View Full Version : Ole timmer returns, seeking other ole timers

WarLord Legend
12-27-2006, 05:37
Hiya m8ty's, been searching tw forum and was guided to the org in my search for my ole commrades who still actually gather to play STW, which is so cool. If there are still some ole timers still around who still play give me a shout. It's been about 3-4 years since i last played online STW, if anyone can give me the scoop of any updates or changes please let me know, thanks. Hope to hear from some of my old friends.

12-27-2006, 22:51

WarLord Legend
12-29-2006, 05:06
Hi Tosa...I managed to read some threads to get the info i needed to play on the server, no problems at all connecting. I waited a little while but no one was on to play. Is there anything else i may need to update my STW like maps or anything else? Anyway i work full time and then some but i get on at 7pm and will start hanging in multiplayer until about 11pm est. I think most of the peeps are from europe so time difference makes some difference. Pretty much i'll be there this weekend, monday and tuesday as well because of holiday, i hope to see ya. Do you know if Magyar still plays?

Warlord Legend

12-31-2006, 02:20
Hey m8,

I started MP on MTW in March 2004, but I was on the Unpatched server, so that why none of you guys (expect for a rare few) actually know me.. I know Magyar makes rare, but quite long appercanes on VI or the Samiurai Warlords Mod for VI. Don't know if he still plays STW/MI on the fakeserver m8..