View Full Version : Anyway to view other faction's family tree?

12-24-2006, 20:12
I've been assinating Egyptian family members for years on my campaign and I'm tired of seeing how many they have, so is it possible I can see their family tree so i can see how many there are left?

12-24-2006, 21:13
If you use hotseat you can probably switch control.
Anyways, assassinating factions in RTW/MTW2 is almost impossible due to adoptions/man of the hour. It can only work if you kill all remaining family members in the same turn which is often pretty hard to say the least.

Celt Centurion
12-24-2006, 21:27
If you use hotseat you can probably switch control.
Anyways, assassinating factions in RTW/MTW2 is almost impossible due to adoptions/man of the hour. It can only work if you kill all remaining family members in the same turn which is often pretty hard to say the least.

That's probably a good thing.

I just got Medieval Total War working in the past few days, and by assassinations, my "allies" wiped me out.

When I play it again, I'm not going to accept any alliances except maybe with the Vikings, and when they send an assassin after one of my members, I won't be breaking an alliance by attacking them. From now on, I will take assassination attempts as an act of war.

Strength and Honor

Celt Centurion

12-25-2006, 16:10
If you use hotseat you can probably switch control.
Anyways, assassinating factions in RTW/ MTW2 is almost impossible due to adoptions/man of the hour. It can only work if you kill all remaining family members in the same turn which is often pretty hard to say the least.

Ok, so where can i get the hotseat thing?

12-25-2006, 17:52