the rebellion in Catalunya could be supressed, Portugal was lost to the Crown forever.

Political Goals:
The Habsburg political goals were several:

*Access to American (gold, silver, sugar) and Asian products (porcelain, spices, silk)
*Undermining the power of France and containing it in its eastern borders.
*Maintaining Catholic Habsburg hegemony in Germany, defending Catholicism against the Reformation
*Defending Europe against Islam, notably the Ottoman Empire.

To be updated

08-19-2006, 07:33
Muscovy. I orijinally looked at the map and thought "I'm going to be Munster." though I was incorrect. Will get research soon.

Rodion Romanovich
08-19-2006, 08:32
Interesting choice! The difficult question is who you will actually play as during "The time of troubles", when Muscovy was essentially in a chaotic state of rivarly between different throne pretenders... You could choose between:
- the Romanovs, which didn't get power until in 1613
- Vasili IV who in 1609 was the official tsar but had little support
- False Dmitry II the second throne pretender to pretend to be the son (who was in reality murdered) of Ivan the terrible

Edit: I would recommend playing as the Romanovs, because the major power at this time is the Duma and the boyars, and the Romanovs are at this time fairly popular among the boyars, something that had part in their later acquisition of the Tsar title, a title which they also kept by remaining popular among the boyars - for example asking the Duma and the boyars for advice in many of the most controversial and difficult questions. If you play as the Romanovs, initially you don't have any nation to command directly, but you'll indirectly affect the fate of Muscovy by suggesting things benefitial for Muscovy to the Duma, until being able to defeat the other pretenders - especially the ones with foreign support - and gain the tsar title.

Playing as the other pretenders could be interesting and challenging, however. False Dmitry II has backup from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and was a very educated and interesting character who had much success initially, while Vasili IV around 1609 officially has the title of tsar and a fairly skilled and popular general in his cousin Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky, and perhaps a possbility of gaining more support from the boyars by making clever political decisions.

Rodion Romanovich
08-19-2006, 13:36
Small announcement: New players will still be allowed to join the interactive until I've posted the 3rd chapter.

Marshal Murat
08-19-2006, 13:46
King Sigismund III Vasa
Heir Wladyslaw IV Vasa

Political/Military Climate
The current king, Sigismund III, is an interesting king. After a disputed election to the crown, he sought to rule both his lands in Sweden and Poland. However, this fell through, resulting in a series of wars between Poland and Sweden, the war currently in a lull. Poland also was interested in the civil wars of Muscovy, favoring Dimitriy II. In the south, the Polish forces raid the Crimean Tartars, while their vassal Cossacks raid the Black Sea ports. A peace with the Ottomans results in a split of Wallachia and Moldavia.

THe amy of the Commonwealth or rather the Republic has quite unique structure and some unusual abilities and tactics.

Structure - first there were TWO armies - army of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy and the army of the Crown of Poland. Second was about two times bigger.
Both armies were commanded by two Hetman leaders - Grand Hetman and Field Hetman. Field Hetman was supposed to oversee smaller operations, but could comand larger forces. Grand Hetman was the highest commander unless the king himself was present still acted as very important advisor when it happened.

When both armies acted together the Grand Hetman of the Crown had the decisive opinion, if he was killed or captured Grand Hetman of Lithuania replaced him.

All four hetmans were nominated for life, acted as supreme judges in state of war for soldiers or civilians in the are where the war was fought.

THe army itself consisted of regular troops kept all the time in readiness - so called Quarter troops ( were maintained for the quarter of money from Royal property in the Republic) - they existed only in the Crown.
These were very small - about 3500 men, sometimes more or less and almost always were kept in Ukraine to defend the territory against constant Tatar raids.
During a war these men acted as veteran core for quickly rised larger regular army.

Next there are - supplement troops - rised to enlarge the cadre-like Quarter army - number of those soldiers was decided by the parliamnet ( Sejm) before every war or sometimes even campaign.
These forces could easily reach 25 000 men.

Royal Guard - kept at level of 1000-1200 men during the time of peace could be multiplied during war.
A sort of king's private army.

Ordinate force - certain rich noble families were allowed by Sejm to keep their lands under one rule of a senior noble in the sometimes very big clans.
In return they had to keep a number of soldiers for the defence of the state and support one fortress for the good of the country.
The force was around 1000-3000 men ( the larger number later from 1630s)

Private armies - it was allowed to keep soldiers in private armies if someone could afford that - it was generally believed these men would prevent the king from installing authoritarian rule and would fight for the defence of the state if required without the need to rise any taxes for them. Also it kept a number of experienced soldiers inside the country when there was no war happening.
These could reach in extreme cases even 8000-12 000 men ( Wisniowiecki family) and the soldiers themselves could be highly capable and trained force.
During a war the common practice was to give the soldiers (all or a part of them) under the command of the state which also meant they would be paid by the state treasury.
Probably all private armies of all magnates or clergy members were areoud 40 000 men at their maximum level.
Their quality varies so its availability - Ukraine is the easiest area to obtain them. Also it is a matter of political action to gain their support without a serious danger to the state - the soldiers can be used without Sejm's approval, but it is risky in longer terms policy.

District troops - that are forces rised as a sort of local militia - mostly second rate troops recruited in addition to the forces rised for the main army. However second rate doesn't mean weak - often these soldiers were quite, even highly experienced commanders led by olderly, yet fit and capable commanders. Areas under constant pressure like the Ukraine or eastern Lithuanian Grand Duchy had beter soldiers.

Town militias - larger towns were supposed to keep a kind of military police force which cold be used to even great effects in the defence of the city itself and/or sometimes even larger, but only local area. The biggest cities with larger militia units are Danzig, Thorn, Warsaw, Krakow, Lwow ( Lviv), Riga. Especially powerful is Danzig militia - capable and numerous reaching even 6000 men because Danzig is almost like citystate in its wide autonomy it could rise from its own treasury another 6000 men if the danger is really solid.

Wybraniecka infantry - peasant militia from Royal domains expected to fight for lack of feudal duties. It was around 2000 ment at that time and it was rather bad up to fairly good quality. The force was later used only for filed works like digging trenches or building other fortifications. It is quite numerous in Vistulas mouths - called Zulawy so might be better in local area.

Zaporozhian Cossacks - warlike and troublesome, yet very useful and cheap. A number of them is recruted in Registered cossack troops, the rest is only temporary paid and maintained.
It is under king's control who nominates cossack hetman to lead them - usually a respected member of their elders.
Potentially Cossack can mobilise even 60 000 men for the Republiks needs, but 40 000 is more reliable number. Especially useful against the Ottomans - the traditional enemies and quite a rich too which can add thousands of volunteers eager to plunder their coastal cities or a camp after a won battle. Even 80 000 or in extreme cases 100 000 can be mobilised, but this with a need to revise Cossack status. It was proposed to turn a part of them into nobles ( very eager, especially the elders) and the area into autonomic or even equal third part of the Commonwealth, but this would be possible after some notable achievements and very good propaganda with much local opposition from powerful magnates of Ukraine, still in longer terms it might be very useful.
Impossible under Zygmunt III ( Sigismund), but possible under Wladyslaw IV.

General Levy - the last resort in the defence. Every adult male of noble birth ( so from 1500 000 large largest world's nobility) is supposed to fight personally if required by the state. The maximium number is around 100 000 men in the whole state, but in reality it is maybe 60 000 men.
Some local areas are better suited for rising these soldiers - especially eastern Lithuania and Ukraine.
Generally bad quality force, but in great need and under much pressure and with some great leader they are capable of great deeds, especially in defence.

Now something about the types of the troops in the army.
Only a short summary.

Husaria - famous Winged Hussars - up to 10 000 men in most extreme cases and from all sources together.
For sure the best cavalry in the world, especially at that time. THe powerful mailed fist of the army, but agile and highly skilled in most complicated tactics. The highest elite of the army, but flexible - could fight even on foot if required or without armours, lances and wings as lighter, even shooting cavalry.
Were able to break through pikemen formations - as the only cavalry in the world.

Kozacy - lighter cavalry-supporting of the Husaria, less preferred at that time.

Reiters - two types - Cuirassiers from german speaking regions or abroad and local lighter cuirassiers - in reality Husaria without wings or lance using firearms so capable of caracol as well as shock tactics. Generally better equipped than in the West.

Lighter reiters - no armour etc like in the west, no differences.

Petyhorcy cavalry - unique for Lithuania - medium armoured, lance armed cavalry used as some sort of replacement for Husaria.

Tatars - Tatars lived also inside the Republic, some for many generations - especially in Lithuania. Very useful as scouts, to harass enemy or in pursuit.
Most of them served in Lithuanian army, but a number of them was also present in the royal guard - they considered the kings their 'white khans' - benefactors and rulers.

The Commonwealth raises grains and raw materials to export across Europe, providing food for thousands.

A uprising occurs in the Ukraine, caused by Jewish purchase of lands and percieved religious persecution

The Commonwealth wasan exception to the religious intolerance of the era. Jewish communities in the cities, Catholics in the west, Russian orthodox in the east, and some pagans in the north.

cog, pm any thoughts
updating will occur!

08-19-2006, 17:17
I will go the Vasili IV. He was the son of Ivan the terribel and his brother was supposedly struck down by Ivan himself no? I will edit in me history soon, but football's on.

Rodion Romanovich
08-19-2006, 17:26
Actually he wasn't a son of Ivan the terrible, but just a leading boyar in Muscovy who took power by intrigue, the final step being to depose of an impostor pretending to be Ivan the terrible's son Dmitriy:

Edit: the son that was struck down was called Ivan. Ivan the terrible also had a son called Dmitriy who was an infant by the time Ivan the terrible died, and he also had a son called Feodor, who was said to be mentally retarded and historically ended up a puppet of his protector Boris Godunov until Boris Godunov eventually ended up Tsar. Dmitriy, who might not have been mentally retarded and probably was intended to succeed Feodor after Feodor's death, died at young age, it's suspected that Boris Godunov had something to do with it. Despite much opposition to his rule, and conspiracies of various kinds, Boris remained Tsar until dying from natural causes, being succeeded by his own son Feodor, who became Feodor II. Feodor II was however less lucky than his father and ended up murdered by the boyars within his first and only year as Tsar, and in the following chaos an impostor pretending to be Ivan the terrible's son Dmitriy became tsar (because there were rumors around that Dmitriy was still alive). It was this False Dmitriy that Vassili IV killed to become tsar. In 1608 another impostor pretending to be Dmitriy, False Dmitriy II, appeared, but wasn't able to gain the title of Tsar from Vasili IV. For good reason the period has been called complex...

Lord Winter
08-19-2006, 21:12
I will take sweden

Rodion Romanovich
08-20-2006, 11:05
CHAPTER 1 - March 1st, 1609 AD

...this chapter will affect the events from March 1st to August 1st, 1609 AD

The Russian civil war is raging on. The position of Tsar Vasili IV is far from confirmed by the boyars, who in reality have the most influence at this time. The events from a few years back have also started to repeat themselves - a second impostor pretending to be heir of Ivan the terrible, Dmitriy, has appeared, having gathered an impressive army with Polish-Lithuanian support - almost 100,000 men with 7,000 Polish, 10,000 Ukrainian cossacks, some 15,000 fairly professional troops and around 50,000 levies of varying quality. He has successfully conquered several Russian cities near Moscow and established camp only 12 miles away from the city, in Tushino. While the war with Dmitriy unites some of the boyars against a common outer enemy, some boyars are openly suggesting that the only reason Vasili is allowed to remain in power is because there's no suitable replacement, and because his cousin Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky has been a successful general in the wars against Polish troops and this False Dmitriy II. Moscow has proved too well defended for him to be able to conquer, and Vasili has been further strengthened by an alliance with Sweden, resulting in some 6,000 troops assisting Russia in fighting the outer threats in return for Russia giving up land claims in Livonia. The fight against False Dmitriy II also has a social political perspective - Dmitriy has gained much of his support (including most of the 50,000 levies) by promising to take power and wealth from the boyars and redistribute it to the regular people. This somewhat reinforces the unity of the boyars and their support for Vasili.

Polish leaders have just managed to defeat an internal rebellion which forced Polish operations in Sweden to be temporarily aborted, giving the Swedish king important time. Despite being defeated, the nobility who led the rebellion in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has taken a quite dominant position in Polish politics. The Polish ruler has to pay much attention to the wishes of the nobility, which is currently intent on continuing their support to False Dmitriy II in the current Russian civil war. There's however also support for the idea of attacking Russia at this time of weakness. It could even give the Polish monarch a chance of putting a Polish friend on the Russian throne.

Meanwhile, in the religious conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire, the situation has severed. According to the Peace of Augsburg in 1555 AD, the religion of the people of the parts of the holy roman empire would be decided by the local rulers - "cuius regio, eius religio" - and by neither the individual citizens nor the holy roman emperor. In 1608 AD the inhabitants of the Protestant city Donauwörth dispersed a Catholic procession in their city, to which the Holy Roman Emperor, against the Augsburg treaty, responded with invading and occupying the city. The Protestant response was to form a Protestant Union, to which the Catholics this year have responded by forming a Catholic League, now making attempts of diplomatically approaching Poland, the Pope and Spain. The Catholic League makes an official statement calling for all true Catholics to join the League and fight the false and deceitful teachings of the protestants. In response to the unrest in the Holy Roman Empire, and to the increasing power of his brother Matthias, emperor Rudolf II, having direct power over Bohemia, Austria and the other Habsburg regions, gives protestants full rights to practise their religion in Bohemia, further confusing the situation and undermining the credibility of the Holy Roman Emperor and fuelling the protestant fighting spirit.

In the meantime, with French mediation, discussions for a twelve year truce between the the seven northernmost Netherlandic provinces and Spain is in the last stages of completion, with an agreement going to be reached during this year. This would confirm the de facto independence of the northern seven provinces of the Netherlands. Spain maintains control over the southern provinces. The Netherlands becomes a Republic with minimal centralization in all aspects except military, where the strong defensive pact remains. Holland becomes the most economically influential part of the Netherlandic republic, with the Dutch East India Company and a strong fleet in general.

With support from many religious fanatics, Spanish leadership expels a large amount of Christianized moors that have lived in Spain since the conquest of Granada. The decision has economical consequences, removing up to 500,000 of the citizens from the productive layers of the Spanish society. The decision however is also popular with many of the religious citizens of Spain, and somewhat removes unrest and impopularity after the defeat and bancruptcy caused by the war with the Netherlands. Many of the moors remain in Spain despite the expelling, and many of the expelled also return to the country in the very same year.

Decisions for chapter 1
the answers to the questions should be sent to me by PM, you only need to answer the questions for your own faction. Also remember that you can make decisions about other things than those I have mentioned below.


1. should Poland officially declare war on Russia to intervene more actively in the war? Many boyars have expressed acceptance to the idea of a Polish Tsar in Władysław the crown prince of the current Polish leader, and this could be a great chance to extend Polish influence to the east. Most of the 7,000 Polish soldiers in Dmitriy II's army would in about two weeks become available for action and join the Polish army, a further 2,000 are ready within a week at the Polish eastern border, and another 7,000 would be available at the Polish eastern border within a month. A war with Russia could give good chances of extending Polish influence to the east, but could also quicken the process of Russia settling their internal affairs.
a. yes, declare war (choose whether to make a formal declaration or just attack without formal declaration)
b. no, just continue support to False Dmitriy II
c. no, and force the Polish nobles to end support to False Dmitriy II

2. if attacking, what should the diplomatical stance to Sweden, now ally of Russia, be? Should it be open war, or should only Swedish forces fighting together with Russian forces be fought in the upcoming war? If Russia is attacked, unless diplomatic promises of neutrality to Swedish troops are made, the attack on Russia will implicitly be interpreted by the Swedish as a Polish declaration of war on Sweden. Sweden and Poland is already in a state of moderate hostility but the chances of negotiating neutrality aren't zero, and a later truce will have greater chances of succeeding if Poland gives some promises to Swedish rulers and approach them diplomatically at this time.
a. declare war on Sweden explicitly
b. just attack Russia and don't bother about Sweden unless their forces are helping the Russians against Polish goals
c. try to maintain neutrality with Sweden, promising a share of conquered Russian land

3. if declaring war, what should the Polish initial strategy be?
a. the 2,000 men with 5 heavy guns should launch operations immediately with the element of surprise with them, with the 7,000 from Dmitriy II's army joining them within two weeks, then joined by the troops in b in about one month
b. no operations should be carried out until in a month, when some 7,000 more troops and 25 heavy guns would become available
c. the attack should wait a month, bringing all troops in b, but also hire a mixed mercenary force of some further 5,000 men

4. if declaring war, which should the first targets be?
a. try to hunt down and destroy enemy troops primarily, if the enemy main army retreats deep into it's homelands pursue it
b. try to hunt down and destroy enemy troops primarily, if the enemy main army retreats deep into it's homelands don't pursue it, but retreat home and wait
c. try to hunt down and destroy enemy troops primarily, if the enemy main army retreats deep into it's homelands lay siege on a city. Specify which city to besiege first: Smolensk, Moscow, Chernigov, Kiev, or Pskov
Useful map when choosing which city to siege first:
d. the enemy is weak and disorganized - a slow, systematic expansion city by city, fort by fort would allow the maintenance of stronger Polish supply lines throughout the war and guarantee that Poland takes the full advantage of the Russian weakening, rather than giving it away to other enemies of Russia. Specify which city to besiege first: Smolensk, Moscow, Chernigov, Kiev, or Pskov
e. as d, but emphasize on first isolating and destroying smaller Russian local garrisons and establishing Polish garrisoned forts and cities before advancing

5. if declaring war, choose a stance to False Dmitriy II - if Dmitriy would be supported after Polish declaration of war, he would be in command of the operations, which would limit flexibility. Some of his troops also aren't of very high quality either, having joined because of his promises made for the poorer in Russian society. Finally if Dmitriy leads the war it would limit the possibilities of Polish gains in the conflict drastically, plus Dmitriy could also with his popularity among the regular people in Russia become a powerful future competitor if he gains the position of Tsar of Russia. On the other hand, supporting him would allow taking full advantage of the huge army he has gathered, which could be useful against the strong Russian army.
a. the Polish forces should enter the war as direct supporters of Dmitriy, it would mean amassing of a much larger force for operations
b. don't support Dmitriy any more, numbers are of little importance compared to the quality of the Polish Hussars and the prospects of acquiring the Russian Tsar title

6. should Poland join the Catholic League?
a. yes, it's always good to have more allies
b. no, there's no immediate benefit in doing so at this time, and it's always possible to join later


1. how respond to the Polish nobles giving logistical support to Dmitriy?
a. defeat Dmitriy first, and care about the Polish later
b. make an official statement of warning and demand that Poland should end the support or face consequences
c. have diplomatic discussions with the Polish ruler and try to find out if he would accept some Russian land in exchange for ending his support to Dmitriy
d. declare war on Poland

2. choose a military strategy against False Dmitriy II. The Russian troops are not comparable to the 7,000 Polish troops in Dmitriy's army, and barely comparable to the 10,000 Cossacks he commands, but should be of higher quality than the remaining around 50,000 men.
a. Dmitriy has few bases and no real home country to fall back to, and therefore has problems with supplies. Keeping Moscow strongly enough defended, while letting time do the rest will be enough to counter the threat he poses
b. As a, but make as many raids as possible to damage the supplies of Dmitriy, while making no direct contact with his forces. This will give Russians limited casualties compared to battle, but be a slow way of defeating Dmitriy
c. Dmitriy must be faced in battle immediately before Poland joins the war and the two can cooperate to conquer Russia. Specify how many troops should be used for this battle and from where to take them: the main army which consists of some 35,000-45,000 troops and 100 guns under the command of Dmitry Shuisky, the garrison of Smolensk with around 5,000 men with 200 guns, the garrison of Moscow with 10,000 men and 200 guns, or from any other major city - Tver, Novgorod, Pskov with about 1,500 men and 10-50 guns each, or smaller city garrisons which will probably not be able to contribute with more than some 1,000 men. Not all these guns would be logistically possible to bring to a field battle, but some 30-80 could probably be brought, the number of guns would affect manouverability.
Useful map when choosing which cities to take troops from:

3. defense against a possible Polish attack - decide which cities to reinforce and how to distribute the troops (see above question for current garrison strengths).
a. keep it as it is
b. change it - specify how

4. prepare defenses no matter what, or only prepare if the Polish make an official declaration of war
a. prepare no matter what
b. resdistribute troops according to no. 3 only after the Polish make an official declaration of war

5. internal rivalry with other throne pretenders
a. don't do anything
b. try to come on more friendly terms with the boyars by having the Duma assemble for discussing what to do in the war
c. organize heavily biased trials to get rid of the least loyal of the boyars
d. have spies try to kill the least loyal of the boyars
e. use propaganda, taking advantage of the uniting effect of the outer threats, to reinforce your position somewhat
f. make some close friends among some carefully chosen boyars by offering them land, ranks or similar


1. the Spanish economy - what to do about the bankruptcy and debt after the wars with the Netherlands?
a. seek trade partners and slowly repay the debts
b. simply cancel all the debts, even if it limits popularity and credibility of the Spanish currency
c. launch trade embargos and economical warfare against your worst trade competitors. This could require diplomatical correspondence with nations involved
d. as c, but approach the catholic league and take advantage of the religious conflicts to form a strong trade embargo union to organize such economical warfare
e. pillage some of the Ottoman lands in the Mediterranean region, where your fleet is still unmatched and can insert and extract troops quickly. This however means drawing fleet resources away from current colonies

2. colonial competition - English and Dutch influence on the seas is increasing. What to do about the situation? The problem is that Spanish colonialists have gained impopularity in some areas, which the competitors, by initially trying to seem more tolerant, are successfully able to use to turn locals against the Spanish, instigate revolts etc., even if their own plans in no ways are more tolerant to the locals
a. do nothing, wait for better times or until the opponents take an action
b. something else, specify what

3. despite a twelve year truce being signed as we speak, hostility with the Netherlands most likely isn't over yet, and the southern Netherlandic provinces might very well rebel too eventually. Although formal peace with the Netherlands has been signed, economical and cold conflict could continue - from both sides. What should the strategy during the truce, and in preparation for the end of the truce, be?
a. just maintain a garrison in southern Netherlands and use it defensively if the Netherlands take any action
b. withdraw from southern Netherlands too. This will decrease the risk of Spanish forces being cut off and destroyed by the French expansionism threat
c. form a Spanish East India Company to compete with the Dutch counterpart. In order to do so, traffic to some colonies must be decreased somewhat to free up some fleet resources

4. what to do about the French attempts to increase their influence?
a. withdrawing from the southern Netherlands will deny the French a good chance of hitting isolated Spanish troops
b. use economical warfare and other methods to limit French influence in the short term, plot for HRE cooperation to attack France in the long term, when your own bancruptcy has been solved
c. do nothing

5. what to do about the papal support to enemies of Habsburgs? Ever since "Sacco di Roma", the pope has feared the power of the Habsburgs, and has periodically been supporting France in her rivalry with Spain
a. do nothing, wait for better times or until the opponents take an action
b. something else, specify what

6. should Spain join the Catholic League?
a. yes, it's always good to have more military allies
b. yes it's a good way of making the pope look bad supporting the French
c. no, there's no immediate benefit in doing so at this time, and it's always possible to join later


1. the alliance with Russia and war against False Dmitriy II. You currently have around 6,000 Swedish infantry under Jacob De la Gardie assisting the Russians according to a treaty which in return gives you Russian land. You also have some 3,000 acting as garrisons in the Estonia and Livonia regions. Furthermore you have some 50 guns available spread out over the region. The cooperation with Russian troops could be discussed over PM, some example offers:
a. without discussion follow the Russian commander and trust that his plans are acceptable
b. discuss plans with Russia with the threat of not taking part if the plans sound too risky
c. request to only help defending Russian cities or forts, but take no part in any field battles. The battle of Kircholm in 1605 has shown that the Swedish infantry is slow to transport and can take heavy casualties to the Polish winged hussars if routed or forced to retreat in open field battles. The Russian commander can suggest which cities to hold - Smolensk, Moscow, Chernigov, Kiev, Pskov, or smaller cities.

2. decide how many reinforcements from Sweden you would like to send, but remember that sending too many could leave Sweden vulnerable to Danish troops, revolts, or Polish invasion. The 6,000 men under Jacob De la Gardie are to assist the Russian Tsar Vasili according to the treaty, but it could be useful to send more men to reinforce the Swedish possessions in the Estonia and Livonia areas to defend against possible Polish attacks. Even if the Polish troops would have long and problematic supply routes if attempting to get to Estonia, it's not entirely impossible that they'll try that. It could however also be argued that any Polish attempt to approach the Swedish positions would have to go through conquering neutral land in the vicinity of Riga before being able to establish the necessary links to reach Swedish troops, giving some forewarning and enough time to reinforce later, when needed. It would take no more than a few months to assemble supplies, equipment and select a decent force to send.
a. send none at this time
b. send 1,000
c. send 3,000
d. send 10,000 and 30 guns

3. the Russian civil war - what to do if Tsar Vasili is in threat of being removed from power?
a. support Vasili against the boyars, after all it was Vasili who made the benefitial offer to give Sweden land in Livonia and Keksholm, while the other boyars seem to have opposed the idea, and a Vasili in power at the mercy of Sweden gives some very interesting possibilities for the future
b. as a, but use the 6,000 men under Jacob De la Gardie as Vasili's bodyguard and help hunting down and killing boyars trying to remove Vasili. Military assistance of this kind could decrease the chances of Vasili being removed, but at the risk of angering many boyars, which could be dangerous to Russo-Swedish relations if the boyars manage to remove Vasili and gain power
c. as a, but also declare war against Russia and take advantage of the situation to conquer areas near Novgorod, but also renew allegiance to Vasili personally, promising the end the conquest when Vasili's position as Tsar is confirmed by the boyars
d. support the boyars against Vasili, even if this means Russia might solve their internal problems more quickly and become a strong competitor likely to threaten Swedish possessions in Estonia and Livonia also in a short term perspective

edit: accidentally wrote increase instead of decrease

08-20-2006, 17:13
1. the Spanish economy - what to do about the bankruptcy and debt after the wars with the Netherlands?

A mixture of C and D: Approach THe Catholic League and as a condition of Spain joining the League ask for them paying off 60% of the debt, and establishment of trade embargos against the relevant nations.

Also include in the treaty with the Provinces several trade agreements, and the restrain the pirate activity on spanish convoys.

2. colonial competition - English and Dutch influence on the seas is increasing. What to do about the situation? The problem is that Spanish colonialists have gained impopularity in some areas, which the competitors, by initially trying to seem more tolerant, are successfully able to use to turn locals against the Spanish, instigate revolts etc., even if their own plans in no ways are more tolerant to the locals

Point out to the locals the oppressing governments on the rival colonies, and let a very select group of loyal natives take part in the administration of the colonies. Basically try to play the "tolerant" card against my enemies.

3. despite a twelve year truce being signed as we speak, hostility with the Netherlands most likely isn't over yet, and the southern Netherlandic provinces might very well rebel too eventually. Although formal peace with the Netherlands has been signed, economical and cold conflict could continue - from both sides. What should the strategy during the truce, and in preparation for the end of the truce, be?

c. form a Spanish East India Company to compete with the Dutch counterpart. In order to do so, traffic to some colonies must be decreased somewhat to free up some fleet resources

The fleet resources that should be given up are the portuguese African vessels, and part of the spanish Philippines fleet. The Portuguesse Far Eastern fleet will have to make do for these duties.

Also maintain a garrison force of some 12,000 men. That is more than the number of men in any one battle Spain had fought in the Netherlands ever.

4. what to do about the French attempts to increase their influence?

b. use economical warfare and other methods to limit French influence in the short term, plot for HRE cooperation to attack France in the long term, when your own bancruptcy has been solved

5. what to do about the papal support to enemies of Habsburgs? Ever since "Sacco di Roma", the pope has feared the power of the Habsburgs, and has periodically been supporting France in her rivalry with Spain

Let there be some troop movent in Naples and let the Pope intercept a letter from one of the commanders to the minister saying that the most unpaid spanish troops in Europe have just been stationed near Rome. Then send a letter to the pope asking for an amount of money equivalent to the maintenance of a Tercio. Basically let the pope fear us, and make him pay some cash while threatening him with another Saco.

6. should Spain join the Catholic League?

As said before only if the League can pay off a good portion of the Debt, or offer benefits similar in magnitude. In any case, the relations with the HRE should be strenghtened.

Rodion Romanovich
08-20-2006, 17:22
:oops: the idea was that the options should be sent by PM to me and remain secret until the next turn so as not to affect the decisions of other players. Anyway the decisions available on this particular turn for Spain weren't of a sort that would be damaging for leaking out, so it was ok this time...

One more point which I forgot to mention above, which may have caused the confusion - if you want to have diplomatic discussions with any faction that isn't played by any particular player, the diplomatic discussions can be carried out by sending PMs to me, with me acting as that nation if needed.

08-20-2006, 19:02
I always get that whole heir of Ivan the Terribel mixed up. I'll have to remeber that. Also, is there a way to make the map bigger, I cannot read the names to well.

Rodion Romanovich
08-20-2006, 19:25
yes, just click on the map once to get it over the entire window, then if you use Internet Explorer put the mouse over the bottom left corner until a little button appears, then click it.

Rodion Romanovich
08-21-2006, 08:06
Small announcements:
- Franconius has just joined as France ~:cheers:, and will join the game next turn. So France will be "AI controlled" this chapter, but start being controlled by Franc from the next chapter and on
- It'll still be possible for more players to join until the third chapter has been posted

08-21-2006, 11:00

May I introduce myself? My name is Henry IV le Grand, born as Henri de Bourbon in December 1553 in Pau, Navarra. Since 1589 I am King of France and Navarra. My subjects in the Gascongne call me “lo nòstre bon rei Enric”, the French "le bon roi". This gives you indication about my capacity and the reverence of my peoples.

I was raised at Navarro in a very countrified ambience. Then, Navarro was the shelter and center for Protestants, which we call Huguenots. Although I was baptized Roman Catholic, my education was Protestant.

The country had had a hard time. My predecessors created a modern realm, with a strong centralized government. The administration lay in the hands of catholic clergy and was very effective. However, Protestantism came together with Humanism and shook the fundament of this order. The former King Francois I. had been in conflict with the Habsburg Karl V., who ruled the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. In Italy there were open hostilities between France and Habsburg. If Francois would have tolerated the Huguenots, the Pope would have supported Karl and Karl would have been able to invade France. Therefore, due to political reasons, Francois had to oppress the Huguenots.

The Kings that came after him did the same. However, the Habsburg Empire decayed. Karl V. could not control the Reformation any longer and the Augsburg concept „Cuius regio, eius religio“ created the schism of Germany. Henry II. did not accept this concept for France. The religious wars began.

In 1570 I married Margarete de Valois, the sister of three French kings. This wedding became the frame of the Massacre de la Saint-Barthélemy. I was arrested and forced to become Catholic.

In 1576 I could escape to Navarro and return to Protestantism. I became the leader of the Huguenots. In 1589 before he died, King Henry III., appointed me as his heir. However, the condition was that I would become Catholic, again.

«Paris vaut bien une messe.» After long fighting I finally converted at Saint-Denis in 1593. In February 1595 I was crowned at Notre-Dame de Chartres.

Obviously God had chosen me to give my country peace, justice and wealth. From the very beginning I had to fight my enemies. I repelled an invasion from Spain and I survived plots of radical Catholics.

After all this struggling I managed to give peace to my country. I banished the Jesuits. I made reconciliation with Phillip II, King of Spain; I regained control of the Bretagne and the Provence. In the Edict of Nantes Huguenots received equal rights (although Catholicism was still state religion). France had peace again.

Peace was not my goal; it was only a step on the way to bring wealth to my subjects. Si Dieu me prête vie, je ferai qu’il n’y aura point de laboureur en mon royaume qui n’ait les moyens d’avoir le dimanche une poule dans son pot! The Duke of Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, became Minister of Finance and France made an economic and financial boom. National dept is gone; we built harbors and channels, and encouraged agriculture.

So here we are today! France is a strong country, unified under a strong government, with a good economy and excellent finance. The religious confusion is over. We live in peace with our neighbors. However, we see that the confusion in the Habsburg countries is still going on and we could be roped in again. We are not worried. We are prepared!

Additionally there are still some Catholic scatterbrains, who think that murdering will save their souls. We know how to deal with them!

King Kurt
08-21-2006, 12:52
Sorry to join a bit late - been on holiday - is England still available? - I assume so from the list above. Will start looking and reading.:2thumbsup:

08-21-2006, 13:05
I knew you would! Welcome on board!

Rodion Romanovich
08-21-2006, 13:48
Nice, this is a very good amount of players and now most of the major players of the time are commanded by a player. :2thumbsup:

A small announcement to clarify how the diplomatic discussions are supposed to work:
1. sending PM to the player that commands the nation you want to discuss with. A maximum exchange of 3 PMs are allowed in a turn, to not delay turns too much AND simulate difficulties of reaching an agreement. The actual discussion does not need to take place through me. If no player commands the faction, you send the PMs to me, with me acting as that nation during the discussions.
2. however after the diplomatic discussion for the turn has been completed, send a PM to me containing a copy of all the messages from the discussion so I know which agreements were reached
3. all diplomatic discussions remain secret unless you wish to make an official statement (which you can do by a post in this thread), or somehow information is leaked from the discussions. False rumors about what the discussions truly were about may also circulate in the story however...

@King Kurt: I've entered you on the player list ~:cheers: You will not be able to make any decisions in the first chapter, but from chapter 2 and onwards England will be led by your decisions.

@all: I'm currently awaiting the decisions from Poland and Sweden before making chapter 2. As for the prologue research task results for Russia, Sweden and England, those can be posted at any time, but preferably during the first few chapters of the story. Not all info is necessary to find, but the more info you find the better you'll probably know how to lead your nation, and the info could also be valuable to the other players when deciding upon alliances etc.

08-22-2006, 06:01
Would I be able to take the Holy Roman Empire and Austria?

Rodion Romanovich
08-22-2006, 08:57
@Bopa the Magyar: ok, I'll add you to the player list. As with the others who have joined after chapter 1 begun, you will start controlling your faction from the second chapter and on.

edit: At this time (1609), Emperor Rudolph was a bit of a loner and had lost much of his power, which was in reality held by Matthias who was shortly afterwards elected Holy Roman Emperor, so unless you mind it I'll let you be playing as Matthias rather than Rudolph.

08-22-2006, 12:14
Could you add the names of the Kings to your list please?

Rodion Romanovich
08-22-2006, 12:21
CHAPTER 2 - August 1st, 1609 AD
...this chapter will affect the events from August 1st, 1609 AD to March 1st, 1610 AD

There are rumors of the Papacy and Spain having had diplomatic discussions. What the discussions have been about has not been revealed, but shortly after the discussions with the Papacy, Spain made an official statement that all Vatican representatives are to be given free passage on Spanish ships departing from the ports of Lisboa and Sevilla to Eastern Africa, offering also a military cross, the Cross of the Red Sea for noblemen, and 'hidalguia' (lower knighthood for footmen) to those who volunteer to accompany the Papal envoys in East Africa, implying some form of Spanish strengthening of the colonial rule there, even though somewhat decreased naval traffic to the region implies the opposite. In the continuing expulsion of Christianized moors, some 2,000 have now been deported to East Africa, somewhat surprised over being given some benefitial offers of status and land ownage in the region to build up a stronger colony there. Six ships sailing from Spanish ports arrived at the East African colonies safely with only a few dozen casualties from disease during the transport. Some of the nobility in Spain have frowned upon the decision, and have questioned whether the Christianized moors really are a good way to build up a Christian colony, but the nobility generally hasn't been bothered much by the incident.

The Spanish Emperor Philippe III has also made plans for the creation of a Spanish East India Company, recalling some ships from African and East Indian colonies, but the Company is still only at the planning stage. Many merchants, nobles, retired soldiers and sailors and others interested in the idea have been invited for further discussions about how to control the company. The peace negotiations with the Netherlands are called to a halt when Dutch representatives refuse to accept the Spanish Emperor's demands of ending piracy, claiming they refuse to take responsibility for the actions of individual Dutch citizens or provinces, and that it's a matter between Spain and the provinces or citizens involved. The shipping of some additional 3,000 Spanish troops to southern Netherlands has also delayed the negotiations, but Spain reassured the Dutch representatives that they're there strictly for defensive purposes. After these interruptions the discussions have continued and are likely to be concluded before winter, however a de facto ceasefire has already begun during the summer, which has enabled Spain to begin a recovery of the Imperial economy. It seems that about 10% of the debts will be repayed already by next spring. The locals in the southern Netherlands are not happy about being forced to accept continued Spanish rule, and some have emigrated to England, Brandenburg and Sweden, bringing technology and knowledge to these areas. Swedish copper and iron production, which constitutes a majority of the Swedish export income, has benefitted greatly from this. British wool industry has also opened important factories for creating wool fabric - exporting the fabric instead of the raw wool has increased the British export income. However the remaining population in the area knows it can't match the Spanish troop strength and unlike the Northern Provinces can't use fleet and dykes for defense, and are therefore not very likely to cause any rebellions in the nearest future.

In Russia, the civil war rages on. The situation has been worsened for Vasili IV by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth entering the war. In april they quickly marched into Russian lands with their army and besieged Smolensk. After having an initial assault being repelled, the Polish set up camp and continued besieging the city, passively trying to starve out the garrison.

Upon the arrival of the Polish army, most of the Polish troops from Dmitriy's army immediately deserted to join the Polish army. Russian raids on Dmitriy's key farms have also taken their toll on the impostor's forces. With reduced supplies and the loss of his key troops, his army has begun to dissolve. The winter is also approaching, making the situation for his remaining troops, with their lack of supplies, difficult. There are estimates of some 20,000 deserters. In the meantime in Moscow, one of the boyars who formerly was one of the most loyal supporters of Vasili, Prince Vorotynsky, has been holding meetings with many boyars, arguing in favor of the removal of Vasili IV from the Tsar position, and trying to make the boyars accept Polish suggestions for putting the Polish heir on the Russian throne as Tsar. The Vorotynsky lineage has distinguished itself in many battles against the Crimean Tatars during the late 16th century, and could possibly have good support among the 50,000 Russian troops along the Russian southern borders if Vorotynsky would want to use war to remove Vasili. However Vasili's influence over the Russian main armies near Moscow is limited too, which means Vorotynsky would hardly need to actually use military force to force Vasili to leave power, if only he could rise enough discontent among the other boyars. Poland has assured Swedish troops neutrality in the conflict, and the Swedish troops have so far been rather passive.

In the Holy Roman Empire, the religious conflicts has severed after the death of the ruler of Jülich-Kleve in the northern parts of the empire. The now deceased ruler, being Catholic, has two heirs with valid claims to the region, both of which are Protestants. Upon hearing this, the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II has, against the terms of the 1555 Diet of Augsburg ordered his Catholic cousin Leopold of Austria to garrison the fort of Jülich. If the Catholics would lose this key location to Protestants it would mean the entire Northern part of the empire would be a united Protestant front, and it would also cut off the link between the Empire's armies and the Spanish-owned Southern Netherlands. The Protestant League has gained a few more members from parts of the Holy Roman empire, but the efforts of the Catholic League of making Poland and Spain join their pact have so far failed.

In France, the religious conflicts of the last century have been settled by the tolerant Edict of Nantes a few years earlier. The skilled politician he is, Henry IV of France has managed to calm down most of the Huguenots, but also with his personal conversion to the Catholic church and upheaval of the expulsion of the Catholic Jesuit order, he has at the same time gained acceptance among many of the Catholic citizens, and due to his position as competitor to the Habsburgs been able to gain popularity with the pope despite somewhat Protestant ideals. After solving the internal conflicts, France has been able to improve it's finances by encouraging trade, internal industrialization to decrease import costs, and is now capable of maintaining an army of around 50,000 men. However the problems in France are far from solved. The acceptance shown in the Edict of Nantes grants the Huguenots a lot of influence which limits the power of the French monarch, decreases unity within the country, and arises some suspicion among the Catholics, reinforced by Henry IV himself formerly being a Huguenot and the somewhat hostile relations to Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.

After the death of Queen Elisabeth I, England has come under the leadership of King James I, giving the power to the Scottish lineage, creating a loose union between England and Scotland. James due to his Scottish origins is somewhat impopular with the English, but even greater unrest is caused by the end of the war with Spain, which has deprived the merchant and sailor classes of their chances of piracy and competition with the Spanish colonies. English trade is however still doing comparatively well after the Elisabethan era, with London being almost comparable to Amsterdam in importance and traffic. The restrictive handing out of higher noble titles has also had the effect of decreasing the power of the higher nobility, but instead made the lower nobility, along with mechants and many others a more influential power factor, perhaps too well united against their ruler by means of the parliament. The Admiral Sir John Hawkins has also given England one of the best fleets in Europe, comparable only to the Dutch and Spanish fleets. While having fewer ships than the Spanish, the English navy has superior, more manouverable ships with more guns than the slower, less manouverable but more heavily fortified Spanish ships that are adapted mainly to boarding action tactics. The English ships with their guns and manouverability don't need a powerful defense against boarding actions... English colonial rule has however so far not been very successful. This very year, the settlers in Virginia were forced to retreat back to England, having been defeated by the local population, at least temporarily defeated.

There are also events of interest in the Nordic countries. The areas north of the northernmost Swedish cities of important has seen limtied colonization from Swedish and Norwegian citizens, and the area is mostly controlled by nomads. However now Denmark has made demands that Sweden should give up any claims to the region to Denmark-Norway.

Decisions for Chapter 2
the answers to the questions should be sent to me by PM, you only need to answer the questions for your own faction. Also remember that you can make decisions about other things than those I have mentioned below.


1. alliances and non-aggression treaties for the future. Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the Holy Roman empire and Sweden are all interesting candidates for discussions by PM.

