View Full Version : Text files are still encrypted after unpacking

12-15-2006, 19:09
I ran unpack all -via the batch file and the text folder does not contain many readable text files...


Edit: ok, there are not encrypted just spaced out and unformatted.

Can these be editied ok??

12-15-2006, 20:30
Please Post such file so i can take a look at it (i dont have space right now to install and unpack M2TW).
I'am sure that they can be edited. You just have to keep the format.

Solon of Athens
12-15-2006, 21:13
Please Post such file so i can take a look at it (i dont have space right now to install and unpack M2TW).
I'am sure that they can be edited. You just have to keep the format.

Here is the first few lines of 'export_vnvs.txt.strings':

 q  A _ B i s h o p  A B i s h o p
A _ B i s h o p _ d e s c ” D O N O T T R A N S L A T E - S H O U L D B E H I D D E N . T h i s p r i e s t w a s p r o m o t e d t o t h e t i t l e o f B i s h o p s i m p l y f o r b e i n g c r e a t e d i n a c i t y w i t h a C a t h e d r a l . S i l l y h u h ?  A _ B i s h o p _ e f f e c t s _ d e s c  + 1 P i e t y A _ B i t _ O d d A B i t O d d  A _ B i t _ O d d _ d e s c 4 T h e r e ' s s o m e t h i n g n o t e n t i r e l y r i g h t a b o u t t h i s m a n .  A _ B i t _ O d d _ e f f e c t s _ d e s c ' D e c r e a s e s t h e c h a n c e o f h a v i n g c h i l d r e n A _ B i t _ R o u g h A B i t R o u g h  A _ B i t _ R o u g h _ d e s c I T h o u g h h e c o u l d b e l o v e d , n o w o m a n ' s f a n t a s y l o o k s a n y t h i n g l i k e h e d o e s .  A _ B i t _ R o u g h _ e f f e c t s _ d e s c F + 1 C o m m a n d , - 2 f r o m p o p u l a r i t y ( h a s a n e g a t i v e e f f e c t o n p u b l i c o r d e r ) A _ F e w _ E n e m i e s

Total garbage, how the hell are we meant to add any VnV's? :wall:

12-15-2006, 21:47
It looks like the text is okay but it's lost its formatting have you tried opening it with WordPad/Word? That may help your situation quite a bit. Hope this helps.

12-15-2006, 21:54
You're lucky. I ran the unpacker (having read the readme, with no errors) and got no text files at all. The 'list_contents.bat' suggests there should be no less than 41 files in the text folder. I don't even get a text folder. :)

12-15-2006, 22:24
Ok - no visible errors. Running the unpacker from the command line revealed that it did infact abort, with an 'unable to open file' error. Investigation revealed that this was because I had a file from the earlier released which was set to read-only and wouldn't allow itself to be overwritten. Just an FYI for anyone who else who seems to be missing files...

12-15-2006, 23:31
tbh, that looks like a file stored in a binary format. the safest way to edit would be to read it again as a binary file in a custom made program after finding out what the format is, edit and then rewrite

jp26991: vnv's are stored elsewhere btw (export_descr_character_traits.txt and export_descr_vnvs_enums.txt) . i already made a first attempt at an editor, but still working on making a complete editor so you won't need to mess with related files (see my siggy)

so somehow i don't think we're supposed to edit this file (maybe it's autogenerated from the text files but needed for the game to function??)

12-16-2006, 00:50
so somehow i don't think we're supposed to edit this file (maybe it's autogenerated from the text files but needed for the game to function??)

It's possible- I had some success deleting a .bin file and replacing it with the relevent .txt file as the new .bin is generated when the game is run- it worked first time round, but when I booted it up again with no changes, I got an unspecified error.

Solon of Athens
12-16-2006, 12:03
tbh, that looks like a file stored in a binary format. the safest way to edit would be to read it again as a binary file in a custom made program after finding out what the format is, edit and then rewrite

jp26991: vnv's are stored elsewhere btw (export_descr_character_traits.txt and export_descr_vnvs_enums.txt) . i already made a first attempt at an editor, but still working on making a complete editor so you won't need to mess with related files (see my siggy)

so somehow i don't think we're supposed to edit this file (maybe it's autogenerated from the text files but needed for the game to function??)

Yes, that sounds like the only possible solution. I am going to investigate whether the traits I have added work just using them 2 files, which I highly doubt, but it's worth a try...

Edit: Didn't work, meaning no new traits or ancillaries can be added to the game until this file is unencrypted... :(

12-16-2006, 12:34
I have been getting quite frustrated with this as well. I think a hex editor is the best way to edit the files, when you edit them in notepad they just go bonkers.

12-16-2006, 15:29
Originally Posted by LorDBulA
Please Post such file so i can take a look at it (i dont have space right now to install and unpack M2TW).
I'am sure that they can be edited. You just have to keep the format.

Here is the first few lines of 'export_vnvs.txt.strings':

I asked for file and not text for a reason.
I want to take a look at binary data in the file and not text representation of it.
So please post a sample file that has this strange formating.

12-16-2006, 15:47
Heres a few, they're from the demo but I'd imagine they're the same:
Sorry its rapidshare but I have no webspace

12-16-2006, 16:07
There is a 9-10 byte Header and the rest is normal Text data but there is always NULL between chars.
I remember seeing few files like this in RTW (but i think there where missing this new header).

12-16-2006, 16:33

12-17-2006, 01:12
I left you a message that might help improve your converter in the thread linked above..

12-17-2006, 01:48
Which files are still encrypted? After I ran the unpacker I had all the txt files formatted nicely. Am I just lucky, or are there files in there that I am not seeing?

12-17-2006, 04:10
when i run that converter it makes the game no longer load.

12-17-2006, 12:21
when i run that converter it makes the game no longer load.
Yes, I fixed that problem with version 0.6, I hate to admit it but I forgot that the game needs a special character to recognize the files

Which files are still encrypted? After I ran the unpacker I had all the txt files formatted nicely. Am I just lucky, or are there files in there that I am not seeing?
There's a list in the readme

12-17-2006, 16:30
Can anybody simply upload the txt files that we can use in the my mod switch?

12-17-2006, 18:56
Sure Hellenes: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=951
You still need the text files already released by CA, and these are English only.
The reason why I released a tool rather than the text files is because people with non-English installs can use their own language files.

12-18-2006, 00:31
Sure Hellenes: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=951
You still need the text files already released by CA, and these are English only.
The reason why I released a tool rather than the text files is because people with non-English installs can use their own language files.

You mean those released before the patch?
Then how do i merge them? Overwrite these with teh CAs or vice versa?
BTW do you know how to alter the fonts? There are in CUF format...Because CA not only didnt bother with a Greek localisation it even didnt include greek medieval fonts....

12-18-2006, 18:10
You mean those released before the patch?
Then how do i merge them? Overwrite these with teh CAs or vice versa?
BTW do you know how to alter the fonts? There are in CUF format...Because CA not only didnt bother with a Greek localisation it even didnt include greek medieval fonts....
I only included those files in the archive that aren't included in that release so you can put them in the same folder without fear of overwriting anything