View Full Version : Germania,Land of the Sweboz-An AAR

10-05-2006, 23:22
(I know this is soon after my Romani AAR, but I felt this would be more interesting).


The year is 272. The Mediterranean is at a crossroads.In the east, Alexander's succesors are vying for control.In the west lies the Romani, a nation determined to spread its influence.Unknown to these people, a small but eager nation lies to the north in the forest of Germania.These people, the Sweboz, are on the very edge of the civilized world.However, this may not be for long, as they are beginning to show signs of imperialistic goals.Goals that they will carry out.

Early Expansion

In 272 B.C. a Sweboz army moved towards the city of Gawjam~Rugoz.A battle soon initiated.


The battle was won easily.By 266 B.C. the cities of Gawjam~Silengoz,Gawjam~Heruuskoz, and Gawjam~Habukoz were under the controll of Sweboz.Several of the cities were part of the Amber Route, a valuable trade route indeed.Plans were being made to invade and conquer the rest of the route and secure well needed money.However, the cost would be expensive for the growing nation, so it decided to continue to slowly conquering nearby cities with the goal to afford an army to capture the Amber Route.

10-06-2006, 22:12
Several years passed before an army was biult.This armies goal was to capture the region to the north which is now the nation of Denmark.However, the army was defeated,and rebel problems prevented another army from attempting to capture the reason.Once the rebels were dealt with, another army was sent north, and this time the region was secured in 258 B.C. (Pic of Small nation will be up soon).

10-07-2006, 00:47
I'm really looking forward to how this develops, as the sweboz have always interested me as a faction. So keep playing, keep writing and more pictures please.


10-07-2006, 03:10
I'm really looking forward to how this develops, as the sweboz have always interested me as a faction. So keep playing, keep writing and more pictures please.


Well, I would have more pictures,but I keep forgetting to us my image program.Also, I'm sorry to say I probably won't going to much farther.The problem is I have been on break visiting family.Their computer didn't have RTW,so I could download EB there.However, I return home tomorrow, and my computer there has version 1.5-1.6 of RTW,BI, and eventually Alexander.However, I will post as much of this faction as possible. Here aome more AAR.

Attack on Denmark

After the initial failure to capture the region,a larger,stronger, and more powerful army was built.The Sweboz were determined to capture the region.Finances were strained,cities emptied (Heck, my capital has little more than 400 people in it now).It was do or die time.Apperently,it was do time, as my armies succeded in capturing the region.And while that was happening,here's a little side note of what was happening else were in the world.

After the capture of Denmark,our empire began to replenish what was lost.A new age of building began as settlements were fully integrated into our society.(Image had problem uploading.Sorry).

10-07-2006, 03:21
INteresting. I have never seen Epiros be destroyed before.

10-07-2006, 03:33
INteresting. I have never seen Epiros be destroyed before.

Well,I guess they can be defeated.