2. colonial competition, which targets should English ships primarily aim for?
a. North America, specify exact location more closely (for example try to retake the newly lost colony of Virginia)
b. India region
c. Africa
d. East Indies
Helpful map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Spanish_Empire.png

3. the stance on English pirate ships
a. keep it as it is, it's necessary for English colonial competition to maintain peace with Spain, at least until English economy allows the maintenance of a larger fleet
b. severe the diplomatic relations with the Spanish by allowing the pirates to do as they wish. This would make many merchants and sailors happy, but could mean a risk of war

4. the Swedish-Danish conflict
a. important transports of ship timber from Norway, used for construction of English ships, could be threatened by a war. Try to mediate in the conflict
b. as a, but instead of mediating offer assistance to Denmark-Norway, specify what type of assistance (send troops, send upkeep for mercenaries)
c. ignore such an insignificant conflict


1. should France intervene with the situation in Jülich-Kleve? The incident shows signs of Habsburg expansionism, which isn't in the interests of France, which is squeezed between Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.
a. declare war on the Holy Roman Emperor and march through the Spanish Netherlands to intervene in Jülich-Kleve. If necessary engage the Spanish garrison in the area, which consists of some 10,000-15,000 men according to your estimates. Specify how many of your 50,000 man strong army you wish to send. Helpful maps:
...possible targets include Spanish garrison near Brugos and Antwerp in Southern Netherlands, the fort Jülich and the major cities and forts in Spanish Southern Netherlands
b. unconditionally send money corresponding to 5,000 mercenaries for a year to the Protestant Union to assist them
c. don't intervene. If it would be good to intervene it's better to wait until next spring to see if the Holy Roman Emperor's cousin is still garrisoning the fort Jülich, and spring is also a better campaign season

2. alliances and non-aggression treaties for the future. The Netherlands, England, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire are all interesting candidates for discussions by PM. The Netherlands and England could provide France with a fleet and are also natural enemies of the Habsburgs, which have long been France's enemies. On the other hand temporarily maintaining peace with the Habsburgs could be benefitial for the French economy, which is currently at a crucial stage of upbuilding.

3. the religious-political situation in France. What to do?
a. expel the Jesuits again, they are instigating revolts and unrest
b. improve relations with Spain, one of the champions of Catholicism at the time
c. make sure Huguenots who exceed the rights given by the Edict of Nantes are stopped and punished if necessary, but also don't deny Huguenots any of the rights they have according to the Edict
d. do nothing

4. threat of war Sweden-Denmark and the Russian civil war - should France intervene with either side in either of the conflicts? French farming has been extended dramatically recently, decreasing dependence on Danish food exports, but French agriculture still is far from self-supporting and the food prices could be affected by a war. In the Russian civil war it could be of interest for France to support Russia and challenge the Catholic Polish, thereby weakening a possible future player in the Catholic League. Discuss by PM...

HRE and Austria

1. what would you advise your brother Rudolph to do about Jülich-Kleve?
a. claim Jülich-Kleve for the Holy Roman Emperor to at all costs keep the path to Spanish Southern Netherlands open
b. keep garrisoning the fort Jülich and wait for the conflict between the two protestant heirs to be settled, with no loss of prestige, as your excuse for holding the fort was to keep the region calm while the heirs discussed the inheritance. However this choice can also be a risk.
c. try to establish negotiations for settling the conflict quickly, despite the small prestige loss it means
d. abandon the fort, despite the huge prestige loss it means, to avoid war with France and/or a Protestant rebellion

2. what to do about your brother Rudolph as Holy Roman Emperor? He is indecisive and somewhat mad, and could probably not be trusted to handle his task too well
a. have one or more of the provinces directly under your control - Hungary, Austria and Bohemia - join the Catholic League to try and gain influence there to have something to say while Rudolph is still alive. Specify which of those provinces should join the Catholic League (having the Protestant Bohemia join could be risky)
b. do nothing, just wait for Rudoplh to die
c. try to poison Rudolph, hopefully then being elected as the next Holy Roman Emperor quickly. If discovered you wouldn't have much chance of becoming Emperor, but you hold strong provinces around Austria and by approaching the Catholic League you would still hold important power, especially if you intervene in the religious conflict


1. the war with Russia. The besieging force is doing well starving the garrisons, but it'll take 1 or 2 more years before it can be destroyed. The defenses have been weakened by bombardment, but no openings have been created yet. Your infantry besieging the city are ready to form a tabor, a wagon fortress similar to those used by the hussites, against any Russian relief forces, making you able to withstand enemy attacks from much larger forces towards the infantry components of your army. This could allow you to send away some of your troops to carry out supporting missions, sieging smaller forts and cities or carrying out smaller-scale raids.
a. continue besieging Smolensk with your entire army, conduct the necessary raids and troop movements to supply your army.
b. as a, but send 30% of your winged Hussars to scout for and intercept Russian troops near the city
c. as a, but send 30% of your winged Hussars to Dmitriy to cover him during the autumn. The Russians might want to attack Dmitriy before winter, and without your support he is more likely to be defeated
d. pull back
e. besiege another city instead, specify which, see map and list of suggested cities in the previous chapter:

2. reinforcements for the war with Russia, choose one or more of these:
a. send 3,000 more cavalry taken from the Livonia and Riga areas to strengthen the ability to resist Russian attempts to relieve the garrison
b. send 3,000 infantry mercenaries to strengthen your ability to assault Smolensk (such a large force would be difficult for your economy to handle for more than 1 or 2 years)
c. transport 30 more guns to Smolensk to improve the bombardment of defenses, these risk being lost if you're forced to retreat quickly
d. acquire no more reinforcements, Russia is still a mess by the civil war and you don't need more troops, plus removing troops from elsewhere would leave those lands vulnerable, and finally spending money on new mercenaries would be a too heavy burden for your treasury


1. what to do about False Dmitriy II? Dmitriy has lost his Polish key troops and also several of his other followers, leaving him extremely vulnerable. Even though his numbers are around 70,000, your general Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky points out that the remaining troops are mere levies and have very few guns, low morale and primitive equipment. He advices you to attack with the Russian main army of some 30,000 to 40,000 men with some 50 guns immediately to destroy them and also stand a good chance of capturing Dmitriy himelf along with some Polish troops remaining under his command (which could be useful hostages in your new war), Ukraining Cossacks and some of his levies. He says it would be a major propaganda victory and help you through the immediate crisis with the boyars
a. follow the advice of your general, he knows what he is doing and you really need the propaganda victory. Afterwards call him home to enter Moscow on your side in triumph
b. as a, but advice him to bring not only the main army but also some troops from the Russian city garrisons (specify from where, see previous chapter for troop strength and locations)
c. don't deal with Dmitriy at this time, let the winter make his army dissolve and engage it when it reassembles next spring
Useful map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rzeczpospolita_Dymitriads.png

2. what to do about the Polish siege of Smolensk? Remember that the Polish Hussars are of extremely high quality and probably constitute a majority of the Polish force.
a. send your main army of 30,000 - 40,000 men to relieve the garrison (this can't be combined with 1a or 1b)
b. send your main army of 30,000 - 40,000 men and also troops from your garrisons (specify where to take them from, see previous chapter) to relieve the garrions (this can't be combined with 1a or 1b) (see previous chapter for garrison strengths of the troops you can command. You haven't got enough influence to be able to control the troops in southern Russia mentioned in this chapter)
c. send some cavalry patrols to scout out the Polish forces near Smolensk
d. leave the Smolensk garrison alone for the time being, it can withstand Polish assaults and has supplies for over a year, possibly more
Useful map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rzeczpospolita_Dymitriads.png

3. what to do about Prince Vorotynsky? You can choose one or more of these options.
a. have spies kill Vorotynsky. If it leaks out you were behind it there's a huge risk of the boyars listening to Vorotynsky's friends' demands to have you removed, however if it doesn't leak out, it's likely to keep the other boyars calm
b. assemble the Duma and invite to more open discussions. If the boyars meet under such offical circumstances it'll be a counter-weight to their secret conspiracy meetings. It would also give you more information about the nature of their discontent. Your newly won boyar friends, carefully chosen for their great ambitions (but before you helped them of limited resources), would stand up for you during the meeting and lower the risks of Vorotynsky gaining much support for any suggestions of your removal
c. as b, but also invite your cousin and general Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky to come home from the wars with Dmitriy (if you choose 1a or 1b the Duma is assembled after his battle, otherwise he comes home right away). Mikhail with his popularity would add further strength to the pact you and your boyar friends would form in the discussions
d. join your cousin and general Mikhail in the war as a propaganda action


1. how should the Spanish East India Company be controlled?
a. the state should own the company and it's ships directly and get all of it's income, except for salaries to the sailors
b. the state should not own the company directly, but have merchants run it and only take out taxes of 10% of their income. The state should own the ships and have the merchants borrow them
c. the state should not own the company directly, but have merchants run it and only take out taxes of 10% of their income. The state could provide them with their first ships and allow them to not pay off the ships until after 5 years
d. offer absolutely customs duty free trade for the Spanish East India Company for the coming 20 years if they can promise to expand to a strength of some 30 ships within 10 years. Help them aquire their first few ships.

2. if you chose 1b, 1c or 1d, what type of ships should their first ships be?
a. during summer you pulled back a few ships from Africa and the East Indies intended for possibly joining the Company. Convert a few of these ships from the Spanish war fleet. They could be repainted, rebuilt and equipped with new banners within a month or two and would enable you to send the first merchants before the winter. However this would reduce Spanish war ship strength corresponding to the number of ships you convert
b. construct new ships, 3 would be ready by late spring next year and about 6 would be ready by fall next year
c. try to negotiate to buy completed merchants ships from abroad, specify from where

3. how many ships should be launched in the first year?
a. send 3 ships as an experiment
b. send 10 ships right away

4. the Catholic League claims it has no resources to pay off the Spanish debts in return for Spain joining the Catholic League, but they offer you to join the pact anyway, as it would benefit both parties - the Spanish would get assistance against Netherlandic rebels, and the local rulers near Bavaria with the aid of the Holy Roman Emperor would be able to crush the insurgents within the Holy Roman Empire. The League reminds you that the pact is purely defensive and the members only need to offer their passive support to be members of the pact at all times. Active support however can be negotiated within the pact later as needed, meaning there's no pressure of Spanish active contribution while the Spanish debts remain. They also claim it's vital to join the League as it would demoralize the protestants to see a united front standing against them. However you wonder if perhaps the latter could also fuel the protestants to unite a bit more firmly.
a. accept
b. decline, offering to join later "to be able to devote yourself fully to such a divine task when the time comes"

5. what to do in response to the Spanish trade ship that was lost somewhere in the English channel, probably due to Dutch pirates, during the spring?
a. decrease Spanish trade and war ship activity in those areas, making fewer travels but in larger groups, even if it decreases the contact with the Spanish garrison in southern Netherlands and decreases possibly important trade
b. temporarily end all Spanish trade and war ship activity in those areas until your debts are payed off, and during the period only make contact with the Spanish garrison in southern Netherlands in cases of emergency, although this means a risk of mutiny and decreases Spanish overview of the strength of hostiles in the region, meaning limited intelligence being available when such an emergency situation would occur
c. send a fleet of some 5-10 war ships to patrol the area and search for and destroy pirate ships, however this would require decreased naval traffic in other regions, specify where

6. the situation in Jülich-Kleve
a. don't interfere at all
b. support your ally the Emperor
c. just pull all forces from your Southern Netherlands garrison together in a single place and have it ready for defense against the French, should they attack


1. the Polish are now busy in Russia, you could possibly use that to attack the Polish possessions in Riga
a. order a naval blockade of Riga
b. march your troops in the Livonia and Keksholm area towards Riga and besiege the city
c. march your troops in the Livonia and Keksholm area towards Riga and besiege and assault smaller cities and forts to quickly establish own garrisons in the area, then prepare to besiege Riga
d. do nothing, at least not yet...
Useful map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Rzeczpospolita_Dymitriads.png

2. the Russian civil war, possibly coordinate actions with Russia by PM. You currently have the force under Jacob de la Gardie and some further troops in your own garrisons. Out of those troops about 30% are infantry mercenaries, 15% are Finnish cavalry and the rest are Swedish infantry.

3. reinforcements to your possessions in Keksholm (almost same as Karelian Isthmus) and Livonia areas (choose a or one or more of the other options)?
a. send no more troops
b. send 1,000 Finnish Hakkapeliitta cavalrymen. These are cavalrymen who fire two pistols in the charge, then switch to cold steel rather than pulling back to reload. They're not comparable to hussars is cavalry to cavalry fights, but very effective against most other types of cavalry, and against musketeers
c. send 3,000 - 5,000 Swedish infantrymen
d. send 3,000 - 5,000 mercenary infantry
e. send some 50 guns to strengthen the garrisons
f. don't reinforce those areas, instead call some troops back home, specify how many and from where (if you call home some from Jacob de la Gardie's force Russia will see it as you breaking the treaty). You can also hire any of the mercenaries above (b or d) and send to your homelands). This could be needed in case of a Danish attack

4. the relations with Denmark
a. accept the Danish claims to the land north of Sweden
b. decline
Map: https://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y191/LegioXXXUlpiaVictrix/DenNorSwe1609.jpg

5. roadnet, infrastructure and cities
a. finance the construction of a larger harbor, and small fortified city near Älvsborg, the only Swedish piece of coast in the North Sea. This will be expensive and limit mercenary recruitment capabilities for a while.
b. improve the roads from the Stockholm area to Älvsborg. This will be fairly expensive and somewhat limit mercenary recruitment capabilities for a while.
c. leave these construction projects until later
Map (Älvsborg's fortress is where Gothenburg (Göteborg) is on the map, the land north and south of it are in Danish hands): http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/europe/sweden.jpg

Edit: added some maps. I'm afraid I couldn't find any better maps for some regions above... I hope the descriptions attached to the maps will do... edit2: fixed somewhat better maps, edit3: fixed an error under options for France

Rodion Romanovich
08-22-2006, 12:26
Could you add the names of the Kings to your list please?

good idea! :2thumbsup:

King Kurt
08-22-2006, 15:25
An introduction to 17th Century England

England in 1607 has just entered the Stuart era. With the death of Elizabeth - one of our truely great monarchs - the Tudor era has ended.

James the First has come to the throne - due to his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots. He was already James the Sixth of Scotland - a title he has held since the ripe old age of 19 months
So, in a stroke, he has already achieved a mighty deed - uniting England and Scotland. He is a Protestant - but tolerant of Catholics, despite them trying on several occasions to kill him - the most notable being the Gunpowder Plot with Guy Fawkes smuggling gunpowder in the Houses of Parliament with an intention of blowing the King up at the state opening of parliament. The plot was discovered, the plotters hung, drawn and quartered and the events are celebrated to this day in the UK with fireworks on November the fifth - Guy Fawkes Day. A "Guy" - a dummy made of old clothes - is made before the event, used by enterprising children to raise money with the expression "penny for the Guy" being used then the "Guy" is burnt on top of a bonfire on Guy Fawkes night.
As an aside - this could be an example of history repeating itself - religious fanatics, bombs, assasination attempts - strikes a chord with troubles in the world today.

for more on James see

In particular, his views on sodomy and witches are interesting - and there is much speculation that he was either a homosexual or bisexual.
His hiers as the story begins are Henry - but he is destined to die soon and Charles. Charles will become King in 1625 and set in train the events which lead to the English Civil war and his execution.

England is a bouyant place. It is at arguebly its cultural height with Shakespere, Milton, Spenser and Bacon all active and popular. Trade is booming, especially the slave trade. Allied to this is an increasingly strong navy and a growing empire based on trade. In particular, the colonies in North America are begining to grow. Also, the traditional wool trade has been supplemented by the influx of skilled weavers and dyers from europe (escaping religious persecution) who are the base of a growing cloth and garment trade.
Diplomatically traditionaly we are at odds with spain - but currently at peace and friendly towards the Dutch - but are cautious of their growing trade ability. We are also benevalent towards our traditional enemy France, now the issue of Calais has been resolved. James has much in common with Henry of France in that both have a religious balancing act to do in keeping their kingdoms happy.
Militarily, the main interest is the navy. The army is seen purely as a defence force or as an arm of colonisation.
Finaly, I thought it would be of interest to people what the usual view of james and that time were for the general public today. I, as you may have gathered, am particuarly interested in history - but, like most of us I think,do not know much about this time - it sort of falls between the gap of the tudors - Henry the eighth, Elizabeth etc - and the English Civil war. Every body knows about highlights - Guy fawkes etc - but the general scene is glossed over, but yet when I started looking into it, it is obviously very important - the begining of the trade/ colonies approach which would make us the power we were in Victoria's reign when a quarter of the earth's surface was pink.:2thumbsup:

Marshal Murat
08-22-2006, 22:32
East Africa? Isn't that Ethiopia or were the Spanish that dis-oriented?

Rodion Romanovich
08-23-2006, 07:01
East Africa would be Kenya and Tanzania area in this case, which the Spanish (or rather Portuguese while under Spanish control) held until a bit over a century after the current time of the Interactive, well mostly the coastal areas to be exact. Missionary expeditions were carried out further inland and also into Ethiopia, however with limited success by the Jesuits in the latter area.

08-23-2006, 23:39
In case you did not see this coming, I declare War on Poland. This is your only chance to surrender, Poland. After this, I will be a dick.

Rodion Romanovich
08-24-2006, 11:58
Currently awaiting the decisions from HRE+Austria before I can post the next chapter...
Bopa the magyar, please send your decisions for chapter 2 to me by PM


The plot thickens... ~:)

08-24-2006, 13:20
Just one question. Finnish Hakkapeliitta in 1609 ?:inquisitive:

No offense, but Husaria would smash them to bits anyway.:book:

Rodion Romanovich
08-24-2006, 15:54
Just one question. Finnish Hakkapeliitta in 1609 ?:inquisitive:
Hm some of my sources might be wrong, but all of them at the very least state that Finnish cavalry with both gun and melee weaponry was used near Novgorod by Swedish troops at this time, only one source explicitly using the word Hakkapeliitta, the others not denying it but not confirming it either...

No offense, but Husaria would smash them to bits anyway.:book:
Yep, I hinted that under Sweden's options above ~:)

Rodion Romanovich
08-25-2006, 14:38
CHAPTER 3 - March 1st, 1610 AD
...this chapter will affect the events from March 1st, 1610 AD to August 1st, 1610 AD

Near Moscow the Russian army engages the army of False Dmitriy II. 25,000 Russians, 6,000 Swedish and 5,000 mercenaries of various origin are supported by 43 guns against an enemy army consisting of some 5,000 Cossacks and 75,000 levy infantry with 19 guns. Despite their fortified positions, Dmitriy is unable to withstand the devastating Russian artillery, and eventually charges the Russian lines. The Cossacks try to break the Russian army apart by separating the mercenaries on the flank, but suffer heavy casualites in the process. On the other flank, Dmitriy's infantry tries to envelop the Russian line and reach the Russian artillery positions, but the Russian cavalry successfully protects the cannons and they soon come into action firing into the flank of the impostor's force to extreme effect. The levies on the flank continue their fighting for a mere hour before routing, followed closely by the Russian cavalry. In the meantime the Finnish cavalry contingents under Swedish command charge the Ukrainian cossacks, managing to relieve the mercenaries on their flank but the left flank of the cavalry charge meets surprisingly heavy resistance from the few remaining Polish hussars under Dmitriy's command. As the infantry breaks, the Cossacks and hussars break off their engagement and retreat in an ordered manner, most of them too fast for the Finnish cavalrymen to catch. The casualties have been high for a battle of the time: 3,000 of the mercenaries have died, the Swedish have lost 300 infantry and 50 cavalry, and the Russians have lost 700 infantry and 300 cavalry. Furthermore 8 of the Russian artillery crews have been killed by the enemy cavalry. On the other side, 5,000 infantry and 900 cavalry have died, all 19 guns being lost to the Russians, and 5 of the Polish troops have been captured, along with 400 of the Cossacks and 2,500 infantry levies, however Dmitriy has not been found, perhaps killed by Russian artillery firing into the thick smog of gunpowder during the course of the battle. After the battle the Swedish force, having fulfilled their promise to the Russian Tsar, leave the army and return to Livonia, leaving the Russian main army reduced to 26,000 men with 62 guns of which only 38 have crews.

The Swedish force, once regrouped in Livonia, quickly took advantage of the Polish being busy with the Russians. By mid-August, they reach Riga after a forced march, and immediately lay siege to the important city. The Polish garrison is however strong - over 500 infantrymen, 500 hussars and 37 guns, with some 2,500 more hussars expected to be nearby in the region. The Swedish force consists of 8,000 infantry and a cavalry force of somewhere between 1,500 - 3,000 men, supported by 18 guns. The siege is complete with the arrival of 3 warships and a few merchant ships from the Swedish fleet, who navally blockade the city to prevent shipping of supplies to the garrison. However it turns out that it's the Swedish and not the Polish that have the greatest trouble supplying themselves during the winter (the garrison has supplies for at least 1 year), as any Swedish attempts to live off the land are harassed by Polish cavalry that moves quickly by forced marches and intervenes with the Swedish foraging raids. Within a few months after the beginning of the siege, the Swedish troops are essentially locked up in their fortified positions outside Riga, and during the winter become dependent on their blockade ships to move in supplies to them from Revala, however they're still able to keep the city completely cut off from any Polish attempts to resupply the garrison. In response to the blockade, the Danish fleet has officially offered to escort all merchant ships headed for Riga past the Swedish blockade. They also demand that Sweden heave the blockade of face consequences. There are some indications of Danish troop movements near the city of Lund just south of the Swedish border, and Danish ships - the Danish fleet is vastly superior to the Swedish - being active, shipping supplies to Danish possessions near the city of Lund, and a small force of 3-5 larger warships heading for Riga. The English king has offered to mediate in the conflict, but no western nation has officially sided with the Danish, perhaps because the Polish food export is much larger than the Danish, meaning a Danish war won't affect their food supplies enough to make an intervention necessary. The year ends in tragedy for the Swedish, as their king dies. He is replaced by the still quite young heir, Gustav II Adolphus.

In the meantime the Polish have been very successful in their siege of Smolensk. The Polish artillery crews have found a weak spot in the defenses and are about to break through. The Polish commanders have carefully judged the strength of the garrison for the entire course of the siege and are now fairly confident that it does not exceed 2,000 men. The last month has however seen heavy rains in the area, decomposing the ground and making any assault attempt dangerous. However the weather is steadily improving and as soon as the heavy rains have stopped, they are confident that the Polish forces are capable of successfully assaulting the city. Polish troops carrying out the necessary raids and scouting for supplying the besieging force are somewhat surprised to report that they have seen no signs of Russian activity near the city.

In Moscow, the internal conflicts continue. When Tsar Vasili assembles the Duma, the first hour of the meeting circulates around demands of the removal of the Tsar and accepting the Polish proposal for a Polish regent as Tsar, but soon the talks develop into a discussion about the war with False Dmitriy II. Vasili manages to, at least temporarily, silence the demands of Prince Vorotynsky. Only hours after the Duma conclude their meeting, Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky enters Moscow in triumph, bringing the news of the victory against the impostor False Dmitriy II, and he is soon joined Tsar Vasili in a parade through the streets, however there's somewhat hesitant cheering as the Tsar joins his side.

In Spain, the repaying of the debts has slowed down by the many undertakings of the Spanish Emperor. Instead of the predicted 10%, only 7% of the debts have been repayed by the end of 1609. Most costly was the recruitment and equipping of 5,000 additional troops, 3,000 from the Spanish Southern Netherlands and the rest from Spain, most of them offered nobility and tax reductions for their families. A Spanish task force of 5 ships sweeping the channel of pirates has also been part in reducing Spanish income (by reducing trade in the Indian Ocean, the Philippines and the Mediterranean however only to a minor extent). The task force engaged 2 larger merchants ships, 1 escaping but the other, with a broken mast, was caught after a long chase. Filled with goods stolen from Spanish ships, there were no doubts that the ship had been used by pirates. The force also intercepted over a dozen smaller ships, but were compelled to let all but 1 go, with lack of evidence that the goods carried by the ships were stolen and not legally acquired from the Spanish. In February, the task force towed the two captured ships to Lisboa. The conversion of 5 Spanish warships for use by the newly founded Spanish East India Company has also reduced the trade income, the Spanish Emperor has demanded no customs duty for the trade carried out by the company, which means their gains will not contribute to the treasury of the Spanish Crown, however this liberty is likely to increase the income of the company and allow it to grow into a full-feathered competitor of the Dutch and English counterparts more quickly. The 5 rebuilt ships were able to set sail before winter, reaching their target areas by late February. In the meantime there is some unrest among the nobles in Portugal, but there are no indications that it would develop into a rebellion at this time. Due to the movement of Spanish troops from the Iberian peninsula to the Southern Netherlands, there are only about 6 tercios (18,000 men) in the peninsula, with 5 more (15,000 men) in the colonies and the equivalent of approximately 6 tercios (18,000 men) in the Southern Netherlands, 1 tercio in Franche-Comté, and 1 tercio in Italy. However most of these troops are of higher quality than most of their foreign counterparts.

The Jesuits in East Africa report to the Spanish Emperor that according to their investigations the most valuable goods in the East Africa area would become available by invading Ethiopia and establishing a strong base there, while a group of Dominicans charged by the Emperor with the same task claim that the best trade opportunities lie in piracy and trading between the different ports in the Indian Ocean, which requires maintaining naval domination in the area, which might require a larger-scale operation against the Omani Arabs who are (next to future competition from European countries) the greatest competitor in the area. Spanish military advisors claim that an invasion of Ethiopia would require some 8,000 troops for 5 years, then a permanent garrison of 1,500-2,000 men, while dealing with the Omani Arabs would require perhaps 5,000 troops for 3 years, then around 1,000 troops for permanent garrison.

In France, the king Henry IV expels the Jesuits again, and assembles a large meeting for the Protestant Union in Paris. These events cause an explosion among the Catholic population in the city, and there are riots in the streets. They are quickly beaten down by the military stationed nearby, but not before the riots reach the carriage of the king, who is lethally wounded by a bullet in the chest. The murderer, François Ravaillac, is caught, claiming to have committed the brutal murder "in defense of the Catholics against Henry V's conspiring with the Huguenots against the Holy Church". The riots force the meeting of the Protestant Union to end and the representatives flee from the city, but reassemble in La-Rochelle (the strongest fort of the Huguenots) by the end of the summer to resume their discussions. On his deathbed the French king is able to give his last instructions to the guardians' of his 9 years old heir. Not long after the riots in Paris, the Holy Roman Emperor makes an official statement of claiming Jülich-Kleve for the Emperor, denying the land from both of the heirs. The emperor's brother Matthias states that it is to prevent the deaths of his subjects "no matter their creed, for all are Germans". There are troop movements within both France and the Holy Roman Empire, and the Protestant Union is able to gain more members as a result of the incidents. Holland and Brandenburg (one of the heirs in the Jülich-Kleve conflict), join the Protestant Union. Some 8,000 volunteers from Jülich-Kleve and the nearest surroundings also assemble in Northern Germany, with an additional 5,000 mercenaries rumored to have been payed by an outside nation. In return, while unable to get the Spanish Empire and Poland to join them, Austria and a few other small territories within the Holy Roman Empire join the Catholic League, which has also hired the services of the already famous Johan t'Serclaes of Tilly. Tilly immediately embarks on a project to train a professional joint army of some 5,000 for the Catholic League, later to be extended to 10,000 or even 15,000. Matthias the brother of the Holy Roman Emperor immediately gains much influence and popularity within the Catholic League.

While there have been few official agreements, most countries in western Europe have had diplomatic exchanges with all of each other, giving little hints to outsiders about who has really allied with who by the beginning of the year. Spain and England have formed an agreement regarding trade, while England and France have decided to form a joint fleet to patrol the English Channel against enemies of either country. There are also rumors that English shipyards are creating ships for the French, while France has also founded an Institute Royal de Geographie and an Academie Royale de Marine, sent a small recon expedition to North America, and made preparations for construction of a French shipyard. A 10 year pact has also been formed between Denmark and Poland against Sweden, however the details remain secret.

You only need to make decisions for your own faction, send the decisions to me by PM.


1. how react to the imminent death of the French monarch? You currently have 40 larger warships and some 200 merchant vessels, the latter of which are mostly engaged in trade in peacetime (using the merchant ships for any military operations would affect trade). You also have around 12,000 troops in England, 5,000 in Scotland, 3,000 in Wales and 3,000 in Ireland. There seems to be a limited threat of rebellion or invasion at this time so some could probably be sent away.
a. send monetary support for mercenaries to the Huguenot Protestants if the French get a civil war between Catholics and Protestants
b. send 5,000 infantry troops to support the Huguenots for a while
c. do nothing for the time being
d. use the joint Anglo-French Channel fleet to attack Spanish ships going to Southern Netherlands, temporarily cutting them off from the Iberian peninsula. However a complete blockade of the Spanish is impossible as they are likely to be able to get back to the Iberian peninsula through their possessions in Franche-Comté or by negotiating military access through the Holy Roman Empire
e. as d, but only do so if the Spanish carry out military actions first
f. break off relations with the French until you have seen how the possible upcoming civil war goes, which part is the strongest, etc.

2. reestablishing your colony in Virginia - your previous failed attempts involved a few thousand troops, who through their ruthlessness gained impopularity with the local population, resulting in the revolt that forced them to flee back to England
a. send 3,000 infantry and 300 cavalry from Britain, supported by 5 warships. They would without doubt be able to establish an English colony near the coast and hold it against the local population, possibly also extending it further inland. If the peace in the Channel remains, the resulting weakening of the Channel fleet wouldn't matter much
b. don't send any expedition yet

3. policy for the new colony if successfully established. This would affect which types of citizens would flow to the colony, but also the possible profits from the colony
a. directly ruled by the English king
b. largely self-governing and only loosely controlled by the English king as long as they pay taxes and their harbors are open to English ships at all times
c. as b, but give the colony to mostly puritans and dissenters

3. colonies in North America and relations to the French. Seeing as the French have begun recon in North America, it might be worth discussing (by PM) a treaty for the division of the by Spain not yet claimed parts of North America between your countries to avoid future conflict, unless that is desireable.

4. strenghtening your fleet
a. build 3 ships a year for the crown during the coming 5 years
b. build 2 ships a year for the crown during the coming 5 years, and sell 1 to France/Spain (specify which)
c. build 1 ship a year for the crown during the coming 5 years, and sell 2 to France/Spain (specify which)
d. sell 3 ships a year to France/Spain
e. offer to sell ships at twice the normal cost to countries that need them badly

5. send Protestant missionaries to the area invesigated by your agents? They claim that missionaries could be able to carry out their tasks in the area with only a small risk of capture. The unrest in the area is also quite strong due to economical reasons. Regarding their other mission, your agents report that they haven't seen much regularity in the movement, but that at least 1-3 transports per year seem to be the usual
a. yes, send missionaries
b. no, don't send any


1. who should act as guardian for your son if/when your wounds kill you (this is the person you will play as until the heir is old enough)?
a. the French queen, Marie de Médici
b. Sully, your economical who helped you with tax politics and reclaiming land earlier lost from the crown to nobles, he is a Huguenot which might anger the Catholic population, on the other hand it is already angered and more unrest seems imminent
c. Laffemas, your other economical advisor, important for French trade and silk production
d. César de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme, an illegitimate son of Henry IV's earlier marriage, but old enough to rule without guardian

2. would you like your heir to be sent abroad to be protected from further Catholic unrest in France? You could discuss this by PM with one of your allies that you trust the most. This would keep the heir completely safe from the Catholics (but not from the ruler of the country you keep him in), but it's also possible that France will be safe enough in the nearest future

3. what to do about the Catholic unrest? The riots have ended for now, but more Catholic unrest is likely if open cooperation with Protestants continues
a. advice the guardians of your son to fight the Catholics together with the Huguenots, trying to establish France as officially a Protestant nation but that tolerates the Catholics as long as they stay calm
b. as a, and also continue the meeting with the Protestant Union in Paris as a demonstration of strength and a bit of a provocation
c. as b, but hold the meeting in La Rochelle safe and away from Catholic unrest
d. advice the guardians of your heir to instead support the slightly more numerous Catholic side and fight the Huguenots, however this would severe your relations with Protestant countries that are currently friendly to you
e. as b, and officially join the Protestant Union
f. as c, and officially join the Protestant Union

4. what to do about Ravaillac, the murderer?
a. torture and kill him publicly to make an example
b. kill him without ceremony
c. imprison him
d. imprison him in some prison within territory where the Huguenots are strong
e. let him go

5. the Jülich-Kleve situation
a. France must attack now before a civil war breaks out in France. An outer enemy would hopefully strengthen the French unity in these troubled times
b. France must attack the Spanish in Southern Netherlands to make sure the Spanish don't attack France first. The Spanish garrison there is isolated from troops in the Iberian peninsula and if caught in the open the 18,000 Spanish would be defeated almost for sure if confronted by a force of 30,000 or more French troops, if such a large French force could be mustered
c. send troops through Spanish Netherlands to Jülich and assault the fortress, then give it to the Protestant Union, only engage Spanish troops if they interfere with this, specify how many French troops to send
d. attack the Spanish possessions in Franche-Comté trying to eliminate the small garrison there before the Spanish Netherland garrison can reach the area
e. don't intervene, wait and see what happens. Besides, a civil war is likely no matter what and will be enough trouble to deal with

6. construction of a French shipyard, where? The construction will take around 2-3 years, however it will have a capability of building 2-3 ships a year, along with ship purchases from abroad enabling you to strengthen your fleet considerably in only a decade. Your current fleet has only 11 warships and 50 merchants, with some 45 galleys in the Mediterranean - a quite modest fleet in other words
a. Calais
b. Brest
c. Marseille
d. a bit up the Seine (near Paris)
e. La Rochelle
f. other place, specify which


1. what to do about the Jülich-Kleve situation next?
a. suggest that the Catholic League defend Jülich-Kleve against possible attacks, attacking any new place would only strengthen the opponents
b. as a, but also send them money for 5,000 mercenaries for 5 years (this would be an acceptable but heavy burden for your treasury)
c. do nothing with the League's army, it only has some 5,000 men under training who are not yet fit for battle, just continue the training for another year

2. it's possible that Bohemia will not stay neutral for too long if the see their right to Protestant faith threatened
a. recall their right to practise Protestantism, it would show the strength of character that Rudolph lacks. Also suggest to the Catholic League to have the army ready to invade if the action provokes a revolt
b. no, it would cause a too large-scale revolt for the currently small Catholic League army to handle


1. troop redistribution. Specify how many troops from Riga or the Smolensk siege force, and which troop types (hussars, infantry or mercenaries) you would like to send where. Troops from Smolensk would arrive at Riga by June if sent right away, troops from Riga would arrive at Smolensk by June if sent right away, and any new recruits from Ukrainian Cossacks (see no. 4 below) would reach either of these places by June. If you wait for better weather at Smolensk (see no. 2 below) before sending troops from Smolensk to Riga, those troops would arrive at Riga by August (ready to attack at the beginning of next chapter). If you get Smolensk through assault or diplomacy any troops sent from Smolensk would arrive at Riga by July.

2. siege of Smolensk. The enemy is weakened by disease, lack of supplies, and the fact that their defenses are about to break. You also have a quite strong infantry contingent for an assault. However the current rains have decomposed the ground around the city. Assaulting quickly would allow troops redistribution to other areas that need it, and maybe (especially if combined with a truce) also allow disbanding costly troops if needed. Your treasury is positive but your income slightly negative as long as the force isn't reduced by some 6,000 men
a. assault immediately
b. wait for better weather (expected in a few weeks), then assault
c. assault as soon as your reinforcements and/or new recruits arrive (in case you made new recruitments or moved troops from Riga)
d. wait until the garrison starves completely, probably by next winter
e. as d, but continue to use 30% of your hussars to scout and intercept Russian forces near Smolensk

3. the Swedish siege of Riga. The city has supplies until September. You have a force of some 3,000 hussars in Livonia, of which 500 are in the city and 500 have arrived to harass Swedish supplies, the remaining 2,000 being able to get to Riga in a matter of days
a. try to immediately sally with the 500 hussars and 500 infantry in the city, supported by the 500 hussars outside
b. assemble all the men you currently have in Livonia, a force of some 3,000 hussars and 500 infantry, and engage the Swedish entrenched siege troops in battle in a few days (this could be a fairly even battle, after all the fake retreat from Kirchholm can't be repeated, the Swedish position is quite fortified and the Swedish have superiority in numbers and in an open field battle also in guns)
c. raid Swedish supply lines to keep the Swedish ground troops locked up in their fortified positions or force them to retreat
d. wait for reinforcements, then attack the Swedish besieging Riga by June when the new troops (from Smolensk or newly recruited Cossacks) would have arrived
e. negotiate (by PM) to give the Swedish Riga on the condition that they accept a 10 year truce, in return Poland will break off their pact with Denmark

3. troop recruitment
a. recruit up to 2,000 Ukrainian Cossacks, these could be sent either to Smolensk, or to Riga. These Ukrainian Cossacks would be hired without salary but a promise to pillage captured areas, something that could be problematic to use near an own city. They're also somewhat unreliable and prone to desert when the prospects of pillage decrease. The 7,000 of your current siege troops outside Smolensk that once helped False Dmitriy II are of this type; members of the semi-irregular Lisowczycy mercenary band
b. don't recruit any more troops

4. negotiations with Russia. While Smolensk is former Polish territory with many Catholic inhabitants, any further expansion east would bring you into Orthodox lands, where the resistance to a Catholic invader would be great. Such further expansion would be met by fierce resistance and many local levies organizing uprisings, and could result in the Russians resolving their internal strife more quickly
a. negotiate (by PM) peace and give up any Polish claims to Smolensk or any other cities
b. negotiate (by PM) peace on the condition that the Russians hand over Smolensk to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth immediately without a fight. That would mean Vasili IV would keep the Tsar position, but with his limited support among the boyars he would command a chaotic and weak Russia for at least a decade before gaining enough influence and stability to be any threat. If you agree on this treaty, you would get Smolensk by April, allowing you to send any of the troops from the besieging force so it reaches Riga by July
c. continue the war, trying to continue negotiations with the boyars led by Vorotynsky for making your heir Tsar, despite the unrest in all Russian territories east of Smolensk

5. helping the Catholic League. If you get peace with Russia or Sweden or both you would have plenty of troops available to help the Catholic League
a. don't help them yet, if they get into trouble later Polish help could be given to them in exchange for land
b. help them, specify with how many troops and which troop types (your hussars, your infantry or your mercenaries), and specify from where to take them (Livonia area, Smolensk siege force). They would arrive by August.


1. siege of Smolensk (some of these options could be combined, i.e. scout then attack on the condition that the force is smaller than some specific strength)
a. scout out the Smolensk siege with a small force of your cavalry to find out the exact strength of the besieging Polish army
b. attack the Polish force with your main army
c. as b but also bring troops from your other garrisons, specify from where
d. leave Smolensk to it's fate
e. negotiate (by PM) to hand over Smolensk with surroundings on the condition that Poland promise not to attack for the coming 10 years
f. assemble the Duma and suggest to the boyars that Russia should give up Smolensk to the Polish. If the Duma agrees, you hand over Smolensk, otherwise not
g. assemble the Duma and suggest to the boyars that Russia should give up Smolensk to the Polish. Hand over Smolensk no matter if the Duma agrees or not. If the Duma agrees, it will look like you made the decision after their advice and they will be pleased

2. troop redistribution, specify how many troops to take from where, see previous chapters. Your garrison in Moscow has also prepared itself for siege, having assembled supplies for about 3-4 years, and in the process of assembling supplies for even longer

3. if you assembled the Duma, do you want to try to win favor for a suggestion to recruit some 2,500 East Ukrainian Cossacks promising them to loot Smolensk if the city is successfully relieved or retaken?
a. yes
b. no

4. do you wish to assist the Swedish in their siege outside Riga? You could send elements of your main army or troops from your garrisons, however they would have supply problems unless you could negotiate (by PM) with Sweden to get military access to pass through their possessions in Estonia in their march to Riga. Specify how many to send to Riga, they would arrive by June, ready to assist the Swedish troops in their siege
a. yes, it would be a very good chance of destroying an isolated and weak Polish force and force Polish troops away from Smolensk and Moscow
b. no, the troops are needed at home

5. the boyars
a. assemble the Duma again (this is already automatically done if you choose 1e, 1f or 1g) to indulge the boyars
b. send spies to kill Vorotynsky
c. abandon the struggle for popularity with the boyars, and move your court to Niznij Novgorod, where you have much support from both the people and the boyars (your boyar friends were all from this region). Instead of building your power on influence among the boyars try to build it on local support in Niznij Novgorod with politics tolerant both to local boyars and local workers and farmers. The local population in most areas except Smolensk (formerly a Polish possession) dislike the Polish due to their different faith, and you could against the Polish form a large levy army and your cousin with his command over the main army could perhaps also be convinced to join you

6. what to do about the Ukrainian Cossack prisoners captured in the battle with Dmitriy?
a. offer them service in the Russian main army
b. if you chose 5c, offer them service in your personal army, with free right to pillage any captured lands, but no wage
c. kill them
d. let them go

7. what to do with the Polish prisoners? They are from a semi-irregular mercenary band within the Polish army, and therefore not as useful hostages as you at first thought for pressuring the Polish king, in fact due to their irregular character the Polish ruler will lose no prestige by not ransoming them back.
a. offer them service in the Russian main army
b. if you chose 5c, offer them service in your own army
c. kill them
d. let them go

8. what to do about the levy prisoners?
a. offer them service in your main army
b. if you chose 5c, offer them service in your own army
c. kill them
d. let them go


1. what to do about the economical crisis? Your economical advisor is very concerned about your current debt situation. Due to the slowed down debt repaying speed and earlier state bancruptcies and cancelling of debts in the last century, the Venetians who you are now negotiating to buy ships from have for instance demanded their pay in pure silver rather than in the Spanish currency. Your advisor claims that such things are critical because silver can be sold at much higher profit in China where it is considered more valuable than in Europe, and he also advises you to abandon all larger-scale building projects, disband at least 10,000 troops from the army, sell off some 20 warships, and hold a low profile internationally for the coming decade until the debts are payed off. With such a program he is certain that your debts would be gone in no more than 5-8 years, whereas with the current intensity it would take 12-20 years, especially when the long-term consequences of a long time of debt start to show - merchants and bankers becoming less interested in investments in Spanish currency etc. He also says that other possibilities for profit are selling of noble titles, raising taxes, or copying the French system of selling "work rights" (granting lowered tax) for certain professions. However he says that most of the latter strategies would only give temporary income.
a. listen to the advisor and call off all projects, disband troops, and hold a lower profile. Decide which troops to disband and how to move the remaining troops
b. maintain current army strength but call off all new building projects, see no. 2 below
c. maintain current army strength for the time being (due to the Jülich-Kleve situation) but call off all new projects, and prepare to disband parts of the army later if the situation in Jülich-Kleve is resolved
d. as a but offer all disbanded regiments nobility and plenty of land in the colonies, specify which colonies primarily
e. as c but if/when disbanding takes place later offer nobility and plenty of land in the colonies
f. raise taxes, specify in which provinces - Southern Netherlands, Spanish Iberian peninsula, the smaller possessions south of the Netherlands, or Portugal (however Portugal is at this time semi-independent and not a province, controlling taxes more firmly there would require making Portugal a province, which would meet much opposition from the local nobility there)
...if you disband troops, please specify which troops to disband. You currently have around 35% Spanish, 45% Italian, 15% Portuguese and 5% Southern Dutch, most of which form tercios. You also have about 500 supporting cavalrymen per tercio you have. Also specify how to geographically redistribute the remaining troops (you could for instance keep Southern Netherlandic troops but move them to garrison the Iberian peninsula etc).

