View Full Version : Medieval Total War 2: Fantasia

12-08-2006, 16:13
A mod idea that has been playing around in my head for quite a long time (actually I was looking at making it in RTW, but I never bothered and I did not work out all the details as I should have perhaps, but I decided to share)

This mod is based of the idea that Christianity, while successful was never as widespread. The reason for this is that the Western Roman Empire crumbled under the Barbarian Invasions who mostly kept to their own religions.

The Germanic tribes were much more successfull in sticking to the old ways.

The Franks never mustered enough strength to fully conquer the gauls, and on the Brittish Isles christianity hardly set foot with a few exceptions, allthough a wise High King allowed for a lot of religious freedom as long as the laws were obeyed.

Islam did show up as normal, and the Islamic tribes conquered most of Iberia and Gaul.

The Saxons conquered many areas of the Isles, and other areas were conquered by strangers from farther north.

The Gaelic speaking people were driven from most areas of Scotland, but they kept a strong presence in Wales and Ireland and they were left with a small group on the Islands north of Scotland (Orkneys).

The Germanic tribes seeing weakness with the Gauls, who were being beaten back quite hard by the Muslim armies decided to make a push for Frankish lands who before formed a nice comfortable buffer state between the Germans and the Gauls.

These German tribes conquered the region what is currently the Netherlands and Belgium from the Saxons.

The Franks in their turn also turned on the Gauls and pushed them back (mostly because they in turn were pushed by the Germanic Tribes) towards the Atlantic and then the battle ended when the Franks were facing the muslim troops.


Now you need to see an image of the map.

The map should have the Brittish Isles, another landmass for the lands of the Norsemen, and a large landmass representing the inland west-coast areas of France and most of the North Sea area.

Current day Denmark should form a landbridge between the Northlands and the "Main Continent"


They hold a large area in England (southeast, not Wales, not Cornwall, not York, but everything in between) and the Denmark area.
Anglons: They hold York and stuff up northwards, but not "Scotland"
Norsemen: They hold most of Scotland with the exception of the northern Islands. As well as Scandinavia (except Denmark area)
The Irish Clans: They hold ... Ireland
Brittons: Wales, Cornwall and part of Bretagne.
Gauls: They hold the entire west-coast of France.
Franks: They hold the center of France.
Germans: They hold the area between france and mainland saxon territories.
Moors: they hold everything else.


Religions available:

and Heresy.


There's potentially a way to play with the "Papacy" once the unpacker comes out, so there will be a High King to whom all inhabitants of "Scotland, Wales and England" have a feudal obligation. Kings will be able to elect the High King.

Christians and Muslims will have a scripted bad relationship.

Hordes will also appear in the form of another "Germanic Tribe", and another Muslim faction.


Well that's about the idea I have.


What do I need for now:

Someone who is willing to create the map I mentioned earlier in this post.
Ideas for nations, as well as stuff for those nations.


What I can do:

Script and code stuff if necessary.



12-12-2006, 02:53
Moved to appropriate forum :2thumbsup:

Spoon Ninja
12-12-2006, 20:52
hey! cool idea . . . one of my friends is a huge history / alternate history buff and he was coming up with all kinds of ideas with a generaly alternate theme.

I would be up to help you with this, and i have gotten a few of my friends interested in this as well. I have never modded anything before, though one of my friends has some experience with modding (Jedi Acadamy's bloody dismemberment mod) so I think that we could help.

I was thinking of starting with something small, like just creating a brand new race. I put a post in the mod chat about this, but ill sum up here >> add judaism as a religion, make some jewish rebels somewhere in the Palestine/Isreal region, giving them some of the existing units and maybe making new ones.

I think that if we do this in small steps, i can write up a tutorial of how to do this step by step, then we can move on to creating a full alternate history kind of a thing.



12-14-2006, 09:04
I was thinking of starting with something small, like just creating a brand new race. I put a post in the mod chat about this, but ill sum up here >> add judaism as a religion, make some jewish rebels somewhere in the Palestine/Isreal region, giving them some of the existing units and maybe making new ones.

Starting small is a good idea.

However, I intend the map to focus on the North Sea area and west-coast of France.

And another really big problem with your idea is:

In the year 135 AD the Romans wiped the entire Jewish nation from the face of the earth. They renamed the land in Syria Palestina, called Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina, and put a temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount.

The Jews were scattered all over the known world (most notably in Babylon) and only in 1948 there was enough of them in Palestina to actually have a new Jewish state. (from the CIA worldfaqbook and the Wiki on Israel)


So to sum it up, there is no jewish state nor are there any jewish rebels (there's just too few of them)


Actually I have considered putting an Byzantine Horde in the game, which will only appear when certain conditions are met, although I have not thought up which conditions.


So, even with alternate timelines, it's not "possible" to add a Jewish state to this mod idea. They just don't fit.


12-16-2006, 23:08
Sounds good. I hope this goes somewhere.