2. the new construction projects, decide which to continue with (choose one or more of the options below):
a. cannon factory in Southern Netherlands (specify in which city to construct it - Antwerp, Breda etc.)
b. modern shipyard in Cartagena, will take about 2-3 years
c. postpone these construction projects until debts are payed off

3. what to do about the captured pirate ships? Including the Portuguese ships your current fleet consists of some 60 warships of which most are in the colonies, and 175 merchant vessels mostly engaged in various forms of trade, and 180 galleys (obsolete in the Atlantic but still useful in the Mediterranean where they are also used for trade) in the Mediterranean
a. commission the captured ships for your war fleet, this would be free but increase support cost for your fleet
b. sell them both
c. give the larger one to the Spanish East India Company, however sell the smaller one which is unfit for such long-distance travel

4. continue pirate hunting? Your Admiral after all reported that one of the two larger ships he encountered escaped, and he suspects several smaller ships not yet seen could be involved - they might just have decreased activity temporarily for as long as your task force was there. On the other hand the joint Anglo-French fleet in the area is a growing threat...
a. yes, continue pirate hunting
b. no, send the ships back to where they were to increase trade and speed up paying off the critical debts
c. as b, but for safety also make sure any Spanish ships going through the English Channel stick together in larger packs, even if it decreases trade there by some 20% (however the Spanish Channel trade is only about 10% of the Spanish income at this time)
d. as b, but also end Spanish naval activity in the Channel, moving these ships to missions elsewhere

5. situation in Jülich-Kleve and unrest in Portugal
a. maintain the strong garrison in the Netherlands for the time being to intervene with any French troops moving to Jülich-Kleve
b. as a, but also be prepared to march it south to assist the garrison in Franche-Comté if the area is attacked. Specify how many to send in such a situation
c. remove most troops from the Netherlands and send to the Iberian peninsula, specify how many and which of them. The threat of a joint Protestant Union and the Anglo-French channel fleet cutting off the garrison is too large, and the news of unrest in Portugal seem bad.
d. prepare to go into the Holy Roman Empire and together with the Catholic League attack any Protestant force making a move
e. as a but also launch attacks from the Iberian peninsula towards Navarre and France. The French have about 4,000 troops as garrison in each of the major cities along their borders, choose whether to besiege any of them (Toulousse, Bordeaux) or continue deeper into France
f. as c but attack western France and besiege Toulousse or Bordeaux
Some maps: http://sharon.e.werner.home.att.net/duvalfrance.jpg, http://www.ucair.med.utah.edu/Graphics/map-france-large.gif

6. the Catholic League. Decide whether to support them in any way at this time (money equivalent to 5,000 mercenaries, send own troops, or just join the League as passive member, or not at all)

7. proceed with the ship purchase from the Venetians? It could be analyzed by both your Admirals and ship builders, allowing them to start experimenting with the construction of similar ships. Even if the debt remains it could be worth investing in a single one of these ships for analyzing purposes
a. yes, proceed with the purchase for this year
b. no, cancel the order


1. the Danish threat of heaving your blockade of Riga
a. the Danish have only seen a small Swedish 3 ship fleet at Riga, so their blockade breaking force will be quite small, as the rest of their fleet is busy with the normal trade and now also the transporting of troops and supplies over Øresund. Therefore try to surprise the small Danish fleet with your entire fleet - some 8-10 warships. It would be a good chance of destroying or capturing 4-5 Danish warships (they have some 25 warships and 45 merchants in total), but the trick will not work more than once
b. maintain the blockade only with the 3 ships you currently have outside Riga, and try to retreat if engaged by Danish ships
c. try to assault Riga with the help of naval bombardment from your ships, if successful you won't need to maintain the blockade and can move your ships to safety, however if it fails end the siege and withdraw your troops using the blockade ships. Specify how many to transport where with your fleet - Livonia, Keksholm, Finland, Stockholm, Kalmar

2. the threat of a Danish invasion of Swedish heartlands. In these areas, you currently have 200 infantry and 40 guns in the Älvsborg fortress, 5,000 Swedish infantry, 2,000 German landsknechts and 800 light cavalry with 70 guns in Stockholm, 1,000 Scottish mercenaries with 5 guns near the Norwegian border, and 1,000 more infantry spread out over various garrisons - Kalmar and Falun having the majority of these troops. You also have the troops in the siege of Riga and 1,000 in Livonia and Estonia for basic garrisoning. How do you wish to move these troops to counter a Danish invasion threat? The Danish have a force of some 5,000 Danish infantry, 5,000 mercenaries, 20 guns and 2,000 cavalry ready for invasion, with the Norwegians having 2,000 men, mostly infantry, ready, but much larger reserves. The Danish would have difficulties reaching Stockholm through the difficult terrain and without very difficult supply lines, but are likely to be able to conquer quite a bit in the southern parts

4. hire any mercenaries?
a. 1,000 German landsknechts, your economy would be able to support these for 5 years without problems
b. 3,000 German landsknechts, your economy would be able to support these for 2 years without problems
c. don't hire any

5. send any of these mercenaries or troops from your heartlands to Riga? It would take until May for the mercenaries to get there, while the troops in Stockholm are ready to go right away and would be able to reach Riga within a few days. Decide how many to send if any

6. The English offer to mediate in the conflict between Denmark and Sweden. Do you accept their offer to mediate on neutral English ground?
a. yes
b. no, the English king is probably biased to the Danish or perhaps even to be considered an enemy

King Kurt
08-25-2006, 15:43
Another cracking chapter. I will be off line this weekend and monday - a public holiday over here - so no replies to PM and info to Legio for me until tuesday I am afraid - but feel free to drop me a PM - I promise a swift reply on my return.
Franc - 2 turns and you get yourself shot!! - I should go for a bullet-proof coach with tinted windows for the future.:laugh4:

Good weekend everybody and well done to Legio for keeping this large enterprise going so well.:2thumbsup:

Marshal Murat
08-25-2006, 20:59
Can I raise taxes publicly???
If not, PM me and I will delete all posted information

Dear customer,
We in Poland regret to inform you that a small war tax is being levied on any and all grain exports to any countries. We ask for your cooperation as a small price rise in the cost of grain is occuring. As soon as the conflict is resolved, we will lower the cost of grain exports. A donation of 1000 florins (if it is an accepted mode of money) would quickly off-set any war taxes and lower the increased price more quickly.
Thank you
Polish-Lithuanian department of Commerce

08-26-2006, 00:56
Alright then, I'm going to turn into a real dick. Is the Patriarch involved in this?

Rodion Romanovich
08-26-2006, 09:31
Can I raise taxes publicly???
If not, PM me and I will delete all posted information

yes, but this could affect unrest situations at home ~:) The Sejm supports your decision of tax raise but demand that it should only be temporary

Rodion Romanovich
08-26-2006, 09:34
Is the Patriarch involved in this?

Well, he wouldn't like the idea of Russia being ruled by Catholics, but if the heir of the Polish leader converts to Orthodox faith and seems like he'll win the war, the Patriarch perhaps won't make too much noise, at least not officially. However the local population wouldn't support a Catholic ruler, and there would also be unrest to a converted ruler, however perhaps not as much as to a Catholic one.

Rodion Romanovich
08-26-2006, 12:01
Alright then, I'm going to turn into a real dick.

Actually, you can't yet know whether the tax raises in Poland are for the war with Sweden or the war with Russia... You could have diplomatic exchanges with Poland to find out which way it is

08-26-2006, 19:14
Is there a way for me to learn how much money I have?

Rodion Romanovich
08-26-2006, 19:22
Is there a way for me to learn how much money I have?
Not as a number of florins or similar, but your economy as able to support your current army strength and also some additional 5,000 mercenaries. The rest of the army must be made up from Russian levies and volunteers, or semi-irregular mercenary bands that have no wage but are offered to pillage captured lands. The latter are not very good for defense of own territories...

08-26-2006, 21:46
Actually, you can't yet know whether the tax raises in Poland are for the war with Sweden or the war with Russia... You could have diplomatic exchanges with Poland to find out which way it is
No, me saying "I am a real dick now." was in response to me saying: "Poland, last chance to surrender or I will be a dick."

08-26-2006, 21:46

08-26-2006, 21:46
What the... Moderators, please delete the following posts made by me. Thanks.

08-26-2006, 21:46

08-26-2006, 21:46

08-26-2006, 21:46
Double Post, please delete this and the following two.

08-26-2006, 21:46
Ah, Do I have no flood control? Please delete this too.

08-26-2006, 21:46
Triple Post. Please delete.

Rodion Romanovich
08-27-2006, 08:33
edit by request from Bopa

08-27-2006, 10:00
My use of german nationalism comes from a pice of writing from 17th cen france which states thay are very nationalistic. It was also an attempt at solidarity within Germany to try and prevent civil war.
Russia was simply a means to an end.

Whats more I'm shocked that you have made PERSONAL MESSAGES PUBLIC.

Rodion Romanovich
08-27-2006, 11:34

08-27-2006, 11:51
Why dude stop being so dramatic, I'm not planning anything remeniscent of 39 I promise okay?

I'll just call off the thing with Armenian, he'll understand okay? No big deal it's such a great idea dude.


08-27-2006, 12:16
Don`t know what is going on here? First you kill my king, then you stop the show:inquisitive:

Marshal Murat
08-27-2006, 12:36
Excuse my ignorance.
What the heck???

Rodion Romanovich
08-27-2006, 15:01
Hm I misunderstood something. I was overworked and had a headache and stuff, then many things happened to coincide. I think now that it was just a coincidence. You can forget all strange things that have happened the last hours, I'll continue the interactive after all. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Edit: oh and if those who this inconvenience struck want any compensation in the story plz send a PM, I'll work something out.

Edit: could mods plz delete posts 50-63? thanks in advance!

08-27-2006, 20:39
Edit: Posted without reading above^. Delete this again, I apologize for all the work I am giving the moderators.

08-28-2006, 09:31
The Courts and His Majesty the King of Spain announce:

That Spain will not invade French territory in this time of turmoil, as long as the regent of the country shows no aggression towards us and he is a good Catholic.

We also expect the French ports to be closed in mourning for the Monarch, and so advise our traders and captains to not make sail for France, until the ports are reopened, and use their zeal elsewhere to make the most profit for them, and the Crown.

In the case of a breakout of hostilities in Europe, Spain will do everything possible to mantain the balance of power in Europe, and protect it from the enemies of Catholicism.

We hope our merchants can make profitable deals with France once the borders are again open.

Signed in Madrid, 1 of May of the Year of Our Lord 1610

Rodion Romanovich
08-28-2006, 14:00
Currently waiting for turn decisions from England, France and Sweden before I can post the next chapter ~:cheers:

08-28-2006, 14:21
All French noblemen are ordered to come to Paris immediately. There they can show their sympathy and loyalty to the King. King Henri will announce his testament.

The Royal Army will guarantee the security.

King Henri IV.


Declaration of Notre-Dame de Paris
Lords, people of France

Le Bon Roi is dead! He has never been the King of the Catholics, nor the King of the Huguenots. He has always been the King of France. His government was guided by the love for God and the love for his people, the French. He was killed by the bullet of an assassin, a misguided fanatic. The murderer has been arrested and is waiting for his punishment.

Before he died, King Henry gathered his noblemen for a last time and told them his last will. He handed his crowns to his son. Until his son will be able to run the government himself, King Henry appointed his old friend guardian, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully. According to the wish of King Henri, Maximilien will become Catholic and receive the title “Maréchal de France”. May the Lord be with him all the time!

The new king will be raised at Navarro, where he will learn the people and their life in the country. He will also be a recruit of his own guard, the Guard de la Gascoigne. After three years he will enter the Akademie Royale d’Agcriculture et Ingenierie, as well as the Akademie Royale d’Armee.

Due to the will of King Henry the new government will continue with politics, based on love for and fear of the Lord as well as love for all people regardless of their rank and religion. Therefore freedom of religion and free competition between the faiths will be guaranteed. The government will increase the separation of the administration and the churches. This will strengthen the position of the nobility, the most important support of the nation. The final goal of the government is to improve the life of every French man and woman.

The dolor about the severe loss has accumulated us here today; the dolor shows us that we are one people. Let us keep this unity to fight our enemies from inside and outside. The English are collecting their forces for an invasion. We do not have to fear them as long as we stand together as one.

The murderer of our good king has been arrested; the backers are still free. They will be caught and receive their punishment. However, we all know the source of this evil; there are men, who press ahead the schism of Christianity for their own advantage. Those accursed miscreants, even worse enemies of Jesus Christ than the hordes of the Saracens, we all know them well; and so does the Lord. The court of justice is already waiting for them.

Let us thank the King of Spain for his advice and support in this sad hour. We thank the Lord that He sent us this friend in the hours of darkness.

Before we guide the King to his last rest, where the lords take the oath of loyalty for the new king and his government, let us pray for the soul of King Henry and the ask the Lord to save our country and to help our new king!

Rodion Romanovich
08-29-2006, 14:14
Currently awaiting turn decisions from Sweden

Rodion Romanovich
08-30-2006, 11:11
CHAPTER 4 - August 1st, 1610 AD
...this chapter will affect the events from August 1st, 1610 AD to March 1st, 1611 AD

Outside Riga, Polish forces engage the Swedish forces in August. After a few initial manouvres, the Polish forces quickly note that the Swedish force has learnt from their mistakes in the battle of Kirchholm several years earlier. They don't fall for fake retreats, and are generally more disciplined. They don't abandon their fortified position and are not eager to break ranks to pursue the enemy. They are also close to their own ships, meaning the chase from Kirchholm, which cost the Swedish half their army last time, will not be repeated. Finally they are trying to keep their cavalry out of action in the early phase of the battle, which means the Polish troops will not be able to rout the cavalry first and then approach the Swedish lines. Knowing this, the Polish commander still decides to engage the force and attempt to relieve the siege. Riga is an important key city in controlling the trade with the Russians, and even if the Polish troops lose they're mostly hussars and capable of keeping losses down in a retreat. The battle begins with the Polish gun crews and infantry approaching the Swedish position. The Polish cavalry is mostly positioned on the flanks, with a small number of hussars in the center. The Swedish gun crews have an advantage in numbers as the Polish experience difficulties in bringing guns from inside the city out to the battlefield. However the main Polish strength lies in the hussar charge, which is quickly launched towards the flanks of the Swedish army. The Polish right flank splits up in half to engage the Hakkapeliitta, but the latter retreat out of the way behind the Swedish line. The Polish have to decide to either chase them and reduce the effectiveness of their charge against the Swedish infantry, or ignore them temporarily at the risk of being outflanked and forced into retreat. They choose the latter, and their fears come true within a few minutes, as the Hakkapeliitta charge an exposed part of the Polish pincer manouvre. Due to the necessary splitting of Polish forces, there are only 1,500 hussaria against 2,500 Swedish cavalrymen on this flank and they are split up and not organized to stand up to a charge from the rear so suddenly. They are forced to retreat to regroup and recharge the Swedish cavalry, but the latter have now withdrawn behind their line again, out of reach, trying to repeat the same manouvre as last time. A bit surprised by the unexpected moves from the Swedish general, the Polish commander decides to sound the retreat, certain that only 500-1,000 more men would have meant a crushing victory. The Polish have only lost 400 hussars but at least 600 horses, leaving 200 of the hussars without mounts, and they have also lost 100 infantry. The Swedish on the other hand have lost nearly 800 infantry and 300 cavalry. The Polish manage to sneak in some supplies to the Riga garrison during the course of battle, but are unable to put the 5 guns taken from the city back inside, however the garrison is still quite strong.

Only days after the battle the Swedish fleet engages the Danish outside Riga. The Swedish admiral initially fight the Danish with only 3 ships, but at a crucial moment the arrival of 5 more turn the odds into his favor, and 2 of the Danish ships are sunk, while a 3rd is boarded and captured after a long fight, the rest managing to escape. Two of the Swedish ships have been damaged in the battle and must return to Stockholm, however the remaining force begins a naval bombardment of the Riga garrison to assist the besieging force. While the previous bombardment was unable to create any breaches, the ships manage to weaken the defenses near the coastline. The siege force is initially led to believe the rest of the siege is going to be easy, with the arrival of Swedish mercenaries and a small Russian task force by June, but soon get increasingly worried as more hussars assemble in the Polish camp close to the city. While the Swedish force has been reinforced by some 1,000-2,000 Cossack cavalrymen and a total of almost 1,500 infantry, the Polish seem to have been reinforced by what seems to be several thousand hussars outside the city.

The siege of Smolensk ends in a bloody battle, as the Polish forces begin what is intended to be the final assault. The Russian garrison has redistributed their guns to be more heavily concentrated on the breaches, but while this increases the Polish casualties, the disease-struck and nearly starved garrison is unable to stop the Polish assault. Russian scouts arrive as the assault is nearing its end, seeing 7,000 hussars, 2,000 Polish infantry, 4,000 mercenary infantry, 500 mercenary light cavalry, 30 guns and 2,000 Ukrainian Cossacks storm through the breeches. The scout force consider launching a small attack against the Polish gun positions, but find it too heavily guarded by a group of hussars. Instead they retreat and return to Moscow where they report that the Polish have lost 1,000 mercenary infantry, 1,000 Polish infantry and a small number of men from each of the other troop types in the battle, while the Russian garrison lost 1,000 or more, with the survivors having surrendered, becoming prisoners. As soon as the city falls, a ruthless pillaging of the city begins, led by the Polish semi-irregular mercenary bands. After the battle 5 Polish former prisoners of the Russian Tsar arrive at the city. The troops are surprised at the Russians letting them go without any consequences. Is it a way of making Poland on more friendly terms for a peace treaty, or is it a sign to show Polish troops that the Russians are not cruel and that capture or defeat will not mean death?

Danish forces begin an invasion of Sweden in May. The fortress of Älvsborg is quickly captured by a combined operation from the Danish fleet and ground forces, forcing the Swedish garrison to surrender after having killed less than 50 Danish troops. After the capture of the fortress, the Danish army regroups and begins a march towards Kalmar, which is put under siege while the countryside around the city is raided heavily in order to supply the large Danish army. A Norwegian operation engages and routs the Swedish forces on the Norwegian border, who suffer around 100 losses before retreating towards Stockholm, the Norwegians retreating back west into Norway.

In the Holy Roman Empire, the Protestant Union has seen it necessary to settle their discussions about who should inherit Jülich-Kleve. It is agreed that the areas are inherited by Brandenburg. In the meantime, revolts break out in Bohemia as the Emperor calls back the right of the local population to practise their religion. Several Catholic bishops sent to the area are attacked, and by the end of the summer Catholic and Protestant forces comprised of local levies, retired mercenaries and soldiers clash in Bohemia, resulting in a victory for the Protestant force which quickly grows to a strength of some 15,000 men, with volunteers and mercenaries from the Protestant Union joining them. The Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph is dying, and there are already discussions for who should replace him by the winter, when the physicians expect him to be dead. The brother, Matthias, so far only has influence over troops of the Catholic League and a small army of some 15,000 Austrian troops of which at least 10,000 are needed for defense against the Ottomans and in Transylvania, while the Emperor has no own army to speak of.

Unrest also grows in Portugal and France, however in nowhere the same proportions as in Bohemia. The rebel spirit among the Catholics is for a moment strengthened by contrary rumors of the king's death and survival, rumors of the king's involvement with the Protestant union, and fueled further by a Spanish statement of full support to the Catholics in France and asylum for any Catholic refugees that would have to leave the country if it would fall under Protestant leadership. The situation between Spain and England is severed by an English announcement of military support to the Huguenots in France in case of a civil war. However the rebellious spirit within France dies out - at least temporarily - after a few well chosen moves from the dying French king. He appoints his economical advisor Sully as chief guardian of his son, makes him convert to Catholicism, and respond to the Spanish statements of military intervention on the Catholic side by thanking for their support, and making further guarantees for the safety of the Catholics within the nation.

In the meantime the unrest among the sailors in Portugal ends while there is unhappiness among the nobility about a new tax for servants intended to increase the efficiency of the Spanish economy, along with a tax for land not used for farming. The Spanish also copy the French system of "work rights" giving reduced tax to the buyer, causing some unrest among the poorer workers who are unable to buy these rights, but popular among the others as it reduces their taxes. It gives a temporary boost to the crown treasury, allowing the repaying of 22% of the debt by the end of the summer, but most of the gains are temporary, the annual income going to sink to previous levels again once the remaining 50% of possible "work rights" have been sold.

In Russia, the civil war is again heated by renewed suggestions for accepting the Polish heir for Tsar. A little more than half of the boyars in the Duma decide to accept the offer while the other half supports Vasili. Vasili is forced to flee towards Niznij Novgorod while maintaining control over the Russian main army and having support from several of the boyars, while in the meantime the remaining boyars stay in Moscow with some 10,000 troops under their command.

England reestablish their colony in Virginia while with the help of French ships beginning a blockade of the English channel. Several Spanish ships are confiscated accused of contraband, and pirates also attack several Spanish vessels. The Spanish pirate hunting force engages 3 ships of which one is captured but must be abandoned after its water intake is impossible to stop and it sinks. In response to the Channel blockage and the fact that some pirates have sailed under English flags, the Spanish pirate hunting force retreats to Lisboa to ask for further orders - whether to engage the Anglo-French and Dutch blockade ships or not. They also bring a report to the Spanish king that the Anglo-French channel fleet consists of around 35 warships. The Spanish garrison in Southern Netherlands is practically isolated by the blockade. The English make an official statement that they condemn the piracy but that the blockade will be maintained for a while.

Spain also captured a few suspect English, probably agents, in Sevilla. They have not yet revealed what they were doing there. Several seem to have escaped from the area returning to England. A Spanish cannon factory is constructed in Breda.

In the Philippines, Dutch ships conquer settlements from the natives, but avoid confrontation with Spanish ships. Omani Arabs raid Portuguese East African colonies and besiege several forts, however they are repelled after inflicting around 800 casualties on the Spanish garrison in the area, which is now dangerously small - only around 1,800 men.

Work on building a French shipyard begins in Brest. France also forms a new elite corps of 1,000 soldiers, "Guard de la Gascoigne", used for protecting the King. Finally they establish a colony Nouvelle France at the mouth of the river Saint Laurent, where fortifications, harbor and trade centers are constructed. France announce that they are selling of 15 galleys from their Mediterranean fleet.

Diplomatic discussions have taken place between France and Papacy and England, England and Netherlands, and Sweden and Spain, however no information apart from the official statements mentioned above have leaked out from these meetings.


1. the blockade of the Channel, perhaps negotiate with Spain by PM
a. maintain it
b. end it

2. your captured agents might leak out information. You could ransom them back on the promise of the Spanish not inquiring them (by PM). Some of the returning agents have however given you the information you wanted (I'll send it to you by PM).

3. try to carry out the action that the agents gave you information for before it is revealed by one of the captured agents?
a. yes, specify how many forces to send
b. no

4. colonies - the force in Virginia report that they have a good chance of expanding their current holdings by about 200% in the coming two years if only provided with 500 more troops. However in order to conquer positions in Bermuda or elsewhere in the Carribbean, you would need 2,000-3,000 more troops. While expansion near Virginia would be able to share a mobile central garrison, holdings in the Carribean would be isolated from the other garrison and would need a local strong garrison.
a. send troops to be able to expand from Virginia
b. send troops to be able to capture the Bermudas
c. send troops to be able to to both
d. send no troops and withdraw some ships from North America to engage them in what could possibly turn into a war with Spain, at the expense of not being able to improve English economy as much as colonial expansion would do

5. choose a stance on aggressive French colonial expansion. The more the French expand, the worse for English colonies. How should the French expansion be kept down? Is a treaty for dividing the land necessary?


1. what stance to have in the Jülich-Kleve affair? What to do if the Holy Roman Emperor keeps the region now that the heirs have resolved their conflict, and what to do if he hands it over? Because Spain are allied to the HRE it might be useful to deal with the Spanish garrison in Southern Netherlands as a diversion.

2. do you wish to support the Protestant Union in Bohemia with any mercenaries in their struggle?

3. your recon fleet from North America has returned. It gives you the following maps showing which regions are held by British and which are held by Spanish forces:

4. colonial expansion. The garrison in Nouvelle France report that they would be able to establish a few more colonies both along the coast and further up the river with your permission, on the condition that some the 5 French warships currently in the region would stay in the area for quick transport of the troops between the regions in case of fighting with the natives. They also request 100 cannons for the fortresses they would construct
a. send what they request, take the cannons from the French fleet and replace them over the coming 3 years from factories within France and abroad (possibly from Spain, negotiate this by PM)
b. as a, but take the cannons from the French army garrisons and replace them over the coming 3 years
c. don't send any more at this time due to the remaining internal problems in France

5. choose a stance on aggressive English colonial expansion. The more the English expand, the worse for French colonies. How should the English expansion be kept down? Is a treaty for dividing the land necessary?

6. risks of civil war. What to do?
a. survey the troops to find out how large percentage of your current troops are Catholic, how many are Protestant and how many are loyal only to the king
b. when recruiting new troops, try to recruit them mainly among Protestants
c. when recruiting new troops, try to recruit them mainly among Catholics

7. recruitment to the new Guard de la Gascoigne elite corps
a. try to make sure about half are Protestant and half are Catholics
b. try to make sure most are Protestants
c. try to make sure most are Catholics
d. try to make sure all are Protestants
e. try to make sure all are Catholics


1. now that the Protestants have decided which of the two Protestant regions should inherit Jülich-Kleve, namely Brandenburg, you should according to your previous statements hand over the region to them.
a. yes
b. no, keep it even if it means a threat of a huge war with all Protestants within the Holy Roman Empire. While such a war would mean extreme opposition for you to face, it would also cause the mobilization of many Catholics to the Catholic League if Protestants would go on the offensive.
c. yes, but also demand that Brandenburg allow free passage of troops of Catholic League through the territories to deal with "illegal revolts"

2. the rebellion in Bohemia
a. send Tilly with his current army of 5,000 men (not completely trained yet) to carefully campaign against the Protestants in the autumn and avoid battle except when he can find an isolated smaller force, but mainly concentrating on scouting out the strength and distribution of the enemy forces, then retreat to Catholic provinces over the winter and prepare for a campaign next spring
b. as a, but also provide them with money for 5,000 mercenaries. You'll be able to support such a large force of mercenaries for 2 years with the finances of Austria. When you become Holy Roman Emperor you would get access to finances to support an additional 8,000 mercenaries for 10 years.
c. as a, but also send the 5,000 Austrian troops to join the campaign
d. as b, but also send the 5,000 Austrian troops to join the campaign
e. do nothing until the Catholic League has more forces trained. Tilly would be able to train an additional 5,000 men in the coming year

3. support from abroad. You're currently allied to the Spanish. It might be useful to request their assistance (by PM) to coordinate operations. While they're in economical debt at the moment and unlikely to be able to send any mercenaries or money for support, they might be able to support you with their large garrison in Southern Netherlands or the forces currently located in Italy.


1. siege of Riga
a. attack the Swedish force right away with your new reinforcements
b. just stay back and attack the Swedish force in their rear in case they try to assault Riga
c. try to sneak in more supplies to the garrison

2. garrisoning of Smolensk. Smolensk is not likely to have problems with rebellion, but it might be useful to put a garrison there for strategic purposes. Specify how many of the troops currently in Smolensk to use as garrison and which of them should act as garrison. You have 1,000 hussars, 1,000 infantry, 3,000 mercenary infantry, 500 mercenary cavalry, 30 guns + 200 captured guns. You also have 6,000 Lisowczycy hussars and 2,000 Ukrainian Cossacks, however the latter aren't suited to garrison duty. It might be useful to as quickly as possible find a new target for the irregular mercenaries to besiege to prevent desertion.

3. what to do with the remaining forces currently in Smolensk?
a. send some to Riga, specify which
b. form a field army of the remaining troops and march on to another Russian city, specify which
c. as b, but only move around the army near Smolensk to intercept and engage Russian forces outside

4. the offer of your heir as Tsar. If you accept you might also need to prepare troops for the garrisoning of Moscow from next autumn.
a. accept, immediately have him convert to the Orthodox faith
b. accept, but take advantage of the situation to seize Moscow for Poland and skip the conversion to Orthodox faith
c. decline, but make peace with Russia instead (by PM)

5. disband any mercenaries? They cost a lot but you can still support the current army strength for 1.5 years more

6. what to do about the Russian captives?
a. ransom them back
b. offer them back as part of a peace treaty
c. kill them all
d. let them go


1. what to do in the civil war? With you not too low popularity it's likely that the acceptance shown to the proposal of a Polish heir as Tsar is more due to a belief that you're unable to defeat the Polish than impopularity. If you can defeat the Polish or negotiate a favorable peace with them your position is likely to be reinforced. However now that you lost Smolensk, you're unable to give away Smolensk on condition of peace, which means you would perhaps have to give up other land to successfully convince Poland of accepting peace.
a. go near Smolensk with your main army and engage any Polish troops leaving the city to defeat the Polish and gain more popularity again
b. as a, but also take troops from the garrisons
c. as a, but also hire 5,000 mercenaries to replace losses from the last battle
d. as b, but also hire 5,000 mercenaries to replace losses from the last battle
e. do nothing yet, instead try to recruit levies and form a strong opposition in Niznij Novgorod

2. try to negotiate peace with Poland (by PM) by giving tribute corresponding to the wage of x mercenaries for y years (specify x and y), giving away land (specify which cities)?

3. siege of Riga. You can still send more troops to reinforce Riga. It would however take a while for them to arrive. It's technically possible for you to negotiate that Sweden withdraw temporarily until you get your reinforcements there, but the reinforcements had better be very strong to convince Sweden. You can also choose to withdraw your troops that are currently there to reinforce your main army at home.


1. the blockade of the Channel
a. send back the pirate hunting force to protect the merchant vessels, also have the latter travel in larger packs. If the English or French attack your forces after that, it would be a declaration of war from their part
b. threaten the French and/or English to stop the blockade or face consequences
c. weaken the garrison in Southern Netherlands to prevent it from being completely isolated and destroyed
d. strengthen the garrison in Southern Netherlands further
e. attack France and/or England right away, choose which targets (choose one or more) to aim for. Naval: French weakened Mediterranean fleet, navally bombard La Rochelle or Marseille. Cities possible to besiege for forces from Iberian peninsula: French garrisons in Navarre, Toulousse or Bordeaux. Raid targets for forces in Southern Netherlands: Calais area, other French northern coast possessions. Also specify how many troops to send.

2. what to do about the captured agents?
a. pressure them on information to find out what they were doing, then kill them to make an example
b. pressure them on information to find out what they were doing, then let them go as long as they don't return to Spanish soil
c. offer them nobility and land in the colonies if they change sides to work as double agents
d. ransom them back to England in return for x English ships, the upkeep of x mercenaries or the equivalent of x% of your debts, on the condition that you don't try to pressure the agents on information and that they will be killed if they return to Spanish soil

3. the economical problems. Do anything more? It's expected that the repaying speed will go down again next six months because most work rights have already been sold.

4. reinforce the garrison in East Africa? Where take the troops from?


1. siege of Riga
a. board some of your forces on the Swedish ships and try a combined naval and ground assault on Riga right away, at the risk of having the ground force being assaulted to its rear by the Polish force, retreat if the assault fails
b. just continue starving the garrison and defend against Polish relief attempts
c. wait for a new attack from the Polish army, then if Sweden achieve a good enough victory assault the city after the battle
d. abandon the siege right away and retreat with the troops and guns (specify where to send them)

2. war with Denmark (choose one or more of the options below)
a. use the Swedish fleet to raid Danish transports over Øresund
b. use most of the Stockholm garrison and possibly also troops from elsewhere to engage the Danish army at Kalmar
c. as b, but also have your fleet insert several troops from the siege of Riga to join the Swedish army
d. scout the Danish force at Kalmar to find out it's exact strength, also launch raids against Danish supply lines near Lund
e. negotiate peace with the Danish (by PM), this would free up troops to send to Riga immediately

3. what to do about the captured crew of the Danish ship you captured?
a. they could be useful for ransoming
b. they could be useful in peace negotiations
c. just keep them inprisoned in Stockholm for the time being

08-30-2006, 12:03
Hmmm... No offence by the Swedes - if they were wise - wouldn't engage the Polas in a battle, but rather dig in and try to repulse them behind fortified position. They lost every single battle since 1600 (always at least 2 times more numerous) and they will not be able to change that without better commanders and serious reforms.
Also the Poles deployed in 3 waves and used light Tatar or volunteer cavalry to chase the enemy so attacking them from behind is possible only in dreams or with a completely incopetent commander leading the Poles ( there were no such at that time) - which was simply impossible.

It took several more years to train Hakkapelitta and generally more agressive cavalry - this is the second questionable event in this description.

Of course it is your game and you decide here, but the Swedes clearly had problems even in reaching a tie - and it wouldn't happen this way.:book:

Rodion Romanovich
08-30-2006, 12:30
Hmmm... No offence by the Swedes - if they were wise - wouldn't engage the Polas in a battle, but rather dig in and try to repulse them behind fortified position. They lost every single battle since 1600 (always at least 2 times more numerous) and they will not be able to change that without better commanders and serious reforms.
Also the Poles deployed in 3 waves and used light Tatar or volunteer cavalry to chase the enemy so attacking them from behind is possible only in dreams or with a completely incopetent commander leading the Poles ( there were no such at that time) - which was simply impossible.

It took several more years to train Hakkapelitta and generally more agressive cavalry - this is the second questionable event in this description.

Of course it is your game and you decide here, but the Swedes clearly had problems even in reaching a tie - and it wouldn't happen this way.:book:
Well I know the Polish superiority in battle, and it's probably my description that convinced you to believe I don't. The Swedish position in this case WAS fortified - it was the Swedish policy to stick to fortified positions and not engage the Polish in the open ever since Kirchholm - so the Polish attacked a fortified position with less artillery and infantry than the Swedish. Secondly, I hinted in the last chapter that the Polish in this battle knew the engagement would be even (due to these fortifications who were by no means "Caesarian" but not too weak either). Secondly the Polish didn't have that many troops in the area at this time in the game (which was historically the reason why Gustav Adolphus could capture Riga when the Polish were engaged with fighting to the south). Finally when I decide the outcome of the battle I make a measurement of the forces, their field fortifications etc., then using a dice to decide the actual result with a weighted decisions, i.e. if Poland has slight advantage 1,2,3,4 means Polish victory and 5,6 Swedish, or if it's almost certain victory 1-5 means Poland and 6 means Sweden, or if it's much stronger advantage 1-2 means crushing victory, 3-6 means victory etc. The battle description is just a possible explanation for what tactic could have been used to give that result, and is also simplified because the story already covers two normal pages and might be too much reading already as it is. As for the actual tactics I chose to claim were used, I don't think it's unreasonable that the commander from the battle of Kirchholm would have learnt about being careful with fake retreat manouvres, and also have learnt to stay in fortified positions and not chase the enemy headlessly. As for the cavalry tactics used, trying to stay back and seek a later engagement is always the best thing to do against a vastly superior cavalry enemy. That the Polish withdrew was because they couldn't gain speed and momentum to get through the Swedish fortifications with enough speed or good enough formation to completely break the line. The Polish weren't defeated in this battle, but they retreated because they knew pushing on to victory could be costlier than awaiting the strong reinforcements, especially as there was no risk of the city being captured. As I also pointed out, the Polish commander thought that just 20% more Polish troops would have completely broken the enemy with minimal casualties even despite the fortifications. I don't see how my story would be an underestimation of the Polish forces when taking all pieces of the story into account. As for Tatar and light cavalry, in this story Poland only has limited amounts of light cavalry in this region taking part in the battle. I can't reveal any more exact details about the exact strength of the armies without ruining the story (a bit uncertainty is part of the game).

If you look at the battle of Kirchholm (quick cut and paste from wiki):
1,300 infantry
2,500 cavalry
5 guns

9,000 infantry
3,000 cavalry
11 guns

Tactics and end result: The Polish did fake retreat, the Swedish left fortified positions, broke ranks in chase, didn't protect their flanks, the Swedish cavalry was deployed evenly on the flanks without any striking power on either side and routed almost first thing in the battle running through own men, and end result was Swedish being slaughtered

...and compare it to this battle:

500 infantry
3,000 cavalry
5 guns
some logistical problems

near 10,000 infantry
2,500 cavalry
23 guns
fortified position

Tactics and end result: The Swedish stay in fortifications, the Polish have some logistical trouble, they try to attack through Swedish fortifications and nearly win because of their superior troops but retreat until getting reinforcements

All armies have weaknesses, so also the Polish army of this period, even if it was the most effective per number of men during this period. To claim that the Polish would always win wouldn't make this game fair or any game at all, I might as well end the game and say Poland conquered all of Europe and all others lost. If you think I've made an incorrect judgement at least state your view on under which conditions the Polish would be defeated, which weaknesses they have, along with the strengths you already keep pointing out. As long as you only point out the strengths and say everything is an underestimation of the Polish it makes you sound like a very biased and IMHO not a reliable source.

From summarizing my sources, it seems to me that the Polish strengths and weaknesses would be:
+ hussaria absolutely unmatched in open field battles, however both Kirchholm and Klushino figures need an adjustment due to not very clever leadership for the opponent. After the adjustments, hussaria are still vastly superior, but the figures are reduced somewhat, except against enemies who aren't aware of the Polish manouvering
+ if the enemy force is very large, the hussaria if only strong enough to break the enemy cavalry and have an edge to at the same time destroy enough of the enemy line will get their effectiveness multiplied due to the general mobility of an army centered on cavalry. This is true for all historical cavalry based armies
+ hussaria don't lose many men in the retreat in a battle in the open
- hussaria seldom lose many men but often lose trained horses even in victorious battles
- the lack of infantry and guns, which wasn't fixed until during the conflict vs Gustav Adolphus, gave some Polish problems with dealing with fortified positions
- limited Polish economy didn't allow formation of larger army than they historically had, so they were often outnumbered in most battles, sometimes outnumbered too much, especially due to their large geographical extent often with wars on multiple fronts at the same time

08-30-2006, 12:52
At this moment I am reading a new book about the campaign between 1600 and 1605. Fake retreat was unique to Kircholm - it didn't happen before ( Bialy Kamien, Kies, Kokenhausen etc) or later ( Klushino, Dynemunt) - Swedes were losing if engaging in a battle - every single time. After Kircholm they did fortify, march through woods and swamps, build camps sorrunded with swamps etc yet were defeated every time they decided to fight or had no option to retreat.

Also Husaria never lost so many soldiers - 20 % is larger than at Warsaw in 1656 when their charge was unsupported and had to retreat all the time under fire.

Far more realistic would be a situation when the Swedes refuse to fight and dig in even more than before and the Polish commander decides to wait for artillery and more infantry - this happened before Klushino when Swedes hid behind a fence which was destroyed by infantry and 2 cannons - obviously their fortifications at Riga would be far more advanced which means no option but to wait for artillery.

Supplies could be 'smuggled' the way it happened at Smolensk in 1633 - a diversion took the enemy attention and a detachment of infantry reached the gate of the city.:book:

Rodion Romanovich
08-30-2006, 13:25
At this moment I am reading a new book about the campaign between 1600 and 1605. Fake retreat was unique to Kircholm - it didn't happen before ( Bialy Kamien, Kies, Kokenhausen etc) or later ( Klushino, Dynemunt) - Swedes were losing if engaging in a battle - every single time. After Kircholm they did fortify, march through woods and swamps, build camps sorrunded with swamps etc yet were defeated every time they decided to fight or had no option to retreat.

Also Husaria never lost so many soldiers - 20 % is larger than at Warsaw in 1656 when their charge was unsupported and had to retreat all the time under fire.

Far more realistic would be a situation when the Swedes refuse to fight and dig in even more than before and the Polish commander decides to wait for artillery and more infantry - this happened before Klushino when Swedes hid behind a fence which was destroyed by infantry and 2 cannons - obviously their fortifications at Riga would be far more advanced which means no option but to wait for artillery.

Supplies could be 'smuggled' the way it happened at Smolensk in 1633 - a diversion took the enemy attention and a detachment of infantry reached the gate of the city.:book:

I'll answer this by PM as it would reveal story elements that would ruin the story.

King Kurt
08-30-2006, 14:13
Due to holidays - I have had to do my turn without PMing so as not to delay the interactive. I have sent my thoughts to Legio so he will be able to hopefully answer PM queries on my behalf. I return next wednesday if you are desparate to PM me. this is my last holiday for a bit - honest!!:2thumbsup:

Rodion Romanovich
08-30-2006, 14:26
Announcement: King Kurt is going on Holiday or something so I will "be" England for this chapter if you need to make contact to England by PM. I.e. if you want to send diplomacy PM to England you send it to me instead of King Kurt, only for as long as he is away. He has sent me the instructions for what he wanted to do.

edit: oops King Kurt's post above was posted while I was writing this ~:)

08-30-2006, 16:39

His majesty's government of the Kingdom of France and Navarro announces that it will start a program of Christianization in Northern America. It will include the whole area north of the so called Hudson River Bay. France claims this territory, now called La Nouvelle France.

France guarantees everyone, who wants to settle there and who respects the authority and the law of its majesty's government, freedom of religion and free land to settle.

France will not tolerate violation of its rights in La Nouvelle France. However, it invites all other nations to make trade and cooperation contracts.

Maximilien de Bethune, Duc de Sully, Marshall de France

Rodion Romanovich
09-03-2006, 10:30
Currently awaiting decisions from HRE, Spain

09-04-2006, 07:30
Some notes about money.

Thaler was one standard in the HRE.

A Thaler was worth 120€

For one Thaler you could buy
- 12kg bread, 6 kg meat, 2 bottles of Champaign, 1 kg tabacco, 250 g tea,1 shirt, 1 pair of shoes
- you could rent am appartment (2 rooms) including the food for 100-120 Thaler per year.

The Gulden was usually 2/3 of a Thaler.

A master artisan made 200 - 600 Thaler per year;
a Prussian soldier 24 Thaler / year

After the Kalmar war (1611-1613) Sweden had to pay 1 million Thalers compensation.

Slave trade

Slaves were shipped with 300-400 per ship. The gain was around 60%.

In 1446 at the Senegal an old horse could be traded for 25-30 slaves
In 1460 at the Gambia you could get 12 slaves for a horse.
At the Kongo you could get 22 slaves for a dog!!

In 17th centuries you had to pay 3-4 Thalers for a slave in Africa and you would get 30-40 Thalers in America


The French Army
The French may be said to have introduced the new era of warfare with Charles VIII's invasion of Italy in 1494. Until 1559 their struggles with the Hapsburgs dominated the military history of Europe. In the second half of the 16th Century, French arms were turned against each other in the religious wars of Catholic and Protestant Huguenot, but in the 17th Century, with the new Bourbon dynasty upon the throne, France emerged with reorganized forces and began to climb back toward dominance of European affairs.

The Italian Wars

In some ways the cavalry still resembled that of Agincourt: the fully-armoured man-at-arms (gendarme) was still the pride and chief striking-power of France's forces. Like other such troops, the French gendarmes charged, in single rank (en haye) with the heavy medieval lance, backed up with mace and sword in melee, but they were more overwhelmingly aristocratic than those of other nations (even in the 1580s, when many persons "of vile condition" had joined their ranks, over 60 percent of them were still gentry). This probably gave them extra élan, but made them harder to control. (La Noue, in the 1580s suggested that their single rank formation was dictated by the refusal of any true gentleman to serve anywhere but in the front rank!). Their appearance emphasized their status: masses of multi-colored plumes, richly-embroidered velvet coats worn over armour, horse-armours of mail or plate (officially reduced to frontal armour only in 1534) covered with a bard often in the colors of the captain of the company. Their furious gallantry, and the French tactic of hurling in many companies together, came as a shock to the similarly-armed Italians, and won many battles of this period.

The Ban and Arriere-Ban, strictly feudal cavalry, were used mainly in time of emergency (up to the early 17th Century), while the main strength of the Gendarmerie were the Compagnies d'Ordonnance, paid and semi-regular, though still gentry. They originally comprised 15 Compagnies each of 100 "lances". A lance contained, beside a Gendarme, two archers (really heavy cavalrymen, later referred to as Chevaux-legers, with at least half-armour, mail sleeves, light lance, and unarmoured horse, they may still have had a bow for dismounted use in the 1490s, later carried a pistol), a coutillier (who finished-off an enemy unhorsed!) valet, and page. Of these only the archers were combatants, possibly originally supporting the gendarmes in second and third rank, later usually formed on their own.

Their proportion compared with the Gendarmerie was reduced to 3:2 in 1534 and probably later to 1:1. Gendarme companies fell to a usual strength of 50 by the mid-16th Century, but tactical units usually seem to have been about 400 strong. Additional gendarmes were provided by the Royal Guard (usually 100 Scots, 100 French, with 400 Archers, 100 of them Scots too) and by the companies of princes or great nobles, often over-strength.

In the Italian Wars, Italian gendarmes and mounted crossbowmen or later arquebusiers, fought alongside the French, who also hired some thousands of Stradiots and introduced "Argoulets" in imitation of them: wearing cabacete morion, light cuirasse and mail sleeves, they were armed with crossbow—later arquebus—mace and sword. From 1529, arquebusiers a cheval were attached to support the Gendarme companies. In the earlier Italian wars—and the Wars of Religion—one third or more of a French army could be cavalry.

a. and b. French musketeers circa 1640; note short saber carried by 'a', c. Scots Guard archer of Francis I's reign showing the type of dress and armament used on dismounted guard duty at court, d. French musketeer, mid-17th Century. Hat gray or black with gilt trim and red plumes. Tabard or casaque blue, cross and edge white, "flames" in angles of cross red for Gray Musketeers, yellow for Black. Jacket and breeches blue, trimmed gold. Boots black with red heels. Sword probably slung from embroidered shoulder belt. Cuirass under casaque. e. French pikeman circa 1640; note extremely large garters and shoe bosses, f. Guard Chevauleger, early 17th Century. Armour and horse trappings black. Sash white and gold, pennon black and white, plumes white (a 17th Century gendarme would be similar except for the lance); armour to knees. Note pistol holsters at front of saddle, g. French Gendarme of late 15th or early 16th Century. Horse bard is that of Francis I—probably blue and gold. The rider could wear only the "skirt" of his coat, leaving the rest of his armour (torso and arms) fully exposed.

The native French infantry, in contrast to the cavalry, were considered unfit to take the brunt of the infantry battle. In the 15th Century a militia of 16,000 "Francs-Archers" had been set up, and some thousands of these were employed in the earlier Italian Wars period, but proved highly unreliable, being abolished in 1535. They were variously armed and probably still included some long-bowmen at the end of the 15th Century. The greater part of the French infantry however, were mercenary bands of "aventuriers", some of them, like the "Vielles Bandes de Piedmont" so constantly employed as to become virtually regulars. Gascons, who were considered (particularly in their own eyes) the best soldiers in France, predominated.

The chief weapon of the infantry was the crossbow, not replaced by the arquebus until the 1520s, but there were also pikemen, for the French foot in the early Italian Wars emulated the tactics of the Swiss (who were called in to train them at times) "with the same discipline and method, though not with the same courage". Infantry bands or "ensigns" were 500 strong for Francs-Archers, otherwise 230-300 men.

Fifty percent or more of the infantry of French armies, however, was normally mercenary; predominantly Swiss (exclusively in French service after 1516), otherwise Lansknechts, both at this period around 65 percent pike-men, 25 percent halberdiers and the like, ten percent arquebusiers. There were also Italians, mainly skirmishers.

A new attempt at a French national infantry was made in 1531, when Francis I founded the 6,000 man "legions" of Normandy, Languedoc, Champagne and Picardy. As with the Compagnies d'Ordonnance, only a cadre was permanently embodied, the rest mustering only occasionally in peace. Composition varied but was around 60 percent pikemen, in burgonet, corselet and tassets, ten percent halberdiers and 30 percent shot, in morions. Though of dubious value, they were maintained or revived until the wars of religion, two or three more being added. Bands of around 1,000 were sometimes detached for separate service.

The French guns made perhaps the greatest impression in Italy; Charles VIII's 36 bronze horse-drawn pieces were the first effective field artillery. By 1536 the French artillery train of some 40 pieces had over 100 gunners, conductors and craftsmen, 800 pioneers, 680 horses and a picked escort of four ensigns of foot. Guns were generally heavy—in the 1550s cannon, culverins or culverin bastard-calibres being standardized.

The Wars of Religion

For much of the period, the royal side so inherited most of the existing army. Their cavalry centered on the gendarmerie using their old tactics, though with unarmoured horses, supplemented by German reiters (heavy cavalry with pistols using "caracole" tactics based on firepower), and similar French pistoliers and mounted arquebusiers, now referred to as "carabins". They had the legions (except Languedoc, which mostly deserted to the Huguenots) and the much better "Vielles Bandes" of mercenaries; from these were developing the regimental organization which gave France her first permanent regular infantry units; by the later wars being of ten to 12 companies, and around 1,000 strong, but still often grouped on the battlefield in large "battalions" of up to 5,000. They also had the Swiss, hired Lansknechts in large numbers, and were lent Spanish infantry. Their armies, especially the cavalry raised by nobles, were very showily dressed, with plumes, gilt armour, velvet and gold embroidered mandelions and so on.
The cavalry were dependent upon the "squirearchy" of the Protestant areas, who produced a brave and Ironside-like horse, distinguished by the long-sleeved white casaques they wore over their armour in old fashioned style (their opponents nicknamed them "Millers"). They were mostly half-armoured, and armed with sword and pistols, and though originally formed en haye were taught under Henry of Navarre to form in squadrons six or seven ranks deep, charging home with the sword and using their pistols in the ensuing melee, highly-effective tactics. Again reiters were hired; some of them adopting the new tactics, and most of the lighter cavalry were arquebus-armed.

Huguenot infantry, especially at the outset, were somewhat improvised, and even when their discipline improved, almost totally lacked pikes, being at first all arquebusiers, by the end of the wars nearly all musketeers. By 1587 they were taught to fire regular volleys, two ranks at a time, the front kneeling. They also had regimental organization, but seem to have often operated in smaller tactical groups, sometimes interspersed with cavalry. They were supplemented by smallish numbers of Lansknechts, some not-very-effective English and Scots, and at the end of the wars by the Royal Swiss.

17th Century Armies
Henry IV (Navarre) established the regular army in 1597 from both Catholic and Protestant troops. The French regiments, starting with "Les Vieux"—Picardy, Champagne and Navarre, and the Garde Francais, were made permanent, and new regiments such as Piedmont, Normandy and Lorraine added; 1,200 strong, one-third muskets, two-thirds pikes. By 1609 there were 20,000 French infantry, and 12,000 foreign, mainly Swiss.

The basis of the cavalry were 4,000 regular Gendarmes, now half-armoured pistoliers, supported by sections of "Carabins", and there was a 1,000 strong "Cornette Blanche" of noble volunteers, a company of 200 Guard Chevaulegers, and a unit of gentlemen, the "Carabiniers du Roy" who in 1622 became the famous company of Gray Musketeers (a company of Black Musketeers was added in 1661—despite their name both were heavy cavalry, the colors being those of their horses).

Under Richelieu, in the 1640s, the army was further overhauled and expanded, partly by the takeover of an army of 8,000 ex-Swedish troops previously led by Bernard of Saxe-Weimar (foreigners were reckoned worth three men—one more for France, one less for the enemy, and one Frenchman released for productive work!). Infantry began to operate in small battalions of 600 to 800, usually formed six deep, pikes (now perhaps as few as one third) in the center (regiments could form half, one or two battalions).

Cavalry companies and cornets began to be grouped in regiments, but fought in "squadrons" of about 200. By 1660 there were 109 infantry regiments (30 foreign, mainly Scots and Swiss) and 30 cavalry regiments. Most cavalry were three-quarter or half-armoured pistoliers; there was at least one buff-coated dragoon regiment, and there were some irregular light cavalry or "Croats".

Rodion Romanovich
09-04-2006, 17:46
Announcement: currently waiting for decisions from HRE. Also I've got an injury so I probably can't write next chapter until perhaps next weekend :shrug:

09-05-2006, 07:13
Sad to hear. Hope you will be fine, soon!:nurse:

By the way, Legio, this is an excellent interactive so far. Congratulations!

May I ask for a favour? Could you give a status about finance, economy, colonies, army and navy, happyness. I started some programs to improve the situation and I wonder if they work. Furthermore I want to go one step further.


09-05-2006, 09:34
Sad to hear. Hope you will be fine, soon!:nurse:

By the way, Legio, this is an excellent interactive so far. Congratulations!

May I ask for a favour? Could you give a status about finance, economy, colonies, army and navy, happyness. I started some programs to improve the situation and I wonder if they work. Furthermore I want to go one step further.


Definitely seconded!:2thumbsup:

09-06-2006, 06:00
Get well soon, Legio.

Rodion Romanovich
09-06-2006, 15:47
Thanks all, I'm doing better now after some rest. I've got all the decisions so I'll soon post the next chapter ~:cheers:


Re status, I'll provide the necessary info in the coming chapters, and if you have specific questions I can always answer them by PM. For some of the projects their effect will not become clear until after several chapters.

Rodion Romanovich
09-08-2006, 10:50
CHAPTER 5 - March 1st, 1611 AD
...this chapter will affect the events from March 1st, 1611 AD to August 1st, 1611 AD

The Polish army outside Riga makes another attempt at relieving the siege of the city by launching another attack on the Swedish force. The Polish shortage of infantry prevents them from fully supporting the charge of the husaria, but this matters little as the Polish have assembled impressive numbers for the battle: almost 10,000 husaria charge the Swedish fortified position. While the fortifications slow down the streams of cavalry headed towards the Swedish line, it is not enough to stop their onslaught. They send 2,000 men towards each flank of the Swedish infantry line, 2,000 for cutting off the likely Swedish retreat to the ships, and 2,000 on each flank in a second wave to engage the Swedish cavalry, which unlike last time - thanks to the Polish numbers this time - has no option of pulling back to hit the husaria later, but have the choice of either routing or charging. They are ordered to make a frontal charge towards the husaria, but the shining lances are enough to drive them into a rout before they make contact, abandoning the infantry, which is soon likewise driven back in a massive rout. The Polish victory is crushing - the husaria lose only 200 horses and 50 men, while inflicting 1,000 losses on the Swedish infantry, 50 on the Swedish cavalry. In the ensuing rout, the Swedish troops are unable to reach the ships directly and must instead flee north through the difficult terrain between Riga and their possessions in Livonia. Over 1,500 are killed and around 1,500 are captured in the rout. Many Swedish troops drown in their attempts to reach the ships. The Swedish ships follow them north along the coast trying to bombard the Polish pursuers but to limited effect. The Polish do not break off the pursuit until nightfall, when they return to Riga to overview the results of the battle. Over 2,500 Swedish infantrymen have been killed, 1,500 have been captured, along with all 23 Swedish guns, 500 Swedish cavalrymen have been lost, the remaining surviving only thanks to their early rout - or rather sensible retreat in face of the impossible opposition. In return the Polish troops have lost only 200 husaria horses and 50 husaria, and an additional 20 in the pursuit. Of the surviving Swedish troops that don't desert, half arrive at Swedish garrisons in Livonia a few days later, while the other half boards the Swedish ships further north along the coast, and are transported back to the northern Livonia and Estonia garrisons as well. The ships pull back to the harbor in Revala awaiting orders from the Swedish king. Later during summer, the Polish Cossack and Lisowczycy mercenary bands of 5,000-8,000 men begin a campaign of a series of 500 men raids on the Swedish possessions north of Riga in Livonia, entering smaller villages but unable to raid the larger garrisoned cities.

Charging husaria

In Sweden, Swedish patrols harrass Danish supply lines and scout out the Danish army. On the reports of the strength of the Danish army - 10,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry, the king orders the Swedish troops from the garrison in Stockholm to march south and prepare to engage the Danish army outside Kalmar. The Swedish have almost equal numbers to the Danish army in infantry, but have only around 800 light cavalry in support. However the Danish army is busy foraging and are surprised by the sudden appearance of such a large Swedish army. The Swedish artillery begins a bombardment of the Danish position, followed by the infantry advancing on the Danish position. The Danish troops are quickly forced into a retreat after some 500 casualties and leaving all their 20 guns behind, but the Swedish light cavalry is unable to take any more advantage of the marginal victory and the Danish superiority in cavalry prevents the Swedish from pursuing them more aggressively. They begin a careful pursuit from a distance, taking them through the forests southwest of Kalmar and in the direction of Lund. The difficult terrain prevents the Swedish pursuing force from bringing more than 5 of their lightest guns, but the retreating Danish troops have no guns at all. Not sure what to do, the Swedish army awaits further orders from the Swedish king.

In Russia the disagreement about whether to accept the Polish heir as Tsar continues to split the boyars. The slightly more numerous party in favor of the decision have taken control over the 10,000 man strong Moscow garrison and refuse to allow any of the supporters of Tsar Vasili into the city, while sending a request to the Polish heir to arrive this year with a proper bodyguard to help destroy the forces of Vasili. The Russian main army of some 33,000 men controlled by Vasili, who hasn't admitted the Polish heir as Tsar, begins a siege of the city of Smolensk that was recently lost to the Polish. After an initial assault is repelled and their scouting has surveyed the garrison, they begin bombardment and passive attempts to starve the garrison to death. The garrison consists of 500 husaria and 3,000 infantry, however the number of guns in the defense have been reduced since the Russians controlled the city. The breaches through which the Polish assaulted the city have been repaired, but are still a bit weakened. The Russians have as much as 60 guns and manage to open these weakened breaches already by March, and also begin bombarding other sections of the defenses. Around 100 Russian infantrymen and 700 Ukrainian Cossack cavalry mercenaries who survived the battle of Riga join the Russian siege force by March, reporting that all except them were captured, killed or have deserted. They suggest that the small number of husaria seen at Smolensk is explained by the fact that almost 10,000 husaria took part in the battle of Riga. Now that the Polish have secured Riga, they are likely to come back to Smolensk in full force.

In France, the situation between Catholics and Huguenots remains tense, but not hot for the moment being. A group of Catholics have complained to Marshal Sully about a Huguenot church construction too close to Paris, against the rules of the Edict of Nantes, and they demand the Huguenots to dismantle the church. There's also a threat that the influence of Sully will be reduced by actions in Navarre, where the young heir is kept. Many Catholic nobles gather around the queen of the late king Henry IV, trying to influence her to (in the name of her position as queen) make decisions behind the back of Sully, despite the fact that he is the official chief guardian of the late king's heir. However the situation in France has improved in other aspects - French economy has been strengthened by the successful expansion of the French colony Nouvelle France. The colony expands well in both population, geographical extent and income for the French crown.

In Spain, the debt repaying program continues. Around 30% of the debts have now been payed off. The raised taxes for unused land have made many nobles transform part of their possessions into farms, and increased income for the crown, but also stirred up unrest in many places in the Iberian peninsula among the higher nobility. A new commander has been found for a new tercio intended to be set up in Madrid. The Spanish army also reform their tercios to be issued more supporting cannons and cavalry than previously, however the reform will take several years to carry out and might result in a need to reduce the overall number of tercios to make the economy capable of handling the situation. The Spanish cannon factory in Breda in Spanish Netherlands is finally put into use, producing the cannons needed for the expanding Spanish fleet and reformed ground army. Meanwhile, the Spanish East India Company have laid down their first ship for the crown. An inspection by a Spanish admiral reveals that the ship is of very low quality and somewhat unstable, probably not fit for the high seas. The EIC leaders respond that they tried to point out the difficulties of combining East India trade with ship building at the time the company was founded and how difficult ship building skills are to acquire, however they promise their next ship will be better, at least after 5 ships they will have reached very high quality indeed.

In the Holy Roman Empire, the Jülich-Kleve affair comes to an end. Emperor Rudolph dies during the winter and is replaced by his brother Matthias, who immediately ends the occupation of Jülich-Kleve, but in return demands that the Emperor keeps military access through these lands. Brandenburg accept the demand and the direct control over the region is quickly taken over by their administration. This ends the international tension in the region, but the internal problems for the Holy Roman Empire remain. Tilly, commander over the Catholic League forces, begin a campaign in Bohemia to crush the rebellion there. After some initial aggressive scouting and raiding he has engaged and routed some smaller forces, but had to withdraw to Catholic lands during winter, to prepare for a renewed campaign the upcoming spring.


As a result of many national programs for becoming self-supporting in food, the food prices on the world market begin to decline. This hurts mainly Poland and Denmark whose economies depend heavily on food exports. In return France and Spain, with their improved local agriculture have some improvements in economy as a result of this development.

The tension between Spain and England is temporarily removed by the movement of 20 English warships away from the channel, and the blockade subsequently being lifted in return for the Spanish crown returning the English spies they captured in Sevilla. However shortly afterwards the Spanish king makes a visit to Sevilla to greet the incoming precious metal fleet but is met by a shock - the fleet arrives scattered, damaged and it has lost one third of it's cargo. Of the 17 escorting warships, 3 have been lost, 2 heavily damaged and 3 others have taken light damage. The Admiral tells the Spanish king that they were attacked by an English fleet of around 20 warships and were forced to abandon the transport ships to form up and engage the English ships. However once the transports were abandoned, they were attacked by another force, however not under English flag, perhaps pirates. After the English force sunk 1 Spanish warship the Spanish ships begun to retreat, however the English warships ignored the transports and instead continued their pursuit of the Spanish warships until running out of ammo for many of their ships. The losses of precious metal will affect the economy a bit but fortunately for Spain not as much as the English had hoped, due to the survival of so many of the Spanish transports. The losses for the Spanish fleet are perhaps worse, in return they however mean less salaries to pay as long as no new ships are commissioned.

In America, the English colonies expand rapidly. A position is established in the Bermudas, and the position in Virginia is expanded. However there's a slight shortage of settlers. A treaty between Spain and France gives France part in the slave trade and thus breaks the previous monopoly on this transport. This frees up parts of the Spanish fleet in the African colonies for usage elsewhere.


1. the 20 warship fleet. It has limited ammunition left and 4 of the ships have taken damage. It is currently somewhere northwest of the coast of Portugal
a. retreat through the Channel, at the risk of the damaged ships lagging behind and making it necessary for you to abandon them to save the remaining ships
b. sail around Britain to the north to avoid Spanish ships in the Channel from intercepting it. This would allow you to safely bring also the damaged ships home to port

2. the situation with Spain. England has by the attack on the silver fleet declared war on Spain. How should the war proceed? Naval attacks? Trying to coordinate Dutch and French troops to attack Southern Netherlands? Should (by PM) French and Dutch armies and navies be made to coordinate operations against the Spanish?

3. colonies - there are currently 5 English warships in the Bermudas and 2 near Virginia.
a. keep them where they are
b. send 6 of them to hunt down Spanish ships in the West Indies, and 1 ship to transport material and troops back and forth between Virginia and the Bermudas as needed
c. send all 7 of them to hunt down Spanish ships in the West Indies, temporarily exposing the colonies to a risk of isolation and limiting the ability to move troops in the case of an emergency.
d. send some of them home to England, specify how many

4. apart from the 20 ships from the raid force, you currently have 8 warships in the channel and 5 near London of which 3 are during summer time used for escorting merchants to trade with the Russians at Archangel. How should these ships be moved now in response to possible Spanish actions? You also have 2 new ships possible to commission for your war fleet. You can for instance opt to skip the Archangel trade this summer, or send it unescorted. You can also opt to send the ships to the eastern parts of the Channel while negotiating with the Dutch and French to assist in patrolling the channel, and once they agree send the ships to the western edge of the channel to patrol it in one big group. Or you can keep all ships back like that until the 20 ship fleet has returned and is capable of joining them. Or you could use all ships for harassing Spanish transport ships in the Channel right away.

5. some unrest in Britain and Ireland has been spotted. The current troops strength in the British isles is a bit low after the expansion in the colonies.
a. recruit 500 mercenaries, this would be a limited burden to your economy
b. recruit 2,000 mercenaries, this would be a heavy burden to your economy
c. recruit 5,000 mercenaries, this would be a very heavy burden to your economy, but if you increase tolls and taxes the burden would be reduced, however the unrest likely to increase
d. recruit no troops yet, but send spies to find out how problematic the unrest is


1. the English-Spanish war
a. declare neutrality and abort the joint Channel fleet cooperation with England. If you continue it you would be forced to assist the English and thereby become an enemy of Spain. However if either side attacks you, you may want to have a plan ready for responding to attack.
b. declare allegiance to the English side
c. declare allegiance to the Spanish side

2. the Huguenot church construction near Paris - another problem standing in the way of balancing between Huguenots and Catholics - or a good opportunity for choosing sides in the conflict if desired. The Catholics have dangerously close relations to Spain and the Holy Roman Empire, however the Huguenots in return are like a state within the state, having rights to maintain garrisons of several thousand men at the expense of the crown, severely limiting the crown's ability to assemble larger numbers for the French army.
a. demand the Huguenots dismantle the church, in accordance with the Edict of Nantes, and also punish those standing behind the construction according to the Edict
b. demand they dismantle the church, according to the Edict of Nantes, but don't punish the guilty
c. tell the Huguenots that they may construct the church if they in return accept a reduction of the garrisons in Huguenot territories and handing over these regiments to the crown, then mix these regiments with Catholic regiments to make sure they don't remain Huguenot controlled regiments
d. allow the construction in this single instance but promise to punish any further actions of this kind from the Huguenots
e. extend the Edict of Nantes to give the Huguenots right to construct churches and hold mass also in Paris and the vicinity of the city without restrictions

3. if you under no. 2 chose an option that would cause riots or revolts, what should the response to revolt be if any would take place? Your advisor reports that while the keeping of mostly Protestant regiments in Huguenot strong territories limits the risks of local confrontations between French forces and local population, it also means the risks of a larger-scale nation-wide conflict increase as the segregation between Huguenots and Catholics increases. However your advisor also claims that keeping a Protestant commander in Protestant territories and a Catholic commander in Catholic territories has turned out to be a wise decision and has worked out as well as you had planned.
a. don't do anything
b. begin an innocent-looking small scale project to move regiments with many Catholics to Huguenot territories and regiments with many Huguenots to Catholic territories. Also try to mix the regiments with each others. Make this a small-scale operation that isn't easily noticed by the masses, with the result hopefully being a stronger unity within the French army in the long term. The end result should be more mixed regiments and only a slight numeral advantage of Huguenots in Huguenot territories and slight Catholic advantage in Catholic territories.
c. as b, but do it more quickly to achieve results quickly
d. only make sure that newly recruited regiments are mixed in this way

4. in the case of hostilities between Huguenots and Catholics, what should the plan be?
a. respond quickly, punish all participants on both sides in the conflict before the conflict grows in size
b. choose a side, specify which
c. choose sides with the side that seemed to be the one that didn't attack first
d. have no plan made in advance, demand that in the case of unrest the military leaders report to you before acting, even if this means a much delayed response and that the problems could grow out of proportion before you can intervene

5. French economy. There is a good chance of improving French silk trade at this time. Processing silk into fabric and having silk worms locally in France instead of importing them from abroad would be very profitable. It has already been carried out to some extent but could be extended further. This would mean some competition with English wool industry but there would be limited overlap due to the luxury status of silk whereas wool fabric is used by the poorer. The main customers of the silk would be French, Spanish and German nobility, possibly also with limited amounts sent to Nordic countries, Poland, Russia and Italy
a. increase silk production by having 6 ships from your fleet carry the needed equipment to France this year
b. don't do anything now, the fleet might be needed if Spain becomes hostile

6. any troop redistribution in response to the political situation abroad?

7. Jülich-Kleve. Is it acceptable to France that the Emperor has demanded unrestricted military access through Jülich-Kleve on handing it over to Brandenburg? Should France intervene in any way?

8. what to do about the Queen?
a. send her some proper "protection" against the nobles. This "protection" will pretty much mean keeping her as a prisoner and not allow any visitors inside
b. move the Queen to Paris where you are, even if this could be used by Catholic nobles as an excuse for revolt, treason or similar
c. do nothing


1. your operations in Bohemia have so far engaged and routed some smaller rebel forces, but had to retreat during winter. You have the 15,000 forces you sent in last Autumn ready for operations again. According to the recon from last Autumn, the rebels have some 2,000 men in Prague, 10,000 in the countryside and 6,000 besieging a small local Catholic force of some 2,000 men. It seems like the Northern Protestants are giving logistical support to the rebels by some 5,000 mercenaries of which 3,000 are already in Bohemia, the other 2,000 being on the way to reinforce the rebels.
a. immediately march on Prague and put it under siege and try to commit the rebels to a crucial battle
b. first relieve the Protestant siege of the 2,000 Catholic local militia forces, then together with them march for Prague and besiege the city
c. try to follow and engage the 10,000 enemies in the countryside. If they retreat too far to be able to follow, besiege Prague
d. try to follow and engage the 10,000 enemies in the countryside. If they retreat too far to be able to follow, retreat to your homelands
e. do nothing yet. Tilly will then be able to complete the training of the 5,000 Catholic League forces, and possibly recruit an additional 2,000 more to the end of the summer

2. recruit any more troops for operations in Bohemia? Now that you have become Holy Roman Emperor you will be able to support some 8,000 additional mercenaries for up to 2 years. These troops could be used in Bohemia. You could also request troop support from Poland or Spain (by negotiating with either or both of them by PM)

3. diplomatic relations with England and Spain?
a. declare the HRE neutral for the moment
b. declare your support for Spain and join the war on their side. You can specify any operations you wish to carry out to support them, or you can leave that until later.
c. declare your support for England and join the war on their side. You can specify any operations you wish to carry out to support them, or you can leave that until later.

4. diplomatic relations with France? The French threat of intervening with the Jülich-Kleve affair shows that France is more than willing to attack Holy Roman Empire possessions. Securing the border against France by promises, threats or anything else could be in order. Or you could just remain friendly to France for the time being, to go hostile after building up your military strength. Or build up in preparation for any attack from them, and attack France only if France attack first.
a. try to temporarily strengthen the relations (communicate with France by PM) by improving trade etc.
b. do nothing

5. stance in Swedish-Danish and Polish-Russian war (if you send support to one of these countries they can recruit around 3,000 mercenaries for 2 years, if you send support to two of these countries they only get around 1,500 mercenaries each for 2 years)
a. do nothing
b. send monetary support to Denmark
c. send monetary support to Sweden
d. send monetary support to Poland
e. send monetary support to Russia

6. do you wish to make any other statements or reforms now that you have just been elected Holy Roman Emperor? Is there anything from former Emperors you wish to change? Is there any promises you wish to make to the HRE population or local rulers? Will you give them guarantees for how you balance between strengthening the Catholic League and your Habsburg possessions (Austria, Hungary and Bohemia) by enforcing your power and military strength as Emperor, while on the other hand not causing impopularity by looking like you wish to decrease the power of the local rulers?


1. what to do in response to the declining food prices? A program for improving Polish trade is one possibility, however Poland has hardly any merchant class at all at this time, only a large high nobility and a large group which owns no land at all. Where do you wish to start in dealing with all these potential problems? Peace with Russia would make Riga a potential source of much trade income by giving you a share in the trade with Russia which is otherwise almost a monopoly held by Sweden. Good trade opportunities are necessary for a strong merchant class to be formed, and a strong merchant class would help weakening the dominant nobility and the position of the Sejm in favor of the king.

2. relieving the Russian siege of the Polish garrison in Smolensk
a. specify how many of your troops to send. Note that even the semi-irregular mercenary bands are interested here, as the defeat of a 33,000 man strong Russian army would give them plenty of chance for pillaging from the dead. The surviving forces from Riga would arrive before the Russians could open any more breeches, while the pillaging troops in Livonia would take longer. Replacement horses for all the husaria who lost theirs in the last years will also be available a bit later
b. send none

3. responding to a Russian assault of Smolensk if it happens before you can get any reinforcements there
a. try to send out the husaria the back way and have them escape so they aren't lost. It might demoralize the infantry however
b. as a, but use the husaria to harass Russian guns, isolated regiments etc. to cause as much harm as possible, then withdraw the husaria to join the reinforcements if you sent any, or retreat to Polish heartlands otherwise.
c. have all Polish troops remain inside the city and try to hold back the attacker. Defeat is likely, but the battle will be costly for the Russians if they assault right away

4. if the Russians attack Smolensk and if they would successfully take the city before your reinforcements would arrive, what would you do?
a. besiege the city
b. if the Russians leave a garrison of 2,000 men or less, assault through the breaches (the Russians won't be able to repair the breeches)
c. if the Russians leave a garrison but retreat with the other men, pursue the other men as far as you can, then besiege Smolensk when the pursuit must be broken off

5. following up the truly crushing victory at Riga
a. improve Polish roads, infrastructure and garrisoning in general in Livonia. This would be a necessary step before any lasting conquest of Swedish possessions further north could take place
b. don't follow up the victory any more at this time
c. continue pillaging and plundering Swedish possessions (this can't be combined with sending the raiding forces to help you at Smolensk)
d. send some troops to support the Danish invasion of Sweden (any troops you send here would be unavailable to you at Smolensk if you would need them there)

6. what to do with the Swedish prisoners taken at Riga?
a. kill them
b. let them go
c. ransom back
d. ransom back on some peace condition (negotiate with Sweden by PM about this), if the Swedish refuse then kill

7. Polish infantry recruitment. The previous battles have proven the worth of the husaria, but also shown that the lack of infantry causes some trouble with dealing with fortified positions
a. suggest to the Sejm a reform for increased infantry conscription to allow the formation of an infantry force of at least 10,000 men for usage anywhere. This would be more difficult for the Sejm to accept and would have some effect on Polish economy.
b. suggest to the Sejm a reform for increased infantry conscription to allow the formation of an infantry force of at least 5,000 men for usage anywhere. This would be likely for the Sejm to accept and would have fairly limited effect on Polish economy.
c. don't bother about infantry at this time, it'll only be costly for the economy and isn't needed yet


1. siege of Smolensk
a. assault Smolensk now. It will be a costly battle in terms of casualties (maybe 5,000-7,000 losses), but also an important propaganda victory in Moscow if you could defeat some Polish troops
b. assault once some more breaches have been opened. The battle will be less costly but chances are great that Polish reinforcements will be able to get there before the assault takes place - or worse: during the assault
c. just wait and continue besieging Smolensk, and try to prepare for a defensive battle against Polish relief forces
d. abort the siege and pull back, it isn't worth the risk

2. if you opted to assault Smolensk, and in doing so would be successful in capturing the city, you won't have the breeches repaired properly until the end of summer, meaning you need a strong garrison to defend it if it is besieged by Polish troops. What would you do to follow up the assault if successful?
a. leave the entire army inside, even if it means risking to have all besieged by Polish troops
b. leave a small garrison inside and then pull back home with the rest
c. abandon the city and pull back right away, the siege was intended mainly to kill the isolated Polish garrison

3. the situation in Moscow
a. if you picked 1d, use the main army to besiege Moscow to defeat the illoyal boyars and the local garrison of 10,000 men
b. don't do anything about Moscow, let the Polish heir come to Moscow to make the Polish forces overextend when leaving a garrison in Moscow to protect the heir, and have him stir up unrest against him and thereby increase the support for you

4. possibly have negotiations with Sweden, Poland and Denmark by PM... Or others as well... If you chose to assault Smolensk, you would be in a better position of negotiating with the Polish - giving Smolensk to them in return for peace as long as they don't renew their demands to have their heir as Tsar, for example.


1. regarding the low-quality ship made by the East India Company
a. dissolve the company and retake the ships to the Spanish fleet
b. give them another chance, and commission the new ship for the Mediterranean fleet
c. give them another chance, and commission the new ship for the Mediterranean fleet, but in return decommission 3-5 of the more outdated oar-driven galleys
d. give the EIC another chance, but scrap this ship
e. arrest the responsible in the EIC and prosecute them for high treason
f. do b,c or d (specify which) but also send in spies into the EIC to find out more about the situation, at the risk of having your trust in the company lowered
g. commission the ship and despite it's faults use it for the Atlantic fleet to be able to strike the English hard and soon (see 4c below)

2. regarding the unrest among the higher nobility in the Iberian peninsula
a. withdraw 2 tercios from Southern Netherlands (now that the Jülich-Kleve business is resolved) and keep them in the peninsula for a while
b. form an elite bodyguard of 500 soldiers even if it would damage the economy (and be a sign of admitting that you know you've done something that should anger people)
c. do nothing for the time being

3. the economical debt
a. continue as it is
b. disband some troops
c. raise taxes even higher despite the unrest

4. the naval aspects of the war with England. What ships should be assembled for operations? You could choose combinations of these, i.e. first use a smaller force for one operation, then reinforce them with other ships that become available later. The options are just a few of the many possible suggestions. The 2 heavily damaged ships will not be possible to use until next chapter, however the 2 lightly damaged could be used. The more ships you bring back from the colonies the more problematic the situation will be there. You currrently have around 35 ships away in colonies and for transports (a smaller precious metal fleet heading for China where the silver price is higher, among other things). Around 10 of the ships are patrolling outside colonies in South America and the Carribbean, and around 10 are escorting the silver fleet to China. The remaining ships are in the Indian Ocean, Africa and the Philippines etc. The Mediterranean fleet is not counted in these 35 ships. It has another 5 high-quality ships and also several oar-driven galleys (however the galleys are no match for English ships in the Atlantic). Remember when moving ships from the colonies that the American colonies must be guarded from the around 7 English warships in North America.
a. immediately collect the 6 warships from the pirate hunting force and the undamaged 10 ships from the precious metal fleet escort for operations, also commission the 1 venetian ship you bought making for a total of 17 ships. When the 2 lightly damaged ships are repaired (when the English 20 warship fleet has been resupplied) put them into action as well
b. as a, but also use the 2 lightly damaged ships right away
c. as b, but also use the EIC ship
d. bring back 20 ships from the colonies (specify from which colonies) before carrying out any operations at all (they would be home after the English 20 warship fleet has retreated to port and resupplied)

5. what operation should the fleet in no. 4 carry out? The English 20 warship fleet is short of ammo and a quickly launched operation would be able to reach at least the middle of the English Channel before having any risk of meeting the English 20 warships resupplied.
a. try to pursue the English 20 warship fleet. It is far away but weakened by it's shortage of ammunition. This option can be combined with carrying out other options after the pursuit ends.
b. raid English merchants heading for East India. These are independent merchants not owned by the English crown but they pay taxes to the English king. It would be considered by merchants both within and outside Spain as a brutal crime if you would attack them, but it would hurt the English a lot indirectly to do so
b. save plans like 5a for emergencies, instead assemble the fleet to strike any English ships, ports and similar in the western half of the English channel then retreat
c. launch a land invasion of Britain. If the western part of the channel is unguarded you could land some of your best tercios, with proper cannon support. At this time of the year they would be able to live off the land. The disadvantages of the operation are the difficulty of keeping up contact with them as long as the English fleet is strong, and that many troops seem to be needed at home due to unrest.
d. France might be involved in this, or want to get involved. Destroy and capture as much as you can of the French Mediterranean warfleet. However if the French didn't want to get involved this would mean making an enemy of a neutral country.
e. as d, but instead attack the French channel fleet. It is small and should be easy to damage severely before English ships could assist them. However if the French didn't want to get involved this would mean making an enemy of a neutral country.

6. the ships in America
a. gather them for defense against English raids even if this limits trade temporarily
b. don't gather them unless they are attacked. If they are attacked, try to use them defensively if any were lost, otherwise use them aggressively against the English 7 ships in the area.


1. the Danish army you pursued
a. try to engage it once more before it reaches Lund where it can be reinforced by perhaps 2,000 cavalry, 30 guns and 5,000-10,000 infantry or whatever strength the Danish could possess there. After the battle retreat north if more than x Danish troops survived (specify x), otherwise lay siege to Lund
b. retreat north right away - at all risking to lose much of the Swedish 10,000 man army now is out of the question after the bloody defeat at Riga
c. retreat a little bith north, meet up with surviving troops from the siege of Riga (see no. 2 below), scout Lund and if the reinforced Danish army leaves Lund engage it if the Danish reinforcements are smaller than the reinforcements you received
d. as c, but also move 20 guns through the difficult terrain. They will arrive by the time you would engage the Danish army, if you lose the battle you will probably be unable to bring the guns with you in the retreat

2. movement of surviving troops from the siege of Riga. Currently they have all moved to Swedish possessions in northern Livonia and in Estonia. You previously had 1,000 men garrisoning this area, and the arrival of the survivors from Riga has brought 300 landsknechts, 3,900 Swedish infantry, and 1,700 Finnish cavalry to the area. Do you wish them to remain in these parts or support the operations against Denmark? Or do you wish to move them to Kalmar or Stockholm where they can help in defending against Danish troops? Note that the Polish forces have poor infrastructure in Livonia and near Riga so at this time they can't succeed in any invasion of Swedish Livonia and Estonia as long as the Swedish garrison there has at least 1,000 infantry and 100 cavalry. As for the Polish raids on the southern parts of your possessions, they have some 5,000-8,000 troops and there's nothing you can do to stop their raids other than negotiating peace or hoping they'll move to the Polish-Russian front. While the raids are only about 500 men strong at the time, they are cavalry based and can retreat quickly in the face of Swedish opposition.

3. peace with Denmark?
a. immediately negotiate peace on the condition that Denmark hand back Älvsborg fortress to Sweden (by PM)
b. not this turn, maybe next (if you picked 1a, 1c or 1d, that means the negotiations would happen after the Danish army has been engaged. If you win that battle, your chances of a better deal in the diplomatic discussions would increase, however if you lose your position would become worse)

4. reforms for the Swedish army. It's clear after the battle of Riga that Swedish mercenary infantry based forces are difficult to command due to command language problems, and that the Swedish native infantry forces have too little training and are too few to be any better. An army that is both larger and more efficient is needed. Swedish economy is improving thanks to the many requests for Swedish copper and lately also iron. Which of these reforms would you like to carry out at this time?
a. increase the conscription ratio in Sweden and Finland (this would lower local farming income but increase the size of the native Swedish and Finnish infantry force)
b. build a cannon factory for creation of cannons, both heavy pieces and light mobile pieces (this means a high starting cost but the factory gives a possibility of, in the long term, selling weapons abroad for great profit - allowing you to sell complete products rather than raw material iron)
c. make sure that every village has regular assemblies for training of the local conscripted infantry to improve the quality of Swedish infantry in general
d. spend more effort into making the fleet stronger than into making the ground army any stronger (this can't be combined with a). You could perhaps strengthen your fleet by 10 ships in the coming 6 years by trade and construction of a shipyard. There are Dutch refugees in Sweden who have some experience in building the modern high-quality manouverable ships

5. diplomacy with Poland and Russia. Possibly discuss peace/cooperation by PM

6. naval operations? Your 2 damaged ships have been repaired now, giving you a total of 9 ships, 2 in Stockholm and 7 in Revala
a. begin a new blockade of Riga using the ships currently in Revala, even if it means a risk of Danish ships attacking with superior strength - Gulf of Riga is a deathtrap
b. begin a new blockade of Riga using the ships currently in Revala but also bring all ships from Stockholm there, even if it means a risk of Danish ships attacking with superior strength - Gulf of Riga is a deathtrap
c. withdraw the ships from Revala to Stockholm, the risk of renewed Danish attack is too big
d. raid Danish transports in Oresund
e. use the troops currently in Revala to invade the Danish island of Saaremaa to improve your position in future negotiations with Denmark. While there's a risk of Danish ships intervening, the location of Saaremaa is at the mouth of the Gulf of Riga, making it easy to retreat if needed (possibly at the cost of losing a few ships though). Specify home many troops from Revala should be used for the invasion. The Danish strength on the island is limited to some 500 men in a fortfied city. Naval bombardment, guns and siege would be enough to take the fort, however the besieging Swedish forces would probably need Swedish ships to supply them over the winter and the stronger Danish fleet with it's good transportation capabilities could attempt to insert a stronger force on the island unless in trouble at Lund... Hiiumaa is currently Swedish territory.
Map (Gulf or Riga, location of Saaremaa): http://data.ecology.su.se/mnode/Europe/Gulf%20of%20Riga/MGOR.HTM

09-08-2006, 12:24
The Royal Government of France announces the foundation of the French Atlantic Trade Company. This company will receive previleges in the trade between the French colonies in Africa and American and the motherland.

50% of the share will be held by the crown in return for the previleges. The rest can be bought by French noblemen and rich subjects. The King Himself declares that He is the first who is buying a share. He buys five percent.

Maximilien, duc du sully, marechal de France

Rodion Romanovich
09-08-2006, 12:33
Official statement from the Papacy:
"The Holy Father condemns the English war against Spain and advice all true Sons of the church to assist Spain in her struggle against this Protestant aggression and also advice England to declare peace with Spain and give compensation for all damages caused so far."

09-09-2006, 13:02
The Holy Roman Emperor believes it is in the best wishes of Europe for the Great Catholic powers to convene at some time in the near future. He suggests the Great holy city of Roma itself, for cummunion which may baptise Europe and reddem it from its past and present sins.

Decree of his most Holy and Imperial highness Matthias Holy Roman Emperor of the German nation, protector of the Catholic Faith.

09-09-2006, 16:20
Bopa, could you delete a PM or too? I cannot send you any.

09-09-2006, 22:59
Ggetting to it right now!

09-09-2006, 23:43
For the Hell of it, I'll take Denmark. I don't expect to be really active because of other things.

Rodion Romanovich
09-10-2006, 15:24
I said to all the others that there wouldn't be any more players entering the game after the 3rd chapter, so I'll have to ask the current participants of the game whether they think it's ok before I can let anyone more join. Is that ok? If they accept, you can enter the interactive as Denmark when the next chapter is posted.

09-10-2006, 16:02
Oh, I also wondered if I perhaps could join... I just saw this thread and I think it looks interesting. I'd play as the Ottomans if the others think it's allright that I join that is...

Marshal Murat
09-10-2006, 17:13
Well, I'd let them join. They just have to know their country, and in the case of Denmark, I'd say they chose someone not yet involved in the game. Let them come in the next chapter.

09-10-2006, 20:40
Here is some research, I have provided some links in many cases rather than just copying the text...

The Ottoman Empire

Sultan: Ahmad I


Heirs: Hmmm… He was succeeded by his brother Mustafa

Current Alliances: Khanate of Crimea (A vassal state), they had close ties with the French, who later in the period tried to help the Ottomans modernize their army...

Current Wars: Moldovia Magnate Wars: 1595-1621 (against Poland) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moldavian_Magnate_Wars

Rebellions 1609-1648: Jelali revolts in Anatolia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jelali_Revolts
Possibility of Janissary revolts at succession or efforts to modernize the army

Areas of economic surplus, above self sustaining bases, were few in relation to the area under Ottoman rule. Such areas focused around an urban centre surrounded by well tilled arable farmland. Populations and population density was huge where substantial rural to urban migration had occurred; famine, conflict and extortion from tax-farms being the main stimulus for this. Cities, as in Europe, were the focuses of manufacture and trade. Ottoman cites had a large out put of goods, where comprehensive guild systems maintained quality at the expense of competition. However, the main source of Ottoman wealth came from less industry reliant goods and raw materials, mainly items from the east such as silk and gems; also the passage of such goods generated revenue due effective taxing measures. In comparison to its neighbours, the Ottoman Empire was immensely wealthy.
With the turn of 17th century economic difficulties show their signs. Dutch and British Empires closed the international trade routes that pass through the Middle East. The empire begins to shift resources as a result of decline in the economy of the Middle Eastern provinces. This is also reflected in an increasing imbalance of trade between East and West.
The economical problems are reflected on the coins with the decreasing amounts of gold and silver ratios, inflation. Also influx of precious metals into Europe from the Americas had played a role in the price increases of the late sixteenth century in the Ottoman Empire. Traditional industries and trades which depend on stable economy had a big hit with the increasing inflation. The guilds were unable to provide quality goods in competing with the cheap European manufactured goods. Functioning under strict price regulations to keep the state functioning also had a negative effect on the local economy with wide open boarders of the empire without restriction because of the Capitulations agreements. From wikipedia...

Trading partners: A bit unsure here, but they had close ties with the French, and the Protestant countries (Britain and the Netherlands gladly sold them arms).

State: A highly centralized state with the Sultan as the supreme ruler as well as being the Muslim Caliph, in addition there are also a number of other officials, the Empire practiced a high level of control of over its provinces and its citizens.
Another powerful organization was the Imperial Harem ruled by the Sultan’s mother. Because of this woman’s position she held great influence and sometimes interfered in social and political issues, in some periods in the 16th and 17th centuries the Imperial Harem practically controlled the state through it’s influence.

Religion: The religion of the leader and most of the Empire’s peoples is Islam, everyone in higher government positions are Muslims, but many are converts. The society is divided by religion into groups called ‘Millets’ which were allowed much freedom in a variety of issues and were under the protection of the Ottoman Empire. The groups were Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Jewish and Muslim. However Christians in the Balkans were not allowed so much “independence” as their Greek counterparts and were mostly unable to arise above the level of peasant hood without converting and rebellions were harshly suppressed.

Social: Feudal. A strong, zealously followed religious establishment had helped to sustain this and resulted in most official posts, legislations and culture moreover being heavily influenced by the prolific Islamic councils and having strong outwards signs of Islam.¨

The Ottoman military is still in the 17th century a powerful institution comprising many elements, primarily the feudal cavalry forces (Timar), the Kapi Kulu Corps and various vassals, mercenaries and levies.

Timariot Army: Light cavalry dominated the Ottoman armies and were of variable quality and were equipped according to the size of the fief they had which also dictated the number of retainers that they brought to field. A Timariot was not expected to be armoured, but those with a big fief often were.
The overall size of the Timariot army in the 17th century probably was around 95 000 men (including both Timariots and their cebelu retainers). They were not a standing army but could be quickly mobilized if need be. Roughly speaking about 45% of their number were from Europe, 25 % from W. Anatolia, 20% from E. Anatolia and the remaining 10% mostly from Syria.

Kapi Kulu: This is the Sultan’s standing army, it incorporates the famous Janissaries, the six regiments of cavalry (sipahi).
The janissaries numbered roughly 47 000 men in 1609. Since their start the Janissaries have become unruly, and in many ways neglected their training and discipline and are not as impressive troops as they once were… Though they still have their moments. They were still deadly marksmen, during sieges they functioned almost as Snipers. Massed Janissary charges, supported by a mehter military band, were still used and were usually fatal to undisciplined infantry. (though most European infantry at this time was pretty disciplined, at least the regulars).
The Six regiments of cavalry each numbered:
1. sipahiyan – 7,800 men
2. silahdaran – 1,700 men
3. ulufeciyan-i yemin – 2,000 men
4. ulufeciyan-i yesar – 1,400 men
5. gureba-i yemin – 900 men
6. gureba-i yesar – 1000 men
Totalling 14,800 men. Just so you know, these guys were elite troops, which you probably understand. Among these troops the sipahiyan (or simply sipahi) were the most numerous and effective. They were still armoured during the early 17th century, as the Ottomans had not yet abandoned cavalry armour, and fought with lances, swords, maces and pistols (a weapon only recently adopted because it was viewed as unchivalrous).
The Artillery corps numbered 8,000 men. The Ottomans had many guns…

Vassal troops: Vassal states were usually required to field troops when campaigns began, I don’t know how many troops the Crimeans could supply, probably not much, but they likely were light cavalry.

Other infantry: There were also other troops, among infantry were the Azapi (conscripted Muslim men), the Levents (musketeers, recruited from brigands in Anatolia, unreliable), the Sekban corps (Musketeer light infantry, professionals) and the Tüfencki (Musketeers, professionals).
I don't know of any numbers, but (as you probably guessed) they probably reach into the tens of thousands, with the Azapi being the most numerous. However these guys were paid in cash, unlike the Timariots, their payment was their fief. The Azapi were not professionals but were paid when on campaign.

Auxiliaries: The Ottomans also used a number of Auxiliaries, not sure about the number, but they were probably hired before campaigns. Auxiliaries were also often used to garrison border forts or simply to fight at the frontiers. The most important auxiliaries at this time were the Deli (Light scouting cavalry) and Arab bedouin auxiliaries in the Middle East (who unfortunately tended to raid the Ottomans as well).

Navy: The Ottoman fleet has been rebuilt since Lepanto, but that battle has proven that the Ottoman navy’s ships are outdated and has caused the Dutch and others to seize many trading routes in the Far East for themselves thus, in some cases, invalidating the trade routes which run through the Ottoman Empire.

That's that... and btw... I've got a HUGE army!! Muhahahaahaha!

09-10-2006, 20:42
Welcome on board! I`d really like to hear your political points of view. PM me!

09-10-2006, 20:52
:listen: You're France eh? I'll send a PM, I just have to read through the entire topic thoroughly and digest what's going on, then we'll talk business...

09-10-2006, 23:37
I'll be posting a Denmark plan tomorrow, if noone has a problem with it.

09-11-2006, 16:33
A public statement:

The Sultan wishes to inform the people of Europe that he will excersize religious tolerance on current- and future subject "people of the book". Any conquered or currently occupied people as well as those under the protection of the Ottoman State will be given the freedom of retaining their religion.

09-11-2006, 22:43
Welcome on board, both of you:2thumbsup:

Rodion Romanovich
09-12-2006, 06:09
Ok I guess welcome aboard then both of you. You can probably have diplomatic discussions already this turn but you won't get any options of action until next turn. ~:cheers:

09-12-2006, 09:05

Our country is surrounded by the fire of war. Bloodthirsty Christians are chrazy about killing other Christians, not caring about the salvation of their souls.

In this age of blood France has remained an isle of peace. However, people of France, We have to be allert and ready to repel the evil as soon as it crosses our borders!

Louis, the King, by the will of God, returned to Paris to accept the leadership of all troops in France. He ordered the Duc de Sully to allert the army. The government will sent military intendants to audit the prepareness of the army.

The King also accepted the leadership of the judiciary and administration. Royal intendants will travel through the land to insure that the will of the King is executed.

Everybody who does not obey the orders of His Majesty infringes upon the will of the Lord. He will be punished severly.

Vive la France! Vive le Roy!

09-12-2006, 15:18
It makes me happy: Franc's annowncments. They always sound real. Good job, Franc for adding a little bit to this game. Good show. Also, keep me posted on the Catholic Meeting. I am a non-parshal 3rd Party and thus, not a Protestan.

09-12-2006, 15:47
Well, IA, it is real. While everybody else is crazy about war, I think it is the right moment for introducing absolutism, isn't it? ~;)

09-12-2006, 17:30
A public announcement

His majesty, the Sultan Ahmad I wishes to announce his support of the Tsar Vasily V.
He condemns the Polish for having supported the pretender Dmitrij and for having invaded a sovereign nation to place a puppet monarch on the throne.

Also he is angered by the inability of King Sigismund in controlling the Zaporozhian Cossacks living within the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. These brigands have time and time again raided the Principality of Moldavia, a state which the Sultan considers to be under his protection, in search of plunder. a thought that has strafed his mind is that the reason for these raids by the Cossacks lies not in the inability of the Polish to control their actions, but in their encouraging them to raid Ottoman vassal territory. A most troubling, but never the less likely scenario.

Such offences will not be taken lightly and King Sigismund would be wise to halt these affronts against our two peoples, failing this he should expect severe sanctions carried out against him and his country.

Speaking on behalf of his majesty, Fakih Hayreddin(not a real person), imperial emissary.

Rodion Romanovich
09-12-2006, 19:06

Marshal Murat
09-13-2006, 00:03
To the Ottoman Sultan
We have full rights to support whatever ruler, and wage war upon any such Protestant faiths. We are also appaled that the Crimean Tartars, allies of your Sultan's state, have viciously raided Zaporojhian towns. We ask that your restrict the Khan of the Crimean Tartars, so that the Zaporojhans may be calmed down.

All Catholic Nations
Poland will be sending an ambassador to the Catholic meeting in the Holy city of Rome.

09-13-2006, 00:07
The King, Vasili has thus annownced an alliance with the Turkic Sultan. Together, we shall banish the Polish heethens from the land. The Russian people will continyue to live as one nation.
And, Sultan, Dimitri is MIA, ekspected dead. He is supposedly one of those bits of flesh that my horses' hooves trampled. His body cannot be identified as he probably tried to catch a cannonball with his stomack.

09-13-2006, 00:14
Legio I would like to play as Prussia if no one has any complaints.

09-13-2006, 05:09
The Holy Roman Emperor decrees that as of today the Catholic meeting in Rome is underway. We give the opertunity for all Catholic nations to put forth their wishes.

09-13-2006, 05:44
Csar, Poland is taken and so is Russia. Prussia is not a true state yet.

09-13-2006, 06:39
I will send my ambassador to the meeting at Rome! My wish is that the Catholics may find a way to restore order and peace again.

Csar, I think you could have the Protestant Union or the Free Netherlands. You could also become Pope.

09-13-2006, 06:46
OT: Damn... this may get ugly...

09-13-2006, 07:15
The Holy Majesy Emperor Matthias wishes to extend the position of honour to the French ambassador for the period of the meeting.

We in the Imperial Government also wish to stress that war is never on our minds, and never will be when concerning a fellow Catholic nation. We wish only that Julich be kept open in order to protect our Spanish Brothers posessions in the Netherlands.

09-13-2006, 07:57
Unfortunatelly the Roman Emperor is not able to receive our messangers. However, our intentions are not secret, so we send the message open:


Jülich has a strong fortress, maybe the strongest in the world. And it lies right at the border to France and the Netherlands, a very sensitive area. Therefore anything that goes on at Jülich touches the interests and security of France.

We were not amused to see that the negotiations were done without consulting France and without consideration of the French interests.

France does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of the Reich. France does not mind if the road to the Spanish Netherlands is open for supply. However, she cannot accept that the Roman Emperor has military access to this area. This would hurt the stats quo and would be a threat for the peace in this area.

If you would declare that you do not intend to have military access, you would only return to the status quo we had before the conflict. If you refuse to do it, there should be other guarantees to insure that the interests of France and the Netherlands are respected.

I hope you understand now that I do not want to do you any harm. I just want to secure peace in this area.

Maximilien, Marechal de France

By the way, there had been lesser things that caused wars than not receiving messangers!:laugh4:

King Kurt
09-13-2006, 09:40
James the First of England announces that, in the spirit of religious cooperation, he will be sending ambassadors to the meeting in Rome. Despite the disruptive and seditious actions of some Catholics within our realm, Catholics are free to practise all aspects of their religion and both the great religions of Christendom coexist happily in England's green and pleasant land. We feel that much of the strife which threatens to engulf the whole of Europe may be avoided if the spirit of religious tolerance can be embraced.
We also wish to raise at the conference the spectre of sodomy which is stalking European civilisation and call on all God fearing nations to unite in the eradication of this perverse and unnatural act.
Finaly, the calm atmosphere of such a rareified meeting will be the ideal backdrop for ambassadors from our court to meet with their counterparts in Spain in an attempt to begin the resolution of the current problems between our two great European powers.
The diplomatic mission will be led by Lord Salisbury and will be assisted by Sir Thomas Carr.
Signed this day September the 3rd 1611
James the first of England

09-13-2006, 09:45
I assume that there is a ceasefire durig the Catholic Meeting and that every nation guarantees free and safe passage to and from the meeting.

09-13-2006, 10:06
His Catholic Majesty the King of Spain has decided that an embassador will be sent to the Catholic Conference, and the main topics he is entitled to discuss are the pacification of the Julich-Kleve issue, economic agreements, military matters except the declaration of war and peace, which is only the Kings privilege.

Further to this, the King and the Minister of War communicate that no peace with England will be made unless England replaces the damaged ships, the damaged cargo and pays 10% of our national debt in compensation for the disruption that this war has caused.

In Madrid, 1st of September of the Year of Our Lord 1611

Marshal Murat
09-13-2006, 11:45
Ambassador message in Rome

We of Poland, bastion of Catholic Faith in the East
Ask for an alliance of Poland, the Holy Roman Empire, Venice, Papal States, and Spain. We face the grave threat of Ottoman attacks on our sacred lands. We are fighting the Orthodox tsar of Muscovy. However, the heathen Ottomans have joined with the Russian. If the Catholic nations do not act, the Ottoman and Russian armies may overwhelm the Commonwealth. This will disrupt the grain flow into the Catholic nations, and you will lose the swift hammer of the faith, the husaria.
I implore all Catholic nations to send money for mercenaries to Poland, troops to Vienna, so that they may march to Istanbul, dungeon of the heathen and pagan interest. Ships to crush the Ottoman fleets. We shall free the Serb, Greek, Moldavian, and others who live under the Ottoman boot.
For Christ suffering, Poland asks this for the interest of all Catholic nations.
King Sigismund III

09-13-2006, 11:54

First you invade souvereign countries, take hands in internal affairs and now that your fingers get burned you call for a new crusade. I send you the sympathy of the French, but that is all you can get.

I suggest that the conference call Poland to order. They shall stop their agressions and make peace with the Moscowians and the Muslems. Without their silly attidute there would not be a danger for any Christian realm.

Ambassador of France

09-13-2006, 12:24


We accept the request of a fellow Catholic and once our forces habe crushed the rebels in Bohemia we will send men into Poland to do the bidding of God!

To the noble men of France, time and time again you have sought war, supposedly to further you're gains and honour. Let it be said plainly, it will not be done so at the expense of the Holy Roman Empire! If you threaten us once more you're ambassador will be obliged to leave the league of the Righteous in Rome.

To the Spanish, we wish to moderate between you and the English, we would call on England to call an immediate ceasfire and pay all reparations needed.
We would also call upon the loosening of colonial laws, such might dampen the fire kindled between you're two nations.

Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, protector of the one true Catholic Faith!

Rodion Romanovich
09-13-2006, 14:32
Legio I would like to play as Prussia if no one has any complaints.

Ok, but remember that Prussia was built out of Brandenburg, so in case you wish to play as Prussia you start the game as Brandenburg. Soon you would inherit Prussia, but it is under Polish overpower. Historically Brandenburg managed to make Prussia independent and for various reasons the leader of Brandenburg wanted the title of king, however according to the rules of the Holy Roman Empire he couldn't be crowned king over Brandenburg or his other German possessions, so the only solution in order to get the title was for him to be crowned king of his possessions outside the HRE, i.e. Prussia. Thus Brandenburg became Prussia, though before that, Brandenburg was in many ways the core region and the name of it. So I assume you mean playing as Brandenburg. It would be ok unless any of the current players mind.

09-13-2006, 14:34
Public statement

His highness, Sultan Ahmad I, is most angered by the announcement the German Emperor.
The Ottoman Empire's intentions are not what you think. His intention is not to place more Christians under his ruler but rather to aid another Christian people, the Russians. The Poles have invaded their country to throw down the rightful ruler of Russia and replace him with a usurper.
In reality the German Emperor and the Polish kings are the true threat to the so-calleed Christian world, with their fiery fanaticism and insistence on being the soldiers of God they invoke the wrath and concern of those preoccuped with the safety of Europe and the world.
The Poles need not fear an invasion if they lay down their claim to the Russian throne and return what territory they have stolen, as well as halting the raids of the Zaporojhian Cossacks against the Principality of Moldavia.
The Ottoman Empire will then also put pressure on the Crimean Khan.
The German Emperor should not interfere, and if he does he is no better a man than King Sigismund and will be treated likewise, he should think twice before making such a rash decision driven only by his blind fanaticism, that, whatever your religion, is not true faith but a corrupted form of it.

Speaking on his highness's behalf, Fakih Hayreddin, imperial emissary.

09-13-2006, 15:32
Poland, will you send out a high-ranking citizen to go to the meeting as they are a Catholic city? I will give him a horse/carriage escort. You have to think of the religion. I will allow him to leave.

Marshal Murat
09-13-2006, 22:08
Irish Armenian, thank you, but I have already sent a diplomat
Proclomation to the Catholic Assembly
We in Poland are full within our rights to support our heir to the throne, as boyars seek his council and judgement, seeking his Orthodox rule over the incompetent Vasili.
We are fully within our rights to capture Smolensk and any Muscovite town, as we are at war with the rebel Vasili. His claim to the throne of Russian peoples is illegitimate and we are appalled that he could even claim to the title of czar.

09-13-2006, 22:35
His Royal Majesty the King of Spain has sent a message:

By this Royal decree, Spain will not enter the war on the side of the HRE and Poland and will not move troops against Muscovy and the Ottoman Empire. His Catholic Majesty King Philippe III begs his brother the Holy Roman Emperor Matthias to reconsider his situation and make peace with his neighbours in order to preserve the peace and order in Europe.

His Catholic Majesty condemns such rash actions and adopts a position of neutrality, while also asking of the rest of the nations in Europe to do the same for it is not long that the smoke of cannons has covered the battlefields in Europe and His Majesty desires to refrain from such abundant spillage of noble blood in the present time.

Trade with the countries envolved will not be interrupted, and any aggression on Spanish sovereign territory will be interpreted as a declaration of war.

In Roma, Catholic Council, September 1611

09-13-2006, 22:38
Yes I would like to play as Brandenburg if no one has any objections. Sorry for messing things up I was looking at the map and saw Prussia and thought it would be fun to play as them. Got a little confused sorry.

09-13-2006, 22:57
If its not too late i could join in as Netherlands.~:)

09-13-2006, 23:28
Poland, I meant Smolensk itself because it has changed hands so frequently, and will soon be mine, once and forever.
Last Chance, Poland, leave Russia alone if not give me support in taking back the throne and you will be spared.
Any Polish soldiers who desert will be welcomed into the Turksih and Russian Armies. I will offer safe travel for you and your families. Smolensk is lost, for Poland. Leeve the town now, and you will be spared, and free from the bombardments, squalor and disease.
Edit: the Map Legio posted shows Prussia rather than Brandenburg, so which one is it?

09-13-2006, 23:56
Bopa, I need to send you 1 more PM.

09-14-2006, 01:58
I'm having trouble finding information on Brandenburg

09-14-2006, 04:09
Look up a book at the library or bookstore.

09-14-2006, 06:15
The Holy Roman Emperor states:

The fortresses along Julich Kleve will no longer be kept open with Imperial troops for the sake of Spineless Spaniards. Unless attacked the Holy Roman Empreror will not invade France or the Netherlands.

Rodion Romanovich
09-14-2006, 07:21
Edit: the Map Legio posted shows Prussia rather than Brandenburg, so which one is it?
Brandenburg is far to the west of Prussia, a bit south of the coast. Prussia is "Duchy of Prussia", i.e. a duchy.

@Csar - here's some relevant info:

Rodion Romanovich
09-14-2006, 07:27
If its not too late i could join in as Netherlands.~:)

Ok! I'll send you all the diplomatic discussions etc. that have so far involved the Netherlands so you know what has happened so far.

Rodion Romanovich
09-14-2006, 07:42
Official declaration from the Holy Father:

These threats and declarations of war between Christian nations must come to an end! The meeting in Rome is to be hosted for the purpose of strengthening the cooperation against heathens and heretics, not to fuel hatred between ourselves! While the sons of the Holy Church fight each other, the Heathens only grow stronger to take advantage of your internal rivalry, and those who go the errands of the Heathens are sinners! Strengthening the Heathen so he can triumph over the sons of the Holy Church will not please Him, and salvation from the punishments that shall come will be hard and expensive to acquire.

09-14-2006, 08:15
Ok! I'll send you all the diplomatic discussions etc. that have so far involved the Netherlands so you know what has happened so far.

Thanks Legio!:bow: Cant wait to get to play the Dutch.It should be a challenging experience.:2thumbsup:

09-14-2006, 11:44
Csar, your princess is my wife :P

King Kurt
09-14-2006, 14:02
Just to say, that I am off on another short holiday - I will be back online next tuesday. Legio has my moves etc.
Kage - good to see you on board - no doubt, there will be a bit of anglo - dutch chat in the near future!!:2thumbsup:

09-14-2006, 14:15
Just to say, that I am off on another short holiday - I will be back online next tuesday. Legio has my moves etc.
Kage - good to see you on board - no doubt, there will be a bit of anglo - dutch chat in the near future!!:2thumbsup:

Thanks Kurt! Im looking forward to talk with you about our mutual intrests.~:cheers:

09-14-2006, 14:18
Does this mean the next chapter is almost ready?:inquisitive: :2thumbsup:

Rodion Romanovich
09-14-2006, 16:08
Does this mean the next chapter is almost ready?:inquisitive: :2thumbsup:

Nope unfortunately not. I'm still waiting for decisions from one more player, plus now with so many new players every chapter will take a bit longer (but hopefully not too much more time). But some parts of the next chapter are already written...

09-14-2006, 18:21
Greetings friends!

Let me introduce myself. Im Maurice of Nassau, captain- General and the stadtholder of The Republic of the seven united provinces of The Netherlands. As im no Monarch,my heirs have nothing to do with affair of state of Netherlands.Here is a map of my beutifull country:


The Dutch Republic was a federation of 7 provinces - Holland, Zeeland, Friesland, Groningen, Utrecht, Gelderland and Overijssel. The central institution was the parliament, called STATEN GENERAEL, to which the individual provinces sent deputations. The individual provinces had parliaments of their own, the estates (Staten), which had grown out of the old territorial estates, but had undergone changes during the Dutch Revolt. These estates were dominated by the cities' REGENTS and, of the inland provinces, by the countryside nobility which supported the House of Orange. The princes of the House of Orange, because of their personal contribution to the struggle of independence and their large property in the Dutch Republic, were regarded the only eligible candidates for the position of STADHOLDER.
The office of stadholder was a provincial one. During the revolt, William I. and his son Maurice were appointed stadholder of all 7 provinces - in 7 individual acts. The stadholder was the commander of the army. In order to pay his troops, however, the stadholder depended on the budget granted to him by the Staten Generael.

Political Situation

Our Political situation is that we have just entered Twelve Years' Truce, between the United Provinces and the Spain. This shows that we are reasonable people who love peace and our prime concern is to have a stabile Europe which will benefit us all by tradeprofits,which will make our Nations prosperous and our people happy.
We fought long and hard against Spanish to gain our independence and we value it above anything. Our military stands in guard of that independancy that i will assure you all.


First and foremost we see ourselves as traders. We are always ready to trade with willing partners so that it will benefit both sides.Here is a short description of our economical situation:

During a large part of the 17th century the Dutch, traditionally able seafarers and keen mapmakers, dominated world trade, a position which before to a lesser extent had been occupied by the Portuguese and Spaniards.

In 1602 the Dutch East India Company (Dutch: Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC) was founded. It was the first multinational ever. This company received a Dutch monopoly on Asian trade and would keep this for two centuries. It would become the world's largest commercial enterprise of the 17th century. Spices were imported in bulk and brought huge profits, due to the efforts and risks involved and seemingly insatiable demand. In 1609 the Amsterdam exchange bank was founded, a century before its English counterpart.


Calvinism was the predominant belief in the Low Countries. This does not imply that unity existed. The opposite seems true. In the beginning of the century bitter controversies between strict Calvinists and more permissive Protestants, known as Remonstrants, split the country. The Remonstrants denied predestination and championed freedom of conscience, while their more dogmatic adversaries (known as Contra-Remonstrants) gained a major victory at the Synod of Dordrecht. In the end the sheer number of reformist branches may well have worked as an antidote to intolerance.

Humanism, of which Desiderius Erasmus was an important advocate, if not the founder, had also gained a firm foothold and was partially responsible for a climate of tolerance.

This tolerance was not so easy to uphold towards Catholics, since religion played an important part in the Eighty Years War of independence against Spain (with political and economic freedom being other important motives). Hostile inclinations could however be overcome by money. Thus Catholics could buy the privilege to held ceremonies in a conventicle (a house doubling inconspicuously as a church), but public offices were out of the question. Catholics tended to keep to themselves in their own section of each town (for example, the Catholic painter Johannes Vermeer lived in the "Papist corner" of the town of Delft). The same applied to Anabaptists and Jews.

Overall, levels of tolerance were sufficiently high to attract religious refugees from other countries, notably Jewish merchants from Portugal who brought a lot of wealth with them. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes in France in 1685 made a lot of French Huguenots, many of whom were shopkeepers or scientists. Still tolerance had its limits, as philosopher Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677) would find out.

Social Structure

In the Netherlands the social status in the 17th century was largely determined by income. Social classes existed but in a new way. Aristocracy, or nobility, had sold out most of its privileges to cities, where merchants and their money were dominant. The clergy did not have much worldly influence either: the Catholic Church had been more or less suppressed since the onset of the Eighty Years' War with Spain (1568–1648). The new Protestant movement was divided. This was different from neighbouring countries where social status was still largely determined by birth and would remain so until the French Revolution.

This is not to say that aristocrats were without social status. To the contrary, it meant rather that wealthy merchants bought themselves into nobility by becoming landowners and acquiring a coat of arms and a seal. Also aristocrats mixed with members from other classes in order to be able to support themselves as they saw fit. To this end they married their daughters to wealthy merchants, became traders themselves or took up public or military office to earn a salary. Merchants also started to value public office as a means to greater economic power and prestige. Universities became career pathways to such a public office. Rich merchants and aristocrats sent their sons on a so called Grand Tour ('Great journey') through Europe. Often accompanied by a private scholar, preferably a scientist himself, these young people visited universities in several European countries. This intermixing of patricians and aristocrats was most prominent in the second half of the century.

Next to aristocrats and patricians came the affluent middle class, consisting of Protestant ministers, lawyers, physicians, small merchants and industrialists, and clerks of large state institutions.

Lower status was attributed to small shop owners, specialized workers and craftsmen, administrators, and farmers.

Below that stood skilled labourers, house attendants and other service personnel.

At the bottom of the pyramid were 'paupers', what Karl Marx later would call the proletariat: impoverished peasants, many of whom tried their luck in a city as a beggar or day labourer.

Because of the importance of wealth in defining social status, divisions between classes were less sharply defined and social mobility was much greater than elsewhere. Calvinism, which preaches humility as an important virtue, also tended to diminish the importance of social differences. These tendencies have proved remarkably persistent: modern Dutch society, though much more secularized, is still by many considered to be remarkably egalitarian.

I hope this gives a good picture of our young Republic.

Yours sincerely M


09-14-2006, 20:02
I'll have mine done in a little while for Brandenburg.

09-15-2006, 01:58
Csar, did you get my PM?

09-15-2006, 04:56
Yes I did I was trying to find out more about Brandenburg before I answer. But I can't seem to find anything other than Leader and Religion nothing much about their military etc. But I will answer when I find more out.

09-15-2006, 05:19
Oh, got you.

09-15-2006, 08:41
Ambassadors of the Catholic countries!

I would like to thank the Holy Father for His intervention. He prevented an unholy war among Catholic countries. We all have to feel humbled.

Now that we have secured the peace among our countries, we should discuss another topic. How do we deal with people that call themselves Christian but do not accept the doctrines of the Holy Roman Church?

We all want to bring them back to the real faith. However, our means are different.

We, the King of France and his Royal Government, which I have the honor to represent today, believe that violence and swords are not adequate means to spread the word of our Lord. We believe in the power of His words, which are much more powerful than arms. Who could resist them?

What is your opinion about this issue?

Armand-Jean I. du Plessis de Richelieu, Epsicopal de Lucon
Ambassador of the French King

09-15-2006, 13:45

now that we have so many players, could you please

- update the members list
- maybe setup a kind of schedule; I think we should have some discipline.

Rodion Romanovich
09-15-2006, 14:31

now that we have so many players, could you please

1. - update the members list
2. - maybe setup a kind of schedule; I think we should have some discipline.
1. ok soon
2. schedule could be 2 weeks after last chapter posted you must have posted your decisions

Rodion Romanovich
09-16-2006, 15:36
CHAPTER 6 - August 1st, 1611 AD
...this chapter will affect the events from August 1st, 1611 AD to March 1st, 1612 AD

The damaged Spanish precious metal fleet is joined by several ships in port and immediately sets sail hunting after the English fleet. The chances of finding the English fleet are small, but the Spanish are lucky and manage to intercept them. In a short engagement, the English fleet damages 1 Spanish ship heavily and another 2 lightly, but takes light damage for 4 of their own ships. To escape from the Spanish hunters they are eventually forced to abandon the 2 damaged ships from the raid to save the other 18. The 2 ships are sunk after a short bombardment by the Spanish cannons. As the English fleet enters the western part of the English channel, it is met by more than 10 other English ships. Despite having now achieved superiority in numbers, the English avoid engagement due to their lack of ammunition, but the Spanish commander refuses to continue the pursuit due to the threat of the English retreat being a feint to lure the Spanish ships deeper into the channel. Losing much of the 21 Spanish ships fleet at this crucial time would be unacceptable.

The coming months see heavy English raiding of Spanish shipping through the English channel, and as a result the Spanish abort all operations in the channel after having lost 5 galleys and 3 merchants. The Dutch also confiscate 2 small merchant ships for contraband but don't attack any ships but officially decide to maintain the blockade, and Dutch authorities fail to keep Dutch pirates under control. At the beginning of the summer, the Spanish however respond to the English raids. On the 1st of June, the Spanish fleet lands 2 tercios in Cork in Ireland to support a local revolt against the English king. The Spanish provide troops, the local rebels provide supplies. The English garrison is however forewarned by spies several hours before the operation and the garrison manages to put up a much more fierce resistance than expected against the 2,000 Irish rebels in heavy street fighting within the city, while a notification is sent to the English king and fleet. When the Spanish forces arrive by noon on the 1st of June, much of the city is still in English hands, but the Spanish commander disobeys his direct orders from the Spanish king and despite the difficulties lands his troops within the city. Apart from some light damage inflicted by English shore battery fire and a dozen casualties for the infantry, the superior Spanish force quickly forces the English garrison to surrender. Most of the survivors from the English 300 man garrison are captured, and the Spanish forces quickly proceed with operations to establish strongpoints in the immediate vicinity of the city while the fleet quickly leaves the harbor to set sail back to Spain to avoid being intercepted by the English fleet. In the first two months, around 3,000 Irish levies join the Spanish force. The Spanish forces, having established a strongpoint of 300 Spanish and 400 Irish troops in Cork, send 1 tercio west to clear out southwest Ireland while another tercio along with most of the Irish forces march on Limerick where the English have a garrison of around 500 men.

The Anglo-Spanish war also rages in the colonies. In America, both Spanish and English ship aggressively assemble their reserves to achieve naval domination in the area. After an even engagement with 1 Spanish ship sunk, another 2 heavily damaged, and 1 English ship sunk and 2 lightly damaged, both sides retreat out of reach of each other. The Spanish send a naval raid towards the English Bermudas, but are repelled by English ships and shore batteries. In the Indian Ocean and the East Indies, Spanish-hired privateers start attacking English independent merchants. In response to this attack on independent merchants, the Dutch East India Company with it's 20 ships in the area launch attacks on Spanish positions in the Philippines, and are soon joined by English East India Company ships who establish several strongholds and trade colonies in the area. The English and Dutch East India Companies demand an end to these Spanish-sponsored raids. In France, the military captures some Spanish spies that are discovered on their way back to Spain from Marseilles. The Spanish East India Company finishes another ship for the Spanish crown. It is of much higher quality than the previous one, but has a rather simple interior. It wouldn't stand a chance to a boarding action but in return it requires a much smaller crew to man. However there are also bad news. Several key merchants of the company have left due to the threatening athmosphere from both the king and the war, reinforced by the rumors of Spanish sponsored attacks on English merchants. The EIC request the Spanish crown to give them excemption to not be forced to construct 2 warships a year with so many workers having left. They try to replace the lost workers by buying slaves to work in the factories, but these slaves aren't educated ship builders. Meanwhile, the Spanish ship building branch of the navy has however renovated some old shipyards and experimented with new ship building technology, and announce that they have a capability of producing 2 modern ships per year. As a result of the war and temporarily ended gold and silver transports to Europe, along with Spanish troop recruitment, the Spanish debt repaying ends and the debts instead increase a bit, around 29% of the debts are now payed off, however there's much silver and gold available in the colonies once a fleet is ready to pick it up and transport it to Europe or China etc. The unrest in Portugal hasn't ended but the locals don't dare to carry out any actions due to the large Spanish garrison there. Spanish authorities confiscate property of rebellious Spanish nobles, English authorities confiscate the property of rebellious English nobles in Britain. Spain pass a reform for a Royal Garrison force to garrison cities in the Iberian peninsula. It consists mostly of musketeers and is slightly cheaper than a tercio.

In France, a North Atlantic Trade Company is founded. The shares are popular and the NATC immediately begins operations in the Atlantic Ocean between Nouvelle France, Africa and France, among other places. The transports of refugees and others to Nouvelle France however isn't completely problem-free: the expansion has been more rapid than the agricultural expansion, and the harvest has been unexpectedly bad this year. Hunting has temporarily solved some of the problems but the large population can't be fed over the winter with this, and starvation is expected unless something is done. The French conflict over the church construction is quickly settled, the council for Edict of Nantes affairs is reshaped with new members to replace the old ones who didn't fulfil their tasks. In Marseilles, the Spanish returning Phillipines convoy unloads a shipment of silk industry equipment from China. As a result, the French silk trade will be able to expand heavily over the coming years. The French Marshal Sully also announces an ambitious reform for the French military, where a standing force of over 45,000 regulars will be supported by a National guard and auxiliaries of over 150,000 men. The fleet will also be reformed, replacing most of the old galleys with more modern warships and galleys. The fleet will expand to 25 warships in 5 years, the merchant fleet to 150 ships in the same amount of time. It doesn't seem like French shipyards have quite the capability required for the naval reform, however the French economy is doing well and is now capable of supporting an army and navy of this new strength, however with some more trouble than they supplied the previous army, however the expected upcoming economical expansion together with the previous economical expansion is likely to compensate this.

At Smolensk, the Russians assault the besieged city. The Polish troops put up a fierce resistance and kill over 2,000 Russians and nearly driving them back before losing key sections in the defenses and are eventually forced to surrender. The mostly infantry garrison is captured and at the end of the battle the Russians have lost 4,500 men. However instead of trying to hold the city, they begin a quick retreat towards Niznij Novgorod, taking as many of the cannons from the city as possible with them. The Polish main army arrives at the city shortly after the battle has ended, and quickly put a small garrison in the city while sending most troops on towards Moscow. The Russian main army stays out of their way and the around 17,000 Polish troops engage smaller Russian garrisons in cities between Smolensk and Moscow. In July, they enter through the gates of Moscow, and are greeted by the boyars. Much of the Russian garrison has deserted, however, and the Polish need to use their own troops to form a garrison. The Polish heir after a short ceremony converts to the Orthodox faith and is installed on the throne as Tsar, however not admitted as Tsar by many foreign countries. With the Russian army not yet committed to a crucial battle, and the Ottomans and perhaps also the Holy Roman Empire threatening to invade, the situation is more problematic than it seems. The Sejm also calls back the tax raise reform, reducing the taxes back to the previous normal levels. This means some of the Polish infantry mercenaries might need to be disbanded in a year or so from now. Sweden and Poland sign a peace treaty this year as a result of the crushing Polish victory outside Riga. The Swedish and Polish immediately withdraw troops from their garrisons in the area after the truce has been signed. Polish engineers also begin a program to improve roads and infrastructure in Livonia to strengthen their position in the area.

During the summer, Brandenburg inherits the Duchy of Prussia from the Polish after the death of the previous ruler. This region is very wealthy and is one of the most merchant-heavy regions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It has good ports, good infrastructure and a fairly high population. While the region is under Polish supreme control, Brandenburg has the direct control and income from the region. This strengthens the Protestant Union coalition further.

In Bohemia, Tilly and the Catholic League are reinforced by another 8,000 mercenaries and immediately begin marching on Prague, and put the city under siege. The Bohemian rebels for a long time try to avoid direct battle with Tilly's army, but concentrate on assaulting the garrisons of local Catholic forces, and raid Tilly's supply lines though to limited effect. Not until the end of the summer do they approach Tilly's army. The battle is short and inconclusive. Tilly's newly trained regiments are of higher quality than expected, but they still lack in discipline and morale and are nearly broken, however the Bohemian forces are numerally inferior and are eventually forced into a retreat by a flanking charge by Tilly's cavalry. The rebel forces in Prague are also pressured hard and their defenses damaged, their supplies running short. Rumours tell that the Catholic Rhineland-Palatine and Brandenburg have both supported the Bohemian rebels with mercenaries.

The Pope announces that he will host a meeting between the Catholic nations in Rome as suggested by the new Emperor. He invites representatives from France, the HRE, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Spain, and the Catholic League. Other nations may send representatives of their oppressed Catholic minorities to the meeting. The Holy Roman Emperor declares a war of religion against "the heathen Turk" and encourages others to assist him.

The war between Denmark and Sweden continues. The Danish forces resupply and are reinforced in Lund and begin another advance on Kalmar. They meet the Swedish army not far north of Lund, where a battle ensues. The Danish army has superiority in artillery and numbers, and begin cavalry manouvering towards the Swedish line, however the Swedish forces have received cavalry reinforcements since the last battle and manage to rout the Danish cavalry. The Swedish follow up the cavalry victory with advancing with their infantry. The Danish line holds out well and is capable of protecting it's left flank where it even gains some ground, but soon loses the battle for the left flank against the Swedish cavalry, and are forced into a rout. 1,900 Danish troops are killed in the battle and the retreat, the Swedish suffering 300 casualties. Meanwhile, 3 Swedish ships attempt to raid Danish transports in Oresund. They manage to sink 2 merchants and damage another, but are soon engaged by a much larger Danish fleet of over 10 ships. In the retreat, the Swedish ships lose 1 of the ships, the other 2 taking heavy damage but managing to escape. Still, the Swedish ships are lucky, as several Danish warships have been temporarily moved to Saaremaa and Riga before the Swedish ceasefire with Poland became official. Oresund was a lot more lightly guarded than otherwise. The Swedish also launch several military reforms to improve the quality of their troops.

The Ottomans in a treaty with France receive assistance for constructing a shipyard for modern ships and get their ship builders educated in this subject return for providing the French with 20 cannons and future treaties. The Ottomans also declare religious tolerance for any Christian lands they will need to conquer in the future in defense against aggression from such countries. In Moldavia the Ottomans get angered by Cossack raids. They are also annoyed by previous Spanish raids on the Ottoman coasts in the Mediterranean from the last year. The Ottoman Sultan has decided to take a more active stance against these hostilities.


1. continue supporting the rebels in Bohemia with 2,000 mercenaries?
a. yes
b. yes, extend it to 5,000 men, if the Emperor is defeated or bogged down it'll increase the influence and independence of the local rulers in the HRE, for instance Brandenburg
c. no, abort it
d. no, abort it, but only on the condition that the Emperor after winning in Bohemia uses his forces to weaken Poland. Only with a weakened Poland can you make Prussia free of Polish rule

2. the Protestant Union. You are currently one of the leading figures in the Protestant Union. Is there anything you wish to suggest to the PU? Any official statement?

3. alliances and treaties for the future? Negotiate by PM, some highly interesting possible future allies are Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Russia, the Emperor, the Ottomans, France and the Netherlands.

4. stance in the Polish-Muscovite war?
a. admit the Polish heir as Tsar
b. admit Vasili IV as Tsar
c. do nothing

5. stance in the Swedish-Danish war?
a. support Denmark with troops/money. Denmark could be a useful strong ally against the Emperor or Poland
b. support Sweden with troops/money. This would weaken Denmark, a possible rival, and perhaps also weaken Poland
c. support neither at this time, instead suggest they both make peace. Offer to mediate in the conflict
d. do nothing


1. the war with Sweden? The Swedish can't hope to invade the Danish heartlands on Zealand with the superior Danish fleet in their way, but they have a strong ground army and may threaten Danish possessions in Scania, possibly also Norway in the long run. In return, Denmark can threaten Swedish islands, for example Hiiumaa, and keep them locked from the Atlantic coast.
a. negotiate a favorable peace (by PM). The Älvsborg fortress could be handed back to the Swedish in return for a tribute over the coming 5 years
b. remain defensive and wait for the Swedish to make a move
c. make another attempt at taking Kalmar. You have 10,500 infantry, 1,300 cavalry and 20 guns returning to Lund, with another 3,000 infantry in the city. You also have 5,000 infantry in garrisons all over Denmark, including Jutland and Zealand, and 2,000 in reserve. Some 2,000 infantry could be taken from the garrisons, and 2,000-5,000 additional mercenaries hired, then a capture of Kalmar would perhaps be possible

2. naval actions against Sweden
a. do nothing (if you negotiated peace above)
b. try to capture Hiiumaa, specify with how many troops and ships
c. try to capture Oland and bombard Kalmar by sea

3. the situation in the Holy Roman Empire
a. support the revolts in Bohemia by paying for 3,000 mercenaries to the Protestant side
b. support the revolts in Bohemia by paying for 3,000 mercenaries to the Emperor's side
c. do nothing

4. the Polish heir as Russian Tsar. Do you admit him or Vasili IV as Russian Tsar? Remember that the Polish broke their 10 year pact against Sweden with you by declaring separate peace with Sweden. This decision might affect future relations with both Poland and Russia.
a. admit Vasili IV as Tsar
b. admit the Polish heir as Tsar
c. don't make any statement


For any naval operations please specify which paths should be taken to and from the targets

1. any more naval operations against the Spanish near Europe? It seems like you have the upper hand here, and most of your lightly damaged ships have already been put into action again. Specify how many ships to use for which action.
a. raid Spanish transports to Cork
b. raid Spanish ports in the Bay of Biscay (specify if you wish to insert land troops to help the raiding)
c. raid Spanish ports in Portugal (specify if you wish to insert land troops to help the raiding)
d. raid Spanish shipping in the English Channel
e. do nothing

2. naval operations in the Americas. Do you wish to send ships to support the current ships in the Americas so they can gain the upper hand in the even fighting? Do you wish to carry out any operations and if so with how many ships?
a. keep aggressively engaging the Spanish ships in the area
b. stay out of action if possible, but defend the supply routes between Virginia and the Bermudas

3. the probably upcoming siege of Limerick in the Irish revolt. The Spanish have taken Cork and most of south west Ireland, almost enough to grant them supplies for the winter with help from the local rebels. They're now marching on Limerick, which is another key city in the region. You currently have 700 men with 30 guns there, with some cavalry ready to raid south western Ireland, and another 1,200 men with 100 guns being spread over the rest of the island (in Dublin, Connaught, Northern Ireland etc.). How do you wish to move the troops? And what do you wish to do?
a. try to hold Limerick and wear down the Spanish forces in a siege to buy some more time
b. abandon Limerick to get the 700 troops to regroup with other forces. The Spanish are likely to stop their expansion over the winter after taking Limerick

4. reinforcing Ireland? You have your troops in the colonies and your troops in Britain. You can ship the reinforcements over to Ireland either covered by the fleet or with small merchant ships unescorted. How many do you wish to send?

5. try to convince some of the Irish to help you against the Spanish?
a. promise them something in return for help, specify what
b. threaten them unless they help
c. use terror and scorched earth in your military operations to try and force the Irish to change sides
d. take advantage of the internal rivalries in Ireland to get some Irish forces not yet taking part in the revolts to join your side

6. keep the treaty where England get 2 ships a year and France 1? Negotiate by PM.


1. interrogate the Spanish possible agents?
a. let them return to Spain unasked
b. interrogate them then return them to Spain on the condition that they never return to France
c. brutally interrogate them then return them to Spain on the condition that they never return to France
d. interrogate them and then kill them
e. brutally interrogate them and then kill them
f. kill them right away for spying

2. the cardinal Richelieu. This cardinal has distinguished himself as an interesting character. Maybe recruit him or try to stop his actions before he gets dangerous.
a. make sure the cardinal gets increased influence and try to assure yourself of his loyalty
b. try to limit his influence and end the danger he means
c. do nothing

3. the starvation situation in Nouvelle France? A large load of grain could be bought from Poland or Denmark (by PM) You could buy all from one of them or half from each for example.
a. use the French fleet to send grain
b. hire the services of the NATC to send this grain
c. try to make another country carry out the shipment, for example the Dutch (by PM), so your own fleet can be ready in the case of war
d. the English might have some food to provide from their colony in Virginia

4. the naval reforms are perhaps not possible to achieve in the desired time. The shipyard in Brest is capable of producing 3 warships or 6 merchants per year, the construction of the shipyard in La Rochelle has just begun. It's possible for your own shipyards to acquire up to 14 warships and 20 merchants or 0 warships and 48 merchants (or something in between) in the coming 5 years. If England still agrees to send 1 warship to France each year, you can thus get a total of 14 warships and 30 merchants, or 5 warships and 48 merchants in the coming 5 years. You also have a few smaller shipyards only capable of producing merchant ships, capable of producing a total of 20 merchants in the coming 5 years. First class warships might also be possible to buy from Venice (but it's expensive), maybe also from the Dutch. Merchant ships are fairly easy to come buy by buying them from abroad. How do you wish to use your shipyards, and how do you wish to use diplomacy (buying ships from abroad) to get as close as possible to carrying out the desired naval reforms?

5. how do you wish to distribute your warships and your troops in response to the political situation?

6. what suggestions do you wish to make at the Catholic meeting in Rome? Who would you like to send as your representative? You could also go yourself.


1. the siege of Prague?
a. assault now, it'll be an important early propaganda victory and might put an end to the revolt, at the very least it'll be a decisive blow to the rebels and might free up troops for use elsewhere
b. continue starving the city out, it might draw the enemy army to a battle more conclusive than the last one

2. the Protestant Union nations, among others Brandenburg. They have supported the revolt in Bohemia by paying mercenaries. Should they be punished? There is also another reason for going against the Protestant north - they block access to the sea and thereby prevents any Imperial fleet to speak of from being formed.
a. yes punish them by outlawing them
b. yes, and warn that any German local rulers who support the revolts will be invaded and be taken directly under the Emperor's control
c. no

3. the Ottoman empire?
a. ask them to stop plotting against Poland
b. support them against Poland
c. do nothing yet

4. your army
a. recruit 5,000 more mercenaries, this would be very expensive for your economy
b. recruit 10,000 more mercenaries, this would be extremely expensive for your economy
c. do nothing at this time

5. a Catholic called Wallenstein complains that you just left the Catholics in Bohemia to their fate instead of coordinating your actions with them - now many of them were defeated by Protestant forces. He also requests you to give him money equivalent to the equipping of 5,000 men, plus an additional cost equivalent to maintaining 1,000 mercenaries every coming year. In return he promises to form and maintain an army of 5,000 men at this much lower cost, which he will use against the growing Bohemian forces.
a. do as he wishes
b. respond to his accusations that you did what you thought was best for the Catholics, and give him the money on the condition that he fulfills his promise of fielding the 5,000 men within 1 year
c. don't support him

6. what suggestions do you wish to make at the Catholic meeting in Rome? Who would you like to send as your representative? You could also go yourself.

7. how react to the French support to the Ottomans? Support that also would provide the Ottomans with the one weapon they have so far been lacking - a fleet comparable to the modern western fleets.
a. try to make France stop the cooperation
b. do nothing


1. the blockade of the English channel. Your fleet has currently got some 25 warships, and over 100 merchants, and also several merchant ships independent of your control, for example the Dutch East India Company. You are currently carrying out a program where your war fleet is intended to be expanded to some 30 warships.
a. maintain blockade
b. end it
c. support the Spanish side instead and go against the English

2. operations against the Spanish garrison in Southern Netherlands? The local population is tired to war but also tired to Spanish rule. However they have nowhere near the strength of the Spanish garrison. Some 2,000 locals perhaps possible to muster, together with northern Dutch forces of up to 3,000-5,000 men. Without foreign help the garrison can't be taken.

3. alliances and trade treaties for the future. Negotiate (by PM) with for example England, France, Spain, Denmark, HRE.

4. the merchant ship fights in the East India region
a. officially declare your support for the Dutch East India Company and the English merchants, the Spanish shouldn't attack independent merchants that aren't under direct control of the crown
b. officially declare your support for the Dutch East India Company and the English merchants, the Spanish shouldn't attack independent merchants that aren't under direct control of the crown, but also advice the EIC to seek peace with the Spanish and end the conflict as soon as possible
c. officially declare your support for the Spanish, and demand England to make peace with Spain
d. do nothing
e. take advantage of the situation and use Dutch warships directly controlled by you to attack Spain. Use the Spanish-supported attacks on merchants as an excuse for war

5. the Dutch pirates. Dutch pirates are apparently rewarded by the English king for carrying out raids on ships owned by the Spanish crown.
a. try to keep them under control
b. don't care about them, they're a matter between Spain and the pirates
c. actively support the pirates and encourage them to continue their actions against Spain


1. Your current armed forces:
- 95 000 Timariot forces, of which 20,000 are currently mobilized in the areas around Istanbul
- 47 000 jannissaries, of which 20,000 are in use in garrisons and on the eastern frontline in diffent places
- 14,800 standing army professional cavalry, of which 8,000 are in spread out and in use in garrisons etc.
- some 40,000 vassals, auxiliaries etc., none of which are called in for usage at the moment except as for garrisoning
How do you wish to move these troops? Remember that many of them need to remain in garrison to counter unrest, and the Persian frontline must be defended. The same goes for the European frontline. You can also mobilize more of the Timariots and different levy troops infantry. The current level of mobilization is acceptable to your economy (giving you a small surplus every year), but higher levels of mobilization are difficult to pay for. However your treasury is fairly large and you can keep higher levels of mobilization for shorter periods without problem.

2. you are currently engaged in low-intensity warfare in south of Hungary, Transylvania and Moldavia, but none of these are hot wars at the moment, apart from perhaps the Cossack raids into Moldavia. You have demanded (this turn) that the Polish stop these raids, however it's possible that some of these raids are from Don Cossacks and thus not from Polish-controlled Cossacks. Weakening Poland would strengthen Russia, which could be a bad thing. On the other hand Poland have been hostile and must perhaps be dealt with. The Holy Roman Emperor has also threatened the Ottoman Empire by suggesting a religious war against the Ottoman Empire.
a. wait one turn to give the Polish a last chance to stop the raids
b. mobilize 15,000 Janissaries, 35,000 Timariot cavalry, 1,200 standing army professional cavalry, 8,000 local levies and auxiliaries, and 50 cannons to prepare for an invasion
c. as b, but not just prepare the troops but also (this turn) attack northern Moldavia, and then advance north on Kiev
d. as c, but attack Transylvania instead, to weaken the Emperor. From Transylvania you would be able to advance on the Polish heartlands, while simultaneously keeping the pressure on Moldavia up to keep Polish troops tied up there while advancing on Lwow.
e. as c, but don't use the army for invasion, instead prepare it for defense against the Emperor's suggested religious war

3. if attacking the Polish, what excuse should mainly be used in your official statements?
a. the Cossack raids not being stopped
b. the Polish attempts to conquer Moldavia and attack Ottoman possessions

4. the Spanish have raided your coastline a few times lately. Their superior Mediterranean fleet has been weakened over the past few years due to economical debt and removal of some galleys from the Mediterranean sector, but they are on good terms with Venice and other Christians in the Mediterranean so they can still, together with them, if needed form a strong allied fleet against the Ottoman fleet. They have also carried out piracy actions against the Omani Arabs which are partly under Ottoman control.
a. demand their raids to stop of they'll face consequences
b. do nothing yet
c. support England or others that are hostile to Spain by sending them money (and gifts too to come on friendly terms with them)
d. support the Omani Arabs in their actions in East Africa. A peripheral strike on the Spanish will be devastating. Invade Spanish East Africa possessions by going through invading Ethiopia
e. support the Omani Arabs in their actions in East Africa. Try to transport an army over the sea to strike the Spanish colonies there. This avoids conflict with the Ethiopians, but means more difficult supply situation and meaning it's more difficult to extract the troops after the operations if the operations go wrong (unless the Spanish pull back ships from the colonies there)


1. the threat of Ottoman invasion? You currently have 3,000 husaria and 3,000 lighter cavalry mercenary formations in Moldavia. They have been engaged in smaller skirmishes over the past few years, but now the Ottoman threaten to launch a larger-scale invasion. You could move troops from Moscow or from elsewhere here to support the 6,000 men.
a. try to meet the demands of the Ottomans by trying to stop the few raids. Also point out that most of the Cossacks who raid are not the Zaporozhian Cossacks under your control, but Don Cossacks under Russian control. If the Ottomans then still proceed to attack they will look bad diplomatically.
b. don't try to stop the raiding. If it comes to war, try to hold on to your possessions and avoid battle except striking isolated Ottoman formations until you can get more troops to the area
c. try (by PM) to get others to launch attacks on the Ottomans elsewhere, to keep the Ottomans busy

2. your heir being Tsar in Moscow. What to do about the situation? You have 18,000 men, mostly husaria and semi-irregular mercenary bands, in the area, plus an additional 3,000 formerly Russian forces of which most are infantry. Only 1,000 husaria and 500 infantry are left in Livonia. The reform has also granted you 5,000 infantry possible to call in for use in the coming years. Specify how many men to use for each operation. At least some will need to garrison Smolensk and some will need to garrison Moscow. Your forces here are commanded by Hetman Stanislaw Zokkiewski, one of your best generals. You could send him to another front if you wish to.
a. retreat home, the other foreign threats are too much. In the retreat you could take Russian military equipment such as cannons with you to at least gain something apart from Smolensk from the operation
b. just retreat
c. engage smaller Russian garrisons between Smolensk and Moscow that haven't yet submitted to your rule. Specify how many men to use
d. the Russian city of Tver, in Vasili's hands, is showing signs of unrest. Quickly send a force (specify how many) to put the city under siege and hopefully make it change sides. If it does, garrison it, if it doesn't, retreat with the siege force to Moscow
e. as d, but if it doesn't change sides before winter maintain the siege
f. carry out some raids north, using the semi-irregular mercenary bands
g. don't do anything now, wait until spring

3. the French shipping of grain. Thanks to your previous stockpiling of grain, you can probably provide this grain to the French faster than the Danish can.
a. try to negotiate (by PM) for France to buy the grain from Poland and not from elsewhere. Sell it at a higher price than usual because of the French shortage. This could be needed for financing your wars
b. try to negotiate (by PM) for France to buy the grain from Poland. Sell it at normal price
c. don't bother about the affair

4. the economical situation. Peace with or defeat of Vasili would open the path for rich trade with Russian cities. Building up a fleet would be benefitial for your trade in the Baltic sea and improve your capabilities of trading with the Russians, but also with the Northern Germans, the Danish and also countries outside the Baltic sea. A favorable trade agreement with Brandenburg, now owners of the Duchy of Prussia, could in the abscence of a strong Polish navy be a useful way of making sure the trade goes well. Inviting some Dutch or other merchants that aren't working directly for the nobles might also be a good idea. Gdánsk is one of the cities where the merchant class is strongest, perhaps build up trade from there? Your current fleet consists of 4 quite old warships and 15 merchant ships. Controlling Moldavia fully would allow you to construct a trade fleet and trade with the ottomans or other through the Black Sea. Which of these things would you wish to try to achieve first?

5. what suggestions do you wish to make at the Catholic meeting in Rome? Who would you like to send as your representative? You could also go yourself.


1. what to do about the Swedish separate peace with Poland, which is perhaps to be considered a bit of backstabbing?
a. do nothing, further conflict would be of no use
b. attack Swedish weakened positions in Estonia and the Karelian Isthmus. They could be conquered in a few years if you use over 10,000 troops for it and the Swedish forces are tied down in the conflict with Denmark

2. what to do about the situation in Moscow? Many of the deserters from the Moscow garrison have joined your main army as a result of the Polish heir claiming the Tsar position. However the Polish army is, despite outnumbered, probably superior to your entire main army at this time. You have some 35,000 troops in total. 1,000 are in Pskov, 1,000 in Novgorod, 1,000 in Pskov, 32,000 in and around Nijnij Novgorod. Many of your garrisons also have a shortage of guns.
a. if the Polish army moves out of Moscow, engage it in battle one last time before the winter. The Polish probably won't be able to, if victorious, follow up the victory during the winter so there will be time to regroup and the Polish pursuit in this type of terrain won't be as effective as it could be elsewhere. However if you win the Polish will be in trouble
b. don't engage the Polish yet, just wait for them to come to you or split up to use their forces on other fronts

3. Your garrison in Tver is showing signs of unrest. They have only 1,000 troops and 50 guns to defend the city against Polish attacks, and could be in need of reinforcements quickly.
a. send none
b. send some, specify how many

4. the Polish prisoners?
a. kill all
b. ransom back all
c. let them go


For any naval operations please specify which paths should be taken to and from the targets

1. the conflict with the trade companies due to your sponsored raids on English merchants
a. deny your involvement in the raids on merchants, stop sponsoring such raids, then claim the trade companies to hand back the colonies they conquered
b. deny your involvement in the raids on merchants, stop sponsoring such raids, warn them that any further conquests of Spanish colonies will meet consequences
c. deny your involvement in the raids on merchants, but continue sponsoring them
d. admit your involvement and try to seek a peace agreement with the trade companies
e. admit your involvement and try to seek a peace agreement with the trade companies, preferably one that lowers their customs duty for going through Spanish waters if they carry out less trade that gives customs duty to England

2. Ireland. You need to control a large enough area to be able to supply your troops, on the other hand you don't want to split up your troops too much. You have 2 tercios with cavalry and cannon support, and an additional 3,000 Irish levies under your command. Some more Irish levies might join you during the coming months, especially if you win some important victories. If you choose to capture Limerick and succeed, what do you wish to do after the city is captured? Proceed north or consolidate your gains and try to recruit and train the Irish locals over the winter?
a. continue as it is - use 1 tercio to complete the cleaning of southwest Ireland to have a decent supply situation over the winter, while using the other tercio with most of the rebel levies to besiege Limerick. As soon as the 1st tercio is ready in about 1 month, it will join the siege.
b. abort the cleaning of southwest Ireland and send all troops to Limerick. Try to assault the city immediately. This might make the supply situation difficult but avoids splitting up your troops so much
c. use all troops to clean southwest Ireland, and ignore Limerick until the area is clear, then besiege Limerick

3. the disobendient Spanish commander in Ireland
a. his inobedience and short temper is dangerous, replace him
b. as a, but also demote him
c. he is just the right man for this type of mission, keep him
d. as b, but also promote him

4. what methods should be used to prevent remaining Irish people, currently neutral, from joining English forces?
a. promise them something in return for help, specify what
b. threaten them unless they help
c. use terror and scorched earth in your military operations to try and force the Irish to change sides
d. take advantage of the internal rivalries in Ireland to get some Irish forces not yet taking part in the revolts to join your side
e. let your commander in the area do what he thinks is best

5. it might also be time to negotiate with the Irish rebels what will happen when the English forces are defeated and Ireland has become free
a. make the free parts of Ireland a Spanish province
b. make the free parts of Ireland a Spanish protectorate
c. make the free parts of Ireland independent but claim the territories of all who didn't cooperate for the Spanish crown
d. make the free parts of Ireland independent but claim the territories of all who didn't cooperate for the regions that cooperated
e. make sure Spain gets full access to crucial naval and ground bases forever (this can be combined with c and d and is done automatically under a and b)
f. make sure Spain gets full access to crucial naval and ground bases until England has been defeated and the independence of Ireland has been secured (this can be combined with c and d)
g. make sure Spain gets full access to crucial naval and ground bases until Spain has forced England to make peace (this can be combined with c and d)

6. the captured agents in France?
a. negotiate with France to hand them back
b. let them be at the mercy of the French, agents know when recruited that they can expect death if captured
c. do nothing

7. the naval warfare in the Americas? Your heavily damaged ships will not be ready for use until a few months
a. send ships to the Americas to try and win the naval war there, specify how many. Be advised that the English too may be sending reinforcements there
b. don't send any

8. any naval operations in Europe? Cover Cork? Raid the Channel? Try to break the extremely strong channel blockade? Try to simply defend your positions in the Iberian peninsula? Try to attack English transports to reinforce Ireland? Try to reinforce Ireland? Try to extract the troops from Ireland? Your lightly damaged ships have all been repaired. The heavily damaged will take a few months later, but can then be put into use. You also have the new EIC ship to commission if you want to. You can also opt to decommission some of the galleys to save money and get sailors for the new ships. Also, should the military ship building branch put the old shipyards into action producing ships? The Spanish EIC now has the knowledge required and with their assistance, if the EIC comes under friendly terms with you, could provide the skills required for the ship building branch to carry out their work. You must also decide whether you can accept the EIC to deliver perhaps only 1 ship a year instead of 2 for the coming 2 years due to their loss of so many workers.

9. what suggestions do you wish to make at the Catholic meeting in Rome? Who would you like to send as your representative? You could also go yourself.

10. how react to the French support to the Ottomans? Support that also would provide the Ottomans with the one weapon they have so far been lacking - a fleet comparable to the modern western fleets.
a. try to make France stop the cooperation
b. do nothing


1. the war with Denmark? You can't hope to invade the Danish heartlands on Zealand with the superior Danish fleet in your way, but you apparently have a strong ground army and may be able to threaten Danish possessions in Scania, possibly also Norway in the long run. In return, Denmark can threaten Swedish islands, for example Hiiumaa, and keep them locked from the Atlantic coast.
a. negotiate a favorable peace (by PM). The Älvsborg fortress could be handed back to you in return for a tribute over the coming 5 years
b. remain defensive between Kalmar and Lund and wait for the Danish to make a move
c. make an attempt at besieging Lund
d. retreat towards Stockholm and leave a garrison in Kalmar

2. naval actions against Denmark. You have 5 undamaged warships and 2 heavily damaged warships. Another ship that has been in production has also been completed this year, and you can commission it for use.
a. use the navy more passively, just to defend Oland and Kalmar against Danish actions
b. send a small force to try and invade Saaremaa, specify how many to send
c. send a small force, 1,000 men could be enough, to capture Gotland from the Danish. The old Hanseatic city of Visby would be useful to hold, and it would be a very useful diversion in the war with Denmark

3. the Polish heir as Russian Tsar. Do you admit him or Vasili IV as Russian Tsar? Remember that you in a way let Russia down by making separate peace with Poland. This decision might affect future relations with both Poland and Russia.
a. admit Vasili IV as Tsar
b. admit the Polish heir as Tsar
c. don't make any statement

4. how do you wish to replace recent losses? Choose one or more of these.
a. recruit 2,000 more of the Swedish local infantry
b. recruit 2,000 mercenaries
c. recruit 1,000 more of the high-quality Finnish cavalry
d. recruit 500 light cavalry

09-16-2006, 20:27
I'm sorry guys but I can't seem to find most of the information you wanted Legio I don't know if it's me not knowing the right places to look but I can only find this.

Leader-John Sigismund 1608-1619 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sigismund (Leader-John Sigismund 1608-1619 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sigismund))This has all his information on children etc.)


Everything else I can't find anything about

Its alright though I don't have to play.

09-16-2006, 20:45
I just wanted to notify the Pope that the Polish converted to Orthodoxy. That is worse than starting out Orthodox is it not? Action needs to be taken against the Polish Heethens.

09-16-2006, 21:23
My research on Denmark-Norway

Kingdom of Denmark-Norway

Christian IV, King of Denmark and Norway, of the Wends and the Geats
Duke of Schleswig-Holstein

Christian IV was a great reformer of Danish society, modernising the fleet and established the Danish East India Company. Unfortunately, his passion and bellicosity proved to be his downfall. He spoke, besides Danish, French, German, Latin and Italian.

Anne Catherine of Brandenburg, Queen Consort

Crown Prince Christian of Denmark-Norway (aged 4)
Prince Frederick of Denmark-Norway

Other Notables:

Jacob Ulfeldt, Chancellor of Denmark

Claes Maltesen Sehested, Governor of Osel

Other Information:

Denmark is a Catholic state

The army is a mixture of Dano-Norwegian conflicts, with mercenaries providing the backbone. Guard units formed in 1614.

Current Alliances: Presumably Brandenburg-Prussia, alliance was broken with Poland and Sweden.

Wars – at war with Sweden

Rebellions – the son of Ulfeldt politically overpowered Christian and became virtually the ruler of Denmark in 1646-48

Navy – 22 ships raised to 60 ships in 1610

I think non-Catholicism is tolerated for the most part.

The rule is, I think, fairly centralised. Christian was both a reformer and a military leader, as well as an explorer, but his passion defeated him in the end.

Conflicts: several wars with Sweden

Economy: the Sound Strait seems a particularly important point of income, beyond that, I couldn’t find much out. The Danish economy is not exactly thriving because of the reliance on mercenaries.

09-16-2006, 21:35
I'm sorry guys but I can't seem to find most of the information you wanted Legio I don't know if it's me not knowing the right places to look but I can only find this.

Leader-John Sigismund 1608-1619 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sigismund (Leader-John Sigismund 1608-1619 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sigismund))This has all his information on children etc.)


Everything else I can't find anything about

Its alright though I don't have to play.
Csar, it is nor required, it is just advised. Please stay. I like this a lot now that every country has a living leader.

09-16-2006, 21:44
I didn't plan on leaving I was just saying that if Legio didn't think that was enough then I would drop out. For the Brandenburg military I'm sure it was pretty fine military from how good the Prussians were in the 1800s. Oh and Legio I sent my plans too you.

09-16-2006, 22:07
Dearest king Sigismund of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, his highness finds it regrettable to inform you that your time has run out. He has decided to act on this matter on the ground of many Polish offences, but primarily the Polish ambitions in Moldavia, a state under our protection, not only have Cossacks raided Moldavia, but Polish soldiers have also attacked Ottoman positions. Also it is sad that Polish ambitions are even larger than this, they have also placed their own impostor on the throne of Moscow, so as to enlarge their sphere of influence. His highness considers all these, and especially the attacks on Moldavia, affronts as threats to his nation’s security and has only now understands that force is the only thing people like King Sigismund understood. Peace be upon you.

Speaking on behalf of his majesty: Fakih Hayreddin, imperial emissary.

09-16-2006, 22:37
Poland, your time has come. Surrender Moscow and the throne now, or prepare to be eradicated. I have no time for your games. The Ottoman army is upon you, and with them, my pact of loyalty lies. Leave Russian lands, now, and take your puppet leader with you. This is not a warning, rather an annowncement of your fate.

09-17-2006, 06:38
I have dropped in to mention few things:

- Brandenburg inherited East Prussia in 1618, but because they were let to do taht, they remain Polish vasal and the Eastern Prussia itself is under constant danger of being annexed nonetheless ( at least untill 1696),

-its army was small and actually was build during the 30-years war and consisted of highly trained, but small number of troops - probably 18 000 was the maximum number,

- Zaporozhian Cossacks raided coastal areas of Asia Minor and Bulgaria (suburbs of the Istambul included) - Moldavia wasn't raided it was actually Polish-Ottoman shared dominium.

-Poland and the Ottomans had rather friendly ralationship despite Cossack raids and Tatar attacks - clearly it had changed here,

- There were no Zaporozhian cities - they were warrior community on the edge of the Commonwealth - similar to Croatian Uskoci and Hungarian Szekely,

- Conditions limited warfare in Moldavia, south Ukraine much - forces larger than 10 000 found themselves in danger of starvation, disease etc very quickly - Ottoman forces in 1621 suffered more than 50 % losses ( from 150 000+),

- Poland - husaria most likely would not ever be able to number more than 12 000 men ( 8 000 was historiacally the highest number),

- Russian army didn't win a single battle against Poles-Lithuanians since 1501 - not without a reason I must add,

- England couldn't be a tolerant country - presbiterian protestants loathed Catholicism who often payed in similar way back. In many ways it was boiling with distrust and sectarian hatred.

I hope it clears some doubts.

Pardon my intrusion, cheers !:book:

09-17-2006, 06:48
Well I don't think this is ment to be exactly historically accurate. And about Brandenburg inheriting Prussia I was wondering about that too I guess its just something he decided.

Rodion Romanovich
09-17-2006, 07:27
I'm sorry guys but I can't seem to find most of the information you wanted Legio I don't know if it's me not knowing the right places to look but I can only find this.

Leader-John Sigismund 1608-1619 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sigismund (Leader-John Sigismund 1608-1619 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sigismund))This has all his information on children etc.)


Everything else I can't find anything about

Its alright though I don't have to play.
it doesn't matter, you can still play. Just read what Brandenburg did before and after the current time of the game and it'll be enough. The links I posted provide enough info for you, I think.

Rodion Romanovich
09-17-2006, 07:44
I have dropped in to mention few things:

- Brandenburg inherited East Prussia in 1618, but because they were let to do taht, they remain Polish vasal and the Eastern Prussia itself is under constant danger of being annexed nonetheless ( at least untill 1696),

yes, but people must die at different times in this interactive than they did historically, so as to ensure it isn't predictable. For instance the Swedish king died one year earlier as well in a previous chapter. However I had to kill the French king because it was a major incident and so close to the beginning (sorry Franc :wink: ). You can expect some coming characters in the interactive to live longer than they did historically.

- Poland - husaria most likely would not ever be able to number more than 12 000 men ( 8 000 was historiacally the highest number),

Not all of the 18,000 are husaria, at least 7,000 are mercenaries (but nonetheless of very high quality), then there are also footmen, and light tatar formations (I can't reveal more details about numbers for the sake of the uncertainty aspect of the game).

- Russian army didn't win a single battle against Poles-Lithuanians since 1501
Some 3,000 Polish infantry mercenaries and a very small number of cavalry in a city with breeched defenses shouldn't be any match to a 35,000 men large mainly infantry based Russian army with 60 guns.


09-17-2006, 07:56
[QUOTE]yes, but people must die at different times in this interactive than they did historically, so as to ensure it isn't predictable. For instance the Swedish king died one year earlier as well in a previous chapter. However I had to kill the French king because it was a major incident and so close to the beginning (sorry Franc :wink: ). You can expect some coming characters in the interactive to live longer than they did historically.

I agree, but it was a hint about certain possibilities and dangers to some players - claims such like this have its part in history, especially with small popular support among the population (revolts etc.) - overtaxation for example...

Not all of the 18,000 are husaria, at least 7,000 are mercenaries (but nonetheless of very high quality), then there are also footmen, and light tatar formations (I can't reveal more details about numbers for the sake of the uncertainty aspect of the game).


Some 3,000 Polish infantry mercenaries and a very small number of cavalry in a city with breeched defenses shouldn't be any match to a 35,000 men large mainly infantry based Russian army with 60 guns.

It was directed to IrishArmenian - perhaps he should be aware of this 'little' detail.:laugh4: Because too much unreasonable confidence might not be shared by his soldiers.:book:

One more note

- the DUTCH
got a high share of their profit from the Baltic trade and actually importing the grain from Poland was a matter of life and death, quite literally - see their later involvement during the 'Deluge' and it was when their demands were much smaller thanks to new agricultural inventions.

Rodion Romanovich
09-17-2006, 08:22
- the DUTCH
got a high share of their profit from the Baltic trade and actually importing the grain from Poland was a matter of life and death, quite literally - see their later involvement during the 'Deluge' and it was when their demands were much smaller thanks to new agricultural inventions.
Interesting, thanks! :2thumbsup:

09-17-2006, 11:33
The Spanish embassador to the Catholic Conference in Roma is Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza, prelate of Spain.

09-17-2006, 11:43

09-17-2006, 18:32
It was directed to IrishArmenian - perhaps he should be aware of this 'little' detail.:laugh4: Because too much unreasonable confidence might not be shared by his soldiers.:book:
The real Russia did not have a pact with the Ottoman Empire and was not being aided by them. I was aware of Russia's poor military situashion at the time. This very reeson is why I am using so much diplomacy.

Marshal Murat
09-17-2006, 21:09
How can you declare war without me even attempting to call back the Cossacks?
The Polish crown is Catholic, and many of her peoples are Catholic. We tolerate many religions. If the Polish king's son is made Orthodox, that doesn't mean all the Polish are Orthodox.
Moldavia is, as ceg said, split between the Ottomans and the Polish.

09-17-2006, 21:48
OOC: Cossakcs are sort of an "excuse", if you read back a more significant reason is that I am on a close footing with Vasily... And I have promised him aid... I will not break a promise... If we all had wanted this to unfold like history we would only need to read a history book. This is about what we would like to try out to see how it could have done had it been done.

Anyway, this is about more than Cossacks and Tatars.

09-18-2006, 01:03
Alright Legio I've read up on Brandenburg and am ready to go.

Also is there anyway we figure out how many soldiers we have and our economic situation or is that just what you know?

09-18-2006, 14:15
Brandenburg / Preußen


Some notes:

Ancestor of Prussia was the Ordenstaat, a territory under control of the German Order. It was not part of the HRE, it was under suzerainty of the Polish king.

During Reformation, the Order converted and disbanded. It became a duchy under the rule of Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach. He gave the oath of fealty to the King of Poland (1525).

Brandenburg was a part of the HRE, under the suzerainty of the HRE.

In 1618 both territories were ruled by the same person, Johann Sigismund, however still independent duchies. The Duke was under the suzerainty of both, the German Kaiser and the Polish King. I think this makes the position very interesting.

The Duke and his subjects were Protestants.

The military and economy was weak. During the 30years war BP fought with the Protestant Union, the Swedish. Its territories became depopulated and wastes. However, the Duke could gain some new areas.

Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm (1640–1688), managed to strengthen his country with economical reforms, a permanent army, and absolutism. He invited Huguenots that had to run from France, to settle in his countries. He also started to build a navy and to found colonies. During his reign Prussia became the strongest territory behind Austria.

The Kurfürst tried to become King. As a subject of the Kaiser, he would never been able to become King. However, his Prussian territories were outside of the HRE. He managed to become independent of the Polish King. Therefore, he had a territory that was independent from any other sovereign and he could call himself King. However, the Polish King still held some Prussian territories. To avoid any provocation, the new Prussian King called himself King in Prussia, instead of King of Prussia. Well, officially he was Duke of Brandenburg, King in Prussia.

Rodion Romanovich
09-18-2006, 19:21
Alright Legio I've read up on Brandenburg and am ready to go.

Also is there anyway we figure out how many soldiers we have and our economic situation or is that just what you know?

you have a fairly good economy and can support 2,000 mercenaries abroad but also some 5,000 forces at home at the moment, though with some limited economical trouble as long as these mercenaries are in service. Your acquisition of new land has improved your economy but it'll take some chapters before you can start to fully get systems for acquiring taxes, trade income etc. built out with all the administrative matters it means for these new territories. Prussia is an important acquisition in that manner. Apart from these economical improvements you can also use politics, clever trade treaties and perhaps conquests or diplomatical acquisition of territory (marriage or getting land in return for helping someone etc) to improve economy. Your currently dominant position in the Protestant Union gives you a lot of influence with indirect control over almost 15,000 troops if you need it for defense, however your strength is limited for offensive operations against countries that aren't considered by the PU to be a threat towards the Protestant North or Protestant territories in general.

09-18-2006, 20:48
Alright thanks for the information Franconius helped out some.

09-18-2006, 21:00

There are rumours that the Royal Government of France supports the building of a shipyard in the Osmanian Empire. This is wrong.

Maximilien, Mareshal de France

09-18-2006, 21:23
The Emperor himself shall sit at the Roman conferance.

He aslo wishes to thank France for its strong willed decisions not to help the heathens.
However any actions taken against the Polish will be deemd an attack on the Catholic faith in the Empire and will be dealt with harshly.
We warn Russia to keep to its place, else drastic measues be incured.

09-18-2006, 22:33
Announcement of The Dutchy of Brandenburg and The Republic of the seven united provinces of The Netherlands.

In year of our lord June 1st, 1612 AD. By the Grace of our Lord, from this day onward the Area of Protestant Union has been declared toll free area for the participants of the Protestant Union, including The Dutchy of Brandenburg and The Republic of the seven united provinces of The Netherlands. May this bring upon us wealth and prosperity.

John Sigismund, Elector of Brandenburg

Maurice of Nassau, captain- General and the stadtholder of The Republic of the seven united provinces of The Netherlands

09-18-2006, 23:56
The Emperor himself shall sit at the Roman conferance.

He aslo wishes to thank France for its strong willed decisions not to help the heathens.
However any actions taken against the Polish will be deemd an attack on the Catholic faith in the Empire and will be dealt with harshly.
We warn Russia to keep to its place, else drastic measues be incured.
Poland has attacked, so Russia is ekspected to sit there and take it? I say no, then. The Tsar does not take the attack and clame to the throne litely, and he will not forget the harm that Poland has cosed. And I ask, what is Russia's place? It is not under Polish rule, I know that much.

09-19-2006, 02:33
From the Duke of Brandenburg,

The Duke wish to instate a rigorious training of all troops of the Duchy. This is to make sure that the troops are ready for any situation the Duchy might fall into. Also to make his military have more men the Duke wishes that all men 18-26 be ordered into training of the military. This is so that the Duchy will always have a professional army to fight with.(If I can't do this Legio just tell me and I'll delete it)

09-19-2006, 08:07
Armand-Jean I. du Plessis de Richelieu, Epsicopal de Lucon
Ambassador of the French King:

Holy Father, noble Kaiser of the HRE, dear collegues from the Catholic countries!

Let us start the discussion.

These should be the topics:

1) How do we deal with non Catholic Christians in our coutries? The schism is a source for revolts, because some use it for their own profit.

2) How can we end the wars between Christian countries?

3) How can we end piracy?

4) How do we deal with Moslems and Orthodox and other perplexities?

5) What is our position on slavery?

I am waiting for your opinion.

Non Catholic states: Please note that you are not invited. This is an internal discussion!! :furious3:

09-19-2006, 11:44
Holy Father, noble Kaiser of the HRE, dear collegues from the Catholic countries!

Let us start the discussion.

These should be the topics:

1) How do we deal with non Catholic Christians in our coutries? The schism is a source for revolts, because some use it for their own profit. Toleration, but we cannot allow them to control vast tracts of Europe for as we have seen in the case of Brandenburg, they support violent revolts of their bretheren. A limitation on their millitary powers and mutual pact among all Catholic nations to attack all Protestant rebbels where they sprout like thorns upon the grape vine.

2) How can we end the wars between Christian countries?The Holy Roman Empire merley wishes that the other Catholic countrie allow the Emperor to deal with his subjects as he wishes and rule his land as he wishes. He also calls for a war against the vile Turks to be coordinated for by all Catholic rulers.

3) How can we end piracy?
Perhaps a fairer hand to England and the Netherlands in the North Americas, and more open market and a united Catholic navy under the command of a Catholic league council.

4) How do we deal with Moslems and Orthodox and other perplexities?
Destruction of these Heathens and Infidels ais the only answer, they already call for the destruction of Poland the Catholic bastion of the east.

5) What is our position on slavery
All non-Christians (and those conquerd heathen who refuse to convert) must either be put to the sword or be made into slavery.

The Holy Roman Emperor calls for all Catholics nations to join the league else we might be surrounded and submerged in a wave of the followers of the Anti Christ!

09-19-2006, 13:24
I thank the Kaiser for this flaming statement of faith.
This is the position of the French King:

1) How do we deal with non Catholic Christians in our coutries? The schism is a source for revolts, because some use it for their own profit. Toleration, but we cannot allow them to control vast tracts of Europe for as we have seen in the case of Brandenburg, they support violent revolts of their bretheren. A limitation on their millitary powers and mutual pact among all Catholic nations to attack all Protestant rebbels where they sprout like thorns upon the grape vine.
"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

2) How can we end the wars between Christian countries?The Holy Roman Empire merley wishes that the other Catholic countrie allow the Emperor to deal with his subjects as he wishes and rule his land as he wishes. He also calls for a war against the vile Turks to be coordinated for by all Catholic rulers.
The King of France wishes, that all Catholic leaders rule to a common code of honor. This includes not to use subversive means against others or the surpression of religious freedom.

3) How can we end piracy?
Perhaps a fairer hand to England and the Netherlands in the North Americas, and more open market and a united Catholic navy under the command of a Catholic league council.

I think this council should condemn any form of piracy like the King of France does. The French King declares, that any attack against the French sea trade will be responded with military means.

4) How do we deal with Moslems and Orthodox and other perplexities?
Destruction of these Heathens and Infidels ais the only answer, they already call for the destruction of Poland the Catholic bastion of the east.

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

5) What is our position on slavery
All non-Christians (and those conquerd heathen who refuse to convert) must either be put to the sword or be made into slavery.

Slavery is good, if the target is to convert the slaves to Christians. Then, they have to be freed.

09-19-2006, 15:16
Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza rises, and waits for silence. He speaks clearly, with a mild unrecognizable accent, due to all his years abroad, and he states the position of the King of Spain, His Catholic Majesty Philippe III.

1) How do we deal with non Catholic Christians in our coutries? The schism is a source for revolts, because some use it for their own profit. Toleration, but we cannot allow them to control vast tracts of Europe for as we have seen in the case of Brandenburg, they support violent revolts of their bretheren. A limitation on their millitary powers and mutual pact among all Catholic nations to attack all Protestant rebbels where they sprout like thorns upon the grape vine.

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

To put away the sword is suicide. To put away the sword means be left at the mercy of the heathens for whom the words of the Lord are a source of amusement instead of zeal. Spain firmly believes, that even if other religions are tolerated, they must be controlled. The King also wishes to look at other Christian religions as one would look at a blundered child, firmly, but with every intention of bringing the True Faith to them. Other heathens that do not believe in the Bible are to be treated with every harshness.

2) How can we end the wars between Christian countries?The Holy Roman Empire merley wishes that the other Catholic countrie allow the Emperor to deal with his subjects as he wishes and rule his land as he wishes. He also calls for a war against the vile Turks to be coordinated for by all Catholic rulers.
The King of France wishes, that all Catholic leaders rule to a common code of honor. This includes not to use subversive means against others or the surpression of religious freedom.

The supression of religious freedom is an internal affair. This shall not be ruled by any Council. As of a code of honour, Spain will uphold it with those who also sign it.

3) How can we end piracy?
Perhaps a fairer hand to England and the Netherlands in the North Americas, and more open market and a united Catholic navy under the command of a Catholic league council.

I think this council should condemn any form of piracy like the King of France does. The French King declares, that any attack against the French sea trade will be responded with military means.

Spain has a similar position on piracy. Any attack on Spanish merchants will be treated as an attack against the Crown, and the guilty will be treated accordingly.

Spain will not put its men under the command of any Council. Spanish soldiers only serve the King.

More open trade with other Catholics could be something the King would be interested in discussing on an individual basis (PM)

4) How do we deal with Moslems and Orthodox and other perplexities?
Destruction of these Heathens and Infidels ais the only answer, they already call for the destruction of Poland the Catholic bastion of the east.

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

Spain will be neutral in these conflicts. Those who are not under Spain can save or lose their souls as they please.

5) What is our position on slavery
All non-Christians (and those conquerd heathen who refuse to convert) must either be put to the sword or be made into slavery.

Slavery is good, if the target is to convert the slaves to Christians. Then, they have to be freed.

Slavery will serve its purpose, but this is one issue that will be revisited once it is economically unviable. The colonies need slaves, and they will have them for as long as they are needed.

09-19-2006, 18:43
Jacob Ulfeldt rises, and addresses those present in French: 'His majesty Christian IV would like me to relate these:

1) How do we deal with non Catholic Christians in our coutries? The schism is a source for revolts, because some use it for their own profit. Toleration, but we cannot allow them to control vast tracts of Europe for as we have seen in the case of Brandenburg, they support violent revolts of their bretheren. A limitation on their m

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

To put away the sword is suicide. To put away the sword means be left at the mercy of the heathens for whom the words of the Lord are a source of amusement instead of zeal. Spain firmly believes, that even if other religions are tolerated, they must be controlled. The King also wishes to look at other Christian religions as one would look at a blundered child, firmly, but with every intention of bringing the True Faith to them. Other heathens that do not believe in the Bible are to be treated with every harshness.

King Christian leaves his ever-present motto: 'Piety Strengthens the Realm' as a reminder of how to deal with such. On the coin of this motto, he presents on one side a vision of a catholic crozier ascendant in each city of the world, in Prague, Paris, London, Cairo and Istanbul.

On the inverse of the coin there is a vision of the cross of God lying discarded on some field - Frankish or Spanish or Danish or German, it matters not. This is the vision that must be cut away with the precision of a scalpel and not the blundering strikes of a sword. I propose we must remove those merely misled to other faiths by legislation, but that those leading them be put under the sword of a Catholic league.

2) How can we end the wars between Christian countries?The Holy Roman Empire merley wishes that the other Catholic countrie allow the Emperor to deal with his subjects as he wishes and rule his land as he wishes. He also calls for a war against the vile Turks to be coordinated for by all Catholic rulers.
The King of France wishes, that all Catholic leaders rule to a common code of honor. This includes not to use subversive means against others or the surpression of religious freedom.

The supression of religious freedom is an internal affair. This shall not be ruled by any Council. As of a code of honour, Spain will uphold it with those who also sign it.

The Dano-Norwegian people are not prepared to accept this until Sweden agrees to do so and makes peace. The King must first be assured that raising the sword and readying the cannon against another Catholic is uneccessary.

3) How can we end piracy?
Perhaps a fairer hand to England and the Netherlands in the North Americas, and more open market and a united Catholic navy under the command of a Catholic league council.

I think this council should condemn any form of piracy like the King of France does. The French King declares, that any attack against the French sea trade will be responded with military means.

Spain has a similar position on piracy. Any attack on Spanish merchants will be treated as an attack against the Crown, and the guilty will be treated accordingly.

Spain will not put its men under the command of any Council. Spanish soldiers only serve the King.

More open trade with other Catholics could be something the King would be interested in discussing on an individual basis (PM)

Denmark sees no benefit to placing its navy under the control of another. It is clear that our colonial interests differ. Attacks on Danish merchants will be a cause for war, equally.

4) How do we deal with Moslems and Orthodox and other perplexities?
Destruction of these Heathens and Infidels ais the only answer, they already call for the destruction of Poland the Catholic bastion of the east.

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

Spain will be neutral in these conflicts. Those who are not under Spain can save or lose their souls as they please.

Denmark-Norway is ever-vigilant and will assist, how it can, its fellow Catholics.

5) What is our position on slavery
All non-Christians (and those conquerd heathen who refuse to convert) must either be put to the sword or be made into slavery.

Slavery is good, if the target is to convert the slaves to Christians. Then, they have to be freed.

Slavery will serve its purpose, but this is one issue that will be revisited once it is economically unviable. The colonies need slaves, and they will have them for as long as they are needed.[/QUOTE]

Denmark, not yet having a distant colony, has no need for slavery at the moment, but nor shall it underestimate their value and make some sanctimonious speech on what it does not know about.

Marshal Murat
09-19-2006, 23:30
The Polish ambassador rises to speak

1) How do we deal with non Catholic Christians in our coutries? The schism is a source for revolts, because some use it for their own profit. Toleration, but we cannot allow them to control vast tracts of Europe for as we have seen in the case of Brandenburg, they support violent revolts of their bretheren. A limitation on their m

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

To put away the sword is suicide. To put away the sword means be left at the mercy of the heathens for whom the words of the Lord are a source of amusement instead of zeal. Spain firmly believes, that even if other religions are tolerated, they must be controlled. The King also wishes to look at other Christian religions as one would look at a blundered child, firmly, but with every intention of bringing the True Faith to them. Other heathens that do not believe in the Bible are to be treated with every harshness.

King Christian leaves his ever-present motto: 'Piety Strengthens the Realm' as a reminder of how to deal with such. On the coin of this motto, he presents on one side a vision of a catholic crozier ascendant in each city of the world, in Prague, Paris, London, Cairo and Istanbul.

On the inverse of the coin there is a vision of the cross of God lying discarded on some field - Frankish or Spanish or Danish or German, it matters not. This is the vision that must be cut away with the precision of a scalpel and not the blundering strikes of a sword. I propose we must remove those merely misled to other faiths by legislation, but that those leading them be put under the sword of a Catholic league.

We of Poland are for a toleration of all religions. The Jew and the Orthodox may live and breathe with the Catholics and Protestants of Poland. However, if a religious group threatens established order, we will deal with the offending faith as we see fit. All religions should be tolerated if they are willing to obey all laws.

2) How can we end the wars between Christian countries?The Holy Roman Empire merley wishes that the other Catholic countrie allow the Emperor to deal with his subjects as he wishes and rule his land as he wishes. He also calls for a war against the vile Turks to be coordinated for by all Catholic rulers.
The King of France wishes, that all Catholic leaders rule to a common code of honor. This includes not to use subversive means against others or the surpression of religious freedom.

The supression of religious freedom is an internal affair. This shall not be ruled by any Council. As of a code of honour, Spain will uphold it with those who also sign it.

The Dano-Norwegian people are not prepared to accept this until Sweden agrees to do so and makes peace. The King must first be assured that raising the sword and readying the cannon against another Catholic is uneccessary.

The supression or allowance of any religion is an internal affair, and should be dealt with by the respective rulers. However, wars between true Catholic nations should be avoided in favor of the word.

3) How can we end piracy?
Perhaps a fairer hand to England and the Netherlands in the North Americas, and more open market and a united Catholic navy under the command of a Catholic league council.

I think this council should condemn any form of piracy like the King of France does. The French King declares, that any attack against the French sea trade will be responded with military means.

Spain has a similar position on piracy. Any attack on Spanish merchants will be treated as an attack against the Crown, and the guilty will be treated accordingly.

Spain will not put its men under the command of any Council. Spanish soldiers only serve the King.

More open trade with other Catholics could be something the King would be interested in discussing on an individual basis (PM)

Denmark sees no benefit to placing its navy under the control of another. It is clear that our colonial interests differ. Attacks on Danish merchants will be a cause for war, equally.

4) How do we deal with Moslems and Orthodox and other perplexities?
Destruction of these Heathens and Infidels ais the only answer, they already call for the destruction of Poland the Catholic bastion of the east.

"Put away your sword" These are the words of the Lord. The French King believes the the word of the Lord is the only adequate weapon to fight and convert people of different faith. However, He also condemns all those who use their religion as a false pretenece for greed.

Spain will be neutral in these conflicts. Those who are not under Spain can save or lose their souls as they please.

Denmark-Norway is ever-vigilant and will assist, how it can, its fellow Catholics.

We in Poland are horrified that only the Holy Roman Empire has sought to assist the Catholic country in her war against the Moslem Turk and false Orthodox Czar. Were we to fall, then the Holy Roman Empire, who would stand between Paris and Istanbul but the Janissaries of the Sultan and the boyars of the czar!
Remember the war between the Greeks and Romans. The Greeks of Antiochus sought to prevent the Greeks from allying with the Romans, hoping to keep them neutral. The Romans sought the Greeks help. For if Antiochus conquered, then the Greeks would be absorbed. Stand on your feet and fight, do not bow and wait for the Turk to hammer on the cathedral doors. Don't wait for the Orthodox to rape and pillage the monastaries of the Rhine.

5) What is our position on slavery
All non-Christians (and those conquerd heathen who refuse to convert) must either be put to the sword or be made into slavery.

Slavery is good, if the target is to convert the slaves to Christians. Then, they have to be freed.

Slavery will serve its purpose, but this is one issue that will be revisited once it is economically unviable. The colonies need slaves, and they will have them for as long as they are needed.[/quote]

Denmark, not yet having a distant colony, has no need for slavery at the moment, but nor shall it underestimate their value and make some sanctimonious speech on what it does not know about.

09-20-2006, 06:01
So Legio when can we expect the next Chapter?

09-20-2006, 08:06
Armand-Jean I. du Plessis de Richelieu, Epsicopal de Lucon
Ambassador of the French King:

Holy Father, Kaiser, Lords:

The discussion was very fruitful and it showed that there are some areas of agreement and not.

For the end of this meeting the King of France makes this proposal:

The Catholic Nations condemn any act of piracy. They declare free trade on all seas.

Among those countries, that accept it, a code of honor is agreed:
There will be no use of spies and assassins
There will be no bribery
In case of war, no hostile actions will be started without a formal and in due time declaration of war.

This code of honor may increase the trust between the Catholic nations, without limiting their primitive rights.

Before I leave I want to invite you all to the palace of the King. There will be a festival to celebrate the new treaty of friendship between Savoy and France. All French noblemen will attand. As a special highlight the new exotic garden will be opened. There you can see exotic plants and creatures from His Majesty's colonies. You will see that Paris has gained the credit for the occidential centre of culture.

Orders for animals or plants can be placed.

Rodion Romanovich
09-20-2006, 13:16
So Legio when can we expect the next Chapter?

when the five remaining players have posted their options and I've had time to put together the next chapter. Probably within two weeks, probably even earlier than that.

09-20-2006, 13:26
I cant wait for the next chapter! Legio you have created an exellent game!:2thumbsup:

09-20-2006, 13:35
I'm just waiting for DoH to get back to me on something before I send in my orders.


Christian IV of Denmark-Norway is pleased to accept the terms of the council, should Sweden agree to do the same.

Rodion Romanovich
09-20-2006, 13:58
The Holy Father Paul V arises. He points out that he wishes to speak in these discussions which the Papacy has so kindly offered to host to strengthen the Catholic countries in their struggle against the Heathen and in defense of the Holy Church. In order to strengthen the Holy Church in this divine struggle, the Holy Father suggests that all nations should pay a small tax to the Papacy in order to sign this code of honor. The tax will be small and the annual cost will be corresponding to the upkeep of 1,000 mercenaries. In return the country will get the full benefits from the code of honor and the Papacy will protect those who follow the code against those who do not. This tax will help finishing the wonderous St Peter's Basilica in Rome, which shall unite the Christians against the Heathen, and hopefully make the schismatic return to the Holy Church.

Secondly, the Holy Father wishes all countries to do everything possible to stop the heretical heliocentric teachings in their universities. Such lies undermine the credibility of the Holy Church and strengthen the unrighteous. Beware of these false teachings and temptations of the deceiver!

More severe methods should also be used against sins such as questioning the transubstantiation, the virginity of the Holy Virgin Mary, sodomy, simple fornication, witchcraft, and converts to Christianity whose conversion is not truly followed and is merely an attempt to disguise themselves as Christians while in reality they maintain their previous beliefs. Last year the Inquisition successfully captured and tried 50 people guilty of such hideous crimes! True sons of the church must be aware that these dangerous false preachers are everywhere, and remember the words of the Lord: there will be no more true Apostles before the return of Him!

Finally, the Holy Father wishes to proclaim that all rulers who sign the treaties and pay the code of honor tax and assist in the construction of St Peter's Basilica will be forgiven for all their sins up to this point.

Rodion Romanovich
09-20-2006, 14:00
I cant wait for the next chapter! Legio you have created an exellent game!:2thumbsup:
thanks ~:)

09-20-2006, 14:19
I agree witj Kage-san!

Legio, please set a deadline. I guess one weeks should be enough for negotiations and planning. You can decide how much time you need.

09-20-2006, 17:46
Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza, after a short, whispering consultation with his aide rises.

Sirs, Spain will mantain the Code of Honour, but it will not be possible for the King to economically sustain the assets of the Holy Father. Spain is at war, as you all know, and until the war is finished and the extrernal debt is returned, Spain will not be able to pay any amount of money to any external factions. I am sure you will understand.

Thank You.

He looks at each of the representatives in turn and takes his seat.

Silver Rusher
09-20-2006, 17:47
Amazing looking game here, Legio. I understand that I have to research to join, which I will do shortly, but for now could I please join as Venice? (just for confirmation)

09-21-2006, 01:55
Legio did you get my PM I sent? Are you gonna reply soon or do I have to wait a bit?

Edit: Oh ok

09-21-2006, 02:02
He doen't reply to decishuns. It takes up space on the PM box.

09-21-2006, 06:48
bad post

09-21-2006, 06:51
The Holy Roman Emperor rises to adress the assembly

I have sat here and observed much to commend the true Christians of Europe. To France I offer the hand of freindship over the meded bridge of peace, We applaud you in you're willingness to see Europe at peace once more. To the other members of this meeting, I thank you and embrace you as brothers. To Poland and all Christians of the tru Catholic church I give you my word of honour, I shall not allow you to fall under the Heathen foot of opression and heresy!
I accept the measures of this pact wholeheartedly, I will attend the function of the Frech king, but only while I can. For I will personally lead a war against the Turks, I shall bring the cross to the very walls of Constantinople! I shall rid Europe of the Heathens! I shall raise the lord on high above the walls of the Infidel stronghold! And I charge you all to do the same!

Rodion Romanovich
09-21-2006, 07:32
Amazing looking game here, Legio. I understand that I have to research to join, which I will do shortly, but for now could I please join as Venice? (just for confirmation)

Well the number of players are starting to get quite many. I'm not sure it'd be manageable to have any more joining now (it's already a bit problematic). I'll need to think about it for a while.

09-21-2006, 13:21
I would like to, with all my heart behind this, announce that a peace has been resolved between Denmark-Norway and Sweden. Alvsborg has been returned to Sweden, but Norwegian lands north of Sweden have been recognised.

I am, as ever, glad to see a new peace between us Catholics, hoping that the people of Scandinavia may rally side by side to mete out punishment to those who blight our world.

Rodion Romanovich
09-21-2006, 17:12
Just a question - according to this peace treaty, who received the areas that are modern north Sweden? Did they too end up in Danish-Norwegian hands? It's unclear whether the treaty included only modern northern Norway of both modern north Norway and north Sweden.

09-21-2006, 18:13
Btw Legio can i ask, Are there still many that havent pm´d their answers. The diplomacy is running hot and the pm boxes are getting full.:2thumbsup:

Rodion Romanovich
09-21-2006, 18:15
2 players left ~:)

09-21-2006, 18:22

Silver Rusher
09-21-2006, 18:30
Thanks for considering.

BTW, if I do join I will probably do so as Transylvania rather than Venice. Venice's peace and neutrality policy sounds a bit boring.

09-22-2006, 02:34
Just a waiting for the next chapter just a waiting for the next chapter. I can't think of any other diplomatic discussions. Anybody got an offer for me?

09-22-2006, 08:44
The Holy Roman Emperor wishes to announce for all to know that from this day forward, all silks imported fork outside of France into the Empire will be considered smuggled goods. Any Countries which attempt to do so will be dealt with severely.

His Imperial Majesty of the Holy Roman Empire.

Silver Rusher
09-22-2006, 12:05
Research for Transylvania (if I can't play anyway, no worries)

a. Leader: Gabriel Bethlen (he is about to overthrow the current leader, Gabriel Bathory). Under Bethlen, Transylvania achieved a golden age of tolerance, industry and economic flourish.

b. None at the moment, although Gabriel Bethlen is favoured by the Ottoman Empire

c. None

d. None

e. None

- Gabriel Bethlen lead uprising against Gabriel Bathory, which became unnecessary as Bathory was murdered by two of his officials
- Secret agreement with Hapsburg Emperor in 1615 for Transylvania to help in war against Turks
- Promise broken by Hapsburg Emperor, lead to war between Bethlen and the Emperor
- Annexation of Košice in 1619 while Emperor's forces were away fighting rebels in Bohemia, making Bethlen ruler of Royal Hungary (i.e. Slovakia), including Pressburg (modern Bratislava)
- Failed attempt at conquering Vienna that same year, due to attacks by George Druget and Polish Mercenaries.
- Negotiations opened in conquered towns, lead to nothing because Bethlen wanted Czech rebels to be included in truce
- 1620, Bethlen elected King of Hungary by nobles, but refused crown because he wanted to reconcile with Hapsburgs
- Hapsburg Emperor Ferdinand II defeated Czech rebels and returned to fight again, reconquering Slovakia in 1621
- Peace agreed in 1621 Treaty of Nikolsburg in which Bethlen gave up the title of King of Hungary on condition that Ferdinand confirmed 1606 Peace of Vienna (which granted liberty of worship to protestants)
- Bethlen granted 7 counties around Upper Tisza River and a duchy in Silesia
- 2 further campaigns against Hapsburgs in 1623-24 and 1626, both resolved in peace treaties
- Attempts to reconcile relations with Hapsburgs rejected, leading to Bethlen's abandonment of anti-Turkish projects
- Marriage to Catherine, daughter of elector of Brandenburg and alliance with Sweden made shortly thereafter
- George I Rákóczi elected and ruled from 1630-1648, also responsible for large cultural and educational reforms and the Peace of Linz in 1645

g. Very little information about this. Assume a 'periodical norm' for army structure or if anyone knows better, let them speak. Based on figures at the Battle of Selimbar, Transylvania would be able to muster at most 35,000 men. I do know that there was a heavy reliance on mercenaries.

h. Under Gabriel Bethlen and George I Rakoczi after him, economy was nationalised and prospered greatly. Mines and industry was developed. Trade was extended and greatly nationalised. Employment was large.

i. Ottoman Empire, Wallachia, Austria and Moldavia would be the main trading partners at the time. As for the trade resources, little information exists.

j. Ruled in autocracy. Rulers of Transylvania did not follow trends or dynastic patterns as a rule, and there were many power struggles. The leader must reform, govern and be a leader of the military throughout Transylvania.

k. Current leader's religion is Calvinist Protestant, but there is no religious persecution whatsoever. Edict of Turda is agreed by historians to be the first guarantee of religious freedom in Christian Europe. All religions are tolerated. However, Orthodox is not viewed in the same way as other religions.

l. Nobility and autocracy dominant, causing possible unhappiness and unrest in working classes and peasantry. However, Bethlen lowered unemployment so many who were previously out of a job would have work.

m. None in particular, but the Orthodox Romanians in the South may wish to join Wallachia or form their own national identity.

EDIT: Btw, if I do come in, I will do so during the next chapter. Then Bethlen will be in power and this chapter can be done without having to involve me.

09-22-2006, 14:08
To the honor of God, the country and the King the government announces that the island of Newfoudland is the third department of our colony La Nouvelle France.

Vive la France! Vive le Roi!


09-22-2006, 17:10
By Royal Decree, all spanish peoples of the Netherlands are granted by His Catholic Majesty Philippe III the right to practice any of the Christian religions that do not put in doubt the existance of Christ and the Scriptures (Protestants, Calvinists, Jews, Orthodox), and 1% tax is to be discharged from all those of Catholic faith. Other crimes against the Lord will continue to be prosecuted with zeal by tthe Holy Inquisition.

This is to take place immediately.

Philippe III

09-22-2006, 18:24
Dutch Embassador greets this act of Spanish and says that these kind of acts of tolerance are the path of the righteous. We also hope that the more zealous contingents in Catholic Church greet this announcement with the same admire.

09-22-2006, 18:45
The Danish chancellor sends a sketchy message to the Spanish, warning them that such steps will encourage liberalism to too great an extent. He hopes the Spanish do not over-relax their laws and let so many heathen threaten their security.

09-22-2006, 18:56
The archbishop of Madrid issues a statement:

Other Catholics need not fear. Although other christian religions will be tolerated in the Spanish Netherlands, the Catholic church is the only one that will have its clerics recognised by the King, and will have the right to mantain religious buildings and communes. All other religions must be practiced privately or so as not to disturb in any way the mechanisms of the Catholic Church.

The Grand Inquisitor, dominican brother fray Emilio Bocanegra y Fuentes has been dispatched with precise instructions on the King's policy in the region.

King Christian of Denmark and Norway may rest assured, that security will not be threatened by heathens, and that His Majesty King Philippe remains fiercely Catholic, but understands the necessity of adapting to new times in the hope that a peaceful resolution may convert more blundered than the fire and the sword of the holy. "Put away the sword" were the words of Out Lord, and the King believes that while it is His Royal privilege to make war, it is not the profession of the Church, and so, we, as His loyal servants accept his order.

Rodion Romanovich
09-23-2006, 14:55
Currently awaiting decisions from HRE

09-23-2006, 16:05
Request for Quotation from the Government of France:

Our countrie lately started to produce silk. This silk has a better quality and better color than the silk that comes from the heathen.

The government is currently looking for a trade partner for the region of Denmark, Norway, Poland and Russia.

We are willing to sign a trade agreement with the party that can guarantee that it has enough ships to do the trade, that it has access to all markets and that guarantees the best profit for the Kingdom France.

Please make your quotations in % of the total profit.

Maximilien, Duc de Sully, Mareshall de France

09-23-2006, 16:06
@Silver Rusher

I have detailed information about Transylvanian army. PM if you need it.:book:

09-23-2006, 16:54
Denmark-Norway has a total of sixty-four ships and a large trade network (Christian IV increased it to this number in 1610). It would be quite happy to distribute this silk for 30% (OOC: I don't know how reasonable this is) of the profit. Since the peace with Sweden, we have the greatest commercial reach in the area by far and would be glad to help a friend such as yourself.

Rodion Romanovich
09-23-2006, 18:55
note: I've been using "warship" to refer to major ships of the line and "merchant" to refer to lighter ships possible to use for trade but also in battle. With those classifications Denmark in the interactive currently has 17"warships" and 47 "merchants", for a total of 64 ships.

09-23-2006, 19:17
Ah, right, I understand now.

09-24-2006, 11:17
His Catholic Majesty, the King of Spain, Philippe III mandates that from this day onwards, and to reflect the changes that the kingdom has gone through, the titles of Lord, Baron, and Viscount will be for sale to those who can pay (1%, 3%, and 10% of the national debt and above, respectively). The titles of Grande still must be granted by His Royal Majesty the King, and cannot be bought.

His Majesty believes this is to better administer his Kingdom.

09-25-2006, 08:39
The Royal Government sees regretfully that the Dutch Republic is a small country and cannot afford a post system like La Grande Nation.

The Royal Government gives the advice to join the French mail system and - first of all - to clear the pm box!

King Kurt
09-25-2006, 11:20
A proclaimation by King James

In honour of the King of France's 2,000th post, King James the First of England sends his best wishes. Moreover, he will send a collection of exoitic animals from his majesty's colonies to add to the glory of his zoological gardens. We look forward to visiting your monument to civilisation and cultre.

His Majesty also notes that the King of Spain is reduced to pedaling false titles to prop up his fading regieme. I have instructed my admirals that, despite their recent boost in financial good fortune care of Spanish silver, they need not purchase land and titles in Spain yet - soon it will be in my gift, so why waste your money.

Finally, his Majesty reflects on the recent gathering of Catholic Nations. It appears they all agree on everything except the subject of doing something or paying for it. It seems amongst so much posturing, only the King of France emerges with any honour. Still the events will provide the playwrights of England with excellent material for a comedy of errors.

God save the King

Franc - well done on 2,000 posts - this should be my 400th!!:2thumbsup:

09-25-2006, 12:06
As an agent for the King of France I thank the King of England and Scotland for His nice words and his gifts. I want to congratulate Him too. 400 posts is not bad for a country like England. He should follow our advice and join the next conference. Although I doubt that He will add something important, He can at least increase His post count. ~;)

Maximilien, Duc de Sully :bow:

King Kurt
09-25-2006, 12:20
As an agent for the King of France I thank the King of England and Scotland for His nice words and his gifts. I want to congratulate Him too. 400 posts is not bad for a country like England. He should follow our advice and join the next conference. Although I doubt that He will add something important, He can at least increase His post count. ~;)

Maximilien, Duc de Sully :bow:
The King of England has always believed in quality over quantity - something his fellow European monarchs would do well to consider:bow:

09-25-2006, 14:09
The Royal Government sees regretfully that the Dutch Republic is a small country and cannot afford a post system like La Grande Nation.

The Royal Government gives the advice to join the French mail system and - first of all - to clear the pm box!

The Dutch republic humbly apologises to all about the current problems with its postal office.We will address the situation by archiving some of the diplomatic post to other forms so we can be reached again. :embarassed:

09-25-2006, 16:03
A proclaimation by King James

His Majesty also notes that the King of Spain is reduced to pedaling false titles to prop up his fading regieme. I have instructed my admirals that, despite their recent boost in financial good fortune care of Spanish silver, they need not purchase land and titles in Spain yet - soon it will be in my gift, so why waste your money.

Finally, his Majesty reflects on the recent gathering of Catholic Nations. It appears they all agree on everything except the subject of doing something or paying for it. It seems amongst so much posturing, only the King of France emerges with any honour. Still the events will provide the playwrights of England with excellent material for a comedy of errors.

God save the King

Franc - well done on 2,000 posts - this should be my 400th!!:2thumbsup:

The envoy of His Catholic Majesty the King of Spain would like to point out to the attention of king James that the only land that has been conquered so far, is the land of the english barons in Ireland, who have all ran and scattered as soon as they saw the irish arrive to their opulent castles.
Is the king of england sure that there is anything in his admirals but the love for young boys? We did hear unholy stories of sodomy in the english navy that king James maybe should look into. My envoy will provide him with details so he can remedy the situation or keep encouraging it as he had been doing lately.

OOC: Congrats to both on the postcounts!! :2thumbsup:

09-27-2006, 00:13
I beleeve the King of France receeved my envoy. Correct?

Rodion Romanovich
09-28-2006, 21:04
CHAPTER 7 - March 1st, 1612 AD
...this chapter will affect the events from March 1st, 1612 AD to August 1st, 1612 AD

The Anglo-Spanish war continues. In Ireland, the Spanish advance rapidly and capture Limerick, which has been abandoned by the English garrison. The Spanish troops find that all supplies, ammunition and cannons in the city have been destroyed in the retreat. Meanwhile, English raids harass southwest Ireland, but the Spanish have divided their forces in two groups, one group clearing and defending key areas in the southwest parts of the island, and the English cavalry raids are mostly inefficient and soon forced to retreat. In October, half of the Spanish forces and most of the Spanish cavalry and guns are marched towards Dublin. Initially, they have no difficulties keeping up the supply lines to Dublin, but when the winter comes, the situation gets more critical. At the same time, the English renew their raids in southwest Ireland from bases south of Dublin, and due to the lack of Spanish cavalry in these parts, the raids are quite effective. By late November, the Spanish force at Dublin is compelled to retreat due to supply problems, planning a new offensive for the spring. The force is too small to assault the city of Dublin alone with the other troops remaining in southwest Ireland, but the English raids make it difficult to keep up the supply lines to Dublin without a decent sized garrison in southwest Ireland. Spanish losses are despite the supply problems limited and during the winter the Spanish commander trains up a large force of southwest Irish troops in shooting, marching and using pike, while more Irish levies join their combined army. Near Dublin, Irish guerilla warfare damages English supplies and transports to Dublin. Northern Ireland has declared loyalty to the English crown, while most other territories try to stay neutral in the conflict.

In the Americas, the Spanish attempt a land operation towards the English colonies with temporary recruited locals, but must abort the offensive due to the difficult terrain conditions along the path between the Spanish positions and English Virginia. Over 400 of the locally recruited troops die from starvation and disease before the army retreats south again. In the meantime, the English fleet launch naval operations against Spanish shipping, when they are captured at the end of a narrow straits by the Spanish naval forces in the area. While the English try to turn around to avoid meeting the Spanish broadsides with their fronts, one ship is severely damaged by Spanish cannons and lists heavily as it disappears at the other end of the straits, while another ship runs aground. Despite the advantage gained through inflicting these losses on the English forces, the Spanish don't pursue the enemy in order to not be captured in the same trap themselves at the other end of the straits, and they are unable to tell whether the damaged ship was sunk or not. As a result of the small victory, the Spanish fleet temporarily gains the upper hand in the area and immediately carry out a raiding operation on the English Bermudas, where they land troops and damage the English installations heavily. By November, the situation for the British forces there is critical, but before the Spanish forces can capture the key locations on the island the English fleet returns and engages the Spanish forces aggressively before the end of the year. The English have 7 ships, the Spanish have 9, but the English fleet takes advantage of the difficult straits and can open fire on a small portion of the Spanish fleet before the other Spanish ships can come to their aid. After a long engagement where most ships on both sides take damage, one of the Spanish ships begins to sink, and the remaining ships decide to withdraw. While sinking slowly, the Spanish ship, of high-quality and armed with as much as 70 cannons but unlucky enough to be victim of English fire concentration, fires it's last salvoes at the English ships. The English must give up their attempts to capture the ship as is still dangerous as it sinks, and instead try to pursue the remainder of the Spanish fleet, which uses 2 older galleons as rearguard to cover their retreat. The main fleet manages to escape, though damaged, while the rearguard ships surrender. The English forces pick up the survivors from the sinking 70 cannon ship. One of the captured 2 galleons has an alarming water intake and is left to it's fate after the Spanish crew is taken onboard the English flagship.

In the English channel, the blockade remains, and Spanish shipping there remains inactive in order not to have ships captured. The English send out a large fleet towards Ireland, but are unable to find any Spanish shipping to intercept. In January, the English navy after its failed attempts south of Ireland redirects its attention to Spanish ports in the Bay of Biscay. They target the port of El Ferrol with a fleet of 26 warships and 2 fireships. Staying outside the port, they carry out a slow bombardment over days as if to try and bring the Spanish fleet into action, but it remains hidden even as the English commander sends 2 fireships into the harbor, causing significant damage on harbor installations, destroying 3 smaller merchants and damaging another 5 lightly. Spanish shore batteries score a few hits on the English fleet but cause no significant damage, however the English decide to withdraw after an ineffective cannon bombardment of the harbor installations in order to not be caught low on ammunition or take further damage from the batteries. The port is damaged heavily, mostly due to the fireships, but the shipyard is better protected and only takes very limited damage from the cannon bombardment. Spanish cavalry from the garrison prevents any English landings from being carried out. The English fleet retreats safely to port by early March. In Spain, despite the war, the repaying of debts have been resumed, however the recruitment of troops and production of equipment has limited the repaying speed. Around 64% of the debts remain to be payed off. It is unclear to England how they have managed to pay off their debts when most of the silver fleet escort seems to have been used for operations in Europe since the English raid on the silver fleet last year, and the announcement to sell noble titles can hardly have been the cause of this sudden improvement, or can it? At the same time, the Spanish Mediterranean fleet responds to the channel blockade by confiscating 3 English and 2 Dutch merchants outside the Spanish coast, accusing them of contraband. They also blockade the straits of Gibraltar in a similar manner.

In the Russian civil war, the Polish forces move quickly from their position in Moscow. 1,000 Russian infantry, 5,000 husaria and 4,000 mercenary cavalry approach and besiege Tver. However the Russian garrison has been reinforced recently and decides to not surrender immediately. It consists of 1,500 men, mostly infantry. The Polish forces maintain the siege of the city over the winter. Oddly, the supply routes from Moscow to Tver remain untouched by Russian forces, and they aren't forced to withdraw. In the meantime, a Polish expedition of 1,000 men is sent from Livonia to Pskov, forcing the road constructions in the area to be temporarily aborted. The Russian garrison in the city consists of 1,000 men, safe from the 1,000 Polish troops behind their strong defenses, and by the difficult Polish supply routes that eventually bring the Polish forces into a retreat as the winter approaches.

The Ottomans, accusing the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth unable to restrain the Zaporozhian Cossacks from carrying out raids into Ottoman land in and south of Moldavia, launch a military operation north aiming for the Polish hearthlands via Kiev. 15,000 Janissaries, 35,000 Timariot cavalry, 1,200 standing army professional cavalry, 8,000 local levies and auxiliaries and 50 cannons have been prepared for the invasion. Initially, they have some success in their march north, but soon run into supply problems as they try to cross the mountains of Moldavia by foot. Before they've reached Kiev, winter has begun, and the Grand Vizier is alarmed by the high losses to disease and starvation. After losing 1,000 men without having met the Polish in battle, he decides to retreat, and returns to Ottoman possesions further south to resupply and prepare for a possible renewed offensive in the spring. Clearly, the path through Moldavia with it's mountains, followed by arid steppe beyond, is too difficult for such a large army. On the other hand, a thrust up through Transylvania would have been equally difficult - while the land beyond the impregnable mountains is less arid, the Transylvanian forces have more men available for defense than the Polish have in Moldavia, and could receive support from the Holy Roman Emperor.

In Bohemia, the situation for the rebels starts to get critical. Not only do the besieging Catholic League forces bring the rebels in the city of Prague close to starvation during the winter in their continued siege, but the support from the Protestant North, including Brandenburg, is also withdrawn, weakening the rebel forces and making them unable to muster enough strength to relieve the siege or effectively raid Tilly's supply lines. As the situation of the rebel forces starts getting even more critical, the Emperor makes a threatening declaration that any German local rulers who support the revolts will be invaded and their territory taken directly under the Emperor's control. He also continues to state that all rulers of who engage in "treasonous acts" will be executed as traitors and their families exiled. It's unclear whether or not this applies to those who initially supported the revolt but have now withdrawn their troops, for example Brandenburg. The remaining scattered rebels continue to avoid battle, hoping to rally more support to the revolt, while carrying out limited raids on Tilly's supply lines, but without being able to damage them enough to force him into retreat over the winter, even if some 1,000 men are lost to disease and lower rations in the coldest months. At the same time the siege of Prague is coming close to an end, the Emperor finances the formation of a small army to be led by a rich Bohemian Catholic named Wallenstein to be used for launching diversionary attacks on some of the local rulers who have passively supported the Bohemian revolt, to force them to withdraw their troops.

To the north, Denmark and Sweden declare peace, ending their short war. Sweden gets back the Alvsborg fortress, while in return recognizing Danish supremacy over northern Norway and the areas north of Sweden. Danish economy is relieved by the end of the war, and has a good chance of improving over the coming years despite the declining food price in Europe. Due to the ship building in the Netherlands, France and Spain the demand for ship timber is high, and the Norwegian timber industry is a major supplier of these materials. In the meantime, Swedish copper and iron exports improve again as soon as the ceasefire is signed. The Swedish also begin reforms for their army.

In the Holy Roman Empire, the Protestant North along with the Netherlands and Brandenburg declare a toll free area to stimulate trade to the north. In two notable trade treaties with Sweden and Poland, the Netherlands also manage to wrestle control over much of the Baltic Sea trade. The Dutch will transport Polish goods through the Oresund straits with 10% tax on Dutch profits going to the Polish crown, and Swedish goods through the straits with 10% tax on Dutch profits going to the Swedish crown. However Denmark is excluded from the diplomatic discussions, perhaps due to the tension caused by the undesired, but for Denmark highly profitable, Oresund straits toll. The same year, the Netherlands also form a Republican Horse Guard, consisting of Polish and Finnish high quality cavalry. In return, the Dutch pay a sum to the Swedish and Polish rulers corresponding to the upkeep cost of a total of 7,500 mercenaries for 1 year, with future replacements ordered from these countries to be payed for by similarly large sums. The horse guard is to initially consist of 1,000 elite cavalry, 500 Polish husaria and 500 Finnish Hakkapelittaa, and the trade is supported by the Polish and Swedish monarchs.

In France, it is announced that France and Savoy has been made a toll free area for merchants. In the meantime, the starvation problems in Nouvelle France are solved by a grain shipment bought from Denmark. The colony continues expansion inland along the river to set up camps for trade and hunting, and also launch a navally supported operation to establish fishing bases in Newfoundland in order to improve the future capabilities to supply Nouvelle France with food. Local fishermen are ruthlessly driven away from the area in the process. In Congo, the French fortresses which have been under construction for a while, are now completed, and reconnaissance operations are sent up the river to prepare for the establishment of fortresses further upstreams. A French postal service is also founded this winter. It's first lines will cover the routes to the colonies and between all major cities within France and will be built up over the coming years. A French treaty with the Holy Roman Emperor grants France monopoly on silk trade with the Holy Roman Empire. This outlaws imports of silk from merchants from the Netherlands and the Protestant North territories.


1. the Holy Roman Emperor. He has threatened the Protestant North, but now you have made sure to withdraw the mercenaries Brandenburg supported the Bohemian rebels with. How should you proceed to make sure the Holy Roman Emperor doesn't take advantage of the defeat of the Bohemian rebels to redistribute his troops to strike the Protestant North and treathen Brandenburg?
a. support the rebels again, the Emperor can't be trusted. If the rebels receive enough support they will delay the Emperor's forces a lot and maybe even defeat them
b. support the south-German supporters of the revolt. This will make it possible for them to hold back Wallenstein's diversionary attack and be an important way of weakening the Emperor in a slightly longer term
c. again declare your neutrality in the conflict in Bohemia, and also demand the Emperor to confirm that you won't be a target to the punishments he threatens to hand out against "traitors" (use PM). If this is made a formal declaration it could give France (that seems to have been seeking an excuse to join the war) a suitable excuse to attack the Emperor if he attacks you, thus perhaps making you safer
d. as c, but more directly threaten the Emperor to not attack you, or any other parts of the Protestant North. Also try to make Denmark and/or the Netherlands and/or France make appropriate threats to assist the Protestant North if it is attacked by the Emperor. A statement like this would perhaps pressure the Emperor more and make him appear weak if he accepts - something that would perhaps rally more support to your side and more importantly make it possible for you to have a stronger influence in the affairs of the entire Holy Roman Empire if the Emperor is scared by your strength to the north
e. try to cooperate with the Emperor in beating the revolts. Send troops or money to assist him. This would cost most of your influence in the Protestant Union (which currently gives you a dominant and quite influential position over all territories of the Protestant North part of the HRE), but in return perhaps make the Emperor like you better

2. the rumors from the Catholic meeting in Rome indicate that the Catholic Poland and Holy Roman Empire have strenghtened their cooperation. This could mean a future united Catholic front against all Protestants, including Brandenburg. You could increase your influence within the Protestant Union by hosting a similar meeting for Protestants in Brandenburg. This would also be important for strengthening the unity between the Protestants in response to the Catholic unity, especially if the Catholics really wish to pressure Protestant territories. This meeting would include England, Denmark, the Netherlands and possibly also France (due to the tolerant view of France and its large Huguenot portion of the population)
a. yes, host a Protestant meeting to try and unite the Protestant countries
b. no, don't host any such meeting
c. try to make some other Protestant country (Netherlands, Denmark, England, France) hosts a Protestant meeting

3. the Emperor has decided that silk may not be bought into the HRE from any other country than France. This means that if Brandenburg buys silk from Netherlands or import it with their own merchant ships from the East Indies, they will be considered criminals by the Emperor. This might be a way for the Emperor to weaken the Protestant North economically
a. make a statement where you recommend the Emperor to withdraw the statement, as it only benefits France and damages many merchants in the northern parts of the Holy Roman Empire
b. just continue importing as you wish, ignoring what the Emperor might say
c. just continue importing as you wish, but try to make it secretly
d. obey the new regulation from the Emperor even if it hurts your trade. It might improve relations with the Emperor

4. your army currently consists of 6,000 men. Your navy consists of 2 old warships and 10 merchants. Do you wish to make any changes? Hire mercenaries or disband troops? Build or buy ships? The current army strength costs slightly less in upkeep than your current annual income. Your spies have revealed that Poland has around 2,000 men, mostly infantry, just south of Prussia, some 17,000 men in Russia, 1,000 in Livonia, and 5,000 men at Moldavia. A further 2,000-3,000 could be expected to be defending the core regions of the Commonwealth. Your spies also reveal that the Holy Roman Emperor has currently some 22,000 troops in Bohemia, and 15,000 in Austria and Hungary, to protect from the Ottomans. While the Emperor has slight economical problems at the moment, Poland have a fairly stable war economy due to their selling of some of their husaria to the Dutch.


1. the trade competition situation in the Baltic Sea could be an attempt to weaken the Danish control over the Oresund Straits. The competition so far only involves Poland and Sweden, but there have been no discussions with Denmark. While the declining food prices are a threat to Danish economy which makes a high Oresund straits toll more important, there's also the danger of provoking hostility, if the Oresund toll so far hasn't already done so
a. keep the Oresund toll as it is. It wouldn't stir up any feelings that aren't already present
b. raise the customs duty fare. This would compensate lost profit due to declining food prices, and would ensure you that the large Danish army and fleet could be maintained
c. lower the customs duty fare. This would be appreciated by many, but could also be seen as a sign of weakness. In the long term it could also weaken Danish economy which would weaken the Danish military

2. the revolt in Bohemia seems to have been nearly suppressed by the Emperor, and the Emperor has made threats that perhaps the Protestant North will be attacked as soon as the revolt to the south has been suppressed. Such statements from the Holy Roman Emperor sound dangerous for a Protestant country like Denmark. Once the revolt in Bohemia is defeated, it's likely that the Emperor will also attack the Protestant North, an operation which would disrupt much of the Danish trade with the Protestant North, and if the Emperor is successful he might also advance further north and attack Denmark itself, threatening Jutland. If Denmark is weakened in this way it would open the path for Swedish expansion - and given the previous hostilities Sweden is perhaps likely to take advantage of such a situation. Do you wish to intervene in the Bohemian revolt or assist the Protestant north in any way at this time?
a. yes, support the Bohemian revolt military and/or economically (specify how many troops or how much money to send). It's better to intervene this way than facing full scale war later
b. yes, support the Protestant North military and/or economically (specify how many troops or how much money to send). It's better to intervene this way than facing full scale war later
c. yes, but only by making a statement that you will interfere if the Emperor attacks the Protestant North
d. no, it'll cause aggression, that isn't present yet, from the Holy Roman Emperor

3. your army. Now that peace has come, perhaps it might be good to disband some mercenaries for the sake of the Royal economy. Your current strength costs more than your annual income to support. You currently have 11,000 infantry and 4,000 cavalry at Lund, 3,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry in Zealand, 4,000 troops in Jutland, and 1,000 in Norway. Decide how many men to keep, and how to distribute them between your possessions
a. keep the strength at 19,000 infantry, 6,000 cavalry for now, even if it strangles your economy
b. reduce the strength to 12,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry. This will mean a small net income every year
c. reduce the strength to 9,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry. This will be possible to maintain without any problems and free up much money for improving the navy etc.

4. do you wish to form the professional cavalry guard unit to be called "Zealand Life Regiment"?
a. yes, make it 1,000 men strong
b. yes, make it 500 men strong
c. no

5. your fleet currently consists of 17 warships (of which 8 are old one-deckers) and 47 merchants for a total of 64 ships. Your shipyards currently have a capacity for building 1 new modern warship and 1 new merchant earch year, or 0 warships and 3 merchants.
a. carry out a reform to increase the navy to a strength of 15 first-class modern warships, 8 old warships, and 55 merchants. With the current speed, the project would be completed within 9 years (by mid-1620)
b. as a, but also speed up the process by trying to extend the capacity of the shipyards, and have the ships ready in no more than 4-5 years (however given the expansion of navies abroad, there might be a shortage of ship builders around to hire)
c. as b, but offer higher salary to ship builders than any other country does. This could draw ship builders away from those countries and grant you the labor force you need, but be more expensive for you
d. produce 1 warship and 1 merchant a year and sell all ships produces to England and/or Spain - they're perhaps ready to pay overprice while they're at war with each other and the trade would be good for your income (contact Spain and/or England by PM)
e. don't build any warships at all in order to save money, but build a few more merchants to improve your economy

6. colonies. With the French colonial expansion, and the now weakened Spain, it seems like founding a few colonies is less dangerous and could even be profitable for the Danish crown. Do you wish to send an expedition somewhere? Specify with how many warships, how many merchants, and how many soldiers, and specify where you wish to send the expedition to. It might be worth it to discuss with other countries where you could establish a Danish colony without their intervention. The English and French seem to have divided North America between them. Spain would probably accept a Danish colony in return for money to pay off their debts, or something that could help them in their war with England. It's likely that if the colony is accepted by some nation it isn't necessarily accepted by another nation


1. The Anglo-Spanish war
a. try to end the war, it has had its effect of weakening the Spanish economy in the long term. Continuing the war would weaken the English fleet compared to the expanding Dutch and French fleet, something that might not be desireable. Finally, the Spanish seem to have found your weak point in their blockades of Gibraltar and outside the Spanish west coast in response to the channel blockade. It effectively cuts off much of the English East India trade. By blockading instead of attacking, they aren't giving the East India Companies enough excuse to attack the Spanish militarily, as they did before.
b. start peace negotiations now, even if you don't necessarily to conclude the negotiations this summer. It could be a good idea to start imposing harsh demands on the Spanish already now, so that they get some time to think over them and accept the thought of an unfavorable peace treaty
c. just continue the war for now

2. Ireland?
a. continue to concentrate forces to defend Dublin, if needed use the fleet to transport supplies to the garrison if besieged. The raiding cavalry continues to strike illoyal Irish to burn their supplies etc.
b. as a, but if the Spanish threaten Connaught, prepare to use your fleet to send reinforcements to Northern Ireland if needed, to assist the loyal Irish forces there against Spanish attacks
c. land reinforcements in Ireland and fight a large scale battle with the Spanish forces
d. something else, specify

3. American fleet?
a. repair it as quickly as possible, but stay out of action until all are ready again, then use it aggressively
b. repair it as quickly as possible, but stay out of action until the 5 first ships are ready again, then use it aggressively
c. use the fleet more carefully, wait until all ships are repaired, and then concentrate on gaining naval superiority. Confirm this superiority before moving on to any operations against transports, shipping and harbors etc.
d. use the fleet to defend the Bermudas at all cost (specify if you wish to move troops from Virginia there to reinforce the position)

4. Europe. Where is the Spanish main fleet that tries to stay out of action?
a. raid more Spanish ports. The Spanish fleet is probably somewhere outside the Iberian peninsula and destroying Spanish ports and shipyards will probably be enough to provoke them to an engagement. Use fireships again, seeing as they had the greatest effect at El Ferrol. See how far south you can get, perhaps Seville or Lisboa are the most interesting raid targets this time
b. as a, but don't waste any more ships on fireships. You only have 2 captured ships left
c. as a or b (specify which), but be more aggressive this time, even if it means risking to run low of ammunition - if the raid doesn't cause more damage it is useless.
d. land troops in Portugal, specify how many and where
e. abort the raids, and instead concentrate on supporting Ireland. Defend Northern Ireland, the Spanish route to Cork, etc. The fleet could also support naval bombardment raids or landings. If the Spanish garrison at Cork is too small, it could be possible to land troops and take the city. Otherwise, it could be worth it to just send the fleet to recon the Spanish strength in Cork. There are however some nasty shore batteries at the city. Dublin, if besieged, might also need supplies or reinforcements (see no. 2)
f. the Spanish might be trying to send another silver fleet from the Americas to finance their war. Send out ships to try and intercept it again. Specify how many to send

5. what to do about the Spanish prisoners taken in the latest naval battle in the Americas? And what should be done to try and get back the English prisoners taken in the first naval engagement?


1. the food problems in Nouvelle France are over. It seems to all have just come down to a single failed harvest, along with the almost doubled population of the colony in a short period of time (agriculture is capable of expanding almost to twice it's previous size every year, if done carefully and most of the grain isn't eaten but recycled into the earth). The agricultural expansion has continued and has this year produced a small surplus, however not enough to send any surplus to France yet. A further increase of the output by about one third is expected next year, with another even larger expansion next year. The total population of the French settlements here amounts to 21,000 men thanks to your programs for moving refugees here, however the English colonies and a declining amount of refugees willing to emigrate suggests a decreased migration here in the nearest future. Also, the infrastructure of the colonies isn't fully keeping up with the rapid population increase. Much work has however been carried out, with several further expeditions up the river. Smaller wooden forts have been established with settlements deeper inland. In Newfoundland, the men have started producing small ships for fishing (the warships aren't suitable for this), and expect to have a fishing fleet of 3 small ships ready by the end of the year. In the meantime, they use 2 of your merchant ships for this. The previous governor is still held in court procedures for the food crisis. The colony requests more skilled engineers to be sent from France, for constructing bridges, roads, channels and irrigation systems. Is there anything you wish the colony to change? How do you wish to try to get more engineers to the colony to build up basic infrastructure and plan for the foundation of a few larger cities to accomodate the parts of the population that aren't farmers? And what should be done about the previous governor?

2. the Congo and Ghana colonies have a total population of 7,000 men at the moment, with the Congo colony having the largest population. The reforms have prepared the auxiliaries needed for the colony and a new expansion up the Congo river is expected to be launched this spring. Is there anything you wish the colony to change?

3. what will the French stance on the heliocentric teachings be?
a. continue to teach them at French universities
b. forbid them
c. assign a council of people from the unversity of Paris to decide about the matter

4. the Anglo-Spanish war. Your advisors suggest that perhaps aborting the French naval reforms in favor of selling warships to England and/or Spain could be a very profitable thing to do. They might both be prepared to pay overprice for good warships as long as the war rages, or even pay overprice for slightly older ships (single gundeck) that you perhaps wouldn't mind getting rid of
a. sell some of the new warships to them (two gundecks and about 50-70 cannons)
b. sell some of your 7 oldest warships (not galleys though) to them at lower price than normal. Your oldest 7 warships are single gundeck ships armed with around 30-50 cannons

5. the complex politics in the Baltics region might be worth involving France into. Denmark, the Netherlands, the Protestant North, the Emperor's threats that might mean a good excuse to intervene in the HRE politics (see Brandenburg's options) in the future if the leaders in the region just happen to choose the right decisions...


1. Bohemia
a. finish the siege of Prague by assaulting. The nearly starved garrison would probably be easy to defeat and taking Prague quickly would make it more difficult for outside supporters of the revolt to send any aid to the rebels. Those that are doubting whether to support the rebels or not wouldn't get much more time to decide, and if the city falls they're more likely to choose not to support the rebels. If the city falls, specify what your troops should do after the city is taken.
b. continue starving out Prague. The city will probably fall by the end of summer
c. something else, specify what

2. Your great Ottoman war
a. prepare an offensive south from Austria and Hungary towards the closest Ottoman possessions. If the Ottomans are busy trying to attack Poland they might not have much forces available here
b. send scouting operations and/or spies to find out more about the Ottoman strength in the Balkans, Transylvania and Moldavia region (basically everything north of Istanbul/Constantinople)
c. prepare defenses in Hungary and Austria and assist Transylvania with 10,000 of your 15,000 troops in Austria and Hungary to together defend against any Ottoman advance
d. don't do anything

3. the Protestant North (Brandenburg and the other Protestant Union members), Denmark, the Dutch and Sweden seem to be an interesting group for planning future diplomatic strategies with. There's a bit of internal rivalry that could be taken advantage of, and a dangerous internal unity which could be useful to try and sabotage. It might be worth trying to find out more about what is really going on there

4. assisting Poland against Brandenburg
a. if Brandenburg attacks Poland, would you like to offer the Polish any military assistance? If you assault Prague successfully (if you choose 1a) you could always send part of the large 21,000 man strong army there to help Poland while leaving a part of the army (specify how many) in Prague for further operations against the rebels. This would mean Poland don't need to withdraw troops from their Russian war. Together with your forces they could provide some 4,000 men and Brandenburg could perhaps be held back.
b. send spies to Brandenburg to find out more about their strength and distribution of forces
c. make friends with Brandenburg, but only if they accept not to attack Poland
d. try to encourage Brandenburg to attack Poland
e. do nothing

5. assisting Poland against the Ottomans? Do you wish to support them in any way? If yes, specify how

6. Wallenstein has managed to assemble some 3,000 men already. Do you wish to order him to carry out operations already now, or wait until he has more men? He suggested striking the supporters of the rebels in a diversionary attack. Without more men that would be difficult, but he could assist in Bohemia right away if needed, however that would prevent him from training the remaining 2,000 men he promised to train. Tell if you wish to give any specific orders regarding these things.


1. the Danish Oresund straits toll problem
a. try to pressure Denmark to lower the toll to improve your trade in the Baltic
b. do nothing
c. warn Denmark that they may not increase the toll or they will face consequences
d. pass a trade agreement with Denmark to improve the diplomatic relations with them, in return for a promise to lower the Oresund Straits toll for Dutch merchants. The Danish might feel threatened by the Dutch treaties with Sweden and Poland but the fact that none have been passed with Denmark

2. the Anglo-Spanish conflict (choose one or more)
a. offer to mediate to end the war (use PM or offical statement)
b. try to make the war continue so it breaks down the navies of both countries as much as possible (use PMs or offical statements)
c. cooperate with England to break the Spanish navy as much as possible (by PM), in return for a treaty with England where England recognizes Dutch supremacy over the parts of the East Indies captured by the Dutch East India Company and a few more positions
d. secretly support Spain in order to break down the English navy (use PM), in return for a suitable treaty from Spain (preferably some treaty that remains secret to the English)
e. encourage the Dutch East India Company to continue conquering Spanish possessions in the Phillippines. They have been reluctant to continue conflicts with Spain after Spain agreed to not attack any more merchants, but you could offer the Dutch EIC lowered taxes and tolls in return, or something else to make them change their minds

3. the France-HRE treaty about silk trade effectively prevents Dutch merchants from selling silk to the HRE. What to do about the situation? Silk is one of the more important products from the China trade
a. demand the Emperor to end the treaty or there will be consequences
b. demand the Emperor to have the treaty exclude the Protestant North in the HRE, or face consequences
c. continue importing silk to the Protestant North in the HRE. Due to the Emperor's problems in Bohemia and impopularity to the North, with your military assistance and some proper threats you could force the Emperor to not intervene if you import silk to the Protestant North. Offer military assistance to the North if the Emperor would threaten the region

4. fleets under construction. Both France and Denmark are seeking to improve their fleets. Perhaps a suitable excuse should be sought to intervene with this. If any of these two countries seem hostile or dangerous to the Netherlands, it might be worth directing naval actions at them now, before it's too late.

5. the Dutch fleet. You currently have 25 warships (of which 16 are older single gundeck types) and some 100 merchants. You can produce around 2 to 3 warships a year. The Dutch East India company has some 30 ships of which most are merchants, but they are excluded from military service. Your economy for this year has already been tried hard by the funding of the Dutch Horse Guard.
a. use the full ship building capability to increase the Dutch war fleet
b. don't build any ships this year, in order to save money
c. use the full ship building capability to produce ships for the English and/or Spanish. Since they're at war, they're likely to be willing to pay more than usual for ships
d. as d, but don't sell the newly produced ships, but some of your 16 older single gundeck ships

6. the Channel blockade?
a. continue
b. end


1. launch a new attempt of invading Poland?
a. yes, repeat the same manouvre, hopefully with better results now because they'll march in spring and summer weather
b. yes, but this time make more thorough preparations. Support an operation towards Kiev by sending much of your fleet up the Dnepr. Use the ships to transport some 8,000 of the troops, while another 8,000 could easily go through Moldavia (8,000 is about what the arid terrain there could support). Your fleet would need to constantly transport supplies north to the invasion army to support their siege of the city. The last part of the march of the navally transported troops would have to be by foot. Hopefully a fortified camp could be established at the landing area to protect from tatars and cossacks, so the supply route can be kept open.
c. key to conquering Poland goes through holding Transylvania. A force of some 50,000-70,000 men could be sent into Transylvania. This could be one of the best chances you'll ever get of invading Transylvania - the HRE is still busy in Bohemia and would have limited capabilities of assisting Transylvania
d. abort the attempts, just try to send a naval raid up the Dnepr to bombard Kiev and cause as much destruction as possible, even if there's a risk of losing many ships in the difficult waters. Sink any Polish merchant ships, fishing vessels, rowing boats or anything you can find in the river. Try to start a large fire in the city if possible. Also try to destroy ships belonging to the Polish-loyal Cossacks
e. send a strictly naval operation up the Dnepr. If Kiev is held by less than 2,000 Polish troops you could perhaps conquer the city from the water with 8,000 Jannissaries and 2,000 cavalry. If you can't hold the city, just pillage and burn, then retreat south. There's a risk of losing many men and ships in the operation due to navigation problems
f. don't do anything, but try to build fortresses in Moldavia (found a city at the mouth of the Dnepr), and encourage settlers to settle in key areas there. A small military operation against the Crimean Tatars could secure the entire coast between Moldavia and the Crimea and the mouth of Dnepr. If those areas could be colonized effectively, it could improve the chances of successfully carrying out future operations up the Dnepr to Poland, or at least against Tatars and Cossacks in the future
g. don't do anything, but request information from spies etc (specify what information you want)
h. launch several smaller operations - 8,000 men up through Dnepr as far as the river is navigable, 8,000 men up the Bug as far as possible, and another 8,000 through Moldavia. Send them to locate and capture key fortified positions in the southern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, where raiding can give them more supplies even if they join their forces. If successful the operation could allow you to gather between 10,000 and 22,000 men in southern Poland, but it's risky and might have limited chance of success

2. the Grand Vizier
a. reward him for recognizing the necessity of retreating instead of seeing the entire army melt away
b. don't do anything
c. denote him for retreating rather than pushing on to Kiev. If he had conquered the city he would have found supplies for his army
d. as c, but have him executed for high treason

3. how encourage more settlers to settle between Moldavia and the mouth of the Dnepr? (choose one or more)
a. offer land and sell slaves at extra low price to any farmers who settle in the area to irrigate the arid ground and grow food there
b. arrange deportations to the region, try to find a suitable excuse for the deportations
c. offer much land in the region to retired soldiers
d. build fortresses in key locations to protect against raids from Tatars and Cossacks. Maintain a local garrison of some 7,000 men to defend the area to make settlers more willing to live there. Initially, the garrison would have to be supplied by food transports from Anatolia or similar, until the region could become self-supporting

4. the Ottoman fleet. Any ships you want to buy this year from any nation (by PM)? Your own fleet currently consists of 270 galleys


1. the siege of Tver
a. try to persuade the garrison to give up without a fight before more Polish cannons and soldiers are moved there to assault the city. Promise them free return to Niznij Novgorod if they surrender immediately
b. as a, but kill/caputre (specify which) them after they surrender
c. move more troops and cannons to the city and try a siege and bombardment in preparation for assault
d. abort the siege and use these troops elsewhere

2. the Russian smaller garrisons between Moscow and Smolensk
a. they are a danger to Polish supply routes and must be destroyed quickly. 800 infantry and 500 cavalry should be enough to wipe them out one by one. The Russian total strength in the area is 1,000 men, but they're spread out in positions that can't support each other so a small Polish force would be enough
b. ignore them for now

3. diversion towards Pskov. In the springtime the supply routes here are easier. If you send some more men, and with cannons, they could act as a diversion from Tver, and could also enable you to capture Pskov, effectively cutting off the Russians from the Baltic Sea even more effectively than before
a. send some 3,000 men from Moscow to assist in the diversion. 800 men from Livonia would together with them and 15-20 cannons be able to take Pskov within a year and a half if not met by Russian sallying attempts (however the Russians at the same time have Tver and Moscow to worry about, and their route to Pskov is difficult, to say the least, so Russian intervention is perhaps unlikely)
b. don't send any more such expedition. Instead defend Livonia against possible Swedish or Brandeburg-Prussian aggression
c. reduce the garrison in Livonia to a mere 200 infantrymen and send the remaining 800 men to reinforce Moscow or Moldavia

4. what to do about Moldavia?
a. the coast is clear, withdraw 3,000 men from the area and use them on other fronts for defense against Sweden, Brandenburg, HRE, Russia or any other hostile or possibly future hostile nation (specify where to move the 3,000 men)
b. don't change anything
c. maintain the 5,000 men (of which 3,000 are Cossack and Tatar light cavalry) in the area, but concentrate most forces at Kiev
d. reinforce the region with 3,000 husaria, the Ottomans will probably not give up after a single failed attempt


1. the siege of Tver. It should take about the same time for you to reach the city as it would take the Polish to get additional reinforcements there. You could however scout ahead of the forces and abort the operation if the Polish have reinforced their siege force, but there's still a risk that Polish cavalry patrols could still manage to intercept your army despite careful scouting
a. relieve the siege, with your slightly over 30,000 men strong army, with 20-30 guns. Not intervening would mean losing Tver, so it's worth the risk
b. prepare a relief operation, but if the Polish besieging force has more than 4,000 husaria try to retreat without battle
c. prepare a relief operation, but if the Polish besieging force has more than 7,000 husaria try to retreat without battle
d. don't try to relieve the siege now, let the city fall in Polish hands

2. reinforce Pskov? If yes, with how many men? Or reinforce Novgorod? You currently have 1,000 men in Pskov, 1,500 in Tver, 1,000 in Novgorod, 1,000 in Niznij Novgorod and the main army of over 30,000 men near Niznij Novgorod

3. a small expedition has just returned from Siberia. They report to you that they have had contact with the Chinese, and that a small colony has been established to trade with them. This could open another important trade route to the east, capable of competing with the East India Companies of many West European countries. They ask you to support them with 2,000 troops to help establishing forts along the way
a. support them with 2,000 men
b. don't support them at this time


1. the Anglo-Spanish war
a. try to end the war now. Point out to England that the blockade of Gibraltar and outside the Iberian peninsula will cut off most of their shipping from the East Indies. Demand that they accept the independence of southwest Ireland and pay off 10% of the Spanish debts and hand over 5 English warships as the conditions for peace
b. try to end the war now. Point out to the English both the blockade of Gibraltar and outside the Iberian peninsula, and the increasing strength of French and Dutch navies, along with the French colonial expansion compared to the English stagnation there. Demand only the independence of southwest Ireland (and with the independent Irish you can form a treaty of maintaining som Spanish bases in Ireland) and 10% of the Spanish debts payed off in return for peace
c. try to negotiate peace at some other conditions
d. don't try to end the war yet

2. Ireland, diplomacy. Your commander says that the wisest thing would be to negotiate a deal for key bases in Ireland while granting independence to the southwest Irish rebels, and also grant independence for all others who help the Spanish troops (this wouldn't mean an independent single Irish nation, but the formation of a number of smaller independent Irish states - Southwest Ireland, Connaught, Northern Ireland and Dublin region, with possibly some more). He suggests all Irish who assist the English should be conquered and their land handed over to those of the rebels that assisted the Spanish. While this gives limited direct benefits for Spain, it indirectly weakens the English, and that is more important at the moment, he says. He advises you not to try to make Ireland a Spanish province, or he'll get to fight both the locals and the English, and this would also mean losing the logistic support from the Irish rebels, which is what makes it possible to at all supply the Spanish forces in Ireland. He doesn't have any suggestion for what to do about those Irish who remain neutral in the conflict. They could either be granted independence or conquered. The Irish in Connaught are fairly neutral in the conflict. The Irish in northern Ireland seem to be willing to cooperate with the English, but aren't very active at the moment. At Dublin, there's the English garrison but the Irish there would probably assist you if they believe you're capable of wiping out the English prescence in their region
a. let the commander do what he recommends. As for the neutral Irish, give them independence. In an official statement admit the independence of the Irish territories in question and ask other nations to do the same. While Spain gains little from this, independence of some Irish regions would weaken England
b. let the commander do what he recommends. As for the neutrals, conquer their land and hand it over to the helpful. While Spain gains little from this, an independent Ireland would weaken England. Spain gains stronger loyalty from those Irish who have been helpful so far (which could grant a deal for maintaining important Spanish bases within their territories), but perhaps also strengthen opposition from the previously neutral Irish
c. let the commander do what he recommends. As for the neutrals, conquer their territories for the Spanish crown. This would give Spain excellent bases to threaten the English mainland in the future, or at least it could be a very effective way of preventing England from reestablishing their strength in Ireland after the war ends
d. do something else, specify

3. Ireland, military operations. The English seem to have gathered most of their men to make a stand in Dublin - their numbers are around 2,000 according to your information. The northern Irish are helping the English, while most others remain neutral at the moment
a. maintain garrisons of 300 men in Limerick and 700 men in Cork (larger in Cork due to its vulnerable coastal position), leave 1,000 Irish levies to defend southwest Irish farming and supplies against English raids, then use all other troops to besiege Dublin and assault it in early autumn. This would if successful wipe out the main English garrison in Ireland, and also be an important propaganda victory. Specify what policy to choose if Cork/Limerick/southwest Ireland is striked, raided etc.
b. as a, but reduce Cork garrison to 300 men to be able to strike harder (and defend better against English sally and relief attempts)
c. try to take control over Connaught. Controlling Connaught secures your retreat from the island if necessary, because the English will have great difficulties covering Connaught with their fleet and you have many options for paths to and from Connaught over the sea. Connaught would also be a good base for launching operations towards the Northern Irish, who have declared their support to the English. Initially offer Connaught independence from the English if they temporarily allow Spanish bases there - if they refuse conquer the bases by any force necessary. Connaught probably can't muster more than 1,000-3,000 levies to resist at this time (but they have possible reserves of up to 5,000 men in the long term over several years). If taking Connaught, specify what to do afterwards
d. as c, but withdraw if they don't accept the treaty in order not to anger them. Doing so might even convince them to change their minds. If taking Connaught, specify what to do afterwards
e. remain passive and try to gather more support. Engage weaker, isolated Irish forces who assist the English, while continuing training of the Irish forces and have them produce and stockpile more ammunition for your artillery and muskets in the meantime.

4. Carribbean
a. abort operations on the American east coast and in the Carribbean and try to stay defensive and avoid battle
b. the surviving English ships seem to be more damaged than your surviving ships, and are probably in docks, undergoing repairs. Take advantage of the situation and quickly strike the English ships with your only lightly damaged ships
c. as b, but use the advantage to try and invade the Bermudas - thin out ground troops garrisons in American colonies and quickly gather a large invasion force to overwhelm the English Bermudas garrisons
d. send more ships to reinforce the east coast before doing anything, specify how many to send. This would give the English time to repair their ships. Give naval bombardment of colonies lower priority

5. America
a. have your commander extend Spanish possessions gradually by establishing forts, roads and better infrastructure to strengthen the possibilities of supplying a future ground operation to Virginia (can't be combined with c this turn)
b. do nothing

6. European waters. You have 15 more ships possible to withdraw from Indian Ocean and other regions. Withdrawing too many would make the silver fleet to China unsafe (but you could cancel it temporarily and send twice as much silver next year for example). The EIC will have another ship ready for you by June. The shipyard in El Ferrol will be repaired in a few weeks and they expect to have a ship ready in May. Thanks to the peace with the Ottomans, you now also have the 5 galleons from the Mediterranean and the first low-quality EIC ship ready for action near the Iberian peninsula. On the older galleons or some merchants you could also load some 1,000 men for boarding actions (they will be able to board damaged enemy ships if/when the opposing fleet has been enough damaged and forced into retreat, and this will increase chances of capturing enemy ships if the enemy is defeated, but they could also possibly manage to board some undamaged ships). The English seem to have around 35 ships in Europe but don't seem capable of sending all of them offensively at the same time. Please specify where to keep the ships if staying defensive: El Ferrol, Lisboa, Seville, Carthagena or other place
a. don't engage the English fleet near the Iberian peninsula unless 3:2 odds. By amassing a large fleet here the English could be taken by surprise and be engaged in a decisive battle
b. defend the area more aggressively, engage the English to at all cost prevent further raids similar to El Ferrol
c. send an operation to reinforce Ireland, specify with how many troops and ships. Also try to defend approaches to Cork
d. send an operation around western Ireland to raid northern Ireland. The English ships might not expect this and leave the area undefended. Retreating in a wide arc would mean a fairly safe retreat home. After the Armada defeat the sailors should be familiar with the sailing and navigation conditions in these waters
e. send a silver fleet to Europe, hoping that the English fleet will be concentrated elsewhere
f. use these ships to reinforce the blockade outside the Iberian peninsula, making it possible to capture more of the English merchants and accusing them of contraband or similar. Capturing them as opposed to attacking them requires more ships, but in return capturing means the trade companies haven't got enough excuse to attack your East India possessions because the English and Dutch have been capturing ships in the same manner
g. stay defensive and concentrate on sending more ships to the Americas. Winning in this peripheral region has greater chances than winning a battle in the English channel for instance. On the other hand, reinforcing the region with too few ships wouldn't be a good idea either, if the English also reinforce the area

7. what to do to try and get back the Spanish prisoners taken in the latest naval battle in the Americas? And what should be done about the English prisoners taken in the first naval engagement (from the ship that ran aground)?


1. the Alvsborg fortress region is weak and was easily captured by the Danish fleet due to it's exposed location. Perhaps it's worth to construct a fortress deeper inside the atoll, at the mouth of the Gota river, separated from the mainland only by a moat (so that your strong land army is capable of holding the area despite the superior Danish navy)
a. yes, it would be essential to do this to be sure that the Swedish keep control over this important only Swedish coast to the Atlantic Ocean. It is important to trade because it allows Swedish merchants to circumvent the expensive Danish Oresund straits customs duty
b. yes, but also found a city there. It would form an important strategic trade position. A fortified and important city blocking the path there would be devastating to the Danish in case of another war, more effectively than ever cutting off the route between Norway and Denmark. A city as opposed to a fort would also be more effective at getting merchants to the area
c. don't build a fortress there, as it could perhaps anger the Danish and provoke another war. Also - in order for such a city to be of any significance it would require a permanent garrison and it could be difficult to find enough citizens willing to settle in the city. The saved money could be used for something else

2. military reforms. You have already improved cannon production and passed a reform for increased training, now you can carry out further reforms
a. carry out the historical reforms. This would give you access to 25,000 infantry, 7,000 heavy cavalry and 2,000 lighter cavalry, all homegrown forces. Of these forces, around 10,000 men could form a standing army, with the remainder being possible to call in for use when needed. The fleet would remain 7 warships and 18 merchants strong.
b. as a, but limit the size of the standing army to 5,000 men in peacetime to save money
c. as a, but limit the infantry to 15,000 men, and instead try to expand the fleet to some 20 warships in the coming 10 years. Try to find foreign experts at ship building among the Dutch refugees that came to Sweden during the previous decade, or hire some men from abroad or buy complete ships from abroad (you could discuss by PM with the Dutch, English, Venice, Spain, Denmark). Or perhaps demand a few ships or a few Dutch ship builders (to help building or help educating ship builders) to come to Sweden in return for the Dutch Horse Guard treaty?

3. administrative reforms
a. found a university in Uppsala and other reforms for education, and also make the administration more effective in general (the historical reform)
b. do something else, specify if you have some additional reform ideas or changes compared to the historical reforms

4. mercenaries in your old army
a. disband all mercenaries from the war, they will be replaced by the new home grown forces
b. keep the most professional of the mercenaries for a while longer, while the new forces are being trained, then disband them when your newly trained troops are ready
c. keep all mercenaries a little while longer

5. your standing army forces. Decide how to distribute remaining mercenaries (if any) and standing forces of your new army. At least 500-1,000 are recommended to keep in Estonia, Keksholm and Karelia in order not to tempt the Polish to attack, and for maintenance of law and order. At least 500 are recommended to keep in key coastal possessions in Finland for similar reasons. Apart from that, you probably need military garrisons in Stockholm, the mines to the north, Kalmar, Alvsborg, and the possibly newly founded fortress near Alvsborg. It might be advisable to have one of the garrisons be significantly stronger and the home of a main army.

6. the situation in the Russian civil war. Both sides seem to be in big trouble at the time. You could perhaps have a chance of capturing either Polish or Russian land. The Russians have lost Moscow and risk losing Pskov and Tver, while the Polish are threatened to the south, with their Livonian garrison weakened. Extending your possessions in Karelia would more effectively cut off the Russians from the Baltic Sea (which is key to your important, quite dominant, position as middle man in trade between the Russians and others), and taking Riga would prevent the Polish from competing with Sweden for the title of being the major trading partner with the Russians. On the other hand, intervention against either Russia or Poland at the moment could be seen as backstabbing, and the Polish and Russians might not be as much weakened as they might seem at first sight, perhaps waiting a bit longer is advisable

09-28-2006, 23:11
The republic of Netherlands announce the starting of the Dutch West India company that will concentrate on trading and exploring colonies in the area of Americas and West and South Africa. Shares are available to buy for citizens of the republic of Netherlands.

The Republic of Netherlands

09-28-2006, 23:44
His Catholic Majesty the King of Spain announces:

That all Irish peoples that aid Spain in their war against England, will be granted independence under that who they choose among themselves as their leader. Spain will recognise this government.

Those who aid England, on the other hand will be treated with all harshness and their lands and property give to those who fight against England.

Those remaining neutral will not be attacked, but the King's troops will march through their lands if strategically necessary. This will not be with hostile intentions, but if Spanish soldiers are attacked, the attackers will be treated as armed bandits.

In exchange, Spain will keep crucial strategic locations on the island for as long as His Catholic Majesty deems it necessary.

09-29-2006, 07:28
Thank you, Legio, for this new, intruiging chapter.

We have a lot of players and the diplomacy is getting out of control. What do you think about a time limit for the next turn, let's say until Monday evening? Then Legio can take the time he needs to write the next chapter.

Rodion Romanovich
09-29-2006, 08:24
Ok let's say diplomacy must be ready by Monday (any later diplomatic discussions might not affect the decisions of other players this turn, but might still be of interest to you). Decisions should be sent in by Saturday next week.

09-29-2006, 09:07
I support this idea. It seems that it shouldnt take too long for the diplomatic talks for next round, since there have been tons of talk even before this chapter was revealed.

ps. Franc im waiting for your pm.~:)

09-29-2006, 09:12

Rodion Romanovich
09-29-2006, 09:38
Added one more decision for England and Spain that I forgot (about prisoners taken). The rest of the chapter text above is unchanged

09-29-2006, 10:31
OOC: As a geographical-historical note: Sevilla is impossible to attack from sea. It lies some 200 km up the river Guadalquivir which is deep but fairly narrow, and it makes it extremely easy for ground troops not only to board ships using rafts and boats, but for ground artillery to destroy them at almost pistol range.

This is one of the reasons why Sevilla has never been subject to a sea raid.

EDIT: Agreed to the above

Rodion Romanovich
09-29-2006, 12:08
ok thanks for the info, I'll try to be more careful with the geographical aspects of the interactive in the future

09-29-2006, 17:17
I hope you did got the information I gave MarshallMurat - about the access to Kiev by sea/river - did you ? PM me if you not.:book:

Marshal Murat
09-29-2006, 20:46
I'll send Legio the information.

Silver Rusher
09-29-2006, 21:29
So has the ship sailed on me joining as Transylvania?

09-29-2006, 21:56
Silver Rusher

I will send you the Transilvanian army's data tomorrow in the morning - I had to retrieve one book, and actually I found one more ( it includes detailed description of Bohemian rebel army if someone is interested). Sorry for the delay.:book:

09-29-2006, 23:37
I'm protestant?

I may have made a mistake...

Rodion Romanovich
09-30-2006, 09:37
So has the ship sailed on me joining as Transylvania?

I'm afraid there would be too complex to have any more players than currently. Sorry... :shrug:

Rodion Romanovich
09-30-2006, 10:19
Here's a map for the Ottoman-Polish conflict:
The map borders are very approximate to make it quick for me to make the map, but should still give a quite good idea of what was controlled by who...
- Blue color to the left bottom corner: ottomans
- just above: Wallachia
- above Wallachia: Transylvania
- to the right of them: Moldavia (in red)
- yellow: Polish-Lithuanian controlled Cossacks
- green: the area of influence of the Crimean Tatars
- pink: the Russian-controlled Don Cossacks
- dark pink: mongol khanate regions
- grey and the color above: Russian
- the color reaching to the top left corner: Polish

As for the dots, they are:
- blue dot: about how far an Ottoman army can get before starting to take many casualties due to supply problems if their army is larger than say 12,000 men. It's also about how far south Polish forces can hope to reach with an army of up to 15,000 men. They have some fortifications near the blue dot which are effective for blocking that path
- lower red dot: above this dot, the Dnepr is difficult to navigate, due to many rocks etc. Continuing by land might be necessary, but is difficult as long as crimean tatar and Polish-supported Cossacks roam the land freely here.

The bug river (right next to Moldavia, west of Dnepr) can be navigabled a bit but not all the way to any Polish cities. Troops could be unloaded and then march for either Lvov or Kiev, but again this takes them through difficult terrain for finding supplies if the army is too large.

Silver Rusher
09-30-2006, 10:27
I'm afraid there would be too complex to have any more players than currently. Sorry... :shrug:
OK, fair enough. But if somebody drops out, then would I be able to?

Rodion Romanovich
09-30-2006, 10:35
OK, fair enough. But if somebody drops out, then would I be able to?
Yes. Also I might reconsider once I've tried the current number of players for a few turns. However at present it seems like I've reached the absolute upper limit, considering all the simultaneous IRL work etc.

Rodion Romanovich
09-30-2006, 11:57
Here's cegorach's version with additional info about Polish forts:
And a shortened summary of the comments attached to the map:

- some borders fixed. Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth recolored. Transylvania and Wallachia moved south correctly, Ottoman enclaves in Crimean Khanate ( Kaffa, Ochakov, Azov) marked, and the Circassians marked with C

1. Kamieniec Podolski - very powerful fortress, blocked by river on most sides, high river bank, only accessible from one direction, built on rock difficult to undermine

2. Lwów/Lviv - city and fortess, not the most powerful one, but impossible to get easy, in addition it was good supply source for any Polish armies.

3. Zamosc - probably either second (after Danzig) or third (after Kamieniec) most powerful fortress in Poland. Surely comparable to some better Dutch fortresses.

4. Bar - quite powerful. Not like Zamosc, Kamieniec, but rather like some smaller fortess e.g. Czestochowa - an army of 10 000 would have much problems in taking it, considering the Ottomans it required rather 25 000 to be taken after a month's siege.

5. Sech of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. Fortress on an island in pretty bad area to fight - marshess, wilderness, no supply lines unless you take many wagons or have the river (only from the direction of Kiev).

10-01-2006, 01:39
Nice, good stuff Legio:2thumbsup:

Marshal Murat
10-01-2006, 01:44
Thanks ceg, legio for the maps and information.

10-02-2006, 11:17
:france: Announcements::france:

Foundation of the SET, the South East Trade Company. The SET will organize the trade within the Mediterranean Sea, Africa, India and Far East. The SET will have the monopole for Silk trade in this area. It will have exclusive rights to trade with the French colonies in India and to use bases in the Eastern Med and the Arabian Sea. One third of the shares can be bought by French traders or traders from Savoy, Genoa and Florence. The head quarter will be at Marseille.

Serfdom: Serfs can buy off themselves and their families from the landlords. A Royal board of arbitration will decide the transfer in case that the serf and the landlord do not find an agreement. Trade companies and the army have the permission to recruit serfs if they are willing to pay the transfer.

Science: Foundation of the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences at the Sorbonne, Paris. The King donates an annual price of 1,000 Louis d’or for the best invention or discovery. Additionally, there are singular awards of 10,000 Louis d’or for outstanding innovations in manufacturing or military or naval technologies.

To increase the happiness of the people the King announces the foundation of the Royal Lottery: Everybody can take part and become rich, even people from abroad. To prevent fraud, the King bans all other forms of lottery besides the Royal one.

10-02-2006, 21:56
To the Emperor, (I think this is all right but if not just tell me)

I wish the Emperor to call a Reichstag in Augsburg to justify his action in the current conflicts he is in.
These are not conflicts just effecting Protestants in the HRE but all German lords. This is about the rights of the lords of the HRE.

1. Your war in Bohemia is not part of the HRE it is your private property therefore, no German lord is forced to support you in this fight.
Threatening us to support you is a breach of our privileges as lords of the HRE.

2. The war against the Ottoman Empire is just a ploy gain influence and land in the Balkans.
You cannot force any of us into helping you. This is your private war and I wish to have no part of it and I'm sure other lords would agree with me on this.

3. You have never been properly elected. This is one of the most important privileges of the German lords.
I insist that this election is done according to the proper ceremony and done immediately.

Duke of Brandenburg